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China LIED In Order To Extract Critical Medical Supplies, Launches Propaganda Campaign To Exploit Us


China LIED In Order To Extract Critical Medical Supplies, Launches Propaganda Campaign To Exploit Us. Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic China has been lying.We now know that while they were lying to the world about the severity of the virus they were also instructing employees abroad to begin purchasing up critical medical supplies and having them ship it to China. This happened in several countries.By holding us at bay by downplaying the severity they bought time to extract our resources and this has led to our people suffering.China is still lying and is now actively harming us and other countries by sowing disinformation campaigns meant to slow our response as well as sending faulty medical equipment back to these countries.Trump has been has been right about China from the start and its time we start trusting ourselves and not the disinformation.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Since the beginning of the corona virus pandemic, which started in we're on China that China the government has been lying every step of the way to the: U S and many other countries. These lies, resulted in a delayed reaction from our country, many others, which result in a loss of control and a major loss of life. Not many people speculated why would China lie about this well. First of all, China lies it on a lot of things. Many people thought was because they're trying to save face, they didn't we be held responsible for what was really going on. But now we have evidence to suggest that China is lying to us to actively hurt us, dare I say, actively, kill our people and people and many other countries in or you from the Sydney morning, Harold Chinese backed company, we're sending millions of pieces of medical equipment to China at a time when
everyone was downplaying this particularly China. There were lying about it. Yet these companies were instructed to round up as much supplies as many pieces of medical equipment as they could and send it back to China. You see China knew was going on and they didn't want us to find out because they wanted a chance to get our resources first. Now it is being suggested they are using this opportunity for predatory economic policies targeting our countries and others, and it's worse than that, they're sending faulty pieces of medical equipment to many other countries that are now reacting negatively saying this is on purpose. We should not be trusting China, but an originally many people in our media are just repeating chinese people, Ghana and, dare I say yes at least one journalist and I'd- probably many others are raising China over there. Once sang a better there than somewhere else, but like that, like India, yet
has been lying to us, it could have been worse. It started another country, but another country started this or that it started. If, if this started another country- and then they were honest with us, we could have got better handle on things, but China, it would seem, is actively trying to hurt us now. We're here the? U S, may expel who they say. Chinese spies in media, and this is responds to China expelling our journalists. It's very likely. China is lying still about. What's going on in their country. The UK believes that the official numbers they ve put out are wrong and it could be fifteen to forty times worse than that than what there actually saying which mean we're in this, for the long haul were in this, and things are going to get bad in ITALY
they're already seeing a breakdown of social order there seeing the same thing in China and China is lying, so they can come out on top. They want us to be hurt, not just the United States, but a stray Leah and countries in Europe as well. We have to stop trusting them. We have to protect ourselves will start with the first story to see exactly what these companies were doing. At a time when we were being told not to worry about this mind you, while these companies were sending millions of peace of medical equipment back to China, We were being told by people like build applause, YO in New York to go out, be it's fine. This was his early are our as late as March. The mayor of New York was everything's fine. Now New York is the epicenter with almost half of all of the crowd of irish related deaths. They were saying it was fine, and you know what I think they blundered this really bad, but to a certain extent,
China is responsible for starting it and lying about it, so we couldn't respond properly before we get started had over two TIM cast outcomes: less done it. If you'd like to support my work, their several ways can give the best thing you can do share this video. This is shocking. Information. People need to know about this. You're gonna hear all across the media that trumps a big it that we shouldn't Blaine China, that we should trust China there, our friend, no, no, they are not, and if you haven't subscribe, hit the bell, because you tube likes to play games and perhaps won't actually send my video to you, even if you are subscribe anyway, but subscribe beg. Why not? And if you like the video, please consider hitting that like button, the Sydney morning. Harold Chinese backed companies mission to source australian medical supplies, as the crown of Irish too hold it will on earlier this year, staff from the chinese government back to global property. Giant Greenland group instructed to put their normal work on hold and source, but supplies of essential
go items to ship back to China. A whistle blower from the company has told the Herald it was a world Wide Greenland effort and the Sydney office was no different sourcing. Boy supplies of surgical masks, thermometers, antibacterial, wipes, enhancing ties us gloves and petted all for shipping. The company even posted its efforts of packing pellets in the company said me headquarters on social media. Basically, all employees them forty of whom are chinese, were asked to source what for medical supplies. They could one company insider, told, told the herald exercise went on for weeks through January and February. He said the entire accounts department com, track managers, the human resources team and even reception were sent on a mission to find bulk supplies of surgical, masks, thermometers, antibacterial sensitized, gloves and pedal there were numerous requests from the H. Our manager and even our direct reporting line, which prioritized
assisting of the company in gathering these supplies over other work activities, the entire accounts department were absent for days as they were outpacing supplies. Now, why would imply? when an employee of what seems to be a real estate management company be sourcing, medical supplies because China, new This was going on from January to February, A Greenland Australia's Australia support the group's initiative. Arranging for medical supplies to be dispatched to China, which at the time was the epicenter of the outbreak. Chair Sherwood Le Loup, o the managing rector of Agreement, Australia, posted photographs of this occurring on social media, for instance on February thirteenth, and we shall combat compact Corona Virus Greenland really is taking action. The second batch of non contact forward thermometers will soon take off to China
one of our situation is serious. Chinese people, local and overseas are trying their best fighting together to combat the virus at this time. At this time, China was battling the covert nineteen epidemic as February Fourteenth Australia only at, t known cases according to accompany newsletter. The Greenland group sourced three million masks. Seven hundred thousand hazmat suits five hundred thousand pairs of gloves from Australia, Canada, Turkey and other countries. Now, first many of the people who are sourcing this it can be assumed, time we're saying China needs our help. We don't have that big of an outbreak, so you can call. You can talk this up to a bit as a major blunder from these countries, not realising they would meet. These supplies in the Sure but China has been lying to us the whole time and because of this, many people probably thought it wasn't. A big deal, we can help China. We don't need these things. It's not that bad. Let me show how bout a really is in a tweet from January fourteenth.
World Health organization said preliminary investigations conducted by the chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human to human transmission of the novel corona virus identified. In will hunt China. This is propaganda. We have it I'm line of events and in December Twenty fifth, according to the next were a view. They say chinese medical staff into hospitals and we're are suspected of, can acting viral pneumonia and our quarantine. This additional strong evidence of human to human transmission, and not even the first sir time and lightness December will on, hospitals, notice, an exponential increase in the number of cases that cannot be linked back to the Hunan Seafood wholesale market and is over thirty doktor Lee when being sent a message, Look up other doctors warning them about a possible outbreak of an illness that resent resembled Sars, urging them to take protective measures against the infection. The womb on December thirty. First, we're. On municipal help, Commission declares the Investigation
so far has not found any obvious human to human trends. And no medical staff infection. This is the opposite of the belief of the doctors, hang on patients and move on and to doktor. We're already suspected of contracting the virus. Three weeks after There's first started noticing the cases China contacts. The health organization TAT Lena a public health export in full, We're official with Shanghai Centre for Disease Control and prevention, tell the South China morning Post. I think we are now quite capable of killing it in the beginning phase, given China's Disease control system, emergency handing Capet handling capacity and clinical met medicine support January first, the on public security, Bro Bert Bureau, issued summons to Doktor Lee when Lang accusing him spreading rumours, two days later to police station Doktor Lee Side, a state acknowledging his misdemeanor and promising not to commit further unlawful acts? Seven other
people are arrested on similar charges and their fate is unknown. China arresting people, war warning this was spreading. They then tell but told the worth the World Health organization that there's no evidence why because they wanted to source supplies from other countries, so they could save themselves. First While I would say there actively trying to kill us now, because they're sending faulty supplies to other countries who now have to reject them, But I would also say based on this story: the World Health Organization accused of carrying China's water after official refuses to acknowledge Taiwan Ring bizarre interview. Now I'm not gonna get into the full politics of China and Taiwan, but suffice it to say Taiwanese itself as independent China does not. In an interview with the World Health Organization A woman. The journalist asks the World Health Organization. Let's see here,
say Hong Kong City, world City Bruce Aylward Slash who did an interview with Hong Kong's with hunger with Hungary's outlet. When asked about Taiwan, he pretended not to hear the quest the journalist asked again and he hangs up. In fact, it wasn't just that canadian physician Doktor Bruce eight aylward an aid to World Health organisation. Director general Doktor TED rose at Dunham, sat down for an interview with Archie H, cable, the krona virus outbreak. Where he was asked whether the organisation would consider Taiwan's membership for several seconds Aylward sat in silence, hello. The rapporteur asked I'm sorry, I couldn't area question you can respond to the doktor. Ok, let me repeat the question she said: no, that's! Ok! hey let's move to another one, then when she asked again the doktor hung up. This is a sign that this individual was trying very hard not to displease China. They wouldn't consider Taiwan's membership. He then comes back
she she calls back any says. Oh, you know, we ve talked about China, so you know we don't talk about it anymore. Taiwan is not China, at least by by time. On standard. Obviously China thinks it is. This shows the World Health Organisation is carrying water for China to suit to a certain degree. This is a canadian physician who did this Then we see the lies or the misinformation coming out of the World Health organization. This caused the problem we are facing. Now, if they had warned us, we could have reacted more quickly, but many people downplayed Be it local governments like build applause, YO in New York, Andrew Cuomo, Donald Trump, or even the media in this country, and while this is happening Ottawa faces, criticism for sending sixteen tons of personal protective equipment to China in February. This is all a part of the lies. They were doing. China's bidding and now
We in dire straits in desperate need of equipment we dont have Trump had to invoke the defence production ACT now, whether any orders companies to actually start Sport is in these things, we'll see many. This company companies are already volunteering, but in the UK, Boris Johnson is concerned that China is actually understanding there still lying about how severe it is, but that they're lying on purpose for predatory economic to gain predatory are I'm sorry to gain economic power through predatory means, a sore. Said quote there is a disgusting disinformation campaign going on and it is unacceptable that China his government. No, they ve got this badly wrong and rather than owning it they are spreading. Lies missed, Johnson has been warned by scientific advisers that China's officially declared statistics on the number of kroner virus cases could be downplayed by a factor of fifteen to forty two,
