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Democrats DEMAND Trump Impeachment Over Ukraine Scandal, Story BACKFIRES On Democrats Instead

2019-09-22 | 🔗

Democrats DEMAND Trump Impeachment Over Ukraine Scandal, Story BACKFIRES On Democrats Instead. In May the New York Times reported that 2020 Democrat front runner Joe Biden was involved in a conflict of interest when he threatened to withhold One Billion Dollars to Ukraine unless they canned a prosecutor that also happened to be investigating a company where is son was working. The scandal got little attention.Recently someone claimed to have learned information pertaining to President Trump asking Ukraine to start the investigation into Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden again. Media reported this person was a whistleblower except he isn't and the story seems to be largely a miss.Democrats like Ocasio Cortez and Elizabeth Warren however are not deterred and have called for the impeachment of the president over the flimsy story. In the end, it seems to be a win for the far left and republicans both of which don't like Joe Biden.The story is falling back onto Biden and hurting Democrats as a whole, something the far left democrats don't really care about and something Trump probably benefits from.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Alexandria, Ocasio Cortez is demanding the impeachment of Donald Trump. Again short. What else is New this time it has to do with quote lawbreaking behavior over the Ukrainian, gamble now AOC you'll see, is saying. The bigger scandal is that Democrats are letting and do it and won't impeach him in reality. I think Scandal is the on going story involving Joe Biden and a son Hunter Biden, and they some our injecting trump into this. When the story about you crying in the scandal having to do with conflicts of interest from Joe Biden and a son It was broken in May by the New York Times. Why wasn't a scandal that a major two twenty presidential candidate got a prosecutor fired who is investigating his own son? That's the scandal, well, apparently don
trump- had a conversation with you crying and sad. You can work with Giuliani and urge them to do it, and I think that's of the scandal because he wants them to re, investigate potential corruption. Look I I. I think the story is ridiculous. It's it's a pool of fake news. I've talked about how the media falsely frames, things and fake news goes well. That's why I'm more focused on what AOC is doing to the Democrats. So here's what we're going to do wow, talk about a sees calls for impeachment she's, actually getting a bit of pushback. We will break down crane scandal and trust me once again, history media is pushing absolute fake news about the President. I'm not saying President Trump is innocent of all charges. I'm just saying the whole story is a scandal involving Biden not Trump and their falsely framing this. It's ridiculous. It's absolutely ridiculous. But in the end I do want to focus on impeachment. So I'll start with, Alexandria, Ocasio, Cortez, and how she bases her policy positions off of fake news, and this to me is the most worrying thing before we get started head over to TIM,
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this is new and a see getting the facts wrong. Okay, what else is new? You know I talk about this stuff. So often I'm kind of like it's like a re run all most like I'm gonna, make another video about a see calling for impeachment and get your facts wrong. Re run basically, but it's not like we're living on repeat so. Hopefully something happens in twenty twenty to break the cycle, but it's bad. So here's the thing AOC tweeted this at this point, the bigger that national scandal isn't the president's lawbreaking behavior of which she's referring to a scandal. There's none for the most part. It's it's an accusation. It is the Democratic Party's refusal to impeach him. She actually got some push back in this thread where someone said it. Democracy is actually under threat. When the president breaks the law and by saying Democrats are worse than Republicans, you may be exacerbating the problem. If you want impeachment advocate for the votes, raise money for vulnerable vulnerable moderates encourage people to vote him out this. This critic is actually targeting Democrats,
so in the bigger, in the context of how this is going to play in twenty twenty and how politics works. I think it goes well beyond this ukrainian scandal story and I'm so not interested in it, because it's fake news, it really really is now. It's not fake, knows that Joe Biden should be investigated for conflict of interest. It's fake news that has anything to do with Trump and in the end This story is shifting back to bite and now there, supporters saying Trump is tricked them into calling out Biden. Well, they did this to themselves check this out. We saw this story may first, two thousand and nineteen. Why is Ocasio Cortez, calling for the impeachment of trump
from the New York Times they report, it was a foreign policy role. Joseph R Biden, Junior in through the ethnically embrace during his vice presidency, brow beating Ukraine's victoriously corrupt government to clean up its act, and one of its most memorable performances came on a trip to Kiev in March Twenty sixteen when he threatens to withhold one billion dollars in United States loan guarantees. If Ukraine's leaders did not dismiss the country's top prosecutor, wed been accused of turning a blind eye to corruption. In his own office, and among political elite. The pressure campaign worked, the prosecutor general long. A target of criticism from other western nations and international lenders was soon voted out by Ukraine. Ukrainian among those who had a stake in the outcome was Hunter Biden, Mister Biden's younger son, who, at the time, was on the board of an
Sergey company owned by ukrainian Oligarch, who had been in the sites of the fired prosecutor. General Hunter Biden was a Yale educated lawyer who had served on the boards of Amtrak in a number of non profit organizations and think tanks, but lacked any experience in Ukraine, and just months earlier had been discharged from the Navy Reserve after testing positive for cocaine, he would be paid as much as fifty thousand dollars per month. In some months for his work for the company charisma holdings, this they say the broad outlines of how body rolls. Intersected in Ukraine have been known for sometime the former vice presidents campaign, so that he had said that he had always acted to carry out us policy without regard to any activities of his son that he had never discussed the matter with Hunter Biden, and that he learned of his son's role with Ukraine. Energy company, from some news reporters, but details about Hunter Biden's involvement, and
vision this year by the current ukrainian prosecutor general to reverse himself and reopen an investigation into purisma have pushed the issue back into the spotlight. Just as the senior Mr Biden is beginning his campaign. Let me break this down for you hum. Biden, Joe Biden, son, had cocaine in his system was discharged, then got a job for fifty thousand dollars a month at a non energy company in Ukraine that was being investigated and Joe Biden threatened the government with holding a billion dollars unless they fired the prosecutor. Doing the investigation whether or not Joe Biden was acting at the behest or the benefit of his son, is irrelevant, there's a major conflict of interest here that should be investigated. Will Erin Lee? There's a story from CNN. You see it. Trump apparently talked to Ukraine and set work with Giuliani, investigating Joe Biden's son, or something something to that effect. Cnn claims a whistle blowers complaint about press
Donald Trump intensified Thursday. Amid revelations of the White House and Justice Department to try to keep it quiet, let's, let's, let's get down to figure out why they want to keep it quiet. How about this the Washington Post on Wednesday, so the complaints referenced, a promise trump allegedly made it to the unidentified leader. Cnn, has not confirmed that aspect of the controversy. The whistle blower did not have direct knowledge of the communications and official briefed on the matter. CNN. Instead of the whistle blowers, concern came in part from learning information that was not obtained during the course of their work and those details have played a role in the administration's determination. The complaint didn't fit the reporting requirements under the anti agents, whistleblower law, the official said it is hard to know the potential exposure faced by the president, not confirmed whistleblower. No direct knowledge learned about this, not in the course of work. What do we have here
somebody working in government heard a rumor then tried reporting the rumor got told no, it's a rumor. You have no direction the job of this. They don't even learn it from you know from work. They say the whistleblower didn't have direct knowledge of the communications. Are we done here now now it's a national scandal. The Democrats aren't impeaching Trump about it. Well, well, I can't say: I'm surprised they base so much of a fake news, but perhaps it's on purpose so check this out in this story. Biden explodes when confronted on his Ukraine, Scandal, democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden, exploded on Saturday when Fox NEWS reporter Peter Doocy confronted him off. Is Ukraine scandal, claiming that he Nothing wrong at the media should be looking into Trump should they the store was broken by the New York Times in May so here's my big question. Why is AOC blaming Trump for us,
story about Biden that came out may first, where was the press? Where was the outrage? Where was the scandal? It's fake news? It's the demo, weapon, weaponizing fake news from somebody- who's, not a whistleblower, but every single story is claiming its a whistleblower. Now Donald Trump responded to the. The ukrainian scandal. I know we're going to create scandal. Scandal stuff- and I really didn't want to cover this, because it's such fake news- and I don't want to do is every single day where I'm like hey, remember that story from yesterday, where they claimed a whistleblower saying something turns out. It's fake news. In a day later, we're going to issue a correction. It happens every little time. That's why I'm just fed up. I don't want to go through all of these like every time. It's a big negative story about Trump. Just wait. Twenty four hours ignore it. Wait twenty four hours and then CNN drops in the whistleblower didn't really have any knowledge while Trump responded to the scandal. Let's read this and yes, I will get back into impeachment and will talk about Democrats in two thousand and twenty Trump said: I'm not looking to hurt Biden.
