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Biden IMPEACHMENT BEGINS, Media LIES Claiming NO EVIDENCE As GOP Votes To Start Impeachment Inquiry


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Biden IMPEACHMENT BEGINS, Media LIES Claiming NO EVIDENCE As GOP Votes To Start Impeachment Inquiry

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Well, don't understand the process, and so what we have now is a medium melt down boy Do they just lie about everything? Ok, So, let's call out there lies Jimmy kimmel men, talk about despicable guy. I know that dickie bear it wants. Be friends! Them has been friends them forever. For decades Of course I don't know did bear it was the announcer for Jimmy can will show and refused to get. The vaccine will subsequently fired. There was an episode, we're jimmy kimmel, sad that on vast people should not get, equal treatment It was our be fair. I don't know exactly what is quite was but was related to Iver and he was people who don't want to get best and what goes gopher that you should just now treat them at all and on why, while
That's a horrifying thing, the site. Let people die for being wrong. That's Jimmy kimmel, while we'll jimmy Kimmel opens up his show you the day, sang republicans have launched an impeachment inquiry with no evidence and republicans don't even know what they're impeaching him for my guy impeachment inquiry is like a criminal investigation and criminal. Restoration can get opened for very little evidence if any at all, we are not talking about actual arresting and charging anybody putting them on trial. we're talking about certain. Preponderance of evidence and issues of probable cause. We're we're like looks like some criminal activity may have occurred. We should investigate that's all. That's all The first thing I want to say in this I oppose the impeachment. Have Joe Biden. Republicans must stop no it's funny, because in the past couple of years we ve been screaming. We gotta impeach, Joe Biden, can make them it doesn't matter just get him out. He's corrupt
and there's a lot of evidence, ten percent big guy, numerous whistle blowers beyond this With his sons, business dealings, partners of hunter by saying that they called Joe Biden specifically for help in the bar asthma scandal? Oh boy. That's all evidence right, but you don't play fair first thing we do is we have an inquiry and investigation compile the evidence that exists as of now determine whether or not it warrants indictment after that can choose to acquit ambiguous likely what's going to happen, but the media, of course, is acting the impeachment inquiry is actually an impeachment. That's that that's what It is the funny thing about jimmy camel I mean this guy's as dumb as a box rocks. actually that's unfair rocks late now. ask questions about the Biden impeachment agree However, republicans don't zambia don't seem to know what it's about? How said you can't? impeach someone for falling asleep during will a fortune. You see if Oh gets impeached attack,
the bad news for tromp because head to head off poles even see and ensure that trump wins They can get in. Someone like newsome it'll, be harder for donald trump, not saying that he's gonna lose or anything like that. But this is the funny thing reply lookin, don't seem to know what it is about. What does that mean You always remember your first. She said of donald trump and blah blah blah. I our know how long it is. Maybe it maybe maybe we'll play it, so we can make fun of Jimmy kindlier. previously on Jimmy came alive. Almost each year in the word of the year for twenty twenty three is hallucinate. Frazier only abuse the chat, bots attempt. the middle, with even the dictionary people are like whatever. Let's just do, shrooms and be done with me to kill If you screw up, have a crime, but they do airline tells you only need to know about the republican party right now. No one seems to know exactly what they would be today:
Republicans in the house voted to open and impeachment inquiry into prison. biden: they manage to get the they needed for this, even though no one seems to know exactly what they would be impeaching him for, I can tell you So while he was vice president, there were numerous business deals attached to his family, for which evidence suggests Joe Biden was using his office to facilitate private private visit business deals under the names of his brother and his son. Thank you haven't I, Oh you'll, make it more specific than that how about flying his son on air force to to china, for private equity is now. I know I know. Heavens me, you may be sanctum. How are we going to impeach the sitting president for actions that he took, while vice president with a term gap in between fair point.
You see there isn't a brave, the vice presidential things, because the questions remain about lingering political effects from the bereavement deals till now and, more importantly, if as a private citizen, Joe Biden was intervening, foreign business deals with foreign countries. The question remains right now, as it pertains to ukraine, could it be that Joe Biden organs illicit business deals as vp private citizen and now, as president, is illegally on com- the two. using the weight of the? U s: government, under his thumb too. Phil obligations he made outside of his role as the presidency is You have these business deals of charisma hunter button, was on the board of ukrainian energy company, and then all of a sudden, Joe Biden is dumping hundred per billion dollars into a war at a country that is not part of nato, not part of the EU. You have to wonder why that is, though, could it be
that Joe Biden investments are at risk. Now, of course, you. You still may be saying why. Oh ok. The question remains right now, considering that Joe Biden was involved and lied about the business dealings, he was in sitting the classified documents, considering happens, weapon is of the d o J. There are new as things that be investigated right now. I think, what's important thing and right at the matters very simple devon, Your claims hunter by and called Joe Biden and said: hey man. The process Kyoto is coming after us. We need help. I'll vp Joe Biden, flies to ukraine says farther ask you not going to billion dollars now. Ok, maybe we need to retroactively impeach. about in force actions as vp and then criminally charge him for that. I take it to our absolute take it.
as of right. Now there are numerous questions about the current dealings when people play this game whether like, but he was vp when that happened. Unlike yo, evidence of his best involvement in foreign countries foreign, but his dealings and we have political? I love this one bite and ink over his decades in office, middle class Jos, family fortunes have closely tractors his political career. I have not actually pulled up the republican statement of evidence just yet cause just giving you at the top of my head, but let's, let's hear more from my Mr Campbell, this headline tells you only need to know about the republican party right now. House said too: move Biden, impeachment inquiry as it hans for an offence, In other words, it all have a crime, but they do have an investigate. It's like an episode of sea aside, but if there is no see just ass, I had just it's a scene investigation, but my johnson of all people set at best. He waited on this subject. He apparently has a serious issue with impeachment. For the sake of,
little retaliation, but you can't impeach up as an echoes you don't like him, that's not how this system works. I agree accept. This is not an impeachment. It's an impeachment inquiry, and also I don't want I want them to be impeach so in I really will probably do that. But ok, okay, ok, you know enough. Let's go about the evidence you know its congressmen, jake le turner, from the second district of kansas, oh he's, together on his house that gov page the interesting bits, balance going back in september of twenty three He says today, congressmen Jake, the turner question witnesses and let our overwhelming evidence showing president buttons involvement in hundred by its influence peddling schemes and foreign business dealings. What for for four? Why would we haven't impeachment inquiry. We are criminally investigating a man who may be tied to elicit business dealings next question now. the evidence you so Oh heavens me here we go.
The minutes investigation of the bottom family, including evidence, turned over through various document document productions, has so that these men were all in business with hunter binding at one time or another. James galliard, twenty bobby linsky and rob walker and separate occasions, along with other hunter business partners, have The this email said they were all getting a cut. Who else was getting cut? According to this email, ten percent was going to the big guy. What I'm sure I colleagues on the other side are asking themselves: who is the big guy? Well, let me tell you we learn from f b eyes empty ten. Twenty three, that's lots of ski Call Joe Biden, the bigger twenty tony fabulous corroborated Joe Biden? Is the big guy rob or an ira whistleblower says Joe Biden is the big guy and finally, the d o j obstructed investigators in delaware, who why to look into it. You guessed it who wanted into you, guess at the big guy vocs, it is obvious. Joe Biden is the big guy and What do we have here? We're president saying that had nothing to do with it, that hunter binding and no one in the family profited from china, and we have evidence, is the big guy was getting ten percent now. Let me just play this game for you. My friends
Joe Biden, as vice president, is engaged in illicit activities, and it seems that's the case based on Biden ink based on the evidence released by the house oversight committee. When we get documents showing that hunter Biden was paying his dad through his business care if they were a car for anything else, job is on the phone calls for with with with these individuals. Joe Biden is receiving cash from his son four grand you not None of that matters. because all of this is just probable cause. question now remains if all If this is true, we aid subpoena power to look into? What Joe Biden is doing today is the the main thing,
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thirty, five percent off your subscription get a subscription today c h, o q, dot tom promo code, TIM. how would you go about a corruption? scandal well but you wanted to use the power of government to make a lot of money and a lot of people do great. It's called insider trading, but they're allowed to do that. Apparently, but let's go. Let's talk about presidential office now, if you were a in the end, the executive branch you couldn't go to someone and say you give me a million dollars and we will push american foreign policy in your direction right get caught, they'd be like Why is the secretary of state receiving a million dollar check from this person? Let that doesn't add up, you do as you create a bit profit and the non if it takes in tonnes donations beforehand and then than america for our foreign policy aligns with your interests. What was that had happened during any administration. I wonder
Was there something like that in two thousand, twenty. Sixteen, maybe maybe those non profit that was receiving milieu. of dollars overseas. That was our controlled by certain individuals in the government our positions, related foreign policy, perhaps How would you go about doing it in another way? I dunno you, could make a bunch of promises as a private citizen. Have your son facilitate all of these transactions? Take a piece of it and when you are getting money from foreign investments in ukraine and china, you say: listen we're gonna, be in government, make the bet on us, Perhaps they even use the money to try and get elected when you lie get the foreign business dealings of hunger Biden and Joe Biden wildly. was vice president that could in retroactively, as vice president, which could result in criminal charges. I dont think we vote. We go that direction because right now it's hold on their a minute if he was engaged in these illicit business dealings as vp, which we
about flying tourism at the best of his son than now. Stands to reason he may be fulfilling his debts. Now, as president. Why are we at war, and you can give me an honest answer? Why we warn ukraine As I want- and I want to hear him say that ukraine is a poor Country in eastern europe, that is A part of nato is not a part of the EU Russia invades wisely was involved. Couple: the butter reasons. I would we reasonable and say nato to expand and and secure as much territory is possible and put pressure on russia as western border than of actually destroy them. Blah blah blah whatever or its simple ukraine made deals with Joe Biden. Joe Biden as family investments in the country they do likely with burma. Oh by knows the money that he has in the federal coffers is not unlimited, but them.
