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COVID Cultists ATTACK Anti-Mandate Protester, Biden Announces NEW VACCINE, Mandates ARE ALREADY BACK


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COVID Cultists ATTACK Anti-Mandate Protester, Biden Announces NEW VACCINE, Mandates ARE ALREADY BACK

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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download dragon ball legends today available for free and both IO s, an android devices make sure to go to TIM, cast dot com click join us and become a member to support this podcast and all the work we do and you'll get access to exclusive, uncensored segments from tim cast I r and weigh more now, let's jump into the first story, The rumours are circulating. Will there be return to coded locked downs, mask mandates and vaccine mandates, and there evidence to suggest that, yes, we will return to this. Does it mean definitively? We well know it for sure, but sir They are lining things up for this to happen. We have this viral video from dandy, on the hinged mask protesters demanding to mandatory masked attack a man after being triggered. by his sign exclusive interview
with all involved coming soon well business canada, by the way and not the united states, but I do think that there is now being a cry. over and our culture. Didn't you actually matters video you see many people who are described as covered contests wearing their masks, demanding lack downs when a scuffle makes up a man wearing a mask as a sign. The sign is saying that you know cbc. Is government funded? It's basically propaganda, pfizer light. He is protesting. The government big corporations and then a fight breaks out one of a covert contests steal. This steals the signs and then fleas with it. I think this shows that their absolutely is at least political fervour demanding these locked downs. on a personal level. No, we don't need a video like this necessarily too justify why we think there may be locked downs or some kind of man's mend it coming. We have all evidence. We need from the united states government from schools and hospitals as they begin to read.
institute mask mandates lie the vaccine policies not so lockdowns just yet Joe saying he will request more funding for a new corona virus vaccine. This, of course, for may be seen. Is there a lot of people too? about two. I had a question a lot when it pertains two donald trump. The election in everything we're saying they say if they were will to do acts. Why would they not be willing to do why, that is to say if they are willing to indict. Rest trump, his lawyers, media personalities, etc in multiple jurisdictions, charge them put to die, trump's trial date on march fourth, the day before super tuesday. If they're willing to do all of this in violation of the constitution and overtly right in front of your face, why would they not take other actions? Now, of course, the argument there is there saying Would they not have cheated? And twenty twenty? Perhaps perhaps not? That's, that's free to decide. You can think about that yourself. Then it should in question, though my arguments more like this, if Joe, but in his turn,
think about a new vaccine. If rutgers as requiring vaccine mandates, various schools and hospitals are acquiring masks already. If multiple news, Publications are demanding, returned to mask mandates and we are seeing many prominent celebrities, democrats and left to say it's time to lock down and bring masks back. Why do not assume considering I've already tried to jail, Donald trump. Why would you Why would you assume there not doing this? Why would you not assume they order? My point is this: the law we heard of locked mandates and all that coming back, I think exists. I think the probability is fairly decent doesn't mean it will happen. No, but I means check the writing on the wall because it may be coming now, is my favorite part, your friends in corporate media. They say this fact checked out. No support for viral claim that covered nineteen lockdown are returning the small, no support. You say about that. Here's what I really like conspiracy,
dearest spreads false information about the return of covert nineteen mandates. Conspiracy, theorist yeah, of course, are talking about Alex Jones. Well me break this down for you, my friends. There absolutely is evidence to suggest that locked Then mandates may be returning and even a simple version of it Oh Biden says he wants a new vaccine and we'll be recommended. You ve, rutgers already saying if you look at the facts, you're out they're going to earn a decent role? You you ve, got some Are you not? I brought the receipts. Let me to show you this is from my. Dateline dot com, seventeen news rockford- here you go schools clothes, bring back mask mandates of a rise in covered nineteen cases, schools, ploughs, ok, some are bringing back. Ass mandates. Some are shutting down guess what that is. Indicative of of pending, lock downs, absolute lockdown, I dont know again
I dont know, but if you want to say there is no evidence to suggest they are lying to you. Why mate? this be happening. Well, you know the simple reason as they are covered cultists right. I think it's fair point fox news says citing rising, covered cases. These? U s: hospital systems have now reinstate unmask mandates, so we know them Sk mandates are back. We know that school those are losing and Joe Biden is going to recommend a new vaccine. What was that again fact checkers of the corporate press? There is no evidence or support to suggest it's coming, they're lying to you. These people are crackpots, they're, deranged, they're, stupid, they're cultists, you name it now, of course. I always say this talked to a doctor about what's right for you. I am not here to make medical arguments. I don't care for any of that.
I dont care that donald trump got funding for for vaccines. I dont care about actually I'll this. I think it's great that we invested into medical technology. I think ammo renee technology is absolutely wonderful. However, what's not great is the government forcing people to get these things? What's not great, is the government forcing people to wear masks forcing them to lockdown forcing them to do anything we talked about him guest ira when an asked what if there was an airborne ebola? What? If? What? If short but fine, fair question, I think we should think about it. If it was an airborne ebola and the death rate was sixty percent or some ridiculous number thing. Most people would just lock their doors stuff towels under the under the cracks of the doors and then hide, but guess what it's your choice? If you want to go out into the world full of dangerous and there are always dangerous, it will always be your choice on what authority should we allow for what reason should be
Adam to tell us. We can't live our lives. I disagree with that. If Donald trump wants to take a bunch of funding and give it to pfizer, my only problem is that he's giving no bid no liability contracts to massive multinational corporations. Okay, the the the Is that and ad space, I'm kind of, like I roll my eyes and say, welcome to how the government operates, but when they come out and mandate it for, like the military for various jobs, you've got a problem: because you end up with stories of people who can't get it were fired anyway, not idle play that now. Of course, the corporate press wants to claim. It's not come And I want to show you these ridiculous fact: jack's until you are acting, they probably are coming? I mean we got a bunch the stories here's one august, one seventh, vaccine method to healthcare facilities, block college students, okay, so hot, Those are having mandates is now what's going on the button. drayton will encourage americans to get new covert. Nineteen vaccine green jean Pierre says august twenty eightth. This is from yesterday the media's line. Here's what happens!
I'll give you a potential scenario. You ve got the bad administration. Saying we are seeing a rise in all of these covered cases and mask mandates are coming back, so we are going to recommend a new covert vaccine. What happens? The private institutions then say based on the recommended. None of the c d c in the world health organization, as well as the white house. We are instituting a requirement that you receive the vaccine. It's that simple, Joe Biden won't mandated the of course they out, maybe for the military they'll say no, no, it's a mandate only in so far as we have the authority, but we recommend it and then private institutions we'll do the exact same thing. What did we talk about during the first locked down the rat, hope experiment, member that
As the story goes, a man took three cylinders full of water and he placed rats in them. The rats swam desperately they could not get out for there was nothing to rub hold of. Eventually, the rats became tired and then just sent to the bottom and died. I think it only took a matter of minutes, ten or so minutes until the rats gave up and sank to their deaths. So this mandate I do another experiment or, as part of the same experiment he dreaded to do. He decided to do it again. This time he put the rats in the cylinders and they swam for about tenant before getting ten minutes before giving up and sinking. But then he reached in and pulled them out placed them down as they caught their breath, and then he dried them off and let them rest, then he picked them back up and put them back in the water. This time they swam for sixty hours.