Making a reporters on Sunday morning. President Donald Trump described his July call in which he reportedly pressured ukrainian President, open an investigation into democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden as perfect. While insisting he's not trying to hurt the former vice president. Let's stop right here daily based and correct the record. First of all, he was talking about Joe Biden son, whether or not what Joe Biden son did would hurt. Joe Biden is up for debate. Sure personally, Joe Biden should be investigated for getting a prosecutor was investigating his own son, fired and investigating the company in which his son was receiving payments from will put it that way, I'll try to be careful here. Ok, it's not a scandal that Trump was like- maybe you should start looking back into this guy quote very dishonest thing that Joe Biden did and then he's and he never spoke to his son Trump exclaimed referencing by his claim that he has discussed overseas business dealings with this on hunter. But what it is, but he wouldn't give. I think it was a billion
Krista Ukraine unless they fired the prosecutor, who was looking at his son and his sons company the company that his son worked with and that's a very dishonest thing and I'm not looking to hurt. I know- or even looking to hold him to it to be honest, but he said a very bad thing. They're going to say the president also told the press corps. He had no problem This personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani speaking to Congress, who has launched an investigation into possible trump pressure on Ukraine, Giuliani admitted last week that he asked ukrainian government to look into, but it and it's family. Okay. Let me break it down for you, because you Cortez, once Trump impeached, she's a she's, a targeting the Democrats, they won't impeach Trump and why won't they impeach Trump there's no evidence Trump did anything. Once again. The Democrats launching a nonsense inquiry, because a person the rumor at work and didn't learn about any of this in the course of their work, and it was rejected
as an actual whistleblower claim, because it's just someone repeating a rumor apparently truck did tell Ukraine right my understand, I could be wrong that they should. You know, work with Julian and investigate this, but why does that matter? Why is it the story that Joe Biden has a conflict of interest and may have acted at the benefit of the sun, withholding billions of dollars and using his position of power to make personal familial gain to hell? his son, who was discharged for having cocaine in his system? This is why I don't like the Democrats. You understand Joe Biden, corporate crony trash. This is it's the same old game of the corruption but no. I don't want to see a oc in the far left. Why are they going for truck for this. Why are they talk about the story from May first well about this. From Luxor whistleblower alleges Trump requested. Two thousand and twenty election interference polo
she still says she won't pursue impeachment. You see how the far left plays this game. This is why I don't like them either. Ok, first of all, not a whistleblower stop lying CNN Did not we'll CNN did call this person a whistleblower which is insane. How can you call the So, what's a blower, if they didn't learn about this in the course of their job, I have no direct knowledge. Mind blowing and then they try and frame it as a negative against plus he not a big policy fan but come on dude. What policy do wrong here? She she was honest and playing it right that there's no evidence truck after this accusation against drunk with, no direct knowledge and the real scandals on Biden they are tearing apart the Democratic Party on purpose Jake you are set. I did this video a couple days ago. He is going to tear the democratic establishment to shreds attack them at their core and that's what they are doing. Targeting Biden targeting truck talking policy in this instance by in his the late fall, the the the the fallout.
I'm calling on trumpet accusing him of this hits Biden it's bad for him. So so I will stress the point that they're not actually going after button, but they are going after Pelo C as though she he's done something wrong when there's no evidence welcome to welcome to current politics, man, the dirty underhanded tactics, I don't know, should trump tell Ukraine tell need to investigate burst arborist month and Governor Joe Biden son. It's a complicated question It's a question we can ask, we can debate the bigger scandal was published in May and the laughter nor it the Democrats ignored. Of course they did it was by then, of course, I'm not gonna talk about it. This is why I detest the mainstream. You know corporate crony democrats. They know by into doing something wrong he's corrupt as as as far as on and your sons corrupt and how does the left respond? Blaming Pelo C for not wanting to impeach Trump in line because person was a blower they're, all liars they're, all dirty they're, all cheers and steelers. You know what it's
it's got to the point where I just don't care for any of these people. There are a couple of people I like I like to see. I do she's not in this game, an outsider, they don't like her they're pushing her out. Ok, I don't think she's perfect policy wise, but this is just gross. It's just gross. Ok AOC is playing a game to destroy the Democrats, not to stop trump. She knows: they're, not gonna, impeach Trump, so she's using it as a weapon against the Democrats and even the person criticizing or sad raise money targeting vulnerable moderates great, that's what we need, but I'll tell you what the game they're playing is a losing game. Impeach, tribe, okay, I I look I'll admit I did not want to continue. Craney and nonsense. Be 'cause, it's just fake. Why are they bringing it up? I don't know, but I'll tell you what here's? What I do want to focus on the Democrats, regardless of what they're doing and why are going to lose. Ok, targeting trump over Ukraine losing position. We have the facts. Cnn admitted it
impeaching Cavanaugh Bill Maher, says Bill Maher tells Democrats they're wasting their time pushing for cabin on peach when I was a bit different, but I wanna lightly how this moving into the bigger impeachment question. This issue here has more to do with the Democrats grasping at draws and presenting flimsy nonsense stories to try out their political rivals, be a trump or cabin on at least Bill Maher is pointing out it's not so it is more of a cultural issues. Let's move on Warren Congress is complicit by failing to start impeachment proceedings against Trump and here it is here. It is this scandal against Trump over Ukraine, which is this. This is the story she saying. Basically, the same thing will cause you Cortes said it's falling back on Biden it it's really interesting, that Warren is stepping up and playing the same game which is falling falling back and hitting the back fighting its button. When you, when you see
Elizabeth Warren surges, ahead of Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders for the first time. How convenient that this story drops it makes Biden. Look worse. And Elizabeth Warren surges ahead. This is from the same day, So I don't want to say that what you said actually affected the polls, but I think it's opportune of course, she sang she's going after Trump, but the real story, here is what Joe Biden did. Oh Trump called someone said: investigative crime. Ok, what do you think Americans are going to think when they hear that that he said investigators option when you learned of the story from May about what Biden did for us on the first thing, I think it was like all right- maybe Trump should've called them and and told the work with Giuliani, but isn't the real crime. What Joe Biden may have done in cut in and threatening taking. You know billion dollars away unless they stopped this guy. Who was investigating his sons of the companies. I work for that's like red flags in alarm bells across the board trump calling eminence and saying to get a crime means very little to me. You know what, in the end, it's just
look at this store is from last month. Okay- and I I talked about this a lot. This is this- is the the absurdity of the Democrats. What sort of markets don't want truck to be impeached and removed from office? Will? Thank you a because it it has an Elizabeth warning for pushing us in this direction that nobody wants updated September. Fifth, how about this one voter? largely unswayed by House Democrats push for impeachment September 18th. I just don't get it man, I don't get why they're there standing behind this losing position that gets them nothing. They win nothing, they lose Americans. Don't care! Americans want to talk about the economy. They don't want to hear about bill. Kavanaugh, I'm sorry, Brett Kavanaugh, I was going to say Bill Maher talking bout, breakout, What does this out bill? Maher talks about the cabin off fact? This is the biggest. This is the biggest point, okay that that try driving home with these with the sub stories,
more introduced what he called the Kavanaugh effect an noted that four democratic senators were defeated in the twenty eighteen, two thousand and eighteen midterm elections after they voted against, confirming Kavanaugh West Virginia Democratic, Senator Joe Mansion. They put machine. Oh by contrast, was re elected, an supported, Kavanaugh. Look at this bill Maher telling the Democrats when you do this, you empower Trump, and what have we learned from all of this very important news. We've learned that not only does nobody care about each meant, but we've seen a now tacking the Democrats. What else is new and we seen? The story is actually about Joe Biden's potential corruption? Not Donald Trump's, I'd like to get applause, the Democrats for making this problem worse for them.
