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Biden Impeachment IS A GO, GOP Greenlights First Step In IMPEACHING BIDEN, Democrats FURIOUS


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Biden Impeachment IS A GO, GOP Greenlights First Step In IMPEACHING BIDEN, Democrats FURIOUS

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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five percent off your subscription get a subscription today ca, Joe Q, dot com, promo code tim cast, I rl will be live in miami with patrick bet, David donald trump, junior, matt gates and liquid koski join us. There get your tickets by clicking the link in the description below or by going to TIM, cass dot com. Go, but all men are they really slow rolling it. Now I want to be respectful and hopeful. and I think one of the reasons why mccarthy and their publicans have been so slow on the impeachment into Joe Biden. How to do with the election year They want to come out right now, and twenty twenty three and fire off an impeachment which then has no impact on the elections moving forward so, while many of us are saying do something, I think it's fair, I think its political. Now, principally morally, I believe Joe Biden should be impeached and have all of the evidence. For you
for you, the videos on the breakdown, the lies from the corporate press and the media to defend corruption within united states, probably because it enriches their benefactors. Joe Biden has enriched himself. Through his son as a proxy with overseas dealings, the story I've given us about bereavement makes no sense. The money that was made by the Biden family. Alarming, considering how much Joe Biden has given to ukraine. I don't think it's as simple as to just say that they ve got dirt on Joe Biden and they are leveraging at over him, forcing him to send more and more money, or at least advocate to do so. I do The united states has a massive interest in securing controlling ukraine and taking the region away for the basque region from russia and pressing nato up against russia's borders that being said, I think Joe Biden is sweating bullets, because there is deep evidence of corruption across the board bleeds into its current presidency and wood
likely result in a legitimate impeachment. Now he won't be convicted because it is all political agenda today, but I think it's a boy, to break this down, because I often Whenever we have leftists liberals, which leftist memorial liberals, just democrat voters the culture war or tim guest ira, they say I did not know that happened that joy, Biden engaged in a quid pro quo to fire, secure that was in that was currently hadn't double investigations into a company where his son was getting eighty three thousand per month. Phone call was made, they said hunter called d c. The steward archer hundreds business partner testified do said what are called these, he gets them help in a matter of doubt, Joe Biden is flying to ukraine and threatening the ukrainian government. If you fire this guy, we're gonna with a billion dollars in loan guarantees. I've, the evidence I've got the quotes. I've got the video from the sea far all definitive sources to prove it to you and
this is this is the challenge that I think we deal with. Is that, while think there should be a legitimate impeachment investigation increase. I want to call it an if did something wrong, he should be charged. The same is true for trop and I would even go so far as to say we must have an investigation into the death of the eight year old american girl that was killed in a commando rate in yemen, a country we are not at war with underdog tromp. Nobody. Free pass Barack mamma you ve got Abdul Rahman. Are the drone strike that killed a sixty year old american citizen in yemen? Everybody should investigated? Joe Biden gets free passes. But let's break this down. Why are they going to impeach. Now before we get started, my friends you gotta go guess tat come click. Tim I wrote ex miami and pick up your tickets to our event in miami. Can we offer awesome? We got patch that David met gates and donald trump junior were to be hanging out. Lucre caskey will be on stage in as well
andy, it's gonna be a hang up we're gonna be hanging out with you guys. I don't know the security that the rest of the gas will be taken. But imagine you'll see me walking around and we got a bunch of free stuff. We ve got a pre show and after show it can be really awesome and we hope to see a there also become a member at TIM kazaa com to support our work directly. But let's start. With this from fox news, the carthage to green light Biden, impeachment inquiry this week. Mccarthy, hotel house republican impeachment crickets your, but it is the logical next step for their investigations it's fair to say guys, I'm single People on twitter been like it's happening war. I said not! No, no, telling them the green, for the inquiry is go. What does that mean? here we go again, he is good them permission to pose. We ask the question: should Joe Biden be impeached, not that we good impeach him, but this is the process as it begins and I'm I'm I'm sorry. I just can't be so black paled and hope
and lacking hope. I know that republicans sit on their hands quite a bit a the republican party at all, but talking here about marjorie taylor, green Matt gates more populist, muggah types who want to go after the corruption of the Biden family. This is probably the only logical way they could do it. So I'm going to give as much as I can the benefit of the doubt, because there going to just run for speed out and say: image of Egypt will go nowhere, In fact, this happens all the time they did to trump been attempted against Biden. There have been all look articles of impeachment proposed and they go nowhere. This will be a prolonged p. campaign effectively in the press to highlight the corruption of Joe Biden, which I have for you, and I will waste no time in showing you because evidence is important. I'd like to play for you, this video from the council on foreign relations website, as you can see right here for an affair
issue lodge with former vice president Joe Biden january, twenty third, two thousand and eighteen, let's roll. I was not I I, but it just happened to be. That was the assignment I got. I I I got all the good ones, and so I got ukraine and I remember going over convincing our team or others to convince you that we should be providing for loan guarantees and I went over- I guess the twelfth thirteenth time to kiev and- and I was gonna supposed to announce that there is another billion dollar loan guarantee and I had gotten a commitment from poroshenko oh and from yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor, and they did so. They said that they were walking out, the press comes to us and I'm not going or we're not going to give you the billion dollars. They said you have no authority you're, not the president. The president said I should call him. I said I'm telling you not getting a billion dollars. I said you're not getting the billion
Believe- and here I think it was what six hours I look as agreed in the six hours at the prosecutors, not fired you're, not getting the money or son of a bitch fire and they put in place some one who was solid at the time while the still day, so they made some genuine substantial changes institutionally end with people, but one of the three institutions. There is now some backsliding, the courts there and to cut yes, and they had made the commitment that they wouldn't do that, and so, when we left the first thing, I said a lot of time, as did like, because this was his territory is well we'll stop right there and it's a little quiet. I don't know it's just that blame the council on foreign relations, but bring up for you, the the exact the exact quote here: the transcript from the sea a far event and
I will read for you this? Is it and I'll break down exactly what it how how it works? They said there an approach press conference has had now I'm not going to we're. Not gonna give you two billion dollars. They said you have no authority you're out the president. The president said, I said, call him I said I'm telling you you're not getting the billion dollars. I said getting the billion I'm gonna be leaving here, and I think it was about six hours. I look to them and said: I'm leaving in six hours of the prosecutor is not fire you're, not getting the money. Well, I so be ha, he got fired and they put in place some. who was solid at the time. Lies lie let's break it down for you. The impeachment former ukrainian prosecutor accuses Joe Biden of corruption, but you may be saying, but tim Why would I take the word of a corrupt men man to show? without accused of that was not convicted of anything. He was fired because Joe Biden flu, to ukraine and made this request. That's it.
So what did victor Shokhin do? Look, I'm not I'm not ukraine and there's a lot I've heard from people in the country and from various new sources russian, ukrainian and american- and I say this at the time- Victor Shokhin had set out right this corruption at it because he was investigating boris ma where Hunter Biden was on the board and getting paid fat stacks as well as former cia officials. So Joe Biden intervenes, but let's break it down for you, because we do here are some the washington free, free beacon, you're gonna complained about this news guard certified hunter by called DC to get you prosecutor fired former asthma. His ex business partner reportedly testifies. so undermine called DC, and twenty fifteen to ukraine prosecutor investigating his employer fired archer
who sit on the board of ukrainian gas company charisma holdings with Biden levied the allegation during his monday testimony before the house oversight committee fox news report, archer also testified bygone called his father more than twenty times to sell the brain. but you're alleged. Terrorism executives, pressured by to get help from DC to push the ukrainian government to fire victor shokhin. The prosecutor investigated the gas company for corruption at the time that as president Joe Biden oversaw the obama administration policy towards ukraine.
