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Democrats PANIC As Democrat Voters Vow To Vote Trump, The "Never Bernie" Movement Taking Over


Democrats PANIC As Democrat Voters Vow To Vote Trump, The "Never Bernie" Movement Taking Over. Establishment Democrats and big ticket Donors are panicking as the "Never Bernie" movement starts to become a thing.The strange conundrum facing Democrats is that no matter which primary candidate loses a decent portion of their base will defect to the Republicans and Donald Trump.Yang voters might vote Trump or just sit it out if he loses the primary. Bernie voters are already warning that only Bernie can defeat Trump while the "Never Bernie" Democrats state they will either not vote or support Trump if Bernie DOES get the nomination.Its possibly the weirdest thing to me that someone who supports Biden would choose Trump over Bernie and someone who support Bernie would choose Trump over Biden.It seems that no matter who wins the nomination Trump is going to grab a large portion of angry Democrats or they might just not vote at all.Far Left Democrats will reject the establishment and establishment Democrats will reject the far left. There is no solution for the dems.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Establishment Democrats are currently panicking that Bernie Sanders is slowly inching toward the lead and that's to result in what they call the never Bernie Apocalypse. Now you ve heard of the never trumpery right back. Twenty, sixteen, a bunch of conservative side. If Donald Trump as the nominee, we will vote democratic because we'll never support tromp and many of these people actually voted for Hillary Clinton. Then they ve been a somewhat small voice, but still popping up from time to time, high profile for more conservatives now, seemingly siding with Democrats on literally everything. That's the never trump movement. The never Bernie Movement is basically the same moderate and establishment Democrat voters who don't on a socialist president. Bernie Sanders may actually defect to Donald Trump and guess what we actually have some numbers to back up how many it could be as much as ten percent. You want to know why this so the story is so I guess funny is that Bernie or bust
around the same percentage that, Bernie Sanders does The nomination Bernie where's, my actually vote for Trump, as they did in twenty. Sixteen, it seems the democratic between a rock and a hard nice and no matter who gets the nomination around the same percentage of voters are flipping to Donald Trump, really can't see truck. Losing me look he's about to be an acquitted in the impeachment trial. In fact some That's my even support him and vote to acquit and if the Democrats are fractured with both sides threatening to vote for tromp unless their side wins no matter what happens, trumps gettin those votes. Now it gets, I guess a bit worse. We have another story, Buzzfeed, because Andrew Yang voters are even expressing they won't vote at all. Unless you it's the nomination. So I know we ve talked about democratic civil war in the past. Today, let us focus on the new, never Bernie Movement and moderate dumb that's going to join their Bernier bust rose for Makin twenty. Sixteen in voting or the orange man,
for we get started, however, had over two him cast outcome, Slash donate. If you'd like to support my work. There are several ways you can give: there's a pay pal option of physical address, but of course the best thing you can do is share this video at this point, I don't really know why, because I dont think we're gonna break any echo chambers has a lot of people who are absolutely interesting to listen to what I have to say. You'd have they disagree and there are a lot of people who just don't want to hear it there I believe that Bernie Sanders is the only path forward. They say this the progressives that, if the if a Democrat, over a centrist corporate type like Hillary Clinton, they will lose once again. I think that's true, but and the centrist democrat corporate types say: if you vote for a socialist, you will lose and then it's also who'd sure who I think fair to say this story. But never Bernie should be the proof, no matter it happens. The Democrats are gonna. Now, I know I know you're not a bit. I don't make any harm, predictions because hey everybody thought here: it was gonna, win and troubles in a loose. Who knows that could happen now
Perhaps a lot of people really really hate. The orange man or the media narrative has been so effective there actually and about against them and come twenty twenty despite the amazing economy and the amount of money every making. They might vote to veto against Trop, whoever it because, as the saying goes, vote Blue no matter who would show the big problem is. I cover this yesterday The Democrats are cheating anyway. So who cares I managed and playing the game and vote Blue no matter who is actually not working. They're gonna vote read if it's not their candidate, be it a moderate or burning up where the story from your post, they say the now Bernie Apocalypse is coming damn insiders. Warn that these Democrat, our feeling burned out democratic donors and party. Insiders are warning that large swathes of their voters could stay home or even defect to from for months, Senator Bernie Sanders snags denomination quote os.
Put a Bernie Sanders, bumper sticker on my car, but a lot of people won't said Jim Kessler executive. Vice president for policy at third wave, a democratic thing, I not aligned with any candidate they'll, say I dont like Donald Trump, but like Sanders, either we survived for years of trump me. We will survive another four years. They ll stay home, vote Third party or vote for Trump and that's a quote: and inside our working with my Bloomberg campaign agreed. I think that there, a very real, never Bernie sentiment amongst both the donor class moderate centrist democrats or what I would call a regular Democrats, Bloomberg and PETE Buddha Judge and Joe Biden, who represent the heart and soul of the party. Their supporters are not as apt to support someone like Bernie after an October heart attack left many assuming sanders. Candidacy was d away. The seventy The old socialist has bounced back a new EU. State University Paul found twenty four percent. I will voters behind him with mass
Is it Senator Elizabeth, worn at nineteen former self? and any Anna Mayor booted judge at seventeen and binding at fifteen, Hampshire. Another recent poll gave centres a fifteen point lead This has led to alarm bells among establishment Democrats, one of whom set Jeremy Corbians labour. Party blown in England to Bourse Johnson was a warning shot among insiders. There is near universal belief that Sanders Lord carrying socialist credentials could create a nor problems with suburban, an older voters, both of whom tend to be wealthier than the General general population while millennials are evenly split between socialism or capitalism. Only thirty nine kind of generation, exercise and thirty. Two percent of baby boomers held affair verbal views of socialism according to know that twenty nineteen Gallup Poll, we can come back to this, but I
how many people know laughter product probably already brought the quest but brought the point yet him, but if Bernier Bust happened and between twelve to eighteen percent of Barney supporters went to Trump they'll, certainly come back to burn in twenty twenty right, thus negating any moderate losses? No, I wouldn't predict so you know why the people that switched from burning to tromp did it. For a couple reasons. Some people it was watched, the world burned, but admittedly that was small as apparently in a leaked elite. Video Trop said was about trade, many Bernie Sanders. Supporters were concerned about trade agreements and jobs and manufacturing something that Bernie supported today Bernie Sanders is substantially more pro. Immigration says he won't your issue torment, deportations and decriminalize border crossings, something that he wasn't for in the past. But, more importantly, these people were concerned about the economy who voted for Trump
have no reason to now vote for Bernie when Tromp has fulfilled his goal in boosting the economy. If that's the case, there probably happy where they are, and you will. You will see very few people defect from Trump to Bernie Sanders because for the most part, two one. So I would be the case, but let me show you the story from November, when the New York Times the upshot, we're not going to talk about the our voters and is a really interesting point. We made that debunks. A lot of the leftist narrative, surprise, surprise, trumps, voters, Trump supporters, they're, not bigots, and here's the proof, two thirds of battleground state voters who chose trumpet twenty. Sixteen but selected Democrats in the mid terms, say they will return to the president next year. Now I know I gotta get to the proof at the next word story, I'm starting with this to show you many people voted for Trump,
two thirds of them. I'm sorry, maybe we'll voted for trumpet twenty. Sixteen, a large portion than selected a Democrat in the mid terms, giving the house impeachment powers which led us to this up. I mean pending acquittal, a waste of everyone's time. Two thirds of these people are returning to the president, so they lost what little power they had because they campaigned upon. Us and we will work past the partisan nonsense and bickering and actually get stuff done. What did they do? They complained about the Orange man, the entire time scandal, scandal, scandal, impeachment impeachment and finally acquittal. Why vote for them again the poor? It has been well to a certain degree to many supporters. Exonerated acquittal means to be not guilty. They prove their case, but here's the ears, the big evidence about trumps base. There is actually a Wikipedia article. Four, the Obama
tromp voters agreement they really want to show you is this. They say they expressed sceptics, scepticism of congressional Republicans and it is or to step change the status quo approach, Emily nine point, four percent of Obama. Voters voted for tromp in twenty sixteen. Why would those people switch to a socialist they? Wouldn't many of these people are gonna, stick with tromp because trumped delivered, but let's talk about the people slightly to the left of them whole dovers. Who may be didn't for anybody. These the moderate voters were probably now deciding you know what they're gonna buffer Trump Gazeta Conversational, someone recently a local here and myself. You know, fill it your supper, Salter's area, who said they didn't vote in twenty. Sixteen, I didn't care, but based on everything, that's happened with this mirrors the lies and scandals where they keep doing to that guy. They said there thinking about actually voting form now so now uninitiated people are just south, sick and tired of the Democrats scheme,
already news story. There saying you know what they deserve it, but here we can see that about ten percent of Obama's voters voting for tromp- and you may, you might say, YAP Tim, so so what so ten percent of trumps base? Isn't you know bigoted or whatever it now listen. Half the country support the president. Ok a little bit less than or I should say, half right but it was sixty three million people. So half of the voters look at less than half the voters. Many of these people believe in trade. The burning or bust voters who switch to tromp we're doing it mostly for trade and immigration trumped delivered at another with rice. They voted for Obama in the past check out this new store. From under Yang so kind of what I'm getting at here, What I want to show you, as every single These candidates is a blank or bust, and I thought about it before, but now I think it's piracy, never Bernie movement mirroring than ever Trump movement. This story fascinated me from Buzzfeed NEWS. It says
