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Democrats Try To Call Out Trump But Just SELF OWN, They Basically Argue AGAINST Electing Democrats


Democrats Try To Call Out Trump But Just SELF OWN, They Basically Argue AGAINST Electing Democrats. Nancy Pelosi try calling out Trump's response to the global crisis but ended up making a perfect argument for why Democrats would be WORSE to elect.Since the beginning of the global crisis Trump has been taking action to slow or stop it. Early on he created a task force and restricted travel from China.But while Trump was doing this the Democrats were trying to impeach him even though we all knew it would fail. Joe Biden was tweeting about completely unrelated Democratic causes and republicans like Tom Cotton had been calling for more action.Trump may have had a slow response and may have downplayed the problem but so did Democrats and so did the media at the very least Trump took some actions.SO if their argument is that Trump was too slow how does that help them when they were SLOWER?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
There is still a lot of people in this country trying to figure out whose fault it is that we're in this quarantine lockdown pandemic. And if, u turn The media was no Democrat, they're gonna, blame Donald Trump Nancy, see recently said that trumps denial and delay on corona virus is deadly, but sure enough. You'll see other people point the finger at Democrats and say the Democrats were ignoring this and there were distracted by impeachment Mitch. Mcconnell says that the impeachment distracted government corona virus threat. Now there's some blame to go around, but let me just start before I get into this and the partisan bickering and say China is to blame. Let's be real, they lied, they downplayed this, they withheld evidence, and I got really really bad for everybody, but I will say when we want to look at the response to ever, they have here in the United States. Yes, we can criticise the president and I think he is deserving of some criticism it may be. That is early our plan was an attempt to prevent panic or it could just be the the media, was lying, but every body downplayed this the media
downplayed. This accept some Republicans did not many conservative outlets were calling this out you want to actually talk about how this got bad, then the fault really does lie with some conservatives, but many Democrats, This is the hilarious self own for Nancy Blowsy, not so much Mcconnell, because MAX was right. It's absolutely true that, while this crisis was getting worse around the world. Donald Trump had already acted to create the crowd of irish task force and to put some restrictions on Chinese on travel from China and what were the Democrats doing impeachment. So the reason why the cell phone is for one because of that, but also Nancy Policy, is blaming Trump saying denial and delay on the krona virus response when they work wing anything literally just trying to impeach the man and then blaming him for slowing things down, but here's the best part Joe Biden, what was
tweeting about the day before Donald Trump formed his taskforce impeachment the day after Donald Trump formed his task force, what was Joe Biden tweeting about impeachment and and for the night month or so when people were debate corona virus in the media and without Trump. What was Joe Biden talking about climate change and when they actually came down a Donald Trump taking hard action? What did Joe Biden do? Call Donald Trump Xenophobic and criticise the things he was doing to stop the krona virus outbreak if you wanna, Blaine Trump you're do with my blessing: we don't know if someone else what about a better job? Some people say you know Annie and we ve been a better job. Their say no tromp is doing the best anyone could have done, but there's one thing absolutely no for short, Joe Biden would have done a substantially worse job Donald Trump restrictions on level with China in January and Joe Biden like a man. The two leaders are criticising travel restrictions, restrictions that doctor
Bout she said perhaps saved us. And really help to stop the flow of Corrado virus, although it is still getting bad, if Joe Biden was president, he would have dragged us even more because he doesn't want to be seen a phobic right. Look, I don't know exactly Joe Biden would have done, but for Nancy Policy to come out and criticised trumped for dragging its feet on this when he took action before I did and they were obsessed with impeachment and even Joe Biden was not without on board this, while Donald Trump was by all means criticise the president, but they did a worse joy, so we're gonna get into the partisan bickering because I think it's better to say, look even when it comes to policy. You can criticise the Democrats for their feet but build. The blossom does deserve a lot more of the blame here and I offer us some shade his way, but we're in talk about the present all election and before we get started. I want the CAP Office, inter by just saying I have substantially more respect for now the policy and Joe Biden than I do for China and as much as I am very critical of them.
I want to make sure you all realise that ninety five percent of the blame on everything comes from China and then the Democrats take small percentage and prompt actually a smaller percentage. Let's make that clear, because now when you get in the partisan bickering, but also make our focus. As you know, is In reality. We all know China lied downplayed this and that's why I got really bad, but if but of the Democrats want to play the game of calling out Don company blaming him for this ominous show. Some evidence is just not fair. You know Tom Cotonou Republican was calling for travel ban unlike January twenty eight, and he was raising warning warning flags about this for a long time and he was criticised and Facebook was taken down his posts. Yes, the Democrats ignored this. They focused on impeachment and they deserve more blame for dragging their feet. Let me just put it one more say one more time before we get started if Pelosi wants to criticise Trump for dragging its feet. He was doing more than they did from the hill trumps denial. Delay on corona virus response is deadly before it gets
it had Overton guest outcome, slash donate if you'd like to support worked in many ways been gave it. The best you can do is share this video helps my channel grow. Youtube is not too kind to political commentary. These days, they d rank and demonetized. You know how it goes, but subscribe hit the like button. It really really does help and its invocation Bellevue make sure to get all my videos when they come up every day at four p m. Let's read what Nancy Policy the same speaker, Nancy blows, you said Sunday, president delay and denial and responding to the Krona virus pandemic has had deadly consequences for Americans his denial, the beginning was deadly Delaying of getting equipment to wear it needed is deadly, and now the best thing would be to do. The best thing would be to who is to prevent more loss of life rather than open things up, so that because we just don't know policies that on CNN state of the union asked about her thoughts. Undiminished in considering relaxing federal guidelines for less affected parts of the country,
he said the? U S should be taking every precaution. I dont know what the purpose of that as she said, adding that doesn't know what the scientists are telling Trump, while Donald Trump wanted to open things up by the twelve, because you would have to be blind to ignore the economic consequences of what's going to happen. If we shut everything down, people will lose their lives. Businesses will be judged. What and they will never come back and people will suffer. We have to make sure as Trump side the cure is not worse than the disease Doktor faulty everyone seems a love said that April twelfth is an aspirational goal and the president is trying to give people hope. Yes, that's the most honest interpretation. Tromp really does want to get things open again. No, he doesn't want to just make corporate price
It's like the left would argue, I think, he's genuinely like the economy. Tanking is really bad for everybody and then trump when an extended the lock down until April thirtieth we'll see what happens, I'm willing to buy tickets extended further, but trunk, in my opinion, is trying to give people a light at the end of the tunnel. In fact, I think he's been doing a pretty good job of things and most people in this. We agree Nancy Pleasant Democrats build the Plaza and Joe Biden have been doing a terrible job of things, Nancy Palazzo, Democrats obstructed the stimulus bill for about a week and they put it a bunch of blows. Some nonsense about you. I might have to get it We're ok, but, let's just say they wanted a bunch of money stuffed into this bill, and so they held it up and that's holding up the economy. Now, there's a bunch of garbage in this bill, I'm not a fan of a lot of people were angry that the bill got pass in the first place, be it republican or democrat provisions. But what you need to understand. We have to kick start the economy because we're watching and other.
Countries, food shortages and food writing it starting we get what it is very seriously. People need have money to buy food, let's riddle, but more as the president fiddles people are dying. We just have to take every precaution. She added the speaker also criticized transfers remarks. Last week at the sign the stimulus bill. I'm not Superman learned about that. Let's see what Mitch Mcconnell had to say because there's another well there's something else. I want to point out. Diplomacy wants essentially another investigation of trot. You see these people are obsessed with serious glow. Crisis, we d crisis before the impeach or I'm I'm sorry during your and Peter, which wasted opportunity, distracted, everybody another sign once we're done, we can do it again. You not man looked limits. Are you got some? I got a text message from someone campaigning for a Democrat, This dude seems like an all right guy. I know what to say: who doesn't Sarah? Don't? You know people private information, but I get a bunch of these there like hot calls, I guess we're hot tax sort of their people see my information. They sent me a text that would you like to support this person. I tell you exactly what I said: you dont man, I'm not a fan.
Somebody's Republicans policy wise only lead to the left, but I'm not going anywhere near the democratic party. At this point you know why I'm concerned. I fear that I don't know, who you are, you could be the nicest guy in the world, you could be a moderate with strong opinions want to bring together, that's great, but giving money to the Democratic Party means means see Pelosi doing what she did last time. All these moderates that got elected under the premise of fighting for kitchen table issues, then One of the support, a nonsensical impeachment that everyone knew would fail and distracted the nation while a global crisis was brewing. That's what I do want to take part and so on out. I want to be involved in anybody's nonsense, but I'll tell you what Donald Trump was right about China. Donald Trump was, about manufacturing and Senator Tom Cotton was calling out from the get go, so you wanna talk about who was right. It was not the Democrats Mitch. Mcconnell calls out impeachment said it majority leader, Mr Connell, on Tuesday blamed the Democrats pushed to impeach President Trump in January for discussion.
Acting. The Trump administration from the threat posed by the Krona virus ominous stop right here and say I agree for the most part, but I do think Trump and and many people in Washington just work paying attention. That's that's! That's the reality hindsight. Is twenty twenty. I dont think the sole reason that we had a slow response. This was because of tromp or because of impatient for the most part, but I do think in patient made a serious role in slowing things down, because people work focused on what was happening around the world. It It was on the sidelines and the media was absolutely obsessed with impeachment the media was downplaying the virus. I could you not. I stories to show you and we will go through them, but first, let's red quote: it came up We were tied down in the impeachment trial and I think it diverted the attention of the government, because everything every day was all about impeachment. Mcconnell said in an interview on the hue, Hewett show trumpets gonna come under sharp criticize. The nation slow response to the spreading pandemic aspire.
Before the shortage of corona virus testing gets when the virus first spread to the? U S and that's about it, they they show much Mcconnell point and he's right. You know why Nancy Lucy, and these other Democrats are absolutely obsessed with the orange man instead of the problems facing our country and the world. If you want to actually help american people, stop pretending that all of your price Arms are rooted in Donald Trump, real, clear politics policy will need after action review of Trump Corona virus response, as the president fiddles people are dying said similar to the main story. Just another quote that wasn't included. What's an after can review is that it is the threat of an investigation, you're gonna, dig into other Donald Trump Dino delayed things on purpose or why things were slow, and now I dont want to deal with this man. You know what the Democrats need to get their head out of the sand and pay attention. What's going on in this country They are self owning with this one.