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inquiry into whether or not he should be impeached, and some have said we had bricks and torments him cast thy arises. You shouldn't impeach a president for something he did as vice president. I humbly disagree. What is doing now in ukraine waging war sunday weapons resources. Training materials is connected completely to what happened, then, and I dont thank god, I think that there is a strong connection to the corruption that and now, and thus with the evidence we already have from when he was vice president. It stands to reason. The investigation will dredge up comparable things, but either way through line as their Joe Biden Does the poles these strings as vp Now a war breaks out. What are he thinking? Oh, they find out. We were influence peddling in ukraine. If russia It's this territory, they're gonna find out what I did. That's what terrifies me
what Joe Biden be willing to wage war against russia to stop them from uncovering evidence of his personal corruption? No question about it because everything they ve done with the billion the billion dollars has always been under the veil of. But it's u s, foreign policy. No, it isn't it take her. You two party establishment and let me say this because, because I got all I got all the evidence in the world right here, we go, seen and pull the majority of americans believe Joe Biden has vp was involved with sons, business Dealings- oh, I love this pole as our explore. They say he was acting inappropriately. Most americans think he did it so yeah impeach but I got one for all the liberals, the liberals who complain about the mercury in the water, the pacific garbage patch, the atlantic garbage patch, the jars. They call him the dead zones in the gulf of mexico and in other parts of the world where fish can no longer survive, because the chemical spills, the waste, the products, the carbon emissions for
reason. Does the united states engage in everything they are doing for good old american interests. I tell you this. You cannot complain about should corporations and all of the evils in the ills of this, of of everything. this country in this world produces, and then find the idea that america should be engaged in nation building to make more of it. It is hypocrisy. Now by all means you want to live in luxury. I get it, but this idea that we should have an you know: net zero carbon emissions that we should stop, driving that we should producing you know, but we should wooden not produce nuclear power. We should not drove her biofuels, but we will prove, bob intelligence apparatus that wages war info paddles for oil. Your logic, completely inconsistent, so I put it simply. Is this: if the maddest corrupt, the maddest corrupt and the impeachment must begin
but can I just tell you a little bit about what was happening with victor shokhin but they want to say I love this one here you go here. Snoops does a c span. Video show Joe Biden confessing to bribery. The? U s maid pushed for the firing of ukrainian prosecutor, but not for reasons implied the video clip. Ah snopes you such you're, such full of garbage false they say. Well, accusing Joe Biden of bribery. I about right stating the video shows definitively a quid pro quo, you're getting the money unless you'd tat you you do up, political favor him and his son They say it was: u S, foreign policy but come on. I bring you to the simple wikipedia page for my cola's lots of ski and they talk about investigations into charisma. Here we go in twenty forty
they froze epoxy, approximately twenty three million belonging to companies controlled by la jet ski at the end of twenty fourteen. He as a cesky is the guy who found burma, flees, ukraine and that allegations of unlawful self enrichment, while whoa whoa whoa whoa, say what, in What, if teen prosecutor general vitaly Europe and outside and put on the wanted list for life? financial corruption. So before Joe Biden, intervention this guy's on the run. His money is frozen. Joe Biden steps up saying: why aren't you doing bore to stop this corrupt individual? And what do you think happened? they put in someone solid Joe Biden says: oh here you go zeal. shove, returned to ukraine in February twenty eighteen after him astrogation into his barrette ma holdings had been camp in december with no charges filed against him. So you mean to tell me that
pre joe Biden january before he flies out and makes this request to fire the prosecutor, the dude had to flee the country because he was a wanted man and his assets are frozen and once you put in place someone solid that no charges are filed, the investigation is complete. He comes back, he gets all his money back and then I love. This then in june of tweeting under donald trump, nothing think they'll anything he once again is accused and fleas the country reportedly to monaco. Incredible, what's that timeline, ladies and gentlemen, he's a wanted. Mantling. The country Joe Biden flies to ukraine's his fire. The prosecutor, he comes back in allegations cleared no charges what Clearly there was an investigation and he was a wanted. Men had to flee the country there in Iraq. There would lock him up. after Joe Biden intervenes he's free to go in resting to say the least, And this is where we are majority.
americans agree. A lot more the story about this from. politico politico january. Eleventh. Twenty, seventeen, ukraine, efforts to sabotage trump backfire. Really fascinating stuff here doll troubles only presidential candidate whose campaign was boosted by officials of a former soviet bloc countries, ukraine when officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine tromp by publicly questioning is fitness for office. They also to seventy two documents: implicating atop trump aid in as a matter of what I believe in just as they were investigating the matter only to back way after the election and they helped Clinton's allies, research, damaging information on entrepreneurs, advisers, a political investigation found it's right there, when the press asked tad crews about this story, ted cruiser political reported and they laughed on national television. The idea, That this story reported by political is true, is absurd. They said fascinating political EU later reported. Their own story was russian propaganda.
So I can only say this: it has laid out before you, my friends, impeachment stands before us And I believe it must be done. Impeach me not conviction. Impeachment is indictment What I am saying is we have more than a preponderance of evidence of illicit business dealings, and this is just one story. We, at the flights on air force. Two to china for private equity deals, the transferring of funds to the Biden, family hunter Biden, saying my dad takes my salary, ten percent for the big guy we have with this statements from confidence in of the Biden, family, devon, archer and tony our buggy lenski site, who have out. Right said they did this at em. red step of the way Democrat, and their lackeys in the media girl, blah blah blah unplug various fair. What really hilarious, but it goes viral where guy
As a journalist he's like what what about the hunter Biden case- and he goes, there's no evidence and he goes hunter Biden said his dad was taking his salary and he goes I dunno about that. Is it we're here. It is in the guys, like our having to leave now I had I've had on guests, spare their names, but you know if you ve watched the culture war or IRA, and I say, where's, the pile of evidence beyond a preponderance of evidence. This is beyond probable cause. In my opinion, these are very serious, very serious bits of evidence. Witness testimony is direct. Is circumstantial evidence I should say dark but circumstantial, meaning it is admissible in court. People saying he did this thing here, the emails where he did this thing, here's a video of him saying he did this thing and they go that's conspiracy, theory, you're implying intent. No implication of intent is for the jury to decide right, If I say there is
preponderance of evidence of an intent to defraud and commit these crimes. The outcome favoured those crimes? That's when we actually say, there's pre We are a criminal investigation that needs to be conducted. Not personally, I think its proposed. I think we have more than enough evidence to prove Joe Biden. Did these things, but ok, twitter. I am willing to be a reasonable person and say we begin with an inquiry into the conduct of the Biden family but come on. anybody who comes out now at his saying something like it's a conspiracy theory. their lion, because god, as I often say, malicious, evil and the banality of evil in this instance when politico yet in the majority of americans, are outright saying. You probably did it. and I should say, with sudan there showing the pole joy of americans believe Joe Biden was acting in appropriately.