Who is the Yang gangs? Second choice? His die. Hard supporters aren't sure they have won. The ILO caucus system allows four supporters to pick a second choice. If their candidate doesn't player a fifteen percent viability threshold, there's a big potential for us not to move anywhere said one Yang supporter, and they they elaborate this saying in interviews it over a dozen Yang supporters across EU on the final days before Monday's caucuses. It was clear that Yang support wide range of political ideologies, has made it hard for them to coalesce behind a particular candidate, They support during a realignment vote if Yang doesn't reach the viability threshold, which is fifteen percent or if they even continue. For a Democrat in the Caucasus and in the general election at all. Actually say he's not a patent. So we want He's not a politician is a normal person like us, your eye, Yanks argument for for automation, ay, I is you into society. What's his art, ok his hour,
for what s eyes. Bonuses are you really spoke to me. I made a lot, That's if Yang doesn't me the threshold at their caucus site there not decide on what to do. There's a big potential for us not to move anywhere. It's just really something I'd have to feel on the night. I think there's other can, I, like here's another one, there's nobody that really compares to Yang Dena said, though christlike support. Sanders. He doesn't think has plans are viable and said he probably wouldn't moved Sanders during the caucus process and doesn't expect him to be viable at the cock, a site Yang hinted that its supporters might gravitate towards the Sanders campaign telling Abloom news round table last week is a lot of overlap and support. But he admitted on Sunday that he did not know where supporters would end up. We have a very, very diverse group of supporters. I can't speak of where they would had Yang said. I do have a sense Many of them have supported burning the past, but many of them supported President Trump and they might just leave Yang added
His campaign doesn't currently have plans to direct his supporters to support a particular that it during a realignment vote. Well, it may be that Yanks voters go to Bernie, but we can see that at least for the most part there not entirely convinced they would stay at all. You have a hard split go to the UK so and what do we see its younger bust baby? It's Bernier bust baby! It's by or bust. I guess man, There really is no no unity with the Democratic Party at all, so much so that vote blue, no matter who falls on deaf ears and other people really saying it our resistance. Tablets went Democrats who just eight Donald Trump. Unfortunately, that's not going to be enough for the Democrats to actually when I gotta say, the paradox is astounding: here's a story from twenty seventeen they basically set about one in ten of
I'll trumps. I'm sorry! I've Bernie Sanders supporters voted for Trump. As you can see, it doesn't matter who gets the nomination. They are going to be a large quantity of defectors to trump plain and simple, and I think that means tromp is gonna, and better than most people even predict, and now a lot of people are saying trumps. Gonna get. You know forty states or forty five. State? So I don't know about that. You know some people seventy million people I'll tell you what, if Yanks Base flicked the Trump if Bernice Base flips Trump, it's a very confusing prospect. I might I must say- and it stands to reason those you know- Blanker bust voters, their second choices, Donald Trump So as much as someone might really like Bernie, they think Trump is better than Yang. Someone might like Yang, they think crop is better than Bernie. But he might like booted judge your Biden, but they think Trump is better than Bernie or Yang or or whoever else. That's the weirdest thing to me. But apparently it's what's gonna happen. Now one thinks it's happened recently which will see. We will see what happens come Wednesday. I believe, though,
It was time reports some Democrats might vote to acquit trump I'll. Tell you what the impeachment process was so awful that it might actually result, and not just democrat defectors in the house, but Democrats defectors in the Senate, I mean that's it huge win for Donald Trump. This establishment played a smear and slander chop. The whole time has been meaningless to most Americans and its failed every step of the way. In fact, the process cost the Democrats Jeff Andrew, who is now a proper. So what are we end up? Seeing in the polls g opiates fired up for twenty twenty, Democrats, are anxious. As a pole, I came out a few days ago from the IP the Democrats are worried, and rightly so, because I'm going to say I said it before us. Yet again, there is no democratic party anymore, and I really do mean it. I think it ended with Hillary Clinton
the rise of Bernie Sanders. Everyone say it, but you can't compare Andrew yanked, abiden or burn eats a club which are there just not in the same realm. There is no unifying principle that brings Democrats together. Thus it's just the name: it's a brand. That means not republican. That's all. It means, if I said due to someone, is what I get these complaints their liked him. When you say Democrats, you know it's not fair, but, as you should say this, it's like dude. I can't fit establishment Democrat on a thumbnail, its massive. You knows by do try, say leftist Democrats, when I can. The reality is. If I said to Democrat what you and vision do you think?
Joe Biden. Rethink of Bernie Sanders, do think of anti file, or do you think of sums in a moderate, dude wearing a suit walking tion, there's no real way to describe based on the word Democrat anymore, but in fact we had the Republican give a general idea. Now, of course, the Republicans have their factions as well, but they're all waving trump flags. All of them cannot. Ninety percent of them are waving truck flags. You know what they're kind of into when you look at these these graphs about manifesto or ideology, their mostly unified. When you look at the moderate Democrats, there more likely to be four trump. That's why? I think it's, it may be true that Trump really does get these moderate voters, and I think one of the big reasons why that's gonna happen is. It is potentially
The far left is gaining support. Right, Bernie Sanders is leading the poles, but he's not strong enough to even stand for himself and there being bullied by the likes of Hillary Clinton. So, ultimately, what is happening is, as we know it doesn't matter who gets the nomination be advised nor Bernie Bowl factions are willing to de facto Trump, which I think is this weird. It's like you, you will give me Bernie will in fine trumpet, and then there are real Gimme Biden and fine trumpeters, like ok, wanted just vote for trump everybody. But what I'm saying something really fascinating, why the far left can't win, The moderates are probably strong arm the nomination and then see a bunch of defectors to Trump. This story we talked about
Hillary Clinton, slams Bernie Sanders for not working to unite Democrats and twenty sixteen or about this story. Nobody likes him. Hillary Clinton, reignite sphere with burning after everything, Bernie did for Hilary and what it Bernie do. Nothing that stand out from self no soggy possibly win. How could he possibly be a figure? People stand behind the far left Democrats. The progressive Democrats do not have the strength to actually when, because when Hillary Clinton pull out all the stops to Doktor Tulsa Gabert, who I get it find many them. Eight tells you anyway fine, but you ll have to Bernie to what do we see for the first Rashid, its labour sad? You know I will bow Hillary Clinton and then she apologized and Bent Vinnie, while they actually so that some subjects it wasn't a real apology, but I find it fascinating that the progressive Democrats for all of the chaos they ve wrought upon you know brought to the to the Democrats did establishment Hillary Clinton smears and defamed and lies and us whenever she wants, they don't do anything. Nobody tells her to be cool
nobody tells her to embrace party unity. They just up. There goes Hillary Clinton again and then, when they do her for it, they get yelled at Rashid its life. He's an apology, because they don't have the strength to tell them to stop. I think this while intimately, You will see no unity. There were actually hold on it. That is actually evidence to an extent that there may be that there being forced in line to Benda Nita, Hillary Clinton and the moderates, and, the never Bernie message is probably a part of that. The Democrats are desperately trying to coalesce and they're doing it by force. It won't work, really really well Bernier Bust Biden, your boss, whatever in call it it's gonna happen again, but I don't want you know. I don't. I know what we can or cannot predict, but I certainly think it's fair
without this story from the other day we can lose as election. What top Democrats fear could go wrong in twenty twenty Democrats worry that bloody, drawn up primary candidates, fighting each other running out of money and failing to attract swing. Voters could cost them the elect So I look, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna drive the story out because you get the point, but I will I will add a couple things just a tool to read. I might do a longer. No, I don't think this witness this neck story really deserves a longer Simon. Just passing from the free beacon Bernie aids. Twenty twenty field in private jet spending, yeah. Ok, I don't trust any of these politicians. I don't think they actually care about their claiming that they care about. At the very least you take into consideration the story from Bernie and what you get you get. A look at four years of Donald Trump did Trump get everything done that he said he would technically not technically you maybe tromp says he fulfilled more promises. Then he kept well promises then even make
which makes no sense and made his supporters laugh. And I say this: you take a look at Bernie Sanders talks with a green new deal is a Yossi Beilin Flies run a private jets. But I say I'm not sure I trust that guy you take where he wasn't immigration in twenty fifteen. You take a look worries at now. We want to say I don't trust that guy, you take a look at the forces of Donald Trump economy. Doing better illegal immigration is down the wall ongoing airports because it some kind of a wall is being built, its Ballard fencing. So they can take a look at Trump and say you know what he's at least got some of it done a Bernie Sanders a hypocrite and who wants Joe Biden Oak. Second, that you know they they they pull for him, but on the union's actually really paying attention. But, of course, as always, I must try to be as balanced as I can, because it wouldn't be fair to just claim. It's only going to be Democrats defending it
The reality is following the Senate vote to deny witnesses. Alot of people started coming out, freaking out claiming democracy is over. If the Andes, nigh and I'll tell you what you might want to mock bill MAR for thanks for saying he might cry shore, but that might actually scare alot of people I mean, as extreme rhetoric might have people truly worried and they may actually flip come twenty. Twenty, never trump republican Bill Crystal comes out of the political closet and declares he's a Democrat for now they ve gone beyond, never up, the never trumpeters are now officially stating their just literal Democrats. There Democrats now, ok. Well, that's bad news for Trump to an extent, but if you're born ever with them in the first place, it is to an extent good news for the Democrats. They're gonna get some people, but I am not convinced that your average Democrat is going to be enthused about lifelong Republicans, now joining their party. Something weird is happening. Isn't it like look? I grew up with a Democrat. I'm not excited to call.