I'm a number ten believes China is seeking to build its economic power during the pandemic, with quote predator predatory offers of help, two countries around the world. A major review of birth foreign policy has been shelved due to covet nineteen outbreak and will not report until the impact of the virus can be assessed. Government source, close their view, said it is going to be back. It is going to be back to the deplore. Drawing board for this rethink is an understatement. And other sources. There has to be a getting when this is over in another, The anger, the anger, goes right to the top. Spain received faulty corona virus testing kits Cha cha his company, Spain, returns faulty testing gets bought from chinese company as experts HIV. Is filling the void left by Europe's usual, go to ally the? U S or it could be
that China is sending out faulty medical supplies, because they're trying to actively hurt us, which is pretty accommodating assumption. That's the case, Nbc reporter ends up getting blasted after praising China for stepping into Help ITALY battle the Krona virus. You see ITALY found that the tests weren't working and several countries started. Rejecting countries rejects China Pandemic product batches it from the financial times. RO countries in or neighbouring the EU have rejected Chinese made kind of ours, testing kits and protective equipment as substandard raising concerns with the quality of supplies? The Netherlands, Spain and Turkey have all claimed there have been problems of products, including masks and tests, as rising confirmed cases of covered nineteen infection in Europe. Increased dependence on chinese imports, the claims commas tensions grow over what the EU top diplomat has branded Beijing's use of the politics of
Morality in the battle of narrative in a battle of narratives over who were the most reliable international partners in the global crisis, but our health ministry set at the weekend. It was forced to recall six hundred thousand face masks shipped from China on March twenty first after they were found to be defective, which I find strange, because we had been manufacturing lot of our supplies in China. Many the supplies we have now that work came from China. So how is it that China's able to mass produce, working equipment. They lie about. What's going on, then start extracting much at a much of that equipment back from these countries like Australia and Canada to China and then send out, Faulty equipment- I would assume it is intentional- I would you don't have to but we have seen them actively sewing discord from Buzzfeed on March. Fifth,. Chinese trolls are spreading corona virus disinformation and Taiwan, even in five years of looking at troubling, disdainful every day
I'm not sure I've ever seen anything quite this malicious about this one from a daily beast China launches a fake news campaign to blame the? U S for corona virus, there's more from pro public up how China built eight it or propaganda machine. Then let it loose on the krona virus. Pro public analyzed thousands of fake and hijacked. Account to understand how covert Chinese propagate spreads around the globe. Wench, no lies and actively so's disinformation people lose their lives, but it's more than that when they send faulty medical equipment, people lose their lives. They're sending out misinformation that gets people killed on purpose, then I can safely say China is trying to kill us and many others
and then I'm gonna go. I assume that the equipment they're sending up is intentionally faulty because we used a buyer masks from them in the first place, with no problems. In fact, at one point, China recalled a cargo ship carrying medical supplies that we're headed to the: U S, they recalled it back to the to China to use for themselves so the so the supplies made their work for them, but this applies then sent to ITALY and airlines in Spain don't seem to work, but now we can see. Unfortunately, in our own country, people carrying water for the chinese government is a serious threat and anonymous five. We can do anything about it, because we have a lot of people who are in on the take. There were numerous stories going back a long time or what went back several months of professors seek. Lee receiving money from the chinese government, because China, one or two as to our research. These professors were arise
said they were lying, the federal government about receiving money from the chinese government. Now these people are facing prison time. The Washington Free Beacon reports, the economist, runs chinese chinese corona virus propaganda disguised as news chinese outlets, flapped, federal disclosure laws in this information campaign They say the propaganda advertise corals, which our adds designed to look like news stories come from the Beijing Review, an entity backed by the Chinese Communist Party. The outlet has never register the Department of Justice as required by the foreign agents, Straight ACT and does not include a legally required disclaimer that the aid is being pushed by a four nation. Why? Wouldn't the economist label these things? Why wouldn't they call out? And why would they take that money? I'll tell you why. The money is good, I mean look, we saw what happened with the big. You know chinese controvert. He's running NBA when that
when, when all this stuff out of going down in Hong Kong. What did we see? How many companies in the? U S, bent the needed China because they want to suckle the teat they what China's got and they will lie and sell out the? U S in order to get it. That's one of the biggest threat of staunch individualism that we face the people in this country many people country who don't care about this country. They just want money and power. When China offered them money and power, they took it and they're gonna lie and therefore defend this country that has actively causing harm and death in in the United States, Australia and many european nations it's about time, we'll start recalling it out, but unfortunately our media is, to a certain degree complicit from CNBC speaking to CNBC Squawk Box? On Wednesday, former Goldman Ex chief economist, Jim O Neill, the virus had brought the best and the worst of the chinese model Praise China saying thank God. This didn't starts up like somewhere, like in India. I just
if it had started India, they probably would have told us about it. They probably will told us and everyone else and it could have been taken care of properly. China is exploiting this for economic gain and their exploiting this to cause harm to other countries, like the United States, Senator Mc Sally says some in media are parroting chinese propaganda amid corona virus pandemic, and, yes, she is correct the Atlantic Rights President Tromp label, the novel corona virus, a foreign VI, this isn't a new strategy when it comes to popular naming of infectious disease, xenophobia has long played a prominent role, or we ve seen it across the board the desperate propaganda from the far left and from what not not that not everybody in the far left, but many, who would claim bigotry or otherwise or mainstream media outlets that receive advertising and major benefits. Machine is government, even mining economist, running ads for China, that's money for them
And now we can see the strange ideological propaganda from campus reform. The University of California tell Students do not say chinese virus and do not allow others to say at either. Why it originated in which, on there If we listen to us and causing harm to our country, why not call it the woman Krona virus or the chinese counterparts or China's krona virus? They don't take responsibility for that's true, but there are also trying to get us hurt, so we should call it. It is the council of Chief diversity officers at the university of California released a guidance document to announce supportive, positive and inclusive campaign climates during the covert nineteen crisis.
The list begins by telling students to reject racism, sexism, xenophobia and all hateful or intolerant speech, both in person and on line and to be an upstanding and discourage others from engaging in such behaviour. Now is not the time to play. I d ology and say this kind of weird stuff, but look if money professors were gonna, take selling research or giving way information to China and lying about it. Why I believe that these people aren't in on it either. There's probably more people money from China than we realize. Now, when it comes to critical research towards technological advancements, in other important bits of you know our economy that art that are being worked on and in colleges and universities, I can understand why the adds would investigate these things, but does anyone investigated these social justice humanity's or diversity? Individuals? Are they taking money? from China at all. Saying we should start which article like that. If the government is Eddie looking into this, and we have already found proof that people
lying about receiving money and getting arrested for it. Does the investigation stop there? I don't know I don't like witch hunts, on a single people on accuse anybody of being treasonous or anything like that, but we have to be careful because we have we have a hard advert Harry has been stealing our our intellectual property. They been extracting our maneuver, sharing and our resources and they're lying to us and watching us. Squirm New York is in serious trouble and its because we were lied to. We can't trust the chinese government is that the new, the chinese people it's their government, while at least the? U S is starting to take some action. U S, officials push. For expelling suspected chinese spies at media outlets, the Trump Administration Trump Administration officials are disk sing taking action ever China setting expel almost all american journalists for the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal. The concern here is, There are news organisations that are owned and controlled by the chinese government and the
we're working there, mostly just file intelligence reports, so our Really news outlets didn't seem to be the case. They say the action is under consideration because some of US officials want to retaliate against China and a new conflict that is reversed around news organisations and is being fuelled by us guilty over the chronic virus pandemic since the virus began spread across the. U S, washing and Beijing have waged a global information war over the outbreak. President Trump and is AIDS, are trying to Paris Also on China, where Communist Party officials initially covered the dangers of the virus, as it was first discovered. Mr Trump, though, has been criticized for ass failures in the american risk in the american response. The New York Times said China where this up I'm sorry New York Times most most Americans support the president and his efforts, and they do they give him high marks in job approval related to the krona virus, its China. That's cause this problem, not Donald Trump, and as much as we can.
We can criticise tromp for downplaying this initially the beginning, not as bad as other. But he did a little bit build a blog, YO downplayed it and so did Andrew Coma. But you know what I'm a tell you right now they all get a free pass from me on this one. You know why, because the real adversary here is China, they are actively trying to her still covered this up short build. A blog yo is what was was bumbling around and he was wrong, but some of its decisions were stop of the lies coming out of China. Now, by the time he was telling people to go, and you know, go on about their lives in the beginning of March. He should have known better, but I think China is responsible for the most part we could have acted much sooner and the World Health Organization is cut is carrying water for them, so we should not be listening to them either. We can't take care of ourselves and we can look to what's going on in ITALY to predict. What's gonna happen,
in the future and it's going to get bad social order is breaking down in southern ITALY. People are losing grocery stores; they are setting up Facebook pages, organizing raids on grocery stores. We don't want the same thing happen here. So at this point we must disregard the information coming out of China and we have to. We have two figures, one for ourselves, because even if we think that that that data could be valuable, we never know if it's tainted, even if we need the supplies while, as we know they dont work, China is sending out bad supplies, and I bet it's on purpose only with their necks annual becoming up at Youtube outcomes. TIM, cast news at six p m thanks, rang out, then I'll see you all their tensions are flaring up between New York and Rhode Island after it was reported road I in descending National Guard door to door to find people from New York and essentially force them into quarantine. If they don't do it, they could be arrested. They could face jail time. Potentially, six
days now, Andrew come of New York is threatening the Sioux. And has said that a hard quarantine on New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, would be a federal declaration of war Maybe you all saw my video from last night. Gonna say we're all decently. Worried still. I am a little bit Donald Trump announced yesterday that they are contemplating a hard quarantine on three states. Now he said New York, parts of New Jersey and parts of Connecticut, that makes sense, is basically talking about what they call the Tri state area, which would be the New York Metro. Essentially now, I'm in the Philadelphia Metro too. For the most part, I dont know if we would be well up in that, but if they did want to quarantine all the states, its very terrifying prospect- and this resulted in tens of millions of people being very, very worried is Eve when things start getting bad. It's all the rich people in these states which happen to live in New York, who have already dipped out very easily prob.