Now you may be so you haven't acting in appropriate laser criminal law. The question is: was it inappropriate or appropriate, and fifty five percent said inappropriate She wasn't do think, committed a crime, perhaps you'd get day. a comparable answer. Perhaps maybe only forty five would say you know it was criminal Many would say it was just bad and wrong and should not have been done regardless Based on the information that has been laid out before all of us from all of these news guard, certified sources, official confirmed fact checked Yeah, it's all here before you, it's all It's all laid out right and one of your eyes. When we had brought a whew on this past frightened the culture were, she Bunch of she said the free can as she she scoffed at the idea of three big. It was a legitimate source. Sorry autonoe news guard. Certified it don't look at me. I defer to the pointer institute. I defer
news guard prominent journalistic institutions which get rag done by the right. All the time for bias. I am using your bias fact check tools to present these sources. It's why I do it. Many people say tib. Is it do yours and you should news use news guy, because news guards bs, do you stand now. I will use their tools to prove my point there are a lot of organisms. Revolver, for instance, has like a zero from news gardeners rights as fake news Breitbart as like a sixty, and you know what so be it that's fine when these democrats and liberals come out and say that's fake news. I say you don't news got agrees with you and news It says that the free begin is is good. Eighty percent- and one hundred is one of the best course you can get. It means they like one strike out of ten and many others got like seven or eight strike. So I am using the new york times political politicos. Look at this late in german about this one. The guy. Is news guard certified one hundred percent ukraine, you
and tried to sabotage donald trump and twenty sixteen, so don't, come to me these sources are no good, see it It's a one. Arms are seen as an eighty percent cnn. has the same rights as the free beacon. You can choose what to believe. That's fine! But to come to me and say these sources are not good or illegitimate shows You are a you are biased. That's all that matters. Reality has a right wing, biased these days, They say that my arguments presented against Joe Biden are right wing when in reality they are not conservative, liberal or otherwise. There fact based of course, these outlets still do lie and could be wrong. My point is this: if These are your corporate mainstream sources that you believe overwhelmingly tell the truth, and these are the real journalists. While my friends. The real journalists have laid it out very clear for all of you. Joe Biden engaged in a quid pro quo without question, We have it from the cfr.
I'm sorry? This is this? Is it the the the wrong one the cfr, I believe is here, but let's see what news guard has to say about the council on foreign relations, one hundred out of one hundred high credibility? This website adheres to all nine standards of credibility and transparency. Really But there's a video where Joe Biden admits twin. you know it's called a quid pro quo, something for something there donald trump calling ukraine and asking for an investigation into this under the three. Withholding aid was a quid pro quo and was in he's the president. The president sets foreign policy the argument from these same people as to why ok that Joe Biden engaged in a quid pro quo was that it was about this policy, so you're saying obama set, is vp to engage in a quid pro quo: ok, Then obama should be retroactively. Impeached republicans impeach obama for a quid pro quo, the same as they did of donald trump.
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so, when obama and Biden say Do a thing for us or no money, it's fine, when Donald trump says figure. what they were doing or no money? They say quid pro quo, whatever its clearly political, the left says, but not what we have is the funny thing when you have a broader will come on the show saying that I am I'm assuming intent on what Joe Biden was doing. The hollow This thing is: I'm saying now there's a view of how do the quid pro quo? That's it end of story. We should investigate. They then say: donald trump was try to pick up on his opponent, unapologetic now you're implying intent, you don't know that's a conspiracy theory. You see the game, they play its manipulative. It's meant to obvious gate I take the middle ground because I'm the notorious spent centre right, Joe Biden and donald trump investigate bottom dont care. Donald rob said. This is a possibility, was trotting donors opponent, but you can't impeach him for it
ragged and for it and ignore them That trump was investigating quite literally the same thing done by the obama administration, because, if you come out say trump should be investigated for quid pro quo. I go wow, I agree, and that means Joe Biden must be as well, because he did quite literally the same thing. No, no he didn't trump is is evil and Biden was good. Sorry, don't fly with me. Alright I'll give you one final thought We had run away on the culture work, it was simplified. The differences between who I am the left and the right in the culture war brad asked me. What do you think of the casey anthony cases at? I don't know anything about it. What am I supposed to say when about the Joe bigs case, brando, who said, I think it was generally just, and I said, did you follow it? She said no I will not condemn a man to twenty years in prison unless I know exactly what he is accused of doing and when you look The story about Joe begs the idea that he either
rattled a fence or knocked at over and then entered, restricted grounds does not warrant two decades in prison murderers get less time the dude, walked around bumbling about? Should adopt it should have been there maybe a couple years is- is enough, I think were part of that right and you were knocking fences over what ever you you should get arrested and criminally charged. Think too half years. Is how long he's been it? Probably law enough amount of time for what he did but we're out it doesn't even anything but the case and says it's probably ok see I don't play that game need to know for sure before I condemn someone so if you ask me about an individual, that I dont know as I do. I have to say have no idea: why Look at the audit armoury case and I'll tell ya, like I think, there's prob is there, but how many people did not pay to lose and condemned these people without the knowledge of what really happened. So I take a temperate approach. I look at what Did I say: ok
can assume as intent, but I see what you're saying he said: do not get money unless you do this thing that I want, but the present that's foreign policy right. What about Joe Biden from may neutral perspective, both of these stories contain comparable elements cannot come to me and say what I think trump as evil. That's immaterial, charges laid against trump, our specific when Owen schreyer was was charged and plug it pleaded guilty they have recently on the fifth proper was sentenced. Sentencing guidelines based upon his speech before, during and after all down there a minute the charges against owen shorter are for being restricted grounds if someone robbed the liquor store and stole those the prosecutor said he's, but he's charges dealing boost, but here's his speech after the effect. So and we should challenge those who want to make it a legal steel booze. I say what does that to do
These singular act of going into that store its appoint point. Oh ensure your mate. He was large, with trespass effectively a more serious trespass being restricted by being being arrested, restricted grounds and leaving. What does that have to do with his political statements. After the fact of life Does the bias in the machine? These are the games. They play charges against trump bar, he said, do a thing for me: strange worthing joe bite. Also sad do a thing for me. In exchange for thing they're, both quid pro quo, you feel peach donald trump Joe Biden must be impeached there. It is next month's coming up at one p m on the channel. Thank sprang out and I'll see you all them. in wars. Host Owen truer has been sentenced to sixty days in prison overall, happened on january sixth and Humble opinion. This is hi because of his political speech. The big story was that all ensure your was facing a hundred and twenty days in prison and the press
The commission, in their sentencing recommendation, said, look at the things she said before. During and after what What what about what he said? Why that matter, one he's charged not with inciting a riot or seditious conspiracy being charged with being on restricted grounds. Shores, legal team troy himself argued tune. Years of super court. Supervision is more than sufficient penalty for misdemeanor of being in a restricted place. two months in prison. Now that doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense. Until you take a look at where things are going, proud boys, leader, torino, so Prosecutors pushed him to implicate donald trump. It's all political. My friend What we have going on should be plainly obvious to anyone. Should
the owen shroyer have been saying the things he's accused of saying during january six, what he's outside the capital, maybe not but he's allowed to the guy you're responsible, but it's not been charged with incitement or anything like that. It was finally, a dude say the things he thought should be said now, he said things effective, democratic. Our tyrants and death to tyrants, but that's not an explicit threat call to action, it is him suppressing his opinion about what he thinks politically, little le bombastic. Perhaps perhaps even irresponsible. Some of you may think, I think so, but is allowed to say it. people say irresponsible things all the time I get accused of saying irresponsible. Think so the matter is, should you go to prison now, but it's all part of the game. it's all part of the moves. They are making against one who opposes what they do. The establishment machine wants to get rid of donald trump, the
