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AOC HUMILIATED After New Video DEBUNKS Democrats, Proves Daniel Penny Tried To SAVE Jordan Neely


AOC HUMILIATED After New Video DEBUNKS Democrats, Proves Daniel Penny Tried To SAVE Jordan Neely

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Its jesse Kelly here fellows. Are you ready to have a twenty percent increase in your testosterone and ninety days? Ladies You ready to have your brain function, be even better. Are you ready to have more energy raises a lose weight? Are you ready to feel better only While you do all this, you can support a hard core anti communist company and the best part of all this It's all natural, not big farm, a crap, not supporting all these pharmaceutical junk companies, chalk c h, o q fellows. They have a male vitality, stack, nine Today's take it and tell me how you feel ladys female vitality stack. Take it tell me how you feel
I feel like you're, twenty years younger quota c h, o hugh dot tom promo code, TIM get you thirty. Five percent off your subscription get a subscription today c h, o q, dotcom promo code tim make sure it. I got a tin cast dot com click join us and become a member to support this podcast and all the work we do and you'll get access to exclusive uncensored segments from tim cast. I r l and weigh more now, let's jump into the first story. We a lot of crazy stories of this past weekend, but I think the one that matters most is the story that could save an innocent man's life The story about Daniel penny, who put a homeless, violent, individual jordan mealy in a chokehold, ultimately jordan neely dies the left is
calling for prosecution indictment of this man, who is simply trying to defend himself and others, as you may have heard the story last week and over the past week, was that a homeless, Michael Jackson, impersonator was belligerent and threatening passengers saying he would hurt anyone and was prepared to go to jail. Three passengers on that train subdued this man, one of those the visuals, Daniel penny, putting this homeless person and a chokehold. Ultimately, this man, Jordan, nearly died and the left began. Protesting became violent, physically attacked one of our journalists for simply filming the protests seems to make no sense, I mean I'd. Imagine you'd want people to see you protest and, most importantly, Alexandria, o cortez has repeatedly referred to. This is a public murder
demanding action and condemning the individual, who is simply trying to protect himself and the other innocent people who were victimized by this unwell? Individual said the Jordan nearly died? Of course it is. But what is a person to do? The latest update refutes, so much of what the left has been pushing once you get another one of these circumstances like covington, kids or just a small at. Narrative was totally wrong. The post millennial reports full footage. Reveals former marine Daniel penny, putting jordan mealy in recovery position, passengers complementing him. So let me tell you the full story right now. This man was violent and belligerent through. People three individual subdued him and then attempted to save his life. In fact, it was reported. This man was still breathing after being subdued.
Well reports full footage that emerged on social media. The sunday reveal that marine corps better and Daniel penny had placed Jordan nearly any recovery position after subduing him the new york city subway earlier this week Jordan nearly thirty year old, violent, almost man and repeat offender with over forty prior rest dot. On monday after penny, twenty four had power don't chokehold and the afternoon nearly had reply we started be having a radical change on aggression towards other passenger, saying you would hurt people the earth, full footage revealed passengers, complementing penny for taking action It also shows penny and one other person arranging meals body in the recovery position in it to ensure that he would be ok. A passenger offset
can be heard. Saying he'll be all right nearly appears to be moving late in the video and breathing. We have a couple of other stories: a a horrible mass shooting and a man in a car ramming a bunch of emigrants. Once again the left they're trying to push a narrative, as they often do, they're trying to condemn a man like Daniel penny. They are trying to. frame? Everything as though it's racist, and here we are they're, saying that within a week a grand jury could indict daniel penny, and you know what I think. So I really do. I really do think so, and then I do not see how you survive in a city like new york any more, and it's not just about the fact that it is a very, very democrat city. It's just that people are terrified to defy a violent mob. So if it comes to being a juror and said
minnesota and you are walked into a court room where police are lining the streets with rifles and there's mass rioting and, during this trial, there's an occupation of a portion of the city by far left extremists and they, well, which is it whose side are you on the people who all murder you in the streets or the cop. You see it's really that simple I used to use this analogy out quite a bit when it comes to free speech twitter before the purchase of elon musk,
I said a who, do you think they're more worried about dave, reuben and a bunch of classical liberals marching up to twitter hp with pitchforked and crow bars or anti? But I assure you not. A single company in this country in this world is worried about a person like Dave, reuben, a mild, mannered, classical liberal who's, going to say I disagree, but they are worried about masked far left extremists who are going to show up to your place of work and firebomb it as they have been doing So, as a juror being told you can side with those who mercilessly beat you or the cops
I like to come out and say all the cops are bad they're all evil, but sorry as much as there are problems with policing in this country. If you walk up to a cop and yell at him, he's likely not going to beat you now, don't get me wrong. You piss off the wrong cop. You get arrested because not all cops are good people and some cops abuse their authority, but you stop a homeless. person whose violent from attacking people and this model come after you and now, if you're a grand a round the grand jury- and they say, should we indict. You look out the window and what are you going to see far left extremists going like putting their finger over their neck, pointing at you, so you better give us what we want or you're next and that's what everyone's experiencing That's an arco tyranny eo see, that's why I say: she's maliciously evil, because there's when you look at a story like this and think someone like Daniel penny, Daniel Perry, sorry should be
Is it paradise? What have I been? Have I been saying it wrong? Eh, okay, it's written twice daniel penny and perry. I'm like wait what it says penny up there, then it says, says: perry down here. Doesn't it yet says perry whichever one it is? This guy should be going to jail. This guy should be getting an award for heroism for saving people. Don't believe me, here's a story from the new york times woman dies after being pushed onto subway tracks in times square. The police said Michelle go. Forty of manhattan was shoved in front of an r train, as it approached a forty second street platform in manhattan on Saturday morning. I always thought about this. When I lived in new york and chicago for that matter, the subway trains they say watch out, don't fall between the two.
Wait and don't stand too close, don't stand on the yellow part of the platform. A woman was waiting for train, probably leading a normal life ordinary life when a psychotic, violent homeless man for no reason murdered her. When was this one's a story from January fifteenth, twenty twenty two updated october, eighteenth, twenty twenty two, whereas, whereas a o c? Where was she to come out and say that this must stop? We cannot live this way. Nor are we found a gas in a horrifying instant. A man walked up to a forty year old woman waiting for the subway in times square on Saturday morning and shoved her to the tracks as a train screeched into the station killing her the attack, which appear to be random,
the police said had been committed by a man with a history of mental illness, who may be may have been homeless immediately brought new urgency to several of the city's most pressing concerns a rise in some forms of violent crime in areas including the subway, a debate about how to deal with the hundreds of homeless people who seek refuge there and a transit system in desperate financial straight struggling mightily to lure back writers. Not so sure I care about that that last one. My concern is protesters call for charges against Daniel penny. Man who placed jordan neely into chokehold think about the world, They are trying to give you people like a yossi. Let me show you her tweets. Here's one abc tweeted on may. Sixth, despite what fox wants you to believe being afraid of an unarmed person is not a reason to kill them. We should now
except a society where such rational becomes normal, especially when powerful incentives exist in politics and media to keep people afraid of each other, like certain which says actually babbitt was unarmed, interesting point: what is a yossi trying to say you see we had lance from the serfs on the show last week and he kept trying to push this lie. It's a manipulation right, he said, was The actions of Daniel penny Proportional- and I said yes of course- and he said so you'd think if someone is belligerent that a train you can kill them, you see what they do. It's I genuinely believe its evil. That's possible. Lance is just a cog, mindlessly echoing what said to him by the left that seem to have been a component of some of his hour,
it's like when he said, forced birth over and over again- and I'm like. I don't know what that means. The baby has to come out a little in one way or the other. What are you talking about? Forced birth babies already there. I want you to abortion debate, but the point here is Daniel. Penny did not kill this man. This man died in a fight with another man after he instigated it So is a big difference. The implication is that when they say something when they frame it is, though you is proportional to kill a man the location is that Jordan nearly got on the train and started threatening people that Daniel penny thought to himself. This man must die and then said he was going to take those actions. That's not what happened Breathe some life into your own back yard, with fast growing trees, dot com, this spring. From shade the fresh fruit to privacy and natural beauty. Let fast growing tree Dot com help you plant your dream garden with there, sport advice and fast, reliable shipping fast.