Seem to realise, because otherwise the Democrats that made this problem, what it is deplorable, haunted by weeks old, tweet urging people to get out on the town despite the corona virus. Now I know build applause. Yo is not a congressional Democrat, but he was running for president. So far at a past, the blamed anybody we can talk about Donald Trump, starting a task force in January. Or we can talk about the plaza in March, telling people to go out and live your life normal get out of the town and now New York is the hardest hit city in the nation or that it's the epicenter, so while New York Flounders and they blame Trump for the four what's going on, who s the reality, is you ve got local governments the blame for this? As well and while Donald Trump was warning us besides it may have been. He was still ahead of the plaza and, more importantly, still ahead of Joe Biden, here's a tweet from January twenty Eightth Joe Biden, says: let's number one thing when it comes to impeachment. Donald Trump is on trial because is afraid of
against me. He knows I'll beat him this November. A day later, Donald Trump form a task force to deal the krona virus day after that Joe Biden once again was tweeting about getting trump out of the White House. Why wasn't Joe Biden talking about do the krona virus pandemic? Donald Trump had just formed a taskforce, and a day after this sweet Donald Trump restricted travel from China. You can call it slope. He did something, at least so. Let's say that's. Let's say you really think trumpet a bad job. You have to at least recognise the Democratic did a worse job. Andrew Cuomo, resisted, locking down New York told by them, it'll, get real, build applause, YO and the more on March. Third, I believe it was was saying: go on Party Donald Trump had already form a task force at that point, not a perfect response, but they did worse Joe Biden treated in February first were in the midst of a crisis. With the krona virus? Okay, so a day after Donald Trump Richard to travel, but then he's gonna call
tramper xenophobic, hysterical fearmongering. Now some people have argued that simply by calling Trump Xenophobic, he wasn't actually saying trumpet anything wrong, but I disagree Are you saying that when Trump calls out travel from China, if the eurobonds can immediately come out and say xenophobic, I think we know what job and is criticising take a look at this on another very first by slams Trump response of the corona virus epidemic. This is no time for fishermen. Was it fearmongering to restrict travel from China Doktor Fouch, he praised the move? Was it fearmongering or was the right call? I defer to the scientists. I defer the doctors who said it was the right call. So no Joe Biden, thank you for China, throw wrench into the spokes of what tromp was trying to pull off by calling it fearmongering, but it still got done anyway, bite it. On March, eighteenth, stop the xenophobic fearmongering, be honest. This response today I'll drop, saying I always try to our treated the These virus very seriously, and I've done a very good job. From the beginning, including my
early decision to close the borders from China against the wishes of almost all many lives were saved. The fake news, narrative is disgraceful and false. Now some people believe that Joe Biden referring to Trump card at the chinese virus and I sense a fair assessment, but also think it's a fair assessment that he's saying everything. Trump just said: Billina Phobic Joey's As you can see him as the top response sang Democrats more about the name of the virus and the people dying. So it was perceived. That's you know, Joe Biden was critical of everything will offer this way. I think Joe Biden was being critical of of whatever tromp was saying. So if you wanna again criticise Donald Trump Joe by was dragging him down. Should he be the leader, I don't think so, but instead A wall will not stop the virus. Banning all travel from Europe or any other part of the world will not stop it. This disease could emerge every nation and any person on the planet, and we need a plan to combat it. Ok, if you don't like trumps response, tell me you think buttons response would have been better if Nancy Plus, you want to come out, Blaine trumpets any too horrible job,
Ok, then you know you have that you use your opportunity in November is vote for somebody to Tibet Job Donald Trump or someone who do an absolutely worse job and Joe Biden- is that what you really want? No, I think that makes no sense. Take a look at what the Republicans were actually going and the story got very little fanfare. Geo p senator calls for travel ban to stop corona virus spread, spread. Bravo good, Sir Senator! cotton. My friends were sending me this viral video of Tom cotton. Talking about the seriousness of the pending, in January and Facebook was apparently moving on. I know exactly what happened, but bore saying shares your messages. Facebook, we'll take it down. Senator Tom cotton is calling for the Trump Administration to implement a targeted travel ban. Stop the spread of a corona virus from China and the legal, they even called it a corona virus. It was such a non issue for the media and for most people,
that when someone Republican came out early and said, listen, we need to shut things down. It's gonna get bad, they said. What's a corona virus at an even call it the corona virus, just funny in a letter to members of Trumps Cabinet, Tuesday, cotton set, it may be too late for China to contain the virus than its borders and called for a ban on all commercial flights in the? U S in China. Cotton said: U S. Citizens living in China should have the option to return to America, but only under appropriate elevated monitoring. This dude was well above everyone else, including Donald Trump, so we can look at the response from Republicans not great but pretty good, especially Tom cotton. What about Democrats, they pushed lies at the time that Trump had hindered our ability to fight this. We were twenty six. The associated Press of the Democrats were distorting the krona virus readiness in information. Now this is back when they are a bit more candidates, but they were pushing fake news,
rising Americans up into believing nonsense? Well, You can blame the media to so my respected associate press for calling this out, but take a look at this. I love this story. I love showing it get a grip America. The flu is a much bigger threat than corona virus. For now I write all except there for now for now, but it's true that when Donald Trump was taken his actions, we have an bed from the New York Times, it's really interesting. They mention that many liberals were reticent to give Donald Trump and populists fuel by by claiming they were. They were correct about the krona virus. You see something interesting happened early on Republicans and conservatives were waving warning flags about the krona virus, including Donald Trump, even though he did and up downplaying it. A bit later on perhaps it was because we want to prevent panic. I dont know, but something happened after they start. You know Tom cotton comes out and says: hey we gotta do this. The media just hate that they do or problem
and are always wrong. Orangemen is always bad. So a bunch of stories like this come out get a grip. The flu is much worse about this, one from Buzzfeed on January- Twenty- Ninth- don't worry about it around a virus, worry about the flu. How horror, finally irresponsible? They could not give Trump even one day as mates oversight This is proof he said in response to trumps and operate in the Middle EAST when he got rid of a really bad man, though it. But the UNAIDS silver said that liberals really can't give Trump one good day. Candy. Twenty ninth Donald Trump formed the task force, and this is what Buzzfeed had to say- was up didn't between I've, not to worry about it yet because as always wrong right. They go if the media, I've just been honest from the Gatt go. Maybe this would have happened if the Democrats, wart impeaching, the president, may be what we would have been more prepared. And that's why I want to go anywhere near the Democrats, because I see what they're going to do with their power policies already calling for another review.
See it on analysed, ripped for saying TAT, corona virus task forces to white January thirty. First, you kidding me. Yeah well, they were trying to teach him everything about what he did was wrong. Everything and you know what to this day, it still is. I do not trust any of these. But they are a chaotic, destructive force that care not for any structure. They don't care for the safety of people. I made us all a bit hyperbolic. I think they probably care they probably care about the immediate safety of people. I think that's fair, say, unaids important. We do together to a certain degree, but gotta call it out. Work needs to be called out. All they do is right stories. That Trump is wrong They say that it is part of our task forces to white. They say to ignore it, because it's not a problem- and then months later they say Donald Trump didn't do enough. Well, maybe you watching your news programme, here's what happened As I mentioned earlier, liberals don't wanna, give populist and the conservatives credit or fuel, so they immediately.
Inverted the narrative saying now: it's not a big deal. All the flu is worse and then they couldn't deny it. It started getting bad and tromp started buying their narrative. All of a sudden trucks- heart sank similar things like it just like the flu. Yet the media was pumping the stuff out. Even Fox news start picking up. It's weird others chain shifted from Tom Cottons early warning to an inversion from both sides, but the fact remains: trumped still did more, but as soon as trunk came out and sad, we got under control, evidence can be fun the media flat and that's how this plays out all they do. Is they report? Something actually is a really good example. I covered this omission gentle early morning, Andrew Cuomo, on March six said that masks were being stolen. I'm like a lot unease doctor the police to investigate who is selling mask, to figure out where they were going. Donald Trump yesterday said, who knows it's happening may something. Nefarious may be worse than hoarding, implying potential theft. The media runs Cuomo story, uncritically
tromp, then seasoned says: maybe people are stealing and then immediately come out. They come out Nicole, trumpet conspiracy. Theorist was pushing licence and besmirching the good name of nurses who can never even brought it up. That's the game, the media place. He comes out and says we're and take care the krona virus. So they say no, deal then tromp says it's no big deal, then they say troms lying and wrong and he's gonna get everyone killed. Then Trump comes out and they say you're too late. Well, you know what man Trump is right to call the fake news by thing. It's not fair to say he does by into what they say decently decently, often maybe he shouldn't. Maybe we should all ignore them. More even to this day I want out. I will I would like to point out the media and these these pundits and has left us in his democrats. Just wanna watch it all burn. I can conclude nothing else of many of these people, all of them not all of them as it's a small few group of lunatics it to be called out, I was I was actually are. I thought it was a great thing when my pillow,
I might lyndal changed. Swatch swift up his factories are producing p p, protect personal protective equipment masks. Far, frontline medical workers awesome same as many other country, our company My understanding is that new balance, I think, is doing the same thing. Might my respect to my admiration, all these companies that are joining the effort to help fight this virus, one of which is MIKE Dela, the my pillow guy he's got an amazing story. It's a redemption store used to be an attic and he turned his life around. He found God and now he's running. A successful company is bells, a pretty good. I gotta say I like his billows. Ok, I got one it's a good billow, admittedly I'm not a super religious person. He can do his things, America, by all means, and Donald Trump, invited him up to the podium to speak. And the media just torn to shreds as it why this guy just just joined the effort to help save lives. If he wants to go up and say a prayer and praise trump, that's fine! I don't I don't care, it is his ease, help it and what is wrong,
with these people man. You know what this to me says that there are many pundits who really just don't care about anyone or anything there sociopaths that their policy to feel the same way. I don't care who tromp wants to bring up. Of course you wants to praise a guy who likes him. Michael endows a conservative christian guy. He runs ads on Fox NEWS all the time I dont care. That's a normal part of life. There are a lot of people who, like the guy, because he makes good pillows whatever I dont, know, or care for the most part about his opinions. All I know is that he's using his resources to help us my respect, you wanna believe in God go to church go for it, not Nagano Beef, its awesome, as in fact I support your right to do so protected under the first amendment, but the media batches of mainstream media mocks Whitehouse appearance of my pillow guy, MIKE Lyndal, does my contribution to virus fight and makes me want to barf his ears, this guy say he's gonna put himself in this fight to do the right thing, and this is the respect he gets. Why? Because?
he's on the right? How do you expect any anyone to do the right thing to to stand up and join you in agreement when this is what you do? How can you expect Trump and other Republicans to think the media is telling the truth when this is what they do. I said it over and over again. If someone has done something wrong in the past, I will give them an opportunity to redeem themselves because we want them to do the right thing if Only tell some. If you tell someone, no matter what you do, we will never accept you, then why would they bother trying to be accepted? Meeting, why were they bother doing the right thing now turn around and go just go to the dark side not If there is someone who, I think he's got a bad opinion or as a bad person and then does something good, I will praise the goods they please do more of this. That includes Nancy Palacio, cause your Cortez WAR and anybody else and I've given them credit, especially right.