Happen. A helicopter from one of the EAST River launch, pads or Hudson launch pads loan down out soap to one of their summer homes in a different state. Well, with all of these, it's not all rich people to be honest, well with all of you, people fleeing alot of states are upset, they dont want the infection spreading, and I can understand that I am not particularly happy with the president coming on saying we're. Maybe gonna do this will see, but while some people are upset because they feel like he needlessly panicked everybody I don't know. Part of me is kind of happy that he was telling the world that you, you know he was contemplating doing it, but the main store that gonna get to hear is what's going on with Rhode Island, because the escalation of or a tactics will not stop here. There's a bunch of big stories about The need for ventilators there's a bunch of fake news, it's really difficult to know what is really going on and you come over it its is yelling. We need more ventilators. We don't have enough. Donald Trump says you do.
Almost as he doesn't. Tromp then says Most got him off stockpiled in Cuomo goes well yeah. We do have on stockpiled, but we need thirty thousand more. So the question is if they're claiming they have a shortage but they're sitting on stockpiles of ventilators. Why do we need more right now because of projection None of this. None of this is easy. To fall. I gotta be honest, but to see the National Guard going door to door? Look, I got. I got respect for those who serve in the National Guard or use military or whenever branch they servant and I'm not gonna put his as individuals, but we're getting like we're? We're we're on the edge of the Precipice man yesterday was us about a Tipp over with tromp, announcing potential state, quarantines and road islands, basically doing it now they can't go that as far as to say no cross border travel now be unconstitutional.
It's probably why Trump didn't and act accordingly ended up happening was the CDC is issuing strong travel advisory, asking residents of the three states not to travel domestically. I think it's gonna silly, because is like, I said for me, I'm in the Philadelphia Metro, not one of the hardest hit areas. It's the New York Metro. Now I think eventually it will, it will be done. I mean I'm a couple hours self of New York, so it's not it's not even the same area, but that's it. That's a challenge with figure out where to draw the lines, and you could potentially spark panic. There are some people who have jumped just over the than I believe the New Jersey State line into Philadelphia or or even new up. I'm sorry, Pennsylvania and Philadelphia get away from the stuff will see how things play out- let's see what's going on in Rhode Island, because this seems to be a decent escalation. Now we heard yesterday that they were hunting down New York or so Cuomo is, is quite upset, but
I do want to make sure I e you now for all of you watching we are going to rag on the fake news media cause. You know I love to do it right, daily mail reports the Rhode Island National Guard is going door to door and coastal communities on Saturday to tell visiting workers have a mandatory fourteen day. Quarantine as a few discover Governor Andrew Como threatens to sue over what they reactionary policy not now hold on. While I can certainly be concern the national guards going go to door unflagging people down a modern dude, we're not at that point. Yet we haven't cross that line. We haven't jumped off the cliff. It's a bunch of deeds who happened, be wearing uniforms, knocking at our door and sang if you're from New York Police Self Quarantine. For fourteen is, if you doubt you could be arrested, that's getting close the lot at ethnic, we're standing on. Ok, if right now, all their doing is advising people I'm not. Really. All that I look you know It's it's disconcerting when you think about what comes next, but as of right now I wouldn't forgotten
if national contract my door. I b, I appreciate the adds up, beg you the measure extreme is another. Because the New York City areas the epicenter of the crowd of Iris pandemic in the U S and is needed to control its spread, Rhode Island. When our Gina Raimondo set on Saturday. The came the same day: state police are pulling over vehicles with New York, license plates to get contact information for drivers and passengers and to inform them of the quarantine order you can see all these photos. We have here almost not happy people who break the order, face fines and even arrest for subsequent violations. The democratic governor said the acl. You are Rhode Island on Thursday questioned the constitutionality of power. Over vehicles for no other reason than having a New York plate because you can- actually have a car registered to one place and live in another for a certain period of time, you're supposed to get a regular within a certain period of time. But what if you had been visiting family? What are you from New York and
for all this, when you know, went off your visiting family in Rhode, island, yours, I ominous spend a month out here. No one! not unreasonable to do if you're just visiting someone for a month or two in fact think about foreign countries, you, a three month visa. When you go to Europe, so you can, you can feasibly be like if the Christmas holidays, I'm gonna, go up for the next couple of months to see family in Rhode, Island, I've got a New York licence blame also the national guards knock on your door in your like dude. I've been here since before the outbreak, but they're going to impose a quarantine on you anyway. There's a lot of problems with just pointing the finger at solemn because of their license plate. A reminder that Friday should consult with lawyers and as an end, is in sight the White House and CDC Guidelines, commerce. If my motto doesn't walked back the policy, you will take a court, you Norman. I got I'm I'm with calm on this one. I do
wanna, see states, locking down their borders and them targeting people based on a license plate or something I'm not a fan of that we are the United States where one country and what's what comes next, is the big question because of their lockdown state borders, while not cities, What county is? Why not one city maybe be in New York right, maybe maybe pixie just north of New York City. By a couple our economic up allows our. So what if they put bear borders? Checkpoints around their citizens had no get common, because you guys you sick, If we can't, I don't think we can do so by December sides. The more important point is that it's basically already too late quote talking to Rhode. Island now, Cuomo said Otto on CNN. If they dont role, that policy, I'm going to sue Rhode, island no state should be using police to limit interstate travel. While Rhode Island risk, a wrote, Rhode, island responses. Has been solid. The state is unprepared for you here surge in cases such as experts,
in New York and New Orleans, because of that she extended this, social distancing guidelines that include no public. The rings of more than ten people and limiting restaurants to take out delivery service until April thirteenth not New Jersey. I told you a couple. People got arrested, frightening gets gather, it happened again. I do know the full details, but some tiny apartment and they called it a corona virus party. Now. Some people are claiming that the goal of the parties for I wanna get sick, so then get over it. I don't necessarily go that's the case. I think they're, just people having parties, but the guy the party apparently got arrested? That's where we're at now, and they don't know that's even I don't have you can do that government does not have the right to stop people from peaceable peacefully or peaceably assembling under
emergency orders perhaps think that there could be a court case. That's very dangerous precedent. Imagine a bunch of people gathered in a public square to denounce the government's authoritarian restrictions on movement and travel because of the emergency fortunately, that's the first amendment protects now they would argue under an emergency. We can suspend those rights. Not oh, that's supposed to put the constitution is for what has been done in the past. There have been suspension of civil liberties and to me- I don't know how you bound so too. If people are to have a party isn't that protected under the first amendment you can't go up and I mean look of there being noisy and there are, like you know, doing things that are illegal. Whenever I get you can break or party up, but if the only thing you're saying is that there are too many people hanging out. Should that be allowed? I am, The answer is no, but that's a principle, mission and the challenges we got a serious virus sweeping through that their country
the world another you ass, a hundred twenty three thousand, or so you know cases. So, look now tell you what, when Trot made an announcement about quarantine, that was for definitely got worried. We had a conversation with friends, you know here and in other places like what should we do, because if you wait, if they say you know what we're gonna lock everything down, still it if they say we're thinking about it, I mean, if you really want to get out, that's time they get out now the bigger question, as should you even get out, because in quarantine. For a reason, the other issues that you know where I live in South Jersey on nowhere near any the epicenter. While I should say nowhere near as relative on a couple hours away, and none of us have been out so we're all healthy and fine. That's the We have a quarantine, though they dont know they won't take the rest. They tried everything down. Would they shot us down? I dont know, but I'll tell you what a lot of people want when a g t f, o we'll see how things plan for the time It won't happen, but we still are seeing an escalation in. I don't want it. You know
look we're getting close to authoritarian measures and you have to keep an eye on this stuff because never gonna be a finger snap. Then one day, wake up and be like, oh and by the way, if you leave, your house will be shot on site now, they're gonna be like. Please everyone staying your homes. You can go out that a couple weeks we're gonna be like we don't want leaving their homes. If you're seen outside will receive a fun, then they're gonna be like. If you go outside, you will be detained, you see where it leads to, because people violating these orders and asking probably doesn't seem to work for the most part. I am not advocating I'm absolutely resisting Annie. You know increment incremental towards the authoritarian, but you can see where things go. Some people have said the quarantines too little too late. Even if troubles gonna do it and by saying he was thinking about it, people probably flood already, but more importantly, people fled already anyway, you a lot of people have gotten out of the northeast and that's Why Rhode Island is doing this, but let's
I want to show you something. That's really really funny about. What's going on, it's really do got to know. What's true, I gotta be honest. I'm sorry, people on the left and the right fight against each other. The last in the left, even the right and the right in disagreement over what's going on with our policies, are everybody seems to be broken down in fighting over a bunch of things. The stimulus package, whether there should be quarantine stuff- and One of the reasons as the media is just there's no trust in it, but I bring you now to some I saw overrun. Read it more, by words. Are you familiar with the ordered by words celebrated. If not, let me enlighten you its basic really a dedicated to people getting you know mocked on social media, someone will say something, and then someone like something stupid and then someone else respond with this overly verbose and often I am very smart insult murdered by words. Is you get it now? This woman, this is the top posts right now mind you and it's hilarious, how much comments it said. Molly
by words getting advice from Karen Anna Correira tweeted, just in fifty one italian, doctors who tested positive record of ours have died at tat an association of doctors are response someone on Twitter named Dick broken soldier. Could we get? This can armed by a non Emma S. M source question mark lie: Laana Monitor, verified twitter user, responded, this statement from the Italian Association of doctors, who do you want to hear it from Karen on Facebook ah sure sure sure murdered that guy by words I'll tell you what but dumb these people are oblivious annulment. Research found yes, The news media is the least trusted group when it comes to delivering an commissioner, the corona virus and quote somebody like me: it's considered substantially more trustworthy. Now, that's what they're mocking! Oh!