Two allowing AOC to continue to tear them to shreds and target them instead of Trump. Now this is a two foot right, she's targeting Trump and the Democrats. At the same time. In the end, this conflict within the Democrats will result the collapse of the Democrats. I think we may see, I think as of right now, if I was going to make a bet, I'd bet Trump's going to win two thousand and twenty and a Republican is going to win twenty four 'cause. I don't see how they come back for this there's no charismatic Democrat was going to run and win. It just doesn't exist. Regular Americans are concerned about health care. They don't want. Fettered immigration they they they don't want us giving health care to non citizens. They want healthcare for themselves. They want to improve the income, the economy. All of these things the Democrats are pushing will not do that. I think you hang out a lot of really interesting ideas. I think you be, I am I'm pretty skeptical and I've always been, but I appreciate the way he describes it talk about the dividend, all stuff, In the end, the Democrats, for whatever reason, seemingly on purpose, continue
we chase after things. No one cares about so I'll. Give respect to policy. Hello see, has been pretty harsh on Nadler and other Democrats today telling them to stop this. I think you said something like a Moby Dick Dick Armey Moby Dick obsession with impeaching Trump Americans do not care for this. That's the polls don't want truck to be impeached and removed from office wow. I look if the Rules are not favorable to Trump. If the polls all show Trump below fifty percent, but they also say most people don't want to impeached, I'd, listen to the polls and, I think Nancy plus he gets that, but in the end AOC doesn't care. She wants the destruction and now that doesn't care he's gotta Moby Dick, like obsession and there, it is What they're going to do is chase themselves in down it's a race to the bottom. You know I guess the easiest way to put it is the left- is in a state of civil war. And I don't know, what's going to happen, I think the progressives will beat. The moderates may be
no it's hard. It's hard to say some people believe that, because of the progressives in the Democrats, the Democrats will lose so much. They will be surgeon where this more the moderates purge the the far left out of the party and then take back over. I think that would be fantastic and rational Bates now haven't always been the case, but it's a lot better than what we're seeing now with a see actually going after Democrats, it's also possible that the aging moderate population loses out gives up, and flips to Trump in the Republicans, causing whatever is left of the Democratic Party to lose for the next decade. I can't tell you sure what'll happen, but I think that's a strong case take a look at how much money trump is raised eighteen million dollars in one day in California. You see that story did the other day he's It's more than all Democrats combined here, It's more in California, then Harris did Trump raised more in California in a single day than Kamala Harris raised in the entire country in the second quarter of this year, one
he raised more than her in her own state, so you think Trump's not going to like get elected. You think people are behind this insanity. I think we're seeing a completely fractured an collapsing democratic party amidst are growing and strengthening republican Party. The Democrats need to get their act together and recognize when it comes to Polisy Orange Man, actually pretty good. Most Americans at least that's the way they see it and when it comes to character by all means call the orange man bad, but most of kids, don't care if Trump is offensive, is crude, some Americans actually like it. In the end they want to know they can put their kids in college. They can buy bread, milk and eggs. The Democrats talking about impeachment are basically telling those people who are now seeing the economic economic turn around, benefiting them. They're saying we're going to take that away from you case in point is Minnesota, which I've mentioned several times. I would see it and went there and found a democratic stronghold flipping to Trump at the national level. Still there locally Democrats at the national level, they want trump. Take that that position these people are and what
They think Trump is good. Throw in Democrats then we're going to impeach him now they're going to be like why you're going to take away the good thing we have going, you don't like the men's character to point out a lot of people like him, and you don't have to like the Democrats to recognize you have to hate that credit to recognize that impeachment is largely unpopular. That's it stop asking for it, but you know what they're going to play this in trouble again what they claim. Someone who wasn't a whistle blower is a whistle blower, so they can smear trump and I got a bunch people left saying, but a whistle blower prove that truck broke the law. Why don't they impeach him because in reality, there's nothing to impeach him? Four, there's no proof of a crime, there's an allegation from someone who didn't have direct knowledge of it. That in our legal system, is not enough. Or anything you can't even like it's not enough to start an investigation, someone going to say I heard a rumor that Trump did a backflip once
I'm gonna do about it. I'm not going to go investigate your rumor. Okay, show me some evidence, we'll talk about it. If it's true Trump said this, I think you know absolutely fine look into it, but in the end, it's probably nothing trumped telling someone to investigate crime. I don't see how that's a scandal they're trying to climb these interface, two thousand and twenty election. Oh please dude the far left like AOC, they don't want bite and they don't support Biden. Smearing him as a big it for the past several days now or something they're mad. That Trump is going after biting son dope, dope dope play that with me. I know what they're doing they don't want biting just as much as they don't want trump, but Trump going after biting it's the same thing. They do. Ok, assuming Trump is going after by himself he's going after his son, allegedly the Democrats. The far left ones have target Biden with all of the worst slurs. They accused him of being a misogynist for smiling at a woman. It's ridiculous! Then Trump comes out talking,
sun and also they're defending Biden. Please I want to hear it you want by now it just as much as Trump. Well I found the truck cares about bikes. I think comes on track to win, but the Democrats, who don't I'm sorry to four letters, one Biden Tony and what we can see is fractured ignorance, fake news. This is the problem with the left. Okay, this is it just just. This is I'll. Stop this Ralph all and by saying this for his rent, another hour or so they're fractured the fact that the media is
Xing, overt fake news, which has been called out even by the media proving trump right. You got a scandal involving Biden, where's. The media New York Times reported good for them there's the media, but where is the outrage? Where is the twin Roddy? Where are these woke visual outlets? I mean they don't like, but any other white and they use that. Don't don't get tell you, but the Democrats are fractured, as evidenced by me arguing with the press. That's that's. The best take will have a stop here. I'll say this: they like to cuse me of being far right or conservative or whatever it's ridiculous. Okay, my policy, my politics are moderate, leaning Democrat. The problem is, I am proof that we are. Fighting that we're not in agreement that I don't like the corporate crony people like Biden, you know doing what doing what he did in Ukraine and I don't like Ao Cs duplicitous. Her lies and her deceit. I don't like her policies, election and manipulation and our social. I find it disgusting. So what do I do? I don't know I'm politically homeless, the regular
moderate individuals the rational individuals, one of calm conversation. We got nothing but I'll say this. Conservatives have no problem reaching out that hand and saying hey, come talk with us, we'll negotiate, we'll figure something out and now, even when I talk with Steven Crowder Cry presents a moderate position on you know the life in choice debate and it makes more eight he's offering up a you know:
the conservatives like. Okay, here's a we can discuss and I'm like that makes sense. That's that that's a regular, moderate! You know democrat policy from ten years ago. Where are they now the gone chasing after things? No one cares about I'll leave it there stick around. Next, I will be coming up at a youtube dot com, slash ten cast news at six pm. Thanks for hanging out, it feels like a re run, doesn't like every day when the stars come out like a rerun. It's like I might as well just re upload the same video and be like it's basically the same thing I'll see on the next segment. It will never be enough, no matter what you are no matter, if you're a minority or if you're, gay, the woke laughed, cannot accept that they have gained anything. So they will attack everything that includes a
He gave a front running democratic presidential candidate, like people to judge now listen, I disagree with, but a judge on getting a lot of things. I probably grew them on more than I disagree with him on what he is kind of a stock Democrat. He seems kind of just a run of the mill. However, he is one of the first openly gay people to be running for president. So far as I know, I could be wrong, but it's going to take for it, and I think I know why, when you have a high profile game, and it kind of says, a lot about progress. That's a problem! If your continually campaigning on this narrative that there's inequality and oppression. That's not being served when democratic presidential candidate in all of the debates on
stage in all of the media. Try to be gay men, because I kind of discredits the narrative that you're all the poor little victims. The reality is. The left has done great in pushing Ford for Social Justice for civil rights, I can't accept victory. You know the goal of any nonprofit should be to put itself out of business. That's that's! That was mine, standing, having worked for ladies nonprofits, but what I learned is these active organizations these groups that are trying to fight for save the environment. Whatever they don't want to go out of business, they don't want to lose their jobs. You see when you run a business or Company and you produce a little coffee, you can make see forever. I mean until the world ends, I guess, but you can make coffee and people will buy coffee You are providing a service. Nonprofits tend to be trying to solve a problem with it with an end right. We want to end homelessness in this city. Well, if you do your job right, there won't be homelessness anymore and you're done. Some nonprofits have actually shifted after this. So there are some group
like, and I commend this they've solved. The problem said we're now going to allocate resources towards another problem that makes sense in terms of whatever this activist woke outrage. Is it doesn't function this way it can't because they're not in it, for money, they're not in it, for a job there in it for an ideology, and it's almost like they just want to be. Opposed to the system, so they can never accept a victory that means for idling on so I'll. Forgive me, but democratic candidate Buddha Judge gets smacked for saying, can't even read the LGBT media anymore? He can't even say this. He can't even say with the problem, because I think it's slammed for bring up the problem. Left wing outlets have gone after Buddha, judged I they're not being gay enough for being too gay for being a city is a white male. They say it doesn't matter that he's gay. He says, white, any hetero heteronormative presenting they say and that's the game? No matter what you are no matter what you win, it will never
be on off because they must be victims. Well, you can't call people to judge a victim he's a front running twenty. Twenty Democrat he's he's, but you could probably pick well. It could potentially become the press. And he won't, but somebody hit a decent shot is a higher probability that this game man becomes present than many other democrats. Most people in the country I'll try to get a win for a lot of reasons. Elizabeth one would probably beat him. You know just for name right, ignition alone, but he's still up there and he's going have a massive career after that's kind of amazing. As a mayor of South Bend Okay, merry, I believe, is married and, here he is on the stage I don't understand. You know. Donald Trump was the first president in: U S history, to support gay marriage before getting into office, not good enough trumps, a bad man! Now I just I think Trump made. You know some policy decisions pertaining to the LGBT community that I understand what that meant, that what why they're angry but hey man, are you ever going to acknowledge your winning? I
and that's a great thing to rally your base to say, look at what we've accomplished. We can do more. Instead, the media seeking clicks seeking there victim mentality are saying: PETE Buddha Judge does not represent us. I kid you not there the story. Well, I don't know where it's from so it could be be just some stupid. French blog, I said something like black black men are the white people of black people. I could Google it? I don't know what it was like a meme image I saw of like an article. I never actually checked it, but that whether or not that article exists in him and it might not. I want to make sure it's clear. I think it does, but that's the idea, okay, that you can be on the democratic presidential stage and that's by add for the victim narrative. Now, how do they claim that they are so oppressed? Oh well, PETE Budaj doesn't count Candace Owens doesn't count either Candace Owens a a prominent black woman speaking before Congress several times nope she doesn't count. Her opinion doesn't either she's she's, just a shill for the Republicans. Oh please dude PETE Buddha jet
is not a shell. For the Democrats, he just happens to be gay to guess what no one cared. That's the thing right I mean some people do, but you other swift has this song that came out a little while ago called you need to calm down, and so I was watching the music video for it. And it's this narrative from like the late 90s or something you know where you got a bunch of redneck. Looking people sign saying you know like don't be gay or whatever, and then the song. She's, like one of the verses, is like shade, never made any. Be less gay and I'm like you, don't I understand that they're still are people. You know that are very traditional and don't like gay marriage, all that stuff yeah, but I We can at least acknowledge that most people don't care this seriously Have you heard any Republican okay coming out and being How dare we have PETE Judge rod? No! Ok, I'm sure there are some like Republicans in middle of nowhere saying it prominent Republicans and conservatives are
criticizing PETE Buddha judge for how he presents, or red sexuality, there criticizing him for policy positions our only being the mayor of South Bend now, of course, I'm not trying to be absolute. Of course, there are people with bad opinions, but for the most part, but it is not a victim- is the opposite he's. Champion, he served in the usr forces came back, became a successful mayor now is running for office. Congratulations! Dude seriously! I understand that you know He was in the closet for a long time and there's a lot of struggles that come with being I can only. I can only assume or base and from what they say I'll take their word, for I can't tell you but the point, we've come a long way in this country from people actually campaigning in like two thousand and eight twelve, against same sex marriage to actually
having a same sex married man. I I believe is merry on stage every night of the democratic Debates front runner for the president of this country. That makes me proud. That makes me very very proud. We recognize civil liberties and true social justice, but of course they're mad at him, but let's actually reads like if you like, I should probably read what happened. They say he was gonna. Show the clay. The clay Kane show during the segment host can't ask Buddha Judge. But the way in which is orientation is perceived by LGBT Medium quote. I'm sure you've heard just before an LGBT circles that more mass One presenting man have more access. How different would it be if you were quote unquote, more effeminate, budaj replied it's tough for me to know, because I just am what I am and there's going to be a lot of that. That's why I even read the l g b t media anymore, but it's all too gay at not getting off wrong kind of game. All I know is that life became a lot easier.
