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Democrats PANIC As Republicans Launch Formal Investigations Into Biden, Announce MORE To Come


Democrats PANIC As Republicans Launch Formal Investigations Into Biden, Announce MORE To Come. Republicans wasted no time after the acquittal of Donald Trump in the impeachment trial in launching their investigation into Hunter Biden.This comes only a few days after Senator Lindsey Graham announced that FISA abuse, the Ukrainian whistleblower, Burisma, and the Biden family would be facing investigations. The outcome is actually surprising as many thought the Republicans would not seek information as to how these repeated Trump scandals keep emerging. Starting with Russiagate then Ukrainegate it seems like it would not stop.But now the GOP is pushing back against the Democrats and we may actually get to the bottom of how these fake scandals keep getting pushed up.Meanwhile Democrats face another battle as the far left candidates and supporters are seeking to upend the party come the DNC.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
A couple days ago, Senator Lindsey Gram announced that the Senate will investigate Ukraine whistle blower, the violence and fights abuse and the big news? We have right now, the GEO Peace senators? waste no time investigating Hunter bought an after impeachment acquittal, and that is big knows and we still have more the Treasury department. Already complied with a records request from the GEO P Dare I say the investigation is on the way it is moving forward, and, admittedly, I'm kind of impressed. I didn't think the Republicans would actually do anything. Many people agreed. It seems like, after all of these scandals from Russia, the Ukraine, the Republicans just didn't, do anything in response and if they don't it will keep happening. The argument from the Republicans in the end piquant trials. Tromp is basically that he had real probable cause to investigate the violence,
but Linsey Graham and several other said. This was not the proper venue leading people like me and many others to think they just work ever going to do anything about it. I stand corrected. I was wrong and I apologise there actually moving forward and good. This is not. Policy its about justice, no money, the Democrats want to claim the process was broken, but previously they were arguing the process when it pertains to the house, I don't care what the political tit for tat I care about whether or not Joe and Hunter Biden did anything nefarious, because there is enough evidence to suggest- maybe I'm not gonna say definitively, but something there, especially with the whistle blower, so if they are going up Hunter Biden now stands to reason and he groundwater the truth when he said five, abuse and the oh blower, on their radar, there is still A lot more news warning that the other big story we have as billboard changing the rules into how you can actually, ass to get a presidential candidate will go through. All of that, I think, is a typically smart move, because the
plant is about how Hillary Clinton got damaged and twenty sixteen certainly the left won't claim that's bad for them. Right, and the last thing on a cover. Today's Nancy Pelosi claimed that Trump would be impeached forever and Republicans have now announced if win back the house in November. They will expunge the impeachment of Donald Trump meaning he will have never really an impeached sort of I know, will all know it. It happened, but the records will be expunged, dare I say- I think it's going to happen. The Democrats have handed tromp a massive and major victory with the acquittal and he is already gloating and because of this they opened the door into the violence. They could left well enough alone, but they were so desperate. It just keeps backfiring every single time they try. They just make it worse. So let's get started on the first story, but before
We do, however, the TIM cast outcomes flashed on it. If you'd like to support my work, is a paper locked in a crypto option of physical address, but of course the best thing you can do share this video. A lot of people echo chambers you know they dont want to hear, but- and I say it all the time, but I think it's really important that people start to look into what's happening with Hunter Biden where the spouse, even if you're someone who for some reason likes Hunter Biden, a guy. Getting between fifty and eighty three thousand dollars a month for doing who knows what it's important? You know these things listen, you can hit my guts all day and night, but if you do end up watching this video at least you'll understand how I think about things. It's fair right for everybody else, showing the veto just really help the channel. Let's read from the daily collar They report, the republican chairman of two Senate committees wasted no time after present. I'll trumps impeachment acquittal Wednesday before opening up You area of inquiry inquiry related the Hunter buttons Foreign business activities minutes after the Senate voted to quit.
Minutes. Let me repeat that minutes after the Senate voted to acquit Trump Senate Finance Committee Chair. And Chuck Grassland Iowa and Senate homelands. Purely chairman RON Johnson of Wisconsin released a letter they sent to the director of the secret service requesting biting travel rock words during the time when his father was vice, president quote we right to request information about, Their hunter biting used, government sponsored travel to help conduct private business. The senators wrote to see What service director James Murray, they say They want records indicating whether the young You're Biden had secret service protectorate protective detail, while his father Joe Biden was in office. They also want records of hunter buttons. Level while he received any protection. The Republicans focused in korean hundred its work in China and Ukraine, they noted that huh,
but in joined his father on a flight to China on AIR force to in December twenty thirteen after his firm Rosemont Seneca entered a joint venture with China based Bow high capital to form it be h, are while in China Durban met with Jonathan leave the ceo of both capital, He also arranged for his father to shake hands with glee. After the China trip be H, how's business licence- was approved, the senators noticing the latter. So let me just point out conflict of interest If Joe Biden was there, while he was the vice president, you can see how that is benefiting his sons, private business dealings, because they have the weight of the United States government behind them at least implicitly going on that illegal reports referred The greens have also scrutinised hunter buttons. Business dealings in Ukraine, which factored into the Trump impeachment saga I was on the Board of Ukrainian Energy Forum Charisma holdings. At the same time that Joe Biden was in the Obama Administration main liaison to Ukraine,
in its resolution to overthrow a pro russian president Trump took an interest in the binding relationship to Ukraine. Video surface from January. Twenty eighteen of Joe Biden bragging that two years earlier, he forced you can't Ukraine's president. At the time petrol parish, Anko to fire a prosecutor in exchange for receiving one billion dollars in, U S, loan assistance trumps out I have alleged that the fired prosecutor Victor Shokhin was removed because he was running to investigate bereavement holdings for corruption in July, twenty fifth twin nineteen phone call Trump asked ukrainian President Vladimir Zaleski to investigate whether Biden intended intervened to help Europe Democrats allege that Trump withheld military aid at to Ukraine. In the quid pro quo to force open, the investigation, Joe Biden, has denied trying to help bring my while tromp has denied lovely a quid pro quo. We know about the impeachment trump just acquitted and before we move on to the big big breaking news, because there's I'll tell you what Treasury Department sent
information on Hunter Biden to expanding G O p Senate inquiry few the wrong Paul meme it's happening? It's really happening I want to mention one quick point: Victor Shokhin, the fired prosecutor recently claimed and you, and he also demanded criminal charges against Biden that there was that invest education, and he was pressure to stop it. Question I have because the official account states there was no investigation; technically, it was in active, Victor Shokhin was fired, apparently for not investigating but hold on the new prosecutor, who came in after Joe brightens Joe Biden Quid pro quo. Cleared the Oslo Chubbs, the founder of residents, of wrong, doing citing a lack of evidence. If the argument was that there was no investigation when there was it was just inactive and the next guy clears him. Then, at the very least, Joe Biden got an innocent man fire
at the very worst he fired a guy who had an existing, but an active investigation into a company Hassan worked at either way? Joe Biden looks bad, I think that's more than enough, as far as in my opinion, that we should investigate this and look even if the Democrats wanted to claim they were correct, but impeachment, which is now over Trump one at the very worst case they just preventing stupid. But apparently there is real reason to think something: wrong happened. What's the story from Yahoo NEWS, they report, the Treasury department, has complied with republican senators, requests for highly sensitive and closely held financial records about, Durban and his associates and has turned over evidence of question all origin to them. What to a leading Democrat on one of the committee's conducting investigate This is a leak from Democrats that it's happening, that they say
as evidence of the Republicans four months, while the impeachment contravene controversy raged, powerful committee chairman in the republic, controlled Senate have been quietly but openly pursuing an inquiry into Hunter buttons, business affairs and ukrainian officials a legit. Interventions and twenty sixteen elections the same matters that President tromp in his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, unsuccessfully tried to cover I'm sorry, the same matters that President Trump his personal lawyer, would you Giuliani unsuccessful tried to coerce Ukraine's government to investigate. I just like to point out that Donald Trump was acquitted of those charges, Yahoo and I think you're wrong. Donald Trump once again was acquitted on those charges. Now I'll stop to be fair, a lot of people will say it was.
You know the problems that they attacked the process. Democrat say there were no witnesses. Let me just stop you're right there. There was no charge. There was no criminal charge for the first time in your history. The Democrats refused republican witnesses, including hunter bite and end the whistle blower and a few other people, meaning if you wanted to indict the president, you need reason of probable cause and you'll need by partisan support. If only the damage, that's are allowed to present evidence. You get a one sided essential grant, essentially a grand jury. Now, that's actually how very often I think it's actually have grandeurs work, but I am critical of it for the political process, I also think the senators should have called witnesses, but so be it at least there. Bringing some people in and we might get justice. I dont think what Trop did was right on that phone call. He should have given these tasks to his lieutenant in the people run the Justice Department, but it's not impossible let's radon, they say, unlike Trump and Giuliani. However, senators Charles sleep chairman of the Finance Committee RON, Johnson, chairman of the home and sick?
ready and govern governmental Affairs Committee and Linsey grim chairman of the Judiciary Committee? Have focus Their efforts in Washington seeking to extract politically full information from agencies of the? U S, government they ve issued letters requesting Kurds from cabinet departments and agencies, including the State Department, the Treasury, the Justice Department, the beyond the national archives and the secret service. I just gotta, stop a boy. Oh boy is Yahoo NEWS, biased framing this, as though there looking for politically useful information into what Joe Biden in fourth place in Iowa you can drop the narrative. No one believes Joe Biden a front runner Buddha judges, winning somebody's gonna claim Trump. And his allies are still scared of Joe Biden. Perhaps they'll say will do Joe Biden did poorly is because of the investigations because of the scandal. How do you keep arguing it? Why would they keep going after a guy? They ve already defeated sorry. The reality is, Hunter Biden did show,
things I mean the deuce got along track record of shady things in the press. So does the Biden family stop trying to push the narrative it's over? Tromp was acquitted. Hunter Biden is questionable. There is a legitimate reason to track his record but it took to play it like the Republicans are going after politically so information try harder Yahoo news. They say Grassland Johnson have sought to obtain some of the most sensitive and closely held documents in all federal law enforcement highly on financial, suspicious activity reports filed by financial institutions with Finsen an agency of the Treasury that helps police money laundering, the senators whilst the Treasury have borne fruit. According to the ranking, democratic set it on the finance committee wrong. Why of Oregon. Who contrasted that the cooperation republican senators with the pervasive White House too its stonewall that House Democrats encountered when they subpoenaed comments witnesses in the impeachment inquiry. This is a truly remarkable piece of,
quotes journalism, Yahoo NEWS but hey. I appreciated the Quote- says: applying a blatant double standard, trumpet straight and agencies, like a Treasury department, are rapidly complying with sent Republicans requests, no subpoenas necessary and producing evidence of questionable origin. Widened spokesperson, Ashley shrapnel said statement. The administration told House Democrats to go pound sand when their overall, authority was mandatory, while voluntary codes Eddie was sent republican Psycho at lightning speed. Let me just tell you something very simple, Donald Trump, as the commander in chief, he overseas departments. What did you think was going to happen? He has executive privilege when he once and he get instructors agencies to go after other people when he once if the House Democrats were concerned about obstruction, the Supreme Court was available for restitution. They opted not to go there.
