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Democrats PANIC Over Bank Run, Try To CENSOR Social Media, THIRD BANK May Collapse Sparking fear


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Democrats PANIC Over Bank Run, Try To CENSOR Social Media, THIRD BANK May Collapse Sparking fear

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
When running a business, your employees can create all kinds of interesting situations like getting planes, because some of the team always smells horrible, see better talk to bambi, because these h our issues can kill you. One complaint against your company can turn your world upside down. You spend way too much time dealing with hr when you should spending more time on making a profit with bambi, get out to your own, dedicated h, our manager, starting it just ninety nine dollars per month. Their available by phone, email and real time chat. So on boarding and terminations run smoothly. Team members reached peak performance and your business stays comply with changing h our regulations and with babies, hr autopilot, you'll, automate important h. Our practices like setting policies, training and feedback hiv, Yours can easily cost eighty grand a year, but bambi starts at ninety nine dollars per month. Schedule. Your free conversation today to see how
baby can take off your plate. Two bambi dotcom right now and type and pool under podcast, when you sign up it'll, really help. The show spell B, a m b e dot com bambi, dot, com and typing tim pool, Make sure to go to TIM, cast dot com click join us and be come a member to support this podcast and all the work we do and you'll get out as to exclusive uncensored segments from tim cast, I r l and weigh more now, let's jump into the first story. How bad is the bank run in the banking collapse? I don't know, there's a lot of people in the financial industry and sector saying everything's. Fine
The worry about anything you got. Democrats, like Joe Biden, sang a warrior. Buddy deposits are safe. You got a lot of people saying the end is nigh silver gate bank, a smaller bank collapse. is followed by s viii b, the second largest bank collapse. In u s history, followed by that your bank, the third largest bank collapse in- u s, history and now we're hearing that credit sweets is next to fall because the bond market is collapsing. I dont know not a financial guy, I'm starting to get worried. I will not come on to youtube onto my show and play any kind of. Or, I can say, run for the hills and take your money or everything's. Fine, don't worry about it, because I really just don't know, but I will be honest with you. Let me show you the story. Arizona senator mark Kelly reportedly calls for censoring social media companies to prevent bank run. He denies a really don't believe them could get a bunch of,
people on this call with financial executives and politicians, and apparently he asked Is there a way to censor social information on social media that would stop a bank run that question right there has me worried what really going on behind the scenes. If another bank, a fourth bank, is set to fall. If the bond market is predicting a actually predicting a collapse, then I don't know what I'm supposed to believe. But it is you're, gonna, get a lot of people and media are going to come on their shows and say Donald worry about it. Everything's fine, maybe they're, right We get a lot of internet personalities, anti establishment types who are coming out and saying the end is nigh and run for the hills. Perhaps that is the case? What would you do? That's my question to you comment below what do you think people should do I'll? Tell you what I'm going to do? First thing I'm going to do today
is I'm going to start shoring up my factual defences, I'm going to make sure that I've properly distributed funding for my business and myself. To maximize my insurance, I, going to. I don't love cash. Is there thing to have, but I'm getting on advised by some friends, not financial experts. Anything but tell me like. I just get some cash ready. You might need it and somebody. we're saying by silver, some people saying by crypto and it's hard to know exactly who to trust But when you see a story like this to store is actually the first that credit sweets may fall and then you see this story where a Democrats like we got a sensor this, otherwise there will be around the bank's well outside of this. First and foremost, he may be right I really really interesting thread talking about how silicon valley bank collapsed and apparently they weren't doing that bad. Nor was signature. The problem is people freaked out they were doing.
early bad, not know about signature. Supposing they were doing, there are fine, they were solvent, but my understanding is so it s, Phoebe, whatever and apparently with silicon valley back is that they were doing, ok and they want to raise money following the collapse of silver gate bank, smaller bank them coming out. In saying we need to raise money caused a panic they don't tell. People was going on so and people who are on the tech sector started saying like a man, I think, as we might go I'll, get your money out which well self fulfilling prophecy The same may be true for the entire financial sector. So I don't know. My colleague has a point everybody goes on line and screams. The end is nigh, then the end really is nigh and that's what worries me am I the kind of person that sea a panicky mob and then says: they'll get their act together. Everything will be fine yeah. No, I'm not I'm. The kind of person is a panicky mob and says I better get out of here
for its too late? That's what has me worried because I'll put it this way if you operate under the assumption that everything's fine You don't look. What will call this sum. The banking wager I'll give you a simple mathematical equation, which But I'm probably gonna be a lot of people angry at me for doing, but I'm not here to lie and placate. You I'm here to tell you how I truly feel about these things and what I think is happening, the banking wage. Are you familiar with pascal's wager that pascal's wager goes if god exists and I believe in him, then I go to Heaven. If god exists and I don't believe in him, then I go to hell. If god doesn't exist and I believe in him doesn't matter if God doesn't exist and I don't believe in him, it doesn't matter. Therefore, the smartest and safest position in that logic is to have faith in god. I don't think that's actually a great logic, but that's how the logic goes.
The banking wager would be this. If everything is fine and you take your money out of the bank, it doesn't matter. You have your money if. Everything is fine and you leave your money in the bank doesn't matter. Everything is fine if everything is not ok and the banks on the verge of collapse, and you take out your money. You are safe if everything is not funny. and you leave your money in the bank you're in serious trouble, so there's only one option for the average person watching, all of this news, and this is why they are scared of a bank run. If you do nothing. Then you're, either neutral, two negative. If you actually took money out you're safe position, let let alone if it took money on bought coin or something I'm giving advice. I'm saying if there he is a collapse. My bitcoin goes up
my silver. My gold goes up dollar so with nothing is not an option. There's just no logic to that, except for the we must all stand together, united and not to pull our money out of the banks for each other to prevent a bank run mean honestly kind of noble, but I tell you this: it's going to be every man for themself for himself for for herself, rest. If you're right, I can only tell you that. I'm not saying you should do anything, I don't know, but I'm saying that's what people are gonna, be thinking right now with more reports About financial instability, let me show you this: this is the nasdaq banking index I showed yesterday down nearly ten percent. More Nine point: eight seven first foundation ink I believe this is a this. These are all banks, minus thirty, three zions minus twenty five, and if you go down,
suit to where it s getting positive. There's like what is this like thirteen banks, that positive and the best is landmark with two point: nine two point: nine percent everyone else seeing a major head. I do not know What this will turn into all I know is there is real fear about a bank run so much so that it is being reported. A democrat senator said we need to censor information. We have this tweet from thomas massey. I highlighted yesterday morning He says just gotta zoom meeting with the fat treasury, FD, ic, see, house and senate a democrat senator essentially asked whether there was a program in place to censor information on social media that could lead to run to a run on the banks, and then he publishes this sub stack sang his name, and here it is from public dot, sub stack, dot com. There, a conference call about the silicon valley, bank bailout, yes,
state sen, mark kelly, asked representatives from the federal reserve, treasury department and f D, I c if they had a way to censor information on social media, to prevent a run on the banks. According to a republican member of the house of representatives who are on the call the members There are roughly two hundred people on the zoom call, including senators house, members and staff members from both parties. Our conference call led by chuck humor, with the fed blah blah blah blah blah blah, asked the three agencies. If there's a program underway on social media, to censor information that would lead to a run on the bank, massey told the public. I believe he couched it. In a concern that foreign actors would be doing. This said massey, but it didn't just the censorship should be limited to foreigners or two things that were untrue. The people from the three agencies couldn't answer him and just sort of took a pass on the question. So, if This video ends up disappearing. You'll know exactly why Lauren bobo treated on a brief, with Biden under secretary of the treasury nellie lang regarding the
Phoebe bail out, they are working towards. I'm sorry was a road on a bridge with their working towards, and a member asked if they were reaching out to facebook and twitter to monitor misinformation and bad actors. Dan Bishop germany, subcommittee and oversight. Investigations and accountability confirmed the accounts of see and bo and a rap for birds office confirmed that a member she was referring to was a democratic senator. You have multiple people on this call saying they are worried about this. I have confirmed with how spirit of macao that was senator marked kelly, who asked on last I'd. Zoom call was the call hosts we're in acting with social media platforms and on the look out for foreign florence that might promote bank runs democratically report kids, are also calling for censorship. A spokesperson for there are set up I'm just gonna stay right here. I don't care about politics in this regard
Both sides are like they're, both trying to censor this fine play the game. The collapse is happening if bow sides, are pointing at each other saying they're trying to sell our information, because their word about a bank run sounds like everybody's word about a banker and done it. Breathe some life into your own back yard, with fast growing trees, dot com, this spring. from shade the fresh fruit to privacy and natural beauty. Let fast growing. Freeze dot com, help you plant your dream garden with there sport advice and fast reliable shipping fees. Growing trees, dot, coms, plant experts, curate thousands of easy to grow, plant, shrub and tree varieties for your unique climate, meyer, lemons to evergreens and everything in between happy plants. Happy home but sometimes it's hard to know which plants will do best, no problem, because fast, growing, trees, dot com, you'll, get customize recommendations based on your specific needs, plus their plant exe
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I want the system to collapse, I'm worried about it. I got a business, I dont just have a family, I have staff and I have people who are all here, working relying on this company functioning and if the system crumbles, what do we do? so I want everybody. I genuinely want everyone to sit back. Order. Some chicken wings have a nice drink and watch a game, and dont worry you're sweet little heads about this, but my business is not built upon lulling people into a false sense of security. I think I really do think things are going to be fine. I think, also at the same time, it's going to be bad. What I mean to say is things will get worse, but it will not be apocalyptic. I dont know if it will be the big one. I I I I don't know man I've laid out the beginning, the banking wager, as I just called it, that if you do, if nothing's happening, take your money
now. So what you got cash in an envelope, nothing's happening to leave your money and so what you got cash in a bank. But if something is happening and you leave your cash in the bank, you'll lose it all and if something is happening, take your cash out. You got cash in an envelope. That means mathematically, logically speaking, the only thing anyone could do is start taking cash out of a bank. I'm not saying this to you. I you to do something: that's what I see happening it's gonna be a lot of people who ignore it, there's a lot of people who have no idea what's going on in the world. That is why I think people are probably going to start pulling out money. There was reporting that transfers and deposits or transfers or withdrawals. Sorry were, or beings were, were stag were stagnating, because so many people are trying to move money out of regional banks. Why would anyone paying attention to the news sit back? There is no upside to doing nothing and there's infinite upside to doing something. That's the scary thing about bank runs.
