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Democrats Are On A Losing Streak And Keep Doubling Down

2018-10-07 | 🔗

Democrats Are On A Losing Streak And Keep Doubling Down. Even in the face of prominent leaders on the left telling them to change certain tactics it seems like they are their own worst enemies.Right now people on Twitter are freaking out about Kavanaugh winning. They call for more incivility, the tactic that failed them already. They can't seem to understand why they lost Bernie voters to Trump.Bill Maher recently called out "social justice warriors" for helping get Kavanaugh confirmed, Michael Avenatti is accused of helping the Republicans, and Democrats are now calling to act "more rudely." Maher is right but as long as other Democrats don't reflect they will keep losing.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The other day. Cnn ran an article called President Trump's winning streak where they talk about how Trump has kept his promises. How he's succeeding unemployment is way down, and this is going to benefit the Republicans coming into the midterms and to his two thousand and twenty reelection. But this also means the Democrats and the left are on a losing streak and the and for this, in my opinion, is that they refused to self reflect. Often when I post on Facebook and say hey, maybe you should condemn the violence. That's been going on for the past few years. That is fueling Republicans. They won't do it When they push for democratic socialist candidates and many people, even mainstream Democrats say don't do this not only are you splitting the Democratic Party, but you're actually losing moderates, they don't care they just fight among themselves. Brett Kavanaugh is now a Supreme Court justice. I Many people, especially Democrats, are saying that Michael I'm is. He really helped the Republicans, because we brought forth
accusations from Julie, Swat neck of gang rape against Cavanaugh. They immediately lost credibility. It made it sound, like the claims against cabinet for absolutely ridiculous and Michael of an Audi refuses to accept that he did actually help the Republicans. It's also look at a few examples of exactly how the Democrats are losing and why they won't reflect on what they need to do, but before we get started please over a patrie on dot com forward. Slash him cast jobs for my work. Patrons are the backbone of the content. I creates a few like these. And you want to see more and you like the videos on my second channel. Please go to patrison dot com. Slash M cast to help support my work. Well, it's not the first. But CNN ran an article called President Donald Trump's winning streak where they talk about Trump winning
They only a re election party on the night of November third, two thousand and twenty could possibly offer the same vindication for America's most unconventional commander in chief as the thirty six hours in which two foundational strands of his political career are combining in a sudden burst of history, Trump became an undeniably consequential president, when Senate voted Saturday to confirm bright, Kavanaugh Supreme Court Consecrating, the conservative majority that has long been the impossible dream of the GOP on Friday Trump had celebrated the best jobs data in forty nine years, as the unemployment rate dips to three point: seven percent, offering more proof of a vibrant economy. At the President, says, has been unshackled by his tax reduction program and scything cuts do business regulations. So yes, even CNN, now saying that Trump is on a winning streak, but this means that the left is on a losing streak. They've lost two Supreme court seats. They didn't win the twenty. Sixteen presidential election and their base is being split by many activists calling for more far left candidates. So, let's take a look at
one of these stories where they need to reflect on the mistakes they've made CNN ran this story. Democrats say of a naughty undercut their case against Kavanaugh Senate Democrats believe they had Brett Kavanaugh on the ropes Christine Blasi Ford had just reveal their identity and was prepared to testify in public detailing her allegations that Kavanaugh had tried to sexually assault. Her more, three decades ago. On top of that, a new Yorker article had just revealed that a second woman, Deborah Ramirez, was accusing of exposing himself to her while they were in college, then came Michael Avenatti. The combat lawyer, who represents stormy Daniels and who has been a ubiquitous presence on cable television, revealed a stunning new allegation, a woman, Julie, Sweat Nick said. She had witnessed Supreme Court nominee attending more than house parties between one thousand nine hundred and eighty one and one thousand nine hundred and eighty three were Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge were present at some of those part she. Alleged Cavanaugh was fondling and girls, without their consent and along with others, spiking drinks to force girls to lose their inhibitions. She also alleged that
Hum parties, boys lined up by a bedroom to gang rape, incapacitated girls and claim. I was in the lineup, included, Cavanaugh and Judge, but she did not say Cavanagh or judge assaulted the girls in the bedroom. Nor did she provide the names of corroborating witnesses, Chuck Todd of NBC News tweeted. I asked Chris Cones about better Kennedy telling me that Michael Avenatti entering the Cavanagh process change things dramatically quote. I do think he's correct that the widespread response, certainly on the republican side, was that these were not credible allegations, It's over added, it sounds like she has about five hundred reasons for voting for Kevin in response to Senator Collins. He goes on still I'm not. He was extraordinarily unhelpful to Democrats, the Democrats had something an allegation that wasn't ridiculous. It's plausable that a young drunk Brett Kavanaugh may have sexually assaulted I believe that it sounds to me like something a young guy might do, and many people said. Maybe he doesn't remember it because he was drunk and it didn't matter to him, but it mattered to her, and I said, that's really interesting. It's a good point. We need evidence.