you really rather here that some someone? Why are you know like Karen on Facebook? That's how little people actually trust the media dude he S. They would rather get it from Hereupon Karen on such on Facebook is the best part. They think the dunes, a Trump supporter, or some of them. Some of them do. They think it gets his information from Alex Jones, not album, seldom call them out as the enlightened centrist. I respect that enlightened centrists, you know here we are. So let me I love you bought the comments here, getting advice from Karen here's, a top comment I can only imagine where that fella gets his news from and they said Alex Jones. Let me show you some see. A low blue hat and the little Hawaiian lay flower. This person's clear a yang or tools. He supporter, and their image shows too,
an Hilary. Yes, enlightened, centrists timing, but that's how they that's it. That's all these people view the world in which really funny that, even though we have all these poles showing that nobody trusts the media and, in my opinion, for good reason, the people unread it read it. In my opinion, is like the toilet of the new cycle, because I ll give you an ugly outbreaks. Africa up, they are not actually looking at the twitter threaten. The twitter threat is the real conversation. If you're on Twitter, You will see what these people are saying to each other. Now the toilet ball of red. It is the screen grab recycling of the out of context tweet, so these people are getting our information like third or fourth hand there. It's reminds me of, like you, ve, future. I am aware that the mutants Levin Underne under New York City and all the refuge comes down and then
use that to build their houses and stuff. That's kind of ones like these other, though, that that the sewer people absorbing all the garbage toilet information and then garb link up thinking. It's real. This dude clearly doesn't watch Alex. Or maybe does our no, but why would you think a Yang supporters watching Alex Jones o because you don't Chile watch the news. You have no idea what you're talking about and you live and toilet bubble where people vomit bad information in the toilet, and then you garbled up. Congratulations. Some some people have, actually pointed out that look. Look at this even though I M by some means someone said, on Amazon, then saw responded: mainstream media o f. We are breathing for abbreviating. That now is a really good example of people who don't do any real investigate. These are the people who are probably sitting on their phones, scrolling and then saying I dont know. That means well to the average person who actually investigates news. They probably know what am ass means, but if you're someone
just browsing the default of read it and you're being you know, people are vomiting. Word worlds, word vomit! All over your face. You don't want any of it means because the information you're getting his absolute garbage, but don't take my word for it. Perhaps you can take the word of gallop poles. The news media has the highest disapproval. Writing Donald Trump is since considered that there is approved, has a sixty percent approval, writing and the media as a forty four percent approval. Writing. So. Ah, yes, your child school or day care approval much much higher than the media. Nobody is interested men. Let me show you something real, quick, this story from politico Trump downplays need for ventilators, as New York begs to differ quote, I don't believe you need forty or thirty thousand ventilators. The president said what city and state officials say they require far more than the administration is providing so trot an interesting point. He said yes, don't. You see these your hospitals and they'll have a couple of
Well, there's another saying they need thirty thousand here's what he said. I have a feeling The numbers that are being set in some areas are just bigger than they're going to beat. I don't believe you need forty and we're thousand Van ventilators you go into major hospital, sometimes and they'll have ventilators and now, all of a sudden, nothing can we or thirty thousand yeah they doctored upper works. So that so keep in mind. The story is from the twenty six Doktor Burke's said. In a news living on Thursday, but she was told me had enough ventilators to meet current needs, while there maybe shortages in urban areas. Like New York City, she said there are parts of the state that have lots of ventilators and other parts of New York state that don't have any infections right now. Ok, so why is Cuomo demanding that we get more ventilators? He says the interesting thing is. A doctor Burke said that New York City made there. Maybe shortages in urban areas like there said you have the latest development. As this one is absolutely fascinating.
Governor Cuomo on ventilators in New York City, they are in a stock pile. We don't need them until the apex, whoa whoa whoa whoa May I thought there was a shortage will you mean the rest stockpile why demanding more ventilation. The federal government, when you're, not even using the ones you already have now hold on. I get it you could argue well, they might need them soon, Como saying once they reach the apex, they will need it and what if New Orleans becomes a hot spot and they need ventilators if New York, state has stockpiled, ventilators and other better other ventilators, not in use around their state. Why don't they? Just so the ones they have. That's the argument he's making two trumps quite literally tromp ass, to consider the amount of ventilators. They have you not there in production and where he's gonna be sending them,
New York already has more than needs for the time being? They may need more. That makes sense, but what, if another area becomes a major hotspot, tromp ass, to make sure he gets the the right amount of ventilators to the right places and just because New York is a hotspot now doesn't mean that Seattle won't be or new or Philadelphia won't be in which case it would makes no sense to start sending all of the Van to New York City, especially when most got them in a stockpile. So you I can make the exact same argument to Cuomo. Why don't you take the vital areas on the other areas that aren't using and send him to the city. That's drafting trumped to do why? Don't you Tropic ventilators that are potentially for other areas and send them to your city. Will you could do the same thing? You're not doing it. I think it's it's to say they may come to a point where they need a tunnel ventilators. But it's really is shocking that he sang he needs forty thousand. He may be right, and that's that's really really scary, this in the UK. It there
outraged over what China sang blaming the? U S and the UK if China may be lying, but the number of infected by forty fold forty. So that means that could be potentially three out of four thousand people in China who have an effect infected and it makes sense in the: U S: what a hundred twenty three thousand several out. I believe we have a couple I listened to have already died. How could China have less than everyone else unless they're lying you see, riots erupted in war on a couple days ago, I dont think Chinatown ensure that their breaking down and they gave out around five thousand earns but claimed only three thousand deaden, that's weird well I'll, leave it there, because I don't does ran, read about literally everything were saying, but I will come back to the main topic here to wrap things up. If we'll get a handle on this
then the authoritarian measures will see will continue to escalate and people are already bugging out, and I mean it. A lot of people are started right, renting, airborne bees and other states like rural properties, rent in them out for months on end is that this has been reported celebrities, for instance, some people get on boats and kick it off, but taken their little boats. Lux loaded with supplies and just dipping up people are freaking out. People are spreading out, has been have major major consequences beyond just what we're dealing with now the economy, but the election census sort of interest, I'll leave their necks signal, be at one p m on this gentle, and I will see you all them. Social order is beginning to break down in ITALY, because people don't have money, they are desperate and their hungry, and this may reported by multiple news outlets? We have this from that from the F P police, with batons and guns have moved in to protect Superman. Gets on the italian island of Sicily. After reports of
reading by locals. Who could no longer afford food, and this is things start getting scare stories for you, man. Italy is a few weeks in front of us We're not necessarily gonna be the same as ITALY. They got a different social structure in many different ways. They are very similar to us. There much said more similar to us and China, for instance, China locked everybody down, but even in war. On recently there was rioting because the people didn't want. You be locked down and one they weren't being allowed to cross this bridge into a different city, so they actually flip the police go to understand a serious that is because China is an authoritarian dictatorship. The communist party detains people for saying that the wrong thing or thinking the wrong thing, what you think would do to someone who flips a police car. These people are at their wits end and social order has begun to break down even in a communist country like China in ITALY, it's much it's much more sad. People have families, there are children,
one story of a man saying his mother was begging for food, so he went to go. Take it by any means necessary in the police had to stop him If we are only a few weeks behind ITALY at what point do we start the same thing unfortunate The stimulus bill will not be enough. Will it? Well? We don't know, but many people are It's not enough. Hospitals are fading facing short shortages, and we are going to see hospitals overwhelmed and if we do, then social order breaks down to a much more terrified degree, every one wants to save their life and the lives of their friends in their families and when it comes down to the threat to them. Personally, that's when you see things fall apart. I have personally witnessed at least one revolution in Egypt, but I've seen men. Different civil moments of civil unrest, and I was reading a worry about why people, revolt and one of the key factors is that food becomes less available if the cost goes up and people can't afford food.
What would it where they supposed to do? A person will not just roll over for the most part and die if they can't get food, they will go and take it and that's what we are seeing now: ITALY becoming impatient with life, down, and social unrest is brewing. Pole descend on a supermarket. After reports, people have stolen food to feed themselves, as patients turns to desperation but you have emerged of desperate people in ITALY begging for help, because they have run out of money and food well into its week of the crown of ours lockdown. Italy is still seeing many hundreds of people dying each day. Progress in containing the covert nineteen spread is slow, hope and patients are fading and the economic cost is becoming ever more acute. In this vote, you can see a desperate man shouting at a police officer. The strain is showing in the south of the country where one man in a pool, reportedly called police after the bank closed and they couldn't withdraw his mother's pension. There only income
For it shows him shouting at officers telling them the family has no money. His mother is begging them to go to to their home, so she could show them. They have no food, it's hard to watch its what, aspiration looks like another. Video has been share on the country showing Father with his young daughter, addressing the italian Prime Minister, saying it's already. Fifty two twenty days but we ve been inside and we're at our limit. He gestures to his little girl, who is eating, of bread and says, like my daughter, other children in a few days won't be able to eat this bit of bread rest assured your work. You will regret this because we are going to of a revolution in ITALY, a european country, not the same as us, but yes when people can't get food now many of you might not have children. Many of you may, those that do you understand what this man means and just how close it may actually be to complete social.
