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ALEX JONES RETURNS, Elon Musk RESTORES Jones, Vivek Ramaswamy Accused Of URINATING LIVE With Elon


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ALEX JONES RETURNS, Elon Musk RESTORES Jones, Vivek Ramaswamy Accused Of URINATING LIVE With Elon

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It's jesse Kelly here fellows. Are you ready to have a twenty percent increase in your testosterone in ninety days? Ladies, are you ready to have your brain function be even better. Are you ready to have more energy? Are you ready to lose weight? Are you ready to feel better the while you do all this, you can support a hard core anti communist company and the best part of all this it's all natural, not big farm, a crap. Not supporting all these pharmaceutical junk companies. Chalk see, h, o q fellows They have a male vitality, stack nine Today's take it and tell me how you feel ladys female vitality stack. Take it tell me how you feel you want to feel like you're twenty years younger go to c h, o hugh dot com, promo code tim get you through.
five percent off your subscription get a subscription today c h, o q, dot com, promo code, TIM make sure to go to TIM, cast dot com click join us and become a member to support this podcast and all the work. We do. And you'll get access to exclusive uncensored segments from tim cast. I r l and weigh more now, let's jump into the first story alex Jones has officially returned to acts they returned, but it was never actually here now exchanges, from twitter. You must bought what a re named it acts. So it's actually the first time that Alex Jones has been on acts, but you get the point. His account restored on the platform formerly known as twitter. He has returned to the main, stream conversation and public square, though I gotta be honest. I don't think he actually went anywhere. To be fair. When you take a look at the size of Alex Jones's operation, pre ban, it was insane
I think Alex said he was something like as big or bigger than Joe rogan. I think it's fair to say absolutely and I think it a different space with some overlap with Joe rogan but yeah Alex joneses. You two presence. Facebook, twitter All of that was massive and then all at once they took him down not only that, but they started banning the u r rails to his website. So it's one thing to shut someone's, count down, but then all of these platforms also said you cannot go to his work. But you can't share links to his website. The tie they are a turning. My friend and I have to say I am actually surprised at the the these. Ill of change and the amount of victories where since elon musk bought twitter. I was at an event with a sum of airlines, cohorts, friends, and other big tech bros, this was in
then as well. Some commentators conservatives free speech advocates It seemed like the whole narrative around how we win. Culture war, was just technology, and I absolutely disagree that guys its culture and is not just the technology. I can add, it. Controlling twitter is a massive vehicle for controlling culture, but young people, don't you. Twitter, the same way that they're using other platforms- and we really need to be focused on what younger people are talking about, and now it's getting scary, There is an article that was put out by the economist the other day, showing that eighty twenty nine year olds, twenty to twenty five percent do not believe the holocaust happened. Ok, look! I'm I'm all about full. As a fee, I'm all about logic and praying
tourism, etc, etc, etc? Which means I understand that history is written by the victors, but not always, then always it's not an absolute, and so when it comes to note, the historical events no I've had my debated people who don't believe the moon landing happen, and things like that and I'm like outcomes razor is all I can say. Okay. So when you someone who is an actual survivor of the holocaust? It's just. It really discredits a lot of the conspiracy theories, but get me wrong I am sure there is a lot of things about history, a holocaust included that we don't know about. That may be different from what we've read about, but the fact that young people don't believe it happened. Something crazy is going on so when I hear all these guys talking about when the culture war through- technology, I'm just like yes, but look at par. Look at getter look at truth. The attempts at building these public squares have been destroyed. Now parlor, it looks like the government may have gone after It was such a much like Alex Jones. Parlour was destroyed simultaneously, ought wants to false narratives
and I got to say, elon musk buys twitter, calls it acts and now It has just been victory: victory victory over over and over again. So here's the big news Alex Jones. His back elon musk, the tate brothers the vague promise, swami all joined in four alive twitter check. That was so massive that the vague rama swami you're a native lie accidentally. Ok, I guess This is actually will apparently vague. Was on this live chat with ilan and alex jones imitate brothers and josie, the rudder deliberate, was there actually spoke and left his microphone. Well he's in the bathroom. So we're just we're just getting big knows today. That's how crazy things have gone, apparently that the story, but I know this is a massive massive twitter space. Two million tuned in two million massive with all
