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Bud Light DOUBLES DOWN, Donates 200k To LGBT Group, Bud & Target DOWN $40 BILLION, BOYCOTT WORKING


Bud Light DOUBLES DOWN, Donates 200k To LGBT Group, Bud & Target DOWN $40 BILLION, BOYCOTT WORKING

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It's jesse Kelly here fellows, are you ready to have a twenty percent increase in your testosterone in ninety days? Ladies, are you ready to have your brain function be even better. Are you ready to have more energy? Are you ready to lose weight? Are you ready to feel better the. While you do all this, you can support a hard core anti communist company and the best part of All this, it's all natural, not big farm, a crap. Not supporting all these pharmaceutical junk companies. Chalk see h, o q fellows they have a male vitality, stack. Nine, Today's take it and tell me how you feel ladys female vitality stack. Take it tell me how you feel, You want to feel like you're twenty years younger, go to c h, o hugh dot com, promo code tim get you through,
Five percent off your subscription get a subscription today c h, o que dot com, promo code tim make sure to go to TIM, cast dot. Com click join us and become a member to support this podcast and all the work we do. And you'll get access to exclusive uncensored segments from tim cast I r and weigh more now, let's jump into the first story. This is what a zombie fide corporation looks like from the advocate, but light pledges, two hundred thousand dollars to support algae bt q ploy. business owners of color but light is currently reed coming from a massive boycott which has knocked down from the number one spot in the country to number two. number one now is more della in the united states. Moldova is controlled by constellation. Brands of this is a correction update from the previous segment. I did mention this, but
upon further, invest I have more information Basically, there is an antitrust suit, which analyze or bush involve can't own, modelled on the? U s so outside the EU s den eyes are bush, but in the u s modelled now number one. I'm glad to hear it. I like motel out, so that's a good thing. Let's talk about the zampa of of of enterprise. Bud light knows that what they did with Dylan mulvaney hurt them severely. But they keep on trucking along, like mindless zombies. Now I wonder with the latest news being that bud lights, parent company ceased to these seven billion dollars gone share. is near bear market that twenty percent down from its highs when he seven billion wiped out. I will say this: people have asked: can you sue and eyes
wash for violating are neglecting their fiduciary duties to their shareholders. I believe the answer is yes. If you are a shareholder in bud light and eddie per cent of of their customers jumped ship. Their stock is in free fall. We all know why and bud light bonds by saying we're doubling down their intentionally, destroying the stock value they are intentionally sabotaging this brand new It may be as why call them some beside it may be that there just mindlessly marching along they don't care. What's negligence and if you're holding stock, I imagine you're gonna, lose a lot of money? Probably already dead, you're gonna lose more because man yeah also this if you were somebody who here ears I broke it? Dog target is also down, like, I think, thirteen billion dollars. If you were here
onto analyzer boy stock when this controversy started. You probably thought you. No luck. These things blow over boycotts are not going anywhere. I'm fine, I'm not gonna, sell my aunt eyes stock. You know that be silly, then. Would it dipped by a few bucks you probably can well, you know how it went down, but is probably the bottom there went down way more, nothing, it's down like fifteen dollars or something with no end in sight, you're angry thinking like ok, maybe This will finally stop and then light announces they are doubling down. Not only are the giving two hundred thousand dollars to two hundred thousand dollars directly. Who else gb plus causes we also have bud lie. Sponsors cincinnati pride parades after Dylan mulvaney controversy there, It is on brand, it is a zombie brand. Is being worn like a skin suit. There's no one in charge anymore,
There's no one. Looking at this company in being like hey, our goal is to sell beer its institutional capture I don't know what you could do. I demand If you are a shareholder. You know you probably grounds for a lawsuit. But at this point anybody holding the stock either just isn't paying tension to their wealth? They don't care, like you, gotta, be somebody who put your money away, forgets about it. Did I have stock in that? While I lost a lot of money, you must be very well off. I'd. Imagine most people who are holding shares and analyzer bush were probably freaking out I wonder who it is, who said holding this not seriously mean obviously p. still have bud livestock, but even if you support these, Social justice moves. You don't need to just lose all your money. That's the crew, These things are all right. Give give your money away. I guess so.
I'm gonna keep holding the stock for personal, principled reasons. So, okay, you did you, You could sell it and put your ma into literally any other company for the next couple of months. And still support but light in what they're doing. I guess there bore dislike, it's ok to lose tons of money or they're, just not penitent, check it out from the advocate dot com, they say but light and the national. Oh gee, BT, chamber of commerce announced on tuesday that they that they, that they have will expand. Typo gus their existing partnership with bud light. Getting two hundred thousand dollars to the chamber's communities of color initiative, bud light as brood, but bud light was proved to be an easy to drink. to enjoy beer for everyone, twenty one up, and that still holds true today said and as our bush, but like Parent comp company, in a release, we look forward to it
sending our work with the energy elsie see to continue making a positive impact on the algae, bt, q plus businesses play a critical role in bringing people everywhere together? The commune? he's of color initiative, support initiative, support algae b. Q plus business owners from diverse backgrounds through developing certificates. trips and business development opportunities, etc, etc. You get the point you get the point. Eyes or bush loses top algae bt plus rating over its bud light response- and I you see care more about their cult rating. Then they do their shares. This is the future. Unless we do so. Think about it. This is what communism looks like not saying it's all identical on this.
Really a better word for the modern version of what we're saying: techno communism, algorithm, algorithm, algorithm ism, the ideas that have been presented and the they do, these things is solely based on minded Algorithmic marching forward the people running, light have been somber fight? They don't know They don't care the company. Look, I gotta say. If you lose thirty percent of your customers in two months and new keep doing the same thing, it can It feels like whoever's in charge, fell asleep at the wheel. what happens when someone falls asleep at the wheel. Ok I'll put it this way you driving in the big old bud like truck carrying the beers in this at this person, who's driving?
And you're going down the road of means rate that person falls asleep. The car starts drifting for this moment between the explosive crash and twenty five carpet. Up in this brief moment where the drivers are sleeping in the car is drifting. You know something's wrong, you can see that the truck is veering off path. You know. If you continue down this path, you will crash, but at the moment the truck is still there. beers are all still there and then very shortly after the driver falls asleep. Kaboom So what do I see bud It is asleep. At the wheel, their company has veer is veering dramatically off course. It's it's spiralling out of control and they're doing nothing to correct it. Nothing they have just given up. I've decided jump out of a vehicle universes biggest
pumped out of the driver's seat and now nobody's driving. What's going to happen, yo I wouldn't be surprised if bud light does collapse as a brand, I'm not saying it will. I mean that would be. Like massive, I think it's fair to say actually that bug light as a brand is garbage at this point. You know this we'll have sales people will still drink it, because people really don't care all that much a gimme gimme a light beer. I don't care I've seen people I go out the drinking bud, light went to a bar and that a bunch of bud light in the in the in the in the fridge most people weren't drinking it, though so you'll have people drinking. whores, and it makes sense when you look at the data, but I would be surprised if bud light becomes a neck negligible. Generic garbage brand that people mostly dont care about, I mean look they're. Giving the beer way for free right now. You have all stores all over the place where it's like fifteen, our gaze with fifteen dollar rebate freebie. Here there was,
we stated chart which it was eight in charleston west from for memorial day, and I didn't This, I think it was a Ian pointed it out. We were given free drink coupons. this is really really funny. When we checked, we are given free drink coupons at they get like all that's cool like. I wonder why they do that. The free drink was bud light. no joke, the free drink you got was bud light. I wonder, the reason they were giving out free drink coupons was because they can't move the bud light and it costs money to disposal If a hotel chain has a in bottles or whatever their like how we gonna get rid like white people? It's better off people, linking it so that we can get rid of it. So he gave up friedrich coupons This really amazing bud light company and as our boy she's, twenty seven billion gone. shares near bear market.