Bill Crystal an ally. Unlike that's gonna, weird. No, it shows you the head, whatever the democratic power, is today literally not a thing. It's just it's just that a name only I'll say it again. It basically just means not republican and that's about it so never Ernie will then never Bernie. Voters officially come out as Republican. In fact, many have some people say you know. Is it? Is it there's a personality inject Murphy live mentioned before he calls it. Damn it democratic to deplorable that that that flip happened and twenty sixteen a lie to a lot of people who now call themselves conservatives republican that used to be Democrat. The shift seem to be having another way, but these never choppers some reason desperately trying to hold on to the Republican Party. I know a lot of people, the finger at me, because I used to be very much. You know in light of the Democratic Party, but Europe, Europe, your PA, I don't hear anything close it ever because I would rather just be an ambivalent centrist and avoid
the nonsense, but I'll tell you what I do find it funny when the left points the finger and calls me right, winger, conservative, and then people on the right call me a left. I think they call me a leftist. I dont stand why anyone thinks I should be an example of either side for anybody, because I'm a weirdo, I don't know, I don't know All I know, is, I think, everybody's nuts. I think it's fair to say you know if it's true, it's true Democrats are losing plain and simple: tromp was gonna, win a thought of public and talking point opposition. Literally happening. So if some never tromp resident vote for jump in the first place, I gonna call themselves Democrats when they literally in the basically were then so be it, and maybe the Democratic Party really just as the big tent for everybody
It doesn't seem to work well for the actual voters who are threatening to leave. So let me just rather up as the wife of those important plain and simple if Bernie wins, moderates vote trump, if a moderate wins Bernie voters vote Trump. What a weird and twisted world, not everybody, can not everybody, not every, but Bernie. Voter, I'm saying about ten percent of each side is gonna, be fact. If the other side wins it system, weirdest thing to me: it doesn't make sense. Maybe you both agree that tromp as the next best choice and twenty percent you just the guy. I guess I think that's gonna happen, we'll see, though it's to be a wild ride. Superbowl Sunday, I D go watch on football. Have some chips are? Do whatever stick around next it's coming up at six p m youtube com, slashed him gas news, and I will see you all their just one. I thought aunt if I could not get any stupider they go and do something like this protesting, trash clean up. Many of you may be familiar Scott Bresler he's a conservative activist I'm supporter and guess what he does. He goes and
cleans up trash. That's that's basically at He shows up the cities where there is masses and- and he cleans up the garbage. With many volunteers and supporters, and that's about it that kind of awesome anybody who wants to help the environment, clean things up and and and do the right thing. You'll have my respect and support for some reason media individuals. I guess because the media is infected with it, with insane fringe leftist protestors, who have no idea to talk. About the media has actually smeared Scott Bresler trying to imply nefarious. Motives as to why he's actually cleaning up trash in cities? Sorry, and let me tell you something, as I love saying, whenever a story about press there comes up, if, if somebody like Scott or anybody, wants to go clean up trash. Ok, maybe not anybody, but if someone like you know, tromp supporter fine, if there are no clear trash to make transport is look good. It works
sorry, that's just a fact: he's literally cleaning up like dump sites and like a litter and pollution, and that's a good thing you can you can you can look all day and night at these leftwing activists, preach about the environment, but how many of them are actually gonna go on clean things up now. Here's the best part here there's two stories, your first anti fraud. Actually protested. A trash clean up by Scott Bresler witches insane and here's the best part days ago, when Bresler did another trash clean up, I believe zones in Oregon. They act. Really tried insinuating. The purpose of the trash up was to make. Dare I say this: is the war is not mine. Brown people look bad, I'm not kidding their arguing that, because Scott Bresler showed to a city with a bunch of tears and started cleaning things up. The intent was to paint brown people as inherently dirty work
When did any of them say everything like this. This is just so insane I'll. Tell you what the real propaganda is, if you think that are of a play this. If all The do has gotten clean up and you're gonna write. Psychotic articles about this man, I tell you that's ten times the propaganda power that that up a garbage clean up could ever com. Like imagine someone Walker by K, we just clean up your your neighborhood here you go and then someone watching calls that person like a far right. You know auntie em nation, whatever and you're gonna be like I, I dont know why you're yelling at them tickets this from Eliza. Schaefer quote. Why is anti up? testing. A trash clean up, good questions got bresler rat left wing protesters accidentally mistook the San Francisco trash clean up as a whole removal campaign. While why in tears, cleaned the city protesters call
them racists and fascists, so we have video, basically what Scott dead. I think this is a from San Francisco actually talking the homeless people and asking them how they felt about the laws they pass in San Francisco help illegal immigrants when they are not taking. Of the homeless, and surprise prize. Yet the homeless people were kind of upset about how they do that. Does it make sense. Well. Let us move on. I want to show you this, so this is what Scott Browser tweeted this just from the other day. He said Mama had you taught me to say yes and yes ma? Am you encourage? We become an eagle, now. Today your son was pro tested for picking up trash on the streets of San Francisco. You also taught me to never give up, and I promise to promise not to stop leading with Love Scott. I got to tell you something I think I figured it out. They want their trash. Is he think about it? There is human waste all over the streets of San Francisco. They hire
poop patrol I'm not kidding literally at the department that goes in cleans up, there's needles and trash everywhere, and I think the problem is. Outsiders see that Hey that's gross, and you know people complain about. It But that was an assumption on our part. We assumed they don't like trash. Well sure enough. If you come and try and take that garbage city, you know and clean the garbage the garbage away from it. They get mad because you're taking away their garbage seat, they like their garbage city. That's why they're protesting you? Ok, not really. I'm Joe, king? What is a kind of funny like what assumption should I make when you're like taking Our budget are like our get out of here. You, racist, Vashe, it's like! Ok, you can keep the garbage. I know you wanted it. That much! Is that really what it's about? What's so that that that's just of what we saw with their though there there San Francisco clean up, but gets to the absolutely I cannot, but the story- men. I actually can't believe this and and and loan behold, every time Scotty.
Lord dies, one of these cleanups someone's gotta smear, the guy, how crazy is this ok that, instead of on cleaning things up or having a contest like? clean up the most there like we're not going to clean up the trash. We're not pass laws to help the homeless, we're not going to Ah you someone even cleaned up. No we're gonna do nothing, but if so What else comes we are going to write really really bad things about them. How you got anything done? If that's the case, you action. If people coming out to help and the media is smearing them, an anti fall is literally protesting. It's ok, man, let them have. Their garbage cities. I guess the sounds from Willimot weak on the twenty, ninth and or fresh pick up is part of a conservative campaign to make the brutal cities, look like garbage dumps. It was broadcast on social media by its orchestrator Evelyn conservative activist named Scott Ryan Bresler. First of all, now
one needs to make your town look like garbage dumps when their literally garbage dumps. If you had a problem with someone pointing out that you got crap on but maybe you should wash off instead of what for someone else to wash out for you and then getting mad when they do first Secondly, why would you? How can you make that leap to say that this is intention? I carry his mind. All I know is the Deuce cleaning up trade I'll. Tell you what this, what I always say if his intent is to make these cities look bad well, he didn't put the garbage there. Dude, you eat the people in your city did so him. Cleaning up. Surprise it just make trumps supporters look good and when you smear him for doing it. It doesn't make him look bad. It makes you look bad, even more. I could you not you are going to laugh when you, when you see we're about to read you things out quote
eyes. I found another needle shadowed woman wearing an Oregon women for Trump T shirt. She picked up a syringe. The grabber and held in front of her cell phone for a photo? She was one of them people searching for trashing, you're, twenty fifth and a football field, size grassy, lot adjacent to the days and in Salem the scent of fried chicken. From a nearby Dennys hung in the air- no, why you have to tell me about the fried chicken? That's very strange, but I'll do this. I have two interjected very quickly. I absolutely detest these these journalists who like wanted to be novelists. I guess so. In writing articles that are just like they have nothing to do with anything. It's the students have like today, Europe of activists, game and dead x Y Asean picked up ten tonnes of trash. It's like a dark night in a field the size of a football with fried chicken sent in the air. I looked to my left trucks. Supporters, terrified. I said Oh no, the fascists are here: they always relic a novel. You know- and I think it's really funny too,
because if you ve ever done a Google search for a recipe, there's a mean going around recently where it was basically like Every time you, Google, search arrest recipe you get like a five hundred Word essay, unlike how the If he comes from the ancient nordic lands in Scandinavia and you're like I don't care, do tell me how many exile need and that's exactly how I feel reading this stuff. Thank for letting me know that you could smell fried chicken, I'm not sure how that's going to help me understand your story, but I d grass I gotta get to the best part when they explain exactly why press law did it, but let's reed, they say far from afar. The group look ass if it might be performing court mandated community service. In fact, it was political theatre, part of a campaign prove homeless, camping. I turned organ into a garbage dump, but it did it There's literally camps all over these cities that Bresler goes to so. What what would you would you would you think you think he's like
hiring a production company to come down and put the camps in the trash there and then go on film and go. Oh heavens, look at the trash. No, he literally ghosts your city and says: oh Evans, look at the trash. It was there before you got there if anyone's at fault. It's not him for putting it up. It's your cities for not dealing with the problem and now you're mad that someone's, basically pointing it out and fixing it for you. That is totally insane the best they can do it. That of actually put it up is complain that someone look good from doing it. The trash pick up was broadcast on social media by its orchestrator travelling. Sort of activists named Scott Ryan Bresler. Organ legalised needles in band plastic, straws, press law wrote on Twitter alongside video of a syringe. Something is here, wrong you're the system is broken easy. Wrong! Look I understood and why they legalised syringes, but you act like how you gonna ban plastics when the? U S does not contribute that much plastic waste. Rather these other countries, cigarette Botz or a much bigger
problem and no one's banning them. Ok, does it make sense now the legalization of syringes is is, in my opinion, does make sense to a certain degree you're trying to use the amount of needle sharing and dirty needles and stuff. But in the end you like that the point is basically I can understand why the two different issues, but why are you banning plastic straws when you're still gonna be producing more plastic garbage. And why and you deal with a bigger problem, say cigarette Botz, but the plastic straw, and is just nonsense? Let's ass thirty one is a member of gaze for Trump. He addressed people are certain MA am and where wavy brown hair long. The activist from Northern Virginia once worked for ACT for America, which this and probably laws under described as an extremist, anti Muslim Organization, Yoke as a march against Korea and landed a guess spot on the Fox NEWS programme protocols into night last October,. Let's go: let's not just let's just get right to it. Let me not waste any more time. Randy blazing a Portland consult.