As you know, I hope the first time it seemed hopeless. There was no point, no matter what they did. They couldn't do it and it was just done and they gave up, but for those rats that saw that and save them, they thought. Maybe Maybe if I just keep going the hand will come and save me again only now this damages watched as they swam for sixty hours and eventually gave up and died. I'm curious, I wonder what would happen if those rats, after sixty hours were taken out, dried and then placed back in the water. I have to imagine the third time they'd, probably just give up very very quickly, not necessarily because of willpower or hope, but because at that point there were two exhausted and drained of their ability to actually swim and with that knowledge of the rat hope experiment. the possibility we entertained was this. They will put us under hard luck, downs stress us to the point of breaking, and then Its jesse Kelly here fell
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Not your subscription giddy subscription today see a joke. You doc tom promo code, TIM they'll relent and will feel there is hope that if we just hold out for a moment longer the hand will come and save us again. with that in mind. What we discussed on this show, as well as on tim cast iron, was that perhaps they would once again place us in that water. The lock downs. Only this time, they'll give you hope. Remember it only lasted about a year and a half it will stop, but this time it's forever the lockdowns won't stop the lock everybody down. They'll, take away everything from you. You will own nothing and you will be happy. So let me explain where I think we are. The bite administration is encouraging. This. These are grains of sand, my friend
Grains of sand in and of themselves are not a heap of sand. Is the analogy that I love? You know. I say it all the time how many grains of sand until you have a heap. You drop one grain of sand on the table. You are but a grain of sand to drop two. Now you have to at what point? Does it become a heap to an opinion My view is this: with all the lingering evidence of desperation and the need to stop donald trump and of the agenda round. You know twenty thirty and things like that. Reducing carbon in all of these things them claiming climate changes is causing all of these fires them calling for climate locked downs. Yet the evidence suggests we are being primed for more locked downs. They can't just put us in the cylinder full of water and what does drown because people freak out no react badly. There needs to be a priming so that the contests and those who are frail- and we will just given
and go forward again, I've heard from a lot of people who say they don't think it's possible. There won't be more lockdowns because the people won't stand for it. I don't know if these people are familiar with the rat hope experiment, because it's actually the second time around people are more willing to accept it and actually wade through it for substantially longer periods of time. People may get angry. There may be a backlash, so I think what they do is you are primed. I don't. I don't think that they just throw plus right into that water. I think they slowly inching towards it until finally you're standing looking over the edge and you're like I guess this is going to happen. Let's talk about these fact: checks no support for viral aim that covered nineteen lockdown returning the small in recent weeks over nineteen cases estimated from wastewater data and covered nineteen hospitalizations about the rise in the. U s. This comes as the braun variant e g, five region, doesn't it as a variant of interest by the way,
organization became the newly dominant variant in the country. This has led. Some political public health experts to suggest that some people, especially those at higher risk of Your carbon nineteen wear masks when going on the public no hold on it's from august: twenty fifth updated august, twenty eighth, some some people, some people might need to wear masks. They say: okay, those at risk, that's what they said no basis a test. A spokesperson denied Alex joneses claims, noting the centre for disease control prevention. Not this ts eight is the federal. can see responsible for transportation mask requirements. Ts, is unaware of such a requirement. The spokesperson told us in an email, There was no ts. A meeting on the topic: ok, a spokesman, it says there was no meeting on the topic. Does that mean Alex Jones is wrong? No alex Jones. Has he talked to a tsh agent was at this thing may be happening. This doesn't disprove that in any way,
Why are they putting out a fake debunk? This is completely fake. Now, here's how odd phrase it me if I was fat, checking it out ass, the spokesperson and say we are not sure who Alex Jones spoke with the t s. So not denying this. However, there is a basis for returning to covet nineteen restrictions. What's that basis, They are citing an increase in cases, Joe Biden calling for real. A on the new vaccine, schools and hospitals are implementing his mask mandates. While the t s aid deny such claims, we are seeing in the periphery. These things are happening. Why lie You know, don't really funny. Is this credential ism and expertise, emotive and call it where you can have all These things happening around you. I love this imagine you're standing betwixt, a tsunami and a fire.
And you are saying to yourself my golly. It looks like a soon army and a fire are coming from both sides in the expert says yes, but there's no evidence and you're like what you mean. I can see the fired there I can see the tsunami down there and there like yes, but we have not declared as the experts a formal emergency yet so there is no basis for it I'm the salami or the fire will reach you cycle, well, I can see them yes, but until the sports decide. You are wrong, really wonderful! We ve talked about what they must do to stop donald trump, I'm not convinced they can do anything. But what is most powerful things they had during the twenty election? Was the luck downs it took away. Sport they took away movies. It took away entertainment and people were locked in their homes and the only thing could do is watch the news, while the news shrieked at the top of their lungs Donald trump's fault, then they knocked on your door and they came and they said, fill out the ballot and make it all go away. Now I don't think that'll work,
they may have to implement some kind of lockdown, so they can operate this way. Donald trump lost by forty two thousand votes. What I said yesterday that means that if even a small fraction of the people that filled out me ballots. Last time around are not home this time around trumpets. If, during twenty twenty, there was no lockdown the democratic activists would come and knock on the door and they say we are here to pick up your ballot, but nobody answers why? Because the person who lives there is our party an or working or doing whatever with a locked down everyone's forced to be at home, the activists gonna knock on you. gore and say hi, you want us all to go away, fill out the ballot, and then you have a higher chance of success. That someone will be there and say sure, we'll fill out the ballots. Many people didn't know, didn't care. Some were angry. Some were not
but about got filled out. This gave Joe Biden a massive edge. They weren't voting for Joe Biden. That's how we got the votes. They were voting against donald trump because they kept telling them old trumps fault, as is happening he's the one who said we should do this ease the one who said fifteen as those Breton fact it. So, add even to conserve. Republicans are blaming trump for this. I don't blame trump and I gotta be honest. Hindsight is twenty twenty, the the strain of the virus was really really bad and as it grew, we it spread, because what if I was as do we to say: hey, you know what maybe it's not so bad, but don't forget how bad it really was. I don't blame trump for this. I don't. I think we were wrong. I think I was wrong, but I think we should learn and do better. I think there were signs and people we should have trusted more thomas massey, for instance. We should not have trusted. Voucher, never was a big fan of the guy, but on that super bent out of shape about it, I dont care that trump funded covered vaccines. I can
we're mandated I dont care about em rna. I care than its mandated truck should have fired voucher. I think that's true. We talked about a quite a bit, their questions about origins of code and all that and trump just blindly trust them. But when trumps had fifteen days slow the spread, you know, I don't know. What am I supposed to say? I can say this now: don't trust the government there, not experts they're, not is right there, just people like you or me, and they get things wrong. We have to make the decisions that we can make an that's all we can do. I dont know where all of this ends. But I can tell you you know we ve got here. We go, this is from reason from august twenty. Second, dozens of college still require covered vaccines. It likely in my opinion, we will see some kind of restriction or lockdown I dont over shore. Of course it gets into future, but here's my here's, my prediction
I think the greatest probability is this. Joe Biden will recommend the new vaccine mandates will emerge more in hospitals and schools were already seeing it it's already here. Ok, let me to stop mask minutes are back period. Thank you. Have a nice day, let's go! Let's do this. no no basis? No, no support for viral claim covered lockdown returns, while they put lockdown in quotes, what happened Alex Joan, set something not mask mandates. In already said, he said, here is what they say. Clips of Jones began. Circulating, shrigley, blah blah blah blah help spread false claims, blah blah blah. If bureaucrat, do they even explain here we go. Let's go typically inaugurating about John, the conspirators Alex Jones, claimed they tal new lockdown are coming specifically, that a high level manager in the tea. I say tell them that by mid september,
is, an airport employs we're going to wear masks to the concerns of the new variant, canada. There we go. Mass minutes are already back in hospitals note, but they're back schools and hospitals are already emblem. Ding them is Alex jones claim. ts agents at mass mandates are returning unreasonable. No, in fact it's completely regional, because once again, schools and hospitals have already reinstated this. For this they ran a fact check, saying false and they put lock downs knows port, for the claim, will you mean schools are doing at hospitals are doing it. The media's lying I don't know I whatever, but I will say this. The probability in my opinion is that they There will be mask mandates in various areas again there already here. Vaccine requirements will be recommendations, potentially,
happens? Is the cdc the what other organization the white house recommend the vaccine and thus private organisations than say based on the recommendation of the cdc we require it. The mandates will come from the private sector, not from the public sector. Joe Biden will then say we're not locking you down it's it's up to private businesses to determine. If we're going to do this or not Democrats are going to say not doing this. The oil corporations are doing it. People could protests the corporations all day. Not you can't blame Joe Biden for this, but because of it they can then say we need to expand Universal mail in voting. They'll then say we in, I urge everyone to quarantine because of the escalation in covered. You know how bad it can be, and here we go. Businesses cannot discriminate against employees who choose to quarantine, no one's being forced to quarantine, but you can't fire someone who does make that choice than what well
for those that do quarantine. The businesses can file for a for relief. Ah, a ppp payroll protection programme they'll say: we did not us that as requiring this, we are sorry businesses, but you can't fire someone, because they're trying to take public health seriously you cannot discriminate against an employee who is trying to stop the spread of covert. We didn't force anyone to do this, but I'll this. If you employees do choose we'll cover that cost it'll be a cheaper mass spending programme than we saw last time, but that's the potentiality, Let me stress once again: I don't know that any of this does happen, but the idea from the corporate press that there's no basis for it is a lie. They need this because they want to win politically. Does it mean there's no basis in the medical basis? Don't look at me, I'm not a doctor. I can only tell
This politics is where my position stands. They will push this for political reasons, talk to your doctor about what makes sense for you. I don't know, but don't don't be surprised when the politicians exploit a crisis to gain power. The question is: where will the Republicans stand on it? You know, for sure a lot of them are gonna come out like Nikki haley and Chris Christie. By what we do, we got a george good for people's health. Nikki Haley is going to say our stupid neo con garbage and then we'll see can t this expect the media to lie. Expect the government to lie it's, what the really good at and what they do. I leave it there. Next segments coming up at one p m on this channel thanks, frank out, and I will see you all them day, two of my exclusively adult virgin voyage I've come to this. However, an amazing new used for my phone shaken to have champagne delivered to me anyway, onboard tomorrow.