That comes from his personal investments through his son in Burma, that's it jeopardy. So here's our works. Under Biden, Joe Biden, though I listen? If we pull this off it could be worth fifty million dollars, ok so this means ukraine must be stabilized Joe Biden, then says: please, please we have to go fight for our country, thousands of miles away that no one knows about. No one cares about, has nothing to do with europe, nato or any of these countries. We have to spend all of our money huh. It would seem to me that Joe Biden is alluding, federal coffers to try and protect his family investments, how's that for warranted and impeachment inquiry, and in this criminal investigation. It may come to be that as president, we have much to go on. Ok, that's the point the investigation if you have a mobster who is so
Link favours then gets a job as mayor. You might be alike. I think should investigated. This guy has ties to the underworld and is doing illicit shady business dealings as he's been accused of currently but of course the media machine. The Democrats all keep saying, despite lack of evidence, I'll keep a real simple for you guys what and do you need to launch an investigation to find evidence? This is the stupidest component of the agri made, but you know it works on people who don't pay attention. They say the law Peter angry, but there's no evidence. Well, it's not an impeachment. Think about what they impeach donald trump over. a whistled blower came forward and said Donald trump called ukraine, and that was it. Even evidence impeached him outright. That wasn't even evidence. What was the inquiry there soon? public is man, Like we're not authorised by the book or an ado, the inquiry and then the impeachment. Oh mercy me
If it was the Democrats, they just say impeach and they just use whatever they had. Donald trump made a phone call to ukraine. And they say. Oh, I did all these things, blah blah blah blah blah We'll drop was investigating. Joe Biden engaged in foreign business dealings illicitly. the narrative now based on testimony from hunter buttons. Business partners is that it secure in ukraine. Victor Shokhin was investigating. Charisma and energy company, for which hunter Biden was on the board archer says he was on the brand. We got act, to Joe Biden, but didn't actually do it. However, following This investigation. hunter Biden and its partners contacted deasey. Instead, we need help short after Joe Biden flies to ukraine and says: if you will, a billion dollars from the? U s you have to fight a prosecutor as it is the prosecutor was investigating. Company son was on the board of the art.
I suppose from the left is, but he didn't get the prosecutor For that reason it because the prosecutor was corrupt sure either right conflict of interest for this, conflict of interest. You now get an impeachment inquiry. Thank you have a nice day and that's the game they play They played over and over again, no matter how much evidence. Stack up Biden on speaker found in sons calls devon you're tells congress so This is why we need an inquiry, lucky the simplest aversion. Let's forget The birds mustapha forget about everything else, and you say. Joe Biden, was not the president but one hundred bind was cutting these deals. While job Joe Biden was vp and walls, a private citizen, Joe Biden, was on the phone. He was receiving money too This day Joe Biden taken actions in relation to countries where he has received massive investments. I think that once an inquiry we're pitching Joe Biden right now we're looking into these claims from witnesses that Joe Biden
involved in this. That's all that's it. Yet what they want to make you think they want you to believe it is a start. Up impeachment, let's roll back I gotta be honest though I actual just don't think we should be impeaching Joe Biden at all. And I know people what say you flip flopped did listen. Man. maybe a couple years ago we are like get him out Beers years ago now were a year away less than a year from an election we have. This new swing state pulling is brutal forbidden in georgia? trump is winning in pennsylvania, trump is winning in michigan trappers, winning and concentrate, as winning in nevada trump is winning and errors. a trump as winning in north korea trump is winning. So are you all of these states, tromp verses biden, trump wins, the last thing we want to do is in each and remove Joe Biden. No, no, no, no. let him stay, let him stay, let the mare,
in people decide and I'll say it again, It may have been you know a year or two ago. We want Joe Biden out as soon as possible. I don't care if it's Kamel or anybody else. This dude's nuts But now we have, we ve lived through three years of this. More like look, we're almost. On the other side, let people choose by vote, get rid of Joe Biden at this point I say: ok, current in the general election. Donald trump is up two point three points. over five thirty eight donald trump has the lead across the board. But here's what important input lange from CNN donald trump is winning, and when you look at head to head with no one else in the race trump v biden- trump winds by five points. now they also show that Nicky hayley wins by six points, but basilicas bide gets goes down more meaning there are certain democrats, warlike ain't voting at all. Or it would likely be that some.
regrets vote brayley and many republicans wooden votre hayley, so great that number, if santa goes had died with Biden, dissenters. Loses then is my favorite? If you include Rfk, junior and cornell west wins by eight points. So why do we want to get rid of Joe Biden again? I say I don't know what more can be done Impeaching improbably one even led to conviction at this point. However, the inquiry can lead to more damaging information which costs the Democrats come november and they wouldn't vote to impeach him anyway. It is just an inquiry the process has begun, and, in the meantime, hunter binds in trouble wrong. Article. Do actually have the hunter by one pulled up. I think I'd wait, wait! Do I have somewhere there we go there. It is
gnp investigator say they will initiate contempt proceedings after hunter button flouts subpoena for closed or testimony not right you see when they try to bring an hunter bind and say we want to talk about this. There is an impeachment inquiry and have been voted on hunter refuses, there's a video Betty Johnson posted. Joe Biden has asked if some five, the congressional subpoena. Should they Should they go to jail, should they be charged block? Joe Biden says yes. Well all right, time to lock up his son hunter Biden was supposed to testify. He refused. They are saying they will now initiate contempt proceedings this week likely result in his arrest. Just like Steve Bannon. I think the reason why he is refusing to testify. Is because there is current evidence of criminal acts. that Joe Biden isn't. Loved him and if, t testified under oath, he would be putting the eleven august for this way
I was writing this thing that so that, if ever pulled over for a deal, I don't comply in anyway? No don't let em brothel eyes, you don't do it it's a sobriety test, just say no actually refer and obstruct as long as you can then they will arrest you and they'll, be The police station by then they say you're your blood. Alcohol content goes down than if you're was to blow at the station. You will equally be better off now. I have a simple answer for you: never drink and drive The legal advice given to many people, as you will you'll, probably get in trouble for refusing field sobriety, probably get arrested on suspicion, but they can't prove your actually drunk this. The game at hunter by displaying You will get in trouble for refusing who comply with a subpoena They will not be able to draw out more evidence. If under buying what to testify under oath and lie hidden more trouble? if you are that's find her out and tell the truth, Families in trouble so the best of action right now. Is this:
some claim about all I why refuse assembly had forbidden when better fears to comply But then it actually is an argument executive privilege there. To investigate Steve Bannon, but These are issues related to his work in the white house with donald trump, donald trump, has executive privilege and ass. The argument he made as fair argument. Hunter Biden is just like: oh, I want an open door testimony, not a closer I'm not going to do. This is political. Okay, I guess contempt. It is but that's the you're, better off just getting a contempt charge that actually exposing serious criminal activity. We'll see where it all goes. but I would say, to get my friends, I don't think we should be impeaching bride, I'm right I'll leave, leave their acceptance coming up at one p m and the channel thanks for up and I'll see you all them.