Who studies extremist movements says right. We groups, have long used beautification projects as a form of plug pop publicity, quote better is there? Are these evil forces that are making society ugly, that the quote from him is basically that minority crime or brown minority crime. Oberon immigration by success The narrative is They say. Ok, that's right I will be very careful there, accusing Scott Bresler of claiming it's not white people They say it's about brown people and immigration. So the reason why I am not going to read this quote because I know how there and took out a context, but let me play this game. Randy blazing just said, and I quote it: I can't read the cool out like I'm, not gonna, do it Randy Blazing says that it's not why people The world an ugly place is how the game is played. So yet I gotta based on what they already doing, got bresler and look at this photo
Look at these smiling happy people just like walking with a wheelbarrow picnic trash and look what they write about them. That's why be careful with the media. Willimot weak lied about me before ridiculous narrative twisting and they had done that it like take out some words and like change it when I, when I actually, I Let me know made a phone call and sad if you don't change now about Euro. They they they may accusations there were false, so you can see what that what they'll do they'll take. If, if you read someone's quote, they will clip it. So it sounds like you saying it: Randy Blaze at just at it, but none of us be real for second, he just insinuated gay and and they insinuate by putting in the article, which is which is an insane, that the attempt by press law is to make brown people look. Bad is to claim that white piece Oh, you know, are, aren't or not. You know committing these things are doing these things. That's there they're trying to insinuate
That's how insane these far left and if a touch really are they don't know what they are protesting, a really really doubt. As exemplified by what we saw the other day at Grand Central when of Anti. If I started screeching at anarchists, essentially anarchist journalist, Luke Rakowski, Who literally makes anti trump videos and they're calling him a fascist, don't know who he is, as exemplified by them showing up to a trash clean up and protest in calling them racists and fascists for picking up a garbage. Then they write an because of the article came before, but this is this is total absurdity you know it is not. As an Italian, I would I was joking you're not who I was being. You just when I said they want their garbage they really do want their garbage, and I mean it. You know why they need a problem only they can solve so they can go on tv, so they can run these ads and say. Look how bad this problem is, don't worry, we can fix it and they don't because they need to
that problem exists that you keep voting for them when some, like Scott, shows up unprompted and starts cleaning things up he's taking away their leverage, so NASH we they're going to get angry. I don't think it's a conspiracy like that, but it is true. If the garbage goes away, what are they gonna campaign on how going to claim the poor are being disenfranchise. How are they to claim that you need our help to save the environment? Look at his trash? Oh! What's that, I do literally shut up and just picked up all the trash will now. What now? What are you campaign on? That's why I think they don't want to solve the problems. I really don't. They need the problem to convince you. They should be in they say, Presley's visit touch visit touch a sore spot for organs. The state ranks for nationally in the rate of people say being outdoors, appoint of embarrassment and frustration for residents across the political spectrum, Presley's, that, shows how right wing media tactics are evolving and how they, seek to weapon eyes, organs, homelessness, crisis, much as they made
lends anti fascist protesters into a recurring feature on Fox NEWS Bresler? does it was innocent and by partisan? I think one thing we could agree if we can agree with is nobody should have to live in an area with Trash Bresler told Wilmot wilt Willimot week during the event, if my comments, It is an act of love to pick up trash provokes people. I think that says something about their character, not mine, you up but it was clear from the events invitation sent by Org, women for Trop, that organizers intend intended to annoy the left. Scott is known. Going into the most infested parts of the country and cleaning up tons of homeless, almost camp garbage the event bright description, red organ women for tromp is proud. Be able to help him accomplish this in the Portland area and your ear? What you're upset that he's pointing out you have trash all over your city. Maybe you should clean up a trash. In fact, the trash CUP was supposed to happen in downtown Portland, Bresler, location Asylum the morning the event excellent
since for the venue change varied some attendees told what I'm a week. The city had deep in downtown Friday, night and anticipation wrestlers appearance leaving nothing for the clean up process at the local and was moved every learned anti of a plan to counter protest. I think the Anti flood story probably make sense. I think both actually make sense are both probably true because Bresler has got out and not other events, not you know cleaning up Morlands old town did look unusually spiffy last weekend, but- official said it was unrelated oppressors visit. It is unclear what Anti fascist did in fact threaten a shop at the event, fascist group, Rossetti, Attica, tweeted, exe, and simply pride of press there's visit but did not indicate any plans to protest the clean up. Well, let me just show you that yeah they listen San Francisco, they literally to protest, and this and This is the most dangerous thing to me. These activists are not real. You know, I know, because I used to work for nonprofits doing environmentalists. You know actions
and even many of those who are not real, there are actually care. You look at some got a tune bug you think she cares. If she did, she talk about India and China. Not just the United States, which has an ugly China at all, and she also doesn't it I wish doesn't care which says she want to shut down. Oh fuels, her quite with some what we want. We twenty fifty. We won't need to twenty thirty or even twenty twenty one we want done now. If we cut of fossil fuels right now, millions tens of millions would die, they don't really care, it's not real, as exemplified by. Finally, the people who stood up to go clean up, we're not anti fa. It was Scott Press, learn much trump supporters going, I'm doing it. Now it I get it, he does go out and film they wear their tromp church. They fly their banners, it does make tromp supporters look good when they're going out and cleaning up but how insane does it make the left luck when they protest it or right, smear pieces about it, sorry who look insane average
Americans dont care they they really really dont. Look. I've talked to a ton of people and maybe it's just my area because it varies- you go said he barely emanates trump, but I find regularly, most people are like I don't know. Worker dont know Org, My liberal friends, like my left wing Friendly Europe, with our like Olano ass I would escape. I want that asked people about this, like if you saw a bunch of people like trump flags. Unlike hats, what would you think- and there are like- I don't know nothing. What like would you have? Which would you go talk to him? Would you walk pastimes, I wouldn't care, I'm a cop. I said what, if you saw a bunch of people wearing, you know like black masks, all black carrying crow bars and bats, and they were like hunting and marching around smashing things? I'd be like guide right! That's so here you have a group of people. Cleaning up, The average person, even LOS Angeles right, I did much interest escape borders, are that's no good, like all that's cool man, private, even join and help, but then you get these fringe left wackos shop protesting
Regular people going to see that be like these people are absolutely insane. So I dont know what their thinking about say this from a pr standpoint. The smartest thing these looking activists could do is clean with them or actually try and clean more make it a competition. And then everyone looks better. Instead, they try to smear those doing good. You know what, if it is a campaign to make, And if we look back to the left, look back and regulations, you helped make it you have you helped make that campaign, because you could do nothing. You could literally just not show up and not talk about it. Instead, you do and you say insane things so well open up there, because the point look forward to seeing more from Bresler, because I, like the fact, is cleaning up. You know why, because actually care about the environment, I don't care. If he's doing, to make Trump look good, congratulations. It does make trumps supporters. Look good, but whatever my concern is when I go on I do I see trash everywhere littering is
Ross and people do this. I don't care who is going up in cleaning, I'm glad you're gonna. Do it? Ok, Stick around next excitements coming up at one p m on the channel, and I will see you all them major breaking news, a terror attack in South London, a man wielding machete, stabbed to people and was shot and killed. They feared that he was wearing a suicide vast. The details are still emerging. Statements are coming out, so I'm gonna be straight with this one. It just read you what's happening to you to my knowledge and ability, but again details chain a time you watch this video things may have now it'll be doesn't have, may have emerged that maybe corrections, but we do to cover this, just in general terms. People knowing what's happening in being safe before we die right. However, it was all a few months ago, we saw that other attack. On the London bridge. Okay, so I think it's important to address that London as a serious problem that needs to be solved. We don't see these Rick bring things happening in the United States. They happen, sometimes for sure these need to be talked about. Something must be done
I dont want. The solution is, let's read the daily mail reports, they say a terror attacks on London are police shoot, dead, machete wielding suspect, impossible. Suicide vest who stabbed to people in high street rampage Armed police have shot it's us, but we re this three months after two were killed in London Bridge whore officers as to the scene, outside a supermarket and highroad in St Em at around two p m today, following reports of fire photos on the scene, show a lifeless body faced and on the pavement with what may have met with what has been bribed as silver canisters strapped to his chest, with a large knife laying beside him in one video, police, toting, machine guns and masked undercover officers are seen up. Watching the suspects body. Before rapidly moving away from the area, Scotland Yard declared the broad daylight image as a terror related incident or an hour and a half after first reports on the scene, the room area remains on emergency police shut down the
It comes just three months after the London Bridge attacked where it was Khan was shot dead by armed police after he killed too but an injured three others while wearing a fake suicide, We can see these photos, they are censored, but just keep in mind there may be more as we move on from it are watching weakened. In one part of the man slumped over the ground with police pulling up office. Racist, seen outside a supermarket and high road around two p m today. So, that's that's, I believe, twenty empty or universal time so about five was in front of us. I think entirely sure, because the daylight saving time nonsense, but we have a photo here of the weapon. They say: metropolitan police. Issued a statement that said a man has been shot by armed officers in St Em at this stage, it is believed a number of people have been stabbed. The circumstance are being assessed. The incident has been declared as terror related gold boy in a night, nine year old student from ST I'm claimed to have witnessed the shooting on street, I'm high wrote in front of the boot aboot store. He said