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well kind of chaotic, there's death there's risk and for many people yeah you don't want to live in that stressful environment. I sometimes look at the noble rabbit and it must suck a little critters out there eaten grass rest twenty four seven just like at any moment someone's gonna come anita, but oddities conspiracy theories because they're fun refinery, some are more stupid and absurd. You know flattereth conspiracies that there's an armed naval. Worse guarding the eye swaller. Whatever nonsense, some people believe nothing. Every fled, arthur, believes that flatter has got mad at me about them, Some are more basin reality to degree there's one where you know this conspiracies about the world health organization and staff and the co in the plan global domination, and I'm like I wrote my eyes at some of that stuff. I think some of it because some of it, you know it is much more simple and what happens is you'll get some one who takes a tiny morsel of truth and then can stretch it out to extreme degree, which way
me too, that the latest crackpot conspiracy from everyone's favorite neo, liberal, rachel, matthau, rachel go. Our worries. Trump will probably be president for life. We win. In twenty twenty four q. All the trump support laughing. Clapping and cheering saying I want to agree with that trump being president for life. First, let's break down what that really means, Donald trump is what it was. Seventy eight years old president for life for trump, his life ex didn't see. Average life expectancy he's about their so for life. These maybe one more term. Maybe really is president's beyond his second term. It only be a couple more years. so rachel madhouse president for life argument is actually quite hilarious, as she's she's actually correct, like. Let's just be honest with all due respect it from there life expectancy of? U S, american male, I'm sorry that american male redundant-
is about thirty nine, so I've trump becomes present. Then, like sure, ok, I guess, president for life, meaning the rest of his average life expectancy, but the reality is she's, claiming probably president to his nineties or something like this they'll be no more elections, the government will fall, and this is why they must? They must file, These legal challenges to have donald trump remove from the ballot and, while all actually going on it's quite funny You ve got this in the washington post. How secretaries of state could keep trump off the ballot you have. the girl, this one from just the other day, new hampshire bubble. its feud over bid to knock trump off ballot from the hill flora lawyer files challenge to disqualify trump from twenty four race and the cook ass, my favorite Article here is NBC new, saying job supporters flood. new Hampshire election office, with calls after false claim about ballot access.
Even talk show host charlie car claimed the state was trying to keep donald trump off the primary balin twenty four. What apparent developmental disabled individuals who, right than an for NBC news, did not read the news and didn't act look into what I was talking about, I feel for them. Perhaps they are not qualified to do this job, but while all of these fringe psychotic individuals are desperately trying to keep trump off, the ballot You can see their motivations clear as day. They said amazon, b c host notes that, in the current political movement, far right, politics is coinciding with far right violence. It's a lie, mind you, but let's break it down In response to a new york times, report monday about Donald trump's legal strategy, you're mad. I laid out for MSNBC viewers, the stakes, the twenty twenty four election as she sees them. concerned by the news that trumps plan is to win the twenty four presidential election and then the levers of power to make his myriad legal problems go away matter, warned that if he wins it
he's probably president for life. Meadow also connected all of that to these surge and right wing violence against racial minorities. That's a lie by the way. It does not really happening. And members of the lgbtq over the last few years and urged people not to act as if our politics exist in a vacuum. More outside the rest of our lives. Watch the whole clip above. Ok, sure why, depending on how long it is four minutes this morning, into what we knew would be too big important court hearings on these trump cases today and federal court in georgia and federal court in DC report the foyer. Seen setting piece about this to court hearings today for the new york The morning paper this morning, of reminding us all where this may be heading. He said towards the end of his article this morning, quote the timetables for MR trumps for trials have taken on outsize importance. That's not only because there are so many of them, but also because their unfolding against trumps crowded calendar is the candidate leading the field for the republican party is twenty twenty four percent,
I'll nomination as a further complication, trump has made no secret in private conversations with his aids we got his does. No. That was probably what he was planning. Probably what is thinking but. the new york times. It does seem sort of significant that that's what he's now telling people that's what he's telling people he's gonna do he will see of his jumble of legal problems by winning the election, and you know, and whatever you think about that. That's how he's thinking about that and and what does that say about the election for all of the rest, It means in his own mind and those of his campaign and his supporters. Presumably these are the stakes and again one Please remember that as a legal strategy for trap, that is healthy
thinking about the election, and that is how he is going to be talking to his supporters and his aids and his campaign about the stakes of the election. The election means one of two things: if this is the way he's gonna project either he loses the election and he goes to prison or he wins the election. He doesn't go to prison and that is that for life you then it gets to be president. Will we keep having more elections or no if re election is a new opportunity for him to go to prison. Do you think he allows us to have new elections? Oh my men, if those thanks if winning the election. Is this plan to stay out of prison K? Just keep saying the same thing over and over again lady? I get it. You have nothing else to say, probably president for life, because chump doesn't want to go to prison. absolutely amazing. I just report, where they say trump has made no secret. That he's lightened. If not when I go to jail. Yet we all know that so here's the real issue
you know what I agree with her- that tromp supporters do think these are the stakes either trump windsor. He goes to prison. I don't agree with their a crackpot legal theory that trump trying to avoid present will just keep winning elections or prevent them from happening, because that's not possible unless of course, there is a massive shift in confidence among the military and they decide to just do whatever trump says and shutting down not possible. This is why, partly they're trying to shut down the election right. let me get this straight. Rachel, matthau and other crackpot neo lives and left us terrified. The donald trump will win the election destroy. These are shut down. These false criminal charges will he'll become president for life. Their justification for trying to end the twenty twenty four election cycle to prevent there from being an election is to stop trump from preventing there be an election accuse your opponents, that of what you are doing.