these product individuals speaking, I shall we see jack because they are met gates was there, you got brine presence dean, a lax all having this conversation, so I must tell you I must tell you my friends right now. You must look up my sort of its twitted this on the ninth. You travel back in time to twenty twenty you tell people harvard am I t and pens presidents are going to be fired for anti semitic. Alex Jones is back on twitter, which is now called acts elon musk bought it you'd be fifty one. Fifty two despair is for losers. I love the time travel test. You take something that we are seeing today and and and and imagine, asking someone several years ago what they would think. They'd, never believe you, but look at where we are- and I think might is right. Despair is for losers. You know look. I think the night is always darkest before the dawn we are. We are staring down the bout
bearing down the barrel of some dark days, but that doesn't mean the world ends, it doesn't mean we lose in order to win the culture war you actually have to in age in it, and that means there's going to be challenges ahead of us, but I do believe we're on the path to victory and leave as I've been saying now for the past several months we have been taking that the centre of the of the battlefield we have been storming at enemies ranks have shattered their fleeing, and now we storm the battlefield, zol figurative, of course, but another way to put it as we were up washed up to the end zone with the opposing team, and I an interception on our side, and we have advanced the line so You know twenty thirty yards. Does that mean we ve won now? Does that mean we're winning it does? We aren't? We I believe we are approaching that fifty yard line sentiment in favor of donald trump is is, is is improving his,
those are improving. Joe Biden is losing does a lot. That is, it is before us there. We are certain facing challenges. We did not score that touchdown touchdown just yet, but we are on our way and we are gaining gaining gaining with returning stones, and the question is what was extremely bad for. You may believe that Alex Jones was banned on twitter, for his discussion of sandy hook false Thus I would happen. Alex Jones was banned because he confronted oliver darcy in public and insulted him to his face. Oliver darcy is a cnn journalist and ah what what's the right way to describe him? I don't think journalist is a fair assessment, because he just makes things up ah and manipulates and produces a conspiracy theory and misses nation, so propagandist is kind of a loaded termites, but that's what he does. Oliver she's, not a journalist, and I can tell you this, having known the guy for a long time, there was a period where he did journalism.
and then you get hired by cnn and all of a sudden he's just misrepresenting things. In ways that favour the the establishment, the government in intelligence agencies and that our deceptively manipulative and right, so unexampled would be of our own ample of the manipulation of information is like one donald trump through the food into the coy pond for those are not familiar with this there's a famous video we donald trump as with shins obey of japan, and there are sprinkling food into a coil pond- and then all of a sudden, the camera zooms in on trump, and he dumps the whole thing and everybody mocked and belittled trump for doing it. In the real video without being zoomed in you can see that shinzo abe poured
all of the food in the cope on trumped looked not ok, then it does the same thing they tried to make. It seem like trump with some idiot, and then they made fun of them. How about they claim that trumps had to drink bleach things like that? It's just not true. None of its true, that's what they do. They ripped things out of context to manipulate you, the fact that Alex Jones has returned to to twitter now acts so greatly to our ability to speak freely and our victory. The culture were now I pull up for you. The washington post, elon musk, restores account, of conspiracy theorist, Alex Jones on X, oh boy them is likely to hasten the fight of advertisers from the site. Over anti semitism in hateful content will it now before we jump into that store? My friends had over to cast Rude, dot, com, support our work by buying our coffee when you buy cast broke off here, to recommend appalache nights for people who, like dark, roasts or
Actually, the brittle juniors are like rust, you're supporting our endeavour to build physical locations where y'all can hang out, share coffee and we're going to have big tvs on the wall and there'd be playing shows. Like TIM cast him cast IRA Steven Crowder sticks, saxon, hammer, viva frei, we're gonna have all of that stuff, so casper dot com support the show, the story from washington post the account of conspiracy, theorist Alex germans were stored on acts, formal notice, twitter on sunday after ellen was conducted a pole among followed on Saturday and pronounced the people have spoken, and so it shall be. This will be bad. ex financially but principles matter more than money. He added it's a reversal of the trend eighteen decision by the social media platforms for management to ban jones, every promoted, hate speech and anti semitic conspiracy theories, and extreme voices lies, lies, Alex Jones is banned for confronting oliver darcy in the halls of congress, and he said something like you have read eyes, and so yes, if the organ from twitter
like that cross, the line he's harassing a user both like he did something in public not unto her on Saturday must Does followers unscientific pole, whether jones, who has falsely claimed the twenty four for the kind of twelve sandy hook mass culling was staged, should come back yes and I mean since two I think twenty eighteen, maybe twenty seventeen alex jones has said he doesn't think it stage. I'm going to show you what Alex Jones said, though, I've got some criticisms there. In the video jones also asked his followers to vote for his return about, seventy percent in the polls said. Yes, normally being a little extra can be a bit much, but when it comes to health care, it pay to be extra and united,