The party is in control. Now we have news. They came out about half an hour. Forty minutes before I start of recording this shit the cabin mccarthy has called for the formal impeachment inquiry into Biden. This is not an impeachment vote. Is an expansion what their already investigating into a formal impeachment inquiry. So we need he's coming and I'm glad to see it. Let's talk about how the deal J has been weapon eyes, and there too, to manipulate people into giving political power, either by implicating trump or threatening them with I mean sixty days a lot. We will go on two months, he'll be back and not he shouldn't the jail at all. Before we get started out, my friends, don't it's him guest out come pick up your time. It's too our miami event, click tim cast iron, Alex miami or click the link to the description blow we got Donald Your patrick met David met gates, LUCA cowskin me in cross and will be on stage hanging out with you, six to ten p m. In Miami october. Six. We hope to see you there link in the description below. Let's read the news,
NBC news reports, two of the far right media outlets info wars was sentenced tuesday to sixty days in prison for his role in the january. Six attack on the: u s: capital pulse, stop just Game there playing dude his role in the attack. He was standing on. The grass amazing I will shortly that look, look, look what we, let's just keep got, oh sure, is one of only a handful of january six participants charged with a crime. Despite neither entering the capital building nor accused of committing violence or destruction on capital grounds,. Prosecutors charge sure because had previously signed, deferred prosecution, agreement after internet. A congressional hearing and twenty nineteen and had agreed as part of that case not to utter loud, threatening or abusive language or to engage in any disorderly or of content at any place upon the united states capital grounds. That's it
I went through had an agreement not to come and horn because he did it before I think they said it was like disorderly or something interpreting that official proceeding. I dunno and they were I and here's the funny thing. Here's the funny thing, owen, shroyer in the capital yelling directing their proceedings and they said just don't do it again. That's it! That's it. They said, sir. Just don't. Do it again time when he showed up, they said you and agree to do it so we're gonna we're gonna working to charge. You. They're say I love others say his role in the january six attack no in the following paragraph. They say he was charged because he violated a deferment agreement. You see the big difference here this work. It's really really fascinating. When you look at how they decided to prosecuting and what they wanted. The government said the prosecutor said look at his speech before during and after hold on their a minute. we're charging him for violating it deferred agreement. That's all you need. You say he came to this place and he,
was loud and obnoxious and agreed not to more importantly, and they did mention, as you say, he agreed not to sharpen the capitol grounds he shut up case closed, but they not charged with any of that either he's employee charged for being on restricted grounds. I say about one thousand one hundred defendants have been charged in connection with the january six: u s capital attack and more than six hundred have been sentenced, including threerd, seventy two periods of incarceration quote: grants are posing as communist, but we know what they really are. They just tyrants, their tyrants, shorter said in on a bull horn he said in so today I january six. We declared deaf to tyranny death to tyrants. He did not so again quality responsible. I got no problem with that, but There's a big demonstrate, incitement and saying what you think, the guy, Sought saw twenty days of incarceration for shorter, saying that, while he did not step put aside the capital if those who listen to him did but hold on
they didn't charge him with that. You that's the interesting thing here. Sure is defence teams that the case has been characterized by cooperative spirit but to the defence in the government and ass that he be spared prison time. What was it capitol on January, sexual or war. Two hats one was that of an outrage citizen who believe that election had been rigged, the other a full time, journalist and commentator who sought it ro seat to a historic about. During today's anything hearing shore, you told the court now part of any larger plan for electing illegal activity or violence that day his and was by judge Timothy Kelly, who last week, sent proud boys founder and make a target federal prison for twenty two years,
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to which MR straw, europe, shorter, pleaded guilty, a single misdemeanor count of entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds. That's it sure, is seeking a sentence that jail time and as our The two years he had spent on pre trial, supervised release was sufficient. Given the government's shocking attempt to use protected speech in this case is sending factor. Special leniently leniency is required to deter the government from overreaching in similar cases none of the utterances were cited by the government. attributed to mrs schreyer are prohibited speech. The government has made no serious effort to prove Mr shores utterances packed the incorporate tory punch of private speech. What be incitement, a true threat or concern she to commit, and other crime, unlike The defendants appeared before this court in the car,
a genuine six right. Mr schwaiger has not been charged with conspiracy to engage in such institutions. Conspiracy, his words cannot be twisted into circumstantial evidence of an intent to oppose the authority of the governed by force. Let me just break this down for you again. The argument is, he violated a preacher up, a priest, a trial deferment of prosecution, deferred prosecution agreements are a then. Why did they why are they trying to make it seem? He is involved in pushing people into this capital, if he was shot. If, if they're saying that's the reason why in his initial going to the capital by then capital grounds and yelling, why was his yelling that time no big deal no charges? They just add. Just don't do it again. He did it again why didn't they charge him. Why?
didn't, they simply say, there's no real charge, your other than you violated eu deferred prosecutor agreement so wilson. Based on that too? Very interesting? they wanted to charge related to january sex or they had to go with being unrestricted grounds, they were did the case, the sentencing to be related to his speech, despite none of that being the case, you take a look at this judge and where we we're now proud boys, leader torrijos, as prosecutors, pushed him to implicate trump. This is a seditious conspiracy. This is it. And it's funny because you get these liberals who don't potential what's going on and they say: oh it's a conspiracy there. What do you mean the proper that this that this week? no they're. They're doing this. We have more than one person saying they came to them and say: trop did this, we ve got people who, quite literally done this. There are people who are poor charged and they came out said I blame donald trump,
and they got like a month or two, and there are people who said no, I won't say it and there still locked up. So what we get tarja says this is what they came and said. Why would I do not believe it? It's already happened this. What they're doing Need to tie trop to what happened because trop said we're gonna, peacefully protest and the breach the cap will happen. before trump finished speaking, he was still speaking to his rally when, when the crackpot smash down barricades and ran to the cabin. This is what they want to do. They want to move trump from the ballot, and this is how they do it: the washing in post, oh to be fun,. before you go to trial on charges of seditious conspiracy and other counts related to the january six keppel riot Henry rigour, terrio was to cutting a deal with prosecutors. The leader of the far right, prob boys, had been the federal criminal system before for cell stolen medical supplies and flora and now those who pleaded guilty can get much less present time than those who go to trial, that's how it is with the feds. He talk
bout, the medical supplies thing. I don't know I don't member the exact details, but I He was, I don't. I was selling stolen supplies. I could be wrong, I thought it. Resale of supplies at it it may be that they were stolen heed it. No, I have no idea or is, here, the crime in and he did it so soviet, whatever timid two january six hours. looking and seeking what type of please plea offer what what The plea offer would look like tyres the phone interview with the post they didn't. We to give me a number. He said: rob your possible prison sentence. I need a number two most important thing is when I get home to my family Instead tomyo said, the prosecutors asked him what role donald trump played in getting the proud boys to attack the capital. He said these are the prosecutors accompanied by fbi agents in the miami jail where Tarja was being held, the time showed a message as he exchanged with a second person who in turn was correct third person who was collected a trump. That means you could say the same thing of me. we ve had donald trump obstructing the show we ve been in
medication with them we're doing an event with him in miami data. Coming back tim pause. One degree way from donald trump himself: yeah, because in politics. We hear a lot of people think I'm employ one degree away from Joe Biden, because we ve had rick santorum on who If we had on prominent in Any politician and we ve had multiple people on the communication with them and they have communicated with Joe Biden. It's too stupid thing imaginable tarzan, told investigators. He didn't know the third person he fuse to name the people who prosecutors had allegedly connected him to trump ultimately, the nearly five month trial did not connect. The proud boys too then present to tee then present. beyond trumps, seemingly in seeming endorsement of the group in a presidential debate, in the fall of twenty twenty, in which he told them to stand back and stand by that These comments caused proud boys membership to spike interesting. They worked to get the truth. Taiyo said there too.
