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Democrat Schiff's Corruption WORSE Than We Thought, Republican Vows Legal Action But WONT Play Dirty

2019-12-08 | 🔗

Democrat Schiff's Corruption WORSE Than We Thought, Republican Vows Legal Action But WONT Play Dirty. Adam Schiff released private phone records for his Republican rival in the impeachment process Devin Nunes and a private US citizen and journalist John Solomon but worse now is that we are learning not only was his report wrong but that it may be completely fake.Devin Nunes said the logs released don't match his phone records. The records were used to smear Solomon and Nunes of having been engaged in a conspiracy to help president TrumpĀ  dig up dirt on his political rivals.Nunes responded by threatening legal action against Adam Schiff for the serious breach.Meanwhile Judge Napolitono argued that Adam Schiff could be facing an ethics investigation over his abuse of power.Some Republicans demanded that Lindsey Graham respond in kind by subpoenaing Adam Schiff's records as well as other Democrats but Graham outright refused to play dirty.Graham and Republicans took the high road here but if Democrats like Schiff are willing to break the rules and play dirty it means that Republicans have a huge disadvantage in the Trump impeachment process

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Recently Democrat Adam Schiff, somehow obtained the private phone records of the Republican who, just so happens to be his chief pilot- arrival in the important process as well. American journalist who is accused of no, wrong doing the shocking thing. Is he published this information? What's We are now calling a major ethics violation for me. I think this may be one of the most egregious abuses of power. Privacy rights and civil rights that I've seen, maybe ever but Devon Nunez the target of the smear from Adam Shift is fighting back. Not only is he saying that this information isn't even correct he's threatening legal action. Now I will add something to the Republicans credit I have stated before whenever these sides are in the culture war, unfortunately for the side, we're on we're unwilling to play dirty. Certainly there are many Republicans who play dirty
but there are many moderate individuals, liberal, liberal types libertarians who don't want to violate someone's rights. Who dont want to steal? Information lie cheat or steel, and that means people like us are seeing a major disadvantage against corrupt individuals like Adam Chef, if it's true that Adam shift published false published all information to smear Devon. You can clearly see he's playing dirty CNN, picks up the records And accuse as a journalist, publishing conspiracy theories based off of out of context and, in my opinion, in ocean obtained by violating their rights. I feel I must say this is my opinion. Adam ship, new. By releasing these logs, whether their real or not was going to give the press fodder for click, put bait rage bait nonsense. That would then define these individual.
Never as is threatening legal action. Unfortunately, though, so you're, so here's the protocol on the Republicans so far are unwilling. Play yes, Jim Banks, as asked Linsey ground to subpoena Adam shifting height. They want to pull our records. Why don't you do it and, Graham said no I'll, tell you what will read the story and while I can respect Lindsey Grand for resisting playing dirty, I gotta point out If you got someone who's openly, cheating and getting away with it and you stand on principle, refuse its respectable, but you are at a major, at vantage, so Devon known as is gonna, do we'll see if that works? Let's read the first story from Fox NEWS before we get started had over its and guess that come slashed on it. If you would like to support my work, there are several ways you can give, but the most important thing you can do share this video. You know one of the biggest challenges to my work is trying to its Lane, someone who is only ever why CNN? Why this matters
This will make me talk. They say: hey wait a minute what yours doesn't add up with what I've heard from CNN. There is so much information that you'd have to follow in order to get your point surely know. What's going on, and fortunately many people down so in the best thing that anyone can do share these videos, because at least it'll start than somewhere, even if they don't want to watch it, which many people doubt it does help, and maybe then we can get people to break out of those bubbles. Let's read the story and see what Devon Nunez has to say about Adam chef, and I want I want to stress. Ok, I'm I know is that it fifty million times this point, I would add, M shifted, Publishing these details is on shocking it is. It is be on shocking. I ll me literally speech the view I put together about it. I didn't even know I could even follow a threat. I was just sit here like woe. Man like Devon Nunez, how I'm sorry? How did he get this information and Nunez and a journal?
fast and where we see an undue say, do not target the press Reed House Intelligence Committee, ranking member Nunez of California, etc. It that you, pursuing legal action after a phone records were exposed and the release of the committee's impeachment inquiry report. On Tuesday the committee voted to adopt and issue a thriller page report on the findings from the panels of impeachment incorrect using president Trump of misusing his office to seek for help and the twenty twenty presidential race. The report included record records of calls from Nunez, Giuliani J, Sokolow journalist, John Solomon, Fox NEWS, host, Sean Hannity, Giuliani, connection of partners and other wider associates appearing on Fox and friends weakened with House PETE. We haven't, we did the problem for this. Said. I'm sorry, Nunez said he's been under fire for three years, because republicans continue to expose corruption citing dammit.
It's on tromp, tradition, officials and funding the dossier and then, of course, over the two weeks before Thanksgiving this quote now I think they were embarrassed by their lack of evidence. They were able to present through the hearings. So what happens? Is the Friday before Thanksgiving the fake new story drops about me supposedly being in Vienna, and then we get back from thanks giving and lo and behold my name along with one of my current staff people and a former stay person. All of a sudden, our civil liberties are violated because our phone records shop in this report- and I want to stop Roquat. He sang its false, the media smear Devon Nunez this. This is really really crazy. I gotta say men. The establishment is really does but to smear Devon, Nunez the ranking member Republican, claiming that a lawyer for a guy overheard from another guy that Heaven Nunez met with that guy in Vienna. It's insane. It's insane definition,
and on a published photos of him in Libya and Malta sang it just demonstrably false Are you doing here about tell you what CNN is likely protected because they're just reporting the claim from someone else it's a joke out and make when it comes to the press, they say an anonymous source tells us acts. We heard this from someone. So I'll tell you what you give me. Twenty bucks I'll go in the air. Find some homeless guy who's. Gonna tell me whatever you want. You want to say, and then I can say in anonymous source told me: Devenant Bachelet tell us who these people are not to stop Roquat and issue a rare appalled cheap, sincere apology to divert Nunez and other Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee and announced because I met a video on my second channel when I found out that Republicans knew that Adam ship and finally subpoenas I was furious, and I said you know what man, if these people knew she had done this and they were fuses They knew he was violating the civil rights of a journalist and they did nothing while the maid
serve some some flak as well. I know that that Nunez is the victim in this, but come on man. If you knew turns out, I was wrong later Devenant stated knew of his opponents, but had no idea who was being subpoenaed so that that was my bad news. Formation came the light. I was completely wrong. Currently Devon, Nunez and other Republicans war. Where Adam Shift were aware, ship was gonna, be issuing subpoenas for phone records, but he did not know it was his phone records In this instance, he was blindsided completely and my anger was unfounded in this case, Devon Nunez, is getting smeared and be right and having a private he tells released, look man Nunez deserves criticism over his cow twitter account lawsuit like he suing some. Some parity accounts and some critics, and it strikes affecting an fuelling a lot of that come on man if someone's gonna make funny. You too bad welcome to America, and anybody who wants to make fun if you can, but in this
since this is serious, are they it's silly that known as assuming over the cow twitter account, but this is maybe maybe one of the most terrifying stories have seen, which is why I have done so many videos about it. I know some of you may be liked him. We get it shifted. This thing come on man on the not playing around with you guys, Adam Shift Pole the private found these details of a journalist is: is its? I'm surprised, isn't that the top story and on every major news out like water wow, that's radon, because I've got some more criticism somewhere flack here from people challenging chef not so the congressmen is currently suing scene and for defamation after the network published report are reporting alleging that he met with Ukrainian Prosecutor Victor Shokhin last year in Vienna, in order to dig up dirt on jobs. Newness, told the friends we can how set upon review his former courts do not match what committee chairmen Adam chef in the house, Democrats put airport, they asked so did not talk to live partners, for example, is many times there are Nunez Response
well. Let me tell you what I have. I can tell you that it doesn't match. Ok, so I One call arthritic Giuliani in one in May, a substantive calls them so the calls were either somebody to connect. What was working right, Nunez also reckon. An incoming calls for more from a woman. Who had assumed was part of his wife. I would do I would normally do situation weighed up, recognise somebody. You dont know somebody you say. Thank you very much. Let me get you to the appropriate staff person now he goes on to say that they asked him again. So did you ever have a sensitive call conversation with love partners about information why yes or no Nunez responded, I didn't recognize an aim until just in this last month when he was indicted, because I didn't know who that person was, I tell you there's no way. I talked about me being in Vienna me with random ukrainians. That didn't happen right. Tell you, we didn't talk about that, because I didn't happen. Newness of that shit in touch with partners all the time, and it has a problem with partners need to investigate themselves, and so the truth is two calls of reach.
