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Democrat Cried For Days After Republicans Swept Special Elections, Democrats PANIC Over Red Wave


Democrat Cried For Days After Republicans Swept Special Elections, Democrats PANIC Over Red Wave. With the crushing defeat of Democrats in two special elections former Democratic rep Katie Hill said she cried for days.It seems we are facing a repeat of 2016 complete with crying Democrats and all. Media seems adamant on claiming the Democrats are going to win but when it comes to the practical elections Republicans dominate.This wasn't true in 2018 where Democrats saw a "blue wave" but according to the NYT Trump's base did not come out to vote for Republicans in the mid termsThat won't be the case in 2020 as we ramp up for a repeat of 2016

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
We all remember what happened ever Donald Trump one. Twenty sixteen election videos of crying Democrats went viral Tromp supporters celebrated an unexpected victory and the media was left wondering how they got it so wrong. They had projected Hillary Clinton to win. The poles favoured her. Everybody thought she was gonna. When many trump supporters thought she was gonna win, and then she didn't eventually we. That now famous video of the woman dropping to her knees and screaming know how did Trump win. It now seems like twenty twenty is on track to be a repeat of twenty. Sixteen complete with crying Democrats is he recently we had a special election to special elections, California, twenty fifth and was content. Seventh district articles emerge saying that this could be evidence of a coming blue way. The Democrats may not just hold them already in the house. They might actually strengthen it, or maybe even take the Senate majority outright. Five. Thirty eight argued
we could finally see the Democrats advantage on paper translate to a real victory, but that didn't happen. Republicans absolutely crushed. The Democrats, in both these districts? It was a twenty one point swing in California, twenty fifth from Democratic Republican, so devastate. In fact, that Katy Hell says she cried for days. The question I have them: Why are so many articles arguing? The Democrats are on track to win in in northern, their arguing the fund raising proves at the polls prove it. But when it comes to the actual elections, we see the Republicans crush when Donald Trump is on that ballot. I believe we are going to see Republicans absolutely sweep now. Of course, I could be wrong, but new data from gallop actually explains why this may be. Democrats are more likely to approve of that of Congress. Of the job Congress is doing,
republicans are that says to me that when it comes to mid term elections, Democrats show up Republicans, don't Mona comes Donald Trump, they overwhelmingly approve of his job, they do vote That shows exactly why twenty eighteen was different. Newark time set it trumps, supporters didn't come out and vote, so the Democrats actually won in these districts. Now it's hard to know exactly what's going to happen but so far we ve had a simply a slight glimpse into what may occur. The Democrats got crushed, Katy Hills crying. I think we're gonna see a repeat of this. In turn, twenty and we're even seeing similar pulling for Biden, verses, Trump we're seeing evidence of trust stealth voters and from it even using similar tactics in terms of calling out scandals and the establishment elite. If you liked twenty, sixteen, I think you're gonna love to wanting I mean, aside from all that insane, and it can so far, all that aside. Let's keep it political, let's
story and see what's going on and see why the data suggests, in my opinion, a red wave as a common. Now before we get started, had already TIM cast outcome slash donut. If you'd like to support my work. There are many ways and gave it the best thing you can do. Share this video, I'm up against big mainstream media, big mainstream media that likes to claim. The Democrats have all the advantages and then turn out to be wrong, not to be fair. I ve been wrong too, but that's healthy if they're wrong, fine, I'm here to counter their points when I'm wrong, they counter mine, I don't have the marketing advantage, they do and I'm not being propped up by Youtube like they are. So if you really want to support, channel sharing is the best we can do it just put it on Twitter Facebook. What are we gonna do if we just want to watch subscribe button, but like button, the notification Bell and believe it at that but let's revenues, the daily collar, says devastating Kay, Hill says she cried four days after Republicans, flipped her old seat. Now this One is a bit of an emotional grab. I'll, be completely honest, I think many
people will see this and feel some kind of emotional release that their that you know that the Republicans are winning I'm sure Democrat. Going to see this and be very angry and probably not want to watch, but it is what it is, but I you think it shows us the sentiment. The DEN Democrats have right now watching what what's happening and, to be honest, I do think we're going to see a lot of this come November, and that's why I think it is worth highlighting former Democratic California, Rep Katy Hill said Sunday that she cried for days when Republicans flipped her old congressional seat, calling along Having devastating hill, who resigned in October Ahmed allegations of an improper relationships we had Sunday after rope republican former Navy pilot, my arts Mars, Might Garcia flipped her seat. Now, here's it's crazy his competitor, the on or the woman? He was run against Christie Smith Establishment Democrat he was eaten, has no political experience first timer, and he wants this out. Garcia, had no political experience,
but be out democratic California, Assembly, woman Christie Smith, who had democratic party support and an endorsement from former President Barack Obama, and that wasn't enough too much. Their support to get out and vote for the Democrats, the Democrats are hoping that come November, Anti trumps sentiment, we'll drive voters out to support the democratic that that may be the case, Denmark, voter turnout, especial election was was down a whole lot and that may be the advantage. The Republicans needed Republicans are actually shy. A finger on forty thousand votes if we're going by twenty twenty eighteen numbers being said, though, it's a special election Republicans, according to gallop data, have an unfavourable view of Congress dont come up to support these people. They cannot twenty a team. Why would they come out now? The people who did they must have their lesson. You see when the Democrats, took the house. They didn't hold up there under the bar
in talking about kitchen table issues, they went for impeachment and that should have been a cold wake up. Wake up call for the Trump supporters who worked old by Trump that if they take the house, they will impeach him and they did not tromp still one. It was a big waste of time, but I think now, with Trump on the ballot you're gonna see us What has come out in droves? Here's what you said so yet really hurt. Have my old seat, flit back to Republican, for a ton of people and also for me, in fact, it was pretty having deficit devastating. I went off line and cried for a few days but as always getting ready to stand back up and keep fighting hope, you are too onward the former congresswoman added with a heart emerging. Now. Here's the question about the mainstream media and why I think we're on track for a repeat of twenty sixteen I like the story now. I think I think three times too Special elections on Tuesday could hint at another blue wave and twenty twenty. The logic made no sense. Why would they expect the
The poles showed Garcia was beating Christie, Chrissy Smith, the poles. Then it was constant. Seventh, it was going republican. What made them think the Democrats we're going to win now. Of course, I pointed that out before, but here's the next one and I have we are now it's now days later, nearly a week later. Where is the follow up saying this predicts a red wave? Nowhere to be seen you see the mainstream media continuously says good NEWS for Democrats good, news for Democrats Republicans are in trouble. Republicans are nervous. There were a few stories and p offers. For instance, said Democrats are worried this one's a nail biter. Where are the articles now saying amazing win for Republicans predict. You know potential victory for Trump and Republicans across the board. Five. Thirty eight didn't write that up and this an example of why I think it it's it's. Mainstream video bias like we saw in twenty sixteen and it's going to
leave, so many Democrats, just blindsided- they probably should learn a lesson by now, but over the phone. Lest Molly Hemingway issued a break down now, it s. The only way you're going to get a counter narrative is from the conservatives, not the servants didn't come out and say you know, there's gonna be a blue way of either, but at least we're getting a counterpart in some way. The story predicted blue wave crashes and was constant. California, special elections, it Molly rights? It was just two days ago that ABC News as election forecast or five thirty eight suggested to special elections on Tuesday could hinted another blue wave and twenty twenty the case may by Geoffrey Scully and a you'll wreckage was simple. Supposedly american, strongly prefer Biden and Democrats over trumpet Republicans and they are particularly upset with Trump another Republicans attempts to reopen the EC the country as the global krona virus pandemic rages.