this was the first twitter field bank run said montgomery at this time. It is important to remain level headed and look at the facts, not speculation when, when assessing the right path forward, now you know what I'm sick of it the banking system is a ponzi scheme, as it is at this. what happens with the rapid spread of information, so be it so be it. They think they can sit back and sensor us when their floating, This ponzi scheme. Sorry, you know that works. You put money in the bank bank uses your money for other things and their hoping fingers crossed that everybody doesn't take their money out. All at the same time goes on. The bank doesn't have the money to pay out it collapses. People will start showing up to their bank. Let me tell you on my friends: we need cash, we
petty cash for things, a normal business function. I went to the bank to pull out cash and they told me this was months ago. I wasn't able to and that, if I wanted to I to put in a special order there, a cap on how much I could take out- and I went oh what yeah I've heard it from other people put in an order and will get you the cash you need. here's? What I'm gonna do? I'm going to make sure that I've opened up a bunch of bank accounts, because the FDA see makes little sense, because if you have someone treated, this, I think is a co basic letter. I was referencing the other day, if you have a million dollars in one bank, you're insured. Two hundred fifty k, if you have a million dollars and four banks, your your million dollars is completely insured at really does make little sense, but it is what it is it's more kelly's call for censorship comes at a time of growing demands from democrats for more censorship by social media companies. So we get it. We get it.
Here's the ears. The scary knows. Cried sweet shares, fall to all time low. As bank announces, it has found material weakness just hours after wall street expert predicted. That would be the next to fall. Here's a people saying this, is tracking alongside the two thousand it collapsed. First, there was some turmoil in march, then september. It's march, we gonna wait till september to find out. I don't think anyone's going to the spread of information is too fast. I think it will happen way way faster. I think if this does track this way. Let me read a little more: on tuesday morning credit sweet published annual report, which revealed an eight billion dollar loss in twenty one to the bank had been due to publish the report last thursday, but was sent back to its review to review its books by the us. He seen today, credit sweets, the weaknesses were down to a failure of the failure to design and maintain an effective risk assessment process to identify
analyze, the risk of material misstatements. Oh boy,. Well I'll, be all ready for what's what's gonna becoming the capacity letter says be wary. Sepia shows inflation at six percent in line with expectations corps. See piastres inflation at five point. Five, in line with expectations, we have collapsed. We have collapsed regional banking system, with six percent inflation. This is a costly fight against inflation. That's right. Commissioner. Let us has J, p, morgan city group and other large financial institutions trying to accomplish customers wanted to move deposits quickly, in other words, region, Banks are losing customers quickly. There is outsize risk with large deposits at regional banks, large banks, when oh man- I don't know you- should do update jamie morgan chase and city group are trying to get a largest movement of deposits in over a decade.
No reason a bank with a small financial institution right now risk to reward it. Just It makes sense seriously. I don't know this video, as I probably shouldn't just play it, but this is getting crazy man, the backstop of us be depositors worthless without back stopping the rest of the bank's. If one bank as backstop and the run gains on the next one. This is, situation that the FDA sea has created the avoided a acts of s viii b. Now they are do the same for everyone else is why they want a sensor information. If it is true that chase and city group are handling the largest movement of deposited over a decade. The bond market is worse than two thousand eight and you ve got Prediction that another bankers to fall after three have already fallen. Why would anyone think their money is safe? I don't italian. You man, I'm not gonna, come on here and be like ignore it. Everything will be fine, pull Jim kramer bag
two thousand and eight collapse. Everybody goes on tv to say, everything's fine. You know I'm hearing that some of these executives were selling off shares and moving their money right before this happened. They don't want you to panic because I want to get out first. Think of it. This way a large mob is moving through the streets screaming run on the banks. If you can make it to the bank. First, you get your money out. So what happens? they send out their Jim Kramer's to run to the mob ago. Everyone listen, listen. Give me one quick moment to explain. What's happening draw out, they make it verbose possible now If you are angry about the bank's right, let me tell you the way the bank works and then everyone stop and listen What's he saying, meanwhile, his buddies arap out poner as fast as they can, the scary stuff.