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vague promise. Swami appeared on cnn for a town hall and boy. Did we get a magic moment? They promised rami calls out january. Sexy calls out the whittemore kidnapping plot and see, and unless their minds, abbe, philips, repeatedly tries interrupting the vague rama swami after he's asked a question, and I love this. The meat reports. That vague was interrupting her it's a town hall, vague supposed to be the one speaking the Woman would not let the vague share the truth on them. Platform. Well, I gotta tell you the vague january six does not look like an inside job, as he stated it was an inside job. This is a fact and I have to make sure I give it I give the contacts to all of you could sum. These people and media keep lying sang. It wasn't the vague roma swami says january six six looks like an inside job and have felt as what's your evidence that the gulf
I was involved in planning in orchestrating and while whoa whoa whoa moving the goalposts much. tat? Nobody said: that's right now, People have claimed it. That's not what I said you see how they try to manipulate. This is how the fact check game works. I can say something like donald trump does a back flip and then nope, since other factors will say, did Donald trump actually do a back flip as temple claims that a dot on Saturday morning false the bottom of the page after explaining everything about how we didn't actually do a backlog whittlesey. While he did do a back flip on Monday morning. It wasn't over the weekend that they play the game so when you have video of police taking selfies with protesters of police, opening gates of police winning doors when you stories in the corporate press of judges sang yup, the cops opened the doors and let them in my friends inside job now
the argument, see it and is using a player games, they use words to manipulate yeah well how they would do it, but they use selective words like writer instead of protester interchangeably, so you don't actually know to what they're referring. If I was going to say. january sectors an inside job, Quite simply its, if you thousand bank employees. two of them open the door. Or to let in the bank robbers and then pose for pictures there. called an inside job elements with in the the victim building. Within the the target, building worked alongside those perpetrating the crime for many of these people who walked into the capital building a genuine six, there was no riot, they were just allie goers. They were even protesters and there, on the issue, when many
these people are being charged in the exact same way as those who did fight cops and the media will use jet j six are interchangeably with those were rang in those weren't, but then, when it comes to this story values, to specifically refer to only those who are, in the front, they do That's that they don't have to admit factually many of the individual to walk in the building were let in by police but here's the story, media Does rama swami repeated interrupts abbe philips, while standing by claimed january six was an inside job during cm town hall, oh boy, and we got a bunch of them we have to. times. Rama swami pushes fringe idea about january six at town hall, and I will of course every favorite loving opposed promise me doubles down on january six. Conspiracy theories: ok, we'll habit play for the video, and you can hear. From the vague himself before we do. My friends had over two best song ever dot com link, isn't it the description below and pre order,
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too bad for cnn will take the truth on January six mainstream. There is clear that there was a very least entrapment of peaceful protesters similar to the full. gretchen whittemore kidnapping plot at and countless other cases. The fbi met. How many undercover officers were in the field and genuinely sex, police on one end fire barton explosives into a peaceful crowd, who they then willingly later allowed under two allowed to enter the capital. That is an ad and the actual evidence turns the prior narrative. Upside down state is willing to manufactured insurrection to take down its political opponents. They can do thing once you see it, you cannot see it here is the are here's the video clip vague and we can all I'll break down a bit of what he says and clarify. I dont completely agree with his framing and I think is a better way to put it when the vague says that there may have been feds and the police fired into the crowd, inciting the crowd. That's the same as an inside job you The argument that well when asked
the government said we can't tell you how many people were there so. It sounds like their work because otherwise it should be like none next question. Why would they even bother to kind of possibility? They were there silly, but these are all speculative argue that they fired rubber bullets and through explosives into a peaceful crowd. The video footage proves this. You can argue that incited, but it is a proven inside job vague there, Is actually one simple thing that does proven inside job and it is that police opened the doors and let them in which you do bring up Are you concerned that if convicted phelan like that is now promoting your comments in court? So here's my concern abbey, and I want to tell you guys where I met, if you had told see it's close to three years ago. That january six, twenty twenty one happened. If you told me three years ago back when I was a biotech, ceo, not steeped in this world, I was just consuming passive media, but was focused on my world of developing
Since, if you had told me the january, six was in any way inside job, the subject of government entrapment. I would told you that was crazy. Talk fringe conspiracy. Theory nonsense. I could tell now having gone somewhat deepen this. It's not I mean the reality is this: we do have a government, First of all, we have to acknowledge that has lied to us systematically over the last several years about the origin of covert nineteen about the hundred bind laptop we were told was false If you want cia exports and otherwise before we now know that it was true, you can go straight down the list. The trump Russia, disinformation collusion hoax, all of it now we come to january six, the real but as we know that there were federal law enforcement agents in that field, we don't know how many It's a shame are unevenly finished. Romantic love is this: does not even abbe philips inter ups, of a vague, as he's giving his town hall answer shout out to our good friends over at media. I use, as rama swami, interrupted her huh
he was in the middle of making a point and she would not let him let her go. Hadn't interrupt you here, because, because she even says I am going to interrupt you that their government as a privilege that there were four that our own area of documents, you're saying that their affairs this is important. There is no evidence that there were federal agents in the crowd on January. So why, before congress, when pressed on what the number was, they didn't say there were none? They just go you're saying that there is no, that you have not seen evidence any evidence we ve seen more, and so we ve seen multiple informants suggesting that there will be no people. What we know, people, fbi, informants or ask- is there any legislative initiative is an alarming about migration. But let me clarify those very uncomfortable for I'm going to claim you don't I think it is. I bet that abbe philips as a producer and our ears, I stop it, stop it stop and don't let him say it. Don't let em say: oh, no, no one's got a near peace in my head, telling me what to say heavens. What do we do when TIM pool is exposing the o four
your times. proud boys january six sedition, trial. Fbi informants abound the bank was right about that, we know that there were fbi informants all over the place. The question is how many individuals there were action fbi agents when asked they said. We cannot give you that number ok. Well, I do think Our push back a little bit on vague, but of course ebby philips is is going up the deepened here I'd, say to vague. I think there is reason to believe federal, enforcement was on the ground, be absurd, not to think that you mean to tell me I in poor seven months before this happened made of This is a true where I say yo these oath keepers and proud boys, three percents or whatever they're going to like it november, rushed to the white house and like try and storm in the building or something.
listening to this might help your mental health. Sometimes you need someone listening to you. That's why I m d live: has licence therapists ready to talk when you are get help weekends after hours, whenever you're, free and get back to feeling like you again, it's mental health care made easier envy life. Now, that's better. And for this medium matters, as tim pool had for knowledge. I love it when I make bad predictions, and I do often there, like ha ha temples wrong when I make close predictions there like he must have known. But what was wrong Nobody storm the white house in november by come january sex. You got something kind of like that. No you mean to tell me a dude who sits here and complaints on the internet. Reading the p in the new york times fig this out and the feds did not
spare me the b s. Of course, federal law enforcement knew what was going on and, of course, plainclothes cops were their yo. I have been to protest with thirty people marching down the street and they have law enforcement, undercover You mean to tell me in d c, where it's all feds, not a single cop, not a single plainclothes cop, when two hundred and fifty thousand people are deciding on the city life. Eyes and that its sea garbage if I'm not comfortable shy people, but we have to do the truth. I'm going to clarify my question because I want to make sure that you understand. I understand, if I told you years ago, are now evidence. Yes, where is the evidence that the government had upsides an inside job but not inside you're not going to not violence? On january sixth, the government had a plot and we'll okay. I I think I can.
I can try this one abbe phillips in cnn. How about January six, what it shows capital, cops, escorting, q and on sharm into Senate floor while wait a minute you mean but they paraded around and made him feel like mass got of january. Six was actually escorted into the building What will down there a minute they? Escorted him in that's right. Ladies in german, the police, escorted. This man, it's almost like the whole thing, was staged, but I tell you this: if the capital police, who are federal allowed this man and not only allowed him in, but actually escorted him to the Senate chambers. That would be inside job so well, Is your evidence of a government plot? Let me try this again: how about police as escorted the january six chairman to the Senate floor next question, because if the police did not do that intentionally what we're doing
are. You really gonna make the argument that the how many would like nine officers that we're standing around and they were, I think, two or three that were escorted them all. Those officers like I have no idea. What's going on. We have no plan here whatsoever. There's a strange man in a showman costume. Let's bring him to the senate floor for no reason. I think the cure on sharman walked in and said. Pardon me, ma'am, I'd like to go to the senate chambers, or do you the police were alike. Follow us one makes more sense, but only right. That matters, because we're not talking about definitive proof, we're talking about evidence of a government plot, I would say that police escorting the shopman guy to the senate floor and then photos taken up and that are printed all through the media indicates evidence of a government plot. Now for all of those in the media will try to lie, as they often do. I did not say proof positive or beyond reasonable doubt. I sat evidence. Let's break one down as I've done in the past, but for those who didn't hear it here we go again at a liquor store one day
people find that he was shot and killed, someone shot him with a three. fifty seven magnum horrible horrible? Well, witnesses interviewed and they sat. I all I heard was shouting than a bang. I'll tell you this. Last week I saw old man fitzgerald, who lives down the street yelling at that guy evidence. Is it proof of anything? No, it's evidence it information or materials suggesting a possible outcome so they then say let us go track down this. Mr Fitzgerald ass, if it's they go to his house and what are they find? Three fifty seven magnum shell casings on his porch matching that of the gun that was fired, kill the man at the liquor store. They collect but I'm in a bag use this evidence to get a warrant for the man's home and search it and low. They find that's right away just a repeater three, fifty seven magnum rifle woe
All down their imminent pull down their imminent after we used this evidence, probable cause, set and went to a judge and then asked them. Hey look a bit. away? We find the same EL casings. They search the guys out and find a weapon once again evidence the man had motive the man. Had possible murder weapon, but look lo and behold. Crime scene investigators determined that the weapon that was fired was in fact not a rifle. For a variety of reasons. While we do I know for sure, but then old man. Fitzgerald shows up, in fact, europe. ticket last week to go to cancun and been away for the entire? week where this happened. So who could have done it? We don't know We can tell you this. The evidence collected turned out not to be proof of anything being done wrong, and this is what they don't explain to you in the media when they say, there's no evidence of Joe Biden committing crimes, there's tons of evidence is proof. Well, that'll before a jury to decide? Does it
