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CHAOS In NYC, Police PROTECT Illegal Migrants, ARREST Local Protesters, THIS IS WHY TRUMP IS WINNING


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CHAOS In NYC, Police PROTECT Illegal Migrants, ARREST Local Protesters, THIS IS WHY TRUMP IS WINNING

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It's jesse Kelly here fellows. Are you ready to have a twenty percent increase in your testosterone in ninety days? Ladies, are you ready to have your brain function be even better. Are you ready to have more energy? Are you ready to lose weight? Are you ready to feel better. The while you do all this, you can support a hard core anti communist company and the best part of All this it's all natural, not big farm, a crap. Not supporting all these pharmaceutical junk companies, chalk C h, o q fellows they have a male vitality, stack. Nine Today's take it and tell me how you feel ladys theme vitality, stack. Take it tell me how you feel you feel like you're. Twenty years younger, go to c h, o hugh dot tom promo code. Tim get you through.
Five percent off your subscription get a subscription. Today c h, o q, dot tom promo code, TIM cast iron rule will be live in miami with patrick bet, David donald trump, junior, matt gates and lucrative caskey joint there get your tickets clicking the link in the description below or by going attempt, guest outcome Four from the washington post and abc news shows donald trump, defeating Joe Biden by ten points It's so shocking to see such a lead for donald trump. the washington post said this must be an outlier, sir things wrong with our pole, now the other day we had people saying see, they didn't want to admit it. How could they even put the pull out well but simple? If the washington post conducted a pole, and found that trump was winning by a massive margin and then suppressed it. It would be a
scandal of epic proportions there. Only editorial choice is to release it and try to bury it, then they can say what we want. We published it to bed five. Thirty, eight picks it up real, clear politics, pick it up somehow and for some reason the latest polls show donald trump rush yet so what's changed. How is this possible? Well, you click this video exactly where I'm going with this among independent voters, hispanic and black voters, Donald trump is urging night doesn't have a majority of black voters are latina voters, those voting block are still very democrat, leaning, but trump has improved dramatically and, more importantly, Among these groups, democrats are actually struggling, it's not so. That they're all switching to trump its that someone we're just boeing out, which brings me to the objective. This video, which you all understand where I'm going. How is it that die?
trump is surging. Perhaps it could be that in places like new york, fights are erupt as these city and these state she in non citizens into local neighborhoods and give resources to of millions to billions of dollars. Fund the lives of non citizens, while people in country struggle? Imagine You live in new york. Your business was, shrewd in twenty twenty when they force you to shut down or how about cuomo murders, your parents in a nursing home, that's right, I'll, say it again: cuomo put sick people in nursing homes, sick people with covered and killed. I think the number was what fifteen thousand people- perhaps you ve, experienced that hardship and nay, the city which declared itself a sanctuary for illegal immigration is now spent
more and more of your resources on non citizens, and this is where it gets crazy. I will video published by the daily mail showing the law called police protecting non citizens from citizens who are trying to defend their towns, their neighborhoods, their state, I'm not talking about people fighting each other or attack each other. I am saying that new yorkers staten island kay to protest and through non violent, civil disobedience, reject bosses all of non citizens being brought into their neighbourhoods and the police arrested them. I'm sorry for those that I didn't want to delete it. michael malice is correct about police that there is no crime. So again,
just they would not commit. If ordered to do so, I'm up and up and including the execution of children. That's what michael malice says and I believe he's correct about it. That doesn't mean I think that or are we should abolish the police entirely right, I'm sure someone will pull up a clip of me saying, abolish the police but I'll clarify what I mean in places like new york, where they vote for it by all means. Do your thing. I certainly think we have problems when you watch police come in and attack the locals. I mean this is this? Is insane what should have happened as non violent civil disobedience? The bosses turn around and they say you're gonna have to go to some federal location. Not here, that's it the turnaround. Everybody would be fine and the people who live there. If spoken, that's not what happened. The police began arresting locals. Yet these things will not end well. I am, I am deeply worried about this, but I can tell you
the time being the best outcome may be, and I dunno this is one for one. But there is a correlation, I presume, with illegal immigration and donald trump surged in the polls, and I got to throw it to Ann coulter. You know a lot of people are critical of and a lot of, supporters, because she does not like donald trump. and she said and in twenty sixteen immigration was on the ballot and that's why trump one bit He was calling it out. I maybe she's right because now, as we are seeing these these crises befall, these cities has not just illegal immigration but Eric. The mayor said: new york will be destroyed, while you don't think that's having an impact on people, and there now got now a massive amount of power of of sentiment and a large sentiment in
Cities of people saying shut the borders down where's Joe Biden, I'm sorry, you voted for Joe Biden, oh man, you know some would call it shot and fraud. I guess I don't. I don't want that. I think it's a problem. at the borders are poorest and that Joe Biden is facilitating this and but exaggerating they work the by ministration was flying migrants in the middle of the night to various parts of this country. This has been an ongoing problem, Donald trump? He was trying to push them out, deport them and build a wall I bet doubt was lookin real good. If you're a new yorker europe walker, who went and voted for a Democrat you're now saying like what have I done while the switch you voted for you wanted. Eric Adams. Congratulations now! I know I know people on at an are not the same as the people in brooklyn new york's, a very big place.
and I'd. Imagine that sentiments that now and was always a bit more trump supporting still. The majority of these people are voting for democrats and democrat policies. I would assume that people protesting are not. I was right if you're gonna have buses full of illegal immigrants coming to your town and you're gonna go on protest, though the light likelihood is you're, someone who was already politically active enough to pay attention and not vote for these democrat policies. But this is the problem of the town you living, and so it's going to have an impact on everyone. Not just the masters and, while I can say wholly crap cops, arresting locals, do stop and think about what that means You ve got these videos of police arresting locals. You live in a city government ships and non citizens to your town where no room, there's no place to go women in nursing facilities, nursing homes,
say, stop and they say, shut your mouth and they arrest you well. this stop. This kind of thing doesn't unwell. Man, because people are gonna be like this. Is my home. Here's a story tensions, layer over migrants in new york city staten, island protesters are arrested while trying to stop by is carrying Silence seekers to shelter as they yelled take them back out. love the insult to injury of the daily mail asylum seekers, these people on seeking asylum, their economic migrants. The media is lying to you official you on reports. As of pretending MIKE crisis in europe outright said years ago. These are economic migrants coming into europe. The people we see when they interview them in these care and they are young men coming here for work. What was that your business was destroyed and your struggling to make ends meet your lives,
paycheck to paycheck fear, not good citizen. We've got your ex dollars to pay non citizens to work underground and take your jobs. I love it strikes like south park where we go near post september, twentieth illegal underground gig economy. Booms in new york city as migrants await work permits all while living off cities dime, who I love this one when your work in underground you ain't pay in taxes. So let me just make this very clear for all of you and your sanctuary city, these people who are coming in our economic migrants. I absolutely respect the desire to be in america and work a good pang american, We all have it, but there's only one pie, and only only so many pieces of that pie to be given out so now, as you work, your job fingers to the bone? What was that you missed little jane
is piano recital because you had to work late hours to pay the bills. You showed up in the last half dirty greece on your hands? You said a tier when they say you missed her performance. We tried to be their tokay that extra time you worked yeah that that gets cut off and sent to uncle sam. I guess uncle AL, in this instance, don't worry the percentage you pay in new york city income tax is going to be well allotted. It's going to go in. There of a non citizen who was working a gig economy, job who risk benefits from you either because they're paying for these people to live in a shelter be put on buses supplies and here's the best part when they work. They don't pay taxes. That's you, that's? U you pay for it, you do you think we have a war, for that. What is it when, like there's one group of people that has to give a poor
of their income to pay for other people. You know you know we have with surf or you surf not real, I mean it's not like these guys are feudal, lords or or or you know, landowners are like that, but the government is taking your your money because you pay your taxes like a good citizen and they're, using it to pay for the lives of economic migrants who the underground and don't pay taxes. Now, I'm sure the left will come out say they do pay taxes. Are you sure some of them do for sure, but c'mon you wanna play their game. You really think someone an underground, gig economy. Work is going to pay taxes, row, half the path, on tractors in new york, probably don't report all their taxes, and I'm talking about american citizens? You mean to tell me you think, and illegal immigrant is going to give money away when they're not even being tracked and governs giving them money all right. Let's put it this way, let's
and the non citizens that are coming into new york are paying taxes. That's right! That's right! They're getting paid. Let's say they get twenty bucks an hour and their gig economy job, maybe less than that answer as a base. Ten bucks. Let's say they pay their taxes. Okay, by that game they work ten, but ten bucks an hour they work, forty hours away, just type of we're hundred dollars the end of that week and then they gotta pay about. Was it like twenty three percent? So let's say they end up getting about one hundred bucks hundred bucks a week. That's four hundred dollars per month go into
uncle sam or uncle Adam's right. That's your mayor and your honey. Have you seen my case there in the bow headphone scene of all my retro chicago bulls, jersey, the bow, my re and unique limited edition, Michael Jordan, bobblehead foul original space jam on vhs ball truths, nor serving everything in the one place: block schools pitch new nbr sign guy multi tracker track your favorite markets. What assists points and rebounds lord in game all in one place, new from sports, but conditions apply. Chances are you're about to lose for free and confidential support. Is a gambling help online dot org? What are you, how much are you paying of taxes and how much has been allotted to them? Do you think to shelter these people? It costs four hundred dollars, no costs more. So let's make it really simple. Even if these individuals are paying taxes, you are paying more for their lives than they are. Hang back, which, as you are paying for it. Maybe now that wall is looking really good, maybe
Maybe this is why I think the tsar? Yes, where this clip was by the daily mail covered rug. Tweets just in new york city is going to pay over one billion dollars on just hotels of the next three years to house illegal immigrants. that's what happens when you call yourself a sanctuary city, but that's just the hotel cost new york city mayor Eric Adams estimates, the total cost of the migrant christ will be about twelve billion dollars of the next three years. You mean to tell me you people in new york, or to be pay in four billion dollars this year, taken right from your pockets was at little. Janey needs rises to bad. So what tibet we are poor. Our breaking point. He said with more than fifty seven thousand three hundred individuals. Currently, in our care and an average night, it amounts to In point, eight million per day, almost threads million a month and nearly three point: six billion a year residents in new york.