Giuliani and one called with a guy- they don't even know, seems pretty odd to say that Conspiracy, I believe I am the first number of Congress ever to have my phone records exposed like this. We are definitely going to take legal action. We need to get to court to stop that from happening again and yes, he does absolutely he does now. I question I would prefer it if Nunez could come up more definitive lines. I know it didn't happen. No, but the reality is, and I can respect this Nunez is going to challenge them in court, which means had to be very careful about what is as anti. If he mistress, remember something or put says something they take out of context will be weapon. I slackened respect them. You may be familiar judging Palatine. I have tremendous respect for judging or political and even very anti. He's the legal expert and he said repeatedly on tv that Trump has committed impeachment offences and again Nepal, Nepal, tunnels, for the most part, a straight shooter accuracy? I respect this guy, so I take.
That seriously when he says these things, but two days ago, you said unseemly for shift to release newness phone records, possible ethics breach defer to the judge. Ok, certainly knows a lot, not a lot more about the law than I do, and I think you are on the level, he has no problem challenging tromp if he needs to- and he has no problem calling out shipping needs, do I think, he's being fair here. They say, Fox NEWS, senior judicial and analysed, judge entered a platonic called it unseemly. That House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Shift, released the apparent from workers of fellow lawmaker. Nunez and suggested Schiff risks a possible congressional ethics case more than that I mean it's not only that he released the private phone records of of Nunez. He alleged a conspiracy. He was saying it's troubling that Nunez may have been conspiring with Trump or whenever something that effect, because he selectively chow
these phone numbers and make claims well, it turns out. Let me show you something turns out Adam Shifts Committee report wrongly claimed Giuliani found. Big mulvaney and other budget officials. If that's wrong, what else is right? Devon. Nunez says his records. Don't match up with US stands to reason that not only did did Adam shift publish private details of a journalist and arrival in politics, but then may have lied about the whole thing. Listen man! I can't explain how bowling. This is enough you have conversation about Donald Trump calling you thanks. Oh you better believe I'm right there. I am absolutely willing and ready to chant lock him up. The moment. Evidence emerges that Donald Trump did something untoward illegal high crimes, millimetres, etc were not there. What a trump say. Do us a favour, though our
country has been through a lot. Yadda yadda sounds reasonable to me that dumb tromp was trying to weed out corruption. I think from personal motivations. I stated many times, that's fine, but does it justify in and we are corruption, look men everybody's perspective so maybe tromp is angry, that the russian thing happened. He was maligned and accused for years and he was eventually proven to not have collude with Russia and that we wanted the bottom of it. So we ask for investigation, was inappropriate, think it's fair to say he should have left it. To the d o j or to his officials? Not take it upon himself to start asking these questions. Is it a high Kramer misdemeanor? I don't think so now trunk isn't. I think he's gonna find some trouble for ordering people not to testify. However, what Trump It is an argument, its literally in argument. In fact, the only by partisan support for impeachment is on the republican side when these two Democrats affected and possibly more
Moderate Democrats anonymously telling CNN. I dont see evidence for improvement and a safe blue Democrat Michigan saying we were better off entering says to me: we got a real argument here. What Adam shifted took the private details of his rival of a journalist who is accused of no wrong doing violates. So much it is pure corruption. It is pure corruption, and I tell you this: the judges coming out the judge who tromp committee. Unimpeachable acts is also saying this is a possible congressional ethics case and I think so, absolutely so. Let's lets you about what Lindsey Grandmaison, as is on about Gaza excited. I can respect all this Lindsey Grandpas, cold water on Trump House GEO, P, push to subpoena chef, there's an article from talking points. Memo leftwing publication, I highlighted to show you that the left loves when the right refuses to played dirty unfortunate. I dont think every Republican is clean. In fact, it was a Republican who,
Graham to play dirty. I also previously mentioned the appropriate thing for a public. So is not violate ethics, civil rights etc. But that means Republicans, face a serious uphill battle, scary to me to consider that Adam Shift could actually win by lying? In this way there are people who truly believe that Devon Nunez Man, with Ukraine, prosecutor is calling these these corrupt individuals to dig up dirt and shift is. Doing this, at least in my opinion, to discredit his chief opposition to getting Trump impeached. We are talking about a coordinated, corrupt raved campaign to smear journalists. Politicians to get power supporters? Call it a coup man but I'll tell you what Adam Shift is as dirty as they come the moment he published and you won't talk about Devenant as may be wrong doing man we got a dangerous political game happening. Justify John Solomon. You can
You cannot be done. Ok, you can justify Rudy Giuliani Albany's meet with his people, and Ukraine was investigating bodies out. It is not officially a: U S actor, so fine. They can one in that ground. If we want to see say final, given the benefit of the doubt justify the journalist you can do it. Linsey, Graham is using driving, so so so grand through cold water. They say our The aim of Senate can't starts appealing. Other lawmakers quote. I dont have any desire to subpoena Adam Schiff, we're not going to do that. Ah grandsire. According to several reporters, when members starts up each other as part of oversight the whole system breaks down. You ve got two different bodies here s calling members over here when we don't like what they say or do I don't think so. Graham remains a stalk trump defender, the bright with trumpet Republicans was significant. Now I'll, tell you what men talking points memo and many other outlets will be quick to falsely frame anything they can to make trump look. Bad but for some reason, when Lindsey ground
Does the right thing in says: I'm not playing this game. Their attitude is strict journalism, its strict structural, today. Linsey grams had X y uneasy breaking with Donald Trump, but when comes to you know Gordon sidelined or somebody's of this has, though, a boom bombshell explosion. Donald Trump has been directly implicated in criminal activities. Without evidence. That's the they play. I went away from you a quote very quickly. This article from the post, Our goal, it's as Democrats, have embraced the exacts exact surveillance tactics that used to warn about. Let me tell you: why this is so serious quote from your past, the same people, who only a few weeks ago claim that it was a moral and patriotic imperative to protect the other the other whistleblower, who may bring down the president, are now fine with a congressmen masking the conversation of an adversary. We'll journalist, who isn't under criminal investigation.
These days, there's no abuse of power Democrats find problematic as long as that, Use aids them in their fight against Donald Trump, and let me read you one more quote from from an from actually emphasised the wrong article, a statement that was published by the Wall Street Journal a former honey general saying there doesn't seem to be any legitimate reason why they would subpoena the phone records of these individuals now My understanding is that Adam shifted its peoples that they did not target Nunez. John Solomon, but that they just so happened to get their information. I dont care. I don't care how you got their information, you published it, but, more importantly, you may have published fall. Information and an attempt to smear your rivals. This warrant investigation, Now. Let me end by saying to big points. I think Publicans stand a chance losing a lot of their fight, such as I pointed out. Linsey Graham, is not willing to play dirty. This
way. Adam shift has not respectable absolutely but its funding to see conserved Tromp supporters say this is why publicans loose and I'm like it is It is stop it's the right thing, though. So there's a challenge. Do you do the right thing now in the corrupt are going to win or do fight fire with fire? Personally, I think links are granted the right I think you always must stand by your principles. If these people want to play dirty and be dastardly, corrupt, depraved individuals the best we can help to do his shine, a light on it, and that's like that that that that's my position, so I will tell you I will make numerous videos talking about it. I will even highlight people have criticised, drop, pointing it out. What's a painting is What are the right thing to do? But let me show you something: here is a clip for This is MSNBC meet the press, Chuck Todd and TAT grows, and this shows another way in which public these are just not good at fighting on enemy territory. They say: watch Senator Tent
who says he believes Ukraine meddled in the twenty sixteen election when Chuck Todd asks TED crews. Do you believe you could? that he says, I believe, is a lot of evidence. Chalk doubts as you do shocked. I can't believe it. Here's, but look. Here's one one tweet I've been critical of Chuck both sides of journalism in the past, but I have to strongly commend him for trying to make our really explain that ridiculous logic. The fact is, Ukrainians did metal and between sixteen election fact and TED crews does try to point this out. Unfortunately, this shows that TED crews respect him. You'd have, to a certain degree, he's he's taken up a lot of our positions that, if that our principled as well as of lately, not that I am a big fan of hammering there's other politicians back in respect that he's trying to shed some light on the facts here: unprepared, unprepared for the game they are set to play on their terror, the way you respond to this is that you claim I do your response needs to be how about this and show the
Because that's what wrong? I believe, those RON Johnson who did that actually surrender, I'm sorry. It was around Johnson, the I remember what was it might have been an MSNBC held up the report from political when your challenge by someone trying to lie, and you can see TED crews does a good job of being principled, saying you're, trying to can claim that Russia didn't metal crane did, but no one saying that everybody knows Russia had this top down system of of election meddling and Ukraine had various individuals, meddling they're, trying to claim that the Republicans are pushing a fake near it. We're Russia did muddled know what TED crows did a good job, but not good enough, and this is what what what I want to show that when it comes to the manipulation and the under handed tactics, the lies, the deceit, the corruption that, relation of civil liberties have seen from Adam chef. Republicans just keep thinking. They're gonna play straighten are gonna want and they are not. It's not gonna happen, What's really scary, some journalists,
on CNN earlier and say the exact same thing about Republicans, and so at one point I sat back and I said: is it possible that we both really just think the exact same things about each other, that there is a right and left that views? The other is lying in treating stealing, maybe maybe maybe we're just what maybe just wrong on that? And then I saw Brian South or tell you on his show, not to watch the other side no it wasn't what they have to say. I watched, I think I've been Jack, Tapir, saying: don't read the Wikileaks Documents are not legally love to have, it it s really strange they're telling you to read the news or look at other information that seems like they're trying to protect lies because my is, and always will be, as many conservatives, moderates and politically homeless. Liberals is always make sure you know exactly what they're saying, because if you don't, how can you
oh, what's true, I strongly encourage people watch my content to go. Watch the content of the left of the mainstream press and my caught political commentary rivals. I frequently recommend people on the left to disagree and agree to certain agrees. I think it's important if we are truly go to the bottom of. What's going on, you need to read and watch as much as possible and don't just take my word for it. I always a fact check me on this. I may be wrong, but what do we get from MSNBC unseen and don't watch the other side? There liars they'll trick. You they'll, make you think fake news trump believes insane can see,
receives that? You can't trust, not tell you what I believe, Trump doesn't believe some insane conspiracies, and you know what the best thing you can do. Go read those stories and see what is opponents have to say to figure out if trumps talk in truth or not, I think tromp doesn't trust the press because they lie about multimillion knows it limits ice on the biggest wake up call for somebody to realize, the press is full of. It is when they lie about you and then you're like wow. That's not true, truncated. Reading, but I will I will end by saying, while Republicans are trying to fight unprincipled grounds with legitimate arguments and America not work, there is at least one guy who's trying to fight back in and also incorrect way, but at least eight kg us out Bryce Mitch offers to beat up politicians for Donald Trump after you have z when well stocked, don't be anybody up Bryce, I can respect Europe, your passion and righteous ignorant indignation, but now I dont think you were serious, but it is
funny story made. Maybe I'll check this one out for later in the day, but I leave their look man. I have political compliance with conservatives and that's I you know, I see people arguing on Twitter, Yassum Conservatives about family and children and and what should or should be legal prohibition things like that, and we have real arguments. I saw him. I believe, in freedom. I think people should be allowed to do what they want to do. Just don't mess with the kids and weak, and we can agree disagree and we find a compromise. Now there's no compromising with someone like Adam Schiff he's lying he's law, several times before by having evidence, he's publishing private details this this is beyond. Corruption I mean this guy is so desperate and in your face with it, the only gets by because the media refuses to do anything about it. Are you there? I will see you all and excitement at six p m youtube com slashed him gas news thanks, rang out. I will see you all next time.