I was crossing the road when I saw a man with the machete and silver canisters on his chest being chased, What I assume was an under Police officer, as they weren't civilian clothing, the man was then shot. I think I heard three gunshots, but I can't quite remember, after I ran into the library to get to safety, from the library I saw a load of ambulances and armed officers arrive on the scene. Mr Bowe has said began running into nearby stores. After the incident we were all in. To stay in buildings by armed police. Until we were evacuated, he said we can see a photo here by the Daily mail police were firm stand. When an unmarked police car and pointing their guns tore the suspect what here, to be lying on the pavement outside the store on high street more a more censored photos can see here. This officer, I believe, is an officer appears to be telling people to get away that they declaring this has tear related more photos, show police officers armed a tweet format. Out and police says. Ok, we now this the circumstances are being assessed. The incident has
declared as terrorist related please follow met. Police UK for updates and and absolutely look. If you're somebody's in the UK you never know what comes next. You never know. You know what's happening around this so Please take us all into consideration with with the breaking this happening. You need to know exactly. What's going on, I'm I'm just because I want to make everybody stay safe. So so forget me from Britain with news story, but seriously. Let's read again just way more. Dozens of emergency vehicles lined the area and an ambulance landed on tooting back common, a few huh. Yards from the scene of the shooting London. Ambulance service said. We have none, of resources attending an incident in student. I rode a large section of a twenty three remain sealed off to traffic and buses are being diverted prime minister worse. Johnson has since tweeted about the attack. He said. Thank you who all emergency services responding to the incident in ST him, which the police have now declared, as terrorism related my thoughts the injured and those affected. So I
It does seem so far. I dont think they reported any deaths. Just some stabbings. We get citizens Close the area off local resin two steward birch. Fifty a bookmaker said I just coming back from the dentist that around two thirty p M, when I saw a helicopter ambulance on the on the common and police helicopter huh, above the high street police have cordoned. A section of the main road, either side of the White Lion. I saw COS where's being evacuated by the police from a coffee shop near the pub then balanced, turned up outside the problem with horns? Blaring and the blue lights flashing ones. Can, you have mast undercover policeman and armed officers upshot with with rivals, apparently People were being removed from the stores nearby. Hopefully this is resolved mayor of London. City can also wrote a statement which read a man has been shot dead by armed police and street and following an incident that is being treated terrorism related. A number of people are leaves two have been stabbed. I'm in contact with the met commissioner and low representatives and wanted to thank our
These security and emergency services services staff for their swift and crew his response. Truly are the best of US terrorist see to divide us and draw our way of life, you're in London. We will never let them succeed. Labour leadership, favorite, sir, care, Starmer added, shocking reports. From ST him. My thoughts are with everyone affected, thanks to our emergency services for everything they do to keep us safe and an attack was doubly for oversight here in the United States and other people were. Going to run out their risk their lives. You have my my my respect. Absolutely they say and home Secretary Pretty Patel wrote, I am being cut updated by met police UK on this afternoon's incident. In ST onwards, declared. Ok, I think we can it at this point. It was terrorism, they said it a million times, but it is important lesson. It was only a few months ago. This happened again, so I really want to stress if you're, if you're out in about just stay, safe, maybe maybe go indoors sit down, have some coffee or does get out of the area
We had an incident happened here and in the Philadelphia area. Where someone you know lock down in a house and was shooting a cops, it's never work, to remain out because you don't know the circumstances so we give you one more just really important warning. Never first stop to gaze, ok I've seen you no major disasters and happens as though car accident there'll be a fire, and I see people start gather to watch and you don't know the circumstances, especially when a fire or a violent attack, you dont know, there's more people involved. The best thing we can do is get out of there. Law enforcement, do their job and and protect yourself them important thing is getting out you remain safe, then included Nobody there might be there right now again, details may have been a bit may have changed this point, but just don't think you know Don't don't have an optimism bias, don't under arrest him the circumstances they say my. First, thoughts are with the victims, are brave police and emergency services and their families we then see the tweets they they reported on and off
was filmed time, pedestrians, the suspect, was wearing a possible suicide, Vest Jack Odin Twenty eight from trade and Street M told Male Online Polly. Came and knocked on the door and told us to evacuate. They just told us to move away from the area. I only saw what was pictured in my tweet of the junction, Mr Odell said officer did not say when he could return to his property. Are we then see just more photos of the police ass it during the area Richard. You must Psmith fifty nine response pastor for Ascension Trust has lived in the area of his life. He said, I'm shocked. It's happened in Sweden then you're, all my life, where all he's getting accidents down here, but not this. My grandson was in the audience and they got toll. To go out the back, because there was a bomb they got them to God back of the cinema. They were. They were there to watch a film, once a member of your family so close to you, you don't expect it you're always worried about your family being on the streets, but is even worse. I heard too,
people got stabbed, and apparently one man was shouting all who are far. But people thought he was just a crazy man, so he got away apparent he had to rucksack rocks acts. So we have at least one witness report come of daily mail that the man was in fact yelling. All who are not that I two plaintive stereotypes, but I think most people understood you know the like. This is going to be, and I will point out to the left and right. You know Emily want to call these things out. Don't play these games, lots of law enforcement do their job, given the respect they need to figure out. What's going on? Ok beyond that, it be great if journal, to do their jobs and ending up some details, and we could actually assess what's really happening because there seems to be a recurring problem. Thirty four year old woman who live near the scene at all told me on how she was locked in a near by Odeon for twenty minutes after the attack before being right not a fire exit or on the back, she said officers came in an ordered them to stand well away from the windows she continued. I heard it I just thought it was a car backfiring. Everyone did, I read,
into the Odeon just down the road. There were quite a few people in there Only a few ran inside to start with, she said: staff shut, the doors everyone. Thought. It was a car. Should that another woman locked in the cinema who had been on the other to pound one witness the shooting and was shaking with fear she thought A gang shooting because the two men were all dressed in word, were dressed in black. She really she was really shaking. She was quite distressed and was panic and all over the place, the woman stairs in the cinema before people were let out the back, she said, splendid home as police cars zoomed around the area and helicopter. Circled above she had take a scenic rode back home due to the main road beat road being sealed off members. The pump public having commenting on social media Tyler, sure I need to read you. You know more twitter. Population would got air ambulance here. Ah one what what an another witness was quoted. As saying I was walking the street after going for brunch with
friends. We saw a woman screaming outside a small hardware. Shot next to Iceland she's out she said the distress woman who owns a hardware shop shouted he's just I've been knife from my shop and stabbed a lady thirty one year old said, the woman was just five yards in front of our being treated by paramedics. Mistake described how there were armed police everywhere and said the woman was be treated was impure shock and therein lies the serious prob with our laws are that the UK has they're trying to ban knives used. Need them. You can use them were hearing now from at least one witness. Apparently he didn't even bring it with them. He snapped from a store and use it on the spot. So I, don't know what you're solutions are, but I think you do the UK to be serious about this. I do think it's important to point out. You know what comes the United States and illegal immigration here we got people coming and from Mexico, as Trump said meant that you know these people are not the best. That's what you described right, we'll true. There are people who are the best. There are a lot
people who are economic migrants that that's the most of it, but I think the challenges for Europe. Is the Their landmass is connected to you, know a and the Middle EAST, and these were torn areas so when they get illegal immigration or and many and to some of these people have become nationalized. They're. Coming from a speech, ideology, specific culture. I think that's one my main reasons we don't see it whether or not we do or don't let people in the United, Borders are not mere these more extreme ideologies. We have a photo Europe. Our car believe to be an armed response. Car that crashed way to the scene as officers investigate the incident they it's a bus routes, it art of diverted, I'm sorry, bus routes, four or five seven to a one in three three are diverted it to emergency services, This one says I just more people saying that they were evacuated so for now, as the time is recording these are the data. Now that I have again take it seriously. These details could could very well change on item
going to playing a game show to speculate as to this water. Why these kinds of things keep happening? It was only a few to go happened before I know that their. Their political groups that are always interested in and in pointing things out for whatever reason, but I do think it's fair to highlight at least ideological pattern. That we see with people wielding machetes yelling. These things that keep happening in the UK. Now most of you may know, breaks it just happened so for all for all. We know. They're gonna start securing their borders. You know much better, they will do a better job with national security in general, there were issues, my understanding with with the European Union over what but they were not allowed to deal with immigration. Due to Eu Commission laws and rules. Many people in the UK felt that the you should not supersede the crown and and what the UK as a right to do? Perhaps This may be going to be what downtrend, as the UK, starts, to take over and regain sovereignty in all these things, I can't tell you to those
