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Democrats New Smear BACKFIRES, Biden Accidentally Goes "Full MAGA" Supporting Trump's China Position


Democrats New Smear BACKFIRES, Biden Accidentally Goes "Full MAGA" Supporting Trump's China Position. In the latest ad from Democrats they claim that Trump is too soft on China and that his travel ban doesn't go far enough.The ad tries to claim Biden is tough on China when in fact he and other Democrats criticized Trump's actions for years.The only conclusion is that Joe Biden thinks he and the Democrats can beat Trump and the Republicans by "out trumping Trump"There is no way a sane person would think this would work. if anything the ad is pro Trump and demands he go further than he already did.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
In what may be the most insane a political strategy I have ever seen Joe Biden and the Democrats have decided to try to out Trump Donald Trump on China. That's right! Taking the approach and a new add that Joe and it's tough on China, that China is the problem and that Trump rolled over for the Chinese. That's right. The man for over a decade has been ragging on China supported politicians because of their anti China positions, a man for for a man who, for a decade, was calling for, Europe's on China and then who got elected, ended it he's rolling over for the Chinese. You ve lost the plot. You know so crazy about this is for the past For weeks the media has been smearing tromp saying that Europe begins and Donald Trump are using China as a scapegoat when it comes to cover it they called him xenophobic. Joe Biden criticized the President for Travel Ban Nancy mostly launched the no ban act. They were now
on board, with trumps tough call against China, did truck do a good enough job. Dealing with the kind of ours early on. Well, that's up to your and are now it's up to you. Your opinion, hindsight is twenty. Twenty honestly no. If anyone could have done better, but I'll tell you this, I think trumped did bad and he wasn't strong enough. The Democrats we're in the other direction. Joe Biden tweeted note, Travel ban is gonna. Stop this. We D worked together. Nancy Plaza it has act. So what makes you think that effort ten years of strong messaging from Donald Trump Saying China is a problem you are going to win this battle. My mind is blown the meat I gave them a free pass, the media, wanted them to say that Tropic scapegoating China well, perhaps were learning something else. I dont think the deal he would launch these attack adds unless they had data behind and now it's possible there completely. Incompetent it's also possible. The media is so out of touch with this country. The more
ran articles claiming that tromp was scapegoating China, the further away from the people who actually gotten Democrats note, let's take a look, That's I want to show you some of what's going on with the new job and Democrat Attack, which I think I think they ve lost it. It you'd be lesson if the best you can come up with is It is bad and that's. Why should vote for Joe Biden? You are supporting Donald you're going full magua. I mean trumps been talking about for ten years, so you might have upon a mug cap, trumps right, but I'm better as the best you got I'm showing how the media play this, and I would go back in time and show you how tough Trump has been, or at least several articles showing Donald Trump has really gone after chinamen check this out Ryan class tweets there's a devastatingly good Biden at first of all. No actually isn't they show a clip from February twenty fifth of Joe I did so. I would be tough on China and send people on the ground and then they show quotes from Trump from earlier, month like February, ninth or something that's the wrong or
you're supposed to show Biden before Shrimp criticising China. They don't play out well, but we have an. Go here from CNN, they say: Biden campaign launches counter attack on Trump over Corona Virus and China. Before we get started had already TIM guest outcome, Slash done it if you like to support my work? There are several ways that you can give. I've got a physical address, but the best you can do share this video. You tube has algorithmic pressure on me that suppresses my content and props up there and stream media. If you go to Youtube com, you will see their fancy a little covert section with all the big mainstream media companies get free press. I dont but I have a massive marking budgets. If you really like my content, sharing is the most powerful thing you can do much more powerful than the Youtube algorithm. Also dont forget hit subscribe button, the like, but the notification Bell and hopefully two will actually suggest my videos to you or whatever. Maybe you don't like my content, but I appreciate you watching. Let's read from CNN, the Biden campaign on Friday launched a new counter attack on President Donald Trump and his response.
Front of virus pandemic zeroing in his approach to dealing with China throughout the crisis. In a pair of digital videos, the Biden campaign argues the President put the: U S in an ill prepared position to deal with, the outcome and was not forceful enough in demanding transparency from chinese leaders? I really appreciate, seen in framing. This is a positive for Joe Biden, because he didn't just say that he said trot rolled over for China. I also approve wait CNN what what what will see if they mention Nancy Policy and by its criticisms of tromp when he tried to go hard on China quote the uncomfortable truth This president left America exposed and vulnerable to this pandemic. Former vice president, but instead one of the videos he ignored the warnings of health experts, elegance agencies and put his trust in China's leaders. Instead in a separate video, Tony Blinkin, former deputy secretary of state and foreign policy adviser bite and said President Trop. What soft on China, when it mattered most
but it will insist that China live up to its responsibilities. The videos highlight the Biden campaign plans on making trumps response to crowd of our central to their argument against him. In the twenty election. Hey, you could do that. There's tons of fake news floating out there, making the president look bad tell you what trying to claim he soft on China is probably not the smartest way to go about it if it also, the coordinated effort come as trumpet as allies have waged their own campaign to paint by an assault on China. Responding to the former vice press this video Friday Andrew Clark, rapid response structure for president trumps RE election campaign, pointed to more than four decades of Joe. By more more than for decades, I spent in Washington bowing to Beijing. The american people won't forget that you want The other reason it is absolute insane for the violence and effort for a Joe Biden, the Democrats to use this line of attack because Hunter
and has business dealings in China and Ukraine. Now, of course, you can argue about trumps business dealings in China, Ukraine's families, that's fine, but still insane for you to walk into that conundrum. You could have used that against Trump. Instead, you have now opened yourself up to that criticism. They weren't thinking worthy or they work. It could be. The american public knows that China is real threat, no matter what the media says and the Democrats had absolutely no choice, if that's the case nothing. You can do here to lose three more last week, the press re election campaign released and add attempting to portray Biden as overly friendly with China, but it included deceptive YO clips and images oh really, including such Ding Gary Lock, the former governor of Washington, was a chinese official. The trunk campaign is also to make issue of biting Son Hunter and its past business dealings of China that these media outlets don't have a unified narrative, and so the problem is,
I got one strong to show you were there actually criticising Hunter abide in saying it's gonna drag Trump data from the New Yorker left, rather lefty publication. They don't have the benefit right. Conservative media and an Trump supporters are typically unified around their messaging. Whether intentional not the left is absolutely not so I'll. Cnn frames, things to benefit Biden and the New York Times runs defence for by. Downplaying allegations against him. The rest and other leftwing media websites and companies are following the same message. So it's just making everything looked, not dejected and kind of crazy, quote: is it a troops, false attacks on Vice President Biden? It is another attempt to distract when the president's failure to stand up to China for american workers If you are not, if that's the line, you're goin, or man you're nuts, that's crazy and, more importantly, more immediately. Today's failure to prepare our country for the Krona virus pandemic, democratic, Senator shared
out of a higher told reporters on Friday call for the Biden campaign on a Friday call for the bombing campaign. We know president trumps playbook divide and distract the american people know. Butter, China and the code of ours pandemic have quickly turned into top campaign issues for both sides. On Thursday Protocol America. First action announced ten million dollars at a time dollar. Add campaign in Michigan Pennsylvania, its content, which will target the former vice president over China, the Pro Biden Group American Bridge, Counter with its own fifteen million dollar. Add campaign in the same key, battleground states slamming tromp for his approach to China during the Krona virus pandemic throughout crisis Biden has criticized trumps responds to the pandemic on the health and economic fronts. He recently accuse the president of having a temper tantrum. All Americans are dying, the two men charity rare moment of direct communication earlier this month when they spoke by phone about krona virus with both sides describing their conduct conversation, s cordial. Remember one Donald Trump, sad that we were going to have a travel ban and then job
in sad travel bans, don't work. We need to cooperate. None of the virus knows no boundaries and then a monthly. Joe Biden, sad. I actually agree with a travel ban its because they have no unified plan. They don't know what the american people want, they didn't know at them How can people wanted and twenty sixteen and the media is keeping them in a fog? Let me show you, take a look: story from Salon March, Thirtieth, Donald Trump, the corona virus scapegoat and right now, it's China unable to accept responsibility. Tropical I'm someone to blame for its failure to prepare to prepare for the pandemic aright. Let's take the story and framework for Joe Biden campaign at with no real campaign strategy joy Biden, relies on scapegoating China. So in an effort to win reelection because a few, operate from the assumption that China did nothing wrong salon. Well then,
by certainly must be scapegoating as well, because he's in desperate need of some kind of wedge issue to set apart from Trump. Is that your argument, but wait, there's more check out this story April, Fourteenth Donald Trump Scape hunt. Blaine China blame foggy, blame the governors O blame China. You say is that the media kept keeps up with this narrative about Al Jazeera, China charges as corona virus scapegoat. And U S election campaign, kind of our as the political map of the presidential race, putting Republicans on the defensive in key states if tech advertisements now being rolled out or any indication United States, President Donald Trump and is campaigning yours have settled on a scapegoat for the crown of pandemic that has up ended his re election prospects, China. So that they go dimension Joe Biden. They say new advertisements not heading three critical, battleground states cast likely democratic challenger, Joe Biden as front
China, while championing trumps decision in January to ban travel from China after the country's krona virus outbreak, and then, of course, you know, we know that Joe Biden ran similar adds. We have this story from the New York Times this one from a distance. Updated today are key GEO peace strategy, blame China, but Trump goes off message. Republicans increase! finally believe that elevating China's capability for Spain, the crowd of ours, may be the best way to improve their difficult election chances. The president is muddying the message: difficult election chances New York Times I pressed Moody's analytics at last, I tracked said: Tromp was going to win because the economy now, of course, because the pandemic they may be saying that it will be difficult for Trump. I just really believe me, this unprecedented. We don't how voters going to react to this.