Bernie Sanders sign to deal with the devil. In order to win in twenty sixteen November, the day the day he endorsed Hilary and now was around the time. I was questioning whether or not I thought he was the right person now. Can clearly see that in everything he has done so far and election. I do not. I do not have very much respect for Bernie Sanders anymore. Take a look at the story. Bernie Sanders campaign, Stafford departs after Anti semitic and other offensive tweets surface. Now I ll tell you what I don't care if somebody made a bunch of offensive tweets in the past. I we really doubt if you wanna, be a mean jerk who, as you know, mean View I'm trying to get my language toned down then so, be it that's freedom of speech. Great I dont want to associate with you, though. Ok, I'm not gonna, be your friend. We can talk about it. I can disagree. You and I'm not gonna, hang out nothing to hire. You are going to vote for democracy support you Bernie Anders Rotten,
It is our sore shocking and outrageous, because a fur offensive comments. She's, I'd like to tell you one of the quote. She said something about what I can't say. I literally gets Youtube obey me like lenders where's that some bread pray dont offensive things. How was it that Bernie Sanders has this is this the house is happening. Then he brought a guy who made anti semitic comments and we now have this. Let me show the sweet. It's from the republican voice in the jewish community, saying they call on burning, Anders to fire. Darien colleague Gordon, not going to zoom in on what he said, because if I did, you too would probably strike this video down into the most offensive thing. I've ever heard, but it's a reference to the jewish people and some Edison ropes. How is this burning jewish right bomb? I'm not just mad.
About one guy, Bernie hired went back to its. I bring you know about now I get that, but who are these people that Bernie is sought consorting with telling him the higher these people who told him to bring Linda sorcerer. He signed a deal, the devil he signed a deal with the devil, to win that's figurative, idomene, literally. What I'm saying is. He is sacrificing what he was supposed to stand for. Four, that victory for one and all Hillary Clinton, let's talk about some other scandals- are Bernie Sanders his head to the women in my twenty. Sixteen pain who harassed or mistreated. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. For speaking out. I apologize. We can't just talk about ending sexism incrimination. It must be a reality in our daily lives. That was clearly not the case in twenty. Sixteen, I can respect the apology burning and I'm not gonna hold it against him that he had bad staffers one time, I'm not gonna hold it against him. That the first time he had bad staffers bad things happen. But what about any hires? Three more bad staffers. Now
hold it against me, that's what men, the box stops with you when this, when the story came up about the women who are harassed by his Bernie Bro supporters are whenever I said, come on. Man like like blood, Ernie knew these guys render this number I'd when discharge or then Bernie. This guy who's got anti semitic tweets. But, more importantly, let me tell you about the biggest biggest thing Bernie has done so to me, he is here he is and is not and should be the front. Absolutely not. He refused to pay his staff fifteen dollars an hour. Ok, but I'm it. Let me tell you what was worse about it. You see his staff working. You know: long hours and and and weekends, and things like that and that's it and they are working. They weren't getting the equivalent of fifteen dollars an, but they are paid salaries. So it's not about an hourly wage. It's about that buzzword. It's about or they are they getting paid enough to survive. That's the question. The amount of hours worked is irrelevant some people,
our position now and even work. Eighty hours a week when they go home, can I pay the rent? Can they can they buy food? Can they pay for their health insurance? The answer was no. They said we can't afford these things. Bernice response, don't work on. The weakens then will way we hold on. You said: don't he's easy work less If you work less that way, you're salary equals fifteen thousand, actually getting like thirteen or something that can solve the problem. The problem is couldn't afford things, no, how many hours they working, they're, gonna salary, It means I needed a raise. Bernie only cared about making it look like he was paying a staff of two thousand, our freedom
a newly hired community organizer for Bernie Sanders presidential campaign has left just days after taking the job reportedly, because some of his past tweets allegedly contained anti semitic and homophobic statements, as well as derogatory remarks about women and agents will, as I did when I try factor at for several of the tweets, also Partly included crude adult references so as to how we then have the scandal where support for volunteers, ports- are harassing women initiative. Bringing this guy who makes derogatory comments about women doesn't mean. I know a lot of people have done things in their past I've, so it was stupid things. My past, it's not about you know this. One Orson because I can say to burning this one guy, you know, have apologised for it and keep on doing good work. People can change but I tell you this to patterns of behaviour that I think Bernie. Doesn't I don't think he cares. I really doubt and I'll tell you what, if, if you think he does, it is your job,
convince me after every single thing, that's happened that he cares. You wanna logic, conspiracy, yeah sure I believe the establishment as Anti Bernie Sanders. I believe they are they. Argued him with with smears left him out of Paul's. Try to make him look bad, so why? Why was this guy vetted? If you know They are doing this and you really believe they're out to get you. Then you have another problem. Ineptitude. Various colleagues Gordon announced Wednesday that even named deputy director of- stage, one c organizing for Sanders, but after report about Gordon's past tweets appeared Thursday in a free beak in the free beacon, Sandra spokesmen, told Siena Friday that Gordon was no longer what senators campaign is longer with the campaign, and we wish him the best might cast gotTa Sanders campaign spokesmen, told CNN on Friday the eyes when I read the republican jewish coalition said it is. Rageous that Bernie Sanders Hiram given Gordon's history of posting Blake?
and some comments on social on another, no Linda's our sore come on. What are you doing? She recently came out with some crazy comments about Israel in just like you know, I'm in Gordon We have since been deleted, but screen capture the messages are still visible on social media. Staffing issues have been problematic for Sanders presidential campaign, both in twenty sixteen m. Currently Fox goes on to show the apology about the women who being harassed. So it's like that's into patterns of behaviour that doesn't exist anywhere else. Some people are not perfect, those people to judge how, like people using a lot problems. Man is like zero percent support in the black community and he's refusing to open up his fund rises to the press. This evening I mean Elizabeth Warren doesn't even had Well Elizabeth Nano yells with one of the universe of Kemal Ericsson that one staffer quits and there being mistreated. But please tell me: why is it
Ernie doing better. You know why I think money doesn't care. More importantly, I think Bernie knows he knows who he his hat and with people like our sore and these editorial leftists and these anti semitic conspiracy theorists. He threw his hat in with them. I think, because he's helping the activist base will choose him then to be the nominees for the twenty twenty primary. I don't think so I mean. Maybe I do believe is the real front runner when it comes to what people actually care about Joe Biden, only with anyone's anyone says they're gonna have recognised because they know anybody else's or I'll be honest, is burning. A socialist he's, not like our real socialist, but he says he is so as far as anyone s part that matters if he says he is so be it. His paws imposed are less relevant than what he says he wants to do. You know why policy for the democratic socialist is a means to an end. They dont want to walk in green. We're gonna, see everything you um casino they'll fail. They want to come in and say we want to go on that,
a little bit more share that sound. I was given the rich people when they take it from you and then twenty years later, that keep doing until finally get socialism. They say in March shatters hired a campaign spokesman who claim to be an illegal immigrant as well two other staffers who are not american says you see. What I'm talking about here is a guy who said a few months ago. We cannot open a southern border because there are too many poor people. I could you not Google, that look. You know typically like a pull up all these sources, but but There's just too much Bernie Sanders says it was. It was a rally and it was the old socialist website that that criticized him saying he's just a capitalist. That's all he is he's an american nationalist and is a cap capitalist reformist. He said we can open a border, because there's too many poor people, then it goes in hires, an illegal immigrant as well two other staffers, who are non american citizens in possible violation.