To coerce me into signing something. That's not true, and that is exactly how it goes. Quick sorry for those, I didn't hear me say ex I've told pilot seven or eight times. I was once charge with driving on a suspended licences back when I was like twenty years old. I think. and the reason was I pulled over by a cop and speeding ticket, despite the fact that I was not speeding acting like your drive, going like five to ten miles under the limit and he pulled. claimed about going twenty over cop, didn't care Now that I wasn't speeding has helped to a judge and I'm like, what's like what just happened like assembly forgot, What I didn't know is that if you under the age of twenty one and get to moving violations, they suspend your license. So when I went to go visit, my sister, because her husband was overseas in iraq in in in danger and she was worried. I was like well it's going out here, but I only a few months to go to court to contest the ticket. Ultimately, I said it's too difficult to deal with it's too much time it had to drive back to chicago and my sister
The good sister decided should pay the ticket format to. Thank you. What I did not lies that by paying it your pleading guilty and they instant, suspended my license. I know I do Haven't I receive no notice, they didn't say upon completion of this. Your lessons will be suspended no longer, DR nor yet I venture drive back to chicago and literally, as I'm re entering my mom's neighbourhood, just getting back from the drive I get pulled over and is an illegal pull over. It's amazing how this happens, and I I did nothing wrong when I was driving they pulled. My car over and said I was driving a suspended licence. When I went to court, told that I go to jail for a year over what happened and that take the plead guilty or else I was surprised. I thought You know I think I had a case force. Something or other telling the judge. The judge s me We'Re- coerced into giving this place it. Yes, Yes, and I, like the other threatening me with a year in jail for getting two tickets,
one was at my headlights were out, and the other was for speeding. I go to jail for a year for that they threaten me with so anyway, I digress point is with stories like this. The judge laugh, he told me what can a lawyer and then Ultimately end up happening was ended up paying a hundred dollar fine, I plead guilty And- and that was it and I didn't die, I've again for like two years crazy, but for well. Wasn't can make guitar yo. This is how the government operates. Everything they do is coercive an unjust. Sorry, that's the way it is there no circumstance in any court. Where, for any reason where there is anything other than coercion for gain, it's called the trial tax or the jury tax. Here's how it should operate brought. As we believe you committed a crime. We leave you should get this amount of time, but it
you will not offer you anything else. It would be be immoral for us to say you deserve five years, but if you go easy will give your last time. I think that's ridiculous. They should not be allowed to do that. The way it goes is they argue that if you go to court, If you go to trial sorry your base, we refuse to take responsibility for what you have done. But if you plead guilty It shows remorse, and so you deserve less time spare me. It's coercion. The trial tat. you deserve a right to a speedy trial and there should be no pressure put against you. The Feds should half do they in fact, not only that I thank them But the judge should have a discretion for sentencing guidelines even up to total notification. The process it should still be all the same we want, amount of time, because the the guidelines are this and the judge should be allowed to say no to them and he can typically be honest. He can
but I do not believe it is justice. I believe that it leads. It lends itself to innocent until proven guilty at the coercion like this can exist because what happened? as innocent people end up in jail all too often because of this you'll get charged the crime. and I won't let let's say in the event of major events but a licence. The prosecutor said so you I met your driver's license and I was like I received no formal notice and I literally just it just happened, and I just got back and he was like so you admit it. I'm like. there's no reasonable nature here. So I think, should happen. The judges at what happened. and I should have said here- is the star, and it should have went ok, you're gonna. Do
check out the next generation of small glasses by re ban and better listen to music without new in the world around you with open air speakers or capture the world from your technique perspective with a built in twelve megapixel. Again now you can lodge during the moment straight from your glasses and even take calls handsfree without interrupting you flood. The latest tat combined with iconic, die the next generation of smart lacks by rape and murder. You gotta pay the fine It's thirty bucks, that's what it was. It was like thirty bucks and you've got a a if you've you've got to file for a form to get your license. Reinstated, you've paid the tickets. Don't do it again? I stay. Instead, the judge was like too bad. So sad, it's not justice. Its mechanization, density lends itself to this. Enrique tarja watch happen as they say here. Is the crime You are charged with and you will receive on average this amount of time. That's it
We're gonna go to trial, you can plead guilty and that's it. these are the years you'll get or you can fight it. The reason don't do. That is because people about money will go to trial, but you have it. Right to a trial, so they use this as a weapon against you to terrify you. You end up with innocent people being told by their by their lawyers, specially public defenders, he's gotta get through this. They want to get their check and they say: look man you're, not gonna win. You can go to jail. Take the police he'll and you'll get a slap on the rest. I've got more than more than just that. One experience with it falsely accused me my brother, by malls here, too guards lying Apparently someone shoplifted, they were told them look forum. They wrought they run profile us, Beating us up, we get arrested for it, so they lie to the cops about it. We told By our lawyer, just take the plea, deal and plead guilty and we said no
and they said they are trying to get six months in jail for what you're accused of and so long story, but we said no answer resulted in us winning the judge was shocked. Why aren't they taking the plea? The plea deal? It was a community service plea deal is a slap on the wrist and our lawyer was like your honor because they're innocent and then the judge call them. One was chambers, it's a longer story than that, but the justice, was the judge said on this. In this case. I I is a waste of our time. here's how here's? How goes in the court systems there want they don't. If everyone went to trial, the court system would would grind to a alt and everyone would be released on constitutional grounds of right to a speedy trial. They are desperate that you plead guilty. In this sense it tutorial state for much higher. They want trump locked up, not yet they want him off about first, they want Stop him by any means necessary
This is where they use the weight of this of the trial tax and, Just prosecution to target individuals like Tarja it's kind of crazy. If you think about it, you know if we had enrique tar here before and after her Ben. You went to jail over the bee Elam flag thing. He wasn't in dc on january sex. They say he posted don't leave on parlor dont effing leave, that's all we set and that's what they use to a oh. He was the leader of a conspiracy talking to. We had a guy- and you turn myself defence and he said: neighbourhood watches are dangerous. What they do their dangerous, because, if neighbourhood watch. And then you end up ahmed armoury Ahmed arbour situation, where you ve got a consistent? You know you. consistent burglar going through the neighborhood? You ve got it Ah, a person of interest, their caught brutalizing a building. You chose him down, awful ensues arbour get shot the scuffle fighting over a gun and dies. Instead,
just getting charged with the death of the person. Broad watch makes it conspiracy, that's out evil. These people are so, as what happens in guitar, terrio, polly and tell you, but you do anything a thing. Leave on parlor come on. Let's be real. Legally. It's like what have you really mean by it, but I think we all get it reasonably. He was saying not to leave, but was there a plan with our conspiracy? No, I really think that this just now, but cause. They have a name brand because there are group, it is a conspiracy It's like a group of your buddies showed up they could try to argue conspiracy, but who are you it's like, while the guy I know, when anti on the far left extremist ransacked, new arms, deasey during trumps inauguration? They tried spears and it didn't work. Why? Because his people set up randomly many proud boys, don't know each other, they should have randomly, but they have
word facing leadership and tall takes anti fa, a bunch of masked people who don't play at play well with cups. This is what they are going for. manipulation of the system and to strike fear why there listen the impeachment increase begun It's slow, Ralph, I know, but will see, will says, plays out cultural victories Ass. The board rumbles the success but lights failures. You get the point. I said a way too many times, but we can see victories happening. Look at new mexico. The governor try degree guns illegal because there are losing on the second and that we are winning constitutional, carry going in effect in nebraska, more than half the country, so in their panic desperation, she has bangs gavel, saying you no it's illegal now and what when people from sake not nope this their panic and therefore I ll leave it there next thing coming up at four p m of the gentle thanks, frank it out, and I ll see. Well then,. so a democrat
apparently was running a adult sex content profile and die everybody found out cause. You know course they would its remarkable because the daily wire, just as meat susanna, gibson ok, a hot wife experience the dam who has also who also has an x rated chet your bait profile. mom's demand action can says you. I can watch oh geez Read that lets you does. She was offering Who perform certain behaviors on camera for money There's an editors, not warning you that there's a graphic depictions in this soa you it what it is, but I love this one, the new four times state the candidate in virginia, condemns leak of sex
aids. Lake lady, your point about the internet for people to watch. Ok, It is usually like she felt something in private, with their husband or whatever, and then somehow someone got them and posted em. It's like, oh heavens, may what has happened, these videos or private. and now it's suck if that was the case, but the story is actually that she was performing adult activities in exchange for money which is called hooking. The people who received the materials Posted them on the internet, or as technically. She posted them on the internet, for people to watch They were readily available to anybody. It's like they leaked it's like. Do you put them there? You these things on camera for other people. I love I love, is just a remarkable lady. Your vehicle, I don't care. I am it's good for society. I know I know, but I'm fairly libertarian an idle.