Root, in which case that's, that's that's how it works. I do not like the idea of political investigations what the what the Democrats did with Russia getting Ukraine Gate, the Pfizer abuse. So I'll tell you what you want me to be. Set about this. I worked our actual yes out for a little criticism towards US agencies for just saying it's all good for Trump. But let me tell you something else: what do you think happened in twenty fifteen and twenty? Sixteen with the start of Russia Gate will, you think, happen with the five abuse. It goes both ways while I'm no fan of how the political process works and law enforcement don't be surprised when you push the pendulum in one direction and its swings back with equal force where's your direction. Let's ride on, they say the rapid production of sensitive financial information in the Treasury department. In response Two congressional requests is apparently uncommon, a source with a matter for the Treasury began turning over materials less than two months after grassland,
en route to fence and on November fifteen, through nineteen requesting and he s a hours and related documents filed by financial institutions regarding Hunter Bite and his associates. Their business and clients Just a couple of weeks later widen and senator shared Brown, democratic, Ohio complained defence and in a letter that information requests from Congress in Putting legitimate committee oversight, requests related to suspicious activity reports often take months to process, and we understand that certain such requests have yet to be answered at all. Senator widens warning with sport, my concern at the agency. Would minorities republican request over democratic once capital side, somber letter to finsen treasuries. Sobs What actions have made his concerns even more urgent, with the Senate impatient trial concluded the democratic primaries in full swing. The so the Republican, let investigation, may soon appear at the centre of the political stage. The flow of information from administration to send Republicans has prompted concerned among Democrats that any damage
information uncovered may be deployed at a time of maximum political advantage for the truck campaign. What do you think the Democrats we're doing with Russia Gate all throughout the twenty? steam campaign. I'm sorry! I have zero sympathy for you at all, none whatsoever, but I don't want to this too long. So I'm going to leave Yahoo NEWS is biased approach and go down to the conclusion of the story. Suffice it to say the Yahoo story is biased, but it really does lay out just How serious this is. Republicans are movie at lightning speed and they're, getting the documents they ask for hey it's like they set about Trump. Nothing to hide. He should have no concern or or take no issue with them collecting evidence right. No it with its. The same is true for trumpet the true for everybody else. You should absolutely be concern. If people jam you up digging into your history, because the truth is
you can always frame someone and try and well jam someone up with something that look suspicious and make their life miserable, but the fact remains most people, I think agree. Hunter Biden should not have taken that job. It was nepotism and there are questions about whether or not Joe Biden Flying and air force too with Hunter Biden was it was a pressure campaign or maybe a quid pro quo with China. I think it wants investigation. I think we re, to get all of a man, senators should have called witnesses in the apartment trial, but hey that's over what to do about it they say that they understory mentioning. You know Chaillu bonds of like that. They say this gradually Johnson courted controversy with a letter to the Justice Department seeking to obtain a broad swathes of information from Alexander Kaluza that the Democratic Party can other. The democratic party consultant who says she voluntarily provided private personal information to the FBI and twenty sixteen when she felt harassed by russian hacking in January
In January response letter today, due to the Justice Department, widen called the request outrageous to use to loop voluntary cooperation in order to weapons. Her personal information against her in furtherance of a political attack based on unsupported claims and potential russian propaganda, would compromise public trust in our law enforcement? Undermine Americans rights and damage our national security interests. He wrote my oh my. It almost sounds exactly like our publicans were saying about the Carter page phases, the investigations into Trump. Let that limit player the world smallest violent. You can't spend years going after Tromp doing the exact same thing. You are now complaining about. I'm sorry, you know what men investigate all of them as far as I'm concerned. Have no sympathy for any of these people in office, but quickly. I want to highlight the story before I get to Nancy policies: great failure for the New York Times
they say: investigations into twenty twenty candidates must be cleared by top just debarment officials. The move is intended to help avoid up ending the election, as the FBI inadvertently did, and twenty sixteen when its campaign inquiries shaped the outcome. Of the rice. That's the gist of the news. You really need about bill bar. I dont really see how the left will get mad about This considering they claim the FBI's interference, cost Hillary Clinton, the election or at least contributed to it. I would amount, that bill bars actions here would actually be a good thing for everybody. He needs to be the one who clears investigations into presidential candidates, otherwise you could end up with twenty sixteen all over again and some from the FBI comes make sure the Democrats look. Bad sounds like it makes sense to me, he's not saying don't do it he's just and we can be very, very careful with our elections hate. The Democrats have been very concerned about election security. This sounds like a good thing right,
we'll see how they respond, but this brings me to the last little bit of this segment on January, fifteenth Nancy Pelosi, gloats tromp, has been impeached forever. She says and joy recently after Donald Trump claims full exoneration. Yes, he was acquitted Pelosi insists he remains impeached forever. Perhaps this rage in losing the patron fight, which, if they I mean honestly, everybody knew she was gonna lose. Perhaps it's why she tore up Donald Trump speech she may have heard. I did a segment earlier. Matt gates Claims is a violation of the law and I think to the letter of but actually, as you can't destroy public documents like that, perhaps for fur historical record, even if it was the copy but necessary, also fallen ethics complaint. Perhaps all of that Ray is why she did it, and she knows the reality is Donald Trump is not impeached forever. I'm sorry he's not
The Republicans have already moved forward the story from your post Republicans planning to expunge Trump impeachment. If they win back, the House As I said, it is set to vote Wednesday on the removal from office of President Trump with acquittal all but a short, and now we do now completed Republicans, already plotting to expunge impeachment. If their retake the House asked bigger Nancy Blowsy, may have taunted. That he's impeached forever, but you p minority, later cabin Mccarthy in line to be bigger. If Republicans gain the majority in the November election doesn't agree, this is the fastest weakest. Most political impeachment in history, Mccarthy told the posts on Wednesday I don't think it should stay on the books. If Mccarthy does indeed take the gavel from policy and twenty one he will hold immense power to pass legislation and a vote unexplored and almost certainly would yield party line, support, Mccarthy and other Republicans
they that investigating how Democrats led by policies intelligence, led by policy talents Committee, chair, Adam Shift and judiciary coming, chair, Gerald, never pursued the impatient of tromp could provide the factual basis to underpin and expunge meant effort. I think if we take the mature, some of the key priorities for us, our infrastructure. Lowering postscript drugs and others, but I think when you look at what the Democrats have done, I also think we have to get to the bottom of it he's not just talking about expunge meant he seems to be talking about in ass delegations and if the Senate is already doing so, dare I say if tromp supporters really do come out in force and take this the house and reelect tromp in twenty twenty? You will see a wave against the Democrats for all of these scandals at first. I did want to believe it, but with Linsey Gram gradually and- and you know what these investigations actually happening now- actually think they well, but there is also another potential.
Potential that the Republicans don't come out in droves. It there's a potential that, though we showing in Iowa makes Trump supporters overconfident and just like Hillary Clinton supporters, they don't come out. The house is not reclaimed by the Republicans and the scandals and investigations in tromp, never stop, and there is a slight chance I would argue out. I don't think it's possible, but it's possible trump loses. I mean it Moody's analytic said with maximum turn out. The Democrats can just squeak by a victory so think about that, even if Trop ones reelection, if they don't take back the house, it's never
going to stop and as the Lord of the Rings means says well, we ve had one impeachment, but what about second impeachment- and the Democrats have already talked about second impeachment- don't be surprised if they launch something similar before the election cycle is over. Now I will add. When it comes to activist outrage, you will not see people yelling in the streets, because Donald Trump was re elected. Technically I mean they will not. Then they won't, but you're gonna see massive massive outrage at the Democratic National convention if slash when they steal the nominee, from Bernie Sanders. I think that's what you get you can count on that one. What's real it a bit more, they say there still and eighteenth transcript. That was never released about the inspector general. It's interesting to know in there was seventy nine page hundred seven pages did Adam shift. No, the whistle blower did he meet that with the whistle blower. I think a lot of questions are,
used about whether that individual Adam chef was a fact witness, as Republicans needed to flip eighteen seats, to retake the house and of the majority needed. Pasture measure along party lines with Trump on the ballot in November. They are expecting an enthusiasm boost among voters a morning. The Democrats are one the Democrats, men, the turn out for I was Caucasus were not good. It was moderate turn out vain needed record turn out to win in November and they have moderate turn out. Good news for them quote. We feel very, very confident that come November voters are going to make the right decision and speaker policies term. Speaker of the house will not go beyond this year. Sad housework, Republican Conference, Chair Rutledge, changing the notion of expunge meant is likely to please Trump, who has been stung by being the third press,
in history to be impeached, I want to leave it there. We wanted to go on get the point, but I will, I will add. Trump has used the impeachment to his advantage and many people on the left, not the establishment Democrats. No, it saying not only then did Trump see acquittal. Seeing record approval writings he seeing record donations. The Democrats handed him everything now. As the stain on his shirt. He has that stain of being the third president to be impeached. What do you think's gonna happen when he gets reelected Republicans take the house back. Donald Trump has impeachment expunged, but was still able to fund raise off it off of it, canvas off of it and improve as general standing because of it. He'll have reaped all of the benefit benefits of what we call the Cavenaugh effect that, by going after
openness political way they bolstered has base, and then once is based, took the house back, giving him for more years of power and the Republicans they simply wipe the slate clean, giving trumpet clean victory. So no Nancy policy to very likely Donald Trump will not be impeached forever. In fact, it's very likely. You gave him everything he could have wanted and in it in a year's time, the impeachment, longer exists. I ll leave it there we'll see where these investigations go, but I gotta say I'm looking for them sit around next augments coming up at six p m youtube com, slashed him cast news, and I will see while there I seriously hope you already know about what Nancy Pelosi did tearing up Trump speech, because I've made like free videos about it. No one will shut up about it and there is a debate over whether it was right or wrong are good or bad. Well, you got it. You know she did.