Did he had enough in the video allow staten island locals were arrested for blocking migrant bosses? Take a look at these cops right here. Does it new york city cops it'll care about you? They don't care about principle. They don't care about family, they don't care about this country. Where did we go wrong now? I don't gone are the days of officer friendly who cared about his neighborhood who cared about his church community who cared about the locals long gone. You know, I think the internet. Does this sky does not care one? You can move anywhere at any point. Good luck! If this guy gets ostracised by his community, not there's always there's no repercussions. If this guy at these,
perhaps single out and arrest locals, who are desperately fighting to protect their homes in what little they have. If he arrests them het heck, he can spit on their faces, while laughing the whole time and you're not going to happen the next day when he goes out to eat and takes off his uniform a nobody says nothing, nobody, no, nobody cares, and this is the problem of community breakdown and social disarray. This is the problem of people not working locally. It's the problem of people not knowing who their neighbours are. You will be suppressed, oppressed and beaten by your government and these cops. They are given this dilemma when they see things at this happen and they think to themselves. There are no negative repercussions.
Four mercilessly beating in arresting the people in their own neighborhoods. None now in jersey during lockdown, a tell us Jim says, we're staying open, the local cops come out and say we're not shut you down. Why small town small suburb? These cops are worried, like people are going to show up to our department yelling at us city council's going to pull funding from us. We can't do this, so what do they do? They brought in cops from outside to come in and with a smile on their faces. They said: go yourselves incredible. I think Michael mouse is right about about cups and on this is exemplified by liner in hawaii. They police shut down the road out. Of the city, there's like one main road that next it leaves the city. I think there might be more than one but there's one big whenever it uses- and this is the reporting that they were children that may have burned to death.
In there or in the cars children going missing a lot of people that burned to death a lot of people jumped out of their cars and jumped into the water, and some didn't make it because the police, knowing the fires, were there burning people alive, smiled and said, shut your mouth and stay where you are, and you know what the people who disobeyed survived. Scary thought man. This is the danger of the banality of evil when regular people like these officers, don't know, don't care and tell you to shut your mouth and they'll arrest you they arrested the people who lived here. so who's side of the police on new york, city, cops and staten island, but not on your side. They are on the side of the non citizens. Ha you have large swathes of people to the tune of millions rushing your border brow,
king your laws and entering your country. Will you call that we call an invasion literally by definition, paxton, I don't I'm sorry us. Our governor abbot, declared an invasion in texas declared an invasion. Ok, so you have invaders at least according to texas, and you have the people of new york sank: stop them these police than aid and abet the invaders. What we call that, when we call that treason. Ah, I would argue it's a seditious conspiracy. You know games can say anything you once. I think that the reality is a simple. Their line to Eric atoms knows that these people in staten island, the locals, are angry. He knows the people, and are angry, and he knows that he is on the verge of seeing pitchfork mobs outside. So what does he say oh woe is me, oh heavens, I can't believe
this happening in reality. He wants it to happen. All of these politicians do why? Why bring a bust staten island bring send the bosses down? It would be cheaper to drive the buses into mexico. It would be cheaper to drive the buses to honduras or guatemala, no question it would probably only costs- let's, let's do some math a couple thousand dollars to send a bus load of these non citizens back to their home countries. Instead, they pay for hotels and housing and and benefits that doesn't make sense,
Why would Eric Adams do this? He could easily send these buses back from whence they came. He doesn't because when he says that he is upset about this he's lying and they want you, the people of staten island to sit down and smile as they rip away your resources. Give your money away, hurt your local economy and destroy your life. I don't know I don't. I don't blame the migrants that are coming here. Someone offers free money, you take it, but there is an issue of honour and integrity. You know. If someone stole money from someone else and then said you can have it I'd be like I'm not taken that, in fact, if I did I'd give it back to the person that was stolen from if I found a wall on the ground, I'd drop into mailbox the problem with fighting a war on the ground, what they say is your spouse alike. Well, this is not the official thing. I think they ve officialdom. There
it's just take the walk, throw in a mailbox. What most people will tell you in Chicago is: take the money out, throw in the mailbox depending on how much money's in it. The problem is that money's gone right. You pick up the wallet you throw that cash in the mailbox that cash ain't going nowhere personal while back without cash, so what they, what what they usually say is take the money as a reward for the wall in the mailbox and they'll they'll deliver to the person. I think maybe what you could do if you're a good citizen is not take the cash look at the address on the id and bring it to the person's house. I thought into mailboxes and just saw that that doesn't really solve the problem, but they do deliver it back to people's my understanding, but this is what it should be. What it should be is that you found a wallet on the ground and you drive to the address and say: hey I found this wallet. Does this person live here and they'll be like your home? Thank you. So much save their lives
like they're going to die or anything, but it really helps them out. Yet gone are those days. Man I guarantee you, you drop your walton, any anyone any one of these cities any one of them and he was going to happen. Eighty percent likelihood they'll plot the cash throw the wall in the dumpster Maybe maybe maybe someone will throw it a you know slight chance, they'll throw it in the mailbox. This is communal breakdown. I think a lot of it as a problem is problem of of density and this is why they are working to make these cities morn more dance and bring in more and more non citizens, so that these cops with smiles on their faces will arrest you. When you try to defend your home. I hope you'll get that Michael Maoist does not bring up this point arbitrarily that these cops. Do these things, look at la hyena and understand that when the police are given an order, they will follow it. Let me tell you a story. Luke Rakowski told me the story. I think he was in pittsburgh.