When I guess started allowing myself to be myself. I let other people right up whether I'm too, this or too that think about look at. We judge that life was easier when he just decided to be himself. Bravo man, I I really do respect that. It's probably scary. It was very brave- and here you are on stage and that's something. Americans should be proud of that. We respect the individual enough to say what you want to do and who you love. Is your thing live and let live life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, so long as you're not infringing on the rights of others and that's exactly what Bungie is doing. I have tremendous respect for the fact that he served anybody who served as my respects. To a certain degree I mean you could be a bad person. I get it, but when I think about who I want to be commander in chief, I think service for me is well, it's close to being a prerequisite. Ok, that's why I really like Tulsi, Gabbert and Ann Crenshaw. Disagree with Crenshaw, like Tulsi Gabbert on policy a little bit more, but I tremendously respect
who understand. Okay, understand all of this. The commander in chief, I'm sorry, the president, is the commander in chief of the armed forces that says a lot eat. Judge has Service, fantastic, and here we are in America. You know a decade or two ago arguing same sex marriage Supreme Court now having an openly gay man on stage with respect and without condemnation, except from the last. I guess this is what's truly insane to me. He's the wrong. End of days two days not get enough, whatever people started, slamming him for even saying this, but he wasn't wrong they're. Just I think, a lot of this rage directed at him over what he saying. It's just to court controversy to make money PETE says Lgbtq Media is to blame for the pieces dissecting whether he is gay enough. However, those two big pieces were and and and the new public, not Lgbtq media full. Stop! You can't just site too big.
He says and say he's wrong: that's not how things work, but you see what they do. Pete booted judge is right. It is The conversation is all over. The place I've seen it and just because two of the biggest pieces were in just standard left media doesn't mean he's wrong. It's a straw, man, they say Twitter, user, Matthew Wing, replied, Lgbtq writers wrote the articles. Lgbtq outlets have written articles discussing whether or not PETE likes Rupaul's drag race which are just It's not getting enough articles and Lgbtq media in general has presented a clear, Anti Budaj bias. I think I know what I think I know, and I think I explained it- they cannot accept. They cannot accept a victory because on their narrative falls apart, but I think you should, and you could, I think, when you're rallying a base and explaining to people why they should support. You say we are winning we've done. It think about it. Think about this country ten years ago. Think about this country
twenty years ago and look at where we are today. You had the first black president, and now you have one of the first. I believe the first openly gay candidate running on the debate stage your what you're doing great some of these people. Don't really want social justice, they don't they want power and they use. The mentality and the claims of victimhood to manipulate our goodwill I've always been very much in favor of this idea of social justice. Equality of opportunity, respect individuals based on the content of the character of the color of their skin or who they love where they come from what they you know their religions. Are things? Are things like that? The religion thing I can think is a bit more debatable. There are a lot of people. Cookie beliefs that I don't agree with. However, I think those are We have a discussion about that and we learn to live together. So long There is an overarching idea of life liberty, the pursuit of happiness and individual freedoms. I think we're going to be great we're going to do her to do well. They don't like this, though,
these people who are slamming booty judge do not want social justice does marching in the streets of black mask's on claiming to fight racism are not anti racist, they are racists, they tend to be what anti foes like white dudes. They tend to come for that that that they tend, college degrees. Progressive Americans do and they should racial slurs. We've seen it you see. These woke progressives telling Candace Owens the other day what she should or shouldn't believe about white supremacy in this country, they don't want social justice. They want to manipulate victimhood to gain power. So it's no surprise that the people who claim there's a problem with white supremacy tend to be wealthy white people, It's no surprise that when you get an openly gay candidate, he gets smeared and slammed because he's breaking their victim narrative good for body judge, not a big fan in terms of you know, this policy and stuff 'cause, I think is he comes up. Very much like a stock democrat from ten years ago, or so I don't want to get into all the policy stuff, but when it comes international affairs. My understand:
thing is that I'm very much odds with him. 'cause, I think, he's more of a Middle EAST. War kind of guy. I don't I don't. I don't get too much because I wanna be wrong in this character items. I have sources pulled up I always try to make sure I have a verified source. My comment on things to avoid being wrong so often, but I'm very tough on the guy right know too much about him and I'm just like hey look where we are: we've done it, I my family owned a cafe in an area Chicago N North. It was called boys town This is back in like ninety seven and we had it for a couple years and L g B. T rights is a huge part of this neighborhood and something my mom was very active and- and she had a lot of friends in the gay community- and you know thinking about how things were back then, compared to how they are today, and I can say, at least in my purse- for me, I'm not you know, Maybe I I don't know, but I think this is a huge gain right. If I'm wrong correct, but you can certainly see that people don't like it. It's bad news for them.
Wrap it up, it's this too long, but it look. This is what we've been getting. I assure anytime there's going to be a prominent individuals, are marginalized community who steps out of line they will go after you, they will say: you're, not enough you're, wrong, you're bad. For all these reasons, stick around signal the coming up at one pm on this channel, and I will see you on. I talked a bit in the past about how the Democrats are going to get ripped to shreds by the media, see the media talks about Trump a whole lot and they do it because Trump is interesting right well so is the twenty twenty democratic primary race. That means the media is going to be in there they're circling all read like vultures. Trying to go get anything they can. They are scraping the bottom of the barrel so hard that would chips are popping up. Here's the thing, though, it's not just going to be media, it's going to be the
oak left in media, so you have woke digital media. As I said, scraping the bottom of the barrel of new, so hard wood chips are flying out. Check out this story. I didn't criticized after snarking to female moderate, are quote? access some with a smile. What did Joe Biden say he said, you're a lovely person. I kid you not look at the story. He also said He called the woman sweetheart and said you were great sweetheart. Some like that. You shouldn't be calling women hearts. Oh man, you reap what you sow. Ok, you are courting these lunatics and I can't I can't understand why you don't need their support. If every Democrat right now just said, stop just stop you, people are insane, things will get a whole lot better whole lot, quick
I was reading some chemicals from I said. What they think is going to happen is the woke. Laughed is going to be vista rate and cannibalize. The laughter, the Democrats, to the point where that's going to be a hard correction and Democrats are going to get angry and push back hard trump. Is is using the squad. An AOC and this kind of insanity to the Democrats look weak an Right they are weak, I mean they do look weak Nancy Pelosi can't do anything about this. It's the media and they're playing the game. Guess what no amount of Boeing will ever be enough? You could dig a hole in the ground to bow gray then, you know, one hundred and eighty degrees get your head straight up in the ground and they will still not consider that to be a nuff Boeing. They will tell you no matter what you do. Isn't enough, and so long as democrats keep playing this game well, you deserve it. Biden should
come out and say, shut up and go home and I don't care but they're all terrified or the Woke twitter outrage. What do we do if someone insults as well they're insulting you anyway, dude they're tearing Two down stand up to these links, and you know what the same goes for everybody else, I don't care if you're, conservative, liberal, moderate, progressive whatever, if you're sick of this insanity start saying something give them the middle finger, tell them they're not welcome. Stop entertaining This insanity. Of course, I get it they go on Twitter and go help, help I'm being harassed. Oh please dude! You People are insane Joe Biden's smiled at somebody, so they're saying he's a sexist, and this proves it. What kind of insane world do we live in? You know what this, what people like Trump Trump, has no problem talking to people for themselves, and you know what people find it refreshing, but if Joe Biden is too weak, you think by didn't can,
go up against Trump? If this is what he's dealing with? And he can't answer it, I'm sorry, if, by and smiles at a woman and gets weird in the media, because of it and all these woke Twitter Audis are slamming him, calling it sexism with a smile because he's just smile during conversation. Are you insane, you think he's going to be able to next Donald Trump, when Donald Trump calls him sleepy Joe slowly Billy, Joe Lowenergy can't talk and Joe's going to be like oh well, listen here in this dentures are going to slip. You do this is nuts Joe Biden not strong enough, but you know what do you think Elizabeth Warren's going to be able to do it? Let's just point this out once in like Well, it's been point okay, but I say this will read the story. I'm sorry renting. If you can't stand up to these people and tell them to shut their mouths. How will you debate Donald Trump? He is uh master troll. He is a media manipulator, an he mopped the floor with the republican primary was like seventeen candidate
and Trump just swept them all up? Machten bullet give mall little names you think. Any one of these Democrats will stand up against them know please especially not biting, and especially not anybody who isn't going to push back and these weirdos, who are like how dare Joe Biden smile is it's it's insanity. Okay, it's pure insanity, I'll tell you this I'm doing like expansion work. We got a bunch of big news coming you may notice and actually make it down to a pass like. I want to do it because it's big news in the works that I do. You know what, as things grow and My administrative role has to go with it and things are getting complicated, but good things are happening in this. I'm talking to a lot of regular people talking about business contracts and contractors and development, and all this regular stuff outside of politics. Just business stuff, accountants, all that stuff and they all say the same thing that says so what kind of what kind of work you get urine? And I say, oh you know I do journalism, politics commentary we're expanding into a big media thing. It's really really great and they're like
oh yeah man. The Democrats have gone nuts, haven't they and I started laughing. You know I tell people they asked me like So so what you do on you know you to be whatever, and I mention it's like political commentary, but I was like I warn you now, if you're, if you're a big fan of the democratic line up and and and what's going on, you're probably not gonna enjoy my commentary and they invariably I've encountered no one in all of regular Middle America from going to stores from hiring contractors. No one has ever been like. I actually really like the Democrats. They've also the same thing yeah. What the hell is going on man most of them have said one thing to me: they're not going to vote for Trump, but they're, certainly not voting for these crazy people, some of them have said yeah they're going to vote for Trump. But anyway you get the point. I've talked about it a lot, but I just wanted to stress it. 'cause there it is man Joe he went to this event. He talked about how
like you should be able to identify as any any biological sex that you want in prison. Regardless of what the President says. Okay, then, why? Wouldn't every gods be like I'm gonna? Ladies present, that sounds like fun. We're gonna make coed presents. You know a man. Democrats don't have spines, it's like they. They there's not noticing. You know to be Obama's credit for all. For all that I could criticism foreign foreign policy worn stuff. They do have a spine. He dead yet no problem following his brown yelling. Three, let's read because otherwise I'm a key branding Fox NEWS reports, Joe Biden, is facing accusations of sexism this week after he pushed back on a female moderation, moderators question about his record: oh, oh heaven forbid. He actually challenged the moderator didn't since, heard of the LGBT Q Presidential Forum hosted by glad and the I will get that on Friday, one of the guys, that's writers, lives, lands. A real mask, superhero name seems to question by its progressive.