World looks different from behind the handlebars of a red power by a trip to the grocery store, can turn into an impromptu visit to the pool commuting becomes a chance to skip traffic and grabbing iced coffee and spring break is always just a bike right away. There's never been a better time to find your phone check out rather limited time spring deals today at red power, bikes, dot com. I have the one Can you see, I think I think the answer is. Yes, I think people who had stock and as a bush probably should I mean one you definitely to be complaining their doubling down on all of this. We are seeing now look at this. We at the store, from? Are they buy they block? In me, tipp ranks. Coals stock falls in pride, uproar like bud and target its now be reported causes facing strong criticism for the problem.
Of merchandise related to pride month. A few social media groups are even pushing to boycott coals stores. Do people still shop at coals, apparently they do but they had baby one zis or something like that. I that that's what what working on twitter, I have to wonder. It is becoming painfully clear. If you start to embrace this stuff, it is damaging to your company and its creating a cell filling prophecy where there's no excuse for any company to do it, it's really crazy, actually bud light implodes. They double down. It's only get worse from here. I want to say it again as a real look. I do not want to give you any financial advised that I'm just saying I dont know how anyone could hold bud analyzer bush stock at this point when they act say: hey. You know that thing that cost us thirty our customers, let's do more of it. Clearly people don't like what you're doing which results in the bud light effect.
Target stores who now see, I think what we have your target in freefall ray. el giants, market value plunges by thirteen billion dollars as shares. Drop by another two point. One four: for the ninth consecutive day, chain scrambles to recover from backlash against pride, took friendly, swimwear wow these companies that continue to embrace this, it's it's it's remarkable We are now looking at. I kid you, not forty billion dollars, wiped out between target and bud for embracing pride and weakness. The button The fact is real. Regular people are saying no and the cascade is happening. It's gonna get worse. if you're a I'll be careful, I say this: the stock of target
and by will not stop here. Two things are happening: the com these are doubling down, which means what made the start go down first place, will keep happening and two when, when you that bear market p. Are going to say I don't want to hold a hot potato so they're gonna sell. I mention this the other day. If you sold your analyzer bush stock right with a controversy, start saying I don't I don't know what this way I will not does not advice. If I'll say if, if John doe was holding an heizer bush stock and said to himself. I will never hold a stock. That is involved in any controversy because I can only go down so right, when this happened, sixty three dollars at the start of the controversy, he would have saved a massive amount of money, dobie, budget per cent attics fifteen, sixteen percent- maybe more maybe seventeen this point could have bought mosen course.
And then not only saved but gained twenty more per cent. so somebody who had ten grand could have and by now a couple thousand dollars by switching those that didn't see their ten ground. Ten grand down now to about seven minutes about it may be harsh, maybe like eight something either way. Why would you want to lose money who, in their right mind is sitting there. Thinking like I'm gonna keep holding onto the stock is a tumor, go bud like role the dice and a marketing push involving, don't mulvaney said our etc. Twenty seven billion in market value has vanished. Two hundred and seven point four billion to the end of may down from during thirty four point, five billion, as tracked by dow jones, the stock is down. Oh wow, a twenty percent drop.
may was the third worst month on record for company shares, while they're down one d per cent and I believe this is- is this- this is today- we have here this to the tracker. For today. I guess oh I'll, do that not amis spiked! the fifty three seventy nine, where its are correct? Currently, fifty three forty two? Let's do a six months Oh, what a couple look, that's so It was fairly stable around sixty, they arrive a good month in march, sixty six and then they spy. don't dilemma any slam. All the way into the gutter. Now this is archival because the controversy in April people were resisting look at this. This Well, let me tell you man in April April forest they sponsor dylan mulvaney and that, was where their peak was, and it goes down controversy up to April. Twelfth has people freaked out, but then people by the day
they buy the dead. They say you know what it dips again, but then spikes and I'll tell you what happened in may the sales data came out. The sales data came out showing thirty percent drop off, and then people went wholly crap. This is not just some fluke bang from sixty five. Ninety on may fourth, where we thought there recovery happening all a down now to fifty three forty, and I don't think we are seeing anywhere near the end. Look at this volume, mrs crazy. The vote speaking at this time, you did it was but were buying a lot bubbly selling a lot. I bet a lot, people sold out when the controversy started and a bunch of people or just I'll buy into bud people who work paying attention. That's why it depths because people rely yo get me out of here. Smart move by those people
None other people like while bugs data sixty three all by the deep and then oh talk about regret. I guarantee it there's an theirs. Maybe some people who are like look. I don't pay attention that stop. I bought a bunch and forget about it given along period of time, it'll probably recover. All mentality. I hear from a lot of people, as you know, and I'll In two thousand eight, when the market crashed a bunch, we will panic and sense and sold off ton of their stock and assets. And then within three years it had completely recovered and was up. So if you just did nothing, you are fine. The people who panic sold lost a lot. I wonder if their thinking know what we're probably at the bottom. I don't think it's a bottom. I really don't I to for sure you know it. May it may go back up, I don't know, but we We have target going way down
if we are seeing bud light target and now coals started to dig it my friends, we are quite literally looking at the bud light effect. It has nothing to do with pride and has nothing to do with the culture warp it has. Everything to do with the market has created a. if a company's embroiled in a culture war controversy their stock, we'll go down now the Correlation is energy, bt, pride stuff, and what do we have right now in this month, pride month. I won't about money. These companies are thinking This is mainstream its normal. We can carry on. No, I don't think so. I really don't think you can Daily mail says target is lost thirteen billion, it comes the chair, seeks to recover from a backlash against its female swimwear range, which gives adult, whereas the option to tuck male genitalia, while the guy
but he's market value had been seventy four billion with shares trading at a hundred and sixty as of may seventeenth, but stock fowler that weak when it made adjustments to its pride merchandising plan, it was to avoid a bud lights situation, Asters marking decided to promote bud lights. Beer with dome of the etc, you know they always do. As we know at this point has been two months. So what is this pride dolt, bikini swim, bottom, ok, I'll whatever They want to mention that this trans, satanist influence or who I guess it's claiming not to be a satanist is out. It is but produce them. images showing all of the the satanist stuff that they that they produced? There's a bunch of hard to say, like satan, satan it uses, preferred pronouns or something like that supports. Take a look at this pride merchandise displayed at target on a at may thirty. First, san francisco, California,
It says: a algae, bt, q, I artist target artist design for our pride collection, pride target, tabling the colors white, pink, blue black. I'm sorry, brown black purple dark, blue, green, yellow orange red there's nothing do with pride. This is a cult. Symbol is a cult, religious symbol. If you want, they that pride was like the rainbow flag, represented something I get that. But now they say: there's black and brown people there's trans people the mai should Natasha much to re, an interesting point in that the trans I use a saint the same colours as the hoof as well as the flags tough one! It uses the same colours for what what that these people described themselves maps the pedophiles
similar colours and about people got mad that he pointed out saying no, that's the trans colours and he he he mentions that He says yes, the question is: why are they using the same colors, because the that the pet of the pedophile flag, has been around. They use it for a while. So why would you be alike, gather cause of the same and their action. Very similar flags, the trans flag is like three colors. It's like blue, pink white, pink blue and then the flag that peters use is like blue Blue light pink, why it's it's a very! So that's it that's what is basically pointing out and they got really really really angry and they, like those vague news, fake news, ok willow him. I can say this calling it lgbtq a pride or whatever to call it but the simple doesn't. Even who aren't you symbol means anymore other than a represents. The cult.
