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Democrats Already Planning SECOND Trump Impeachment As Pelosi DEMANDS New Investigation into Trump

2020-02-12 | 🔗

Democrats Already Planning SECOND Trump Impeachment As Pelosi DEMANDS New Investigation into Trump. Over the past several months Democrats have repeatedly claimed that they could impeach Trump a second time if need be.Now we have multiple stories either pushing for a new impeachment or explaining why there should be one. In one story they explain that Adam Schiff still has a probe of Trump and his businesses and a former Trump associate is predicting that Trump will be impeached again.But now we have calls from nancy pelosi to investigate Trump and Bill Barr over the sentencing of Roger Stone and the resignation of 4 prosecutors running the case.Democrats are claiming that Trump is retaliating against witnesses, targeting family members, and cutting deals for his friends.But in reality Trump has the ability to pardon anyone he wants and if he wanted Roger Stone to stay out of prison he could just say so, there is no reason to play this weird game with Democrats.In all likelihood this is just another excuse to line up the second Impeachment of Trump as we get close to the 2020 elections in November where most forecasts have them set to lose to a Trump landslide.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Nancy policy is already calling for more investigations into Trump, and this is significant because it see seems like we're, gearing up for impeachment round to industry our Democrats said we will impeach him again in the end of January, beginning of February, we will impeach him again. Then we calls in large newspapers that Donald Trump should be impeached again and it seemed the media and Democrats had been digging for a reason and they just got that reason. With the reduced sentence. Recommendation for Roger said and the resignation of four prosecutors who are working on the case now they claim this is proof. Trump is a tyrant. He's he's he's pardoning and and and goodness friends off who committed crimes. There is so much wrong with his assessment. First of all, the present can pardon anybody who is a tool for federally and Barack Obama,
at the same time in his presidency, actually pardon the more people than Donald Trump at its enemy. Anybody frigate about that more and more Donald Trump maintains he did not intervene, but policy says by simply tweeting about Roger Stones case. The president is muddying up the politics. Falstaff, ok, Donald Trump wanted to commute the sentence or Pardon Roger stone. He could just do it and he maintains he did tell bar to do anything. We don't necessarily know why these four prosecutors resign. In fact, some have suggested. Maybe they were even fired, which may be is why Nancy Blowsy wants the investigation, but will dig into that. More importantly, I want to take a look Some of these stories very quickly before we get into the hard NEWS about Roger Stone, where this story
just the other day, former Trump official predicts the president will be impeached again boy. You thought you could get out of this ride, but you were wrong. You know we suffered through Russia, get Ukraine Gate impeachment and they're gonna pull us right back in its Donald Trump doesn't win or I'm sorry for publicans, don't win back the house. You can bet it's to be a wild ride after twenty twenty one, as the Democrats do not reliant on their insane and inane investigations which completely different, which have never born any fruit. Let's start with the story and then a working towards where why I think second impeachment is on way and I want to pre empt their arguments and show you why, in all, we heard Roger Stone, probably should get some kind of reduced sentence. If beat you know if, if not, maybe she'll be part, because the rush investigation was bombed, but let's get started with this
from so long before we do had over two TIM cast outcome. Slash doubted if you'd like to support my work that several different options paper option equipped what gripped options physical address, but the best thing you can do share this video. Maybe there's a lot of people who, like that Donald Trump, will be together, they wanna hear at great. Hopefully that will be enough top shattered the echo chambers, but regrows of that it really does help much well because Youtube has somehow weird Google search black list, in which I and many others am on. You can search for my channel and that seriously does hurt the opportunity for growth. So you want to help me out. Share the video but read salon which, I might add, is a very cookie website to say the least says former former Trump official predicts that President the president will be improved. Again, so there actually citing the raw story, which is another cookie website, bullets, Reed on CNN Monday, J W Verity
George Mason University LAW, professor and former member of the truck tradition team predicted that President Donald Trump will end up impeached again, saying quote you say the present feels empowered now said: Co Anchor Jim Shouto. I wonder if, in your view view this will lead patent will lead the president to feel he can seek foreign help in the election. They are very information, Rudy Giuliani, gathered in Ukraine from very questionable sources quote from where it I think there is no question that he will attempt to do it its shameful to see what happened to Lieutenant Colonel Amendment. I not sorry to see Sancho NGO. He didn't acquit himself well, he parted made it in a violation of law. It took two or three times to come forward to Congress. The windmill firing is an acceptable. The only thing to prevent tromp to conclude with it to collude with a foreign power for third time, looks like front runners
for a third time, looks like front runners. Probably Russia doesn't have any dirt on them. Maybe they can hack the servers its worrisome quote. He will be impeached again. I dont know what for and it will be legitimate added merit. It could be for things personal having to do with his company just a stick on that. For a moment if people missed in the intro, when I said you worked for the president on on the transition team, said Poppy Harlow, you work believer a supporter and now you're saying he's going to be impeached again, it doesn't matter. If you support the. As we know, is gonna be impeached again. Ok, let limit Lenny stop. I don't wanna make the hard predicting some not entirely sure, but I gotta tell you the dumb those are being lined up and there get ready to flick that first bones and of all crashing down. They have been talking about. Second impeachment forever check this out What does this December twenty Third House Council suggests? Trumped could be impeached again. That was even before
or the Senate got the got, the the actual impeachment paperwork and there were any managers. Then we see this February. Third tromp impeachment trial, Democrats worn trump we'll do it again if in quitted, if, if acquitted that's right, they have continually talked about the potential for another impeachment and now they're, giving it to us from the Washington Times impeachment to point O Democrats, lineup possible new charges against drop. This isn't the last story so I certainly want to read it to see what their insinuating at the Washington from Vigo sex. They say Democrats all ready have lined up possible charges if they choose to pursue impeachment to point now. Why? Because the Democrats don't learn record fund raising for Tromp approval writing doing better than ever, and you think you want to go through another impeachment
was a slugfest Americans absolutely hated sitting through that the ratings were plummeting and you lost here's. The thing, though, if the house is maintained by the Democrats after the twenty elections in November, that they will do it again and they'll do everything they can to heart and remove the president. So it really does come down to whether or not to base are going to come out in force and win back these moderate districts. I honestly don't know I think they're well, but I was wrong and twenty eighteen and voter turnout in New Hampshire was up now in Iowa was down so we don't know. Yet. What's going to happen but I'd say that's hubris- will be your downfall of Democrats, maintain that house I mean, while look trump could lose in November shore. I don't think it's likely but possible, but of the Democrats. Keep the house get ready for two point. Oh, if you thought one point, I was
impeachment too, I don't know where we ve been men, blue, whatever they're gonna drama, O Roger Stone, that's their assets, that's what's gonna be it's over there. I just dont up and I got it I'll show you. They say still pending as a wide open probe launched Adam chef, California, Democrat Mr Shift, but investigating president tromp his family and businesses. The tree organization over the congressmen, suspicion of blackmail, money laundering and bribery seems like shift just makes things up. He is one of the most mind drilling politicians. I have ever seen he just seriously stands up literally Ex things up- and here we are like you? there really ready fake transcript into congressional record, and a lot of people believed it was real. It's sad. I know I was seeing the majority or most into sang a lot of people dead. That's what does republican staff Firstly, the inquiry was put on hold last fall pending the Ukraine impeachment proceedings led by me,
chef, but there is no sign MR ship has given up on trying to prove Mr Tromp is corrupt, and if the president is impeached again, the charges would likely come from this. Rob informed sources said perhaps perhaps perhaps perhaps, because the probes already underway what about Nancy Policy, is calling for. First I'd like to show you this: what has the Democrats? Yes I'll say it in panic. Fears of more post impeachment purges grow as trumps as military should punish, Vindelin well, trumps, gettin ready, YO bomb ahold. Finally, and naturally, there shrieking sates retaliation against family members. Dude O got rid of a ton of people when you first on office, trumps mistake was doing the same thing, but, of course the matter what Trop does they say for him? It's a bad thing for everyone else. It's fine now at this. I do have the data on pardoning, but I want to get to that list
because I want to show you know it: Nancy Palacio sang and go through what's happening with Roger Stone. I believe that Roger Stone may be the pretext for the next impeachment. However, with a caveat they may be going after bill bar we'll see out this plays out, but it may actually end up with president tromp. So if it's not trump, maybe bar a viral trend on Twitter, disbar bar and impeach bar, if not the first time, people have called for this because they say or is just working at the behest of Trump and doing everything he wants, like the mafia, rheumatism I'm sorry, I'm sorry I shouldn't. I should have known you this. Yes, George COM, I already called for impeaching trump again we get it. We had Nancy policy calls for investigate and into Roger Stone sentencing recommendation- and here it is Do the same thing abuse of power? Why is it that Trump
in his purview to set foreign policy was accused of abuse of power infraction of Congress. That now that the Democrats never went to scold to resolve the issue, but unclaimed. They had the authority to impeach the president over these things now, we have again, within the president's pout proper view, the right to commute and pardon individuals, nothing in the constitution as yet, but dont pardon your friends nobody likes Roger stories on for a long time. He can. I do think it's important point out them. Investigation was built upon nonsense and proved to be false. So I think we ve got a dangerous precedent of triggering
phony investigations that result in people getting charged for things like obstruction or lying. I get it. You know if there is an investigation you should be. The EU should not be allowed to obstruct this, but what of the investigation was predicated on lies and misinformation? Now you have a dangerous precedent to where law enforcement would have the right or have the ability. I should say not the right: the ability to start a phoney investigation to set up perjury traps to get people locked up, it's not gonna be good for freedom. The other funny thing about the whole Roger Stone things that people are more concerned about whether or not Trump has the right to pardon anybody and the resignations of Paul. Of these you know he's prosecutors. Instead of whether or not the sentence against Roger was draconian seeking nine years well, Nancy Pelosi tweeted by tweet, Real Donald Trump,
gauged in political interference in the sentencing of Roger Stone? It is outrageous that d o J has deeply damaged the rule of law by withdrawing its recommendation. Stepping down of process This should be commended and actions of the should be investing Agnes you're getting dude children part. Anybody. What is this? Is it is literally the presidential power to to issue federal, pardons investigated for what trot, maintains he never told bar do anything from the hill trumps. As he didn't order, justice to change sentencing for Roger Stone according to most reporting that the deal J says they are planning this before Trump even said anything at all. Now I talk about seven eight may it's because they knew tromp might get mad. I dont know doesn't matter you're trying argue one thing and both sides are saying no, the hell reports
President trumps had to say that he didn't instruct the Justice Department to change. Has long time associate Roger Stones, prison sentence recommendation while insisting he would be love to do so and calling recommendation ridiculous quote I'd be able to do it. If I wanted, I have the absolute right to do it. I stay out of these tromp told reporters in the oval office when asked whether he asked with a partner to change the recommendation. I didn't speak to them either. I thought the recommendation was ridiculous, that the whole prosecution was ridiculous but it was an insult to our country and it should happen. The justice department on Tuesday lessened its sentencing recommendation for Stone Africa computer set in a filing a day prior that he should receive seventy nine years in prison. The news came effort Trump card, size and sentencing recommendation in a tweet early Tuesday morning, calling it very unfair and saying that such Miscarriage of justice should not be allowed why
Anyone at the deal J, panic over trumps opinion- you could argue as I did. Maybe they knew Trump would get angry and said we better change this. They claim to have delivered recommendation before Trump, even tweeted about it, but they have nothing to worry about. They can do their jobs and of tromp is upset ill, just issue his pardon or commute the sentence. Why would they care? at all, which brings me to the next big story as to why this is gearing up to be impeachment number two four prosecutors quit after Justice Department takes extraordinary step of lowering recommended prison time for Roger Stone. Now, here's here's the challenge I have two views of this tromp as a mafia, also Orange dictator, who is getting his friends off the hook, who obstructed the mullahs instigation and got away by the skin of his teeth.