but beyond reasonable doubt evidence in animation to suggest there may be evidence can be lots of things right. one hypothesis at scientific experiment? You collect your evidence and lo the evidence you believed led to one conclusion. Actually doesn't this the game there playing. Let me just make sure it's clear for all of them. Police opening doors hears from this insider the day after january six office, there's calmly posed for selfies and appeared to open It's for protesters during the madness of the capital building, insurrection. Here's snobs did you. Capital police officer, take a selfie with a rioter, true and, of course, It's their explanations for this and explain It could be the police being overwhelmed, decided to give up and that we're, gonna be able to fight. avoid injury, they simply open doors and backed off to fair argument. The only problem is
there is at least one guy. I think two who were acquitted because the judge said clearly You can see on video the police officers waving them in well now what Is that evidence of a government plot is proof of a government plot. Why its proof, but I certainly believe is enough evidence here to warrant investigation and I believe we deserve answers as to how many federal agents, were there on january sex because Let me stress, you have one: two options. Your first option is that, despite fact everyone knew. This rally was happening. Despite the that even junior ass in a Democrat showed videos of numerous people saying this. It's going to get crazy, despite all that, The police decided not to have any plainclothes officers you. Spect me to believe that that's a stew, this thing I've ever heard
federal agents, not let you put words in my mouth. I'm gonna put my words in my mouth and I'm going to tell you what what iron by the evidence in the trap of events, was involved, entrapment, planning or executing January's landing or executing january sex tribes. Again, member the police, escorted, the shopman and beg you have a nice day. They, you the photos of the Schuman far and wide to make the tat to show the shocking an egregious nature of what happened. Ok, well, video shows that he was escorted to that. So yeah, the The federal agents did that, like all the cops in dc work for the federal government. So thank you next question that I say proof but there's your evidence. Thank you. Next question It looks like it inside job now the fact remains: Wasn't inside job simply because if one officer fanned them in and there's video of it, then you had an inside job, if a single cop pressed the button to to open the mag locked doors we now. That some of the doors were mag locked
human opening, a mac locked door like that, maybe break the door down or something we know Some one press the button to up. No, we don't who did. but I believe all of this is evidence that there inside job cops let them in time you would have a nice day. I'll give you I'm gonna, give you hard facts and if, if I'm add and others, on cultural, but we can What we're gonna go, there's a good and you can. You can put us out of the evidence and you can push back on that and lets you this fairly. Why did they suppress footage? now what's been released, two hundred hours of footage of shooting rubber bullets into that crowd, shooting tear gas into that crowd can see that before you saw what the response was to that now, If what is coming out of actually rolling out the red carpet for but if we allow erasmus farm in a guy like alright, you know what here we go. I gotta just send this to the vague ok. Can I just a text? The guy I'm going text them
yeah we give me this, I'm the star from npr. next time, the vague you our standing before the mainstream media and they are criticising. You simply mention This from NPR you District judge trevor mc fat and issued the verdict from the bench after hearing testimony without a jury in the case matthew, Martin, fat and who was nominated by by trot acquitted, martin of all four counts, really MC fat and said that it was reasonable for martin to believe that out word police officers allowed him and others to under the capital through the wood the doors on january, sex the judge also said martens actions were about is minimal and non series is anyone was at the capita. that day, the judge said it was reasonable to believe a police allowed them in it So when they say, what's your evidence that the greek government was involved but like fur
thing. I'd say, is well if you're asking for definitive proof of like a letter written by, I dunno Joe Biden, claiming they do it. Well. Good luck with that, but you're talking about evidence which should warrant an investigation. How about a job ruling in the case of Matthew, Martin sang it was reasonable to believe the police had allowed them in the building the footage released of the capital police officers as Scorning the journey six shots to the Senate floor. If you have a nice day and said over and over again, or at least then released the footage shows in my dps officers being over. I want to talk about one more guy, violent, really important riders that I'm going to get the hardest hard facts. So what here's? What entrapment cherry picks? I'm not sure picking the finish of the united arab, I'm not sure examples to the contrary. To that
randal writer example chaired items they often that is what has been happening here is twelve out of two hundred current weakens the governor, releasing the whole thing, and let me make just there's one thing took as this is super important, a toddler when you think there's a civil libertarian issue of our time. One russian outwards kidnapping. I wanna keep it going to be really clear on this, because it's the same issue. In the same, if b, I seem even part of the fbi, three people who were an alleged plot to kidnap gretchen Whittemore Were acquitted at the end of trial because it was entrapment that is government agents. Put them up do something they otherwise wondered and done. Credit cards with spending limits of up to five thousand dollars, encourage them to buy munitions plan something they weren't otherwise willing to plan so so when I want people at home to know this, especially scene and viewers to know this is that one of the jurors went to those defend and apologized afterwards gave him a hug
I apologize seeing what the government had put a poor guy up to who had to go to some mexican restaurant across the street to get hot water. These people were exploited with credit cards up to five thousand dollars f b, I a putting them up to a kidnapping block that we were told was true, but was entrapment forty using willing habitable these people, letting round ronnie many of those peoples embassies around our luck. A government cannot put you. I do something, and then the government cannot put you up to do something then charge for police officers opening the door. Then having you arrested later, it's the capital police, doing it. Let's make this real, simple. the capital police opened the door and escorted people inside not everybody. Some people were violent. Those those people should be criminally charged, but of people who walked inside befuddled. Capital police allowed them in you. and allow someone in and then go and arrest them as the capital police are doing, and the and the fbi, here's. What cnn has to say fact: jacket, the bank rama swami this
rama, swamis claim that riders were invited to the capital is false, but a hundred Would you please us we're assaulted, trying to stop the mob from bridging the capital there? hours, long battle between police and writers near some entrances scene and obtained From police body worn cameras showing how dozens of officers engage in hand to hand combat you see what they're doing there are plenty of instances where rioters, whilst into the capital without a fight, only after they had stormed past the barricade and lie lie. Pointed out and pierre is reporting. The judge said it was reasonable to believe that they are actually allowed him. You, Call a guy walking down the street, who walks up with no barricades through, open doors with waving and smiling police. You can call it person, a writer there were hundreds of thousands of people there that day. This is the game there playing. They say in june and July rattled the congress. The notion that somehow the violence at the capitol on january, six as part of an operational executive orchestrate by the fbi, sources or agents, is ludicrous and a disservice to our brave, hardworking dedicated men and women
Ok, well, that's not what I'm ahmad arguing that I'm there were agents there. We monitor how many, of course there were to be absurd, not to think so. I think I made my point clear and I think the vague point is clear, The melt down cnn displayed when he big Speaking about this is beautiful. you're? What I think the ve plan is that a lot of people like he's not going to be the president, you know what was what's he doing is he doesn't to be vp, vague masterfully. earned his way onto mainstream media debate. Stages and then spoke the truth tremendous when so to do well form in the future. with their next segment is coming up at four pm on the channel? Thanks for hanging out now see? Well, then. You know, everybody always making this joke about. The Alex Jones was right jar and you know why I'm feelin. I'm feelin left out where's. The tim pool was right: jar right
I get media matters insultingly claiming I have for knowledge of january six, because I accurately predicted things based on reading the news, but they all just either say I got my predictions wrong, which I do or must have advanced knowledge. Ok, Well, in that case, I must be a fed because, ladies and gentlemen, here we go Steve baker, a journalist, and blaze. Tv contributor has just tweeted my attorney has just been notified by the fbi than I am to be charged by the justice department for my journalistic efforts on january. Six have to self surrender on tuesday charges are yet unknown state. for more information to follow this afternoon. So are you know I said that go after journalists. I said they would go after. Anyone was an enemy of the machine. And for a while, you a lot-
we kept saying I was crazy. I was wrong. Calm down, it's not getting that bad, but is, it seems like every time I say, acts equal no ex post. Why equals ie eight plus be equal? See people are like now you we, why that is not going to happen. Let me talk about civil war for some time now, several years Tell me where we are tell me where we are when ablaze tv contributor on equivocally comply. We completely unambiguously a journalist, this is, eve, baker, blaze the contributor peering on blaze, tv, a journalist, he's put it from january sex now, You'll be criminally charged it's not just that it take his word for it. It's that Real clear investigations has covered the story more than once. Investigative issues in pennant journalist, receives january six green. And the jury subpoena the first time he has been
forced to hand over information now. A bakery says he didn't parade. He didn't do anything filming the matter Now, I'm not going name anybody else, but I will say this, those following the story and I'll do this for privacy reasons. Now that there are other journalists who were on the ground. Capital or in the building I'm sure you're going gel recently. He did even enter the building. Of a permanent rally. They still lock but they argued. His speech was too egregious. You now have a man who is unambiguously acting as a journalist. I mean he's, not some young guy screamin. He looks like it, I got it, but no offense stephen You look like a glasses wherein stodgy journalist. Here we go there other people who were reporting from the scene. Called rioters they were
their people who are a bit more. Let's just say, rem bunk shifts in their efforts during January ex their individuals that, I would say, absolutely were acting in their capacity as media personalities, working for large corporations. But were a little bit overzealous yellow, we for our they're. All of you they're coming for all of you. And we get sorry, I was not even in d c on january sex. They gave him twenty years you next year is gonna, be a cake, walk. You think it's gotta be nothing more to come. Richie mcguinness was there I believe you may have been on a much who he was working for at the time it might have in the daily collar. this poor one out for steve and for america's freedom of the press. Here's a picture richie mcguinness with richie is also unambiguously a journalist, in fact, rich was reporting from canosa
and part of a right squad. We call them but on the show several times lower several of the journalists and he rendered aid to them. was sharp account rittenhouse. This man is Vigorously knows no question, which is a journalist, She knows Steve baker and voucher, swarm richie, says Three months ago stephen. I had a beer at irish times near the capital, I told them there's no way the justified, it would be so partisan as to target someone clearly acting within their role. As a journalist, a critical moment in american history. I was wrong. Why why they going after him he's a place there they are going after opposition media. They will after more than just him. I hope you are prepared for what that means. Now pointed this tweet from random marilla. She says, Steve baker. As evidence that the d o j allowed to capital police officers to lie on the stand during the oak keepers trial, what's their response, that he o j Criminal charges against Steve baker. Are you pay
tension now, america, I you, my friends, when I say civil war. What do you think. There are some individuals who have fled the country. It's crazy right. Glenn Green walled famously left a long time ago to brazil and the belief is. I want to speak on his behalf, but come on that This government is not going to allow this kind of reporting I dont know Glenn, is back, I think, he's still in in Brazil. I know where this is going. Hope you are all prepared for how far does go. I would, be surprised. If, in there a few months, Alex Jones himself is criminally charge. The only reason I would believe that they won't charge Alex is because It would be a very big splash and they want to minimize the splash. We have a journalist why they going after because his men doesn't have the largest following, and so they start from the bottom? everyone they go after is gonna. Be someone you never heard of.