He was doing really really well announced doing bad. I guess we'll see it went when Tromp had really great numbers. Most people just assumed he was gonna win because people wouldn't be up devote, but if people believe Trump has done a good job on the crowd of virus they'll, probably vote for him, but I dont know if it's fair to say, he's got difficult chances, especially when its approval writing is higher than it was. When I got elected we ve been going up. The big point, though I will say, is that one of the factors for transit victory was the hate of Hilary I'm paying people hated her so much that contributed a lot to Donald Trump win. If progressives who are at Joe Biden, Dnc Turn and support tromp to punish the left of the Democrats like they did and twenty sixteen and I think trumps can Take a look at the story from earlier today. I cover this on my other channel for vessels in the podcast organs later Crenshaw and more clash over Trump. Is the goal to make President Trump look bad or to get to the truth in this segment
no more criticizes Donald Trump for not being tougher on his travel ban and it's the weirdest thing to see people on the left take this position. They criticise Trump. When he ban travel from South South seven high risk nations overtake they call it for a moratorium on travel was, I believe, suggested by the Obama administration. They say it's bad because of this. When tromp enact the travel ban on China, Joe Biden criticised at many people criticized it. Whose outlets across the board said it wouldn't work right now we're seeing the complete inversion, we're seeing them say in this add from Joe Biden that forty thousand people still entered from China, because trumps travel ban wasn't strong enough. So let me get this straight Trump enacted a travel ban and you dont like that. He did. But you criticised him for it and that's interesting question. That's brought up Dan Crenshaw in this interview with Bill MAR says those forty thousand p
who were passport holders Americans being raped repatriated? I guess, if you're, not the argument they shouldn't have been allowed in, you can, but He wasn't allowing chinese nationals to enter the country. These were passport and green cardholders, so it's being Miss framed by Joe Biden, but it's the strangest strategy. I must say perhaps they realize there's no way out. We see this tweet from Cecilia Wang. She has a civil rights lawyer, former off former public defender, currently deputy illegal director, National AC, Elio. Here's what you treated, wow Joe Biden all ready I too out tramp tramp. This kind of fearmongering is causing violent attacks on Asian Americans if you're trying to reform your past history of racist policymaking. Like your ninety ninety four crime bill, you had better do some homework, this ain't it she goes on for those who can tell difference between any to people with an asian face and who don't know me. I m no fair the? U S? Government or the pr see government dont at me, begone all of you to in Botz. She says I d,
really want Joe Biden to be Trump? Of course I do, but I dont why I'm too ferment racist scapegoating, and I want him to build a platform for all of us. Can fight for and in carrying it and in carrying it out for us once is in office once again this ain't it of all the ways trump has actively obstructed a sensible public policy uncovered, causing countless lives, loss in the U S job, he's going to fix eight on the pr angle and put out propaganda, put out a propaganda film that will fuel races. Vaccination, Americans, no, I'm not having it she's! Actually, you ve got progressives and ACL you slamming Joe Biden over this, perhaps the Democrats have learned you can't chase after woke progressive ISM to win? Maybe this is the big shift. Why got some for that too about. But let's move on another tweet here Sarah Lazard, who was a reporter for in the in these Times magazine and China. Nationalism is hampering international cooperation in response to the covered nineteen crisis being used to push
further? U s militarization of the Asia Pacific and fuelling a spate of racist attacks on Asian Americans. This right wing talking point needs who stopped Bravo, Joe Biden, you thought you could out tromp Donald Trump on China. The people on the left, the Democrats in a progressive think you ve just gone for a fault fallen on Magua I mean look if they're gonna argued that he's trying to outdo tromp. Then I'm gonna say it Joe Biden, medical product market cap because he's agreeing with trumps policy positions. Don't believe me take a look at this story April: twenty ninth, twenty eleven mother Jones, leftwing outlet, despite the fact that some of his clothings clothing is made in China Trump bashed them. Kingdom if elected president, what what message to China be? Listen! You mother efforts, we're going to tax you! Twenty five percent tromp said that in twenty eleven, oh, I got more for you, How the Donald could incite a a trade war April? Eighteen, twenty eleven trumps call for a twenty five percent tariff on Chinese. Go
is when you have a lot of attention as he weighs oppressed. Joe run in twenty twelve about this story from CNN Trump. U S is a laughing stock once again February, tenth twenty eleven talking about Trump slamming China. He wants to put a twenty five percent tariff. I went back to twenty eleven and Donald Trump has been saying. The stuff Donald Trump campaigned on this message. He promoted it for years before even running and Joe Biden thinks he's going to co, opt that message. Ok, so Joe Biden really isn't going full Magua, but he said you going fairly mom got to the point where progressives are criticising em for out for pushing right wing talking points. I love it. Men and here's another one did Donald Trump Endorse Mitt Romney because of China, at first glance, Mitt Romney and Donald Trump seamen on couple, but Mister mister trumps. Nasty is more Gingrich's, then Romney asked goals are terrible words by the way. Yet there was trouble bestowing a blessing on a smiling Romney, and they said,
One word China: how are you gonna, try and claim that Trop as we China when we literally mock the dude for saying China all the time, China, it's a meme, there's a meme. I'll trumps lips being personal nasty like and China, slowly coming out of it, you can't what is I doing I love it. Men, here's another or from the new Yorker. We'll Hunter Biden jeopardize his fathers pain, Joe Biden son is under scrutiny for his business dealings and tumultuous personal life July. First, twenty nineteen, oh yeah, about this one. They talk about but he only written twelve archer and Hunter talked to Jonathan Leap who, in a chinese private equity funds, while high capital about becoming partners in a new company that would invest chinese capital and potentially capital from other countries in companies outside China. We have numerous highlighting of his business dealings with on secret empires, which details hunters activities and in China and Ukraine blah blah blah, you get the point.
Here's one or Elam eliminated Schweitzer asserts that we must send. Seneca partners had been negotiating an exclusive deal with chinese officials, which they signed. A pro only ten days after Hunter visited China with his father. In fact, that deal had been signed before the trip according to the HR representative, it was a business, licence that came through shortly. Afterward and Hunter was not a signatory under larger said they had never met with any chinese officials about that fund. Well, listen. We want argue about hunters business dealings, what he did or didn't do what there was good or bad. The narrative is certainly an explosive one. Hunter Biden had business dealings and they ve been dealing with the bad press for a while. Someone now that it was a almost a year ago. They were concerned that Hunter Binding was a liability for Joe Biden. Why, then, would Joe Biden try to use the China attack it? I honestly I couldn't tell you. I got bad news for them:
ass. If the whole reports progressives look for concession with Biden from running right, are you serious? He just turned his back on you and went full on Donald trumps. China position. He doesn't care what you have to say and he's not gonna bring it up. So you might as well give up on this one. I don't understand why they would use China, but I can say it seems that they ve realized. The american people. Do not trust China view them as a threat and obviously, in all likelihood, blame them for the krona virus. At imagine. The Dnc is spending a lot of money to figure out what people are thinking. The media not so much, you see news organisations and outlets like salon or whatever, when they write. These articles claim that trumpet scapegoating China there responding to clicks shares analytics right. So if you have a large audience of people, their respond very well to this kind of these kind of talking points here in a row with it, Joe Biden is trying to get everybody, which means there. Consultants are looking at hard data and what are they find when they found the american people really do think China is to blame them,
Joe Buttons. Only choice was to go after tromp on China. I bet about another lose I bet they absolutely. No. They are going to lose because they can't win trumps a decade in front of Joe Biden. Joe Biden was behind the curve only a few months ago, and how do you think, maybe by the american people, responded us these aren't in a vacuum. Joe Biden advertisements are going up alongside Donald trumps they're, both accusing each other, but I'll tell you what Trump supporters have trumps back. They agree with him. There saying shred of Trump has been hard on China. The left is tear.
Joe Biden. Apart over this, they will not vote for you. Well, I can say this respected Joe Biden in the Democrats for finally getting the message. You cannot win by quoting the far left woke crowd. Now I don't think you can win by abandoning even you notice the convent moderates, these people on Twitter, but there's a difference between the ultra woe Activists like a yo, see and Democrats we're trying to play tribal politics. There's gonna be a lot of people on the left and in media who are not alter, awoke but won't adopt this message and they won't support you in it. They will criticise you in it, in which case a lot of Democrats, many of whom are not paying attention, are watching the news We're not gonna go for you. The progressive, certainly won't matter what you do, so it is smart they that they can try take away some of the votes from Donald Trump by going for the middle ground. That is the smart move to make, but in the
and Biden Eve you ve lost it, you could have. You could have been on bore with what was correct from the get go, but you weren't the only option they have now is trying syphon away what tromp is already doing. I found it fascinating. You know I wonder why it is the left went so far left and I think it's because Donald Trump campaigned on many moderate positions. That meant Donald Trump came out and said we want to help them. First, we want to have a border barrier whatever the Democrats had no choice, no choice but to oppose him to present some kind of alternative. It was amiss there's no harm and saying you know. I agree with tromp on this issue by disagree on this issue. Instead, they went after everything. Each he says is wrong. Maybe this is part of trumps strategy, he's very, very bombastic and sensational. You know he says things that are very direct, forcing as opponents to abandon them. That way, when he walks back to a middle ground position lightens the the rhetoric they ve already disagree,
with what he sang. I'm not saying it's forty chasse, maybe trumps just naturally good it whatever it is he's doing. But if you come out and say something really ridiculous. Like we're gonna ban, everyone involved giant Wolf, a big beautiful, thirty foot, concrete wall well. Then you get the Democrat saying it's ridiculous, no wall, then tromp says I mean you know what I really meant is working to secure it properly with offence. The Democrats have already adopted the position, a wall. In fact, in order to win the nomination, NATO or work, for instance, had tear the wall down the exact opposite of what tromp was doing it. The Democrats, before Trump, were in favour of a border barriers, Trump tricked them into supporting the opposing position. That made no sense. What does on purpose or not, and that brings us to where we are today with Joe Biden trying to litter We take trumps position. I think their learning and an anti regulations there. Finally learning its correct China is at fault, I think you're wrong, monoplane, Trop you're, not gonna, win this fight, but at least now they're realising they can't just say everything trump does is wrong
although their kind of saying what he does is wrong: they're attacking the strength of his plan, not the direction of it. It's a smart move, but not good enough, so perhaps they realised with the american people are thinking. Perhaps they realized. The media is incorrect and perhaps learn a loose anyway. Oliver, their next migrants coming up at six p m at Youtube COM slashed him cast a news. It is different it it. It is a different channel and I you all. Then the media has been working overtime to rewrite history. The krona virus and how Donald Trump responded. In the past, I've been critical of tromp, recognising hindsight is twenty twenty, The time all this was breaking out, I said I think Donald Trump needs taken more seriously We now know that, based on information tromp received back in January, in all likelihood the reason tromp was kind of downplaying things is because, as Dan Crenshaw says, in the silent com breeds com, panic breeds panic at first. I didn't think so.
Tromp was just being overconfident. I thought he understood was happening with covered, but I thought he was being overconfident We learned that he actually got. The mammals actually took action to shout things down and Anne and try and do something to court of ours taskforce. The travel ban, not perfect, but I I think he was concerned that if he came up right away saying this is starting to freak us out, then people would get freaked out and it would damage the economy which would damage. We was lives and is try to mitigate the damage. No, I dont think trumps response was perfect. I think it point, two things and criticise them, but I think you got a recognized right now. Hindsight is twenty twenty and that's bill Mars mistake in this segment Dan Crenshaw. Representative from Texas and clean Bill MAR go into timeline of what happened with Donald Trump and it breaks my heart because I've been a big fan for Bill MAR for a long time. You know, since I was a teenager in real time and bill. More is just he's really lost his way.