The other side is you: ve got mothers, prosecutors, mowers, bad investigation, which bore no fruit, which turned to be both turn out to be bunk and the Pfizer warrants. Some of them turned out to be bunk. Now Trump is saying this case against Rogers. Don't you have never happened? I mean think about this. They raided raw, you're stones house at like those in the We hours of the morning with like swat gear on the door, How old is this guy Roger started? Looking to seven, these are something it's ridiculous. They shop to US for all this. Like this, this rate with cameras waiting. I have no idea what they are intending to do, but it is my understanding, is prosecutors worked for Mahler Tromp recently accused Mahler of lying, so some people predict horse or suggest this May
bit of firing. The deal J may have gone to them and set and said the prosecution of Roger Stone. No dice get out. We want your resignation when people are fired. A special emphasis is like this. There are not told get out, and security comes an escort them out. There told to tender their resignation, we don't know the circumstances in which they left. I'm also curious if the case can even moved forward now that all four prosecutors are gone, I dont think there's a grand conspiracy or that trumpets pulling mafiosi. Those because it makes literally no sense he could pardon or commute anyone who wants. Maybe it's like I just smile at thing where you want to make sure there don't never gets convicted in the first place, so they can say he's not a fallen or whatever our own. Even I think it's a felony, maybe not the point as there's too much going on here and too much speculation,
and by us from everybody all. I can really say as its within the president's purview to pardon or commute anybody he wants, and if the d o J to reduce present time so what Brok Obama pardoned tons of people? Everybody did so. The next story trump congratulates Bill BAR for taking charge of stone case. Look, it makes sense Bill bar is a guy trump likes. If trumps has he didn't instruct anybody to do anything? What what are you where we supposed to do? I thought the democratic and do not call for an investigation and here's. The funny thing imagine if trouble That are really did nothing. Imagine he did not go to bill bar. They would investigate anyway, as we already read, Adam ship is still a still get an open probe into trumps. Personal business dealings and they only stopped because Ukraine Gate happened. Yeah, I'm sorry, man, if I was gonna, make a bet. It's gonna be that trouble impeached again, I'm willing to bet it's gonna be Adam Chef, it's gonna be the same.
In trashy nonsense, but it could very well be Bill BAR from Newsweek, impeach bar and disbar bar trend after you're stones, prosecutors, resign overdue yoga his decision to lower prison sentence, so they may just go after billboard. Donald Trump got some one who you you can call me loyalist or you can call me. Would you know attorney general, when every one of you wanna com is built up bill bar I want him to be removed because He is working at the behest of Trump. I suppose what would they expect? they wanted. Somebody who is going to reject the orders of the president, or are they mad that Trump as exercising the power of the presidency is probably the latter than ever wanted to be? Never wanted him to be president in the first place, but I would Arap something up and then we'll talk about whether
not Trump has the right to do it. The d o J acknowledges insufficient cause to monitor former Trump aid Carter page as suspected rush russian agent, and this this is me pre Empting, where will eventually go. I want you to remember this. Russia gate bore no fruit. I safer third time. The d o J acknowledges insufficient caused Monitor Carter page. Why did the whole probe happen? I have no idea. I note the conspiracy is the conspiracy theories suggest that you know it from the left. They think Trump interfered is working with Russia and by obstructing MA Mahler couldn't do anything so trot brings in bar and bar fires, Mahler ending the investigation, but he's a criminal. They say they still suggest that Trump is corrupt and working for the Russians, not exaggerating in the impeachment trial they suggested he was still working for with the Russians and cheated and twenty sixteen
now on the other side, the conspiracy theories that actors with hold overs people within the deep state are secretly plotting against Donald Trump. The only problem? Is that there's no evidence? Tromp was colluding with Russia and there is evidence that resistance type people for years had been talking about getting rid of trump. Does that mean there's a grand, deep state conspiracy? No, please calm down, not at all. It just means that their people, the robot, appointed war, biased and trying to throw wrench and the spokes. We read the book member. A warning by anonymous claiming to be in the White House and doing everything to subvert and bring about Donald Trump doubt downfall, so yeah they kind of admitted there is a group of people tacitly
inspires it hasn't like as in they hate the president, their working against em. It doesn't means a grand, coordinated effort. It means these people need to go so perhaps tromp was right to go about firing. Many of these hold overs. He should have done it in the first place. How can the country function? I want to show you something I want to pre empt the investigations and then the crying and the shrieking about Donald Trump and Roger Stone. What looking out of their scroll very very quickly through a list of all the parts and from Barack Obama going back to December third, twenty ten now just before Barack Obama left office, he issued a ton of pardons as most present
seem to do at the same time. In his presidency, Donald Trump issued for less pardons than Barack Obama did. If tromp really wanted stone out, he snapped his fingers and sad get it done. He can so their freaking out over nothing. It is within the president's purview. That brings me now to why think if the world were ok I'll read this up. I believe we are going to see impeachment to point out if the Democrats maintain control vows, because that's when it gets about but also because Adam Shift is using his position in the House Intelligence Committee, not to do intelligence oversight, You shriek, Orangemen bad and investigate Donald Trump House, Intel Republicans boycott hearing fighting, shifts, failure to hold a hearing on fire of use- and there is a court has ruled to these warrants- were bad as I've just shown you and the Republicans want answers. You know what I want answers to. I want to,
what's going on. I want public hearings, we you, you got your hearings on tromp non, stop over and over again for years, please Can we bring in? You know, like a hunter Biden? Can Adam shift testify, but chef apparently is doing nothing in their publicans are quite angry about it, and that's probably because Adam Schiff isn't campaigning on battering his district or doing anything to help the american people. Adam shift is obsessed. He has a psychotic, an unhealthy obsession with Donald Trump. Dare I say a severe case of acute propped arrangement syndrome. Listen man, the election coming up. If you work on bolstering your candidates, you could probably win a. Maybe that's just it Adam shift. Doesn't care about his district? Doesn't care about the country or the american people? He joy? hates Trump. It is mine, numbingly boring! You know what men
might actually get a second impeachment before the next election. You know why we're headed towards a strong likelihood Oh I'm sorry wherein we have a strong likelihood of a contested democratic convention and the super delegates will probably swoop it and give it the Buddha Judge who knows wrongly through two states. So far I one New Hampshire. But what do you think happens? The Democrats are realising their bases split, they don't have. The vote took up against Trump and they need hard. Art impeachment to point out the with Anti Pelosi calling for investigations into trumps actions with bill bar with activists demand The impeachment this barring of bill bar what do you think's gonna happen? they know they're gonna lose. I mean we're we're headed for trot twenty twenty landslide. As far as must the data shows in the polls. Don't, but the poles have been wrong economic forecast miles and other answer trumped got when this one. I think they are going to pull and insane hail.