But it is a good point when the allegations then arose of Brett Kavanaugh gang raping women. It immediately lost all credibility. Everyone, then lump all of the stories into the same thing of ridiculous nonsense that couldn't possibly be true. I had friends asking me if I thought, Abernathy was actually a republican operative because he's Totale undercutting the Democrats. It's just wild speculation. No one knows what actually happened and it's Look, the simple solution is that of a naughty thought. He had something that might actually hurt Kavanaugh. Instead, it just discredited everything and it was made earth when Julie, sweat, Nick went on tv, an walked back her lines from the daily wire, Cavanagh, accuser, sweat, Nick walks back some of her explosive allegations. Nbc can't verify any of planes. The story says that, in the interview with NBC News, Sweat Nick said they did not stand in lines but huddled by doors and that she didn't understand what it could possibly be. So what next said that She had no idea with the boys were doing outside the doors until she claims she was raped and then in hindsight claimed that it was just too coincidental, so I x credibility.
I'm question amid recent reports concerning multiple unsubstantiated sexual misconduct, claims made against employers, one of which has accused her of lying about her education and workplace experience. In the interview she dismissed a political report detailing claims by your ex a friend who filed a restraining order against our two thousand and one after he said she threatened him and his family. But next credibility was attacked relentlessly in the media. She had accusations against her. She walked back her claims and this was used to blanket every accusation: against Cavanaugh, as without credibility, thus undermining the democrat strategy. But it's not the only thing. That's happened, the Democrats, actually having the hearing in the first place, rows GOP voters, as I talk about over the past few days, but also think about this. I don't know if this is on purpose or not, but by postponing the confirmation process, they have now set up a major political event, one month out from the mid terms,
and there's two possibilities they knew they were going to lose and so by getting Democrats all angry. They hope that if they got it as close as possible to the midterms Democrats would hold that anger get up and go vote. At the same time, they did the same thing to the GOP, I can't say any any of it was on purpose, but it feels like by delaying the vote. All they've done is made everyone angry an increase, the likelihood that everyone votes. The reason I think this is bad for them is that the Democrats already had an advantage in terms of enthusiasm for the midterms they've lost that buy in aging in these tactics, but perhaps there is a more core reason as to what's causing Democrats. Strife from politico Democrats fear the Wet RAG Party Kavanaugh, victory leaves many on the left saying it's time to get mad and even the story. As a quote, it starts, they are more ruthless said Jennifer, Palmieri
over one slash four century has served as a top aide to Bill Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama, and I don't want to be like them. The answer can't be for Democrats to be just as Little is more or less the Michelle Obama Doctrine, as articulated at the twenty sixteen democratic convention, just a few weeks before Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump when they go low. We go high post. Kavanaugh Democrats interviewed this weekend. Aren't exactly repudiate ing this idea, but they're qualifying in more important ways as they articulated their answer is to be more realistic about what they see as republican strategy to disregard principle and process in the pursuit of power, as they argue, the GOP did an ramming through Cavanagh, despite accusations of sexual assault and more disciplined and a long term way of fighting
one key some prominent voices say is more willingness to behave rudely even in the more respectable parlors, where Democrats historically have turned for validation. Democrats are the first to believe a lead opinion and editorial page opinion represent America, and they don't such a Kagel mayor, Rahm Emanuel. When he worked as an aide to President Bill Clinton. Emanuel said he often heard Clinton's view that ever since Lyndon, B, Johnson and Vietnam and Democrats have had a physical allergic reaction about. Exercising power in pursuit of your goals. I find it interesting that the response to Cavanagh is Democrats, saying perhaps they need to be rude, because the repo cans were willing to just push through Kavanaugh. Even if you had allegations against them what realizes that they have been in civil and rude and violent for years. It's interesting, though, is how everyone's kind of in a bubble even on the left. There are separate spheres where people can't see out of When I try and tell my friends who are aligned with the democratic socialists about a Bernie,