But it is not as bad as everybody else. I still really like you know. His work. Limerick has done for debt, Dent Crenshaw does an incredible job, and it's it's embarrassing for bill how bad this is real MAR says on this date. Prompted this on this day. Trouble did this and then Crenshaw, basically just steps and doesn't he doesn't know- but really do much just says, and then this and also this when you selectively pull dates and actions, it's easy to make trop look bad, but what then Cruncher says he was, as hindsight is twenty twenty here's. What I think will actually our talk. About Bill MAR right outside I really like the guy in principle. I think he is his opposition to the can sanity is on point. He called out China recently and now the naming of the virus. Absolutely on point, but he's getting. Is news from Boston? Soured sources do ass. You like this, I'm an aggressor low, but imagine you got somebody everyday goes the store and thereby that sweet, organic milk,
they drink the same milk every day for twenty years and its good milk and then Do you notice it the yellow, lumpy unfairness how bad and wonder you see this person shoveling in their face in your life dude that use does back. What do you mean I've been drink in the same milk? for twenty years. Yes, the new whose sources you get your information from bill have soured and the more you just believe what they say the more wrong you look. You can tell the dude principal he's, like men whose work like this are nuts. We can call the China virus China virus. We can blame China, but then he sees time might of what dropped in the crowd virus and he's like all men, now that the girl man amnesia effect at play. Further, don't familiar to me We build our seas. The news and look at this woke nonsense. They're telling me I, call the China Virus the China virus. That's insanity, then it turns the page. Donald Trump does bad job and it goes wow Donald Trump, their bad job. Did you just forget that you were reading bunk news with bad opinions? That's the
Oh man, amnesia effect. Well, let's read this and I'll. Show you what Dan crunch ourselves and I got some bad news for Donald Trump credit crunch and more lash over Trop is goal to make president look bad or get to the truth I dont necessarily think that Bill Mars goal is to just make trump look bad. I think bill more one to accept yes, because, yes, Trump do. Enjoyment syndrome, but is also getting his information from bad sources to a case in point the Covington, kids member that the Lincoln steps that give the mug had been at American Guy Bill MAR got it wrong. He got it wrong because he read fake news. The news is not good anymore, you can argue, was better before the age of Facebook and woke out age, but how I don't know bill market simultaneously complain about this weakness and then ignore the fact that all these outlets are and are pushing this dogma and they're using it as the basis for what their articles are about another framed? So it
you can see one side of the coin, but not the other, as I like the guys Apples are there, but do come on bill, start reading the news and this is why its embarrassed. I got a look, I want to read this by just I can't hold back bill. More is fluttered his easy. Like a while. I rehab well, while trumps got up to optimistic. That was his argument. Tromp was too optimistic. That's it that's all he could have mustard bill. You couldn't said really, then I did. I was unaware of those things makes it eggs, a whole new image of what's going on. Let me read you this, because I'm get worked up. Rap Dan Crenshaw Texas had a fierce debate with real time house to build more on Friday, of a president trumps handling of the crown of ours outbreak, one that examined the president's style of communicating versus the substance of its policies during the discussion Crenshaw said some fundamental questions needed need to be asked whether any
criticizes the president when people make these accusations crunch, I said I have to ask them: is the goal to make trump look bad or is the goal to get at the truth, because they are two separate sets of answers for that more began, by pressing Crenshaw Crenshaw, who served as a Navy seal to defend his support for Trump a present, who MAR said has passed. The buck lie, finger point and shirk responsibility tendencies grow. I bet I actually agree with that but I think the scale like, if you put on a scale of one to ten bill Mars, got trumpet ten. I've got a bit like a five crunch, our response. By expressing its support for the country and acknowledging that the path but success is certainly tied to the success of this country. The congressmen added that he and their GNP lawmakers are frequently asked by the media to defend their support for the president is Republicans always get asked this question, and this demand, where we have to answer. What do we feel about him? Do you want it about his latest tweet and the way he laughed and now I doubt Crenshaw said I can't defend everything. Does it have the same style as I do. I dont consider him
could be my spiritual guide by any means. I like disdain, Crenshaw Guy, the real time host than grilled Crenshaw on trumps actions instead of a style pointing to report. The president was war and by various aids, but the severity of the court of ours outbreak weeks before it became a global crisis. Crenshaw pushed back pointing to trumps travel ban on China more. Than challenged crunch on the travel ban, accusing drop of lying about it, since people are still can in from China and said trumps order affected only foreign nationals. The reality is about. Forty thousand people came in that Crenshaw said these. Were? U S, citizens and green card holders and passport holders being repatriated. U S citizens, so you have make the argument that we shouldn't let them in. It sounds to me Your fully agreeing with President Trump on this one and everybody else to disagree with him, he told Mark and if you're
The travel restrictions should have been more extreme than fine. You clearly had the foresight back then, but nobody else did MIKE drop Dan Crenshaw. Woe amazing! I'm sick of this line there saying tromp lead in forty thousand people. Joe Biden just ran this August ad and it was a huge mistake, a huge mistake, ok, terrible I'm watching yes and I'm seeing all these leftists praised widens team. For this add its basically pray sing Joe Biden responses to Let me start over its claiming China's at fault saying Trump rolled over for China. Putting the blame on China and then saying that that lie tromp instituted travel ban, but forty thousand people still got in and I could not believe what I have just seen. A Joe Biden add saying: trumps travel ban wasn't stream. In up what is going on anymore, Joe Biden, saying
Crop is rolling over time. If you want to make China the villain of the cycle, you go ahead and do it with my blessing, because Donald Trump for deck of our decade plus is on. I can remember, has been ragging on China. You think you're. No win. That argument. You think You're gonna, try and argue that trumps travel bans work good enough man. You are really confusing issue I'll. Tell you what Dan Crenshaw brings us up in in this conversation with Bill Mark Bill It sounds like you agree with Donald Trump. He says Bill Mars faces like what wait. What because then down crunch our brings up. I want to fight, they point out, check it out. Cruncher then knocked former vice President Joe Biden, who disapproved of trumps travelling at the time as how Speaker Nancy Policy for posing legislation to stop its bell. You got read the news, man, that's what is desirable I find myself and I am very much principally in a similar they to will mark
liberal, leaning, free speech, anti weakness and the media is full of it. The largest rags on the media, relentlessly about panic, poor. He called it saying that there trying to get us all riled up. Yes, biddable, yeah right I know I know you criticise me for that. I try to make overly sensational staff, but if you think I do, I feel free to criticise outing perfect, but another media does and the what, though, the way I view this is that everything tromp does as the apocalypse they say tat didn't shut that when trot try to shout things down, they said how dare he? How dared Diplomacy. Try passing the no ban act. I could you not, he brings it up. So if you, if you want to We disagree with Trump, so you, what do you mean then he wasn't more extreme Joe Biden run in these add. When Van supposed stop it. That's my point with the Democrats. This is Van saying the travel ban is wrong. It's vocs dot com,
This is not a pandemic. Travel bans are wrong. This is every outlet running story. Sang travel bans, don't work now at the point where people wanted lifting things again. Tromp is wrong. I'll, tell you what you see all these protesters around the country and they're saying open. Things up and what do we get from the progressive left that they dont based anything unreality they have become. The Chris conservatives of the of the nineties in the audience at least I grew up seeing them people who just don't pay attention, and just things, because tribal mystically funny there, you know they think they liked appointed his old photos. Are people holding up I think, that more ends and stuff, and it's like that's you right now, you're them build more or you ve become what you ve, always railed against people who doubt investigate, don't look for facts and then just complain about what want to be true. The orange man is better than anything wrong. Did your research that bill you didn't and that's it breaks my heart because bill more used to be a voice of reason.
