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Armed Groups DEFY Democrat NM GUN Ban DECREE, Grisham Power Grab FAILS, People DEMAND IMPEACHMENT


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Armed Groups DEFY Democrat NM GUN Ban DECREE, Grisham Power Grab FAILS, People DEMAND IMPEACHMENT

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It's jesse Kelly here fellows. Are you ready to have a twenty percent increase in your testosterone in ninety days? Ladies, are you ready to have your brain function be even better. Are you ready to have more energy? Are you ready to lose weight? Are you ready to feel better the. While you do all this, you can support a hard core anti communist company and the best part of All this it's all natural, not big farm. A crap not supporting all these pharmaceutical junk companies. Chalk see h, o q fellows they have a male vitality, stack. Nine today's take it and tell me how you feel ladys female vitality stack. Take it tell me how you feel you want to feel like you're twenty years younger, go to c h, o hugh dot com, promo code tim get you through
five percent off your subscription get a subscription today c h, o q, dot com, promo code, TIM make sure to go to TIM, cast dot com click join us and become a member to support this podcast and all the work we do. and you'll get access to exclusive uncensored segments from tim cast I r and weigh more now, let's jump into the first story. Last weekend we heard the governor of new mexico decreed possess of firearms to be illegal. Allow gimme that we're some restrictions on what they would no doubt on our no. No! That's all that matters now new wants to what the order was you order issued by by the new mexico governor was that within jurisdictions with certain amounts of crime and in italy for thirty days and it's a public health emergency. So I have the right to do this and oh boy did this one blow up in her face now. Ultimately, what's happened after the fact has been a
really good thing, which in many ways is a stabilizing force in these trying times. What do we see? Democrats angry, lip ro, gun control, advocates like David ogg, saying no way to this David actually that there's no public health accept to the constitution, and ever would like wait. What I'd like to introduce you to covet good, sir, but I AP's david hogg for saying this ain't. The way to do it. Protesters showed up open carrying weapons, the sheriff and the DE I said we will not in force and prosecute this on constitutional order. The governors gone robe, ever she thought was gonna happen. Oh boy, did it not play out the way she wanted, but my friends there's a lot of good that can come from this in showing that we, the people, stand defiant of tyrants and we don't have to worry,
conflict, crisis, blood, violent civil war in these circumstances, because our culture is steadfast our our law. foresman apparatus would not allow it, the police, the dna and the people would not allow it. and I am happy to see that there is no conflict arising from this, that overwhelmingly. Everyone agrees. You cannot by decree, suspend the new mexico state constitution. More importantly, the federal constitutional rights that we all have one a clarify the right to keep and bear arms is a god given right and the constitution only stops the government from. Intervening or interfering with your rights, but there is still some fear there still some risk. But what am I I clarify, I think, overwhelming warming there's a man, it's a massive net positive, because we have basically one the governor is proved herself impotent and weak, but that is a potential negative
The good news is where our governments come on come out across as weak, and they can't do anything we're typically happy about it right. Not necessarily, The good news is this goes in a better direction. Right now in portland, we're learning nike is shutting down its flagship store. Why wealth they requested special police did all the crimes and the police said no, and they said we out now the city is frying saying, but without the nike flagship store the it's. A massive economic hit, twelve a local away out. Well, that's too bad because the government is impotent. So that the earlier of woman loading up her vehicle with groceries as employees. Just film nothing you do about. It other video, a woman in a liquor store whose pregnant is stealing liquor or thinks in a supermarket or something she leaves and the police arrive the police. Step in front of a vehicle and order her out. She accepts
their rights or car into a police officer who opened fire in self defense killing her. This is fascinating. The cat inflict that we are seeing a rise out of all of this. You have, epic crime and looting to the point where portland is begging nike to stable? give them security detail. The government is viewed as impotent, then what police actually stop. One of these mass shoplifters and the shop with tries to kill the cop there's outrage and protests of what the police did. This is that this is the conflict that we're facing with the cult left, psychotic behaviour. Listen rigid order can be very bad, but order is not bad. If we're going to entertain the idea that people are allowed to take whatever they want, and we can do nothing about it, then everything breaks down and without property rights. What do you really have? People eventually come and take your stuff and there's nothing? You can do
at them and that's what we ve seen so often the orbit arbour case is a good example. So here's what I will say where the government cannot take your weapons from you. It's a good thing and the governor being proven to be impotent. Here is a good thing, think about what the governor tried to do in new mexico, only are they not prosecuting crime across the country and I'm hearing from friends that what we are seeing with these mass shoplifting that these these gangs, the rico, what I would call it? It's happening, all over the country, even on the east coast in north carolina, hang stories of this because walk in the government do to stop the crime. Now, if people were empowered to protect themselves and defend themselves, these things would not be happening, but right now, culturally, it is deemed unacceptable to defend private property with a firearm. that is to say, with varying roy you know it. We would like it depends on how much there is a threat to life, but typically, if,
stealing a bottle of booze. You don't shoot them, and this where the conflict arise, with the woman who, whose shoplifting in a grocery store, but why did the police kilowatt I tried to kill the cop right as those big difference. He didn't shoot over a bottle liquor. He shot her because she tried to run him over and I'm sorry. I, like you, want to play a game of chicken with with an armed man in your vehicle running over what you think is going to happen. so here that I mean to say with all of this in the central, the good news is we won or what The bad news is first, it's bad. The governor even tried to do this with his executive decree and there is something bad in the government with the governor trying to do this, the government being viewed as impotent and and People have actually enforcing its own orders. Because the concern we have right now, as we want the government to be too to have integrity. I know it's hard thing to to expect right. We want cops accountability, but to see
crime. If the governor is trying to make law abiding citizens into criminals, while we're getting stories of mass criminals being let go, it is not a good sign of the times to come is what I mean to say. Let me talk about the good news and we are currently at good news as you ve got calls for impeachment. You ve got liberal speaking out. You ve got people actively defining order, and, while you know really funny- because I was just talking last week about how the second amendment is being emboldened and strengthened,. and for some reason you ve got these conservative libertarian rightly individuals who desperately want to be losers? I do not understand this. You get peoples. I, like germany, too, telling to hear what you have to say all the politics is and then their life. We're losing our gun right and I'm like have you looked at a constitutional carry map were entering, want these seven states that are constitutional, carry new mexico Even right now is oh, is permanently open. Carry. This is unprecedented
Well, I should say to president we did have ok These rulings are modeled off over the constitution were supposed to be, but we had a greater power, of gun rights being suspended in the eighties. Look at the maps. Almost every state, what's called shall issue or no issue meeting. Oh, you can try to get a permit for a gun, but that ain't to give you one it's crazy to think you could not have a gun, And the funny thing is going up at your car go. I do people had guns and who is it's weird to look at these laws now, mostly for handguns, like rifles, we're different story that people have had guns for a long time, but in the past twenty years, the country has gone from, shall issue, I'm I'm sorry to say, may issue, may international shall issue of sorry weight. That shall issue means. If you apply, they cannot deny you for arbitrary reasons. You can your permit and then may issue as you get denied for arbitrariness and clarify things. I think I'm a spoke. You look at these maps today and
media labels them as unrestricted in west virginia. Where I live, I walk into the gun store. I say I would like to purchase This firearm, good sir, they say just fill out your standard background check form for the federal government takes ten fifteen minutes. They actively check in this you're good and then eventually you know they do their tracking. You look at me wrong and a people don't like this, but there there there and you can do for more, but I think if you get a concealed carry permit, then you don't have to go through the federal back. took over in africa, because the concealed carry permit is a very extensive back on track and they and so that, so they say they track that to a certain degree. But my point is this: you ve got people on friday, sang ha ha tim's eating. His word say: the second moment was waiting while ablaham like it is it is we one tyrant trying to ban guns and look what happens victory or, at the very least, were were basically looking at victory
We are standing up for our rights and pushing back and we are winning across the board. The reason things like this. The reason, the guy Where does that? Does this? I think Democrats are desperately trying to provoke a violent reaction from the right from libertarians imposed. Liberal because they need a media narrative entering twenty twenty four. It's why jason these are getting rated at their homes, with rifles pointed that their faces and their wives, there was a video of a guy getting arrested and they're pointing rifles at his family because they want a violent, don't dealt wretched, don't give it to him. anybody who is calling for violence or escalation? Is a fat fat, fat fat justly everybody was saying about re apps fed fed that because he was telling people to storm the capital. No, no, no! No! None of that at its root. Workable to me that there are people still don't get it, but we are looking at victory.