I could be wrong. Zol based off of today's information, which is subject to checks, subjects to change, but it seriously, looks like impeachment to point out. Gonna come and it's gonna come quick. This is the offensive line. The Democrats are fighting internally, They have to choose who represent them in November. There's gonna be chaos, and that means the frontline democrats. People like chef or on the offensive, aren't gonna. Do it they're supposed to do you know? Actually, legislation hold oversight, hearings with for the end of intelligence oversight, hearings, no they're gonna go for trump they're going to go after Trump because they want when and they need to make sure they don't lose the house. So I think we will see some big scandal. Some big investigation, the hearings haven't stopped after them,
are proud? We got the Ukraine gate nonsense. Then we got the impeachment trial. It's gonna happen again I'll put money on it. I'm joking. I mean that not literally I'm saying as a gentleman's, but I will say it, your geared up for impeachment to point out a roller coaster ride I will likely avoid. But of course, as I talk politics knows I'm going to get roped into this. It's not gonna be fun. I leave it there stick around next islands coming up at six p m at Youtube COM slashed him cast news, and I will see you all their yes, evening. We got news that Justice Mallette was being indicted again for the hoax hate crime, false police, port shenanigans, for some reason you live under a rock and don't know what happened with actor Justice Mallette. Let me give some quick context. He claimed that like three in the morning on a winters day in Chicago a couple Trump supporters came up to telling, this is modern country, throwing a small fake noose around his neck and splashing him with bleach story
no sense, basically Annie with a rational minded and believe it. But what did we see? Celebrity? doing his photo shoots in what we stand with Jesse and other stupid nonsense. Sure enough tons of evidence came out that he people in all likelihood faked everything and he got indicted and for some reason the these state prosecutor decided to drop all of the charges. Jesse eyeliner saying we would have fallen and at serious risk. Turns out his life psychic aren't you can actually travel to the country or you can go to a lot of trees. There are serious problems for him if he would have been, you know, convicted or even plight guilty, so the charges got drop. Its huge investigation, everybody's breaking out special prosecutor get them the case, and now we have it. He is being in I did on six counts for lying to police bumping. The victim of a razor tom of after similar charges were dropped, but we have an update this morning. His attorney is introduced dating Basically saying this is all
about politics, Europe. I say not justice, ordinary this and, I think, is very important to see the latest updates, because perhaps we will get justice but this story was major major. Now No news with celebrities holding up will sign, saying, like oh poor Jesse, all her rough, I say as if to dude in Chicago with Muggah caps on will be yelling about mother country, just like the stupid, a story of heard. But did you know that, just a few days ago a man took a van and crashed it through a republican voter tent? Fortunately, nobody was hurt. Jesse, wasn't he either and no one's anything. I didn't really make the news a guy in a van crashed into republican voter tent, got out filming off the people who he merely he could have killed, and then he got his van took off
didn't see a lot of people in the mainstream press. Talk. My local news definitely covered it. Conservative. Does that not only covered a lot of independent news, definitely covered it, but in the mainstream. No, of course, all these. What all of these news outlets warlike just see when he faked hesitate, presumably factors attacks on being careful. We ve been up, it turns out it they politically motivated attack. I mean we knew it, but the guy got arrested said he did it, because someone had to take a stand so now. We know for a fact that this guy was trying to hurt, maim or kill tromp supporters or hurt you scare people as its overt terror, There is the big breaking news where the celebrities coming out saying we stand with the american voter. We stand at the people, afford they don't care. This guy took a van crash, do tent what it just smell. I do what I been him. Nothing as far as we can I've got balls stories and I want to show you, but we're not start with, without with the latest, unjustly well that daily mail reporting justice MILAN
been indicted by a special prosecutor in Chicago nearly a year after the initial charges against him over an alleged hoax attack or dropped a cook grand jury hit the empire actor with six so disorderly conduct on Tuesday for allegedly stay. A racist and homophobic hate crime and lying to me is about it special prosecutor Del web announced the charges against smaller and so that the further prosecution of the there is in the interests of justice. It is now many years and smaller claimed he was attacked at two way. I'm ok to starting on three July to a knife to nineteen walking to a subway near his Chicago home to buy a sandwich. I gotta do this. Ok, I gotta stop I'm from Chicago Ized escape at two in the morning around this area, there's a place called where we used to call the clock. I mean a thing: it's called the clock. It's this giant clock face that you can walk through, but when you look down from above
can see at the clock. So people in the buildings above can look down and actually share our biggest worked for a long time, but the very, very famous skate spot gay state borders go there to skate nutrition. Hang up. So I used to go there. Super early in the morning? The best time to state is like to em. When I heard stores are laughing. There is no way this is legit, we would on the train like when the last trains to go downtown and we skate around the city. In the We hours the morning there was, ever anyone there, let alone roving bands of supporters granted. I left back a long time ago, but it should come Oh man, it's a bull, it's blue, there's, no magua country there and besides this area that nobody walks. Round that early in the morning, it's ridiculous. A story is made literally no sense, so they basically daily mail just rehash everything we are. You know, but here's the big update. We have a statement from the attorney for justice,
what am I gonna go and say it is my personal and expert opinion. This statement is garbage. And it's obvious. That's smollett staged all of this, but I must say a legit because it's hard to prove definitively unless or until he is convicted, he is innocent, proven guilty as much as I think, and everybody does specially Dave, Chapelle Column Juicy Small yea. We all think he did it, but hey, hey, hey standards, standards innocent until proven guilty So he got the charges you know removed or whatever, let's see would happen. And try when they present their evidence, also displays out, because you know you might find- maybe maybe he was telling the truth. I hey- hey, hey. I know you're by laughing right now
people when the lottery ok see this astronaut Michael odds to get that is possible and I think it's very very important for our constitutional standards that we do at least respect innocent until proven guilty. So I will say this: I think that do done did it, but he is at least innocent until proven guilty right. Read. The indictment raises serious questions. What the integrity of the investigation that lead Renewed charges against Mistress Mallette, not the least of which is use of the same c, p d detectives, who are part of the original investigation into the attack on MRS Mallette to conduct the current investigation, despite MR smaller, pending civil claims against the city of Chicago and see beady office, see PD officers for malicious prosecution. Sorry spare me and one of the two witnesses who testified before the grand jury is the very same detective mistress Mallette is currently suing for his role in national prosecution of him, I gotta say does that they should have done it
I really do think the city should not have done that now. It may be that Jesse's try to create a conflict of interest and that's not entirely fair, but I think they could have gotten everything they wanted with independent investigators checking into the claims made. The detectives and verifying where they are true or not. You'd have the same evidence. The same statements but of independent third party investigator, saying I checked into what he said: here's what he said. I believe it to be true inaccurate and then they couldn't say this freedom. After more than five months of investigation, the opposite the special prosecutor has found has not found any of it of wrongdoing whatsoever related to the dismissal of the charges against Mr Smell at. Rather, the charges were appropriately dismissed the first time because they were not supported by the evidence that's as far as I know not true, because c p d and many local jobs, lists have published some pretty strong evidence. The attempt to reach prosecute, Mr Small, at one year later, on the eve of the cook count:
states attorney election is clearly all about politics and not justice. Well, you done made a mistake, Mistress Mallette and his attorney and the process you should have given him the slap on the rest and set up the walk. You could have dropping Youtube, you could have given him Demeanor charges short, we ve been bad for his career, but now it's gonna get felony charges. He gave him a slap on the rest. People would grow. And say fine, whatever now it like it's gonna get that actually are they felony charges on and off? They actually actually said. We say that well, we'll see what happens. I don't think it mentions weather tomato, a felony. The story from a daily mail basically just goes into rehashing all of the stuff. We already know showing the videos in everything, but here's what I want a contrast, this with mascot question. Why is it? that this crazy looking do right here with with his crazy, weird fascist haircut, I'm being somewhat facetious. Why isn't he on the front You know I'm on the lead of every major news story.
Aren't celebrities coming out saying you condemn this man, oh because the news never does stuff like this, because Jesse smell at fit their narrative, because these people live in bubble world and they don't actually care empathize with people who live in the country outside of their personal space. So The sky, crashed van through voter, tent, only did he nearly kill, hurt or maim people, and he intended to but he actually shut down people's right to vote. So we have a couple story sure. That's for some reason. Just don't make large mainstream news. Voter suppression, how much People now we're gonna say I'm too scared to go out and vote, because I've seen the videos of the crazies I've seen that it is an anti, but how many people won't go out to even vote, let alone register because of people like this, that's terrorism, yet, whereas the where's, the press, where the headlines, this should be major news right, unfortunately, not just money.
Cover with no evidence can claim that someone yelled modern country and it becomes a national story. I remember was it like the big in theory where they did that big photo thing where they said like we stand with Jesse. What about this? The guy admitted it, and none of you care to find funny about this whole thing is what a fine funny about America, nothing as it's all tribalism and has nothing to do with Paul. Let's see you know whether someone is left or right- has nothing to do with where they stand politically and has to do with whether not there on some one side or in a ill defined tribe. So when this happens, the media just doesn't care and its funding say? But the media is not really biased if biased, not only in how they present facts, but in what they choose to present and its true for a lot of peace
right you can say that I'm biased, because on my main channel and and and and this one for the most part, I'm typically angry with you know Democrats, but but but this is exactly why you dont need to come to my child to hear the same stupid nonsense. An ill made points that the mainstream media, enlarged, is organizations make and what frost, it's me and why I do videos like this. Why do videos about the absurdity of the Democrats is because I've lived a life? Were I've watched the media ignore all of these things and I feel like there is a whole in what needs to be presented to create a balance to be able to really going on so people complain. Why don't you complaining videos dedicated dragging on tromp, two reasons for While I do Reagan, the guy you know fairly often, but more importantly, a single outlet does all day every day I would just be throwing static into I'd, be spent in the wind I be the it's just that doesn't do. Anything literally adds nothing
it balances no views and that's why I always say: watch other progressive videos to an ad mind to your healthy news, diet. Because I am also biased in what I choose to cover the problem is, while my channel it my channels do get a decent amount of views. I have tremendous respect for everybody. You know who watches it makes me feel. Thank you fervor. Boarding my work. I have nowhere near the reach of Fox, CNN or MSNBC, as other major outlets now Fox did cover this. It wasn't a major led story. As far as I can tell it was one of their Fox news alerts, so even Fox NEWS isn't problems as much as that justice. Mallette thing was, I think, is fair to say: yeah, ok, just as malaria celebrity, and this became a major culture war issue with celebrity doing so. You know this kind of nonsense, but if like we're having a bigger conversation about all of the times. Some one has gone after Republicans. Trump supporters- and I understand fox- does naturally that's their audience, but mostly media does not
so what should I do? Should I say I'm gonna get in line with a good little sheep and just say whatever it as the media. Already says or making to look for underreported stories, the media won't cover and try and present you know and a different view or highlight stories that are being neglected. Nobody's perfect, not even the big media companies. Not even me, that's not really much. You can do about it. What's left, let's read this because You don't cannot dragon on. They say Anti Andy Trump Terrorist Van Attacker quote some one had to take a stand from the post millennial oh Jack and Veal man has been accused of assault after allegedly driving van through attend that had a senior citizens drop that had senior citizens trump support of registering about. I don't, I don't think it's allegedly. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure they do. Did it and admitted to doing it, but ok, fine, I think it's fair to say constitutionally innocent until proven guilty. I didn't see the video of freedom
According to police, Gregory TIM faces two accounts of aggravated assault on a victim over the age of sixty five one count of criminal mischief in one country riving, while his license suspended his bond, has been set at just over five thousand dollars, the attack took place it forty five Saturday afternoon, at a shopping plaza with Walmart Super Centre police say. Of six others narrowly avoided being struck by the van before before driving off. Giving what organizers called an obscene gesture towards the crowd TIM himself confirmed, The van action was an anti tromp political attack which would classify it as a terrorist attack by Florida State law. According to chapter seven, seven five of Florida law one terrorism is to intimidate, injure or coerce a civilian population influenced the pollen We have a government by intimidation or coercion affect the conduct of government through destruction of pretty assassination murder, kidnapping or aircraft piracy, while aircraft piracy TIM also
quote: willingly showed police video himself driving at the stand full of truck volunteers. So we have this tweet from Jacques Rousseau back and it looks like this. Is it a document from police where he said some one had to take a stand against what a bunch of sixty five year old sitting in the than the Florida heat asking people to register to vote, that we are taking a stand against? That's what you're scared about I've seen it when I was in Berkeley, and these people scream that you know it was it was. It was darndest thing I might say I was told by his aunt. If it did, we had we not we're talkin. Actually, he said that the park was for the fascists and I would like first of all, there's a bunch of like sixty year old women in that field standing around and he was like oh yeah, unlike you think the old lady they got knocked over in your skirmish is a fascist, we defend it, saying a lot of a man, real, really racist, bigoted views and, unlike mom dude slow,
It not doing anything she standing in a field where we talk about more importantly, in Berkeley there this there's a couple Super hippy dippy, looking guys gonna tall wearing like tidy shirt, kind of things. You know long hippy to be here and I asked them of their. There are strong supporters now, like nope just for free speech. You know it's Berkeley, famous free speech spot and that was amazing May, concerning annual payments, are beaten, the crap out of people and a fight broke out, and you ve started at fault. You know straight up, so you also look. We see these people obsessively accusing everyone of being a fascist including old people I will. I will additives as an aside to the funding by Berkeley. Was I ask this this guy he's you had a knife on him too? He was, he showed me his knife. I asked him it. What why you thought they were fascist, any sort. You know saying some dumb stupid annual line, and I was like yours thing. I, like you
realise these are the people who are so terrified of a fascist government taking over. They demand the right to bear arms against it right and he was like you would yeah and unlike right right, those people over there right, they're, the ones sang. We don't want a fascist government take over or tyrannical government. So we want the right to bear arms and he was like yeah. I'm like you see, I that's kind of like doesn't mean since you think they're the fascist and they're the ones freaking out about the government becoming tyrannical on them, wanting weapons to fight again, like a man dude doing to equals. For let's radon so accorded the story. Someone TIM said to the police or, let's take a stand in response. The attack to devolve county GNP treated the following we are outraged by the senseless act of violence towards our great volunteers, said: Duvall GNP, chairman Dean, Black, the Republican Party of. Do all county will not be intimidated by these cowards and we will not be silenced. Your innovation also tweeted.
