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Democrats Childish OUTBURSTS Prove They Are Losing To Trump, Joe Biden Calls Voter FAT And LIAR

2019-12-06 | 🔗

Democrats Childish OUTBURSTS Prove They Are Losing To Trump, Joe Biden Calls Voter FAT And LIAR. At a recent event Joe Biden was challenged by an 84 year old voter over his son hunter Biden's roll in Burisma. Joe snapped calling the man a liar and going on to say "look fat." Many people took that as Joe insulting the man. Others said it may have been a gaffe.But it is not just Joe BidenNancy Pelosi recently went off on a journalist who asked her if she hated Trump. The question was completely legitimate as republicans have made the point that the Democrats just hate Donald Trump.What we are seeing is the anger phase. They know impeachment is a losing battle, they know Trump is the favorite for reelection in 2020 and now they know they made a massive mistake by pushing impeachment in the first place.They are setting Trump up for a clean landslide and they can only do one thing at this point.Freak out in anger and take it out on others.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
A campaign rally, Joe Biden, shocked and outraged that he was asked by an four year old man about the activities of his son in Burma, called the men a liar and then proceeded to call him fat. I dont understand why he did that it doesn't make sense. Some people of Argos gaff, but he did say, look fat and then went on to derive the man calling him a liar. I was shocked to see establishment democrats to professional politician. Joe Biden loses cool like this, I mean. Do you gotta understand this question about Hunter Biden is a mainstream question and the Democrats are the one who made it. Extreme. Nobody knew about Donald Trump phone call. Nobody no doubt tromp wanted to know was going out with with punter binding charisma. The Democrats started to impeach, and now it's in the face of Joe Biden when he goes into debate stage. You know this question will come up if he gets nominated Trump will not stop talking about the corruption.
But he couldn't handle a simple question from from a voter and at a rally its shocking to me. But it says something: Trump really has rattled cages. Men tromp has caused shock for the Democrats, sheer desperation that their freaking out during the IMF, What hearings with Adam chef? There was one point where he got really angry. I noticed there are some leftwing journalist saying like woe. Adam ship is losing its cool on this one because it seems the impeachment narrative was fumbling The part we then saw Nancy plus just the other day say don't mess with me to a journalist getting outraged. She walks away from the podium turns around infuriated, condemning and younger this person. Later insulting the journalist on CNN, saying I was- a journalist always that it is at a news outlet, deriding this guy and she's done this before in recent months. The democrats- have been getting more and more angry and I think it's because they know their lives and you see
democratic establishment is facing a ban on two fronts: the progressive left, as well as the trompe in right orders. Conservatives, it's not just about the Democrats losing their cool over transit on the swamp. We recently saw event where a white, a white guy wearing a black lives matter sweater, took the microphone and disrupted a PETE Buddha judge that these were black supporters of Buddha, Judge Buddha, Judge being a more moderate establishment type candidate. These Democrats are at war on both fronts and its driving them insane to the point where Adam chef crossed align. Let me show you what desperation looks like Adam Schiff, subpoena in phone records of his chief political rivals, the impeachment creep and a private? U S! Journalists, and I have a quote here from the water about- is what I want to do,
real story today is an opt out from CNN Donald Trump was elected to break the elite? Of course they want to impeach him. I wanna talk to you, starting with the story on a review. This up, I, which is amazing scene and published at Trump, is winning. He was brought in to break the elite and its work. Tromp wasn't necessarily brought in by everybody to be a great leader and that's affair. Whether anyone wants what's up there are not many people voted for tromp because they knew he would disrupt the system that was broken, but he would challenge these people to their core and he's done it. And now we can see what really happens. Trump asked a simple question of Ukraine, president, in desperation.
The Democrats launch impeachment inquiry. This brings the story, frightened centre and the biggest Streisand effect we ve seen yet an eighty four year old men who is just outraged that Joe Biden, someone have his job is insulted. Joe Biden snapped lost his cool because the Democrats are breaking down because tromp was brought into break the elite and it worked before we move out the story and over its and cast accomplished on it. If you like us aboard my work, there are several ways you can give the best thing you can do share this video. If you think I do a good job, it really really does help everything. As this video and all my segments appears a podcast everyday all podcast platform, Spotify Google Apple go subscribe. That helps to read the story. Surprisingly, from CNN Scott Jennings,
rights when the global elite are aligned against him and laughing like the immature cool kids, you hated in middle School President Donald Trump as winning when a liberal law professors are neglecting their thanksgiving. Turkey's to read congressional transcripts snarking about trumps thirteen year old Son, traumas, winning when the politicians are mad so mad they shut in all policy making to impeach the present of the. U S on what constitutional dollar Jonathan Turley called wafer thin evidence trump is winning and let me add one more thing when Joe Biden Snapshot of odor when Nancy Pelosi snaps Rapporteur when Adam chef violates civil liberties and privacy rights by obtaining surreptitiously. The phone records of its political rivals and a journalist, Hugh Hunter believe Trump is winning shift, must be truly desperate to do such an agreed just violation of civil rights. Let me limits in the clear for you for
one we shift the subpoena power of Congress is to help them and let legislative efforts the subpoenas he issued were before there was an impeachment any targeted, a private. U S journalist, he published their details. Yes, they are desperate. They are desperate beyond all recognition. Jennings rights, you have to remember Donald Trump, wasn't elected to fit in with his people, the political intellectual class to make them happy or become one of them. He was elected to break them. That's apparently what he's done you see when I go back to what you say about liberal LA professors? Now that's the point. I made
of several times, but we have new breaking information. Is here today the November jobs support came out to wonder and sixty six thousand jobs are added unemployment at a fifty year low three point: five percent wage growth reaching three point: one percent this is explosive, even see it on tv, ran a segment saying. This is huge. These numbers are fantastic. Why is the economy growing and doing doing so? Well, did you know that we added fifty four thousand manufacturing jobs for them in any November report? What do you think happens when the american people get news like this? That, whether you like the guy
character or not. Donald Trump plan is really helping, helping create jobs and bolster the economy, and then you see snooty liberal elites snarking on tv talking about Europeans, while the Orange man s bed, I dont think I don't think you're gonna win this one. I think you're proving exactly why Donald Trump was brought it in the first place to some he was this: the savvy business man, the art of the deal, who is going to do a great deal. The best deal you know have the best deal ever and sure enough. Thoust Democrats haven't even voted on it, but Trot made that deal Yosemite. He that that's what many people signed ass, I think still many people see him as a bad character, but some people saw that bad character and sad. This is what we need to push back on the encroaching political correctness and moral authoritarianism and other sad tromp is just a madman, yup trumpet madmen and they voted form. You know why, because they knew he would disrupt this.
Dammit elites. He would send them spinning and reeling and frustrated and angry and he's done all of those things. The economy is good. He has pushed back on and on political correctness, and now he's got these. These top Avenant Democrats in fallen panic mode. What's real that more of the story, he says after Wednesdays House, Judiciary Committee, hearing featuring three liberal law professors on Thursdays, announcement by speaker, Speaker policy- that are convoy conference, is moving forward. Impeachment the die is cast. Donald Trump will be the third president in american history to be impeded by the House of Representatives and, honestly, that's just fine trump supporters What better evidence is there that you ve shaken Washington to its core when the minders of a system you ve come to despise are levelling the gravest punishment? The system permits against the very president, who is doing the shaking up can lawyer this to death. But for many Americans this comes down to a simple observation. Tromp said he was going to rattle their cages and
my colleague they seem rattled, I'm gonna say it one more time Joe Biden called the guy fat. Joe Biden called an eighty four year old man who was? Sir, and about what he heard on the tv fat and a liar its shocking. That Biden lost it like this tromp has it that look man which really got an understand. I often rail on the political correctly. Pr machine of this world that you, you know, no matter what happens, you know some spokespersons, gotta come out, and give it some life today we that's. Why can t we look forward to resolving this issue in its all be ass? Other people to some big scandal lie that includes the president. Okay and spokespeople in the press. You know they're giving you the pr wanna tell you the truth, but what tromp has done simultaneously As someone who is considered to be dishonest, but also the most honest president in history that coming from the intercept its resulting in
these institutional norms and and this pop and this and this in this fake air of elitism, its fallen apart, Joe Biden, Con dude fat is like that that to me is when you see the Damn Europe, Joe Biden snapped now also want to add. As an aside Joe Biden inappropriately touches little girls, but that's that's something else, a Threed on Jennings its trump supporters, have known since election night. This day would eventually come after all, the sworn enemies have been openly promising since before he was sworn in office, they ve used words like Resistance coup insurance policy and impeachment. So often that now there actually doing it now now that they actually do it. The american people and Republicans especially, are offering a collective yon. That's right. Cnn ratings hit a three year low. I cover that this morning, I'm a second channel a three year. Low Donald Trump stands at night.