Evil. I assume most people can at least empathize or understand that when Sir one has a child and a child needs food or protection. They would they would like themselves down on the land mine to save their kid, they would absolutely kick in a glass window and get the food their child needs this. How humans have survived for for so long, the willingness to sacrifice everything to save their children. When this man says my kid can't eat, he says there will be a revolution images have also emerged of police descending on supermarkets in Poland in Sicily after reports, people have started stealing to feed themselves and have been set up in the last few days on social media to organise raids, supermarkets, Sky NEWS was sent a video message of man in Sicily, with a gun even offering to kill the mayor of Poles. No sky news crime gangs are exploiting people's hardship and inciting violence. He wore
a social emergency as next and Europe comes after that Martial law, complete military lockdown. Discomfort and Malays are growing and we are required worrying reports of protest and anger that has been exploited by criminals who want to destabilize the system. As a government exaggeration is desperate people who are trying to get by any means necessary, ensure there criminals. Do they really want to destabilize the system? Now, that's comic book villainy. What they really want is an opportunity to get access to resources, a person whose offering to kill or setting up groups for writing supermarkets threat. Doing it, because they're just twirling their mustache sang the end will bring it now. They're saying how do I get food? How do I get shelter? How do I pay my bills? How to take care of myself? Some people are, criminals and they'll say I offer my services didn't, want the system to stabilize then in fact, most people even villains want the system to function. So they get access to resources, it's about ensuring they get, what they need:
the more time passes. The more resources are exhausted. If you say people have are running out. This tells Socio economic issues will erupt ITALY's. Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conti has made twenty five billion euro available to support families and businesses affected by the lockdown. Some stay there still waiting for that help. Others don't qualify because their employment is not officially recorded. Italy has a big cash economy of unregistered workers. The large majority of this is in the south. The further south you go the higher the level of deprivation and the higher the unemployment while the virus hasn't reached the same crisis levels in southern ITALY, hunger and hardship threatened to be even bigger problems. Italy is ahead of other countries in this outbreak, and unrest threatens to be the next chapter in this crisis. As the country struggles to bring the virus spread under control, the government has extended lockdown from three April. Third, with no new deadline. Lockdown is the only solution to save lives, but in southern
for many. It feels like its threatening their. Survival. This why Donald Trump said we need to reopen things principle present, presumably presumably by Easter. He wasn't saying it is in my opinion, because it to guarantee he sang it, because if people don't see a light at the end of the tunnel, then you get riots. Well, you gonna market collapse, followed by an irreparable situation. People need to know things will eventually work out. They need to say we just need to wait this out until at least Easter But doctors in the media, one or rain on that parade that stokes fear not be honest. We may or may not open up on the twelve our economy, its possible trump is just trying to give people hope
and show there is light at the end of the tunnel. It may be. We have no choice but to open up the possibilities. There though, I lean towards his ears, I think lap and I think by the twelve Trump will do a press conference with Doktor Burke's, maybe doktor Fouch, eat and they'll say we think we can open now, but, as a matter of precaution, we're gonna extended one. Or weak. Then we can go by and they'll say everyone seems to be doing well. The marketing market is doing well. So we all think that maybe just more meet one week. That way we can guarantee these excellent returns on the market or will return a strike they'll. Do it that way in my opinion, will see what happens. I mean I could be wrong, but I think that's what they might do, because it'll keep people saying like ok, one more week, one more. We can do it a couple times.
What. If they came out and said, we have no idea what things will open up. Maybe two years people are gonna, be like nope. Ask that an that's crazy in other media that they they want escort you wanna talk about people who want to destroy and destabilize the at the least society. It is the media, no matter what the President says, that you say it's wrong, it's bad and they give people fear and their very pessimistic now look I'll be honest. I won't sugar called things for you, but I'll, try and tighter. That's my Billy. What's going on, I think tromp is doing a pretty good job. I think giving people hope and and offer the possibility. We reopen things is a good thing and it made it might not happen Tromp himself said it may or may not happen when it came to the and he said it might might or might not work, but people need hope and the media I to destroy that and if people have no hope you get this they're not gonna sit around waiting for their kid to go hungry, they're, gonna go and take it
and it's a lot of other scary stories, one we covered a few days ago. Hospitals consider universal, do not resuscitate orders for krona virus patients and might also come down to the fact that your kid or your, your mother or whoever it was in the hospital will not be saved if their heart stops at their breeding stops. The doktor will just hold you back. Say no. We are not going to try that's where we're close to, but we have already seen some draconian measures slut. If you wanna talk about locking down certain things, you need to stop the spread Dogan Clubbing, Dunkel bowling whenever I get it. Why? down done, stores allay sheriff orders all guns stores closed amid corona virus shut down. What were they thinking? Well, it could be as you see. This huge line of work Angeles, presumably now liberals are concerned with residence lining a gun store. We have seen something
truly amazing in major urban centres, guns are being sold out, ammo sold out, people are buying up whenever they can, they started to realize. Perhaps you're gonna need a weapon to protect yourself. Otherwise, you will be left out in the dust for all the people in these in these districts any set cities and counties whatever that were voting to ban weapons. Well, now you can reap what you have sown. The they county sheriff, shut it down. So you won't get one now, fortunately, for those urban liberals who were trying to buy a gun, your conservative republican president just
firearms, federalist of critical pandemic infrastructure. I do find it kind of funny because, to be honest, I dont think guns are critical infrastructure, but I do believe the stores remain open simply based on the fact. It is a constitutional right and if that's the case, whether I think it's important or not, you can shut down things that aren't, like you know, night clubs and bowling alleys. But if people have a right to own weapons, the right shall not be infringed. You cannot shut down these stores and Anna and I'll be fair to an extent. There is a good, critical infrastructure argument: its home defines itself defence a spy really one police are overwhelmed, so it makes a lot of sense, but the stimulus package is not gonna be enough, and that's where things get scary, we're going to see more draconian measures were already seeing in Rhode, Island National Guard going door to door hunting
down what their literally I mean there actually polio refugees from New York New York. The episode of the pandemic people are fleeing I'll. Tell you what men? I really really do think this will get worse worse. You know why they told me this. On the tv, the surgeon general said it will get worse, fancy it will get worse are telling us every day, Troms trying to give us hope, it's the right thing to do, but it's not a conspiracy, it's not paranoia to say it will get worse. Doktor. Forty two Jake Tapir quote looking at what we are seeing now. I would say that when one hundred thousand two hundred thousand cases of credit excuse me deaths, I mean we're going to have millions of cases. This is going to get a lot worse before it gets better doctor
found she sang a hundred two hundred thousand dead? China's line and the UK thinks their numbers may be forty times higher. It's kind of its kind of crazy that we had this meme about a pandemic coming because of a pandemic every in a hundred years and at an end it happened. It's absolutely insane, but I'll tell you what relief package billions can't buy hospitals out of shortages. This is why the economy must start up again. I don't know what you want. I don't know you hope, for. If we have the economy shot down, ban people will die because the hospitals can't get what they need. Then people will start writing because they can't work and their hungry, and if you open the economy back up, people will die of this virus. Perhaps the only thing we can do is realised. We can control nature and these things will happen. We can mitigate the damage
We can be smart. Our appears this here's, the thing you cannot change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sales if a storm is coming Then I am in the storm, is here: what are we gonna do? Are we gonna just lock everyone away in their homes for money. For years. That's it that's impossible. People will eve and they will go riot. They will kill doors, and you know why, because their mother is hungry, because their daughter is hunger because their son is hungry, their grandfather father there brother anybody, someone they care about, will be in dire straits in desperate need, and they will say I don't care, I'm going out every man for themselves. They'll do were already starting to see it. The next action, I think, will see from from ITALY because they parted the port deployed police is gonna, be more of a milk, militaristic response, which will then result in what we ve seen in the arab spring. In other countries, the police, the military, will come out they'll trying
while the uprising in the unrest but hungry people have nothing to lose its at that point, kill or be killed. Basically, and then you'll get a revolution and in that revenue can you will get many dad many infected and the stores will collapse and will be worse than you could possibly imagine now. I don't know if that's gonna happen, I'm not saying it's about maternity, connections and it will happen what I'm telling you is doctor found. She just told us get a lot worse, the surgeon general how to go about getting a lot worse. We have numerous stories saying that the state this package will not be enough. There's already talk of another stimulus package, and I don't think that will be enough either after resting those packages Congress already preparing phase for we just dumped what six trillion dollars need. Economy you real.
