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Dodgers Stadium Hit By FLOODING, Christians Claim DIVINE WRATH Over Drag Nuns As Hillary SLAMS LA


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Dodgers Stadium Hit By FLOODING, Christians Claim DIVINE WRATH Over Drag Nuns As Hillary SLAMS LA

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It's jesse Kelly here fellows. Are you ready to have a twenty percent increase in your testosterone in ninety days? Ladies, are you ready to have your brain function be even better. Are you ready to have more energy? Are you ready to lose weight? Are you ready to feel better the. While you do all this, you can support a hard core anti communist company and the Part about all this is it's all natural, not big farm, a crap not supporting all these pharmaceutical junk companies- chalk C h, o q fellows. They have a male vitality stack. Ninety days, take it and tell me how you feel: ladys female vitality stack. Take it tell me how you feel you want to feel like you're twenty years younger, go to sea age, old, hugh dot, com problem code. Tim gets you thirty
five percent off your subscription giddy subscription today c h, o q, dot tom promo code, TIM make sure to go to TIM, cast dot com click join us and become a member to support this pod and all the work we do and you'll get access to exclusive uncensored segments from TIM cast out and weigh more now. Let's jump into the first story. I do not consider myself to be christian, I do believe, god, but the image coming out of los angeles sure are making people think about life. The flooded god, you're stadium, but let's low down right now a pickle storm hilary is making landfall has made landfall and now we're seeing major flooding water levels. Rising people are getting out of their cars, their cars are being washed away. The EL lay river is massively flooded and people dont quite understand when you videos right now. I'm seeing people say like what's the big deal, just water going down a canal or whatever I do look
let me show you real photos of the typical corn court allay river, which is so small, you could just hop over it. Compare to now, which is raging waters. but what's happening right now, which is spot king internet theories and making the religious say god will not be mocked. Is the flood dodge stadium just a few months ago, The dodgers hosted the dragon nuns which many people say was a mockery of god was insulting. It was discriminatory, but it's just that. I'm not a christian person, but I tell you this having dragged nuns. I believe out It violates the nineteen sixty four civil rights act by insulting and spitting in the faces of people based on their religious beliefs and they dance around and say no, no, that's not what we're doing. What's quite literally, what they're doing. So we ve got some major update as a pertains to what's happening in LOS angeles, with not only this flawed. But yes, my threatens a five point. One earthquake:
hitting the area the other day and you know it. You gonna get secular individuals and left us certain essay storms happen. It's clean, a change in fact than that proves it, except for Earthquake, which you know they'll, try and claim, is climate change. Somehow, though, argue the heating of the planet actually causes spanish it after tonic plates, which then vibrate more and the now you get my point, the always come up with some reason, but the short find whatever may be. The point is this paper: can't help but look away from what just happened and it rings brings up memories of another story. Y'all. Remember when the george floyd mural on this brick wall exploded. That's right Witness essay lightning struck the wall, exactly where George Floyd's picture was the one only that sexual wall was blasted off the building and then they. People started tweeting in alike, god will I'd, be marked no false idols, etc, etc.
I gotta say you know, I don't know a whole lot about, we're going to say coincidences happen, and if you're, looking for symbols and if you're looking for miracles, you may see a story like this and connect the two. It's been two months. and I think it was a couple months ever. George Floyd world will take a look at the dates, but up, I am not one to immediately just say this is god's wrath. That's not really my position but you will be hard pressed to convince anyone, who is religious, as is anything but I gotta the george floyd thing and chills down your spine. Look, storm hits and it's like a once in a lifetime storm because California never gets hit by hurricanes and you ve got. people saying g golly. It is you're, crazy! Don't you think like what was the last time you heard about los angeles being hit by a hurricane an old man,
one came to me and said that they believe this is the got. This is god's wrath. I'm going to be like. Well, luck, since it can happen fairly agnostic. I do believe in god. I don't believe in like scripture and stuff like that, like prophecy, regardless of the religion, but I just gotta tell you, you know than a half or two months after they do this this? This drag none thing a that never gets hit by hurricanes gets hit by an earthquake and hurricane and I'm gonna just like oh yeah the story and then we'll we'll we'll talk about some videos or whatever it was everybody's okay and then, of course, the political response from Joe Biden everyone's getting quite upset about but check this out. Hurricane Hillary has made its way to los angeles is from mom a esta. Come And images of the dodgers stadium started by water has fans in a panic. Does it really is image of dangerous stadiums run by floods of water, and
debating its voracity alone over this helicopter footage came out. The stadium does indeed appear to be surrounded by quite a bit of water in both video, and the photo you can see. The inside of the state itself seems to be unaffected. Some social me users even suggested the flooding is just water on asphalt. I do think There are some areas where you can tell it is just read: wet asphalt, but you can see the traits submerged man, I'm not saying it is a maximum amount of water. Anything like that, but people are saying it's not that bad. It's not that bad. stadium seems ok the parking lot, another story and I like it, used to be under a flash floods warning and we got tons of videos of flooding. So here's assumed an image I'm sorry. It really does look like outside. Either the stadium is dug into the ground or yeah! It looks like there's, there's water, you can. You can see some appear to be flooded. Here. You can sit down at the bottom. What looks
like just a what appears to be wet asphalt and then you can see it looks like there is some degree of water in the surrounding area, but I dunno. Maybe it's not massive flooding and maybe it's people, just exaggerating. I think it's fair to point that out we had this tweet bay ball history, tweeting wild seen dodgers stadium today. And all the innocent people are saying it's just what ass well. But when you take a look at some of the videos, let me see if I can pull up some of the views of flooding yeah a lot. people are like. Go there there I'm pretty intense flooding to be fair, though Maybe it's just a bit of a bit of wet ground You think we have the actual law. No, that's the george voice, but do we not have the very out that he is right here? Ok, instead, the at an image there is how after footage of Are there we go yet that looks like flooding, I mean, maybe yeah that looks like flooding devon. Cycling, and everyone assumes that it is trying to.
careful europe trying to be fair, make sure we? You know we don't go overboard, but I will point out this story here from june seventeen? Yes, yes, dodge honor, anti catholic drag nuns more than an hour before first bitch inside nearly empty stadium. That's weird the sisters of perpetual indulgence receded community hero award and there was an. Quick to did Did you hear that news of five point one earthquake invention a county was felt across parts of california, the daily mail, ports, desperate californians, climb, trees to escape floods and mudslides, slides with me trapped in cars for hours after hilary brings record rain palm springs, a submerged and twenty five million are now under flood warnings? Shy, video shows earthquake rock at bar crazy, look at this flooding This is nuts. I with this place, but in a drought,
people even right now our mocking what's going on, but what what we'll go? There's look at this the row? we are flooded. I think this is what you're saying the dodgers stadium! You see how outs it looks to be about six inches of water. It's flooding, but not like you will drown in it, people need to understand. However, I'll. Tell you this the biggest mister. People make is that they use flooding is not dangerous. Is just water right it down for you, two things: currents use! step in water that is moving and you think is fine, and then you get flipped over really really fast as one of the biggest mistakes people make, they see running water and like a creek or stream or or a flood, and there Oh it's not that deep! I can walk in it and then they step foot, the water pushes, therefore they slip, they can't grip it and they slip over one of their back and get washed away if your young, unstrapping and strong you can probably get out of this, but some people than you can't grab anything more importantly, debris you walk around in flood waters and you get cracked and leg by like a large piece of wood or origin
piece of metal or some like that. This is wifi our dangerous, not because a bit of water is scary, so there We ask the national whether service servers, Cadena, warn of life, threatening flooding from heavy rain and western l a county and eastern ventura county last night. The war have extended into today with the service, an area normally do not experience flash flooding. Will flood law, as in property, are in great danger through monday telephone governor, Gavin ism, declared a state of emergency last night from much of southern california with flat flood warnings until at least three a m today in an area more accustomed to drought. That's amazing! Now this the store that I wanted to up to pull up, because this people are starting to reference. Sang god will not be marked when you look at the flooded dodgers stadium. I want us to ass, an air prone to drought was just hit by a hurricane. tropical storm, but it was a category. Three was a category four and then as it approached baja california. It. Downgraded to eight
little storm, and now los angeles is flooding. I want to show you this, because it is a classic story that everybody remembers: George floyd mural in north toledo reduced to rubble after being struck by lightning mayor and artist say it will be replaced the peace, was created by toledo, artists, David ROS. The building was said to be stable and secure prior to the lightning struck. However, them was not. Can I just go to show you this image right? There take a look at that Finally, the portion that had George floyd was blown out to be fair, it, a large portion that was born with all that this is just. This is crazy to me this. This storm blew my mind. It happened. I think we have some photos here. Take a look at this there's other parts of the euro on the sides. Then our fine, their fight, look, Here's the original image you can see right there in the middle this change of mind and then you George floyd, with a crown and what happened pockets of clouds
rolled overhead no Storms are anything, but there were storm. Clouds lie things struck the building blowing out. This episode is brought to you by dragon bow legends, the ultimate dragon bone experience on your mobile device and ball legends features, action, packed enemy, action are peachy game play with go coup, visa trunks and all your favorite dragon ball characters some in your favorite characters from popular dragon. Ball enemy series, such as dragon balls et and and ball g t to dragon ball. Super fighting, he'll time against friendly arrival, dragon ballplayers from across the globe in life. Ppp battles enter ratings matches with your favorite dragon ball characters and earn rating points and rewards unite.