A federal election rules, it's because burning who, in twenty six team campaign for the american worker who said no open borders at the Coke Brothers proposal, is now hiring illegal indoors. People claim to be because Bernie he is trying to you know what man wow tight time ideal, the devil men there are real and I don't know. I think I think all the Democrats are ours seriously doing blood oath rituals. I mean that as a joke there sitting around making sacrifices the dark Lord desperate to when that is figurative. Not let a Roma people can go nuts on that one. What I mean is impeachment hiring of illegal immigrants, hiring anti Semites. The desperation is so palpable. Ammonia Democrats had just get any age entrepreneurs. The reality is baronial and Donald Trump shared a lot of their campaign, the difference, Donald Trump,
is more of a centre right. Populist Bernie Sanders was more of a far left populist Bernie wasn't the farthest left you could possibly be, but they are both very nationalist. Bernie even to this day has many quotes that our bit nationalistic talk about trade agreements in such, but Ernie seeing his loss flit. I can't trust that I'm sorry, if you, if you What what I like about Bernie Sanders is that its position seem to be consistent throughout the past thirty years up until it decides to for president, then he starts Linda our sore, and I semites his staff for getting harassed and with all these problems getting to solve it. So short, if you want to believe, is a grand concern As for the establishment to see these awful people and was campaign, fine, so be it, but it's not the reality as Bernie as hiring these. People who are not Americans, so they say and then foot flopping on the issue of bringing in refugees migrants when he said we can't open southern border because there are too many poor people, the son of resources he comes out. You know about
so, go saying we're gonna let in fifty thousand climate refugees I get it not the exact same thing, but come on you understand why that seems: wishy washy, we can't let all the people and there's too many poor people, but we can let, in fifty thousand. You can hear him say in twenty fifteen open bore this is a Coke brothers proposal, rejecting it actually throwing it on the right today. Fifty thousand climate refugees, ok, ok, man, it's a big let down, I gotta say you know and this. Why is what I like tells you Gabert so far you now bite my you know. What I like and candidates, I'm not a crazy person, man, I don't I'm a mechanics blindly follow anybody. I see a few things. I light
We note when it when I first started, taking a look at tells he's campaign and what you stood for disagree with a lot of things reparations nuclear energy. Those are big. I disagree. I think she said she I also think on and on gun control, she's a bit too far too in the left, the leftist camp. That then I would be so there are concerns there. However, what I think is more important is aware: miss to learn, adapt, communicate, compromise and end. You know she was somebody who, for one challenge the system step forward. Saunders did not endorse celery Bernie than even do that bow till she had way more respond than he did. I mean you also that then we're Bernie gave up the stage to those activists in just put his head down. Sorry man, I liked what for by this, these are all the reasons you know, and you can t see it
tarsi servants are currently serves in the armed forces, she's tough. She not his work out, videos, she really does have backbone and, more importantly, she's actually made an attempt to reach out to people who might disagree with our have conversations, and I try trust that. That's that that to me is the most important thing, and I trust you I'll tell you this. You know my trust. I trust romp. I really do. I disagree with IRAN, Paul Han so light and I think, is very wrong, but but I honestly I do trust in him men Bernie or two guys I was like. While these guys are our consistent, I trust them wrong. Paul though you know so sorry, member back in the day, I've always been pretty lefty, but I have a lot of trust for on Paul because he's use cases after no Red Rand, Paul his son, Lotta trust rack I've seen what is it done and again status we are on a lot of you: no cultural, political issues but its trust. So I like the pulse-
you know, Rawdon Rand. I think they're they're, honest trustworthy people who really do care deeply for this country and want to see the best. I think see a similar. I think Dan Crenshaw Similar, there. You know that their their men when it comes to, I think I should think of burundi- that, where really don't, I think Bernie just wants to win it it's an end and that there are some things. Bernie said that I can sell respect like recently under debate stage when it just that we're gonna raise your taxes accept it. You know I was like. I can respect the honesty, but you look at this man and I have to wonder is their integrity behind some one who had higher these kinds of people, and I think the answer is no. I really, I really don't see that now. I will also point out to tally possible that Yang an autocracy have bad staffers as well, and the media just as an targeting them, because there you know lesser candidates, but I would like, but I, but I will give respect a burning itself to the same degree,
tells you that I know the media's out for him, so I know they're coming after him with every possible what you no weapon is asian of politics they can. In that regard, I walked back a little bit because if I, if, if if this is like Joe Biden, I just I'd be like you have noticed use when you have the media behind you for the most part, and you have these scandals, sorry and biting hunted. That's it. I dont trust by men. You know when it comes to Ukraine, I think I'll tell you that all wrap this up, ok, Bernie fall from grace said, but when it comes Joe Biden, You know what happened in Ukraine: let limit them. Let me leave you a tale. Joe Biden lost his son and that's a really really sad story, and my heart goes out to him and re. I mean this with with the utmost sincerity. I you know, I can't imagine what it's like to lose. Son. I couldn't I would even have kids, but I understand that there is probably no greater pain for apparent to lose their child me. Parents would would jump in front of a semi tropical.
Will it I would assume? Most parents would would set themselves on fire if it meant protecting and saving there, and that brings me to the tale. Hunter Biden is messed up. Acute smoking, crack ochres, although all the weird stuff, I don't know strip as you know, about hookers we're- probably I think, there's been accused- I dont want I don't want to. I want to be overly exact, ino, overly exaggerating on the guy. He I dont need to what you say. They say they had cracking coconuts system. We got kicked out of the military. He takes us this job at bereavement on the board, prevent because they want access to the president, so here's Joe Biden, I believe it's last son he lost as other sun and Joe sweating bullets. He knows his sons must, That is an f up. How I would love to swear right hunter is and he's watching now, as the prosecutor is bearing down on his last son,
and he's thinking. My son is going to spend the rest of his life in prison. What do I do? You know he did? He threw himself in front of trying to save his sons life? That's what I see happening, I'm not saying it's its definitive like I have proven. I'm just saying you know, that's kind, how I feel I would blame if Joe Biden, new, thus prosecutors are calling for a son and he did what he did to save his son from being locked up for the rest of his life. I can actually respect that. I understand why Father would do that for his last child, especially after losing your other. Yet you know your other sottish you're. It's your last remaining son, you're legacies! It's what you know, someone you you ve created and someone. You love more than anything. Unfortunately Joe. That still means you sacrifice the good of this nation and it means that's view that that's corruption, putting yourself over the american people and our interests, I'm not saying that's true science literally what he did. But I tell you this: I don't
not talking about whether tromp was right to ask for investigation and stuff. But let me just say if you look at all the details right, you look at the foyer email from the State Department that were released by Johnson. Where you have a lobbying group forbear, as my asking the State Department to chill on investigating bereavement and then shortly after Joe Biden comes up with a quid pro quo: fire the prosecutor or you're, not getting a billion dollars. Well son of a bitch, Guy got fired you what you want. You want to say that was at the behest of the United States short. But let me just talk in plain probability. First of all, why was Hunter Biden having that job? We know come on man if, if, if we had a, if I d make a bet in Vegas on the right in hundred by got that job. Access to that president put it all on run at weed, you'd, be insane Tibet against that, why why that's? What we're Joe Biden
intervening at a prosecutor fired while at the same time a lot whereas was corrupt, they claim it's because the prosecutor wasn't investigating charisma their little backwards. Isn't that a little backwards, a prosecutor in the country who claims they were investigating? You say this company isn't being investigated so we're gonna get this prosecutor fired at so strange. The new prosecutor, Joe Biden, ended up. You know getting in cleared them of all wrong doing and his son walked away all the richer. So I'll tell you what I think if I had to make a bet, it's the story of a father who was willing to jump in front of a train to save the life of his son, and I can't blame, but I can hold them accountable.