Quote on Tuesday will get a taste of whether Democrats electoral advantage on paper will hold up in practice as California Wisconsin hold special elections for two vacant congressional it's. The main event is in California. Is twenty fifth congressional district, a bell weathers? eat in the Northwest Angela suburbs, where both parties see a chance to add their ranks in the house, but of that's, are also competitive in the hot and the quickly reddening rural Wisconsin. Seventh, it could signal another blue wave in the fall. They argued the contest in California. Twenty fifth Rational district was an open battle for a seat vacated by Katy held this week. We know the house had just passed rules for bidding such relationships. We get this out. I want to read through you know all itself. Here's a quote still pay attention to the final margin, both here and in California. When a party, system over performs its usual partisan, baseline and special elections. It bodes well for that already in the general election as well
even a narrow loss by democratic Russia Junker if pair with a comfortable Psmith win, would add to the evidence that another democratic wave is building the inverse would be true. Correct five. Thirty eight you'll certainly follow this up, saying, while Republicans on track to win right politico and or anyone know they really democratically blindsided this this November Dante Molly it's well. The results are in and Republicans one both seat and not by small margins in Wisconsin Republican Tom Tiffany beat Junker by fourteen point four points. California with some precincts, though reporting now this is closed, Garcia, one here A lot is wanting election by twelve points. According Dave Waterman, it's the first time the GNP has picked up a seat in the states and ninety. Ninety eight: as Alex Barons and a sceptic of the government mandated economic shutdown asked. But Democrats are the Party of Loch downs. Voters, love lockdown. Am I right senator TED crews, similarly tweeted something to that that to that effect,
there's a question I asked, we just saw thousands of people flood to Virginia beaches in defiance of lockdown in New York borrowers defyingly. Down. My question was: why are all these Democrats? So you know adamant on maintaining lockdown that even their own constituents dont want. Wouldn't that suggest that people don't like what they're doing and won't support certainly these people might not even vote at all, certainly not for the Democrats taken up. Look at this other story from oil projection. I should say from five thirty eight. It says our dammit that's winning the race for Congress, Democrats and flips, Republicans that that the point of this article is to track the aggregate pooling of Democrats and Republicans to project who will win come election day November. Third, twenty twenty and right now Democrats have a comfortable lead with forty eight point: five percent compared to or publicans forty point six percent. This is an
get of all pulling, I don't buy it. I really really don't the New York Times Rights, California, warning signs for Democrats. The party needs to figure out how to adapt, to postcode a virus politics to hold onto the seats that afflict and twenty eighteen. But this misses the point that the upshot for near times wrote back in August. Trot supporters didn't show up, or I should say They really said was that Non college educated whites came out in lower numbers. You know why trump inspired people to vote who never voted before alive. Independent voters, alot of non voters, a lot of non college, educated whites. They had no reason to come out in twenty eighteen they're, not mid term voters, they don't care about the Republican Party and I bought receipts. Some gallop pulling for instance, turns out here we can see congresses, job approval, writing by party identification, twenty twenty Democrats, but approve of Congress. Thirty, nine percent- Republicans twenty four gallops-
as Democrats rate Congress higher than Republicans, even though controllable. Light of branches divided between democratic lighthouse and the Republican, let Senate what should be obvious to everybody right? The the establishment, Republicans they're out They they were pushed up by Trump and there's a new republican base. They don't like what they call rhinos republicans in name. Only many of these rhinos didn't do anything to protect Trump against what was going out with a Russia gate. Nonsense so sure Republicans have no aren't supporting these people, so what happens and twenty eighteen, then why would they come out? They didn't do anything for them. If you didn't care about it, think about what happens with trumps secret vote, think about what happens with this data? Will not just this data. Let me show you neither Peter piece of data. I really really do love caught congressional parties, approval writings
for the first time and nearly two decades, we can see that Republicans now have a higher approval. Writing in Congress than Democrats. Do certainly that should say a lot. Why would the House Democrats may heinous majority. The New York Times says they need to think about what they did in twenty eighteen to win. Again, I don't buy it. I think they lost that that they they spend the good will of the people already. They said: insurance, health care, economy, etc. What do they do? Scandal scandal impeachment waste. Of time how many people not feel betrayed, but let me show you a Sakharov, these lockdown right actually the first I want to show you is: is this cash rich Democrats tightened grip on house majority? We see these stories all the time that the Democrats are doing better, that you know Republicans worried. Here's another story swings state Republicans, worn trumps. Reelection is on shaky ground man it. Maybe
and I always say this hubris will be or downfall I just don't buy it. I'm sorry, I think trumps gotta secret base. We ve seen at the polls more people approve of tromp, then say they would vote for him, which is odd and fifty I forgot to people according to one Paul said they think trumps gonna win anyway. I think it's fair, I think trumps gonna win, I don't think he's on shaky ground, but will see hubris will be the downfall of the trunk. Voter, if they don't, it out and vote, but why is the media, the mainstream media, just so just just he's saying it's gonna, be the democratic gonna, be the Democrats. I just don't buy it. I really really don't so they call me biased. They call me conservative simply four point, eight pointing these things out now. I guess it's fair I thought the Republicans ornamented twenty team because of cultural issues- and I was wrong- Republicans didn't come out for tromp- are everyday Trop supporters. Many of them didn't turn out, and thus the Democrats look over. Based on that data alone, you ve got Donald Trump Natasha ticket. You gonna get hours across the board. Why vote for anything else,
but let's talk about what's going on in terms of modern politics, with the lockdown like mentioned earlier. People flooding the beaches right. Take a look at this. This is interesting in New Jersey analyse Jim and Belgium are reopens. Despite shut down order, members gather in support Belgium are New Jersey is in a blue district, not just any blue district. It's in a deep plus thirteen district, this is not a swing district. I live here. Actually, surprisingly, just south, we can see here is New York SEC. I believe it's I'm sorry New Jersey, second, which was held by a moderate Democrat Jeff Van who flipped and joined the Republican Party. You know why he did it because he could see the data is district, It was gonna go republican. He was gonna, get booted out nine months and if the only reason the Democrats, were demanding that he wrote to impeach drop. Apparently there
to his office and said impeach Trump, any say what let's do it I don't see the evidence it was. It was career suicide, so he didn't. Instead, he decided to join the Republican Party. Now in this district new jerseys fur, protesters have come out saying: re, open business owners have said, reopen a deep plus thirteen district, that doesn't mean all of these people are Democrats, but it means they certainly lean that way. Their friends and fair. We are likely to lean that way and their coming out defying the I'm a governor and agreeing with Trump about reopening the economy and get this a police lieutenant approached the crowd and said to them you formerly in violation of the governors executive order. That being said, stay safe and have a nice day and every one cheered right now. The tribal battle is over lockdown. If you go on Twitter, what are you going to see all of the left.
And we must lockdown. We must remain lockdown. When was that ever the case we were told, over and over again fifteen days to slow the spread flattened the curve. It's all we gotta do. Instead, they ve locked us down from since some cities in New Mexico closed entirely borders were set up between states. It's been it's, it's just been why Extension after another New York now there are starting to June, LOS Angeles sang potentially indefinitely. You think, left leaning vote, liberal voters are going to stand for that. If you offer up as a democrat to the average person, we will not reopen they're going to say, I'm sorry, I'm going to vote for the person who can give me exactly what I need. I need to think about it. We can argue all the things in the world, but health care in the economy, but when people are locked in their homes and can't work You think these people in New Jersey are demanding rent freezes. No,
They want to go to the german exercise and the business owner wants to open his business and a lot of people support the opening of the business. Many of the concerns, of activists. We ve seen even holding sign thing. I want to work again. I need to make money. The leftist activists are saying, cancel, rent the dramatic difference and what people are actually looking for support you this way, I would, I believe, all of these issues outside of the lock down as of right now are irrelevant want to go and say universal health care fine. But when someone, locked in their house. There go to vote for whoever is gonna open the door and that's that and we're seeing it in a blue district, a heavily blue district. This says to me more evidence. The Democrats, Paul and positions are unpopular. I dont understand why they all want to keep these lockdown going when people are defying them anyway, it seems it seems crazy. Maybe they have no choice. I honestly don't know what we are
well. We should expect to see more of the same. At least the AP think so twenty sixteen repeat Trump revives Clinton, Playbook to Battle Biden. Does he really, though? Or is it just? Who trump is? I guess you could argue that he's real is easy. The same play book, but I think the media's making the same mistakes as well. We just saw often the Washington Post. That said, we must prepare for the very real possibility that Donald Trump will reject the result of remember election. Are you kidding me it's the Democrats who ever accepted the results of the twenty sixteen election? It is happening all over again, complete with crying Democrat we're getting a glimpse of an early The AP says accusations of a deep state conspiracy, allegations of personal and family corruption, painting an opponent up. It is a Washington insight or not to be trusted its twenty. Sixteen again or at least that's President Donald Trump.
Trumpet, as allies are dusting off the playbook that help defeat. Hillary Clinton violence in recent days as they try to frame twenty twenty as an election between a dishonest establishment politician and a political outside are being targeted for taking on the system. This However, the so called outsider is the sitting president of the United States. Yes, and he still is the outsider. You still have the establishment, Democrats and media going after Donald Trump walking in luck step. Sorry, it's just true- and this is not new Donald Trump has been ranting about this tablet, the entire time, the deep state that do nothing. Democrats- he isn't she changed his opinion. It's the same thing. If we are getting a repeat of twenty sixteen, it's not troops. What it's the media's fault for, refusing to open their eyes to what's happening around them. Of course, of course, I could be wrong and you see the thing what what separates me from these other it's. I did open my eyes so what happened around me? I asked myself
how was I so wrong? And twenty eighteen I made, I think, like two videos like no blue wave come in the red wave is come in the Republicans and sweet and the reason I thought so was because cultural issues were or just up front and centre. People were tired of social justice. Leftist kind of nonsense- and that's tough- has really taken aback seat in the past couple months, but I was wrong. I thought trumps. Voters we're gonna come out in droves. I was wrong. They didn't because of this. The anti tromp voter came out in droves and the Democrats, one the house now after assessing all of that data and look at this data, I I have a more accurate model of what's to come. I could still be wrong many people in media, still refuse to accept it. They write this stories? They argue the same points. They show the same. Poles where's, the uptake. Why? Why would five thirty eight arguably wave was coming? I I I have no idea.