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claim that god is passing judgment on. You know a small town in the pacific rim because an earthquake it we don't think about it as an end up in the news and no one talks about it. There with significant, because George floyd with a crown, was blown off the wall and nothing else happened. Just a facade. Just a single air collapsed, and there saying it was a lightning struck watching blogger wall. Ok unless you track every lightning strike and ever facade and every damaged, building and then talk about that and do the actual breakdown does not I can say about this other than people probably want to be the wrath of god. Tat. some significance. So what can I really say about that? The dodgers stadium for one I personally, as a non christian, am deeply deeply offended by what dead with these dragged nuns, the rhythm of
and it is because these people are liars and their hypocrites and I'm sick of the double standard, as they all stand here and laugh at these men who are mocking catholics. How you, how dare you come? tell me that I can ever anyone, but I'm not allowed to speak, and then you opened lease back in the face of a religious group. It is protected under nineteen. Sixty four civil rights act that is absolutely ridiculous and offensive, and it may me despise and hate these people. They are such evil and despicable people we come out and planned that as a religious person, you know you have a right to assert over someone else's life and things like that. Make your argument. Fine, you come out as one of the drag nuns and BP
b to a group that argues no one else is allowed to speak, but you are and then you'd defy your own logic and rulemaking. No sorry play that so. At the very least, I can say this when The surrounding area around the stadium is flooded and it appears to be. Well, you report you, so I guess I am not saying that god did this! I am simply saying I have no sympathy for you for you, people these hypocrite, hypocrites, Oh marxist, that's let me buy you, people marxist and communists. Far extremists, hypocrites and authoritarianism. I absolutely reject and despise the hypocrisy of these evil people. How dare you know? gb, t, q, pride, night, We can celebrate pride without spitting in the face of a I just group of people and the fact that they did this, I think they're being sued and they
be sued by every single california. Christian group. now. You know I was just in portland mean this past week it was fun, and I saw church and it had pride flags, it had progress, pride flags and it said trans rights are human rights in the door and I'm like I don't expect those churches to actually file lawsuits in this regard, but I don't consider them to be real churches I don't think any group of people that allows themselves. We marked actually believes what they're saying so when these groups come out an insult and mafia what's about the devastation and destruction is currently going on and then we'll get a little political with binding response. Take a look at this video This is a test t as eccles brown, Phd said. Why are there so many cars floating down the allay river basin finished
the question in the video is kind of crazy. Take a look at it. Yet the flooding is pretty bad. In l, a when the river basin, which is normally walkable, and you remain dry, walking the take a look at this one wall. Street apes tweets the media says the deadly hurricane hilary is wreaking havoc all across san diego county, southern california. The allay river control mean California, residents can post their own videos when they hide Deadly hurricane leave this piece of shit. What the fuck is, this piece of shit, nothing it's just like Russell light. Drizzle. Oh, don't make the mistake. My friends, you see this is a really great video to exemplify how little southern The former is cut some council Experience dangerous weather my first hurricane it was hurricane irene in virginia,
and we were getting all these reports I stay indoors and we really dangerous. The hurricane is coming. Having up in chicago, oh boy, I've seen some storms I remember ida. There was a way to treat front yard at one by one of my apartments so like the apart, jack. I was like a house where the top floor and then during the storm. It's like two in the afternoon and the sky turns green and it looks like it's nighttime out you hear rumbling and explosions in the sky and then all of a sudden we hear a wimp onto the building. The tree was the wind hit so hard. The tree, which is in the front yard, said, The building and we thought was going- it worked out of the ground. We are like woe because it actually was decently far away from the building, but the wind hit so hard hit the building it gonna scary. at another apartment where the wind blew out my window. So we have one of those windows that can fall down like epa, seen em and something happened out another that window got knocked out the glass
without breaking and then run was coming in here is annually into my apartment and I'm getting blasted after run up and slammed the window shut like what I think so. what's it on hatched or whatever it just blew over like not like it got knocked out of the frame or anything, but I've seen some storms, man I remember growing up it's it's like in the afternoon, sun in and walls. Also, the sky turns dark green So when I heard a hurricane was coming, I was like. Oh man, there's gotta be crazy, gus thunderstorms in chicago crazy enough to know what happens it lightly reigns. and there is wind- and then there's a bunch of bits of tree and leaves and twigs in the ground, and I was like that- but we cannot get the way. It creates a surge and floods everything around the coast. that's the serious nature of it so when- up in hurricane sandy in new york I understood this I was in lower manhattan, the financial district and I went down to I by the new york stock exchange. News was
supporting the stock exchange was flooded, so I walked I looked and I was like I'm standing here in front. The stock exchange ain't no flooding, however, just down the street. I watched as the water just started, rising up There's no rain, I'm perfectly dry. You can hear who, above the buildings really creepy cause, the wind was being disrupted by the buildings, but above it was real fast and really loud. The way is hitting the water and causing it to be pushed up and that it Arts flooding the areas of the flooding was really bad. It was several feet, is what these people understand you're in an area that is not here the coastline, a flood plain and you're like is just some rain yeah and then take a look at what starts to happen. Take a look at this job. Lou says for those not from california. The l, a river is not a river, it's a man made water system is usually dry. Yes, famously state borders will do it. Over the river basin- and this is actually high. These photos liquor this photo. You can
that there is it's mostly dry and you can see. There's water kind of hang out besides. This is actually really high for the allay river. There's a more thin strip in the metal that normally as water in It- and that's it you can. You can lightly jogging, hop right over it, skateboard actually do tricks back and forth over that's how low it is, and then you get this studio see. Cap for in my entire life, I've never seen the allay river. This full! Yes, the base. And is capturing a lot of the water and that water's flow and like crazy. Let me show you a video of insane people doing in saying things here are some joggers. This is a thing bout. California these people have never experienced. So ah, but let's look out, let me go back. that photo of what does it normally looks like here's, a woman in front of two cars. And therein I think this from a movie or something is about to be a race, and you The cars are driving here. You can see, as for the water level, actually decently high, but you can
stand there, just fine now. Let me show you this video, you ve got Two guys running, look the white. the water it is rapid. This is insane I've never seen, and these two guys come across water flowing into the river and they stand there now You gotta look at this because you see our food. Ass. The water is flowing. These guys, like okay, like what we do here, these guys clearly have never experienced running water in their lives. Ok, Anybody who has ever been out in the middle of nowhere on a hike across the river. You know exactly what happens when you see Into water that is low, but running very quickly, as I mentioned earlier, let me too
What they do, the here they're just standing there. They clearly think about it for a second, the guy just runs through it and the other guy runs through it and that's good for them, I'm glad they survive and they nearly just. I know I know there are ways to get through this stop being watched. But if you fall into that, wolden allay river you're, probably gonna die you being rushed along. There's debris, you're gonna be slamming into things. You won't be able to control it and you probably, what has drowned, when these guys come to this moment. Never do this go up and over the water I mean first of all, don't go jogging along the path on the l, a river. Crazy joggers in the rain. Next swollen allay reverent river storm. Hilary deafening recommend behaviour that water is flowing so quickly and
with the way they want to and whatnot. I just. I just have very little sympathy for the look, how we see how he he he jogged through it. They hop left and right on one foot that is exactly how you, washed away on. On foot you lose traction. The water will push you over, you will fall, it swept in the river and then it's goodbye. So I wouldn't recommend going through this at all, but certainly that's not the way you do it. So here we are These guys, in my opinion, I don't know the level of danger, whatever that's crazy, that they are there lucky. They maintain maintained attraction and didn't get washed in and killed crazy man, I dunno, though you can call it wrath of god. I got no idea, they're saying the worst has yet to come. So right now, as we are talking about this and I'm showing you these videos, they're saying more, is coming. in the meantime, Joe by
it's getting roasted for his response to what's going on, and I think this is really important. We're dealing with major crisis in los angeles we gotta go your crisis in Maui. But it is being rossa for only giving these peace people seven hundred dollars in maui. and so I want to say this here you can expect, They will not provide proper funding to the damage for those who live in LOS angeles, nor for those who live in maui, but in ukraine. Blank cheque, baby. I'll leave it there next segments coming up at one p m and gentle thanks, sprang out and I'll see you all. Then. Next saturday, christmas comes early only on visa charges and exclusive nfl game lied and bright. I next saturday, seven thirty eastern exclusively on peacock Ladies and gentlemen, we got em over this, asked weekend a video went viral, a man a sign that said trump one.