All the fights and when she asked about his opposition to the don't ask, don't tell policy and a complimentary pay to President MIKE Pence. You have also praised pants as a decent guys. She said drawing boos from the crowd, you're, a lovely person, buying shot back with a smile on his face. He was just being like you know, a little caddy like that was just some so playful banter, that's normal. It's defended herself saying that she was just asking questions that people didn't people want to know According to some like time magazine, editor Anon gear at gear, Fred, Harada, Us Biden's response was related to the moderators gender. There it is last week Joe Biden gave us and a case going to talk about racism with a smile now he's doing sex with a smile watch can grow angry at Liz else, solid question and then tried to Her down in the most patronizing way, you're a lovely person. So hilarious. Because I've been it's it's playful banter. It was just like him playfully making it like it. It's nothing. It's literally nothing! Here's the problem. This is announced, but never,
Sexism, if Joe Biden was talking to a male moderator, nobody would would that night, but enough oh heavens, did he just offend the delicate sensibilities of this little woman. He must be a bad man. Nobody would have said anything if Joe Biden said the exact, thanks to a male moderate, asking questions, no one. This is them being overtly sexist and that's why I have to say: listen, it is bold, bold, the laughed harbors sexist and racist and bigoted and they refuse to do anything about it, I'm not saying conservatives don't because Q, let us not racing but TIM. What about the right? It's like dude, I don't care man, we get it Steve. King was stripped,
All of his guilt committees and he's gonna is probably gonna lose in twenty. Twenty is not fund raising at all. Nobody wants to deal with. What, with that, I have to say, but the left doesn't do anything about it. They say you go well tell you what, if you want to stand up to it, then you reap what you sow now. Here's the other thing about this. This is part of the disk. This, the dishonest tactic of getting rid of a political rival. Look at Brett Kavanaugh, the the bill Bill Marr. Right bless. His heart will talk about a little bit little bit about this in the next segment Bill Maher is like. Why are we going after a guy for what he did when he was seventeen thank new bill Maher like when the last voices of reason the left is a tribe is embracing. Fascistic tech x smears lies, deceit, etcetera, not all of them just enough in the media, Joe Biden that was sexist. They want to create that narrative. So the
Error of cycles that Joe Biden is a racist sexist, so he loses and they can force in someone as far left or more progressive. They know. Moderates don't want far left, so they have to give moderates no choice Biden's on track to when I was with one to surpass them, but this is the dirty political tactic. They're using I get it q, let us not rich, but TIM Mitch, Mcconnell held up. You know, legislation and help support. I get it man I get it's. You know it's! It's funny that I'd like to just because the right has done things wrong that grants them the right to do to lie. Cheat steal I'll. Tell you what I care about. Okay, because I have talked about you know certain about republican politicians like Mitch: Mcconnell, not a big fan of the guy doing things like hold up legislation and holding up spring court nomination for was a dot from bombers appointee. I get it, but you don't really. I focus on to talk to you about this. I'm talking about policy positions, we got it. Politicians lie cheat and steal, I'm not interested that doesn't mean you have a right to do it. I'm concerned about
control issues and how it affects politics later on Joe Biden, not a big fan: okay, but you are lying about him and you are lying about Kavanaugh and I will come out and criticize both instances, whether it be against Kavanaugh or against Joe Biden, does Trump lie Of course he does so does open Obama so did Bush. Do I say this a million times we live in a like an insane reality, but you know what these people have learned. They can use it the system to their advantage. So you know what Joe Biden it's your own, it's your own fault, ok to all the Democrats that are that are swimming in this mess. It's your own fault! You embrace the stuff. You refuse to stop it! Well, then you get your report, you so people Love Trump for Trump's all his misgivings for all shortcomings. They don't care they like what Trump's policy positions are. I can't tell you how many trump supports I talked to who are like yeah. We get Trump's kind of a bad character, don't care and then
The left is like. Do trump supporters really not care about Trump's behavior? It's like dude the economy, stupid, ok, he's making the economy better peoples, people are gay, better jobs, there's a shortage. I was talking to contractors. He said, there's a shortage of skilled labor in the trade there having trouble finding people who can do these jobs prices are going to go up. That's good news for them to demand is huge. There booked endlessly. They love what Trump is doing. Look at Minnesota at CNN Report, the other day that said a democratic stronghold, is flipping Republican. Now people are saying that Minnesota might be in place. All prices, fifteen million dollars in one day in California, yeah. I tell you what at a certain point, people say I don't care. If Trump is about as bad behavior, I don't care. If he's bad moral character, its policy, it is ability to stand up to other people. So I understand exactly why the left calls out trump
for bad behavior yep, but I think you need to realize when you engage in the same bad behavior, you will get no sympathy from me. In fact, I will call it out because the only real alternative the Democrats will ever have a real, viable alternative to Trump is going to be someone who agrees a lot with Trump's policy positions, positions, secure borders, tariffs on products to bring back manufacturing to the USS, whether it's right plan or not that's what his goal is. So until a Democrat stands up and says we can't give healthcare to non citizens. We have to protect our borders, we need to bring back jobs and we need someone who isn't boorish and offensive they're not going to win they're. Not so I'll. Tell you what Democrats you want to play you will lose because there are a lot of people who know Trump is of bad moral character, but they don't care because Trump pushes back on your insanity on the woken sanity and he's advocating, things I like now. I will also say there a lot of people who defend Trump's behavior to you won't see,
being one of them. You'll actually see me saying what I'm saying now I get it. I totally get it so we can disagree on whether you think Trump is good or bad moral actor in terms of like you know how he acts. I can't tell you how many try support. I need to know it, I'm not. Trump, a racist or anything like that. To an extent, I think you know everyone is- is to varying degrees, humans, humans. Do these things right, but I think it's absurd how they try and label everything Trump does as bigoted sexist arrays. It's like please do try could brush his teeth of the you know what well you know in the wrong way. You know nine circuit, why I'm not gonna get high bridge. If I am, the point is trump? Could fart and they're gonna be like that? Was racist? and it's like you know, we can have a real conversation about what's actually going on granted. I think in the colloquial sense, I don't think Trump is racist. I don't think republic
racist. I think there are racists that lurk about on the right and the left, and I think the left has a problem calling them out. The left is a problem calling out their bad actors. So you don't you can just one minute you get to swim all up in it. Okay, I was talking to somebody recently and I was like you know what man, if there was a Democrat that held most of the policies that Trump did but didn't, have the bad behavior like did wasn't wasn't you know always on twitter ranting and raving. Well, I shouldn't say reading and writing. Okay, that's a bit hyper bodies, unbiased okay, but if they weren't on twitter all the time targeting the press, If they were more, I don't know more charismatic, okay and again I understand Trump supporters find trump to be very charismatic. I mean more, I don't know how to describe it. I guess like well behave like well mannered, okay, you get some.
New stuff? You get someone who avoids calling people names horse, face and things like that, but you get them on board with a lot of trump's policies they would win. I don't think right now, because people don't want to rock the boat, but two thousand and sixteen take truck copy and paste, so their policies are nearly the same. Make some slight alter change the behavior, that's a winner! That's a winner! There a lot of middle Americans. Ok voted for Trump who don't like his behavior, but they like his policies. More than anything, and they also don't want to live in a world where the Democrats are courting this insanity. I'm reading too much I'll wrap it up there. You get the It's it's kind of a lead off of the video that early this morning, but you you know what man Democrats you deserve. This you do deserve everything you get, I'm absolutely willing to sit here and vote for a moderate some with a real plan but Joe Biden's, the same stupid game. Is everybody else, and now you get to reap what you sow. So you know what
to be someone. I can vote for the democrat side and- and we can have a conversation to clarify one thing about Trump's policies. It's very simple: there are a lot of things that people don't agree with in terms of tax, says, and you pro life and social issues and trans in the military that I don't stand why people are upset. But what were the Democrats advocating for Healthcare to noncitizens non citizens. You are so far away from where Americans are. Their. Only choice is to vote for Donald Trump. So congratulations. You played yourself next time will be coming up at four hundred pm: Youtube DOT, com, Slash dreamcast! I will see you all there. Considering everything Twitter has done in the past. In regards to censorship. In the conversation I had with them, I'm going go happens to go, I'm going to go ahead and say that the strange phenomenon, probably impacting the left as they try to challenge Elizabeth Warren is not a bug, but it is probably a feature now look that sometimes mistakes happen, and we should never attribute to malice that which can be explained by incompetence in this.