I think it was Pittsburgh and it was like the g twenty or something I can't remember and a bunch of you know, anti moore. I dunno establishments, anti machine protesters like ron, Paul supporter types and leftists were in a park protesting and riot police surround the park all facing inward at these protesters, with their truncheons and their shields, and then because they were done, the protesters started leaving there was just they were. They were done protesting as hard slowly just going home, but Police were never given any orders. So what happens is all the protests have left and the police were surrounding a park staring into nothing because their insane people this is, who they who they bring under these these police departments. That's why the chaz chop was allowed to exist. That's what people were murdered in seattle,
that's why a man was murdered in portland, because these officers are no longer serving the community. They are serving their Democrat appointed bosses. These cops surrounded parking just stand there, as their morons and there like, I got orders, it's like you realize, you're looking into an empty park and doing literally nothing hey, no problem, your tax dollars pay their salaries and I don't care and here's the worst part you see what's happening in new york right now, people are struggling. The economy is not great. It's in a weird place where, like there's some good metrics a lot of bad metrics. And what happens? Is these cops? They think hey man, I got mine, you think I'm going to walk away from a job that pays the bills y'all. I can see out
watch your suffering. I don't want to be in that boat. This is where we'll end up, and this is why I think Donald trump is starting to search I'll leave it there. Next ailments coming up at one pm on this channel. Thanks for hanging out and I'll see you all, then there's a big france between talking and reporting, especially right now with a fire hose the news coming your way. You know what helps having reporters in the field. I am bread, milky abc news and that's what we ve got. On ebay, daily, podcast start here. Every earning start here, takes you across the country and around the world for a quick, smart, look at the stories that matter it's fast, it straightforward and sometimes gasp news can even be fun. So, let's meet up tomorrow morning. Listen start here. Wherever you get your podcast, I think one of the reasons democrats, namely Joe Biden, are starting to fail among black voters has to do with immigration if use
bend. Every election cycle talking about reparations, oppression, systemic racism, etc. But then allow illegal grants into the country to the tune of millions and start paying out billions. There is we to be some questions about your sincerity right. I mean, let's break it down democratic to bring up the issue of reparations to big factor, a big issue in california right now, so you're, going to these people and telling them as a black american. You are oppressed and you are deserving of some recompense and a lot of a lot of people in these states say: ok, we'll vote for that. But and you don't pay out reparations you open up the borders and start dumping money into integral illegal immigrants into the scotch. You think people don't notice that now I don't know
what degree that has a impact on the polling, but there are a lot of fact. play, I mean obviously the economy stupid right, ursa, formal, People are bad, just say like wire, my wages down wise inflation, Why can I buy groceries, but we have this data and not for donald trump, he's doing better and better Think immigration is a big issue. Look man! It's not just about sex in preparations for a lot of these fraught for a lot of black people in this country. I'm just saying, doesn't seem to be so, broken there. Hey, you are oppressed. We should be giving you money. Ok. What will you give me money now we're given into the non citizens? First? Are you kidding me? Look too, thing if you're in new york, city and eurobonds at an island and they're bringing these illegal illegal immigrants in your like: hey man, that's not open. You're taking our textiles is another thing to wait. the money in the face of people, you play more oppressed, dont give them money and then hand it to someone who's, not even in this country. Yeah insult to injury,
I should say so. It was not even from this country has no historical ties to it. I'm sure they'll start making an argument for native displacement Like that, but right now we're seeing trop improve dramatically among black voters. We are seeing trot. Take. Over in the betting odds as of today, there are three three metrics per day, It says binding in the lead. We ve got odds tracker. I think school, it's called showing neck and necktie same odds in vegas, and then we ve got a combating odd, showing donald trump is the favourite by five points. The poles have trump ahead in aggregate, but There's a new poll just came out Biden's up one point: they could on the consideration. But I think you need to realise that binding Democrats are starting to lose among the black community and while its not necessarily going to be enough right. Everyone in twenty twenty thought it was gonna, be a big deal for trump that he was gonna, get a larger portion of the black vote. He is getting younger black men, which is very interesting
but we ll see the question. I suppose is what does what does the race Individual really tell us, there are certain things you can probably assume based on a person's race like who they live next year, because people have a tendency to do these things. I dont think that is necessarily useful to us. However, the big question is all republicans reaching out to enough people in general. Now I know everything gets super racial eyes and I'm not a fan of it. When it comes to politics, a talking about how hispanics voting our black people voting, I don't think that's the country we with its other, contravened eleven. I don't I don't it should matter the rights of the individual, but there are trends that people and they use that non like well. I understand trot needs to convince more black and latino people to vote for him. I think trump needs to convince more people in general, and I think we need an american message, interracial ized one, but perhaps for end of it also experience a life
as a particular of a particular race with different experiences. They are going to demand a perspective closely associated with their struggles. Hence this is how voting as I was gonna break down and for this looks like Democrats are in trouble. the post colonial says, bindings approval rating among black americans down seventeen point swoop, youse yikes, NBC. Really because we got some other pollster. New power from NBC knows has revealed that body prove a rating among blacken latino. Voters has fallen since its first year in office. The pole found that Full of buttons job performance has fallen by seventeen points among black voters, since twenty twenty one from eighty percent to sixty three percent. his job performance. Approval is also down from sixty one per cent in two thousand and twenty I'm talking, I'm sorry, twenty forty one to forty three percent Latina voters downstairs eighteen points from forty three to twenty: six among voters, the highs?
Diplomas are less and down. Fourteen among independent voters whole leak This is look at this is that this is an bc news, posters and put the video for you goes this, as our new poll shows, the president's approval among black voters is down seventeen points. The first year of his presidency, Mr Biden, is also down by double digits, among left, tenos voters without a college degree and independence, and, as you mentioned, fifty nine percent of democratic primary voters tell us they want to see a challenge to president by while fifty nine percent. Did you get that methadone would switch? Alas, they want to see a percent of democratic progress, as you mentioned, fifty nine percent of debt, if de nine percent of Democrats want Biden out so alto one thing, and then I'm looking at these prediction odds over here we got predicted who will win the twenty twenty four U s! Presidential election- and I say we ve- got Joe Biden with forty two cents, trump forty gavin newsome at thirteen new some sites. Rocketing above the santa
harris, rama, swami, I'm telling you man, look they're gonna, be the dude as gavin newsome dissenters debate. Why I dont know unless these men expect to be running for president de santos is is new. Some I gonna wonder now predict that is bedding odds, its people buying shares in the idea. if you buy one share of Joe Biden at forty two cents to win, if he does, when that shares worth one dollar, that's basically how it works. I don't I dont know. Betting on newsome in this way is worth it. Dont have financial advice for me on that advocate for this over at odds, chow We have Biden and trump neck and neck they're, giving the same odds one. Seventy five one. Seventy five interesting new sums up. Twelve hundred they promised swamis? Fourteen hundred, I find it interesting. Rama swami has got better odds than to santas, so we will see we will see and then over at election
adding odds dot com. Donald trump is the favourite at thirty four point: six percent to win to bite and thirty point, one with gavin newsome eight percent nice gotta tell you: may we pop over to odds checker and got new some just behind donald trump. I gotta wonder about that right. Look. I often think about I read the news every single day, if I just invest, did based on the news I was reading. I'd be way way, I'd be a baby, a billionaire are probably not. early. Writes me like I'd. Have a ton of money and success in the stock market cannot look at these stories, news breaks and it's like railroad. when he goes on strike or whatever it's like. Ok, now supply not a good time to have that stock, not giving anyone buys I'm something for me personally and then and off you watch and then people learn later on. We, you and I are more plug den
So I look at this. I'm thinking to myself. Should I take that bet. new. I don't think governess and would be president, but I think it's fair to say if you look at the prediction, market predicted is a better mechanism for making wagers again not advocating you do this because you'll likely just lose money, so I would actually advocate not to engage in undersigned. For me, if I was gonna make a wager, I would buy shares of Gavin newsom right now, because I don't believe Joe Biden will be the nominee. I am just look everybody saying, but I just don't see it. I dont understand how Joe Biden could be the nominee. I want to have that bias that normalcy bias words like now they can well. What are they gonna do? What the strategy bomb telling you men every time I think about it. I just don't see it making sense. Biden is collapsing, among basically every demographic he's losing port from the black men even latino community, what is this? Are they just
sending about their nobody's. Gonna lose. I don't see how he improves granted their enshrined in that there are try trying convey drop and do all these things and take em off the ballot- maybe maybe I just Don'T- I just don't get how bite and will be the guy there's no way he can less. The do can already not speak. They ve got by doing bad. Once exercise because he falls so much in which case I look at this and I'm like maybe I should shares of given new, because what happened I don't think no summer when, but if binding knocked out of the race and newsome takes over nuisance there's will go from thirteen to fifty? So that's how works you not actually bet on him to win just improve right, get out of our recommend any that stuff. I recommend people, you know stay away This I will say this initiative conversation on what gambling really is and there
the narrow in the broad views. The broad view is that any kind of wager of money against a system- and it hopes that the value improves is gambling. That would mean the stock market is gambling. I tat, I don't see the difference. Look, let's talk about horse betting right. We have the horse track here in in charleston, west charlestown, west Virginia I trust it's fun to fun to watch. The horses are really care for betting on them to understand half of it. But you know you put a dollar on the horse with the funniest name in the across your fingers, help you intend, but because or our now maybe. Favorite you in a dollar fifty, but the issue with horses, I'll stop. if the guy at the track and what he said was: ah it's not gambling and I'm like horse betting is not and goes no because people are tracking the braided a horse. The horses record, the terrain, the horses on the jockey All of these factors play a role and you can actually calculate greater than chance odds of winning and making more money for everybody else. They shop and just like what are the odds bet on the favourite right. Sometimes the favour doesn't when and then you lose money.