This new religious movement that has no logic it that their there's look for me. What makes something occult is: is there a logic to what they and if there is not and they're blindly, following something without understanding. Why or having any real reason cult I think there are many people who are cult like followers of trump. I believe there are many people who are cult, like followers of generally and then I believe there are a lot of people who think tromp is the right guy for I reasons and are on standing of criticisms of him. I think they are people who are christians, who can have logical com. stations about their views of the world and why they believe they believed in it like. Ok, there are people who believe in opposing discrimination and they can lie We break down why it's good! I can tell you, I think diversity is a good thing, but diversity actually represents a difference in world view. It represents
a wide range of opinions of different kinds of people from different backgrounds and that Actually, the decentralization can help us solve problems bar, but that's not what their pushing very cult when they say diversity, equity inclusion- they don't actually mean it they make movies like black panther and then say its diverse. It's it's not first at all, the talk about inclusion they actively insult and engaging speech in mockery of people from from different walks of life. It. Is just some weird creepy cult, more, the point is about the segment up, but light is doubled. down target likely will as well. I mean what they said. They were gonna get their hiding the pride stuff. They still publicly stated there were to keep doing it and now we are in what they call pride month. I called june american greatness among its greatest month. Everyone agrees its american greatness month. and, as you will know, the
rainbow was gods. Covenant too, though, to all earth to never flood the earth. Again I tweeted about this. I am not christian, nor jewish Nor do I actually hold true, of those stories. The point, simply making. Is that all of these companies that are up the rainbow? Why should you let them take the rainbow from you? the rainbow has been a symbol of christianity and judaism fur forever. So I'd say this. Thank you for putting up the rainbow to symbolise your praise of the lord. I don't really mean it, but symbols have meaning because we give them meaning so take the meaning back, don't let them Weird contests just claim these things and it and that's the thing to me, an ice astound seamus. I would like to put the rainbow binding on his eye all hours on the wrong message and, unlike dude, if you refer, Who is to use your own symbols because someone else did
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you will probably see a bunch like who has them has more cultural influence. Christians or the algae bt. Q groups will see but attire final. what's anybody holding bud livestock is going to lose everything, because I don't see why anybody like it's a self fulfilling prophecy at this point but lie- just announced there giving more for the pride stuff, despite the fact that they seen a massive backlash because of it they don't care. They don't care that they know their destroying the company. I'll say two ways: donating this money and sponsoring pride like will cause more consumer backlash, but there's something else there's going to be some savvy businessmen who says I dont care about pride. I don't care about donations, I care about the company, makes money and two things he's not looking at thirty percent clean and sales good indicator. You should sell, I suppose not advise I'm saying hypothetically, but then he's probably
The thinking to himself theirs, clearly no leadership here and if occur, but he has no leadership. Why would I expect the stock to go up? I wouldn't if the pilot. Jumps out of the plane. I expect the plane to crash good luck. Next segments coming up at one pm in the shell thanks for hanging out and I'll see you all, then The daily wire, how to deal with twitter to play their famous documentary. What is a woman to night live for free for our buddy check out figure one I dunno if those will be alive and it was gonna, be free for like twenty four hours and at the last minute it has been. Port by the daily wire and their ceo jeremy, boring kosovo. Germany warn that twitter pull out of the deal as the documentary miss genders? Two people write a documentary about gender. Miss Jane people and its fast any because a document are actually used on really really well in that Matt Walsh, who is leading this picture, gives an opera
Kennedy to anyone to express their ideas and, in fact, when my favorite scenes, one of the scenes in question shows met walsh, actually arguing the side of gender ideology as a good interviewer would do speaking with a man at his store who encounter with a trans woman who was on the city council, met It actually says but you're, a scientist. How do you know these things? You ve not done. These studies have tell someone's woman how'd, you know, you're a man he's actually arguing the points made by the left, to see what this guy will say, it's what a good interviewer would do and it allows people to express themselves in a semi adversarial way, meaning Here is the other side. What's your argument? twitter, said nope and when, when they cancelled the deal and when the daily wire sad we're gonna show at anyway, they said we will make sure no one sees it on paraphrasing, but let me for you the story and show you the threat from cosi, of daily wire, jeremy boring, but anyway
ports. Twitter cancels deal with daily wire to stream. Was a woman over me gendering and will label the film hateful conduct just a shocking and offensive that you know it's the first day of american greatness month we're all of these companies are putting up rainbows to symbolise gods covenant to the earth. I'm just so surprised these euro. What I'm doing there anyway, that's revenue delaware, Kosovo, Jeremy, boring revealed thursday, that twitter cancelled or the conservative media company to stream its hit doc three, what is a woman in I'm saying documentary like that? I'm purposes I love it. When people say that for free and social media life due to miss gendering after elon musk, take over the social media platform and as promised dedication of free speech. the daily, why are sought a deal to stream met, washes what is a woman on twitter for the doktor, there is one year anniversary, initially responded enthusiastically to the idea even off
the daily wire, a package to purchase a whole page for twitter users to view the film boring said that change the platform asked to view a screening of the film germany. Could it be that it all changed after the new ceo came to be the woman. for the bite administration and the world economic forum, worry, ladies and gentlemen, I've snobs the greatest organisms, they say slopes has now Twitter, ceo, Linda yak arena worked with both w e F and Biden. Administration drew lerigo. Maybe that's what changed. I don't know for sure. I said Quote after reviewing the film, though twitter, let us know that not only could we no longer purchased the package they offered, they would know Provide us any support, I would actually limit the reach of the film and labelled as hateful conduct as ms gendering boring sat in a twitter thermal, let me just pull at the actual toward a threat and go through everything, Jeremy says
dear me treated this morning at nine. A twitter cancel the debt but the real daily wired to premier. What is a woman for free, if the platform, because of two instances of ms gendering, I'm not kidding years, what happened one day go today we released what is a woman to celebrate the occasion and expand the movies already enormous impact. We decided to give it away for free. For twenty four hours on twitter, with tutors reach Commitment to free speech? We thought it would be the perfect place to distribute the film and drive them conversations forward and one of the most important topics of our day twitter responded with enthusiasm. and offered us the opportunity to buy a package to host the movie on a dedicated event page and to promote the event to very twitter user. Over the first ten hours. We accepted and signed an agreement after we see on twitter. Ask to see the film to better understand what parts may trigger users, so they could better prepare their response. They said. we're still all hands on deck for the launch, so we sent them a screener after review.