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were sent off your entire order get fifteen, were sent off at fast growing trees dot com, slash pool. Three individual sought to stop a violent, and well individual and then tried to save his life. Is it proportional? Yes, To subdue a man who is violent and then try to put him in the recovery position or literally do put em in their recovery position to save his life is exactly what we expect people to do now. Imagine on the train. This man was going for this woman to pusher under the subway.
Next, let's talk about how you'd respond to that. Do you have a right in this country? You see a woman standing by the by the edge of the subway platform and a man is walking towards her. You can't do anything. No one did anything violent. No one said any threats. You can do nothing, you can't walk up to that guy and put him a chokehold. He said nothing to no one but an instant. He murders that woman and then it's too late. So what do you So what do you do? Well, I gotta tell you that is tough cause. I mean it sincerely if a man is walking towards them and you can't just put him in a chokehold and then, as we see in new york, he murder a o c. Didn't care about this. A o c did not come out and say we must stop this violence. im a tweets republicans, keep blaming mass shootings on mental health, but then defend the killing of the mentally ill. Do you see what they do?
Do you see what what they do. Aol sees implying that. Mass shooter show be allowed to carry out the AK because they are unwell. This woman does not think through her positions. She is just evil and I think she is maliciously evil this to me perfectly exemplifies. There is no logic, In her thought process there is simply, I will say what my side demands of me to say. So, when you have two stories, a mass shooter and and Jordan neely, a violent, mentally unwell, individual both are mentally unwell. A yossi has to maintain both
absurd positions. The mentally ill mass shooter was bad and it's it's. It's guns that oppose republicans that are at fault. The mentally ill, belligerent man should not have been harmed, should not have been killed. So a seal may ask you: if have mentally unwell, Michael Jackson, impersonator grabbed a gun started walking towards a school, and that was it. Do you think someone has the right to put them in a chokehold and restrain them, then, after subduing them place them in the recovery position. Do they have that right? Because, according to you see they don't? I dont know where the line begins and ends with her, because I don't think it does, and I think you see that very
So with the conversation we had with land from the serfs last week on tim cast iron, so it doesn't matter what true it matters with a talking point is so, as I mentioned earlier again, not to reignite an abortion debate, but to use it as an example. The idea of forced birth. We hear things like that from the left, forced birth, trans genocide, trans, you think transport don't exist, they don't mean anything. They may as well just say, bluntly blot, blot, boop and then its gibberish. But it's it's a signal, meaning I'm on your side. First idle! I what what is forced birth me, a woman is pregnant. The baby is there. The baby
come out, that's it and and and and no matter how many times I said. I am pro choice. He was just like you're forced birth and I'm like bro that doesn't mean anything the baby's there. It's got to come out right, tommy how you do it. We had mad vendor on the show another leftist. He said that you think trans people don't exist as what? What does that mean like what? What does that? Because I, I think trans people exist, I dunno why you're saying that, and he just like he had no answer literally no answer- and this is exactly the point- they're they're just mindless statements that don't mean anything that the left just says to each other say it to signal that there also on the left. But if you're talking about logically solving problems, we have an issue. Do you subdue a violent derangement person, or do you not. There are reports that are not in the ninety one one calls at somebody was armed. Could it have been george neely? I don't know, perhaps not as though it is said that, but these are the issue-
jordan neely on the train, threatening to hurt people. He doesn't care if he goes to jail. Ok,. should I operate under the assumption that this man is unarmed. tell me a yossi. What should we do? Should we, until they carry out the act, a passage from the gulags archipelago, but explain Their wise there was an individual who was threatened with a knife and I think he was stabbed, and then he killed the other person in response and was sent to the gulag for it and they they they. He said what was I supposed to do? He was trying to kill me had a knife to me and they said you should have fled. Apparently in the soviet union, you could only use another lethal force against someone if they had already use lethal force on you that insane prospect that we in this country would follow down this path. Where we must allow
deranged psychopaths harm innocent people before we do anything and then, when that happens, you'll see is still mad insane. She says. watching media. Give the brok turner treatment for the killing of a homeless, Man has been nauseating, a person, I'm your record Not excuse killing them now that is being poor, sick or homeless. Virtually every one of us is closer to being a neil issues than we think country criminalize is poverty and homelessness, while making it impossible to afford run down a minimum wage job are seldom has built for arresting the poor. when the wealthy break. The law they rarely get records they can afford to be treated favourably. Most of us cannot issue implying that day, Penny the twenty four year old, former moraine as wealthy, think about what the application is here and argo tyranny outright, definitive and tyranny And now we have this from new york magazine. They see.
Jordan neely was already dead. He was socially dead. Why defend a violent individual who was threatening people? I would love to see these pieces be written about a mass shooter that you're not going to do it, except maybe the one in nashville right, you're, gonna, defend that
person transgender shooter as a victim. You see the issue is for the left. They don't seem to have the ability to calculate things in advance. You play strategy game, you think ahead. You say if I do this, what's the next thing, it's going to happen it? How do I respond to it left us seem have that. So you have one of two circumstances always on individual is violent and harms people. It's the republicans fault on individual threatening to harm people is subdued. This man should go to prison for hurting the innocent. You see, there's no, there's no way through that right. There's nothing! You can do. Let's say a man is walking towards times square and he's armed, and he says you know I just can't take it anymore. I don't care if I go to jail and then some one puts them in a chokehold the dice. What's the left going to say to that honestly, I dunno, I imagine they would say. Look you guys
the second another ones. This guy should not have been killed. Oh especially, if it's a cop that doesn't imagine the guys walking towards towards times square saying that he's going to hurt a lot of people and there's nothing, you do to stop him, he doesn't care if he goes to jail, and so the police try to stop a fight with the cops he dies. You know exactly what's going to happen, the left is going come out there and defend the violent psychopath. Now. Imagine if the cops just say look, I'm not going to involve he just talking and then the guy pulled out a knife and starts seriously hurting people now they're gonna blame the police and say the police. don't do anything. There is no winning scenario here: the zen arco tyranny. and if that's, how people in new york wanna live soviet Daniel penny released. Statement on Jordan, neely death, I think, a fairly bad statement. It said the law firm riser and cannot represent dangle pending a twenty four year old college student and marine veteran they mentioned earlier this week. We would like to express, on behalf of nato, penny our condolences to those close to MR neely, nearly at a documented history of violent and
Attic behaviour. The apparent result of ongoing untreated mental illness for too long the suffering, the mentally ill blah blah blah. They say he had no intention of harming the man or killing him. I will not be surprised if Daniel patty is indicted for first degree. Murder may ok, so right now thought at first and second degree. You know, I think first degree in new york would be premeditation, but second degree would be intentional killing and they will get a jury. The grand jury and they'll say he didn't have to hold and squeeze neck like this they'll find anything they can from Daniel penny on social media, saying something like someone's gotta stop this crime or I camp
you don't really funny, you could have Daniel penny on twitter tweeting, something like these. These individuals are unwell and this mass should and could have been stopped. If someone just took did what needs to be done and stop this man, something like that right and they will use that to say he was intending to kill jordan meal
That makes it second degree murder. I do not see a new york grand jury acquitting this individual and for that matter, donald trump, even because I think these people are terrified of what's happening. I think they're terrify the violent mob will come for them and come to their home. I think that's the the unfortunate reality of this country until we get a massive pushed back now. The eyes are pushed off his big news and we ve got big news pertaining to it to public it into later. Today, an highs or bush reeling and dot disavowing not only done mulvaney, but the company they used now facing more boycotts. This is a good regular. People are saying. Leave me alone. Fortunately, is the easiest thing form to do, but until these people stand up and tell o cassio Cortez that she's despicable and evil? Until then,