The point is the narrow view of gambling. Is that flipping a coin is a gamble because there's no way to predict what it will be. But any system that allows you to gain information and make predictions about what is to come is not gambling debating the percentage. So if you look at black jack, for instance, in your counting cards, you have like a fifty one percent chance of winning verses if you're not counting cards. Like forty point nine point, forty nine point: five, our forty four point, five and its gambling, because you're hoping the coin. Basically, you know your trot. If you play basic strategy, if you're playing a game like craps, we roll dice, you ve no idea you. The funny thing is there are skill shots in craps people can learn to throw but an meetup throw better and land on certain number, But this is why they have rules like you've got it. The dice have to hit the back wall. Things like this roulette. All of these games are chance, no matter what you think. You know you can We have worse or better odds but you're, not beating the system. However, for a thing, something like predicted, where,
We know because we're reading the news you actually have substantially greater than chance odds of being right and making money. So the question is: is that gambling anyway, I digress I'll, bring it up in the context of predicted. I think there's a move to like try and get predicted banned or something, but I think the whole system is interesting and we will see what we get with predicted in my opinion is sentiment among those who use the system. we'd I'd- I don't know the demographics of a system like predict that right is it mostly twenty five year old man is mostly forty year old men who knows if it was an accurate sampling of the population, are you're looking at some data, but either way we are experiencing through predicted wisdom of the crowds which I think is important
This episode has brought you buy undeniably dairy picture. A dairy farmer did you picture aim meteorologists, studying the atmosphere about an engineer, running a bio gas system that turns maneuver into renewable energy or a scientist researching nutrients to try to help reduce methane emissions from calves. Farmer is more than a farm to learn more about our dairy farmers are doing to make their farms more sustainable visit. U s! Dairy darker! This means that while we don't know the demographic top behind, who is actually making the purchases on shares and of Joe Biden will we do see, is a lot of people making their bets and you effectively get and ask the audience like like who wants to be a millionaire not always correct, but in the earlier questions, the wisdom of the crowd, tens, correct? Most people are making his back now. The information is based on today and will change, but as of right now, based on all
information available to people making wagers, they think Joe Biden gonna win, despite the fact that the other odds have donald trump as the favourite we will see can't say I know for sure what I can tell you is oh boy: does it really bother them that Joe Biden is losing black support. First, I want to show you this article from NBC news from twenty twenty. This headline is something to behold. I I implore you. This headline should be taught in journalism. Schools, it reads: black men shift slightly toward trump in record numbers poll shows lemme, lemme Lemme, read that for you again, black men it's slightly toward trump in record numbers. What which is it? How does that sentence? Make sense it's a shift slightly toward trump or what, if black men shift toward trump in record numbers, it's not slight right
they're trying to that that their debt, that amazing article is a most black men support, bind, but All Democrats have been losing blackmail support since o eight according to NBC exit pull data, very interesting, very interesting, daily mail reports. But an trails, donald trump and twenty four rematch and loses key support from independent and younger voters. Daily mail pull reveals daily mail. Pull reveals. Donald trump takes one. white lead over Joe Biden, new survive a thousand voter, so we have that currently over five thirty eight. We can Daily mail has been added to the mix showing trumped up by one point: with abc wash in opposing drop into polls is up by nine and ten points that is earth shattering, that that is apocalyptic news to the debt to damage That's right now morning, council, with six thousand registered voters, has Joe Biden up one point. It is right now
it is nearly nearly a stick. ty. However, with the latest poles showing tromp, typically ahead, it is We are in favour of donald trump, despite the fact that much of this does inaccurate fall within the margin of error. So we don't know for sure. Can't say we know for sure, but I can tell you here- is an article four march. Eighth. Twenty three this article up, because another videos gone viral of a conversation Joe rogan had with patrick that David, where Joe rogan. As I already said, I'd vote for trouble over Biden. Ah but Joe rogan did not say I will vote trump. He did not, and I think it's because Jos hedging is bad, that it anchored be Joe Biden. The examiner says: rogan would vote trump and twenty twenty four over Biden and side show of diversity administration. This. conversation, I believe, with Russell brand quote. I would vote for trot before I vote for Biden just because I think with button. Gone like you know, he's gone mentally rogan said it
as I said he would support rhonda santa's her present, noting that what he does is done is standard for freedoms. It is really interesting, rogan. I think at a hard time, during the covered, lock downs and just my personal perception not like thing. He said to me, but listening to his showed during locked downs, it was alive of the same stuff over and over and over again. What do you do when you talk about nothing's happening? It's just lock down, and so a lot of people are like man, it's just lockdown stuff. That was everyone's life When Rhonda santas burst onto the scene, I had also do the same thing. Joe did that runs the guy sitting there with the daily what billy wire crew a year and a half ago like ice. It's wrong he's got the tact. He's got the leadership peace if he runs its his to lose. In fact, all the protection markets had rhonda santas ahead. Because to the one and then ron launched his campaign and he
What are the worst communications people you could possibly imagine while Rhonda santos was still doing very well in terms of the leadership in estate, getting rid of these sorrows prosecutors. I think he did a fantastic job with the hurricane down in florida, and I thank ron. Santa is one of the best politicians when we have in the country. I was for a while saying he was the best, but now I'll shut up, Matt gates met gates his efforts on single subject spending and standing up to the machine hands down the best while we got, we got getting where these omnibus spending bills is paramount. This idea that a group of people with lobbyists backing small knit groups like the speaker and whatever craft of five thousand page spending, built a vote or don't lie. That's insane so mats doing a fantastic job, but the santas But when he came out the gate, he did his announcement on acts. That was a mistake. He did not create a
mobile historical moment. He created something easily forgettable and crashed. It was a tactical error. Ron should have done a public announcement without a rally, he needed to go undergo charisma training not saying this to be made to the guy, but his people could not handle the truth that Rhonda santas coming out an axe to it ash stream and then going well, I'm here to lead the great american come back. That is not a rally cry for nation in distress. Sorry man, it's crazy that, unlike I'm a huge fan, I would vote the guy, and this is what you get wrong. Now is trailing. I mean it's brutal you look at election betting, odds and disadvantage. Is losing to michelle obama and to our of K junior. How did he go from favourites to what is the in six seven was six place, man each tie with rama swami.
Vague has dropped down quite a bit. He was under the sea. A lot of attention seems to be waiting a little bit since the debate, but I think the vague what we could do a good job in poland. but will see I'm wondering who the the vp choice will be that even at with warren down here with a really really unlikely, but it is, a crazy to see that run as best is just completely the conversation and united. Once again. We like to think that ronald be vp and I was like no and there You have a wife who, unlike some like no, they don't runs knocked out. This is crazy. Look at this g p. Nomination election chances has wrought at eight point six percent. Now, no that's not what shape over the predicted marketing
What they say about the wow remarkable rhonda santas on predicted is tied with the vague promise, swami and they're both losing to Nicky Hayley donald trump, now sits proudly at seventy four cents. I gotta say if you bet on donald trump awhile ago last year your you have more than doubled your shares. That's crazy.
I actually thought dissenters might actually take it not anymore. Sorry, ma'am donald trump is a. He he's got some problems. He needs to stop talking about persecution of himself. Well, I should clarify he is talking about twenty twenty. I think it is still effective in some ways to talk about the targeting in the persecution and prosecution of himself trump coming out and saying, they're trying to arrest me and lock me up. Yeah yeah. I think that's, that's! That's! That's fine! Some people have argued it's not. No. I think it's fine, but trump does need to redouble his efforts on talking about the border crisis that right there number one Donald trump comes out and says I built secure, fencing triple layer, bollard fencing. We brought in more more a cbp and federal law law enforcement to deal with the influx of illegal immigration, and I was halted by democrats. Bro bring out every clip, every video of Democrats saying trumps, racist trumps, racist
run those ads in new york city. Do it show every day credit being like we don't need a wall. Let the asylum seekers coming show cause you're, quoted, sank, saying asylums play those videos as the Bull are fighting in the streets against the immigration crisis. Donald trump at this point it is to lose tromp needs only focus on immigration and culture was right. that- and you are going to see something very interesting- not know, what's gonna happen its trumps the loose, but listen we're a year out the variables there are too many. There are too many to count things could change Joe Biden could have a mathematical issue, Gavin newsome stepson, maybe michelle obama, maybe announces. Who knows we'll see, I can predict a future for my friends, I know look at a prediction markets, but leave it there. Next segments coming up at four p m on this general thanks for
out- and I will see you all them. This episode is brought to you by and at sea holiday, gifting mission, operation, handcrafted and affordable pierce the situation, it's the holidays, which means you're on a mission to find handcrafted, affordable gets you want items that will brightened spirits of everyone on your list, but won't blow your budget. Well, then, it's time to simplify your gifting experience with at sea. Whether you're searching for handmaid home pieces bore personalized items. You can find the perfect gifts on etsy beauty, etsy use the code holiday tend for ten percent off your first purchase. That's code holiday, ten maximum discount value of fifty dollars expires december, thirty, first, twenty twenty three c terms at etsy, dotcom, slash terms: etsy. Has it job etsy dot com recent? a trend emerged on Tik tok, where women ask their male friends and partners and family members how off
and do you think about the roman empire and theirs to discover that men think about the roman empire, often but the missiles thing. Is it's not just the roman empire, the idea supposes that men are singularly focused on this one aspect of history, but if you're Ask money man about say other times, and history like that civic revolution: nazi germany, the spanish civil war. You might get comp full answers to varying degrees, simply put roman empire major part of us history and a component of male thinking. Now we have this I from lebanon, post I'm a roman empire export hears why men are so obsessed with it, and women just don't seem to get it it is not so much the roman empire. It is not because of video games.