But now we can see the cracks in NEA and the armor. I guess you see back then he was basing his information off of these new sources which have gone completely sour. They are obsessed with hating on Donald Trump solemnly promised, but I'm going to. Let me let me go back to this point. You can all these protesters out the streets right and there Saying things like this one is going viral. It's a woman holding a scientist has my body, my choice, truck twenty twenty and the left is making fun of her and, unlike but she's right and I'm pro choice? It is her body, it is her right to go out. If you get sick, she gets sick. You can make fun of written collar stupid, but how are you Caning Frederick, Coney and locked down. It makes no sense the same sign the point made by the protester spot on it's meant, to be a mirror image of what the left does when they say body my choice over abortion access. There's the leftist saying the government should have the right to restrict what you
with your body. She was saying the same thing if it is principally the same thing and the making fun of afford it broke. It brings up an interesting question about how they view government. Should people be forced to stay home or if you don't wanna, get sick. Should you too, to stay home. You know back when the cigarette ban was happening. I was very much in the libertarian side of this. If a business wants to allow cigarettes in their building, so be it if I dont like cigarette smoke, I just won't go there, but these people are very different. Their authority Arians, they say. No. If I dont like smoke, every one must not have smoke. Which brings me to the main point to try to make flora opened up its beaches, and you don't happened within thirty minutes. The beaches we're. Flooded with people, you that says these people don't agree with you. You look at Donald Trump approval, writing and it's been fluttering and four for a brief period, the media was shocked, the clutching their pearls that trumps approval writing on the quota virus was above fifty percent is approval ready
has continually gone up. You know, I'm people like Filmore eventually are forced to see the light, and I think this interview was really really great Dan Crenshaw Amazing job seriously, because Bill seemed flabbergasted at the end of this. Pregnant or or meat that after this argument, the only argument that bill Mark and make us well Trump was you know he was saying. I don't think it's be that bad, I'm and then, and then he says the giant cruncher you weren't Felicia. Would you want be there with with a commander, was tellin you dont worry out. The enemy is not really there'll, be fine Dan says, it's amazing. He basically says it robot this in my book, yes that's exam. Finally how we train seals to be calm, breeds com? Panic breeds panic, but I got one more for you bill, I'm saving of energy so that they can actually get to them. But Bill MAR basically loses. The argument drops any point of fact,
does he hasn't have them on his side and goes for trumps attitude. Ok, tromp was to up the mystic. He says to two den crunch is that the Democratic Would you want to be in a common situation with a guy tongue? Airlines would be fine and all that dances. Yes, parliamentary butter point Bill Mark when he says this. Analogy is not your in combat and your commander is telling you it'll be fine. The analogy is the manner is telling the wife of the soldier Donald Trump, wasn't speaking to frontline doctors and nurses rapidly. I know they were part of the message for sharp traumatic, the CDC than at the health guidelines, so the people working in hospitals are getting these guidelines from the government and yes there here what Europe has to say. But when tribe stands up for the american people and he says things. Are gonna be ok, he's not calling the soldier on the front line, dont worry, there's no enemy he's telling the family of the soldier. I'm gonna make sure that you know Bill John whoever says at they're gonna. Be
ok. This is reassuring thee noncombatants the people of this country when there, scared that their son, their daughter, is now in this conflict. The present designed them your your son is gonna. Be ok, don't worry about it, I'm very confident, because what could you imagine if there was a commanding office? and they were deploying some guy like Dan Crenshaw, and then he goes. The family and friends and the community of someone like David says. Well, let's be honest, there's a lot of bad guys out there. Gonna blow up he's gonna die they'd, be like a freak out. You know, you know want that. You always want tell people per hope for the best prepared for the worst I am not. I am not going to do pretended. Donald Trump reaction to krona virus was completely perfect, but I also think he'd gotten Hindsight is twenty twenty men, Dan Crenshaw, really man tenant, attend on this one? He points out come on, let's be real in February, we were in fact finding mode. Nobody knew this and he points out some amazing
that. You basically had a hundred and two people of ever in the story you had a hot there. Very go eat are safe, he says I gnp. Lawmaker, also asked more with the american people would have access did a lock down of the country sooner when there only one hundred do two cases of kroner virus in the: U S. On March third, he said I provide all that context as we try to basically accuses man he's been accused blood in his hands and the car is so important year. If we're going criticise somebody's actions. We have to do with the facts. They knew at the time. So I'm just trying to be fair here and our care about defending and more as actions I just care about letting people know the truth and when people make these accusations, I have to ask them. Is the goal to make trump look bad or is the goal to get to the truth, because they are two separate sets of answers for that? I one hundred per cent agree with Dan Crenshaw. I don't care about whether you want to criticise trumps attitude or what he said
it should have done. I care about you having all the facts, then you can criticise bill more and many people in media are taken as timeline on this date. Truck. Did this on this date truck. Did this it's amazing how bad bill MAR Dozen this? It's a ridge really embarrassing. Gonna say it's embarrassing. He says something like ten Crenshaw says: look What would we really lockdown with american people accept that as a hundred with only a hundred two cases, he says ITALY and Spain in lockdown until like March fourteen Thor, like the eleventh or something well? He gives the specific numbers out or northern further up the data that are mad Bill MAR says. Why would we take our use from ITALY and Spain and dance as because that's where the epicenter was at the time by whom might drop again you know what man what's really amazing about this or discussion between crunch on Mars? How calm and collected Dan is uneasy. And Agnes Dick he's, not insulting, he's very respectful and he doesn't even make hard opinion it points. He does ask some opinionated questions
their fair, but just as okay well, like it for here in the? U S and ITALY and Spain, are the epicenter and they're not locking down. Are we gonna be like you better do it. Yes, some people would say. Yes, that's fair, so I think hindsight is twenty. If we knew was really and get this bad, we probably would have never once trying to our that found she said if we lockdown sooner blah blah blah and then try to make it seem like voucher trump. Our final ton, Doktor FAO, cheat I understand is in February he said it won't be that bad would only two lockdown, no what he knew even make the. Firstly I did January twenty third, I said anything goes gimme. That bet. I quickly changed my tune. I don't think I was perfect. There were many many people in conservative media were on this before I was pointing out that I was gonna, get that I was wrong about it. I have no problem saying that why cage say Filmore, why can't you say you know what I think Trump has a nasty guy but you know how do we really criticise a guy when no one knew this was coming? Nobody did so. For me I was a little
you know. I was saying I thought I was I was thinking. I was gonna, get really bad at a time when Donald Trump was saying it won't be that bad and that's my criticism, so my pay. If I could see it, why couldn't you again. I ll go back to the point that we now know that tromp actually had in Intel on this. I'm pretty sure until on this. Before I even did a video in which I said things were fun. I think tromp was trying to keep everybody com. I really do, but I got bad NEWS for Donald Trump. According to Pew research, two thirds of Americans think Trump acted too slowly to fight the kind of The media messaging is working there. Making it seem like Trump didn't, do a good good good enough job fast enough, and you know what little bit, a little bit of irresponsibly does fall on Trump. We are all responsible for our choices and our actions. If it's true that Donald Trump was trying to downplay this to prevent panic, I can understand and respect the choice and now it's going to backfire on him, because now people think he didn't do a good job fast enough and that's all you can really say pew
sixty five percent of Americans think you responded to slowly. There isn't a surly mean there met him forth, though I think our trump acted too slowly. I also think hindsight is twenty twenty. I look back based on the information we have now and at its and it's kind of a bummer? It's like let its least or actually I will I used to go and buy a pic three lottery ticket every day, every day, wake up when it when I was when I was like ninety and I would go and get like you know some breakfast something and I would get for one dollar a pic three and the numbers I would pick are three eight six March nineteen, eighty six. As my numbers I wake up every day. I did it for like a year ago. The book I don't care, I know I wasted four hundred dollars that year I get it so one day I'm sit out. I wake up it's a little at a little later than usual and I think of myself man. I don't feel like going to the store today. So I didn't buy my typical three eight six lotto ticket and due note the pic three numbers were that night. It was three eight six,
it had been a thousand dollar take it, and I was like I couldn't believe it. I dedicated do this routine. Every day I wake up, got it. You now go grab like a milk and a donor, something by the taken. I didn't do it I sure wish I did and that's hindsight, being twenty twenty. I can look back and say wow, you know if I went back and picked those numbers I'd have one if I went back and actually bothered to get out of one yet easy to do now, I woke up thinking dude every single day by the ticket. It never wins. Why would I be buying it's one day. Who cares and there was the same sad for what happened early on drop, saying you know what? Then we ve seen tons of these things? We should not overreact. We shouldn't you, know rupture the economy like that, it'll be fine, and this time it turns out. The number came up and we weren't as prepared. We could have been if we go back to January and Trump goes hard core lockdown I'll, tell you what the media would have torn to shreds come. Calling him
an authoritarian dictator knows nasty stuff. There was no right answer, so the best thing you could have done, I guess, is what he did not actually think a little bit better. You use that. There's ways to warn everybody without inciting panic, Botz, it's easy for me to say again because we're in the future. So at the time no one really complain. Bout, it. Let's be honest. They were talking about impeachment in January people, weren't saying why won't trump lock us down in February people want saying why won't trump lock us down near the middle of March They were saying why won't tromp, lock us down? One percent, which can't lane Trump for what happened in January, because you also warrant there in January. It's almost like Nancy Pelosi saying why wasn't trumped clairvoyant? Yet neither were you. I will tell you that odin- brings it up. Nancy policy was tried to pass the no ban act, trying to prevent tromp from banning travel. It wasn't specifically about China think more to do with like muslim countries and up like that, but it would have impacted trumps a bill.
To institute travel bans so while tromp was actually doing something, Nancy was doing a negative, making things worse by all means, let's criticise the President sacred and a better job. You know it bill. Fine I'll, give you that and then you know we really have to accept that Nancy plus in the democratic have failed us immeasurably that Donald Trump may come lacking, but at least you were at you know, we're like on a scale of one to ten without Trump we're like a five Edward Nancy Policy, when a negative five, she was trying to reverse course, so you gonna keep voting for that nonsense. Now me, I got one request man Bill MAR when you call out China. I applaud you when you called woke insanity ion how'd you? When you stand up for principle? I applaud you, but when you read bunk news and regurgitate garbage talking points that even your audience seems to know his bunk, you look like you. Look like a fool. I've seen I've I've, I watch.
Time periodically, and I see the audience cheer for the push back on the Woke insanity look bill. If you came out and said something like, I really dont like this guy, I think its apparent, but the lies have to stop people respect you for it. I'm sick of playing games, I'm sick of how that that you know, I don't think it's because bills trend make money. You know that he's tied to this cold like audience on, I don't and also, I think so. I think bill reads trash news, any believe it, and his sources are bunk and Dan Crenshaw. Bravo good, sir I'll leave it there. Next time. We will be coming up at one p m on this channel. Thanks rang it up I'll see, you owe them. I remember when John Stewart did a segment called the audacity of grope where he mocked Joe Biden for groping women
after he goes through the videos of Joe Biden, groping women. He grabs a bottle of hand sanitizing and pretence to put it in his eyes. It was funny because John Stewart would go against any body now, of course, he often dragged on conservatives, but he's mostly going after powerful elites and that's funny. Why would you punch random, regular people? Something strange happened in the past decade or so, where it turned from class issues like we can makin, belittle the elites who are wealthy unprotected and we don't mock and but little regular people because of internet feminism, it changed and now it's kind of just like well, why people are fair game, but not brown people, but white, rich people, but not you know with the point, is we now have celebrities people like Patent Oswald who, instead of when jokes about the wealthy elites of those in power, those of of means it's going after poor people because of trade, and started early collar, they say insulin.
The Hollywood bubble, dweller pen, Oswald, dragged for tone, deaf tweet mocking shut down protestors, panels. What does it really know? What's going on? That's probably eastward explain it. He sees his tribe on Twitter, mocking and belittling regular working class people. So he wants to join it because he wants to get those switches retreats think it's funny, because the tweet was kind of a virtuous signal- and I get accused of virtue signalling for saying I don't like it when people mean a punch down for the most part, that's true all jokes, including homophobic ones, and racist ones. That's right! I dont like any of that stuff, though I agree with his right to free speech by all Means Patent Oswald make all the stoop jokes you you're not going to see me demand. You be shut down for it. You can keep doing it and I'm glad you did because now I can see your disdain for working class people, here's the tweet years, what he says panels. What tweets Anne Frank spent two years hiding in an attic and we ve been home for
over a month with Netflix Food delivery and video games, and there are people risking viral death by storming state, capitol buildings and screaming open flood rockers up it's a funny. It's yes, yes, comparing yourself to Anne Frank, ok, fine, whatever I get the joke. I think it's funny open for directors high as if these people protesting because they want to eat cheeseburgers, we're partners, work, ignores. Is that right There are miles long for long lines for food, because twenty two million people don't have work. Many of those protesting are protesting because their businesses have been shut down and they don't have jobs right now. I think it's funny when people accused me of virtue singling for pointing this out. My question is: do you think these people pounding on the door of the state building other capital building, are doing it because their board notes because their jobs are gone and they have time now to protest? That's that's! That's me
glad if they were working, they wouldn't be out protesting, that's kind of how things go well. Patent Oswald, this celebrity out of touch elite gets dragged pretty hard. I really do love the Insulated Hollywood bubble dweller comment, but Robbie suavity had probably the best response. I had seen check this out when panels Oswald says they're they're they're storm is but I ll screaming open for democracy. He said some of them work at fraud, rockers or places like it. Not one can afford the luxury of staying home ordering take up and watching Netflix for two months we can't I'll be wealthy overrated comedians. Well, I think I need to call pat nozzle. Overrated is a famous comedian, so it certainly makes money. People like what it does and a lot of people are between this. They like what he has to say we can beside him and that's the deal now the hammer, their pounding on the door screaming open flood rockers as the joke supposed to be that they're just complaining because they want to make their so little burger or is it because that's where they work?