As best we can, as in miami, I went down to visit the value attainment studio and appear on the on the patrick bet. David podcast is awesome. Show by the way, is a good did. What else down there? I had to visit hard rock seminal check out their poker room. And something funny happened. I'll tell you this as an aside two important points in the story: a man to my left. Ah, a woman to my right, a man across the table moment to my right mentioned. She loves to sand. As I said, he's great. She then mentioned trump. I said you know. Trump trump's got his problems, but you know he does well. A man across the table said
The thing about supporting the santas makes you lose because, and then the woman laughs as the poker gods are not mad at me for supporting the santas. She then points to me and says that I I also like to santas and he goes yeah will not trump, though right, then she goes no. He likes trump too, and I was like yeah. I, like trump, the man actually gets up and leaves the table. He was fierce. That's not true that can't be possible and yells at me That's one important element of the story and woman says to me: she was like this is at the south, crazy, it's becoming. What does he want to ask you? I explained Donald trump crossing the dmz, the demilitarized zone and into north korea with no security detail. Mattering a whole lot to me personally because of my family history and just a bold statement and the man to my left said yeah that didn't happen. Those are just a dead and he goes at will. Where did you hear that, unlike I watched, it has an ant video and he says, get an idea. I don't believe that, unlike
It happened on video I want whose you're sure like yes, you can watch the video online and he's like. Ok, I believe you have say watched it, but that that's the other important part of the story. You didn't know that I don't blame him for not knowing that, but how many people don't know these things and don't want to believe it this guy was a cool dude. He didn't like fox news. He seemed fairly liberal or whatever, but it was. It was good. It was good playing with them. He seemed like a good guy. He knew a lot about greek mythology. That was fun. We talked about the sisyphus and narcissist and echo interesting conversations you have at the poker table, but he didn't know that trump did that. You take a look at stories like this, and you say how many of these people in new york just don't know and will blindly march, like lemmings off the cliff. What don't drag me with you? That's why I don't live in your city anymore. With their next segments coming up at one p m this channel, thanks, rang out and I'll see you all them ranked as a number three best university in the country for stopping climate change, Oregon state is
than to help the earth and its living things drive through creativity. Research, knowledge and problem solving organs, stable never stop doing the hard work they will contain. You taking action on issues that matter most of our students in community and build a better world, discover more organ state that EU it would probably be in efficient to say that the boycott on bud light is working because it's doing a whole lot more than just working. It is probably the most successful thing. The right has done in the culture war period at all, and I don't even know if they can top this hopefully so hopefully so, if you're right now, Donald trump is weighing and on the whole controversy legally saying, get won't, go broke and at the same time, that we're so but light sales drop between twenty one and twenty six percent. Some saying volume is even is down, maybe even thirty. Four percent restaurants, ladies and gentlemen,
Gay bars are starting to boycott bud, light to from asia you don't really funny is. Last week we had lance from the serfs on the show. I thought I was a fund show despite our disagreements, but it was funny, and he said he was happy that bud light was being boycotted by the right. Because- and I are bush funds, anti algae beat Few initiatives and funds republicans and I'm just like so we're all in agreement. Great, I don't care, I don't like the republican party. I care about cultural issues. bud light sponsoring dome of any to me is not about algae bt q issues. It is about algorithmic destruction. You guys know I talk about his quiet,
I dont think dome of any is trans. I think the left will blindly support anything that looks like something on their side to the point where the destroying themselves, but I think analyzer, bush refusing to apologize outright. They deserve this and eyes or bush deserves this because they came out and gave this garbage statement, and now they lose every one good good. I think that bacon insult people like us, not apologise, spend money on marketing. Put some people on leave. Please lee sending signals they know they screwed up. They won't just say it. Ok, Congratulations and I are bush. You ve done just enough to piss all of us off and piss off. All of the energy bt q peoples are now they're bars, are boycotting
Or beer, how amazing would it be if bud light just becomes an afterthought and loses its position as the world's top beer? I think it's. The world's top erratic could be wrong, but it's up their special united its it be amazing. But let's read this news and I'll tell you what Donald trump is saying and why gay bars are going to boycott but light, but before we do, this video is sponsored by casper coffee. What's right, cast brew coffee go to cast brood outcome. Pick up your coffee. That's our company We launched casper, we're launching coffee shops and, with the success of this new business venture, we are going to make a coffee franchise. It cares about american values and is not scared to talk about what needs to be talk, We are not launching a business hoping to attract every single person in the world, we're just trying to sell coffee and stick to our values.
That means when we do have thousands of locations all across the country selling this delicious casper coffee. When it comes to put your controversy, we will just say it: While I won't dance around the issues, I won't ignore
Should I want just five. I will absolutely say here is what we did and why we did it. Ok, that's the truth. You wanna support us. We want to support this video sport. I work go to cast rude outcome, pick up your rise with roberto junior breakfast plan and with every purchase of rise with roberta junior. You get a picture of her bruno junior right there on the back he's a rooster. We also of apple at nights, a dark blend right, we're brody's, light blunt, and we have colombian and french roast available. You could subscribe to get these automatically delivered to you, support companies that don't hate you. They may hate all of us, but I certainly don't hate you in fact. I me totally grateful for all of your support, hopefully working together on these ventures. We can create a parallel economy and push back on garbage companies like an answer bush, but here's the news from the pink news, dot, com, the official source for all
Energy BT, q plus they cite algae, bt, q plus values, are ditching bud like over claims. Its parent company abandoned trans influence or download any and eyes are boys. The company that owns one by lisbon target a backlash area. We get it the big its work, Yes, oh the briquettes. I just I just I love this. It's like a wolf can walk into a field jeep put out a wolf hat. I am sorry she pat we like look at all those really bad people over there and the sheep to swallow, it is unfortunate, you know my opinion of donor vein. I dont think don't strands. I really don't. I think Dylan is a caricature of trans as a performance, and it makes it much much harder actually deal with these sensitive political issues must read more. I say they smashed shelves threatened bud light with bomb threats,
rocky been filmed himself shooting case of bud light, so we know all of this. They going to mention that and, as our bush basically said, he never wanted to be part of this discussion, etc, etc. Side, bar shared its plan to boycott the baron instagram is that the companies move to distance fell from Mulvaney strongly brings into question their support of the algae, bt, q plus community. I love it because- and I are bush was like. never a sponsored this person. It was a third party agency. By the way they can the third party agency, the third party agency. It was one can what do we do your report you so these woke companies are walking all off a cliff here's, what sidetrack bar had to say: oh boy,
for forty one years. Sidetrack has encouraged liquor and beer companies to have that have wished to garner the algae, bbq plus customer base to actively support our community. For many years there were very few companies that were willing to risk the sort of exposure sidetrack appreciates the relationship that a developed with the brand support us. This support help to fund initiatives to pass city and state wide human rights, ordinances and chicago annoy in and illinois to include the algae, bt, q plus community sidetrack continues to be to be encouraged by the increase in support from brands to the algae bt, q plus coming. over the last four decades in the country support has increased. However, we must also hold brands accountable if they take active steps against equality, visibility in safety, but lights. Recent decision to drop the dylan of any camp to put on leave those who created it as well.