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Your cousin, tease, diner, terence Williams, or do papa jack b to check that checked. So we got casper coffee shop coming up, I'm open that we can create a communal hub are all over the place or credit anti times square. Why? Because we are winning, we are, we are defined yesterday we are defining this corporate garbage and when the tyrants come out and say no guns for you, we say sorry, lady, you lose and guess what She did alright. I had I known as the long opening, but I'm really excited as to how I played out. Let me read you the news on this september. Ninth. New mexico republican legislatures called for democrat gresham's impeachment after gun order, saying she's gone. Rogue, I think, should be arrested. Ok, ok, I get it. I get the process you impeach her and then you bring criminal charges but defying
I'm sorry denying constitutional rights by elected official is a crime, and this I think you should get arrested. We can but we cannot just stop at the point where we say: hey you you, you can't do that. We were not going to listen. No, because it happens, is erosion, and this is the point on him. Earlier on is that even though we win across the board with things like this, the fact the governor even tried to do. It needs to be repudiated. So when the governor says I'm going to issue executive order, what's the worst case scenario is thinking I'll, try will see what happens no way. The charges are, what does she get? She has slap an arrest, she gets impeached, she gets convicted, she gets removed and then she gets like a three month. Probation. You know I'm not saying that we blocker in prison over trying to do this, but maybe maybe
maybe when someone tries to strip human rights, we say, look steel and a bottle of liquors. One thing: try to deprive people of their constitutional rights ass another, but what but ro penalty, there maybe be a year and I think house arrest a politician, she's nino, she's removed from power. The problem is solved, we said in Always a tyrants who try to our rights away in defiance of the constitution, the state constitution and our laws will be held accountable. That's what must be done. Impeachment conviction, criminal proceedings, elon musk, agrees. This one was a bit shocking to. I just tweeted shit, there's a press conference. What she's like I am. I power to do this and he looked at said she should be arrested immediately- and here I must say yes on twitter and that sparked above Engraver below been like. Oh cause, you know, you're a the the big culture warrior, people people take what he says: he's got big. Finally hundred plus Billy. We honor forty million followers rent. So go to some this news here,
Here's won't get a shot up to all of our good friends. All of our friends in new mexico. Are heroes, you are champions gone outdoors rally in old town to protest to public health order, and let me show you from fort fisher gun owners. Many visibly armed rallied in old town albuquerque today to openly defy the new mexico governor's executive order, banning open and concealed character of a firearms police did not intervene or enforce the orders because we agree. The governor has right to do this. But I'll tell you what scares me. What scares me is that the police could, if they could have an That's what worries me is that I said last night. Many of these cops with smiles on their faces. Would you say I dont care. There was a big storm at the sheriff saying he wouldn't enforce it, but that's not actually what he said. The sheriff said that they were concerned concerned about it and that
grew with guns safety in all its staff, but you don't have to follow the constitution and ready There's one thing: what does this mean? I think you're not going to force it. So let me clarify the sheriff spoke out against it. I was wrong, I think, there's one more thing. I must go. Get too excited the the there there's two views on this. One has been reported, the sheriff will not enforce it said he enforce it, but many are criticising it sang. It was like a tepid statement about. We know whether he would are wouldn't liberals turn new mexico govern overdone suspicions. Hang it violates the? U s: constitution, liberals, while ted crews express shock. for agreeing with ted lou on the gun can I not if they have the idea here. You David Haug, he said support gun safety. But there is no such thing as a state. Public health emergency exception to the: u s: constitution, sir David ogg can I reintroduce you're they did earlier to covet what
they shut down. Churches, suspended people's right to protest, shut down businesses and all under the public health emergency exception. We knew those coming with cove it Many people just complying, we know, is only a matter of time before someone tried something like this, but happy to see that it's not working anymore, they go and ted Lou as well. I think it's because no. They lose when you a governor, decreasing a constitutional right is suspended. Or, I should say suspended- I mean because their god given rights, what a constitutionally protected right is no longer protected, get scared. Because if they do this they'll do anything, but we got it. We got good news new mexico refuses to enforce governors ban and carrying guns as unconstitutional. Now that this without this- was referring to is a little wishy washy. He said today governor me,
I'll look on gresham issued an emergency tat order of a block he's. as the move has been position as a response. The alarming tragic rise of of shootings, while I understand it create the urgency. The temporary ban challenges the foundation of the constitution. I am wary of placing my deputies and positions that could lead to civil liability conflicts as well as the potential Asks posed by prohibiting law abiding citizens from their constitutional right to self defence. He says I was elected to represent and safeguard all constituents and to ensure the balance between our rights and public safety is maintained. That means we must. We evaluate any proposed solution that, deep to the deeply rooted issue, gun violence, ensuring we both protect our community and uphold the values that define assassination Alan listed. Seven initiatives blah blah blah blah blah, while it is crazy
and Grisham tweeted. This I didn't believe it. I gotta tell you guys window. If you watched, I rl, we had Brandon herrera the AK guy right before the show starts. He goes the governor of new mexico, just banned guns, up, get the open and concealed carry, and I was like what not we'll see APA public order and I was like no way I can. I do not believe that I looked it up and all the stories just said: public health emergency and I looked at it and there was nothing, nothing prescriptive. It just said: there's an emergency and I said: ok, I don't see anything here. He then pulls it up. The santa fe new mexican saying outright. She did this and I was like wow is scary man, you know, as per usual, is at the poker tables last night at a pretty good night, hit a king high straight flush, I'm very happy about that's the best I've ever had in life poker. I've had a royal royal flush in the online poker, but that stupid live it's more fun. You know everyone's. I stared at the
where you're at, but there was a dude who asked me, you know how things were going with news, and I said dude governor of new mexico decrees guns illegal. To possess. I mean that's, that's scary. Stuff. This is this is like people need on. Stand it with a country this divided and and the political violence that we ve seen It is very, very dangerous for foreign executive to do something like that. Lexington and conquered the redcoats tried to seize the weapons from from like low the farmers, the it's funny, because people say militia but dude militia doesn't mean what people today, people thing militia a bunch of dudes who are like para military. No, no, no, no, no militia was like a handful. It's like neighborhood watch, a handful of farmers said here's. We got a bunch of guns stocked up. If something bad happens, we rally, and so the red cross came out, they're going to take your guns away, and that starts the american revolution a year and a couple of months before the signing of the declaration of independence. It is not not smart.
For this person to do this, and so it's scary, I'm talking the sky, and then I said, and then we learned that a grand jury in fulton county georgia voted to indict three members of the of the senate for the same reasons as donald trump, now a lot of people have said that you know the process peter fanny funny. Well, as just like, isn't gonna do it, I'm like yet. the scary realities. The grand jury said to do it and fanny. Well as me. Be waiting to drop the charges against sitting members of the Senate and the twenty twenty four election cycle, and then what about all of the members of the house, because they did the same thing? Here's the breakdown, my friends and here's. What scares me if ani willis does not indict lawful or per do and when the ground
it shows that this is purely political, but even though the grand jury says the at the products of evidence suggests an indictment of all of these individuals. Shouldn't have allowed these three, not these ones, but why? Why jenna ellis? Why trump's legal counsel, who is just providing him legal advice? Why is that person being criminally indicted on a rico charges, but not the people who actively participated as the grand jury said, because it's a political play And that's what scares me and I'm just like- did tell this guy, I'm like he. He always. I got really pay attention that stuff on my yeah. It's it's getting crazier than had ever thought possible that's the scary reality of we were at. I wonder what p, by the time travel test men. What would people have said if you told them five years ago, that not only would Donald trump be indicted on ninety four counts in more both states. Thousands, a thousand plus of his supporters would be targeted by federal raids across the country and a grand jury would vote too.