because I'd love to come on the show just be like everything's fine, ignore it. I really solely fun. Now, don't do that! I'm not saying everything's things, that's the end of end of the world or anything like that. Maybe it's not! I just don't think. Man, I dunno. I I told the story of the day I an ira, because I hang out at the casino on weekends. It's funny, because people like I've shot him but like hey there is he sure enough. His ears like yeah, you play poker poker with the boys. You know it's fun. Relaxing, if you disconnect you get away from all the noise and the people that really have no idea what's happening. Some do
to a certain degree, but many of them a handful of them know who I am and so they're paying attention. They're active, but I've heard people just be like. I have no idea. What's going on I'll pay attention to that stuff, those are the people that are going to be running full speed to the bank in a week. If this goes south, you you're hearing it now. I don't want to encourage anyone to do anything. I'm just saying if this really does get bad, the people who have been paying attention will be fine And the people who are not paying attention will be angry. This is why I say it's important to follow the news. because imagine imagine you are in your village you're in a small village, and Someone outside is going hear ye hear ye. We have important word and you go by. I don't care about his important word, I'm making a stew and then all of sudden you hear rumbling, it's horses and then a bunch of barbarians, ransack everything and kill your family,
I know it's a pretty brutal way to describe it as the people with us. I hadn't, listened to the hear you and he says a horde approaches, quick everyone gather your things and flee or shore up your weapons and defenses, whichever the guy wasn't paying. Attention gets trampled. I don't know man. I maybe this is it add the story. This one kind of got overlooked by a lot of the news. Crypto focused bank silver gate shut down its operations. Here we go, don't worry, don't worry, we got breaking news just popped up at the top. Cnbc dow rallies three hundred points as it tries to snap five day slide. Regional banks rebound. Look at that. Oh, oh, the, oh, the the bonds are improving. O. U s! Stocks rose on tuesday. As bank stocks mounted a comeback, they went up blah blah blah. Did they look at that eight per cent up right at open, okay, aura? I pulled it right up right when the
I can use happened. You saw right there, so maybe we good we goodly this. This is actually fairly good news. I mean it. bought in yesterday. Whenever was panicking, you may a good amount of money. If you sold, you got hurt. Look man like I said I don't know exactly what can happen but in a freak out, but in real time I got the breaking news. Parted the nasdaq bank index and these banks have just jumped eight points. That's it that's a near twenty five to seventeen point swing. That's pretty good news if you bought and when they were down thirty percent, What was that one bank that was down thirty that was. Was it foundation or something let's see. Let's do this where's that you won't pack west is upset steve four percent. Some people just made a whole lot of money. I kind of feel like Seeing this it may be fine, I'm an amateur little bit,
news riot right when the things open up so we'll see, people handle it once again. Yaller in the now is this first move to move your money, perhaps because thou there now is, it happened, but we're seeing a major stock rebound about which is really good news for a these companies. Lot of these men. The one of imagine I think pack west was down like twenty percent. Like an eighty point, swing lot of money was just made I'll tell you what we'll see will see men do what you think is right for yourself be prepared. Maybe this is a blip people get through. It will see I'll leave their next item. It is coming up at one the child thanks for hanging out now well, then so we're seeing a major rebound in some of the sky. So a lot of these banks that we're getting crushed just the other day in the question is: how is the economy doing well? The weird thing is they had to haul? trading again because many of the stocks, many of these banks stock,
Skyrocketed so high. They had to shut down its absolute market volatile. so I don't know what's going on, but I can tell you two things in this viral clip from yesterday, Joe Biden refuse to answer questions as people are asking. Can you assure the american public things? Ok, he just looks turns around walks right off, not confidence building, and while this video is a short snippet of how much they actually care In my opinion, we have the story from the daily mail matter, firms and other ten thousand lay offs. Thirteen percent of it staff, as Zuckerberg says tech bubble, is bursting was a humbling wake up, call and war. New economic reality will continue for many years. So, as is all right
it's jesse Kelly here fellows. Are you ready to have a twenty percent increase in your testosterone in ninety days? Ladies, are you ready to have your brain function be even better. Are you ready to have more energy? Are you ready to lose weight? Are you ready to feel better The while you do all this. You can support a hard core anti communist company and the best part of All this It's all natural, not big farm, a crap not supporting all these pharmaceutical junk companies, chalk. c h, o q fellows They have a male vitality, stack, nine today's. Take it and tell me how you feel ladys female Taliban stack take it, Tell me how you feel you want to feel like you're twenty years younger, go to see each o hugh dot com, promo code tim, get you
the five percent off your subscription get a subscription today c h, o q, dot tom promo code tim well, Let me show you this video of Joe Biden and then you tell me what you think they think as a pertains to the economy. You all ready for this. One has got to make sure we have the audio set up a proper and we will play present. What do you know right now about why this happens, and can you assure me that there will be a ripple effect, yeah Should all rejected at all banks here was it all depositors be protected at all banks should? Depositors be, would act protected at all banks. Can you tell the american people what causes tat can you give them assurances and biting familiar day? No, so this is a story that I saw I don't know if mark Zuckerberg is the foremost expert on everything, that's happening, but it certainly feels like I do know, mark Zuckerberg right. The tec
obvious bursting. Is that why silver gate collapsed? Crypto bank? Is that why, as VB collapsed a silicon valley, tech investor bank? Is that why signature collapsed? Another crypto bank, the going theory right now we saw some tucker Carl many others is that the bank ron will be a move to trigger a central bank. Digital currency now made a big fat. Bitcoin me some bitcoin bitcoin is skyrocketing in value digital gold. They call it and I have to wonder because I tell people this a lot back, bitcoin was coming out. I guess you know it was like late, two thousand and nine. I first is I think around early twenty eleven and it was worthless like a single bitcoin, was worthwhile. What were they worth like? seven sensors, seventy cents for one bitcoin. I think it was seventy cents and-
people who are really into it were right wing, libertarian types in conspiracy, theorist and anarchists, that's all my friends are bitcoin transactions. racked, Annie, Annie anybody can monitor the whole network and if you got a powerful enough, a yet you'll know who owns which, while it you don't need them to put their name on it, everything you do. Everything you buy with this currency is tract hell of a way to usher in a global currency. Don't you think, but maybe the idea was always that bitcoin would be digital gold. Nobody, oh is the rights to gold like gold exists, and then we can like mint gold coins and par symbols under something? U s dollars while the? U s government for the most part of the federal reserve, they control that in other countries can counterfeit but they're not making real dollars. Bitcoin could be there gold and then the? U s, can create their central bank digital currency. Not me
since you will have a digital crypto wat with fed coin on it that tracks every thing you who every purchase they will know the machine will now forever. Now I can't tell you that's where they want to take it. Certainly many people fear that I can tell you is ignoring all the banks, stuff marks a bird came out and said the new economy, reality will continue for many years as you wrong they're laying off thirteen per of their staff. Maybe he's just talking about facebook, but heck of a time to do it daily mail says facebooks parent company matter has confirmed, will ten thousand jobs in the coming months, on top of the other one thousand that were slashed in december, shrinking its staff count by another thirteen percent combined the cuts account for just under a quarter of companies, eighty six thousand person, workforce Zuckerberg made
announcement on his facebook page sharing the internal memo he sent to employees among those who will lose their jobs. First are members of the company's recruiting teams. That would make sense. Here's the timeline you should expect over the next couple of months organism, org leaders will announce restructuring plans focused on flattening our org, cancelling lore party pot projects and reducing our hiring rights, here's the post. He made I'm going to tell you right now, my friends. I expect things to get very, very bad. I dunno about the banks, I don't know about or one of the I can only tell you, based on what I'm seeing for my business at rates. Tech sector youtube all that stuff. We are not the first line in the tec bubble collapse, but we are second in line when you tube starts a hurtin people stop buying ads you
It gets hit by it. We get hit in turn. Why should say that we're in a similar space youtube or not? And- and I we split the ad revenue that a smaller cut and take a lot though, but what about the subsidy you to subsidize a lot of this, so things could get particularly bad. I don't know how bad, but I think things could get particularly bad. We have this one here, from fourchan dotcom. What we are seeing is an investor bank run wall street. You can buy wave of trading halts as record drops rock regional lenders, and I don't know what would you can accept dapper next, I really don't, but the idea as the consumer see theory, I suppose- or I should support this- why the opportunity of christ, Depends on who you ass will give you one of two explanations: they'll say it's intentional The government wants these things to happen so that they can usher in a central bank, digital currency.
Others will say: no, it simply a crisis opportunity. What, when what is the best time to implement radical change when people are losing their minds over a crisis, and then you can inject some rapid chain into a system because the systems already in turmoil from the federal reserve doubt gov central bank. what currency they sale or the federal reserve has made no decisions on whether to pursue or implement a central bank, digital currency or cbd. See we have been exploring the potential benefits, risks of sea bbc's from a variety of angles, including through technological research. Experimentation are key focus on whether and how a sea bbc could improve on an already safe and efficient. U s. Domestic payment system Abc is generally defined as a digital. ability of a central bank that is widely available to the general public today in the united states,
A reserve notes, yes, right, federal reserve notes: physical currency are the only type of central bank money available to the general public. like existing forms of money. A cbc would enable the general public to make digital payments as a lie, ability of the federal reserve? However, a sea DC would be the safest digital asset available to the general like with no associated credit or liquidity risk really. Well, I'm not gonna, give you any advice, but I'd certainly say yet no, u s dollars physical currency and a central bank digital currency. Probably one of the riskiest things you can have well to be fair, not the riskiest on there's this pilot of crazier things you can have that are way. Riskier butts the story? I have told the main times. I read this thing on daily mail, but a family. They they popped up and a floorboard and found a box with fifty grand at it from a nineteen fifty than there are like granddad put fifty grand and a box where rich
sorry to tell you man, man, but those probably worth equivalent of like five million back then five million, but like five hundred thousand to a million in buying power and if he had been, gold instead, yet then you'd be rich Or I don't like eighty anti stock or some other company? U s dollars, not all it Now, don't get me wrong. Stocks are risky. He could even I sit in some happening company back then a shoemaker or another shoemaker ceases to exist and you lose it all. But u s currency that ain't the safest place to spend your money. I always say this: invest in your they say the federal reserve board as issued a discussion paper that examines the in cons of potential. U s c, b d c, so we'll see. The one thing I can say is: if facebook is gonna be firing, another ten thousand people, ten thousand people are not going. Have food- and you know, what's going on in california, right now- not a homeless people, so what
these ten thousand lay offs mean. Do you think it ends with facebook, we will likely see it ripple through several other tech sector businesses, we ve already seen tons of laughs across the board like twitter has been laid off tons of people for somewhat different reasons, but yes also to cut costs. Then you ve got a bunch of other big tech companies. I think amazon did a massive layoffs, facebook that a massive laugh and now they're doing will met. I should say another: ten thousand people where do all of these people go, So I'm wondering- and I've been saying this for some time- you know it. Where is everybody serious question we went out a year ago? not quite a year ago, like seven months ago, where the movies and it was completely dead as a big marvel, please a camera which movie and unlike where is everyone? How come Nobody is out on a saturday night I keep hearing. From people. Well, you know it's hard to find work.