in a video that he captured some guy I rise up kicks. It comes back. Sets it on fire I believe he may have set on fire more than once this and committed an act of arson. Streamline dangerous, its unhinged and so after a reward, was offered information leading to the arrest and conviction of this individual who set set a fire. I also added on fire, thousand dollars for information that would lead to the arrest and conviction of this man following benny Johnson, jumped in as well and together we put together an operation. Not really I took it out- hey I'll I'll, give a reward for this and then sure enough people found out who this criminal was information and evidence was forwarded to the local police. Additionally, a lawyer, James, lawyer are lawrence was, detained to file a civil suit against this individual foresight
fire to this trump sign I'm not going to sit here and pretend dangerous and devastating fire ever set its just a small sign, but this can lead to very dangerous things and I'm gonna, I'm gonna talk knows men I know, a lot. People may rather eyes but come on. We just had a massive wild fire in maui, and who get this unhinged deranged man setting fire. to a small wooden sign I don't know what's around it, but you can't. Fires can spread Let me tell you store anybody who lives out in a big field, understood thus, in the fourth of July scary, happens on the fourth of July. You gotta be careful when you're doing this, so we fireworks out here and west virginia as most people do. We had nothing crazy seriously, not even that crazy fireworks. And all of a sudden, maybe but an hour in the four no it's getting dark, there's a fire,
all fire in the grass and we're like how did that happen? Well, one of the fireworks went off and its fire we walked over. We stamp it out. It was that simple, but you got understand in this operators from citizens free press, they grabbed the video from John came this duty a fire? You can do do this. This is why these four, left is still burn american flags in the street. The cops will try and stop them and mobility who due to be voted through to flourish, the constitution, the supreme court bulbul. Do you can on your own flag that you own it secure way. So. If someone has like the barbecue grown up put flag on the flag burns there be like some pollution issues, but thought of free speech, issue you're. Let's do it. You cannot set you're in a public street, because I mean it You get wildfires, take this video. This guy's this is insane man committing an act. arson and His information has now been forwarded to the police. He has been identified.
John kane John I'm came the man who posted this said he's already sent the reward money to the man, the individual. I should say We all know the identity of individual. Assuming who has provided information contract on this person and not now. As for me, I can speak for money. I am working out the proper structure by which to pay out the individual for the reward. Now I tweeted information leading to the arrest and conviction as a reason we do this this It's been identified, I'm not going to show him there. There is information and the article talk about, but he is innocent until proven guilty. That being said, the evidence that I have seen so far, pretty damning on the video has a tattoo The man in the video appeared in news reports. There are photos of with this guy with the tattoo easily the identifiable. However,
I am not going to reveal posters identity in this video because I want to make sure we go about this. The exact proper way and the rest so there's a reason why we do the arm. Arrest and conviction, stuff. We want to make sure we we get the right person, however, saying that, I believe the evidence proposals presented is sufficient to the point where I was to pay out this reward. I intend to pay out this reward immediately. Instead of waiting a year or two for this gotta be convicted, the reason why I say intended to is that I'm on it both my lawyers about the legal path by which offer. A reward for for information, wrote lino this This guy needs to be proven guilty of something game Now we play this video for you and then you can look at the up. You'll you'll see here's. Here's the video it's a sign, saying tromp one in this matter. why comes over and starts kicking it? It is hence to behaviour
separable behaviour. Look man we ve seen enough that with the riots with the burning down of buildings. I am just I'm sick of these same people dude. we had a guy took pride down from a bar, and, unlike I don't know if he burned it or whatever. I think he did. I think he burned it and he's got it's a hate crime he's going to prison. sky waternot, because someone else's land and search and destroy his property there. Be criminal charges for this. So august twelfth, seven. Fourteen m this kind, the bike then leaves you can see. He leaves is likely to trail the grass tension, and I thank you. Then comes back later august, fifteenth for nineteen em. You can see guy weirdly wearing his bikes up again the same tattoo on his arm, and what are you doing here? the american flag out of the way which does nothing. He then what's up the lighter and sets fire look at this
setting the trump one sign on fire there. It is. arson is a serious crime dude if that fight spread into the grass, because the grass was dry, spread around us are more fires. You can, people's lives lost all because some stupid unhinged guy doesn't like donald trump. Now, apparently he. So the guy who owns it. I guess put up another sign, you can see completely burned out. Right now asked camera and then at it as february eighteenth that John came into the correction thing was august, eighteenth of Two days later, this dude shows back up You can see the wood that the what appears to be damage from fire. He comes back again and burn it twice same tattoo on his arm. This man he's insane and then he runs off. Thank heavens John came said this photo he off.
one thousand dollar reward for the idea of this of this marxist arsonists retained James lawrence. I offered an additional five thousand, as did benny Johnson. I look forward to seeing criminal charges- James lawrence, I believe, has forty Information to proper law enforcement, they say the individual was identified, I'm on our order. We look, I gotta go to be careful about if the article actual identifies the guy. the guy by name. Let me just make sure I'm trying to avoid revealing identity as they do and are innocent until proven guilty. So suspect, has been identified in connection with the burning of a trump flag in trouble. after war was offered by. On cain and me as well as buddy Johnson. I'm from laura California, who does not want to name made public first identified the arsonists. report stating that ratification was made using Strada an apt that rico, its bike rides and
gps, which was time stamped and corresponding time. Stance on the various this The amazing part of this story and the trial make sure I'll take us out in this week in the triangle: substantial internet salutes- and if I cyclist, who set fire to trump signs at root, raleigh home, what russian submarine commander personnel it secret? U s military bases in a rally: anti trump arsonists have in common: they all shared a little too much data on the popular app strata which allows users to share gps logs of their running or cycling, rats. What absolutely fascinating about this story. We are in about this recently. That's my otherwise saw me this our honour know. I'd, never factor that you said that This data was released on people when they run You could see in antarctica someone a circle, meaning somebody was running lapse, but it was a big space and there are like that looks like an underground military base in antarctica, sorted
and was someone who worked. There was wearing a tracking band of some sort and when they ran the apt, their movements and uploaded it to their website That story is true. but it is true that secret military bases may have been exposed by this up. I think Strada could be something else basic. Happens is in the conduct of the story that gun the bike, use an app that records his gps movements. post mom line. So what happens he's got a tattoo on his arm ease. we identifiable markers of crazy thing for you to be a criminal dont, get tattoos this guy. I'd says bike. Gps passed with this, this location so loud not only do we have a guy's name, we have this whose correspond with the individual and photos personal online. He is, got he's a biker bicycle rider. and his throb confirms he was there at that time, the amazing
Was it my friends? This may be may not be the craziest story, but things are. Crazy out there and I'm a move on for the start from the story and talk to you about how saying things are getting and the fears I have about escalation. Several years ago,. I have been reading art, I'm reading an article and you all know the story, and it says what are the chances of a civil war happening united states? I believe it was the atlantic. I always forget new yorker atlantic or something security experts said When thirty and sixty, I think the consensus was like sixty seven percent- with some as high as ninety in some as low as thirty. These are national security experts, as I, whilst grazing he could. The prince and professor guy, google search these things. You can really saying when it civil war, you now stephen marsh running the book, the necks of war, who says word appeared of civil strife. Civil strife is the period before of war, when a certain number of people are being killed for political reasons you get level of derangement where a guy that's fired a flag, you that's crazy, but it gets crazier.