Oh I'll, get a shot at two Scarborough Scarborough MSNBC. Although is not perfect, he has given the true given tromp a few pieces of praise, overtaking the right action and that's the right attitude criticise the president all day and night with my blessing, but if he does something good point out why it was good and then we can move on. But if Michael Indo is going to turn his factories into mass production and even if he gets slammed in smeared, why would anyone bother listening to anything these people have to say they won't, though disregarded they'll? Think it's a hoax and say no matter what we do. They call us wrong when Tromp agrees. Its wrongly disagrees. It's wrong.
When, when the people we like start taking start making up medical equipment for them, they mark and but little them, I don't. I don't like the direction the stuff goes. So let me read this up why? I think it was a glorious cellphone, because tromp has done more he's done more, even if it wasn't enough, then Joe Biden or the Democrats did because never forget, while the wild, but while Donald Trump did a little bit travel restrictions and the task force and the task forces working on us fouche, you seem to be a good. Did people like him, they were just screeching impeachment and bind. Was twinning about climate age so yeah, maybe maybe you know if you live in a glass house, you should throw stones policy and other wanna do another investigation. You know I'm so over this next segments coming up at six p m youtube com slashed him cast news. Thanks, ran up and I'll see you all. Then. Nearly one hundred thousand people sign petition calling for and to live coverage of trunks, corona virus briefings and that in and of itself is insane. Why would you
the media to stop covering what the present is saying if the press, and is lying. Don't you think it's important you know he's lying is what a plug your ears and say la la la over again, it's not gonna make them go away, theirs, one reason why there's really two reasons why people do not. To see Donald drops. Press briefings aired on tv. The first is that they just can't accept reality. They don't want to hear that. I want to see him there's like no he's not my present. I refuse to accept at me who the other People knows that its helping tromp, because the american people are starting to break through the lies from the media. Oh you're, in for a treat today, I will this morning in a fairly good mood, as I usually do- and I are for Now, due to wake up, I put my phone and I'm browsing through ready and non twitter and I come across some tweets and some posts, and what do we find what's that, the media is lying again. Oh gee whiskers see they're lying about back in early March, Andrew Cuomo. The governor of New York said that people are stealing masks and other story
That problem is lying in presenting conspiracy theories without evidence that people are stealing MAX. I have talked about this over and over again it's what they do. They report story trouble say: did you hear they're doing this thing and then they'll immediately come out and say the exact opposite is insane or what there's so much more. These hundred Thousand people clearly are not in the majority, because most people approve of the president, and I do not Many of you may have seen this Paul already, but I'm showing it now as a sort of like it. It's it's cathartic a bit to rub it in the face of all of these people who lie in the media to deceive for whatever reason for their agenda in the past eight poles, Donald Trump Has majority support what I can say in seven.
Of the last eight poles. Donald Trump has majority support and one of those that the other one of the eight is a tie. So it's all still really good news for the President, who is enjoying a fifty point. Five percent approval writing and a forty five point. Four percent disapproval writing in dealing with vicarage virus pandemic. Most Americans are watching with the president has to say, and they appreciate what he is doing and its cutting through Yes, so naturally, you ve got the activists and politicians, the poet, the political atmosphere, politicians for out saying? Oh no people. Starting to realise that the Orangemen isn't that bad? What do we do shot him down or lie there? I all the time- and you know it's happening because there so much going on so fast like the joke, wheat, the joke, we were making other than the pie gases that, like March, felt like a year in unto itself. It's like marched ninety seven thats. How many days are in this month, because so much crazy stuff has been going on and it just it's really long right
Well, because of this, the new cycle has no choice but to call the orange man Baron literally everything he does, or I should say they always do that. But when the new cycle is drawn out over a month or two, thus story in January and it also Orange man likes the color blue and that in trouble the mountains- I actually you know, I really do light blue and then we'll come out and say Blue is the worst thing a month later. So what happens as people might see the story in January. Forget about it and then, a month later, story, which is completely inverted now what's happening, because they have to say the Orange man is bad every single day and trot talks every single day. The stories are becoming a garbled massive mishmash nonsense. Let me just give you a really really great example. This story from March People are stealing masks and other medical equipment from hospitals, New York, Governor Cuomo, says Cuomo, who also touted the potential prospect of a hydroxyl clerk when, as it through my
treatment, is a hero. I say because the media says he is trying to stop these deaths. In fact, he actually says it's not just people too. A couple or three I mean just actual thefts of those products. I have asked the state police investigation. Look at the place that are selling masks medical equipment, protective. Where feeding the anxiety, that's right, Cuomo Cuomo thinks Perhaps people are stealing these mask. Somehow some honesty, is masks and selling them after market for profit. Now Cuomo offered up no evidence, so Cuomo without evidence claimed masks were being stolen. My absolute ever it this is. This is this, is it looks so glorious tromp could help solve them. Problem instead he's making basis Attacks on New York, nurses, Trump is making up, can speak, Missy theories about mask thefts instead of using the GPA to produce more use me their mandatory
isn't an authoritarian, and I mean it. They want Trump tee to invoke the defence production act to force companies not manufactured asked no, they dont their long. You know I might glinda the my pillow guy. Ok, he's the guys he's the guy you see on tv or, if you listen, a pandora that pops best pillow you'll ever sleep with, and there actually pretty good pillows, I might add, but anyway, this guy gape he's switches, production line to start making masks. Bravo good sword. Thank you for joining effort to help fight this pandemic and what they do. They make fun of him and they make fun of Trump. They don't care about. Those are actually doing well. They're. Just crazy people who can only lets Tweedle, be entreated them sit there laughin glued Orangemen his bed. So when trumped went well Cuomo comes out and says: the masks you know are missing there being stolen and then Trump repeats, Miller things in the same month? They call Trump a liar, but here is the best part vocs
has no choice but to admit it hit. Look at this headline. Tromp is made. You know, baseless attacks on New York, nurses, I gotta be honest trump. I dont think you never said anything about nurses eat it aided and they have the quote near and it just an overt lie. A conspiracy theory about mask that's interesting. The quote is here that Europe he'll hear their quoting Trump and for the courts as something is going on. And you want to look into look into it as reporters where the masks going. Are they going at the back door? How do you go from ten thousand three hundred thousand and we have a lot of different place so somebody should probably look into that, because I just don't see from a practical standpoint, how that's possible to go from that. To that We have been happening in numerous places, not to the extent that was the high number I've heard to make sure was understood. The present later underscored is claimed by saying I don't think it's hoarding. I think. Maybe it's worse than hoarding did he say the words Lord nurse. In there they actually say: nurses are stealing masks now it in- and I quote, but of course to Box
a baseless conspiracy theory on attack on New York nurses. These people are despicable, but I love this check. This out now, if you go half way down the article vocs as it It is true that some New York medical professionals have admitted, as a few destroyed Nick Brown and Joseph acts that they have resorted. Stealing protective year, but now, resell and not running to various purpose, only so that they can keep working. While protecting themselves and their patients, when you steal, masks your stealing them from other doctors and nurses. Who do you think stealing the masks from the people who need them because I would like them more than someone out? So yes, if you have a bunch of masks- and there like these master, for these people and you go in and take them for yourself. That's called stealing did Trump in that quote anywhere- say their selling these things he didn't he. Maybe something worse. Maybe it's worse than hoarding. It was Cuomo who said
it was Cuomo who said, I want the police to investigate where these sales are going and look at this stuff. Vox is claiming conspiracy and I have put on the article actually saying: actually it's true other so much more there's so much more for me to show you check out the story from Buzzfeed, As we go back to the original topic and I'm out of the vagueness, these people are saying: please please stop airing old trucks, press that's already been kidding, took us out Jane Lynch I dont know why she's a relevant you know in terms of the corona virus. What you said, please stop covering trumps briefings and rallies. Please, please, all so poor baby, ok I'll, tell you what You got a problem with what trumpet saying when he speculate sunshine, whoa most sat at the end of the month. Can I easily just point out Buzzfeed said this: don't worry about that? the virus worry about the flu known and unknown. Busby was dead wrong and this tweet is still up.