Not because of movies, which is what the having imposed tries to argue. It is because men think about worldly things how the world operates and how it may become a threat to them their friends and their families, as a very basic way of explaining it? We looked at history to give us guidance to the future. We remember the past so that we are not doomed to repeat it. History doesn't repeat it rhymes as they say so when we think about today the current state of political affairs we all especially if you're watching my show in the morning or at night. We often compare what's happening to other historical events, when I am asked. How often do you think about the roman empire, the responses? I don't know a couple times per week. Why because I hosted political talk, show where we talk about historical references and ok, that's an easy answer. Right but why are so many people, so many men, men drawn to a conversation like this? Oh boy, I love
talk to you all about and show you this article and break down for you. The views that many people have. There are many different reasons why men think about the roman empire. Carl Benjamin has a great respond He says what I love about. The roman empire trend is that a lot of women are suddenly realising that their that her own husband is intelligent, educated and thinks about important and far reaching things she doesn't even consider at all hit an inch in inner life and she had no idea this video from wall street silver omens that I asked it been. If you, but the roman empire, I was not prepared for his response. This should terrify you this. Front I am not here to pile. to a silly trying to them conversation about history and silly ideas. Men have actually here to worry. You, because you need to understand is that this trend as exposed that men are concerned about worldly affairs, how they will get food for their families, how we survive and women
and not to care. I'm not saying that no one cares. There are many women who do care. I am saying friend is, as such, men tend to care about worldly affairs history. and what's happening to the world around us, women tend not to. I have a video that can exemplify this for you, and this is why I believe you're getting so many people saying repeal the nineteenth amendment this video right here, there's a tweet from billy rat and its originally it instagram from Jamal the creative and it is brilliant and I want to play for it you this video right now for those areas, listening only to explain it to you, but let me play only sixteen seconds long. The grows to exist love my nearest exit still in front of me. The guy looks kind of suspicious make sure he doesn't get too close to her name. Don't tell this person, then, okay, so
The video says me not using a single brain cell when I'm with my man and it a man and woman walking through what appears to be a mall and the man splaining that, while their walking he is checking for his exit and concerned about a strange looking man this. The male perspective and then the man is singing It abou, but elder daughter, she's, all Bolivia's, not paying attention I'm not saying all women are doing this, but this is an example. Duration of this fund on related to the roman empire. Let's take this from these simple. Yes, let me let me take us when I go out. That's not true of all men. When I go out, I am constantly paying attention to the people around me. I am constantly paying attention to wear my exits. Are I've told this story several times when I for fusion, the a b c news company, I'm sitting at that there are these diner tables in the office. I thought it was cool, I guess, and then everyone else at their desk
and all of a sudden light start flashing and brandt rant, rant fire alarm going off. I immediately grab my computer grandma bad and I get up and I'll to my associate, who is female, I said: let's go, let's go and she's like we're, leaving, unlike the fire alarm going off, we go outside. No one else came while It's amazing. I remember I was in another built the building with fusion of fusion. There are different offices and the power went out the building. and the loudspeakers came on, and I say: do not panic remain at your desks. Everything is fine, I said no, but I've got the f out of that building because I'm not stupid. Out. There were some kind of electrical problem in the basement. Water leakage was like puzzle of not good. Well sure enough. I said you should leave, but there are different world views.
Some people are oblivious to what's going on many women alike and they don't know, and I dont care, not every man is thinking about the roman empire. But I assume every man is thinking about historical events and their consequences, which brings me to this from lebanon post, I'm a roman bert here's why men are so obsessed with it and they are wrong you're. The funny thing is my audience is: more We may also. Most of you already know this, but I really would love upon the matter, considering we're seeing. I mean here's. Another cocker caused an article from yesterday talking about the roman empire I'm a roman empire export business and Amy Glover, who does not understand the male perspective? The reason why I say this is shocking and should worry you is that many of these women overwhelmingly voting democrat, do not care about historical events and the lessons they teach us. I am not saying all women, I'm saying the tenant
is for men to look at, say the roman empire and say well. How did that happen and willed? happen to us and for women their surprised. It's a joke. It's a meme! It's hilarious: why are you thinking about history? Only crap. Are you serious, the president, but indicted on. Ninety one counts. There arresting p. Four storming the capital. This is crazy. We have debt crisis, even economy economic crisis we're going to have food tomorrow and many women. Are going to no, no, no, no. What and their voting, It welcomes a modern living. Let me play for you The response from this. This guy looks like adage: is that a chicken coop back there? Okay now I know this guy is awesome any way limit. Let me play this video. instead. Everything about the roman empire alter why we, We think about it wrong because we're in those times right now, everybody's preoccupied with sport, movies, work
You know what you said about bread: well, the common people. When empires and thereby was equally nobody any chance, but it wasn't really get richer and poorer for and they worry there's no way about people writing his aim, the common man, the common people take over at any time. so they would bring them under the collar sales and they would give them fragrance. that would give them bread. They were given Why? Whatever they needed, we call it bred in circuses. Yes, but most of you know that didn't you feel their bellies in bought their minds from what they were angry about they would watch plays, they would watch I with gladly gladiators some home from months on end and that's what, we're at right now and I think about it all the time, because so many people are preoccupied with their favorite football team.
Her favorite actor agro, say her and they did just don't even think about what we are taking away from as long as our values are full and are happy with what's going on they just let it continue. So this Is a really great but surface level, explanation to why men think about the roman empire right might my simple take is men are interested in worldly affairs and externalities where our interested in their social circles and less so with worldly affairs they aren't that does not have Well, there are many men who who behave this way. There are many women who don't again wanna be clear because they're going to be like TIM thinks, all women know Think if you look at trends in news media, you can see that for well news audiences tend to skew male podcast news. Culture, conflict crisis, male audience make.
Social commentary, so social or cultural commentary pop culture tends to be more female and it makes sense men being object, oriented women being subject: oriented women, don't care about history. History is not now it's nothing to do with my friends, my family, my culture and the trends we have take a look at instagram. For instance, we see these trends among young girls, where, if they dont get enough likes, they get seriously depressed. Women are or heavily influenced by social issues than men are. This all plays a role. Think of it. This way men are the ones that are sitting outside of the campsite on its nomadic tribe. It's the two thousand b c and the women are cooking they're, making food they have baskets of berries and fruit and stuff their rearing. Children and the men are standing guard. The men are thinking about what's happening outside what just happened with that native tribe. Do you remember
seven years ago, the store you are told about how the people came in and killed everybody one day they see off the distance. A bunch of men who have fields with a symbol on it and they say I remember that story, those those are insert barbarian horde I I know what's going to happen next. and the women are less likely be paying attention to those things because of biological, evolutionary biology, as well as traditional gender norms, here's the article from having to post, Because it's fastening those women, this woman this still doesn't get it, and I I understand it's, gotta be difficult for a lot of men to properly articulate. You know They are concerned the way they are, and I'm sure I'm giving the best answer possible, but I think you know it a bit more advanced than someone just saying, because it was history or something like this which what what some men do. So here's what you rights.
If you have so much, has heard of Tik tok chances. Are you all know about the current roman empire? Trent? It's not a current trend, but but I gotta, I got up. I'm saying that men think about this stuff all the time, regardless of whether women realized it it began. When enthusiastic gaius Flavius from sweden, reignited conversation previously begun an instagram by influence or saki saucy, a court court. Originally, went viral for asking her male fans. How often they think about the roman empire spoiler it's way more often than I expected flavius asked the same kind in an instagram this august to such viral success that eventually took over tik tok women. Film themselves, asking their male partners how, after they think about the roman empire and were made to find out that, for some they considered the conquest every single day. he owes like the one below encouraged others myself very much included to ask the man in my life
how often to the ancient empire, marched across their minds. Here only play this video forums like a week or just how many times in general, do you think about the roman empire would have bathrooms just anything about it. Probably not a lot, not a lot. What was the last time you thought about it. Hitherto she sets laughing maybe a week or two ago, and she and she was her and then she liked can do things like. I don't know not that much, maybe like three or four times a month and then she's that is so often work. Wow is surprising. The people it is on surprising to me that there a trend among women shocked to figure out that men care about worldly affairs and history, its rights, its. There there there there now realizing wait. What so, why?
so obsessed, they still don't get it, and I think this is cause for a lot of our political ales. Look man, I gotta, be honest When women are so shocked to discover that men care about politics and history that it becomes a true, and where they're laughing in surprise, like what is happening here manner from mars When I from venus and women truly don't get men, they really don't men don't get. Women can be wrong, but this should worry you when you consider the political ramifications for the average perspective of women versus the average perspective of men it is not to say that women are or more right or men are more right in how they view the world, I think, is an appropriate balance between a matriarch and a patriarch in that a mother and father led to the success of the child.