I saw this story and it blew my mind, ghost buzz director, Paul fag reveals California store owner gun down for hanging pride flag, was his friend knighted police at what, while man years, just story. A sixty six year old woman. god would argue with a guy who toward on a pride flag she shot and killed. I don't exactly what happened. I'm not I want to ascribe I'm not I'm not going to make inferences on anything. All we know is a woman was killed and should not have been, and this man needs to be brought to justice. You do not do this. The zoo, I'm telling you. people say it can happen and they keep saying it over and over and over again, and it keeps happening
dear santa all, I want for christmas is the time to appreciate the holiday spirit, to revel in the old family traditions and savor, delicious foods surrounded by loved ones. To do all they had all need several of food cities, freshly prepared party trays, their handmade candies, all the fresh produce and certified angus beef hand cut by their real butchers on second thought. Santa. I got this because nobody does food or the holidays like food city, civil strife it be a few years before we actually see any kind of hot armed conflict. Who knows? Maybe it never happens in eighteen. Twelve There was talk of civil war in united states over slavery, forty years to get there also don't understand the period of bleeding kansas, seven years before the civil war, things like were happening You also had a member of congress kane.
another member of calm congress giving them a traumatic brain injury. Things were good, absolutely insane. The history repeated, rhymes and so weak tell if what we are seeing today is worse or not nearly as bad as it has been hat. What had happened: priests of a war in united states, not to mention the technology and the speed. information travels things are very very different today and it's it's. displays out, but my friends just do the time travel test, as I call it go back in time and explain having that's happened, say in into fifteen before trot and one tromp announces say, go to someone and say here time line of events of the next several years. They will laugh in your face. First of all, if you go back, twenty fifteen and say listen I'm warning you Donald
is going to get elected president and that stop right there. They laugh in your face, they say: you're nuts, you now Because they literally did it to an coulter everybody who sat trumps gotta when there are large laughing now. Imagine telling people then that not only would trump win the day the crash would would accuse him of being a russian spy. A russian spy and then they would launch an investigation spending tens of millions of dollars, thirty plus million on a special. A secure. The media what media would win awards claiming that russia was secretly controlling trop through blackmail already there asking if you need medication, I mean Obviously, you sat I'm from the future. Here's a yeah, ok, but if Listen man, I'm tellin you, cuba, things could happen and then add all the street fighting with proud boys and anti fa. Then you get do the election for
it's the kobe, listen and then doesn't to this pandemic, and there's gotta be like these lockdown and other before. Where mexico, the the government is gonna demand that you get vaccinated and they're gonna be like dude Alex jones times, one hundred you're, not in fact I gotta be I'm I'm willing to bet that if you go back and why, in four wars like early twenty fifteen before thing Alex Jones says, is as crazy as what really happened. That's the ultimate test. That's my efforts to put to you guys or alex or web pull up the archives pre twenty fifth, and you don't Alex Jones- is going to be saying. The globalists want to want a currency and they're going to do these. These charities they're going to be war and you're like okay. Well, I mean that sounds all reasonable but if you words, say dont, get elected and then their street.
And then there's a a major lockdown and a pandemic and they're locking people in homes their forests going to get vaccinated and then Donald trump claims. The electorate has stolen all the while they're saying he worked for russia and he's trying to dig up dirt in ukraine, and then a bunch of his supporters are going to storm into the white house and then they're going to call an insurrection for a year come on, come on and point, does anybody reasonably just say yeah, ok, maybe the craziest possible thing that can happen will happen or can happen. Might the probability is good? This is that this is the store. Okay, so woman, apparently at this magpie store, had a pride flag and they say, let's let slip sluts red an interim tribute, the notable hollywood directors are they were friends. I'll send a mom of nine was shot friday evening outside her lake arrowhead store ever an unidentified suspect, allegedly poured down her pride flag.
He wrote in his instagram posted this intolerance has to end that is committed to making sure her death will not be in vain. Now I can say we have no idea what happened the pride flag being torn down merriment out of the ban, political it could have been a person must be really dont know why? we're comes to these stories, I always say: well, let's hold on their imminent and see exactly you know what really happened is a very serious claimed to make. Say anyone using hateful language against the algae, bbq community is to realize their words matter. Others, entertainment industry who commemorated carlton over the weekend, included eddie coronet of scots of your bush early thrown Christine Davis and the trip when he spoke out against a twenty seven year old suspect who didn't like that she had a pride flagging outside her shop and rubbed it down. He ripped it down but you can forget about it. He shot and killed her adding is devastated for husband board and her family structure. set its tremendous loss for the algae q plus community. They lost a true ally. while a single bullet hole could be seen,
the stores front window unsettling next to which someone had taped design. Reading love. Thank you all for your love, absolutely insane. so what what? What what s his this is crazy and A bunch of people are issuing tributes, etc, etc. There there there very upset Now you may be saying this proves right, are evil insane maybe saying I bet that something else happened, maybe tore the flag down for a different reason If she wouldn't give him a refund, so he grabbed the flagger down as more of a. How dare you I'll damage something you like? We don't know, I tore down the flag, it doesn't matter whether you think this was a friend right wing psychopath or a trump supporting. Not job who hated pride. It doesn't matter if you think that or If you think that it's all one big hoax once again that the fight wasn't really by the pride flag matters all that matters is its escalation,
adoption of the individual who sees a store like this- and this is the point of making for quite some time, donald trump being criminally indicted across the board unprecedented and psychotic charges either you think help is guilty or you think, drop as innocent right. Maybe a thing Well, you Polly did some stuff, but there's a lot of gotta control, isn't matter whether you're right or wrong. All that matters is that the left says final We're getting justice there, it says they are targeting their political opponents. And one side, women, but it don't know who you back happens. Is history will be written by the victors in this scenario too fast? who view one story and one story in completely different ways got Adam said one screen with two movies playing. and that's all that matters, it leads to escalation. Someone on the right will see this and think it's a lie, so
We will see this and say this proves it and either way it will cost sphere, panic and escalation now as for the first civil war, I strongly recommend people understood, read as much as they can about it, I'll, tell you a few important points, in most wars and conflicts it is a small fraction minority that ever actually fights or wants to fight. Typically, most people, don't Want to fight no one ever believes the war is going to happen. It's true, for most wars. In fact, look at russia, ukraine, every denied war would actually break out because such a heavy toll on it an insane thing to do. it goes, and I was like nah they're building sure that this never happened and then it did Alex Jones called it out is right I think it was like a few months before october, I said: listen, the war is going to start in February, I'm telling you and then it did that's crazy.
People never want to believe the next craziest thing could happen until it does and then it becomes normal The remarkable to me when I talk to people and they said you really think trouble be convicted. Yes, now they can't convict your they indicted and how many times we, would any of these liberal jurisdictions acquit trump. They say Do you think that really put him in jail now he'll never go to jail? Yes, maybe he doesn't, but the possibility is very strong. We're supposed to surrender this week. He supposed to be not that evidence any minute. Now we'll see what happens. I believe trump could be remanded. Why Why would they allow in the campaign. The escalation is happening all around us either because of perception or out o overt acts. People, look at these stories and they will just say it's on the left us.