Public party of Devolve county plans to redouble its efforts to register voters and will continue its work, with renewed intensity to re, Elect President Donald Trump. I call on everyone. Applicant and our great city to stand up, get involved and show these radicals that we will not be intimidated exercising our constitutional rights in a tweet, you'll be Chairman Renault Mcdaniel said these unprovoked provoked senseless attacks on Real Donald Trump supporters need to end President Donald Trump retweeted tweets, adding be careful, tough guys who you play with a rabbit. One final thought in this whole thing as an aside: I'm not gonna, do a whole segment about this, but you may have seen Donald Trump tweeted about tough guys for Trump. It was a clip from the caribbean There is an episode where Apparently Larry David decides to wear, Magua had so people leave them alone. He cuts off a more biker. Motorcyclists and this guy gets all languages yellow, madam he pulls over and then what Whereas on the window he puts on a hat and the biker justice officer is not angry anymore, it's just hit. He also the bikers on
and just as we could be more careful next time and drives off trumped tweeted out, he said tough guys for and everyone started laughing like all my own. Ah ha travellers are realised, are making fun of them and I face palm, unlike did. First of all, it was a funny episode. Second of all, tromp is rather self deprecating in his humour and trot supporters. Lovett. Third of all, tromp supporters love the idea that these jokes kind of give them cultural. Wait. They like the jokes. They love but the means whatever gives trump attention, but for some reason these people don't live in the real world and at an edit, this loops back into exactly what I'm talking about with small at and this guy and explain when you pay attention to what trump support of a saying. But you know I try and pay attention to everybody.
See what that what that, what what's going on culturally, I noticed that whenever they do these stupid jokes to mock Trump, the Trump supporters start using those jokes and they think it's funny. There have been so many means and piece of art that mock tromp that become the top posts on the Donald I brought it and they're laughing and and cheering about it because it's they have never sense of humour. They dont care that that you know you do this. They just don't and that's really attractive to the average per that is why comedians are embracing pushing back on this pc nonsense. But why, then, how does this relate here? These people dont pay attention to what Trump supporters are doing or thinking or news about them there in a bubble like we know from twenty, sixteen leftwing journalists only follow up and journalists
I would have done, was to follow both. So you end up with these people, seeing all the news about Justice Mallette, the Covington kids, things like that they go nuts without fat checking and these stories never see the light of day in the mainstream press, because their locked in a toilet swirl. That's why I've got eyes called whirlpool but, of course, toilet cousin. Sinking down towards the cropper. They are wrapped up chasing each other, spinning in circles faster and faster, headed towards drain when they ignore stories like this average Americans in Florida, who heard the story probably got freaked out, the National Preston talk about it. The good example of what's going on with our broken press, is they still don't their stand, trumpet supporters, they don't- and maybe it's because a lot of the same, rational people that were once on the left jumped ship. With that nine point, four million for We're Obama, voters who then voted for Trump
many other moderate. Seventy Yang or policy gabert, for instance, or people like me, who are paying attention, understand, what's happening, condemn it, but we are somewhat, but we are not the people who work in media, so kind of feels like you used to have a left that was supported by a lot of people like me, like Mister Jack, Murphy was on my shoulder their day, but many of those people jumped ship and now all its left is the ignorant inapt individual. Who has no idea what's really going on, and thus the news is suffering because of it. But it's gonna come back to haunt em when Trump winds in November. But maybe I'm wrong about money will see what happens. Sit around next islands coming up at one p m on this channel, and I will see you all their. The results of the New Hampshire primaries are in and the clear winner is Donald J tromp for one reason he's gotten way more votes than the past three incumbent elections. In fact, more than two of them combined more
in double Obama. Let me just clarify this very quickly. Trump is essentially the only person running. I mean there are like bill Weld and Joe Walsh whatever, but no one really takes them seriously, so people don't mean to kill out and vote at all yet for- home reason. People are still coming out as of right. Now, the numbers actual it'll get hired about a hundred and twenty eight thousand votes for Donald Trump in the GEO P primary in New Hampshire, something they really didn't need to do, I'm a democrat side. No can it a hundred thousand votes, but it is fair to say, voter turnout for Democrats was really high, and this Democrats, have some really really good news transporters better than your toes voter turn. Not for New Hampshire is set to be higher than two thousand eight that's what they need to win in November, now we don't know for sure how this will translate, because there is still really bad news for Democrats and there's a reason. Why say Trump is the clear winner,
Bernie Sanders narrowly narrowly beat peep defeated, PETE Buddha Judge, but it was one of the thinnest victories. I think the finished we ve seen in sixty eight years and Buddha, judging centres tied for the delicate count, meaning PETE Buddha Judge, is in vote he'd nationally. I know with only two states, but Nevadas coming up will see how that plays out. There is no clear victor. On the democrat side, we can point to the excellent voter turnout, but then there comes the bad news in pendant voters are down in the democratic primaries. Youth voters are down and first time, voters are down, meaning What we are likely seeing is a is that Democrats, who are core Democrats, are interested in voting for with four who they care about. But honestly, this is predictable The Democrats are in a state of chaos and civil war, so it makes sense that many core democrat base voters are going to come out to support their candidates.