got hurt. I hope everyone stay say, but I hope you know no doubts or anything like that bottom. If you, if you, if you haven't fires, often area just or or in general for those future. Whatever look the world is skittles candy gains in rainbows all the time. These things happen I want to live in fear. You want panic, but you also don't want don't want have an optimism buys if you see something like this happen, just get out because when you leave you owe you will you allow more space for law enforcement to secure the area and you and you guarantee your safety, dont gawk, don't sit around. These can make things make things worse. So there's any updates on the story. You know expands on eleven may have more update. Stick around next item becoming up at four p m youtube com slashed him cast. It is a different channel and I will see you all there. On Bill Mars, show on Friday. He was born, Democracy said he would try to avoid crying and even said. I don't feel like voting. Authors and I gotta go
bill MAR. Yes, the recent news of the Democrats, cheating to allow Michael Bloomberg into the debate by changing the rules, even though they kept out to Sea and Yang and Booker, and you know They bear centrally rejected calls anything. They rejected calls to change rules to allow them to debate instead, the building. Air who gave them? Hundreds of thousands of dollars allotted to agree, though Mark I dont know if voting really matters. Oh, oh! What's that bill more wasn't talking about the Democrats, cheating bill more was too king about the Republicans throwing out the impeachment. Is that it? So you mean to tell me you more democracy. When elected official girls, say: there's not enough that, is to remove the president and the ship has already claimed he's proven its case. So why call witnesses and rejected an argument from the damage and not only that where were you about democracy, when the House Democrats rejected republican witnesses in the first place now? Listen personally, I think our people
should it called witnesses, you know why they want to make claims about turbine and whoever else, then they could call them as witnesses, but apparently they want to do it. They wanted to shut it down salts either. Republicans deserve to win this one. On the on the facts, I think it's fair to say the Democrats been cheating nonstop in the in the elect in process and an impeachment. The way they withheld witnesses public inside and then cried when women's, wouldn't give it back, but in reality there's no. Two trumps motive and I think the Republicans had this one. I do think, however, if they want to make continued accusations, they should have called This is now Linsey grandmother public inside this is not the venue, so at least they have that argument. Fine, and I'm not going to cry, because a republican Senate rejected a partisan impeachment that everyone concerned that partisan and was so bad. In fact they act. Really lost a member of a Democratic Party and Congress? I dont think the Republicans are the problem for the most part, this will bill Mars. Crying about united us. I didn't really care to talk
about Bill MAR Freaking out I am a friend of the market. We look. I am thrown some shade his way right now. Everybody deserves a pint every so often no more in God and a lot of issues, and I gotta have a story for him. I'm gonna get him some respect, but this was too much. He's got a really serious case of trumped arrangements in German, and you know what, if he didn't have that he'd have nothing in common with any of these Democrats, oars audience anymore. You're thing they share is orange man. Bad even put a congress on the spot. About was Elizabeth, warns statements on Trans, heads and you could tell she was really uncomfortable like what am I going to say now Bill Mars, calling me out so here's the real story, your bill, more Europe. That that Republicans, don't wanna, hear from Democrats partisan witnesses, whatever listen, they wanted the call Bolton because the New York, I'm sorry said: people familiar with buttons, manuscript claim Bolton claims something. Ok, you know what
should a called witnesses but come on Shell out. Democracy is not dead, simply because elected representative said no to your impeachment. Ok, Tell you why democracies really dead the agency's moved to accommodate Bloomberg Stars outrage in Iowa candidates of Congress and activists are outraged over debate. Rule changes that bow to a billionaire, that's the real issue. I know I've talked about this I really wanted to highlight bill Mars, selective outrage, here's what he says. I don't no. If voting matters, the comedian set at one point during for nights, edition of real time with no more moral force. Besides cynical move, as I finish line moment for America experiment. Forty million is paramount that began in seventeen. Seventy six saying I feel like anything talk about tonight is almost moot we're gonna talk How did tonight what and who is going to end, and I feel We're talking about a word that the world that doesn't exist anymore, we're in a post democracy world is funny hee Hee
mom had already open the show with down, beat welcome. He said the impact trials almost over the bad, so is rule of law in Amerika. I think it's funny that he would say we're gonna pay attention to Iowa the Caucasus. Can what was it tomorrow and He's not talk about the fact that the agency is overtly cheating, even look Michael, more went nuts people are making fun of Michael, more freaking out over what they did for Michael Blue per capita. You wanna talk about my vote Doesn't matter you want to talk about why what does it matter and why this world doesn't exist anymore? It's simple the Democrats establishment has. She has been cheating for a long time it everyone knows it: nature, it Bernie Sanders and twenty sixteen burnt Henderson my pains are pandering and playing a silly game to try and went in twenty twenty, but there still cheating, Dulcy, Gabert Andrew Yang. Einstein. While times I was complaining but Corey Booker. These are people who were kept out of the Bates who asked for rule changes and they gave it to millionaire, but Bill Mars, seemingly upset. Let me tell you work. It's funny. I did
like this. In my main segment video here we go bill. Crystal comes out of the political closet. The crystal, I guess, he's technically a conservative but he's not because now his temper, a democrat- and he said something I find truly laughable, sawdust from the daily wire. We can see bill crystals tweets. He said not, presumably forever, not perhaps for a day after November. Third point, we need not on every issue or in every way, Well then, but for tat being one has to say. We are all Democrats now. Are you joking after they just cheated tool? a billionaire into the race you're nuts. Isn't it various other democratic Party has become the party of cow. Owing to billion airs and me conservatives think about the people who are now. We're tromp person. What party they're going to think? how they loved and jumped up and down dancing in defence of John Bolt in one of the most noted as warmongering of our
integration or the past generations whenever generation he was an of our time. That's who their cheering for it's really really weird. Now I get at Bernie Sanders and the populace left are fighting for the soul of that party. I think their policies are nuts, but the whole thing is just collapsing as far as I'm concerned Omar, did say something interesting which allows me now to say no, we are not all Democrats now. Look I can look at the Dnc move to cheat and immediately reject bill crystal. We are all Democrats, you joking, why their cheating and the progressives are calling for cheating, Michael Moors, conifer, cheating! Sorry, no we're! Not all Democrats, you wanna just the odds, the most disgusting Bill Mars, Joe. He actually created another bit of controversy, which makes me kind of laugh not at the circumstances or or other communities or anything involved. It makes me laugh that Bill MAR can't see what's happening around him, I know I know people say the same thing about me like crazy stuff bill. More
swore and to that her education, secretaries and transgender child. The segment was actually funny for one reason, in my opinion, nothing to do with the Trans trial or worn. It was the fact that bill more asked the congresswoman. Bout. The circumstance and she seemed extremely uneasy and unwilling to engage, and that's because of how volatile the entire political landscape is, especially when deal with Trans issues. She was What's she looked to me like? Oh, how do I navigate this one? Am I going to come out against what war in setting activists all over me and then lose elections. What's red bill. More blasted Elizabeth warrants promise to have her nominee for Secretary of Education that it by a transgender child is crazy. He said now Obama people. Just don't want crazy stuff. Is this not crazy stuff? Is you running for president of Berkeley? You don't. I love cajolery more site. How simultaneously bill mark can make me laugh with a poignant position.
But at the same time cry over or publicans voting to get rid of a partisan impeachment when the democratic playing the exact same game. Oh, please, don't be silly bill, you got tedious and got a bad. They say More was a french welcome at war and made last week during which he said I'm going to have a secretary of education that this young transport interviews on my behalf, and only if this and believes that our secretary or sex, Education novelty is absolutely come, are committed to creating a. Coming environment, a safe environment and a full. Kamal curriculum for everyone ever for everyone will person actually be advanced to be secondary education, war and was presumably referring to a nine year old, transgender bushes. She spoke with in October during a CNN presidential Forum Maras. Criticised one in the past and has made it clear that heading five more with their Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, but he also was really interesting they jumped to. I think it was Rick Wilson. That's a former conservative, now Democrat Guy, basically who said
don't run on boutique issues in a Walmart country, and the point was like, though MAR said, is she running for President of Barkley. Bill Crystal says: we're all Democrats now fine, but think about. What's what It means when you see what Elizabeth worn sang Bill Marser you need to understand, is there to parties and everything the left as goes in the blue been- and that includes this people will ask her about this. If she wins the nomination, they will ask her What will she say because to the average person they have no idea what she's talking about and bill moment an even better point. He said I don't care about the Trans thing why Would you give a high school or veto power over your cabinet good question, because she doesn't mean it because they're lying to you want another death of democracy when we go back
it's not about the Republican saying no to an impeachment room, not removing the president or not mine have witnesses come in. I do think it was dumb, but I'm not gonna cry about it too. Partisan game impatient is a political process, as nebular said self, but I'll tell you what, when war in just spews word vomit? That means nothing to anybody in order to pander to enact an activist based too, when I say democracy is in trouble when the Dnc it's an changes. The rules now for the second election in a row or die, The rose chamber they cheat second second election arose and they put a billionaire who just if basically a million dollars to establishment democratic institutions, including some of which one of the DMZ I say democracy is in trouble. So one bill says, aren't well voting matters you're right bill. The Caucasus are tomorrow, starting with Iowa and I dont know voting matters and base the cheating so far I've seen em.