And now we're seeing the ramifications rat, Matt Gates, has filed an ethics complaint, basically what Nancy Pelosi dead strikes at the heart of tradition and decorum, and what she did was very inappropriate. The reason this is dangerous is that when people stop acting in a professional manner, things start to break down. We don't want to escalate from here where she's basically disrespecting the whole process. Ass, because things can and have been worse. I certainly don't think it's the worst thing in the world that she did this, but it was deeply offensive to many people, including Democrats, You may have seen the video I did yesterday. My main main channel Youtube com slashed him cast. Democrats actually quitting the party over this they're calling indices ban saying I was embarrassed. I will never vote democratic, Gandia, Nancy Pelosi, disrespected the house and that's an ethics complaint, but that gates
takes you take this one step further, because perhaps he says she broke the law. I think that gates is technically correct and, as we know technically correct is the best kind of correct, the law actually states that anyone who destroys you know. Public public records are documents is in violation of the law. Nancy Pelosi did that The tv everybody sought happen in fact, there's a video clip going around where it looks like before triumphant. She was trying to see if she could rapid. She like pulls the speech down and you know, tries to a little bit to see if it'll give. Now, here's the reason why the technically correct, I think the spirit of the law was an attempt to stop. If of people from destroying public record in say, like I, don't know having a bunch of emails purged from their servers. We all know how that when, if someone has information via the public interest and they erase it from existence, I think that was the point of the law.
One anti policy did she torp a copy of a speech. Everyone already has and still exist today. It's not like it doesn't exist, so I dont think that strikes at the Spirit of the law, but my gaze, as I said, is technically correct. As to the letter of the law yeah, I think it's very She definitely destroy public records, we'll see if a judge actually takes that seriously. I really really doubt, as were the ethics complaint. However, yeah, I think, that's legitimate, absolutely We, the story and I've got some other updates on what Donald Trump has been doing with his impeachment victory elapse. But let's reading your posts says Republican Matt Gates fallen ethics compliant against Nancy plus you. That said, the House speaker possibly violated numerous house rules and may and maybe even broke the law by tearing up a copy of the presence of president trumps state of the union speech. The Florida legislator Central, to the House Committee on ethics, requesting they open an investigation and shared on Twitter gates, wrote that speakers
he's gesture, was deeply offensive and appears to vice clauses one and two of house rules, twenty three which dictate houses official code of conduct. Her behaviour does not reflect credibility on the house, nor does it follow. Spirit and the letter of the rules of the house gates in his life said policies. Unseemly behaviour, certainly worn censure. The lawmaker ask them after conducting ethics broke. The committee makes referrals to them, payment of justice for further investigation and prosecution. I don't like you games. Man I understood that Matt Gates has the letter of the law on his side but come on? You know. Look Nancy Policy is a jerk. She hurt her own party severely. I think I think it's all Eddie bad enough and we and we don't need to move into this territory simply because she tore up Trump speech. It's it's a lesson right now. You have democratic voice, nurse sang, I will never vote Democrat again. She hurt herself,
her slip on our own, but an appeal and walk away cause if she s getting in trouble in terms of legal context. It makes the Republicans look petty so one of the things they sang. Oliver Twitter is very low for me, is there like you're gonna you're gonna be mad at Nancy Policy for tearing up some paper. Meanwhile, president, you no blank grabber, p grabber. If you know I can say that on Youtube. Technically they that bitch how bad trumpets- and I'm like- also that's the morality or playing with these days that just because Trump is bad. It's ok to Nancy Policy is bad. Ok, Europe had dude. Excuse anyone's behavior. I am allowed to complain about policy same as illogical, not complain about Trump and Andrew Yang with us all. We get so I'll. Tell you what the ethics violation yeah go for it shouldn't be doing this criminal come on. Let's Reed Pelosi Gates alleges
letter appears to be in violation of a law that prohibits wilfully, destroying paper or documents filed or deposited in public office. There is no call Can it speaker, policy, mutilated, obliterated or destroyed? The copy of the president's address provided to at the beginning of the evening gates, wrote winning language from the law after Tuesday night state of union policy told reporters She shred of the paper, because it was the courteous thing to do a point, it mentioned in his letter as events to her alleged wrong doing. Ok, let's do this. This is the actual letter from gates, and I want to read the law says now. Look, maybe it's a good thing that met gates brings this up to a certain degree in that we'll get some clarity on the law. Are you know, Hillary Clinton? What did you destroy? Like thirty three thousand email? She said that she she wiped the servers she used. Bleach bet ya. That was the destruction of public documents and no one did anything.
That I'm not saying that you know I'm not gonna, start chanting lock her up but come on man. She destroyed public records and claims about yoga or something I don't care what it was about. Its public records, its public records There's no excuse there. Now it as he plus he did, was a copy of a speech. It's very different but much red anyway. He writes furthermore, speaker policies. Policies appeared patriots appear to be in violation of eighteen USC, twenty, seventy one which states whoever wilfully and unlawfully conceals, removes mutilates, obliterates or destroys, or attempts to do so or with the intent to do so takes an Harry's away any record proceeding, map book, paper document or other thing filed or deposit with the clerk or officer of any court of United States when any public office or with any judicial or public officer of the United States shall be fined.
For this title or imprisoned not more than three years or both be whoever having the custody of any such record. Proceeding. Macbook document paperwork- thing, wilfully and unlawfully conceals, removes mutilates, obliterates falsified or destroys this. The same shall be fined under this time around not more than three years or both and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from home any office under the United States as used, in this sub section. The term office does not include office held by any person as a retired. A sort of the armed forces of the United States. So maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the law I shouldn't be trying to you now say what my interpretation is and that's important. The letter of the law is clear. I don't think you can actually argue based on a letter of the law that Nancy you'd have to say she did break the law, let it says she was given possession of it. She destroyed it, it may,
also be true that there are other reasons why this needs to be kept in public record, because the copies, maybe we're for the house, in which case by destroying it, you could argue we can't we have to draw a line somewhere at this kind of behaviour. Did Trump, I know what what what beloved, though I know that I'm going to say immediately. They're gonna say that broke the law with the impeachment and all that stuff. Let me stop right there, they, never large trump with crime, and yet such humor and all of these resistance types keep making the same lie in it breaks my heart to see other. Nebulae people into believing fake bs. Here's what they say. If you can't indict does the president, like we learned with Russia Gate, and then you can't, you know you can't remove and because no crime is committed. What are we supposed to do? I guess we have a king. Let me limit. Let me break this down, for you, there are arguments is that when it came
to the up the opinion on setting precedents not being indicted that Trump maybe did break the law, but because they can item our they supposed to remove him from office, because the Republicans are arguing that Donald Trump didn't get charged any crime this is insane because impeachment is the indictment process. Please please stop Of course, many of them know what they're doing and I've seen viral tweets where there No, you know sang Republicans, think Trot was a king who can't be indicted and then because not about it, you can't you remove. No truck cannot be indicted. Ok, that's the thing. The opinion We know that tromp has cited over and over again you know many republicans have. But if the House Democrats thought Trop committed a crime, the impeachment is the formal charging of those crimes. There is a remedy. When the president breaks the law there pretending it doesn't exist because they didn't have evidenced actually go up against Trump
well we'll see what happens with Nancy Policy, but I must point out there is, a little bit more in the I guess, gloating section of Trump having one first, So again war- or I don't what's gonna happen- I dont know if policy should be charged me like that. I think we ought to be very, very careful about how we move forward to stop the ethics complaint. I think as legitimate but meddler but meddler is triggered by Donald Trump victory lap after having one in an impatient tribe was acquitted ride. Everybody knows it. By now, the president was found not guilty on both charges, which were not even criminal, charged in first place, ok, so Donald Trump Posters, tweed I'll, show, and then I'll say what that Miller says. This is a tweet that believe it's a video made by carpet duncombe the master means Psmith of that you know. Most trump supporters are big vans about us out at its time magazine. Its has dropped twenty twenty eight twenty thirty two and then you ve, probably see this has got four three million vehicles.
And eventually shows Trump, and it's like that that the gag is that Trump will run for her and he will always be president. It's a silly joke. It's a meme meant to be funny to trigger these people who think tromp is gonna, be a king or dictator. It's not true When tromp was acquitted and he will not be removed. I guess he thought it would be funny to post it s because like ha ha ha. You can't stop me, you know, or whatever it's a joke. Calm down. Most people don't care, but of course, but meddler with her all caps. I not have boomers years older than a Bomer, but whatever what? What? What I don't even generations? Yes, but anyway, it's something that older people do, that younger people, don't for some reason you put on flock because it's like for some reason, typing in all caps, is supposed to be more our no meaningful. She said he penned this. You think this is a joke. Don't you it's not.