How many people lost their lives, because Buzzfeed and many other people were downplaying the virus. You know what I'm things actually fair to say that by making a point every body downplayed the virus. Initially, I didn't like January twenty third and though A few days I started to change my tune, but I'm not perfect either. I am deserving of criticism in the same regard as everybody else and Donald Trump, on the twenty ninth when the task force and sure enough. They say no, no, no doubt dough, ignore it and then now there actually running stories. If you go to like our slash politics on red it, where they're saying that Fox NEWS is worried that downplaying the krona virus opens them up to legal liability Are you sure, and the Washington Post is to Washington Post on February with what stories and get a grip America, the flu is worse for now or some like that Buzzfeed said: don't worry about it they put out. So much misinformation early on saying, ignore it, ignore it's not a big deal and you actually
on Twitter sang China just lock down their entire country. Are you not? Are you paying attention what's going on but speeds like whatever there is a mean going around it's kind of a mean. It's a collage of all of these other fake news, articles gobbled up with fake news about how people downplay Iris sought, so maybe I should make try making the point the reason why people want tromp shut down. First, they have no idea what's going on and they just believe like they have no memory. To its mind. Coming to me that these people can't remember anew store that came out a week before and they believe what Lie is put on the tv or online the next day. Cuomo says they're still am masks for Trump conspiracy theory, but all that bad. Some people actually calling this out This is Dylan Stable furred for Yahoo NEWS, and I think this is a respectable article. He says Trump Cuomo, the mystery of the missing masks. It's the same story, president trope on Sundays.
Actuated that New York state hospitals are running short of respirator masks to protect doctors and nurses. Kroner virus because supplies are being stolen. I read you the go out, how do you go from ten thousand? Twenty thousand ripe trunk did not elaborate on what gave his rise gave rise to his suspicion, nor did Trump elaborate and who is taking them where they were going, why they were being stolen this that they were met, draw this ain't, a press briefing and New York Governor Andrew I was asked to responded. Trumps comments. I don't know what that means. Sad, I dont know what he's trying to say. If you want to make an accusation, then let us make accusation, but early this month, Cuomo himself, so that people were stealing face masks and other medical equipment from area hospitals, hospital patients, Boston and elsewhere have reported similar thefts. Tromp was right spills in Boston and elsewhere have reported similar facts Is the media going to shut up no they're, not it's what they do is what they're all about a lot.
This one Oliver Darcy of CNN tweets Trump is so isolating at Fox NEWS, Brien's dealt reports as the crisis, deep. Under the death toll has risen trumps. Only national tv interviews have been with Fox news. You know why the media. We must stop airing trumps, press events, how many articles popped up from these from his various outlets, like the daily beast, NBC Msnbc that are saying it's time to stop this Rachel NATO saying we cannot showed, is press and then trumps. Ok, fine I'll go to the one network that actually, like Fox so that likes me at least and now they're like what tromp only going on Fox NEWS, because told into because you literally said you're gonna stop covering his events. So is like ok, Vine Fox NEWS. Seems like me right, so the fake news rates a man into a CBS Bs, the american people, trust tromp slightly more than the national media. For
it was the incessant orangemen bad screeching over the past several years, or perhaps it the dozens of scandals that turned out to be fake news? I'm sorry, if you ve seen this stuff before, but I want to point out that this is like, so it's an emotional release, Thomas, it's therapeutic for me to show these stats. What oh, who do you trust and not trust, to give you act, information but the virus and what did during the outbreak. Donald Trump has forty four percent and the national media has forty three percent. Are that feel so good? It feels good not because I think Trump is telling the truth. To be honest, not really, I just know that often trumpets wrong is and I know that often he makes in not an irrelevance statement here Maybe people still maskers something and it's like a gay and what what else? That's fine? He can say it I'll, and that's that that's me, the media lies though they lie all the time. According to a Gallup poll, the approval rating for tromp is sixty per
and the media is like forty four percent, and that also makes me feel good because you know look. I worked for these, companies I see how the system works, I said: is people lie how they will they will pump out. Conch victory articles that make no sense? I can you not see b c Company so CNBC, MSNBC and NBC I believe, are all part of the same parent and b c. They are different but NBC as they are the ones who reported what Cuomo and many people reported. This saves money, I would say, almost ass being stolen, NBC right now says Trump is making it up. The trumps baseless claim that's NBC and this This brings me back to the initial story. This is why people want trumps press briefings removed because they are bleating sheep who don't pay attention to these, have no idea what's going on. And they are being led by nefarious actors who are lying, and then you end up with these celebrities, who think their opinion matters in I'll be honest to an extent typing. It doesn't even better.
But outside, as it matter substantially more than Jane lunches opinion. Why? Not? Because better than her anything I mean juncture, I think she's. Actually you pretty cool actress. I like them, she's, been an that's. That's fine, but she's innocent in in a world not unto her expertise it Not her understanding of the media or politics that sheet that she has expertise on June actor actress, whatever the appropriate, politically correct term. These days. She argues in movies. If you wanted to talk about you know the casting INA, how casting have We are working with an agent or how to make a proper movie or good, directing I'd, be like yeah yeah. I have no idea if you're tellin me, like a certain angled work, better, some Laguna about movies or like a better way, to distribute thumbs literally anything having two movies. Her opinion is way above mine. I defer to her when it comes to politics. My opinion is not paramount by no means but this is more of my room, journalism and media. So now I dont respect her opinion when
comes out and says: please shut down trumps events. That is insane it's wrong, even if the present is lying. We should. See what he is saying, but of course it's the media that's lying in. We can all see through it. You know what how much it matters, because, admittedly, all our other choir, to whom I am preaching and its unfortunate I don't know how you get the the word out to people to let him know like it. You can see just How insane all of this is. Let me let me go to my twitter. We did this one out, I said. Excuse me what the f People are stealing masks and other medical equipment from hospitals, Governor Como, says March Sixth, and here's one from the thirtieth Cuomo and new costs between reject trumps claims masks going out the back door. The president offered no Evan. To back his suggestion of something nefarious, what what? What would neither did Cuomo Your Cuomo never gave evidence and they said nothing, it's this its absolute despicable and then
out of the box and just find it funny that VOX is like it's a conspiracy theory now. It is true, though, by which I mean but change your headline. This what's called drifting, it's a drifter vocs Dot com knows for a fact that masks were be. Stolen allegations that they know Andrew Continent. I'm sorry they do not affect its true Reuters people told em. Journalists know for a fact that people are stealing masks voice. Ass weasels, their way into an inverted headline, claiming it's not true and then later on, saying it is true, truly site to behold. There accusing President Donald Trump of using each briefings alive campaign rally. The petition, which is published on move on, ask CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC and PR and Fox NEWS to consider what it is necessary to live stream. The trumps press briefings in full president trumpet lightning using the news organisations, extensive, live coverage to freely campaign for a second term
it is wrong and dangerous and there they admitted they don't actually care about misinformation. They don't care about the corona virus. They care that Donald Trump has a direct pipeline to the african people, and when they hear what he has to say they like it? Well, that's reality. If Trump is doing things that people like then Trump deserves to get reelected and you can go cry home and screech again, like you didn't twenty sixteen if Trop says things that people don't like, and I certainly criticized Semitism response. The krona virus, along with the media, especially everyone's deserving of criticism. No one's perfect now build the plaza, gets more blame then trump. In China gets almost all of it. To be fair. I, like I do want to say as much as I ll be very critical of the plaza critical of than ill less open, can we actually think almost earn a decent job and then less so critical of trump China gets almost all of it like scale of you know China. China gets ninety five, some of the blame. Unlike build a blog, it's three percent I'll admit
and he did a really bad job in New York. But if China had been honest from they get go, we wouldn't be in this mess and everybody at the time was downplaying it. Now the plaza downplayed for much longer than most other people, even the president. So you know take afforded but we can see it right here. The goal of the petition is not to stop Trump from lying or anything like that. They're just freaking out Tromp is going to win, I'm sorry, it's just reality even with a new Paul, ok, this adjusted his cronies. Separating there was a new path. That came out that actually had Trump negative, but it still, he still maintained his highest approval running over forty seven point: three percent, its general approach. So, even though some people are still negative on him and his disapproval, writing is still there's approval rating is approval thing- is higher than has ever been his approval ready. Grown a virus is above water by by five point one points, five points and their forget that they have nothing
They were an article someone what an article saying stay alive, Joe Biden and what they were claiming the articles, Has nothing going form boring, low energy and dissolving, but he's alive, I. Could you not exactly what this hour on? That's, not a joke and its at all, they need is corporate. His all they need is his cup corporeal presence, because people hate trump that much. This is why their freaking out people are now cutting through the fake news, their seeing what Trump has to say and the like not bad. When you only get everyone, you get all your news filtered through the media. This is what you get. You get Andrew Cuomo the great here. Who has done the same things Trop Ass Cuomo has called revelling economy or questioned whether it should be closed in the first place he held off. I actually shutting things down in New York and locked saying get. Really we not gonna do it. He started this
medication hydrochloric when it does it through my son and wants to implement tests, and now we have been talking about stealing mess all of these things he was never never attacked for in the media. Tromp on the exact same things has been lit a flame by the press. Saying he's the worst thing ever so you know trumped does Trump go and gives a press briefing and the ratings are through the roof. You know my Americans want to know what's happening, and now the lefty activists are having shaking in their boats. Oh no true, when, because people actually like you know ever ever, think yourself in realised the job of the press is to convey information and if the press conveys what Trump Sazen people
like it and they vote for him. That's literally how it's supposed to work. What they're saying right here is that they want to cheat the saying we can't play fair. Please cheat it's what they ve done, the whole time electoral college, and now this there's a lot more I'll leave it where it is. Thanks, ran up I'll, have more segments coming up later today. Next, at one p m and I'll see you all them with hearing about political bickering between trumpet Andrew Cuomo. Cuomo has been saying that they need more ventilators and trump isn't sending enough trumpet said that call, I was gonna stockpile than Qualmless attaboy yeah. We do have meant a stockpile european videos of people hospitals that art, particularly busy but is true that there are many hospitals that are being overloaded, and we have seen some their horrifying videos of people on structures being loaded into trucks because they need to make make shift more a body tat. Protection for people who are losing their lives, the latest outside
in the past twenty four hours hundred forty two people have died in New York City. Another reason I tell you this is because health and why Gov has announced that all low income emigrants, regardless of status, have access to covet nineteen testing evaluation entreaty, as services covered by emergency Medicaid. We then have a, I think we can see from New York and why I see dot org that they are now. You can get care. New York City, regardless of immigration status or ability to pay. Let me just put this in. Simple terms that will make money on the left angry with me. If you're, an illegal immigrant New York is allowing you access to their healthcare system. This I find to be first irksome It is frustrating to see, but before I get into my complaints about overlooking the healthcare system, and these utopian dreams of universal health care. I must say- illegal immigrants who are coming to the hospital must receive treatment and care
their lives, must be saved because the life of an individual is is paramount. What is an illegal immigrant, they shop and say I wanna get tested, and I want lifesaving treatment I believe it is a moral imperative that we actually give them that treatment, because I dont think for the time right now, we're gonna be bickering about politics when someone's life is on the line. That being said, there is a more pragmatic reason why we must do this to prevent the spread to other people. So right now we have an unfortunate circumstance, our hospitals are being overloaded and there are many. But who are not citizens who are essentially jumping the line getting at to our lifesaving treatment? And while for that, for the time being, I am not going to complain, you know, and I would never go on individual, who is an illegal immigrant. India like I can't believe this person is getting driven out in no way. Absolutely not I actually demand the doctors going saved our lives? We can complain about the politics of it after the fact, but I believe there
he'll, be a reckoning in New York City to a certain degree, maybe I'm wrong to people's M wrong, but I think we're gonna see a lot of people change their tunes in the coming year or years. How many people in New York or denied treatment. Many are Many are saying, is difficult, even get tests, some people are turned away. There's a twitter threat, Somebody said they were coughing blood and that was considered mild and the doktor said we have too many patients and we can't take care of you. HU, as a tax paying american citizen have been displaced by non citizens, and while we can absolutely separate to the individual and the circumstance of today from what we need to do in the future, we need to assess whether or not we can sustain infinite population growth we can't Healthcare system is finite for the time being, as all state one a million times. It is a moral imperative to say the lives saved the lives of everyone, so I'm not necessarily critical of what than Europe
government is saying the same. Common will treat you it's important to stop the spread of the virus. So, yes, please do so in the future. However, we need to address the circuit this, the situation We have many people who have waited in line who come are our legal visa holders? As tourists are students we have permanent residents and green card or green card holders, and we have U S citizens. These people will be displaced because of non citizens who jump The line I ll just give you a very simple reason why this is a problem. It instead devise as everyone else to ignore the line we have people come this country and who are born in this country working within the rules, hoping they will have access to healthcare. We then have people who come either the last year or few years who break the law was enter illegally and then displaced people from the health care system. So its kind, Look man! If someone came to my door and they were starving. Unfortunately, you can't give em food. It's like listen man. We only have so much we ve taken. You know we have the food for our family in our friends.