In a bubble, that's the one they live in this I Democrats are surely can take it. This time, but then they didn't, have you not been paying attention to what's been happening with trumpet approval writing currently, gallop has Donald Trump approval writing higher than both Barack Obama, an George W Bush for the same time, period in office higher than Obama's at forty nine percent in the aggregate trumps approval. Writing is higher than when it was when it was first elected. His highest approval. Writing aggregate ever was only a couple weeks ago, media will still tell you it's a blue wave. They told us listen twenty sixteen and it was wrong. Now they're telling us it again, so you know what if they lose, they deserve to lose. I guess because what else can you expect eager to distract from the Krona virus pandemic Trump and has ever advisers have started the fog machine again? I just. I can't believe it man too, eager to distract what about trumps opinion rhetoric has chair
used in the past couple of months over this hasn't he's been ragging until it out. You know, what's crazy about this, the AP I normally really like is saying Trump in recent days you know he's he's dusting off we all play book. You tried to impeach tromp for accusing button of corruption. What you mean dusting off up the whole playbook you're, arguing that beckoned twenty eighteen. He was trying to do this stuff. Yet now the media just can't figure out what they did wrong. The Democrats and the media unfortunately have been walking and locked up for too long and they haven't been pet, been paying attention to what is happening in this country CNN. You know that they ve done some stuff. That's been pretty good. Cnn went to a liberal Democrat stronghold and found the people there were voting for Trump. How could this be I don't know man, maybe media if he stopped and started paying attention the biggest problem. I see what the mainstream media is that they are very short term memories. They can't remember what you said:
and last week you guys realize that it was only what like three months ago, we tried to impeach the president right. I mean the that the democratic and say we I mean like in America that this date the Democrats tried to impeach the president only three months ago and the reason It was because Donald Trump was accusing Joe Biden of being dirty and his son. Durban and all the Republicans when This ever stopped. They ve been accusing trump of being. Russian. Since there the election they ve been date. They accuse Trump of working for Russia during his presidency. It has never stopped so. Why should I believe the Democrats are going to win this time. I don't read wave a common,
and I think they're crying over it. Where we saw the stories they were worried, where's the follow up, mainstream media. Why don't you follow up now that their crying and nervous and talk about the coming red wave based on five thirty, eight logic, that a stronger showing from Democrats would predict a red wave, you'd? Think they'd right incoming? I'm sorry, I blew if you'd think they would now right about the red with, of course they won't. They write what they What what what what their audience wants to hear unfortunate if they only ever hear they wanna hear they'll never b of the crack their problems to win again, maybe that's. What's gonna happen, I'll leave their next segments coming up at six p m youtube com, slashed him cast news, and I will see you all them we're current, facing one of the highest unemployment numbers we have ever seen, or at least since the great depression and BC news reports, unemployment rate source to fourteen point seven per
sent highest level since the great depression is the biggest and most acute shock that we ve seen in post war. History said one economist: and the reason for this very high unemployment rate, while not exclusively the fault of Democrats to a great degree, is the fault of the Democrats. I know I know unbiased and you'll just point: often ragged the Democrats, but I think I got data to back this up. Another guy. I think got at least some one of a compelling argument. You see the other day. I did a bunch of stories about people flooding to beaches, defying lockdown orders. I did it up a bunch of he's talking, but people flooding to bars in New York City not wearing masks violating social distancing so much so that build a blog said we're. Gonna shut these businesses down so hold on a second. How do we have record unemployment biz? this is defying lockdown orders, people going out for drinks and mass violating social distancing people flooding the beaches, its
seems, like things are getting back to normal. Yet we're still seeing a very high unemployment rate, while, first and foremost the virus is not the fault of debt. Crash Republicans, for the most part, is the fault of China. I know the tribal it will still get mad at me for saying that, that's that's the case. I don't, I think you know build a blog Yo Andrew Cuomo. New York did a very poor job to a certain degree. Ninety nine percent of the responsibility lands on China, man I mean we're all caught off guard Trump AIDS and early moves alot of people down. It is the media dead, tromp, certainly downplayed it Everybody caught off guard was was caught off guard and you know what I think as Americans. We We can let Bygones be Bygones folks on the real problem which has to and as of right now Australia has called for an investigation of the origin of a virus, but are unavoidable. Talk about that when I want to talk about is the unemployment rate will, of course, right now there are locked down across the country. So yes, of course, they'll be high. Unemployment right take a look at this tweet. This is from David call to be honoured
Quote no one wants to come back to work, Phoenix, restaurant I'm square said they have more than thirty openings with few job applications. The owner says the forlorn employees told her name. More money from unemployment plus Cares act. Then they do working for her and we have heard same story over and over again Let me just show you a bunch of these stories, as businesses prepare to reopen workers way covered nineteen risk against the need for a paycheck, This is a start you off light, but in this story the basic Alright, you this because many of workers are receiving unemployment payments that are more than a typical paycheck at the restaurant West said she's worried that her employees won't want to come back. Let's scale things up a little bit. Restaurants, bail out problem on him it pays more. Restaurants represent less than nine percent of paycheck protection, lonely recipients, but as of March account,
for the majority of last nationwide. Let's take it up a notch, another small business headache some employers are asking to be laid off thanks to higher on it, when it benefits what what wow that's a pretty big, we ve gone so far. I'm war my employees won't come back some employers. Is now, though, make more not working to I want to be. Laid off look men. The cares act. Try do a lot and was very much in favour of getting all the stuff pass as quickly as possible. I think it's fair to point out. That in an emergency we rushed things and I said we will face problems with this. No doubt some republic, tried to block the stimulus because they were worried about exactly this and we're seeing it. Unemployment is extremely high. Jobs are coming back with people, don't want to go to work so so I can trust this with the hilarious people. Flooding to beaches yet job openings going unfulfilled. That's
to me that people are concerned about the virus there looking at their look at more money now, the sport or when they got out. I do want to highlight that Democrats propose keeping the six hundred dollar unemployment checks rolling until twenty twenty one, I will exacerbate unemployment. Look you ve got people in stories. Seem to be laid off. What why Are we going to just keep printing more money when people can be getting back to work? Look if p We are not scared and are willing to go to the beach. They can certainly work their jobs right or maybe they're willing to risk getting sick going to the beach, but they're not will to risk getting sick by going to work. The first thing to say before we these stories right now you have rent strike protesters. You have student debt protesters, you have mortgage and eviction protesters on the left, act. The rent strike protesters on the left have been up much longer than the lockdown protest seat. When all the locked
first happened about conservatives, were like you got it than us things went on and there no end in sight everything kept being re up Julie people sad. I can't sit around and do nothing anymore. I have to get back to work. They started reopening defying orders started protesting We still see the red strike protesters. I tell you this. An individual While holding a sign that says I need a haircut asking for one of the least important hygienic things you can do. Is still substantially better than someone sang. The government should pay for my stuff. One is like a mine. Positive another, is a massive negative. Now I can- your stand. You know putting a whole hold on uncertain debts. I can understand putting a hold on Randal or or something I mean. These arguments are really are to make because the economy needs to move the student. That thing I think we absolutely could free. Is that an and they have you know what
you have put us on the left, that r D, ending that the government print money give them that money, so they can access to goods, but if no one is making the goods than what? What are you talking about I understand, warn about very, very wealthy system. So were right- their insulated. We could go quite some time printing money before we actually have no supplies left. But what? If we will realise that sort of that money hits your bank account everything you know becomes more expensive. The purchasing power of that dollar goes down. We ve seen something interesting necessities: food dramatically going up in price more. Though we ve seen since the seventies, while everything else is dramatically decreasing, go there's no demand for it. So, anyway, what we see now people want to be laid off. They also ought to go to the beach. People are trying to find ways to not returned to work because they're getting free money, yet they're going to defy the government orders and go to the bar and not where a mask. How does this makes Hence the government is printing money
and giving you a check producing vow, you from nowhere to extracting value from our children. Borrowing money for ourselves in the future devalue the dollar and training resources and you can't eat. In short distance. The point of the unemployment was because you couldn't work now that people can they dont want to come back to look the story from NBC and deceit. Can you refuse to go back to work and still claim unemployment benefits? Wait. What was once why even a question. Now. Answer is no. You have to you. If you reject work, then you don't get paid, look man, I look, I understand there are problems, the six hundred dollars extra, the bonus. I think you know we tried to be nice. I question the Democrats. Logic how, in wanting to extend this into twenty twenty one, when John, we are already starting to reopen now. Take a look.
CNBC Gus if they said yes, yes, you can refuse to come back to work All you gotta do is site safety. What your employer must provide in order to return to work. As businesses reopen. They must follow guidelines in the centre for Disease Control Prevention intended to protect employees. Employers have the boy slide responsibility of providing proper handwashing stations. Additional sanitation and personal protective equipment such as mass or gloves and following social distancing recommendations. Certain states may also of more rigorous standards on top of federal guidelines? Ok, ok! To be fair, I get it they do that true, but it seems like there now offering up this as an exploit. Well, I just don't feel safe, we're talking about a group of people not all of them, but many of them who feel safe. When someone says naughty words
you're, gonna use safety as a basis for the night. You can or can't go back to work. These people are gonna claimed its unsafe because of covert CNBC says if someone believes their employer isn't pudding in the effort to provide a safe working environment, workers could argue The conditions are no longer safe and try to refuse work in the first place. Instead of going in, she adds that national Employment law project has submitted proposals to the employment and training administration to clarify suitable work applies during the pandemic, so it's possible Morgan will roll up as businesses reopen and workers are called back in the coming weeks. We anticipate they'll come out with more clarity that will help workers be able to return to to work on, When it safe, recent study showed sixty six percent of, I was getting covered right now are those staying home, the people who are going out our working, the essential workers action,
if a lower infection right likely due to the fact that they are not in the same place and is small place where people are touching everything and coffin in the same room, and they're getting more sunlight? Is it? These are just some of the reasons why going out is actually better. So I have noted the studies seem to many times. The study seem to suggest that social distancing wearing a mask. Hence our ties are these are ways we can slow the spread, but the lockdown ain't it Understand were seen, problems from the Cares ACT were seeing problems and the lockdown me. We made a mistake: that's ok, pencils, heavy racers man. Now that we see the problems occur, from this. The six hundred dollar bonus that people are actually trying to find a way to. Views to work. Maybe we should walk that back and say for now you're not going to be getting more money If, while this is this, the serious could undermine I'll tell you what we can't have the government shut down, businesses that have
we'll go without money because the government forced them to they can't pay their bills unemployment only pays around sixty seven percent many jurisdictions, our know how it works across the country some places it pays less So that's why we had a six hundred dollars will make sense, but not have created this this. This conundrum and the Democrats want to extend it still. Twenty twenty on man- I don't know this is rough, A lot of businesses are still locked down. I'll tell you. This you're. Looking at a hodgepodge, mish mash broken system, that's the best I can put it. There are some people who need the six hundred dollars and there are many people exploiting this. So what do you do? I look at no idea Are we going to tell the people who can't go back to work because of government mandate? You get nothing were taken it all away because some people exploded it. I don't know But what do we do about all the people flocking the beaches saying? I don't care about your rules, I'm gonna beach. Should you then forfeit any bonus? You guys
if you'd defy the government wrote. No, I don't like the government incentivize you people by giving up money like that everything's broken They have no idea. I can tell you, I think at this point We should have learned our lesson as people now asking to be laid off. Maybe we need to stop the bonus and maybe we need to slowly start reopening. That seems to be the solution. Like I mentioned, the study sang essential. Workers are less likely to get sick, in which case at this point we should only start reopening which we are, which were to be fair. We should reopen. People should come back to work. They should not get an extended bonus, Ok, now it's time does our weaning off the the teeth of the government and we had the emergency aid to the government's fault so the government paid and I'll be careful. How I phrases. Let me only walked back. What I mean is the guy, It is responsible, the various governments, local jurisdictions, for shutting down businesses. You can't tell someone they can't provide for their family and then you know offer them up nothing so
I'm not a big fan of government intervention in this way, but I recognise that this is kind of what government should do in emergencies. I like the idea of social programmes. I don't like the idea of them just consistent standing it refusing to recognise the problems quickly. They create this. My big problem with government I tend to they are a moderately laughed on many issues and the we explain to people. I think social programmes and government programmes are really really great things, one hundred percent. I believe it till the day I die. You know why, because I've benefited from government benefits, I've lost my job, I've gotten unemployment benefits it saved. My life kept me from being homeless. I didn't exploit it. I use it as an opportunity to took two to avoid falling in the gutter. And then I worked, and then I found my way. I was on my way out the safety net works. The problem is one exploitation. How do you deal with that? I honestly don't know, because that's what we're seeing right now I can tell you: this is the opposite of value deal of exploitation. There The advantage of our goodwill violate
the government requests of them. Hey don't go to the beach, but then there than money These people, I want to say one for one thousand of these people are, but then you have many People saying can I like not go to work because I'm getting more money? or job openings going unfulfilled by people who want to say, but I can't find work, I'm getting more money. So these people- I don't look percentages, but you have this exploitation. Ok, that's a problem I dont know how will solve it. I don't think that's a good enough reason to get rid of the programme. What I can say that was Government never dissolves the programme once their done. They never Stop they never fail. They just TK dumping, more money into an we have explained before is imagine you get a cut on your arm so clean it up, put about it on it. Congratulations, that's what the social government programme is now eventually, you gotta take the bandage off and check to see if the M has been healed and you know what peeling the bandaid off hurts. A lot of people are like. Do it fast
do its low know, and you do at some arrogance, pulled out your eye that was uncomfortable, but hey it's what you gotta do instead, but when it with government, is they just say its partner get green, just like other banded on it slap and then eventually have a bunch of big festering bandage gangs- and it gets worse- the cure eventually becomes bad now we're talking about the cure becoming worse than the disease, and it seems like Democrats. Archy are going to exacerbate the problem, as businesses are reopening, we shouldn't be talking extending these checks until twenty twenty one. Five thirty eight notes men Americans are getting more money from unemployment than they were from their jobs and hey guess what that's? Ok within reason, if its temporary, if jobs are forced, closed and its temporary, I get it. There was a viral post on right. There's really annoying. It was someone saying something like I want to know what I think about someone getting an extra six hundred dollar unemployment paycheck, nothing! I dont care because
for people you know, are not my enemy or whatever, and it's like did there is also a mean going around saying. As soon as you get the money bandit on gold or effort, because the buying power is gonna collapse. As I said earlier, I donno gold may have taken a big hit recently. I don't know I'm not saying you should. I shouldn't do anything with with Golden. Whenever our making the point that you can't just print money, money has no value like that that the value Money is in the labour behind at the energy. The most that one of the pensive costs? Ruddy business typically is labour costs, and I think that the EU, Firstly, true, I'm sure there's some industries- words like you're buying plutonium are some ridiculously rare. You know elements that can be really expensive, showed social, so sure fine, I get that or maybe of Rome, It's running a business, but human energy is, you know one of the basic components of the value of money, these people, understand that, as you do, oh you that then, or
get rid of it by just giving money to people who normally would be doing these job. There's no new jobs, there's no valuable that money, and eventually the money becomes valueless, same time. I get it demand, drawing up sourcing, really weird things happened the economy, but if Americans are getting paid more and you want to extend this then eventually theirs, no reason for anybody to come back to work. I mean why even say it's not safe? The government says so an economy just goes up in flames. Here's the weird thing: I don't know what the Democrats want do they want. Become dependent on government so that come twenty you know. Come you lecture, the twenty November elections there, an essay we're gonna, give you more money for free. I guess seems to be something. People would like. I ain't gonna work and get free stuff, and it will only be years later that they realise that all things have a price enough. I no such thing as a free lunch I mean technically, there can be.