Died three sitting members of the senate. People would say you are insane can for you guys, a grand jury unfold in county voted to indict three sitting members of the senate. Take for it what you will it ain't a pretty thought because we're either dealing with an incompetent government that is grasping for more. More power, regardless of what they're allowed to open defiance of the government. In from the positive to the negative, I want to say, I think we're going to win, but the night is always darkest before the dawn, and that means, if we're looking at the fourth turning straw, sow generational theory darkness, has not come yet, but I don't appreciate. I do not like the people who say that it's a black pill, no black,
would be me saying. The darkness will comment. We weren't we when we will never we'll never overcome. Of course not there's always darkness. Your life is beset by Alan jazz. You were never to be granted an easy walk through life. In fact, for all of us millennials, we grew up in a golden age golden age where we ignored the conflict around us. We ate delicious pizza from brothers or bochy is where I'm from I've lived in chicago grip in chicago and lived in new york. So those are those are the pizza places, I'm familiar with giordano's brothers, the big one in new york and for our buck for one dollar, that big old slice in new york, city or bochy says is chicago. I dunno, if they're still around, haven't been there in a long time, ten years, but five bucks, you get this big slice of pizza bigger than your head. We grew up in in in the glory days
His crime was going down cell phones, the internet, video games, pleasures and pleasures. I see all these videos of childless women on boats being like. I travel the world that I have not a care. It's like yeah, because there's no more predators, there's no more threats. We just bask in the glory of what our parents had built for us, but, like all good dreams, they come and when you wake up- and it was never going to be this way- the world's natural state is competition and conflict. You take a look at animals in nature, its unfair, its brutal, but those that are most brutal, get rewarded when the animal. When that, when that, when the boat, when the ambush predator leaps out and just ripped to shreds the deer, and the deer is still alive, struggling to get away while being eaten terrified. I saw this post the things I read it and it said it was. It was basically saying this that in fact, the most brutal are often rewarded and a lot of people wish. It were not true.
But it is, it was a video of arm, nothing like a wild beast or something being eaten by hyena. I was being eaten alive, it was, trying to get up and get away while it was being disempowered. Tis, the season to shine with agent m, discover the holiday collection and find a fashionable pieces for your wardrobe or for under the tree, get inspired and dazzled with this year's lamp from tuxedo styles bo detailed pieces, impressive, prince and more from unforgettable, looks to unforgettable gifts with passion, vines to home day, core find it all at each end, treat your loved ones and yourself this season shop in store or an agent dot com. That's the reality of nature, but we built and enshrine this barrier around human life that we can enjoy life's pleasures and avoid its ills and unfortunately, that's fleeting. So what I mean
is for only so long. You can revel in the accomplishments and luxuries of your ancestors of those who came before you can. Eventually, when you forget what made the country in the world safe and fun, those things began to break down, and people ask questions: why do we have these rules? These rules that encumber me I want them gone. Those rules helped keep you alive and help make your children safe and now, as things start to be down the night becomes dark but comes and goes in waves, and just because things are getting bad doesn't mean we will not overcome and find the beauty once more. So it's not a black hole, my friends, it is simply your duty is simply that the nature of reality that when you forego your civic responsibilities for too long, you get conflict, and so, as we step into this brave new world
I need only say that it's going to get better than it's ever been as technology improves everything's, just so much better with air conditioning with clean running water with a just. You know the ubiquity of communications and the advancement of video games and ai. They bring a lot of great things, nor link. We don't have to always focus on the negative. Nor link means that the the deaf can hear the lame can walk that dumb can speak. The blind can see it's awesome, but it also means there are negatives. We have to avoid and we're good at it. She were to deal with those natives. When the night gets dark, we will have to fend off the is that the day will come. There are seasons, it's amazing how everything works. Isn't it come winter? It's the darkness, its barely light out. It's always dogs are visited northern hemisphere trope that we ve created, but in this period of darkness it's scary food is hard to come by animals, lark gasped,
and we are struggling to make it through the winter. Are food stores deplete? We hunt, but animals become desperate, now are fighting for predators, but then, through all that, conflict spring does arrive, and now Well, there's fruit as far as the eye can see well, not necessarily in spring a little bit but come the beginning of summer. We start to see fruits and berries and then to fall all the sweet, delicious food that you can eat far as the eye can see. I mean you're not going to live off the papaw out here or the frost, grapes or the wine berries and wild blackberries. But it's a lot and you've got spring
it is, and that that's what we need to look forward to so suffice it to say. Looking at all of this, I see that winter is coming. That's the way, I put it whether it's civil war, civil strife, whatever world war. Three, I think it's fair to say to anybody who's paying attention. Things are getting scary, but it doesn't mean the world ends. It doesn't mean the apocalypse
It just means that conflict happens and what would the world to be without competition and conflict so map you to see this, I'm happy to see the victories even David hog, coming up from happy to see that the government is proving itself impotent in so many ways, but I think, for all of you understand that things things make it worse in a lot of ways, but getting worse is relative. What will put it this way as often say rocky a you have. A poor person today is better dental care than rockefeller did just because things get worse, doesn't mean We are bad and if you've never experienced true hardship, you may think things are bad, but I always think about it like this. I had this realization when I was a lot younger. So much is given to us. odds. We walk on the water, we drink man, the safety we all take for granted
And I thought to myself: if you are operators, what, if your butt naked in the middle of the woods, that's zero! That's that's baseline from there. You must build to survive, If your buck naked in the middle of the woods that you're holding a pointy stick your plus one, you actually have a tool. You have a resource now, you're in the middle of the woods, you have clothes, you have a backpack, you have two pointy sticks, you're actually doing fairly well, but you are still struggling. You are still trying to rot on that treadmill to get ahead. today, we have so much more than this wild animals fear our cities. Police served are everywhere, and while things do get bad, you don't live in the wilderness. That doesn't mean that we don't lament the loss of what our ancestors built for us. It just means keeping relative truly bad. Not people understand truly bed talk to Michael malice. You know he wrote the ie
Is he wrote the book the white pill or release? Originally, he was talk. He was telling me you know, people truly don't understand how bad it could get they don't they don't. And they ll say like a communist was bad. They do not get it. They dont get how bad it really really can be people understand what civil war is. They don't know that think its innocence, laughable? They think it's two factions decrees and say. While I hereby declare nodded Kosovo's martyr made, was tweeting about it and he was, something like civil war is going to sleep and waking up to hear the news at your best friend was shot in the head last night and I'll add to it civil war. Is you going about it not waking up because I, a roving band of raiders or special operations, decided to exercise you from the area to gain control of it. For some reason, I'm not saying you're combatant all civil war is an armed faction? Knowing
this neighborhood is either loyalists or rebels and sang. This house is needed as a base of operations and there is no conflict in your neighborhood. You only hear about everything on the news, but then one day you go to bed, you wake up and your family's tied up and they're using your house. It is worse than people realize it is walking down the street and then some one getting scared, because you're wearing a large coat and just shooting you. This is what people need to understand. It is not going to be people marching down the street and saying rad air attack arima. It is going to be bedlam. We do not want that. That's bad! So that's why I say this is good news. When the people stand united and it's it's it's fascinating to see that even the left and the right are in total agreement on this one across the board. If we can get more of this, I think we'll be okay, we'll see how things play out. Twenty twenty four, though I am worried next thing. It's coming up at one p m with a gentle thanks, bring it out and I ll see. Well then.
I can't really say, I'm surprised, but a kind of I guess Biden comes first, president too kip major nine, eleven ceremonies- and anniversary in alaska, four thousand three hundred miles away instead vp Kamel heiress. Tens ground, zero in new york city with Rudy giuliani and rhonda santas. It's amazing, I do not see how Joe Biden wins in twenty twenty four. I can't see him running. This is insane Joe Biden today. Nine eleven, never forget our hearts, go out to all the people who lost their lives or negatively effective affected. Sorry is a horrifying day in american history and there's a lot that people think about it.