The statements by ceo wrongfully validates the position that is acceptable to acquiesce, to the demands of those who do not support the trans community and wished to erase algae bt q plus visibility. Of this sidetrack will cease. The sale of animals are bush products, including bud, bud, light and goose island. Three one two goose island of course, is had, I believe their headquarters in Chicago. I could be wrong, but big presence in Chicago and out good docile until analyzer bush can clearly demonstrate that they will not acquiesce to the voices of hate that wish to erase algae bt q plus existence. Sidetrack will continue to boycott their products. Until then, sidetrack contained a partner with brands that do give back blah blah blah blah blah. While our they also have. This too bears tavern uptown, I'm not gonna, read the whole state. it basically saying the exact same thing I want to put it like this good free,
anna heizer bush support a political cause. Do it I dont care. You know why here's what Nap describe. Jeremy, boring of the daily wire is probably already having meetings discussing with his team how to launch a beer company, because every single time. One of these major corporations decides to get woke they, wait a hole in the market and and people are going to get rich, and I gotta tell you to be completely honest- the least profitable thing we've ever done: casper, coffee and smells really good by the way, the least profitable thing doing. Media is easy. The overhead is very, very low. I read the news I make a video. I complain about things. Tell you how I feel about things you got
watch, there's ads, there's membership subscription go to TIM, Casta com become a member and for the most part it allows us to invest heavily in doing other things. So when we launched cast brew coffee, it's very small to begin with, we have for our products available, we're building a coffee shop right now it costs a lot of money. Tens of thousands of dollars and the profit margins are slim. We have to reinvest those profits to expand. The company and the challenges we don't make enough to do so if we were, if we didn't have this show, if I wasn't making money from this show I've beginning bank loans desperately trying to get a coffee company off the ground is very hard to do. My point here with all of this is that when it comes to products like analyzer bush, they have massive overhead. The their decision to engage in politics is hurting. Their brand
but you know what we're gonna start from a different, a different point. We are starting from the you know it by all means be ideological good for you good for you, you do what you do with my blessing word: a launch, casper coffee, we're launch these coffee shops and we are going to be overcome and explicit in our ideology. We support a merit. Values. We are not in favour of what they're doing with grooming these kids. We reject that. put molen lobby on the walls and in the windows, and when we have a coffee shop in every little suburban area, Country and some woman walks in to get her cold brew with a little bit with a splash cream, and while she is way
for her blueberry muffin to be warmed up. She will look up at the tv's on the wall and it will be the patrick bet, David podcast. It will be Steven Crowder, it will be tim cast IRA. These will be the shows that are running in the background. So when people are sitting there, that's what they're going to see real conversations and real news and that's how you win the culture war and you know what they will be angry leftists screaming crying, but we've never catered to them in the first place. So we don't care. Years at analyzer, Busch did and as a bushel beer good for them, they sold beer and then one day said hey how, sell beer to the algae, bt, q plus community. Well, guess what light? Any other human being you didn't have to do anything. You just The cell beer in that they said, let's directly support the politics of a political group. Well now you are reaping what you have said:
An ice bush choosing to play politics results in a in a crash across the board, so we're not gonna play that game. We're starting from the ground up purely ideological. Purely the longest time I said, and a lot of people still say this: nobody wants politics in their coffee or sports or beer or sandwiches. Just want to eat a damaging. I am done I'm over it. We're gonna start a combination of the americas great and if people don't wanna buy america's, Well, that's good! They don't have to buy it, but you know we're gonna win we're gonna succeed. we're going to start undercutting corporate competitors. My dream to have a coffee shop next to every starbucks, with better pricing, with better wages with real values. So you don't gotta worry about woke garbage. I don't think starbucks is the worst company in terms of woke ness but remember when they caved that bathroom thing and resulted in rampant drug use and the disgusting nature of their bathrooms
went insane yet don't play those games. I won't now we're going to start making these these these shops and we're going to be explicit. Now, right, like we love america, this is the best country ever in the history of the world. We have a lot of problems, we're not idiots, but we know that this country is the best and me I've been around the world. I've seen a lot of countries. Several dozen think I've been to like thirty for some odd countries, certainly not all of the countries on the planet, but I've seen a lot and I everytime. I come back as a man. America really is awesome and that's something worth fighting for and preserving, and I think you all I agree, so we're going to we're going to push back, and you know who you know. Who else is speaking about this donald trump newsweek, says Donald trump silence on bud, like controversy, former president donald trump, sunday broke the silence on the bud like boycott writing in social and a social media post.
but the beer makers, lawson sales shows that money does talk. Oh boy, the model leader may the job honest truth, social platform, while praising a new book that calls to defend leftist woke companies. Trump has been uncharacteristically silent amid the ongoing controversy over the popular beer brands decision. Well, you know don't How do we get it? We got it. Here's what trump said it's time to beat the radical left at their own game, money- stock and eyes. Bush now understands that great news book by weighing ellen route by your copy. Today he said untruth social trumps comment: references the news that bud light sales dropped multiple weeks, twenty one percent for the weak ending April twenty. First, I just just as I'll hold on a minute, so the weak ending April twenty first, my friends, that's over two weeks,
it's ago. That means new sales data will be dropping and we'll see. I would not be surprised to hear that shares of bud light had fallen week over week, a lower number, because you can only lose So many customers right, but here we are looking at year over a year if the year over year. Data shows a continued decline within its working, but truth be told. If the year over your sales show that it's actually the decline is is reversing that looks like many people are abandoning their bud like boycott, but I don't believe it because not drinking bud light is the easiest thing in the the do right now, someone's listening to songs about parties, travel and get away without ever planning one for themselves. They The change of two for real
visit north carolina. We were in miami recent lakes. I imagined as are visiting the value attainment crew and going on pet patrick by David podcast, the vote him in but guest and we go out to to drink and celebrate. Not a single persons. Gonna buy anything related to enhance our bush. We dont think twice. It was not difficult. It was an after thought. It was like. Let's grab beer, not the but light. Let's get the english killings delicious by the way, though, I'm not a big drinker. I did partake in a england, you see here we go yo now, just to spite bud light. I've started drinking just like a drink. Something else have actually had more booze in the past, like three weeks than I've had in the past decade for real wow. I've had like three drinks. That's a lot. Many of those express disappointment in trump for staying mum on the controversial issue, a week. We get it, we get it. We get it though right they say trumps. Most recent page disclosures filed with the efficacy and shared online show.
The only between one million five million dollars and an heizer bush involve ok trump, you really gonna hold on to all of that. They could be wise that he saw but I'm not here to give anybody financial advice. I'm just saying it surprising that he would speak out against this, yet at the same time still hold up to five million dollars instead but the company the near poses an ice. Are bush cans? Third party? Add agency tied to Dylan mulvaney fiasco? Well, there you go. They said I was one camp. One influence are one post, not a campaign, blah blah blah ok sure right. Well, whatever we got it with, as it has a lot of news, a lot, a news here: we go but light parent company to help distributors amid mulvaney controversy. I just I show you these, because I want you to see the flames of the dumpster fire that is an heizer bushes inability to apologize. It's your fault.
apologize. I think it's too late, though this point, I hope every single leftist boycotts analyzer bush. I hope conservatives keep the boycott and I hope the company just implodes completely and I gotta be honest, I'd be very happy to see it completely crumble the narrative coming out of the executive from the executives over at hand and as bush apparently, is that here's what they say in the first three weeks of April sales of bud light dropped the equivalent of One percent of the companies overall global volume for that period for the weekend in April, twenty, and but light sales in retail stores fell. Twenty one point, four percent compared to a year ago. Whereas rival, brands, cores and miller we're up by twenty one percent according to an analysis of nielsen data by bump Williams. Consulting that's the narrative that the corporate that the corporate exacts are going it's less than one percent about one percent of global says it means nothing. You ve got nothing to worry about, accept the fact that companies now stagnant slightly down in their stock. They were.