because so many retired and I'm like be as do I don't buy it. There's. Local restaurant that when a business, because they couldn't find wait, staff, they couldn't find servers, and, unlike you couldn't find a seventeen year old to bring food from the kitchen to a table. No, we couldn't where to those people get from what are they eating? How are they paying their bills?. the question that we haven't had answered well, except for Ian's hypothesis. You got I know Ian from tim cast, I rl become a member at tim, caste dot. Com click join us. If you want to support our work, especially in these trying times, if you're able to He said yeah, but his lot of homeless people now and I went wholly crap- is that it will mean think about it. You ve got a restaurant. A server. This is somebody was making fifteen bucks twenty bucks an hour. Maybe if it's a busy restaurant gettin tips
the restaurant shuts down because of covert and that person. Has no money, so what are they do? They can't pay their run. All of these stories are ignored and no one cares and these people and uphold homeless. Now, when these businesses reopen, who do they have to hire noble All of the people that used to be there, they retired they all moved on. Are you kidding me now now there are kids young people who could be getting jobs that aren't don't know where they're at You ve got people in your late, twenties, early thirties, who may be doing I was skilled jobs at stores or whatever and their homeless and what are they gonna, do I'm going to come out of there? and under a bridge and walk into a home depot and say I can do. I can do floor work for you, they're, going to that's not going to happen see. I was thinking about the great depression, wonder and how it is that you could have. so many people, but so little food and this economy turmoil, and the issue is simple. Simply greece, in the machine.
why do they give out stimulus money? Why? Why did obama? Do that big stimulus, thing, hey? That was great for me one day and I had cash and I'm like I can buy stuff stimulus. The idea is, if you give all of the grassroots people money, they all traded amongst themselves very rapidly, creating economic like an economic activity because someone's got money and they come to me and I'm a guy selling cheeseburgers and unlike I'll, make more cheeseburgers cause more people are buying cheeseburgers that I have more money to pay my staff economic stimulus right now we have the opposite of that. What the covered lockdown was was economic break. and I guess and then all of that economic activity stopped, and you can't just start it back up so mehta laying people and I was going to show you this- you know it's it's like. I show too much because its brutal. seemingly unrelated, seven, minus post, post,
Seven minors between the ages of eleven and fourteen have been arrested in connection with the brutal beating of woman in philadelphia last month, with one more suspect unknown to police. The reason I highlight the story and an economic segment. It all comes together I saw a video of a guy, a woman leaves a bank she's got about four grand five grand. I think one thing is forty five hundred in an envelope because she was taking up money because she was going to buy travel to go visit, her family in vietnam, a runs up tour knox or down, take her stuff picks up and bodies slams or paralyzing her from the waist down. For all. For a couple grand I see that video
I see this video, I see what's happening in new york and I'm just like look man. I don't mean to be the bare of black pills, but look at this stuff. It's happening. Societal collapse, violence, crime, urban decay, abiden administration. That doesn't seem to care about the problem as it just gets worse. How do you make How do you make it better? I dont know about you, but going to bed at a decent. Our doesn't always mean you get enough sleep often I was too hot, too cold. Just not comfortable that's all changing with my cosy earth bearing the softest most luxurious. possibly source betting on the planet, I'm always raving about cozier earth betting, but I'm not alone. There are overfished. thousand five star reviews on their website like this. And from alison quote, love, em, soft, the most comfortable sheets of ever slept on coal
earth betting is made using only the finest premium viscose from highly sustainable bamboo. No one, Our top designers choose cosy earth, there are betting is naturally temperature regulating, so you'll sleep comfy all year round, I should do. cosy earth is also the brand that made operas favorite things five years in a row to me that speaks volumes, we love broadway cosy Is so confident you will love their product. They forty one hundred night sleep trial, which means you have to one hundred knights to sleep on it, wash it try it out. If you know completely in love, just send it back for a full refund Whether it's their luxury sheets lounge, where pajamas or pleasure at you'll love, shopping at cosy earth, and now you can order there bedding in five awesome, colors plus coast earth. Betting comes at a beautiful, reusable canvas bag. Save up to thirty five percent now on cosy earth, hurry, offer and soon go
cosy earth, dot, come and be sure to enter tim cast at check out to save up to thirty five percent cosy earth, dot, com problem, code tim cast. I wonder if a show like mine has the influence to make people do positive things like everybody go by cheeseburgers go spend money, signalled the economy. think so. I think we're all just sit back and you have ninety percent of the population, a zombie hoard, mindlessly marching towards the destruction of the society there not paying attention. They don't care there. Wanting the problems and they say things like. I can't pay attention that stuff all its own for urinating rating infuriating. I can't pay attention. I thought it's too depressing,
urgent sitting in your house and a fire starts, and someone runs it and says: there's a fire in the kitchen. I don't wanna hear it. That stuff is too depressing and you're like that swill burned down and you will die all. Can you shut up? I don't care about your politics, that's how it feels them I was hearing stories about mass economic failure, violence in the streets, people beating each other- and I'm just like Yo things seem to be getting worse every day. Now it could be the night is always darkest before the dawn, and we don't know where the bottom is. So here's what I thought about. Yesterday, we had a guy drew Miller, got his poster right here in front of actual it's really funny from fortitude, as a survival prep facility, full disclosure, I have a small tiny percentage stake in it. Some people were like. Is it a commercial for this ranch and it's like dude? Everybody promotes their stuff when they come on the show people bring bucks and they show off their books. They promote their web
that's the point of coming on someone else's show, but it's not a commercial. I mean we had an booked in general and I think it was interesting timing. A of people actually said this was perfectly timed, and how did you manage to get this guy right? We've had him on the show before we take, we ve had like four episodes. The fortitude ranch guy and I ended up investing well I'll. Tell you exactly what I'm doing watching all of this. I invested in a survival preparedness and recreational facility with multiple locations, because I think about what you could invest in that actually matters survival. I mean that feels to me, like the only thing that matters don't care about gold. The way I describe it as this You're gonna street depart ellipses happened and you've. You got a bottle of water as a guy in your left. Any saying, please please. I need waters again your rights and please please. I need water. While you ask ok, let's do a trade. I can share my water with you and the guy in the left says I have gold coins
and you got aha and you look at the guy on your right and he goes. I have a sandwich and you go Her with me, half your sandwich and I'll give you half my water and the guy with the gold says, but I have all the gold good luck eating drinking that I'm sure it will help you survive now? If people still want to use currency they may but old is just something we believe has value food and water s got real value, I'll, tell you about it It'll be worth more than gold is a bottle of water. You'll. Go to this or an they'll, say somethin, like shore weakened, I tell you this meet what you have to trade, I have gold buy, we don't need gold, gold doesn't do anything for us. You can't build with gold, it's a great conductor someone's gonna, walk in and say I've got fresh water, it's clean and distilled and those I feel, up our gallant and will give you some of our food because we really need water here. I know a lot of people might say something like that.
fresh water everywhere, water is abundant, not at all for sure. For sure, don't get me wrong. Food is going to be important, but gold ain't gonna, be it. So I think about this. Like I've invested in antiseptics vitamins. That's a scary stuff. I guess you can excuse me, vitamin c from rose. And pine needles, or something like that. I don't love. You live in an area with pine needles. I guess you can mash them up a need. Those don't consult your physician for doing anything like that. but when you ever that's going on here is our ears. What I think I think when it comes to the facebook stuff. And mark Zuckerberg saying the new economic reality, I think we're headed for dark days. I also think this means we'll likely see a donald trump reelection in the next year. Two years. I think the economy is going to get very, very very,
bad. I know I could come on the show and just be like everything's. Fine, just keep going, keep going, don't worry about it. Joe Biden wakes up at nine, a m shockingly to assure the nation. You deposits are safe neck is me, opposite feeling, then, when the reporters asked questions, he just turns around and walks away come on man, you do a press conference. No, the dew, topped up on guph gauze goofball can barely stale yeah he's going to be fine, you deposits are safe, buy will tell us what's happening. The fact that he came out at all is kind of shocking and it's kind of unnerving. But right now I can see the dow is up We're seeing these banks are their stock skyrocketing and then a lot of people are pointing out like you'd, think that's a good thing.
and my last thing by saying like well, let the stocks are rebounding. It's a good thing and a lot of people are saying this is actually indicative of something bad. It's indicative of extreme volatility in the financial sector and the bond markets, their predicting collapse. To put it simply, people are buying bonds. They want to see a return, you buy it. They say will give you ex percent after six years or after years and you're like ok, but if inflation is six percent and your bonds are yielding two percent, then you're gonna, be alike. give me my money. This is a terrible investment and then system breaks down, or at least the bonds, It does, but it's all one like agenda tower. I'm not gonna pretend to be an economist or financial expert. I dont know sure what I can say is you know I'll I'll, be completely frank and honest. We ve had conversations here out where our revenue streams are and
I have already mentioned it. Add rates are way down membership growth down. I don't think that were I'll put it this way I'll us we're fucked but I'm not one of the people going to come out and be like Amina. You know just have one everything's, okay, stay calm. If things don't pick up in the next several months, then we're going to have to start restructuring and figure. Think figuring things out and we are a profit heavy company, like the the the the amount of cost for producing the show is really low, but based on the way add rights have been going if it continues and that trend then we're gonna see something we have not seen before. We should be seeing at its increasing right now as we're entering margin into April, with the budgets being finalize falada, these companies not so much Even Buzzfeed was saying that looking at, like a thirty to forty percent decline and add rates.