Who has no means to contact the prostrate any attention I've I've told the story before I met someone a woman. She said that it was an hour or so after the riots had been leaving the trump speech they want towards the capital and what are they see, nothing france's no no locked doors. They see clear sidewalks. People milling about they walk up, not knowing think about what's going on there, the police, opening the door and saying come on in there? Can the building look around the say our what's goin on macedonia, belief. Several months later there criminally charged for obstructing official proceeding, they're called j six rioters there our facing eighteen months in prison. That's their story! No warnings, no intent done matter We are in. We are in a new kind of civil war, we are in it. You
tell me that we are not this is a journalist and a contributor for blaze. in what world does a guy whose clearly a journalist go to jail for filming a major event I've been in many protests in many rights filming and I was NBC on January twentieth. Twenty seventeen, many people in Act block were rioting, setting fires smashing things As a journalist, you know you're on the ground. I think I was wearing something like this to be honest and I'm filming And I see these people fighting with cops, they'll start running the police form a line. So what do I do. In the middle of the street, it's like here's, the street, here's the from your cops, LUCA gaussian is also with me. He runs past. The cops to the other side of the street keeps foaming. I decide. I'm not going to run forced me to the police line. So I walk left to the side of the building.
The police than rap all the way around this side of the building and pay. all of us all. tests or other writers, and me into this? Can space. and I'm why. Well there it is should have actually just ran through. I guess so I stand off to the back right portion. where I see a camera operator for local news outlets and a young aged woman, I clearly their journalists You're talking the police saying we're press were press in the cops, has nothing so I the same thing as I just wanna. Let you guys know I'm a journalist, I'm an honor oppress. I pull up my press card I'd say oh by the way, past indifferent. So here we are, journalists can lined with rioters, I for the supervisor and one of the apps then respond, but he's here He fans over and he says we need a supervisor. Lieutenant Washington was his name about six, what to six three tall black men,
walks over and says what can I do for you? I said trying to a journalist and it doesn't matter you're under arrest, and I was like totally fine, I'm just letting you know. That's it he's. Ok, he walks away eventually. You know I'm I see the people in the crowd there all screaming and yelling at the cops. The cops are holding the one. Eventually, the woman to my right, the asian, and makes a phone call and are all of a sudden. I see that supervisor walking back over that's right The news station called and said our field reporter in camera operator are being held by your police officers. They are not protesters, and so me not being an idiot he walks over unused coups, the journalist any points. to the woman in the guy you come here. Then I waved to em and then he looked at me because you have your press cartels like I do. He goes shout to me. He pulls me I shall my warm. I press cargoes are at work. That way, as I think you officer, I leave
it's time for that make the other is bright. Sales of acts at your local war dealer get special operates on our adventure, ready for that's? U bees or on our great selection of forged rocks shoes from a large inventory of would be sick with its acknowledging space like stability for any season and let board make the holidays bright. Bringing everyone together visit your local board. You there today during that, make the holidays bright sales of it. As a journalist wearing a bean and I was wearing a but not. I think I had a hoodie. I took it off the calmly, reasonably just at all. I gotta do such enormous. If I get arrest, I get arrested we told I was arrested twice, but I was that process I was released in us free to go. Why I was a journalist. the other several other porters Raul also released. I was covered in turkey, s the.
Officers is where these are metro, police DC is or federal recognized that I was press and told me. I was free to go up, despite the fact that I was with huge crowd of people that were smashing and burning things and all that other awful stuff, a prescott as it matter You're, a journalist travellers boy how times have changed. Several other journalists, got arrested. That day. I'll tell you actually why vague on twitter and they were so pissed off we ve got arrested because they were scream at the top of their lungs, are cops about. Your mother. How dare you. I got away from those people stood next to the guy, the big camera, and just that I am a journalist, and I had a bunch of identification on me not the first time, I was in sight louis protein, there's blocked a highway federal The police came and started just charging everybody in revenue. And I did not run I their calmly
with my hands at my sides. They ran up to me and said: put your hands behind your back. I said you got it, I'm a journalist by the way- and this doesn't matter- I said- that's fine. They sit me down If you ask people, I think Cassandra might have been there and they put the hackers, I'm really really type like cut My circulation and they end they do this, and so eventually everything calms down. I say to authorise pardon me officer. Excuse me, and he ignores me and then I'm excuse me officer a different officer was ever because what we need- and I was like not trying to be a dead, these costs are really type cutting off my circulation and then like all right. All he stands me up goes behind to my hands. Supervisor walks up and he's like, what's going on and is like says as cops, are tight now, as I am a journalist, I appreciate this. The the supervisors, like you got, you got id on you and I was like yes officer. I do and he's like where I'm like in my wallet and he goes take your wall out of your back pocket and I was like yes, sir: he does he opens it up. He will take the cuffs off. Let lets me go.