Growing, that an amazing passed several months and also just drops down. And I wonder why it is that morsel cores is going. I was a molten more molten course choruses is going up. Sales are up. Stock is up yo, the investors should be revolting, they should be saying you have cost us. how much money that I got enough initially by suppressing. If somebody did have a hundred shares in an has our bush and when this started sold at all and bought cores. Instead, they would have made twenty percent twenty percent in the amazing. Let's say you put a million bucks and you're talking two hundred thousand dollars now think about where that could have been. If Anheuser Busch did not decide to get woke and go broke, your down a little bit mostly stagnant, but down,
and the problem. Still it may only get worse because neither were hearing that algae bt, q plus institutions are boycotting bud light. I imagine that will actually spread. The left is turning up, the heat will be goldberg, that, in the view, don't let them scare you. Let us scare you you're. The funny thing is I'm not here to scare you but light, I'm here to tell you ruth. I will never buy your b. We had we ve bought it before we ve had events where we grab bud like it was the beer to grab because we're not talking, people crack and open an old english or or sipping and enjoying a good, robust beer? We were like having a barbecue, I grab some beers, and so we would like in I'll grab some bud lighter. Some medulla typically would give Adela. Now I'm not knocking buy either
Now it's gonna be angling, all the way all the way down. They had an opportunity, but light just stay out of it, but now they ve decided that they are going to get boycotts from both directions and I don't think there's any thing to do now. If there's anything, I can do because at this point the came out with an apology I wouldn't accepted, and I really really do hope- that more algae bt, q plus bars start boycotting and heizer bush as well, because that just means you get woke, you go broke, No, why the first thing that will happen is the right will say we're done with your product. The next thing that will happen is no matter what you do, no matter what you have done. The left will wash you away so when they talk about all the good that bud light did for them politically, which is weird anyway. That was offer nothing all for nothing
did anheuser Busch come out and insult the animal, then you notice it as if it wasn't eyes. I mean that was a third party company that did that, and that was enough to trigger the left. This works out perfectly for the culture war right, because the left once again is unreasonable, there's nothing you can do, and at this point you know what maybe I'll say this okay, you know what and as a bush, if you apologize for sponsoring Dylan mulvaney, I will buy your beer. You know I said last week. I don't think an apology would cut it any more, but now that the left is cutting you I want to. I want to let you know that we are reasonable people and, if you say we're sorry for this whole thing, we're sorry fur for this campaign with Dylan mulvaney were sorry for the one. Can we're sorry for all of it. We did not realise we weren't, even thinking it won't happen again. I will go out in the immediate. I will buy ten cases of bud light.
Of them, if you apologize now, you do realise that means a lot of the algae bt. Pupils bars are probably boycott you so make you pick make your pic. Lost twenty one percent in sales. You can get it back if you apologize now, I can't speak for all people stop buying your beer, but I can tell you that if you do apologize, I will do my best to advocate your nubia. Apologize to us tell us, you won't do it again and then we will purchase your beer right, you're being boycotted by both. Let me extend the olive branch and say you know what come on back come back over here. Let those people boycott you and you know it when you do more of them, will but here's the thing there unreasonable people, even if you did all that work on their behalf. They would still throw you in the toilet the moment it became convenient, but for everybody else, for all the little people who are listening, good job seriously,
want to support us and you want to help create that ecosystem cast brew, coffee, dotcom I'll, tell you why this is exactly why we launch something like casper. We ve had sponsors sponsors pressure from the left and then cancel you and say: look we really don't want to be involved in whatever it is your accused of doing nothing they made that up. while you don't know about all, that's. Ok, fine. Now, to be honest, we have really issue, because we really have that many sponsors I'm out very particular, was very particular in who I would allow to sponsor the
Jos and so on. Seeing what's happened to many others and seeing this active is the activists' tactics of getting ads pulled. I said we'll make your own company, you know we're gonna do will make our own company in his will do, cast brew, we're going to start sponsoring other channels and we're going to pay a premium rate so that other prominent craters that we like will start advocating for our brand, and we will tell you outright that we believe in america. We believe in you and we want this country to be better and we're not going to hide we're, not going to shy away and then my dream. Hopefully, in ten years, one thousand locations all across this country. One thousand will start with our own brick and mortar corporate locations will start franchising out. Y'all will open your own, and these are still our stores that will stand for american values.
There is the dream: let's get it next. Agnes. Come up at four p m on the channel thanks rang out and I'll see, you owe them, aside of the utmost cultural decay, pay out of up to one point: two million dollars for every black resident approved by california reparations panel. That's right, it'll probably never happen, maybe it oh, but it seems like california- is on track to pay reparations of up to one point: two million dollars, despite the fact that these are falling apart, the state is in a constant state of decay, and people are fleeing. Like crazy they're, just like I don't know, just give everybody one point: two million dollars a state that was never a slave state people who were never slaves and people who never own slaves all paying this. Why well look there's a visit, there's more in depth, conversation to be had about why they want to pay reparations because there were civil rights issues
after slavery, it's not like. The vibrations are only for slavery. If you read into it, is also about segregation. Another unjust policies that existed in this country when California was a state and we view those things, support as bad things. We ve got rid of those. but this isn't solving any problem is a short term thinking, because the democratic party is all about. What can we do to get votes today? What they do tomorrow is of little consequence so long as they do tomorrow result in more votes tomorrow issued and say instead of things about. What can we do today? That will improve the next five years? They say what action today will get people to just vote for me or will increase my polls that when it comes to the next election tomorrow, instead of saying what can we do to fix that problem, you never did I say what can I do to get votes today? In turn, you end up with feces all over the streets, poverty a crime and a mass exodus. Here's the story from the post colonial on
the california operations taskforce voted on. Final set of recommendations to send to the state legislatures formerly recommending that the state pays up to one point two million dollars to every qualifying black resident. You got another story to show you I want to show you what's going on in portland after we wrap up this one where there Trying to pass this law to allow homeless, encampments everywhere your new civic colorado was made for more staff- with the ladys in vehicle technologies like a class leading eleven. Each diagonal centre touch screen in an extra large wireless charging pad plus it just wireless apple car play an android, auto compatibility to make staying connected easy wherever you're adventure takes. You savvy colorado made for more learn, more chauvelin, doc, arms, less trucks, less colorado claims based on
It is competitive data. We ve got to be cognizant of what policies led to this and what the Democrats do unless read more. But before we do my friends we get a sponsor today. virtual shield head over to surfing internet safe dot com. If you want to browse the web and be safe and secure as you do so, it's a basic layer of security for you as you browse the web, it's a virtual private network service that works very simply go to surfing internet, safe dot, com. We'll get. Seventy three percent off download the app click go. Easy is pie
Now, when you are online hackers corporations, governments will have a much much harder time and some even won't even be able to track, sell or manipulate your data. It's a basic layer of security and I always say we don't expect apple to break into our houses, but we do lock our doors and window if you want a basic layer of security, go to surfing internet, safe dot, com, special shout out to virtual shield. We have very few sponsors if any ever, but they've been with us from the beginning. So we are grateful for their support again surfing internet, safe dot com, you'll get seventy three percent of your virtual private network service and it works on all devices. So special. Thank you two virtual shield, let's get back the news and reading for the task force task forces public meeting in oakland, the nine member panel called on the state to give black residence a formal apology, as well as to payments. According to fox news cats for you enter the union as a free state in slavery was never legal under state law quote.