In the end, while Bernie Sanders kind of declare victory the popular vote in Iowa, and he can declare victory with the popular vote in New Hampshire. Unfortunately, that's not the way the delegate system works and PETE Buddha Judge is leading. How many of you remember TAT, Sixteen Nevada boy, oh boy, go watch those videos. If you haven't seen it, people were screaming growing things like lifting up chairs. It was nuts, apparently they booted sixty four Sanders delegates that way, Hillary Clinton would win and get the full delegates. So it was, it was rig. And though the woman who's running it clearly she's like who wants a recount and everyone's booing saying no, and she goes the eyes. Have it bangs the goblin runs off. The system was clearly rigged, so
we're. We're all really excited to see what happens you know? Is it next weekend in Nevada, but we'll see not this. I think that a weekend after next, but so first, these numbers for Donald Trump ART and its admittedly it's it's a good reflection on the enthusiasm for the president relative to the past presidents, who on reelection. People are adamant about voting for Trump look at us: oh bomber, one re election and Trump got more than double what Obama did, but total vote count for a publican is like half of what it is for Democrats, but I think there's it isn't, the way to explain the so here we have the twenty twenty results for the proper, the primary election. We can see Bernie Sanders nine delegates with seventy five thousand votes, booty judges, seventy one thousand club which are with fifty eight war with twenty six
by forty four etc. This is actually really bad for the progressive and bad for Bernie Sanders, and overall, it's really bad for the Democrats. Now I'll show you five thirty eight saying something similar, but we may be headed to a contested convention with no clear nominee, and that means it's going to be Bedlam chaos once again. This is good news for tromp. He is absolutely. Loving it as Democrats are incomplete disarray. These numbers show us the complete civil war of the left, and it shows us that the progressives the far left Democrats are poised to lose at least so far. Now I've seen some people say things like you know: seventy Crystal Ball tweeted. Seventy percent of the Democrats pulled wanted Medicare for all interesting, interesting basin. They voted Foreboded Judge Club, which are inviting received decent proportion up portions of the vote count, but there the
moderates I don't know where they stand a sailor Medicare for all, maybe they're all fairly progressive on that issue, which of us out Bernie Sanders, wins the popular count in the top five. Some are, can include styrene August technical. You could you we could go down and includes Dire Yang, but look at this in the top five, if you were to add Elizabeth Warrens Vote, total to Bernie Sanders you're just over a hundred thousand votes, but if you add Buddha, Judge Club, which are and Biden you're much closer together Britain, fifty thousand votes, meaning the moderates. Have it so right now on the surface, what are we hearing? Progressive, our cheering Sandra supporters of declaring victory and their dancing around, look, I get it. They have too because you can't show fear you need to lead the charge, be confident and convince people to vote for you. But, let's be honest, what this means. It means that when Joe Biden drops out and he's gonna soon cause he's losing bad club, which our drops out, because she did nothing and I once she's bear
like I'm surprised you even here in New Hampshire, but we'll see you gotTa Buddha Judge, Buddha Judge is currently leading the delicate count and he is likely to absorb the moderate vote and he will beat Bernie Sanders, but I've got a five thirty eight five thirty eight makes this down. So don't take my word for it. I'll tell you when the most frustrating things ever is that the adamant Bernie Sanders supporters are going to be accusing me of biased, not giving Sanders the victory. I'm sorry, I think they're going to cheat Bernie sure, but Buddha Judge is winning and the moderates will take the vote count. No matter what it is you think the numbers don't Ok, look. The poles were all wrong some eighty five there. It is wrong to do. But I'd say this. I was right about Joe Biden. Wasn't I I set it basically for from the tiny started he's not really running. He had
Crappy campaign managers who was barely raising money, do can't talk straight. He's got a lot of problems and I said there's no way this due to the front runner not gonna happen I didn't think is actually run out. I don't know what he's doing but sure enough. Here we go I was right in such as me, and I'm a frantic credit for setting up a bunch of the burning supporter saw it transport sought. Nobody thought Joe Biden was actually running. All of these. It- is claimed he was leading the charge in the primaries. How much about state. Why like Joe Biden and then what happens? Booted judge and Sanders now nobody saw Buddha judge Common, but the poor. A trash. So why should I take five? Thirty, eight for you, as fact I gotta be honest, probably, The problem is: what can we do? but I will say that I was right about Joe Biden and I say based on that ice they'll? Think I'm gonna be right about. You know what we're seeing your the moderates
taking it away from the progressive Bernie getting cheated and anti about losing it? Take us out five there. It's a Sanders is the front runner after New Hampshire, contested convention has become more likely, but the model needs pose. New Hampshire, calling to make sense of a chaotic race check this out. The democratic prime Harry, isn't a confusing state at the moment and are for, asked model is a little confused. Also there are couple of assumptions it's making about how the Poles may react to New Hampshire. That may not be entirely right is also limited by the lack of pulling in states after New Hampshire, most notably Nevada and South Carolina. So we courage to take the model with a large grain of salt. Until some of that post new Hampshire, appalling comes in for the to take away. The model feels most confident about are two things. I am happy to vouch for says: Nate Silver himself First Bernie Sanders is the most likely person to win the democratic nomination. We will see
we will see I'm not entirely convinced, but you know pay five. Thirty, eight there, the experts right but check this out the chance of there being no, what pledged delegate majority, which could potentially lead to a contest contested convention is high and in creating. I am willing to bet that will be the case now. I don't know why they think I'll be the case, though poles polls that were all wrong, I'm not so maybe they're right, maybe I'm wrong, but based on my gut feeling, not now be about facetious. I'm talking about the news. Read the results so far the vote counts so far. The delicate count so far, I don't care what you're poles say in terms forecasting you they were all wrong, so my personal opinion based on all of this data and these new stories is that the moderates are going to get behind a moderate candidate, as other cannot start dropping out
knowing their losing, but here's the thing people like Joe Biden, are refusing to give up Dubai to drop out? You should have been in the race in the first place, but he's like no were taken. It Caroline O commanded, I don't even know her. Number given this, but if they got out right, these people are splitting the moderate vote. If they really wanted to stop Bernie they would drop out, and so is moderate votes would drift over to close char or or Buddha Judge, or I mean honestly at this point: I'm surprised people are born out just given its booted judge, but I'll be honest, he's got twenty three delegate. This knowledge is guaranteed to win what I truly find fascinating about. All the cheering from Sanders camps about the popular vote is that it doesn't matter First of all, what did any of these Santa supporters due in the twenties and twenty sixteen when Nevada was basically stolen? I did a whole lot of then and then Bernie Sanders bet down
on one may and kissed the pinkies ring of Hillary Clinton. That's what he did. You know he should have stood up for himself. He should have said no, but I just couldn't do it cutting right now, After these two grand victories of Sanders, they say booted judges. Winning. He got the same, delicate Count that Sanders had popular vote does not matter. So what what? What are they gonna get? Honestly, I don't know but check this out, while all the Democrats are dancing around saying. Yes, we got that voter turnout, we needed. I will be the first to say. That's good, really, good news for Democrats really really good news, but what about the blank or bust voters Yang or bust, Bernier bossed Biden or bust? Never burners, never know. Bernice, wherever they call themselves what happens when a voter turnout go sour? What happens when those moderate voters defect to Trump I'm telling
right now there are. There are never trumpery sore saying things like we're. All Democrats today scares me no you're, not because pro life Democrats are basically being told to GDP. A foe, I dont, think Buddha. Judges responds to the pro life Democrat was the worst in the world, but Bernie straight up said it's a requirement to be pro choice. You ve got fourteen percent of your party that is poor, life dude. If you know what the vote then then tell him believe what they ll leave. So I dont see, I don't see any good NEWS for the Democrats in the long run with how they're playing this If Bernie Sanders is the most likely to win, then I think the most likely personal in the November elections, Donald Trump, because what people are what we're people realize right now. You gotta understand this. When you are given a pole- and it says you know who would you vote for in this match up a lot of people are saying I want this person he's my person right. They say between Burundian tromp New Polecat
as the biggest led like eighteen point: people it supports an across the board great and what happens when Sanders loses the nomination to some moderate. You know vanilla, yogurt candidate, that no one cares about. Then all that big act, enthusiasm either turns sour and rejects the system. Trump wins. What happens when Bernie Sanders does win and never trappers, and pro life, Democrats, panic and say Trump is better or the people horse. You dont, like socialism, which has like more than half the country. Donald Trump wins the fracture. The democratic party goes, go sour, no matter which were you caught it now again. Moody's analytic, said with record turn out. Democrats will squeak by with a like, on electoral vote over to seventy. Ok, take us out. He says, there are also some negatives for Sanders, why He one New Hampshire, although pledged delegates were split evenly between Sanderson booted judge, which model gives Buddha judge a tiny bit of credit for his twenty five point. Seven percent of
their under performed our projections by two to three prick. The percentage point percentage points New Hampshire as a state that, by all rights, ought to have been fairly straw. For him. I should also have been Although Sanders leads the natural in national poles, he Average is only twenty two percent of the vote in them on Usually the low for the national leader. At this stage of the race between a slight under pressure, once in New Hampshire and a couple of mediocre Poles four sanders. While our model was frozen awaiting New Hampshire results, he actually fell slightly in the forecast from where he had been twenty four hours earlier. They expected him to win, but he didn't win by what they expect. The wind by now check this out, there's a still sanders. Thirty eight percent chance of pledged delicate majority, is far better than any other Democrat. He also has a fifty two per, chance of a pledge, delegate, plurality, even if this isn't
strongest. Possible version of Sanders, he's come far closer to actual lies in its potential than any one else in the field. Furthermore, attack considerations of the race are setting up well for Sanders, the Mai lane, still very crowded and perhaps even getting more crowded, no longer just Biden, and we get but also club which are in Bloomberg and Sanderson. Old, well ahead of Elizabeth Warrant in the progressive line But New Hampshire is also good news. If you're ruining for chaos, our forecast has the choice. Of no pledge delegate majority up to thirty three percent, its highest figure yet and rough. The double what it was before. I won't. Let me be clear what this, what that means is the second most likely outcome is there is no unity in the party? Could you imagine the bedlam and chaos at the Dnc the protesters outside no clear winner inside and in their rights
the Bernie Sanders Porters, blue and jeer Buddha Judge as he squeaks, by with a contested victory. Youth, Bernie Sanders. Voters who Buddha judge are going to go out and vote. When the general election, I don't think so. In fact, I think many of them will go to Donald Trump. There's the chaos voters The people who are acceleration is to think Trump is the worst thing in the world one about worm because they think it'll make things go faster. You not, I know some people like that I actually know some far lefties who, when Hillary Clinton took the nomination, they voted for Trump, not because they liked him because two two reasons they want to punish Clinton and they are hoping it would make the downfall come faster. I think we'll still see some of that and I think we're in a sea around half of Yanks voters, for instance, going for Donald Trump saying they would. Support a democratic candidate. If it was not Yang, they are, he was gonna, say almost everything went well from the standpoint of a contested convention sanders
and with a smaller share of the vote, then the model expected, moreover, the second and third place candidates. Did in club, which are may or may not be poised. Take advantage of any power, New Hampshire serve a surge. They get having begun the evening, it just ten percent and four percent respectively national poles and not having any obvious strengthened about or South Carolina. Meanwhile, the two candidates part from Sanders who had seen to have built the broadest national coalitions, worn and Biden did terribly in New Hampshire as they, although the rice is so wide open, they can't entirely be counted out either, especially not Biden, So. This is why I am saying Donald Trump is the clear winner he's got a massive victory percentage wise compared to the other incumbent presence when they were running. So that is a clear shelling of enthusiasm and support for the president. Its huge turn out. My understanding text please. Now, technically, you could say it's bad voter turnout and many people are trying to play that game, but completely absurd. I don't Antonov actually have pulled up
where somebody's pretending like here we go to this out this guy dean over dollar says real numbers in New Hampshire last night, total votes for the GEO Primary hundred, thirty three thousand democratic votes over two hundred. Ninety thousand That's a massive enthusiasm gap. Keep in mind. We had a rally in New Hampshire, funding by an adds across the street across a state. Tromp will lose twenty twenty period. This do doesn't seem to understand what every journalist in many of the biased ones I understand there was no real gb primary. Nobody had to come out, so people are shocked. Where's, where this good, ignoring what the data actually shows. Obama one reelection with only forty nine thousand primary votes in New Hampshire Trump got more than double that. That is incredible, especially in New Hampshire, which is a north eastern, blue state, neighbouring Bernie Sanders State of Burma.