Dreamily angry. You know why there are two candidates: I've been very, very excited by Yang and Gabert and guess who they ve cheated and then proper. They cheated Yang and Gabert out of debates, but they cheating once again to get Bloomberg on the stage, why should. I play a game with you when you're cheating, how would you feel playing poker watching them? She, wouldn't you just get up and walk away some people in the wild West. We have another action in today's date, eight December playing with cheap. So they want me to come out and vote. I'm sorry, I'm not convinced voting matters as Bill MAR said, but for all the wrong reasons. Stick around next augments coming up in a few minutes- and I will see you all shortly. Justice for Johnny Depp trends, after Amber heard, admits to it, is hitting actor in audio clip The stories been going around for a long time before the evidence I mean the story of whether Johnny Depp was the domestic abuser oars Amber heard,
Many people sided with heard, claiming that Johnny was in fact the abuser, and you know why it's just the bias. Seeing the viral videos where it's like that they do. This thing we're a guy will be walking down she was a woman, push around and yell at our like, threaten hit her and then people intervene to stop him. They do the inverse with a woman is beating the man and people laugh and they giggle, because they don't think it's a big deal. So a lot of people just didn't want to believe that Johnny was actually the victim, but in this leaked audiotape we learn Amber heard the woman admits to hitting Johnny Depp, It sounds like she absolutely was the aggressor and she says I was heading you now: it's possible its mutual domestic abuse, because both claim that each other hurt each other and they photos showing it based on this audio, I think the new heard of emerging is that if Johnny Depp did hit Amber heard in any way, it was likely in self defence because it meant she really does sound like the aggressor, calling him a baby. She tries to gaslight him. Now. I didn't really
here to talk about celebrity me to drama star foreign like this, I think, is an The angle and you know that the presumption of innocence here, that's really and it's what was really interesting to me. I've, although there is a forum of of social Justice, social justice activists. And in it there talking about how they need to re, reassess whip me, to believe women it's funny, because what they, then crime is like basic english common law. The presumption of innocence see believe women is. Fine, saying you gonna means, but the what it really means. Well then, I guess what are really It's a lot of people believe women, no matter what don't don't need evidence but what they say to me that something better there. If someone says something happened in files report, we investigate that report. We don't assume it's true, but we do take it seriously right It's kind of like your monthly, what they say about tromp when they say that you know the left doesn't taken seriously, but they ve taken literally and Trump supports, take em, not literally, but then I am seriously. What it means to me is when it comes to celebrate,
accusation be Johnny or Amber, would take it seriously, will look into it will make sure we do to the bottom of an forgot who's, the victim in the rush to judgment, many feminist and people are left, accuse Johnny of the worst and they harmed the victim they lamed the victim because they want to wait for evidence. Will now evident as emerged. It seems reasonable to assess, took to say. Amber her was the aggressor. The woman was the aggressor, not Johnny Depp, although we may have fought back although he may not be innocent. Maybe he fought her at some point The reality is, she had met the hitting and tries to Gaslight, I'm even insulting him, calling him a baby. Let's wait a little bit this, but I really want to get to the new the new understanding. That is social justice activists have for english common law, which is fastening us. Many of us when saying exactly what they're not blaming. What's. First learn a lot about a little bit about this celebrity drum, from Newsweek. They say after a leaked, audio recording
here's to reveal Amber heard admitting the starting physical fight with her Ex husband, Johnny Depp, the Hashtag justice for Johnny Depp trend it on twitter, as fans express support for the actor. The couple have accused each other of domestic. Once and legal documents. After death gap filed a fifty million dollar lawsuit, saying heard, defamed him after the document star and be heard. Washed and up ad in the Washington Post, although heard thirty three mention fifty six year old debt by name the actor claimed it was clear, was talking about him. The loss it said DAB had suffered, financial losses and his career. Suffered as a result of the accusations, including being dropped from the pirates of the caribbean film franchise. Does it had press reported? I gotta stop there. I can defend Johnny Depp only so far. I'm sorry, I think the pirates of the caribbean film franchises about done, growler lulled? Ok, Maybe now that's the most controversial thing. I've actually said. Maybe you like pirates, fine, you can have rejects barrow, don't understand in your way. I digress
Then heard has provided evidence to support allegations of abuse in court filings, including photos of her. With roses on her face and scars and arms gap has denied the abuse and claimed it was heard. Who is use of toward him during their marriage now and allow did audio recording obtained by the daily mail that was recorded during the conference. Nation the pair had to talk through their marriage proms. Twenty fifteen appears to lend credence to depths version of events, flip the couple or her discussing numerous arguments and heard admits to hitting death and pelting him with pots and pans during one violent altercation. It's not true, it's not true, I'm not the one who throws pots and whatever the thing else at me, Dep replied after heard claimed he took for granted later heard denied punching that but conceded to she had had him she said. I am sorry that I didn't hit you across the face and a proper slap, but I was hitting you. It was not punching you baby, you're punch. She said I dont know what the motion of
actual hand was, but your fine. I did not hurt you. I do not punch you. I was sitting you. Ok, let's go waiting you you had. Somebody had somebody somewhat Scott Punch. Ok, you hit him are right or whatever you want you, because your weak does. It mean you're, not punching somebody but fine. She admits she was heading em. Now I'm not Look, I gotta be honest. He said she said, I'm one for innocent until proven guilty. If you got evidence present the evidence and I still will reserve judgment, it's one audio recording. It gives some some points to Geneva virgin events and saw more inclined to believe Johnny Depp, especially, but I do think it is fair to say, present everything you and in a court of law or or civil court, chemical ever might be and get a logic judgment for the time being. As far as I can say, evident supports Johnny Depp because she admits it is also fair to point out. We just don't know what else went on
Maybe Johnny got physical with her the first time I don't know, but I'm not gonna kill him of that. So this this. This is the danger of the game they play with the believe. Women thing. If you don't know you don't know just say nothing. I guess if I got an otter recording, that's where she says she's at Genoa admits it. Then I lean towards Johnny Maybe there will be more evidence, the future. You don't want to go all on something just because you heard one audio clip, but again, I'm here to defend Johnny Cash sounds like he's the victim and that's the main point over the gamer gauzy sublet it which are frequent very often- and many of you may be familiar if you not. This is a sub right. It dedicated to people who presumably facetious we call them S J, W our social justice warriors post articles that articles are typically favor of social justice issues and causes, and this was posted. I find it interesting that its
Actually, it's a story that says you know Amber heard of Mister, hitting the actor in the clip. I was curious as to how social justice activists would respond and they responded, in my opinion, to an agreed agreeable. That believe. Women doesn't mean you just assume they're always tongue attributed to the claim seriously. Now this A visual I'm not going to claim is a bad person or hippocratic like that. I don't know they are. I just think it fair to point out in the past, social justice activists tend to say just believe women, no matter what. You don't need evidence you known and the worst of the worst. I would imagine, but this to me is a good thing, so I want to get shot on, say. I'm really glad to see this comment. I agree with it to a certain degree to read through it all. I want to act like I grow ever they say, but I think it's cool. When you see people, you might disagree with, and you actually come to an agreement about protecting the innocent and and safeguarding victims, it's only read some news for you Commodore rights as someone who does academic research, related crime and gender, and as someone
has been a victim of harassment, violence, abuse and false allegations of the hand of my former partner yet area I think that what we inciting needs to re evaluate our in. Rotation of believing victims, regardless of gender specifically, meaning the phrase believe my protection of believing victims is that we, the public the justice system, should approach victims and perpetrators about preconceptions of petrol prejudice, that is to say, putting aside preconceived notions and taking in an interpreting the facts of the case without judgment in particular. While these facts are still coming up, I wanna make among the most important point point. A true feminist in my opinion would completely agree that statement, because gender isn't a qualify for being a bad person, a true famine,
should realise women can be abusers. Two women can be heroes in Valencia, same as men can be, and if we truly believe in equality of the genders or secular, what have you to say? Then you recognize what makes a person isn't those immutable characteristics? It's just that some people are good. Some people are bad and anyone can be anything. A woman can be a sexist or big it as much as they may not want to agree with that definition, because they believe in the power and prejudice thing. The reality is if a story comes out with a man and a woman, you shouldn't make assumptions about whose guilty and who isn't until there's evidence they say when I see someone accused of wrong doing I suspended judgment and wait for the facts Soon the accuser or the accused are telling the truth or lying, and I would hope that this should be the approach of law enforcement as well maybe they should listen to an accuser or victim without assuming things about her or him, for instance, they would
Without asking. Why are we asking a woman why she was wearing a short skirt or why she without drinking at three p m? I completely agree because in a free society you should be allowed to do that. Or they would listen without asking a man why he didn't stop we didn't want it and so forth. That is fundamentally, however, not believing victims in the sense of taking all their words, as fact at face value. Yet this seems frequently to believe it to be. The way is ideas interpreted if I suspend judgment and observe facts without judgment as they come in, as I would hope, police would, when questioning an accuser and her or has accused, I feel pressure, decide what the victim by default, but I think that this does not capture the true spirit of believing victims that ought to be intended because think about this Johnny Depp was the victim and you didn't believe him. Who did you believe, while some of you believed the perpetrator- and therein lies the big challenge when two people point the finger at each other, how you knows tawny truth, so when they both make those accusations, we treat them seriously, we believe their intent
and we investigate trust but verify they say. It seems to me that, while the justice system has a tendency to fail to handle many people who engage in salt or violent domestic violence, the popular quarter public opinion shoots first and ask questions later and uses the above concept regarding belief, wrongly even the fact that we can make this argument is indicative of the faulty ways that we deal with it and domestic violence. We too often fallen one extreme or the other in terms when hundreds of believing the victims or one hundred percent victim blaming, without considering the facts. Of course, what without getting the facts Of course, the facts themselves he'd be heavily scrutinised, but I think the above approach- the most rational want situations where there is inherent ambiguity like an unknown of assault or domestic violence cases. This is the top comment, is only a few points on a big supper at it, but I have tremendous respect for the most part with theirs If there is a woman whose a victim and you make assumptions about what happened. I think it's a bad thing,