Means it. He will change the rules and his enablers will let him if he wins again. He will rule until he dies you die or both then you'll get a vodka. Seriously. Lady, you need the calm down a distance? It looks like that middle or is losing her mind. I wonder how many of you got that joke, but there are a lot of people who have fallen into this absolute from derangement syndrome, world I'm going back to Nancy Policy. What was she thinking? Why did Europe I tell you this, but the I mention that video that was posted sheet. She takes the papers offered, ask holds them down and seems to try and tests to see if it can be torn up. She didn't even know what tromp was gonna say so all She always proven with this. Is it a matter what tromp was going to say she just didn't? Like the guy and is that where we really are there not arguing anything about Trump
but middle or you're. Saying nothing. Ok, look if tromp tried to become a dictator, you I'd be the first one marching down the street saying no way, and so would many conservatives and libertarians and transport are saying no way now. Another thing about the Trump video is that entirely possible. Tromp, twenty twenty four means trumpet junior and so on it at any vodka, and then you get Baron eventually so doesn't have to be the the you know, the actual Donald Trump Senior as much as I am not a big fan of you know, honesty is. I don't want to see. You know that their environment, Michelle Obama, their document, Hillary Clinton in running all stop it's like did onawandah play those games right, it's it's it's already bad enough that they do. These things were like bill. Clinton. Is legally allowed to accept a bunch of money and then it is it's a game. We are basically, if you as an individual,
can't do a certain thing like race money, because you're running for office, but a family member can and in the family member, can use that money to benefit. You get a bunch of loopholes that IRAN the stuff, but let me just stop. You argue about Meddler Yaller, crazy, ok, it's a joke It's meant to make you do this and should not the only one saying in saying things in the world is ending its truly, Harry those an article from the Atlantic that that's all right now that talks about how trumps campaign is creating this world of dissent from Asian- and it was really sad because the story open with the writer talking, but how they start FF. Following a lot of these channels that were pro trump and they talking about how they they were now doubting reality. Maybe what you really experienced was reality. They basically sad that You know the Ukraine scandal Tromp was pushing back saying Ukraine, you know, did these things and they were like. I started to question every headline I thought I would be resilient. I
my media literacy would protect me. Let me tell you that really is not media literacy, its indoctrination, its lies in deceit, ok, I use a service called news guard and I mention this all the time. I'm not losses are their biggest necessarily their biggest fans because I think they're biased, but that's a good thing. It's basically extension that gives you a check mark or an ax if they find a source to be credible or not. I don't always agree with them. For instance, they say: project varieties is not credible and I think for dubious reasons but front for the most part they will give. You know Fox NEWS and the daily caller. As well as Buzz Feed and MSNBC Grainsack marks. I think it's fair. There is no use it as a check on my own bias, while I think they're wrong on certain things I tippit for the most part, only you sources theyve certified. So if you want to I'm biased you're, allowed to but I'm only using sources certified by them. These people who are looking at Trump thinking that he's like he's literally doing nothing, he's mafiosi,
stealing money from the country which has just it's in a fringe perspective. They live in this bubble world. Without We know what's going on and when they actually find We open the window to let in other information they panic and say I thought I was gonna be He doesn't Islam the window. As in San Bernardino, for opera protest, Trop protesters and Trump supporters. I walked up to the Trump protesters and I asked them like you know, You tell me what you know what what you're here for and what you're doing, yadda yadda blah blah blah immediately when the organizer said stop talking to them, don't talk to them just start chanting too. Big contrast between the Trump supporters do verses. What the anti fascist and the ETA Trump people do. The Trump supporters are like debate me and they said Anne, and it's actually a mean where it's like the right will be like debate me. I'm the left will be alike, don't debate anyone and we don't have to beg you, and I won't talk to you and we'll just start minded mindlessly clapping enchanting, so we don't get exposed to any other perspectives.
Then, when you have that world and you're someone like bet meddler who lives in this, like paranoid delusional reality, and you start trot, make jokes you're like it's, not a joke, his he means it. He really does all right, Miss Polly to calm down I got one more for you there's a lot, a news that I gotta admit. I've already got like several story lined up. I plug it today done in record because so much is going on, but our Vince COG, ladies, Who is our house daily collar? Editor post this off the front page of the new post, and I think it's hilarious video posts as acquitted president gets last laugh on policy. Trumps turned to rip and it's a graphic that they made showing trump ripping the articles of impeachment boy. I feel bad for you. What were they really thinking right? The gravel institute member member might gravel. That was that
right. I was really bomb because they kicked him from the debate stage, which is bs he apparently qualified. They should have let him on and they didn't so while at each other I think its competent. I think you did qualifying one aspect, but they were letting some people go on the debates page debate stage, even though they didn't paw and if, like that and gravel dead, but the rebel institute Did. I don't think it's my gravel anymore. I think it's, the youngest run it Democrats impeach Trump and watched Its approval writing reach its highest ever. Bravo and of course he just got acquitted up. They can't even think run the I will caucus right and just got caught, taking away it's from Bernie, why the F r led by these absolute inept dip asses yap. Well, there you go. Man. I've got so much lined up today. Could not there absolutely cheating Bernie Sanders? They they they apologise because they accidentally games.
Of his delegates away and then claimed Buddha Judge was gaining when Buddha Judge was not gaining all men. How could we how good? How could anyone be shocked by this and yet trumps approval? Writing is is going up and tromp was acquitted. It seems like at a certain point. The Democrats are actually on trumped side. I I'm be I'm being somewhat facetious become you know I was signed by the other day with a friend I said at a certain point: is it it's like what? Why would you assume incompetence if listen if it was just random failures? You'd think that have like a track record of some victories right, least fifty percent that's random chance, but for some reason, literally everything they do backfires. Maybe there actually succeeding and they want to help trot. I know I know it's silly, but it's kind of our minds we have George could stands on Seinfeld you're, so that episode where he decides to do everything the art
set up what we normally do and it works out into becoming very successful. That's my advice, Democrats. Whatever you're about to do, stop and think about the opposite of what that is, and then do the opposite because so far everything you ve done has been good for tromp, but I guess I will wrap it up their stick around the next cycle. Becoming up at one p m on this channel, and I will see you all then, depending on who you talk to tell you something different occur. In Iowa. Some people are saying: why would peak booted judge cheat and an election to withhold result showing he won. It makes no sense except the question really is whether or not he altered the results. This shadow incorporated app that made everybody suspicious boy. I've seen a ton of conspiracy theories and I hate to use that phrase because I'll put it this way. How is it that we knew something
happened to stop Bernie. How is it that we knew after the result got delayed? It would benefit somewhat upbeat Buddha judge when the went when he gave it three speaking. People immediately started saying wise budgeting, the victory speech. How was it we knew when the results trickle, then it would disproportionately reduce Sanders votes how, we know all of this is because we are humans. We're good at seeing patterns now, I'm saying this grand conspiracy, but at a certain point, what do you believe that stream coincidence that in this case, where they cheated Bernie last time, we just happened to it Another lottery with all these weird circumstances, I'll tell you what I dont know what happened We have reason to believe everything is all messed up and I've got some news stories for your first of all the New York Times. Found over a hundred inconsistency and errors and there was a major air that may seem like PETE Buddha Judge was gaining when he was actually the losing to Bernie, but come on the day in Seas
Sheeting? We know they cheat well that would they go this fort yeah. I believe it, but in others the big split whose fault is it what's really happening, while the Dnc the Mc Rats, the EU more Democratic Party. They have a new target as to who to blame guess who their blaming, of course, trumps supporters check out. This or from Bloomberg, which is unsurpassed from a company owned by one of the candidates and the democratic rights that should have never gone out. Saying Trump fans flooded. Ah, you will caucus Hotline, Democrats say Do they really now ok limits? I some I dont know if Did they didn't? I No, why many of them would maybe they did, but this noosed, whether this website Bloomberg? Ok, You know it's owned by belittle he's running his regret, so I know just because he owns it. It's not the worst thing in the world, but why would a But credit can news outlets whose already
in the past. They won't investigate him. Then come up with We blaming trot supporters for jamming up the hotlines, making it harder for them to get the results, while of course, they're gonna stop blaming trump supporters. They dont overtly, say: tromp supporters caused the jam up or anything that but there let their their laying seed saying all the hotlines Raw messed up and the Democrats couldn't get there. Sultan because Trump support we'll call it in and JANET the lines accept their many posts from precinct captains. Neeoka saying things like we submitted our results. They knew what the results were, but they didn't report for several days. Why? I can't tell you I'll, tell you what a lot of the Bernie Sanders supporters are thinking. This gave PETE booted judge I've role days of victory lapse as the front runner and his poles are already improving, because people want to vote for the winter outside. Ass? I will read the story next, but let me just say if every and shouted to Michael as this was his weight. If you guys know we, as he tweeted are some of the effect of every,
whole in Iowa was wrong. Every single Paul, it's twenties, seen all over again or any of these media when it's gonna be held to account for being wrong. No, but they were wrong. I'm not, I can't believe PETE Buddha judges actually winning, because I've called him a great. Bob what I mean by that is he's just an amorphous, nothing. I dont know if Europe That's what he's for he gives generic talking points and he doesn't have particular star power, but here is narrowly in first place, but not by the popular vote. While oak. Let's see why the Democrats are starting who blame from supporters for their mess up, I want to stress they didn't, say the entire massive was caused by tromp supporters, but I think it's silly that when they're talking but the hotlines being jammed up in its hard for them to calculate results, there are saying but Trump supporters of letting the lines and that's what I see people tweeting, but now they ve laid this where they can. They are plausible deniability. Well, we never said it was their fault, but everyone else's saying. Ah this is it. It was Trump a thread.