That ninety percent approval among his among Republicans in the last Gallup Poll, but there won't be massive convulsions and public opinion because everyone is known for three years at all. What was going to happen? sure some democratic gamely argue that policy didn't really wanna go through with it, but she had two out of a sense of duty to the constitution, but it's a half hearted argument best. It's true that policy had no choice, although it's not because the constitution, rather her parties left flank and their inflamed Asteroids activists overwhelmed her? This say one sided, partisan, impeachment. Actually, technically it's true, but Jeff Van drew a Democrat from New Jersey announced that he will not be supporting. He will not be voting for articles have impeachment. That means there is by partisan support to oppose the impeachment. It shows you one important story: if the Democrats can't convince their own party members too,
port impeachment than what hope do they have to convince the rest of America none. I knew this brings us same old story. I apologise for this. I really am sorry, I'm innocent silly. I talk about the backfiring of peace It's so much that it seems like a moot point that we get it every day and impatient. It's just going to hurt the Democrats more and more. Why should we even talk about it? The reality is there's more data, and the media in several journalists are desperately trying to spend this in their favour, but now I'm sorry Brad PAR scale campaign manager for Donald Trump for his next campaign. Has just shown us more data proving or providing Evans suggest. The Democrats impeachment was a disaster checks out Pasco rights.
Nancy policy is marching members over caucus off the plank and into the abyss. Impeachment is killing her freshman numbers and pulling proves it. Here's data on RAP Kendra Horn, a Democrat from Glomeris Fifth more to come on other member, soon say goodbye to your majority Nancy. We see this two red car skill for your request. We have begun identifying GNP, pick up opportunities in the twenty twenty election, where the incumbent Democrats support, impeachment will further weaken their current standing. They say: Kendra Horn starts twenty race at a distinct disadvantage as voters favour the GNP candidate in the generic ballot by seven points. A woman, a Democrat who want a truck district is now at a seven point disadvantage. Naturally, people elaborate trying to spend this is a victory, but let me quote the record for you Molly night, as a sports journalist, and she has a top reply- probably know that follower.
Think he's all right, but you said this that district, what plus fourteen to Trump and you're saying forty five percent now want him impeached. While this has been a common sentiment among many leftists responding to brand partial, oh my, you think you're winning most of that desert wants to impeach the president when fourteen you, no fourteen percent was was towards the president. It. Let me tell you some Donald Trump already lost that district. Don't you get it in twenty sixteen Trump one, the district by fourteen points in twenty eighteen, the Democrats, one that District Donald Trumps, GEO, P and and his party was in the minority there still in the minority, went to our I'm sorry, another back in the majority of what this means is the Democrats had an advantage. They could have won, but they show
impeachment and this is resulting in their modern advantage going by now. Of course, there are desperately trying to save face. I'm sorry it's just not going to work. Seven point disadvantage previously. Winning that I think we are going to see more moderate Democrats cannot opposing impeachment voting against it and saying we should have been working on kitchen table issues, but it's too late, Jeff Andrew Planet right he's a Democrat from New Jersey, second district, who said I will not support this. Unless some new information comes out, there's nothing here to impeach the president when it came to policy statement is yet again. No I'm not. Therefore he might still lose. He might still has no. You know why people these issues, whatever trump I'm sorry voted for. Democrats, balance
bringing some challenged it took to trumpet his authority and not to impeach him just to work on issues that they thought were important. Republicans had gotten done, let's be real Republicans have the house. They did not do much of what the american people wanted and then there's a lot of criticism over public has not getting the job done that funding the wall. For instance. Now the Democrats have it and all they have done is investigate. They ve done nothing to help anybody and you can see when it comes to policy invited in chef they're. Not talking about issues that people care about their not voting on, you know for what for prefer policy in the house. Democrats do not voting on your censier. So what are they doing complaining, but especially to the next and last bit of the segment? Donald Trump challenged the elites. It wasn't just the political elites, it was the cultural elites and we can see what happens.
Dammit Democrats are fighting with these people as well with the far left us in what may be one of the strangest breakdowns of the left, a white man wearing a black lives matter. Shirt took the microphone away from a black woman and started yelling at them. The story from NBC Booty judge, slams disruption of black supporters rally turned into chaos. It shows kind of where politics has come to the south. Bend mayor in twenty one candidate, told NBC News the incident and be seen as a video and there's a thumbnail, a white man, stealing the microphone. In fact, a black elderly woman took stood up with arcane about a swing at him. Complete and total breakdown. The left and the Democrats are fighting. The Democrats are fighting off trump and I think the Democrats are gonna lose. Probably why they're so angry you see when it came a twenty. Sixteen tromp was brought into challenge the elites, but so was
Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders was too tepid. He was too weak, you lost and now he's still you're fighting. They don't like him, but he's got he's got his foot the door Donald Trump, however, that organ he walked right in and he caused all these problems. The Democrats and they angry about it, but there also angry about the far left you see now. The policy was roped into impeachment, it was a yo see it was his far left us demanding she impeach. Finally, she caves and now the moderate Democrats are losing and will likely lose Republicans. This gives us another important bit of information pretended election. The argument among progressives that by being more far being further to the left they can, when these elections is not true. When this woman Kendra Horn, for instance, loses her district, it won't be to a far leftist. It will be to a Republican.
And even if they primary these moderates, they will still lose to a Republican. But let me tell you this: when you see all the fighting wanting, it gives me hope that ninety percent say it's important to reduce the divisiveness, The problem is trumps, got a bad attitude. Trump is going to earn no favours among people who want to enter divisiveness. If he keeps saying you know mean things and comparable horse phaser things like that, but that's less relevant, I like it. I like this because I want to at least give you some positive. You know twice at the end of this, but the sad reality is it's gonna get worse. The divisiveness will keep will continue. The Democrats are losing their anger, will increase their desperation. Will increase and we will see the media play the same game. I want to end you with an aside is a reason why I'm leaving us for the last bit and its because it's not american politics. U K broadcaster apologises for Miss, quoting Boris Johnson sang people of color, Adam chef in his desperation
wished private phone details of John Solomon on American citizen journalist, who is accused of no criminal wrongdoing. Why we don't know other than Adam Shift is so desperate that he would violate these norms and privacy rights. In response, CNN and others used that out of conduct. Information to smear John Solomon to discredit is reporting. We can see the media playing this game alongside Democrats, they truly are desperate. A UK broadcaster had a speech by where's Johnson. Now you admit you, you may be familiar with Boris John somebody is a very very programmes at man. That's my understanding! He has more of the like. You know, right wing, gonna, guy Trump has praised him. Bourse Johnson said he is all for people of talent coming to their country, but it's gotta be done democratically through a process. People of talent includes everyone, but a UK broadcaster
put a subtitle. That's had people of color to make it seem like Boris Johnson was saying. While he does, you know, entertain people of color cover the country. He wants the process to restrict some of that. Just the people of color true the media machine, is out in force to protect the elites. Now. Is it a grand conspiracy? No, but it is a tribal alignment. Let me tell you something: There is not a grand conspiracy where someone's twirling their mustache behind the scenes shaking hands. Thank here's. The plan The reality is, these journalists are low, really the same tribe as these politicians later need to conspire there were, and the same then that the media establishment and this and then the political establishment, are one and the same. The establishment in the UK similar that means those who support the European Union are going to.