Care makes it easy, with health protector guard fixed indemnity insurance plans underwritten by golden rule insurance company. They supplement your primary plan, helping you manage out of pocket costs without the usual requirements and restrictions like deductibles and enrollment periods. So when it comes to covering your medical bills, you can feel good about being a little extra visit. You each one dot com to find the health protected our plan for you when we, let me explain this to you, washington, post manipulators and smear merchants. Elon musk asked his followers should, ex jones be reinstated and there's a reason why this pole matters The reason why its scientific What do you mean scientific nobody's? Try determine whether or not the nation wants Alex Jones back. These people are psychotic and they are evil or they're just really dumb, but hey, maybe both
The reason why this poor matters is that elon musk is asking the users of twitter in the most high profile way, those that are most likely to engage with the platform. Do you want Alex Jones back? Seventy percent said yes, Ilan. Imagine you have a business that sells cupcakes. And you walk is busy day in everybody's there and they're. All your regulars are there to say how many of you want pumpkin cupcakes and and seventy percent raise their hand, guess what you Gonna be selling numb cupcakes, so you make em seventy percent biome you make money, that's how you run a business So when elon musk is running his business and says how many of you want Alex jones- and seventy percent says yes, he's like okay, most people want Alex Jones back now. Here's how they used to do it. Thirty percent say no. Ok, so the previous management say how many of those people are gonna quit ten percent, so we lose three percent of of twitters base
How many will stay on the platform, even if we don't bring back alex jones, no one's going to quit. If we don't bring it back, okay, then we don't bring them back because we we lose money. Elon musk is doing things in a different way. Now I love the sandy hook stuff. So, let's talk about what did Ellen. I wondered what did Alex Jones say not even out jones. The new york times has some quotes Alex Jones began. Lying about sandy hook, shooting within our third occurred. This is from september of twenty twenty to some of the cliff. exist that are those which media accounts somewhere a tree from old info wars, feed blah blah blah. Here. Some of the comments he said, my god is the timing and everything that happened. It's a staged, and you know I've been saying for the for the last few months, get ready for big mass shootings and then magically it happens. Okay, let's stop there. Did he defame any of the parents in that quote, know but hold on folks. We've got to get private investigators percent hook right now, I'm telling you this stinks to high Heaven
still to defame anybody we're sorry for bodies, losses whatever were investigating this, though that seems rather benign. It has only as a three dollar bill, don't owe the context there, but thou Looks like a direct call out sang beyond that. Of the first ones are like it stinks, and I don't trust it now is our saying it's you ve got pair laughing ha ha ha, and then they want the camera, go boo, hoo, hoo and not just one, but a bunch apparent parents doing this and then Does the kids that are still alive they had died? I mean they think we're so dumb interesting donor enough about it All I can say there is that would viral showing apparent laughing and then walking to the camera and then crime- I I don't want that means right. That is meaningless everybody thinks they know how you'll react when in situations we recently some such a shocking situation. Where opponent youtube her was so we try to kill them and you know we're The video
and so, when I know said that sounds so fake and I'm like do this literally happened? Why do you think it sounds fake? You don't know, Oh how someone will react and that's why I'm just like I don't know man I am. This is weird stuff. I the footage. I'm not gonna, read everything he says, but he makes these points about a guy laughing and then going on camera. I gotta be honest. I don't believe that outside of it this vote is a three dollar bill and what is the context of that? It's not like he came out and and and set explicitly of the parents names and all that not as important, because what they ve been claiming is that Alex sounds what first, that it was suspended from twitter over this. He never was and they claim that he directly defamed the parents. My understanding and I could be wrong he never actually named.
I think he named like one person, but I'm not entirely sure and when it came to his is civil trial, where he was all this money there was never actually try. Lover. Defamation owes a summary judgment. I'm sorry was a default ruling, meaning they claimed that out. Stones didn't even try to challenge the claims when he did they went straight to the trial for how much damage, as you would owe, without actually going through whether he actually defamed anybody? Interesting while we had this massive twitter space, the big news out of that is bake, rama swami appears to urinate with MIKE on during twitter space. Heavens me, I gotta be honest. I don't think this actually now get going to negatively impact that they swami and it's kind of fascinating. Cause. You add that howard dean, you who moment where it like, destroyed his campaign boat by yelling What did I tell you who or whatever the vague is, on the stream. I gotta be honest to I d when convinces actually urinating.