For instance, a nine eleven is trending, never forget is trending and world trade center seven is trending. A lot of people are very upset. Obviously Joe Biden, the president of the united states skipped the nine eleven event. Went to Alaska instead commentary. I went to new york, for him How does someone who care so little about this country expect to win. I have to wonder: maybe the intention is that he's not going to they don't think he's going to, and maybe The issue is commonly harris, is gonna take over and take over very soon If we just saw this news in the past week, this is from a day ago. Carmella Harris says she's prepared to serve as president if necessary. Vice president dismiss upon its attacks. That president is too old to seek a second term is he's gonna, be fine, obviously not linear posters.
it's. Biden spends nine eleven far from terrorist attacks sites with alaska trip as harris visits the zero? Instead, they say the will spend september eleventh far from the sides, the terror attacks that claimed the lives of two thousand nine hundred and ninety six americans twenty two years ago, opting instead to send his vice president to the ceremony at ground zero on monday, vice isn't harris, flew air force to to new york city to honour the vet, the two thousand: what tax at the nash, september. Eleventh memorial, plaza well Biden. and to commemorate at commemorated at all terry basin, anchorage alaska. I want to point this out to Whatever needs to understand about what this election will be twenty two years ago, this means there are many voters, entering the voting block, who were born after nine eleven I mean that happened obviously a few years ago, but now with twenty two here's. What are we looking at a decent amount of young people who were born?
after that happened and don't know anything about it, but let's be real to those that were only a few years old at the time you might be twenty five, twenty six, twenty seven, twenty eight I mean, let's be real if you're thirty. That's really interesting you're, eight years old, and this happens a little bit more cognizant of what it could mean and what's happening probably not a whole lot. If you are seven or younger than any of this really matter to you, I mean I'm sure as to a certain degree, but I dont think its profound as those of us who teenagers are older than I was fourteen, so it was It was fairly impact, will add, are already at a job or growth for my family business and watched this happen on tv, but that's that's something to consider what that could mean because the world changed that day and if you are someone who experienced public life flying on airplanes travelling around riding on trains
You understood the change that happened after it happened by an eighty left vietnam monday morning, but will not make it to the site with a hijackers, flew planes and new york's world trade center dependent in d or the site, where flight under three crashed, the press- will instead deliver remarks to service members. First spotters, families at joint base, elman dwarf richardson, which is typically user, refueling stop for air force, one a return journeys. I just want to go right into it. They vague they don't care, and maybe that's the point- or maybe it's not the point, but here way the these social structures that we expect our eroding. Why is by stopping at this base. Will I think it's obvious it. A refueling stop, they said, might as well say something. I guess. Now some may say yet, but he was in vietnam most supposed to do not plan a trip that meant he could not be it the nine eleven memorial they don't care, they don't care.
everything happening around us and I am not surprised they don't care one level up your listening with bose quietcomfort, all your buds and headphones with immersive sound and world class noise cancellation from a not so silent night visit, bose dot com slashed, modify the shops now more than a president. by an early in the day, visited the job sidney- became three the third memorial in Hanoi to want late. You senator his staff, also place nine eleven memorial installation on the north pole, go of the executive mansion early monday no ceremonious scheduled for the president as he returns to dc later this evening. I say unacceptable on us, unacceptable. I'm sorry, man look, I know everybody's on twitter they're, all fighting and you a lot of people talk about world trade center. Seven, we all know about world trade center. Seven doing this is about unity.
The united states and us coming together to mourn those who died. Whatever your view on that, eleven as we learned recently, vivek ramaswamy brought this up that saudis. were there is there some saudi individuals involved and the information actually wasn't released until recently. So I'll put it this way, this day of mourning and remembrance. It's important to realise that, for better or for worse, you do not have the truth about, eleven and I'm talking to literally everyone. The corporate me stream establishment will say that the truth is as described in this report. All of that the conspiracy I will say a whole lot about george w bush and the project for a new american century, and I say to all of you, I think, certainly some
oh maybe more right than others, but you don't have the truth and its for better or for worse. But let me explain: it would be ignorant naive if you believe The government came out united states and said here's exam lee, how we were attacked, how they bypassed our security and hit the pentagon yeah? So a lot of people? Don't like the story, I mean there. The few frames released thanks too to judicial watch showing that the striking of the pentagon many it clear. I don't think it shows a plane, I'm not saying no plane hit the I'm not saying anything like that. I'm saying I I look at this video and I'm like I. I can't see anything dude I don't talk about, but there many people think it's a conspiracy, an inside job or whatever, and my answer is just the pentagon got hit. There's a way. Video D, the? U S, government comes out and says hello world here is how we got attacked successfully, never gonna, when we deal with security here at tim cast an eye,
people like what happened with this, like we're, never gonna, say because we're not go to expose how people committed crimes against us because we don't want to expose gary. it would be stupid and insane to think that the government- gotta. Just tell you exactly how it all went down, but that doesn't mean it was a grand conspiracy, sorry guys you know. A lot of people talk about world trade center salmon in the region, as the video shows it. Crumple center than false fall down and most people Don't even know that if you ask him, three buildings collapsed on on nine eleven world trade. There's one two and seven now seven's follows strange because it wasn't it plain and the official report is that fires started due to falling debris, and then I think I was I what pain, gas tanks are bursting at it destroyed a lot about the support columns resulting in a collapse, which is shocking, has never happened before? A lot of people are very legitimate questions about this, but
what it is. I'm only saying this, I'm not here to entertain any theory or idea other than no one knows the truth, because it would be insane to think the government's going to tell you how we got attacked I'll, just put it that let's carry on with the politics of the space. It's interesting that just the other day, we learned Kamel era say that she is preparing to service president and now she's the one at the nine eleven memorial. Could it be that no joke, but it is not long for this position and thus they meet. They need to put Kamel harris in prominent situations, so she becomes more recognizable. I don't think it. Work, but here's the story. Cobble harris on sunday declared herself ready to assume the presidency if it ever behooved her to do so, but you also made it up, to dismiss opponents political tax. That Joe Biden is too old to seek a second term asked on CBS his face, the nation, whether shoe
prepared to serve as commander in chief in case Biden, became unable to carry out its duties. Harris said, yes, I am, if necessary, but Joe Biden is gonna, be fine and let me tell you something: I work with Joe Biden every day no I completely disagree- is a big story right now, we're apparently Joe Biden, rambling about dog, faced pony soldiers and are like our eye, slow down our old man and they shot him down. He may not be having any mitch Mcconnell moments, but spare me dude. Nobody thinks Joe Biden is, is I say no, but I mean most people most people reject the idea that he can keep doing his job. Most Democrats want someone younger yeah now not interested harris who would become the first woman to serve as? U s vice of? U, president, if Biden could not complete an elected term told faced the name host margaret Breton that it would being novel experience for her to make history in such a fashion but the house she was the first woman elected as district attorney of san francisco and as general
attorney general of California. Let's just stop and reflect on how things are going over in california right now. She may be the first woman but I'm not sure the state of California is something she wants to brag about ass. He was therefore california I represent one in eight americans before becoming the country's first ever female. Vice president, listen, this is not new. There is nothing new about that. Harris's defence of qualifications and of buttons vitality come Republicans it the incumbent eighty year old, democratic president age, to be fair, donald trump, has also nearing his eighties, so yeah they're, all old, Why do people are wondering who is going to be? The president are twenty? Twenty four will trump win? Will Biden win if it is Biden running? Is it going to be carmilla as vp, and does it really even make sense? Well, my friends, we have this from tim cast out. Come now, some denies speculation. He will enter twenty twenty four race insists hair
is biting successor, the california governors he and the vice president had x and extraordinarily I was working relationship gallop the governor Gavin newsome insisted vice president Kamel Harris would succeed. President Joe Biden as the democratic front runner twenty twenty four presidential election should the President end or be unable to continue the california governor also denied any speculation he may enter the twenty twenty four presidential, How do you get cobble harris out of the way nuisance better than harris now, a whole lot. California doing all too well, but if we're talking about playing policy and look at it pulls and all that, I don't see Carmella Harris as being up with it's not a possibility who no one's going to vote for her. It's bad enough. You've got Joe Biden, but I think most people who voted Biden and Harris were just voting against trump. This time around. I think trump
improved quite a bit, and this suggests that they're gonna need given newsome Mr Harris going to pull it off. take a look at this from five thirty eight, let's grab the latest poles and right now it looks neck and neck. We ve got poles ending September fifth, and we can see that trump wins. One Biden wins one trump wins one Bite it I'm sorry bite, it is yet, but it is losing two to three and three of the five poles Trump is ahead and buy a lot. Four point, six point: five points: when Biden does do well in the polls he's only by two points we have accepted, and then these are premise. This is a change research and then for poles from premise. We then have some september forth filled in wealth and strategies and mourning counselled redfield, both Polls have trump up winning by one point. Two points more council with more voters has bite.