filing criminal charges against from trying to remove his name from the bout across the board is cheating in the twenty four election. now it pains me to say republicans will do nothing. I mean it pains me to say that you know in the sense that we wish someone somewhere would do something and some people but certain other republican party will see if they do anything and twenty four There are some files being released on Joe Biden there. There is an investigation going about being launched by some republicans were, for the most part. They do nothing while regrets across the board launch all of these criminal indictment against donald trump. His lawyers and now there's even investigations of certain media personalities, what do the republicans do? Nothing because there in on it for the most part right We can't get a single local d, a
state aid, you or anybody defiantly charges against any of these people, how wonderfully pathetic after the second matter continued. I know that learning that has been saying that privileges efforts is not shocking right. We ve known that was probably what it was probably what he was thinking it does seem sort of significant. That's what he's telling people she just keeps say same thing over and over again what to say about the election for the rest of us. In light of this, she says that either he loses or was the prisoner. He wins if trumpeted support. The stakes is losing and going to present or winning and being president and probably president for life? How should we expect he and republican party or puppet? officials and swing states are going to handle the conduct of that election. That truck may very well lose. So it's funny is She talks about the rising in violence from the right out I'll just addressed this very quickly. We have this from the wallack conspiracy yet reason. Dotcom Matthew, by raising the specificity not far from the population as a whole. I dont think that
a strong argument for racial component in mass shootings in any direction you know, you get lot of people in the right that try to say that the you know the black population is more responsible. The laughs as the white population is more responsible. Well, let's break it down. We do see that, though, as for the percentage of population asians, are represented twice as much disproportionately inv presented a measured or six point six, but but only being three point: six percent the population black people in this country, seventeen point four percent of mass shooters by living twelve point three percent of the population. Then you have hispanic lower eight point: three. Despite being twelve percent to four point: five cent of population native american two point: five times higher white, not hispanic. Fifty four point: five percent of europe, only sixty two point: six percent of the population and then there's other an unspecified so forth, I would say if, as any, if there's any concern I should add that asians are two times more likely based on their population size. But, ultimately, I don't
if these numbers are very significant? I think it's more cultural than anything so when the left tries to come out and says that white people are causing all this violence because minority groups, it's like Well, at the very least, you can say why people are under presented white unnoticed. Banks are under represented in the percentage of mass shooters as to the percentage of population, and then you can say that asian and black individuals and americans are over represented. But I gotta be honest: it's not that much any argument: over a psych psych psychopathic individual psychotic individual committing a mass shooting. The race. For the reason I just, I think that silly and stupid and a lot of this can be explained by historical trends such as socio economic figures or values, but also, I do think there are racial components, not in the race of the individual, but in the iD
ology of the individual, that is to say that there are many people who are overtly racist, a very different races. That being said rachel mad, I was trying to play that game. Yeah. I'm not gonna play that game with her there's people are crackpots and because of this they believed that feeling we'll drop will be president for life. They are justified in removing donald trump from the ballot. Let me say it again. I know I said it, but I'll shall repeat myself in the style of rachel so they're, basically saying to say, If the elections, we must stop there from being an election. Ok, look I get it. You can fight fire with fire, spell the controlled burn. Farmers will burn a strip of of their crops or whatever to stop the fire from spreading fine. But this just a lie. This is democratic. Knowing that little lose and then trop is to probably fire some people as it probably somebody convinced trumpet an a g who's, gonna actually indict anybody. It's funny. look at what truck did the first time around and it's like. Do they really think that
is gonna. Go nuclear that'll, be president for life, dude, wouldn't even invoking should act to call the national guard to stop riots paid, this causes terrible. Could I get some antibiotics? Well, antibiotics, don't work for cold and flew viruses, really they might make things worse. Every year, thirty five thousand americans die from antibiotic resistance caused, partly by over use according to the cdc twenty nineteen antibiotic resistance report. So what does work over the counter? Medicines like nous enacts, relieve symptoms of cold and flew, select, stick to that learn. More use. An ex fight. Dotcom always consult your doktor to determine the right treatment or they, not the national guard but invoked interaction, accidents to states that do the national guard truck could have fired through chi and trot, but I'm John Bolton there's a lot of things are criticised tromp on now. I'd Thank you are more likely to get firing and prosecutions with tromp than anyone else. dissent as may be vague, but am not entirely convinced. I still think
It's like well, you know fifty one percent, maybe so I'll, take it I think, the real issue is their concerned. If the chance is fifty one percent, even fifty point one percent that they go to prison, They will burn down this country to stop it. Oh here's good friend, jennifer reuben here we go not don't worry. No one's gonna take trump off the ballot. Accept all of these politicians, the democrats and all these a fake corporate press journalists, the washing Rarely do legal scholars compel govern officials to embark on an unprecedented and hugely consequential course of action, but that is, cisely. What william bought and Michael stokes paulson authors of the law review article regarding section three of the forty the moment actual powwows duo, Michael lifted. And lawrence tribe have done in a remarkably short time. They have done, on the implications of section three that all officials,
They roll in the presidential election process must consider disqualifying former president on trumped from the ballot if they, if, if he either engaged in erection or rebellion against the constitution, or gave aid and comfort to the enemies of that constitution. Secretaries of state certainly have heard them loud and clear. Michigan, secretary joscelyn benson, apparent MSNBC, emphasised her plan. Consider the issue exclusively based on applicable law without partisan considerations expressed. Concerning this issue could become weapon eyes and future elections. Benson so indicated that she would be conferring with actors is taken- georgia, nevada and pennsylvania, but she smartly recognized that ever she another secretaries decide. The issue will undoubtedly travelled in supreme court for a final termination. Likewise do you're secretary of state, David Scanlon, said recently. When somebody makes a reasoned argument about what those provisions mean, I feel it obligation to at least listen to them. He added a decision of that magnitude. That's a decision of
citing that somebody is not qualified to run a person is extraordinary and it really has to be treated with Degree of importance, to serve as a model for not only theories of state, but also all other officials, blah blah blah blah blah. We get it, we get it. We get it now. Secular, state. Another officials must grapple with how to make the determination to state I require they obtain a ruling from the state attorney general or other. official? Do they condemn? open hearings to provide transparency. Let's get voters, there are, easy answers because I've never witnessed the accused together of unintended insurrection, run for president and, although trumpet, yet the nominee it would be reckless to prepare for the strong likelihood applicant primary voters vote to nominate their coat leader and that, in turn, raising critical point, primary voters who might be contemptuous of the demand of demands of democracy should, at the very least, understand that they
nominating someone who might not be on the ballot in one or more states. They could gamble that the hyper partisan supreme court will write a trumps rescue hypocritically ignoring the plain text of the amendment to primary voters want to run that risk. A point that I brought up- and I already discussing this with there- Honey, I said: will they use testimony in georgia case to justify removing from from the ballot and Eric said they can't trumps, not convicted, and I said doesn't matter this loss. It is a civil argument, not a criminal argument and he says, but he's not convicted. The point is this: true does not need to be convicted forest precarious state, too, and please say it. It's beyond a reasonable doubt, in my opinion, that trump engaged in insurrection, therefore he's removed from the ballot.
And then you can file your loss to the state court. Good luck, they'll do this. In october of next year, they'll say just before the printing and release of early ballots and they'll say so us, and they will. And I ll go to those michigan court that will bang the gavel and say we have no authority to make determination on whether or not trump it did or did not engage an insurrection. That's my secretary of state to decide, dismissed or better yet they'll say you are not The aggrieved and you have no standing. Donald trump will be required to personally file in all of these, dates and then they'll say you are not the voter or the vote body. Therefore, you have no standing. They will simply make up a reason of corsica, maybe go to the supreme court.
So by january the supreme court will be like trumps name should be on the ballot out the elections over well, maybe next time series of icy as it, since, as we begin to see the attempts to remove trumps name from the ballot, and many of you but I would never happen all here. We are at its I'm just I'm so annoyed. I'm sorry guys, I'm so annoyed and ladys. You know we too want ex with the ladys here well everybody who keeps telling me over and over and over again, it's never gonna happen is never going to happen, is never going to happen, and then it keeps happening. Oh lord, have mercy so saying it's not gonna happen, they won't indict trump than they do. They're not gonna. Go after anyone els agenda just trump, then they go after it is its staff, while I mean, but that's where it stop slackened. After like his lawyers, then they go after his lawyers. It's not going to result in. Yes, it will, dies. It's happening. It's remark How many people said they would never indictment earmarking. many people said street violence would not escalate to murders. We now have the republican cow.