Someone says that a thing out, just like so much pain on stream, and then everyone repeated it I'm not. Sure he actually did about whatever. If I me to know whether or not someone's urinating when you're hearing on a camera or something, but that I I he he could have been a like. If he could have been not like making an espresso or something I don't know what Apparently all you here is like water trickling, but I gotta go. Doesn't sound. At least the auto. I heard like a toilet. It sounds like water trickling, in which case it's like. Did you make an espresso or turn the false at all if something like that. I don't know how you respond to this, but you know it's the big news so here it is with the media now coming after elon musk greatly as they ve been for some time, elon musk seems to be doubling down. More more bringing back Alex Jones seems to be a big middle finger and elon space
saying you know what man screw these people, here's the fun and funny thing. They say that twitter acts it's going to crash and burn. You know what give us a year. That's all we need donald trump is leading and right now we are winning the your war tremendously, and so maybe maybe at some point- acts, crashes and burns. But it's not gonna crash and burn in a year, and that means this platform will exist in the conversation will persist into twenty twenty four and the election and then at least trump wins. we'll see now as poor up her constitutional speech, and that means Joe the red, blooded libertarian, who hosts spaces with josie. You can walk The live show on tim cast our members only, but so? Here's how this works, josie hosts periodic twitter spaces. You should follow t r, H, l official on on x,
flash twitter where she interviews people over twitter spaces. If you want to watch the video version, because the twitter spaces always free There's a video version where you can see. Josie live on camera and we have that on a tim cats, dot com for members, it just kind of a bonus where you get to watch the video component of it we just we're, trying to figure out some way to like make it more than just a twitter space, but it is available on twitter on x Josie is a hour revolutionary journalist and I don't mean like she's engaging in evolution, though she covers greatly the constitution. It depends revolution and she broke down constitutional speech. So I'd like to play this
so we'd get an understanding of what it really means. What it really means that we're going to have free speech, so I just want to help kind of clarify that for some listeners who might have questions- and so the speech and expression which are not given protections in america under the first amendment- include incitement, defamation, fraud, obscenity, cp, fighting words and truth threats. The government does have power to make blanket regulations
in speech, including time place manner. That's usually done in the form of permits of it when it comes to slander and libel. Those are defamation of jason and need to be proven as there's no such thing as a false opinion. Under the first amendment, only a false facts, but many times by the time the due process is through the damage has already been done. I mean we saw that with the me too movement, particularly with justice kavanaugh. We saw that with Alex Jones. The tate's nick sandman called rittenhouse were the kind of propaganda machine took over and and and and and truth was lost for a period of time. So when it comes to obscenity, that's the hardest constitutional violation to prove when it comes to the expression of that, because it's it has kind of a standard of I I know it when I see it. So there is something called the miller test to determine whether something is deemed legally extreme, so
I hope that that we're not doing drag queen storytime here without bob revolves around hacking websites promoting freedom. That's why we're censored? Yes, yeah excellent breakdown. I think it's very important, because the reason why I wanted to make sure that was included in this one shot it to josey but more important If you are going to hear a lot of lies right now, there's a big story happening. Another big component of the victories were having saturday night live mocked, rep, Elise stefanik she vigorously and powerfully called out. The heads, the presidents of three universities, mit penn and harvard for this. One of these presents has already resigned. She said: is it against the rules to call for the genocide of Jews, and these these presents were all like, while the constitution allows free speech, so in certain contexts these are universities like harvard that have been accused of of that there's a quote from. I think it's from a
but who is it for sir Andrew Sullivan harvard is where free speech goes to die. A fire, which is a free speech organization, says that they get an abysmal, zero, abysmal rate, an abysmal rating, there's no free speech. They say you have to pronouns or else fat phobias banned, but they actually say you can call for genocide adduced now. This is a component because what they're trying to argue now is that Alex Jones does not deserve free speech. He's not to give an opinion on a news event. He should be destroyed. Fine billions that you got. What we re trying to do is really funny the fair were demanding. They were like a trillion or something like some insane number. The gdp of france. They they say Alex jones, should not have a right to express these things, but you shouldn't be allowed to shame fat people. You should have to use pronouns and well. You know if you're calling for the genocide of Jews, that's a context, dependent statement. These are all manipulations.
wise. There is a harsh reality here when it comes to the anti semitism being pen harvard mit thing. Look. I actually agree with what the professor said. The problem is there trying to trick us They say free speech now, but then later when it comes to opinions that we disagree with, they say no free speech or opinions. We agree with if you're anything like me, your book and busy from family duties and work responsibilities to catching up your favorite chosen, podcast. Yes, like wrestling with freddy with me, forty prince junior with all the responsibilities we have. It's always ass, to have someone in your quarter. That's why state for, is there for you with your otto? and home insurance needs helping. You protect the things you love. and helping you save money like a good neighbour, state farmers there collar go state form dot com for a quote today: state farm
proud, sponsor the michael tura podcast network, so was what we all We like well, people should have a right to free speech even for these important things so long as it's not an imminent threat right, as josie pointed out. These are the confines of of of free speech. There's such thing as a wrong opinion only a wrong fact, and they say well, but the constitution, then we say okay. Well, that means I'm not a fan of fat shaming. I think people should be encouraged to lose weight, but you know if somebody wants to say that stuff, that's they're allowed to say it, and then they say no. You can't say that they try to act like therefore free speech when they want to say the most violent disgusting things and then, when we want say that people should have free speech, they say no, I think people shouldn't say vile mean disgusting things. I think we should make our our arguments are articulately rationally, but I understand that there are some opinions that people find distasteful
That is the challenge with obscenity. Obscenity is an opinion. I think that there is an obvious moral standard for a reason. You know we say like no child abuse. What's the crime it's illegal and because it's destructive to the future of this country and to the future of humanity. Point of morals when it comes to absurdities showing graphic images is because we are trying to protect the mental state of children. But that means obscene things are allowed just not in public but in restricted spaces, and I have no problem with this. Some would argue that it These are free speech and yeah yeah depending so noted, George Carlin went to jail for a swearing, as he said this was it the seven words you can't say on v. They got arrested for it because that was considered obscene and could harm the the mental.