get it the people screaming, I'm sure, there's grubbing up in flood rockers because they work there and because they lost their jobs. Another dont know where their food is coming from, I'm not afraid of this kind of stuff man. Let's look at so what's will I'll take a look at some a visa MAC down, but does it there's a bigger store? I wanna get to the one world one people's thing, which I find horribly out of touch and in bad taste, so Gregg got felled, says rich fat I see a mountain of cash. Tells you to suck up Fox NEWS controller Dan by You know that insulated Hollywood bubble dweller with zero awareness of what those out in the real world. Where working, men and women. Don't get swag bags were waking up in the morning and there are plenty more for that came from Levison. I'm not surprised that we're seeing tribal dividing lines on this its trump in that,
I'm supporters, conservatives who are mostly sang rubbing economy but of course, because they're married very much. You know pro worker pro economy, pro job, my stance on and on, and the first moment has always been clear when the protesters came to DC the extinction rebellion. People say in a blocking this that the intersections and saying we want. You know climate change policy. You know what I agree with their right to protest. I think they did the right thing: nonviolent civil disobedience, guess what you obstruct business. You bother people, they hear about you and then you get arrested not always sometimes the people just get you know removed. There were some people that a dumpster on fire put down the road. No, that's, not! Ok! I am totally in agreement with the right to peaceably assemble if you obstruct or roadway for your climate change protests more power to your congratulations. You have a right to do so to protest and assemble and then guess what your obstructing roadway! You get a slap on the discharge and the clear you what you pay the price for your protest and you come out a few days later.
Fine or something typically it just all washed away right. You do get in trouble a little bit, but, let's be honest, nobody needs to do note. Known deserves present time for standing, though the road for you know couple hours, we have a slap on the rest protest. So when the conservatives come out, Trump support is not the people want to see them, the economy reopened and their bang, doors I say you have a right to protest weather. You're, smart or stupid. It doesn't matter right now. There's a bunch progressives mocking this woman she's. Sign that says my body, my choice, trumped twenty twenty and there like. While these people are more ends there so stupid blah blah blah, why are they stupid, she's right, her body, her choice? This work is what really really bothers me, but all the tribal must complete bs, where woman goes out with a sign for four pro choice: protests, my body, my choice, I say now: ok, Now I understand the conservative argument about the other body within her body, but its very complicated process, but when she says my body, my choice, I say aright,
The conservative woman comes out saying money by my body my choice about whether she a right to go out during a pandemic. I say fair point there you go! You got me on that one! I can't tell you what to do with your body. If you want to risk getting sick, well, more power to you, I'm gonna stay home. It's that simple! If you want protests you're free to do so. I disagree with it within reason. I do think, though, that the governors are getting very draconian, but I'm not I want to get sick, so I probably won't go on protest that being so when the Raleigh police tweeted protesting is not an essential activity. I've never wanted to protest more in my life. A few know the first amendment as a kind of an asterisk. It says it says what it says. So a bunch of people dragged Pat now There are various Russell says the wealthy clean would like you to know that he and end
Are morally superior to the ignorant and tasteless peasants who want their jobs and businesses back Kurt Shillings that asked he a few Frodo most of this country despises you and all that you stand for the definition of entitled white trash. You have Netflix food delivery, video games and little boys at your disposal. Much of this working nation has lost their jobs, paychecks and and and more I've alive, and I don't know Thea the absolute anger against the guy. I think he's patents being stupid. You do. I look like Rhine Reynolds and wreckage erase who love trashing celebrities, an elite, arrests and people tend to like that, but I got a better point to be made and Oswald is chasing after tribalism. Huh CS the laughed making fun of conservative, so he got up in flood rockers man Robbie with their excellent point. Some of these people work there brow now that that was not a good thing in could joke at your loved mega jump me wrong, but when floored reopened its beaches, when thirty minutes the beaches were flooded with people, guess what people want to go out, not isn't even about work?
out of the people these people are protesting. Thanks go to the beach because, as soon as they say, we're opening up people get out of their houses. What what's are you want? Is the weirdest thing? Twitter is not real life; regular people are going out and about regular people want to go out in lost angels they were defying the stayed home orders in many other areas to them they started ignoring it so the governor, I guess we gotta reopen. So who are you on the side of the random internet strangers on twitter, who give you a magic points on your tweet. That's the stupidest thing! You know these people chase after numbers. You are being roped into a tissue by a random fringe factor that doesn't actually care or know. What's going on, you sit at you, on the internet on your high moral going like. I am networks, and you know it by my love me low. Regular people are ready defying the lockdown orders and I'm not talk about the protesters. I'm talking about the people driving in California, the people who, I stood or fine foregoing for drives, so I had a tweet, I believe was
two weeks ago, where I said we're facing one of the most serious crises crisis challenges of of our agenda. And we had to sit around. You know watching your playing video games are watching tv. That's that's, you know relatively nothing. The point I was making is the greatest challenge of the greatest generation. Was dying on a beach front in Normandy or worse, Pearl Harbor things like that. So, while we are facing a serious challenge, many of us are sitting at home bored. I understand everybody has a luxury and an end, but my point wasn't about people being wrong to call for the economy to be reopened. My point was that you know we are kind of lucky that the biggest challenge we face is the economy being shuddered and set of us being shelled by you know. German forces are something today. It is a lot easier than it was a hundred years ago, not being sad, people are still frantic and panicking solar panels will can make his jokes fine people
when a drag him for it took up this one though the who lied and people died, anger at starch that had benefit to raise a hundred, fifty million dollars for group and its under fire chief who lady call the superstar, despite Aims organization was complicit in chinese corona virus cover up. They work. We know they were outlets are now finally, coming around and saying they were: U S. Intelligence now suggests, or I should say U S. Intelligence is investigating. There, the krona virus emerged from a bio lab in Wilhelm sources. Tell Fox NEWS, as well as other outlets that they believe that to be the case and a Rutgers University, Professor, giving a quote the Washington Post said it is. It is possible that we on has its by eleven. This happened Tom Cotton, a senator said we should entertain the possibility. So why would we cherish and champion the World Health organization whilst true they do other things they work
actors on the ground at the highest levels of leadership, they're doing a bad job. It slowed our reaction down. China law and the who paradigm that nonsense and didn't do their job to figure out what is really going on and to this day they are still getting the back of China. These celebrity I really really don't like them, uninformed privileged elite suit. Better than you want a laugh at you because you're fast food restaurant, where you work, was shut down. That's what they think about you now like lady Gaga, I think, she's a great she's she's she's, the queen of pop, her musics, actually fairly enjoyable like pop music. I don't, if I choose to less I tend not to choose it, but you know it's it's good poppy stuff and I think she is oh all around a a decent human being. I think she's trying to do right. So I got no beef. Nothin personally consented Libraries pat nozzle than ever? I didn't have to mock and belittle the little guy, but you know what even in that regard, he just doesn't know. None of these people do, and that brings me to
the really frustrating thing you know. I mention this in my segment on bill bar. You have these very high profile celebrities. They talk about things, they just don't know anything about. I no everything and that's why I'm rather milk toast a lot of my position, because I just don't know, I'm not gonna cut and tell you how I should live your life. That's why I fall on the liberty side of things, if you say a body. My choice I back away and say: look. I guess I I will agree with your right to be free from government intervention. I understand there's more an ethical arguments for both sides on on on this. But the argument right now from the left over this woman was protest and was not that she was right or wrong. They called her stupid you're gonna get sick and die. Yes, she might and does not change the fact that she has a right to gotten protest. Oh it does so by all means you wanna go to something done like you know, there's my position on even like contraband substances. I gotta be careful, but I would say this.