If the people who are murdered, we have a got a glp guy murdered in his own home. Maybe it was a domestic dispute. We don't know we had Aaron danielson. We have the summer of love. You know that, since I came up. I saw that I glimpsed it so one city paid out something like I million dollars to the to the extremists over their rights, because the police acted too harshly that the game is rigged and it's funny because there's no offering all of it keeps happening though I had there not gonna move trumps name from the ballot. Tromp can't win any ways. Now there what's begun, so maybe trumps name doesn't get removing the ballot They are certainly trying to do it. They, as in the anti trump faction than ever, trumpery democrats, Neil lives, etc. There trying to put the dude in prison they just scheduled his trial date for the day before super tuesday. At this point, Anybody who says they would not just the doors there. Ok
You know we had one of our members say they would not bring back lockdowns that be as that go too far, and that we're probably clicked bedding and fear mongering. And now, where are we yeah? It's been a and we ve already got backs mandates. Universities being reinforced Does it mean when it, but I've always been a dinner, got rid of them? We have new ask mandates emerging and Joe Biden calling for a new vaccine to be recommended, which likely maybe could result in private businesses, saying well as per the how cdc and who recommendation we will require, them for our private business, and so this like it's not gonna happen. They can't get away with they like well. Here we are, schools are closing man mandates are already reinstated at hospitals and schools. News pay As are calling for more stop saying, it can't happen because it literally just keeps happening. That's all all that happens is it keeps happening there you go so where do we end up?
is very likely. In my opinion, you will see a unilateral decree, to remove trumps name from the ballot somewhere and then it all comes crashing down. Don't say it can happen, I'm not interested in the optimism bias It is now normalcy bias to assume this will happen. The longest time many people suffer. from what's called optimism, bias and normalcy bias optimism. as it is a bias which affects people? They think the bad thing can happen no bad thing. Civil war can't happen. Bad thing can happen. Yes, go! Look up the first battle of bull round the battle of analysis where the civil war officially things they Winter was the beginning, no one really dads of our guy accidentally. You know blimps of up or something like that. Nobody thought there was gonna, be a real conflict, so they were picnicking. As the story goes, optimism bias and we've all suffered from that for all
time. Maybe people have been disabused of this notion after seeing all of this, but we still have normalcy, bias. People who keep saying it won't happen, it won't happen. It's never happened, it won't happen. prince and I'm just like dude at a certain point. It is normal. To assume this will escalate, while they indict trump know that can happens, never have before them. They indicted I'm ok, wow that's gonna be the extent of it. I can't imagine, and they invited him again and again and again and people just keep saying it,
it won't happen and I'm like bro I'd like you to go back in time and track all of the things that you kept saying would not happen and look where we are right. Here's my point about rachel Maddow. I think it's stupid for her to say that donald trump will be president for life. But that's why I said earlier she's correct the view of trump supporters is either trump wins or he goes to prison. Now. I think the way she sees the world is fairly broken, but she makes an interesting point: a mirror image. Who we are and what we represent in her mind? Donald trump is a psychotic hit illyrian despot who is trying to take over this country through force and an insurrection, and he and and as they write fora the rap I'm sorry I wasn't there was I think I what she said: they're gonna, like their cult leader I genuinely believe not all of them, but some of them, because their very very
let's just say, cognitive lee deficient to be polite individuals. think that there is a nazi rise happening in this country and they keep regurgitating these laws. It doesn't matter if you agree or disagree what matters as they believe it. That's why I say: she's correct her view of things represents we are split. I sit before you today saying they will. They will likely remove trump's name from the ballot. I don't think is a crackpot conspiracy, theory on par with rachel maddow saying trump will be president for life, but in the in the world. They view this as an everything I'm saying about civil war and all that as insane. But that's why I push back and say they are the ones who insane are are insane because I'll make it simple for you guys they sit before you and say that Donald trump wants to be president for life, that he's facing serious legal dilemmas and seeks to become president to absolve himself of any accountability that he weighed
an insurrection and rebellion against this country. Instructing supporters to storm the capital and steal power. There is no civil war happening come on either. You think donald trump isn't insurrectionists who's, trying to overthrow the? U s: government, which implies civil strife leading to civil war, or you think, you're the best he's trying to steal power and then there's still civil strife leading to a civil war. What is the argument that this doesn't escalate? I'd like to hear it because you can certainly say people get tired of it. They are focusing on the things but you're we ve been an election cycle since twenty fifteen. It's never stopped. Not a day has gone by that we have not been in an election cycle. So here we are entering the next phase. Where are you
route. They are already making their moves to remove trump under crackpot conspiracy. Theory ideas that trump wants to be president for life, that he tried to wage an insurrection or that he did and failed. That's it tell me I'm wrong. Fine. We live in a bicycle country. I think they will remove trumps name from the ballot unilateral. I dont know the probability to which that is, I dont think its absolute for all those who do not understand because their collectively deficient. Many of these people on the left is liberals living the black and white. When I say I believe that they will remove trumps name from the ballot in some state unilaterally. What I mean to say yes to clarify for all of you can't quite understand, is the probability lies with his name being removed, but that could be fifty one percent for all. I know, in fact it could be thirty percent, and it's just that there is no greater percentage. The plurality
falls with donald trump being removed during the holidays. Many people suffer from S. A d streaming, annoyance disorder caused by too many streaming apps and passwords and content overload. Symptoms include angry outbursts and broken remains. The prime video simplifies your streaming and, let's you find your holiday happy place, rent or buy your favorites, add on hundreds of channels and find new films like candy cane lane, starring eddie murphy included with prime in one app with one password. Prime video restrictions apply as the amazon dot com. Slash amazon, prime for details: it's possible! It's a bunch of backups, his name is challenged. His name is obvious. Gated flip someone else's name whatever I dont know what the end result is. There are many different areas lying before us, but if
they could stops here and democrats do not make moves to try and cheat beyond just arresting trump. Then your incredibly naive, the idea that it stops here is stupid because every step of the way when I've been like wow, this thing just happened. I believe the likely outcome will be this other thing and peoples had now that can't happened than it did. I simply did it this way. I read the news. You have a story where it's like person, a steals, a thousand dollars from you know from this lemonade stand and then I go out. The lemonade stand, lost a thousand dollars, are the insured they're not ensured? I guess eliminate, stands gonna get a business like a gentleman. I think tomorrow there won't be a lemonade stand and people go all know. The lemonade can't stand, can't go away, it's been there forever and I'm like, but they can't pay their bills now and then the next day it's like breaking news. Lemonade stand shuts down because they have no money. That's basically how I see what's going on and you know it. I can't predict
Maybe the uncle of lemonade stand owner, swoops him with a bang I got ok. Well I did I did. I couldn't have known about that. I'm just saying based on acts, the next thing is most likely without any changes will be. Why you get street violence. Media lies about it. You get these high profile in. since the media lies about it, and I say well the likely scenario. Then, if these things are happening, is that this thing will happen and then sure enough there it is so I don't know exactly what happens. I am just telling you if they're claiming that trump wants to be president for life. It is an evil despot trying to avoid accountability and he's an insurrectionist who tried to steal political power and they're trying to put him in jail, actually say it's easier to believe they unilaterally remove his name from the ballot because they live indicted him for rico and his lawyers,
you know in in terms of what is believable five years ago. If I said in twenty twenty four some secretary of state will try and take trump's name off the ballot or would actually do it. You'd be like wow, that's crazy. I dunno about that. I mean they. They they they might cry and then I said also trump and his lawyers will be indicted for criminal conspiracy of that's crazy right. The point is trump being indicted is crazier to think would happen than trump's name being off the ballot. They could say that we were that you could remove trump from about for a variety of reasons. It is easier, in my view to believe they removed from statement about them. Data, but they already indicted him if they're willing to that how far they willing to go friends will see will see. I leave it there. Next segments coming up at four p m on this channel. Thanks rang out then I'll see you well then,. I gotta be honest- the guys periodically and if you want
my videos, you know this. There are videos where they I have to talk about the news but boy I just dont care, really dont care, but a kind of care for the post colonial national archives drags heels. On release of five thousand four hundred records related to bite ends pseudonyms after june twenty twenty two for your request Nora said they had a approximately five thousand one hundred and thirty eight email messages, twenty five electronic files and do it a page, the potentially responsive records that must be reviewed before release Ok, I right slow down the stories, basically that there is like fifty four hundred emails, where bigamy sitting a fake name. So we could conduct business, with this sun. While I'm with you these, while he's a vice president. Ok, it's really important that you know this happened and is happening, but at what point is it like just redundant
Does it matter yeah? I owe abiding corrupt news at eleven. You know I mean we should talk about this every day and typically, when I get into these moods. Unlike I get it, we can't let to become a normal where start to say we all know by corrupt. We all he was engaged in illicit business deals. But at this point is not news anymore. We can get to that point. There are a bunch of stories. I've covered the where this happened. Words like do everybody knows, I say, we care about this here we go again. Here's the challenge. For me, it's ring being like I'll look more evidence that we already know Joe Biden is crooked, as is can as can be, and without that shock factor of like a boy. drop. Will we lay all out? It's a slow role and people just say I get it. I dont care and then what happens the video about it. I say: hey everybody, more evidence it Joe Biden scrub, then click on it
does there like. I know man whatever, so it's a bit depressing, but That being said here is the nose, the daily mail reports. president Joe Biden may have used pseudonyms nearly five thousand four hundred emails, electronic records and documents when it was vice. President obama shall letter from Nora reveals the true of communications was confirmed, the eastern legal foundation, while the free Information act for emails connected to aliases, allegedly used by button bidding robin where Robert l, peters and J r b, where J r b, where republicans have been demanding the release of the emails, they say could show button, usernames discuss foreign business with the sun and shit information on countries where he was doing deals. Do I doubted, insisted but it was never in business with his son and vice president high level. Government officials often use pseudonyms to prevent being inundated with spam and emails from the public at the time,
administration dismissed criticism. The communications were secret because they were all archived sheer volume of emails raises questions overwhelm whether then, P Biden broke the absolute wall. He said he maintained between the personal and private and the government emails hunters laptop, also reveal business partners are far too Biden as the big guy. That's right. What is it, what did it say like h, will hold ten percent for the big guy or somethin? Oh boy. What's this stuff, for his used buttons other address Robert l peters at pc. I got governed the message about meetings meeting venue. In president petro, petro, poroshenko contre, was copied in on that email. Why? Why was hunter copied on the email where the vice president is talking to a a world leader? Hmm very interesting, to say the least. Now look, I will not be.