The film though twitter. Let us know that not only could we no longer purchased the package they offered We no longer provide us any support and wood actually limit the reach of the film and label. It has hateful conduct because of ms gendering, specifically in the film a father. To his fourteen year old daughter as her and said, or owner, is the wrong pronoun into confrontation. With the trans person, which is limited, only the point of the film and not only that it is not the daily wire that is doing it. It is subjects the film saying these things. This insane its twin Basically as saying if, in the wild? You happen to film someone, and even if the context is critical, they will ban the content I again muscular moscow elon great work. and I ve worthy of criticism. Of course, special pertains to
I know, but I'm not going to know everything. I think what he's doing doing some of the most important work on the planet, with with space acts with starship and with mars colonization. All all, except you know that that some bad comes with good, but net positive across the I wonder if this is an oversight I kind of leave me alone will intervene, I don't know this this film we're not doing this, and I think that likely will see this turned around. I'm hoping I dunno for sure I wonder if bringing on this new w e, f c o is what's what's changed at all an eel Maybe recognising that he is not able to say this platform, the way he hoped we'll see he's not a decent, not have good already, but because it is, it is more Jeremy says we reminded twitter. They removed miss gendering from their policy that the term is gendering itself is misleading and enforced. Such a policy places them on the side of the most radical elements in society. The side most opposed to their commitment to free speech to clarify
they only removed miss gendering from their policy because they didn't need to be that specific, but that they, Dell consider miss gendering abuse and harassment. My oh my. They gave us the opportunity to edit the film to comply. We declined bravo good, sir. What we asked when we asked how much they would limit the visibility of repose, the film anyway twitter reply, own. Followers would not be able to see it in their feeds this they, it is part of their speech, not reach policy. It also called shadow banning of course saying you have the right to speak, but will make sure no one hears. You is a bit like saying of the right to cast a vote, but will make sure it isn't counted as are not right at all, not a right at all. He says we, brought all our shows to twitter tuesday, because we leave twitter was committed to free speech, especially This issue all the babylon be was silence on twitter. Over this view, We issue and that in part, prompted elon musk to purchase the platform. The other tech platforms, I have already decided at where they stand in the trans debate. Andy,
monetize and deprive prioritize all those who disagree Twitter has joined the ranks of of the other tech super powers in ensuring one side of the debate is suppressed, elon, musk, not behold into conservatives. He has the right to run as business as he sees fit, but if twitter is went to throttle one side of one or more, important debates facing society, it cannot claim to champion free speech, bag Jeremy too, like three years ago when this was literally their policy. He says I elon musk will reconsider this awful policy. If we can't debate these, on twitter. Where can we debate them? if conservatives aren't welcome on twitter, where they welcome it, likely another sent a billionaire will come along to offer an alternative Well, Jeremy there's always rumble yeah for real theirs, ways: posting the documentary for free for twenty four hours on rumble, look towards a massive platform and elan buying it opened the door.
I, as ceo of tim cast media, have subscribed to the enterprise level user of the plan. Tim cast news on twitter, which is our parent account, has the golden badge and it costs a lot of money I just about the golden badges about privatisation. It's about verifying all of our employees up to a certain number, I believe, and it's about You know, like here's, our business. This is really us. We want to be verified. We all are dumb. We don't want people impersonating us and things like that. I dunno. If I care anymore You know when that went when twitter announce that really bringing on this world economic. For a moment I was, I was about to click, cancel and the people to give a chance. Give me a chance when they do wrong as a fair point. If, cancel. Now I actually sacrificed my leverage, and so it's better to say: hey, hey you bring in this this w s, personal,
If you do bad by us, we cancel ok, ok, please don't cancel place or cancel. Trust me will be ok right now we are on the line if They do not reinstate this deal with with the daily wire rope will probably cancel out. Probably just cancel twitter blue across the board and be like there's no point there's no point in paying for a platform that would do something like this look. If we, talking about someone who said they wanted to post a video that was just screaming hate speech and life. A video where we just don't like ex group of people I'd be like ok, dude, listen! This is this! The sectors in question subjects of the film making statements, Ok, how are we supposed to know what people in the real world think if big, if we can't even fit, if we can't even show a thing that happened is my point. It is not met walsh, who is going on your back. I'm gonna miss gender. All these people, and even neither those the case he's having it
then a debate over the issue and they said no, so be it Why am I going to invest in twitter in that case, for real, I don't Why spend any was money I'll tell you. The amount of money spent on this can be spent on other things, You will fail. So why Everybody does but your Jim, your watch, your yoga pants. They pretend you won't. So when you miss a day the pancakes. upon a work out. You failed seriously what the hell we're body We ve been a part of that too, but not anymore, a body. Were rejecting perfection bracing reality? Not a pizza, monday kind of way in a loving your whole life kind away in a this work out his fun. It's ok. If I take a wee golf kind away in an I'm eating healthy and it took If I indulge kind away in a I like myself, no matter what kind away yeah
You will fail, we all well, but Let that be the end. You see that making progress so low. keep going. We our body Start your free trial at bodied outcome that b, o d, I dotcom so look I'm gonna away. If tonight, twitter does not re, restore The daily wire homage to cancel all of our subscriptions, we all get device, fight. I literally dont care, there's no point in paying for something that is detrimental to to our values. I won't do it I think it may be too late at this point for twitter as well to set up a dedicated pay. It takes time, and and I could go to pull it off. I think, I wonder, is the daily wire actually enterprise if I'd, let me a double check real quick b, I wonder, evade even drop it the daily
or is golden verified? It's got the yellow badge. They say this account is verified because it's in, official organization on twitter. Well about you guys daily wire, but I'm not going to pay if they dont restore you. Maybe maybe the daily wire thinks it still worth paying for the service. But my view is I will not give money to these companies. I won't do it it's bad enough. I have to go to starbucks. Ok, starbucks isn't the worst their beef, but in terms of like what but they're their they're as bad as anybody else right what I mean to say, as they do bad things, but it's not like target are but like. When I got for coffee, we ve got to coffee shops once hardcore, woke, big masks only and they don't carry heavy cream and I'm like ok, not interested I then you ve got starbucks that they allow people to come and without masks and at a certain point, like the mass minutes were dropped this once or kept them up like that's. The weakness of the
caught like behaviour. As always, I know you're good and they have heavy cream men and I'm not a big fan. I won't open, casper coffee shops all over the place, so we can have american values. Enterprises may maybe the real mission is just that we launched casper together when we launch our first, we just say franchise And then we would take like a percentage of like franchise fee, but it would go towards like a legal defence fund or something and that we have like protocol of like play. These shows put these tvs up. How could it be to have like a thousand casper coffee shops and you walk in and james o keefe? Oh, am g, stephen crowd are there on the tv? That's are we gonna do I will not give my money to twitter if twitter is actively saying there psychotic death contests, I I'm not going to fund that stuff, I don't have netflix aren't disney plus I got rid of those things slowly getting rid of as much as I can. The challenge
want to win a culture war, so we have to be involved in culture to a certain extent, we can't just remove ourselves. That's why tell people look they'll cancelling? Does they don't chancellor netflix? Do it? If you can do it? If you? If, if you but I'm not I'm not going to tell everybody just boycott entertainment in general, because we need to know what's going on in entertainment world and then we need to create alternatives. The reason we launched cast brew coffee go to casper dot com. If you wanna support us is because I don't expect people to stop shopping at these. coffee shop, they gotta get their coffee from somewhere. We must present a real alternative rumble. They arrive twitter like system, maybe rumble you guys, could create a community thread kind of thing, but are that all I'll leave it that you get the point. What we will terminate if they dont rectify this jimmy borders. On a site we plan to post the movie, anyway tonight at eight p m eastern we'll twitter make good on their threat to three let and label it hateful conduct or what twiddle live twitter live up to. Its great promise will all find out together.