That's only gonna go so far. You know what happens when we just print money like crazy, rapid inflation. We are going to end up in Venezuela situation, but what's the alternative? This is that this is the challenge by locking down the economy, people won't eat, we see what happens in ITALY, so we can have the entire society breakdown in collapse. The alternative is also scary, open things back up the kind of our spreads and infects. Hundreds of thousands of people
So people die. I'm sorry in fact millions of people. What do you do? I don't know, I don't think anybody wants to be the person to say you don't let them eat cake or whatever know nobody wants to accept responsibility, that a hard decision will have to be made. The economy may have to open up, perhaps there's a happy medium. Perhaps we can slowly start reopening certain stores with with skeleton crew staff, younger people, some some of it. I have suggested isolating immune compromised people and the elderly, and then starting, you know the economy back up. They want to dismiss tromp, but the stimulus won't be enough and Trump is right that the cure could be worse than the disease itself. The reality may be. We are going to get a really bad situation. No matter what we do so, what's the Tom. If Trump had suspended travel in January, they would have screamed like for everybody. I mean if trumps in January, I voted the, U S, shelter in place for two,
ex. So we don't catch this thing you do, you have to longer than because ITALY, a stone fact, is there still a pencil, but let me just say the beginning of February, tribe was like were closing our borders down completely, and everyone must shelter in place until this thing and they would call him a dictator, they would call a fascist and they would write revolt, so trumped doesn't do that, but he does roll out the kind of our task force and other pact of measures and out too late. Now, when trumpets talking about quarantine than York, much people say it's too late shouldn't two weeks ago, two weeks ago. It wasn't that bad. If he did, they would have screamed in his face now that it's too They said you should two weeks ago. There's no answer, no matter what trump does it will be wrong? So what do you do pick? One? collapse, the economy, Social unrest revolution or the virus gets a lot of people sick and they die No one wants to be the person to make. The decision is like trolley problem. You familiar with this,
one person here you five people there. The train is headed for the five. You can save him, but you gotta pull the lever to kill that one person, that's the trolley problem. Nobody wants to pull the lover and that's my understanding. Most people wouldn't do it. So you back away and say I will not take an action that will hurt one person, even if we're headed our train is heading one of the cliff I'll put it up put another way if the economic collapse and the massive pumping out of cash to our economy is one side of a truck. That's where we're going. That's not five people in a track. That's the entire train were on about a fly off the cliff. But if you pull the lover, there are people on the other track and the train would move and it would kill all of them. Many of them and the train would would make it. Nobody wants to make the call I don't know if it's the right or not, I don't have my depiction of things is accurate and that's the problem. No one knows which site which tractor actually looking at. Are we on the one? That's gonna write the cliff, or are we
the one? That's just gonna, hurt a lot of people. I think economic collapse will be worse, keep your eyes on ITALY, because there are a couple weeks ahead of us, and I say it again. I know we're not the same, but we are very similar, how long? Until someone in the? U S, as my kid needs food out of my way, how long until someone says my mother is begging me, she starving out of my way and then how long until we see cops, come up in Rhode, island there going door to door, keep in mind I'll see you at four p m you to become slashed him care. Thanks rang out. Buzzfeed says that the media is facing extinction level event many media companies are collapsing. Amid collapsing. Add revenues The economy is taking a major hat and you I gotta say I feel for everybody, you lose your job. It's not calls at the waist wants to go out. If your business can't survive in any normal circumstanced, then yes, your business, probably shut but right now, it's all artificial. So much as I disagree, many of these organisations and have nothing but decision
and for many of them it is kind of a bomb or to see people lose their jobs. This way right, it's not a fair fight. However, we are seeing now another news organization brandish its hypocrisy, number one. The young Turks were facing a potential unionization among its staff in Genk Huger. The progressives who champions League the union's resist won't now we're seeing something similar see over at truth, dig a leftist act, a progressive publication, many of the workers decided to go on a strike. It was a work stoppage because they're making several demands. The company did in all of its progressive glory it just shut up, you know a man they just shut down. The first thing I want to say is as a couple people here, this company. I think you're kind of all right Chris Hedges, bit of a lefty guy, I'm not so much a fundamental problem all that much but he's all right guy for the most part leak.
Is also a pretty good. Do I know em, I think, he's a good guy. I disagree with them on some political stop bats. Finally, camps who will do so. I'm statuses affecting you know, people likely and people like cress, although I dont know too much about Chris. I don't know after the war either I'll. Tell you what man, if you want to work for these companies under the assumption. Their progressive, like an you, think, they're gonna, protect you. I got a bridge Simon their businesses. We see it time and time again, but now here's the the juciest part of this whole story. First, salon dot com reports, truth dig staff laid off amid work stoppage you rip what you have sown: ok and I'm not trying to be overly disrespect, learn if they become on men. These companies don't care about you. They are putting out these rest of message. This message: it's a lie: they don't actually care about this stuff because when it comes to then put their money where their mouth is. They just terminate everybody inch of the company down and take the cash and put in your pocket.
They never cared about these values. They exploited. You and you know what your report So, ok, I can really say, but I'll tell you what this article and the subsequent articles suppose the incestuous nature of the media, and it is mind numbingly awful. So on rights, this article about people being laid off, and yet the article actually is it's just inside baseball. It is so extremely s so terek. I can't even read it to you because it be like. I don't know who Bobby I kid you not in one of the court's they get. They say that boy in our view, was the only person standing of our noble Bob is. Why would I read article about a guy named Bob? I have one last name who is Z and Robert who know what you're talking about salon. What an article that seems to be For the ten people who hang out with each other at the bar every day after work, I'm acting and over at the that,
the truth dig letter that was written by these employees. I don't know who any of these people are, and I don't know why I should care if you want me to care about your cause, don't write it like riding for your buddy. You have drinks with I'm, then look Some media does work when you write about when you write to that you're talking to a friend right kind like what I'm doing now, but what, if Do you like this story? actually really crazy cause. James was like he came over ISA, dude serious, not even going to and then bill was all like. Do you getting fired, you'd be like I don't know who these people on a don't care now, you may be saying that right now to why do I care about these people? Writing these articles. Well, tell you what this is a perfect example of how awful media's and what and how awful meat It is particularly in New York City and why it is these companies are Basically one company, you know I used to work for them, and I've been to the bar I've been to these bar gatherings a couple of times. You see these journalists to work for different companies. Many of them know each other
and after work. They all say like hey, we're all going to meet up at this bar. Let's show up, they all show up sit down at the table and they all regurgitate the same trash talking points and snow it. So it's no surprise they all these different. I would say the exact same things and its exemplified in the future that their writing about each other, and no one would have any idea how much you are sitting at the bar with them, and you know these people were so when it comes to narratives, in bad all the fake new staff, you know big, it's all right, whatever its, because they'll start at a bar one guy I'll, be like you. Did you see like that all right? I did this thing and now go and the next day they all right. The same story, so the media's collapsing and we ve got this stupid public back and forth first than they did as they write this letter saying you know We demand, you know better working conditions and I respect that they wanted. You know what they want. Better conditions on and off, it's possible that for the company to pay, but they wanted it so then what s happening was the pub
sure and see YO. I guess just like shut everything down and said we are officially shutting So then they were another letter, and I don't think anybody cares bizarre that the few important always would just be, in my opinion, the hypocrisy. But this is just the beginning. Why would they lay everyone off while the just terminate the site amid a strike. It's probably because there's no recovery for these bees, these websites, right now, advertising spending is going down and, according to parents, add spending collapse will be worse than in the finance crisis. That means if you're saying this one collapse, you're seeing Buzzfeed scream, it's an extinction level event, and were already seeing many people get laid off. Oh, the worst is yet to come. This won't likely a fact, many of the conservative outlets who have been flourishing and doing really well. You know why these leftwing media sites and not necessarily truth dig, but many of them operated of venture capital. They were growing in organically
proud, because people don't I mean the way people consume news on the left versus the writer very different. Someone would go to sea the daily wire because they were, see what the daily wire has to say about certain things. Somebody would go to buzz, because someone posted a link on Buzzfeed and it was rage bait, so the people on the right and not necessarily like everyone does is conservative, but this this tends to lead to our conservative. In our perspective, these are people who are actively searching for information that people who go to say like vocs or Buzzfeed, aren't there being sent links and they probably don't pay much attention so, believe. The fake news these companies are have relied heavily reliant on an existing at infrastructure, whereas conservative sites have been flourishing in expanding and will take ahead, but probably won't be that bad Baron says: advertising budgets will likely fall even more in the current krona virus, driven economic slowdown than they did in the crisis of two thousand, and nine
survey released Friday by the Interactive Advertising bureau three hundred. Ninety media buyers, planners and executives about their advertising plans for the rest of twenty twenty. The group represents six hundred fifty companies. The research found that nearly a quarter have paused all advertising spending for the second quarter. Another forty six percent are reducing their budgets. The inn back in the second half of the year is expected to be more modest? Although my say that it is too early to know of the survey group. Forty four percent of the impact of the current slow down, we'll be substantially worse than the o, eight or nine crisis and another percent, say, will be somewhat worse. You know, I think, we'll see what we can see a major collapse and laughing media publications. Kinda, like truth, dig, don't expect to strike at a time when everyone's you know collapsing, but you know aid, no, nine years The rise of a lot of in you ve got a lot of these companies right. Buzzfeed of pose, etc. I do know that their when they were founded, but this is the opportunity for low cost content.