And if there are seeing that nancy and that that meets gonna be a ripple effect that really will hit every body more. You do too should a government, just come in and throw money at people as they spend spend, spend they've been trying that didn't work. Then you got interest rate adjustments and it's not working. Either we got to control inflation. Oh man, the system seems to be imploding. You can take mark Zuckerberg's work foot word for it, I dunno for sure, but I'll leave it there. Next segment's coming up at four pm on this channel thanks for hanging out- and I will see you all then get woke. go, broke in quite possibly the best way possible. Now we sit back and we cross our fingers that when the companies do horrible things with their insane cult ideology? They suffer the consequences of that, but Sometimes it doesn't happen why I say get won't go broke is not a law is a tendency
but now we have direct intervention from a real leader. Rhonda santas from business, insider dot com. It brings me great joy to we do this headline dissenters, administration, revolt hyatt regency miami alcohol license after it hosted a drag queen christmas not have. No, I got no problems drag queens. I got no problem with burlesque. I got no problem with strippers. I got no problem with people who are consenting adults that want to have adult enter But when you bring kids into adult entertainment when you bring in adult entertainers for children you have crossed the line. Drag is basically algae, bt, burlesque and you wouldn't it kid to a burlesque show its also akin to go, go dancing and you wouldn't bring go
dancers two story. Time would you now go? Go dancers aren't naked, yet, but still inappropriate- and you know It- here's the story from insider. They say that image. Send us administration is revoking the high it regency miami alcohol licence after one of its own. These hosted a drag queen christmas with minors present in the audience the department of business and professional regulation, while they seventeen page complaint tuesday against the shows venue. James l night centre, which is filled with the higher the show required but under eighteen to be accompanied by an adult as a condition of being allowed to attend. Do you know what that means. That means they know it's an adult, show a dry queen christmas is a holiday themed, drag show that tourism, thirty six different cities and features and the reality repulsed rag raised. It also had overt sexual
Let's just say: acts in the show the states business, parliament accuse the facility of Rule violations, including a prohibition of lascivious exhibition before people younger than sixteen, though it's not clear to what that this law is generally enforced. The department said perform. Were wearing sexually suggesting clothing and prosthetic female genitalia, as well as simulating masturbation, and I also leave, this was the show where the two men thrust into each other right The least rhonda said could do was revoke their well. We got audio come from somewhere. Oh no, that's a phone, a weird, the least weird creepy funds. I went the least that rhonda centres could have done was revoke their alcohol and so we have this administration at administrative complaint,
commissioner, as the state agency charged with regulating alcoholic beverages in tobacco pursuant to chapter two, ten blah blah blah. Let's I wanna make sure we can hear this honour about this, we're twenty seven. Twenty to respond, it hosted a drag queen, miss on its licence premises during which was On it served alcoholic beverages to patrons in attendance. Now, that's interesting. You brought children into an adult before with alcohol. That's interesting bonnet promoted. The show using targeted christmas theme. promotional materials, and that did not Five notice. As to these, actually exquisite nature of the shows, performances or the content. all men, they got exhibits now you do if you can. me for showing these exhibits you're a big it what's wrong with showing his exhibits. Right the show occurring and based on media.
What about the show at other locations? Petitions sent a letter to respond, notifying responded. Sexual explicit dragged performances, concert, public nuisances, lewd activity and disorderly cod when minors are in tenants and that, if responded yield to ensure that minors were prohibited from attending performances. Its licence would be subject to penalties up to and including revocation vague told them outright you let kids into a sex show we take away your license and they did and now you lose your license. Although responded its advertising to included is the show was recommended for audiences. Eighteen plus respond admission policy specifically allowed for minor children to attend, if accompanied by an adult. as a result, minors attended, and were knowingly admitted into the show by responded? during the show and in the presence of persons less than sixteen years of age performers appeared
stage wearing sexually suggestive, clothing and prosthetic female genitalia. The show featured numerous segments. Where prefer is engaged in acts of sexual conduct. Simulator, sexual activity and lewd vulgar and indecent displays, including, but not two inflation is at its highest level in forty years and interest rates are skyrocketing. Recession is upon us. Between runaway inflation and a recession are retire. accounts are in real danger, protect your future called. Only precious metal dealers. I trust american hartford gold, it can show you how to protect your savings and retirement accounts by diverse Fine, your portfolio with physical, gold and silver It takes to get started as a short phone call and they'll have physical gold and silver delivered right to your door or inside your I re or for a one k, american Hartford gold makes it easy They are the highest rated firm in the country. They live in plus rating from the better business bureau and
thousands of satisfied clients? call them right. Now, they will give you up to one thousand five hundred dollars a free silver on your first the fine order, so don't call him now call eight six, six nine to one three three, three one. That's eight, six, six nine to one three, three, three one or text tim too sick, five, five, three to again, that's eight six, six nine to one three three three one or text tim to six: five, five, three to eight performers, forcibly penetrating or rubbing their exposed, pressed prosthetic female breasts against the faces or oral cavities of audience members these all in the exhibits intentionally supposing performers prosthetic female brow
I'm gonna tell you to the audience intent exposing performers buttocks to the audience simulating masturbation, performers digitally penetrating prosthetic. While I gave I can read these things on youtube: graphic, depictions of childbirth,. and or abortion. Additionally, the videos were per acted on screens behind the performers? The videos the images of exposed female breasts and less than a fully opaque, covering portrayal if similar masturbation and other sexual explicit content, these people are pedophiles. This is outright saying it. They were told. No kids they were showing children sexual content. I don't know what else you would call that other than pedophilia and grooming The show also contain sexually exploited themes and prudent content presented through perverted versions of pot children's christmas songs. These included
adaptation of all they want for christmas. Is my two front teeth that can what that contained trails of oral as well and I'll sit on his lap and he can put his milkin cookies all between my gap, the show also featured a performance, from screw dolphin red nipple reindeer, which include the following. Lyrics can't read this: Every day I dont sorry. I think that one would get me a strike at all times material to this complaint respond. Maintained dominion and control over its licence premises. Is it Oh, you got run shut. The whole thing down. evoke their business license. You can no longer serve alcohol because you have rumor is showing sex content to children. Revoke there their entire licence shut it down. Maybe that will wake these people up the act. I'm sorry this
the least they could do, and I mean the least they could do more. They should have criminal investigation into this. The manager of the premises premises should be criminally charged. If you went to a playground, showed these images to children. No question you'd get arrested. But it's a real ledges and incorporates, by reference the allegation set forth through paragraphs one through fourteen. Let's radon, exposing genitals. Are consistent with the prevailing standards in the adult committee as a whole, worthless with respect to what suitable material for children under the age of sixteen they re election incorporate them. A lot of law account to count we ah they're, just basically saying their base. reiterating everything count for theirs. Outlining and base details like what florida statute prohibits. This behaviour, this through this behaviour and their showing basically that yo they via
it all lot of laws. Man, that's crazy, lets it. We got count six. What is this one? maintaining up above the vassili division and give all party authority to revoke. Spend a licence of any person holding a licence. The beverage le revoke therein, your business licence, this, the high it ok you're shut down. Six months suspension, everybody g, t f, o I'm just sick of it looks like I love I love that they did some kind of executive action. How about this wrong about you, send in state police and arrest them? agenda of this facility for hosting sexual event for children. It's that simple or rest him walk in any cop can do it arrest them other. Cops near this jurisdiction in miami who have the balls to
get up among themselves upon themselves to just go and ask for the manager ask where you, the manager president present on this not in question turn around place your hands behind the back, Take the initiative in I've seen cops arrest people at their own discretion. Here you go it's right here and funny you deal with the with the with the district attorney and and the cry baby politicians in the bureaucracy. After that, act after a cop says. I m willing, based on this document, to take it upon myself to issue an arrest. Let me ask you some: if a guy hadn't, then inviting children and then showed sex to those kids. Should that person be arrested, I can hear the collective yes from all of you, so rhonda santas. Why isn't it happening? I'm just I'm. Just I'm really done. Ok, I have no time to I do too. I like it taking away their their alcohol license, so what