winning by five and three points, but we go back to august. Thirty. First abiden loses everybody. He lose to try He ties with the sad as he loses. The christy its rama swami. I don't believe that he loses got pants, Hayley antwerp and then the recipes poles, I think, take a look at the data right now and it is fair especial When you look at cnn, Joe Biden is not favoured and now I dont know what this means for common harris. I mean entirely possible that these pulsar are gonna be meaningless. Joe Biden will be forced to bow out PAMELA harris will take a lead role in a lot of efforts like we're already seeing now with nine eleven Joe Biden's in the background. doing what basically a vp does travelling in giving speeches, while the president goes to the nine loving memorial to address the nation, but they are commonly herriston right after she said. I am ready to take this job. Could Joe Biden. Beyond the way out, perhaps but here's predicted
this one very, very funny. I don't know man, the prediction markets have donald trump at thirty, one sense to Joe Biden. forty three cents, you then got rawness had us with ten cents gather decent with seven. From a swamp with six and comma harris with for his fascinating the predict market thinks, Biden, gonna, win idleness, crazy Kamel Harris's losing to vague newsome, andy santas, so if Joe Biden bows out, the prediction markets will have four different republicans as the front runner, not even the vice president, herself now I love this one from seed in politics trouble. Explaining exactly how wild and extreme his second term would be. Oh how why the extreme, it will be out here for baby
We sold a bunch of those revenge shirts. If you haven't seen it go to TIM, caste dot, com click store, and I you know what actually I'll just do. This I will go there and show you because we sold a whole bunch of these ones that the trump revenge image and how to make sure it's very, very clear for all of you, the are all the revenge, stickers and shirts and sweaters the image is free to use. We do not own the rights to it, it his art, imitating the obama hope poster. We posted the group, the file on twitter. I said means anyone keys for anything they want. We are not doing this because when we want to profit, we show make it easily available because we think the images hilarious, botz, yes, trump, revenge, cnn, Donald trump is conjuring as most foreboding vision, yet the possible second term calling supporters in the language resident in the run up to the january six mob attack on the was capital, but then you to fight like hell over there.
was their country? I think it's really funny that he said that or that I'm sorry that they wrote that, because we're not calling it an insurrection, any more, there were we'll escalation from the four times indicted ex president came at a rally in south dakota on Friday night. Where accused is possible. Twenty twenty four opponent, Joe Biden of ordering, is indictment on ninety one charge across for criminal cases. There has ever been a darkness around our nation, like there is now trump said, and it is still being speech. which he accused democrats of allowing an invasion of migrants. southern border, ahead of trying to restart covert hysteria. Let's fact check baby, why here is the new york times all right. I got a near time story right here. It says bite in response to trumps indictment for ways to say no common. Ok, let's see surgeon. He also what's the site, let's read the first paragraph one about
The binding justice department, with what the Biden just farmer will do, is at the department of justice be the department justice. Mr Biden said let them make the judge of who should be prosecuted. They My lawyers- they are not my personal lawyers, but it does have opinions. I am reading you I won't make. It is clear of her I'm from the new york times in the past MR batten, privately told his clothes circle of advisers at mister truck, pose a threat to democracy and should be proud. Secured for his role and the events of january six. According to two people from it with his comments here so told confidence that he wanted a g merrick garland to stop acting like a ponderous judge and take decisive action. That is to say they may be dancing around think about it a little bit, but they are exploit. Lee telling us Biden said trot, must be prosecuted. Merrick and be more decisive.
We simply said our award winning home security, has advanced sensors, hd cameras, and now this twenty four seven lifeguard protection, only from simply say monitoring agents can see and speak to intruders through our indoor camera to help stop crime in real time and for fast police response now get fifty percent off. Any new system puts best protect monitoring at simplisafe, dot com, slash spotify, advanced home security, twenty four, seven professional monitoring for less than a dollar a day. There's no safe, like simply safe. You know what that means when your, when your boss tells you that Merrick garland is effectively I'll, be I'll, be fair, effectively instructed to indict donald trump. No, no, I know buddy the charges trump faces are not federal ones but he's got the classified documents federal and there's the g there. There are, I think, some of the charge at the federal level are. over january six, and then you have
georgia, which has very egregious. Tell you what worrying that in georgia, the grand jury voted to indict loftier, purdue and grand three republican senators. That's crazy!. That's really crazy and I dont know I do. I do think muffler lost I been a whilst I tracked, who is representing out of georgia, can in a war one, but but graham you, you wanna, put republican senators in prison they tried the diego has it made any moves yet so many people are saying that that day is not bringing charges with yet to bring charges. Let's play this video benny Johnson treated this. Let's play this video you're, a predecessor who is about to launch another campaign. So how do you reassure them if that is the reason for their questioning that
The former president will not return that his political movement, which is still very strong, will now yet again take power and well. We just have to demonstrate that he will not take power via if we, if he does run making sure he under legitimate efforts of our constitution, does not become the next president again He didn't say we're gonna win an election job. In sad, will use legitimate efforts of the constitution to make sure he does not take power. What does that mean we have to demonstrate? He will not take power if he does run, they are saying. If trump wins, They will do everything in their power to stop him from becoming president, even if elected, consider what that means. There indicting trump over his efforts to overturn the
action or whatever, and I are expressing their intent to do quite literally the exact same thing: they try to find a gonna taken off the ballot. Several states have already done so Joe Biden saying this if there is clear evidence of an effort by the sitting, president to subvert the constitution and this country, that's what he said unto the legitimate efforts constitution, because he knows what he is saying defies it. Added that caveat changes nothing. This is where we are a mature Joe Biden, but what's gonna be commonly harris. Things are getting interesting to say the least, but it is a curse. They say, May you live in interesting times is not intended to be a nice thing to say, but my friends, it's always interesting times
nope. We may have been born in this golden age. Most of us, not all of us were we had the nineties and there were. There was conflict. There was crisis, but it was a lot more chill because the soviet union was collapsing had collapsed, but for a lot of people are parents, they grew up during the cold war, the fear of nuclear bombs dropping the cuban missile crisis c'mon the world is always in some kind of crisis, there's always some kind of conflict. The question is: what will be ours? Our great challenge. So, of course it's happening, because there's always something happening. You know, I don't. I don't know how it plays out, only tell you that Joe Biden seems to be stepping back and- and I am not going to than another memorial was- was you know, surprising unsurprising at the same time, we'll see molly with their necks segments coming up at four p m on this channel thanks, frank, it out and I'll see you well, then, I'm sure from most of you not a day
goes by. We don't see some video of a smash and grab a raid by a group of masked criminals storming into a store stealing whatever they want their Once again, it was another nord stream. It just keeps happening it's getting worse. Now we have this protest happening, because a woman and her accomplices, worse stealing, from a liquor store, tried to flee. When the police tried to stop her, she tried to kill the police officer, so he shot her. She died. Two horrifying story but all of this contributes to what's happening now in response to this woman's attempted murder on the life of a police officer pro. Testers have started marching, saying that it was unjust, as if people should loud to steal from wherever they want and then, if they get caught, try to kill the cop yeah. Sorry, the carpet a right to defend himself and the cap has duty to stop someone from robbing a store is actually three women. We now have this head.