Eight and development of children, but we ultimately decided, like oh, come on it's under the parents to say dauntless these radio shows are these comedy clubs, but that we get to porn and right now we all basically agree. Look, you can have it fine. You have free speech, but you are you. Use is a restricted thing because you gotta be at least eighteen o. Whenever I have I have, I have no problem. I have no problem. There see you to understand, and I said this greatly You know we had, though, that woman from majority report on just like you are for censorship. Ten, because you dont want these these adult books in schools as it. Yes, you are correct next question: You know what you're trying to get me I'm like. I have no problem saying. I support censorship. One hundred percent. There are people working, a twitter facebook instruments at our who are taking down child abuse. They should because there's a moral line we all have
It is not just while we believe in free speech when we do whatever they want. That is how works. There are moral lines. This is why culture is the most important thing, not just tech, but tech helps us build that culture and that's what we're seeing now. My friends, I have another big story for that. I want to get into but said a forty minutes segment I'll break it up, and I want to talk to you. The latest news pertaining to the universities and how are winning saturday night live mocked, at least a chronic, and it was insane to me. Unlike are you kidding me?
professors were defending people calling for the genocide of Jews and sure enough ass, an l took their side. That's crazy to me. They decided that at least a fond was the bad guy for calling it out, and so the butt of the joke was her hey, my friends. This is us winning. This is us women and that's that's it. But up I'll get into all that I'll. Tell you why next segments coming up at one p m on the channel shout out to the man himself Alex Jones? regulations on your return. Things are gonna get fund this year. And I gotta say shout to elon musk in old men. I've never been one in my whole life to ever care. To look up to somebody. I tell you this people ask me when you are going to be given a hero's know. We are watching some skate videos yesterday, because we're filming with some awesome pro skate.
Waters that having fun in the in the skate park as we're launching our new channel boonies hq, follow us on instagram and youtube I'll go to boonies hq on youtube, follow and I was making the joke everytime appropriate, we're watching this video and his pros doing these really good checks and, like I could do that. I could do that and I'm kidding by the way, because you know I'm like almost thirty eight, but when I was a kid, that's that's really how cocky and arrogant I was I'd, watch these videos and see a dude. Do this like crazy trigger back. I could probably do that. Reluctant anyway. I look at elon musk right now and I am inspired. that's it! That's it! That's another feeling I dont know that's I'm emotionally satisfied is another. One is because I keep saying: where are these old?
wealthy people to put their money where their mouth is stand up for. What's right and say enough, there were people of great means and wealth. Where are they I'll? Tell you why I m m issued from the south side of cargo? I complain on the internet. You all have followed me supported my work. You ve bought our coffee. You become members at tim cast our come. You have greatly empowered my work. The work of the people who are here josie, for instance, who is a producer, staffing and talent for a tim, cass, dot com, you've empowered all of us- and I am eternally grateful for that- and we have used those abilities to expand this sir. This battle screw coffee shop is under way. The private club in scale up is under way we're building our skate show, and I,
are we able man I care about skateboarding, but we are pushing the wilderness out of this culture and we are taken it back and that's the point, I'm not a billionaire. I didn't vent cell phones or rocket ships or the lights, are nothing like that, and there are so many people who have tremendous amounts of money. We dont we're well off and we're empowered by you. You have all you you you have. You have lists lifted us up to to do the work we do and I feel like we do a great job. I have begged look. I know that there are people out there who have a billion dollars. Why aren't they in this fight? Donald trump stuck his neck out and for all his faults, which has many
his net worth has declined and he's done great work, no new wars, I love it. Elon musk, the richest man in the world has joined the fray and it is one of the most inspirational thanks. So shout out to elon musk he's a guy was far from perfect c'mon. Everybody deserves criticism, but the fact that he he he bought twitter, the work that he's doing bringing back alex Jones and you may not agree with Alex Johnson- you don't have to but free speech matters. This is us winning. So I want to give a shout to elon musk for in great risk to himself to do it right. Let's roll baby, excitements coming up at one p m in the channel. Thanks for. I cannot now see you all them return of Alex Jones to twitter now called acts. I only that we're winning will have another story, that a reference in my earlier segment about victory, and this has to do with resignation of a present university calls for the firing of another, and now
saturday night live is facing calls to apologize. after they mocked at least stefanik. He'll be representative for calling out anti semitism, oh boy, We gotta a doozy here so in the past week, or so where the searing, where geo p stefanik, asked three president's thread of three. Two universities, pen, mit and harvard, if calling for the genocide of jews I hope their rules each one of these individuals gave some wishy washy non answer where they basically said. Well, you know people have free speech. The funny thing is in in regards to harvard particularly they are they say you can't have you can't engage in phobia. They say that using the wrong pronouns is disrespectful and create a bad environment. They have rights. Stretching on speech, but when it comes to the issue of calling for that,