But there is always something given an exchange. Some people get away with getting free stuff stealing, but eventually you will pay the price. Whether you realize it or not, of course, they're hoping other people do. By them getting monies either it's for the taxpayer essential into the did the devaluing of currencies. It's her our savings and its causing economic damage supply chain disruption. There's gonna be a ripple effect in school. It's going to come back to haunt people, I don't understand, that's all all things have a price. You don't just get given money, you're being told for now we'll give you food, but now we're seeing stores with supply chain disruption. Now you can't buy sir, not meets now these has no burgers an eventual; people are gonna, realise hey. I can't get what I want the problem is, I don't think people put two and two together. At the lock down they were supporting because they were getting this free money result in the loss of the things they really wanted. Now take
the story from exiles just came up job. Openings report shows record unemployment rate still understates. True number, the difference in last twin? U s! pulse and non farm peril reports. They basically just point out that opening, and you know on that. These numbers suggest unemployment actually lot worse than it really as and it's already incredibly incredibly bad. It's the worst we ve seen since the depression, and some people are suggesting it could get even worse still, maybe even as high as twenty five percent. So I'll tell you this here's. The point here is the point I wanted to make. Well it's true, but that that China takes the most blame for lying, the World Health Organisation to summoning false information, waste we have to recognise. We have a responsibility when it comes to grant a virus. If the Democrats are going to annually incentivize people not to work? Then you can't blame,
unemployment numbers on the president to try to get people back to work. Many other than the Democrats will argue and in turn its either a bubble. Hence our callous and don't wanna help Americans. Well now we have he arose, act or whatever, and the Democrats want to extend this money. So I ll tell you: what's going to happen, a large portion of people will find ways not to come back to work. This is the tweet, a restaurant in Phoenix with thirty job openings, can't find applicants. Why would they you look? I gotta be honest from an individual point of view. You'd be stupid to go and take it. Carbon lose that sweet six hundred bucks a week, democratic talkative, put that into twenty twenty one. Don't take the job now, lose money and that's gonna happen I know some argue, that's the intent. They want the unemployment to be bad, hoping that a soup, official unemployment will still hurt Trump in November. Among entirely convinced, I think, we're dealing with the culture war,
supersedes anything we think we know about you know electoral politics does the EC? me relieve and matter anymore. I don't know man it's more about sports team politics at this point. But this might be a way to make sure that people don't come back to work, so they can keep ragging on Trump over the unemployment numbers, the one thing they don't understand, if that's how I don't aside, as is the case I think they're just like give people stop people like free stuff, but in the end, Americans blamed China. There they really do and whether or not the numbers, are bad, the economy's bad. I don't think it really matters. China is at fault for the most part and that's and that people are gonna be looking at. Not only that Donald Trump gave us a beautiful economy, a big beautiful, a wonderful economy for years and who are you gonna put in charge, Joe Biden? That makes no sense, maybe they'll swap out by, but I don't think they're gonna get anyone better, because trumps got three a three year plus track record of giving us a beautiful economy, the vast numbers of our lives. So, as this happens,
I think people are going to look at them and look at the Democrats is potentially irresponsible, of course, think about all the people go to the beach and the overlap with some of these people who refuse to go to work. I don't know how many are no mean. Oh, but it stands to reason. They exist those blogging about vote for whatever they get for free, they don't care, with the government asks they don't care about what they can do for the government they wanna go to the beach and party they don't want to go to. Work will see how things play up I'll leave their stick around next augments coming up at one p m on this gentle, and I will see you all them the democratic, Socialist Alexandria, Abkhazia Cortez apparently owes around two thousand dollars in unpaid taxes over a defunct business she had years and years ago. Now that itself is not news. People often find
Oh taxes, fees, things pop up. I remember couple years ago I got a letter in the mountain out taxes. I like what is this forty remember this, but you know what some things get reported. Something Jim is sometimes this happens. I've been caught off guard I'd, pay Metaxas. I got no problem. Ok, we got about white actors go and stop and as an argument round there, but will make the story. Interesting, is that so Cassio Cortez specifically, and that she is Democratic socialist, who is apparently trying to avoid paying these taxes. Now that's kind of weird ff First, a quarter, the story. It seems she fundamentally misunderstands why she owes the money barely the state New York, I believe, issued a warrant to the business. Over the unpaid taxes. I dont know what ultimately, happened to Elsie, but she is saying that the business has been too four years. So I shouldn't have to pay or something like that. It's a funny argument and I will
it into the misunderstanding about attacks the misunderstanding. People like her have about tax loopholes, are paying taxes vote even just about bury this a lot of people like her argue like Amazon's, not paying any taxes like technically fair, but you gotta specify what taxes are not paying What are ya see misunderstands is at and money progressive! Is that most These businesses are paying the legal taxes they're supposed to be paying. If you want Amazon a more in taxes than argue they shouldn't be entitled the hour or they may have to be charged more there. Their pay, act as they legally have to pay. Well, I'll, see you legally have to pay these taxes open your challenging it? I could argue you're trying to use attacks, loophole, arguing for this that this right, and you're, not responsible taxes, because you don't think you should have to pay it just like any other business wasn't really interesting. What makes it even more interesting is other daily mail. On earth is video from our twenty twelve, where she was complaining about new businesses being taxed,
yes sing me the sad sad Song ABC well, that's read the story and others other, as it is another bit of news and enable sea related news that I guess I'll get to mostly because I think look her primaries coming up about a month. Ass. She might actually lose her seat will see a lot of questions we don't know for sure, but apparently accorded in your pocket. Follow New York Democrats are avoiding Abkhazia Cortez as they plan krona, virus relief will come to the story, but let's get started talking about taxes and what's going, What ABC and her not wanting to pay. She doesn't want to pay a fair share. Apparently He owes two thousand dollars and unpaid taxes from failed business, venture linear pests, Post Reports- U S Rep occurs, Cortez wants to raise taxes on the rich, but not pay her own. I'm a credit socialist congresswoman from the Bronx doesn't paid a seven year old tax bill left over from a failed business. Venture now I'll stop here I'll, be fair to AOL seed, make up a points for one she wants to tax the
h, billionaires you're, not making a real argument when you're arguing that she should be paying more in taxes when she's, specifically singling out billionaires. Let's keep an honest, we can pull calls in her or ideology without trying to argue that she should be taxed. More our question is when she points to businesses saying there are paying their fair share Walt need Is she that's the bigger point? There are lots of real but more a Yossi founded, Brook Avenue Press a publishing house that Sir
designers, artists, writers from urban areas to help paint the Bronx in a positive way in children stories and twelve as the post previously reported public records, show the state dissolved the company and October twenty. Sixteen the state can make such a move when a business fails to pay corporate taxes or follow return. The state, the part that the State Tax Department then filed a warrant against her now defunct business on July six, twelve, seventeen over one thousand six hundred and eighteen dollar and thirty six sent unpaid bill as a Friday. The tax ward had still not been satisfied and the outstanding. She had grown to two thousand eighty, eight thousand seven cents. A department said quote: she just think she's better than everyone else. Clearly she's, worse, Hank Shine, coughed spokesmen for a cease chief June primary race component, Michel Corsica Bearer told the post but of course recrudescence camps as the rap is challenging the two thousand eighty eight dollar. Seventy set some needs at built because it was
should. An error is where it's funny, because she really doesn't get it. The bill is seven years old according to the post, maybe they're wrong, but that's what they reported. Okay, if we're going to operate off of that as then a yo see no. It was not issued an error. You just don't want to pay. Your fair share, really really bad. Look for somebody not wanting to pay taxes to the state. Where lives when she's running and re election trying to challenge this business is going to be used against. It already is because they ve already got her principle. Our primary race opponent calling her out, you know what men she really thus think she's better than ever one. That's how I see it my opinion she's, making a hot plus K year, one hundred seventy four year in Congress, you got a luxury deasey apartment, she's been queues of all this that and what not I note its politics, so they can get really annoying when people well.