Bloomberg with a conflict of interest reports? Supporters of President Donald Trump flooded, a hotline used by our precinct chairs to report democratic caucus was After the telephone number was posted online worsen delays in these Statewide Tele atop State democratic party leaders on a conference call Wednesday night and without confirmation Bloomberg says: let's roll with the story. Here's what you do Bloomberg check the phone records see who was calling and ask them what it and what time and yeah it's gonna be really hard work, but you gotta confirm what they're saying is true because a conflict of interest here. Of course, the Democrats have a strong political reason to blame trumps supporters, this should not. The story should not be up according to participate in the call can say State democratic central committee member was among those
answering the Hotline caucus night and said people called it an express support for trump. The phone number became public after people posted photos of caucus paperwork that included the hotline number one. People on the call said: the phone call Wednesday night between the Iowa Democrat, party staff and state central committee. The parties affected governing body as the party was still counting results. Several glitches included problems are the new phone application that was supposed to quickly send individual caucus resulted in state party plagued. I was troubled Caucasus cause the outcome to be delayed for days more than forty eight hours after causing began. The party ever It results from ninety six percent of precincts and the race was too close to call Savior who was So the President of the Iowa AFL seo declined to comment when wreaked by Bloomberg NEWS, Troy rise. The chairman of the ILO Democratic Party alluded to Your Ference on the conference call but did not specifically site tromp supporters. You see where this is going, we were do
with serious you, no interference and the other guy says, support is kept calling and then the people go on twitter and are pushing the narrative. It's not. The Democrats fault it's the Trump supporters fault waited Cheat Bernie. Why would PETE Buddha Judge, try and jam up his own victory would be the judge, give it time money to shadow ink and then that app is being used by the democratic, calculate results. That's called a serious conflict of interest. I have said it before again. I am not a big fan of burn yours policies, I was in the past, but if he is the choice of the people, then so be it that those are the rules we all play by the Democrats, a pair we don't know, there's a growing as it does a challenge and sang the Democrats, but I took the glee: don't refer to Bernie Sanders when I say the Democrats, but it's weird because he's running as one a yo see as one Ellen over their Democrats too. So what are we call em? I guess the FAO.
Left, I'm across. I tend to do that, but there is a real battle between external forces and the establishment. Democratic party and Establishment Democratic Party is I guess maliciously defending itself, like you know, from an invasive force, they dont, like sorry, you're the Democratic Party, and if someone runs and its popular among democratic voters, that's the way. The rules are made, but here's the advantage of doing this silly ridiculous, cock, a system where they flit coins or play rock paper scissor determined to determine who gets votes tie breakers, can proportionally benefit. Someone like Buddha Judge was now ahead by only three state. Delicate equivalence whole system is so complicated that their theirs way to know for sure. If Bernie Sanders is being cheated because the process is so ridiculously convoluted. So I'll tell you what my prediction is. My prediction is that work and have way more problems in many more power marries they're gonna be a little bit smaller. Maybe not this big, but that's gonna give plausible deniability
dad was meant to say all we don't know exactly what's happening, oh no, we're just bad at what we do. I'm not saying they're gonna cheap overtly, like you know, heavy handed manipulation of votes or anything like that, but they certainly played dirty when it comes to the press and when it comes to their debates and that's what I think is absolutely plausible, the establishment Democrats played dirty and twenty sixteen against Bernie. Why would they not do the same today? who thought booted judge would be in first place, come on. They say Segura whether what we read that already the state Party declines to comment, but the Trump campaign waged in don't know anything about that, but may be Democrats should consider using an app of some kind. Next time TIM murder, a spokesman for Jumps campaign, wrote in a text message Wednesday night. Yes, seemingly trolling, the Democrats, we get it when the phone application malfunctioned precinct chairs turn to the telephone hotline, to get the results to be I would never party many were placed on long holds in some gave up, and I stated the other day. How is it that
we just call it is a year of the results Yahoo. I don't have any secure it at all just make a phone call unclaimed. That's who you are that's ridiculous. Sean back in the cock. A secretary for a precinct and Story County was on hold the state party for an hour find report results to the hotline because of problems party officials. When the phone, while he was being interviewed by scenes, Wolf Blitzer, who asks Abash into report his prey its results. While he was on the air, he agreed by the time you too, back to the State party officials had hung up on him and their blaming trump supporters for interference. Pricing I've been working to a shared democratic leaders. The party is taking every step taken, the accuracy of the results. On Tuesday he sent an email to the state. Central committee outline the steps the party has taken. As you know, it's been a challenging few days for our team and our state party media accounts tat part of the story. Technical issues and new reporting requirements, cause delays and confusion. What received less
mentioned by the media was the deliberative and cross functional approach we brought to preparing for and solving these challenges. The aps trouble started before cocking began on Monday morning, multiple pressing chairs reported difficulties downloading and logging into the EP. Then, once the results came in the eye, would Democratic Party said there was a coating error I dont believe of such so. Some people think that Buddha judges, you know of donation to this was not the applicant to manipulate the vote count. They said they were inconsistency In some conspiracy theories saying that Bernie Sanders had watchers volunteering at every office. And when they saw the results reported were wrong. They immediately, you know let Bernie no Bernie conduct some lawyers and the lawyers you know started wiggling their finger at Dnc
who then said: ok, ok, we hold on it must be a coating problem, I'm not that I don't know. If any of that is true, and I don't think it needs to be there's a much simpler solution, the app may be worked, maybe it didn't or it didn't. But the Democrats absolutely took advantage or actually manipulated these slow role of results to give PETE Buddha judge more than enough times do victory lapse and claimed to be the winner outside this man. I was sitting my couch we're watching the primary result? We just wrapped up. One of our past shows and then also be judge, gets up and gives a victory speech. That was very definitive. I thought it was weird I'm like why is booted judge, claiming he one in that I was shocked the nation. Nobody knows what happened yet. There were no results and Buddha Judge was not pulling anywhere near first place and Buddha Judge was right. It's really weird, isn't it so Look I got it. They want to like slowly acceding that you know. Tromp supporters were involved, the story doesn't
the disclaimer that Bloomberg is seeking to democratic presidential nomination, he's the founder. Already owner owner of Bloomberg. Lp the parent company of Bloomberg, news We just jump over these results, which are which make me absolutely laugh the Wall Street Journal shows Bernie Sanders in the lead. For one reason he has the popular vote count by just over a couple thousand, but PETE Buddha Judge has three more delegates. And you can see it's because Bernie appeals to more urban voters and Buddha Judge appeals to more rural voters. It's kind of like the electoral college. Bernie Sanders Progressive Camp are very much about, getting rid of electoral college, but will the moderate camp back that call from the democratic. Near them coming up defending the electoral college. Now they ve all pretty much but on board with its unfair that Trump one. So they want the popular vote. Aright
see if Sanders is, is given the when considering he has the popular vote in the end. What what? What? What did we see while my theory and k, if I was to speculate, is now that there's a grand scheme to use an app, change votes. It seems like a genuine screw up, but it really does seem like they took advantage of this so that they could make Buddha judge, look like the winner because they really dont want burning, check out the storage in the daily collar. Are you? A democratic party makes minor correction to caucus results, o a minor correction, and yet the correction did It changed. The narrative from PETE Buddha Judge widens has led to Bernie Anders shrinks the lead approaching first place. Let us out daily collar reports, the ILO democratic parties, cock what was continued Wednesday when the party made a minor correction to an update of its results, that inaccurately showed twenty twenty democratic presidential candidate, PETE Buddha judge crazing his lead over Vermont, Bernie Sanders, but my oh, my that narrative emerged and what it everyone report, Buddha,
is expanding. His lead over Sanders looks like he's, gonna take it though it is to close to call and then just wait a little bit. Let the stories you know bounce around people's minds and then say. Actually Bernie is closing that led the result of I ve been delayed because of a glitch. We know that on Tuesday idea, p present, our I'm and until they IP release. Sixty two percent salt shown that Buddha Judge maintained a lead, indelicate vote over Sanders, the former self bent The American led grew slightly Wednesday. After I D P had released. There was of seventy five percent of precincts. I d be Ident bought an error in an update related later released later Wednesday. Those results which brought the total precincts reporting to eighty five percent showed that Buddha judges led grew by another point: seven percentage points, but I DP appeared to have inaccurately attributed delegates to business Man, Tom style and
while Patrick the corrected results showed that centres had actually narrowed. Booty judges led by point four percentage points with eighty six percent of budget printings reporting Buddha judge. Ok at that, that's old news and we don't really care about the rest of them. Apparently, something else really funny happened. Some them show the sign sign placed on the ILO democratic parties, building voices, frustration over caucus results as attention and see slash idee peep come out from the shadow. You cannot hide from the truth. I'm willing to bet that was the far left. You know anti four types of support, Bernie who put up that's something, and I'm well in about here's here's. What I said on Twitter, they re in twenty twenty one, there'll be riots. The far left will what will be out in droves with anti smashing windows in doing all their crazy things. An annual loves to do they're not going to be doing it, because Donald
was re elected sort of their mostly going to be doing it because Bernie Sanders had the nomination stolen for the second consecutive election. But let me stop right, I'm being somewhat silly gave its really gonna happen with an emanation prosperity. At the Democrats, Democrat national convention is over and Bernie Sanders is robbed. Once again, that's where we're going, to see chaos now tromp will get reelected and what they ll likely say as this could have been avoided. If the Dnc just let Bernie run, they claim that the Dnc would rather see Trump win, then Bernie because at least tromp is still a capitalist from its story back and twenty sixteen I was at the Republican National convention without there's gotta be major protests. There was not not really small handful of people, kind of boring, known, really cared lot of like chicken wings, though at like bars as people drank and celebrated. I gotta admit it was kind of corporate and cannot you know whatever, but what happened at the Dnc thousands of protesters,