I think this shows that there is chaos in disarray. The democratic party Bernie is winning the popular vote, but losing the delicate count we are headed for contested convention in all like an I think, it's gonna be contested. I do. I do not think the democratic establishment wants to bow to back up to Bernie Sanders. James cartels freaking out, so I think we can see what's gonna happen, chaos, meaning good news for Trump. It's gonna, be goodness with Republicans and key turn out from certain groups is down well are based on. The preliminary did I had so far. You have got people tweeting about it, saying that youth vote was down slightly and first vote first time, voters are down slightly, so it's not an enthusiasm gap that idea wrong. It's that people are showing up because they like their respective candidates and there
of them, but we don't know exactly what's gonna happen yet other than we are seeing the increasing likelihood of chaos at the Dnc and limitless. Let me remind you of point sixteen: when no one protested, the republican Convention and the left protested, the DMZ help you ready. It's gonna get knots, but I could be wrong. I acknowledge them. Smart person, the world, but I ll leave it the ground Mexicans coming up at four p m at Youtube: com slashed him cast to different channel, and I will see you all there. The democratic primaries are really weird, suffer: ok, the Caucasus and the primary hitherto two states, but so far it's been very, very strange and not the Only one who noticed Mr Van John of CNN sad, basically the same thing. People are depressed by primary process just want somebody to vote, but vote for against Trump. The problem is no We can decide on who the right person as but I'm gonna make a prediction: sales rain them up.
There super delegates, you note this epidemic, it's our! They change. The rules that super delegate's can't vote in the first round, and I could be getting this wrongs ticket with great assaults. My cursory glance, here's my prediction, we're gonna a very, very close race. It's going to be a contested convention when all the prime these are done. No one's gonna know exactly who's. Gonna win. You gotta, be so close that the round everyone's on shore until these super delegates steppin in round to and throw their weight behind the moderate. That's the plan, I think they're, not gonna. Let Bernie Sanders and as much as I can criticise, sanders and longest policies theirs. Listing phenomenon, you'll notice when it comes to say like Tucker, Karlsson or people like me, we're not in agreement over his policy positions or for me how he's changed but we can all agree hey if the people vote Forum, that's what the people wonder vote for I mean I think most people you know expect centres to lose, except for his own
borders, and I'm not saying can I'm saying literally the Democrats voting for booted judge Club, which our Bloomberg Biden worried, Bernie will lose and Americans will not elect a socialist, but a new Paul suggests. That's not true. Democrats absolutely will vote for a socialist, but this has something different to what I think they think it means they think it shows. The country is right. For socialism and then you chose the party has exercised the moderates and independent voters don't have anything to do with them. So I put it this way. If you have a hundred people, and fifty of them are pro socialist and fifty of them- not our anti, and then the anti socialist people leave, guess what you will have fifty or one hundred percent of your party now being in favour of socialism, The percentage makes people really excited, but in reality you lost tons of support will see first, let's red, why the Democrats are just so depressed from Vandam,
the Hell Reports- CNN, analysed Van Jones on Tuesdays, Eddie things that democratic voters are depressed and sad over the democratic primary process. That is a very messy confusing choice and Democrats just want somebody to vote for or against Trump. I think people are depressed. John said: while discussing the large split of democratic votes, I think people are sad. I think people can't figure out which of the people they're supposed to vote for and people are waiting to come out and vote against Trump. This is a messy, confusing choice. The former Obama adviser continued people, saddened. Depressed and people just want someone of organs from our museums, gonna say it Jones comments come following Bernie Sanders, winning a tight New Hampshire primary finishing just ahead of Peat Buddha. It was also a nightmare. Topped your candidate Elizabeth Warrant and Joe Biden struggled finishing fourth and fifth, seeing Biden Flop by the way was hilarious. Jones also called Sanders a phenomenon but noted them. It talks about everybody but Bernie, for whatever reason, Bernie Sanders
is a phenomenon. He said he doesn't get attention, people don't don't talk about him, he's doing stuff. We don't talk about. He appeals to young people. People of color he's got an army of Donors Jones continued, else had all had all that we say this guy's, our guy, but whatever reason we talk about everybody but burning, let me explain you why we talk about everybody but burning. First of all, the media is biased against Bernie Sanders and they are active participants in this election process. That is a big, no Oh, ok, lying about Bernie Sanders and did the weird smears against them. Meeting him from result in trying to downplay am yet not that's, not how it works. Okay, we get the game you're playing, but it's also be. It is also the reason why, in fairness, people don't talk about him as a strong contender is because you ready for this Bernie Sanders is a seventy eight year old Socialist, who just had a heart attack. I'm not trying to be mean,
M over this, as I stated many times before, but I think this place a serious role in whether or not people would actually vote for him, and I think the answer is no. Now, of course, you're telling me the TIM is winning the primary. The primary is not a general election independent voters. Voters are not there, it is the Democratic Party and though people are I mean Bernie Sanders can bring out the youth he's. Not the youth isn't coming out but the primary nothing for him. You think they'll come out in the general, not if they can't get behind the guy, who need to support noticed both a judge where it really matters. Why would he be Trump? Maybe there's a difference? Teen Buddha, judging Sanders? Maybe all anyone really cares about his gimme, a Democrat and press the button? No more trop. They said but here's the bad news. Bernie Sanders is now the clear democratic presidential front runner, but he could be stopped in his tracks if the parties moderates unite behind a single candidate which is very
very likely to happen now, for whatever reason five thirty eight is claiming Bernie has such as is is, as you know, the favourites to win in their forecast model. I think what that omits, however, is second round of voting. I think what it omits is that get rid of the other moderate candidates in just put in booted judge, and he beats Bernie Sanders. That's it. The moderate vote is bigger than the perverse about which brings me to the next bad bit of information being touted by Sanders supporters and the far left to act like they're, the ones who should win. Seventy six percent of Democrats, say they vote for a socialist for President new poll shows only breaks down for you. A lot of the moderate voters absolutely will get behind Bernie Sanders because they re want to stop tromp. However, a lot of those voters, probably twenty four percent- or actually it's more- that's that's! That's all Democrats, probably a large portion of moderates would not get
behind sanders because they wouldn't vote for a socialist, so who will they vote for if its Bernie Sanders? This is not a good statistic. Deeds before this story, just over three quarters of democratic, said they would vote to elect a socialist president. According to a pole released by gallop on Tuesday the ball conducted between January blah blah they say. But now in twenty twenty political conventions. There Discussion of the qualifications of presidential candidates, their education, religion, rice and so on. Are the poor question if your party nominated a generally well qualified person for President who happened to be blank. Would you vote for that person? when it came to. Candidates who are socialists. Democrats were met likely to answer that they would vote for them. Seventy six hundred Democrats said they would back a socialist candidate comparison,
ten percent of Republicans and forty five percent of independence and there's the real statistic. Let me break down the horrifying news for Bernie supporters will actually for Democrats in General Bernie Sanders. Only fifty five percent of his supporters will get behind the eventual nominee if it is not Bernie Sanders, although around thirty set it depends, they probably won't get behind Biden booted Edra Club, which are then you have the other problem. Twenty four percent of Democrats won't vote socialist, which mean It is burning. The Democrats lose twenty four percent of their actual hard base. Voters, I'm not talking about swing. Voters are independence, I'm talking about their actual party. So what do you think is going to happen, This shows us that what the Democrats have real reason to be depressed Van Jones say fifty times yeah. They just want someone a vote against tromp, but it's not gonna happen because everybody has a hard line. These never trumpeters
no he's had was the worst thing in the world. They are not going to vote socialist. Some of them have claimed I would I would know you won't. Maybe they will. Nobody so ridiculous to think you would jump from being centre right. All the way to socialist, because you don't like trumps demeanor, please there Their exaggerating about everything wrong with the present? To be honest, sunlight tromp is perfect, but serious. Their screeching about the fact that he's like get a phone call with you they say, although impeach him dinner, gizmo many crimes, yeah ok, do Yaller freaking out. That is that it now I think it's funny why I came up with a bill crystallize on these at we're all Democrats today, not me nuts. These people get offended like big. They feel at words are not safe. Not all of em but too many of them. There are a lot of great birdie supporters. Mind you, like, I think, is really great people that are there it clearly in support of Bernie Sanders. I think competencies, cool dude. I don't want to
say they are, or our Bernie supporters cause, there's probably nuance in their political opinions, but I think it appears, though, people like Crystal Ball and cock. Linsky are burning sports and Jimmy Door, for instance, and I think they're all fantastic and wonderful people. So I say these things with all due respect. I do not believe we all are correct. I think what we're looking at seventy six percent of Democrats would vote for a socialist. What it says to me that a decent amount of Democrats would be willing to accept that would take it over trop that I understand I do I don't think all seventy six hour enthusiastically socialist, I think a very small portion are, but they would take it if that's what they got, but that means twenty four percent of your base. Wouldn't do it and those your core votes forty five percent of independence say they would, which means the majority of independence. Won't do it either
You are going to lose significant portions of your voter base. If you go this route- and I want to tell you- but I think you should do what you think you need to do- hate tromp supporter should be happy about it right if you think you're right now, I'm wrong with all due respect their like. You know and then go to it. Go vote for Sanders and I ran. I seriously do mean it. I want you to vote, for who you think is the right choice. We may disagree. You know what I respect your disagreement, but I think you're gonna lose and I think Trump supporters are are also defending Bernie Sanders as the media smears them, because they know Donald Trump will absolutely white the floor with Bernie Sanders. Where's disagree will therein lies the big strategic difference? Can Bernie door or not? my opinion? No, I don't think anyone can do it. I think it's the beat it's the beat now Bernie Sanders are some special bottom for sure, but his age, his heart attack, is a lot of things wrong with them. As a candidate. You know, I don't think you don't think it's gonna managed to win
but the Bernie supporters are convinced only Bernie can win. I guess we'll see now. I don't think the democratic establishment will allow Bernie Sanders to actual, when so, maybe you won't even matter, but if that's the case, and I guess I'll, see ya. Rightness riding in the streets in Milwaukee come the Dnc. I don't do that, please, but hey you know, they're going to rent Honeywell wrap it up there. I hope we all are feeling better Democrats. I guess actually that I think the ones were really depression, like the moderates. To be honest, I did the Bernie Sanders. Support its borders are fire because he's whenever popular vote they won't feel that way come the b and C. I think Nevada is gonna, be pure chaos seriously: Google Search Nevada, twenty sixteen democratic caucus whew I was nuts. I got it more segments coming up in a few minutes- and I will see you all shortly- Donald Trump Junior marks, Jesse Smollett after indictment for allegedly faking hate crime. By now most of you have news by just a small at and the hopes hate crime alley
nations and all of these things that we pretty much believe our true but hey, look innocent until proven guilty right. The guy got his indictments washed away and I was being reinvented a year later. It's complicated process but I don't to want to talk about Donald Trump, Junior or Justice Mallette. I saw this story I started thinking about. Why is it that so many hopes hate crimes happen why that so many people associate the left. Do these insane things say inside and things promote insane is it turns out the more leftwing you are The more likely you are to be insane. Ok, I'm a stop. I am exaggerating. The more likely you ought to have been diagnosed with some kind of mental illness. We can come back and about Donald Trump Junior after we talk about the left and the right? Ok, because I do I do think it's it. It's it warrants looking into Apple Justice, Mallette and mental illness, but what I really, what, talk about are a series of tweets from Philippe Lemoine. He is a Phd candidate and philosophy at corner.