from Oregon live nike to permanently closed portal factory store business district, says, ah that's just too bad Portland but here's the story of course the official narrative you'll get from the corporate presses. We just don't understand why they're doing this, but they actually reported in the story. Nike went the police and said we need special detail for the crime that is happening here and the police said. No sorry, sir, we can provide you with special security, so nike said we done, and the shutting down here, nike will close its community store in north east portland permanently it told the neighbourhood business did district on friday, the soul, district business association set in a news released at the community dealt a major economic blow. After nike final
its plan to close and vacate the store at twenty six. Fifty northeast martin luther king, DR boulevard nike, confirm its plans in a statement to the oregon and said the company was re, imagining Nicky's retail space and considering for you're locations as part of this community's long term? Revitalization plan yeah they're, saying everything's, going to wrap and we're out the footwear and apparel store had been mostly closed to the public. For most of here. and had it been unclear whether the closure is temporary or permanent. John, why shaped and executive director of the soul. Business different association said that he is a letter to nike roughly a month ago asking what the status of their store, which at that point has been closed for more than six months or closure was starting to impact the small businesses in the area who were telling, they were getting less and less foot traffic and business was not going well. That prompted me to ask nike what their intentions were Let me just pause right there and say: I'm not so sure it's nice
shuts their store down, so customer stop showing up. I don't think nike was the draw for wiping would go shopping in an area to be fair, it does matter in shopping districts and malls when one store closes. It does reduce overall foot traffic, fair point, but I think the real who is crime is so bad. Nobody wants to go there anymore, washing to setting like earlier this week about this, status and the snigger come responded with news of its closure during zoom meeting ward stores closing landed like a lead. Balloony said why goes down a flagship store that has supported black portland for over forty years. It was an economic dry in this area- and we should be looking at the long term impact of that closure here, you go, ladies and gentlemen in february, nike made a request to mayor ted, wheeler and city officials to detail off duty police officers to provide security at the community's store. There's office. However, mixed the request for police attendants mayor
add wheeler said misshapen friday, but he was very disappointed with the news of the nike committee stores closure. His team and city staff have worked tirelessly and in good faith, nike for almost a year offer, creative solutions to their safe, de challenges- ah, let's just let us give a rod of applies to portland safety challenges. Is that what you call violent crime? I love it ultimately The city cannot offer nike or any other private business with dedicated off duty. Portland police officers the staffing shortage, this green list or had been a staple in its portland neighbourhood since it opened in nineteen. Eighty four, portland civil rights in education activist ron, Herndon and the black united front work with making the is to bring the brands first ever factory store on martin luther king, dr boulevard Herndon said all the store not only said the store not only hard workers from the neighborhood, but also invested all profits from sales into their black community into portance black community-
Obviously I was disappointed to hear that this was. Going to be able to reopen the store that they that they wasn't going to be able to open this door as it was a grammatical so that they weren't, I think, Mr Ivan. The failure of leadership, but city hall. I just believe faults I don't have the skill or creativity to address major issues that impact not only the black community but all of portland safety when it wouldn't which safety challenges the safety challenges Oh man, well, you know, that's it that that's it the sneaker giant eta. Those providing employs the store with options to continue to be a part of the nike family yeah. Well, here you go from the daily mail, this, all towns in america that are disbanding their police forces. Amid staffing crisis and blue mean drop in morale after pandemic and george floyd protests are right,
he's in gentlemen. I give you the thread from Andy. No, he says new surveillance, video of talk here young in the moment before death and the columbus ohio area have been released. They show the pregnant woman. The longer we ve stealing liquor before leaving with two female places. I certainly hope she wasn't drinking the liquor while pregnant, but neither here nor there hundreds be a lamb protesters gathered for a demonstration in columbus ohio following the death of two key young to hire a pregnant alcohol thefts aspects, backed was shot of driving into an officer to escape ya. That was here's a quote in April. Twenty one two key: a young was arrest, suspicion of speeding and driving high on drugs. She allegedly Nord commands to exit the vehicle and said she hated white people when she was arrested, quote young was you're in the back of my patrol car
it began yelling that she had done nothing wrong and that she hated white people. Well, ok, there's video right you're! Actually, I'm not gonna it on youtube. Sorry guys you can go to Andy knows twitter, follow any no on twitter for more information like this more news like this, and I and watch the videos you so choose, but I'll tell you the video shows, a woman in her car attempting to murder a police officer, end of story Your window of opportunity is opening, but is your business ready for? What's coming? Be good surprises, tat, bad surprises, ready, be new markets, no problems ready, be paved family. Leave, ready, be ready with essay p s. If you dont last be ready. That's it I'm not on up. I'm not play games. If there is a man standing in front of your car, saying, don't don't move and you hit the gas, that's attempted murder. The only reason this cops alive is probably because he pulled his weapon any shudder. I wish she d
not die. It is a horrifying story, but my friends, the world is imperfect, a person woman and her friends were still in both from a liquor store at a cop tried to stop her. She tried to kill the cop over a few bottles of liquor. Let me stress This one more time, this woman over only a couple of bottles of liquor, wanted to murder a police officer. I feel bad for the scot. I feel bad for her should a died, but I'm sorry it only go so far. You choose to kill a cop over a couple bottles a liquor. I want to stress that to end this woman thought these bottles of liquor were worth killing that cop, it's insane. Just absolutely insane. Do let the bottles go. That's so crazy, that's just so crazy man
Is you hear stories about a dude others? One story where a guy goes into a bank that he holds up the bank for a dollar and that patiently sits and waits down for the police who arrest him. That was because he had cancer and he couldn't get the treatment, but he knew that for the prison. They would be forced to treat him like a horrifying story like that. He didn't try killing anybody, but he created a very serious risk of desperation. Hear stories like that: you're, like man, your stories of people, stealing cars, they're hungry your stories of people stealing, because well they want money, but how much? How much is it? What is it worth for you to train, kill someone? That's the craziest thing here: I'm going
Say it for the fifth time I think forth. This woman thought the couple bottles of booze that she stole was worth more than the life of a police officer. She was willing to murder a police officer for couple bottles of booze, just crazy man. It's just crazy, but Chris, exist and some people are depraved and some people are merciless in some people are ruthless, this woman. I see it, I see a depraved merciless killer, but she died and she was pregnant and they blame the victim. The police officer is the victim, the store, the victim. You have this woman and her friends, victimizing locals in the community and then trying to murder a police officer and the protesters march for them.
So when I hear that a nike is just is having safety challenges. As the democrat government explains, I'm like oh okay, blame the victim nike, who I am not a fan of fleeing because of threats to their safety arc are blamed, but your hurting the economy. By doing this, why would you do it bro you're, a I'm not going to stand here and help you when, when, when you are allowing this crime and this violence, these people protest for this? How sick and depraved, as that this woman was willing to murder a cop over a couple bottles abuse and we're lucky. He survived watch the video here. He's his in standing for the car sang out of the vehicle now because she stole, and he should do that, its duty to protect the victims. She robbed and chief hits the gas and he immediately fires honour. I wish
after I wish you could have jumped out of the way I wish you could have rolled on the had been fine, but it is ever the victims fault when they defend themselves. Sorry. When you choose to commit murder, people have a right to protect themselves, as people are growth, but you get it. You understand why what's happening and we'll see I saw story now they're saying that they're gonna bring facial recognition of supermarkets. Yet this is why mass living but leave it there next segments coming up at six p m in this channel. Thank sprang out and I'll see you all them. so a bunch of communists got together, burned american flags jason all deem concert and said we That in a small town and well well, they're not cause chicago's, not a small town. They did do this in a small town going. It's funny that the song was so popular like I know, but
fine jason, I d nor the song but yeah- I just want to point out this stuff does happen in small towns. You just don't here about it, and this idea that, like there are these tough guys who are like yeah you're not going to come into my neighborhood. No, no, no! Okay! La La la! I agree. With the general idea much at a rag on it, because it is mostly true. I'm just saying like. you know you want you want to be more humble. I guess what I'm trying to say: you go around saying stuff like tried that one in a small town and they will try to do a small town red when you're being attacked you, don't you like you. I guess my my view, as you dont want to come out of a situation where you brag about some because maybe maybe that's why we knock out. Would that's it? That's what I'm trying to say you say: don't Don't try that or try that one in a small town knock on wood, because you don't actually want them to do it. You don't want them to start targeting your areas. Let them wreak havoc where they live. Where people don't want cops around