That's been every experience, I've have I've, I've had been arrested, been told. I've been arrested, How is it now that this I was clearly a contributor to the blaze He's on tv wearing a suit talking about news, Who is a journalist who was recognised by other journalists as a journalist? How is it that he has been subpoenaed numerous times and is now being told he will be criminally charged because we are no longer in those days. My friends, we are in a civil war territory from the ground up they have been locking up people who are clue as to what was going on and oh boy and thereupon who fled the country already. I'm not gonna, say their names, some of them. I do. I don't even now like- and I say this- I don't know anybody personally, whose what the country I see people on twitter, where I'm like, really This guy's, where I see these tweets, come on. I'm like hearing
in poland now interesting. I know exactly why. Individuals who didn't do anything who want involved in any rioting but who were there? No, the feds are coming for everyone. When enrique tarea was convicted, despite having not even been there. I think it should have been assigned to everybody. You know what's coming next, people have respond directly mcguinness who was there? our times called him. A writer. He was there shirtless and their peoples, that I hope you don't go after you. Richie was a woozy, the had a video for the daily collar. Clearly, a journalist. I don't know what's coming next, my friends specifically, but I think I'll, get the general idea of where this will go. If there going to arrest someone who wasn't even there and put him in prison for twenty years and if they're gonna
locking up people were obviously journalists, its game on vertical after everybody. Is that what I warned about, I said it or people who were there. Journalists they'll be arrested. I said there were people who weren't there, but went on social media platforms and encouraged things to happen,. they ve already argued, but in red a tall rio saying don't leave, despite not being there was orchestrated. For this twenty years. What about them? people on youtube, rumble in twitter and other platforms, who are cheering it on Weren't there, but they were cheering it on they're going to say you were a that that was incitement and organizing an insurrection. That's what they're going to say man! This is wild. This absolutely, while their common for journalists, we now
And, of course, donigan escalate tony, many forest set to be a particularly wild year. It has an understatement. The rules, don't matter I have long said: When it comes to new stories when it comes to math, when it comes to economics when it comes to the likes of but light when it comes to any of these stories, General idea of what might happen and are not always clear but sometimes I am For instance, like I said, media matters claimed I had for knowledge simply because I said lichens second september of twenty twenty, I'm like these keeper keepers centres, percenters and proud boys like storm the white house in november, unlike tribe, the door down or something what if that would happen, Nobody storm the white house in november, genuine six did happen. My point was nothing special. reading the news. I was right. Twitter and I'm like these people are just saying they're going to rush to d c. When I say these things, what happens know sometimes
I get a right. The is why bring us up is, as it pertains to Joe Biden, the demo, economic nomination. I see nothing. I see absolutely nothing inception nothing. I can predict nothing. I have no idea It's a weird feeling, I gotta be honest. I'm not saying I'm right all the time, I'm saying that I'll look at a new story be like, while you know look at that, this was shouted to Dave Psmith, because he gave me credit for this. He said when the isa them important moment of the twitter jack doors Joe rogan episode that I was on was the, The episode I warned them: if they keep doing this, they will create, they will foment civil war. They are correct. A division in this country and pushing people further and further apart and you that's crazy, exist years ago, you for five years ago. And it's going five years now. Isn't it was it twenty nineteen? And yet you know
I just saw this happening on like every day people on twitter getting angrier because their voices being silenced by breaking the rules? People and we have set up a million a snap. I looked at twenty twenty four right now in my mind. I can calculate nothing, just chaos, arrests, v Once I have no idea: how do they get rid of Joe Biden? He can't when they can't let trump and look what they're doing to these people so tat, when's than what I have no idea. and that's me is very interesting. because, like I said, I get things wrong a lot, but it's like You know almost its hey, some guys holding a brick and is looking at starbucks. I can say I think that guy's gonna throw that brca starbucks, wouldn't that windows owing to shatter he thought the rock bounces off the window doesn't jeddah, that's my point. The logic was there, but outcomes are different. We don't know for sure how it, although down
we can say it looks at the guy's gonna, throw the rock he's holding a rock and he's screaming at starbucks, and then he doesn't it's like okay. Well, I think it was a our production and make it an angry gain from a starbucks holding a brick would throw it. And then he doesn't or he does, and the window doesn't break it's like well, I dunno the window is going to break. I didn't realize it was bullet proof. I dunno everything. I get things wrong. I Don't even know what to say about next year learner, more people when what degree how soon I have no idea right now, just looking like the d o J is going to crush mercilessly they're going to beat they're going to maim, they will physically attacked anyone who opposes them. like we're looking at full scale, authoritarianism. cops are gonna show up fats, are gonna, write, someone's house, they're, gonna arrest. These people. Knows who's next on the list, like I said earlier, be surprised at the doktor alex jones eli,
just brought him back onto the platform and his voice is growing louder every day they can't have that. So what are they do?. They're gonna go after him in other ways, they are going to ramp things up. Seeing a journalist man seeing this get targeted. Even richie. Mcguinness did not believe it would happen, but here we are there's no way they would do this. I keep saying it. I keep saying it. And I'd, I dare you, my friends, take the time travel test go back three years, three years. A few weeks away from one january six happened three years ago and say in the next couple of weeks Tromp supporters are gonna, get to a fight and right in front of the capital building This eventually opened the doors waving. People on the other side of the building
call this the january six insurrection. The media will lie, they will claim police were killed and then we'll start arresting people in nation, wide raids, Then they're going to start targeting journalists, they'll arrest, people. Conservatives weren't even there and sentenced to twenty years in prison. Take the time travel test, what would anyone tell you they take it out you're do no way. You know you know ass his lot, because I did this because I remember being and these like group, chats work where Tell people like dude civil wars coming here is what I see: here's, why conservatives are like oh shot up. Do that will never happen. The federal government can start arresting random people. That's ridiculous, yeah. They ve already done it. That happened a long time ago, People are alike, no one's gonna shoot anybody, it's not gonna happen. Oh yeah antifreeze already killed several
people in the past few years, depending on how you view the riots it could be in the dozens richie mcguinness, Three months ago I said, there's no way the d o J would be so partisan to target someone clearly acting in their role as a journalist, and here we are today so ask you this: what unthinkable thing Will end up happening in the next three months: six months, nine months, twelve months. right now. If I were to tell you, fads will raid podcast. There's studios and arrested. Other shows down you'd say no way. That's not gonna happen I'll get ready because it does keep happening. Rapid, if I were to tell you: You know year ago, enrique tory, I was gonna, get sentenced to twenty years in prison over january succeed, but what it wasn't, even there that's stupid, wow even bother saying that that would have been thinkable, dude who wasn't even there? How would he
twenty years I mean these people are getting months and look where we are so hope you all ready for twenty twenty four. it's gonna, be wild next augments coming up at pm on this channel. Thanks for hanging out and I'll see you all, then. My friends, we are declaring war on them sick industry and I'll. Tell you why because jeremy boring and michael knolls were given the big ass few, the daily wire tried spending one hundred times the market rate for the ride to play a single song happy together. And they said no. Why? I don't know, but it's likely political we which to music, and we were told to go F ourselves by more than one publication I now I get how the game works. The story that I have for you is about An artist
Who goes by the name of? Let me let me here: we go tennessee jet. Tennessee jet right assault. Two plus two is not five, I believe, is the name of the song rent. another dishonest called two plus two he had his show cancelled. Because his song was considered to be transferred back hate speech, that's right how about tennessee jet at tennessee jet on twitter contacts, says the venue knew about the song in september. and new staff had issues we reached and they reconfirm the show was on. The van you then released and sold tickets for two months then cancelled less than a month out, This is why we are declaring war on the music industry, shouted to tennessee jet best of luck, sir, with your music, we have a song that we just dropped together again many of you may be I've seen it if you haven't, had over to the boy
song ever dot com link in the description below I am recording this video, but you can buy the song now and give you the back story, we talk about our war, the music industry- and this is, stage one first, let me say when you buy the song working you up, if you purchase together again, not only Will you be assisting tim cast- and smokey, making the god, king germany, boehringer Michael, knows, you'll, be assisting us in giving them. it'll figured music industry. because, when you buy a song, that's the equivalent of one hundred and fifty place by the song then, when the song charts, if we charge high enough they'll, have now choice, but to write about it. is a it really comes out of this. Do we have the ability to drive market power towards our musical creations? Our movies, etc. That's the question
They ve woke media industry does not want you to be able to get out music. That's why They cancel tennessee jet they Not deny rich north of richmond. They couldn't do anything about that. That was to popular tennessee jet right, a song calling out the narrative, they shot him down. the way it works in the music industry, its dirty game too, dirty dirty game, So let me first say this by the song at the best song ever dotcom and you we'll get a unique code for thirty five. percent off your coffee purchases at cast brood dotcom? So maybe You are always, it is the last time we put out a song, not the last one one before that. I think we sold something like sixteen. Seventeen thousand we end up charting on billboard. A lot of you of the millions who subscribe didn't, by the song and that's why you don't have to What we are trying to do is show that we can drive a week. We can sell
We don't want to rely on the music industry because they won't give us space. It's a rigged game. So we'll sell directly to you if you like, we and you not want to buy the music. I got. I got special offer for you, you by the song you gotta cast brood not come and you will get everything. Thirty five per and off with the code you receive after you buy together again and is the best part You subscribe. You will get thirty five percent off indefinitely. Let me explain: This code will be good for two weeks, starting today use the code on and he purchased thirty. Five percent off use it again. Thirty five percent off subs, but but the stops working in two weeks now Use the code to subscribe to a once a month twice a month or even the coffee club and you retain that thirty five percent off forever. Until you cancel.
So? What are the best long ever to come and help us up? This? Is the and let me tell you all about where we are currently do. I think I have this year we go from whiskey, riff tennessee calls out oglala venue for cancelling show over a song, two plus do the venue The trans anti trans rhetoric, amazing it system, And he's not backing down before him good for him. I wanna a to shut them, because not just about me, such as by jeremy borg, insights about what we're doing it's about me. Tell you a story We ve got a song was not political. it was called only ever wanted, did really like two million hits charge. Billboard reach number one on itunes, briefly number two in digital sales for billboard charting your first official release now the first thing we put out was called will of the people, and we did not do that properly at all, but it's got millions if it as well. Like a million on spotify,
and we to track that would probably don't even know where it, but it did adopt. It did end up charting on billboard. Here's the mole. amazing thing Some of my favorite bans are decently large. if only ever charted a few times. It's crazy, like this some some bans that I follow in its like. While the only choice, Three times all these songs are so good, and you put in a lot of bans like that. Well, we ve got a song. I first saw Official charts bread. record its number one and what happens we get told to go off our selves we sought coming. But the fact is, the music industry is controlled by woke individuals. The daily wire wanted to perform michael knolls and jimmy boring. We're gonna perform happy together as a gag. They off third the standard rate and were told no so jimmy boy says off from ten times a standard rate off from fifteen thousand dollars. I want to know they said no.
So. Jeremy says offer them one hundred and fifty thousand dollars to play the song one time. and everyone laws are you nuts? He said do it, they told him. No, shocked. I can only assume personally, it was because of political reasons, a hundred feet. Grudged puts on once they said no incredible. That's how much I hate us. They hate you. They hate, Jeremy, We got told to go off ourselves. we said: ok, I'm not surprised they not properly track The song, when we released it, we were told it would be tracked, it wasn't. Even though our first song did chart very well. I think it problem should have been a hot one hundred song. But what c, was a mistake and we didn't try. the couple. Millions a hit you got about that. Maybe it was also a big misunderstanding. Fine, fine! So be it.