the sight of jews all of a sudden. They become free speech, constitutional lists. No, we don't believe it they're, liars props and bravo too, evonik for calling this out it was tremendous. In fact we have story from CBS pen president liz Mcgill and board chair sky buck resign after controversial congressional here We are hearing now that is massive. Massive fun, hundred million dollars of pulling out of. I think it's harvard over their inability and unwillingness to call out anti semitism tremendous victory. and look a lot of people and on the on the left bring up, but I thought you were free speech, yeah, absolutely, but yaller hypocrites, so You should have your funding pulled for being hypocrites, but I'll tell you exactly what this is. First, let me just mention the news ass adele does skit. opening their show on saturday, mocking elise defined
and seemingly defending the professors that are either for in calls resignation or one of outright resigned already. So what is this? The left is doubling down, but here's in the longest time. The left play this game where they said you're not seeing your racist and you know what they are person was scared of that the average person Look I don't know man, I don't like racists who does not very many people. Some people are racist. I guess each other, and so when the left used you're racist line. It worked for a period of time eventually people just start saying, I'm so sick of dude, I'm not racist. I'm done something else. Just happened recently with hearing this same regular people who don't like racism and dont like anti semitism, heard these professors out right, engaging hypocrisy and defend far left calls for genocide of jews.
And while I want to make sure we're clear here, I do deal to to the extent of the far left is actually going out calling for genocide that wasn't the question. Some are Most I dont believe are, but I dont want to plague him of like you. I think the average leftist is calling for the eradication of Israel, which I dont think is immediately at the summit: anti semitic, but the alarm, the people who are saying and are doing around semitic reasons hears it happens. Your average person says what what what wait a minute. These people are out right, defending calling for genocide of use, and this is what breaks down the left's lie machine. It has now become apparent to everybody. The left doesn't oppose racism there for it the left doesn't oppose anti semitism therefore it- and this is breaking it all down. We ve learned about this a long time ago, but it's only now going into the mainstream when the wind
march happened several years ago, the big one biggest march in short of his head, a story was published by tablet isn't where you actually had a woman say the the organizers here were pushing anti semitic conspiracy theories, attacking jewish people, saying horrible things, and we we we kind of understood we understood when they were defending the likes of Farah khan and things like that, and now they can't denied any more the laughed at these universities. They don't want to come out and criticize anti doesn't because they know young people are deeply anti semitic. The economist released a pole, showing tina twenty nine year olds, one fifth of them, don't believe the holocaust happened or that it was exaggerated. So it's around twenty twenty percent. They didn't happen like twenty five think it has been exaggerated, meaning there's big overlap there, sir. happens. Naturally, the left in media is going to defend the left and academia.
Who s a now runs skit effectively defending the professors now there's some news reports or their like all. The professors war were also secured, along with these least of on it. Now the mockery of the professors was fake. It was like the professors, the question that I got well, I believe in diversity, and then you hear chuckling and, unlike that, that's that's what they in. You have heard the phrase. The more things changed, the more things stay. The same. and while we love the excitement of new things, is also nice to have the reliability of something constant. Aids warmer by the roma and when it comes to insurance, as they form is a good neighbour, you can count on solar. am I Another ways they farm helps is by supporting the creators and storytellers of Michael due to park as network family can I do that they stay farm established at european level, yet they were under knows that was tat voices san school, come on when we see no stay firmest. I
I bring them ass, an essay punto state farm, Punto com, Let me show you what they do to release stefanik with the with the closing statement they have in the segment and you can understand an q. That's all the time we have It was all very useless for me it was very useful. I had a great time I'm the hanukkah gift. No one wanted not for me will hold on it was all useless useless, actually is one of the most useful things we ve seen in a long time at least a fanatic. The nail on the head with the hammer you say no hate speech. You say no fat phobia. What about calling the genocide of jews? Oh wow, the constitution's as there is there it is these people are fascists,
they are the university president's. They have David graver, said this: the late David graver anarchist anthropologist, though he had been called that said that elements of the left have adopted the fascistic tenets of there is no truth, but power, and thus this is what they do. They lie. They cheat they steal. They claim we're we're for free expression, shut down, what oh poses them and then claim Well, you know we get it throughout this whole clip they basically just make at least a phonic look really bad, despite the fact that she did a really great job is another clip women. Now I'm gonna start screaming questions that these women, like I'm bailey, ike I'm sorry. What
I know I calling for the genocide of two is against the code of conduct for harvard well, it depends on the context why that can't be your answer. U penn lady same question, yes or no! Well, we are serious about stopping all forms of hatred, anti semitism, islamophobia attacked by the second one and mighty lady came to steal, not the second one, and they do it several times this once fascinating. The issue of islam didn't come up in these questions that that went massively viral ass. I now is defending these. These president's. calls for ass to apologize for its on funny the semitism hearing sketch that mocked dupe erupted stefanik for calling colleges in dead of their president's shameful testimony. So let's get it at that.