as if, after all this breaks, they get us all riled up and say ah they're doing business information drops that donald trump was also conducting business yeah. I don't care The left like to maintain this narrative. That trump support is all a bunch of cultivates. no trumpets booed, sometimes in our troops as things people don't like. Sometimes, but people typically like him because he's just a bully he's there bully it's? Like being you know? The way I described it before is like imagine being on a playground. and there is a schoolyard bali- he's not like that First, guy doesn't really pick on everybody, but if you're mean to him he's mean back and then you get to stand behind him, so the other kids who are bullying you got a bullet like you've got your own. You've got some guy who's like I'm, not going to bother anybody but he's going to bully back the other bullies. You see what I'm saying in this instance. If it turns out that, Tromp is doing business dealings and I believe he was already criticised, and for that you remember
when trump tried to have the G. Seventy trump derail in Florida he got roasted. everyone, even his own supporters, and then he came was like. Ok, fine. Now many supporters defended him as a fair point. We made he was saying If we had this meeting at my golf course, we do at a cost. It saves the government money, fair but it also provides covers expenses to maintain trumped doral that is, employees will get paid, trop won't personally profit, but revenue is generated for his business, which can help as business stay afloat. There's personal gain there, no matter what. trot back down. It's ok, fine, we won't do it. There was also, I believe, was a state department website in the uk. Was advertising trumps golf courses or resorts, not not ok, and there were instances where I believe it was members of the air force. I'm not sure stayed at one of his resorts same argument. Trump personally benefits, even if it is at cost,
Now, there's a fair argument say: he's saving the government money, which is you, the taxpayer, ok, fair, but privately benefits, even if it's you know just by covering costs already criticised trump for this, the issue with Joe Biden Is that he's lying about it every step of the way and, more importantly, when, when victor shokhin, the prosecutor in ukraine was investigating charisma, Hunter Biden and associates counter to do see for help Joe Biden then flies out, goes to the president says if you dont fire the prosecutor you're get the billion dollars. Joe Biden has no authority to withhold congressional approved loan guarantees and what is the left say it worries me wasn't investigating, wasn't being investigated shut by shokhin, sorry shokhin says he was sworn affidavit and there's documents of the open investigator over, but that, but they were on hold don't mean anything on hold or otherwise, if you're on
Could it be, for procedural reasons could be for effort and share reasons? I don't care. Investigations were happening. Hunter Biden just made this phone call yeah, but but but it was, with foreign policy, the president wanted, at the president, has no authority to deny or reject congressional prove loan guarantees. That was the argument the left made over when Donald trump called ukraine said. What's going on with his Biden thing, they impeached donald trump. for investigating criminal activity carried out by the binds. What a world? How well means criticized I'll, try. I ain't, gonna, sit here and and and and you otherwise, it's fine. I'm talking about Joe Biden document you what to do But if you can come to me and show me that donald trump went way, foreign leader and said I will block york me. You know your country's weapons. Unless you give my son millions of dollars it we can conversation.
Bad news for you. You know when when when you come and you talk about abraham accords, when you talk about iraq as copyrights and other countries, private deals, I dont like in fact I think, they're very bad. You know I get it, it's the family, it's private, but I don't like it. I don't like influence. huddling, if you want to claim that you know trumped around on stuff, those are bad things. Trumps should be criticised for and I'm not gonna defend trump for doing things I think, are bad but Joe Biden, yet Joe Biden engaged in a quid pro quo and that, at the very least, by your own standard is impenetrable and donald trump. Seeking to investigate that quid pro quo was impeached. That specific reference is hypocrisy and for which I believe
but an should be impeached. Maybe impeachment is the right word. He should retroactively, be fourteenth. Amendment did or something for a seditious conspiracy against the united states, because now, with that evidence or are not even rhetoric, now that evans, we can see he's sending all this money to ukraine and I am not convinced its legitimate. I believe that Joe Biden is likely sending all this money to ukraine because he owes them a favor. That's right, Donald trump, on a dirt I really think that Joe Biden only ran because they knew tromp was investigating what was going on with his corrupt still trump saw a video online of Joe Biden bragging about withholding congressionally, approved loan guarantees and benefiting his son and then called them and said what was this about? Can you investigate this and for that they said, dipietro, quick, oh, and he had help from the cia It help from democratic debate. They had help from the cia. They had help from democrat lawyers to get him removed, so yeah
after shokhin sworn statement and testimony and the evidence we ve already collected from All of these reports now joke Joe Biden. Oh, it's ease lying all time. Episode, is brought to you by stateful, you might say all kinds of stuff if things go wrong, but these are the words you really need to remember. Like a good neighbor state farm, is there they've got options to fit your unique insurance needs, meaning you can talk to your agent to choose the coverage. You may have coverage options to protect the things you value most file, a claim right on the state for mobile app and even reach a real person. When you need to talk to someone like a good neighbor state farm. Is there perhaps now? Not only could we impeach, but after that we could have criminal charges against this man who engaged in a what I would scroll this describe as a seditious conspiracy against the united states to subvert the nations interests for personal gain, leading us into what could become world war? Three for that at
Joe Biden should be impeached convicted. Then she then indicted then criminally convicted and then imprisoned, but you know what fair pay dude to old, put an angle monitor on lock him in his warehouse and be done with it? I think this is all abjectly criminal and it's staring us in the face, but I must confess at a certain point: I don't know what else there is to be said. We know he's doing it. We know it happens and then what I dunno and then what. That's the end, then, what we are sitting here waiting for their publicans with all this information coming out to just do something about it and do they want to do a little bit I want. I remain optimistic. I dunno if I can perhaps they're waiting until next year to drop the hammer, have him impeached just before election or something october surprise. I have no idea, I'm just not all that confident. and all I can say, is once again we'll see.