Reparations are not only morally justifiable, but they have the potential to address longstanding rachel disparities and inequalities. Said representative barbarously effort tending the meeting payments received by black residents would be broken down into types of historical discrimination, with black residents affected by bank red lining, for example, receiving three thousand during sixty six for each year they live in california, between the years of nineteen, thirty to the late nineteenth seventies, adding up to one hundred and forty eight thousand nine dollars for those living in california, between nineteen seventeen, twenty twenty that were affected by over policing this one's fine, we'll get to a hundred fifty thousand total a black californian around the age of seventy one that has lived in the state for their entire life could receive up to one point: two million dollars. It is a fact that giving money to people does not solve their problems, yet account conversation with vague remedy
me, and I said why is it there are so many wealthy people in the culture war or pretending to be who aren't investing in the culture to win? I said, certainly not you. it's almost like the vic was like excuse me, I'm standing right here and I'm like no. No! No! No. We understand that you do have people like the vague worth, what half a billion running for president starting an anti e s, g of was at venture capital, financing, funding and finance, and, I think, he's doing a fantastic job, but there are so many people who aren't who aren't investing that money into culture war issues that I just don't understand on the left, they're just throwing money at whoever they want, but the reason why I bring up the culture war issues is that vague said something really. Smart. He said it's, it's not money, that's not the issue. Its people is right. You could take all the money in the world and you can give it random person they're, not gonna, build a nuclear submarine and more the challenges.
we ve outcast, just managerial personnel, hiring people who, at the war, adamant there the right person than they are not the right person. It's just not that easy, not everybody pull it off and the realities in a country like united states, where there is a strong, meritocratic system, albeit not perfect, because we're going very lefty people of means and talent and people have no means but have towns and hard work and perseverance should be able to rise above the rest. simply being rich and saying all right. This person likes what I like. So here's money make it work. It doesn't work that way. There's no gearing The work they will do will result in anything fruitful, and therein lies the big challenge with all of this. Now, as that that that's kind of a forum for I to make when it comes to operations, you give one point A million dollars somebody there's no guarantee that's going to do anything functional it may just get burned up instantly. They're going to buy a bunch of stuff they'll, be happy, it'll, probably alleviate a bunch of stress and debt and bills, that's cool! I get. It
But is it going to create long standing understanding? No, they say wealth. Last three generations in this country, the person who earns the wealth, their child, who inherits it and the grandchild who inherits all of it without learning a single lesson from the grandparent and then it's gone. it's not absolute. You know what you did to a certain level of wealth. You just live off interest in investment and I do anything it's kind of crazy, but for the most part, people who don't work for the money and earn it dont know how to maintain that system and so far if the partners after three generations, you take a look, what's happened in California? Let me give you a glimpse of what's happening. In portland, new images of city's homeless show encampments taking over as fed up residents, wake up two tenths on their lawns, drug dealers and every corner and woke lawmakers pushing to decriminalize the camps. Interestingly,
I don't know how it is legal to say you can't sleep on the sidewalk. We are dealing with with situations as a result of I I suppose things we could not predict has always been bombed, has always been homeless people, but in small villages and smaller towns. When you didn't have millions of people everywhere, it's not that big of a deal you can handle one percent of your population being homeless,
You live in a town of one thousand people, and you got what ten homeless people well. You know either they're wandering around the road by the trees in his problem. I guess you got one hundred people in your little village, one person's homeless. We can help take care that person what happens when you have a million people and you're dealing with ten thousand homeless people and now you're starting to get a problem, because ten thousand people or they're going to clutter up specific areas, they're going to crowd around each other, you're, probably going to see an increase in crime. It's the same percentage of homeless, but it's harder to manage unless we have like a proportional amount of people as police officers, but then taxes go nuts. This is what you will
yet if you allow policies like what the Democrats are enacting, it's sad. I feel bad for these people. It sucks it's kind of crazy. This is what has become of of so many of our great cities, but while all of this is going on granted, that's portland, it's not california. California's dealing with the same problems in San Francisco, for instance. This is how they wanna spend their money, give give them give them under people based on rights that will solve the problem they want to be fair. California does have one disadvantage in the fact that the weather's nice So if you really homeless anywhere, you want to be almost there that attracts people, but it's its you in California come. out in says there. I give money away for free for various social programmes. It ain't the weather, that's causing people to come to California, if their homeless, it's the free food, the free money and the free shelter. Not always, but you can get a tent, you can sleep outside and you know I gotta worry about anything
your bills, are taken care of. There was one northern californian jurisdiction of town. I believe that said if you do receive governed assistance than they have dominion over you or something like. If you are homeless, they could take your money because you're incapable of taking care of yourself. The only thing I can say, as this will get worse, as evidenced by the fact that Democrat
don't care about the solutions and literally want to give away money. If you live in these cities, they will take your money in the form of taxes and they will give it away to someone based on race and they will not solve your city's problems. The problems you're experiencing with crime will get worse, they'll, defend your police and well. What can I say at this point if we choose to live there? What can I say? I have people come to me and they say: hey TIM there's, someone in this town whose neat eats out because I'm unjust thing happened and I'm like dude, sorry, man after, like the hundredth request of helping raise money for somebody I'm just like. I can't do it. I can't come on the show every single day and say here's another person who was unjustly targeted by the governor, who needs help can't it'll be impossible The most effective thing to do is just say: get out of the cities. Save yourselves cause. It's only going to get worse I'll, leave it there. Next segment's coming up at six pm on this channel. Thanks for hanging out and I'll see you all, then. all right: let's bring it on Jake. She
else says that he wants to fight. Trans managed, really break the story down for you, but mac bags. It biological theme, and trans man has seemingly accepted the challenge and the dog of absurdity- here I just wow- ok, listen, gentlemen, jake shields is, and Emma may fighter and not less Start from the beginning, so you can understand this. I really don't believe this fight would happen because of it. did it happen. It would be over in probably ten seconds, no quest When we way this, let me let me read this newsroom even postcolonial, and I will talk about the absurdity the leftist ideology as it pertains to biological, sex and men. competing in women's sports, because this exemplifies it perfectly from the post colonial. Trans identified female and I'm a fighter accepts challenge to fight.
Male you have see champion. I dont know that mac bags and mme fighter. I suppose I could be wrong, but I thought bags or wrestler mac bags has ex Did former you ever see fighter jake shields challenge to a fight according to out kick bags. apted the offer in a now deleted, instagram post and said, I'm specifically going to f you up jake shields you're. Not, and it's not it's not going to happen. Ok, like you know no beef, just no. Let me read more on April twentieth shields challenged the ten toughest trans men in the world to a fight after five where's, the posts it over a million views, but still no challengers shield said I fight them with no mining camp and no rest between each fight. I gotta be honest, no rest between each fight. That's a bold statement because fighting ten people of like any stature with
rest I, but I mean it's entirely- huddle no man Look, I recognise a that she'll, probably when every one of those fights but ten of them back to back with no rest, maybe beg said in his statement. We're just to make this an official call out but jake shields. I will take you up on your offer. the offers and go to be ten verses. One and ten trans man you're good fighting for the rest. The night begs continued. Looking you don't. Do it right the cause of a fighter doing a thing right like that's just effing, disrespectful, its this battle to the sport of ever may. Forty just be like oh yeah. Let me just call out ten trans men at all. I think. Look them is the fact that you also fixated four fixated have some effing fetish with trans woman, that you even forget that we we thing out here and we are going to F you up children. Bought into the news, a twitter saying my offer legit so have They then contact me and they can
are putting together their team shields both at a picture of bags and said this thing, thanks, I can beat me in a fight I don't see any reason to bring it to that level. You know one of the issues I take with the whole mac begs controversy: its go back in time. Five years. Mag bags is biologically female. Mac bags wanted to compete against males. I believe if a female wants to compete against males, they should be allowed to do if they want not the other way around. If, though, the females agree. I mean right, like I think, if a female once under the males division, like ok, let's see how far we can get if the male want at once. Dr female division. No sorry, we will go in that direction. Mac bags had photos posted by serve it up. All the time saying like we shouldn't let men fight women and it's like dude mack Beggs is female. Female meg meg wants to compete against males, and so they got all the wrong. I don't think we need to take it to this this thing territory, but that lets what's remorse bags
Biological female who made headlines and twenty seventeen for winning a state rustling championship in the girls division, while taking testosterone bags, also feature yes, peons. Thirty four thirty to discuss the controversy surrounding competing in the girls division after by was denied entry to compete in the boys division due to state law shields. They form Are you have seen fighter who hasn't fought? Profession? since he lost a rake over the third in october of twenty eighteen? Unease is always a forty four. I don't know of jake shells genuinely want to step back into the into the ring the octagon, whoever they are fighting, but there are some different there's some different mac bags. I just want to say you should probably just come out and apologize, not not in the sense that you can get to agree with Jake shields political opinion or anything like that, but maybe be like yeah. I shouldn't come out and say: f, F, F, f, this f that I'm going to f you up and stuff like that, you shouldn't do that!