So we came up with his joke because we are looking at the songs. They were writing about in the entertainment press and online Look at that. Look at the songs that they celebrate nature for, like is the What you want Here's we're going to do we're going to write a song called. Is this what you want, and it's going to be like a synth pop? Is this what you want girl something super generic and poppy and meaningless? and the joke will actually be. Is this? What you want is a question for you, the industry. And and the listeners. and died. We after jokingly, going to do it, but then I saw it smokey, making the god can perform together again at the riman auditorium, and I said, We should do a modern version of their song team up with the daily wire to expand our collective f you. To make it not just a single a few plus another single a few but combined. It could be a big massive. Go F yourself.
The song is synth bob in the style of the weekend. You maybe I've heard it, but this is the point. It's not about us I saw the story about tennessee jet and I was like do this is the game they play gate, keeping because We don't follow their political line. They blew mafia show. So you know, shut up again to tennessee jack I'll. Tell you why we were speaking about it thing to us he told the venue, hey, they'll, be protesters, don't worry about it, we ve had bigger protests, and this is excellent. Ten months goes by two. If, for the other, this your cancelled, pulling the rug out from under us screwing us over and giving us no ability to recover. We. they were ended up at the last minute, switching to the casino nearby and fully attic our capacity in half and we end up having to turn people away at pissed me off to dirty game. play and that's what they did to tenancy jet at the same time. The stories coming up we're putting out our song as a nephew to the industry, and I was like this is what we are all facing, and I know many of you play music are probably facing something similar,
many of you are actors who are writers this? What July succeeded so tremendously with Ripper verse, because the industry is controlled by those who want us to fall in line to their politics. Now this. that we put out produced by carter banks, the guy in the left. formed by me and carter banks. dual vocals written by smokey mike and the god, king Jeremy, boring and Michael knowles. It may just be jeremy boring. I don't wanna take credit for Michael Knowles, I dunno who gets the writing credit. I should just ask him finally that it's the best song ever. I didn't write it giving compliments to jeremy boring of the daily wire song is not political. The song does not make overt political statements The song does not say a few music industry itself. It is a product. We have made in a modern style the daily wire song and we are. Being that you buy it began. When that song cracks billboard hot one hundred. They will have to write
the daily wire and tim cast are in the top one hundred songs in that country to task is not asking for a gold record, and I dont know what happens be people actually like the song. So much that we just we nail. It is what it is. but I say what matters when we put out first song the officials on I ever wanted. They said so what you told your fans to buy your song, they bought it big deal now like well, that's litter the point of all music everywhere taylor. puts out music, hoping that her fans will listen to it. We put out coping. Our fans will listen to it. There you go. The question is in an era where these streaming platter, Is are silos themselves and cutting out anyone who opposes the machine can We commend purchasing power. welcome to the culture where my friends.
lady bothers came out recently. It's a comedy by the daily wire. Jeremy boring said that he had on Joe rogan podcast, Joe rogan said. If you want to do a real comedy, it's going to have to be from one of these right wing streaming services, conservatives, because of the only ones who can do it these days. Jeremy said: not only is that If, if it is true, the daily wire can do it, then it follows that they must do it and that's I decided to make lady ballers. This is the point: we're going to build our own versions, our own industries and we're going to shatter the veil. Now, indian, its business Let's talk about the promo code, we're doing with casper coffee. We This drive more sales of our song, you betcha, but you did. It As for us, it gets people to subscribe to our coffee business. It may us money across the board. That's it! if you buy the song it sixty nine cents, you can pay whatever you want. You can pay more and
We use that money to make more music. The music Production costs us more than we make off of it. The coffee, business, is widely wildly successful cast. coffee is gonna crack one million dollars in its first year of business, it its own company. We launched our own company because it's it's more valuable to us, a sponsor ourselves and we want to create fist. The locations with music and comedy anti he's playing, shows and that's the casper coffee shop is gonna, be that's it, the haters can hate all they want. They can cause. Rift liars cheaters, they can say whatever they want. Doesn't matter. If you think we should have our own spaces and we should flick off the industry in the machines and build or building support our work. I hope ass brew, coffee promo result in a hundred thousand sales. In fact- We sold five hundred thousand. Imagine smoky mike in the god, king Jeremy, boring and michael knolls, so looking one of his cigars while
With a gold record. yeah, yeah, pipe dream pipe dream now, with only ever wanted, we charted and we sold around thirteen thousand with genocide. The seconds officials, on which we charted we saw the comparable slightly more with bright is the last time we put out. I actually did almost no promotion, basically non. the reason for that is not every single song we do will always get the full red carpet treatment and massive promotion, and I wanted to actually see with what the baseline was and by promotion. I mean this. With only ever wanted genocide. I made videos were like hey by the song and here's why we did pro I was in front of every video. The new song is available. Now go by standard, add plays on our own platform with bright eye we did it a couple times were not really because I wanted to see If we put out a song- and we don't really say much about it, what we get and we got about- percent of the natural push two hundred, while of it more than maybe fifteen, and I totally fine with it the song
Scott, I think, like three hundred somewhat thousand listens play so far and that's like that's better lot of bans that I like it is what it is. I don't expect to be taylor, swift, anything like that, we're just making music and, in the end, we're having fun doing it. But here is the best part Some people might never by our coffee, they would, by the song now we have given them a huge incentive to buy the coffee cause I'm pretty sure at thirty five percent off. If you join the casper coffee club you're, getting a free, a free baggage buy to get one for you basically and you'll. Have it forever but, like I gotta be honest if you subscribe to the casper coffee club and remained a member for ten years. The pavement- very happy so by all means keeper, Five percent discount If this means you are buying our song and helping our music business succeed. This is just business. That's what it is. Let me say this: I wish we put out a song.
It did well, the press wrote about it, and that was the allows it that's it, we don't gotta, be billboard charting. We don't gotta, be tell us where we made a song. We liked. We had fun doing it. We left. I wish that's what it could be, but they won't. And so they say temples drifting by asking you to buy his song well, I won't even tell me when the song exists, when we teamed up with the daily wireless massively successful when we team up. PETE parada instead of running a blurb like new song, drops it sales they testicle F ourselves. So tell me, explain to me: what's the difference, for medical reasons you refuse to acknowledge the work we are doing and if it is for political reasons that I am able to buy the song. What's the difference you made this political only ever wanted is a room, a song about regret and lost love. That's it and we said nothing said: medicine and then these commentators they insult us. They make us they turn of political and then what
they buy the song to tell them to go off themselves say how high is drifting now are you know it do? Let's play baby, Let's play the fund raising game cause. This is what I did for a living. I would At the summit to say here, the mission? Here's the message: here's, what we need from you! If that's the game you wanna play when we simply tried to just make music and have fun fine when the daily wire problem movie- that was a political. What happens they insult them and say to trash movie? Don't watch it the daily I put out a movie, it is political, they say it's the worst thing we ve ever seen, and this the corporate entertainment press, so FM screwing. We are going to play the game back and I'll. This they're, not gonna, let us in their gatekeepers, but there Nothing they can do about us selling five one. Thousand songs fill a body just got his seventh gold record.
And they call an hassan calls him failed musician. They can't stop him but fills Ben. A rock star for a visa. A very long time is really like twenty years now he just fill Then for was it five finger. Death punchy opens for metallica. nothing I can do about it. I applaud Phil with all of the success. He hasn't music, a platinum good seven gold records that he speaks his mind and challenges the machines. As for us, we wanna play music to I don't expect to open for metallica by boy. When they sped on me, I'm gonna sped back stop there, something they can't control. They can't control this They want to refuse to acknowledge the work we do they want or a few to acknowledge daily wire. They want our future, I'll. Just that's why we teamed up. We sell enough of these things and we, billboard.
now the ideal world which I dont think whatever happened is obviously like a song goes platinum and then there like, oh no, we can't do anything about it. They ve taken over the culture, and I don't like it. I don't expect that I don't that this song is good enough for something like that. It's a function pop song is kind of like the weekend or something But let's say we get like number. Ninety, nine and one hundred yeah well we're coming for you tom mcdonald of the same problem, shouted atomic donald. He puts on music all the time his millions of its their masterfully done excellent, musical, Masterful production and he brow, records and guess what they tell him we're not gonna put you on the charts, we're not going to show you is china how the hot hundred, even though you are one of the top musicians in the world. because it is a dirty game dont conform to their world, they will lock you out so first phase we're gonna make songs that are basically I dare you to the machine see if a song written by jeremy boring
get to the heart one hundred or who are or ever proof by us, they had silly and we hear a lot of fun doing it. The next phases expanding, label signing more bans and the and after that. Yeah we're to do awards prizes. let something else. Skateboarding is getting woke very woke so unfortunate, I'm not happy about it But you don't want to do with the bonus. Follow at bunni. H q on instagram. I think it's bonus, ayscue and youtube. If you like, skateboarding inaction, sports world just getting started work, the two million dollar private skate facility only the coup. Of how means will be invited. All the There's can go cry somewhere else, but I tell when are we going to do. The buoys is going to be launching a prize for skateboarding. That's right. We are going to start with our best
Skate border of the year or top skateboard or whatever And, along with that prize, he's gonna ten thousand dollars. Right now. They do this thing. Every year called skater of the year thrasher. Does it work, this guy was with a skater of the look at how good he was look at this kind of like the pollack, prizes or something you find someone who did something amazing in skateboarding that. generated massive attention and really changed the game and you give them their prize. so where I want to go with it is the best trick, the best gap, the best handrail them vert trick. Basically a series of top these categories, and we will but a collective one hundred thousand dollars every year to waste bored, and the best part is Could be some random scare you. Do I not just just barely
before that, I don't know skateboarding jargon you very difficult trick to your three: thousand followers on instagram. You! Do a switch three! Sixty flip blunt three, sixty four about. Why are you it'll? Be switched three sixty foot to nose blunt three, sixty full about on a decently size, rail, your hometown park. Nobody really knows about you that that it's a great trick to re too crazy trick. I let's say our judging team, which we comprised likely many of our members and the discord given their thoughts and opinions. But then, ultimately you know we are the bones And what do you get a message and say? Not only are we going to feature your track? We you to come out and state the park and film. owing to also write you a check for ten grand for winning the best trick prize. You don't even have to do anything to enter. That's the plan, The reason for it is the industry is getting woke anomaly. Push that out, no one can within political. It's really simple.