met wall says re. This thread streaming. What does woman free for all in twitter tonight despite An agreement with us twitter now says they will label the film hate speech and suppress. It is a gross betrayal of the free speech promises have made their users. twitter wants us to censor the film if we're gonna post it. We will not do that. It will still stream tonight, uncensored at eight eastern, no matter what we'll find out. If twitter is truly a free speech platform or not, We are putting the ball back in their court centre. Ship around ms gendering is one of the primary catalyst drove elon musk to buy twitter in the first place. If this is a to stand it will all be for nothing is one of the many things it makes the suppression and censorship of what is often so ridiculous that we simply proves The forum for both sides to make their case the fact of the tree side utterly humiliate itself is therefore not ours. We let them speak twitter now chosen chosen
I declare that one side is not only wrong, but shouldn't even be even be heard. This is, of course, the position of every big tech platform on the issue. We hope twitter would be different to date seemed like we were wrong indeed, indeed, this is one of the clips from the film I wanna play for you now As the other hate speech seen. Please note. Twitter is accusing this father of ms gendering, his own daughter by calling her her. This man is being persecuted by the canadian government for trying to protect his daughter from mutilation? Twitter has taken the persecutors side. We set up a meeting when we see children's hospital and accordingly,
oh whoops, I need to I'm like. Why is the audio wrong? What's going? Oh, I have the audio setup wrong. That was my fault, so here we go okay. This should work now it should work now. How exactly did did this get into the courts to begin with re? So what happened? Is we set up a meeting with bc children's hospital and, according to the bc, children's hospital website, there's going to be a thorough evaluation and I'm thinking good? This is gonna, be the end of it all they're, going to clearly see that my child is not the opposite sex. So my ex wife brings my child into bc. Children's hospital I get a call less than an hour into that appointment- is that they were going to pump or pull a cross sex hormones within the hour, and I put a halt to that. I said no, they agreed to to stop for the moment they figured well. Let's get the dad on board too. This is all going to be better. Let's just get everybody on the same page. I said it's not going to happen, so I get a letter from bc, children's hospital in december of two thousand and eighteen, and it says that under the
in the dark. They will start injecting my child with cross sex hormones, and I have two weeks to respond with legal action. If I so choose, and so that's how I ended up in court, I didn't respond with legal action, so you called your daughter. She knew he went to jail for that. That's considered criminal violence to god not use the preferred pronouns. It is no different than let's say I were to take a broomstick and whack one of my kids over the head, so they were treating it in a similar fashion that miss gendering was pronouncing. My child was the equivalent of family violence. Is she on the hormone pills? Now she has. The court ordered that she could do whatever she wanted I find that really fascinating. To be completely honest, it's just weird like that. A dad would be like well, the court set it Macleod what would have been like two hundred years ago? I just I don't know dunno kind of feel like it be a lot crazier frame
J fleming I saw this one on twitter. This is, is a former engineers critic greater for daily wire, says man, the socks so ill on board twitter, because the Babylon be was banned from his gendering, but they would have throttle reach of a free release of what is often because of that taking aside a really dumb one in an issue that needs more public debate. I agree, bench appear tweets, Annie society that isn't it, nor based on heterosexual family formation, is definitional doomed to collapse. Funding that society ought to be apathetic about such matters or even worse, condemnatory of the Presence of traditional norms is civilization, Lee suicidal after they want. I mean there's no other way around it, if the presumption is that they want it, but you know what let me just remove that from the equation and say whatever it is they're doing results in this children sterilizing themselves, people gorging themselves, people aborting their kids. The end result is less
but I saw stored that as a teen pregnancy is way down, and, unlike that, that's a good thing. We know wanting. Getting pregnant. We want people in their early twentieth, start having families and be responsible, but the malthusian needs are pronounced. They think the earth is overpopulated. I disagree I do think this too many people in cities. I think cities are disgusting. I think we have serious cultural problems. So maybe, What they really want is a wee organization, a great reset as it were. I wonder what that could mean. Maybe the great great reset doesn't mean what you think it is when we look at the details of something like the great race at which they publicly discuss its you know you'll, you will be. You owe nothing and you'll be happy, but they got this along with those policies. Are the policies of population reduction again it does. It need to be intentional I dont know what they want or whatever. But let me just say this policies of resetting global capitalism come by
and with sterilizing people a boarding, children and not having family, promoting what what how'd you cried this less than traditional lifestyles. This reduces the amount of people that will be created. What happens if civilization collapses, only the strong will survive, perhaps whenever the great reset is whether intentional will result in our resetting of american social norms in ice this until guest. I cats, rather member section, I think bill gates. Liberals, I genuinely think he hates liberal them, I think, is a conservative, idle think that he's a grace conservatives, but he hates liberals and I always get people going like what what makes you think that and I'm like dude. He he's his policies get for their for their demise. Like duties, went to someone and said: would you can see a boarding or sterilizing your kids. Do you think that the term of endearment know you're, basically saying I despise you so much, I want your linkage to end it isn't. nice conservatives
but concerns are saying no to this. Till the end result is just the left and liberals gorging themselves. A boarding, their kids sterilizing, their kids seller body. Positivity propping up people like lizzie, who is more, the obese like you will be sick, you will die. We want be healthy into live it s. The result the strong will survive and the great reset will be a reset of human civilization with people warsaw, bigger and more capable more responsible and I'm not saying anyone's doing unintentionally. I'm saying that seems to be the case. cities will collapse the left we'll sterilised themselves or gorge themselves out of existence and then concern I will start having kids, they ve often done, and the earth will be a genuinely conservative place. I think we need more people. liberals, and I don't mean that as prescriptive anything. What I'm saying is we need people, recognize working together towards a common goal, and I think that goal is speed
colonization, that's what you're musk is doing important work. But liberals, The most part want to be influencers. They want to eat a lot of food, they post of them eating and vague, there there there wayward souls, I think it's possible people can be saved that this urban city dwellers who doesn't know it's really going on the world whose morbidly obese can start to learn, can exercise, can eat right, cut out, sugars and then find a better life, but it really does feel like the pie, the again, whether intentional or not, will result in the demise of the average urban liberal hi, I'm Kirk cameron. Every week
these episodes from my backyard, as we gather around the camp fire about what it will take to get us back on the road that leads to strong families and a strong nation you'll, be inspire, equipped and fired up when the family of faith comes together. People flourish and nations prosper so subscribed to the american can't fire revival with her camera wherever you listen, the pod gas and let's sparked the revival that this country so desperately needs, but we'll see my friends tonight if they throttle this, if they don't really, for the daily wire's a bill ability to publish this, I want them to uphold their agreement. I'm going to terminate our our twitter blue subscription jar, our enterprise subscription cause. I don't see any point supporting twitter if that's the I'll leave their there next coming up at four p m on this channel. Thanks for hanging up now see well, then Donald been rhonda. Santas are already campaigning in iowa in rwanda.
At this who has been getting the media treatment for some time is getting a harsh lesson today, but I like this story, he's slams or a porter for trying to set him up, but this is the game. My friend, this is a lesson today for you, as to how the media, crafts, false narratives and I'm gonna break it down for you Bravo to write a status for calling this out basic. happens is to say, His meeting with voters he's taking pictures, he's talking to people and a reporter ask him why he isn't taking questions from voters will that's weird. He literally was so they ask its framing technique. So they write their article. They can say People seemed upset, don't explain why I asked Why weren't you taking questions from voters, Rhonda sent a snap sat me creating the false impression that a scientist wasn't take, questions, so they can write something and you cannot sue them. Limitations,
where's through the news first or You blind. Are you blind tense moments, rhonda snaps at associated press reporter for asking why no questions from voters. While sir by supporters? You see how the headlines are already starting to do it to push the lie. Let me show the video here, but I do believe that, the video right you're. Here we go. Oh, I gotta turn the they still sound down for your point regarding what is happening to me. I'm talking me whenever they won't talk to me about. Oh, I love that. I'm sorry look We were rag and understand, is over charisma and stuff, but that was masterfully delivered so much respect. Are you blind? I, like I'd experiment ass, the one time starkly, but then he like, really sticks it too.