If there's no father, we learn that there's probably going to be high crime. Drug use, bad behavior. Now we don't see that same thing. If there's no mother, but in my opinion we ve talked about this on the culture work without a mother, I think you're likely to encounter emotional issues and social connection issues that can result in a fractured authoritarian system. You need a balance between The emotional and illogical that you get from the two parents perspectives check out the next generation of small glasses by re ban and better listen to music without new in the world around you with open air speakers will capture the world from your unique perspective, with a built in twelve megapixel again now you can lodge during the moment straight from your glasses and even take calls handsfree without interrupting you flood. The latest tat combined with iconic, die the next generation of smart laxity by rabies and matter. So she writes
None of the answers men, given their videos, are satisfying to me. It is a lot of stories and lessons of what to do and what not to do one woman's partner says, but so does the real hot housewives- and I got to cannot tell you how unsuccessful my attempts to get my partner involved have then oh man, that is terrifying. The statement made about big stores and lessons of what to do and what not to do is basically saying do you want to eat. tomorrow and her responses. But the real housewives talks about lessons make Oh, I don't about it in there. That's right there them and walking through them all worried, there's a predator. What, if there's a fire? What if a storm happens, men think about these things? That's why I told a story about The alarms going off. I was hanging out at the casino last year and fire went off, and so I we me my girlfriend make our way to the front exit
They say: hey, look, everything's, fine, it's a fire alarm and this! this is one where actually stuck around. It was a smoke machine that was falsely triggering the alarm and we're alike. Ok, ok, however, I don't blindly just trust. I wish you could see the smoke machine coming out from that from the view that the event centre, so we went to near the exit- and I said well- keep calm, we'll stay right next to the exit hanging out but I'm what I'm like. Ninety nine percent confidence, literally the smokes muslim machine that we can see so that I understand but when I'm, when I'm walking around a big place of this, I am constantly thinking about these things. He's at you, but that is another another says: that's that's how they lived, how they govern how they built. Like engineering, food aseptic systems has really good their attention, but ancient chinese people invented loads to want to think about that simple. We are thinking about what is what,
Billy known to us in the context of historical politics and cultural affairs, that is to say, we talked quite a bit about the bolshevik revolution. We talked quite a bit about in ancient rome and and an israel that becomes up, and we talk about stories of christianity. We talk about south east asia. We talk about feudal, japan, not nearly as much. Why well, because roman empire is much more tied to our history. So, yes, we think about a lot of things. We think about world war. Two, how about this trend? How often do you think about world war? Two, I'm willing to bet people think about world or two more often than they think about the roman empire, but the trend becomes the roman empire because it's so long ago and so confusing to women to think about worldly affairs, Why am I saying every women every woman there some
two ancient rome, literature, literature and beautiful poetry, but it actually wasn't it wasn't. What's copping up in the trend in Seti finds the common themes are sports armies and sex. This, of course, a very particular slice of complicated era. I think men are thinking of you know, gladiators who are like sports stars, they're not judging themselves as enslaved people, these people really dont, get it. Somebody tik tok talking about. You know rome was the best, but you must also favour the terrible effects of conquest and colonization. So there are some element of hyper masculinity or the fixation or as one tik tok commenter put it just men mending man ladys. This is why you ve got men and and sang repeal the nineteenth, because you are quite literally pushing these trends. Where you say you don't care about what makes the world turn, and that is quite literally how you eat tomorrow. These
Women are pushes and- and I'm not I'm not proponent of appealing the nineteenth not at all, but this is why people are because they're, like you, too many women do not care about historical ramifications of failed policy, and thus, if you forget your past your doom to repeat it, because it runs another tick tucker pointed out the trend heavily leans towards white straight american men. It often ignores that advances made by non european ancient civilizations and tends to focus more on the male centered, military and political matters of the time who who, with that said, fascinating time period with a scholarship and You are in europe. I suppose it makes sense to reflect on what the biggest military powers, if we think about what to begin with. But why would you be a pair early this, this woman, then brazen email, informant, who says people like video games in latins part of our language. I still wasn't satisfied, you know, really I just like gladiators. There was a good movie men manning. Indeed, ok, let's play there
Well, the goes to excess left, my nearest exit still in front of me. I got it looks kind of suspicious make sure he doesn't get too close to her. Maybe just pass on the great video man. Hey look, ladies, you don't have to be thinking about these things. It is not your obligation if it is not within you, but by all means, don't men! Well, you have a responsibility more so than women. Why look man progresses? I don't want to accept this, but the guy here is taller than the woman has more bone density, more muscle, mass, more skin collagen and if he dies, the woman can still have babies, and that is not meant to be an insult to women. Producing life is the most important thing a human being can do,
because, if you can't make more humans, there will be no humans within a few decades to be fair within, like seventy years, humans will cease to exist. If you can't make more people, so men think about protecting women, because women make more humans, that more humans, we are gone and women rely on men. This is not absolute, but it is typical of history. Biological evolution, etc. So to simply break it down for you, why do men think about the roman empire? The roman empire is one of the most prominent prominent stories histories, lessons of civilization for people of european descent.
And people who live in cultures with a strong european connection? If you are in asia, you probably think about the chinese empire. What was it was the the jing dynasty? I don't know enough about it. You might be thinking about shaka zulu, we've talked about shaka zulu periodically. We talk about the the conquest in south america. We talk about the aztec empire. I think the issue with this is here: here's what the trend should be. Instead of just asking people half to death about the roman empire, ask them. How often do you think about world war two in any way and they're, probably going to tell you way more often, the roman empire? Why recent history, political issues, everyone? Is being called a nazi that I think you will find more common, but of course the issue was the roman empire seems to be a novelty it so long.
Who cares? What does that have to do with anything has to do with everything? A eight I mean the roman empire was massive. It breaks up into two different factions, two different empires. You have the all these mat these these tremendous stories, the crossing of the rubicon. Why do we think about rome or an empire, because the the the concept of crossing the rubicon means, the point of return- and it is a turn of phrase we use in politics all the time when Harry reed uses the nuke changes the rules and is a fella buster. We called that crossing the rubicon referencing at this point You're going to regret it, because what happens trump then gets three supreme court justices in. Why are we thing about the roman empire, because the phrase crossing the rubicon, the betrayal of caesar at two brutus There are so many stories and what happened in rome. It comes up frequently in our daily perspectives, but I suppose you are more concerned with make up tutorials and taylor swift and I am not saying these things are bad things is not meant to be disrespectful. If your
concerned with make up to toys pop culture, celebrity news and things like that: you're, not thinking about the roman empire. But if you are a dude, your mike, you are likely to be more politically inclined, pay attention to news and information and thinking about the consequences of the past, meaning what war one world war to the roman empire, the japanese empire, which leads to the first use of of nuclear weapons. world war, two world war, two was not just europe anyway, I love the trend. I leave it there next segments coming up at six p m in the channel thanks, frank it out and I ll see. Well then, the story is just breaking earlier today, papa marie le pair twenty six murdered in baltimore parliament is a forbes thirty under thirty taxi. Oh, who launched a seven million dollar eco company, or the first thing I want to say, is horrifying story,
and I feel for thee. My condolences to the friends and family of this young woman who apparently had launched a successful tech company. course. You know that the subject matter that I'm going to be discussing is going to be crime in big cities, which is why I highlight this is a woke female taxi e o, who was murdered now wanna, make sure it's clear for all of you won't other circumstances around what happened and this woman. It may have been someone she's. She knows, and even in the best of times the most secure of times, There's nothing, you can really do F you. bite, someone, your house, you trust and then a bad thing happens. It's also true. Even if your home, by yourself and the door is kicked in by a violent criminal, has been stalking, you calling the police can only do so much. My point is simply this unique once you want you dont. Let alone need to build a defend yourself. None of these things are perfect. None of these things. Well, we'll stop violent criminals, intent on causing you hard.