Lie and smear Boris Johnson, but I do have one more thing for you. I I know I said this was a meal ass one, but there's one more, what I'm gonna show it was gonna make you very angry. This is an image of Donald TUSK of Poland, putting his fingers trumps back while Trump isn't paying attention. He says, despite seasonal turbulence, is our transatlantic friendships must lap. Friendship must lest, in this image tusk, is pointing his fingers into trumps back and it does look kind of like a threatened,
gesture, he's doing something behind trumps back and that's it. That's a very strange thing. Some people offended off until it's no big deal to joke. Others have said he's. Making a threat to Donald Trump. Donald TUSK is very, very pro european union. He is one of the establishment elites. It's all the same game. So right now you can see in America when it comes to politics, outrage, fury, people are breaking down and I'll say it again familiar time, Joe Biden call the guy fat and call them a liar. If that that that that means a breakdown, because while tromp is a guy who insults people, we get it right in his aunt Pelosi, snapping running back of the podium and yelling at a reporter, these people are losing it over
in Europe. There are putting their fingers to his back while he's not noticing and it looks kind of menacing over in Europe. The media put a fake subtitle to make. It seem like Boris Johnson is racist, yet the establishment is political and its media, its deep state. You know, I don't mean that we want to call it a deep state owned to call the intelligence make. The reality is in the media. There, dissenters project, virtues of proven to us and the intelligence community. There are dissenters, I know because I spoke in some of them. Not everybody is on both Orangemen bad. It's, the culture war is in every facet, but there is a status quo, establishment with a left wing bias. We see in the UK, we see in the U S. Donald Trump was elected to challenge that its working I ll leave it. There sit around excitements coming up at six p m you, Tibet,
I'm slashed him cast news. Banks rang out and I'll see you next time. How is the president fairing during impeachment and how is the media many people, but ask about ratings the ratings been going up. I'm going down, they went down but there was a little bit like a bad news for CNN, though see it s, writings had a three year low, and this has got to Well, considering impeachment is supposed to be the biggest thorkel moment right now, CNN, three year low at the same time, as we saw these snooty liberal professors who were conduct you're, not all them, those at Turley guy who kind of We wish you, Washington, is honest, past testimony, fine whatever, but you had these Liberal elites, Harvard Ivy League in Condescending and trumps approval, writing actually is taking up even in the aggregate. Trumps appropriating is up and support for impeachment across the board is down now before we get into this, I must warn you: wrote
yesterday, so forgive me if I sound a little bit like Biden moving forward, but I take no days off even when it hurts actually had to get grounds, and it's you know am grateful. It happened. It feels great, finally get you know, I'm I'm I'm sure. As an aside, I gotta do this guy's cause. You know I want to be like swallowing stuff, yeah hurts and but hey, I think most of you can recognize. You know when you finally get that to fixed. It just feel so great poets. Let's, let's go back into politics, and some talk about my teeth can achieve suck anyway. Jobs we were. Writing takes up in the face of latest impeach here. Not only is it up, but according to rest Musin, which is rather favourable for the president to over fifty two percent, so Rasputin's daily presidential tracking, pull through the president's overall approval. Writing bumping up to fifty two percent Thursday, a three point jump from Wednesdays forty nine percent
the number of likely voters who strongly approve of trumps. Job performance also saw a bump rising from thirty six percent to thirty eight percent. On Thursday, the president also saw a decline in the number of likely voters who disapprove of his job performance from fifty to forty seven. Now I will stop here. Ok This is this is rest museum erases, thereby. So I always make sure I do this cause, I'm trying to be seen and rational. I always want to look at the aggregate pulling now. One of the challenges with aggregate pulling they go back even to November twenty first there's one fourth, but based on the latest poles we can see. You can see that as a little uptake now here the thing. Normally I dont like commenting on Donald Trump. You knows approving upload it. So those are massive spike downward and
the reason why I dont typically cover massive downward spikes as opposed to peaks. This is peak right here at fifty three point: three is the highest or its. I believe it's just about the second highest are no. I look like it's the highest that significant when Donald Trump Aggregate approval rating is the highest it has ever been saved for when he just got elected. I think that makes sense its relevant its actually relic. Woe, not only that this is a timber twenty. Third, when the whole. U the scandal was about to break, or I think it was breaking, and so you, this big Superbowl was up. So it goes down right now. I dont think it so significant that it went down because it's been way lower before is a proper writing was at thirty seven point six in December of point seventeen, so when those going down during impeachment, which I will mention right, I don't think it warrants like a whole video. What significant right now
is that even though his approval writing isn't the highest ever been, we just saw the snooty Yale, Professor, Harvard professors. Talking down to people, bring dragging Emberon Trump into this, and you know what I dont- think I was the biggest oil in the world that that cognomen invoked baron, but I do think it was inappropriate and she should have given a cleaner apology for it, but you can see she was planning the stupid joke or she's, like trunk can name his son baron, but he can't me came a barren. Oh, please. We know you're doing it. You're making for the kids name at the big thing in the world, but still inappropriate runaway amid all the vis. Trumps approval just went up a little bit, and this is including these past two poles, the economist and Rest Musa. Now economists does have trouble, but Lord, let us take a look at them.
Fun. News Cnn hits three year rating low, impede amid Peter Drama, another saying as impeachment as historic. Then it's supposed to be the biggest deal you know ever and that now trumps, gonna, testifying all the stuff in the Senate, because Nancy policies announcing to moving forward. How could it be that, with some of the most shy historical moments. Swirling around us see and hands ratings are two three or low I'll. Tell you, because what you don't care most people do not care about impeachment. They dont believe. What's going on now, I think it's fair to point out the the moderate voters. The independent were opposing impeachment around, like thirty nine percent up supported it and then
after the scandal broke, it went up to like forty eight since then its dropped dramatically, but still higher than before. The scandal. So democrats have made some gains. But what would you do consider as before the scandals, support and opposition may have been tacit or uninterested like Asher you don't weeks ago and after You're getting people dug in people are saying. I can't believe the insanity is a waste of time. Why are they doing this and now opposite becomes part? And so the other thing I want to show you the receiver what right right here in the lower. The CNN story is that trunk impeachment and removed from office no has actually gone up and, yes has actually gone down. Again. I would stress to these. These poles are back from the end of November. But most worried about Sierra here was no picture brine, seldom seen on posted its lowest primetime ratings in three years, over the Thanksgiving holidays, will Fox NEWS posted higher ratings than CNN and MSNBC combined, not surprising.
Fox NEWS, average, nearly two point- two million viewers and primetime last week, including through three thousand in the coveted age, twenty five to fifty four demographic, accordingly Nielsen media Search sought, so it's only get a stray held on its, not just that people are sick of impeachment, but that when they are watching their watching Fox NEWS and Fox NEWS isn't praising the impact There are opposing it. I think it's fair to say: if CNN ratings are the three year low during impeachment and there the orange man, bad gentle, the average Person who's interested in this opposes it. Honourable members, I think we need to read that they say it was seen as worst primetime week in three years at its worst weak among the twenty five to fifty four demographic, low writings, Commas House Democrats have been conducting hearings on the impeachment
President Trump Fox NEWS, also topped cable news and total day ratings. Forty forty seventh consecutive weak averaging over one point three million viewers- then I work also finished first among the twenty five to fifty four demographic, forty seventeenth consecutive week, while Bravo Fox NEWS, so let me show you some is eight people are asking: how could people still be supporting Donald Trump with all the impeachment stuff? Well, how could scenes ratings be done? How could Donald Trump approve a rating go up as I said, nobody cares. The important thing is is is nonsense there so little here and an end, you see that woman Carlin she said things like Trump demanded that none of us foreign country to get out of here, there's no proof of any of that. It's all conjecture and opinion. Let me show you the sweet. I love his tweet, I'm scroll, my twitter feed and I see this
or from the nation. The reasons Republicans are still backing, tromp into pitcher picture of Mitch, Mcconnell Donald Trump, and it says in the in the preview thumbnail for the link the party tromp has inherited as hell bent on continuing America's long tradition of racism and imperialism. Ok, you know what the nation it's it's a far left outlet. I dont need to click this because at the exact same time that this went up eight seconds actually eight second difference. That's Trump guy and Twitter tweeted breaking jobs report is in two hundred and sixty six thousand new jobs unemployment. Fifty year low of three point: five percent wage growth. It's three point, one percent, thank you real Donald Trump and I tweeted. Fortunately, I didn't need to click the link. Now, I'm sorry about reality is he I follow the left and the right. I follow the nation which has a far left publication. I want to see what they're talking about. I follow that Trump guy on Twitter. I follow Trump support
there's an leftwing journalists I want to suit already talking about. I want to be trapped in a bubble, and lo and behold At the same time, the nation was to convince you: people only support trump because their racist, you can see the our support of cheering for the economy. You have to in a special kind of nonsense reality if you ignore what this truck supporters are action, saying to me it's simple. I look at drums. Work, why do you like Trump and there the economy, where new jobs, everything's going really great wage growth, unemployment, fifty or low, sounds like that's. Why you like the president that he is doing a good job on the economy? Ok, I can respect and then I looked to the love and there, like. The real reason is because these are racist, but no one said that, like that that the the of actual you know fringe all right or whatever, not particularly large. I tell you this man. I had a friend who asked me why why people supported Trump if there was any? If there is any reason, if there was one reason- and I
There's one reason and I'm like ok as it is like a couple years ago. My do, I said, the first off your concern about national security. One thing that people have praised Trump on across the board, as they feel that the country has been more so You're under Trump and she's, my friends I mean: do you really think that people care about security and as I guess they do like they forgot about all the time you know you look to the twitter feeds of allow transporters and are concerned about terror and- and I and my friend said to me- I think it's just because you don't like brown people and unlike, but many of them, are like you have you been to the south, you knock I've ever. Have you met some of these as banks? It's not cutting dry, it's not just the simple black and white reality of angry mean people who hate the other as it does. It is people. Think, and you know my friends are good persuaded the conversation and I think it as long as You know, there's a lot of people want exposed to any real trump supporters, so they make assumptions about what transporters actually believe when you actually follow them.