But boy do I do have a shout out to Derbyshire head over to the best song ever dotcom as gentleman on the fifteenth. We will be releasing the greatest song ever written together. Again, it is a cover of the smoky mike and the god. King at Jeremy bore and Michael Malta, ITALY, the cover of their son click, pre order on amazon pre order. First, denying sand super cheap and all this time, We did due priority, then you, the last songs or releases, our new song, that we are putting out. The whole thing is basically a big f you to the music industry. We are basically just making fun of the whole and we are doing the cover of jemmy- bore in Michael noses song, because there is also a big middle finger to the industry and when you pre order, you will help us get onto the billboard charts as we ve done with many of our songs already, and I would just love it now. Don't I've you would maybe
if we were able to chart this song, which the whole premise of is a underhanded insult to the institution being captured by the woke left and their rejection of of, Work that we do it's a long story, but the simple version is that the music industry gave an f you to jeremy boring, so he struck back with this song. Together again, we made a modern cover version of it as an additional effort of the music industry. We are releasing it friday, and if you pre order now and all throughout the next week, then we'll get him a billboard charts and that that a few will be there to both get back then here's what we're currently at pen president lives Miguel board chair, Scott bach resign, african controversial congressional here and anti semitism cbs What's? Lisbon, gilan scott back to top leaders, the university of pennsylvania, resign centred after days of criticism and pressure from donors, alumni and jewish community members. Following the gills comments,
rational hearing on carpet on campus anti semitism. Now the important thing understand the stories from december. Ninth linking this story came out december. Ninth at four de four p m. At the same time, as is going down ass, I now is preparing to insult at least to funding for calling it up now, when you ve got massive, funds, financial institutions and activists calling out these universities why would s at el decide to go the root of the woke left? I think it's very, very clean ass. I now may actually issue an apology over this, because they're gonna get eaten alive as well quote IRA. to share that president lives. Miguel has voluntarily tendered her resignation as president diversity of pennsylvania after her exit bach also announced he would be stepping down. Effective immediately and that he declared to stay and help with the presidential transition box at the state that miguel made a very unfortunate misstep. The world you know
Liz miguel is a very good person and talented leader who was below by your team. She has not the slightest bit anti semitic box set in the statement working with was one of great pleasures of my life, worn down by months of relentless external attacks? She was not herself, I despise these people the weak, the spineless, the corrupt, the evil asked me. Do you believe in free speech. I do but speech itself does have a certain limitation as I do on. Let us be under a free speech, absolutist or break down my morals, absolutely and defend all of my positions on this logic. No immediate calls for violence, no creating of immediate threats, no instructing on commit crime, committing crimes, yelling fire in a crowded, theater, no problem expressing your political. It's no problem seeking out an individual and harassing them through repeated offensive statements over and over and over again, not an expression of opinion targeting an individual
so when it comes to what happened at this university. Actually growth of the professor said, but I think they're evil. Oh, I can explain its actually quite simple. You see these professors, don't actually agree with speech. They will shut down your speeches. They will get you fired. They will celebrate protesters trying to shut down your speech but then when they want the right to call for genocide which is abhorrent, they will absolutely defend it and try and use our morality against us. I do not accept that so it's funny when I condemn these professors and they say they should all be fired and removed You get these leftist bingley and there the free speech absolute show their true colours. They never believed in free speech anyway. I do just not for evil people who are lying to steal power. Ok, you can't come to me commit a bunch of crimes. and then say, but I'm allowed to do this one right, you don't get to shut down people speech. Bar their rights and try to destroy this country, and then bag for
we speech when you want to say some awful garbage it don't work that way, box miguel will remain a tenured faculty. Member at pen carries law school. You see how that works. pens board held an emergency meeting on thursday, which a person from- tell you what the situation described as an informal virtual gathering at that entrust told mcgill that they were not asking her to resign, but that she think, long and hard about whether she can function in her role effectively end and, ultimately, that's that that's what ended up happening. She resigned. Take a look, rolling stone ass, an AL skewering congress is bizarre, anti semitism hearing bizarre. I thought it was actually normal. I a bizarre. I thought it was meaningful. You see how they the skin and made these professors look like they were being attacked really really, quite quite in credit considering right now we have this from the daily mail. Harvard