For four. You know betraying the american people for his personal family interests. Again, I'm not saying it's definitively. True, I'm just saying when I put the pieces together, it sounds like the most obvious thing. What father would not do that for their kid risk everything you betcha Joe noses old he's not. The EU knows that he's he's had he set his time and now he's going to make sure his kid can survive to any father would do wouldn't that not every, but so many and so Jos was like my legacy you know might might I must say my kid: that's what I see. One of the facts of the media wants to impeach Trop, so they ignore these things? What's what it's it's? You know Aretas up think about how insane it is this idea, but Joe Biden wanted charisma investigated, so he fired a prosecutor and
a new prosecutor hired who cleared, whereas my the founder of all wrong doing what's sounds to me, like you brought somebody in to get em off the hook. Oh just a weapon, Jerkin works there we can see. The gaming played sit around next week is coming up at one p m apology for the I cannot down it's for those that are that. I have been following the pass. Your videos I reckon a couple days ago and Woof at is that that is a duty I'll tell you what painkillers starting the work I'll see you all at one p m, though thanks ran up. We may be facing another scandal on par with the project, veritable Epstein leak, Newsweek, reporter quits, claiming outlets suppressed story on global chemical weapons, watchdog not understand. What's going on here, I bring you now to a segment from Tucker Karlsson, Newsweek reports.
Tucker girls and claims there's no evidence. Assad was behind deadly chemical attack in Syria or that it even happened in are you. The story is about a potential cover up and a manipulation of data. Let me read you the story from this week on purpose, because that we can see how a news weak reporter quit claiming they shut down his reporting, which may have actually back this up. This is significant, manipulate, maybe said: why do I can well because it almost got us into World WAR three to be a little hyperbolic, but at all got us into war with sea or any? We actually have ground troops there. Many people were saying I saw it was getting his own people using chemical bans on its own people, and this presents a little bit of doubt now. Tucker might take it a little bit further than I would, but for now I'm not so, much concerned with conclusions about what happened in Syria, though it is rather significant, but the impact on the media when journalists
Try reporting the news and they sat Newsweek said it's a conspiracy theory, and so he resigned when they refused to run it. Take a look at this music reports on Tuesday evening across him tonight on Fox NEWS. Those claim that there's no evidence you're President Bashar Al Assad was behind the twenty eight back on Doma, an architect continent. Not might never have happened. Karlsson has pushing this narrative since the syrian supper was attacked in April, twenty teen anyhow, I say during crossings show he replaced. Log from twenty eighteen during which he urged viewers to be sceptical of the attack, because geniuses are making it up saying, versus bipartisan agreement on anything is usually the first sign that something deeply unwise about to happen, if only because there is nobody left to ask skeptical questions, and we should be should be skeptical of this, starting with the poison gas attack itself all the geniuses tell us: SOD killed those children, but they really know that
of course. They don't really know that their making it up. They have no real idea. What happened well all our walk that back a little bit. I think Tucker is often a bit bombastic in reality. We have investigators, took a look and said to the best of our ability. Here's what we believe happened by recreating you know some circumstances by looking for chemicals and evidence and videos, as it turns out there. A report about discrepancies and many people are now questioning the results of that investigation. Fox news housed has run you'd have scepticism of the Dama internet in light of an email that Wikileaks reportedly wished for a member of the o, PC w go accuse the team of covering up discrepancies, pc w was tasked by the union to investigate the attack and find the responsible parties as they like Karlsson. Russia and the countries. Allies have used the email to question the o pc w conclusions that chlorine was likely dropped from aircraft in Doha
some have also promoted AMOS information campaign. There are hopes to discredit the o, dubious findings and effort to absolve Assad. After that is so they go on to say that our Balin cats, governance, an interim report that this was before they release their final conclusions and such I think it's important walk things back. There is doubt here, that's important them should be getting into into a conflict. When you have stories like this? Well, let me show you something right now most people are going to say or or I'll? Give you a better example. Media matters is smearing. Tucker Karlsson saying is pushing conspiracy theories, because that was about an interim report. You gotta look at Beilin CAT, ok, ok hold on. I don't know I really I can say: there's some doubt all defer to Balin cat. They seemed
They seem to be an expert on many issues: fun, but out this news, weak reporter quits, claiming the outlets suppressed story on global chemical weapons watch. How could it be that, following this publication, new information would come to light That would be damaging to that narrative and so Newsweek said no keeping in mind. Newsweek ran a story, a sort of debunking Carlson's claims talking about Beilin CAT and pushing back now fair to say push back on Carlson's claims. I think he's a bit too and I want, but if he may jump the gun a little bit as an opinion guy, as opposed to say and investing rapporteur, but I respect that. You got his opinion and- and I feel you know in my role also will hold on he's. Gonna say that our counter, so and could be more responsible to walk things back fine. He doesn't president for that. Here's, the big problem, How can we really know if Newsweek will not?
even allow our porter to publish information on this check this out, they say this journalist to record dad said on Saturday that had resigned from us, but its position at Newsweek, because the outlets suppressed detail. Potentially inconvenient to the? U S: government surrounding a chemical weapons watchdog report on the twenty eighth. An attack in Syria quote yes,. Today I resign from music. After my attempts to publish newsworthy revelations about the leaked open See w letter were refused no valid reason they say had doubts. Tweet came as the O pc w funded itself. Amid concerns that its reporting on April seventh, twenty Syria, something that prompted retaliation from the? U S and other major powers, Wikileaks had published an internal email raising concerns the organizations findings, direct added I have quoted evidence of how they suppressed the story. In addition to evidence from another case were info inconvenience to the: U S
it was removed, though it was factually correct statement to Fox NEWS. A Newsweek spokesperson said the writer pitched a conspiracy theory. Rather than idea for objective reporting. Music editors rejected the pitch here's the thing journalists are supposed to investigate conspiracy theories. Wasn't It see who recently published the claim that the lawyer for love part as claimed he heard from. Their Shokhin, that Devon Nunez travelled to Vienna wow. You wanna talk about publishing conspiracy theories, so why is it that when you have a story about Devon Nunez, they will they will. Hearsay, hearsay, hearsay and the impeachment trial. Donald Trump hearsay all the way home but Newsweek will reject a conspiracy theory when the skies I mean he's a legitimate porter with legitimate information. He says I plan publishing these details in full. Shortly. However, after asking my
as for comment as his journalistic practice. I received an email, reminding me of confidentiality clauses in my contract. I e I was threatened with legal and he said well, one that journalists tend to do, it's like this is just leak, the story to someone else and then say: oh no, I have no idea how they got the information he added. But he was seeking legal advice at the very least, would public the information you have without divulging the confidential information Fox Dues Fox did not immediately receive response from an email address found. I would appear to be at odds personal website I doubt. Resignation marked what appeared to be the second controversial departure from music. In recent weeks, the outlet previously caught the president's criticism when it published an inaccurate story about us. Thanks plants, Newsweek fired the writer Difficult violent story. While the details are unclear, Quang pushed back on, the perception of the story was entirely or fault, it was her fault, so I will give some context here. She was tat.