They their an excitement is coming up at six p m on this gentle thanks, rang out and I'll see you all them. here is my analogy for all of you. Imagine you go to your local grocery store and purchase a gallon tub of chocolate, fudged, swirl ice cream, one, those big plastic tubs and you crack at open. You get a big spoonful of delicious and right when you strike again, you had something from the heart and you scoop. The asked cream see a dead rat and you what why outraged by this is a dead. right here in my screen, but you keep eaten it yeah. I'm not gonna help you out. Ok, if you have dead, read in your ice cream and you keep eating it while complaining about it. I'm not entirely convinced you are serious enough in your concerns about what you are currently doing, which brings me to the story this is the story of while many sorority
a dismisses university of wyoming sorority sisters, lawsuit attempting to blocked and gender woman artemus lang furred from joining and says port will not define a woman today after the accused, her of being a sexual predator. Her as in the biological mail. I love is the opera. If said a woman is an adult human female, that's literally the definition, scientific or otherwise, but the apparently the defence said now what means many things today. Ok, well, from now on. It's simple you just have to make whatever it is you're making for females moment like us, but it is a story. These women. Who are complaining about all of this staying in the sorority their staying in the building they There is a biological male doing crude and crass things. They accuse this person of doing and they stay and solemn like ok, I'm a bit torn with
all due respect. They are filing a lawsuit. They are fighting this. They are challenging it as they should based on their views, but at a certain point, maybe you just boycott and then boycott shot up to public square were huge fans of public square, the app where you can find business Is that support your values and you can support them not to know what you did, china being sorority, but here's the story, they say six men the copper, copper gama sorority have choice. I artemus lange for admission by casting doubt on whether sorority rules allowed a transgender woman. A district court found in favour of this authority and lengthy the sorority by laws as a private voluntary organization, don't define. Who is a woman really so the by laws outright say the charter. Only women members had re safety, concerns and detail. Allegations against lange for but said they were told to change. our definition of woman in the september, twenty twenty two lawsuit. Sarah,
Members of the sorority also claimed lange for its presence in their home left them feeling vulnerable and uncomfortable. Here is the the individual in question length here? You can see all of these sorority sisters hanging out at their taco about mental health. I guess there were selling tacos or something and there's lange in the photo as all the women do that. What is that? What is that pose? They do hands on the knees what debts look at? What is that? Is it because they're trying to make room for people who might be shorter behind them? They do that. I guess I our they allege that she would stare at other girls for hours without saying anything while sitting with a pillow in her lap. I'm gonna pause, real, quick and just you know, provide at least a little defence for this, will they alleged that she is talking about the biological mail would stare at other calls for hours, not saying anything while sitting with a pillow in her lap. Sorry, you're not allowed to be mad at someone and suit have them removed because they're sitting there quietly not saying anything there. Looking at you,
yes, I know whatever some people may not like it, but the argument here is whether or not males are allowed in sororities, not whether or not somebody was sitting there. Looking at you for real, I know I get it. However, let's read more They also accused the biological mailer taking photos the girls at a slumber party and making inappropriate comments to them, including about what vaginas look like breast cups as whether women were considering breast reductions and birth control. Ok, you seek not that's a problem right. Guy. I hope you're already for this one on one o k one. Woman claimed she was changing clothes inside the house that abroad, but turned on to find lange for twenty one staring at her. The complaint alleged fellowship reportedly later so that lengthy, had his hands over his genitals and appeared sexually, aroused not fear to question that you're, a big it. Ok, even warned I thought of the lawsuit: was the issue of defining a woman with
sorority sisters, arguing that, because K k, jeez governing documents defined as a space explicitly for females the organization broke its own rules by admitting a biological biological mail. If a document says female, it's as female, sorry transom and not allowed right, that's a defining documents. The sisters claim the sorority change its criteria to allow lengths to apply while K, cages law. Is the definition of woman has evolved since the sororities founding a hundred fifty years ago? The term is unclear We open to many interpretations, no, it isn't because the left can't even define what the word means. So I gotta tell you if It is open to any interpretation, then you have no criteria for eligibility, and I could apply no matter what it is you claim if woman is not defined. That means literally Anyone from anywhere for any reason can apply, and you can't deny them literally. But if you said blank is allowed to apply here
and you can insert anything, you want. Ok, let's talk about the multiple interpretations of em. I believe woman. Is defined as thirty seven year old lightly, bearded male of mixed race, descent, who wears a beanie all the time. Isn't it or have your college, or have anything to do with anything related to anything you're doing anywhere and doesn't have to pay any money to join? Okay, obviously a little extreme, but to my point there has to, the definition of who you are inviting. If you say, there's no permission for the word woman than a dog could be admitted. Let's play that game, then no definition, I dont human female seems to work for me, but if that doesn't work for you, then I think a dog can be a woman right. Well then, let's get the dog and, to be honest, I think everyone would really appreciate slobbering labrador run around and about because everybody loves dogs so where's the complaint you know and nobody's going to complain about having a dog as people who are allergic. the case at wyomings. Only four
public university drew widespread attention as trans we will fight for more since in schools, athletics, workplaces and elsewhere, while some like they sorority sisters, push back the discredit. Word is a safe space to grow together and build genuine long, lasting relationships, as well as a refuge for us biological women to relax and released the pressure and stress that come with college in life. Why homing? U s? District court judge Alan Johnson in its ruling, found sorority by laws as a private voluntary organization dealt define whose a woman interesting a federal court cannot interfere fear with sorority chapters, freedom of association, by ruling against its vote, to endorse the trans gentlemen. Last year, Johnson ruled fraud it with no definite, of a woman in sorority bylaws johnson, ruled that it could not in It was the six sisters. Definition of a woman in place of this word is more expensive definition provided in court with his inquiry beginning an ending their the court. We define a woman today, Johnson him and alumnus of the university who was honoured by the school has distinguished alumni until twenty fifteen wrote
This roddy sisters, who sued publicly shadow lange for its presence there housemaid them squirm. It is really uncomfortable. Some, the girls in sexually assaulted or sexually harassed. Some girls live in constant fear. In our home what my are told making Kelly honour podcast? So I guess this is the way homing judge I don't think the boomers of asylum generation economic gonna come save you this I in why arming it's not a woman is this guy right here, look at a judge, with an older woman is all right. Well, it's too bad for him. Perhaps he is cognitive, deficient and be removed from office under the simple argument that his brain onlooker functions properly, and it is a sad state of affairs. But if someone is suffering from jack? Perhaps they should not be in a job of any type. Well, I suppose there some jobs, people, dementia, maybe can be a walmart greater you. I guess the one one scary thing is the outbursts some people with dementia suffer which be careful of that
but about of anger, but I believe this man maybe unwell, for he cannot define what a woman is, There is no argument period in court that you could be like what know what a woman is. That's insane, but here you are welcome to the breakdown of law. Now that they are starting to get these lawsuits through where they say woman doesn't mean anything. What do you think that means for all existing law on the books in every state and in this country, If the. If the law says women are protected for this or that reason, but women means literally nothing, then no one is protected from anything civil rights goes out the window. You can be I think a woman is a black person. I think a mexican person is also what a woman is despite being mail if woman is just a vague term for someone who feels a certain way than anyone at any time, for any reason can be a woman and you can't bar them. What argument would they have in any capacity they went
and perhaps that's the purpose from the ashes of the old. We shall build into their going to break down our legal system they're going to make it so that you can't figure out what is what and who is who you can't set standards, and if you can't set standards, what are going to get Here you get a bunch of people who are terrible at what they do, trying to fly, planes, build bridges and otherwise engage in sporting activities and other professions and then had hoped breaks down. Bridges will start collapsing. Planes will fall out of the sky. Aha, aha, you get where I'm.