there is someone who is accused of being a perpetrator, anemic assumptions, that's a bad thing. Sometimes woman life, sometimes men abuse, sometimes women, abuse and sometimes just everybody lies So we got to make sure we do get the facts. I'm glad to see that you know people in sub right. It are actually agreeing with that sentiment as they now come to realize. Johnny Depp was in fact the victim I'll leave it. There sit around next migrants coming up in just a few minutes, and I will see you all shortly the AMOS zero hedge was suspended or banned from twitter and they were accused of dogs by Buzzfeed, when in reality they published publicly available and for me- and so this whole thing seems really really odd. I'm not! we familiar with Euro hedge, it did follow them, they pose a lot of stories. Some of it are me. No, I wouldn't call it like hard vetted news. News guard does not certify them. Really read: zero headshot on a whole lot for someone who is typically opposed to censorship. I think there's something the alarming about companies like
we are getting rid of organisations, because they don't they don't think what their proper. What you know that information that point There is a legitimate, well means in criticised whatever you want but we should not enter a world where giant tech companies can ban. Information was particularly scary. The story what they say: zero hedge was basically the story about the potential source of the yuan corona virus and they were entering a more conspiratorial, you know view of what was causing it while Buzzfeed set, there are liars and it's all wrong, I'm not here to Lily, whose tighter than who hasn't honest, I'm going to say this is an investigative, journalists accused someone of of serious wrong doing? Why would you assume it's a conspiracy theory? I mean people commit crimes right, Chernobyl happened. They didn't tell the truth about at once. Can disconcerting to me here. Is that whether you trust our don't trust your hydra think their legitimate or not? Is that even Buzzfeed? get banned for doing something similar in the future. More importantly, why is
with the authority and what is or is it true? In the first place they are fake news, often enough. Let's read the story from Fox NEWS, because here I gave a statement now I will tell you a few things first I mean this with no with all due respect and transparent anybody news guard is not certifies your hedge, having accuse them in the past of publishing false information. They ve been described as by some people, and maybe this actually, but as being a gateway to conspiracies because they themselves are actually not so I looked at some researchers and the way the describes your hedge is that they often talk about legitimate things, but in very speculative ways that could lead someone into believing a conspiracy. After fact, essentially on our out on us, explain it like this. They did on the wheel on virus, gave you a bunch of legitimate information, but no conclusion, and the concerns are that that makes people conspiratorial I don't know, I'm just telling you what I heard about them, I'm not saying it large anybody, I will say,
definitively zero had should absolutely be reinstated as many other people should be and they should be, to speculate on, whatever they want, but something more important thing here that they are accused of dioxin. That's just not the case. Ok, the information they presented, and I looked at it. It's publicly available information, Buzzfeed lied surprise. Surprise: here's a fox new store. They say financial blogs. Your had suggested the ban was potentially motive by reasons other than the stated once Fox NEWS, says actual blogs, your hedge called its permanent suspension from Twitter on Friday, arbitrariness and unjustified after the site posts linked to an article on the origin of China's new corona virus outbreak, the article published Wednesday titled Is this the man behind the global corona virus pandemic shared the name, personal information of a chinese doctor and researcher at the woman, Instead of biology and linked him to a theory
The new virus is an engineered bottom up by weapon hosting I've talked about that too. I always tell people, don't jump to conclusions and don't assume its true. It's just something that people are talking about because of past news stories, away legitimate reporting. If you want to speculate based on legitimate news That's fine people do all day and night. A conspiracy theory would be to make something up a connection it doesn't exist. But of course, if I got banned anyway or the accounts are too There said it's a spending zero hedge would have which had six hundred seventy thousand followers for violating its against abuse and harassment according to a screen shot of notification from Twitter adviser, zero hedge suit sudatta author, Tyler Durden. I think we know that person is, I think, actually Buzzfeed docks. This person, Tyler, Durden and Funny is buzz. We're getting a band for Dioxin Tyler, Durden. The ban comes as social media platforms have been trying to fight misinformation on the virus. Twitter has reported Been steering users toward more credible sources when they search for Chrome, virus related, hashtags Facebook said last week. It would remove false.
And or conspiracy theories flat. By leading global health organisations and health authorities and unusual move social media site which normal normal labels false information rather than outright movement. Well, I will tell you this. I understand the fears False information as pertains to the krona virus When I was in during Hurricane Sandy in New York, somebody lied and claimed. The stock exchange had flooded, that's extremely dangerous because it could cause people to divert there plans or go somewhere put them at risk, it could cause people to flee the area which was not flooded, so they would go from safety to a more dangerous location. You are risking people's lives. I understand the fear in this instance, I think they overstep their bounds and I think Buzzfeed lie so it's as they were. They were violating the rules against abuse and harassment. You may not engaging harvested harassment of someone or incite other people to do so. This includes wishing we're hoping that someone experiences physical harm. What when did they do that cause he's a quote? We are confident
that we did not violate any of the stated twitter terms. We neither incited harassment, nor did we docks the public official, whose conduct information is, as of this moment list On the one hand, institute website as such we finds us an arbitrary and unjustified essentially motivated by reasons other than the stated once Twitter was just. Can for a reason to make more purges the article that lead to the suspension, which is still live on zero hedged outcome claims that, Original version of the virus may first been weapon ice in Canada before it was obtained by it, after the woman, instead of biology who is also a leader of the bad virus and affection and images in group and accidentally or not related to the public, something tells us if anyone wants to find what really cause the quota virus pandemic that is infected thousands of people and and around the globe. They should probably pay them to revisit that's where they I, I guess, cross the line during the article He then less the doctors, email and phone number, so
information was public, but I think when he said, pay him a visit. That's where he crossed the line is probably what Twitter can argue. Buzzfeed reporter Ryan, broader, who publishes the zero edge article before the websites, twitter account was suspended, said zero. Hedge had died, the war on direct a doctor on in question after twinning that the article he's it received. A statement from twitter sayings, you're hedges account was permanently suspended for violating our platform, manipulation policy, so twitter is apparently sang. It has to do with false information. Now, Rhine, bra, It is also an individual who once claimed that a bunch of people using a meme hashtag were likely Botz or think actually definitively said. It was bought activity and twitter later denied this. This report or published fake news. And instead of just saying, oops tried to weasel around justifying their fake news, so I take nothing that they say seriously zeal also posted another article detailing The krona virus theory by burden on Saturday titled grown a virus contains HIV insertions stoking fears over
artificially create by weapon. Here's the thing I talk about the exact same thing. There is a scientific journal that publish non peer, reviewed articles, it's cool, Bio, Rx Ivy and in this or they said that was true. It doesn't mean was man made, and I pointed out a lot of you jumping the gun and the reality is just because it has his insertions doesn't mean any of us know what that means. We're not biologists are biologist. We don't know what it's interesting to talk about. Are you not a lot of time? about information that emerges. That's insane and dont go tabula do things I mean if you wanna talk about crazy conspiracy involving claimed. It is something I would say: ok, well, that's your prerogative, I'm not into that, but if there's a bio lab, if there's a researcher, if there you know questionable activity emerging scientific journals. Why can't you talk about it? I think we draw the line at telling people it's true. It's proven but journals have to investigate these things and talk about it. What would happen if we did the same thing. What happen if Twitter said Buzzfeed talking This person is a violation of our rules, are banning legitimate journalism and who gets to determine what
get em at journalism is therein lies the big problem. So the way I brought the earlier. You know comments about zero. Just credibility was to make that point specifically doesn't matter if your hedge is conspiracy or not, it doesn't matter if this they're telling our true or fake. It doesn't matter if the intentionally lied, they should be allowed to publish information. Otherwise we will end up with a tech noticed opium Your cooperation determine what is real and what isn't I'm not into that? I'm I'm. I can only hope that humans can determine for themselves. What is true information, and you know what may be the case. But I don't think the answer is giving the government or these major corporations the power they ought to say, etc, etc. The alleged indian scientists also discovered strains of HIV in China's new corona virus and the virus response. HIV medication. Those are both I should say true, but they found I ve insertions, moreover, were very similar. They said it's likely not to be fortuitous, it's possible. It did evolve. If zero had speculated beyond that. Well, they shouldn't have
it does respond. Hiv medication, that's been reported by think like nature, mag and a bunch of other science publications. What would he supposed to say. The Saturday article also disputes push back by media against a theory, detailed and wednesdays. Article saying over a few days. The mainstream presses vigorously pushed back against a theory, but the origins of the one a virus that has now infected, seventy thousand people and will not alone the theory. That China obtained the krona virus, be a canadian research programme and sword moulding it in Way by weapon at the Institute of our Jane Wilson, I dont believe that ok and I think it's jumping the gun to even make that claim the more like, solution is their working on Sars vaccine. If you want to believe at least for now that it broke out of the Bio lab going off these stories, let it sounds like their working vaccine. I think it's dangerous to assume those intended to buy weapon and we're dealing with some James Bond Ass grandiose story is as nothingness like. Listen, I'm not
talking about whether or not any these stories should or shouldn't be true or whether we should or should believe it I'm it's that we literally the evidence by all means. You know, explored investigate and that's why take serious issue not a fan of fake news, if someone's intentionally spreading lies, I hate that. Hence I criticised the media all the time they do. This if someone believes there that they have an educated guess and they drink dig up some evidence. Fine, I will say, however, last little bit they should have said payment as it. I think that was the that the serious issue, and as that that's so the story. I really want to get into the conspiracy theory or or theories about the origin of the kind of ours. For the most part, I've done vetoes on that the past we don't know, we don't know, speculation is only gonna. Make things you know harder to understand. The best you can do is take your friends, your family prepare for the worst hope for the best and let the information come as it does. Zere had should not be banned for x.
During these stories. I dont want to tell you news organisations: media outlets, whether real or fake Archy. It's not for you to judge if you think they're fake I'll, tell you what I will come out and say I d by
Transcript generated on 2020-02-20.