Important information and media corruptions only just premises theirs. It there's something. People do called pre writing where they have an idea of someone's gonna happen, say Trop Thanksgiving. They write the story before happens, assuming the likelihood that their correct will be. You know high? She tasked with writing a story about Donald Trump on Thanksgiving and wrote it the day before. How do you news about something that didn't happened yet while she wrote to me golfing and tweeting ended the stupid. You know same all say most mere gets president and it's not the worst paranormal, but then it turned out. Tromp was Afghanistan, making her story completely false first, social dumping fire for that blamed on the editor. I it's your fault. The editor should have published a pre right, buddy did so you're there go actual around I'll. Even of the editor publish the pre right, better may have just received the, eleven, a m and sad cool, publish, not knowing what was going on the writer. Should have been fired and a lot of journalists
try being like if the editors faulty, not another, now journalism today is broken and corrupt that's an Atlantic unoriginal a bit more here they say, are actually Ansari. It just goes on talking just one. What's politics, this guy to wreck. How did it on private in his name wrong but he is onto where four thousand followers from the UK journalist for Newsweek us pull bizarre his page and he's got a bunch of articles. Doesnt seem too anything out of the ordinary body. Resigned, because Newsweek is refusing to allow him to publish legitimate information. This works look at any roll back, Amy Roebuck Private vat ass? They exposed that they shut down the obscene story. Where is it If she was justified in their reporting, where is story if Newsweek going to write that Beilin CAT said acts tougher Karlsson is wrong, and so
media matters. I have the question now I know Newsweek is left wing buys it is what it is. This may be that you know what man we're gonna be brought into worse than you are. Times, they lied or I should say they were wrong about wmds and we shall trusted them and we got involved in a war. This date is keeps going now. We have this They roped us into interfering in Syria. We don't know exactly what happens. Perhaps the o pc doubly report is justified in fine, ok, Trump five, fifty nine Tom out, MRS at Syria, over over stories like this, and now we have a reporter Newsweek. Won't. Let him tell the story there, com, a conspiracy, theorist, that's what you do you get when you ask questions, you cannot do journalism without me,
and, to a certain degree, a conspiracy terrorist. That's a fact. There is a saying, a camera boats from, but a good a good journalist starts off as a conspiracy theorist, but then works from point a to figure out what the facts can prove. A journalist is going to say these emu we're leaked. I wonder what happened and by doubting the official narrative they will call. You will consider that what? Why won't? You believe, the government? Why would the government like? What do you mean the government story? Isn't true? Why would you pursue this? Like with Sweden. Donald Trump said last night in Sweden. I said I'll go to check it out, and I was inundated with messages from the press. Ppp placed the work. Was I don't do it? don't do it don't go to journalism, know believe official narrative dont investigate that's what they say. So we pitches a story and they shot him down what what's the off our back, this guy's a record goes amateur scroll down, Sammy what what you're seeing right now. That's why you is Newsweek Article
my this guy and appears that he's got up sixty pages. So far, let's see how far back this guy's you know tenure it at newgate goes. It goes back six pages, his first story, from September. So doesn't look at he's, been there very long, but he's written a lot. His first store that on newspapers about Jordan Petersen checking into rehab. He looks like a lost puppy. I wouldn't call that particularly positive thing for Jordan Petersen, so I Not too much too much about the who's, this guy is he's, follow, by some conservatives. Some leftists swallowed by tells Gabert surprise, surprise a journalist whose action reporting on international issues which may debunk the pro war narrative was told by Newsweek, zip it and he was forced to resign The media is corrupt. How and by saying this, the media establishment in the democratic establishment are essentially the same thing as far as I'm concerned. I'll leave it there
you know, I don't need to go to the store, speaks for itself. I'll, see you all at four p m on the main issues behind them General Youtube accomplished and guest. That's right. Now I gotta handed to Joe Biden, we're gonna, get a compliment right now He was challenged by some activists over deportations during Obama administration in a straighten is notorious for their immigrant policy call Obama, the the and chief he started, locking up these caves and separate family, so he's been challenge, but Joe Biden no. Says three million deportations is nothing to apologize for yours. Oh close. Joam second respect this, but you need does. Then he goes on a blames tromp. You got you out of its different between what means tromp doing or what we did in what Trump is doing now. No, no! No! No, if anything, Europe is doing better than you. You see they want appointed, tromp and say locking up kids in cages,
point two Obama, they wanna say Trump shot. None of that ships are not immigration and in point two Obama Obama deported more people. He really really did now across the board, immigration is down. Seventy percent on a truck. That's my interest to me, my understanding, but how can you look at what tromp is doing an act like he is better or worse than than Obama, when Obama was locking up kids deporting millions and millions of people write the fact as either you praise Obama for deporting more people or criticise him for that and the kids what's wrong, what level Joe Biden, so they say Joe Biden says he has nothing to apologize for one asked of the millions of illegal aliens deported under Obama. Binding as vice president for eight years under the Obama administration was again confronted The high number of deportations that took place during his time in office. He was explicitly asked if he should apologise, often three million people, yet it
The Obama Biden legacy includes more than three million people deported in the years you are in power and some of the structures that were created during that during their during their have really been the wants at present Trump built upon Davis, zero tolerance family. Russian policy. Thank you tell a moon, Porter, Jose Ds Bell ART, it's absolutely true, drugged and get an office and then say the first thing we need is an impound a lot for babies. President office and inherited all of this, I It's funny how they say: it's not fair to criticise. The Obama economy can T inherited from George W Bush, but there comes a trot, throwing everything's his fault. The economy does while they're like that's, not him. You can't correlate come on dude under the president. Everything is therefore you're. Gonna play games under Obama, military pausing depredations its I'll, take as it can stop it and tromp he's responsible for things happening under him. You know, because
about it will bring it up and then I think I think you can be fair a threed. Do you? Should you be apologizing for anything asked but answered? No, I stop right there, Mad respect absolutely- and I mean you know Joe Biden, gettin feisty- what that eighty four old guy was a step of the line by God. I admire that. Do get angry. At least he pushes back Democrats. There backbones you, I think someone who was it about buying this at his back was a wet noodles with a guy said. No, I think Joe Biden of all the people has a backbone of other that. I think Buddha judges in bad, but by then he pushes back now. Here's the problem, I say as a big backbone yellow bit, so I can respect that. He said notice and he's pushing back on the far left absurdity and it's kind of sad. He's the last guy Democrats gods actually doing something that I actually submit. Obviously tossing Gabarus a backbone. I just I'm sorry. I have to do this winter,
tweeted about Hillary Clinton I laughed for like forty five minutes. You remember that She said that Hillary Clinton was the personification of wrought the Democratic Party. I was screaming and waving my arms. It was just like one of the most epic inglorious moments of my life. Finally see someone take a job. You then I mean so that as a mad back, because I was are tweeting like I would also like you know: Clinton Clinton's friends. Don't have you not? I mean I'm. I can't say too much because you double punishment, but man now backbones I'll, tell you In short, the main reasons I like tells backbone, come on gonna backbone with war, not sorry So it's so Joe Biden says nobody's people's respectable, but he's really does he tries to flip it on Trump as though Trump didn't we talk about mantra to create this stuff. He answered no, unlike other times and confront about the issue
He said it was improper to compare the Obama administration immigration record with that of the current occupy of the White House quote. No, I think What we should be doing is acknowledging that, comparing what President Obama did in what trumpeted night and day and Mama was the first gotta come along its ok Dhaka. Those undocumented gets there are to be able to stay here, and then he came along twenty fourteen and said, came up with the programme. Families would be able to stay here? Let me stop you right now we're the big challenges right now for tromp. Is that Supreme Court trying to decide if the president had the right to do Dhaka in the first place and if that means that trunk can undo it or how does plays out Barack Obama past Dhaka, just as an executive order? that. I believe the president can do that too. Now. Let us constitutional scholar, the general idea, though, for the for the executive branches, the and it can instruct his agents, not
pursue certain things, so he can say somebody's here. They came here a certain age. We MILAN now should have done In my opinion, I think the answer is no, and it may be the right thing to do to two up and Dhaka meanness and as an outside this I am a fan. I am absolutely a fan of Dhaka. My personal political position would be. We should naturalised, provide citizenship to these young people up. I know a lot of people can address issues outside us. When you that the flow of illegal immigration- but there are a lot of people in this country- the only speak, english- They they came here when they were really really young, have no idea what happened and I believe their parents should be held responsible. But how do we protect these? These? These young people now worth twenty. Years old or so, can you really young age under no idea and what we do? we send them back to Mexico or Guatemala whatever, where they'll just be standing while the road confused. I don't think I make sense, and I think these people are members
of of our economy. There they're they're, paying taxes are people who grew up here with school, get jobs there. America every right- and I mean that not every right- that's wrong I did say their American in the perceived cultural way they grow up here. They persuaded the culture, they understand it in every right, factually nodes. It's not your right to come here illegally and then just you know, trying assert your authority to stay here and and from the resources of american citizens but look I little bit let little but left on. One would like most issues. For the most part, I think we ve got a control for illegal immigration. I think Obama was Dreamily heavy handed, not even of out of honest as far as he did in terms of deportations, but I like Dhaka. I do and I think we have to understand and recognise, even when you win a war, sometimes it doesn't feel good and, and and and- and you dont want, sacrifice you don't spot Europe, you knows spot what is a kind of your nose, but your face. Listen mistakes were made in the past and I thank them
The smart mature thing to do is to recognise those mistakes, correct those mistakes and then accept that you, you ve, got to concede in some degree, however- What I'm trying to say here is Dhaka might have to go Obama, it wasn't pass through Congress. Okay, this wasn't the will of the people to an extent it was the president decided unilaterally we're going to do it. If that's the case, then why can't trumpet the exact same thing and so, even though I am for it, I gotta say men. I'm I'm I'm! I may I may lefty libertarian Mackay and I had a lobby both confused by that's. I shall explain it, I believe in a lot of left wing nation, I believe, a lot of social justice and Social programme issues, but I believe it must be done with the with, through the will of the masses that the people must. Greater these things and that's that and its difficult? That really is so I believe, if you know we have a rubber representative democratic system for republic. We know we choose our plan r r,
if they go in and say we're gonna do this. I say here here: that's the will of the people, don't like it vote about change lot. Instead, Obama was voted in to an extent. I can respect that, but that does not mean that the president should not be passing laws. I do not. See that repealing of Dhaka is the same as as Obama pushing through, and I would never accept a country where the president says you know what we are passing, allow, whether you wanted or not. Even if it benefited me, because you gotta think about where that brings you It is. This is completely in line with everything. I've always talked about. If you Obama. Do it you let tromp do it and that me, when Obama goes in and does it, it means next time. Another president, its end, like tromp, you're gonna, be sweat and bullets, and this is what you get another free cannot change them in the court's outright. He had been travelled on these. Why, but Obama can do these things? Sorry, man, you play this game. This is what you get. Why can't people understand it Adam? She plays
he's lucky man Republicans though Wanna play dirty back, but let's let us rhythm, DS, ballot, continue to bring the conversation back to weather. The former vice president should apologise for the deportations and Obama administration built an immigration enforcement structure on which Donald Trump was able to build upon, allowing them to separate, separate migrant families. The reporter talking over binding at some point, an exchange ass if he had nothing to apologize for nothing, but an reply to what happens is when we went forward. Did the single best, but the single best, the president was able to do them and when there was no willingness to work to do actual out to actually serious. They moved in a direction that took it beyond anything else ever done I talking about Burma as Obama, certainly shuddered records in terms of civil rights abuses and things like that drone strikes, they call them. Oh
I was over them at least I think twenty five hundred extra judicial assassinations look man, it's it's frustrating to me that they set on their hands the whole time Obama's doing these things and then what It sent a screech like their waters, ending neither throwing that screeching and binds face and binds gotta he's. Gotta he's gonna pay for it hey penance, if you want to sit around and screech about Trump, don't be surprised when they come for you and other Calo Bhamo Conservative I'll, tell you what my respects Joe Biden for a future to back down my on respect, my contempt for him to try and passed the buck and Donald Trump naw man you got. You got its responsibility, Cape right or wrong, accept responsibility. So plainly, stupid games are illiterate. There is one short sector. I got a couple more seconds coming up in a few minutes and I will see you shortly the article I have screen right now is fake news. It reads: crews promote conspiracy that Ukraine quote blatantly enter.