We decided to give the food. Everybody would have no food for anybody. Then everyone would die. It's like they say you must secure the fact. You must secure your own face mask before trying to secure the mask of other people sitting next to us and to tell you in an airplane right, so ridiculous, here and then move on to a bigger issue. As we deal with the idea of universal health care, so we have seen Bernie Sanders on many. I that they would grant access to illegal immigrants to our health care system. When I started to realize why that's not sustainable our healthcare are both are over run. How can you justify this again? I will stress Zadig for the time being ass. We must save lives, but in the future we cannot allow this. We know that we need border security now, because people people spread the virus and if people are coming to southern border, they might actually have covered and make the problem worse for US
and it's not just the: U S is closing borders. It's like everyone, we're even seeing border checkpoints between states. That's how serious it is. This is going to set us back to beyond before the nineteen fifty wearing go back in time. If people don't realize how serious these issues are, why we need to make sure everyone has access to health care for those that are members of our community right, if you don't realize this and were in serious trouble. These way, to put it is imagined. Imagine like you pay insurance, because you want to access to lifesaving care and then one day you shut, say we're not gonna give it to you, because someone just shut up from from one town over. I would give it to him and you're like the dude, who is this person? They haven't paid into the system, one of the good access to something that I'm paying for support, it's gonna displaced people and then I'll tell you what A lot of people have died in New York, nearly a thousand, and there is going people who lost their mothers, their fathers, their friends- and there is our asking questions: why were the hospitals overloaded? Let's take a look at the numbers
and why see corner virus cases? Nine thirty! I am today March thirty. First, nine hundred and thirty two deaths a hundred forty people since ten Thirty eight I'm yesterday, so the daily deaf count is going down a little bit. That's good Forty thousand nine hundred confirmed cases up about thirteen percent and you ve got the majority in Brooklyn, and I so the majority in queens and then the next largest in Brooklyn we were concerned about the rest of these numbers, but the point is New York. Seems to have a handle on things to a certain degree, and hopefully things get better. This actually good news, because we had the other day, I think, is a hundred seventy seven deaths. So if they want to use reaching complain any more ventilators? They got a bunch in a warehouse if their expecting a larger peak. It looks like there actually getting a handle on things is good news. Ok, but let's talk about, universal Healthcare, the bigger issue I see with universal health care isn't necessarily that people will come from other countries cross our borders and then,
need access to it. Because again I want to stress, you know: there's a difference. Bring someone coming here to just get it like. You know you could cross the border right right now right there was a bill passed in California. That's had people under twenty six that are non citizens, we'll get access to govern. Funded healthcare. So, what's to stop someone from Mexico finding a way to cross the border because their sick and then go into our already strain hospitals. Why do we but why are we all under quarantine? Why are we being told we can't go out but then Workin allow non citizens get access to our resources. I can't believe they're demanding, I sacrifice I dont go to the movies I dont go to the store. I have to give up on all the things I enjoy and then we're we're we're now catering to people who are not part of this community. Who could pretend, we make this worse? It's it's! It's a serious moral and ethical conundrum. When we can see this video and we can see what their issues with universal after you seat, I'd I'd love nothing more than to make sure everyone gets access to lifesaving.
Hence, but it's not like we're in Elysium that movie where they had a machine. It is lion and owed magically cure you in that we for some reason ripple just didn't, want people to get treatment. That's really how many of these progressives view the world. They think lifesaving care is infinite and we should give Medicare too everyone and everyone can go to school. It's like dude. The occupancy of that building is a couple thousand. But how do you give schooling, everybody the occupants? The hospital is a couple thousand people and there's only so many doctors to do the job. It's not possible can't be done, but another problem and that's people who just don't care look I'm being told to be responsible, and I am we're not going out unless it's, absolutely aside. Essential reasons are the most part we got anywhere granted. I have a house and Ivan yards when it really need to me which, on things, are all right, but there are many people who don't care, they don't take their health seriously and they want me to pay for that's a serious problem. I dont think the private healthcare system is great. I think we got a weird mishmash, broken system of weird govern regulations, jacked up prices
and it's not straightforward. I'm a lot of problems with it, but in this video, easy Stanley Roberts so. Stanley, I believe, is a is a journalist, verified twitter users, says: let's check and on east going to see how the shelter in places going face palm ike- I guess we can this as a reason as recent number forty. Why aliens will never invent one two three four: why aliens will never invade earth courtesy, DNA City on Instagram, and yes, it's over of people in Oakland. Having a major gaffer, written and doing d what's in the middle of the street and partying these people politic see many people one spring break got sick. Our know how here. It is a logical Unita. Stand. Is that that those are the rate of people who get severe cases in like New York? Is fifteen percent, so you'll see a lot of mild cases? Some people get more severe cases, but on actually about the hospital so hard to know
I'll bet it really as? But if you wanted universe log, where are you are you gonna be happy paying? For that I mean they were advise they were warned and they were going to pull. Do not do this and its being overlooked, its being completely ignored, they just go on party and so what, when they get sick, it's coming on us to pay for all this. This is the main problem. Look if you're, how starts on fire we On a put the fire out, typically their accidents- I guess, if someone is burning, their house down we'll be grudgingly go to put their fire out like we're. Gonna do with these. We want to get sick if they get when a role our eyes would be all right. We don't want a virus spread, so we have to help them, but it's it's unfortunate that these people would actually make the problem worse and clubs This number doesn't that it's a similar argument, like you ve, got people more morbidly obese overweight, were very unhealthy and require medical treatment and the universe Healthcare system is gonna pay for all that, and the people more fit responsible have to pay for it. Therein lies the big problem that that I would have to pay for people who are irresponsible. I actually like the idea of social programmes and I really like the idea of universe.
Of care, but unless we can figure out how to deal with this, how can we ever possibly have it? There are pending? of sad. But maybe what you do is you know you, young people, take a physical fitness tasks. Are some and I'm one man, it's rough. Aren't you maintain that we're not people who violate quarantines and gone party and get sick? This is the promise. Why doesn't work? We d be responsive, for ourselves, and it also happened in New York, the daily mail reports, what happened to lockdown disbelief as crowds gather to watch one thousand? add Navy hospital ship. U S, s come our comfort arrive in Manhattan to us, What kind of ours outbreak is? applause? Your warns people may be fine five hundred dollars for not staying on. Look at these photos. Look at all these huge it's getting. What are you doin? Nobody cares nobody's paying attention yet New York, where there are overloaded they're just
ignoring all of these, these rules in everything. Yet there are other people who, like you know what men look good for yourself if you dont get. If you want avoid getting sick and getting something, that's gonna, be copper blood, potentially don't go out, these people certainly don't care. They wanna go see the ship as it arrives. So this look man I don't see how you can claim the universal health care will be tenable when you have people across the country in various committees completely ignoring this and advocating for open borders and new Yorkers, saying oh by the way we're gonna give illegal immigrants access to healthcare system. Stan why they have to do it right now and they probably always have to do it. So the bigger issue is: how do we prevent people from coming? Here to exploit our health care system and how do we, Regular people treat these things seriously so that our health care system does an overload with these photos meant a fairly the police had to come and First. All of these crowds is at it, they wanted see this big hospital ship arriving a bunch of people. I can't you know what men, I guess we're gonna be under quarantine forever
you know Maryland, has said there: quarantine wilt will go up that they live issue like a state how mortar until they deem otherwise in Virginia, they say until June, Tenth was really funny. Everybody was screaming June. Tenth that so far Psychal Maryland said forever. Nobody complained chose out who say that the others, You comfort arrived in New York harbor on Monday morning. It will welcome patients who do not have grown a virus but whose, still care in order to clear out the city's other hospitals for those who have tested positive, recovered nineteen came as the death toll in New York City had seven hundred ninety and more more than thirty six thousand cases were recorded New York City, the epicenter of the virus in the? U S see ya. Monday crowds gathered near peer. Ninety to watch the comfort arrive, they gather despite threats, they would be fine five hundred dollars at a press conference on me. They are the Plaza said that what was needed was battlefield, medicine and that Sunday April fifth was D day. He is asking for more help from the government by then James O Keefe over project. Very us has been put not some pretty good filter.