Look if someone's against the law, don't do it now. There are various things that we're not whether we can protest and sometimes protests in breaks the law that I understand, civil disobedience. If there is a substance that you would like to put in your body, that would cause your body harm. I follow library, side of things, your body, your choice, just don't go sounds of two kids. Don't you don't do an illegal things and we're seeing this these laws change around the country, so, If you have, if you are someone of principle, you will agree with their right to protest. Why do anyway, I'm deviating now to go back to the World Health Organization for the actually raising at least a hundred and fifty billion dollars for the World Health Organization. They're gonna dispersed that money to various other nonprofits, a bunch of celebrities. This is the most mind breaking annoying thing. I have ever seen. Remember that thing. We're like this library sang imagine by the Beatles or John Lennon. Wherever that is awful. People called it cursed. This is the same thing. Sorry, your at home
crash videos where you singer whatever I dont want to see this ok, I didn't watch it now. Look if people like it, that's fine! Your love, your opinions. I disagree I'm just sick and tired of the latest, telling us how much there smarter than us and what we should be doing, how they know better here, some years, a comment, someone said: globalist propaganda, the who lighted people died, research and things think for yourselves people. We have a bunch of celebrities who came on people not much care for some. Other person says: why are the entertainers raising money for the who a corrupt you, an organization whose funding was shut off because they did not do their job at all? This guy said ass. We need useless celebrities preaching to us how this is it China's fault and how we should just all live as one nation bs limits. I sum think about this earlier today, amnesty Ash and has now repeatedly tweeted that calling the virus that chinese virus or the China viruses racist. No, it isn't shut up. You blow hearts, it's the Wilhelm virus. You know why I caught the one virus
it emerged and will on and even Bill MAR pointed this out. Zika came from Sega West denial from well now river. I think it is, or or from West now region, Ebola a place these these. Jus, signalling, celebrities and organizations have no problem pointing to a virus and naming it after a region in Africa. But when it comes to China, they clutch. Pearls makes you wonder, doesn't it so if they think this virus the woollen virus. China's virus chinese virus is racist. What does that say about them? Well, refer to all the other diseases in Africa by their location. Man, that's a whole lot! Worse, don't you think that's come for someone of east asian descent by If you want a rag on China, you want to point out that that the Cecy PETE lied about this Health organisation backed up there lies? Do it do it? Please, because they were, they were lying about this and that's bad and they deserve all the credit. I'll tell you what you want to call the virus on then caught people are calling it. The c c p
Iris the Chinese Communist Party virus, but how do we have all of these hyper profile? Individuals, politicians library saying crop is being racist by calling it the China virus. While what does that say about you when you tweet about Zika, Abdullah, West Nile, etc, it says you re, they really racist and against black people. As disgusting, the fact is weak. We name viruses after location has nothing to do with race. It's just about knowing where it emerged and that's where the wheel on virus came from these people. I care about you, they have no principles and- and you know what I did that whole seven on bill more and I like them, are but a big fan for a long time, but he is really really falling into this pit trap where he, where he's saying things that are just wrong, not true, because he's got tromp derangement syndrome. Now the World Health Organization stuff, they celebrity singing, it's all well intentioned. They want to raise money. We should not be what we should be investigating the World Health Organization, and why
this happened? We absolutely should you wanna. Do an oversight committee of Donald Trump, Adam chef, Nancy Policy, fine, I think, you're useless. I wouldn't vote for what you're gonna. Do it? Ok, fine! All right, I propose then, and invested and into the World Health Organization to see why they gave us bunk information. The ape he reported. China knew about this and withheld the information at the same, the World Health Organization published false information. So it's investigate that some conservatives have proposed. The World Health Organization, leadership should be removed and they should still be funded with newly leadership being brought in. Perhaps that's the answer they look at me. I'm not the export, but a lot of people are trashing these celebrities and, more to the point, my biggest issue, as we were supposed to defer to the experts which is supposed to be the World Health Organisation, will we can't trust them right now? I would absolutely defer to doktor Bergson doktor voucher when it comes to medical issues. When it comes to economic issues, I'm not gonna diverted them at all. There, not experts on the economy. Megan tells you might get sick, that's a fair point,
But I was gonna tell us how we get food to people. This is the problem with all these celebrities and media people. They don't actually care about learning. What's going on as Dan Crenshaw set is about making trump look bad organ into the truth, because there's two sets of this. This different sets of answers for each of those and he's right what these people are saying when they attack tromp in these protesters, are it's that, instead of researching and being correct, their more interested in just mocking Trump and his base. While we all know how that worked and twenty sixteen so by all means, keep doing it and just see what happens I'll. Tell you what the more they do, this, the worse things will get, because I'm sure there are lots of Americans right now out of work desperate and hungry wondering why is there being insulted and be rated by someone like Pat now swamp and these celebrities their wondering why it as the World Health Organization said, there was no human human transmission on the fourteenth their wondering It's going to be done to help them and us
I'm getting legitimate answers. They get disdain from the elites, that's all they ve been doing for the past several years. Twitter has really brought up the worst of the celebrities, so you know what my honourable mention two Ricky Turvey send to Rhine runnels because they just mock the celebrities. Thank you for doing so. You got a point out your own fault man. You know our Rhine Reynolds. This segment worries like I want to thank the celebrities because we all know that's that's what we need right now and it's like Bravo good, sir. He gets it. Man, you know all these celebrity duties, quarantine, videos in luxury there, like we almost
stay home and quarantine. Meanwhile, third, a mansion with, with, with the help, cleaning the windows behind them. It so easy to say when you got a job, we ve got cash and you ve got nothing to worry about, and that's the Jew S. That's the point. Pat novel does making that tweet. He said about opening fire. Rockers is have the maid. Do it person exemplified in a joke? Have the maid do it? He says. Ah flood rockers, ok, yet tell other employees that deserve their jobs and in turn don't deserve to eat. I'm sure, if you ask them he'd say nothing. Of course they should have food, because the people defending a more liked him everybody understands- is making fun of those storm in the capital and not those who are desperate or Hungary. Do you think, there's a difference that the people who are protesting just took off work for the day nope the people are protesting, don't have jobs, dude, they have no money, they have nowhere to go so they gone protests and give me back my job, but they don't get it
If there were no longer had, they must be evil villains who are always on the side of privilege and delete them. Do the people supporting tromp are white working class people? Have you lost your mind? these celebrities sitting in their infinity pools, do not know what it's like to go hungry spare me other their necks. I'm coming up at four p m youtube com slashed him cast, and I will see you all them. In the media, framing is anything you could take something positive and make it sound I have to say in a certain way and right now, the story from CNN trumps, approval rally has disappeared, many store. These have started popping up about Trump, having his approval, writing, diminish or go down or the lowest we ve ever seen. I tried avoid individual poles, and on always do it sometimes I use it because I think its relevant, but typically I tried to go by the aggregate pulling all the pulls together to see what's really going on, but of course, for pullup
political expediency, many news organisations claiming their doing news will say: woe trumps approval. Writing has tanked, but they don't talk about when its approval writing is at an all time, high or sometimes other p do supporters of Trump and they focus on one or two poles. I don't like doing that. This is just framing people would like or post president will claim things are better or worse reality, as things are really really really good for Donald Trump right now, don't let the media stories convince you. Otherwise, if there's somebody who doesn't like the press and while leaving things are bad for him means you will lose in November. Take a look at the story from CNN CNN says a new Gallup Poll finds President Donald Trump approval. Writing stands at forty three percent. His disapproval. Writing is fifty four percent trumps are preventing us down significantly from forty nine percent in March, while as disapproval rating is up nine points. What's the point Trump received a clear boost in his approval. Writing, as the court of Pandemic
began to greet the country. His net approval. Writing among voters shot up to its highest point since the first month of his presidency. But now, just weeks later, trumps popularity has been dropping The data trunk seems to have had one of the fastest retreats of a rally around the flat rally round the flag effect in modern pulling history. Trumps net approach writing stood at minus ten points among voters in the aggregate poles, as as late as March Eleventh less than four weeks later, they got to minus four. Now the import point that I want to bring up with a story. Actually doing a fairly decent jobs analysis pointing out aggregate pulling makes more sense, but this is about trumps approval ratings are to go down the moment. The news outlets stopped covering his rallies and that's the important point. The media will frame things to make you angry or to make it look
add and then when Trump actually talks about it, and when you see him actually say what he needs to say, then people actually like what he has to say. It's very important that the media control the narrative, especially if they want to try and shake things like we know they do he's as even at its peak, jump of just six points is weaker than any well known rally around the flag, yadda yadda I dont, ultimately care. For the most part, a lot of people are pointing out this Gallup poll, and I do think that Harry overheard CNN does a good job to bring up the act, because when you look at the aggregate, you can see that, although Donald Trump doesn't have the highest approval, writings ever had that peaked at around forty seven point, three four seven point: four it looks like, and that was just log of a week or so ago, We can see that currently Donald Trump any area is at forty six percent. Compare that to any point of his presidency and he is higher then he has been on average in the past several years. For the end,
parity of his presidency. I mean his peak when he first got into office was just at forty six, so you want to talk about the significance of these poles. That's fine! The reality is Trump is doing really really really well and they still trying frame things like it's really really. Bad check, this out trumps fundraising, slows amid outbreak still sets records. That's great contacts. Look I appreciate that you can say it slowing down, and this is finest ABC News, but you gotta be careful about other pundits. Tryin frame things are things good or add four tromp. While there are some reason to believe things are kind of bad, but overall really really good. They say present Donald Trump record, setting, fundraising, pace, slowed slightly amid the crowd of ours outbreak, but in strong as he stays. On track to top Democrats. I may look compared
guidance, follower, counted interest to trumps, and it's just on it's it's not even there. It's like the difference between a human and an ant, ok, that the height of a human versus the height of a net, it's ridiculous, Joe Biden, doesn't even this on the map sure he's raising some money Bernie raised way. More Joe Biden has almost no internet followers relative to trumpet got like six per cent of what tromp has, but also think about conversation. How many people care to talk about Joe Biden risk here about talking about Trump everybody and their mother wants to talk about Trump, not Joe Biden so ABC says Donald. Record. Setting fundraising pay slowed. We read that the Trump re election and pain and then- and there are public and national Committee raised more than two hundred and twelve million dollars in the first quarter of one twenty, according to figures, first obtained by the Souci had press bringing their total to more than six hundred and seventy seven million since twelve seventeen there hall for March, even
the nations economy began grinding to a halt to slow. The pandemic was more than sixty. Three million trumps base is more fired up whenever you cannot say the same thing for Joe Biden, I'd be interested to see of a Joe Biden victory just because who wants Joe Biden be President, you ve got a lot of people who don't want trumped be present, but is that enough to fire up Joe Biden? Support, no we'll see things player right now there is a story going around that, even though the pandemic has slowed things down, trumps actually said you're getting a lot of small donations from people, many of whom are out of work. Some people have called for transporters to dump their Trump Box into the Trump campaign. That would be a major major boost, but I don't think trumped needs the money. I think right now. For the most part, people have really made up their minds. I guess there's some people in the middle that need to be convinced are no. People on the left are good. Just drop the orange man that rhetoric there in a pushover, fake news,
can even though trumps approval ratings are pretty good and the people who support the president, art necessarily gonna, be changing their mine. I think it's, it's probably fair to point out the swing in trumps. Approval real does have to do with the people who aren't entirely sure there in trumps. Approval rating is below fifty percent is obvious, Democrat will never like him so really started to work for Trump. Is that why I shall not say all Democrats, but most with trumpet,
proto virus. He actually start getting support from Democrats and from independence. The swings were seeing in this in this aggregate here is probably from moderate voters, because the Democrats have made up their minds this graph. I believe the whole thing the whole agri for top is misleading. When we look at support for the president, when we look at support for the media, we can see that tribal lines have dictated everything. So if you were to compare truck to Obama, I'd be willing to bet that truck technically is a bit higher than Obama in a certain respect, meaning that Obama's aggregate polling didn't have. It did have tribalism involved, but a lot of people are like you know whatever today, its Orangemen bat or nothing. There here about Joe Biden, they're gonna, like Joe Biden, its literally just, is Trump good or bad, in which case you have a lot of people who, no matter what will say, trumpet that is an mean they're, gonna, vote and trumps basis, bigger than it was when I got elected. So if trumps favour ability is static which it is and his approval writing is up