And you selection, Senator TED crews. And be seized me the press Sunday that Ukraine blatantly into feared and the twenty sixteen election repeating a conspiracy theory that experts worn, has been promoted by russian intelligence services. Not we're not going to let the press gaslight us, I'm sorry. So long as I have air in my lungs and blood in my veins, I will resist all of their insane attempts to lie TED cruises right and he was exactly right. Unfortunately, as I criticised the out of my main Simon video, he wasn't prepared for this and I understand he did a good job. We thought was at a common currency. Here's the truth when he should have brought harder documents- and you know what maybe it's impossible. May that sad reality check it out. Here's the quote from TAT. Pros he's out, because Russia interfered the media pretends. Nobody else did you, crane blatantly interfered in our election, the sitting ambassador, Ukraine, one an up at blasting, Donald Trump. During the election season. It's there two years ago there was article f,
article after article in the mainstream media about Ukraine, interference in the elections. But now the Democrats have no evidence of a crime, no it's violating the law, and so suddenly Ukraine, interference treated as the media clutches, their pearls? Oh, my goodness, you can say that last week, Chuck you called Senator John can be basically a stage of pollutant, I'm gonna debunk the fake news with with, without citing one article. They claim that the experts are that's what I'm saying russian intelligence services are trying to push this to discredit Ukraine. The New York Times reported that ukrainian Court ruled the actions taken by some UK officials was election. Interference was meddling in the U S election. So are you trying to argue to me access that a ukrainian court is pushing russian propaganda?
Please explain this status of this. This push the lies. They dont site any facts. It is called a conspiracy. Ok, fine! Let's say you. Credit court never said that is the New York Times pushing russian conspiracy, or do I trust the New York Times charges To be honest. I ll tell you what external reporting statements from within Ukraine in their media backs up the previous reporting from the hill politico. Then your times the Washington Post, the examiner, etc. Crews, right article after article talked about Ukraine and Interference, and now now they're trying to see, but under the rug because its discrediting the Russia narrative because they played the same game. But let me clarify and TED crews did say this. Russia did a top down. Like high gear, like top notch, interference, camping that we know Ukraine had a few loose stragglers trying to disrupt the elections and their courts rolled it as such. So
Billy by saying that they will claim they are now trying to claim those ukrainian officials who did this not real you're lying always just criticism is just people speaking sorry, we are not going to let the media gasoline so I tell you this share this article, if you, if you think this is important, because I want to show you proof from reporter breaking down through the timeline, exactly one of us read axioms, they say Ukrainian election conspiracy is one of the defences that tromp allies have used to justify his decision to withhold military aid to the country. Whitehouse acting chief Daphne Mulvaney is out of the press conference in October at the aid was frozen until Ukraine investigated your allegations before later being forced to work it back full stop. Even if Trump is wrong. Even if This is wrong. Are you saying that Trump is loud ass for investigation when each when he truly believes there is corruption. If this is
a conspiracy theory doesn't change anything you're, saying that Trump doesn't believe it. Matters is trump. Things are true and investigated and if it turns out as congratulations, that's what investigations are foreknow in twenty fourteen days. Russia invaded occupied an annex the territory of Crimea from Ukraine. In response to you, much. The international community denounced Russia and refuse recognised annexation. Of the peninsula. Barely twenty. Sixteen election, Ukraine's ambassador to the Eu S Valerie Charlie running up, add for the hill which he criticised going to for saying he would consider recognising Crimea as russian territory that up is one of several actions. The republican say, amounts to election interference. This is gas lighting to a great deal. Let me tell you what they're really talking about how loop up working on behalf of the
dirt on you and on american officials, notably opponent of fort trumps, I believe, or to the trunk campaign and getting this information from Ukraine Embassy its effect it's not disputing? What access is doing is try to push like it's trying. His straw man. The argument they say However, the scatter shot presents from Ukraine and officials in the aftermath of trumps Crimea. Comments differ greatly from the top down large scale. Interference. Operation, TED True said that, that's literally what tat true said, the Republican led Senate Intelligence Committee released annex report. I found that Russia hack the DMZ and funded a social media misinformation do so discord in american politics that doesn't change the fact that Ukraine did and that access and the media right now is lying, but
Bring you now to Mr Liese, strand in has caused a fault lines: radio he's our porter, exposing Russia Gate, Ukraine, gay hoax, just watch revealing you, credit Amazon, Prime caused fault lines, radio, he treated However, its worth noting that Alexander Lupus sister, I'm sorry this is this- is a very long- threaten the first tweet the sceptical persons God twenty sixteen Ukraine election interference. The media is telling you that the Ukraine election interferences, debunked conspiracy, theory in this thread, I'm going to prove to you, that's an admitted fact underreported covered for years. It's not just that! It's true it's that people involved admitted to doing it and now that it's bad for damage
it's almost on the media are no no, no, no, no basri he's a Dnc operative named Alexander Kaluza, who is targeting Paul man, affords twenty fifteen worked with top Ukraine and officials on behalf of Hilary, which led to metaphor being forced out of the trap campaign in August, one sixteen proof radon to start here. The article from politico about Dnc operative salute working with Ukraine Embassy to dig up dirt on on on metaphor, Antwerp, political, never never followed up on the article, but they didn't retract or correct. Now I've said repeatedly politico. You need to retract this. If you dont like the fat, the fact remains, the stories real, really happened and political did their due diligence and proved it, but now almost three years later, it's bad for Democrats. So naturally, this media machine is emerging, trying, discredit their reporting he's as one of the key pieces of evidence in that article is an email. Betcha loop assent, the DMZ detailing other work. She was doing to dig up dirt on Ukrainian with Ukrainians
more on this later, because I said this is admitted. Here's another important reference point, the Jew. Twenty nineteen with Alexander tools, by our sister Andria on her pod cast Gasolene nation. She admits she sent that e mail, among other things. Also, you later more key admissions, come from Kiev Post Article interview, which Ilusha is a highly Elam from this later in the thread, it's an interesting to watch how the media has covered Fort Alexander that he and see to cover the story of twenty six ten ukrainian election interference for years. For example, this July. Twenty seventeen article is part of the scene and cover up. Let's go over some of the claims that article and show you how there liberally deceptive of or outright lies I've numbered, the claims from sea has first to loop midst, working for the dancing in twenty sixteen quote burnt one, sixteen years election. I was part. I was a part time consultant for the unseen running, an ethnic engagement programme. She was working for the admittedly that claim to hidden
as being an opposite, and research are for the agency or official position may not have been opposition researcher, but the Wikileaks email clearly shows She was working on up a research. He says it's worth noting that Shall Lupus Sister Andreae said that quote that Alexandra led Trump, Russia, research and here's a screenshot and Rachel Loop up. My sister led tromp Russia, Russia, research at Dnc. U S hackers, protecting voting systems. Believe Russia, hacked votes tallies you see back. Twenty sixteen. It was beneficial for Democrats to say they were doing research and it and Russia, Russia, Russia Now that Russia has been disproven their terrified now that the narrative they create about Ukraine is backfiring on them because they have nothing to use against trump anymore. He's has claimed three children by toolbars Dnc, never asked me to go to the ukrainian Embassy to collect information. She has admitted to go into the embassy working with officials and reporting to people the DMZ put into place by the home. You
campaign and it presents evidence from a CNN article, the Dnc admitted to directing helluva chaillu belied. The DMZ was being adopted a bachelor up while she was working for the DMZ. She was right in the top people the Dnc involved communications and researched research, the DMZ seals request. The emails prove this That's from the same seen an article I linked a few of your tweets back. The Dnc admitted a communications director Louis Louie Miranda directed Chaillu, but to ask the embassy whether Ukraine's later would take a question. That's claim a admitted to buy the Dnc unseen between seventeen incline bs loop, allied to CNN and that same While she admits to meeting with embassy officials but says it was, It was only to discuss ukrainian heritage. Events is clearly contradicted, not just by the Dnc request that she delivered that. I just thought that I just mentioned, but but by,
You know. He says this email, what said unto Louis Miranda, the communications director of the agency is important, because Miranda got that job here: the secret joint, fundraising agreement. We're Hillary Clinton took over the decency to keep Sanders from getting the nomination, and this was reported by NP? Are I'm going to go into great detail right? Let me just tell you strategy on Twitter. Its asked he are a and a h and has a much longer threat is only several wait, wait. He backs all this up with sources from left wing outlets from CNN from the Atlantic, so I will just view of this. It has been documented, it has been proven, but boy are they trying to gaslight us believe it check the sources for yourself and don't let them covered up for years? They wrote about this. They claimed this and now that bad for them. They're trying to climates, fake news. I refuse stick around. I got one more silent coming up in a few minutes and I will see you all shortly.