It's simple man, it's not about Trump and his imperialism. It's it's literally that people have jobs again. I'll take some men. There was a viral video, then I saw a while ago and some jobs had reopened in this small dying town middle aged white dude was crying to rapporteur, and I maybe maybe I'm miss- remember thanks. It's been a while, so so triumphing is up, but it was not an hour's Asia bawling his eyes were those like from what I remember and I could be Miss remembering mind you. I dont have a pulled up. He was just explaining that he was terrified. His kids we're gonna, go to college, you don't know what you're going to do and you don't see like his money was running out. Everything was falling apart and then these jobs are coming back for tromp and he was very grateful to the president. Well, wait it? It's a narrative. I've heard many times and when you look at the jobs reports, it should be very obvious to any good faith actor as to why Trump supporters are happy with Donald Trump. It's the economy,
You know you take a look at some of these interviews. They ve done with people on the rest about, and I ll say like I don't like the way Trop talks are tweets. I can. I can respect that. I can agree with that and I I do. I also have concerns about you know trumps Bush behaviour and you know tweeting journey. Even increased their, so many things trunk could have done better. However, comes right economies, great and if Trump I will quote Genk uber of the young Turks. If tromp keeps us out of war with IRAN, he will be a better president than George W Bush. That's what the young Turks gent Eager said. I agree and trump- and this will have shop pulled the troop that that does the council to strike on IRAN. So you know you have all these warmonger saying: go for it. Tromp univer declare war trumps has no!
No, what I got a gun respect for that, because I believe respect words. Do so look, I'm I'm I'm ambivalent right. I think this bad things much about him he's good things about Trump, but I will admit this in twenty. Sixteen, I laughed when Trump One saying the Democrats, you get what you deserve for further for the shenanigans you played not a big fan trump I will admit, though, when it comes to the economy and when it comes to certain domestic issues. I am pleasantly surprised so. My favourably towards tromp is is is definitely up from when he first had elected, but you know it's complicated. I think that that there's a lot of roadblocks for me in terms of foreign policy, starting from voting for base we anybody. You know my concern about voting for someone like Buddha judges that he's he's talked about why we need more troops on the ground in the Middle EAST. No, no! No! No! No! You will not get my support behind that. So I can understand you know I think booty judge the good dude. I think he's got his problems. I disagree with my policy. I can say the same thing for Trump.
I think we just got a better at its good trump, but I am concerned- and I mean the sincerely if tromp is not re elected the economy will do really bad and that's something I've been thinking about for a while. I may look, the economy wasn't miserable under Obama, he inherited George W Bush is economy, and I was bad. You can blame so blind? Whenever you want, I don't care, throw Obama's tenure. The economy was, was slowly in doing a little bit better. If it is it is, it is complicated. I will say that, and also that of areas. Another reason. I say that because people will try and pick one point to be like this: why wrong? No Neuro! I recognise its, not black or white, ok,
the kind of some good really really well in her trunk, you gotta recognise there are a lot of people who are scared, even though Trump, as is a bad guy in terms of his attitude- and you know I mean I mean based on the opinion of some of these people- not about saying he literally, as I'm saying a lot of, you will feel that way for how we treat people comparable horse face. You know, tweeting, you know during impeachment also, but they recognize this. They also recognize that, just because Trump, maybe a bad guy, doesn't mean he's the bad guy, it doesn't mean you know, took to quote racket. Ralph kind of it doesn't mean that Trump is making things worse, for everybody Trump might be boring. That attitude mean nasty dude, but what he's doing is helping a lot of people in pulling people from the brink went so so so up alive. It here on earth rent too much longer, and you can tell I do I'm having trouble with fresh temporary crowns in, but I all you need to do is ask the simple question: do you know? Why do you support the president and you will find overwhelmingly? I have a job now there
Donald Trump did an ice, doesn't ice rate, our trump did it, but they rounded up. I think, like seven hundred undocumented workers reported them many people said no american one. What would want to do do those jobs, they don't pay enough there, their bad jobs and sure enough Americans showed up and when these guys were like him, and this pays great it's better than fast food. Yes, I think a contributing factor to low unemployment is trumps, crackled and embark on immigration. I don't think it's that big of an influence, though, but I think
fair to say when you look at some of the reporting, they say that immigration is down, but seventy percent, like legal immigration, illegal immigration, is down dramatically like Trump, that that lobby impose a truck, got his wall, an invisible wall, it's illegal barrier and people are cheering for it like on the right and transporters. I think when you stop bringing in more people than companies need to hire who they have available. Such protection check this out this. What's really mine blowing I'm gonna give you already been important analysis on what that truck. I tweeted. Not only are we adding record levels of jobs, two hundred sixty six thousand unemployment is down so think about that for a second think about that. For a second, we have more jobs and we're still filling all that crazy you'd think if they added tons of jobs, there would be a concern that we couldn't you know: conformable, basically, its creating a space for unemployment to start dropping dramatically. The more
I don't know- I'm not stupid and kind of obvious, but I think it's important took to show that the how they play into each- the economy is doing well, more jobs means more opportunity and when these jobs emerge, people can hire who they can't hide, so you're gonna see these. So I got a guy now to some of the uprising. Dodds common sense, but now a lot of people. Don't look like you. If a look at these things and its one, it's one system right, new jobs means more likely to lower unemployment means a surprisingly enough. It's too! This is what I really wanted to. How is wage growth up if unemployment is down. That's impressive you'd think that actually non Oda Atomic sites all make sense. I should read, write went on this. Basically, the more people get jobs. The bigger the demand is to hire people with unemployment. Being so low companies got to offer more money to snatch
up, I have to say that the whole system is is truculent perfectly, so there you go regardless of impeachment. I think people see this and I think it or else there are many people like Jeff Andrew, is a Democrat who said he's gonna vote against impeachment. Maybe I'll do bigger thing on it? What do you think the people in your district, your constituents are gonna, say to you when they're like listen man, Donald Trump may be a bad guy. You know like as a person like saying mean things but come on, don't don't don't don't screw economy, men and that's a real concern. I have you know they. They were talking about how if Donald Trump was elected, the economy would do worse, spend on great, and so he got yet. You gotta consider that you know and that's the big challenge of the Democrats can't ever Democrats can't offer up a real path. Towards doing better than trumpets done, an economy than all they're telling you is that trumpets of bad moral character, and that means you deserve to lose your job right, I'll, leave it there.