So they so the guy who manage the players are so we don't sell beer anymore. we don't sell wine or vodka whisky, so what ok sure Maybe some people will go downstairs to the bar, make them feel it. This man who runs this the manager should be arrested. Staff members who facilitated it should be a right. stead, I'm not kidding if you were a caterer toot. If you work the high it and you were told, bring food down and you aided and abetted this event, you should be arrested. You think I'm getting not. If I was. If I was working at a club security guard, Bar tender barbette whatever and and the company bringing children into a sex show I would leave and I would call the police- and I would say this: want to be involved in all of them. They
get some kind of charge for aiding and abetting this exploitation. But you know what you noted is it's called the overton window. Imagine what would have happened. Fifty years ago, they did this one hundred years ago a hundred years ago they probably grab all of the people in the establishment and string them up. Now, that's a little too far. If you ask me now at a point where the overdue window has shifted so far that rhonda santas that that one Top contenders for the Republicans is going. Listen here if you they sex show for children, we're going take away your liquor. Licence is better than nothing I like, I said I liked ridding the headline, but you may tell me: that's it rhonda santas, the strongest guy. What about trust? Where's anyone do anything. The fact is out: lining everything they did in this and they were like
he had believed that they would bring children and stimulate sex acts in front of them and show them videos of it. I'm gonna take it. Right to sell beer, but that's it's amazing, well, this is the modern era. Oh boy, you're the exhibits. But you know what, if you want to make the argument that this is appropriate for appropriate for children youtube, let's play ball. Let's go but the exhibits exhibit do it says for the eight eight consecutive year, Murray and Peter prevented drag quest, christmas, blah, blah blah, twentyman, intermission, etc, etc, etc. Here the letter they sat saying if you have kids there, I believe better regulation say it has come to our attention that you can contracted bigtime operator, blah blah blah to avoid. And being taken against your license, it is. Obligation to ensure that all minors are prohibited from attending the drag fans, drag, show,
if minors are allowed to attend the department will take any at all actions of able to ensure that you do not pose a threat to minors in the future. So you took away mere, so they can still do it, but now there can't be drunk when they do it do more melanie s griffin, you know look man I like that the citizen administration took action but saying this right now, if and maybe look here's what I know there are people like hey. Can you get this democratic? That Democrat on your show and I'm like I'm, not poland punches. You bring them, on the show, and I will go after them. We even had we ve got some Republicans and I've spent like right now. you know: I've organ impeach, Joe Biden for these regions in the no. No. We can't do that. I'm a plan. I advocate a candidate and I said, would you vote Each Joe Biden goes. I don't think so. Then. Why would I vote for you why? What
vote for you. If you're going to let this crime family, yeah they're, not the greatest crime, family they're, just corrupt, do whatever they want nope, he should be impeached while he's not going to get convicted. Anyway, I don't care. I want action So when we had that has had administration, I'm going to ask them. Why did you just take away their liquor licence? Why Did you not sending state police to arrest the people who house at a sex show for children, answers, because I'm just I'm just I'm sick of the pretty ten, the pretending we. are so concerned about this. That we're gonna make sure the next time they do it. There will be no beer, there. Ok, sure I guess it could hurt of economically. Here we go what's this exhibit showing just showing my He's right here. Will scroll down because it certain gimme the best Here is a fake genitals. It's a little blurred, here's a partial
nude men- oh yes, here's children! Oh my god! Thou art it was at the exhibits presented warrant they were, they were little grainy based on the document but dumb I'm. I'm just tired of a man We really am. I like rhonda santas he's doing more than most set. The best you have is that the best we can muster. Do I have to run for office. Maybe that's the out. Maybe that's the out I just decide to run for office and then actually enforce the laws. Florida supposed to be this great. They weren t centres is doing all these great things and don't get me wrong. This is more than most, but I am just so shocked that texas, had these chose the cops did nothing, and you know it's funny.
Is that when they had one of these, these these child sex shows that they're doing right now and the it was all. I think it was the only be careful one of these big lefty nonprofit camera birch one I tweeted about? It said they were NEO nazis protesting pedophiles, and I was like why Why are they neonazis, like a group of people coming saying no pedophiles and you're like while they're all nazis. Is it that there are really nazis and you're. So, and I nazi your defending tito's in texas and in florida, they have mostly allowed this and the best thing we ve seen from Florida, the supposedly, by state run ahead as winds by a million votes. The best you can do is say now we're going to take away your beer or pop up. So you know they're going to do they're going to keep doing it and they're going to call it a protest until you go and arrest them and say not in my town, the people of florida,
voted against that stuff, not all of them, some of them like it and those are bad people and the people facilitate. These shows should also be arrested. If somebody work club and then the order that club started traffic in children and the people work there were like hey, I'm not gonna be involved, I'm just doing my job drinks, sir. Should they be charged? Yes, they show like if someone goes into a criminal organisation. I don't care if your, though, if you're the driver, you are of a criminal organisation facilitating it. You get arrested, come on. Here's what's going to happen gonna, wind and the overton window will keep shifting. I don't this action as meaningful enough to actually bring about change in the other direction. It's not going to shift the overton window. It's it's
something I'm glad to hear it like I said, but just reading through all this stuff, I'm just getting so frustrated with the inaction like the best we can do is take your liquor licence, funny haha this hotel while build a cell booze for dinner and people will just go without and the people will still stay there and the business will still make money and they will not stop doing these things. This episode is brought to you by racetrack, what's better than one slice of pizza from race track to get you going, how about two slices of pizza and when you buy once life you can get any other for one dollar. That means you could buy one slice of pepper only for now and get the new bacon cheeseburger pizza for later for just a bank or just get two slices for now racetrack. Whatever gets you going. Only at four
Dissipating locations, you know they didn't west virginia too around where we are setting up our new space. There was a flyer for children's dragged show in west virginia they're doing it on purpose. They are rumours. They are pedophiles targeting children with sexual sexually explicit shows. This is therein and, as James linsey pointed out, they wrote in this thesis. The goal is to get the glitter in the carpet. That will never come. They want to groom children, not not about algae bt. That's the lie the mountain bailey, because, if it was it wouldn't need to be set, the explicit they wouldn't need to show men thrusting into each other. That's the sex! That's the grooming of children! If it was just,
rag queens and they were dancing on stage and singing I'd still argue its inappropriate, but they're doing more than that they have simulated sex acts onstage and more. And what do we get? The best we get reduced and assess the best who's running for office. That's going to campaign on. If you have a show fortune During that is sexual in nature. You will be arrested, you'll be put on the sex offender registry. We will, allow that in our state have a nice day can Rhonda scientists do that. So I'll. Tell you why I been leaning towards donald trump because run as the right. He does these great things in the culture war that are alive the bare minimum of what you expect from a good leader and we all been like that's great I'll. Take it pushing back against woke ness, doing things like this ship, the bare minimum and we're so accustomed to failure that we are satisfied with this now I'll tell you what I want to see
one a drag queen having an adult, show totally fine. In fact, our what I'll smile and laugh and we'll all share a drink together on me, a dragon It has children present. Will the police and we will arrest you you'll be criminally charged for it. Sing minors for a lewd and lascivious acts in front of minors. Whatever statute we have available to us you'll be arrested, I don't care if adults want to do adult things. In fact, I'm very libertarian you're an adult you wanna, do drugs, dont care, you're, an adult you wanna go to sex clubs. Literally dont care have fun adults, consenting adults. Do your thing? Don't hurt people be careful. You wanna bring kids into the mix. you're gonna get arrested. Can we get that promise from any one of these leaders? I say you know, look man. I ought to show its decently big tim cast. I rl and I know why a lotta people won't come on. The show began,
I'm gonna sit back and say if it makes sense, it makes sense. And that means I will ask. If ever shall we sit down with rhonda santas? Why are you not arresting these people. you are the head of the executive of Florida handle law enforcement, state police. should be instructed to immediately shut down these events and They are done in secret. You arrest the people hosting them. There's evidence where's, the de oliver. There We'll see next segments coming up at six p m in the channel, thanks bring it out and I'll them in one may be most cringe inducing thing. I've seen in a very long time drew barrymore got on her knees for Dylan mulvaney, but here's the best part. Dylan mulvaney, a biological male, is wearing a dress and drew barrymore. A biological female is wearing a suit. It's just I dunno it's kind of funny,