About her, and they do. I really do think o cause your court as derangements interim is real, but does it mean the credit that that all criticism of her is is wrong? Now she D actually needs be criticized. She's done some good things. I've praiser over stance on you know big taxpaying I like that. But what we can see here is it in her mind when, businesses challenge the taxes they owe their refusing to pay their fair share when the individual say I shouldn't have to pay this tax. For this reason there are not paying their fair share, but when a yo see has a warrant issued against her company because she to pay a higher taxes seven years ago, she says no, no. This clearly must be an error move to use the same legal process every. Business, an individual users do not pay the taxes they dont believe they owe. So why not just pay our fair share of sea while here's, why quote the congresswoman is still in the process of contesting the taxpayer? The business has been closed for several years now and so
We believe that the State Tax Department has continued to collect the franchise tax in error, said Lauren hit and a someone as anyone who tried to contested tax billinger or knows it takes time. Yes using the legal process to challenge what you don't believe you owe you don't believe it's fair at the government will taxes amount of money because your business has been closed for years cept the bill is seven years old, so I understand there may be some complexities to the story that I am not aware of. Maybe this bill smaller seven years ago. It's it's it's it's. It sounds to me like she's, on the hook, this bill because she hasn't paid it in years. So it's going up, you gotta pay a penalty owing to their taxes. So if their arguing the business has been defunct, years something about this money they're wrong, at least according to the records published by the new post,
they go to say that a c, a first term incumbent will face democratic voters in the June twenty third primary and the fourteen congressional district covering portions of the Bronx in Queens shocked the political world when she toppled Ex congressmen and former Queens Democratic Party chairman Joe Crowley and the twenty Eightth democratic primary however, first moves. As a congressmen. Twenty nineteen YO see said, taxes on the country's wealthiest should be increased to as much as seventy percent. Meanwhile, the financial statement of Caruso Correira former CNBC Anchor has yet to be publicly disclosed or campaign. Spokesman said it was filed. Fraud at the May fifteenth deadline, full disclosure I donated to her political rights EVIL, mostly this, was born out of a conversation with a friend You know I mentioned are on Rogan events have all about her she seems to be like a moderate like a centrist democrat, but not a corporate one, maybe there's things that I don't agree with, IRAN
and I don't even know how I feel about some look. I really don't want to support the Democrats at all. For the most part, this point but this is different, because air sea, so outside the party hypocritical and my friend kind of sad put up or shut up and outside our own all put up. So if all the score I threw some a donation at cursor Correira because I shoot she wrote a book about being a sane, rational, moderate and that's me sent a lot because we're missing, politics, I said. Ok, maybe this will be my last foray into like this is the kind of person, but also its a deeply blue district. I d, plus twenty eight what I Democrats are gonna win. The best thing I think for the district would be you know a moderate, and I will fully acceptable welcome. Chris Am I don't like the idea of giving people money when you live in the area, but so I probably shouldn't shouldn't do that moving forward but Hype, I don't know how to let you know I did it criticised meal. You want comment insult me. Maybe I shouldn't have
but I do I really do like Michel Crusoe Corona, like the fact that someone's gonna stand up to you in her her hypocrisy you're, the best of it and then I'll show you this quote from her. I just think when it comes to businesses, like Amazon, saying you know our profit as this: here's the employment taxes we ve paid. Here's the you know: state security. Whatever s a scary taxes we paid and no one comes to corporate taxes. They don't because they pay out profits or something and there's no corporate you no money left over. People don't understand why Amazon pays no corporate taxes. They ignore all the other taxes paid by the company. If a company says we made a hundred bucks this year, we are going to pay it out to our staff. They don't they will have your own their bank and they will pay taxes because they paid out to their staff. Then you get progressives like this and they are not paying their fair share, cause they paid zero in taxes. Similar understand that when a co2 tax bill she says, I don't want to pay it all come on man there,
as no situation for the most part where, like businesses aren't paying the taxes they. Oh that's the important take away. If the I goes to Amazon and says you owe a billion dollars, guess what Amazon's gonna do they're gonna Org why they do where they dont and then ultimately pay. What determination is born Amazon? Does it because I don't know it's civil law works a YO sees as she wants to increase. You know taxes on the wealthy, maybe seventy percent. She wasn't sure it's fine for to speculate. If you want to argue a change to tax law. I dont care, that's fine as fair and abolish. We criticized for Saint. She wants to increase it. I think should be criticised for not understanding how this works, if bays us isn't paying taxes, it's because he doesn't o them. You want to call it not being the fair share, fine, but you have to pay what you owe to others. Funny They say at the time a yo see who is known for supporting higher tax on the wealthiest American supported. Doubling tax deductions for small businesses lie.
Hers and there it is, and there it is quote. You dont really make a profit in your first year. She said and twenty twelve too tax. On top of that is a real. Well me, I agree I complete If we really do incentivize and empower new businesses, the state issued a warrant. The company in July of twenty seven, just two months after o, causing has declared a candidacy and the Democratic Party. Now she owes you two thousand dollars just want to pay it men so funny that when it's her business she's, taxes should be should be, should be lower for us once the money she oh shit. I don't actually oh it I should have, but I'm gonna challenge it just pay. Your fair share do like everybody else is the message to espouse. So I can't tell you that I am surprised to hear that their democrats are? Avoiding a yo see as they plan krona virus relief, we're gonna say way into another store about our seas off your chin and taxes were to move on from that. But make a make this point. She is bombast it. She is hypocritical, so it's no surprise to me that
want to avoid or she is extremely divisive. She goes on twitter. She rags on people, she spits and youse. She is Eric, the narcissistic, dare I say she takes after trumped so well, I've called her many lady trump. They they have a lot in common with their attitudes, What's funny. Is people like a rag on Trump for his character in all that I was watching the family, so the other day, with trumpet, where our Trump and Peter arguing and actually respects up and fallen for, including the episode where'd ya. Peter says you know: Europe Potty Mouth, president other stuff and trumps responds to to Peter Reference, saying that so are you your Peter? given a family guy. All of these kids who have said all these jokes, all these offensive jokes. They got it from you now, of course they try to deflect inside yeah. Well, you know we can. You can turn a tv off the present of all really good point, though the bombastic attitude was not created by truck the attitude of ale see these are symptoms of something else in our society are Yossi, goes on twitter and she comply.
Panes and she's wrong, she's ignorant hypocritical. You can criticise Trump for his tweets as well, and he tweets means and boy. Do they spitten me? I will they do not like it. They they trumpeted them. With Bell palmated people were losing their minds and I say, like imagine, inviting these people to a party now Yossi does more elite IST gloating than Trump does trump me are silly and ridiculous. I gotta be on a sometimes I'm like face palming like. I can't believe this man is treating these things and it's funny because zone supporters column, the madman cited four boy in mostly a positive way, but also kind of a negative way come on YO, see to this too, After Amazon, you know Amazon Paul, out of New York that this is. The city loses all of almost forty thousand jobs low end. Twenty five pie enforces the estimate given by local democratically Cuomo himself so the state lose all these jobs and Elsie Elsie Reno led the charge and then she goes. Although not me not me, I'm having to do with it, but you were headline in protest to the financial district running at Amazon boot.
City then went Amazon, announces a small marketing department with like a thousand jobs which would have come anyway. She likes a picture of herself, the loading in D C and our lobby on a chair, so I've wow, ignorant, narcissistic and hypocritical men Trifecta Patrick up. So it's no surprise. When you hear other Democrats, dont want to be associated with at their the other Democrats probably trot, have legitimate elections and win and really inspire their constituencies, but all of them now not all of them- are Yossi, not so much afraid. The story from your post. They say. New York's elected officials are avoiding spotlight, loving firebrand YO, see like well the plague opting to craft their corona virus response efforts on the left. Lawmaker. Insiders till the post sources gave multiple explanations for why the queen's Bronx Democrat
it's been largely relegated to the sidelines and her animal crossing island rather than in the freight. Now I'm gonna stop here in front of the animal crossing thing. Apparently she was popping into people's islands or whatever liked in the game like vigorously visiting people in the game, and you got criticized for my lot of people. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. If ABC wants to play a video game, I honestly do not care. Trumped goes golfing, Elsie video games there both allowed to do it. Can we talk about something legitimate, complaining about EO, supplying animal crossing? Isn't an argument against her ideas? I'm sorry! I just don't care, I really don't. They are not looking to work with her and they want nothing to do with her said one source plugged into empire state politics explaining that other poles feared she
outshine them or try to take credit for their work. But another insider said the often outspoken, ABC simply rubs maneuver fellow New York Democrats, the wrong way she hasn't made many friends, the delegations of the source of staff or another empire state reps office. Despite being a nationally no name, a yo see, was conspicuously absent from the names of New York Democrats highlighted when Governor Cuomo and Brooklyn Queens RAP Hacking, Jeffreys teamed up to bring covert testing the churches or, when Cuomo call on lawmakers support legislation protecting laid off workers. Yes, because she doesn't represent the district, she represents twitter and that's. People need to realize she could potentially win in the primary and defeat Crusoe Correira, because she has six plus million followers and she is Twitter famous. She might light up just enough people to win, only reason. She's an office is because seventeen thousand people came out in our district of seven hundred eighty thousand and voted for her. If more
Michel, Corsica Brown actually speaks to the district and not to Twitter, which it seems like she's trying to do. She might white the floor with a Yossi. You know a man limit district oh she's just high profile, so I really don't like the idea of outsiders, meddling and I'll be on us again criticise me for the donation I made, I get it. You know I was thinking but it was kind of an impulse. What a see doesn't represent that district. She doesn't speak to the people she's she's, not often there she's been criticized for filming videos in our apartment when people Detrick are suffering. I believe she deserves respect for the thing she's done. She's tried, she's cheese, there's, there's voters over she's out working with people in our community trying to do what's right, but I don't believe she actually cares about her district. I think she's doing it because she likes being famous think about this way. A yo see recently abandoned for the most part, the cause of upsetting.