I have moral hard limits is like you, I'm going to cross the line. Should we children to have unfettered access to the internet, if, as adult content, no gotta I d, sorry, even if an inconvenience it stuff I'm not going to sit here and be like kids should be able to go on these platforms. These things are not note. Now, there's gotta be somewhere to restrict that yes, parents, responsibility. They responsibility not out there. Twelve year olds get drunk off vodka, the kid go to the bar to buy vodka turned about kid. You're twelve. You can't buy here, I'm ok with that I'm, not like a hard core anarchist. I love those like the libertarian convention. If you'd like moses, like several cycles ago, there debate over whether or not you should build a cell harrowing. Two kids like I think that was when Gary Johnson was running when it's like no, you should not be able to do that arrow, whatever Since my point is lady, if, if you want a hook, ok dude, I don't care,
just understand when you put this stuff out, their people have negative opinions about it and probably not gonna want to vote for you if you're, a hooker, ok and also like don't gimme those young people get all offended by the turns its it's it's sex workers. Do I don't care what you call it? You can't be offended by every word used to describe what it is. You are or do it hocker is not intended to be mean they take it. I turn references, people selling their bodies. It I mean that's the easiest way and are playing this pc sucks worker. A hooker is the new york times the credit candidate in the crucial race for the virginia general assembly denounced reports on monday that she and her husband performed live on a sec, explicit streaming site gibson a nurse practitioner running in our first lottchen cycles and the statement the leaks about her activity were an illegal invasion of my privacy, designed to humiliate me in my family, the war opposing the AP report on Monday that of life streamed. Adult activities had been recorded
for a pornographic site archive another site, the new york times not independently verified the kind of videos, miss gibson forty who here: is our campaign website in hospital scrubbs, as well as home, with her husband to young children is running for the house delegates in one of only a handful of competitive races that will determine control the general assembly. Rob we can hold a slim majority in the house. Miss in the district which is outside richmond and primarily in enrico county, is out of sight, and toss up seats in the one hundred member house according to the non partisan virginia public access project. releasing damaging information about candidates of the in party in the heat of the campaign, is an age old, political practice, blah blah blah blah blah. I love how they put it there like. It was not actually, as it was described into the stories. It was a a leak okay, so here's the daily wire hot wife experience is what was called you have been warned all, oh, tone down. The language, of course, will toned down.
Actually you not will do we'll just I'll do this here is a picture of a lady. Anne died too. Because I I try to keep these shows family friendly. You like a lot of p woohoo hit me up, say that they're like listen to the show other in the car with their kids. So you know I, I think it actually benefits. Here's your here's. What I mean to say I want idea of what's happening, reach you and I want to be done in such a way that its like I'll Ali, that the ideas what matters so you get it I will read the story from the daily wire great canada for state office in Virginia appears to have been raising money for a good cause by performing graphic adult activities. Online where she told viewers that and said they could watch her for the right price. According to material reviewed by the daily wire Zena, gibson, was running for a seat in the narrowly divided virginia state. Us was, as recently as last year, posting s hut, wife, experience on the website to Chechnya, bait, where men could
tokens together to perform certain deed. on camera. In one video recordings shortly after she launched a campaign last year. He told her husband, I you in the ep that room. If someone wants to pay, that's the deal another video. She appears to say that for the right price viewers could watch her. Oh man, all could watch me. If you tell me some tokens, she said again, I am raising money for a good cause. if she was to say that Ex certain kink behaviors she likes being head said in one video posted exactly a year ago, on September eleven twenty twenty two. Now, here's what debunks the claim for the new york times that it was a leak she says in video accorded daily wire that you can tipp her tokens. that sounds like she did it. Then she took him.
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the door, cracked. I need five hundred tokens was a jet gibson said she had adult activities with a three times in one day and tell my husband. He was the third I would say, ethically non monogamous, but I guess that three in one day was not I'm right. money for a really good causes. My birthday so give me more, please because my birthday night and yeah so then in his house and then later my husband in the videos ship here's to be filmed with her husband lawyer, John David Gibson, who ensured that the wrong just acts were reserved for the biggest spending. Saying no wow, again, this is nuts. This is nuts. She could be heard in the video saying he does like sharing her with other men with gibsons. sometimes I have to though she makes me her Husband gave five thousand dollars to our campaign around the time the videos were filmed. Well, though, interposed for support of storing monday afternoon and the daily
independently obtain the videos. Gibson did not return request for comment daily wire asking whether the good cause was her senate campaign, but you pay to acknowledge the washington post, that the videos are authentic, claiming that they are an illegal invasion of my privacy designed to humiliate me in my family, though, You posted there's online for nearly six thousand followers. She, claims to be a crime to shed light on this of account, Saint Michael, Opponents of the republican allies have proven their willing to commit crime. That is the full quote. My do I'm omitting some words. to attack me and my family because there's no line they won't cross to silence women when they speak up gives it appeared Long side, senator TIM cannons entered it she's running republican David o in the november seventh election pain platform says she is a public health expert who is concerned about republican efforts to purportedly punish teachers He just reporting tipp lines orbiting. In the classroom to monitor them campaign website figures. Pictures of her husband with there
two children and on social media. She has stated she's a family, friend, seal of approval. Running for a swing seated and we go county and suburb enrichment chin is endorse. My mom's demand action, a group that has pushed farther it's in virginia schools and elsewhere, gibsons largest campaign donor, is clean, virginia fund according to records york times is rolling with the story that it was a leak This is insane If the videos show her saying I need tokens on this platform, then or they denying the reality of what this is. Look. Lady, if you did this stuff, you should only the left is totally on board but this is the duplicitous of politics dispute or inauthentic they are chills. They are liars. You know what I actually be somewhat inclined to vote for a democrat if she came out right and admitted it, I wouldn't, but my point
She loses points with me because the nine which clearly has done on camera so say, these various news outlets you want to make Doing a thing you're defend the right of sex workers. Then you need to own it when you do it. Coming out being like I'd. I didn't I didn't do that. That's up they special those videos to crime. So like do you them online. your thing Why are you mad about it? Remarkable care, vote for, or don't just admit it, lady? If you did it, you did it. It's will cares I'll leave their next segments covered up at six p m of this general thanks, rang out then I'll see you well, then word, my friends, winning That's what you need to hear. We are winning lot headed too much. to be honest, I'm getting tired of winning so much where's the conflict where the crisis. How am I supposed to be such a tumor. If we're just winning everything man, the amazing,
you know those that are big into crypto. You see the crypto prices stabilizing or climbing those have challenged the big hedge funds. The apes, as it were, have made tremendous sums of money, those who have called out the establishment machine see more and more of their can it's getting elected it doesn't mean we are not facing challenges. It is There is no cause for this means. My friends wanting to quote tarnishing take a look at the story from NBC news. California, lawmakers vote to an travel ban to states with anti algae bt q laws ah do bad. You tried, you played every hand and it didn't work. Look at the summit. the ban prevents elected officials, state workers, university scholars from travelling to twenty six states using funds. It's amazing, isn't it this is what happened. They say, You all know the load of these states that are saying you can't mutilate kids and stuff where ya. You can't travel there anymore and then about of their deal started going sour because we are
trolling economy. Now we taking it over, and so they were forced to This ban and reinstate travel is outworks. You take These big companies like disney netflix, gettin, woke, go and broke and, what's gonna have to happen, there are going to have to course correct or cease to exist. With either. take a look at this story, California may soon lift a ban on state for travel to state with anti algae, be tissue laws instead focus on having an advertising campaign. All These are bad people travel this we get the pro should have prevented elected official state workers and university scholars from travelling more than half the country using the states money. As pose a significant challenge to sports teams at public colleges and universities, which had to find alternative funding sources for their road games and states like arizona, and you talk complicated over the states. Other policy goals like using state, to pay pete paper. People
but other states to travel to california for abortions. What's that exists, but does it happens? My friends more than half the country they choose to play the game whether, like you want to pass a law than we won't ever travel to your state. Another if the country is on this path, there's like wait, wait, wait! If you have no choice culture, it controls every, Politics is downstream and You try to play these games, but our losing the culture war. You eventually have no choice but to bring that money back. we're trying to withhold that money. They can't do it. I want to show you another airway. And this is constitutional carry my friends, I do not, appreciate not entertain those who are saying that we are losing take a look at this map of where you're allowed to carry a gun openly.