Warning on. What's going on, he went to, I believe, is a new Russia, which was like one of the biggest hot spots. In the country- and he got a covert nineteen tested on, they swab his nose in his mouth, and many of these people are telling him it wasn't that bad couple of the national parliaments and adjust the flu don't worry about it and James Life really is examined. If you trust the Mediaset, it's fun, the doctors said that they see many people who just have a cough, but there are some people were getting really really sick and I think that is a really fair and and fair and balanced way of assessing. What's going on elsewhere thing, it's important point out that James went to one location, so don't assume every. Whereas the same I am impressed quite I'm. I am impressed with the work on this that it's good to see how regular people on frontline workers candidly will explain. What's going on its possible, they were just saying this because then it was able to freak out but I think the doctors or giving aid non freak out panic assessment, what's going on there
people are getting sick, it's not mean us, I'm just gonna call there are people get really sick, so make sense. Some people national our thing: it's not that bad adjust the flu and make sense. No one, no and very few else. Other people are actually going down in an chauvinist. What's actually happen if this testing facility, so I think it is good that we get this view. But let's we shout actually take it seriously. Just because you see one hospital or one testing site not completely overwhelmed with fire and brimstone doesn't mean it's not really that bad We also need to understand is not going to be like a movie. You know James went to this testing site. Will you expect like do two guns and like people, you know freaking out screaming? Unlike bang and friends, now it's like common orally cars pull up. They swab EU is also possible. Are these doctors don't want people to panic? Stricken essay, it's fine! It's fine! When you look at the Their wearing the rain is insane. You know full body hazmat suit, so I think they're taking it seriously. I think it's a major threat. I don't think a lot of people, or I don't think everywhere is the same right. There was one day
got formally and views of a guy, gonna Brooklyn Hospital, very calm, but I dont like Trop, is bringing in these these these boats. Think there's a real reason why we need to kind of relief the brutal relieve the pressure on certain hospitals. I think Manhattan of all places, while its actual, I think we would say queens is, is getting most of the other cases. So You told me, I will say it plays out the reason I bring up others this last, the last part, but the testing and everything is that there is a fine it amount of space, energy and personal who can handle things. We want to do panic. We are so you know I, while I definitely not to give a shout it to James Reporting, freshly going on the ground and doing some real filled reporting. The hospital ships are being brought in because resources by night or day situation right now, where Trump has had to call in two major vessels that Roma portable hospitals essentially because of how overloaded certain hospitals are becoming for us now to reckon wreck are recognised,
that the city is going to be a sanctuary city for illegal immigrants that many these democratic politicians are going to advocate for, like decriminalizing border crossings and ending deportations. It's one thing: if you said we don't count your status as you get healthcare. It's another thing when you combine that with them saying come one. Come all no criminal charges, you're free to come to the city and then more and more people do. We can but grudgingly accept that they're going the people here illegally and we have to save their lives, not don't say: begrudgingly save their lives. In terms of you know, there's Agnes, I don't care who you are. I'm not a few comments. I please help me I'm dying, I'm not gonna, be like prove your American. Absolutely not. I think the doctors should just saved their lives but later on, when we're going over our capacity, we too can consider a few factors, as we start advocating for certain policies, notably, we cannot advocate from illegal immigration, weaker borders, disbanding or or breaking up sepia nice, because then you will get more.
And you will overload- are already strained system and we need to call the people who are getting sick and I would want us to pay for it not happy with their brother. You at the corner, leave their necks and we'll be at four p m youtube com slashed him cast into different gentle, and I will see well then. On March Eighth, millions of women joined together for a strike. I believe this was in the national women's day and hundreds of thousands of them protests it in the streets of Spain. All in all five points. Three million women are said to have joined the strike, even though they had been warned about. The impending outbreak is March. Eighth, we're talking about not January. In January Donald Trump. One the task force he implemented. Try restrictions and is only a few days after this he shut down travel from Europe. So, yes, most of us new at this point, things were getting bad. It was mid two at the end of February that we started seeing the media in the. U S turn around saying things are getting better, so there's no excuse. As for these feminists, to go out in protest- and I could you not now I covered the story- a bit further debt as a d
lament, but there was actually a sign that sad that Julie. Masculinity kills more than the car. The virus is actually factually untrue. Obviously, but the grown actually kills more men, of course, that won't stop the feminist from coming. Protesting ignoring the warning and look at the size of these crowds if you may have seen the video download yesterday, but on this, but it is an update, Apparently, this a lawsuit adding to the government, over, allowing this to happen, because now Spain is one of the hardest hit. Countries in the world are gonna. Give you just a quick bit of context as to what This feminist protest was and then show development policy is a common. The baby- reported on the eighth women. Workers in Spain are marking international women's day with an unprecedented strike targeting gender. Inequality and discrimination union said five point: three million women. I join the twenty four hour strike, backed by ten unions and some Spain's top women politicians, hundreds of thousands of women have joined street
best across Spain. Shouting if we stop the world stops actually know when you stop form a large crowd, spread, an extremely viral, extremely contagious vi we'll disease, which is now ravaging your country. Events marking the day we're being held in dozens of other nations. So it's not just Spain across the world, women apparently thought it would be appropriate to protest. While this outbreak pandemic was having. Actually, I think by the eight there was a pandemic women taking power, have stopped working and of an early by organised to spend no money and ditch any domestic chores for the day. Police were called to stop protest is blocking main roads in Barcelona, but some women pickets still brought areas to a standstill, public transportation, asian wide is available, but it reduced service and fight and flights have been affected evening. Marches in Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, Valencia. The number of other cities are lead, events in two hundred sped internal spanish locations. Well now we have. This where, from El Espagnole, the Supreme Court
will decide whether to open an investigation to Pedro Sancho for allowing the eight am rally, I think I have to say at least in Spain, feminist action. This idea, budget of feminism is actually become a threat, a detriment to the sea, the and well being of of the state? Now here's the big a for the big challenge, debate between authoritarianism and libertarianism I mean people should be allowed to peacefully assemble right. We have the first amendment. The government can't stop us, but it's right now. The governor is trampling all over the first and second amendment, mostly the first freedom of religion, freedom of speech in some capacities, while its most of the corporations that are doing that, like social media, but also freedom to peacefully peaceably assemble. Should these feminists be allowed to march in the hundreds of thousands, did have question another round. The podcast TIM cast iron pot. Guess I'm talkin about with much with my body, Adam and so
when the super chat but of an interesting point, that rights come with responsibilities, If you know that there is a serious threat to your nation. Yes, you have a right to assemble whichever responsibility not to is an interesting point, the challenge I is whether or not you trust the government. At this point, I think it's fair, say that we know the krona virus is a serious threat. We're sing at all of the world and be people are rightfully freaking out. Maybe the friggin out a bit too much, but it's hard to know for sure in ITALY, there's food disruption and people are really freaking out this and the police to grocery stores. But perhaps it's to say that you should not be gathering in the hundreds of thousands, because that would be a response well to the community, you're supposed to be protecting, dare I say many of these individuals, because many of them knew that that the threat posed didn't care really cared about themselves Ella Spaniel, says the president of the gutter Pedro Sanchez on and also I would like to point out. This is translated through Google, so it might not be perfect, as has been denounced before
the criminal chamber of the Supreme Court for an alleged crime of administrative trespass consists. Of not preventing the celebration of mass events among them, the demonstration on women's day March, eighth, despite the fact that since March, second, the European Centre for Disease Control and prevention had recommended adopting measures against covert nineteen, including establishing in jewel social distancing measures, it's worse than I even thought. The The european cities had stirred up said on the second six days before How many were not to rally? You can't do this kind of stuff and they allowed it to happen again. It a challenge from the government really stop it. I don't know, but these people at a village I'm not gonna, throw the blame at the spanish government, amateur sport at the individual feminists who went out and now we're Spain is dealing with some of the most debt in the world around seven thousand people and that's on them. Look, I'm not gonna go out and theirs
and there's I can. I can throw some shade towards there's a lot of people that there's a handful of people that are going to church is still ignoring these orders. They are people in Oakland, parting and their people in New York, Russia, to the railings and taking photos, they're, not people and obeying the stuff, and so criticism abound there. If the majority in our country at least I can criticise these groups that make up small factions for the most part, people in New York, are abiding by these rules or, at least by these responsibilities. Most be the Bay area are as well and many people who religious are doing. Tell us, you know, teller, mass or another calling it but doing services through drive through through social distancing and for the most part people are respecting this, but in Spain we're talking but hundreds of thousands of people. Ok, that's that's general population right there. That's not a fifth of small group of people, as hundreds of them since the brief for criminal action against Sanchez, has been present
did by the Madrid lawyer, Victor via our via Darras public, hopefully prancing arrest, right, whose complaint against the government delegate in Madrid, Jose Manuel Franco, has been admitted by the fifth he first investigating Court of Madrid, which has opened some proceedings for provocation and or injuries the court indicated to validate, as that Sanchez is upraised before the supreme, so he he should go to this body again at its Google. Sounds like forgive me. This been done by the lawyer reproducing the complaint filed in the Plaza De Castillo courts the lawyer, considered at the present time the government incurred admin creative prevarication for a mission by not acting to prohibit the mass gatherings, despite the warnings that already existed of the european organisms about the risk of contagion by corona virus. The lawyer asks the Supreme Court to carry out the same procedures already agreed by the investigating court. Fifty one listing, among others in this house.