We start emerging on the same time social media was flourishing. I think channels like mine, independent commentators have the potential to do really really well. The only problem you tube actively soup, This is our content in favour of Buzzfeed. Bravo, you too, if you go on Youtube and look up the commentary news and stuff. You won't find me. I don't even know me, find my channel in the first place, you tube does not promote independent content creators and its neighbours, silly affair thing to say, because the only thing only difference to me and say see an antecedents, massive budget. So it's really an issue of if you dont make enough money you to want promote you we're going c major major collapses among digital media publishers, Buzzfeed Vocs having imposed, etc. All the right, in a well properties and you toolbars and people who do low cost content are going to three if you are going to see more hypocrisy from progressive news outlets, these lifting the sites as they
our to slash salaries and terminate people and refused to negotiate with the union's because they just don't have money, although pretend all day and night the progressive, but they are not really progressive. This right here from barons is a sign of things to come. Taking the biggest, it is traditional out of home rising billboards and the like. That is something to do with me. So you know bummer, they say the server. Group expects steep spending reductions in every category digital despair. Video audio LINEAR Tv, Austria, radio print out of home direct mail least affected will be paid search, but Even their spending is us by spending is expected to fall. Thirty percent in the March April period from previous plans outlays four May and June arse are seen falling twenty one percent. I guess all we can do is wait and see what happens. I honestly don't know, but I can basically assume he's going to be a lot of angry progressives on twitter screeching as loud as possible. There probably going to
the anti on their screeching, an effort to get people to go to their papers in their patriots. So if you thought it was bad really got to steady, paycheck wait until they don't and therein desperate. Of clicks in order to pay their bills. Although I gotta say I think, We have way more to worry about then just screeching social justice warriors on Twitter, because people can pay their bills. I can't buy food, people can't buy food, they get desperate and desperate people do desperate thing. So, we'll see what happens. I got a couple more segments where I come up in a few minutes, and I will see you all shortly. Nobody actually wants Joe Biden, not even Joe Biden, own supporters and I'm not kidding. We have a poor from ABC News that finds that those who support bite and our just met on him. No one's go, unlike with Biden but among trumped supporters. Their farming at the mouth screaming and waving little american flags in favour of the president. Fifty three percent of Donald Trump supporters strongly there there
ours is a strong enthusiasm for Donald Trump among his supporters. Is that fifty three percent and for Joe Biden. Less than half of that even Biden Zone Supporters form vice President Joe Biden has emerged as Democrats top choice for the presidential nomination in anew? ABC News. Washington, post pall mall with only bear majority support within his own party and massive enthusiasm gap in it. Amber match against Donald Trump, indeed strong and through yes M forbidden among his supporters, is at just twenty four percent, the lowest on record for democratic presidential candidate. In twenty years of ABC Post Paul's wow me than twice as many have trump supporters are highly enthusiasts, about supporting him. Fifty three percent trump is still trumps still strong rating on the economy is and our challenge for Biden, so is this among Dammit rats and Democrat democratic leaning independence, who prefer
that, are Bernie Sanders denomination fifteen percent say they back Trump. Over Biden in the fall whoop man. This is bad news, while in coming democratic panic, I gotta say you're took across into The day may seem to talk about it, isn't by giving the nominee. I agree if you got a fifteen percent burn robust contingent. I know actually wants Biden, then why, would they actually bring up Biden in the first place, its political suicide. In the nomination contest. Fifty one percent of leaned Democrats now prefer Biden versus Sanders, which is at forty two percent. That's a vast thirty four point gain for by And since MID February, with other candidates having left the race and endorse them, Sanders gained ten percentage points that some persons, yet even as advanced and his party Biden. Slipped against Trump in November, match up Two are locked into essentially a dead heat among registered voters. Forty nine.
Forty seven Biden Trump after a slight Biden, led fifty two to forty five in February Biden does better versus trump. Among all adults. Democrats are less apt to be registered. Fifty two forty four percent to slightly but was also, but it was more solidly significant in February. Perhaps the Democrats biggest risk is under the surface in trumps, big advantage in trumps, big advantage in backers who are very enthused dick about supporting him strong enthusiasm for candidate can help boost turn up on election day. A must have particular for Democrats who rely more on motivating less frequent voters come the pole while trailing trump by twenty nine point in the high level. Enthusiasm Biden me: up some difference with those who are somewhat enthusiastic, sorry, but he still Ray trail struck by twelve points in the combined measure. Seventy four to eighty six look at this
forty, nine percent of binding supporters are like math twenties. Spur all man, it's so bad for binding, twenties experts sent of biting supporters say they are not at all enthusiastic about Biden and twenty four percent are very. There are more people claiming support Biden who don't actually want him, then those who actually do their doomed? How do you in running no one against Donald Trump like Monseigneur, not running anybody else in there what their literally run, they might well put a mannequin in a suit. I actually wanted to back. The mannequin has less gaffes than Joe Biden. Does it do better, so yeah you might as well? There is java when these results are now it's twenty. Sixteen all over again, former secretary of state. Hillary Clinton found herself in largely the same position four years ago He too had a slim, led among Democrats for the nomination and ran essentially evenly with tromp among registered voters, and she ll
and enthusiasm with a low of thirty two percent very enthusiastic in September. Of twenty six teen Biden is eight points under that mark now by His doing worse than Hillary Clinton. I swear. Tromp was gonna, get five hundred electoral voter summer. Dicky s number bad as buttons and enthusiasm score. Is we ve worse as few as seventeen percent of former Republican of former public and preferential nominee, John Mccain supporters were variant yeah to guide us Canada and await, and former government Rami, saw twenty, they even column Senate around me. Can you saw a twenty three percent and twenty twelve. The poor omen for Biden is that Clinton, Mccain and Rami all lost then gonna bring up some pride. Comes care about your Pauling problems. I care more about this. A story from the weak Joe Biden is the worst imaginable challenger to tromp right now, yeah the progressives get it
I'll. Tell you what man these these main stream, moderate, democratic, gonna, call em they live in some alternate reality or they just don't care. I think that's the real reality. You got a bunch of people, sit at arms and bind where wronger. Who cares what I Fine. They certainly don't think Trump as the end of the world, so their screeching forbidden. Would you go to twitter and what you see these people are screaming. For Biden, because they think Biden can win now, I think it's fair point out bid more once said: do why one Joe Biden to be the president, not really what is the only one who beats Trump in Ohio? Now, that's wishful thinking. Europe, Europe, your base, this also off of the wrong poles. I mean they didn't twenty sixteen and now we're seeing similar data. So it's very likely going to happen again and trumps base is bigger than when it was in twenty. Sixteen he's had every reason to get ready to get reelected and yes, Joe Biden is the worst challenge another week as a left wing site. Let's see what they have to say
for anyone plugged into the news firehouse by the Krona virus pandemic, is extremely bizarre to watch. President trumps approval writing. He has bought this crisis beyond belief, and you know now is the biggest outbreak in the world because of his ongoing failure? Secure stockpiles of medical supplies, doctors and this is our reusing, productive gear and setting up a garbage bags and page protectors to treat covered patients. Yet true, Approval writing keeps going up. Maybe because you live in fake news. World dude stop ring trash news and start pay. Attention to Americans are paying attention to not the garbage news. Of lies, and it's funny because their very obviously, the wrong side of history. What I want to call it on the wrong side of history, because the the regular people are saying he's doing a good job. Where are you that your hearing screaming at the top of their lungs and you actually think troubling a bad job when everyone else likes it? You
in the minority you are not speaking or representing the american people you're the odd people out. They mention Paul's workshop is doing really really well and they say this what happens when the Democratic Party de facto letter this point by its presumptive nominee. Joe Biden refuses to make the case that trumpet, in fact responsible for the severity the disaster Biden is proving Be about the worst imaginable nominee to take on trot now. I don't completely agree with what he sang, but I do agree with the essence of it. Joe Biden is failing so miserably the dude could come and just start word. Vomiting lies all day and you'd be doing better. Ok, maybe he'll say Joe Biden has integrity. No, he doesn't. He lies all the time his ears, he launched a campaign on a lie that the very fine people hoax the whole campaign is started from I so of binding, really one of the wind and is already thrown scruple out. The window doesn't care. Why does
He just start lying now nothing. You should say that the guy, clearly yes, no idea what he's doing he sit in this basement money. In mumbling, about nonsense and he's become completely irrational. And everyone knows it, the Democratic Party is doing nothing to stop Trump. My only assumption they want to know when I ate it feels the Democrats want trop too, when it really really? Does we either that or there really dumb? You know I just that will be the hunt and as a law in it that I think is pretty apt. It just depends whether or not their smart people pretend to be stupid or stupid. People pretending to be smart if there, sir, going to be done then yeah they really do want trumped when in their fumbling around with Joe Biden to help Trump when, but I think, reality is they're. Stupid people pretending to be smart, so they ve chosen Joe Biden who can't possibly when our I'd tell you what I want to make sure I always had this caveat. They said Trump couldn't win any dead. If Joe Biden
I will laugh a hearty laugh because no one saw it coming. Joe Biden come on this. Now Biden has not entirely to blame here. Surely some from a proven bump could be chalked up to the usual rally around the flag effect that tends to happen at times of crisis and the fact that We are likely still in the very early stages the pandemic. But if we dig into the numbers, Some of the bump in trumps approval writing is coming from the changes in democratic attitudes. A pupil for instance, found that democratic democratic leaning. Voters nearly doubled their approval of trump over the last few weeks from seven to twelve percent. It's not a huge change, but it could make the difference. Between Trump winning or losing an election which is likely to be close as has been made abundantly clear, democratic voters tend to take their cues from democratic elites The party rallied around Biden and locks up right before Super Tuesday and voters fell online. About our Biden, one a bunch of states
I must say I still. I agree with the essence. I dont care that Biden is fumbling. You know he's basically on the ground like just staring at the sky, muttering mumbling, while Trump is running circles around the track, idleness sleek necessarily cares. I'm not gonna complain. I think it's funny the Democrats of lost their minds, putting Joe Biden up to this, and we can see it in his enthuse hasn't gap he is doing worse than Hillary Clinton. What are you people thinking? They clearly don't want a win. Men like you, know that the definition of insanity, if the the key to the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome and its other real definition of insanity. But that's like a colloquial for art. Like I said cultural definition, I guess you could call it. Hillary Clinton, everybody hated. Ok. Most people don't like her, how is it that Joe Biden has less enthusiastic support than she did and you're gonna run that gonna learn your lessons. Man Maybe I went out- and I doubt it I live there
I got one more segment coming up for a few minutes and I will see you all shortly. On my main channel at four p m today, over at Youtube COM slashed him cast. I talked about the threat we are facing from China. They ve been lying from the start, they ve been sending faulty medical equipment of Fort talk to other countries like ITALY and Spain and they ve. Extracting critical medical resources from other countries while downplaying this, so nobody could see it coming. China is a serious. Problem and they deserve to be blamed for most of what works. Beer because they ve lied since the beginning and caused us to mess everything up, but I do think it's fair to point out. That there is still some fault to go to. People like build the Plaza and United States New York is
epicenter in New York. City is the worst hit place, but it makes sense. The population density is insane there well build. The blog yo is the person who should take take all of the blame for this one and they it's fair to say as a whole. Are countries should point the finger at China internally, we can still criticized block, deplores YO to a certain degree, Cuomo into a certain degree. Trump tromp downplay this earlier, he did take some some efforts. I can, I can say, ok to that, Cuomo definitely downplay the said as well, but he was working on this. They just didn't do a good enough job. I can't blame him for not expecting this and they say they were doing some. Thing, but build the plaza around the time he should have been taking more action months after tromp already did was encouraging people to go outside and do normal things, and now, we can see the photographs of what's happening in New York. I'm sorry if this is graphic, but this is posted by Buzzfeed and Build a blog, Yos Fault now
not going I'm not saying anything stupid like the blood is on his hands like that, like Chuck, Todd was asking. No, no, no, of course, build the blog YO wasn't intending for this to happen. I dont huh. I am responsible when I say it's his fault when it. What I mean to say is on his watch: he let the people of New York down and this will have a rippling effect for the rest of the country. He was responsible for this. It was his watch. Can I say it's it's. You know his like the people who lost their lives because he made grave mistakes. I were, I think, it's fair to say, he's trot. He tried his best out suppose, but he's just did a really really bad job of it. Let me just rephrase, that's ok, he's done a miserable job and he should probably say down or not run for re election. He needs to give up control because he is not equipped to handle this crisis. Alright, let's read Politico says New York City's top health officials were tracking warning signs of the flu.