The media isn't even trying to hide, thereby us anymore, they ve given up now. That's a bit hyperbolic. Obviously many of them will still claim to be objective journalists. They deliver the story Bloomberg on employees of his news organization playing well with your paycheck, come some restrictions and responsibilities. Bloomberg says: does it don't know, Michael Bloomberg, when you for president instructed, has written his newsroom not to investigate himself at first and it's very decisive conflict of interests can be bad for journalists and to an extent, maybe they should however, as a much simpler answer, Bloomberg should be completely uninvolved from edit process and they should absolutely investigate him. The media's corrupt Bloomberg running for office proves it on a range of the story before I do I want to make sure I highlight this article now, no disrespect to policy.
Mouse and Jesse, Angela Vice NEWS? But let me just tell you something the story of how it before News adds polarizes correspondent in the first major Jesse Angelo higher. The reason. There are trying to hide it anymore. They say this. Regular contributor to tell ammonia and Amazon BC re most is the former deputy director of hispanic media for but Hillary Clinton and a former political appointee in the Obama White House. And there you go. Then even irish journalists anymore, their literally hiring Whitehouse staffers. For the Democrats, then Michael Bloomberg, New York billionaire leverages his wealth and power. Two glass tromp and says, do not talk bad about me to establish red daily, why reports? approximately half way in an interview and CBS Gale King Barber tweet from President troubling,
aids, many might Bloomberg, instructed its third rate news organization not to investigate him or any Democrat, but to offer Trump only the house asked. What's your response quote. I think people have said to me. How can you investigate yourself- and I said I don't think you can But if I look at the Bloomberg NEWS Organization, carry news from lots of different places like New York, then you're times the Wash Journal, the Washington Post there's plenty of ways for people, get news about the candidates. If they look at Bloomberg NEWS King s Bloomberg about his employees, some of whom complained that quote there are not allowed to investigate other dammit. Candidates, because their bosses in the rice to that Bloomberg was rather blot. Stating you just have to learn to live with some things. They get a paycheck comes the company and from the company that I started
not running at the moment, turned it over to somebody else to do that. Both your paycheck come some restrictions and responsibilities. Bravo, exactly why I don't Orpheus companies exactly why left journalists should be independent. Now I listen I've been critical of gives MOTO into other Gawker property, because all they want to do is smear their bosses. Fine, I understand what you get fought, what why would be fired off for that so at the same time, I do wonder we're Bloomberg, assign, but I'll tell you this. If the p, if, if you are running for the president, is very different from you just being the boss of a company, if you are, if, as the purple or of a news outlets. If all goes right, bad about me, it's like do our mission. Isn't to do that. However, if you're running for the president- and you tell your porters, they can let's get your other Democrats now you ve crossed the line cutting into their editorial independence. So when it comes to sub verse, for instance, is editorially independent for me, I dont control what they cover.
They're out doing you know whatever around the world. That's the point. People will look and say Thames politically, biased, absolutely ok. To say that I think everybody is. I think I am, but I try to do my best to be rational and try to understand people to bless my abilities, but of course, have my bias, who doesn't, unlike the milk, toast, Spencer, centrist, pundit right. That's I'm cool it that I enjoy when I do, but I do believe in real reporting. That means other people are gonna, go out and choose to cover stories. I think, are important, not what we think well necessarily make tons of money. There absolutely are coming. Patients are on sustainability, a business, it's mail to survive, but for the most part they do their thing. I do I think it would make sense for them to turn around is ongoing investigations into me and wasting resources on a story like that. Why would you do that? I'm not too you ought to report on, but that's too me kind of stupid. But if I was running for office I would say: go forth. I think it's fair. Bloomberg the news I to say it's a car.
Looked of interest. If we investigate Bloomberg himself but we're going to go over Democrats, I also think that they could still do it. I do, I think it is that there is a fine line between a conflict of interests, because what what what might happen as if some person in donation to me about running for office. Would you trust it really? Probably not, even if it was kind of bad stuff like yeah, but what are they? Hiding right so that I understand you really investigators off its own bat joke the police said, investigated ourselves, we found we did nothing wrong. That acknowledge, come on that's what internal affairs, as for you different and even ass a perfect, but I will say if a journalist comes out as I want to do this. They got a problem on the same day. Bloomberg announces candidacy, Bloomberg NEWS then editor in Chief John Maketh wait set at a memo that that read that reads finally, this little bit, but I will mention to some of the blow bricks have Why does campaign like? Do we get it man? You are in this race to hurt the president
and you dont want anybody coming for you, because you don't actually intend to win map Marines. No previous presidential candidate, owned journalistic organization of this size. We have elected. Laws to follow to do with both bounds and opinion. We certainly obey them, but I think, to do more than just that and I believe we can so that how we will proceed the place where I has the most contact with a is Bloomberg opinion. Our attitudes have reflected his views. Eventually Tam, o Brien and some members of the board responsible foes editorials we'll take a leave of absence to join MIKE's campaign. That's what I want to read almost up. Let me take you back to deadline. Hillary Clinton, staffer and white has appointed the Obama administration is now Four. Vice news Bloomberg takes his editorial people and they join his political campaign. These people are not journalists, their political operate, anybody who is going to join a political campaign because they hate Donald Trump. You can imagine the kind of
they would do in the office. They are there to support Michael Bloomberg, his opinions and he's very antitrust their working for him. They always have been think about that. Just because one promise now. Does it mean that these people who work in those outlet didn't like weren't de back the point? Is they ve taken If the mask they are no longer trying to hide the whole time, they were political operatives, blatantly hiring hiring people. Just saying: look we hired and Obama staffer, that's news or saying: I'm for all, because Orangemen is bad and these people gonna come support me in my efforts because they reflect my opinions. I can appreciate that, though, that their willingness just finally be honest. It tell us straight up: you're, not new, What's ok, your political organisations! Now I ll tell you this. I work for myself. Technically I work for you guys, guys you PETE, you know you guys are donating through. You know my website to get our common, such donate, but the real
is. There is no centralized figure lording over me telling you what I can't. I can't think and in my opinion I am fairly ambivalent, because I tried to beat you know. I think I think one of the most four things that make it true journalist, is uncertainty. For me, I'm kind of like I absolutely can tell I personally don't like trumps behaviour and attitudes, some of its policies objectively, when it comes to what is implementing a policy wise, I can say that the beat them, though the trade with China, the economy, I dont know, seems to be working up to a certain degree. The economy, especially when it comes to foreign policy of ethical concerns about taking lives and things like that. But that's it that's the thing I don't know if it matters too much that I dont like the president's attitude. That's my personal opinion, so I tried to do Tell you what we know and what we do and we often conceded the media does not want to do that right now. There are people trying to claim these laughing
saying? Oh cause. Court has won the Amazon fight because Amazon came back. Oh it's just not true man, they're lying to make a yo see look good list. Let me try and reiterate this. If somebody Michael Bloomberg says his staffers reflect his opinions and he hates the president any spending all money to stop the president and then, when you start to campaign vague join him to support him, it safe to say they ve always felt this way, and their work would always reflect what they were doing. You know we're in trouble. Because it's important to know, what's really happening. If we're gonna make the correct decisions, you have two choices: you can choose to know the truth and vote based on what will be the best outcome for everyone you can blindly follow. Those would manipulate and lie to you, so they can take the keys of the castle without you fighting back for a long time. I thought Bernie. Guy was early that revolt by think he's totally flipped he's wants to win. I don't trust that
That's really but more they say later. An interview Bloomberg was asked about accusations that here apologize swiftly enough for the stop and forest policy? You went on to say that No one asked him what he said no one ever asked me about a telegraph for president is lying. He is just a liar. These people don't care about you. They don't care about the people. I remember back there in the occupied era, there were many people protesting, stop and fresh Bloomberg knew about it. Police responded to it and, yes, the press report on it, but he ignored it because he does not air about you and now that he's running oh, oh, I lose a mistake, I'm so sorry and he was challenged. They said. Isn't it politically expedient at your chance? You do this now goes. Well. No one asked me about it, but until I ran from president want lies, these are people who will lie cheat steal by tell you this now.
The one important thing we're saying from this: they ve taken off the mask their bragging about hiring. Why does a point is their bragging about their staff, reflecting their opinions and joining their electoral campaigns? Never forget this. Never forget these two stories. When you looked at the press, it doesn't mean every journalist Some verses found many great journalist. We got some great reporting coming. There are many news organisations that have many great journalists, but there is an infection of political operatives. Tainting the media to push them there,
Transcript generated on 2019-12-23.