And what do you do in an apartment building? You know when you're being attacked. I thank you. It is why we have a right to keep it arms, I think, is particularly important for women, so I will stress. The issue at hand that I will be commenting on us not to criticise this woman for anything other other than her ideology and that is to say there is no gap that any change in her ideology would result in anything other than what happened so far. As we don't know the details. My point assembly you align yourself with a faction of people that vote to take away your right to defend yourself, and I believe that you are opening the door for these people. You align yourself with people who vote for releasing criminals onto the street. You increase the rate of violent crime. Now again we don't know the circumstances. The story is quite some. Poverty, marie le pair twenty six murdered in baltimore apartment? They say no suspects have been arrested and cops have not revealed. Possible motives according to a social. The affair was born, tucson, arizona and with single so the first
Now I want to say is look you're allowed to be single. Like I know, issue with that, I do want to stress is not typical of human set of american society. body for people to be single, and so you will let you off your much less likely to encounter things like this. When you live with someone else,. However, I will also add: men do beat their ives more so than women beat their husbands and there have been circumcised Thus, even when women are not single right I simply say perceived the best whom security of twenty twenty three by? U S, views and world report, but we don't do what we do for the occasion to it to protect EU and everything you like. Our advance. Sensors in hd cameras are powered by twenty four seven professional monitoring for fast emergency response that simply saved a calm, slash spot, a fight to get fifty percent off any new system today advanced home security, twenty four seven professional monitoring for less than a dollar a day, there's no safe, like simply safe. That's it
leadership, the baltimore based tech startup raised a total of seven million dollars of funding. In the last eighteen months, officers I've and eleven thirty four a m to our apartment, complex upon arrival. They found her dead. She had signs of blunt force trauma ethical examiners office took possession of the body pending examination. According to investing, is. There had been a missing persons call made for her a short time before she was discovered christmas knees attended to the building, told w jazzy it's pretty. Horrifying, I mean just for it to happen anywhere in the city. Is ours, a bad thing, but it's hard to imagine why this would happen specifically in this building. Apparently, in an apartment, building the farmers side to the congress hotel, where a one better miss fifteen hundred dollars. You can see that she was featured in forbes thirty under thirty she's, a bunch of photos, and I think it's important to point out that this is a woke. the visual, because my warning to all the view is pay attention to these stories and, let's figure out how we prevent things like this from happening, is not a gun death. It's a blunt forced trauma, death,
it may be that this was someone she was dating or rejecting it may be that it was a stalker it could be. It was a family member who knows could be a neighbor, no idea There may be no real solution to something like this happening, but I think it's worth bringing up because crime is running rampant to an extreme degree and we do not work. Anyone to be made an example of I want this woman. I that she succeeded in her company, improving the lives of people around or through technology, but instead Had we consistently get these activists that ignore the plight in these cities, the crime in these cities resulting in more crime in these cities they want a mention where's, our workforce is fifty percent female. Fifty percent people of color reclined include the aspens institute, Mehta w ex our fun to row etc. Are proprietary tat allows us to create platforms at our pre populate with information about resources etc.
at cetera and, of course, over on her social media. She does have a call out in support of black lives matter. Now I want to stress, it may be generic right. The support that that she puts out the statements is, she may know nothing about any of this stuff, but this is still the banality of the current political state, not necessarily anything this woman having done bit being evil? I'm just saying supporting these causes, which are fake, which our exploitative, which are manipulative and which lead to policies that increased crime in our major cities is to make more of these stories, and we do not want that in its policies as venture capital. Eighty plus percent of VC firms that have a single black investor. Thirty percent of the top vc funds are white bear, but all of this is just indicative of a majority white population. Three percent of sp loans go to black owned businesses. She says we all have a role.
play. If you're not sure, I can contribute to building an anti racist society think about where your expertise and influence life. For me, that's entrepreneurship, Anti racist is a neo marxist concept. It does not mean you oppose racism. It means you support racial discrimination, segregation just in a different way and then We have the story, of course, CBS, as it will close nine hundred stores by the end of twenty four ten percent of all of us but as a moves to on line strategy amid rampant increase in shoplifting. It's getting cry. Easy man and so see this story, and the first thing I thought cause I'm biased was when I, At about a woman being martin baltimore, I said I bet the woman is woke. I bet she is a woke Democrat soup. Being anti racism and all of that stuff. Why will she lives in baltimore thanks affair? president, and so I just did a google search. Even the article talk about her woke anti racist marxist policies,
and my concern is these people who want to I think I'll go for a man or a woman. Okay, women obviously are more at risk, because men tend to be the perpetrators of violence tend to be the victims of violence. That's true, but a woman is less able to defend herself relative to a man yo. I don't care if you think that sexist men tend to be taller, tend to have more muscle mass. Men, need guns, and so I am sick of these stories. There should not be stories of women being victimized in this way. She should be allowed to espouse her views by tell you this. When you vote for people who vow to open up the prisons, let people out
more violent crime will happen and the sad reality is, I will also add. I don't blame her she's, the victim. Okay, some of her policies contribute to this, but to all the people who vote for policies that release criminals. This is the this is what the the result will be. Now I don't believe I I'm not a fan of cash bail. This idea that someone gets arrested, they're not even convicted, and you lock them up. No, I'm not a fan of that. It used I see that you're a bail hearing, but they barely do this anymore, because there's no time now they just say pay the bail and get out whatever. Okay, fine everybody could spell, but you gotta pay. Well, that's that's! That's a problem. If the preponderance of evidence. or I should say your your characteristic- everything- suggests your nonviolent offender. Well then, let him go and maybe we'd operate and more a three strikes model. The problem I have with the system of kashmir.
Is that there are people who are wrongly accused go to jail. They can't go to work, they they lose their jobs. They can't pay rent things like that happened. Why and what happens they get? They get acquitted, whoops, sorry, wrong person and their life is destroyed. That's not, okay. If you're not proven guilty, we should build a lock you up. Unless we have a a a direct, and that can be rounded- the court approves your violent and I'm not even super concern about a flight risk. If you're a shoplift during your flight risk its nonviolent, that's it. I dont think
you don't like so the issue, as I'd say, you're accused of shoplifting and then there, like. All this person's got money in a passport and the means to travel. That doesn't mean you are guilty of anything. But that being said, I fully recognise violent offenders. Must you have to be detained? Otherwise? What happens? We can't have someone be arrested on a violent charge released and then go engage and violence, but that creates a very serious problem for us. How do we handle a system like this? You know I'd make the argument that people should be given hotel accommodations when they're in lock up pre conviction, that is to say, if you're convicted, you go to jail jails jail, but if you are being held without bond or you can't pay bond, you should be given access to the internet
You should be given a comfortable bed, you should be given good food. I know it's challenging because then you'll get people committing crimes just again to these beautiful nice systems. We can't afford it yup, it's tough, but I don't see how you justify someone who has not been convicted being placed in squalid, squalor and being forced to miss work and cut off from communication. Now I I reject all of that. The system wants to lock someone up because there they fear they are violent, but haven't proven it. Then you've got to provide that person's basic standard of living. Long story- short men, whatever it is, we're doing it. Ain't working and I think the real issue here is cultural. I think the woke narratives and all of that contributes to a culture of destruction outside of policy, and it brings sad stories just like this. I don't have the solutions for you, my friends because, like I said I'll, say it for the
at the time. Even if we had different positive culture, murder happens and it's and there's no direct correlation between this. When being woke and whatever happened to her, it's not like one of those stories where it's like prison advocate, gets attacked by prison prisoner. They help or something like that. It's like a woman who was a tech, ceo happened to have posted, woke, stuff and believed in all this woke policy stuff and then something bad happens to her. We don't know why. My point is simply do not support these. These policies that weaken our ability to protect ourselves. How much you want to bet the lady was in favor of gun control and all that I wish he had a weapon to defend herself. I really do believe at their next segments come up tonight at eight pm over at youtube dot com slashed him cast. I r l thanks for hanging out and I'll see you all. Then. I've seen several people talking about the story of ethan liming and the frame on twitter seems to be that several young black men beat a white man to death and no one seems to care
and so as I've seen, this narrative persist decided you will. Let me look into this cause. There's some videos going around a violent assaults and a narrative that, and it is black on white crime- nobody cares. But if it's white on black it's national news now. I certainly think that is the case in a lot of circumstances. If it is like a white cop and like a black, unarmed man, it's it's a national headline, but if the story about a white cap and a white man or even latino typical- stories are just often ignored and they do happen. Unarmed people innocent people and sometimes not in some people, are killed by police fairly often, and I say fairly often in that relative to each other. So within I think twenty nineteen you had not between nine and thirteen unarmed black men that were shot and killed by police. You I believe comparable amounts of great are actually a higher amount. I'm pretty sure it's it's a bit higher amount. Other races, and so the narratives don't get as much attention
let's talk about the Ethan lyman case, because there is a big question about whether or not This is a story of injustice or justice only break it down, for you. When I see people saying that these brothers being found not guilty of my manslaughter is injustice and in their framing it. As though you know these black men beat this white kids death and got away with it. The story is that, though the white kid liming was slow. in part driving around and shooting people with a pellet gun, and when tried to stop him. A fight broke out me died in the scuffle. Sorry, dude going to condemn these deeds. In fact, I will say: Only consideration here is the orbit barbary story where it was a black men. Robbing a white neighbour accused of a felony suspect in a white neighbourhood was locals October. The cops that was the guy a gun had gone missing they went to try and stop. These guys are running to the neighbour to live there, a fight broke out when
but arbitrary, taken the shot gun from Travis Mc Michael. The gun goes off killing him now those guys are in prison. So that's that debts I will say there is a question here about whether or not you really get justice, but I will also stress: Ahmed army was not in the right. It is a complicated question about what happened if I'm being surrounded by vehicles. I got the car behind the car in front of me. I might fight back too, but this is a guy who is a felony suspect that it was just jogging in his neighbor toward in live. I just, I think, that's absurd. and so the reality as locals, who didn't? Instead, the fight are trying to stop a criminal and then something better. Vince. Do they really deserted, but a present for the rest of their lives? By all means you can say they should have traced after him, but thirty four years Don't start with the story of Ethan liming where the races are reversed. These men did not get convicted, which I do find fascinating. I think they got lesser charges didn't get murder and they killed the guy. What's the difference they chased after a guy
Many crime granted I'll. Tell that there's a difference. Lining is shooting people with a pellet gun. End of story he's a direct threat. Aubrey was fleeing, so there is a difference here. Both read out kick It's two men involved in the can we can we close this somehow? I guess you can you really not closest thing this video player? Oh there, it is nope, can't you can't close their video player come on guys. Are you kidding me Anyway, they say two men involved in the death of seventeen year old ethan liming last summer and the brown james promise will in akron were found not guilty. voluntary manslaughter according to a sonnet county jury, got a jury reach. The decision on Monday to sean and look stafford face. Two counts of involuntary manslaughter averted was not reached for the first count and the determine the stafford brothers were not guilty concerning the second account Tyler also charges aggravated assault. The public health driscoll inaccurate. A higher was launched by the as a resource for at risk, children and families.