Guy, are you blind? Are you blot very nice? Very nicely done is. The headlines already crafted to make it seem He wasn't taking questions that this is how they do it maps after associated press reporter asks him. he took no questions from voters while surrounded by supporters? all ready creating the narrative he's not taking questions when he literally is its remarkable. There was a guy. wrote for the boston globe? I think it was an written that there was a certain individuals is years ago during the partly right you're, the guy was a white nationalist and I and as I said what why would you write that so here, because the guy's writing about in a mixed race, family, with a mixed re, skid and so on. As a german, I was, I hate that guy you're writing about gotta like his is his wife is black and its kids mixed race. and he was like yeah so and what you call him a white nationalist and he said, is
nationalist and I'm like he is a national us and he goes. Is he white and unlike he is a white men? Yes, it was then is a way nationalist and on, why? Why that's? How evil these people are this was the set up They run as it has exploded and an api reporter on thursday for asking why he was taking no questions from voters at a campaign. Stop in manchester the twenty twenty four looking presidential hopeful, began the event alongside his wife, etc, etc. It's why but trompe to end the culture of losing that is infected. Looking party, that's not a swipe at trumpets us. Why, but like Mcconnell, he I met some of his two hundred supporters in the crowd to pose for selfies and sign autographs when he lashed out at journalist, Steve peoples, blah blah blah the floater governor was chatting to voters individually, but didn't take questions from reporters and there it is. I despise these
people so much. I'm sorry. I just have so much hatred for the corporate press you see what happened. Was dissenters decided to take questions from regular people to talk to them one on one, that's fantastic good job and the press said: why won't you talk to me instead and cried and wind, and then lied fire these people. Shut down these companies, one of the greatest moments of my career. I was at an event called news exchange. Does in morocco invite it's a whole bunch of big speakers, yet let Christiane Amanpour poor there big stage without if journalists in the audience- and I said think about. If you dont understand the light, where technology is going whatever, I think, if you don't know what you're doing fire all of these people, and they were just like. Oh oh well, I never, although he had no, they didn't bite me back. Your firewall they don't understand.
They are honest, authenticity that understand the internet. You don't understand people. These are. These reporters tend to be ill elitists who think they are? oh, do something you're not. and that's one of the reasons they really hated trump. He cut them out of the picture by sweden, now you can see they do the same thing to do santas because he's gonna. he's going to talk to the people. I'm talking to you, you don't matter. What do I care, what you have to say, Even a lie anyway. Right now- having a temper tantrum Jonathan Alan, he is a yeah best selling off? I'd be seen as it has ever decree. I take audience questions after his first new hampshire campaign event. Does that has lashed out at a reporter for asking about why he was chatting with members of the crowd individually? That's I I respect that framing of it. Yes, you are chatting with members of the crowd one on one answering questions for them. Specifically, I think
and there is great and then also like way, just as an aside, what tim pool trending with what is a woman tombarel. Oh thanks guys the the far left love tweeting, my name out here we go here. We go. I love this one. Dissenting and I will vote it, we're going to do ballot harvesting, I'm doing it. Yes, says he won't fight with one hand. Tied behind my back years. The video the is different rights about everyone about everyone. My when one run on halo like rhonda santas right, we We got this from the daily freeman. I'm not sure what this is, but one of the first articles actually write about it cause seeming
Nobody is, for some reason, the barn, storms, new hampshire and trot returns to iowa as rival ray intensifies? We got em both look. I dont care for that. The scientists rivalry right then it's silly that trap is ragging onto santas. I think you know this. This is being a little bit reserved their claiming is firing back at trump, and it's just like he didn't say trump's name, and I don't. I don't agree with that. In the end either of these men, I will be satisfied with I lean towards trump, because I think trump going to fire everybody. He was asked a question. I think it was today and they were alike. You know we're going to make america great again. He says I'll need. Five months we don't need for is that we don't need eight years. We need five months. I like it trump's going to cohen and he's going to start firing. People he's going to get revenge. I hope I don't know if he actually will but that's the horse and I'm willing to bet on rhonda. Send us, I think, would also do a very, very good job, and I What we're seeing now is the smear machines coming up.
Rhonda status, has given the right everything they ve wanted in florida. Every thing So why would there be an assumption that he's gonna get elected the two federal office and then not continue that the narrative coming out of the trap camp from trunk people is that you can't trust him here This is a swampy he's working with people like a griffin things like that team jab, maybe maybe the look man you, ve got people on the other side, saying trump can't win. Voters like em, they would prefer Biden and That's why Rhonda status is the real opportunity and there's some truth. It has to truth to that as well. But I gotta tell you, look I see to differ. Eyes and I gotta say good news. The Democrats have nobody are democrats of nothing Joe Biden, PETE buddha, judge, yeah right, so there run by example that anything else and it's not gonna work. Meanwhile, on the right you got to many people.
Let's be real. You got trump, you had to say this team, Scott, Michael Nicky, Hayley glenn young, can Christie known you ve got a bunch of people. To a sliding scale of viability. Now, let's be real donald trump. probably the most like others fly, won't leave. Donald trump is most likely to win. That's obvious rhonda santa's. course coming in. Second, this is predicted were showing TIM sky likely won't when my pants likely won't nicky, illegal and young can christina, but you can actually point out the. varying degrees of charisma and notoriety and accomplishment on the left. You have nothing named name one, Gave a new some- maybe I've always goes opera michelle obama or something like that, and it's like yeah people who aren't in politics. Perhaps trump wasn't Maybe Michelle obama is their key. I gotta say: look the trunk. People against people should be careful about how they engage in this radical his attacks, because it may come
to having to support one or the other, and you I'm telling you if trump gets It is that is people, don't vote, form you're you're out of your mind, and if this get the nomination and trump support. His own vote form you out of your mind, like it's one of these two trump right, my primary vote, let's see how things go to status, has charisma problems. I hope his people listen, because I would love to see him succeed. So how can it be super easy? But let's fix that you can you? Can here's here's what you get you get with donald trump, got over charisma easier is, is arrogant, brash, but it is more charismatic withdrawn its complete completely started. He may be more stoic and more reserved, but with that comes a lack of charisma figure, it out guys and I don't want to. I don't I don't care for this trot beat santa stuff obvious, the primary and there will be, but let's keep it above. The belt believer their necks segments coming up six pm on this gentle thanks, frank. It up and I'll see you all. Then. millennials are becoming
or conservative, so they say, but be the reality is the left is just going absolutely crazy. We have two data points in a story from the new york times they say: millennials are not an exception. They moved to the right of the law decade. Almost every cohort of voters under fifty has shifted rightward, and I think this data point- is due to human lack of. comprehension, skills and it's kind of crazy to think Millennials are getting more conservative they're, not, but they are more likely to vote republican in an story from the financial times is a millennials are shattering, the oldest rule in politics, because there now getting more conservative. The issue here is that there are conflicting two totally different things. In the new york times article. They say that millennials or in fact moving to the right, despite what the financial times may actually say,
york times is playing a dirty game. Where they're trying to make liberals and conservatives the left become liberals, it's the shift, it's the great wheel, as I call it in politics. Here's how it works. Imagine you have a wheel and you have centrist in the middle right wing. Far right left far left when the wheat, we'll spins the far right falls off. They go under, then right, wingers become far right. Centrists become conservative liberals, because centrists and left us become liberals? The far left the Fringe communist cycle paths become now far left easy, outworks the whole he'll shifts that's what the new york times is actually doing. Now, let's break this down. There is some good news here millennials and gen z are seeing a massive shift towards the republican party, not massive enough, but fairly large. And it will likely become more pronounced, as time goes on. the challenges that the republican party does adopt more liberal policies as time goes on with