You hate trop see that man burning the sign down and they'll champion him. They'll say that was a good. He did it's not. None of this is good. Nobody should be fighting the matter. Vernon defend I will raise money for the guy add the arsonists, the vandals, the murderers of the summer of love and by in staff and cobbler help? raise money, mindset, billy donated in common, a tweet out the link to raise money for these criminals. What they'll know that I wouldn't be surprised if this guy makes a gofundme gofundme allows him to raise money for his defense, and he'll say these. These maggots cut of the left Some insects must be stopped. And the left will rally around and we'll get a great lawyer and the lawyer with a plea deal or get em off entirely. Then you have this story: I don't see any any moderate rightwing individual conservative celebrating this because they don't but the laughed will say c c they're gonna, use this story,
go to all the people, they can say you must be on our side, and this is why that's the violence is so bad. But who knows where the skies and why he did it. It should not have been done, but they will make it political. In the meantime, it looks like we caught a very dangerous Man and that's the way to do it, the legal system, we know fighting or violent. I want to tell you now that we're not pose this guy's name. What Legal process take care of it. What I fear There's got to be some kind of false flag or overt act from some on the right. That's right! because, as james lengthy points out, they want the reaction there. people calling for more january six thou protests- absolutely not james linsey, is correct. Happening right now. Is you look a bud light? You look at target. You look at sound of freedom. You'll get rich men north of richmond. The anti establishment aunt I walk, the conservative, libertarian post liberal whenever this faction is we are winning and
they desperately need something to lodge, demise? Their claims don't fall for it make money protect your family. Go about your business, be smart, stay, calm and push resistant little ways tell them no don't buy the products well corporations support public square and will win I'll leave their necks. coming up at four p m on channel thanks, rang out now see. Well then,. A video from Alex Jones is gone. Viral, he says that he spoke with a t, say whistle blower and that covered locked bounds will be coming back soon. The theory now circulating on acts formerly known as twitter. Is there within the next month- or so you will, to see sir. Federal employees be required to wear masks, but don't worry not you, it's just them trying to be safe than october, they'll say well, maybe first, things ya'll, should be wearing masks and by december
blown locked down. I am not convinced mind you. I m not convinced completely, but it may Now we ve talked about what Democrats would need to do to defeat donald trump and twenty twenty four and the one thing I said over and over again is that without covered they can do it with covered They took away everyone's lives, no movies, no sports, no bars. The only thing he could do was sitting your box locked in your house watching the tv where they dreamed about donald trump, But let us get up, and maybe I'm wrong. I dont know why bunch of stories emerging who called the variant and about new rules for wear masks, The hospitals have already begun demanding. This policy,
This episode is brought you by neo me mayo. Me is a big full flavoured while perfect for those moments when we want to live to the forest. These moments, when we are completely satisfied and living in the moment, may only uses the best that coastal california has to offer to create our unrivalled pino, no are perfectly suited for the holiday palette. Visit, shot mail me dot com that shop emmi- I oh am I dot com, please enjoy responsible, may only once a camp of california and I'll tell you one thing this past weekend the trip up to portland main, and it was quite entertaining it was very strange. The same time store still had signed, saying away or masks. The city street lights back. You know those little. Those banners was put on problem. It said where your mask everywhere, pictures of people Wang masks. Now nobody what's mind, you know anybody where he masks. My understanding is that
much of main. Has retained, calvin lockdown policy and its also about regular people just backing away from the rules for sure what will happen. I do have a story for you. What happened this weekend, which I'll get to towards the end of the segment. First, let's read the news new covered variant led scientists demanding rules from lockdown reimposed britain. This is from gb news. Now britain is not united states in the store he's from just a couple days ago. New covered variants call scientists to demand that britain start wearing masks again site I have suggested that the uk may have to reintroduce locked down rules after a new variant has been recorded in multiple count countries. The new variant dubbed ba acts on line is been found in denmark in Israel. Although this has not been officially confirmed the site the community is split on how to deal with the new variant while
whilst I love that from genus, whilst some believe it is necessary necessity for locked up. Measures to be introduced. Sums it's too early to enforce such rules. future green hall, and britain primary care from the university of oxford quitted. It looks like it's once again time to mask up yet professor. seen a paddle from university college. London stress the differences between the new variant, an older ones, very very early days, but this quota virus variant now in two countries is a lot of new mutations. That makes it very two previous comecon strains However, she added this variant was potentially more able to cause a big wave well its common? Ladies and gentlemen, because here's a story from CBS news as of august eighteen, cdc, tracking new covered variant, be aid to eight six. After highly mutated strain reported in Michigan b, two eight six. What could that mean The cdc announced dates, tracking and newly discovered covert strain today we are prepared for them.
That directive responds to the covert nineteen virus, etc, etc. Experts airport, ba to eight six being spot countries and multiple continents. Denmark, Israel, cetera suggested, is at least capable of transmitting widely and could have could ben spreading undetected for some time, it comes from. The world health organisation announced, is classified ba, a two six as a under monitoring the strange rapid escalation. whose variant undermining categories uncommon recast cases have been spotted of the variant worldwide. It's too early to say whether they will become more dangerous, blah blah blah you get. The point is common that this this virus would be tracked so quickly I wonder what it means Let show that is here: we go from accused outcome. This august seventeenth, both ups, medical hospitals to require masks again as covered cases. Pick up, here's one, auburn new york. I think these are the two saint toot similar areas, burn community hospital. Now
requiring masks as you covered variant, spreads, here it comes. Ladies and gentlemen: maybe it stops here but maybe it isn't go further than this I'm not gonna, tell you what you should or should not believe it's up to. You is the new york post from August eighteen, a midsummer surge of new covet variant. Should we be wearing masks- and this is- it begins if it were to begin the salad begins absurdity of these policies and these rules yeah think it's the only way they be trump. Get people go door to door, knock on doors and say you know, fill out this ballot and will make I'll go away, how convenient, appears after the election comes back just in I am for the election. Not at all to sell you, because, it is entirely possible that they bring this stuff back. I think it's difficult that they do for me out here and what I was learning in portland I'll say that story,
in west virginia, there were locked down policies that most people ignored. However, this is fascinating, frederick maryland, which is like ten to fifteen minutes. From west virginia in west virginia? They say where the mask, if you dont nobody, said anything There are some small businesses that are still fairly woke because in our strategic at university towns, college towns and their their fairly lefty, You have no business there and there like it, get out here, but for the most people didn't wear masks, they should ignore the mandates and it was like you'd, have won and be like, in case someone says anything but typically didn't do anything, over unfettered maryland, you get kicked out. Seconds for not wearing a mask natal care. These p, well slobber on boot it's clean. You wanna made no sense. My favorite store out of frederick marilyn's I, which was sushi restaurant and. We I want. We walk in without a mask as we need it now and they are alike, we're. Ok, we want to eat for two and recital k, which can put a mask on
and then I was like no one's wearing a mask literally, nobody was wearing a mask, is the funniest thing and there no, but you have to wear it and I was like I don't. I don't understand, nobody's wearing masks while they're eating- and I was like oh yeah- we're going to be eating too and this will put the mask on and I was like now hold on a minute. No one sitting down was. It was the mask our table is five feet from us as I can. I just sit down and there I do want to waste a massive women coming to put it on and take it off right away. That makes no sense, and I was like There are like, if you dont, where the mask utterly about. Are you kidding me and all the employees are like yes, like or not. You know not literally they're their kidding me and I, like I'm gonna, leave because that's insane was a very small sushi restaurant problem We a couple hundred square feet, maybe seven hundred the table that we said it was literally five feet from answer. I should die right now to sit down doping why waste the mask? Am I put it to take it off in a second? It was nuts
crazy. Everybody was which all remember you'll need to remember I think the craziest thing about portance I was asking people about. I said why are their banners everywhere saying you must wear a mask and there are like well, nobody did So they tell me nobody, nobody really did and I'm wondering because I think population of portland main is like what does it. Fifty sixty five and maybe maybe seventy thousand I dunno. I meant it might be. Seventy one or whatever the politics area like half a million but mostly because. People in new york have like vacation houses, and so the surrounding areas very like vacation, ie, there's lakes and things that's very beautiful mind you in the weather, wow, it's like sixty eight seventy degrees But they said no one really did it. Add the policies and a girl gets interesting. Well, let me tell you my friends. Let me tell you something very interesting: Now let me just wrap up by saying pay attention. this stuff and yet prepared because maybe Alex joneses right once again. He was right about the war
in ukraine with russia and everybody, their jaws hit the floor, when that clip of Alex went viral. Where he's like the war is gonna start it's gonna be in february, and once I get an a and then in february like a russian made holy crap, how did you know it and alex Talk to me like I was just reading the news like paying Don't you know what they were saying? It's crazy. Let me tell you a story. As an aside of the absurdity of these policies, that below my mind, so Worse, I'm hanging out this weekend in in portland, maine And we got an abode and we went on a leg. It was great lobster. Ol man had nothing but lobster and oysters all weakened. It was delicious, might but mind you, but of course once we wrapped up the day's festivities. Saturday night we decided to go and hang out somewhere it was, we had finished, we eddying lobster. We at stake, we went out on the water day was done. What do you do in the evening time. Well, look. Some people are bars and drink alcohol. I don't do that. What did I do