The ground Mexicans coming up at one p m on this gentle, and I will see you all them. I don't know what it is of California man, but their spiralling out of control, I'm you're. There are a lot of positive stories in California about the world's biggest cookie or snowboarding on a beautiful mountaintop. But there's too much of the negative stories about the same thing: homelessness, drug use, human waste and new diseases now have a story from the new post war That and you know what I hate to say, but I did laugh when I saw this it wasn't. I wasn't laughing because I thought it's funny, I'm laughing, but living at the humour of a flush, eating bacteria killing heroin addicts, I'm laughing at the absurdity of Caliph it is not getting this done. It's an inner laughter is and always about enjoyment I'm just laughing like. I can't believe it. I cannot believe we're at this point where a flush eating bacteria linked to heroin use kills seven California flesh eating, backed here
yup now, look flushing bacteria exists all over the place, but California has a resurgence of all of these diseases. Not solving their problems is opened the door to some conservative activists. One gentlemen Billy Scott Bresler. His name has gone around and actually cleaned up various cities in this country and its credit, a great pr opportunity for conservatives and trump supporters. Now something on the left have pushed back saying it's just a pr stunt dont care. I literally dont care, you're. Cities are so disgusting that people are dying, a flashing bacteria there's drug. Everywhere that human waste in the streets, then I welcome conservatives, do a pr stunt to that up, and I wonder why you didn't do the pr stunt to clean it up yourself. I was people who live in these cities, dont action, weekly this up, but it's gonna be a trouble. What I'm somewhere else doing a publicity stunt? I don't care, I tell you what, if put a scale of one to ten of good moral behavior? I would say a ten would be so,
one coming cleaning up and then saying nothing doing it in secret cause? I don't I don't know it's about. You know ego. I give us a seven to somebody who did. It is a stunt because they're still doing it, but I will tell you one thing that people who are complaining about it who don't clean up their streets, yet one negative, ok, you're, doing nothing, you're insulting those who are actually doing the work for whatever reason there doing it. So no you don't get to grandstand while people are dying of flesh eating bacteria in your state. Let's read the story, because what I want to do here is, I have. I have something funny show you. What do you think California s doing instead of solving these problems? Do you think the Calvin is actually you know rushing out the to make sure that these flashing bacteria needs new diseases are being curbed. No, I will get to it they're gonna, ban, flavoured hookahs. Why don't you get more port things? The worry about
then a hook, a lounge work, Shaquille O Neill likes to taste flavoured smoke. That's California, for Europe in our thoughts, are three. A flesh. Eating bacteria linked to the use of black tar heroin has killed at least seven people over the past two months in San Diego County authority. Nine people who injected blacked our heroine, which is really bad and seriously guys, do not do this stuff. We're hospitalized severe my own crows, Minor Croesus, a soft tissue infection that destroys muscle county health officials. Wednesday of seven who died: five women, the nine patient so too, where, when and that of the seven who died, the patients ranged from nineteen to fifty seven investigator, trying to determine the source of the heroin officials have advised local medical community to watch. For additional cases of Mona, Croesus and wound botulism a rare
serious illness, that attacks the bodies nerves and is also linked to black. Our heroine use symptoms of Mona Croesus include pain, swell pale scan blisters with foul smelling discharge. I'm really sorry! I'm reading this, you guys, but you know you click the video excessive wedding and increased heart rate. If left untreated Mona Croesus can spread through the body and cause people to go into shock, it can lead to amputations or death. Symptoms of wound, botulism can sometimes be misled. And for a drug overdose occur within days or weeks of injecting contaminated drugs sentence can include drooping, eyelids, blurred, vision, dry, mouth sore throats Lord speech and paralysis. Can I ask you something? Why is it that so much of this attracted to california- and I do mean it- I know chicago- has its problems. I got a big homeless homeless problem, but why is it that California, as that is the poop capital? you don't, I think it s like. I want to be honest and
No, it might sound hyperbolic and I know the right is gonna cheer and the left is gonna get angry. I think it's progressive policies, and I tell you this because I lived in Seattle and I've seen the difference between a strict, meritocratic system verses, a socialist system It was not socialist, but Seattle has, more of a social safety net and their much more liberal and its application and other places have been too when I want to Seattle, is fifty years ago. I was thirteen years ago yet thirteen years ago I think I was broke. I may there and I have but a handful of change our crashing with my brother and are really crappy house trash all over the place is pretty gross. I don't landfill change, so I went and bought some chips. The people the gas station. Where went no but I was paying with pennies and nickels, and the women working there said. Listen, we're gonna be throwing away all of these breakfast sandwiches. It's like eleven thirty. I could just give you them
no we're what we're gonna put in the trash, literally the Mai, to expire, and she was actually just take them instead of spending but little change of ad nauseam. While it's really nice thank you, I ended up with like seven breakfast sandwiches me, my brother to eat. A bunch of food was great. That was a good thing that they did and I respect that, but something else that was the good nature of the people in the city? What else happened was? I was then informed that I could go to the Department of Health and Human services, and I would be given who'd cart. Now me normally on, like I'm, not interested in that you know, I was always a much more. I don't need help, can a person, but I was they convinced by a bunch of his uncle college. Kids like do don't be, don't don't let pride drag you down, you know. If you're, you're serious about getting a job and making in this town don't be afraid to accept help, and so I said, ok are under that I went there. They basically snap their fingers until they get whenever I wanted, and I thought that was right, I was really was I was. I was grateful
I'm getting a job within within a week working in a cafe, and then I didn't need any those benefits anymore. It's worth the risk Why I'm pretty much left you kind of person, I've used benefits before and they have saved my life. I've paid rent with with you know, with what with climate benefits when I was fired from my job and it allowed me that I'm an ad and resources cannot be homeless, but to go out and find a new job which have always done. I've always been hard worker, but sometimes you need help. That's a system working at its best, but something bad happens. Then there were people in this town who were attracted to it because they knew they could get whatever they wanted and they wanted to be homeless. They would talk about writing the freight rails, making it to Seattle. Civic Northwest, where they get free stuff, where there's a food bank everyday, where the government is willing to hand you whatever you need under the assumption on under our trusting assumption, while I
certainly respect. The fact that I got help can also recognise the fact that it attracted people who had no interest in doing right by that system of paying it back of getting a job. No, they would calm, extract resources and then leave there's one thing: partly these big cities, like New York, Chicago LOS Angeles, attract this kind of behaviour. Think about it. If you're a drug addict. Ok, if you're, if you're an act of any kind, and you know that California is offering up all of these benefits. Why not go there? There are certain town you can oh well, then they will arrest you and and and lock you up. Do you you look it what's going on with running in northern California. Right writing want start forcefully I'll I'll. Just ain't in turning the homeless, I know it might be, and I must emphasise that have provided, but no luck seriously. I did this video on it. There talking about indefinitely, detaining homeless people until they can prove self sufficient.
Which is subjective and nebulous term. You know or understanding. So it's not all of California for Europe, but there are certainly places that are not going to tolerate what you're doing. However, San Francisco on what what what we're uneven these towns doing to actually deal with these, these the access of drug use of homelessness, they're, doing nothing like I stated earlier conservative activists our are essentially weapon rising this to the benefit of Donald Trump. Now I get it the way I frame that you might have not fair. None at all. It's fine, I'm taking a position on purpose to show you that, even in the absolute worst case scenario that tromp supporters are toiling, mustache laughing about having to make Trump look good by cleaning up the streets. Ok right! It shows you two things. I dont care, why they're doing it faded and they deserve credit for doing it, and if that was there,
to get credit at least they did it right. It's not it's not the bastion of good natured morality, but even if we assume ill intent like personal gain, they still help clean up these streets so amazing, and to see the people come mountain. Thank he's activists for doing it. You then look at what the people in this town or doing them off. Oh too many homeless people showed up by name of the Colorado. They moved Arizona, they move to Texas and they bring those policies with them and only gets worse. I would rather have a million self serving tromp supporting activists. Pretending to do good Then a million do good. You know goody tissues who run when the going gets tough. I would rather have people who are just trying to trick me to thinking there good people by cleaning up trash illustrates than the people who think cling. Upstretched, who would literally say it's good. The cleanup trash illustrates, but not do it and that's what
get there. You go LOS Angeles, considers shuddering celebrity favorite, hookah lounges as part of the proposed ban on flavoured tobacco, in desperate bid to curb team, nicotine, nicotine addiction addition, ok, so I can respect this to a certain degree, however, I'm no friend of prohibition, I'm a rather libertarian individual, a little bit so I'll explain it now for those we're gonna forget? Yes, I am a left, leaning, libertarian people you understand this concept because you ve really got to look at it at the philosophy of economics and social policy. I believe that if we have a system that took care of people when they were hurt, but was a bit strict and stringent, like you might have to work for it,
that's a social safety net policy, its social, its social liberalism. It leaves a lot to the left. However, I dont think you implemented through the barrel of a gun its through a community that agrees to do it and you that means I may go to my community and say I propose we all pitch and ten bucks helpless person. I guess what I can say no, and you know what, while I'm, while I'm upset by it, I'm ok with
because I'm not I'm not of the king of the world and that's left, leaning, libertarianism. It's a desire to create some social safety nets to create laws that can help protect marginalized people, but recognising you can't force anybody to do it. So I look at this. I'm sinner thinking for one you can start arresting homeless people. You can't just gotten ban hookahs. None of this solves the problems. It seems that they have combined to really dangerous things, people. You know what well it's more than two but I'll say this. You ve got surface level solutions if kids are smoking. Let's just ban hookahs like that's gonna, stop kids from smoking, dude they're gonna, keep smoking, I'm going to figure it out and to make it more dangerous,
You combine that with people who pretend to care, and you will find that real problems never get solved stow, you know all rapid up. There don't be surprised if I make fifty billion more videos on California, because California is one of the examples of the of the problems or phasing in this country. Although I thank you know, the Pacific Northwest is pretty bad. Two beautiful place then actually said Seattle, beautiful, portance, beautiful, Eugene's, beautiful they have great food and they are good people. There. S a problem, good, you know being good good to others. It can attract people who want to exploit you and if you don't, have real rules and you have a firm grasp on on and you know how you should limit certain goods, you will attract people who just come to your stated, do drugs, because I know that you will help them and you will help them in the short term and that have actually
that problem I'll leave their lustre ground excitements coming up at four p m youtube com slashed him cast an eye is a different gentle. I was U other. There's gotta be a sad story. You see we see, no employees are quietly organizing Anti union efforts, the first twenty saw about this or people who believe that NBC Management was trying to stop people from forming the union. When reality, people who work for NBC do not want to be in the union, and you know what I feel for you man. I think it's absurd that many companies use your required to pay dues or join union. That's that's not to me, I've been in many unions, and I have seen just how bad they are now look in the past have done great things. Collective bargaining, more specifically, has done great things. Today. There are weird rules at a corrupt system and I don't think it makes sense for you in an office with complaints.