You wanna get well go, broke, fine, go ahead, which can escape all these people that are smack talking us and. For so long we're going to stick it to him. and there's going to be some pro skater who is like. I don't want to get political man I'll say. Well, we got a check for ten grand if your name with your name on it, but you gotta come skate in the and then becomes if these were, activists. Try to cancel, you can take. you're sponsors and all that, but we check for ten grand radio, your name on it. Well, the choice is yours. Everything were doing. We are going to utilise the efforts and the power that you grant us as fans, as per. Of our song and we are two weapon eyes that energy in winning the culture war. Thank you also much You all tonight at eight p m Right you to become slashed him cast, I r l and I will see them.
so the white house published there. I guess annual christmas video and nobody's, haven't it I see some liberals and there like. Why are you mocking christmas, so job? and puts out this bizarre avant garde, tap dance christmas celebration and I dont rightly care all that much to be completely honest. However, it turns out The group behind the performance is a racist hate group, while yes, yours And so here you have once again the hypocrisy of the woke left. I suppose in this instance it jill Biden hiring a racist taker like a group White literally has as their foundation hating people based on race are coming in and doing a performance. Now, let's start here, jill Biden's bizarre hunger games, aesthetic, whitehouse christmas, video roasted by critics, so I don't know how much of the video actually play, but the tap dance
which is for the most part like yeah. I don't care about the biggest vein of tap dance as it is, but it's just like old times, music and tap dancing. I do have sound on this one. Yeah. So there you go, you can hear it Old avant garde, weird tat, dancing. Yeah, ok anyway, you get the point. I don't really much care to play just then. I guess I should play the music better, but you know I was trying to play video the I don't like tap dancing, isn't it. I was going to say like that. I I don't I don't like tap dancing but I really don't care they're doing a christmas celebration or how they do. Everybody's got different tastes it just because I don't like it doesn't mean nobody else is allowed to have it. That's one.
and then it turns out there about your racists and I'm like well, there you go, and ok. Well, I think racism is bad. So, let's little shock about it, the white ass, his annual christmas video feed you can want guard tap dance performance of a timeless ballet has and panned by social media critics, warts, hunger, games, aesthetic as well as called tacky and tasteless. first, lady Joe Biden on Wednesday posted a too, have been clip of new york city, tat, company, doorance dances, take on duke Clinton and billy stray horns, interpretation of tchaikovsky nutcracker sweet. You see like that. I just don't care about, unlike other don't have to christmas, have a nice day the video features, colorful adorned sequence dancers wearing elaborate headdresses, while they their way through a white house hallway festoon, with, can became columns too, blue room which is decked out with christmas trees in both white colored lights, alongside nutcracker inspired to court
the wild artistic statement which the first ladys at contained magic wonder, enjoy left many commentators. Had spinning wheel well pining for the easier to digest patriotic themed christmas videos by millennia, trump you know, I'm going to say it again. Care. do your little dance, some people like dance and some people don't like dancing. You don't like that. It's christmas, I mean how. Early tacky tasteless an anti christmas baloney. was tasteful, seasonal appeal to everyone and was apps. We breathtaking and gorgeous said one commenter several uses compared the technicolor visuals, something out of a is totally film disney per and clockwork orange, ok I'll, be fair in this regard, the people more critical, Millennia is like she makes a video where it just christmas trees, and it's very There are no generic and what, deck, I'm saying it's like very neutrals about it. We have put it, this one is I gotta go. I don't like it.
And if they went with, you know, a wholly knighton just showed christmas trees. I product, ok christmas. This I want to watch I find it, Off putting an fair point, fair, If you don't like it, you don't like it, you are not allowed to like it, and you can argue. Something could have been better, but I will Stress I dont. We care all that much and I'm not gonna rag on people, doing tap dance and fancy colors, because some people like in some people, don't format the argument lonnie, as was more neutral end for everybody? Fine. I probably would like that better but Not here to take away someone's, tap dancing or dresses or happiness over christmas, I just I just move on from it right there I point when it comes to, like woke, miss in movies and video games, the whole time I'm like dude. If you make a movie where it's like, we decided to make the incredible hulk, but this time as a black woman I'd be like. Oh that's cool, you know, do your thing. I'm not going to watch it. You know what I mean. I I'm not going to give you any money or whatever both in this instance, it's a public event and
people expect that something a bit more respectfully lower lowest common denominator, meaning something that unites everybody and is more basic law. With the hunger gates, aesthetic, molly hemingway asked another while Molly Hemingway spanned the hunger games, capital, district, christmas approach, others, what If the mind altering its mind, altering substances were involved in the production sector, bags of cocaine, you see. I just think that stupid it's fair to say. I don't like this, it's kind of weird but hey man, more power to your regular like you, don't the like something but this idea that everyone, just like hide so grows it so stupid on my little heavy handed, don't like this one, but then we get this sweep from I Therefore, I am It's not a coincidence that Joe Biden ah bit of magic to the white house by doorance dance. screw that actively wants to abolish police, promotes, be a lamp push
We're trends and inmates rights and educate on white privilege, stomach racism and white fragility, and anti racism globally well informed shirts, everybody identify its japanese. I'm only Five percent japanese, but I have the dna, so I get to do it or I'll. Just say this from now on, I only identify as korean. Everybody else can get mad about it. Go cried the onion as that really faint, really famous bit where there are like how much asian allows you to claim to be asian and then they the full asian half asian in the quarter asian and then their judge people it's funny and then, in the end, some guys, like my great grandma, was black and you're black whereas asians are like. My point is simply this as one who comes from a diverse backgrounds, Civil rights advocates who fought in the the rights era for the right to for people to love each other, and it's a fact, my grandfather, green woman back when miss agitation was illegal get out of here.
racist leftists? This is what they do educate yourself. It is our job to tell the history of tap dance as a celebration of black culture, the never ending struggle against systemic racism and white supremacy in this country. Ok! Well, if I thousand to take it all anti raise about a thousand. Take them seriously And seriously believe they were fighting white supremacy, I'd, say shore but they're. Not. Educate yourself, questions about white privilege graham white fragility and anti racism or an eye. You get my point: why they are a racist hate group. What is white privilege, privilege is a lie alive by leftists to try and justify their politic attempts at stealing power next question. They argue that white privilege is like an if I get a lot of people. I believe there is no such thing as white privilege. and all you need do is, I don't know like go to china and a sorry why privilege go to japan, assert your white privilege
and they'll go all, but I'm talking about america. Oh that case you're talking about cultural wealth, and majority privilege, because, if you're, a white person, and you go to a deeply black neighbourhood you're not going to experience white privilege if you go to an asian neighbourhood, no white privilege. You go to a latino neighbourhood once again, no white privilege. You know. I know this because I'm from chicago in my area, which was fairly mixed You have people who are white, they got beat, but all the same as everybody else right, If you are of the majority demographic in an air controlled by that demographic. Then you will Have majority privilege meeting people will assume you are like them. That's been true for all about all of human history does mean there are right. There is racism that exist and is a bad thing, white fragility, and what does that mean
That is where they basically just attack you for being white? That's it! They argue that as a white person when their racist towards you bid a little, You demean you for the color of your skin. If you get upset your fragile I suppose, by that same contacts, you could argue that there they have black fragility, and four fragility is: is white is very announced among the left that these people would get offended over a kid wearing chiefs outfit at a baseball at our I'm sorry, I footballs football game. Rent was a football. The output and he's guy black on one side and, on the other, the fact this dude lost his mind over. It shows the fragility of his blackness nada You think that's the case. I think sky is lying to, try and get local power from mostly white people who are scheme being called racists, so ultimately Are we mad about tap dancing?
no I'm not I mean you might be, but I don't really care about tat. I I don't know, advancing? I dont get it not a big fan. But I do take issue with the why Bringing in racist hate groups to spitten, Those faces and give them expire dollars that I'm not a fan of my We fought to log into hard for these off well awful racists to be given prominence in this country. Of their opinion. I don't think We fired for their bad opinions, but I will criticise them to leave it there. segments coming up at eight p m over you. Tibet comes liked him guest. I r l thanks rang out and I'll, see you well then,.
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-18.