Instance, though, you have the story: okay, the working families party they're, the ones who endorsed Crowleys, complicated situation, they're like uh, asked union type kind of organization, and they recently endorsed Elizabeth Warren over Bernie Sanders much to the anger of the left when they tried challenging the tweet that they tried. Hunting working families party in one of these tweets, nothing came up, nothing could be seen and they confused as to why this could be happening. Let me break it down for you. The establish machine that knows what it wants. Trump wasn't supposed to win. So this machine doesn't like trump the establishment. And also doesn't like the left. I'm to challenge Elizabeth Warren. Elizabeth Warren is acceptable. She's, like Bernie standards would acceptable. Look in two thousand and sixteen she didn't endorse Bernie. No, she got beyond clip, I'm pretty sure she did spend awhile.
Anyway, I'm not trying to say there's a conspiracy or anything like that. I'm trying to say don't be surprised if the first thing, the first group of people that are taken down off Twitter are going to be conservatives, outspoken ones, especially Trump supporters, but then at the same time, when you don't come out and call out what twitter is doing and shutting people down, why would you be surprised if they would then do it to you, of course, Ok! Well, congratulations! This is what happens when you don't stand up and push back against censorship. Here's the headline A strange twitter glitch is censoring the left and no one knows if it's a bug or a feature. Twitter is I'm about a well documented bug that seems to prevent verified accounts from getting ratioed. I wonder why? Well, let's, let's, let's tone things down a little bit. I mean
going to act like Twitter. Is you know, Jack Dorsey's twirling his mustache on, like that? We have another story here, Disney what Disney was going to buy twitter, but they walked away because the nastiness was extraordinary. This kind of explains everything I think twitter is heavily gaming. The system for my Terry reasons. Ok, there probably pretending like. Oh no, you know Milo Yiannopoulos Troll, you might not like him, you might think is bombastic whatever I want to get rid of him, not because of any political reasons, it's just politically expedient for them to say. Well, we had to get rid of 'em 'cause. Everybody wanted to no twitter constantly talks about the health of their platform. Political debate happens, and there two controlled in my opinion for monetary gain. I will also admit I don't want to play the conspiracy game, but it's kind of strange how the acceptable candidates and the acceptable speech is often overlooked. What I mean by acceptable speech, as you can have wacko ' just calling for violence and nobody bats, an eye
for some reason. Twitter thinks that's. Ok, so I will counter my own argument saying: if Twitter wanted to make things less nasty, they get rid of anti fall. First, foremost. Anyway, let's read a little bit about the story. However, I have good news for my channel. As many of you know Youtube. You ranks my this this channel, particularly by like point five percent of what it was before. It seems to be too big of a deal. I don't know how the math works out, but yeah this channel gets you ranked so often ask as to help share and donate, but I'd better news today, the a sponsor virtual shield special shout out to virtual shield for sponsoring my channel and allowing me to continue doing the work that I do. It's easy to say you know everyday, hey just donate. Sometimes you gotta, A virtual shield has been there every step of the way they are my first answer and they're. Basically, the only organization that I actually do any like shout outs for you may have noticed like I never do this. So here's the thing, let me, let's just cut to the chase virtual- shows a VPN or virtual private. Not
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Explain it to. The layman is basic security right, like the lock on your door, not perfect. Of course not. I wouldn't tell you that, but go to high with TIM Click sign up, and you can get twenty four months at three dollars and forty nine cents once our virtual show the sponsoring this video and I'm very, very grateful to me doing it. So you know please shut down there and shut them support if you're interested, if you can go to hide with TIM dot com. But let's get back to the news. They report. First, a salon reports, the working Families Party, a New York based Progressive, So political party has a reputation befitting its name as a leftist left. Popular populist political organization, twenty organization. The organization left Elizabeth Warren, who was once a hard core, a hardcore Republican and's and has emphasized her capitalist credentials over the explicitly democratic socialist Bernie Sanders supporters were understandably disappointed. After all,
the party overwhelmingly endorsed Sanders in the previous presidential election. What it changed, I think they're playing insider baseball However, they go on to say the vote process wasn't democratic, it was hybridized and they wanted to complain about it. Here's the thing the working fit, but on the working family parties thread announcing about many found something bizarre. They couldn't actually comment on lake or see other comments on the threat. I can't see the comments or reply to the working Families party, Tweet, Caitlyn Sapo, cheap Belknap, the national director of a move to a man who is personally supporting Sanders, told salon. I was never able to. I got the text from them and I went to twitter from there, but I could to see the comments that wasn't an isolated experience. One enterprising twitter user even began documenting the cases of people who are unable to reply to thread an quickly amassed dozens
screenshots of what was termed the left twitter blackout, not censorship, something different. However, It's in that same vein. Many people wanted to engage in political debate which they have every. Right to do if they want to support Bernie Sanders over Lizabeth Warren. I'm going to give a quick shout out to all of these people saying it was wrong and I absolutely one hundred percent are behind you and our fight to make sure twitter allows you to express your political opinions and challenge the working Families Party endorsement of Elizabeth Ward. What a percent disagree with burning a lot of things, I think, is gone hardcore establishment, not a big fan and I've actually praised Elizabeth Warren on her on her push against a big tech. But how ironic is it? I guess Elizabeth Warren's called out big tech, but here she is reaping the benefits of it. Now I have to stress that I am disappointed. I am not a conservative, please spare me those arguments, there is a reason why I defend conservatives when they call
fallout censorship. It's this! It's this right here. Okay, there you go, I hope now you understand why I've been, standing atop. The hill waving the sign in the air saying they are censoring, political speech, because invariably they come for you do. I know if it's intentional. No, but it is so darn convenient how it impacts outsider. Can it's like Bernie, who smearing, the price he does. There was recently like a a graphic for, I think, MSNBC a camera which outlet so forgive me, M S, N, B c. If I falsely accused you, but with some cable news network and burn, Sanders, was conveniently removed from the list of the contenders. We see it and Bernie and our supporters know it happens here you go People are wondering why WFP is supporting Warren when Sanders is the clear progressive, oh wait. I'm sorry because Warren is a safe bet. She is she.
Standing, it's been awhile, but she endorsed Hillary. She got behind Hillary. There you go. She is just the like. You know when it comes to the establishment when it comes to the crony capitalist types bite in their pay, Offs Clinton Foundation, all stuff Elizabeth Lawrance right there with them, but she is like a state, save plan B, backup contender. I doubt she can win regardless. So I I I I don't think it matters a W. W e it's a good spot behind them both read, they say. The inability to reply was accompanied by an error message. Twitter is overcapacity. Please wait a few moments and try again other as seen in the screenshot thread, received a failed to load tweet message that raised a curious question was or the WFP account, or both somehow censoring people who are angry and wanted to reply blocking their ability to. So with an error message, I'm going to not to say I think, probably yes, one of those two like its deliberate. Interestingly, this glitch or feature wasn't limited to one WFP, Tweet
salons executive, editor Andrew O'Hare noticed he could not like an Edward Snowden read on Tuesday about Snowden's book. He too received a like failed message and found that Snowden Post behaved similarly to the w post in that he was unable to interact with John Graziano, who has eighteen thousand followers on twitter, often tweets on left wing politics left in politics said he noticed the pattern about a month ago. Certain prominent tweets would get a lot of attention. Getty could not view the replies and I gotta say I've started to see the same thing. Could you not there, but a couple tweets sent to me from like Joe Bite and maybe not maybe not Joe Biden. May I mean. Is your money about twitter? Some? Some, like my and when I loaded it up, nothing, no comments, no threads. I could see the numbers. I couldn't see anything so I loaded it in a private window there. It was all the responses, so you know what I stand in solidarity with my left wing friends facing the brunt of twitter's shenanigans,
this one hundred percent and I absolutely want them to be able to express themselves freely, be it, for Sanders for Warren, for booted judge for by to or anybody else, especially for toll see. So you want to come out here and complain that they should have endorsed Halsey all in all, really or you know getting. The point is speech is speech is important and This is some of the most important political speech. Look. I begrudgingly defend people who are mean on Twitter with stupid opinions and ideas that I really don't like. Ok, but but I'm talking about like racists biggest sex, is all that stuff. I don't like the things they are saying. Most of us don't, but we recognize this comes next and this is important Having the ability to say we don't support war, and we do support Sanders is probably the most important thing any political discussion, literally saying who you want to win and who should be endorsed. So this is what happens when you allow twitter to play this game, so you know what
I don't care about where we were in the past. I don't care about spite. I don't care about any of that, One hundred percent stand behind anybody who wants twitter to fix this problem? Ok I'll leave it stick around. I got a couple more Simons coming up in a few minutes, stick around. Say it one more time I have to stress this is complete and utter bs. I have seen similar problems. I agree with them. It's a problem. I don't trust twitter and I absolutely want them to express their support for Bernie Sanders. One hundred percent stick around. Welcome to this addition of TIM pools, confirmation bias, or I write an opinion piece from Catherine Rampell for the Tribune, where she agrees with basically the same thing. I've been saying that far left Democrats are pushing very bad ideas, parentheses
Moderates get attacked if they say so I'll. Give you the gist. Ok, Catherine Catherine Catherine Catherine says progressives like to claim. Oh the Democrats, just won't they're, not brave, often bold enough to push real ideas that Americans want when in reality, the Democrats, probably just to know what what Americans actually want and what they can win on. Unfortunately, for them, they've lost their footing. The progressives are pushing in, and anybody people like me who dares push back again. There and sat there and same religion and they're terrible ideas is called conservative or attacked you don't. I love, though absolute one hundred percent respect to anti far for accurately calling me a liberal, I greatly respect that okay, because you get these weirdo progressive types were like Jim, pulls a conservative and then add he falls like no he's a liberal. We don't like them either and I'm like thank you