oxford casino. small casino, and now we want to go. Plans have a good time, and I usually what I do is, I think, a couple, her bucks and not that that'll be like my entertainment for the evening, and I want to buy booze or anything like that And so here's a here's, the interesting that happened. I said, down at a game, they call they called it louisiana stud which is just a name variant on a game called mississippi start now. This is hey, don't I'm not just tongue casino stores, the covert story so let me explain, the game is happy stuff for you guys. Many of you may be familiar with it flows, it aren't you aren't you down an anti wager, so at this tables. Ten bucks, you pay ten dollars, there's. There's five other seats the deal. will then give himself three cards face down and he gives each player to playing cards. The purpose of the game is to get a pair of jack's or better between the three cards. The dealer gave to himself it
enough forms of community board and your hand. You are not playing against the dealer. Here's outworks you you're too cards and if their good, you place an additional ten dollar wager, there's there's third street. Fourth and fifth, when you put that way, you're down the dealer. He checks everybody to make sure that either folding orbiting he'll then flip over one card, Let's say I have a king on a set of king in my hand, and I Ok, it's a good and so I'll pay another ten dollars and the dealer than flips were the first car which an ace ace wins than I triple up my bet across the board right, there's two other bet positions saga, thirty thirty, then other flips over the remaining cards, if your hand improves you can make more money, but with a pair of aces you in one to one that means, if I ten and ten, and then thirty and thirty yo deals. Gonna pay me a box spent test. It lets you
not really bad cards. You sad. I want a platform and you lose your bet. Here's orkut interesting, because of their covered policies, you're not allowed to touch any of the cards, good policy still, in effect, my mind was blown because here this means the deed. Where would reveal all the cards, that every player had this. the insanity of covert policy. Now I know a bit perhaps a bit esoteric because I like to- I like to play casino games I get the haters were like there was a gambling problem. I don't actually gamble all that much. It's like going to an arcade. You go dave and buster's spent one hundred bucks playing arcades the family and will the casino and I'll one hundred bucks plant, a card game, Until those you win you, wouldn't you live with money. In fact, as best we can actually make quite a bit of money, plain and I'll. Tell you why the covert policies are so insane and have never been lifted. I asked the dealer when you laid the cars on in front of me face up for every other player to see what makes me Means first, I said we are. We
touch the cards and goes we ve, never gotten. We ve never gotten out of that covered face. I was like what, portland main or this Europe may the state has never gotten rid of their covert policies, still there. Here's this means, if you're playing a game where there are three cards up top into in your hand your odds calculated as such. look in my hand, and I have an ace and a king. what's so. That means, if I get in working in those three cards, I will win one times. My bet, they'll stack my chips up and then even them out. If I get an ace and a king, it's to pair you get two to one on your bet. That's great right!. here's the thing in most casinos, if you reveal your hand to the table? They will warn you if you do it again, they'll catch you, now. There is usually a bitterly away like him, and we told you not to do this. Stop doing this, don't talk about your hand, why
Let's say you have an ace and a king, my aunt Jim gaffigan, here with more straight talk. Now you can get a walmart plus membership plus not pay for, because it's included with straight talk, wireless plans. You get free delivery with walmart, plus plus a paramount plus subscription included. Plus you pay less for gas. That's a lotta process. Only straight talk gives you unlimited five g data and walmart plus included on select plans for free straight talk. Wireless available at walmart requires service on gold or platinum. Unlimited one opera per eligible account paramount, plus a central plan. Only separate registration required additional terms apply. Then every other player flips over their cards, and what do I see? King asking a king, hey a minute all of the aces and all the kings are in someone's hand, which means The chance of an ace working me on the board is zero. I can't win. I fold. it would be absurd to fold asking in a game of mississippi in most instances,
but if you can see all the other cards, you know you can't win. This is the the most insane thing about They ve done it another month must not literally say most insane thing. Let me just say I said you play games a casinos, we're making our I'm going to say it? when the two making about to grant these casino games. We also played a game called jackpot hold them, which is a table game which ways like taxes hold them same thing applied every players, hand was face up for everyone else to see. You couldn't see dealers cards in this. Can you play against the dealer just think to myself how this business operating well We are giving the players did insane edge for no reason hey, I loved, to be completely honest. so I get delta hand. I've got queen for of spades and then I look over and what I see nobody has a queen. Nobody has a for now queen forest, not
and but I already know this. This means if nobody has won the chair, me hitting a queen or for on this bore, Five cards causes a different kind of game. This five cards, to make the best five guardian. It's really high. I'm going to hit a pair on this board. Because no one else has these cards not a guarantee. You know, but the one that I know my chances are not diminished. So did I do tripled up my bet sure enough. I hit the for cattle, worried it's not a good pair to have. I beat the dealer cached up There were several instances where many of the players had. Many of the players all of the cards available? One got dealt pocket kings, two kings in his hand, and then there are two other players with king ten and so it's just like the guy, things, like I'm good, I got kings the guy in the lady with king ten we're like that no chance. You know, there's no kings left The only chance I have as a ten and he's got wants this to left in the whole deck. The
it is a pity that is, is nil, check, in this game. You just tap the board and they reveal more cards. And then you can bet ten bucks like, maybe you'll, get a straight, maybe get a flush but sure enough. Normally they might be alike. Ok, you know that big they knew their odds were bad. It was insane me sure enough. We all kept winning. So why just a store I wanted to tell about the absurdity insanity of these covered policies, but more of the point outside of my personal storage? I found really fascinating, yet we I was count william ads in real time on mississippi it was nuts I'm like I got dealt ace checks. Did a to get rid of the we do. I get dealt a jack suited look at where the board, where I see a guy's, got jack. Three guys got a three and unlike ok, so we ve at two aces and two jacks accounted for. In the chances of me hitting as bored. I think I think and then I think I hand that was like a three and basic strategy of mississippi is: if you have a face guard, you know jack's or better than you can buy. first straight through the forest garters, but I
instantly knew when I saw. I think that In this hand, there was one and where I like ace through their two aces acid threes, lose the can't win possibility of a straight- but that's like I think, that's going to be seven percent or or worse. If you get a two three four five meaning to five- would have been the board chestnut stupid and then like ultimately calculated based on the. I could see what others cards ive a thirty percent chance to win. Times my bet- that's stupid, full sheriff. I was right What you want, do you wanna bet when you're are greater than fifty percent chance of winning if you play that way more than half the time, you will double your money, meaning over a long period of time. You win money. I had. I was ace, jack suited on one hand, I could see an ace and a jack, and I was just like I did the math and I'm, like my odds of winning, are below fifty percent, so I'm holding what would normally be an amazing hand in mississippi and sure enough. I was right now. Maybe there's theirs
chances. I could be wrong and then not when anything. But my point is this side of the personal stories. It is amazing to me that we are in this situation. Overall policies have persisted in some places and even know, but outside of all that It shows you the insanity, an absurdity of these position that we all know in remember. They made no sense. They put them in place any and the reason I tell this story is for one. I just really wanted to tell that story because, like if you're in the area wow body who plays a casinos is probably looking like free money time it's just absolutely insane. If I was like a high stakes, gambler are probably would have made like one hundred thousand dollars at the casino. Just like You can see all the cards is nuts, absolutely crazy, All we didn't play three card, though we should definitely played three card been insane regards up bad game? I do You could see everyone else's cards while anyway My point is simply.
these policies never made sense and they keep place. They still don't make sense, the main point of the story, we we are looking at a return of these. Others covered lockdown stuff, so I encourage everybody to pay attention, The one thing that matters most is, if you dont like you gotta get away from me: cities, that's how you demo, politicians and leaders you give them, the opportunity to lock down, and they will for two reasons, one power simply put, but, more importantly, to defeat donald trump. I don't know that they can pull it off. Again, though, I gotta be honest. That's why, when I hear these rumors in these stories, I'm kind of like I dunno man, regular people, are going to lose their minds with so much rage and anger over at last time. But imagine. The only chance they have to be donald trump, somewhat, a lock down everything, a man in what twenty twenty four is going to be like yeah, it's gonna be knots,
You got new young people entering the voting block. Collagen Doctrine aided I actually through by a lot of jens ears, and who are entering the voter base, nodded over and I think that may help drop one. the people never consider because there they live in these isolated worlds times change. We know. there that that Genji men are skewing conservative. Many of he's these young men are now going to old enough to vote specially next year. They are going to vote and that's a huge advantage. I'll trump, because young democrats polly won't vote they'll, smash windows, but young concern. Lives will vote? Trop can win, but imagine what Twenty twenty four is gonna, be like a man. what december of twenty four is gonna, be like yo, it we'll be nuts and time flies. Man it's already almost september you're going of anger, violence, destruction, potential lockdown, which will exacerbate every
And then what happens if trump winds or loses I don't have all the answers for you all I know. Is it's gettin crazy, we'll see men help you enjoyed my fun little casino story, always recommend people game responsibly, I gotta tell you man, I gotta casinos and I'm just absolutely blown away at these people who who are playing hundreds of dollars on white. Where do you have this money to just like crazy, you're, gonna craps. They want to break out ten grand right there and I'm just like some that's. That's, not I don't go anywhere near that stuff, you know, twice. In my life, I've played higher amounts, now usually it's just like a friday night hang out. I, like it even busters like arcade games, at least the casino you can leave with some money, but I would say like this: the at the casino There are play some games, like arcade or whatever you set aside a small amount of money like a hundred bucks. If you lose it you're done and you go home. That's your entertained of the nice summit.