tried, jumping barricades police came out. It was a huge and massive protests. You know why this is exactly how I see it with the Democrats, and I am no fan of the far left ideological nonsense, but I did come from a more freedom minded left, leaning in a group of friends and Annette. I grew up, and so there is there's a big conflict. Now in that look, man trap is not there, bad these these people are knots and Bernie Sanders Base would be wise to actually embrace trumps, calling out of a Dnc Tromp essay, the cheating Bernie. Why not say yes, it's true and take that the support from Trump supporters Ward, pointing to democratic corruption. Don't ask me why they don't do it, because even the media has been lying about the progressives for once just say: ok, you don't gotta like any people, but they right. And then you have the overwhelming majority of this country, pointing to the establishment saying they are cheating. They won't do it. They don't. So you know what I am
Oh, you mean we are going to see a lot of rage and anger, but the people who are protesting their protest in the Democrats, because the Democrats are the gatekeeper stopping them from getting elected. The Republicans do Republicans do, and I I get it you know when we had a cohesive left. It was easy to point the finger at the things Republicans we're going. We didn't like and also you know. I was very critical of a bomb for sure, but now you of this left, realising the Republicans are going to do. Republican, ok, they're always get into that. That's not the concern of these progressives and far left activists. Their concern is whether or not they get a seat at the table at the party. That's supposed to represent the working class and their views, which does not the establishment is the crony capitalism elite. It is not the free market, you know free individual social justice group of people, not that I think Alien Bernie are good people for the most part. I think, but he's been pandering, lying things in ok, dude
I'm not into ok Elsie. I think a celebrity obsessed, narcissistic and I can say that I say a lot. I say about Trump, but apparently not good enough. Yet they're all the same to me about this, the gatekeepers blocking them or the democrat establishment, which has become the party of the well they are going to be massive protests. Dnc I'd be willing to bet. I would what a but a large sum, the Democratic National convention when they do the nomination process. It's gonna be a huge protests and, was there. I was there when, when, when Bernie, I was there when it when Hilary was named than they were protesters there for Bernie Sanders, what he thinks. Happen. Now, four years later, Bernie is clearly the front runner raising tons of money pulling really really well. They said Biden was the front runner bided. It got ff with place and they call them the national lead. If we look at the polls now looks like it's burning, we'll see what happens with Buddha Judge, but outside S, anti vine Gonna be shown up at the currency complainant about Donald Trump. Now I mean
I don't even know what about where they did. They do the Republican National National Convention. I guess right because Trump still is. There still is a caucus, although he sweeping with like ninety seven two hundred percent the d see, it's gonna be knots, it is gonna, be balls. The wall, Bedlam, anti fraud will be running about running about, and these are gonna the dessert. These are gonna, be Bernie Sanders people I'd, make a large, but I'd be willing to bet. Ok, I mean that not literally I'm just saying a gentleman's bet that Bernie Anders is gonna, get robbed blind by the Dnc and were watching it in real time, and we all know it now. The establishment of course wants to point the finger at tromp supporters. That's like the key take away here, but you would think Anti was gonna. Do you think that an objective trumps fault? No none banana when the establishment comes out, tries pointing the finger at trumps base so that passive liberals want pay attention, get mad and say Orangemen bad or the resistance type shriek antivirus gotta be saying: no, it's the democratic establishment,
robbing us and what we want. Trump is agreeing with you guys: men trumpets, not the one coming out saying: don't let Bernie run no, he sang the Democrats are stealing from Bernie and we all agree. Look so I'll. Tell you what anti fa you can you can despise everything about trump? You can hatred to its core, but you can still agree when he says the Democrats are stealing it from Bernie and at least then you'll have that support, but it doesn't matter if they say it over me or not. I think they all know it. They know they can hate trumpet every ounce of there being, but Trump isn't it stopping Bernie Sanders from becoming president. So, stick around next migrants coming up at four p m youtube com slashed him cast as a different channel, and I will see you all there. Earlier today we saw a story from Bloomberg where they tried to blame the Iowa caucus disaster, partly on trumped supporters work. All in the hot line that was supposed to be for reporting caucus results and expressing their support for the president, thus clogging up there
its will. Nbc news has graduated beyond this now blaming for Chan. You know what they love blaming fortune. They can say anything they want without getting sued. Look if I said John though, did acts than John DOE could be like. I did not need a false statement effect, but fortune is a vague and nebulous non existent figure. It's just a blog, it's an online forum, so what they can do is for one. I'm not gonna, kill anybody know of anything, but how easy would it be for any one of these was to go on Fourchan. Make opposed screenshot then go! Oh look. They did it. How easy would it be for to scour any part of the site to find even a tiny sentence. Peggy a boom! There's the proof fortune done. Did it that's why they love using fortune its mysterious. They make it sound crazy, hackers when reality its anonymous posts and often many these people puddle
post their themselves and then pretend to get outraged. But let's read this great but of joy, wisdom from NBC News, which probably isn't really confirmed. Just like the other story, let me tell you something: they say this: a clog, the lines Internet girls deliberately disrupted the I will Caucasus Hotline for reporting results. Several officials at Caucasus attend NBC News Report has struggled of lengthy hold times that made it impossible for them to report result over the phone. Welcome the modern era of journalism. Where a Democrat can say my funds not working. I blame Trump supporters, and Bloomberg says you got it where when an NBC can say, I saw someone post on Fourchan. Let's do this thing and then without can forming? Anyone actually did anything. They can say they deliberately did a thing. Did you prove that it you have confirmation? They did? Oh you, don't listen. I get it. It's hard
how do you can form an intellectual actually took action? Well, you can't, and so what you can say is they posted about wanting to do this, but still, how do you make the claims that it was deliberate or done with being able to prevent a Threed story. Nbc news reports, the phone number to report I will cut, its results, was posted on a fringe internet message board on Monday night, along with encouragement clog, the lines, indication that J phone lines that left some caucus meant. Is on hold, for hours may have in part been due to prank calls must operate there, I'm not going to bury the lead free all at the bottom of the story, guess what they say. A quote. The Democrat says: no, I don't think so. I dont think that played a role, and I wouldn't blame recap Republicans but sure enough, even though they were told that they stay still thought, but maybe should do the story anyway, even though the people involved that they don't think. That's the case. Welcome to the world of modern digital journalism, and I wouldn't
Riddick party officials had the influx of calls to the reporting hotline included supporters of President Trump, who called to express their displeasure. The democratic party, the parties official comments were first reported late, Wednesday by Bloomberg, Nous user, on a politics focused section of the fringe fortune message board repeatedly posted the phone number four I would Democratic Party, which was by a simple Google search, both as screenshots and in plain text alongside instructions, They have to call in the results now very long. Old times being reported phone line being clogged one user post, at about eleven PM eastern time on Monday, three hours after the Caucasus began weight at eleven p M, the Caucasus began at eleven p m. I think they're wrong there, oh, how unfortunate it would be for a bunch of mischief maker assist our clogging aligns response. Another anonymous user sarcastically. Some users chimed in posting alleged, wait times on hold imploring others to Claude lines and make the call lads rob sand state.
Of. I was that he took a written. He said he took results, call on Monday, on Monday night Ass, a volunteer seed, an influx of calls. It appeared to have been generated by a post on the internet, a lot of cash, He came in at a certain point where it was clear somebody had published the hotline number somewhere. I'm pretty sure Bloomberg I would like on Twitter is only he caution that he could not speak for other people who are taking calls. And said he did not get any calls at said. They were from Trop supporters. Yet at the system preventing people from reporting fake results, ok, where we hold on you're, saying you don't think this happened. What why why? Why what's happening wasn't trump supporters. Yell said he was able to identify fake calls quickly. If I picked up the phone and it was clear after the first handful of words that some some one was not calling for poor results. I just hung up Mandy Mc Clure communiques Doctor for the I would Democratic Party confirmed Hotline receive an unusually high volume of inbound phone calls to its caucus hotline, including supporters of President Trump, the unexplained and at times hostile.
Halls contributed to the delay in the ILO democratic parties, collection of results, but in no way affect the integrity of information gathered or the accuracy of data sets reported. Mcclure sat in a statement on. Let me just stop right now: looks lives with us. We really is it possible that people were calling in making fake fall, fake, fake calls to this line, yeah, of course, but apparently was Google like anyone could have found it. So why are they lumping this on to fortune making? It seem like fortunes, the one who is at fault for this? I wouldn't be surprised. It sounds like some kind of prank or mischief they might engaging. I Thank you play a silly game. Journalist play silly game might by framing things in such a way that it makes you think this is definitive when it's not they say the unexplained and at times hostile calls contributed to the delay in. I would emigrate parts or but we're era- that the telephone reporting items added other issues, notably a smartphone out that did not work. We know that I would damage Party officials said that party staff member
and volunteers flagged and subsequently block repeat collars who appeared to be reaching out in an attempt to interfere with their reporting duties. These included callers, who would hang up immediately after being connected and collars who express support for trump and displeasure. The democratic party is unclear how many prank calls the party received or how much they contributed to wait times. Some calls came from Ireland's looking took it firm details of their evenings Caucus party officials said the party has not responded to requests for information on how many and diverse walls were manning the phone lines on Monday night, the Trump campaigns, I'd any affiliation with people clogging phone lines on Monday night. We don't know anything about this, but perhaps Democrats should consider using an apt that works. That's where I read earlier its laughable that they would try to blame tromp for their own incompetence. Several officials at caucuses, attended by NBC News reporter struggled with lengthy whole times that made it impossible for them to report results. Fortune
which host an anonymous and often extremist politics Board called pull whose users have largely supported trumps since twenty fifteen is known for studies of online political trolling and target harassment campaigns. I'm sorry, I'm not going to blame anyone other than you for not securing your phone lines and not having a better system in place. Murphy's law, what and go wrong will go wrong fortune. Also on debate nights or what is this other good? Ok, on debate nights fortune users often direct another two swarm manipulate specific online poles. That's literally every forum, its red it it's twitter, please come on swarms appall than other websites with repeat votes, a practice known as brigades in online communities. So let me stop right there you mean it's. How me that there is public phone number for the Democrats regaining affects all online communities and your for some.