He says he also has a blog. We writes about stuff. Well, he treated this according to the day. From Slight STAR Codex survey? The more when you are no more like, you ought to have been diagnosed with a serious mental illness also what I would have guessed based on anecdotal evidence. Upon reading that. I thought it was quite humorous: because it's funny cause it's true. I gotta admit I would actually make the same assessment. I mean think about it. Look at all of the people who have demanded things that make no sense their plans. Don't make sense. They are. They complain about things that make no sense. You have But let me give you an example before and I will read and I'll show you the date I'll pull this up. While I read my favorite insanity is women oxen now. You you're probably thanked him. What is women sin mean if not a real english word and you would be correct. Good, Sir W Oh I m acts and suck my favorite citation on how same everyone is, apparently
word: when accession was designed to be inclusive to all women or people of the wise woman ident, and so the idea was this word by replacing the a with an ax, I guess gets rid of gets Reno they'd like they like doing his axe, things, not English, but the ideas, its inclusive include strands people, women of color while emit Lee and organization that use it saw a backlash because women send was offensive. What the word was supposed to be inclusive but its exclusive then argue that by changing the word, your arguing that the regular word woman doesn't classify Trans women either, but trans women are women and hence being woke is also simultaneously being not woke. We saw two with Barnes and noble? They created a bunch of diverse but covers, I know not perfect, I would agree. Robin got really really mad saying why? Don't you just right new books? Well, this is not about writing new books. It was about taking
last April stories and creating art that represented all people, but it wasn't good enough why? Because these people are not, it is a stir. It's called so when you take someone who doesn't work right and I'm, with all due respect. Imagine a rag on people who are unwell, I'm sending you take people who are unwell and our. For social validation or something something to tell them what's wrong with them. They get roped into the cult behold. The first survey posted by Mr Philippe proportion of respondents to slights our codex a survey who say they have been formally diagnosed with depression. Borderline personality disorder, bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, self position on a left right spectrum- and lo and behold before you see people who are so. Themselves or work? Yes, was opposition as far left
although it is a one, is far left and ten is far right. We can see that the far left forty two point- five percent in the survey said they had been diagnosed now. I want to stop it. About spurious correlations and say maybe there's a correlation between collectivism. And the willingness to seek help, maybe individualists just don't get diagnosed because they don't go seek help. I can't tell you it is a factor, but for the sake of this we don't have that data. That would be speculation on my part, but we know, as of now as people who are more likely to say they are left, are also more likely to have been diagnosed with some kind of severe. What does what is it? are you going had severe mental illness. I guess you can see as we get closer to the centre, it actually drop significantly with those who are just centre right, having the lowest again, perhaps centre individuals are just less likely to go to a doctor, actually, don't think so. I think the set
you're, left and centre right are slightly are fairly moderate, rational, regular. You know people we can see that even the far right hasn't been diagnosed. You think that would be strange, considering all the crazy phenomenon- It's also import to note that there is a very ability that could bring the far left up above fifty percent, so yeah, maybe a bit crazy. Now, here's the best part outside of the left spectrum. Let's talk about severe mental illness by political classification and lo and behold, Marxists you're, crazy. The marxists have the highest self reporting of depression, borderline personality disorder by Paul the disorder or schizophrenia, and lo and behold the services have the lowest. What about and libertarians, I believe of the third lowest. All right is the second, with with a decent on variant. Liberals have eighty point four. So what is this one neo, reactionary, NEO, reactionaries over them and say social Democrats
it is slightly higher, but I'll tell you what so really really important social democratic. These are people who tend to support the scandinavian culture of the welfare state with a couple, the system and many of Bernie Sanders supporters would actually classify as social Democrats. However, a large portion of Bernie Sanders Base are also Marxists and Marxists you'll be crazy. This is actually a really good breakdown of my experiences there a lot of Bernie Sanders supporters who are saying and illogical individuals who, in my opinion, arches link at the wrong solutions or aren't thinking entirely fruit. For the most part, there are a lot of dirty spores, I think, are pretty good people and easily get shot up? What what? What will save it for this? You know better than I do a lot, but that this is not a good many people, even Steve Balance, and he likes Bernie Sanders. But Bernie you know, is looking at the wrong solutions. Take the rest
in all social democratic Basin, you'll find that they do have just about double the rate of mental illness of conservatives and is against. According to a survey mind you not like some long standing and massive scientific study, they do about double and then accents you'll, probably bump into a bunch of burning borders. You think are really out there, but also find that a lot of em are saying, but it does agree now, the Marxist the whole story. Basically we're talking about one in three. Maybe one in two marks is to be a Nazi yeah yeah that that fits my anecdotal evidence. What I've seen that seems to make a hole. Of sense. So here we can see that limit and conservatives are actually really close. Liberal liberals have slightly higher and libertarians have a little bit higher than conservative, but these are all like
more rational people. When it comes to you no voting and political positions, mind you. I hope this means legit liberal, but it probably means regular run of the mill liberals and penalty. This Bernie Sanders supporters, don't call themselves liberals, they call themselves socialists for the most part, most people, I know who are liberal arts, really paying attention its typically conservatives who call the far left liberal. So, for the sake of this, I think it's fair to say these are self and right self declared political affiliation. So I call myself a liberal. I have been not dive not been diagnosed. I found that grand old. What is at a eighty one point, six percent of the Eu Summit and if I live, have had any major diagnoses, but I think if people are gonna call themselves, illiberal, they're not calling themselves far left in the far left. It definitely doesn't call themselves liberal they liberals, so you can see
social democratic, I dont know what NEO reactionary is, but you can see they actually have. I think we know third highest at nineteen point five, and this is where it starts to get interesting because the far right and far left have more serious conditions Philippe says in response to Gabriel Rossman suggestion here is the same thing, but excluding depression thus keep only the most serious conditions. The pattern the same, but the confidence into are much wider, since those conditions are much rarer took us out. Now we can see when you remove depression. It shows that depression was one of the leading diagnoses that many people had, and you can see that the far right actually has a really high incidence of we have. We have borderline personality, personality disorder, bipolar disorder, oars gets up. Depression, remove the far left still is the most likely to have these mental illnesses.
You can see. Then the proportions are actually rather different. Although the variants lot higher because of the rare that that you know the rare the readiness of the conditions, but here we have, you can look at from eight, so, like the so right wing inter right, left and centre left are all relatively undiagnosed they're not, but then you have far right and you have far left and there actually kind of comparable in their absurd in their mental illness. It makes a whole lot of sense. I think it's fair to say that we include depression. The left is more likely to have been diagnosed and the and you don't see the same variance. It looks very different when you look at what with oppression included is because depression is so much more common. You can a drowned out the other, the other conditions, but I think we can draw simple conclusion: the far left in the far right
Our equal are almost equally crazy. It makes sense that extremists, so the big problem we have is when the passive liberals are not paying attention. And they are being led by the far left into believing the moderates and the liberals and the conservatives are the crazy ones when the crazy ones are all the way over there, and therein lies the big problem. So I go back to the story about just Mullay Juicy small yea, as Mr Chapelle says, why did he do what he did the fact as depression could play a serious role in these actions which, when you contribute when you, when you add in you, see the left as much are likely to have been diagnosed with depression. These are people who are may be nothing left to lose just doing what their toll trying to figure out whatever it as they could find to make them feel fulfilled or have purpose Ivan idea. I'm not gonna, let us psychologist or psychiatry.
But I think some of these actions can be motivated by a severe depression, anger and nothing left to lose us posts. In the end, the data is clear. The fair thing to say, extremists you'll be crazy, but then, when we include depression leftists, the far left tend to be the worst off of No one else is surprising to anybody. Probably not, but I've got other Simon coming up for you in a few minutes a stick around and I will see you all shortly. I am proud to say I predicted this ya know I predicted it. I've been tweeting about it, and here we go. The New York Times writes a glowing profile of you to wear Carlos Maza, who has but fourteen thousand subscribers and one video. Why? Why New York Times right about a guy who has no prominence on Youtube at all and so forth.