Democratic party she liked the Justice Democrats are over she's. Now, endorsing more mainstream Democrats, she's talk, shit, she's, promoting progressive sore targeting Republicans, she's really fallen in line behind policy and I'll tell you why it's because she knows she's on track to lose. She knew the mainstream Democrats will wipe out her district. They won't, they will primary her. They are doing it. She is poised to be removed because she is the twitter candidate, the support she gets, the minute the veto nations she gets do not come from her district. For the most part, we ve seen the numbers, or I should clarify that many of her large contributions, the once s report come from outside her district. She represents the vocal minority of twitter, they ve put her in federal office for making decisions for the country, but you get elected for a district in New York which she is supposed to represent, speak on their behalf. She likely does not. She speaks towards progressives and we ve seen
but the most progressive across the board? She one, I think, because Joe Crowley underestimated her. That was the guy was wrong as an incumbent. He should take seriously. He should have rallied support and she got just enough just enough to squeak by and because it they d, plus twenty seven or twenty eight district. She was guaranteed the win. Let's hush, let's see how she does going up up against a real contender. Monsieur Crusoe Correira, actually changed. Ass heated debate, apparently ABC, haven't answered and she even said we can do. I think she wants you to. In Spanish Michel, critical another another. Three named individual, very similar, Tina Professional CNBC. I think abc- knows that she's facing a regular Democrat. I know that I think that ABC knows the people of her district do not want a radical. They want someone to work on their way.
But what does she do all day? She complains she cost them jobs. She may not even be able to win some speculate, she's preparing a primary run against Cuomo I dont on us. Our against structures are not Cuomo. Is the governor of primary run against humour, but she would, I believe, should actually lose in that regard as well. She is the twitter candidate, I'm sorry, she does not represent the state. The district the wave explained before imagine this. What say you have ten cities of one hundred people and you need Let's say you need twenty votes to win, because most people don't So you see his inner district and she gets a bunch of support from all of the other cities which give her gives her funding in her in her city as apply together candidate, who is actually trying to raise money from the people in their city. You see a Yossi as ignited the progressive across the country that people who follow her on Twitter, our people,
around the country, probably in New York City, a lot of us, probably in LOS Angeles, Chicago Austin, Seattle Portland, these other big cities, Does she really have six million people in New York? Follow no, of course, not now be like more than half of the city in Manhattan or the Bronx in Harlem is not there's only her difficult. Seven. Eleven thousand people I'd be willing to bet. She has a tiny, tiny fraction, tiny, tiny fraction. Seven hundred and fifty thousand two percent of this country active twitter users, and I don't even think she has that many like that would be like every act of fisheries in the Bronx following her. No, I think she's gonna
she has their strong potential for her to be removed in June- will see, though I am not convinced, shall run against humor. Maybe he'll come back and do it may be, shall try something in twenty four she could theoretically run for president. I don't think you'll try that either her career may be over and I think she's trying to pony up to two to policy, because she knows what happens if she doesn't when this primary she might not be a landslide. But what happens if she doesn't win? What does she become? What is our legacy? A one hit wonder who came in that? One time got nothing done, sided with Trump believe it or not, ought more often than most of the Democrats and adversely for different reasons, but
l a very weird legacy. Does she want that? No, I think she's an egotist, and I think she wants to be this sitting there with her big glasses going like excuse me now. Yelling, a people is rational hearings added. She wants you to lose that unless she plays ball, we'll see how things play up. Stick around next augments, coming up at four p m over at TIM, cast dot net check it out TIM cast out net. It's my main Youtube Genevieve unsubscribe subscribe, and I will see you all their. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Ruth over facts, dot com? Perhaps one of the most genius political marketing campaigns? I have ever seen it mocks Joe Biden points. His ridiculous gaps, and it is hilarious. But, more importantly, this campaign has tricked mainstream political reporters into mocking Joe Biden, I'm sorry man. This is why
of the most brilliant, brilliant political campaigns. I mean it I want to show you a list of all the journalists who have been completely destroyed by Donald not only do they not even know about this shocking enough right. I know about this gaff if Europe Politicks reporter. You know about the things Joe Biden has said that we are galaxies made like you know one example here fell asleep on tv. They thought he dead, maybe didn't he said you know the thing he talks about the kids rubbing his legs. I know about violence gaffes because do reporting on politics, but how but seeing your correspondence were abc the New York ABC News, the New York Times. These people had no idea. Ok, fine made they just don't know anything about Biden, but they didn't even bother to do a google search. This is while not only did he say who's the reporters as being totally inapt he's got them now: tweeting, MA
King Joe Biden. That's just while I don't you gotta show this not dropped. A look. Tromp is a madman but he's got good people, or I mean that both the positive and negative sense. But he's got people around and that are just absolutely pavilion His his his social media marketing. Think about this. This campaign is hilarious You may have already seen it. It is hilarious. Basically, a fake sit it. It's a typical investigation, whether trying to figure out what Joe Biden means with his gaff, where he says: you know we're all created by you know the thing and then someone whispers because they ve seen of the national treasure movies. It must be a second that girl declaration of independence, of of which they don't find one the whole thing's hilarious, it's a gag, it's a joke, the main stream press fell for it check this out. The first tweet from Emily Larsson Joe Biden, said truth over facts in an iron
state fair speech stumble. This became a meme on the right, but when the trunk campaign spun this into an obvious parity investigative website that reference, the gaff. I dont think a lot of. We got it Charlie Wurzel, as recline Molly Jong fast Isaac Stone fish. This is just insane not just because they no, the gaff. Ok, I'm fine! I would assume political reporters would have known the gaps by does make this lie profile, gaff, but also that it was very clearly a fake website, it's not ring up what's wrong with these people, the websites, not real not from actually launching a website, even if Trump campaign made up. The phrase truth over facts is clearly a joke. Help us if we don't have a press. Actually knows, what's going on, how are we supposed to navigate the pole,
nickel waters. How are we supposed to know who to vote for when they no less than we do? This is going to be great here we go. Who do we have here, Terry Moran, Terry? buddy senior national correspondent for ABC News from the Trump campaign. The launch of a new website quote truth over facts. I generally they do not understand what they mean here. Facts are bad dont, Bali, facts, trumps, truth is more powerful than facts. One may learn when did they hire Blair. This is busy knows senior national correspond. I got more, they all fall for this. There's one did, so bodies at ABC and he's like guys. Please try to talk sense entities. Reporters did this guy An email from the trump campaign- very obviously a joke- instead of doing any legwork once you do trumps crazy truth over facts. Did you even look at the website? Its clearly fatty up, I love this. Here's
Molly John Fast one, how very orwellian yes Orwellian Garret am graph truth over facts, huh Skies a journalist with Armenia is he's got his came. She waited journalist from but the from somewhere what's this site a poor NBC News quote truth over facts. Now he gets the benefit of the doubt a little bit I mean not really, but maybe he's just quoting the name of the campaign. Ok, fine, maybe he thought it was funny are given that one Josh. Jordan doesn't surprise me this dude, usually at some point this out. Although this guy is a journalist, maybe as he does have a description, so verified twitter user truth over fax is high demand organizations get people to ignore the two actual evidence around them to keep them committed to a false belief, and, above all the organisation itself, Woof. Here's the Trump war Ella well, oh well, oh well, at Christina Wilkie check out truth over facts. She tweeted trunk campaign,
announces launch of truth over facts. Investigative website, so I guess The war on facts has a name now. Oh you poor silly silly, but it is here's wealth taken, I feel so bad this guy good job, well seriously ABC news. Twenty twenty campaign reporter seeing people on that. Online getting duped by this troll from the trunk campaign. They are more violence gaps with an american vandals style. My document, the name of it, is a reference, referencing bite. In saying that I was at the, I will state fair. We choose truth over facts. Could jobs are good job? Sir he's the one who gets the gold, our next to his name. The rest of us did bother doing any legwork didn't know anything about this. It is amazing, there's more check this out.
The rap? Ah the rap? I thought you guys we're. Ok, you could it on a better job than this trumps campaign. Trunk campaigns, new investigative website, promotes truth over facts. Up it's a fake, the websites not re. They don't run they think there's two declarations of independence. What is wrong with these people? I can only assume one of two things: they know their jokes, but their free, two Spinnet, but negatively anyway they're, so stupid they dont know. I bring you back in time to my favorite example of the stupidity of some of these people. Donald Trump said Hillary Clinton. ACID washed. Her server and NBC News issued a fact check on twitter that sad, false Hillary Clinton did not use a corrosive substance on her server. What the end, pc meme is real
Ah, I the reason I show you the story. You gotta see this final quote the rap come on guys go go, Google is your friend, ok, maybe not as a corporation, but I mean the search engine itself. You can fact checked this stuff, our does it. They say. President AL trumps RE election campaign announced through their effects The goal of the site according to a release is to uncover the truth behind Joe Biden, never ending, seemingly incomprehensible statements during its third plotted applauding campaign for press the release says the site WWW utilise experts but puts the warden what's Edison markets. Help me did a representative for former vice President Joe Biden, presidential campaign did not immediately return or rest for comment. Here's a quote the american people deserve, to know the truth behind Joe Biden, delirious and nonsensical claims in the campaign trail sad TIM Myrtle, but Trot campaign communications director went when he's mingling the text of the declaration of independence or calling
I want a lying dog faced pony soldier. Is he really? speaking a language that only he and a select group of others understand this campaign, for It cannot be allowed to continue for one more minute until we I to unlock the secrets behind Joe Biden, incomprehensible babbling. This is what the rap rights, the quote, truth of facts. Branding is in line with messaging from from, and is it straighten early on in his presidency. Presidential counselor Kelly on Conway invented the term alternative facts. Critics of the press and have long held that he's behind a year's long, this information campaign and is conducting a or on truth, the Washington Post latest tally of the present false or misleading claims puts the number around ten thousand for his thousand one hundred seventy days and office, bra both the rap you get the frowny face sticker next to your name. For doing the worst possible job, some dumb
Rapporteur on Twitter saying what is truth over flax mean. That's one thing and gay you gotta frowny face to, but the Big Bronte face when you actually add in a deep dive into tromp being a liar and the phrase alternative facts as that is in line with a fake website from a Joe Biden quote what you ve done here. All of these journalists, They are mocking Joe Biden for having said this in all of the worst ways, and I kid you the rap has now accidentally argued that Joe Biden Sphere. This is in line with trumps branding, threw his broken them. Their brains, don't work any more. What has happened to the to the fourth estate, wherever it stated supposed to be it's gone journalism, is completely done in this country. I tell you what
hard. Is it too when you get it? When you get a press release request a comment? What if I got a common, if I got an email from one of these campaigns and its add, you know you know some some free, or whenever, like our who at the dogs out I'd be alike. What does that about cinema comment? Be an youtube. You couldn't request a comment from the trunk campaign. If you didn't know it true that reflects was you didn't even do a search to see if it was a reference, twenty thing or where it came from. That's incredible men, that's what I do all day. I have the fact: checked the mainstream media. Now, do you understand what does like now? For us? We know how insane and psychotic these people are that Terry Guy, Terry Moran. This is what I have to deal with this guy. Imagine him senior national correspond of rabies, news writing a story about truth over facts. It would be wrong. I have read that and then I have to do some digging to fact check all of these p.