I'd be fair in most small towns, you're not get away with us. I talk about a quite a bit. You bring stuff up the mountain where I met and above right wing that jobs are going to come out and it's not gonna go well, and I say that as a term of endearment because they literally call themselves right wing that jobs as a joke and if these far left you whatever communist showed up after the most you'll be left alone. But if you start acting out burning smashing looting whatever it's not gonna go well, but the reality is. These people are trying to do this in small towns shocking moment. Communist revolutionaries burn american. Lags outside jason, chaldeans, chicago concert, while mocking his song, they say yes jason aldean, one of the activists. The chicago tribune. We will try that in a small town we will try that in a big city, and we will try right in front of you azerbaijan. I should point out nobody cared If you do in Chicago because they voted for it, Obviously, there are some people in Chicago who don't like it, but to bed
it's a city, you live in, it's what you you get what you vote for now. Look my friends. I know but there is an argument d made for saving your cities, but I got a point out. I can respect it when people are like. I can't leave my family's here and I can't leave them. I get it, but I want to do the fire analogy again if you're buildings on fire, if a fire starts in your kitchen, I will not fall to you for run, I grabbed the fire extinguisher and running back in if the fire grows, and now it's like a large fire in your kitchen. I will not fault you if you get your garden hose and try to put the fire out at a certain point. However, when the fire spreads, I would be surprised, if you're like I'm staying here, I believe dude, you, you gotta leave. That point is ok, but you fire fighters,
there's a few that there are reasons to go inside a burning building saving lives. I get that and then typical. You want to fight the fire from outside, so I don't know exactly what the solution is right. I know it's not it's not fair to compare cities to fires at the same thing or crime to fires or whatever. But when someone says to me you know, like I'm divorced and my kids are here and I can't leave so I can't I'm going to stay on like that. I get you know like that would be, a burning building and there's a fire in the kitchen and you're, like my kids, are in here, but I'm out, and I totally understand someone running into a burning building to save their their family most or even their pets and their pets. I totally get that. I totally get that is about twenty people gathered outside of credit union. One amphitheatre intently part is part of a protest led by revolution, club chicago afar. Our group that calls for a revolution against capital capitalism. I think this is probably related to rev. Come their shirts. Look very much this, it's the revolution. Yet rough comes right. There come on
the revolutionary communist party, they they wear like jack boots and they march, and it's it's really the fringes, Funniest thing you'll ever see to protest. They show up with, like fifteen people too, like every protest, and are all wang revolutionary communist stuff. I then they'll start marching, left right, left and then you're like watching loved. You do like some twenty year old white. Do there's like up. I think that organization there's a lot of black people involved, I don't know if it's put particular to this this group, but I think there is a huge racial component to it, not complete, but you'll see a lot of like young white college age. You know people letters johnny and weak. Doing a little marching thing. It's it's really cringe, but are they say, protect. His aim is to raise awareness of the revolutionary communist party an organisation which advocates for a marxist revolution in america, the rise in the usa, the belly of the beast. It's really funny one, two three
for slavery, genocide and war. Five, six, seven, eight america was never great. They chanted doesn't police officers urged the group to move on and one I had to use a fire extinguisher to put out one of the burning flags, so grand g dude. It's such cringe watching these. These people do this, but I have a funny story for you guys about rev come and and and how they operate out works I was in new york during a protest, and there was an organization that showed up called like refuse fascism or something use. Fascism was just some like branding of rev, come I whom everybody knew it be. They're the same signs and flags and people from rev com cobbler holding them up, but I see a bunch people show up to this. anti, fascist rally. This was like just before Donald trump. I, like that, I think you might have been actually might have enduring donald trump after get elected these people protesting and on their filming of my go pro the gimbal really really cool way to film,
and our judges are found and enable, but I'm on top people, and then I see this one woman who is like you know, protest anger, whatever at all hey. Do you mind if I ask you some questions I chair? What's up and I was like you explain what you're doing here like? What's the protest about and she's we're here to protest, fascism, blah blah blah, and then I asked her I said: is this in support of communism or are you are you are you with the communist party at you? It, though, are you with fact news and I was like no and she was like. Why question your tricking mean or something like this- and I was like I was like refuse fashion is was started by the revolutionary communist party. I'm not saying you're kind of them asking you if you're here with them or not, and then she was like this fox news, I'm out here. This is fox news and I was like what what just happened you show up to protest with the revolutionary communist party. Lady and I come ask you about it, you freak out. That is the cult that is
rain, washing that we see at these events, these people, dull red they dont, know they don't pay attention, men and it said really, but we have a plan with plant I don't know, but it actually put off, but the idea is out there. and you may be sure to find some more rich people who can help me up a come on guys come on man. You know, I often talk about capitalism. We love capitals, where the rich people to win the culture war and defend your very way of life, because, right now it's my understanding. Giant statue of london is for they'll in seattle. Sixteen feet tall and private property ass. They wanted like two hundred fifty thousand dollars for it and out nobody's ever bought it And I'm sitting here, I'm hanging out with the boys. You know we're on to him cast thy rl and I said we should buy this thing and desecrate it and Phil Labonte here is laughing saying, like yeah
Yes, yes, and so what I would really like the ideas that we topple it and then build a chicken coop over it half buried or something so the chickens, roost above it and crap all over it and it just drenched in in chickens fees. but like because three hundred grand and that's if they're still even selling it. But my question is like error, the ultra rich to just do this stuff, here's a cool fact across dial can stick out its tongue. Another call fact you and get short term health insurance for a month or just under a year in some states united, healthcare short term insurance plans are designed for people who are between jobs coming off their parents plan or turning aside hustle into a full time, gig Underwritten by golden rule insurance company, they offer flexible budget friendly coverage with access to a nation, wide network of doctors and hospitals.
We're cool facts about united healthcare short term plans that you each one dot com. So it's like! Ok, technically we hear tempests could buy it for that price, but it would hurt really bad. It's like we. We we we're not that well off, but I know I know that there are people out there who are making like fifty million a year. It's like bro c'mon, just just drop a dime on that on that statue pick it up. Let's knock it over. You know: there's like the idea we could crowd fund buying the stature of lenin and an desecrated. it's like yeah, but I don't, the idea of having other people moderate, something that somebody would own like that, right is cut as its its fairly communist it now. But the idea that, like I would logic of funding, Is there and then be like everyone pitch in, so that we can buy the statue and then I own a statue or three inner grand? It's like I, I to do that. I got it. I don't want people just give me. annie. For that I mean I guess I I guess it makes sense
You know when you remember at tim, cassius supporting our work directly could attempt s accomplish, join us. The money you give is going exactly things like this. You know what I mean, so maybe I should do it. People have been messaging me, nonstop begging me to do it poorly I was like: maybe we do a fundraiser and we, but but the statue was gifted to the victim. of communist communism memorial. I dont No, they would want to be a crass and crude as we are because I would want to like really desecrate this thing. Just like red of really really desecrate debts, I don't know it, they would want to do it if they would wanted at all. They might say no, thank you, but tom, you know. Maybe we do it. Maybe we should. am I at least got to reach out to see who owns it and see if they're willing to sell it? It's also, then transport. So I think we're looking at some serious costs here, it's like three and grand for the statue and then
what you think is going to cost a ship, a statue that weighs several tons of bronze or something it's sixteen feet tall huge, that's going to be a hefty transport and then what do we do with it? I was thinking like you know, bring it to arrange or something, and then people can shoot at it as long it's done properly and safely. I'm saying, but before we put it the chicken coop- I maybe maybe it maybe I should explore that the we're working on that. I really really really want to do as an anti times square in martinsburg west virginia. So we're gonna be talking with chef, Andrew gruel about a cousin, t's diner, a papa jack's pizza, shack. We got casper, coffee house and the ideas that we just wait. We create this parallel economic communal space and I think that will be that will generate a lot of tourism. It will, bolster the parallel economy at and allow us to say no to yes, she. So we got plans the fight back against these communists, and you know what they can stand for the bill.