Like to go see shows by tickets in all play some blackjack, because what sometimes you win the money. Anyway, really recommend any any gambling to anybody. That is always just you know, though I describe it is to play a game, but there's MR I leave it there mexicans coming up at six p m in this general thanks, broken up now, see well, then shock and out. Age that queens classic song fat bottomed girls would be dropped. From their greatest hits collection for younger audiences. bottom. Girls is an epic tale They make the rock and world go round baby. How could they remove it from a children's playlist yeah? I don't get this one, but we'll talk about it above people. Apparently don't read the news. There upset that there's his greatest had albums coming out to thing called yoko player, which is for small children between the ages of zero nine. and they remove the song fat bottom girls and I'm like completely okay with them. Removing the song fat, fat bottom, the girls from
children's song list. To be completely honest, though I like the idea of introducing queen to younger generation, but I mean Are they gonna have bohemian rhapsody on that children's player mama just killed. A man put a gun up to his head, pulled my trigger now he's dead, goodbye, everybody, I've gotta go! Ok, I'm just like Did they I gotta know is: is bohemian rhapsody on this last year's ears, the yoda player? Why yoda here's the news by rock royalty shop queen now. Basically, the kyoto player is this: like this animal box skype can play. This can apply arizona, gimme the business that's very loud, was turned down This is the yoda player. It says it's a little box, the speaker for children, for it small kids and they have cards the cards they can pop in and then
we'll play stories, books, music or or are whatever its attacks pretty cool. Little thing tell o clock on the front. I'm sorry I mean I got no issue with them. Taking that bottom girls off of this, let me see it has up: it's got. It's got a bohemian rhapsody on their I'm. Just that's where things get interesting. Ok, look bohemia as somebody the love, that's a good one man. I love queen we will rocky where the champions paid my dues so good, such good software, my best friend killer, queen ol man, but some look I, I guess removing fat bottom girls or whatever, but one point out, there's like lyrics in a lot of these songs that maybe you don't want your kids listening to it says here we go here. We go This has get ready to rock, with the great with one of the greatest bands of all time and a collection of their legendary hits.
when you first or the vocals from bohemian rhapsody stamp along with the beat from it, we will rock you or felt the groove of another one bites the dust yeah good one Queen are one of the bands queen or that's weird. Are one of the bans that bring generations together and now Their greatest hits are available for kids to enjoy. The time was I can contain sixteen classic tracks to rock out too, with over twenty five million sales. To date, it's one of the biggest selling albums of all time. It's the ideal introduction to the music queen for young music lovers. Do they have what I want a bit then, and I want to break free on here either. Do not really have that, so The thing to do is like a kind of people are angry over this and into non story there saying bottom girls was removed, but I want to. for you that's that's name of the right is out as I want to. who break free here.
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again, I again against again in that right a break for you. They don't have an honour, and this was one that generated some controversy, that united states, because a music video was them all and drag. It does no Please know that the lyrics in some of these songs contain adult themes, including occasional references to violence and drugs. These are the original and unedited recordings. Whilst no swear words are used. Parental discretion is advised when playing this content to or ce or around younger children. I call this fake news. Ok, let me let me let me money papa. What's goin on your fox, they say: legendary rock band queens fat bought song classic fat bottomed, girls has become cancel cultures latest victim of the sun was dropped from the bands new greatest collection. I want a brig freeze on there either well? I guess it's fair to say I want to break free, didn't do as well. Nunez dates, ass. The argo it was because of the controversial music video. So I think a lot of motion are at third, though moving songs. The platform aims to introduce queen two kids. Some are
critical of the decision to omit the song and the trackless blasting the move as woke or ridiculous. It is the talk of these industries. Nobody can work out what a good natured fun song can't be acceptable in today's society. One professional, whose name was while the told the daily mail yo, if you, if you If you tell me, you don't want little children here, sancho fat, bottomed girls, I got no beef right. you're joking about web. When asked pussy, even though I think even cardy be said. Don't do I have a story. Cardy be responds to criticism for not allowing her young daughter culture to listen to web. Like even party be. It was like out my kid. Listen to this that's the problem is going to play on the radio and going to play on social media and youtube and kids are going to get access to it and you gotta parents got a in, for The news it woke gone mad, wanted it shade people of all shapes and sizes like society is saying we should, rather than give it its this ridiculous. To me fox news contributor, Joe Concha, weighing in on monday blasted the omission as utterly ridiculous telling fox.
friends. First, ankara's todd pier and Karl Isham kissed the ban took chances and pushed vote gamut of pull up that bottom girls lyrics that girl lyrics and ever and what was going on here. I can take me home tonight, oda behind beside the red firelight. We let it I'll, hang out fat, fat, bottom girls, you make the rock and world go round the skinny lad never knew good from bad I gotta be honest, it's actually kind of a silly song, It is not one of my favorites to be completely honest. We say let alone fanny. She was a naughty nanny the big woman. You made a bad boy out of me. Guess whatever I can feel like What a gun against his head pulled my trigger now he's dead as a bit worse, but you know sure whatever you do, when we have to have bohemian rhapsody on on any queen playlist Maybe the real question is adult in music It's not for children. Look helmet when we pull up the auto player, So here's what it says if you scroll down like a search thing, I think,
and dot yeah, ok, exe, four hundreds titles for all ages and stages, z, wrote a two three five, six, eight nine. six to eight years old brows is going to give me queen ticket to cuba. Roll roll that doll the witches. Oh, the ass, on, where the the the the I remember that they made a movie about it that I was controversial to oh well. Right. Six to eight year olds, rock royalty queens greatest hits. hey I guess I mean I don't. Maybe These things aren't entirely appropriate. New to euro four six to eight year olds, queens greatest! That's really! What are they? They say, six to fourteen. I guess. I know, I don't know man look as honest question, you guys should comment below what Don't stop me now, but Paul there, love, don't samuel! and I always always joke that, like.
Now in hindsight, perhaps someone should have stopped freddy mercury. and I know I said that on TIM cats are a bunch of bull laughed like the people here are laughing and I was like it's kind of not meant to be funny. Man, like was awesome and freddy mercury was out of control. Do it has to be stopped, like do hey make music man you're you're, really really good at it. Yet it does not mean I was totally fine on burned through the sky to an agreed, so the communist or fahrenheit as other really crazy, and there you're my ass right is awesome. Bicycle, that's a really great one. I think killer. he might be a little bad right. Dynamite with a laser beam. Maybe it's not so bad! I mean a lot of this is: is is kind of silly gunpowder, gelatine dynamite with a lesbian guaranteed to blow your mind any time I mean you know, The themes here went two geisha minor than action. And blah blah blah blah perfume can naturally come. I was not that bad
No. You know I dunno, I dunno. If kgb lesson of this stuff you're my best friend is really good. Crazy. Little thing called love, that's fantastic! Somebody to love so good old fashioned lover boy play the game: flash seven seas of rye. We will rocky where the champions I don't know man I'll, be: ok, here's! What we're do we read all of this? These are the original on edited recordings. Fox, I reached out to yoda for comment but did not receive a response. The daily telegraph quota, universal music uk had of youth strategy. Sarah borman saying the following: the partnership between universal music and yoda was the first time any major frontline musical, be available on the yoda service children of access to a rich and varied musical, offering so that it may foster a light. You know a man, I'm just I'm! So sorry this is our story. Didn't omit fat, bottomed, girls in the great collection, because a bunch of songs that could put on your they didn't put on here. I guess Let me let me let me I'm gonna. Look this up. fat bottom girls. Where did that we're wherewith, where, where did that song chart right, it's a platinum hit,
it's in the? U s it reached twenty four in the hot one hundred so I don't know what what what other song? I know that. I know that I want to break free, didn't do well. No. I just watched the bohemian rhapsody movie I know that there was likes they they talk about the controversy over that song. Looked it up and sharing that's the music video with rollin, so software, cause problems, the united states, but. Bicycle race and fat bottomed girls. Where was bicycle race, that charted in the: u s at twenty four as well: u s, billboard! Twenty four! Ok, fine Yes, save me, though: what it went where we limit limit money, I'm going through the singles here must stop. Ok, that was a single. What it down. I added to his will jealousy emissions I'm willing to bet that there are better chart, performing songs. Here we go while this in the? U s, what's wrong as this one love of my life. That's! Actually there is it. my life on here, it's not
when did decently welcomed it didn't do as well as fat. Bottom girls, though crazy, felt little thing I'd love what what? What was the position for for this one, the number one you see that get at number one say what year was save me here we go. What whether this chart at yo save me is way lower on the list so that I get it right. People might be wondering like hey the song was was was was pretty good, but any play the game. They got play the game any rather do that reached. You has been, Lord forty, two yet it man, but also kind of things like an editorial choice, somewhat we saw that the song wasn't there and everyone's are complaining. That was awoke thing when it's like who cares you know, and now everyone's acting like millennials are banning the song for being woke insight. That's literally not what's happening, it's a box. kids, queens we already in appropriate as it is to a certain degree, but To be fair, just want to sing bohemian rhapsody with your kid, like the best song ever written.