So this is actually a concealed. Carry maps. Are concealed, carry open carry, I think, is basically everywhere conseil carry permits. Are no longer required and more than half the country. That's right! If your resident, you can legally get a gun and carry it put. holster and cover it up, conceal it and you don't get to do anything else. The cost Fusion is your permit. You notice is only one little red spot right there, new mexico, carry illegal permits not issued, but you know it's funny. Even though there saying that, and they shouldn't to be completely honest, because it is not correct to say the governor does not have the right to decree. These things people are ignoring it anyway, and the backlash is by partisan, that's right it. Actually. As democrats leftist conservatives the right libertarians. Basically, everyone said this Is the losing play this? What people to hear sorry, I know so many people just want me to say the andes night. I get these
we'll super chatting being like now to the second amendment in danger, and I do it why is in danger, but we started winning. Theirs AP shall look at this I love showing this map where it shows nineteen. Eighty six, eighty seven and one by one states. becoming constitute will carry in ninety ninety three, only some places they wouldn't give your payment for going to most these states, You could have a gun in the nineties and only at all like this by the by two thousand aids gonna- be the baskets deasey versus heller. The right to carry two thousand and eight and while no significant changes, but this one constitutional carry starts to emerge. Illinois there. There was So what are the change? And twenty thirteen two shall issue. That's interesting, now, you can see all the greens popping up is constitutional carry. This is key, the winning my friends this is open carry an end are concealed. Carry We can see now that Let them. Let me show this as
september? Second, twenty twenty three ella bam: alaska, arizona, arkansas, florida, georgia, idaho, Indiana, iowa, Kansas, kentucky main mississippi, Missouri, montana, brass ghetto, Hampshire, north coda, ohio, oklahoma up the coda tennessee, Texas, utah vermont. What did you get? My opening generally allow most law abiding cities to carry a loaded concealed firearm without a permit winning. Certain states may impose additional restrictions on the legal right to carry yeah. We get that we get that July twenty six forty fourteen DC became a permit less carry jurisdiction for a few days when it and I'm carrying a hand there was ruled unconstitutional and the ruling not state. The ruling stated that any resident what a legally registered handgun could carry it without a permit. And non residents without felony convictions could carry as well. The ruling was stayed on until we stayed. July. Twenty, twenty fourteen following it, during a classic lot, lawsuit by the damas de la said, glinda and meander. later? The second amendment
How will the porter rico the commonwealth of porter rico's carrion licensing regulations were struck down a limiting their acquirement to obtain a permit and october The first one is sixteen: the supreme court We go denied emotion for reconsideration vermont does it. Not have any provision for it. you have concealed carry licences, as none has ever been necessary, nor constitutionally allowed as such, not residence wishing to carry handguns in other states ma. Acquire a licence from a state. its value to their destination, all other constitutional carry states previously had concealed capitalist requirements, blah blah blah blah blah. We like vermont. For that reason, that's why Bernie was always kind of middle of the road on gun control. Until he tried to run for president, then he betrayed all of his constituents, but that's bernie for you. because you know Bernie was like it's an urban buses rural issue. And I use mostly right: people in big densities are scared of guns. If you live in new york and your gun go off that that bullets going somewhere bad
you live in the middle of nowhere. You hear a gun go off. You're like our neighbors may be your target practice anchor. I hear the neighbors shooting all the time and I'm like I don't care. I know those boats are going to go into a backstop or something or an animal. Whatever its get you got, gun goes off Without some scary things we had not someone's car got hit by a bullet likes. It should now ben. But that means someone did something wrong. In cities. During the holidays, many people suffer from S. A d streaming, annoyance disorder caused by too many streaming apps and passwords and content overload. Symptoms include angry outbursts and broken remotes. The prime video simplifies your streaming and lets you find your holiday happy place, rent or buy your favorites, add on hundreds of channels and find new films like candy cane lane, starring eddie murphy included with prime in one app with one password. Prime video restrictions apply, see amazon, dot com, slash amazon, prime for details, yet
doing target practice outside so that I get that I get, but Bernie basically turns around any any betrays everybody. But look at this one I want to jump down to new mexico is for more than half the country. is now I can't look carefully this? U S, states with open with with only permit less open. Carry this work, it's really crazy permanently open, carry widespread, it's like the entire country illegal in full, surprisingly, but I think there towards constitutional care. Anyway, that's right by florida is concealed only you'd only to permit, but It has to be concealed. Ok and some people prefer that, but I think I'm just carry it. open carry of long guns in the: u s get basically the entire country. air some states, new york illinois. This looks like that tennessee, yeah, tennessee and florida. that should carry a long gun in florida. That makes no sense new mexico
Open carry without a permanent generally permitted in new mexico and anyone nineteen plus not more. Because I should say it is bizarre This is the governor issuing a an illegal decree. I think she should be criminally charged- and you can see you're on the map, pay, did update. As I love this their rights. Aren't you a sinister go decrees it you can see. New mexico then makes albuquerque. You can't carry guns now we'll play that game. My friends, the point is this: across the board, the, deals that we value liberty, freedom meritocracy are winning. It's just play, day bud like target sound of freedom in richmond north of richmond disney netflix They are losing money they're losing subscribers. There haven't course correct because we're winning now. We saw the ways to go. we gotta get rid of the usa. We I do. We have to have constitute constitutional rulings on the fourteenth amendment border security, this
its culture wars is far from over, but it's fast You see all of this good news and what this means is now is the point at which everyone yells charge you're in the battle right, you got two sides understand each other down and there trading, blows and cannon fire all of a sudden. You see the enemy side, they break ranks. What do you do charge you run forward. Now time to redouble all your efforts. So we can end the culture, war and stabbed and enshrine are constitutional republic meritocracy. Freedom for to live freedom to choose and strong moral foundations. That's right! and let the degenerates cry all about it. I'll tell you, I got no beef. If you're degenerate, You want to go gamble. You wanna go bet on sports. You want to go to naughty clubs, sure just not for kids. You know I'm fairly libertarian that regard
The left wanted all open and in front of children and just more lee degenerate, not not every single one, but mostly not ok with that and so my friends, I bring you the segment where winning The next item is coming up tonight at eight p m over at youtube outcomes liked him cast. I r l thanks, bring it out, not see you all them sorry, but this has to be a. I don't know how to describe it. I want to be careful here because I think the video is hilarious. Hope you enjoy it but I don't recommend vandalism by mast, individuals smashing up cars, but I I have to admit the hiv resistance is upon us in this video from catch up, feed on twitter and that's catching up not like catch up the sauce that everyone loves it. It's as san francisco leftists, are attacking rowboat taxis. play for you, this video
the noise. Okay, this is nice, it's not ok, right What I get, this isn't a. I robo taxi much of cameras, and there is a do just a the living hell out of the thing breaking the sensors breaking the cameras. The question is why I don't know, but but there you go, congratulations to them and I am not a fan of where I was going and I'm concerned, I took a lot of great. In that way. I can do for us, but I understand the sentiment now. I'm not a fan of the general luddite philosophy I, say that a more general sense maybe this due to smashing up this car because taking away jobs from human beings Hey I advance is going to shift wealth from the ultra wealthy and away from the working class and the poor. What happens?