To hand over your rights to other companies technically, like other means, come in the writers. Gold, for instance, I'm integration on your behalf. To me. That makes no sense so, as has happened, can be seen as employees have launched an instagram. They ve been hang up posters arguing against a union, but guess what you're lose their probably going to lose, because what I've noticed about a lot of left wing causes. It is socially unacceptable to challenge that ideas, So when someone put up a protein poster use was accepted and say: oh yeah, grads idea. What happens when someone pots of an Anti union poster? They call you evil, they insult you. They tear down the attack. You So you can actually are: U S, ideas and there's some other leftwing. You know things I'm gonna avoid getting to specifically, but there are certain rules social Media outlets and say you can't speak negatively about acts when it happened and people only see positive stories assume some
thing is safe. Do it and then regret at later three the story from hunger border? They say top of a no NBC News, Guild Instagram Account and a bare bones website. Employees have posted flyers around the network's office in Manhattan. A massive college dorm ask battle of the authors on Wednesday, NBC News Digital, employs, formerly voted on, whether they want to form a union with the new scaled of New York, the results of which will be available until December thirteenth. But while the NBC Digital NEWS Guard Newsgirl announced October thirtieth that approximately Seventy five percent of the workplace signed on the effort, a smaller group of employees, has been quietly campaigning against making an effort. Protein posters around the often Manhattan have been met with Anti Union posters put up by the group which runs in insecure. Count called no NBC Newsgirl and a bare bones webs that lays out a series of NBC Newsgirl concerns? Now I read concerns I've. Seen this presidency
I gotta say their right. You know they talk about how you won't be able to get a merit based promotion or raise or time off anything you want must now be negotiated. When it comes to negotiations you that means give me the bat supplying the world. You might need little time off and when you go to your ass. They say talk to your union rat, don't bring it to me and I have experienced this first hand and I hated it. That's one of the rich I do not want to work for a union jobs over again quote: We are also the reporters. Designers, video journalist, animators social media strategists, an editorial staff of NBC News: Digital, not management. The group which did not respond to our request for comment, says on the site. The effort appears small. Only fifteen people follow the interim account. Many of them today show employees. One source pointed out. The Hollywood reporter pointed out too that it would report
and we see no confirmed the company measure has nothing to do with self. The self organized andean effort, a spokesperson said: the company leadership was not made aware or involve in the creation or management of the accounts asked about the Anti Union effort the NBC News, Digital Newsgirl, said in a statement. We do not know who started this account, but we do know that. Fear and misinformation about our rights keeps us divided after our vote count on December thirteenth, we look forward to coming other as one united staff to protect and look out for one another now MIKE parents, it was always the enlightenment. I work for several companies and you're going to have seen People who were on the board in the union or that the local wraps men they got special treatment, they got special cash, they got you no more money and they did less work. That's what I was really about, injecting a political system into the workplace. That didn't benefit me at all. In fact, things worse for me, I and I couldn't get arrays. Other people can be irresistible arbitrary, because that way
the year they will negotiate and just a mix up. Let me show you the Instagram pages. Just as you gotta understand. Typically like I said you ever see, vote no people, these jury lists are gonna get destroyed if you will find out who they are? Here's what it says dues are for the gym enough said read about how much money will be forced, yes, forced to pay by tapping the link and our bio. Here's one it's as items at risk, crossover women's wellness, shock therapy, primary care. Behavioral of health, coaching acupuncture? Ok, you did the point here is all of these posters. Apparently they ve been posting but I want to show you something their actual website to see what their arguments are? They say if you're visiting this page, you probably have questions about how unionized my impact, your data day, responsibilities, benefits or growth plot by the company. We hear you. We are also the reporters editors designers, video journalists, animators social media started,
an editorial staff of NBC News, Digital, not management, the most important You need to know nothing is promised. Everything is up for negotiation. Everything. There are no guarantees and never to try to make sure all sides are being heard here are some concerns that have been raised for one came forward Kay Well, your matches, technically up for negotiation, average employer match four point: seven percent and BC offers six percent, they say the digital Guild states. There is no guild, multi employer Maura, one k provider, so other newsrooms have other negotiated different providers, higher matches or locked in the existing match and provider dues and represent representation. Feats com in a popular belief. There is no ability for to opt out of deuce, even if you opt out of membership will be forced to pay a representation fee of one point. Three four: six percent of your base salary becoming a member, gives you access to things like voting on board representation,
If we choose to opt out, you will not be able to vote in any issues but will still be forced to pay while merit increases. Merit races can be the subject of bargaining. That's exactly what about I've experienced during Occupy Wall Street. I wasn't a panel at this media center there's like the Paley center. I think, and one guy challenged ever stage about they're gonna bona fides, whatever everybody's unions are important, are good and they said what about union corruption, and I said yes, I completely agree. I do not like unions, I like collective bargaining. I like the idea that individuals can come together and challenge there. Boston say you better give us but unions as their formulated now make it too that you Individual cant do anything without the group support this way. You are for NBC. What can happen if this union passes? There will come a day where you say I really want to go in.
Or on a story. I'm gonna ask my boss, let's say you're a social media manager and this attack conference attack on It is mostly about social media is going to be sums some celebrities there and you think you could do a good job, not normally or jobs. You go your boss and say as really good idea. I'm a social media guy. Nobody is big conference and I think it a great opportunity in its stop right. There take a chair. You can wrap, do not bring these things to me if you want to promotion or job change. We talk about it in negotiations, but by not your job. I know I've been in situations. I've been in these situations now I'll tell you sure it may not always be like this. There there sometime means are better than others. Like another example, let's say: you're a field reporter, and you get word that you have a New York new wording in Baltimore Big Story break
so I set out a line and say I want to know how to stop. You are not a travel reporter. You do not cover this, take it up with your negotiate with hearing and wrap, and we will not talk about it. That's that's how it goes, and you know what you might say: that's not the case, but that's the risk you take, whereas right now, even though Europe and say I want to move and they can say purity of mind once the Hyaenas imply you gonna change rules. So I worked for a union, it was a transportation. When you wanted to change. You had to talk to a union like if, if you wanna do a different job action, that the union actually did some really great suffering there and I'm saying I get a genes aren't all that the risk. The problem was short. I could betrayed my hours and things like that, but I couldn't move up in company, so it was basically like welcome aboard stable
you are, and you will never move and when they did to hire people for higher positions they promote you they would go and promote outside people is what you get it's gonna be harder for. You to get anything done, got a really great idea for a dark or an interactive. Sorry, You cannot job the train if you want to negotiate in also for four. In my experience, I've been- and I think three unions it was always like you- cannot ask for raise taken up with Europe. You cannot ask for promotion. We will announce when we have an open position. Take it up with your union. I dont want to. Work for the union. Why am I going to vote to put someone in between me and my boss? For me? I want to be involved, put. It is asking for promotion The conversation is no longer between Unum editor to be considered your manager. In an age our rap and you can wrap, must all be present negotiate. Conversations will no longer happen directly with the company bargaining. Liberty of the union rat job performance. Your title determines your pay scale,
promotions merit increases, are not determined by the union to get those third party members must be present. Your official title might limit the work you can. It cannot take on, for example, If- an editor you may only be able to edit. This could near your ability to work across teams which, like I said, if you go into at a really great idea for acts full stop, no, absolutely not! So leave it there, This story is, you know, we're really comes down to I'm surprised to see people resisting because they the, if I find that these people are they're gonna destroy your career, because if you are against the left, we know how the game is played. I have never seen in Myspace. Is your opposition to unions? I haven't so this, and these people are already being attacked as bad people. Sorry, you are not allowed to choose