games. Lindsey, tweeted women plus I taken control. since women need to step out of the way, be silent and no their place? ass, indeed, women plus I love, very, very clever, James Lindsey, but yeah Amy cerise on twitter who is from the what's left, cast, constitute a podcast posted this, the giant inversion. Re attire is so stark, and here we have a picture. Dylan, mulvaney, a male wearing female clothing and aid male wearing a suit. Look, I don't what you wear man, I just think it's got a funny. I also think it's just insane that barrymore got on her knees for Dylan mulvaney. It is Unnerving and on earth, as it It has met, Walsh would describe, and so here's this clip the store we got from TIM cast back, I'm actually Amelia zoom,
Sir. Yes, maybe it'll be easier to see here and it's a title, Dylan Mulvaney discusses difficulties, experiences identifying as a as a woman on the drew barrymore show a monster, I'm I am not somebody who is trying to do anything but be myself and be happy. Let me tell you why I want to talk about this and what I think drew barrymore, nearly stricken terrorists and I'm just like. What's wrong with you, you know many women are very different. They are, I don't care about this That's the problem at dylan, mulvaney can do whatever dylan mulvaney wants, whatever andrew burial can do whatever you do, do whatever drew barrymore wants to do, but why during this show and seeing this level of psychotic derangement has me kind of thinking. now made we're gonna have to actually step up and start caring about the weird social destruction. That's happening before us, that is to say,
people like drew barrymore, don't seem to have any kind of reason behind them. It's just its chaotic got ecstatic nonsense, aesthetic, psychopathy! drew barrymore is like it just appear here. And then gets on her knees and his like what must what it must have like and then when the audience abolish over got their crying because their crying there's no real. the cry it's like you're, seeing women start merely cry, because another man started crying. Why are you crying about dilma babies in italy, I'm here withdrew, barrymore and they're all losing their collective minds. Look people gonna, do people want and we ve all been fairly classically liberal, but looking at all I don't think there's a classical liberal solution to any of it. There is only destruction I feel like classical liberalism had its time and place. When humans were very spread out an shared moral foundations, but it led to a
kay and moral foundations which ultimately leads to a crooked and corrupt society that would exploit and destroy children, which will ultimately lead to the death of civilization and so what we need is a true classic liberal or traditional liberal society in that we expect things of you and we expect cohesion now for those that don't want to hear, I don't think you do like authoritarian stuff with it. I think we just maintain a certain degree of moral expectations in that we say: hey, I don't care. If you want to wear, dress and fault the ground, crying and juggle hot dogs. We don't allow that on tv things like that, maybe it's a little too harsh, because there's free speech, after all, our walk that one back what I mean to say is not that the law needs to handle it, but that people need to say outright,
No, we will resist you culturally. We will not just sit back you're certainly allowed to do your weird tv show, garbage and and social media crap, but we need some kind of system it says here: the lines do not cross them, but a challenge there, challenge is, we believe in free speech, the first amendment we believe and many amendments we believe the constitution, but then what out this absolutism that results in the destruction of the very same document, to paradox, reason: the constitution worked is because You had a morally cohesive society. Now you don't now it seems not make sense. The government give some people free speech and others. None will. Therein lies the problem, you, If we don't actually have free speech, major corporations will say: I'm a private company can sense or whoever I want great than here's. What we do. We buy them
works? And then we ban the stuff? Is that what you want? That's the point: the law doesn't need to stop it, but there needs to be an effort to curtail cultural degradation. Generously. Otherwise, and I don't care about these people, but otherwise you and up with adult sexual for kids florida doing very little to stop at taxes doing very little to stop it and it spreads, and it gets worse because you have to hear ears outworks. The Democrats in the leftists are trying to run full speed off a cliff and the republicans are holding a tethered to them being dragged along and they're. Saying. Oh, no, stop don't keep towards that cliff instead of having your people run the other direction and pull them back from the brink? They're, just holding the rope and being dragged along republicans are democrats driving the speed
watching this show. Actually, maybe I can show you like a clip or whatever of like drew barrymore on the verge of like crying, because he let me let me play some of this. What she said to you wasn't what I thought she was going to say to you. What was it she said to keep some things, for myself, and I couldn't be more in the way that there were a few moments this year, where I was like was I actually ready to say that, but now meeting her and having that moment I go ok. What would Laverne do and I Have stopped myself from making a few videos to make sure that I was act? I want to point out a few things the internet creates alive. It the perception of reality that doesn't exist, but reality persists case in point image, maybe I can not full screen this. It's not as easy to see because of the way the ravings framed but I want you to see. Dylan Mulvaney juxtaposed withdrew, barrymore drew. Barrymore is a woman. She is small. She is frail.
Elected to the large stature, large had and large body of Dylan mulvaney I am not saying that as it is it as a derogatory statement, I'm saying factually that done Albania is a larger human being very tall, broad shoulders, thick arms, have actually never seen Dylan mulvaney next on someone else, so it's actually quite interesting. to see Dylan mulvaney next drew barrymore, so you realize dylan. Albania is a large, a large masculine individual that I mean that ideologically or internally, and on that it is probably saying no to certainly this person not masculine. This is an eerie and unearthly individual. Who has lost all masculinity in the process of transition,. and you're not gonna. My point is you can't get rid of it? You can't change it.
There are a lot of personalities who who who who pass they call it passing, and you you'd be like. Oh that person strand, you don't realize. Not everybody dilemma of any is not one of these people, and I will stress again I am not saying this as as a slight or as personal I am not trying to insult dome of any, though I think dome of any is actually trying to insult people. I think Dylan mulvaney is the worst kind of person in that Dylan mulvaney intentionally insults, women intentionally insults, trans people and then says you can't make. You can't tell me that as I'm am trans as a shield, be a nasty nasty person, but I will say that dell mulvaney is large and there are many personalities that dont pass. Many of these personalities are very obviously large males, and there's no getting around it. Now dillon
I do clever filters as mouthwash pointed out and angles and put the camera down so that Dylan will look. smaller on camera. But then, when you sit down in this chair next to drew barrymore you can see I gotta say like dilemma It is actually very large like an and again among among insulting someone. By being like, you got a big head or thought, none of the dome of it's got a large had a large body, and I wonder if there is other images you can see. I think when not actually think that was a tighter shot. Dylan's beg builds a big person I hope I imagine is it is: did was dylan like five five, ten or five eleven, maybe maybe taller how old, how tall Drew Barrymore actually meant that limit. Let me find out I'll look that up, so we can get a point of reference. Ok, remorse. Five foreign she's wearing heels, so Dylan's, probably like five ten. Let's try that american type and how All is dylan mulvaney
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watching this show and look? at the audience, letting it. Let me let me do this year limit when we put this clip you starting with sitting on the piano, it was the first look at the look at the audience being like the time I was introduced to film reviews which are sickly, social media, ps science like the whole I'm about to felt like all these reviews and what could be a charlie's angels. It could be an eighteen. It could be the wedding singer, everything in between, if you read reviews just like on social media. You are pretty much guarantee. it is this day some like it. Some doubt oh, you ve gotta be willing to bear down embrace for it, and I flew by linking your battles to gas and sometimes I think the greatest response can just be in the next joyous video or in the neck. When that you have because that just to show that, like you
continuing on and whatever that those people are projecting onto it isn't actually penetrating. I think I try to make my our arguments. Academic. I try two. sling mud or anything like that, I'm not gonna come and say, dome mulvaney. Look met wall said of dome of any or unnerving your unearthly and peace, like that was so mean, and unlike have you ever heard, like I've called people disgusting pigs, You know, like Donald trump called. He D, a rosie, O'Donnell donald fat, pig or some like that, like that, mean giving this doubly academic argument that met. Whilst it is not me it's crazy to me that people say does deal. Mulvaney is a bad person, a mean parson and I think, evil. I think
Dylan mulvaney intention is to insult women and trans people. Hiking heels. People look at that, nor, like that No, I mean you get conservatives being like look at these trans people, trans people- don't do that. I say it in times, that's why I think, mulvaney? His intention is to make a clown show of women and trans people and it works, and she goes on Maybe I sit on the floor. Was I run the floor? Withdrew barrymore, but but but don't got surgery, TIM so did madonna, so did basically every single clown in hollywood. That's what they do. This is no different. Whatever man do you and I don't care like I- I literally I Don'T- I don't care if adults want to do it if they want to do. I was going to point out my opinions on it. I think dylan's I'm will try to be made to Dublin. I think don't and evil person outright mean that causing