Jake shields should not refer to my bags as a thing, I think you know without we gotta tone things down little bed but thing about my mac bags you're, never fighting you're, never wanting a fight against shields. I just sorry you know that. But to be honest, though, if like, if this fight were to happen in vegas, gave I would bet on mac bags. This episode is brought you by united airlines. What's new with united well to new planes a week, that's what! But what does that mean it means new and redesign plans with things like larger overhead beans, with room for everyone's roller bag. Power outlets, every seat, means that every seat and the ability to connect your bluetooth headphones to those screens plan. Your trip today are united dot com or on their award. Winning at this amount estimated average of current aircraft delivery schedules. Final delivery schedule subject to change. I made it and I get a little pause for suspects. no I'll bet on mac bags. It has nothing to do with who, I think, is gonna win, it has everything to do with the value proposition of the bet. If I can put
one dollar, two, when ten grand I'm gonna take it. Wouldn't you who cares? The dollar went on rent now, I probably just would lose the dollar but hey. You know, I I'm it's a dollar, it's as like by cheeseburger or I could say I got a one in the enchanter wouldn t x and waiting around. So I ten thousand hours, let me show you I might Bags- will never win. This is from life university like university, athletics, mac bags, the wrestlers roster. I believe this is mac. Bags is a wrestling roster, twenty eighteen, twenty nineteen, five foot, two one hundred and twenty five pounds. Why? Why would that not be? The case is this: the thing people need to understand: trans men are bought Logical females have taken testosterone, their female bodies exhibit secondary sexual characteristics of males, but they do not have male bodies. They are female bodies in the twenty two.
When in twenty two twenty three twenty one ear, mag bag, still five foot to one hundred and twenty five pounds Jake shields is six foot o one huh, you're in seventy pounds welter. Wait! Middleweight, I'm sorry! Ok, we do not put a six foot tall, one hundred seventy pounds: biological mail in the ring with a five foot to biological female. Who is a hundred twenty five pounds we have divisions for reason. I dont know how much people really want to watch a fight between the heavyweight champion of the world and, like the featherweight champion, it might be interesting. There might be some info dynamics, I don't quite understand, probably not a modified guy, but I ve got to say
I am going to go ahead and say that if you want free money, you put your money down on jake shields on being a, but I'm speaking, hypothetically, of course, no financial advice, I'm just saying if that fight ever were to happen, may be. The smartest thing to do is take one hundred bucks and put it on Jake shields cause you get a free, guaranteed free dollar I mean maybe it'll, be a ten cents because out even of a vague as be willing to cover any losses from my mac bags. But it oh by the way work is a budget for money up and then that money his what's used to cover. You know the adverse, but let us be real, if you bet money on jake shield, for every dollar, you probably when less than a penny, a tenth of a penny of that, because I don't think anybody, genuinely believes that a six foot euro, one aren't seventy pounds, Emma may fall,
is going to lose a fight to a five foot to one hundred and twenty five pound biological female. Now this female mag bags, strong good training, probably still either waste has asked her own jake's got more fast, which muscle more bone density, more skin collagen, that's just it fast. Twitch muscle means massive striking power, bigger joints jake. She also probably one shot in the ring. That's why wouldn't when, when Jake shield says back to back ten of the toughest toughest trans men with no rest, it's because the likelihood is that jake shields with reach with height is going to go one hit and their down, and he can
easily make ten hits now some people might you know you're crazed him yeah grappling. You know if, with with mack beggs being a wrestler, maybe mack Beggs gets in there and gets a submission shield is down, but be honest. To does mac bags have the muscular strength to actually put jake shields in a submission to possible legs round the neck. Who knows undertow arm bar? Can not a big fight. Listen. But we're talking about a dude with thirty ray Emma may wins three by knockout, twelve, by submission by eighteen by decision. Eighteen losses knocked out for times. I dont see this guy as a six foot outdo, gonna, because other six, what our deeds, with a very good record as losing the times, are changing my friends. Could we have a morning I dont think it'll happen, but three
I'm olympian women, cyclist, Inga thompson has called for a boycott saying women should take any when the re starts. I agree. I agree when biological males compete against females, the females should just do nothing. you're running a sprint or race swim, get on the stand or whatever you like. You got your your in. In the start, position ready set, go bang, none of them and run let the man run by himself. Do nothing one time that happens, and you will see this shift. I know for a fact, because I've actually seen the power of boycotts, but you know the thing is: women are agreeing to be a derisive, but the story is back at the at the x games in like two thousand and five female pro skaters were getting paid, something like ten percent of the males got paid when it came to prize money. The argument from disney was that nobody buys tickets to these events, so the money is based on on the,
the sales. The response from the women's league division and pierre was that it is a matter if you can't sell take. That's your problem, if you want the top athletes in the world, you pay the same rate for the top athletes. You can't just say women don't sell you gotta sell the ticket. That's your point. That's your problem actually kind of agree with that. Because there are women who are who are sponsored by big companies and as they sell products, what ends up happening is the women don't shop for a for a press conference, the boycott works, pay increases if these women just said now there you go but will see what happens. I really don't think that begs deleted the post because they don't want to fight jake shields. Or maybe it was just on or off for twenty four hours it got deleted, will say well if their necks segments come.
but a few minutes to around and I'll see you all. Surely what you are seeing on your screen right for those that are watching on youtube is a woman who has heads had such extensive and extreme plastic surgery. She requires a mobility scooter to get around. The surgery is to amplify sexual characteristics of her body so that she can make me on only fans or maybe because she's just jested obsessed and has an identity disorder. further lessening I'll just described the image her lips are massively oversized. She has a nose job and probably some kind of facial surgery Her breasts, I believe, way around twenty pounds each and are obviously fake and don't look like our part of her body. Her hips are extremely wide in a wheelchair,
The reason why I highlight this is this: to me: is the exact same thing as dylan mulvaney, and I think this exemplifies and explains my point about domo, vainly very, very well, Let me explain, let me start with the story from the daily mail. They say the deadly impact of only fans, plastic surgeon, warns How x rated website is pushing more women to undergo dangerous over the top procedures in a desperate attend? to turn on realistic online fantasy into a reality. There's, no denying more people are turning their social media to make a living more people are Miss stand out. Turning to extreme plastic surgery in new york last, surgeon said he was seeing people's certainly certainly pushing the envelope. Perhaps you could argue this woman,
and another. When this woman right here who a king carnation, look alike sheet, she died by the way, did I believe, critical complications in surgery. These The visuals probably just have dismay perfect disorder of some sort howdy integrity, this more fact, disorder and this image. We have sir we asked mary begging your fans to buy her a mobility scooter. Clearly it is. Women is now going to be able to lead a normal life. Now here's the interesting thing and we'll talk about don't mulvaney. In this context I was talking with tom fit and he said he doesn't think transgender surgeries should be allowed for any.