I'll leave their stick around a couple more segments coming up in a few minutes, and I will see you all shortly. Not only did Adam Schiff publish the private details for records of an american citizen of the President's private lawyer, You are wrong. This is, as you know, a man. It's it's. It's a shocking abuse of power. He subpoenaed these people, for there wasn't impeach an inquiry the house is not so, How is the issues subpoenas for you go work, it's possibly for legislative work on any, like law enforcement, so Adam shit. It is for markets publishes them and when he was wrong, what he said his report was watching us, Adam Shifts, committee report wrongly claimed, Giuliani, found Mc Mulvaney and other budget officials administration says, but who was who at the White House was? He darling
What who, who was Giuliani targeted white ass? If it wasn't the office of of management budget budgeting and it wasn't mic mulvaney, could it be ironed out his client, the president, is at it, so Adam Shift is lying. Why everything he's done here is so incredibly wrong. What rate of the tribe administrations as a key claim in Red, Adam Shifts, lengthy House Intelligence Committee and Peter Report is an accurate. The Trump lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, did not have a clergyman, a phone call with a top Whitehouse Budget official. The committee included records of Giuliani calls and a thriller page report released this week along with care between Ethiopia, wrapped ever Nunez and Julia unease in indicted, associate left partners. It showed a seer of communications between Giuliani and the White House on key dates. One was a thirty minute call linked to the Office of Management and budget. In the midst of a campaign to pressure Ukraine to announce, crushing
instigations of Tromp rival Joe Biden Innocent. You see this is exactly what pisses me off. They have one, that's it Every knows outlet is not telling you. What really happened and they're just framing things as though what she said was true. That's where we are, I'm I'm I'm so over this man journalism is that. It was a campaign to pressure Ukraine to announce corruption, investigations of tromp rival, Joe Biden says HO. There's been no evidence to prove that statement is correct, but here's the daily mail just write it up, because no one does work anymore, because nuance be damned is that they want every out with their rights about this now frames at as though everything that the opinions of these individuals with no Evidence is a fact. That's all! That's all that matters. These articles will be cited as evidence on Wikipedia it. We're gonna,
history, Donald Trump, did this period, everything trumps. It doesn't matter Giuliani, Solomon, none of the matters because the media has just taken to framing exactly as a Democrat, What good regulations democratic trying to show Giuliani in the loop as a decision was made to press paws on military aid, Ukraine, we can see here they say it's a bunch of phone records for records like these were part of the intelligence Committee Democrats, damning report, but now appear not to show what ship and his allies client still left unexplained. However, the identity of the phone chatter, whose phone rings on a collar, idead known as negative one may say Administration now says Giuliani did not call any top budget officials and had no calls with acting White Ass chief of staff, the former Allenby Directorate Mc Mulvaney, no one from Allenby has talked Giuliani. A presidential spokesperson told real, clear politics, your times reported the phone number use identify Juliet is calls of o n B is
the generic switchboard number making it difficult to tell whose does it came from. Also the number on Friday role to an out of service message: government, there is listed as associated with both the National Security Council and the West Wing other West? When is it possible you saga of the president may of this year, but your photos is gone, According to the intelligence Committee report, Giuliani had three calls for the number associate with envy the call logs provide to House Intelligence Committee Democrats by eighty anti were a new piece of evidence in the important and create an were included in a draft report put up Tuesday Trump himself pushed back on the information while in London. It'll meetings quote, so somebody said he made a phone call into the White House. What difference does that make tromp ass reporters
a meeting with ITALY's Prime Minister on the sidelines of a NATO meeting outside of London. Is that supposed to be a big deal? He demanded? I don't think so. Even if the logs don't connect Giuliani to Mulvaney, whose office dealt with nearly four million dollars and held up eighty Ukraine, they contain other, potentially damaging nation. They also show calls between Giuliani and a person identified only as minus one and between Ethiopia wrap Devon, Nunez and indeed Giuliani, associate love partners. What does officials who too I join the army had spoken to key on the officials were not an undefined by name in news reports Trump tweeted Friday morning and anonymous courts should not be believed and they should so here's the big problem with all of us. Let me show you these these, these colleagues, it says text Giuliani, Whitehouse number. First of all, you can text, a White House number
Is it a White house cell number? That's it that's! The first question have maybe I'm nothing again, here's what it says! Giuliani, oh, am be number. They have denied this sense, not true Giuliani, Whitehouse Switchboard, who could have been talking to while he's the president's personal private attorney he can be talking to literally anyone. You know that Giuliani in this instance could be talking to somebody who aren't fixes toilets. We don't know they talk about the phone calls. The left partners are you. Don't I see here with Adam Shift. Is a strategy to present out of context information to surreptitiously obtain private information so that he can? really set make non statement of fact. Fact, insinuations about Johnson a journalist about really Giuliani.
Media will just run with it, that's been the game, the whole time and the media is doing it and I'm just so sick of it. You know what you know: people talk about Temple, Talkin matrimonial care, about Trump. I dont care about Trump Otto CARE about Giuliani. I care about policy. I care about other media lies to everybody. That's been like the big through line for most of what I ve talked about and you'll know what, if you follow my content and what we have here, a shift in an attempt to lie to you. The president lies trump lies as possible. I get it but Trump also just blurted out the truth. Randomly Adam Shift is a corrupt individual who surreptitiously obtained private records from from John Solomon, who was not involved and leaders of the public. He did it because the entire time the impeachment play has been get negative press about these people, because the media will just uncritically reported journalist today are so inept
and bad at their jobs. You know what Jeff Earl Deputy? U S political agenda for daily mother come. You should be reprimanded and ashamed over this when he says that it was literally in the midst of a campaign to pressure Ukraine to announce corruption, investigations of tromp rival, Joe Biden Privet. What we know right now is there are numerous initiatives. One is that the only direct her was saying that Trump is withholding aid for mulatto evil, basically, that you that he wanted other people to contribute to Ukraine, it not just him as other countries and NATO right, and it's been a big play from Trump that none of these people are putting forth it that the two percent or whatever percent of GDP it are supposed to be so he says, you're deadbeats, I'm not gonna pay, that's one narrative! So how do we do this? a thirty minute call linked to the o n B in the midst of tromp, trying to pressure NATO allies to up their spending. You see other scheme is played the goal of Given these democrats by selectively leading information is to get us to the point
The lie is repeated enough to wear it. Just becomes a tick, but in a story- and there it is but only wire writes about a phone call being wrong, and this is well this historic pro tromp right. No, I mean it's frame that way, but lately inject these little bits of information, whether to on purpose or not, that take Adam chef in the Democrats, narrative and put it in as a fact that Trump literally was pressuring Ukraine to announce these criminal investigations we all know that the President of Ukraine at this hour, true there was never a conversation about this, for that never happened. So why the daily mail saying it. I don't know ineptitude political partisanship agendas, strikes me is I spend every day it's like China on Clodagh toilet right. Imagine this theirs news everywhere, assumption juncture and lies, attempts to manipulate- and I'm trying to you know with plunder, just pull that that that claw right out
and you know, every day I get a little, I do, you know listen up a little bit, and other journalists, Comana, just dont, more trash and more waste that toilet making it impossible. It feels like trying do you Know- demolish an old building without proper equipment. Fellow hammer, every day the floodgates are opened, the fake news goes flung and people play the game exact, look at him. She wants. In the beginning, with the closer depositions selective information was Lee, to make it look like tromp was guilty and then I ve started speculating on the selective information and then people started acting like this lack of information was fact when it was opinions of people and it didn't frightful context. We then see Gordon Somnolent what a piece of work that guy is there was they prayed quote quick quid pro quo and then asked well, it was a presumption. No one actually told me there was one. There is well we're here, I'm sorry,
It will go down in history, I mean at me, maybe not, but what is it? What frustrates me every day when you know when I look back at the history of occupied Wall Street, and I see all the fake news written books from ideologues who want to support the idea of what it is, like there, it is man you know I was. I was down there and I saw some things that have never been written about. There's never been talked about and of have over, like overtly been lied about people, stealing equipment, people, stealing money. The corruption was was ridiculous. This what's that we're happening inside that camp and when you and you read these books and They'Ll- tell you. While there were some problems, it was all skittles in remote and that's it happening every day. Usa, history is written by the victors. In this case Adam. She doesn't want anything in fact they're losing, but you.