pain and suffering and destruction for personal gain, making a mockery. You know there's a lot of people who do it whatever I'll leave it there. Next segment's coming up in a few minutes, stick around and I'll see you all shortly. The exciting conclusion of the justice mallette story, nigeria. And brothers who were paid three thousand five hundred dollars by disgraced empire act or justice mallette to attack him on Chicago street break. their silence on the crazy fraudster and still feel betrayed by his hate crime lies. We got a little snippet that I want to play for you, because it is funny He was there, but I also was thinking back there. Fraud, this guy's really Seldom hair just lives of these people live with tee and not caring,
I think he shed a tear, and I want a little gay boy who might watch this to see that I fought back crazy. He shouted do while dude wild just these small at ah the fanciful. Glorious conclusion of the hate crime hoax right there, the two brothers outright saying it. They say what came to light of the brothers a pair of aspiring actors from nigeria? Can nigeria confessed the mugging was oaks now for those of you that live under a rock. What happened is that Justice mallette claims he left his house is apartment like very early in the morning. I believe levis house. He was going to to pick up some eggs or something, but instead with the subway, then in twain We rather whether at two or However, I am in chicago in an area where people don't live, he was jump by two trumped up magua hats, who
This is a modern country through a noose over his neck and splashed bleach on them, or something like that, someone out and and just as mallette when on these tours lying and you get that famous in page moment where she was like a dog. Ah man it's a clown world. Ah, a clown world Annie, in person saw. That starts at home, let alone from someone from chicago, no because I know the exact area where justice mallette was where he claimed or where he claimed he was when he got attacked and then the funny thing is the evidence comes out. These brothers were paid by him, paid to stage the whole thing, but the funniest part of the. It is when the cops show up to his apartment there, whatever whether he was staying at he's, got the rope around his neck and there are like
Did you leave the rope on your neck for some reason like? Would you take it off? It's the funniest thing you they bishop was like look it's on my neck, that's where they put it and the like. Ok, we'll take it off like white. Why is, there is a basic, weird thing in it, so you get all these people all across media crying over the justice mallette story I live in. I'll. Go I lived in Jakarta group. There but he lives in that area. A nobody go outside a twenty to re, whether two a m force. way back subways good. I mean I like sandwiches, but now about that. Much maybe I'll go get a sandwich later, and the idea that trumped supporters if look there's some people live downtown and they may be down there because look. There is a subway down there, but like it's open late, but the idea that they'd be trump supporters is the weirdest thing and that they'd stumble upon de list actor jesse smell at from primetime drama?
I know who he is, is just the funniest thing ever so was all over that. Where were they paid, I've, been bola and Allah binge overpaid, thirty five hundred bucks they revealed. That is, take up his bizarre offered a beat him up because they thought he would in turn help their career speaking about how the actor consistently lied and tried to play innocent after the hoax, the brothers told fox she insane It's what I really saw different side of jesse like dude. Really, this is what that this dude was like a supervillain the brother revealed they met there, then in small at an hour before carrying out the staged attack where they met him our good. They met up with him an hour and the their later hung them out to dry when, as web of lies began to unravel both brothers said, they now feel betrayed by the actor who attended to saddle them with the blame during subsequent court hearings. The pair slam, the empire actor as a crazy fraudster who to this data.
Not come up to say the truth. I thought it was a good actor, but also that this guy was a fraud. This guy really just sit sit near line these people lying through his teeth and not caring, amazing calling actor craig for its continued devotion to the rules on the bola about those album, bola ahmed ahmed bowler. What let me make sure this white yet is: ebola up top and I've been bullet here, so they got a typo down here. I don't I don't I don't like when they do that. this guy's really just sitting here lying consider states. Star start star ones at the time the brothers both delivered in. Testimonies and laid bare the plot leading the actors conviction, there is even a camera, apparently where justice, with the brothers he walked up and points to it. Like yeah yeah, like no you're doing this. Hola alleged his attackers were a pair of magua hat, clad white supremacists has since then mentally denied the charges after serving
six days of an agreed upon a hundred and fifty day sentence in chicago jail. The illinois pellet court order stay on his sentence last march, as he sought an appeal of his conviction, the brother recalled how, after carrying out the attack, they flew to nigeria in part to audition for the night The inversion of big brother and pondered there. They are put on the believable performance that small at what would have approved of. We are the ones that did it. He says we was in character the whole time, while it's amazing after being by one of the interviews. Interviewers of a dual had served as believe bull, white supremacist, with the obvious elephant around being theirs. Their statue brothers, skin color the parapet to quickly share a glance before I've been bought a fading surprise, as if the inquiry had caught his acting chops. The question problems are one hundred percent The five part series featured interviews with chicago detectives, who are called to investigate the case.
How they secretly discern that, despite some on account of the of the attack, the actor suppose it assailants had been black after just three days of probing. The incident cops began to holland. The brothers and subsequently suspected small as hate crime. Claims were, in fact bogus, ah video evidence, for more than fifty five sources would prove the narrative to be true on masking Brothers as the definitive call the definite culprits at this point to two conflicting, offered by smollett cops knew the incident was a hoax, but we're then faced with the task of food. Sing it from the brothers miles themselves, caps quickly encounter block after learning the pair were out of the country, but would only have but a few weeks before they would return all a bit said flying back. For my nigeria we are expecting our other five hundred dollar check. I felt like I was going to get back to business. Go back to doing audition, go back continue working out and living my great life.
I've been bola, meanwhile, better Our basic name, Bola said he had a sea suspicion that lawman may have have been hot on his in his brothers trail. It felt like the police was waiting for me. The brother admitted that, What I felt like their releasing all these little bits of evidence, but they knew It was off. They just wait and forced to come back, audibles intuition. That would prove correct. The brothers reveal with the pair pulled aside. Customs agent after offering up their passports when I was getting off the plane, the customs, Was checking everyone's passport, they got to me hold me aside to big ass bullies off This came about like damn it's over caught me as right: siblings were held in a cook county in forty seven hours before they, cracked and owned up taking part in somewhat strange plot for the first time which this the actor designed with the ultimate goal of being viewed as a hero for not only the algae bt community but to black people as well. The pole,
did ask us what jesse's motive was, but Jesse did not really tell me a motive but from what speaking about we're talking about. would say what he wanted to accomplish was to increases star level. He wanted to be the poster child for activism that's what I wanted to say. He replied. He wanted to be the hero for gay people, for black people. The duo went on to detail the extent of their relationship with smollett and how the trio became fast friends through a mutual friend and the favors them in exchange for another I met him through a friend. I've been bala, the more talkative the two brothers told the interviewer. My friend said this dude is cool oh he's like everybody else. Remember, injustice, mallette yelled in court that I am not suicidal. I, like you too, it seemed like they were framing him. Do people believe this guy? man. Life is going home. I've been bolder recall how the time he felt his meant to be true, describing how is it mabel a maybe all other kids. While this guy's name right, he also described ass. Molly
His brother would regularly smoke pot a substance scene He was regularly task with obtaining for the actor due to his desire to maintain a low profile he's the genuine and authentic. As a person, we would go out tonight or bars and just chill relax. There's a few times that I came his house and watch tv while he in just smaller than his brother, would be smoking because I dont really smoke. Referencing claims about some unless attorneys that suggested the act. Had been in a sexual relationship with him and the pair had mastered, in bath houses album bimbo. a joked, we would go to night clubs, the miss bath houses, and that was about it so seems like that's true.
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should have just said, no dude, and this guy would still be is show. Maybe what had been done by now. These guys are probably have a higher profile, and that's it that's it. They gave up everything for this guy, and this guy still try to maintain his innocence. That to me is, is this. What is this? He set himself. A letter. Apparently Well that receives a racist and homophobic threatening letter at the studio in chicago or empires. Filmed later, say they believe smollett sent the sent the letter to himself there. You go wildness white privilege, sulphate man. These people make all this garbage there. It is him crying on tv, there's the timeline jeez, this. Smile lawsuits, moths lawyer, suggested there. and he told police attackers were white was because they might have been wearing white face. I'm done that's it. We got closer.
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Transcript generated on 2023-03-16.