What I'm Oliver their necks ipods, come up tonight at eight p m over at youtube com slashed him cast. I r l thanks rang out and I'll see you all them in I worry that should be surprising to no one. Women want to stay at home and get paid at the same time here I know from the daily mail the rise of the lazy girl, jobs demand for ports that offer working from home and our low effort are in huge demand among jens ears. These are Twenty five most sought after roles, dinners in past quite quitting. When someone does only the bare minimum at work pudding and only the effort required to get the job done. Gallops latest purple found nearly six and ten adult in america. Are quiet, quitting out of pandemic, caused people, prioritize their meantime, but an ocean that piggy back on this premises emerged the lazy girl, job determined, I rolled thanks to a tick tock. Video with millions of views is there is a tendency among men, not omen look at your hands to be aggressive, too
enjoy physical activity? It's not absolute. The problem that feminist often make that when you there's a tendency among men, you're saying no women anywhere want to do a thing now come on it's it's and are as by modal, meaning this great overlap and there's differences. Women are object, oriented manner, object. Oriented men like wrap things with their hands, women like to talk about things when women are better with words, and men are better with like logistics and and locations and and and math kind of things, so when you see the story to piss march the good name of women. It's too, really point out: priorities of women, and that is you probably see among females, a desire to be at home. More than men who want to go off and go adventuring makes sense if we back at evolutionary biology. The assumption is the guys, would band together and go hunt and no one would stay there and protect the family or forage nearby right now. This is true of women. Love going shopping, yeah, that's it! They say women would.
In forage, clucked fruits and berries from trees, and things like that right. You go up and you look around you collect things that you like now like to win competitions and and hunt and fighting men. Go out and hunt or defend the the village makes no sense. Here's a story top twenty five most searched lazy girl, jobs number. One cloud engineer: e learning, assistant, translator, customer feedback, analysed, a dangerous specialist. I gotta be honest, account and freelance writer data analysed I know a lot more women in these jobs than an omen com, editor, and data analysed right. There like every single copy editor. I knows a woman hotel now added an auditor tell acquisition who that's one legal assistant, market research analysed, executive assistant, social media manager, insurance, claim. Adjuster Your lazy girl era
the job advice. None none is telling women a lazy girl job is something that you can basically quiet quit stop waiting on corporate holidays to live your life. It takes from the pressure from the exhaustion of holidays the premise of a lazy girl job. A simple low stress, low effort with lots of flexibility and freedom domestically, dont want to work. These jobs are remote, require no overtime, are physically safe and there's a minimum to no supervision, tiktok or Gabby judge defined, define them jobs, laid back bosses and comfortable salaries that pay the bills. dont require adequate care. Work schedule It's the antithesis of the girl, boss, movement or leaning in constant huh and long hours to climb up and that's the point, my friends, I am not bring. to besmirch the good name of. Ladies I'm here to point out the things they desire, and I agree with it yo. Let us men do the heavy lifting and you can sit back
Be very flexible and comfortable travel around in your van and work remotely from your laptop getting done an important job that we need done and need someone who wants to do it, not every woman asked to do this? Ok, you want to be a girl, bossy, young man. Do you think I'm just saying if you Would- and I mean this in all sincerity,. If you would literally prefer to live in a van work from your laptop Then you should do that. Let me tell you something to somebody who runs a company with many employees. I was tell people if you dont want to be here. I shouldn't be here: ok, it is this everybody who is here should work. Be here, if anybody was here just because their desperate need of job, they shouldn't be here serious, What's your team guest something comes up in your life that require you take time off the unlimited time off unlimited. You know why If you don't want to be you shouldn't be here, I said it before. I say it again or put it this way
Let's say somebody has to go to the hospital, let's it's you gonna have a family. Let's say you had a family was sick. The feminine. sick and you're like I've gotta take care of this. I say absolutely we will. How to carry the slack where you know someone else who knows the job who can phelan for you, while you're gone, because. you know if somebody's grandfather was dying and I'll. Look man you're the person who does this job. You can't leave you here, then you can have someone was miserable and there compelled to do their job effectively. It's a waste of everybody's time and if somebody just it's disappearing because they're like oh, I got this. I got that I got this. I got that I'm just like I'd, rather you not be here. If you dont want to be here because rather find somebody's gonna. Do their job don't get me wrong if some, just keeps his opinions into their job than me. Another lose their job, but here's where describe it, it's not so much you being fired. Is you quitting If you disappear for a long period of time, and then you keep doing it.
We'll just eventually hire someone to replace you I need to go to you and be alive. How dare you do this? You're fired, it's just like what you were at work in our work in a movie to contract or introduce your pay. I don't I don't know Think of it like this One is causing problems and we have to get rid of whether we have to get rid of him. If, sir, and is doing the bare minimum. Then we just say: we're gonna pay, you commensurate with your effort and We will find someone to fill in the gaps you should get paid what you're willing to produce and for how long you're willing to be here. If that's an hour week that we reduce you too, that until you're gone it's. That simple, is this: a lazy, girl, jobs, searches are up one thousand two hundred and sixty seven percent over the past month, according to work imaging jens years, especially, are interested. It's even popular. And not those guys on Wikipedia page image crunch the numbers defined. twenty five, most popular lazy girl roles, together, lazy girl, job and lazy girl, jobs of a combined twenty five million plus views using.
Word tool. We analyzed various roles, blah blah blah blah blah, and then we read what they wanted they say, are tik tok, most popular lazy girl, jobs. They searched searched is correct, as of august tenth, maybe it's the branding, many come. lines with the term come from those who say it paints a bad picture. Social yes, strategist, Michael Darwin, told the wall street journal move makes sense. The names all wrong. I think younger women are using it almost in a way that they dont under and the damage it can do with the term have gone so vital. The more acceptable term like work life balance, probably not, is what I think the perfect jobbery on women, perfect scenario for society we, want to be at home every single women, but a generality. This shows that they should be they want to do a job that makes them money, but they don't want to be stressed out. Then I wanna be girl. Bosses give them that opportunity, look If I've got a job, like someone's gotta check the emails we boring tedious job. It's the pearl
job for somebody who wants to be at home. They weave requirement here to a certain degree of come into the office because we we want there to be sure ideas. The more people come together talking with each other. You build community, you build sure, and it really does help things very, very important. These are the kind of jobs words like. maybe it's better for one, especially if you want to have a family he's doing a job, you can do from anywhere else. The work that we do, video editing, for instance, can be done remotely and then that's the greatest thing. In my opinion, I want parents but who have kids to be around their kids and if you your job and have your kids around fantastic, and I was tell everybody here: you'd have yet need to knit to comment. Bring your kids, obviously we're not a day care. We can have. A thousand kids went around doing everything, but no big deal, if periodically you bring your kid the work, I incur I think your kids should see you do work. I think it's really great that that you can that their there
you know if you're on a dad or a man- and you want to be around your kids and you can wear promote you- can do it, it's great! It's a good thing. So I think, there's a view of this and I agree with the lazy girl job idea: think the reason why they're calling it lazy girl job is because of the narrative from feminists over girl, boss and If the norm is girl boss, the inverse is lazy, girl right. I don't have the wrong way to put it, and I agree with what the guy, who was saying, don't call it that way be cheering for this. If women, why be at home. Let them do that and let them take the jobs that fit them naturally to maximize output and it's better for everybody. I don't want to call them an officer of an angry woman being like I don't want to be here. I don't wanna come off as an angry guy give you a guy, your girl. If that's a job you want, you should be doing it more. So I think something like this will increase the opportunity that people have please and have kids and families. I believe our course correcting for this country.
The family dissolves every that's breaking apart. bring families together, people, our Karen you work from home. You start carrying a lot more about that garbage piling up in the street with a guy in the gunshots, the guy, the gun and the gunshots going off. All the time you have. Emily, you have kids, you start caring about how you gonna protect them. I think, all in all, we should the lazy girl job. We should call it the work from home job. We should call it the women's ideal job not a lazy girl, but a job that fits the role that these women want to have a you're guy wants a to man more power to you. I will leave it there, I must come up at one p m. A channel thanks, rang out now see. Well, then,.
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-18.