But what I do all day. What's a what's really amazing about the modern air of journalism, so it wasn't a familiar. We have scanner right now, I see and our dot com check it out. It's on the ground, reporting interviews and mostly reproduction I'm now working on launching a written fact, checking aggregator was thinking to myself white. How do you do news right in this day and age? And I kid you not. It is the craziest thing back in the day you would go on the ground. Talk to some witnesses gets him interviews and then write your story get some confirmations on that story, a news reporting is so bad and these journalists are so dumb. I actually have a really good idea for a news website. I fact check the news in that crazy. Like you, come to me and be alike. We saw all these stories, which are true and black. Well, this guy wrote about truth over facts. Didn't Google search it? So I did and here's what really comes from. Why does that need to exist? To making isn't it?
when ABC News and NBC News in the New York Times and ends and Washington Post and that they can't do a simple Google search. How are we supposed to trust them for anything rather trump This is a triple whammy. I tell you what it mocks Joe Biden. It exposes the press and it gets the press to mock Joe Biden. Wow talk about my marilla and I'm a limit their stick around. I got a couple more segments coming up for you in a few minutes and I will see while shortly. You may have heard the story in Oregon of a salon owner who refuse to remain close, opened up her business and then was fined. Fourteen thousand dollars She is now also claiming that the state sent child protective. Services to her home to interview or child without her present and talk to her husband. That to me sounds like a very veiled threat. Do as you are told, or we will come for your children, the lock down for the most part is failing. New York is dead,
Red telling people that if they go in the water on Memorial Day or at the beach they'll, pull them out. Yeah right never gonna happen saying anyone shut, I'm saying the state will not be able. When force this right now, people are flocking to bars and build. Laws Yos threatening to send cops out. It's never gonna work. The people have spoken. The government has no control over this. What they can do in areas where people have kids is threatened. Children, but we of another big story. Thousands of people were were partying in Florida, purely throwing cups at the police. The lockdown has been on for a long time and in many places it's going the way things are slowly reopening but I'll tell you what this is where the scariest stories of ever seeing, because when you look in the cut around the country, you can see the failures of the lock and particularly in New York, but then, that a woman. What do you know what
I'm operating assumption, she's telling the truth. Cps came to her home. I met truly terrifying. Let me tell you some they liked to say that's. You know, people wonder what they have been doing in World war to Germany, you're doing it, snitching on your neighbor sitting back as the government comes to take someone's children away for not bending the need to their safety protocols. You're doing it certain Things are illegal and certain things that our legal aren't just more importantly, what the police are doing in various jurisdictions. What the governors are doing is unconstitutional. It is violation of the Supreme LAW of our country and it must be called out at these. Political officials are breaking the law in New Jersey, something anything happened, a gym not too far away from me. Actually reopened and the police showed up in those big group of protesters and the cops went up and said you are for four.
A formerly in violation of the governors executive order. That being said, stay safe and haven't. I stay and everyone cheered, because that cop was following the law. The governor can't just snap their fingers and say do as I say, not work that way. You need real laws and they can't violate the constitution, bless the souls of the founding fathers for foreseen. This unfortunately, still seems like the cut. The constitution is constantly under attack and particularly in places like New York or the cops don't care and l, just blindly follow orders, even if their breaking the law a three about this, Long owner cause this story is possibly the scariest. They them daily mail reports. And Oregon salon owner who reopened her business in defiance of state stayed home. Waters has been fined. Fourteen thanks dollars and claims child protective services investigated or home after she opened her workplaces Doors Lindsey ran the owner of glamour, salon in Salem reopened on May fifth invite
nation of Governor Kate, Browns executive order, as Marian County has not been approved for reopening. Yet sorry governors can't just do that Graham said: she had to open up our salon to pay her bills and provide for her family, including her three young children, but was hit with the massive fine she announced Friday quote at this point, I'm decided it's more important for me to feed my family and pay. The bills that are going to keep up keep our home in our family alive then take the risk to remain being shut down for an undisclosed amount of time, Graham said to copy tv. She claims that two days later on, may seventh, the state retaliated against her
dispatching child protective services, a subsidiaries state department of you, as a subsidiary of the States Department of Human services, to her home, to see if she was a fit mother. Not to me that sounds like a veiled threat. I'll tell you what man people will do a lot for their kids. The biggest problem. I've seen in terms of people keeping their freedoms and standing over themselves is always the threat to their children. Look at Michael Flynn, I didn't do anything wrong. They came to analyse and basically said. If you guilty. We won't investigate your son and he flipped in two seconds now. Maybe it was a mistake. I dunno, you know: people have kids around Europe, they have two on May having a child directive, services showed up at my home. They question my husband and I question my child. Without me present they searched our home. She said his tears, welled up in her eyes and a press conference brought it and I never expected such a violent, aggressive vindictive thing could ever be done to me or my fair.
Because I'm trying to earn a living, because I'm trying to work ram as a mother to three kids: a six year old Son, a three year old girl in an eight weeks, son, a spokesman we're Oregon Department of Job Directive Services tells Daily Melba come. They cannot comment on whether an open assessment is taking place but stresses that failure. Failure to follow the state stayed home order would not prompted investing I quote. I want to stress, however, that not following governor rounds, stay home, save lives, executive order or not following physical distancing guidelines would never be a reason to assign a cps assessment. Press secretary for organs, Department of Human Services, Jake Sunderland, said in Oregon. Sepia safety assessment is conduct Every child welfare receives a report of suspected abuse or neglect, and that tip is screened before case workers are sent out. Rams on Thursday, also decided to give her a fourteen thousand dollar fine for operating a hazardous facility. For my employees,
think about all the people who snatched think about all the people Saint Louis memory, that Europe dimmer. That story that was hilarious. Saint Louis offered up this snitch on your neighbor hotline. The information as possible play available because much as there are many people who would love to live and authoritarian live in an authoritarian state. We don't. Let me, when they are snitch on their neighbour the information they provide. It was public available somebody got it and published it, and now all the snatches get to be known. Hopefully that kind of council culture will be a deterrent for these four. These awful authoritarian people leave it there, but think about who they would have been back and worldwide. So we see a bunch of pictures of the salon. The story goes on grand claims, that's untrue, because she hires independent contractors who choose to work at a salon. Upon issuing that citation which will come next week, I am told I will have three days to shut my doors or they will shut, might
or they will shut my doors or they will cite me yet again for another issue that is once again not legal. This is common for salons there have employees, they ran out seats in the store to contractors who have their own clients. It's not the same as a regular business where you hire someone stock shelves. The past ten days when all I've wanted to do was support my family, I'm being threatened and intimidated and bullied daily by the government. Everyone job is essential not because what we do or how we do it, because it's how we make our living organs. Osha confirmed the fine saying the penalty reflects both the nature of the violation and the employers wilful decision to violate the law. It's not a law. It was decreed by a governor. These people are insane. She is unclear
terribly operating in violation of the governor executive order designed to protect workers and the public. That is not how things are supposed to work. At least the executive orders aren't laws, they determine how the executive branch up. Right, you can't fabricate the law, you can only act within the confines of what is past. Maybe I'm wrong, but at least I hope civilization, a society where we don't have a monarchy or a despotism. In Oregon? A wilful violation which is which has grams case has minimum penalty of thousand. Nine hundred, ranging up towards one hundred twenty six thousand based on the size of the employer and level of risk they generate on, may fifteenth more than thirty Counties in Oregon were approved to start reopening, but not Marian County which cover Salem. Phase one of reopening restaurants in Bonn this will allow died in services until ten p M personal service businesses.