your run of the mill liberal type, not like these crazies. Don't like the big corporate you know nonsense garbage that when I was like Clinton and her cohorts but yeah moderate. Oh, let's read this because As I mentioned, it's a great confirmation bias article and for all the other centrists who are listening and libertarian types who also agree. Let's sit back and bask in our echo chamber that is hearing our own opinions back at us. No, I I I think it's funny, I'm I'm being I'm being a bit South Africa getting, but it is a good. It is a good story before we get started over timcast dot com, slash donate. If you would like to support my work as a Paypal option of Crypto option a physical address, but the best thing you can do is just share this video I know I'm I'm being a bit silly. You know talking about what what is it is true. Okay, you know the the far left has been crouch on the Democrats, accusing them of embracing policies, because they're scared when in reality it's because they know the regular Americans want these things on on
I think it's the New York Times. We saw that most Americans are slightly to the left there, like moderate leaning left, if you averaged it all out, and that is a huge advantage for Democrats. Unfortunately, far left push is a massive massive disadvantage. Trump has capitalized on the center left. Leaning talking about certain issues in the election. An really speaking to you know like what are they called the blue dog Democrats or like union Democrats. These are like regular family people who have jobs who vote Democrat Trump spoke to him. He spoke directly to them, telling them I'll. Listen to you I'll help. You get your jobs back, instead the Democrats are losing what should be a major advantage, because the far left has lost it. Let's read, she writes the leftward drift to the twenty. A democratic presidential candidates seem to reflect a common frustration of the party's base. Democrats have simply never dreamed big enough. Perhaps let the suspect democratic politicians have been cowed by bad faith. Accusations of socialism or worse they've, been captured by b,
money special interest, actually many of them have been. I think those are actually both fair criticisms have Democrats are like oh, no I'll get attacked for being a socialist or oh. No, I don't want to go against the people who are funding. That's legit. I think issue is actually integrity. I don't know a spine implicitly or explicitly a slight of. Recent books and essays suggests that this was a core failing of the Obama administration. Clinton, two thousand and sixteen presidential campaign and others considered to be democratic? Moderates. The takeaway democrats, inability to implement single payer healthcare, a student debt jubilee, a green nude or other ideas on the progressive wish list is because of their either in sufficient political will or impure motives? Well, I would absolutely. By the impure motives to Hillary Clinton, no fan of hers, I do not trust her and wouldn't vote for her. Okay, you want to put someone like her up on on the stand. Sorry not gonna vote I'm absolutely interested in voting Democrat always have been, but I think they've lost it. Tulsi Gabbard Anand.
Ruben was amazing, and this is where Dave Rubin really shines. If you haven't seen it go check, it out, see the thing about Dave versus, say Joe Rogan That Joe is more of a generalist. Dave actually is in the weeds of the politics. Of the conversation with to see was incredible. She really hit a bunch of sane, rational positions, but she does have big progressive ideas. I think that's what makes a good can it not only that tulsi. Major in the national guard. Incredible, ok, I I believe I almost want to say service should be a prerequisite prerequisite to be commander in chief, but I think it's a little too harsh, but I do really really respect that anyway, you can't put Hillary Clinton in the middle and then complain that moderates lossed. She was the worst part, person you could have put up. Everybody was saying in twenty. Sixteen trump is the worst of our culture. Clinton is the worst of our government and, I think, that's spot on even Trump's, orders, Trump supporters and Bernie supporters. Both were like yup. Let's read
but the real reason is something else entirely. What if it's, that Democrats have used, our research and evidence to inform their ideas. Just as Paula makers are supposed to do for most of the past decade, or so the Democratic Party has had a relative monopoly on the valuable political resource expertise as republican politicians. Work to discredit any independent source of accountability whose findings proved inconvenient to their agenda, but I have to stop and give you my thoughts on this. It's true The left in the 90s and 2000s were embracing scientific facts and research in academia. Well, they were using it. And you had. You know, counter arguments from the right. Something happened, though: crazy people with crazy ideological ideas are in these universities too, and start spreading these ideas to the point where it infected the Democratic Party, who actually champion science now claim that biological sex
is, is mutable and doesn't exist and other weird I'm I'm not joking. They do with the left right. Here's a debate with Jordan Peterson. We saw a guy in Canada, Otranto professor, say biological sex isn't real and not talk about gender. I'm talking about sex! Ok, they used to they. And so policy wise. The moderate Democrats are still kind of there talking about key issues that Americans will support, but the left the far left has been infecting them. She writes if it rational Budget Office said Obama CARE repeal plans would leave. More people uninsured. The Cdo must be lying or wrong. If independent forecasters had tax cuts wouldn't pay for themselves, they must be biased or stupid. If scientists predicted that policies would worsen climate change. Those scientists must somehow be trying to make a quick buck. Trust US republican officials said we know better than the experts. By contrast, democratic leadership, especially under Obama, was pretty good about trying to achieve progress of goals. Inefficient evidence based
yes, I actually agree as much as I really don't like a lot of the stuff he he did in terms of foreign policy and war. I think he was one of the worst presidents. We've had that capacity, but I do think it was a great president in terms of being a celebrity for what that's worth. They say all, rather than Fiats Democrats relied whenever possible on market based mechanism mechanisms, and we can see exhibit at the affordable care act which, despite being branded as socialism, was built on market based mechanisms, efforts to put a price carbon rather than wishing away market realities through a vague, sometimes supposedly free, green new deal. Now here's a listen if you're a conservative watching this. What would you rather have a moderate Obama type saying, let's think about you- know market values based on carbon or the green new deal? let's go full socialist free, guaranteed jobs, free housing, free Healthcare, free college, open borders, woah woah, woah woah. Perhaps what we're seeing is
a long play big ask. Maybe they learned from Trump you're. The big ask is basically, if you're, going to try and push something you want to ask for twice or more of what you really want. So in Trump's instance right. He said I'm going to build a big, beautiful, thirty foot great wall from sea to shining sea and the life was like no when it's that's, never going to happen and then Trump settle at five. Will do bollard, fencing and he's getting it. There are placing fencing there putting up. He found money he's making it work. That's the big asses Now that Trump's getting like not a thirty foot concrete wall, the left is kind of like well, Trump could even get the wall done with Trump actually got what he wanted border security, the big ask would be asked for something huge that way when you walk it back, it sounds more reasonable, take Obama. Jack some far left psychosis and insanity, and then mama sounds reasonable, doesn't eat, but at least when you have
Obama, you knew where your argument in your compromise was I'm not saying it's a perfect purpose. I don't think it is. I think we're seeing for the left is a backlash from the inability to get what they want, and so you look, it's been a long time coming for whatever, for whatever reason it's run well, give are the exhibits. I get it. The more progressive wing of the Democratic Party watched all of this in frustration and lashed out at DE Democrats. Reliance on market based mechanisms was craving at Neoliberalism Clintons. Fiscally responsible commitment to paying for her policies, was a sign of political cowardice. Let's, let's I'm not going to give Clinton Affair pass on this one she's, a crony down with technocratic fixes to market failures up with revolution exactly the climate strike, for instance, they want justice reparations and they don't. They said explicitly know market solutions, ok, so
that doesn't make sense. So here we are a significant contingent of the twenty twenty candidates is promoting bigger and bolder ideas, yes, but also worse ones, ones that actual experts. Experts clearly paid played little to no role in crafting, because we know what experts have to say about them. Applause, I was there, we go. The Democrats have been increased really embracing insanity. There's no argument. Ok, the moderate position arguing with Republicans are both say when it comes here's what I've always seen when it comes to the Democrats or Republicans Obama universal health. Then you see Republican. Say. No, no, no, we need more private free market solutions to drop prices, and I can understand both arguments. I really can that's where the debate comes We both agree on the on what we want. We want cheap and affordable health care for more people. We just disagree on how we get that done. It's an opinion. We have to look at all the data and have that argument. Well, a
comes a spider preaching, all of the goodies can be free and everyone can have whatever they want and we can open all the borders and healthcare healthcare non citizens and now a bait over whether or not we should have public public option versus private. You know a free market is being washed away, because the democratic side has been eviscerated by that spider, who sucked it dry and is now proposing things. That makes no sense, and I have no idea what they're trying to plus it'll, never happen. They've got on the debate stage and say: abolish private health care. What happens backlash Kamala Harris walks it back. No, I didn't mean it. I gotta keep these segments short. So at this one up and read the conclusion she says it's fine, I suppose, for primary to be about the policies democrats wish they could in after they have little chance of making it through the Senate. I thought the problem with these policies. Is it just that they're politically infeasible? It's that they're bad, but anyone who points out any weakness is accused of not dreaming big enough or being an e
liberal shill. The far left, in other words, has been taking a page from its opponents. Playbook experts don't agree with us research evidence and math prove inconvenient. Just plus they say our plans do everything we say they will. There was a shift. A long time ago, I would I view the Republican Party more as rejecting science and I still think, to an extent there elements of the right that do. But I see the moderate base, those in the middle who have moved to Trump are being more rational and are embracing expertise on purpose. It's a weakness, that's being exploited in the Democrats, and the progressives are trying to play this game. It's not going to work so there you go. There is just it's a confirmation bias fun. I hope you enjoyed hearing you well. Actually, I'm sure a lot of you don't even share your pins opinions with me anyway, but there you go stick around. I got one more segment coming up in a few minutes and I will see you all shortly. A growing mens men's rights movement pushing back against feminism, not in the US, but in South Korea.