with twenty two liming, was caught up in a spot with de sean tyler jonathan jones, after driving by lebron, school and shooting at the three males with a pellet gun, when it arrived. I thought you'd never ask now streaming on parallel plus it's the new original series. Low, mid bass, reeves is dedicated to justice from executive producer, taylor, sheridan, co, creator of yellowstone storming executive producer and emmy award nominated actor David, yellow, it's the untold story. I'm warning you of the greatest american law man wicked days in law, man, bass, reeves new original series, now streaming exclusively on paramount, plus or you're kidding, I'm sorry, man out here, As Virginia, you pull out any kind of gun and opened fire on someone. They're gonna, open fire with real bullets. Do not do that this and an pellet guns are
are lethal. I dont know what he was going to say they were. They were water, capsule pellets, but either way, apparently one of the dude got shot in the face. Couldn't you did it? You could take us? Somebody's eyes. Is nuts the three men confronted lining up her shooting shooting at them with water. Bead pellets, police testimony shared in case They d liming accompanied by we're friends was high on wheat and pray by standards with a paragon now he was assaulting people what they weapon the sean staff. First, the respected meant to engage with reclining until his brother. as cousin Donna jones joined in details. On my fatal injuries reveal blunt trauma to the had believed have been suffered. Africa. on punched liming, causing the team to fatally has had on the ground means vehicles report earlier move and the scene by sean, tolerant donovan. However, the boys claimed that they acted self, the fact of in his friends, shot at them with his pellet gun. They d sean stafford admitted that he moved the vehicle to keep linings and from fleeing the site as police arrived stafford is
and his cousin ultimately fled the scene. Now that's a problem right there. That makes me call into question what their story is under ohio law. A person is allowed to use force in self defence or in defence of another you're allowed to do that. A defence attorney johnson shared you don't have to back up from a fight. He met a puncture, the punch, these boys were not looking for, trouble trouble came looking for them is out, kick out because ninety woke outlet, So I see people tweeting being like this is an injustice yadda yadda, unlike what am I missing here seriously? What am I missing if you go outside with something resembling a gun like let's say you gonna west virginia and you ve got a replica weapon, and you pointed at someone. I'm sorry man, you are likely going to lose. Your life do not threaten people, do not engage in violence. None of this. If you're driving around smoking pot, I don't have the biggest thing in the world, but hopefully was behind the wheel.
And give a pellet gun, I'm assuming a water pilot gun, I don't know what kind of weapon it was, how it looked, but either way if you're fired something at me and I dont know what it is. I consider that a threat on my life there are people group in chicago they would load super sobers with bleach and try and blind people are not kidding. Halloween was brutal, people would get pellet guns like seventeen years at seventeen or to or twenty two fully auto polygons and open fire on people and you'd be pelted up and welded someone pulls up to my neighbour. Shooting at anybody? It doesn't look like these goods. These do we're trying to start a fight with anybody. It like someone shut up, counterparts are shooting at him having set at being set. I know the media narrative rum, Ahmed army was alive and the media, around george flowed was alive, so I'm not going to immediately come out, and I blame the media for this and say that these guys are completely innocent because I'm wondering why do so? Many people are saying this is an injustice. Is it in dispute
this dude was firing on people with a pellet gun, because if that's a factor the case, then there's very little, you could say otherwise to make me be like. Oh then, these guys are bad dudes you're. If someone's walking around with a pellet gun shooting at people, I'm sorry bro, I dunno. If they have an any evidence, guys actually got hit in the face, but I'm not a mechanic city are plenty stupid race game right. I don't care if you're white, black, latino or otherwise- and I don't care if the perpetrators Many race, if your mind your own business with your friends and someone such fur the weapon at you. You have a right to defend yourself and I'm not gonna Emma fond of this trap of being like oh No, these guys should go to prison. Look, we called double standard in society, Inside of the mc Michael's in the orbit. Every case was an injustice, their conviction, Ahmed Aubrietia not have died ahmed armoury. Ah, I would say
Ass Ahmed army was a felony suspect. Ok, this gave them the right to pursue a citizen's arrest police. Tell them not to do it, though. The argument in court was the interpretation of citizens arrest, that's it and without that protection. Now it's now it's murder. Ahmed armoury, I can understand, he's got a car behind him, car in front of him and the guys are armed, and so he may be thinking, maybe maybe there's an hour now he was ever proven guilty of anything. The police believed it was this aspect, and so he says these guys are surrounding me. I'm going to fight back now I'll pause right. There, listen if they're a guy surrounding me and they have weapons, I don't care who or what they are. It is not incumbent upon me if I'm innocent, to determine whether or not they are a threat to me or not and calmly, talk to them and wait and find out
you engaged somewhat the weapon you have started. The fight ahmed armoury may have been a felony, burglary, suspect and if he was, he should be arrested and charged. Maybe if the police, I repeat, what a flood but as a local citizen, should you go to prison for the rest of your life for four thirty plus years, because some dude attacked you. While you were shot gun, I think that's absent insane. I met stories a travesty of justice. The idea that this these dudes you're allowed to be- neighbor you're, not you're, allowed to keep their weapons and you're allowed to try and stop criminals and they were attacked. So should there be some kind of charge yeah, I think there's something appropriate here, the police but you're not not to pursue them. I mean, but it's probably a civil issue, right payment restitution of the family into an end to a minor degree. To complete, be completely honest if someone fights you for any reason and the I hear the challenges we face are all put it this way.
Only addressing right now, the surface level issue of if a person fires you with a pellet gun, you're right to defend yourself What I will add to the story is, I don't believe the media, I think they're lying. I think they're lying about everything pretending to this stuff. I mean. Obviously the media tells the truth at we. We we, we use the media in our commentary, but I'm saying too often, stories like this tend to be false. The story turn out to be like the dude ask for directions and they tried robbing him and stole his pellet gun. Who knows I'm not going accuse him of doing anything wrong unless there's evidence. I'm sorry the way the media's run its very difficult to give people the benefit of the doubt and live there, next ailments coming up at four p m in the channel, thanks bring it out and I'll see you well then,. Ambitious, olympicum clerks particular success. I would on an invisible, then: does the emperor parquet leslie about passer by.
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-14.