What they are winning when journalists just say whatever Adam Shift says as its fact yeah we're in trouble. I leave it there. I got one more silent coming up in a few minutes and I will see you will surely some people have speculated that Wave. The increase and transgender as ungenerous for Europe is due to rapid onset generous for you, but it could be due to gender bending chemicals in bottled water, bottled water and other drinking water. In twenty eighteen, we saw the story from the new Post Tina hormones being altered by gender bending chemicals. Now I pull this old story it's important
context to a new story and it turns out humans are being exposed to forty four times more infertility causing cancer linked gender bending chemicals than first thought. Could it be that young men and women in our countries in the west in the world are being exposed to leak product chemicals? leech from above water, an otherwise disrupting disrupting their hormones and then making them generous work. That may be the case, Oh I'll read all about. It is first story, so you understand these chemicals on what they do. I don't know, I think they're gather BP eyes and then I'll read how our exposure to them exceed the FDA safe levels. By as much as forty fourfold, I will also mentioned. I don't drink tap water.
I drink, filtered water, four out of every five british teens have their hormones upset by gender, binding chemicals found in plastics. New research suggests the chemical called Bisbee Hall. A bp aid is used to make plastics, including materials that come into contact with food ceiling, but it can mimic the female hormone, estrogen and cause a lower sperm counts and men. The chemical is also thought to be linked to several different types of cancer and clean breast and prostate researchers at the university studied the blood and urine of ninety four teenagers age. Seventeen nineteen and found eighty percent had hormone disrupting chemicals in their bodies, acts. Eco toxicology, professor, tomorrow Galloway, who co led to the study, said there was growing evidence that exposure to chemical may be associated with Paul. Or health professor Lorna Harry's, who also worked in the study, described it as a pervasive disruptor and at it we should have a choice over what we put now:
bodies when the teens change their diet, to include more fresh produce. The bp a lot among those the highest almost began to fall and there was little change among others, beefy ays GPA is legal in the UK in United States, things are more complicated. The FDA said twelve, that baby bottles and child so pick ups could not contain BP eight as it is banned in a number of states. However, it is still legal and products intended for adults in many states. That means when you buy bottled water when you buy prepackaged votes, if you're eating all of the stuff you are getting inundate with his chemicals. I'd be interested to see if they ran tests on gender. This fourth youth, if they found an increase and be PS, that would be interesting. They say that that you know Did you get the kind of smaller this? As the food Standards Agency website says, moneyed amounts have been, they can transfer from packaging into food and drinks. But independent experts have advised that these levels of exposure are not considered to be harmful. Independent studies have shown
but even one consumed at high levels? Bp aid is rapidly absorbed, detoxified and eliminated from humans campaigners have called for it to be banned from all products across the continent. Ok, but what happens when you are exposed to forty four times more of this chemical, then actually thought they say the FDA says the levels in widely used products are generally safe. However, the agency banned the of these chemicals in baby bottles and civic option. Twenty twelve now Washington State University research devised a new direct way of testing human exposure to the chemicals they found. They exceed the FDA safe levels. By as much as forty four times, humans are exposed to far more hormone disrupting chemicals and previously thought, according to new study, Patricia Hunt, the researcher at Washington State University, who first discovered the beat that GPA a dangerous talks and plastics can cause cancer and other diseases and disorders has now developed a more
accurate method of measuring it. In a study published today, Doktor Hunt reveals the new tool shows the safe. The safe limit of GPA stipulated by the food is what it was. So we know that forty four to forty four times This study raises serious concerns about whether we ve been careful enough about the safety of this chemical. What it comes down to is the conclusion Federal agencies have come to about how to regulate GPA may have been based on inaccurate measurements. The amount of GPA the FDA considers acceptable varies based on the product. Broad. I climbed the chemicals are safe and that people are exposed to such low doses of them they're, not toxic. However, they did bans who becomes. You know.
Methodology used by the FDA to establish what is or is unsafe, has been subject to scrutiny from a number of scientists. Doktor Hunt has led that charge. She discovered the way the BP sometimes referred to as gender binding chemicals interfere with the production of sperm eggs and male and female chromosomes. Doktor hunters long acknowledged that measuring humans exposure to GPS is difficult, but argues. That is all more reason to err on the side of caution in our latest work. She developed a new way to test just how much bp people are exposed to accorded a doctor hunt and our colleagues studies attempting to measure the amount of GPA human urine have done so by putting GPA metabolites compounds generated as the chemicals patentable, into a snail based enzyme solution that is supposed to turn the compounds back to BP itself. This is an indirect measure. According to the study published in the journal, the lancet, diabetes and endocrinology.
Instead she and her team devised away to assess the metabolites themselves directly. What they found was alarming. Not only was the disparity between the indirect measure on the direct on as wide as forty fourfold, the higher the level of BP eight the greater the gulf between their measure and the one used by the FDA quote. I hope this study will bring attention to their methodology used to measure GPA and that other experts and labs will take a closer look at us, took closer, look at and assess independently what is happening so the studies. First, first, author Roy Verona, so recently there has been an explosion. And transgender youth and individuals have been an argument about why that is. I dont know if it even make sense that Bp Eyes could cause
but they say in the other arc of linear post that they make estrogen. Let me wouldn't let me just come back this form of on they can mimic the hormone, estrogen and lower sperm counts and then there's another study, but only males published at either pulled up. It said that the Y chromosome is vanishing in older men. Could it be that this increase the lost, though I promise on the increase and transgender youth and individuals is due to be PS, I'm just asking, because I don't really know. Perhaps someone who is more scientifically incline could common explain. It explain why that may or may not be the case, but I'd. Imagine if economic estrogen now would be the case right. There's trouble about the soil boy because a Fido accidents, but let me just cite some it's possible
this could have an inverse affect people, look look at the soil thing and they say so. A boys are weak and affectionate beholden. Fido asked Jane found in soil is actually not as potent minors ending as your actual female estrogen, in which case it Fido attitude is blocking the receptor you're, actually getting a weaker version of Austrian, so it had. The The opposite effect right, I don't know, don't look at me. I'm not a scientist, but I will say some have argued The reason we are seeing an increase in Trans Youth is because becoming acceptable that the mood People say you're free to choose to do you know to be transit on will judge. You will support you in the press that more people are willing to tell the truth about how they really feel. I can respect that. That's probably true to up to us.
Great also possible, however, there's an inverse an inverse effect here that, as more and more people are inundated by these chemicals, there is a bigger demand for accept and see. If there were no trans people, there would be no call for accepting transport look at when exist, but they do exist. Is it possible that, our chemicals and plastics and everything in these hormones, and I also heard stories about how like women's birth control hormones go in the water to is it possible? That is, that is feminism. Men and resulting in them now feel this way and then demanding acceptance. It's hard enough for sure, because correlation is our cooperation, but I will add, the BP thing doesn't explain: Trans men and, according to the articles, in the end, the sides articles I found on the past almost all like eighty five, percent of Trans Youth are female to mail, not the other way around. For some reason, we all
always hear about male or female? It's probably due to male puber up pubertal advantages. You know it's going to be so someone who was born mail and then seventeen or eighteen transitioned another advantage, so those make the press. What we're into the studies on rapid onset tenderness for Europe, the majority of trade. Youth are actually born female and want to become mail that wouldn't so so BP eyes were not explained them. What they try to argue, that is societal pressures and other women encouraging them. It could be that as Bp Eyes, feminist men, who then demand in accepting as it creates a trend which results in young females saying hey. I should do this as well. I don't know it could just be that sometimes people trance and aren't they don't think the reason really matters for the most part. I think I think it matters to a certain degree, but when it comes to the rights it doesn't
If we want to figure out how to support and protect people than a conversation needs? We hadn't good faith where we talk about how to do that. Unfortunately, a lot of activists have been trying to shout these things down. It's made a really really difficult to pass laws that makes sense and in fact the laws are being passed, could be disruptive and actually take civil rights away. Which is really where the complicated and I dont want to rehash all that stuff. Obviously, by saying when we talk about the science behind what's causing this, this could be one of those reasons. So you might not care about plastics. You now and then the toxic browser you, what men, glass bottles, fresh food I try to eat, is good Osborne you should do. I leave it there and I will rub I sang,
in lieu of not working because it's gonna work now, if you have it and if it has been found on the content- and I had a regional yesterday and I got to crack temporary crowns, put in his very little talk, it hurts, but I refuse to take a day off. So I apologise if these videos word typically, you know up to par as they is normally are, and it is hard for me to talk. I thank you all for hanging and watching today's videos and arm, I hope it was it was. I was able to to do sufficient work for you in my convalesce stated that the right word, convalescence I mean I mean I'm ok, I haven't eaten anything in today's, but
Transcript generated on 2019-12-23.