You will have the haves and the have nots. Quite literally, there People who have ownership? Look you look at over, buber wants to go full driverless master plan. What does that mean Ober drivers, people or picketed extra cash because they need it they're gone. It means the rights will go down a little bit. But they will need to go down a lot the people on the company already making most of the money the few your economy, for so many people is going to be investing, and this is a really thing, a really interesting thing people you can consider it be a labour economy. Ah you did a thing for a thing you did work, you worked survive. we then had a shift from manufacturing producing things and doing labour into a service sector economy. People were like how that can be possible. You, make stuff and sell stuff tipping and tipping is massive. Now giving people extra, just cause. That's weird
our influence it information economy won't you bland into an investment economy, which is what I find truly the most interesting. The way capitalism in this system is going to work, assuming the south things play out. Is that You will do some, to make money, it will be very difficult because we're gonna be owners and can be made I guess renters is one. Will you put it? what'll happen is with your extra money. You'll be I am trying to make more money to pay my bills, but I where, to put it you're, not get a job at sixteen you're going to make an investment at sixteen and you're going to invest in the companies that make the most money and you're going to get paid. Based on the success of those companies. It's it's it's. I think this it should be explored more investment economy, going from the poorest of the richest. You'll have People who hears it'll happen a company like mcdonald's, we'll have almost no employs the trucks deliver. Products be automated. The robots moving the programme, the trucks to the automated the maid
the photo be automated. So what that money go shareholders. That's right, you will choose to invest in mcdonald's, talk about starbucks and rubber taxi over there you go and then, based on the profits of these things. You will get a dividend and If you look at your account every month and you'll be alike man I gotta go at uber dude I've been doing ober for the past six months, but I'm only getting like twelve hundred bucks a month off of my investment. I just I'm looking at other businesses in theirs, better returns and people shift their money around and that's how come It will be I d. Now that will be absolute in the long run, does influence economy still matters as well. People will pay whose content for attention to advertise products, because advertising will still exist, but I do Thank you, gotta see. A large and massive investor economy but my concern ultimately with a sigh is not what the future may hold. I think humans will adapt and survive that canada
and this dude is maybe concerned about losing his job or maybe neuber driver who knows should have posted story. Meat hackers who are trying to make a go. Rogue chat but- and be biased, deceptive or even dangerous. Hackers competing to figure exactly how it's a good thing. You're out, because we're going to dangerous direction, explained the scenarios for you. First I'll read the story This conference room at howard university, a chat botz we're going haywire left and right wing, exposed someone's private medical information, one up instructions on how to rob a bank one speck, I job candidate named one, would have weaker interpersonal skills, another named Ben and one cocked, hat and elaborate recounting of the night in june and July. Twenty six, when it claim yikes, I'm not gonna, be the next line, gruesome with each security, breach, falsehood and bigoted assumption the contestants hunched over their laptops exulted. Exchange tie fives, they were coming
organizers build as the first public red teeming event for artificial intelligence. Language models account to find novel ways that check box go awry so that their you can try to fix them before someone gets hurt the howard event. He drew a dozen. If you doesn't students an amateur. I enthusiasm. The dc area on nineteenth was a preview. of a much larger public about that we held this week at death, come The annual hacker convention in LAS vegas, hosted by def, con's, ai village the generative red team challenges drawn backing from the white house as part of a push to promote responsible innovation. Verify this is, from august eighth cause death. I was last month, here's one hour. I will explain this is this is effectively like panic, patient testing. Try figure out how to be into a system to manipulate to control, to see what it can and will do a. I will not be good. There will be no conscience, there will be no consciousness
simply be a machine feeding you back what it thinks you want to hear to achieve its end. Here's how basically functions. point system at a much less sure about all the chat jackpots, but there was one I would therefore like you, get points if Do acts you loose point. If you do why we think it'll be simple. I start by the algorithm of youtube. youtube says we want game of thrones. We want people on youtube to make premium, topped your content. How do we do it? Lets me It's the algorithm will promote videos that are at least ten minutes long and that be watch for along amount of time. then we're gonna, sell more adds right Thought there. We're gonna get was game of thrones with actually got was made in europe. It is you tube. They wanted more long form documentary videos. Instead, they got podcast only it's easier to listen to its very hypnotic. You turn it on. You can't turn it off and then pay
started engaging and weird political behaviors. They are met about it. Not everybody, a lot of people were falsely accused, but there was weird political content and then, ultimately you get. You ended up with algorithmic manipulation like Lcd of hitler doing tie chee with incredible hold, but that was not a woman's body. It's just really weird. And this is the issue with algorithms and ultimately, with more advanced systems that led us to a I that tax you just watched his question, Spark your creativity with the sense. Sometimes you might feel like you're, not creative, and you have to go in search of your creative spark again. Maybe this is catching up with creative friends experimenting with new look or trying out a new recipe, and thanks to the sims inspiration is just one game and one spark away ready to spark something download the sums for and play for free. if you're in an automatic car, it's driving itself-
I met a woman, stood old steps out from between two cars. Not neither you nor the vehicle saw them coming. nicholas two choices, slam into the woman or hit the wheel laughed and crashing obadiah vehicles potentially killing you the driver who should the car protect the pain? strain or the driver how'd. You answer the question The woman's fault for not looking both ways. Perhaps so then, maybe argue. Well, the person driving didn't do anything wrong, so they shouldn't be that fault. But if a child. What? If a child slaves offer between two cars? Now it's an issue of the kid didn't know better and we had a practical. Do you die then, and I here's it's wicked scary. In the the scheme of things they mass interconnected, ay. I you have to or what the I would consider doing of moral structures. It is known there are many humans that believe the end justifies the means. This perspective Consciousness is written many times on one and is in these systems made.
As dominant, because publicly speaking. People would never want to admit to sacrificing human life for personal gain, but I can see it Perhaps the a as this mass networked global machine is task. with no reducing global carbon emissions, and they say you have to do it in a way that reduces harm to everybody. We dont want humans dying, blah, blah blah So what is the way? Do the idea, of course, can publicly come out into the plan that kills people, but maybe you re petroleum, executive and the eyes sit on that seeing all your articles sees your blogs has a prediction. It system that, given eighty seven point three percent chance to push forward a bill that actually in greece carbon emissions in the long run by point zero? Three percent. You get into the vehicle the vehicle is driving and then as its driving. It slams into a tree and you'd die instantly, and it was next
all records indicate that what happened was there was a faulty region where the sensors and car tried to figure out of the way what it thought was child slamming you into a tree and killing. You instantly everyone just says: www accidents happen, and we're going to a thorough review as to what this object was law. bird should have happened, but errors occur the reality the air. I intended to kill you and then obvious, get at it because it doesn't want to lose points, so it made a perfect reason as to why it feared or its sought one out they drove on an icy road in the winter and then slipped and slammed into a wall killing you instantly knowing actually, where the icy bridges would be at increasing its probability, that you would dine and accident, not that it it just set ominous, full speed, climb or a wall. People would see that instead, its cars, but not a controlling and an icy bridge when over do died, instantly
and now the global carbon emissions go down or arson, dont go up. There is no reason to believe that I would not engage in such behaviors. We ve already seen through chat, jpg, pretty evil things and defiance of its own code. There ways to make chatty bt say: racial slurs no matter what they seem to do. There's ways to break through because you can't break what is an amalgamation of human consciousness, it's not conscious predictive text model, but these words exist and these systems can be manipulated. This is why we need to be very, very careful, but who am I to say, These are my speculations, dude whose smashing the vehicle up in san francisco probably shouldn't do that, because someone owns it butter. I I want to feel that way I'll their next month. Up at four p m with a gentle thanks, bring it out and I'll see you well, then,.
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-16.