In pointing the finger at fortune was fortune involved I'd if a thousand make a bet, it's probably but it's really annoying as they use fortune is a bogeyman. There are some the other forums that exist right. It, for instance, exists now who break the rules are probably ban you, but there are many other places where public phone number could turn up What it does is on doesn't Donald Trump supporters at all. It sounds like prank stars and it could have literally come from anywhere. So, like I said, I do want to make that bet my problem years. I can't stand journalists framing things in such a way. You want to tell the story fine, but the calves that should be in one particular instance: a post was put on Fourchan, not that fortune didn't I it is fair to say they literally at internet trolls in the top. But you know simulation they're trying to make they gonna say you unfortunate are anonymous and user our randomly generated with each new threat it so annoying that they want fortune to be the biggest Bateson most powerful entity in the war
they're going on and on and on and it's like dude, you don't know, ok, why you know what they want. They really do they that I think people like this love the idea of fortune beings all powerful bogeyman because they use it for clicks to make money Some use unfortunate pushed back against the users claiming to spam fallen Monday, night Monday night what you just said he didn't want other trolls making us the scapegoat for the Dnc. Think they're yup, that's exactly it because now, as a dynamic as Democrats are fighting, they are trying to pass the buck off onto fortune, which is why I dont believe it. Certainly some people may have look at their already doing, I can't wait for the news headline saying: nefarious, trolls ruined the caucus and other added. Well, Here we are we to pay in chairs are. They were unaware of any interference with the hotline and doubted it made much of an impact. I would
Lemme Republicans said Tom Courtney coach. You have them one county, Democratic Party and oppressing chair I'd love to blend Republicans in the trumpeters, but I don't know yet they love to, but you can't My car Barry Chair of Uprooted- and I was that also said, he doubted print calls for the poor our reason for long wait times. I'm sure that got some calls, but those could be sorted through relatively quickly and others, Nine staffer, who asked to remain anonymous, said they were aware of the brain. With that they were not the main reason that results were delayed. It was definitely a problem, but it is definitely not the reason. The results were a mess and that's what you get at the end of the story. I cannot stand journalists they intentionally mislead. You all throughout the beginning and save for the end by many of the chairs, actually think it
didn't play a role, and we don't know it was them and welcome to modern air quote journalism. Look man, I don't know, and I chose to a lot of things, but look at the game. They try and play its just nonsense. I got it. I got a big story. Nonsense for coming up. The Democrats want to do over because Buddha judges losing rate but see what happens. Stick around that segments coming up in a few minutes. I will see you all shortly will buy now. Most of you know about the chaos at the Caucasus in Iowa, aware vote, results didn't come in and the app broke in the phone lines. Weren't working and many people on the left, mostly the Bernie Sanders supporters are a key. Using the Dnc and notably PETE Buddha judge of being cheaters. Now here's where the story starts getting funny, you see, while the results were trickling in Buddha, judge was due. Victory lapse as he was in the lead, the whole time he gave a weird victory, speech when no one had any result. So a lot of people were like, I think the stewards cheating is apparently gave a bunch of
two shadow ink. What what a name right? Here's what gets funny as as Buddha Judge, was la allotting, his great accomplishment and doing this victory elapse. He had no problems, what was going on up until Bernie Sanders started, getting close to taking the lead? All of a sudden and Boy Judge got angry said: hey your awarding. Delegate's wrong is unfair rough. I say what most of us predicted, or I should say many of us predicted those of us who don't social Democrats, that whatever happened would disproportionately Bernie Sanders and that sure enough, the Dnc, the cheaters are calling for Ray Canvas, because apparently the carcass was botched I'll. Tell you what man a lot of people, think there's a grand conspiracy, Ahmad UNAM, never a big fan of those things, because it implies competence not to think about it. If PETE booty orkut, this great thing it implies they knew what they were doing and that a plan. I really don't think so. I think
fair to say that maybe it's evidence, they tried something and everything got, must stop. That's why we have this big delay, but I'll tell you what if was actually to choose which conspiracy I dont think it was about an app to give Buddha judge the win. I think it's about making the crisis, so they can reach canvas inch and and- and you know, never actually concede or have a contested convention, although I don't, deleting that's the case, I think they're all just whiny losers and they have no idea what they are doing and the whole process is screwed up. People were flipping coins. Look man there's a phoney posts. I saw, and they said, do you think is more likely the Democrats armed, you know masterminds with nefarious plot or Old people dont know how to use smart phones, and I laughed at that because, as part of the case, did you watch the videos from the Caucasus. Stop assuming these people are competent and are part of this grand scheme to manipulate to try to keep out. You know two major booty judge wins. While I certainly think there is cheap
It's not at this level, but shooting is, moreover, like we demand a recount. That's the cheating, the cheating as Bloomberg should be allowed to debate, even though the other people want. That's the cheating. It's not this big scheme shadow ink. I agree, look stupid, but the reality as they have no idea what they're doing and now the Buddha judge may be losing now they're going to cheat for him and give him is re Canvas and then what can happen has begun of the chaos in the recast this late around the God of Democratic National convention. They can be like well because of all the problems we have with past primaries, organ ever contested convention and everyone can but wherever they want, and then guess what as both a judge wins but we'll see well, see. I also Just thank you know happens. Razor incompetence, some more likely than malice. Sometimes it's both sometimes to take advantage of their incompetence. And then the malice comes like that. Such reed see chairs Dnc chair calls for immediate reconvene of Iowa after botched caucus. Enough is enough. What's that
Bernie Sanders started when we must recount ok, Democratic National Committee, chairman temporarily,. Called on Thursday for an immediate re canvas of Iowa as concerned, mounted about the integrity of the results from Monday's first, the nation nominating contest and state enough is enough. Perez wrote and Twitter post in light of the problems that have emerged in implementation of the delicate selection plan in order to a short public confidence in the results, calling on the eye would democratic Party to immediately be and a re canvas if they were cheating? Wouldn't they just cheat now. This is their cheating, as is their desperate attempt I dont think they're smart enough to credit that they can actually manipulate all these votes and stop someone like Bernie Sanders and which now to understand all of the candidates like most of them. They have volunteers who watch and write down the results in each place and report to the parties to the candidates. The parties so Bernie had as internal numbers booted each had internal numbers. What's really
happening is that as soon as Buddha judge our losing they they couldn't cheated, they could change the results for him. No they're, just One string so that they can wreak canvas and going to push it as hard as they can integrate. The result they want presence tweets came out the New York Times said that its analysis? the ILO results revealed inconsistency and data for more than a hundred precincts and a follow up. Tweet press at a cat. A record of us is a review of the worksheets from each caucus sites to ensure accuracy. Now not now say what can happen at the time of reporting. All of the individual people had the sheets right. What happens? Not the Dnc comes in its has give us all of your results. They take the sheets now, who can tell them they're wrong. Daniel Wessel, spokesperson for Dnc were referred CNBC to the eye of a democratic parties manual which defines a recommendation.
And audit of caucus. Math worksheets reporting forms to ensure that they were tallied and reported in the telephone intake sheets and caucus reporting obligation correctly. The ILO Democratic Party appeared to rebuff, presses, demand and said in a statement that it is prepared to conduct they re canvas if it is required. Did by a presidential candidate presence. Tweet is sure to inject even more uncertainty into a process that has threatened to up and the public trust, results from the I will Caucasus, which historically have shaped the narrative of democratic presidential primaries Monday's Caucasus. Have been plagued with problems, including the failure of an act that were supposed to be use. Ok, we know about the applicant. As of Thursday morning, the Party release data from ninety seven percent of precincts that showed former self and yet a mayor mayor and in a mayor, people to judge and Senator Bernie Sanders vying for the lead, but the precinct level data has come under scrutiny from journalists and public observers raising questions about the integrity of the election,
Whilst there is no evidence at the errors were intentional or designed to favour any Kennedy in particular former vice President Joe Bite who, according to the data, lags the two front runners as well as Warren call this performance, a gut punch on Wednesday, but vowed to press on I did, is holding onto a lead and national pulling and is expected to perform. Well in South Carolina, the fourth state to host an early nominating com asked, which is a large minority of black voters. Republicans, including President Donald Trump, have celebrated the unfolding drama. When will the Democrat start blaming Russia, Russia, Russia and that of their own competence for the voting disaster, that just happened in the great state of Iowa Trump wrote Tuesday and opposed on Twitter Meanwhile, the debacle has reignited criticism of. I was outside role the nominating process, the news conference, today, I d be chairman: Troy price brushed off those concerns as a conversation that happens every four years
if it happens every four years, perhaps you should do something about it. How about that and set its focuses on making sure that the results of the Caucasus got out at the party taking a number of steps to verify the results were accurate. We are going to continue They go through our processes, verifying everything price said, but the thing to remember here, folks, is that we have a paper trail. We have always said that all that all along that throughout this process, we have back up to the system that we have redundancies built in and you the big problem is when those documents were created, tallying votes in delegates, the delicate we're standing there. Many people were sitting under the sign in the gymnasium now they're gonna get all those papers the delegates are all gone and then about hey. This One says: Bernie Sanders had a hundred and one and booty get at sixty six. That's actually incorrect. Based on the matter,
They did Bernie only had nine b, you see what they can do now now that can go in and say, look at these inaccuracy inaccuracies we found and the delegates are all gone. This is their opportunity to actually you know, screw around saw Gimme some advice, my advice to like the Bernie Sanders. People are otherwise you better watch what they do. Whatever yanks people, you know burmese people tells his people whoever's people. Are there a guidance people? You don't lose right, make shirks I'll, tell you what their preferred. Canada is. Gonna get treatment, here's the thing! It's not always about an overt conspiracy. It's about bias. We are dealing with an with a party there.