Retailers would be reopened, still grammars defiant that she will stay open. I'm going to stay open as long as I can. Basically until the governor tries to take my entire career, something I've worked fifteen years for out from underneath me, she said Right gram also claimed that municipal authorities and Salem threatened to terminate her salons lease because the property is least from the city, Annie You supports this stuff what we know exactly what they be doing if it was a hundred years ago. It's amazing that these things are starting to happen again now I don't want to draw a parallel in the sense that you know what happened hunters ago, honoured years ago, was substantial hake. Worse, like several orders of magnitude thousand times we get, we get it. The point is there are people who Benda need people who want power? Who don't care about what people need and I'll? Tell you what it's not gonna work? You can come at these people, but their standing defiant, build applause. Your friend son cops to start new Yorkers dry
on the sidewalk. After huge crowds flocked to bars, drink beers through straws and sip on frozen Marguerite as in the sun, haven't been listening to you from the beginning, man they can go to the part. It would go to the beach story early on where the boat came in the big medical vessel and everything He ran to the to the edge of the revenue to the water to see it and there like stop, stop you're, not social, distancing, yeah. They weren't in the first place. Dude they're, not gonna, listen to you now. How did we go from fifteen days two months? How did it go from flattened curve to find a cure? or other elements pointed this out. Dave port annoy, I believe, I'm Guineas name right of bars to sports has his viral rant. Where he's like WWW target, a cure, we thought it was fifteen days now, it's too You say what it is they that what where did it come from excellent excellent rent is right? Where do you come from which we were supposed to flight the curve social distance? And the data supports all this, but these governments they don't give up power,
no matter what happens it and you'll never be safe. That's the thing when they say it's for your safety, its temporary. Until your safe you'll never be safe, you're, never safe. You could slip and fallen the bathtub and cracked your skull, not safe. You could walk outside it by a car, not safe. You could get the flu and are not safe. Now the novel viruses substantially worse, we get it we ve seen. You know we are still an increase in cases in certain areas we're doing our best. But shutting down the entire economy and just letting the country fall into disarray and chaos makes literally no sense at all their aiming for. I dont know why they're doing this, because people are defying this, so why maintain a law not even allow. Why maintain this? This decree that nobody wants? Don't ask me man, ask the people, I guess Sitting on their neighbours, I got one more Simon coming up for you in a few minutes. Stick around. I will see you all shortly. It certainly
It is based on the evidence that Obama was involved and so is Biden, any Obama guy scandals, whites called Obama Gate, but to a lot of peace Oh, I know they all say. I know I believe I seen the evidence. It takes a lot. Really really hard proof to get a conviction, and while I think there is a preponderance of events, I don't think we have anything beyond reasonable doubt right now. So this story not surprising bar says he does not expect criminal investigation of Obama or Biden as result of Durham probe. Nobody I was going to happen. I mean oughta. People hoped it would happen. Lobby will really hate Obama, but, as many pundits predicted, of course, it will be a couple low level people thrown on bus, and then Obama will say I you know, I knew what they were doing something and I just wanna. Do it by the book
That's what we heard in that email right, so I won't be bite and it won't be Obama, but I still think we're gonna hear important questions. Not go be honest. I really, I think, they'll bars a good dude for the most part. I do not like the expansion of spying powers that are falling to the d o j and I question you know that the judgment of those involved mostly consists of my part efforts as everybody, but I do like bill barbies. I think he is trying he sat under him. There won't be investigations of presidential candidates, you know without clearance and things like that of the first. Let me set it and I think he really is trying to clean things up. He said the constitution is not suspended, and here it might be the right move, now, perhaps Obama was directly involve. Perhaps bite indirectly was directly involved as well. The challenge is an gimme a lotta hate, but I gotta say it it's real. We don't like the fact they investigated Donald Trump. The precedent should be set that it stops
and maybe that means you know, o bombers involvement gets covered up, which would put, it would be really really bad there is. There is a potential tit for tat that result in the destabilization of the car. We all ought to argue in the Indian in the inverse as well. This is terrifying. If real evidence does, that Obama was involved. Nothing happens that its even worse. So this is a big challenge faced by someone like big Bill bar I'm a motel spend centre man. So I can't tell you necessarily what we should have shouldn't do. I lean towards probably the right move to simmer down to lower tensions, but I do fear of evidence, comes out about Biden, Obama and nothing is done, it then someone else's gonna come about ya, can't touch me and that's why it's really scary, but think about what they did to its trump with no evidence. It's like men, a rock and a hard place outside that through the story, Fox, says attorney General Bill BAR said Monday does not expect you US attorney. John Dirhams review into the origins of the Russia probe will lead to a criminal invested,
of either Brok Obama or Joe Biden, while noting at their concern of potential criminality in the conduct of that Probus focused on others bar during a Prescott. France, otherwise focused on the December twenty nineteen shooting at naval. Aerostation Pensacola spoke at length about the term investigation. He said he is a general idea of how the investigation is going and confirmed that some aspects are being investigated as potential crimes bar did say, however, that not every abuse of power to matter how outrageous is necessarily a federal crime, as for President Obama, and vice president by whatever their level of involvement. Based on what I know, I don't expect. Dirhams work will lead to a criminal in negation of either men. Our concern of potential criminality is focused on others. This car
after both Obama and binding, the presumption of democratic presidential nominee have faced heightened criticism from Republicans for any potential role in the early stages of the probe tromp last week, even called for a bomb to be summoned to testify before Congress, the politically explosive environment bringing the country into uncharted territory with a former president accused by critics. Solvent and a political problem related to his eventual successor and the sitting president now essentially calling for retribution against its predecessor has built. Ever since the day of the d o J move to dismiss its case against Michael Flynn. It's been a long time common man, it's ever since mauler prove the Russia gate. Investigation was bunk. The whole thing was nonsense. I think, will end of seeing some FBI agents phone under the bus, I'm surprised that the people who live under oath have not already been charged. I am surprised the FBI agents who were texting each other about insurance policies have not already been indicted. It's it's really surprised.
But I will also point out what you gotta understand about this. I don't believe it to guarantee what he sang. I think, if hard evidence comes out, Bilbao would have no choice but to make month of special public pressure, but also think he's got a policeman. You, a very dangerous game of chess he's gotta move very very carefully and be very very precise, and I think he is of course things he sat up and taken out of context. He's been smeared and the leftist, as called for his impeachment, remove them yeah, because common after him, so keep in mind there are many people horse north screaming arrest, someone already I'm surprised it doesn't happen, but it's probably because if he does make any moves, it better be air tight and if you rush this and make one mistake and you get nothing and these people get away whatever it is? They did. They say both biting at Obama's chiefs of staff were among officials involved in those requests. So this is the
Actually, we go back, bore the geek Dio jail cited problems, the FBI's interview with Michael Flynn. You know national supervisor. Way back new documents. Meanwhile, indicated Obama was at least aware of the details of Flint intercepted December twenty. Sixteen phone calls with Ambassador Kisyak that were a subject of that fateful interview, A list was released of a bomb air officials involved in seeking to unmask what turned out to be friends, name in intelligence reports, both Biden, Obama's chiefs of staff were among the Trump last week. Insisted Obama was involved in an unspecified crime and continued to rail against the Obama administration into it. In interviews I mean about was involved period. Somebody unmasked, flints, name and leaked to the press. That was illegal. That was O bombers administration. He was in these meetings so yeah
I'd be very likely not culpable perhaps, but involve nonetheless Senate Judiciary Committee, Chairman Linsey Gram was later reluctant to go along with trumps demand. That Obama be called the testify as to the to the Judiciary committee. Both presidents are welcome to come before the cook, the committee and share the concerns about each other. If nothing else it would make for great television. However, I have great doubts about whether it would be wise for the country he sent a statement. Last week, Bar expressed similar reservations on Monday, making clear he's concerned about potential wrong doing during the Russia probe, while also stressing that this process should not be a vehicle for retribution saying this will not be and cannot be, a tit for tat exercise. I completely agree with that.
Knowing the only way to break away from a dual system of justice is to ensure we see scrupulously apply the same system to both sides of the iron bar maintain that in the past few decades there have been increasing attempts to use the criminal justice system as a political weapon. Using the flimsiest of legal theories bar said. That is not a good development. It is not for our political life. It is not good for our criminal justice System BAR said it so long as he is attorney general. The criminal just
system will not be used for partisan political and, dare I say he may be the only good one left. Everybody else is placed a sling and mud barter. The nation is divided and its critical that we have an election where the where the american people are allowed to make a decision, a choice between President Trump and former vice President Joe Biden, based on a robust debate of policy issues adding we cannot allow this process to be hijacked by efforts to drum up criminal investigations of either candidate, going on to say any effort to pursue an investigation of either candidate to be approved by me, though bars right man, it's unfortunate, it is, I know a lot of people want to see. Retribution come up against the Russia. Get thing was totally fake news who was involved? Who did it? Hopefully some people are held to account but think about what happens. If you keep playing this game, both sides will soon,
and back and forth, and every election will, it will result in an investigation every election. Every investigation will see accusations. Will these will see special council investigations? The challenge I've I see here is that, as I said before, if we don't get to the bottom of this, if we don't know to what level Obama was involved, its wholly unfair and lopsided, I said before that we have put in. No criminal wrong. Doing I'm glad that Durham is investigating it if Biden or Obama is involved than you can't ignore it. Now, billboard, sang he doesn't by somebody knows it may occur. Maybe what is really saying is that there really not involved the evidence, doesn't point to them and many people want to think so. But it's not there. I don't know for sure, but think about how dangerous it you, how dangerous it is and how you will push for a real civil war. By Tell
Republicans and Trump supporter set for for five years. You indoors lies and smears from the intelligence agencies from the tippy top who sought to destroy what you were voting for in fighting for, and we will not give you justice. Then confidence is shattered. So I respect Bil bar. I think you should have come to the right thing, but I'm worried that if people feel there is no alternative, what's a thing peaceful revolution becomes impossible. Violent revolution becomes inevitable. Now this isn't a surly revolution which will end up with a large group people feeling, like second class citizens, that what they ask for what they need is smeared and tarred and feathered and when they prove its false and they demand justice, they are told. No, that we did it. We failed. We got away with it. What do you think people do in that regard? Do you think they'll have confidence
and the system now. So this does scare me. What's the you know, listen there's a reason why I tend to be mental. The road, and particularly from a lot of issues the it could also result in the same thing in a direction. Think about what happens, billboard as an investigation of a bottle of of Obama and bite and I'll settle Biden Bomber, that's a gasp of from bided by the way for an unfamiliar you get it you get. It think what would happen? get a bunch of lefty resistance types, Andy Foger on Smash and windows, screeching thinking that tromp has weapon eyes at the OJ against them. So how'd you solve this problem man I do not know. Perhaps it it's been investigation, perhaps it'd be a slap on the rest. If they do investigation it will
to be chaos for years to come. I don't like the idea of these hearings meant, I really don't. They are boring an awful in the first place, an hour to get more of em. I want to tell you, I see dark path ahead of us. No matter what happens you dont do the investigation, you dont prove it. The tromp supporters are gonna, be furious, you you do it the of the democratic anti trompe about me. Areas. The question that is when has seeking justice like whenever you ever take into account the perpetrators or supporters of the perpetrator when trying to figure out justice, Be Bill bar really should do the investigation if it leads him there and maybe he's just saying it doesn't matter. No man comment. Let me know thanks
Transcript generated on 2020-06-18.