things and burn all their little flags or whatever that's fine. I think it's illegal, so I would recommend it, but they're not gonna affect any real change. You were going to do we're going to by statues of lenin and desecrate them, which well to be fair, is about as stupid as burning the flag. If you ask me, but meaningful, symbolic, more so than just a flag being burned again. Never would open businesses and that matters leave it there. Next segments coming up at eight p m over at youtube com slashed him cast. I r l thanks for hang out and I'll, see you well then,. so this woman is in the typical young person, I'm gonna move to bali, which is just I'm not trying to be mean to this young woman. She's been victimized. It's a really sad story around a player video for you, but dot this. deal like you can just gonna play. In flight of bali and just do these things is really remarkable when you think about how far we have come as ace as a species in our back in the day. Hundreds of years ago, people in europe were alike,
life here is bad and I want to go somewhere else anywhere is better than this someone's like. How would you like to go on about where we have a twenty percent chance of death sailing for three months and if we find make it to land there'll be literally nothing there and you'll have to start building from scratch After that many of you will starve to death. Winter will comment, oh boy, and they like that sounds awesome and they went for it today. like this young woman's like I'm moving to bali, so I got a plane ticket, but then, like someone stole my bag, and it's just like it shouldn't happen to you, you know I'm not ragging on her have her pervert. The victim August say it's like it's really a testament to where we are. The problem we face is our strong. Travel halfway across the world in a couple of days delay but an island paradise, I'm half getting, but it's like that. I got robbed and I can't it's really five ultimate. Let me play the venue for issuing where she breaks this all down yet the san francisco, so what you get
I got to fix the yard. I always do that with the audio guys. I item- and all I have with me, is what I have on in this hot and that like tiny person with actually nothing in it, my computer, my ipad, my airpods, my bose over the ear headphones. All of my clothes, my prescriptions, my retainer, my passport, my passport legitimately everything I own was taken. So I got here to San Francisco. Two days ago, I got a rental car had a long layover before moving on, I was moving to bali
all myself, everything to move there with me got a rental car was driving around parked this morning in and out, I was kind of hung over, went out with my friends last night hard to get a burger and fries, and when I was in there for four minutes, just getting take out like grabbing something and going I'm up at the counter literally ordering and someone goes who has the jeep outside I'm like, I do and they're like someone's stealing all your stuff. I run out there and this is what I see four masked guys with ski masks on grabbed all of my stuff out of the car smashed, the windows obliterated this rental car that I had and took all my stuff and now because I don't have my passport, I obviously can't leave the country and fly to bali and I'm like what the heck so now, I'm just flying back to boston. So I did a police report, the whole thing, and now the police office,
I said that they found one of my suitcase is on the side of the highway, with clothes like strewn all about around and so stay to closer, just like fly around on the highway right now, so that passport That's a lot of money, those those passports and american passport can go. Go big! Look man! I don't think this lady knows at all what's happening around the country. I was just on the story earlier in the week cause I like to I like to play poker, if you don't know, have a lot of fun playing texas hold'em, but it's it's. It's mostly just hanging out the boys and having conversation and stuff like that, there was one dude there. I was talking to him and I he asked me how things are going with the business, and I just mentioned like politically things are good crazy and was like, oh, I don't pay attention at all to any of that stuff and I'm just like one day so you're like. Is this the crazy thing yo? This should not have happened to this woman,
kay anybody who is paying attention it was going to this country knows that san francisco is this. You park your car their weight. if they smash your windows out and they're gone in thirty seconds, every one knows, but if you're not paying attention to the news, if you're being drowned by democrat or corporate media propaganda, Don't know this is happening and I don't know why they don't tell you, but these. action, grabs, keep happening and they're getting crazier and crazier and crazier you had a cnn crew get robbed. So what are you gonna? Do? Don't leave your stuff in your car, it's gotten that Add now we're alma out west virginia, you: don't have to worry about that never had an issue parking my car anywhere out here, having to worry about anyone smashing anything and it's actually quite easy to cause. I was up in maine as well and at risk we went to so that companies are going out to the outer banks for labour day
and it's really amazing what these areas are alike. When there's low crime. people and you know notice. It is mostly rich people and I think it's because if what we Why steal a bike when you're worth a million dollars, but If some of these areas, doors are left wide, open cars are unlocked, bikes are just laying up against the wall and I'm like nobody will take it. But then you look at san francisco and things get interesting despite all of the Wealth. I think it's. I think it's it's opportunity, it's it's You know you have this area where we have a lot of rich people at a lot of poor people versus the suburban areas or other places with lotta rich people. if you go to somewhere like the outer banks and north carolina, mostly tourists in the people working the industry, so there's not a whole lot to worry about terms of getting robbed. To be honest, but you live in San Francisco. You got a tunnel rich people, a ton of poor people and that's a recipe for disaster, add on top affluent whitefish,
Well, liberals! In their voting patterns, sorry I mean it's it's it. It is predominantly affluent white female liberals who are voting in this direction, but there are about forty percent of males who vote this direction as well, and you end up with policies with that will get you wrapped up. This hope this young women here's this, I'm not! I'm not think hears me, I'm saying here's the news and here is the reasoning behind it. And so we stop with this stuff. Ok, oh here you go and wide pity to cut overtime as big apple feels budget pinch of migratory. see a more more defined the police. More more chaos, more crime, more victims, And then it's going to be you No! What you do! I know that the people who watch my videos, eighty percent- boots the crazy, We are also socket afresh and fit if you guys know them.
And they were saying that women don't have hobbes and I'm just like. Maybe the women you hang out with brow, that's funny! fresh and fed up, and there are like no. These are like regular, but I'm like, I think it's like the women you're picking bots, to be fair. I think, generally speaking, this probably something too. what they're saying and the reason for that is. I've tracked data for a lot of different industries throughout my day for a variety of reasons, and you tend to find philip patient is usually very, very low, and so when they- but I have hobbes they mean the plurality or majority of women don't have hobbes or your more likely to run to women who doesn't have a hobby than you are one who does not like. Ok, that makes, so is basically saying- is I've what they were, was that date will bring women on the show and will be alike. So what do you do for fun? Mobility go out and what you mean go out and there, like. I go out my friends like what to do. What, like what you doing
and just like what I dunno we go to a bar or something, though see guys, will be like I ride. My bike sight drive race cars that they have hobbies, but this makes sense like hobbies, are a dude thing. You go to the poker room. You'll find like to eighty per cent guys for real. You go on youtube, abe's and gas matters of x, colonel interest. It would seem are probably like object, oriented things. Women do these things to I'm, not they don't understand the tendency among men. So how do we get women. Who vote in large numbers to be active participants. this is this is the big issue that I see across the board. I certainly think women should vote. Ass. I am not one of those repeal the nineteenth people, but I think the issue as if women are not watching the news, then what are they voting on their voting on what their friends tell
that's something that the Republicans need understand, but I look at the republican party as the rigid I do. It really does come down to lighten gender republic. We have more men. Democrats have more women, it's crazy. You look at odd. There is an article on the hill Rapid expansion, morality, economic crisis, forget worker shortage, get got at what, if a celebrity buys the company depends on who it is, but we're get. What if a global internet outage sends us back to the stone age. Forget things can change the world of work, see the world turns into one of those zombie shows which one any of em relax we ve got. It pay from hr to payroll, ATP designs forward. Thinking, solutions to take on the next anything ATP always designing for people can see a twelve great boys are skewing. Conservative
of great girls are suing. Ah liberal and it's interesting it's the way in which we communicate there's a meme that, whenever a dude takes up you have something it's the object, but a woman will be standing next to it or in front of it s really interesting that they do that women, we totally understand why they do it and men totally don't understand at all? It's like. Don't you want to See this. these sunglasses? Why are you hold like it's a picture of success or picture of you holding them because do their object, oriented and there focused on externalities and women are subject, orient oriented and their focused on internet please. So anyway, as for the crime and what this woman experienced, I think, surprise
dove women are haven't, have have are likely, I'm sorry are less likely than men to be active participants in politics and news and culture. They of course, are missing. They aren't, but it could be like fifty one to forty nine and thus you end up with voting patterns among female. That makes things worse or or I should say their policies are all wrong. That's what I'm saying I'm saying if Europe, if your voting at a policy with incomplete information, it may have an unintended counts, What's so like a yossi support of cashless bail, I agree with wild good night and the problems that will arise with it. But there are lots of people just agree with some of these policies that result in more crime. Defunding the police. Without looking at the underlying problems, yo the problem with cops, wasn't they had too much money? If they don't have enough money, cops need to get paid
or there needs to be a real risk to screwing up cops need to have their own skin in the game when it comes to doing things that are wrong. I completely thinks but we need more money for training, more police divisions. That way we don't use it sucks Countries have like civil guard and police and the civil guard come out for, like two guys are yelling at each other. They don't come with guns. You don't need that they'll they'll help traffic control and stuff like this, which the cops for all of it cops are all armed. So I think police need more. But please also need heavy reform and more accountability. I'm not an end. Yes, I'm not a libertarian, I'm not a hard core labour terrible, you know abolishing all police. My attitude is, I think, it's good to have neutral arbiters. I dont think we have that now. I think, to be fixed at being said, if young women keep voting Democrat at which again now to be fair, falling out this lady
she's, she's from Boston, probably democrat, maybe republican. I dunno anyway I'll leave it there. Next segments coming up at one pm on his channel. Thanks for hanging out and I'll see you all, then. Ambitious olympicum clerks particular success. I would on an invisible then that simply forget lessons about bassa, but are you, They're gonna believe, though, that lesson by civilising echo than I was: how did you know that? Because units does that authority in syria public, as you say that I'm in them ass, I was, I don't have only now that I've I've, also wonderingly samples, uti pull. Excuse me hold me that will move you. A bus a second can be as olympia concluded was illustrated. The clerk said well, listen because he on was essential senator, but if you think contact technical quality.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-16.