Actually a really interesting argument fought for why this kind of makes sense and why third wave feminism doesn't really make as much sense in a lot of ways in South Korea, notably all conscription, young men, have to join the military young women. Don't we do have selective service in the US, but the draft isn't really much of a thing anymore. In South Korea the draft is legit that exists, and you have to do it. There's a really good reason for american men to push back and say hey what about this issue, but that's it in South Korea. It's mandatory, it's happening and people are angry about kind of thinking we shouldn't have anymore, but I thought the story was interesting because it takes a look into mens rights, activism and anti feminism in a foreign country with a perspective we now, but we are not as familiar with and the context is very different. So I want to read this story from CNN? South Korea's young men are fighting against feminism. So before we get started, over to TIM, cast, dot com, slash and, if you'd like to support my work as a Paypal option, a trip to watch in the physical address. But of course the best thing you can do is share this video. The title of this is going to be
something about fighting against feminism, and I can only assume Youtube is going to have a problem with it, but hey it is what it is. Youtube's deranked this channel, pretty heavily my main channel seems to be doing great but yeah. If you like what I do- and I think this is an important subject- and I talk about things well, tell your friends. That's basically our mouthwatering soul, on the same street corner in Seoul, where ten thousand south korean women rallied last October to meet to demand an end to spy cameras and sexual violence such as but we're going to be ranked anyways script leader of a new activist group, addressed a small group of angry young men quote. We are a group for legal justice, anti hate and true. Their equality Moon Sung HO boomed into a microphone to a crowd of a few dozen men waving placards as feminist issues come to the four in deeply patriarchal S. Korea, there's a growing discontent among young men that they're being left behind moon who leads the dang dang Weed a group.
NG for justice for men is one of them. He started his group last year. After a thirty nine year, old business owner was sentenced to six months in prison for grabbing grabbing a woman's buttocks in a super restaurant. The case provoked outrage, that a man could be convicted on no evidence beyond the victims claims. Yes, that's a big problem here in the US. Fortunately, our legal system does prevent things like that, but the court of public opinion will still destroy you. So this is another thing I think is interesting. You actually have, in this case a guy going to prison He was accused, falsely false accusations can lead to present in the U S as well. So I think that kind of a parallel to an extent, not without I want to stress our justice system- is supposed to prevent that, while some lashed out at the judge. Twenty nine year old Moon found another culprit, feminism Moon and his group held a panel discussion at the National Assembly Korea's top legislature in early September to expose what they perceive to be the alleged harms of
movement. Saying quote: feminism is no longer about gender equality, it is gender discrimination and its manner is violent and hateful. He said to applause from his audience of about forty, mostly young. The emergence of mainstream, feminist voices and ideas came in response to the brutal murder of a young woman. Trendy Seoul, suburb Gangnam in twenty. Sixteen, the perpetrator deliberately tarted targeted a female victim. Look, that's a fact. The overwhelming perpetrators of violent crime are men. The overwhelming victims are men too, but this is something you and here only one side of the feminist will say: men commit all of the violent crime and they leave out the other half of that matter also the victims for the most part, but in this instance I will stress it's not it's not unheard of that. A man targeting a woman is probably more likely or actually no, I just counter that it's not more likely, but it does happen. You are more likely to be a man victimize, a woman, a woman victimized by a woman in certain in certain circumstances the woman
death, triggered an examination of attitudes towards women in the country which broadened to include campaigns against harassment. Like the me, too movement, an anti spy camera protests dub. My life is not your porn too many. The discussion was long overdue. An male oriented S, Korea, which ranks well below the global average, on the twenty eighteen global gender gap report, with major disparities in terms of wage equality and earn income for but, as I always stress, whenever something happens, that's not job for job I was watching Rick and Morty you because made watch it. There's an episode where they go to planet where the women have taken over, and some are one of the characters says you know 'cause Rick the Grandpa says that men and women are equal and she goes equal. Women they get paid zero dollars and seventy seven cents on the dollar for the same job and that's the lie. It's just not true. I think women get like ninety five dollars. Ninety six cents,
I social reasons for why they're not negotiating or or not receiving raises. They say. Campaigners found support from the south korean government and President Moon Jae in who vowed to become a feminist president before he was. Elected in two thousand and seventeen? You know, I think it is. You know I I can't spend. I don't want to go through every single issue here, but I will read some of these, but I think this is what I often said about me feminism exists because of patriarchy in a sense, okay, the mobile it? Let me try to explain it's not that feminists rose, because they want to because a paycheck in that exist they wanted destroyed feminist, I was allowed to arise because our society views women as weak and in need of help. This is why, when, when you see on tv a man being, you know, slap in the face or punched or hit everybody laughs and when it's a woman, everyone goes. Oh, no, how dare you society views women as weak? So when a woman
presents a feminist issue. They want to fight. For everyone says: that's right, you, poor woman, you need help when a man presents an issue like forced draft or you know, divorce, courts being biased or you know getting longer prison sentences. They say, oh god, here: comes the Incel good luck getting laid all of these things. The reason is: men are supposed to shut up and Now it's interesting that feminist often point this out and it's a manner victim. The patriarchy to being told to man up and not cry about it ok and then, when men come out and say, I agree, I'd like to point out these issues they mock and belittle them and society has no respect. Anyway. Any man who wants to highlight issues men may be facing. In fact, there was one famous incident where was an event is going to be talking about male suicide prevention and cancer and feminists shut it down. So there you go the point I'm trying to make is if society viewed women as strong, they wouldn't tolerate it says
He views man as strong and not in need of help. Therefore, any any actual problems faced by men are ignored. Thank you, but but you do you do get intellectual doc. What types you get people or moderate and reasonable and say it's not about who's. On top, who should be on top it's about. Can we solve a problem? Are men? a present for longer than women. Well, we should solve that problem and ask the question of why that is. Why do courts favor women? Well, that's a female privilege. I don't we should increase the amount of time women go to prison. Perhaps we should decrease the amount of time a present for everybody or actually reform our prison system and actually work on rehabilitating criminals instead of just putting in a box. But I digress, so I this out, South Korea's young men are more opposed to feminism than all generations. This is kind of amazing. What's better context here they say: uh park and Kim are not alone. A realmeter poll last year found that one thousand adults found seventy six percent of men in their 20s and sixty six percent of men in their 30s oppose feminism.
While nearly sixty percent of respondents in their 20s, think gender issues are the most serious source of conflict in the country, wow, so young, men and the feminist check this out. This is huge. Fifty point: five percent of men in their 20s are anti feminist, patriarchal. That's incredible end of all masculinity for sixty two years s korean men have been forced to join the army. The tradition which began with the korean war requires all able bodied men between eighteen and thirty, five to serve between twenty one to twenty four months in the military, but unlike their father's. Today's youth don't believe in this tradition. Mail duty? Moons government is trying to increase the number of women in the military where they currently make up around five point: five percent of active troops according to the latest, years, but right now, women are exempt from compulsory conscription and, of course, that's going to be a huge issue. Now, listen
you've got you've got something contentious there. You got the DMZ you've got North and South Korea, the korean war. Still, technically on it's my understanding, so it perhaps make and Steph Compulsory Military service, but I, but I will ask right now: women don't have to serve combat. If that's their concern. You know women can do other and so what is stopping South Korea from saying everyone should have to enlist in Israel? Everyone does have two to two and last: that's my understanding. Factcheck now the source pulled up, but my understanding is that men and women join the IDF. Why would solve create, be any different so I do again, I I do try to keep the segment short, so I will just say one thing: South Korea can do to probably alleviate. This is just. Be inclusive in terms of your draft. Otherwise, you're, going to see more and more Mount Upset, that they're being forced to go to the military and women aren't, and the big conundrum they bring up here is. If, if that's the case, while they're in the military women are advancing their career,
and when they get out, they will be a disadvantage. You cannot have an equal society. You cannot have true gender equality if we're treating all the genders completely differently and drafting some, and not the others, act summer victims and others song where you say you know women need all these all the support, but ignore the fact that men are going to college anymore they're, not getting jobs anymore. Young men are seriously hurting, so I think you'd probably find young, their 20s in the US. You probably find sim number. I don't know to what degree, but I think the thing is they're going to allow of young men who are at home without jobs being berated rated and beaten down every day, saying that they are the problem. If they keep talking about empowering women and then, when young men suffer, they say well, you're, just an Incel Mens men's rights, whatever you're not going to solve the problem, you're going to make it worse But, as I was told during Occupy Wall Street, I was told by the activists. It's our turn. Now, that's how they view it, not all of 'em but enough of 'em and that's a problem. We want equality. Well, they want to be in
arch, so you're not going to win, because the pendulum will swing back and forth I'll wrap up here. Stick around next segment will be coming up tomorrow at one thousand am podcast at six hundred and thirty pm. Thanks for hanging out and I'll see you all next time.
Transcript generated on 2019-11-05.