coming in former liberals, as the democratic party becomes more and more fringe. Leftist, then The issue is: it drives away, many of them alone those who are still left. So this is the game they're playing and you can get down very easily first or the financial times. They say millennial voters in the uk. U s are not following the typical pattern of growing or conservative as they age. But what is he talking about? What is mean to be conservative. None of these people, actually, no, they don't define it. What is actually saying the financial times exit down economic, Lee, conservative, interesting So they're not talking about social issues that are talking about woke nasser algae, beating, they're, talking about taxes in fiscal policy. Yes, when you have people Steve Bannon on the trumps, supporting right saying that wealthy people Ripping you off don't be surprised, If the younger generations don't adopt,
more laissez faire capitalist policies, but you are, you that makes them not. Conservative is very strange earlier times they show this graph and they call writes about. He says. Fifteen years ago a new generation of younger young voters propelled Barack obama to a decisive victory that get a new era of democratic dominance. Fifteen years later once young voters, art so young and art, quite so democratic? Why? It's really simple? It's not as people like me- have become conservative actually moved slightly. On many issues, but the Democrats, or not They want to sterilised. Kids, you ve got you ve got four proponents. Abortion opportune birth. You actually add north m in virginia, give his famous quote: the baby would be delivered. Russian,
so tat it if necessary, brought into another room, and then the mother and doktor would make good decision. What's the baby alive. That's insane experiences are what people love most about travel with vice it or you can browse and book tours and activity. So incredible you want to tell your friends. They offer everything from simple tours to extreme adventures in over one hundred and ninety countries, there's something for everyone down. the via tore out now and use via toward ten for ten percent off your first book in one hour over three hundred thousand experiences. You'll remember, do more with I adore so now these leftists these far leftists they want me to be conservative, but it does it make sense and it doesn't work Actual debate format, which is why I actually think they don't want to debate I didn't want to appear on, shows liked him cast iron. Well, it's not so It's about having their ideas refuted. It's about the content
between me, a traditional liberal, a conservative and them the crackpot cycle. Paths of the far left. When they come on this job, they say you're way, where the guy from the surface of timber for forced abortion forced birth, where's. It even merely mean anything. If it baby at a woman. Babies gotta come out somehow, and so here well stances. If the woman's pregnant at eight and a half months and the baby can live, who cares it's got to come out? You can kill it. I'm like that literally makes no sense. You have to remove it. Why kill it in the process? I'm sorry! I guess it's the compromise. You can't kill. It is alive see. I've always come from the traditional background with our urban democrat liberal types of safe, legal and rare within us, amount of time you know it's unfortunate, we don't like it, but this is the the compromise. We'd be alike. The government should be involved to a certain point, fer a fortune amendment reasons things like that privacy, etc, etc. But now the left is just pro: abortion are right. They think you should litter
I think what would a plant parenthood tweet someone? So they treat something like any reason is a good enough reason or whatever and unlike not as like- that's crazy. We ve never supported that. Yet, in a debate with these left us I have Seamus coglan, whose whose hard core pro life once had been completely no matter. What, then, you have me traditional pro choice debating with an hour on abortion, absolutist and I'm an they're calling both of us conservatives online. We we're not going we on policy. Conservative and liberal and you're a crackpot? This is what's happening. The debt grants have embraced such psychotic policies, There are many millennials who aren't becoming right wing who are voting publican your times, uses this trick to say: yes, millennials are moving to the right. Voting Republican doesn't mean you move to the right. You cycle paths, it means
taking anything we can get to get away from the cult, anything it's when I see people who are like very liberal when they're like- I don't like trumpet man, mrs insane, we don't have anything to do with it what they do in both of these as they conflate the two things: them seem like they're the same here I mentioned last fall voter supported this that are otherwise. I think they mention the financial times in here, and I think- and let me see if I can just Well it up. I think it is relevant to the conversation with you. We got here, ministers type times. Last fall young voters the younger of all eight by then thirty, two to forty three preferred democratic congressional candidates. By just ten points and they do mention the financial. You know that they probably put hefty it's gonna. Do we get it? Ok, where we got all right is just too ridiculous. I want to read the whole article, but
but I'm pretty sure, that's how I found the the the financial times article. It was okay, let's just real. They say above all, apply the shift towards the right among young voters who propelled obama victory is part of a larger pattern of the last decade most every cohort of voters under fifty is shifted towards the right on an analysis of thousands of survey interviews, archived at the roper centre. It's not necessarily a stunning finding political folklore as long held this that we get the financial times, for instance, wrote that millennials are shattering. The oldest ruin politics by not moving to the right is the age. Similarly, democratic data, firm catalyst found the Democrats essentially haven't lost ground among millennials and engendering over a decade. These findings have spark a new wave of speculation. Whether the long awaited era democratic dominance. Might this time really be a hand. different story emerges by tracking the same cohort of voters, overtime, a whole generation with changing competition, the millennials of o eight or not this, as those of twenty sixteen, for instance six additional years
Even more heavily democratic millennials became eligible to vote after the two thousand eight election. Cancelling out this republican shift among older millennials, the shift to the right peers, largest among the oldest young voters, the older millennials, who came of age in a very different political era, basically with saying, is the general Does it mean anything it's the time they were born. So that's why they break the down by eighty five to eighty nine and ninety. Did it to ninety four If you just say straight up millennials, you might see a different picture beers. What I think we're seeing algorithmic kay the rise of a new religion, I think instagram tik tok are captured. I think Tik tok, especially, is captured likely with heavily heavy chinese, once republicans are too stupid to do anything about it. So I do see a path forward and I am fairly optimistic. I am startled by what we see on a day to day basis, bud light, knowing that their destroy their brand double down sending more money to causes
found their audience. These are the kind of things that make people like me say you know I am voting republican for the first time I dont care. The Democrats are not people like Steve Bannon, he speaks. He sounds like you that are occupy wall street, the rich people, ripping you off? You got a tax on tax, the wealth, wealth tax and I'm, like, I don't think big government is the answer not have all the answers. What I can tell you is we are facing. Trying times, conservatives need to keep their kids away from these schools. You'll regret it. You got You gotta make sure that their not being overly medicated. It's hard to know because doctors might say this is the right thing and then at this one: the results they get away from cities get your kids out, to the real world to work hard to understand nature and life to raise a good friend? and to stay away from the influence of the crackpot cycle paths. Say for now. Is that as we enter the twenty twenty two, twenty four twenty four election cycle, theirs
amount of optimism in that younger voters are shifting to the right, not in the sense of their becoming conservative, democrats or someone saying the republicans are these safe, alternative, good I'll, take it or leave it there next. It's coming up in just a few minutes. Stick around and I'll shortly. And all of a sudden, I find myself a big fan of hunter Biden. I'm kidding by the way, but I check out the story could huh Your biden be the next poster child for second, a second amendment rights, the president's son is under investigation for potentially breaking the law banning drug users from owning guns, but the laws institutionally faces growing challenges, yeah. Bring it on or biden- could soon find himself in a surprising position at the cutting of the fight to strengthen the second amendment, the president's son is the target of a d o j investigation scrutinising as part of a gun and twenty thousand and eighteen a
When he has said he was regularly using crack cocaine but our lab, and drug users promoting guns, but stooge of that law, like many other, visions restricting got ownership newly in question. After a present, Rocking decision the supreme court handed down almost a year ago, his lawyers have all but he told the d o j, I told you officials that if their plight is charge, the gun crime they I challenge the law under the second amendment, according to a person familiar with private discussions, granted anonymity because they're not authorized to be publicly. could turn a case that is already fraught with political consequences into a high profile. Show down over the right to bear arms. Do add here's. It's really gonna happen, the deal J will back off and then Fine, you in and then we'll get Not only will we not get hunter Biden criminally charged for committing crimes, but we will so not get a chance to strain.