Guard investigating the course given to the report of the European Centre for Disease Control. Ok, so so let me try and break this down because that the translations really bad. They want the core to basically say you knew this was happening. You took no out action and you are correct. Responsible for this? They say it all. Requests that the persons who prepared the reports for the seat of the centre for coordination of health alerts and John and that an end of the spanish agency for medicines and health products in Fernando C Mon Director of the first and current agency, be questioned as expert witnesses, spokesperson for the corona, a kind of virus monitoring committee at the Ministry of Health, all complaints or come a complaint against address are transferred to the opinion of the prosecutor's office. This is a ribbon charge someone's trying to get guy charged it worth their golden after the President pay wrote, Sanchez they are going out.
This guy for criminal charges for allowing these feminists protests. Aren't you Norman? I think the fault lies on the feminists. Cnn reported this on the twenty eighth, how Spain became a hot spot for corona virus, and they talk about a lot of things right is a few days old. They mention that here look at examining nearly sixty thousand confirmed cases, the research is discovered that there were already threatened. Eighty eight patients in the lumber- that's ITALY, okay, well This is what I like: Spain, ok, so basically, Spain and ITALY being close together. It blood over, but go down to the under his they say even at the cost of the economy of the lockdown now extended for two more weeks will be the spanish government is demanding more forceful action from the European Union to finance recovery and some awkward genes will begin to be asked the government, is already being sued by Madrid attorney for allow the March eighth rallies to go ahead and keep game at how now covering in Valencia is one of many thanks,
of Spaniards were angry and of isolating people. The government invited people to go out to the streets the huge irresponsibility, but here's why I bring up this last little bit. They're asking the European union to finance them that their recovery of the European Union told you guys not to do this yeah. What did it anyway I don't know if you know what, where the limits should be placed, I've seen a lot of people on Twitter complaining that any violation of first amendment is a violation that should not be tolerated, saw others point to the fact that we do have responsibilities the the the challenging conundrum here for first, let me just wrap up. I sang bees. Feminists did take the brunt of this responsibility hands down, but let me just point out: the authoritarian, libertarian thing we have a responsibility to our cause It is, but if we just trust the government, how long until they come out and say- oh, oh there's another pandemics- oh yeah, you guys can protest how long until protesters rout the street everything's normal relativity with general protest or on the street in the cops Balkans.
Due to a recent viral outbreak in the area, you can't protest, see that's the slippery slope. We don't want to engage in. If the first moment is there, then you got to change it. If you want to do the stuff, I understand his responsibilities, but that's the conundrum. We face liberty, verses security. I err on the side of liberty for the most part, but I think those up the point about responsibility is is equally as apt. We ought to take responsibility for preventing this from spreading, and perhaps if you would like to assemble and you get someone SEC and you knew you should be responsible to a certain degree. We ve seen people charged with really ridiculous. Things amounts, and we should go that far. But it's it's tough to know where the limits are. I can say this much while I'm not sure if people should be allowed to gather feminists be out protesting in the hundreds of thousands are crammed together at six a week after the cities
in Europe said: don't do that! You're gonna get sick because well now they did their responsibility. Only there I'll cover more segments coming up in a few minutes, and I will see you all shortly. Is there a potential for war based on evidence going on serious cos? and I ve been asked that by several people, China has been blaming us, IRAN in Russia and chinese media. Let's have been claiming that was a: U S, Bio weapon, that spreading across the world and that Our goal was to disrupt their economies or cause them harm, or some like that. We fight conspiracy, theorist across the board from every country plainly noted as no one I want to say once really sure, but the purport prevailing idea is that it's just a naturally occurring virus. There is some reason to believe that it originated in a chinese lab on accident that somebody was doing as this is a report from the South China University that somebody at an event had had been investigating bat corona virus and may have gone contaminated. Spread. When are we have this other story which which which brings me to my question about the war? They say,
Spected Sars virus and flew samples found in luggage. Fbi report describes China's biosecurity risk at what point do we recognise that China is a great threat not just in their direct actions but I'll? their incompetence. There was a that went viral at the start of the court of ours. Outbreak from twenty seven tenable was that was, can it was? There was concern from the international community that China was up Being a level for you know, Bio LAB in Wilhelm, the concern was that China would not properly contain viruses and other agents which could breach, and then you know basically this would happen. Some people believe that was made there on purpose, other believe those breach on accident. We don't have any that's true, but we do know. At the very least, the international community has been concern that China does not know how to handle these things properly, which it which, which brings me to the story and the question I asked at what point do we say we cannot allow them to keep doing this risking the entire world? Not to mention look, you make a blundering mistake. What about the camps there, one with the weaker Muslims
I don't I don't know, I'm not saying there should be more. I'm saying at a certain point, something happens and we are getting dangerously close, especially when we hear that in twenty eighteen, a chance Biogas was stopped carrying Sars viruses in vials Yahoo news reports in late November. Twenty a just over a year before the first court of arrest ass with a debt to fight it will on China? U S customs and border protection agents in Detroit stopped a chinese biologist with three vials labelled anti bodies. The biologists told agents that a colleague in China to asked him to deliver the vile to a researcher at a U S: Institute after exam, the violence, however, customs agents, came to an alarming conclusion: inspection of the writing on the vials and and the stated Recipient Letter section personnel to believe the materials contain
in the vials may be viable Middle EAST respiratory syndrome and severe acute respiratory syndrome. Materials says an unclassified FBI, tactical intelligence report and take obtained by Yahoo NEWS The report written by the Chemical and biological intelligence unit of the FBI's weapons of mass destruction directorate does not give them. The chinese scientist, caring suspected Sars and Marie samples or the intended recipients in the U S, but the F b I concluded at the incident and to other cases cited in the report were part of an alarming pattern. The weapons of mass destruction, direct, assesses foreign, scientific researchers who transport undeclared and on arguments biological materials in the United States in their personal, carry on and or check luggage almost certainly present, almost certainly present a. U S, biosecurity risk. They wmd deep make
This assessment, with high confidence based on liaison reporting with direct access. The report, which came up more than two months before the World Health Organization learned of a cluster of pneumonia cases and weaken it that turned out to be covered. Nineteen Here's to be part of a larger FBI concern about China's involvement with scientific research in the U S, while the report refers broadly too, Lord researchers, all three cases cited involve chinese nationals for the passive there have been stories emerging about people at universities being arrested for taking money from China and not report it or lying about it. These are people who are sharing research with the chinese government, and they were not telling you US authorities about it to their donate, their limiting Russia will see how far this goes now. This is very, very disconcerting. Could it be that the covered nineteen virus, not another by a weapon. Not you know not something extreme, but was chinese scientists.
Fumbling around with materials. They did not fully understand or couldn't contain properly, because now we're learning, there were fears that there were in it that they're they're gonna have a breach. Now we're learning there actually carrying these things through an airport in the case of a suspect, Sars and murders vials. The intelligence report cites another classified document that is marked vices It contains information collected under the foreign, intelligent surveillance act other case cited in the report- appeared to involve flew strains and a third was suspected eco lie. The FBI does not state precisely What sort of biosecurity risk these cases could put present actually looks like we have, while these are images of the vials. This is. This is incredible photos of eleven September. Twenty nineteen incident like this, they say ah substantiation on eleven September. Twenty nineteen
a chinese national, initially made no positive declarations, but was later found to have eight vials of a clear liquid in their checked luggage at Detroit Metropolitan Wayne Count. Airport. The vials had no supporting documentation that National stated. The materials was DNA derive from a low pathogenicity strain of h, nine and too However, some of the vials had W s and hand written on the top through open source research, see BP determined W a acronym associate with the h one and one influenza collected in nineteen. Thirty, three, the material was confiscated. And the individual was allowed to travel to Dallas Texas, where they were travelling to work, with a researcher associated with an identified? U S, research institution, this isn't just about one incident. There's a duck think several. They mention what happened: a twenty team, but those another incident on twenty six may twenty eighteen o money or speculate as to what this is, what what they're saying and what may or may not be we don't
but stands to reason that China is playing a dangerous game with biological materials and not declaring them at the very least they say if I may mention of the photo, they don't states opera precisely with the risk would be, but right o Mcintyre, professor of global by security at the University of New South Wales and Sydney, said the F B. I appeal to be concerned with dual use: research that would be used for by terrorism samples cited in the report are being brought to the. U S. She says the traffic is likely to be both ways. What am I, reading this is Yahoo, knows how do you know what they're, bringing in and out on us a comprehensive surveillance report. If going one way it's going to otherwise. You'd be very nice to assume otherwise. This is nuts retired airforce, Brigadier General Robert Spalding who worked on China. Issues on the National Security Council under the Trump Administration said there is a threat posed by chinese nationals, Carrie
biological samples, but believe it believes it's likely the carry. Would be someone who is unwitting making it hard to determine the intent. Some likely could be deliberate to tell our ability to identify, intercept others could be opportunistic. The affair report refers to both biosecurity, which typically refers to the the intentional misuse of pathogens such as for terrorism and bios at and biosafety, which covers accidental release. The F B, I declined to comment on the report. We have expert sang. The fears are bio terrorism that Chinese Chinese. Nels we're bringing and potentially smuggling in samples, undeclared, scariest of man and I'll. Tell you what I'm Reigneth. Who knows right now, not some conspiracy, crackpot website me its fake news to take all these doors, the grain assault, but this is seriously damning. Information concerns Chinese biosafety are not new, for example, this
Sars Outbreak and oh three was followed by several incidents of infections caused by laboratory accidents, including eight cases that resulted from his handling of the Chinese instead of IRAN Virology invasion. There have been cases in the past where a variant of some kind of. Pandemic had escaped from a laboratory because of mismanagement said Elsa Economy, an adjunct, senior fur oh at the center for a new american security. The problem is not. To chinese researchers, even if those cases have been prominent, certainly is a biosecurity risk when any one is transporting materials in a manner that has clandestine, because there have been several incidents when this occurred with researchers of a variety of nationality. So I dont look by security sounds like terror. I don't know for sure I can tell you. This is a very very least we got it. We got a call out chinamen. This is this is no joke if there, if there are being unwitting people carrying samples in look what looks like a baggy in little vials and their flying on airplanes. If this, if this is
vile broke off, there's a breach on the airplane. All of those people travelling all over the world would carry this around and it could infect everybody and that's the irresponsive we have tried at the very least the worth, the worst case scenario is they're doing this kind of stuff on purpose. That to me is truly the most alarming thing. The story says now: relations between China and the. U S deteriorating long expects liberation on biological research to grow even more difficult, reversing decades of cooperation quote I've been argue that U S engage with China is the most successful in the area of public health. He said such cooperation. Even survive the difficult period after nine in eighty nine Tienanmen square protests. Now, however, those relations being set back as hostilities between the two countries grow, you could argue. Health is borderless, especially when two countries face these common challenges.