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you gotta get out of the house rent or do something to counter it. If, if the legal system is not, there, then play procedurally play by policy, if they dont define woman, then I tell you what bring in your grandfather brain invite it here's what you should do, Ladys invite a retirement homes come live there, men old men, invite 'em all and find out how many people are willing back, am women and they just have them come in and then what, when they are all living there, anyone who was a problem with that you'll see them in court, because this is the game, their plane I'll do their necks segments coming up at eight p m over you, comes left him guest. I irrelevance rang out and I'll see you well, then, there mad their mad at me. I've been friend non stop for a week because we had freshen fit on the podcast, the culture war,
and in the discussion we talked about issues pertaining to society and culture. Women. And slut, shaming and things like that, an old boy. Are they really pissed off? In fact, I've gotten messages from some lefties I now and then Did you really say that men should slut shame women, frothing high body counts. I love it as you know, that they didn't actually watch the show. We have this tweet from a tree of logic. Hurrah There are less than one thousand mugabe's in the world, so the chances of any woman sing a man drive. One would be highly unlikely. Only men who are terrible in bed or have small dicks liked him pool care about a woman's body. Count. Isn't it all describe this as the fake rage machine of the internet. Here's what really happened, the bar guest, I was talking with fresh and fit as well as jason, howard and jason. Britain is high value dad. He talks about having kids being a good dad and having a family all that stuff and fresh and fit talk about similar things like those are important
but in today's day and age women are sleeping around. They have access to all of these different men with instagram high value. High profile, wealthy, successful, guys you're, always in a state of competition. The given that was actually made was. Not that I was saying that guy's in bulgaria's should slut shame women. It was a hypothetical argument. to address the concerns. Freshen fit had not a prescriptive treatment for the elles of society. Tree of logic, of course, takes the clip out of contact. And then makes it seem like. I was literally saying that all men should go and do this thing the actual context. The conversation is effectively if you are making the claim that it is bad, that men and women are all sleeping around and that men have no choice. But to sleep around in order to compete. How about You I said you guys
Imagine someone in a bugatti pulls up to a woman who, what and she's like. Oh, I want to ride with you and he says: what's your body count and she gets all offended, then he says I don't want a hole in my car and drives off Oh, I wasn't saying all men who find themselves to be high value should pull up a slut, shame women, but it's a rage machine. They just want to click bait, so they want to take. out of context or to be fair, maybe they're, just not smart enough to understand the argument actually was. I tell women they couldn't or could not do anything they want. In fact, I am a sex, positive individual. I believe that sex work should be legal and regulated, and I think that it's silly for the government to intervene. I also don't care what women do with their bodies and I'm actually pro choice, although I think the Democrats have gone full scale, probably ocean, I do think it should be restrictions, so it is funny, then, that their minds go
and breakdown only men who are terrible and bad enough. Small dicks, lady, I'm sorry, the ego striking stuff doesn't work on me because I quite literally dont care. Ike the honest with you. I got a million one things going on in my life. I am in a happy and committed relations. your words are meaningless, but it does show your insecurity is in fact the response. Is is out it took to my out to the attic out of context. Clip makes you look worse than I do especially people who might otherwise agree with the clap, even though it is out of context. Ladies listen up, she asks you if a low tier man asks for your body, count, simply ask how small is their dick in return I value man, don't obsess over the sexual activities of other women. Only oh value. Men do never forget that. Ok, let limit. Let me play the cliff. Were you from the culture wash out of me talking and then will break down? What is actually being said has never hold like on it,
I agree with what he's saying imagine if women are only looking at the top eight nine ten of men here. If these guys, if guys like you just said, shaming women Is that you don't? You know who's paying for only fans right, it's locked, its low, how long you got your photo, editor highquality deeds who got really nice, watches and pull up in a body, and this woman's like yeah. I want to come, hang materials are yet what your body count and it does How dare you ask me that I don't want to hone my car and he takes off now she's embarrassed. She got shut down and more women are going to say, if I want a high value man, because only the guys are gonna commitment and I very much hope we will be left with little girl here they ve got to get it for its turn us into the drink. Algeria has never another so fresh and fit argue, and will never do that, which is the point which really is an alignment with what this lady is saying to act like I said something otherwise jason orton was saying reason
to that culture do not be a party to two going around doing all these things, to which my point was. I agree with what jason saying pathetically like if guys we're shaming these women. Wouldn't that fix the problem you claim is a big problem. You see, but still down jason and I had a similar position in that there are tons of really great women out there. In fact, I argued the things to freshen fit were saying about these and I'm like you're surrounding yourself with bad women, and they said no dude, like all women around the internet matter where they are- and I said, bro if you go to a small town church you're going meet a young woman who does not believe these things and you're good I'd say anything about like I, I did not actually say that men all men of high value, should be doing thanks. They responded by saying that because women Gonna do this. Men have no choice, and then I said, ok
what if men like you, said no and shamed these women, and they said, that's never gonna happen. Of course. This lady lost her mind, not gonna, be honest. I think it is simple to break down when people like this, which clip do have when people like This get really really mad. When you highlight the idea of body count, it shows their insecurity. Lady, I ain't got none you're! No answer and I'm gonna have to say it lady. I am a let's just let's just go straight for ego. I am a successful. I am wealthy. I own lots of property. I really dont care about how many dude you ve been with. I don't care what you think about me.
genitalia, I dont care about your opinions and yet the only one sorry to highlight just as animal, but I don't. I don't care to go through, like all these other tweets, but like they're so bent out of shape over this go on talking about the negative opinion that fresh and fit have over this I'm not talking about you. Why you so mad? The reality is it's true high value men do not up ass over the sexual activities of other women. That's a fact! That's actually the point I was making. If these are the high value guys as they described themselves, did, would that not create something different for which they would want? My attitude is just find a good person have a good relationship commit to each other, those normal things, and there are good and bad p. There all the time. I think the insecurity shows a lot. She followed up by saying my tweet yesterday was only too clown tim pool, because I despise them, however, revealed huge insecurity and these red pill mano spear men have which I am not one of those.
How do you count as a shaming technique, but yet as mad when we shame their penis size and return. This good to know I'll be met again in the future. Actually, it show the insecurity you have right, not the insecurity I have like I'm in a relationship. I literally I dont care about what I think I'm not interested in chasing down women at a club or driving my tesla model s plaid up to a club and being like hey, ladies, I have a girlfriend, we go get breakfast together and then we go eat dinner together and we play poker together and we skate together sometimes when she wants to skate, and she helps me out with my life and it's fantasy. Literally don't care about what you think are what you do, but it does show when this conversation, and especially with fresh bit boy, do they get mad and it makes me it makes me wonder what kind of person this is and why they have to react in such a way. Low cognitive function
because I never all. I never actually said which is claiming. I said, herzog, here's one response. One person said disagree? Sort of I think there are high value men that do not care about body count. I hate that term though, and some that dont care all that much I don't think it's fair to say that only low to your deeds and do this while penises care about that is right, said present present one, One so called high value. Man who cares about body count go dude, quite literally freshen fit were on the show. They are almost I, but I believe there millionaires view wealthy miami dudes who've, got women all around them, maybe they're faking it. I dunno and they outright said they do There are numerous podcast where, due to our famous and have lots of money, talk about these things, there are many people in the corner, portmanteau sphere or whatever core millionaires or six foot tall, chiseled driving, boogie bodies,
literally bugattis, but my point- was driving very fancy. Nice cars she's right now, there's different people of all different types, whether the size, their penis nice trials, the fact that she brought up something that is clearly false, shows her insecurities over what she does. That's just it. I'll tell you who this lady is. She's a lady who watches the guy. Give the galicia is ok Just I'm sorry, have you guys seen this video of the guy giving the mock be J. swell taking money and sank, lazy and like that, the dude. Just like ok, have you seen as video. She said yes watch this for our don't judge me, it a dude giving a mock blow job up to the camera. While people donate money, sank, lizzie broad. Do people make good money
for this. I this guy has just making soft core gay porn or gave it its main important. The right word fetish content, soft core fetish content for game in whatever I would watch this for an hour. Don't judge me. I would not all that ice cream, so good stuff, I think, should be banned, Not literally, I guessed to a certain degree, free speech and all that, but it is weird and nasty staff and it should be priorities in the algorithm, but anyway I digress. I must stress, I apologize for singling out this one individual, there's a bunch of people who are tweeting about it, and acting like you, I got messages and that's wows lie. What are they talking about like. never literally told men to go. Do this, I addressing a perceived problem that fresh infant had addressed, and I said here's your solution. Why not do this? They laughed and said, is his dream cast now men will now we'll do that dog. That's the point. Men will not
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There clearly upset about it. There clearly triggered by it the fact that society says you guys it's just really simple, there's an old saying that they talk about where it's like a key he they can open any doors. A good key, but a lot that can be opened by any key is a bad luck. That's the now to the often use I'm not a fan of that. I think it's kind of silly. I think human beings can engage in. You know, do what they want to do And I think personal responsibility plays a role in whether or not you're going to have a good family or not. I do think social order breaks down for a variety of reasons, including some of these, but clearly with the troops that exists in society. They are in the minority position desperately trying to justify using an emotional attack against someone be archive small deck. I'm like lady, I dont care. Your whole right is that what you're trying to tell me? I don't know how many people you slept with that. I really dont care and your ear your response to what is clearly a social phenomenon is meaningless to me, but you're clearly hurt by it. I dont. That's it.
I guess what I'm trying to get to as they big mad. But it's true. It's not my opinion. It is not me. Prescribing for society, it's me saying out right. It is a fact on average, guys don't like being with with whores define that. However, you want I slavery. I'm more such positive. I dont care about people engaging in sex work. None of that. I dont benjamin made illegal? I think, should be legalised unregulated and its Do you live how you want to live? Just don't get kids involved in it, but you can see the mic, the emotional reaction they have toward our men, thanks for watching the culture war podcast and spreading the word I'll leave it there. Next segments coming up today at four pm, thanks for hanging out and I'll see you all, then. Hey dave urundi, since we founded bombers, we ve always send our socks. Underwear and teachers are super solved. Any new ideas may be sublimely soft or does jestingly cosy way. I got a boundless absurd
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-18.