Anders voter, getting clubbed over the head and sent to the hospital they don't know about it. I've actually talked to some antifascist activists who didn't know that in Berkeley someone got clubbed over the head with a bike lock because they're in a bubble where they can only see one thing. It's probably due to the fact that they have a small amount of friends who only share very specific, so when I say that reply cleanse and moderates who are watching. The news can see all of this and you can't they get mad. They believe that clearly, the only reason I'm bring up the fact that a Bernie Sanders voter was club of that is because I must be right wing, which is ridiculous. I'm a liberal- and I think that it's when you have people getting club of the head, you are ceding ground to the right and no matter how many times I try and say hey. Maybe this is what you need Look at if you want to win, they don't believe it in fact, on Bill Maher just the other day and just all of and brought up how, in the Cavanaugh hearings, you had people tweeting, that was reflective of all white men and white men
privilege, Soledad O'Brien said no one is saying that and even Bill Maher said. I don't think that's the case, but it was on my twitter account. I do a good job of balancing out far left voices, far right, voices and media sources in between, and I see this all the time, but people who are paying attention to the news can see what happened with Sarah Young. That was a huge moment when the New York is hired a woman who, for years was ragging on white people. Yes, this is pervasive, even as recline of VOX wrote about how it was just an inside joke, and people should he too worried when women use the hashtag kill all men, but they will be, and when you all this out and say hey. Maybe it's an inside joke to you, but it freaks people out. They don't want to listen on my facebook, saying. Why do you always rag on the left him? Because the right is winning they keep winning Trump keeps winning and is probably going to win and the only way the left is going to win is if they change their strategy, but they won't because even after they lost the cabin fight,
you can see. Democrats are still saying. Maybe we need to be rude know the problem was you were rude in the first place problem was, as Rahm Emmanuel said. They think that editorial elite opinion from newspapers reflects America and it doesn't so when you go on a tirade on twitch. About how white men are bad, all you're doing is destroying your base. The last thing I want to point out is something I've notice. In the demeanor of those who support trump and those who don't? I have female friends who are trump supporters? I don't very often see them crying about what's happening in politics, Trump's, gotta, bunch of federal appointments being blocked and obstructed they're not crying about it. They kind of just get angry and post memes about it, but look what happens when Brett Kavanaugh gets confirmed? We see a ton of videos of people literally crying, and I think the Democrats have that problem. According to the political article I was reading, they talked about how the Democrats are just weak. They call them they're scared of being the wet rag.
Yes, I think, as many democrats have pushed for the left the base has flattened out now. There are a lot of moderate Democrats who are strong, who do want good social policy who don't want to vote for weekend. It's we're going to get steamrolled by the far left and many people, a democratic party will just cave to many people on the far left, keep in mind Cynthia Nixon lost Alexandria because you'll Cortez's district by thirty points, the most reasonable thing in my opinion, is strong center left. I'm a who believe in the things that are close enough to what the left wants, but moderate enough to win back some voters trump is on a winning streak. That Cnn's, article right there, President Trump is on a winning streak, and that means the left is on a losing streak, if they are unwilling to self reflect to improve themselves and their positions, then they get what they deserve, and it's a damn shame, especially for people like me who find themselves wanting more
this is that are associated with social liberalism, but can't get it because the people on the left, who keep losing refused to listen as to why they are losing. They won't change this one get worse. There are more calls for incivility, more calls for being rude and getting in peoples faces, and it's probably not going to work anyway. Let me know if you think in the comments below keep the conversation going man, twitter, ten cast stay tuned, a new videos every day at four hundred pm, more videos coming up on my second channel Youtube: dot com, Slash TIM cast news at six hundred pm. Thanks for hanging out I'll see you all next time.
Transcript generated on 2019-11-12.