This would be a time for them to collaborate more mostly closely. That turned out not to be the case. I don't think so. I disagree. I don't trust chinamen. They ve got concentration camps, they ve been transferred back and forth these vials. We know researchers are lying, what the funding their receiving we better a handle on this, the FBI's when investigating this, and I think, based on this It sounds like a goes deeper and much more terrifying and we really need them. Then we realise look at these photos for all. It's just I don't know what it says as flag. Pr us put see dna flag, P b. I W S, son was it it was flew. They said they were carrying around and in it looks like it's right rather on in insecure. Perhaps that would happen with covert nineteen, but I'll be there as is interesting, stuff committee. I who, when I don't Oda means and I'm not gonna speculate, will wait for more developments. I got one more segment coming up in a few minutes and I will see you all shortly.
The digital media environment is going extinct. Ok, what not necessarily but a lot of these digital media publications, mostly the lefty ones, are starting to operate as ad dollars collapse. This is like the third storey we ve seen actually does an aggregate of stories. Krona virus presents an existential threat for news media- dare I say it's a threat for those that are obsolete- a lot of these digital media company can't survive in today's an age Dane age. They are exploiting the facebook. Al Gore to make money and that's true for a lot of people, but we're in a new era buzzfeed, for instance, New York Times, while journal, their surviving on subscriptions and Buzzfeed more than ever is asking people to contribute directly, although I dont think Buzzfeed really deserves at the Wall Street Journal the New York Times. I understand why people would want to give money for that to subscribe. To those publications, though, not a huge friend of your time, but more of the point there is a saving grace for the media, the corona virus, stimulus package. That's right. Money was carved out for lefty media outcome.
Yes and I don't know- I know it's like, I think NPR Pbs and I'm kind of ok with it to a certain degree, but figured exactly what's going on. First, I will talk about the extinction event. Growth, a virus presents existential threat for news, media Axiom says First, few weeks of the outbreak in the: U S, local outlets were sounding the alarm over lost retiring revenue from the shuddered local businesses, as the crisis continues. Big nest media companies say they are bracing for the worst top media executives have announced rounds of light, offs and cuts to salaries and benefits and top executives. Our foregoing pay in the coming weeks. Gannet media, for instance, employs making above thirty thousand a year, are facing unpaid furlough for one week, each in April May and June. The ceo, forego his salary federation. Other executives will be taking a twenty five percent, pick up maven media, which, on sports, illustrated laid off nine percent of its staff. Salaried employees or it will be taking thirty percent pay cuts at Disney. They say
in Europe, too, apparent of ABC spend another brands. They ve closed its north american parks to abide by distancing rules, but that is the outcome of that. Buzzfeed will be Housing, a graduated salary reduction for its employees. Ok, so we get. We get Vice media taken pay gods. People get laid off our other major have warned of white of heavy advertising losses. Now here's the big picture, while Recently passed two trillion dollar stingless bill will provide relief to some news, businesses. I will take a look at that. One, many in the news industry argue it's not enough. Some org that the journalism sector should have its own stimulus package that would offer directs port for newsrooms, which are now deemed by the federal government and many state governments as essential services. No, thank you so lately, not maybe ok, I'll, walk back local news outlets, perhaps Buzzfeed, vocs verge of Paul get out of here? Those are the ones you know we're gonna get it because there, the high profile
slime, ridden VC funded trash that has the pole to get it. So no, if you are put out a stimuli package to give money newsrooms. Let's talk about local journalism. Facebook is funding local journalism. I don't like the idea of what Facebook is doing, but local journalism is legit local journalism is due to present a street corner inside somebody. Rather liquor store. Ok, it's not dance. Jeanne Orangemen bad twenty four, seven They say on Monday, the sea of news media alliance, a trade group that represents thousands of newspaper publishers, and this of America's newspapers, a trade that represents central and southern american newspapers, send a letter to Trump Mcconnell and policy saying needed to begin discussing options for actions. The federal government could take to help sustain local news low. This has been dying for a long time. I dont know. If the solution is major stimulus, but for some of them perhaps it is Facebook, sad, its donating a spending, a hundred million, a support news outlets. Twitter set its donating one million dollars to journalism, nonprofits barf, twitter journalism, nonprofits yeah, the fake news,
far left organizations that will just vomit won't your word vomit on twenty six may earned, media and entertainment industries, are pleased with the corona virus stimulus. Why cause I'm gettin a hot dollar the every segment of the media and entertainment industry, including movies, television, radio, news and more say it for at least somewhat relieved by Congress has two trillion dollar stimulus package The media and entertainment sector is heavily reliant on out of home venues, freelancers in person staffing. As a result, the industry has been completely up ended by the pandemic, a few days of intense negotiations, they decided they struck a deal. The deal brings brings relief to die. Of industries, in an effort to ease the economic impact of the virus. Many tree Groups are waiting to see if specific proposals making the final version of the bell, but so far provisions that support I insurance for independent contractors and small business loans. Have the media and entertainment sectors, hopeful newspapers, especially local outlets,
are waiting through a financial crisis. As advertising revenues have begun to recede David Cavern that and see you of news media alliance and his paper trade group represents thousands of local papers, says the bills. Provisions could be helpful to the industry now that I'm ok with electoral alike, local newspapers, like local tv stations stuff. I actually think small business lending provisions could actually prove pretty useful to news publishers. Look at us all this praise. Many wars are small businesses than you think. The chevron added that other tax benefits and pensions smooth, nor helpful. Yes, but whether local news publisher still need something more or different. As a matter of internal discussion, broadcasters bolt the mission in Radio seem happy with the relief the National Association of Broadcasters lobby in recent days to ensure relief would be available. Forts, radio and television station members spokesperson, Dennis Wharton, the bill would allow businesses that have five hundred employees or less qualify for loans up to ten million dollars, while really with loan forgiveness possible. If
Funds are used to pay employees salaries over the coming months. Really news media can apply for ten million dollar Loan officer sir media organisations nausea opportunity, the broader musical became an industry so look we get it. The broader be going around, and media companies are going to be getting a bit of going. Cashier and media. Come pour it sounds like this is more straightforward and this gonna go to. I don't see it going to like digital media outlets. So that's a really really good thing Bigger concern is gonna, be whether or not they give these fake trash rags free money that I do not agree with sounds like there to be eligible for alone. I dont know how many employees Buzzfeed has, but I dont believe it's over five hundred, in which case don't be surprised. If Buzzfeed says we want ten million bucks thoroughly, that much money for an organization like Busby, but it's enough and they put towards salaries. I dont like
idea of the government. Essentially, subsidizing trash rag, rage, bait articles that lies left and right, and that's what will get if this money goes out to them. As for local Alex, it's actually really good and so in the main story week we do see there's a lot of damage coming to digital media and here's. The big concern I have actually house is highlighting them as though there are the important sector. So when it comes to journalism, we got real reporters without borders. Overseas, but a conflict and crisis, they tells the truth about what's happening and dangerous places, there risked their lives to them. My respect, local his rooms. I'll tell us about the importance going up the important goings on in our local town and they will be screeching for the most part. The orange man is bad, but dont Buzzfeed vice or group. Nine we got like gave it. What is it get it, and we have say what, like you know, Verizon having imposed etc. Now not these organizations the fact that actual highlights them
shows you the unfair wait. These organisations have in the media for the biggest problems we face in dealing with fake news. The internet is its own territory, it's not the same as a city or region, it's everywhere, and because some will rely on. It is much easier for Buzzfeed, for instance, right a fake story where they claim that two black men fought to the death over fried chicken, and it is for a local outlet to tell you about the important things happening in government and yes, Buzzfeed. Actually wrote a fake story claiming without evidence that two black men fought to death for fried chicken, because Buzzfeed is a click, bait rage, bait outlet they want click because they want to make money they do want to inform. Did I want to make you help? You lead a better life because of this when it comes to market competition. What are people gonna click on a story from a local outlet. As you know, your local mayor is corrupt and given what you're money or the orange man is bad, the Orangemen as national run internet. We talk to each other
people would? Rather, you know coalesce around the lowest common denominator or a common factor which would be more, would more likely be Trump, So if someone lives in Philadelphia, for instance, an a local politician does something wrong. No one really cares outside of Philadelphia. That means that the stuff that rises to the top is going to be the Buzzfeed vice style, Orangemen, bad national level type politics. And local media gets crushed advertising dollars and go to these trash rags and they're gonna ask for bailouts. They'll likely get it and local journal suffers while these organizations thrive, pumping garbage into all of our ears. It's this reality of the media industry, so perhaps perhaps they do need to go away. Perhaps we should not bear out any of and some of these organisations. They deserve to become obsolete and fail. Private businesses, aren't, you know, shouldn't be guaranteed by the government to a certain extent right. I understand and that that the point of bailouts that concern here is that if people lose their jobs and we'll be back
for the economy, but many these people going to lose their jobs anyway and their living on borrowed time. A lot of these companies function only offer venture cap. And nothing else and, as I stated, they manipulate the public, the rage, bait, click baked rash and now we are seeing them collapse. This is something I'm not happy with, but it's tough I've praised the stimulus to the extent that we desperately need even it, even if it is bloated, fuller trash it, people get money. Rent is due like tomorrow, rent is due and we're gonna see or serious ripple and our economy a really bad stuff. These people were These companies also need money as well, but I think that their organizations have caused nothing but harm and damage to our set our society. In the past couple of years, they ve increasingly made more extreme rhetoric, screeched nonstop for years about from the orange manner comment, they ve helped fuel the impeachment. The things that have slowed down responds to this this virus. They have claimed that the treatment hydroxyl clerk when was danger,
Transcript generated on 2020-05-03.