An adult or otherwise I disagreed, and he said, would we allow them to cut their arm off? Well up you cut off someone's arm, and now they're gonna become dependent, they're not going to have to live their lives. There is one woman, apparently who blinded herself, because she was trans able. Clearly these people are suffering from some kind of mental disorder. I assume would be the dsm five. Similarly, too generous faria living magenta. Just for you, though, is the worst case scenario for many of these people is well the complications for sure, especially in a worst case scenario. But there's a lot of arms and still have legs an individual who undergoes odd. You know an a male who wants to be a trans woman, they will simply lose the ability to reproduce. They'll still be able to use their hands to see two here to live sorted out. Don't the same thing. This woman, however, needs a mobility scooter to get around, but people are paying for it, so she might be able to hire someone you. I don't know if that's what
capitalism was supposed to be, but here we are which brings me to Dylan mulvaney dome of any is not transgender. This is exactly what dylan mulvaney is. It is not gender for you. It is. How can I make money on social media? This is what people do. They say with his market becoming increasingly saturated, more people are looking for a point of difference to set them, apart from the crowd with some turning to extreme plastic surgery, procedures to give them larger, breasts lips and even vaginas. One. Only fans model who made headlines for her enhancements is Mary. Magdalen buckskin, born influence are reportedly became so addicted to cosmetics. procedures that she was forced to beg fans to help her by a mobility scooter as her body was, get down under the weight of her implants, and then we actually have, I think, the post. Your saying, shopping around for my mobility scooter, I'm trying to find a pink one. If there's any one that wants
buy it for me dm me I'll put it on my amazon wishlist case. Something is wrong with these individuals should we allow them to engage in these procedures. I assume most conservatives would say: no, we shouldn't, I don't disagree. I think this is the serious problem, but tell me then why this is. Different from don't mulvaney. When I see with your without with trans people is some suffering from some kind of body, integrity, this more fear, death or when it comes to annex ii, a women intervention and they get therapy and they fight very very hard. But these are people who are severely depressed at the point where they stop eating their literally dying for transportation. We do the inverse this
society says that we must affirm this and then, in many cases, sterilised the individual inadvertently. I suppose they argue and ultimately take notice, take away their reproductive organs or give them cross hormones that doesn't put them in a wheelchair, but it does and their ability to reproduce. There is a big difference. but why affirm this both individuals and erect sick or just morphine and be suffering anxiety and say? My plan is wrong with my body. Both individuals will go to extreme measures of unhealthiness, but we tolerate one and not the other. I'm not going to tell you that I know what, with the answers to all of this, is what you're, seeing here with the only fan scenario, is a woman women who ma fi, their bodies for money. For the most part they become something that generates clicks and subscribers, and they come unique. This is what I believe down. Mulvaney is doing dumbledore
Sing sang a song on tiktok about having a bulge people agenda to swear. Don't do that it would be like an anorexic person who was still little chubby. Go cameron grabbing their roles, saying it's. Ok that I have roles. I thought these four anorexia was you don't want to be fat? It embarrasses you right. We understand that. People with generous, for you say they get triggered in these ways, and they don't do experience that There's one individual? Who is a biological, male transgender as a child? and put a video saying that using the women's bathroom affirms that it makes them feel good and going in the men's room triggers their disfigure. If that is the case, Why would Dylan Mulvaney intentionally go on camera to accentuate male body parts? don't move mulvaney. Just like this gets surgery. exploit social media. Take a look at this.
stena. There's this is a woman. Let me pauper her name's up your christina Ashton. Gore Conny she died. She was akin carnations. The like undergoing extreme plastic surgery to try and look like Kim kardashian. She lost her life because of it its action, rather sad and why I think we need to give we give we we to give people therapy and help when their experiencing things like this. This episode has brought you buy buffalo trace. Where were you it's adventure takes you, it wouldn't be complete without buffalo trace. Bourbon is distilled agent bottle that the world's most award winning distillery, backed by over two hundred years of authentic craftsmanship, it's the quintessential bourbon, bold complex, but incredibly, smooth buffalo trace is the right choice. The first time you ask for bourbon and every time after learn more at buffalo, trace, distillery, dot, com, distilled asia and bottle by buffalo, trace distillery. Ninety proof franklin county Kentucky,
This is what social media has created. It has created people who seek validation and we'll get it in any way possible. We call them drifters, but the left acts like they only exist in politics. I ll tell you what what I find really funny. We had lance from the surface, imagine that three times that I think it was a very good episode before the show he said everyone's a virtuous ignored all they do everyone's virtue, signalling- and I said no they're, not like I don't associate with people who do that some, but not always so I found fascinating. There's no point trying to convince the leftist that virtuous angling is unique among the left because he's rounded by these people and so his mentality. I everyone's lying all the time for internet clicks. Ok,. That's the world eleven. They know they live in the world. We don't. I don't even know world. I post things when I feel like pose No, my post things that I think matter, I'm not posting something in an effort to signal to a base that I agree with them. I was just
ragging on the descent esteem for four, not dealing with a nod, estimating the family of jazz jennings care about whether the tennis people like me, I don't like me, it's ridiculous first I'll say attend, as is the best governor. This country has he'd, make a great president but he's got an issue in his own state and they won't address it. So I'll call him out I'll call him out for it. The left they don't do this year. That video of those two young democrat guys there indians, pod, guest and his jaw, criticise, Democrats and I'll lose followers and then TIM, don't I can we collect that he was no, please! No! No, please don't know, don't please because there in a cult I can say something like this: it is his media team are bad at what they do. I That I'll tell you why I mean it's personal.
I use is an example of the difference. Somewhat put together, super cut of jazz jennings being depressed, and getting these these- and I say, where's where's on assent is all seventy in florida and the response from diseases as media people was to imply was griff thing. I was trying to click bade. I was rage baiting, as the weirdest thinkin sitting of I've been pretty favor of the santas, and then they said things like rod doesn't have a time machine. He can't go back to new york, that's the game, people play and, of course, that is that as people have their virtue signals, the reality is jazz. Jennings got surgery in florida during the descent as the dissent us administration, a veteran of plastic surgery. Now granted, it was done before dissenters made it illegal, but nonetheless still
There is so why are they attacking me? Why are they mad at me? I'm not here to reiterate that whole thing. Just here to point out. I got no problem calling out the right or whatever, because this side doesn't just have a bunch of virtue signals that the left is these people like Dylan mulvaney, like these women, will say or do anything to get clicks and to be famous. How do we deal with something like that? I dunno I I talk about this video of. Why why I think trump last, twenty twenty, a guy I knew film, himself. His phone like this and is holding the ballot and walking up to the mailbox, and I did my part, did you and the like? How did, but It's so many votes, because the court, if they willing to themselves. Forty pounds of boob to the poet account walk anymore, you think they would vote for Joe Biden this disorder up against.
The next item is coming up tonight at eight p m over at youtube accomplished him guest. I arel thanks rang out and I'll see you well then,. The apple of four arrives on xbox june sex as the forces of Hell gather, only you can stand in their way journey across the expansive open world of sanctuary choose from five powerful classes to figure play style. Adventure with your friends and for player. Co op with cross play across progression on all platforms on jude. Sixth hell welcomes all priority I'll blow for ultimate. Addition on xbox after four days, early access, we need him from.
Wonder unless we gotta stop, it doesn't have been disorder. You never get any sports and others when assessing wonderful, simple this one don't get. This money gets us mcwatters presidencies in one doesn't, but when I caught hold of accomplishing single party in tibet unpeaceable, we see tat. Gotta be pulled up. I'm about this- that we not only is the vital beginning to see from the new member states
Transcript generated on 2023-05-13.