even if it goes down in the past week or so I think, trumps on track to win, especially when you look at his donors. The important factor is when progressive pond and the media run these stories like trumps approval. Writing has taken a head like you to take a look at the scene and story, and while it's not the worst thing in the world, they do lead with the Gallup poll. Saying Trump is doing bad. This is rarely has disappeared and it is fine if you want a report on these short term of what happened with Israeli. But you gotta. Look at the aggregate, I think it's more important, tell people that trumps doing better than ever. If you only ever get pundits progressive or people in the media sang trot just did bad. They really do just believe everybody hates trumpet it's worse than ever been as a viral tweet that I see all the time. Where someone said. Can we all just admit that the experts I meant to have a real estate tv mogul. You know a reality star, as president isn't working out, and things are really bad. Some like that, and it's funny to me because this
It is clearly only getting passive information from those who frequently right about how bad trumpets doing the truth matters. So it's all put it this way that that Twitter goes viral. People really believe things are worse than ever been. Meanwhile, we record economy up until the crowd a virus so hears it happens. You have media companies that want to write the negative because they know negative gets Lex. They argue that I simply want to write the negative about Democrats because it gets clicks. I would say it's true that much of my content is critical of Democrats, but I actually praised and given respects to Cuomo and build a blog yo amid the Croats pandemic, for trying to do with their best. I am very critical Democrats and this does create a problem in basically both directions. If you only watch my stuff and see me in and talk meet me talk about I feel about Democrats. You'll, probably think Democrats are in the gutter doing the worst possible. You know if they could ever have done, but, as I am,
the point out. I was wrong and twenty a teen end of winning at and think they would. One thing I messed was at the moderate Democrats were going after Trump supporters with moderate policy. Today, the point of trying to make is be careful about what you watch, even if it's just my stuff that never gets right now are convinced Trump is losing, because CNN and the wash in opposing these outlets only tend to write negative. So the perception people have of trumpets, eddies doing really really bad and things are really really bad. But if you actually look at the hard numbers, Trump is doing well. Now as much as I will be self critical and say that I often ragged Democrats. I think I'm actually right. Of course they think they're right too, but I have data to back it up. If Donald Trump, today's his approval, writing is higher than it was a couple months ago It stands to reason. Trump is doing well, if he's getting ass donations, because the pandemic would still breaking records. It stands to reason he is doing well and the american people like what he's doing that's the site, I'm on
So what is our criticized? The other side? I think I'm based on the facts. They certainly think they are too and technically there right what I am going to call on it to any one specifically, but I've seen progressives put out stories like trumps highest disapproval of all time, the worst and the like, while trumps doing so bad so terrible. But if you show someone one pole and ignore all the rest, you're not painting a full picture, and then people are gonna, think they're on track to win and they're not and they're gonna lose here's. What I'm trying to say. You know the people knew what was saying about people people being confident and smart people being so full of doubt? I think there's reasons to criticise the stuff that I do, because I'm playing a similar game that they're playing, but I'm willing to look at hard data, so I think the reason I'm on one particular side of this is because the facts are on my side, if you're willing, me, your more likely see the aggregate picture, the bigger picture, pulling back to seeing how Trump is doing and is doing really well. But if you were to be like one of these regular p who just passively watches CNN you'd. Only
you'd only assume that trappers, I'm on track for defeat and he's not because you're not getting that that that the big picture you not understand what's really going on so as all the main reason I wanted to do this because I'm sick and tired of seeing this Gallup poll everybody keeps As you know, the Gallup Poll, the alpine trumps worse than ever, and about some people ask me like why won't you talk about trumps worst pulling and unlike this, is it it's one pole gimme, a you will see how the aggregate turns out and right now no, no, it's not news that trumps approval. Writing isn't as highest ever been, but still higher than it was for the past. Several months ago you we're gonna, be said about it, long story short, even when they try and point to a negative. Even when I try to attack the president, he still doing better every day. A really is you gotta. Look at how the aggregate plays out as much as tromp does have ups and downs. He is trending upward I'll leave it there. I guess you get the point. The media frames things they want you to be convinced that there's a world where trumpets is, is losing, but he's not losing,
I got a couple more segments coming up for you in a few minutes, and I will see you all shortly. Donald Trump incompetence may have just save the world kind of, and you gotta see this story and opinion peace from CNN will covert. Nineteen save the world by IRA Health in Aruba fraud and Tillman rough. They say you're a healthy. An emergency medicine, physician and Co. President of the international physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear war, which won the Nobel Peace Prize in nineteen. Eighty five Erin admit rise, a surgeon working in the city of London, China, India and CO, president of Ip Bmw, which is the same organisation, and I believe they all work. The same organisation are given the gist of it will read some of this. The general idea is because world leaders, including Donald Trump, have flood the response the krona virus. It may have given people a shock at the coat court, a virus. Is it the worst possible thing that could happen
and it's not the big bang of viruses, in which case the serious crisis we are facing is bad. Just enough to shock into realising the world is not all candy keynesian rainbows. The argument is first, under the assumption. Tromp was incompetent ended a bad job, which many people realise our, which many people think you end up with an argument that it was a good thing. It's gonna, honey we ve heard from many people, you know Joe Biden, especially that truck didn't, do a good enough job in how we handle the Krona virus Bill MAR said. Look at this time line of all these things. Truck didn't didn't do enough. So the urban is this: if the The virus was immediately stamped out by the United States. Many people would not pay attention and not improve the system, the argument being that we need
much more robust and resilient pandemic response team. The article criticizes tromp for disbanding two groups that were supposed to deal of pandemics within the White House, National Security Council and the Department of Homeland Security and twenty eighteen. What they don't mention here is that tromp put those jobs on other people. So it's not like you just got rid of the jobs you spread them out, but the point is: we are not prepared enough if Trump reacted much more quickly and we didn't get a locked down or an economic disaster than we never would have improved the system and when the Big Bang the virus is actually came. We would be unprepared, thus Donald Trump incompetence. It could be argued, has save the world because now we're going to take things seriously and increase our security Well, actually, let me what they say, I'm being I'm exaggerating a bit: they write as doc.
Responding to this crisis, the past few weeks have been filled not just with treatment and crisis management, but with frustration. Frustration because the covert nineteen pandemic did not just sneak up on us. Public health experts have been warning us for decades. We simply chosen not to lessen. The drop administration has been rightly criticised for its ethically inept response to the crisis. First, the administration disbanded two groups that we're supposed to deal with pandemics in the wider. Second, President Trump ignored warnings from Intel, community and a potential pandemic as early as January and consistently this event nation, as downplay the seriousness of the crisis and the need to take decisive action to contain the epidemic. However, this catastrophic short term failures only part of the story he goes on to say that it's because of other serious crises, we took action and had things such as, like you know, d, nuclear radiation or anti nuclear policies. He says for decades, Exe
have been telling us that it was not a question of if, but only a question of when the next great pandemic would strike as early as nine only to an entity of Medicine report drew attention to this danger and, as a A recent report by the World Health Organization observe few doubt that major epidemics and pandemics will strike again, and few would argue that the world is adequately prepared. Despite these clear warnings, world leaders failed to prepare and the general public did not mobilize to to make them take action. It is not possible to prevent the emergence of new pathogens capable of causing level pandemic, but it is possible to prepare an adequate response to these diseases when they do emerged, we didn't and now the world is paying a terrible price in the middle of a pandemic like the one we're going through now, it's hard to imagine, things could have been worse. We could have been afflicted by a greater and much more devastating kind of virus were they much higher mortality rate. It could have been even more contagious than covered nineteen and expand. EC and there will be others may in fact be more intense. We can and must learn
this disaster and prepare better for future outbreaks. The point being brought up as I interpret it is that basically, people are complacent everything is good. So no one cares. It's like the head and shoulders commercial I'm talking about where they go hadn't older. They see it in the end, the bathroom, but you don't have dandruff. Get it because you now years in the head and shoulders, you Dogan Andrew right so bunch of people right now saying: why do we need corona virus pandemic respond? Why do we need pandemic response? There's no pandemics! In fact, many people are doing. Why are we even locked down? There's not that many people dying well, the reason there not that many people dying is because we locked down da. So therein lies the big argument, essentially that if you believe that, Europe has done a bad job. You are actually put
Julie, adding to the argument that this is a good thing that will help the world think about it. As we go through this major crisis. The economy takes a hit. People are going to demand action on this, which means Trump. If he gets reelected or the next president will campaign on, we will be prepared. We will bolster the national stockpile, we'll have a better pandemic response team and then, when a more contagious virus emerges will be ready for it. Think about the alternative. If Photoshop erected perfectly all they would do is criticising and there would be no evidence of any damage, they would say Rob locked us down and nothing even happened. Of course they would tribalism, but then we wouldn't improve the system at all. In fact, we would argue we didn't need in the first place because look everything was fine and that's a mistake and that one, really bad virus comes, we could wiped out by it. So I guess you could argue Trump did a bad job and save the world. By doing so, here's if they write. If there is one lesson we can learn from this crisis, when the experts tell the sky is going to fall. If we take action, we better take act.
Nor the sky, will really may fall, and we must apply this lesson two other existential threats. The men faces the climate crisis and the growing danger of nuclear war. Now I champion well to an extent both of them, but I think the problem with the climate people is that their injecting this weird social justice stuff into it it talks about the case of the climate crisis? The warnings from scientific community could not be clearer. If you don't stop relying on fossil fuels and achieve net zero carbon emissions by twenty fifty we are doing the planet. Will. Let me tell you some. The messages working and many countries are winning awful fossil fuels. It's not even about carbon emissions. It's about energy independence, but what we really want. Our countries like our country to be strong enough to withstand any kind of assault or attack are our supply chains. If we can't get petroleum, if we can't get caught, whenever you know what is raising toxicity more than we have trinity, and it's really really bad for us if we can create a distributed electrical, gradual
using renewable sources, it's better for the economy. So don't even need a necessarily say the world is gonna end to convince people to do this, but the point is making is that now that people are realising we were prepared for the pandemic? It goes beyond just pandemic response in two nuclear war, for instance. Here's what he says in relation to the danger of nuclear war. The warnings have been equally clear They have received much less attention. Former secretary defence, William Perry, said repeatedly that we are closer to us, clear war than we were during the cold war, the expert panel, the Bolton of Atomic scientists, which includes thirteen Nobel laureates, assessed at the end, national security situation, is now more dangerous than it has ever been this year. They set their iconic doomsday clock to one hundred seconds to midnight or potential global catastrophe. The closest to planet white apocalypse than it has ever been. I dont know if I care much for their opinions, because it doesn't mean anything, but you know certainly, exports are concerned
Nuclear war is a real possibility. Is it I'll community is buckling under the strain of the current pandemic? It would collapse if A single nuclear bomb were used against an urban target. A nuclear war, even a low the nuclear war would be a disaster for the entire planet. So here's the argument Now there were realising the world, isn't all candy Keynes and rainbows. Perhaps we need national defence. Perhaps we need strong diplomacy, and perhaps we need to solve the we need to secure our country and many more ways than just one. Novel actually work. I don't think you'll actually save the world, but I think it's kind of funny that through the lens of trumps ineptitude which has literally what they're saying it: saving the world wreck
rising. This danger, a hundred twenty two nations around the world voted and twenty seventeen to adopt the treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons. We may be able to prevent the emergence of some new pathogens, but for most we can only prepare. We could actually prevent the looming climate disaster and found a fatal nuclear war. We need to move with all possible speed to eliminate further release of greenhouse gases, and then I nuclear arms states need to join the teepee and w. Promptly, negotiate a verifiable, enforceable time bound plan to eliminate their nuclear arsenals. If we listen and take the experts warning seriously. We can avoid these calamities. If we doubt the sky may really fall, we will survive this pandemic and if we learn from it perhaps covered nineteen will save the old? Now, let me throw in the kind of more antonov, deontological, verses, utilitarian kind of perspective. Is it
Can we criticise the sky for arguing that all these people needed to die for us to get with the programme? I think that's kind of something something you might see from people one argue, but I do think it's fair to say you know we can highlight the positives in the darkness. The light in the darkness as much as no one would encourage the covered pandemic to actually happened. Why mean crazy people? Might we don't have to happen? We want people to die, but if something good comes out of it will, then we can accept that and point out at least there's. You know a light here, there's something beneficial to all the negative, its initial. It's an issue of whether or not you would want something bad happened we adopt. But if we're stuck in a situation, can we look for peace?