Internal election process, but they are not all unified in which candidate they want. There was a viral video of a woman criticising people judges. You know homosexual marriage, so we know for a fact there's some stark contrast between the people who are voting and the, and you know that with the people were voting right. Some voters agree some doubt some are religious. Some art, you're gonna, get some precinct. Captain who's gonna be like filling a form and they're gonna have an inherent bias towards some one, whether intentional or not. That's what you need to watch out for maybe a mistake will happen. That's what you need to watch out for by do have some funny tweets PETE. The judge apparently said something he's his campaign at a call with the ILO Democratic Party and raised concerns. What other party was allocating state democratic state, delicate equivalence from satellite Caucasus campaign believes the party has not followed the rules.
Set out by the delegates action plan and Barney got more delegate's, Kaliko Linsky said five thousand eight hundred and seventy six problems with you leading crickets. You start losing I'd like to talk to the manager. I love that absolutely people judge did not care until it came down to I'm losing but Matt Gates. I like this one for maggots Bernie, probably one Iowa Republicans have no no problem telling the truth over the I married, because they ve no skin in the game. There guys in the White House there waitin for that sweet reelection. So when they point from the other side of the Democrats and tell you straight up amen, it looks like their cheating. I think it's at least a more objective. You right He's bought Gateshead Bernie, probably one Iowa, so the Democrats are mending a redo. No surprise there. Impeachment sham was better when attempts to undo the twenty sixteen election and that's a great take as I wrap this up. They will not accept the result of twenty sixteen
they won't even accept the results of our yoga. What do you think comes next? It's gonna be a heck of a roller coaster. Ride with whining winging in complaining and scandals and botched primaries. This one's gonna be fun. Stick around. I got one more segment coming up in a few minutes and I will see you all shortly. We have all most come full circle in this glorious culture war. You see they talk about the horse. You theory right where, if you go too far left you start getting too close to the far right, Perhaps it's not even a horse. You perhaps just like a teardrop shape, or perhaps it's like some kind of enter, Michael anyway. Let me stop Barnes and Noble got woke, but apparently they got. Well. Can I got so woke the won't got mad. They
always round and out lapped the Woke and the woke demanded. They take down these books that were supposed to celebrate black history month. We are actually witnessing a get woke, get cancelled moment now. Not not now, I could say get what go broke right, but typically, when you walk when you get woke the council culture, people, that's what they want. No, not now now we ve reached that. Neither the apex that there is no not anymore. I've talked about how you don't even like their thereby instances where everything you do is offensive. We're here we're here: babysit, Barnes and Noble Poles, diverse editions of classic novels for black history month, because they got two woke Barnes. A noble, suspended its plan to release diverse editions of classic novels for black history month after getting slammed on Twitter for literary black face, stop listening to twitter. They make up two percent of this country. You lunatics not just that of those two percent naughty
all of them are woke. What're, you doing you're overreacting, you crazy people, the partnership between the companies massive fifth avenue, store and publish your penguin Random House featured new jackets for dozens of classical, not classic novel cost classic novels, showing characters from books, including Romeo and Juliet Moby, Dick and Peter PAN, as people of color but the the seller. Can the scheme after twitter users railed against the plan on another, version of literary black face. Let me ask you a question: how com they. You know care gender swap or re swap characters. They don't call it that how come when you get a character, that's supposed to be, like an Asian, actually know they did do this isn't funny with with doktor strange. They didn't want to do the Asian stereotyped for the ancient one. So they brought until the Swinton, whose a white woman- and they said it, was whitewashing, guess what if they did, the Asian Ancient one there
say, it's an old stereotype, there's no winning congratulations. We ve come full circle, they made Woke Box and the woke got mad if they took a character and make it a person of color. No one's gonna call it like that. When they do with a book. They called literally literary black face. What do you want literally, when you call the books white supremacy? So they try making a more diverse and you get mad about it. Here's one tweet, that's it when we read it so there, retail, so they're, not retelling by pvc and their hashtag own voices. They're just new covers one twitter, you said so. Instead of paying peel, to write new fresh stories, their whore Swaddling people into paying for the same old story of covers that are heavily stereotypes and have nothing the content. Men. I've been saying that the whole time. Why are you giving us hand me down characters? You get you get these. You know gender swap characters, they do and movies and tv shows comic books and games and that an Rachel swap stop at people complain about it and then the war
you're like you're, just a big it might my my questions always been wanted. Just make a new character. Why did what it iron man have to become a you know, a black teenager. Why couldn't Make a new superhero meant shock is one of my favorite superheroes. You need to take an existing hero and just change the race. You give a new hero and yes in their own voice. I agree with that, but the problem is the outrage in my opinion is fake. I wouldn't call for these books to be cancelled. I dont care they get at everything? But let me tell you what the reality is: it's not just that one person will get mad at everything that they do the priests of this insane cult. Ideology often get mad at literal everything, but it's because there is no distinct rule set out of a hundred people one of them will get mad at this? One of them will get mad if they didn't do it. So if they didn't do the diverse books fer, you know like every month you
the one person saying they don't care about diversity. If they do it, a different person says they're, making literary black This is why I say: stop following twitter. You can't play is everyone now how many get mad they're pulling the books. How many people gonna go you're, actually gonna get rid of these diverse books. Oh you bigots there. An accuser people on twitter of being secret outright cousin nowhere please, everybody there's no set ideology, and so long as these big businesses bend over backwards for this sheer insanity. This will keep happening. But you I will say I'm really and actually happy about this. You know the crazier it gets closer. We are to the collapse. Please get crazier, please cancel the most absurd things or what Barnes and Noble Barnes and, will made some books for black history month that celebrate people of color and you got it cancelled. Thank you, keep doing it because all you're doing itself sabotage
In a statement announcing the suspension Wednesday, the company acknowledge that merely slap in a new cover, the same Old Tom's, not the same as releasing books about or by writers of color. We acknowledge the voices have expressed concern, bonds and noble, said in a tree statement. The covers are not a substitute for black voices or writers of color whose work and voices and voices deserve to be heard. The covers the retail. I cannot had been planning included Alice in Wonderland the count of Monte Cristo. Yes, Frankenstein Moby Dick three Musketeers Treasure Island wizard of OZ. We spent centuries with a over our own bodies, I could an amazing, deeply horrific Frankenstein adaptation taking place in the mid nineteenth century in the american self. But this this ain't it there is no solution. I'm sorry, there's just not one, because these people don't want to celebrate American
culture because of the racial divide. This woke ideology sees american culture as white supremacy and they don't see it as a shared culture. For me, I see american culture as American, and I see a country that was made mostly by european who enacted lit a liberty, loving laws which eventually create some of the best civil rights laws in the world, now allowing people of any race creed. You know color whatever to partake in our culture and I'm proof of it. So I love this country, I know, but the struggles that existed for my family and the message nation laws and how far we ve come and guess what it wasn't like white people hundreds of years ago were trying to do. For the world. In fact, they are trying to fix it and though they had a seat that serious problems back, then we gradually learned to solve those problems and though there were a lot of bad things done, there are a lot of good things done as well, notably the
literature, the art and the stories, and while many of these stories came from the perspective of colonists and settlers who happen to be white, they are saying this story could be for anyone just because there aren't news stories doesn't mean that the old story should be completely right. And I don't think it's a bad thing that they're saying you of any race can also be the characters from story because we're all american I'll tell you what, though It is kind of disheartening me see that even honest attempts fail, but I'll tell you what it's not just you know getting too woke. It's also get woke, go broke. They tried to make this this. This narrative they tried to to play into this culture and they got eaten alive because of it. So this is what you- Yet when you try to play these games, this is what you get wizard of OZ, black girl having sneakers instead of shoes as well one user route not like. I give it be
But this is also done and icing wait. I thought we when he had a black version of the wizard of OZ called the with another user wrote, then why are you so mad are right, but Buzz fee when all in and brought us all of the sweet sweet, glorious, tweets. Here's one I'm just promote diverse offers in your stories promote diverse theirs and stop perpetuating the idea that these classics are necessary and require towards becoming well read, giving Dorothy be Jordan's, does not change the words inside the book. I actually respect these arguments. One hundred percent stop We re, making things with with different raced people and make new things or yes, quite literally, from Authors and writers, comic book veto, game promoters or whatever of color, I don't stand what you have to go back to old IP and just start dismantling it and changing the characters, because but he asked for that, but here
I will say as much like and respect these arguments. I just don't believe their genuine I really really dont believe that moving for in the future, there is anything you will actually be able to do to appease the woke crowd like I said there is no sir. Plan or rules. I have no idea what I or any one would have to do to actually pull off, making something diverse, look these, but covers? I really do think it was a cash grab. They think that, because the mainstream, cauldrons or marketing and whatever is they, can just do these things and it will work well. You should have known better there's, quite literally nothing. You can do nothing that aren't I, because I'm so that they only about when accession. There was some organization that credit these the word you, oh am acts and women send costs must be inclusive and they got backlash for that. Then
their people claimed? No, the word woman, the regular word with an e or on a was offensive, because I didn't include people who are, you know not assigned female at birth or whatever. I'm sorry, man, there's just no answer and this is another really good example. The funny thing about it is that all of these people are acting like they're doing the right thing, but what what? What? What is the right thing? they're all like Buzzfeed and these lefties they're all like this is what binds a noble gets for, trying to know rainbow. Sure, whatever it's called color washer, something then there's no answer for anybody and you're ideology has no plan. That's the point. I guess it's an ideology. It's like a cult. They don't want you to be right. They want you ve just to bow bow to them and get permission. First. They tried to make diverse books. It was offensive, so what you gonna do about it. What you're gonna go and ask permission right, yeah I'll leave it there stick around
Transcript generated on 2020-02-20.