And then like what they were seeing a massive late season spike an influenza like illnesses, then that revealed a trouble aberration so on large tenth health commissioner Ox Iris, bought a barbed wire city hall, to share the findings with mayor, build applause YO and urge him to begin taking more drastic action to control the spread of the virus, which has, since claimed foreign fifty lives across New York City, while of the writing of this, it's nearly a thousand. Now it's it's jumped significantly. I'm sorry, a thousand in New York state The blog your resisted, believing that closing schools, restaurants and cultural centres, would cripple the city's economy and disproportionate hurt the marginalized residents he aims to prioritize. Instead, he ended a burning at all of the room. What followed was a week of mixed just delay, decisions and feuds that escalated to what one person described as warfare, amongst city officials, all other
government withheld critical aid to New York and govern Andrew Cuomo grappled with whether to impose draconian measures. Now you know why politico I roll! Let's move on. A week later, the mayor began following most of barbarous advice. After plodding through a decision making process that was described by the people involved as as tense, laborious and rife with conflict, as he huddled city hall, with top aids contending with how to handle the biggest ices of his tenure residents. Of one of the most densely populated cities in the country continued to cram it a boy cars dine in restaurants and pop their local watering holes think the blog YO encouraged. Only out where's before he ordered them to shut on March fifteenth, not even Donald Trump. They would go on twitter and say it all trumps fault. No, no, it isn't the epicenter this country is New York City and it was building
yo on March. Third, I believe it was all the way up till the fifteenth apparently encouraging people not to be social, distancing, quite the contrary, to actually be so The engaged and now here we are with New York with Cuomo, saying Trump, give us all your ventilators, you not men. Did you hear what happened, trumps apparently set ventilators to New York and their therein stockpile. So why are they come? meaning about a shortage of unrelated? Why is this crisis happening while it's happening because everybody to some degree dropped the ball? But how are you gonna point to what's happening this country until we have a hundred twenty three thousand and four Cynthia more than half. I believe, our in New York around half of those rules. There lies are in New York. That's the hotspot! Now there is responsibility for Trump, but I'm not going to act like an active
sure is solely the fault of our leaders. I will criticise them for the job there doing, but the reality is while Donald Trump may not be perfect. We have nothing really to compare it to right. We know bill the Basel, made mistakes and its fair to say we know tromp and Coma made mistakes as well, but build applause. Yos were worse an obvious. On March, Eleventh Donald Trump announced we are freezing travel, we are restricting travel from those coming from Europe, you'd. Think at that point build the plaza, would stop telling people to go party. We just shut down travel. The president gave him National Address and said we will be, will be suspending travel from Europe. That should have been a warning sign to you. Personally, it wasn't good enough New York city is now ground. Zero of a global catastrophe. Few saw coming one that thrust build the national spotlight laying bare his Algeria, vulnerabilities and threatening to undermine the legacy he has been building over the past CS? It's more the virus
was no signs of abating anytime soon. I'm sorry you saying it's threaten to undermine his legacy, is like it is, undermining people have died and his watch because he came out so late on this one. They claim tromp his late. I have. I have no problem criticising trump because he was yet a little bit but come on man when you look at the plaza. Oh, I get it tromp as the president, but we can expect to be completely perfecting. You can expect a blog to be completely perfect either, but there is a difference. In January, twenty ninth Trump form the task force. Tromp was into position, all our plans to deal with the krona virus, and, while maybe he didn't do enough, would anyone We have done more. We don't know we don't know. So we can, we know hindsight, is twenty twenty, but you'd think when Donald Trump said Hey we're gonna, do this measure in January bill applause. You would have said we should keep an eye on this and studies it go party. Why is the media coming after Trump? Then? Why aren't they pointing to the job that unit was yoga?
To a certain degree, there are people going over the plaza. Many progressives our point, the finger at him and Cuomo, but Cuomo getting a free pass on everything see. Even after This building blocks YO said that we want. We might lockdown New York, city and Cuomo said get right your we're not going to do that where's. The critique quote, I think in retrospect, We deliberate too long on the various shut down steps. City council number mark Levitt Levine, who chairs Health Committee said in an interview, we're racing against the clock, slowing the spread of this and even a day or two can change that change. The trajectory the virus, was first reported in New York City on March. First, when a health care worker who had In fact, it in IRAN began displaying symptoms after returning home by the. The alarm bells had already begun ringing and would grow deafening in the subsequent weeks. Well, so we mean March. First applause, you could have said we're locking down now and fast your life to get the krona virus warned a headline of February. Twenty
for storing Atlantic which quota they Harvard epidemiology. Professor predicting up to seventy percent of the world's population would be infected within a year. City council, member, Steve, Levin, read the article in horror and again. Cautioning anyone that would listen, including members of the administration? He said in an interview I mean I was telling you to the cops outside city hall at the metal detectors. Levin said reached out of the Plaza chief of Staff and the wolf? Who is promoted deputy mayor last week as she helps me the city's response. She was adamant that we get it. We know what's happening. Levin, said in fact she was so consumed with responding to the virus that when he brought her up, another subject. During the first week of March, she brushed him off saying she could focus on nothing else. He added the plaza, showed less urgency. I caught him in passing and he listened Levin said, Tell the mayor reacted. He paused to carefully chooses words. You know he was, I think, along the lines of I hear you, he said and declined to go further
detail. Meanwhile, city health officials were watching emergency room visits from possible chronic krona virus cases explode one thousand one hundred forty six patients complaining of flew like symptoms on March twelve compared to no more than fourteen and twenty two on any given day in March last year, the Wall Street Journal reported, but a blog was determined that life in the city and the city continued a pace he and top health officials fought. In lengthy plan city meetings and City Hall, according to multiple accounts, from sources with knowledge of the interactions. He certainly has no trust in its field of expert commissioners and high ranking agency officials, one former city officials had last week sport at an agency says to him mayor. This is what's happening instead of granting some truth are acting on it. He will laboriously poke and proud of the opinion for hours and now here we are political ends. By saying, He has been spending up to three hours a day preparing for his daily news conference, often facing I'm sorry. Yes, two bloggers message often facing them.
Look around five pm well after Cuomo has already addressed New Yorkers in briefings at kick off today's new cycle and attract a little following the plaza, ok using this war time analogy, he does not seem like a general here seems like he's. Writing a book about the General Cuomo seems like a general, a former city Hall official said on Friday. The mayor, did his frustration at the ordeal this whole God forsaken. Spirits has been a learning curve. He said them on the brine None of us have been through anything like this optimism bias how is it that in January you know, I would like to borrow January twenty third, I said I don't think I'll be a big deal within a week so I was like now. I was wrong. It's gotta be a big deal, Perker Karlsson February. Third, you know When someone comes out and says we have a serious threat, nobody wants to believe it because I have an optimism bias. And as I mentioned many times, I told people by emergency food. Now store shells are being cleared out. I hope you bought yours. Many people were laughing at me on Twitter, not at their not laugh and now they're morons build, the plaza was was Joe
like these people now will be fine. As on a big deal out here we are New York, the epicenter United States, and I know China takes the blame because they had told us the truth and to get go. This could have been avoided, but you ve got still point out the fact that the plaza had numerous opportunities to deal with this properly. Now they claim trumpets bungling everything, but I will be fair. I will point out. De Palacio is not perfect. I will give. I will. I will absolutely agree, is a learning curve? How could he have known its fair China was lying same is true for the same is true for offer. Andrew Cuomo, no one will know everything so lets. You know, at least, that the greek everybody low, but a slack trumped downplayed this. He definitely did, and he could have done more. The only problems that, if he did they would have claimed he was a fascist and they called him a big it. When he implemented a traveller restriction from China is the first you're the January thirty. First second thing you did so you know what I'm tired of playing games. People are saying trouble
bungling this yet will the poles say otherwise. So just stop. That's not the case. The palazzo bungle that an Cuomo somewhere in between I hope we can. Through this, and and and I mean this genuinely I'm on a new yorker- I live in New York or for a bit. I hope the blog succeeds and my criticism I hope it's taken to say we need new leadership for New York, but for the time being, the Plaza needs to win on this one. He absolutely does Cuomo De Palacio in tromp. We should support them and make sure they get us through ass. They may not be the leaders that we want or even voted for by the lives we have. They are the leaders we have now and it's about protecting each other. So I can be critical Applause YO, for more so than the other two, but I'll be a little critical of Cuomo in Trump, but we need to help them when, because a win for them is one for all of us
Transcript generated on 2020-05-03.