It is in this instance. The perspective is. Perhaps people will now understand that we should listen experts, how we do that? I don't know, but I will tell you one thing: when it comes to the climate, it's very contentious and difficult to implement, and so long as we have divisive figures like gratitude, Burgoyne and colonialism and random stuff. When actually gonna solve those problems. When it comes to nuclear war thing most of us agree, we need to figure out better treaties for the stuff, perhaps at in the end. These doctors are correct. Perhaps we should actually be looking at this and saying to people listen if exports are coming out say when you do something, perhaps we should do it. Unfortunately, humans are short term thinkers and I don't think it'll work out that way. I think people are gonna continue to ignore the long term damage to the. Planet and to our lives and just wait until the very last minute cause. That's what we're good at another there. I got one or segment coming up for you in a few minutes, and I will see you all shortly. If there is one thing, the Democrats are good at its a good old hoax taken. First,
news and running with it, no matter how many times your fact check fact- and it's probably false- just keep saying it over and over because if your PETE the lie on off of actually people just assume its truth from town all surprise. Surprise policy is pushing a corona virus lie, even though it's been debunked by the Democrat media complex. Oh, I love that the democratic media complex. Well, listen. I think I'm guilty of accusing these journalists have being Democrats, because how often they run defence for them, but allow much and the Democrat media complex thing though, and it is fair to point out many people keep pushing. This lie the lie that Donald Trump referred to the crown of ours as a hopes he never did and political fact, for instance, fact check Joe Biden. I believe should impose gave Joe Biden for Pinocchio was was a lie. They said yet, of course, why would Nancy, plus you give up a weapon in the political fight in twenty twenty? She wouldn't skinny use it.
I'll says how Speaker Nancy Policy on Sunday reiterated the blatantly false claim that President Donald Trump said the wheel on crown of ours has a hoax quote: I'm afraid he's going to act on the set basis of what he's acted before it's a hoax, its magically going to disappear. What I said at the letter that I did after Easter. Easter gave me time for reflection and prayer fulness about ok. We don't want to keep harping on what he did wrong, because he's failed he's failed in the testing and the rest, and it's a hoax. It's going to manual. Appear, that's not based on science. This isn't magical this scientific, according to the speaker of the president, makes to see since, based on his earlier false premises and the american people, are in trouble. Is earlier delay in denial, cause death. She said policy. The case that decisions should be based on scientific data and not Whimsie MAGIC, hoax allegations and placing blame and sort of taking responsibility here he decided to send the letter after Easter because get it became apparent that tromp was drawing stress
from his own view of what his falsehoods we're gaining him, and we cannot. We cannot find a pandemic and we cannot open up our economy based on falsehoods. Here's a clip from the orange he research twitter account. Nancy policy continually lies pushes debunked hoax narrative gets no pushed back from George Deaf Annapolis. They write down, Rats continually run with this narrative that President Trot said. The one kind of ours was a hoax, but that is completely false. Even the Washington Post gave that for Pinocchio, when Joe Biden steam use the clip for a campaign, it now appoint something up. Nancy policy is calling trump a failure if Donald Trump as a failure, meaning at least at the universe, in a score of zero out of Pendule ten points, then the Democrats went negative a long time ago, because Nancy below He was going against Donald Trump actions, so if Trump didn't do enough in failed, you were run in the other way. Do your further out than he is. Could you imagine like this see the Democrats Nancy plus
He is like a ball and chain strapped to trumps angle, holding down. The entire time just complaining about I've, I've everything are they getting anything done, no, but she certainly going on tv, confusing constituents making it harder for us to understand. What's wrong you going on and then just waiting down the president and then complaining about the fact that you wait him down. If true, the slow and his responses will made. It was because you guys impeached him and we are going through that bs trial wasting our time, and now you want to blame him for the stupid campaign. You pulled us through they are literally just bricks in trumps pockets as he's trying to walk and he can't get rid of him. So we have the we know the Wash Nepal scheme for Pinocchio, but I bring you to a sort of addendum on the main segment. I did for my channel Youtube outcomes lashed him cast. If you haven't seen it go check it out its mother channel, you can subscribe, here's what they write
CNN says. Last week the President's re election campaign released and add attempting to portray Biden as overly friendly with China, but it included deceptive audio clips and images, including suggesting Gary Lock, the former president washed and was a chinese official suggesting An opinion drop campaign has also try to take issue with Biden, Son Hunter and his business dealings with China. Joe Biden launched his presidential campaign with alive the very fine people Hoax Donald Trump, specifically sad. That they were very fine people on both sides- and I am not talking about you- know the all right. Whatever the quotas has, those people should be condemned totally well. I think the context of what tromp was saying was clear that there are some regular Americans wouldn't want. A statue torn down and Charlottesville and some other people weren't asking people and he's. I condemn them totally get job.
And runs with the hawks by stringing different quotes from Trump together nominate, go back and talk about that democratic media. Complex saw ah comment as a reason I pointed out because of this positive fact says about Donald Trump, very fine people hoax. We have this of fact check in context, Donald trumps, very fine people on both sides could they have just said Add false trump did not refer to these people as very fine people. They mention that you no good luck. On April twenty February teen Joe Biden declared his candidacy for the president or the democratic nomination, and the presidency by recalling the events of shots veil and troops comments
with those words, the present United States aside a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those are the courage to stand against it. False plain and simple Donald Trump said some people want a statue torn down that has nothing to do with standing against hate that has to do with people saying respect our traditions, respect our history. You can argue its hateful, but it's not a group of people targeting race. There were people who were entrapped, condemned them and pull it affects response was very, very obvious, full com. Action is needed. Thank you for the fact forward, not saying True, I guess you could just said false. Joe Biden was wrong and launched his campaign and out of context statement. False trunk didn't say this: instead, what we get full context is needed. That's right! When you look this up on the internet.
It's I went on. Google, it says fact check colon full contacts to needed, so the average person doesn't just see that its false. There was one thing the poet effected a long time. It was really funny. Bernie Sanders had something but youth unemployment in the black community, and they said it was mostly true. Well, Bernie Sanders is completely crumpets, mostly true Donald Trump said, basically the exact same thing and it had mostly false well. Some of this is true: it's not entirely correct itself, framing works, so the so Nancy plus it can come out and lie and what happens or limit. But this way Bernie Sanders entrapped can say the exact same thing and you get it. Donald Trump gets the negative. Bernie Sanders gets the positive up, but until Bernie Sanders tries to become the president, because then you know that, I'm a crack media complex as it was over, and I am saying that the suggested by the way will come out and try to annihilate him. This is a peace, but from off a real, clear politics by Michael Tracy. How Sanders was Russia gated out of the twenty twenty Rice Michael Rights just about six weeks?
before the krona virus consumed every aspect of american social and public political life. Bernie Sanders appeared well positioned to win the democratic presidential nomination. The ring enforced forest campaign. Swift demise will be debated for years to come and they are certainly multi faceted. However, One of those reasons is fairly straightforward. Yet has received little engine from supporters detractors and the wider media. He got Russia gated, it happened at a critical juncture. Just as electoral strength is reaching its apex rather than fend off, is damaging attack, though Sanders accepted the premise behind it. Thus, solidifying did Ex potency and arguably ceiling is right. Of course, too then turn than the alone, some Russia Gate into a verb as a bit of a farce that owes to the general farcical nature of Russia Gate a political virus that is infected. The? U S body politic for four years now before being superseded, at least temporarily by the current biological virus outbreak. Basically, I say
for sixteen Michael says, eastern time on February, twenty first word leaked to the Washington Post that Russia was trying to help the Sanders camp you see the media they play this up. Hoaxes lies, miss misleading and you know what you. So, if you want to call the democratic media complex, I think it's funny. I wouldn't, but I get it. They destroyed Bernie Sanders and Bernie Sanders was weak zone fall. To be honest, that's kind of point. By accepting the premise of this narrative, you embolden it too for instance, just rejected it, and so it is supporting Gautier with stuff. Bernie was, like all know, here's what Michael says. The resulting article was thinly sourced inflammatory and played into the most sinister perception perceptions of what standards might be up to. So, of course, it rocketed with warp speed across the entire media ecosystem people familiar with the matter, work
what'd as relying that use officials had brief senator to inform him of Russia's efforts to interfere once again in american democracy, evoking traumatic memories of twenty sixteen at least four anguished liberals, and that he Bernie was the. Legit beneficiary. Everything about it was straight out of the well rehearsed twenty. Sixteen twenty nineteen Russia Gate, Playbook vague, unverifiable claims, reckless granting of anonymity, credulous media accepted, of a scandal hitting but empirically flimsy narrative. What what did this latest raw, of so called Russia Interference, even purportedly consist of it was never clarified and that's by design, because we know past allegations of russian interference had largely consisted of scattered facebook posts and twitter Botz that we're spurious Linked to the russian government, virtually zero accountability was ever imposed on the liberal political and media actors who are responsible for propagating ever free Russia hysteria as are related to Donald Trump. However
So there was very little appetite to apply any real scepticism to these new Bernie related charges. Either you know a Trump one, he rejected the lies, Bernie accepted the lies, Bernie bent over backwards and let the machine to its thing and the reason why I highlight the Bernie story. Look at what Nancy Pelosi sang with her hoaxes look, it would Joe Biden sang with their hoaxes. The media, along with these establishment. Democrats just lie all day every day and they get away with it, mostly because people like Bernhardt calling about because people like junk yogurt other progressed these are fake and letting the media run amok until it comes for them. Maybe you should stop and stand up to the lies from the establishment. I'd like to see it.
Transcript generated on 2020-05-03.