And even prove unease literally doing anything on Youtube. Nor does it have any relevant subscriber count. There are tons of other leftist utopias you can write about, but cosmos up a profile. Suddenly out of New York Times photographer to take these fancy profile photos of the guy. That's exactly what I predicted would happen lie right wing individuals activists will use their platform to prop up their allies by giving them blowing reviews like they have done in the past, like they ve done with Contra points now mind you I do like counterpoint. Scotch point is cool. So fine, but we have also seen them they. They do the same thing with philosophy, tube and h bomber guy. I got no beef. I got no be with those people. Ok, actually think H, bomber, guys really funny. You ve got a lot of really good videos. I think I'm subscribed to Ah I like watching you two birds and com, and a varying opinion and vote. I gotta be honest. I don't watch a whole lot of
two bonuses like skateboarding or like anime or weird signs videos, and typically, when I do watched off, I kind of watch more leftwing, you tubers because I basically already know what conservatives are. Gonna save a lot of thing: lots of things by do much more of a high profile, rightwing channels periodically. So no beef on which its clear my beef is with the media, and I think These people need to recognise the advantages there are being given and I think they are recognize why they don't do as well. In many cases now, of course, Contra pointed a huge channel very successful, and I think that that speaks to contrast, content being good, well thought out of making great arguments and fight we too, but each bomber guy as well, though you might be annoyed because you disagree with their arguments. I absolutely love that of watching one of these channels and being like, I disagree me good sorrow, but as honest well, maybe not a good argument. I think, listening to them or respecting in approaching the content, will make your argument stronger
will help you better understand and, dare I say if you learn something new be open to changing. Your opinion is very smart. Well, rounded, individual would do, but today we are not here. Talk about leftist youtube. Necessarily we're talk about how the media props, their allies and sure enough. You can see their channels get big boosts when mainstream media props them up. Why would they do this well miss? I sum cross. Malta is a liar when, at the window, I talked about his Youtube channel. There was a decent many few who are upset that I said I wish him well. I'm sorry may look. I understand you don't like to hear it because you don't like Carl's Maza, but I got the same flak when I about Joey salads. I know they're not different. Now you disagree, I get it but the best. I can do is, I can say, I'm going to give someone a chance. That's about it. You see, I'm hoping when Carlos Maza experiences, the hardships of Youtube, is forced to recognise that the damage she did affected the left as well. It's that's the
all you could really ask. I mean what do you expect? You think you ve been abandoned. It's not gonna happen. There they're gonna, welcome on the planet. You're talking about a glowing profile of the guy, they call it the article a thorn in Youtube side digs even deeper. Carlos Maza Socialist, who calls you tube, deeply unethical and reckless is trying to build. For the video sites left wing Malta is a liar. I do not trust him for a second just because I said I wish him well on the platform doesn't mean, I think, he's a good purse nor I believe anything he sang. In fact, I don't, I think, he's a liar and I think he's a manipulator and I think everything he's doing is for money. I think the New York Times and his allies and media are going to prop him up and help him do that, and I think it can be bad and destructive. I do not think he is an honest good person whose arguing good faith and I'll show you exactly why first of all will actually
Just read the story and we'll get to it. Let me point out conflict of interest here, sort of well, this disclosure Kevin roofs. The writer of this article worked with me at fusion fusion. Initially, when I started working, there was not far laugh at a deterrent and eventually became so cabinet I have had a few clashes internally at fusion about ethics in journalism and certain practices that I thought were unethical and will leave it at that, and it was not surprised, to me that he would engage and unethical behaviour. As far as I was concerned- and and he would do something like this in prop up another left wing activist- is the same guy who wrote the fake story about Youtube. Radicalizing a guy when the narrative was actually a conservative watched, Youtube and became progressive. So what did you write?
Conservative watch Youtube and became progressive, which proves Youtube radicalized them to the right. I could you not that's what he wrote it but felt the Franco on that list where it's like it basically calls of the Franco and extremist. It's ridiculous. Fake news meant to prop up an agenda Let's wait. He writes Carlos Maza, believe that Youtube as a destructive, unethical, reckless company, that amplifies bigots and profits of fascism It's also is meal ticket. Well, at least we could see the hypocrisy of Mr Amato, there Mister thirty one announced several weeks ago that he was leaving vocs where he had worked as a video journalists and swayed seventeen to become a full time. You took credit Well, I mean in reality I think he was fired and I think he even admitted it was partly due to the chaos that ensued after he targeted Stephen prouder, louder criticise what he said about. You know Maza all you want, but he was dead.
The rebuttal and you can argue as a comedian heap, he crossed the line, Dave Chapelle across much horror lines as even crowded did he really did and everyone loved it. So now you can't selectively be mad. It s, even greater Maza decided to ignite the fight would not relent and backfire on him. He says the move shocked some of MR mosses fans who have watched him become one of Europe's most vocal credits for failing to to stop a right wing pylon against him last year, I'm not gonna write about crowded, we get it rather than swearing off. You too, Mr Maza, who is in New York, based Socialist, decided to scenes. The sea is the means of his own video production, and now we get to the point that I believe is an absolute hole, Mary S. Why quote I'm going to you? the masters tools to destroy the masters house. He said in an review. I want to build up an audience and use every chance, I get to explain how destructive Youtube is liar. You ever see a princess bride,
and Billy Crystal as Billy crystals. Wife come not just like you're, a liar that look at that, active happening here. Listen if Stephen crowded undertaking Youtube. There are many, a different video hosting platform know the reality: Mazo wants to make hard cash off the sweet Juicy Youtube algorithm, the same one that he and his at an inn and his, warts accuse us of manipulating to get those clicks Malta knows as much as all of us know. If you want to get a big audience, you too busy one stop shop for ad revenue and algorithmic promotion, the reality as if you wanna, be a purist and stand up against the evil of unit of Google then go on big shoot, mines, gab or any other platform. I mean you can post. I think he had possibly as a mass and I'm probably maybe not, but there's more There's video
their seriously, a ton of torrent based video hosting platforms. You could be using and you could be tweeting those videos out there's only one reason why calls Maza would be using Youtube and, in my opinion, it's for the algorithmic promotion. I have no problem sang. That's why I use Youtube. If your content is good and people like Youtube is more likely to recommend it, making your channel grow. It is the easiest place to be successful in terms of podcast and content production, but cosmos as an ideal, lock, not running a business right. Look I have no problem. Is a Kapital saying everything I do here, the business. Now I'll be honest. I think I have, but you know I personally have scruples, I'm not trying to make on ethical products to manipulate people. I talk about my opinion. Hey it works out for me, and I worked for many other people and you can be honest about it not everybody who runs successful Channel is Griffin. Lo and behold, people have opinions in the world out there. I say, but when you build your career off a view to being,
full and then come out and say I'm gonna use Youtube and take the masters tools or whatever. Yet you are grip dude. I have no problem sang when a business Youtube algorithm is great for business. I produced content that entertains a Youtube audience. Its political commentary I am personally biased, I can say all of those things because they are true and I'm trying to do a good job of being fair to the best of my ability. But of course I have my biases and, of course, I'm trying to run a business that why I always say my videos. You can support my work. I think you tube is as a lot of problems, but I think it was an excellent resource and for all of its problems, it's actually helped him We're ties the media landscape, Carlos Malta, is going to be building up an active user base for Youtube. This is the big fanaticism which is worth as much as my end point everything I do on this platform result in people more likely to use this platform, it's great,
for youtube- and they simultaneously take a cut of all that sweet juicy at revenue, and I got problems of Google, their biased, but I'd as much. I think Google has become an evil giant Bohemia I'm not an idea. Log was preaching about how you do must be stopped and destroyed, I'm using the platform and hoping to improve it, so that all a basket of a fair shot at speaking our minds, and I caught the censorship because the reality as it is the best place, it seriously. One of the only places to do that. That's true My intention was purely ideological and not monetary based, I wouldn't use it. Of course Cosmos is claiming both of those things the same time. It can't be true he can't or our he's claiming to fight the machine. What is the platform that makes him a ton of money? He is going out with every video he makes more people on the left will join you tube and if he Kevin roofs, really believe. It's a radicalization machine, congratulations good serves, you will be bringing
lefty socialist friends, building up at big such a media profile, so that they too can be radicalized by the all right engine. That is Youtube, doesn't make sense. Does it sorry dude? I don't believe you, I think, you're a liar. I think you want money, to be a socialist which live in New York and you're, probably just trying to make yet you try it you're trying to lie in your pocket. Gold. I'll, tell you what be honest. Oh, what's that your brand doesn't allow it, but you know I love the most about the. Rister class. I can t say whatever I want. I have no boss. I make money doing it, it you're the one who claim we are the ones When you claim to be a socialist and that Youtube is evil but you're on the platform to take the masters tool to make money while simultaneously argue the platform is radicalizing people. What you're gonna build up a user base of left wing individuals have written reply from their radicalized them. Sorry, you're, lying I'll. Tell you what I'll do I'll talk about my feelings on the euro?
For some reason people want to watch, we talk about my feelings and internet and I'm eternally grateful. The best part is likely to make money doing it, and I use that do things I want to do like help fund real journalism over its adverse sort, they're doing great stuff on the ground. I used to do more on the ground stuff. It got dangerous too many people start following me became harder and harder to do. I'm not gonna higher security detail, so I got down to just doing kind of this and that's where I met now. Two three four different channels got a new podcast launched I have no problem saying it's a business. I love what I do. I am grateful to you for the opportunity. I complain all day about a lot of things you tube does, because I want to improve you
the other hand and many people like you. I think I just lying and pretending to be socialist, but what you really want is money and power just admit it. Maybe it's not money and power. Maybe it's that you want an easy path. The path of least resistance cause I'll, tell you this power. Ok I'll! Take that back. I mean it's a little unfair. I think I think these far left is due on power. But I'd say this: I would like money, I like making money. I like doing the job and producing something that works well enough to generate revenue, so they can hire people expand, make cool stuff, that's called a job. It's called running a business and I am happy to say you tube, allows that it's not perfect their better ways to do it, but the promotion really does help. I don't I guess you, that's what you really want. That's what I would say I would say, drop the act say Youtube is your path to two sweets.
Transcript generated on 2020-02-20.