then gun rights in this country? I hope they charge him. I hope- he challenges the law under the second amendment- and I hope he wins dude I've heard a lot of people say the mentally ill and drug addicted they, but that should not be allowed to have guns. You should, not be allowed to wield a weapon if you're having a manic or mental health episode. They should take that from you, if you're having it if you're unwell, they can stop you from bearing that arm. So if you're Walking around with a gun and you're, saying like the sky is green and the monkeys are coming right out and you're saying some crazy. They can take the gun, the gun from you that I'm okay with, but if you are I note with a mental illness and death to be rational and fit for the time being. They should not be able to another challenges. There is a carpet bag. You seem off to me, but there's theirs, maybe some line if you're a drug user. What is that really mean it Not currently on drugs, you should not be barred from owning or bearing arms
you are under the influence. Yes, they can come. You can take the weapons from you. The reason why I have the stances at the cut the constitution does not say the right. Keep and bear arms shall not be infringed unless you're mentally ill or you're doing drugs, insert literally anything else you want. I don't play that game. It says right to keep it bear arms shall not be infringed if you don't like it, amend the constitution. Good luck and that's the point. It is better that ten guilty persons escape than one innocent person suffer. It is better than it is better, in my view, that guilty persons bear arms so that it may regular law abiding people can also bear arms. Here's the point, I would say it this way, but isn't what makes sense. It is better that ten guilty persons bear arms. Then one Is it person be deprived of the right to keep and bear arms the richness
was ten criminals are going to bear the arms anyway and that's the point, Nor are we here inviting you to watch those been news. We ignited eight p m eastern on the first tv, The two thousand twenty four presidential election already under way, more than ever folks need real facts, honest analysis and you will not find their anywhere else, but here big me pushes nothing but speculation in their own partisan agendas. The court represses hell bent on removing conservative voices. You know that and silencing them in the process all that stopped now. With me, Please join is every night for the no spin news is only showed a. Why should a pm eastern you can see us free on the first tv app or tune in to direct tv channel? Three four seven most been just
facts. Don't miss the denotes. The news with me bill, o reilly, wheat nicety, you cannot take away the right of the individual, who is broken, no laws, because the people who break laws will not follow those laws. So why leave innocent people defenceless, it makes no sense. Let's get it under Biden. The dispute would come as the white house to tighten gun laws, and it could put conservative, on rights enthusiasts to typically criticise the Biden family in unusual alignment with the president son. Don't know, don't care it's an issue of principles. I don't like it. but these are bad due to exiles and bad boys. I think there's some creepy gross stuff. But on this issue of fighting for gun rights, I'm right here- federal prosecutors I expect the soon finalized the hunter bite, investigation david. Why The use of attorney for delaware, who was appointed by former president donald trump, is leading the probe attorney. it will merit garland said in may that wine is capable of
in any decision that he feels are appropriate and that he won't face political pressure. Weiss is why we reported to be examining potential tax crimes related to undeclared income as well as hunter by parts of a handgun in october, twenty eighteen, what about the on Biden, fill that a federal form on which he allegedly avowed that it was not an unlawful user or addicted to any controlled substance, political reported it would twenty one, but according Biden's. Twenty twenty one memoir. He frequently used crack cocaine at the time. I was smoking crack, Fifty minutes he wrote a lawyer for honor in decline to come. Now I do want to say this: he can make the argument that Users should be allowed to bear arms. We can't make the argument that it didn't life. They will not just go up and forming a drug use. Those that's not the crime, the crime is. You lied on a federal form to obtain a weapon, so maybe you win and people who use of drugs are allowed to keep and bear arms, but you still
add in a federal form, to obtain a firearm that is irrespective of whether it was about drugs or not? That he's not getting away from a lawyer for hunter declined to comment. A white house spokesperson declined to but as well studied the fact that president son, as a private citizen, and that the d o J probe is ongoing. The gun control. Act of nineteen sixty eight privates, unlawful drug use for drug users from processing firearms, the eighteen F says this ban applies to people who have admitted to using illegal drugs or the twelve months before buying a gun violators can receive up to fifteen years in prison. but the revision long considered an unassailable gun restriction now faces challenges. Last june supreme court undid decades of lower court jurisprudence about second amendment in new york, state rifle and pistol association, ve broken the courts It's just conservative majority ruled that content, where we gun restrictions must be consistent with those of the founding era. The new cars you task, presents a massive opening for people working tools.
in gun restrictions. Firearm laws in america's founding era were in some ways extremely permissive. The meanwhile called the ruling deeply troubling and set. It contradicts both common sense and the constitution screw. You do they had. Warships. Private massive multinational corporations, have weapons of mass destruction right now, so Spare me oh, will allow nuclear weapons, but only if you fill your form as a form you can fill out to build nuclear weapons, because private individuals have the right to keep and bear arms. I love sitting down with politics. Ins and being like, do you think people should be allowed to nuclear weapons or biological weapons? They go. No, of course not I'll say why do you hit the constitution? So much? Look I get it a private individual. The nuke is a bad thing: people with nukes its work,
thing: if you're a guy and you have a rifle rifles, can cause a lot of harm a lot of damage, if used inappropriately, we want to stop those bad people and the left the argument that muskets were substantially weaker in terms of fire right now that stuff nude you had a right to keep an bear arms when they had breach loading rifles, okay and, though fire very very quickly, and then you going come to me and say: ok now they had repeaters in the eighteen, hundreds and people carried guns all over the place. And then they and then your started in imposing these laws, starting with the Hey I mean there were other, were other laws and stuck to the point, is we have long been permissive? A very powerful weapons you do not get too say. Well, the founding fathers didn't know is going to happen. Don't care dont care, they said you could have arms night have a nice day. Here's we do when you want to change the constitution. You you
who's, the constitutional process. By which to do it. Please do so. I dont think people have nukes, but so long as the constitution remains, they have the right to, and I would be willing to bet if a bunch Republican said here is a compromise. as we will amend the constitution to say a new amendment, the To give it, our arms does not pertain to nuclear armaments, weapons of mass destruction and biological agents. I do, but most people would agree with that. here's the compromise it! What's you you do a new amendment and save the right to bear arms that extends to the right to own nuclear weapons, weapons of mass destruction, biological weapons, high powered aircraft etc, but does relate to rifles handles of any type anytime. And so what happens? The right of the individual to have safe air fifteen with extended mags or drum, started? Talking, one hundred or whatever is expanded their right
in an expanded, but now you can have nukes. I don't think you should have nukes for the time being, however, until you change it, people can and this is what people need to realize. Tat say that stupid they should be eliza. Okay, well, you think. Like boeing is government run no, it's a private company Let me say private individuals and control of these things. What do you think is happening? you should be able to have weapons of mass destruction. Okay, well, private individuals do all over the world this never changed our northern dear came from worthy people. Think that the government has all the weapons they dont the government by as the weapons from private manufacturers figure it out.
For the time being our rights or our rights I'll leave it there. Next segments coming up tonight at eight pm over at youtube dot com slashed him cast. I r l thanks for hanging out and I'll see you all. Then. The gotta walk the dogs, school drop off meetings from ten to three take kids to soccer This then there goes extra time for a job. That's ok, maybe next week. when one else relies on you. to put your needs. Last therapy is they cater time to focus on what you need to be happy so you can show up for yourself the way you do for others better help, offers convenient online therapy on your schedule. It's this professional service you get from an in person therapist, but with the
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Transcript generated on 2023-06-03.