swarmed by billboard trucks demanding President Claudia gay be fired ass. She faced. Mounting pressure after disastrous he's semitism. Testimony on capitol hill is remarkable that the already seem to be on the side of these professors lost the plot. Yet somehow s analysis decided to go the woke route It s an audience young. Why would one who still watches terrestrial television actually agree with that framework. it's funny, because I've been told by some comedians it s now has some of the best writers and buy it. I don't buy. Snl may have some of the best writers but they're cowards, and maybe they can write good jokes but they're. Not so I gotta tell you this. It may be a really deep down the funniest person that could be, but you're scared to actually make the funny jokes, because you don't get cancelled, sorry, you're, not funny, okay,
you don't get to be alike, actually a one. You know I I I'm the best sprinter, but I decided not to sprint it's like ok, okay, dude sure so there. This thing poker, If you dont show your cards, you lose no matter what it's called mucking right. So there's there's anybody you place poker, no this right. Someone will go and now muck their hand, meaning they throw it face down into into the pit to the deal the dealer gets rid of it there it is gone and then we'll go. Oh no await our jeez. I actually had a straight, I actually had a winning hand oh well. I lose. I guess anyone says no, you didn't! You had nothing. You have to show the cards if you're a writer for us, I you are one of the most unfunded people and if I look to anyone credits for the writers of us. Now, I'm gonna be like these. People are the least funny people I've ever heard of now made There actually good are writing jokes and I've had prominent, mean
beg neither really fight another. Not they are not because this is their published work. If you write a book and it sucks, you don't, to claim yeah, but the book I didn't publishes really good. Ok sure I bet. so sorry s in our writers, yaller trash. You wanna, be why get well go broke, the harvard billboards called for gaze, for ring just as similar ones, appeared recently on the? U pen campus falling the gills ouster the bare faced a ferrari, This backlash due to their debts, asters appearance alongside MIT president sally corn, both on tuesday, where they see go to decide whether calls for the elimination of an ethnic group constant it was. It was the concert, bullying, harassment, billionaire donors have threatened to withdraw funding for the colleges until all three are gone and camp dinner's behind yesterday, stunt were confident. The time is up
one down two to go: a source who deployed the trucks at pen and harvard told fox news digital. So I want to make sure I stress this point for all of you. The point is regular people, don't like racism and dont like anti semitism, and the left kept pretending to defend black people and mexican people and asians etc, and they did they claimed to be anti racist, and I have had people come on this show and oh border. Their word games work out really well, and there are Well, I'm on antiracist. I think racism ban on like mona anti racism means you believe and segregation like what will? No, I don't like. Okay, ok will then you're, not antiracist. You see the game they play. People interpret the phrase, antiracist, meaning you oppose racism, s not what it means. Anti racism is a fake terminal at terms
Reverse racism, anti racism means you believe in opposing in an inverse action. The structures of racism. What is that really translate to anti racism, definitive is is defined as a component of critical race theory and they called for aggregation anti racism believes that we should discriminate based on race to rectify racism of the past. I oppose all of it and think we should not engage in behaviors limiting or benefiting anybody based on their race. That is an absurdity if you're anything like me, your books and busy from family duties and work responsibilities to catching up. Your favorite chosen podcast. Yes, like wrestling with freddy with me, forty prince junior, with all the responsibilities we have. It's always I still have someone in your quarter. That's why state? is there for you with your otto.
and home insurance needs helping. You protect the things you love and helping you save money like a good neighbour state farmers. There call- go to state form, dot com for a quote today, state farm proud sponsor the Michael tour podcast network, but my friends we're winning were winning where winning take a look at this from a daily mail open. coffee shop, Farley's, east fires, employees who blocked wish woman from a restroom after complaining that anti semitic graffiti of iron, video showing this guy this germ, so and I know Israel like stealing private property and these two women- these people are psychotic contests, isn't one jewish woman complained about anti israel graffiti in the bathroom she wanted. Go back into the bathroom and take a picture, so they blocked her. So she couldn't see. What's the matter, you scared people are going to find out about the graffiti in your bath not only do they bar her from using the bathroom,
insulted her ears at its edge zionism equals fascism. Now, let me just stress, for you Calling zionism fascism is not anti semitic trotted calamitous zionist, These are jewish people who want to establish a jewish state in the holy land is a bit different from criticising outright jewish people, but to be fair there I wouldn't call an anti semitic, but it is pretty close to it. I don't think it's fair that if somebody like hey, you want to establish a state in this region for religious reasons. I don't think that's explicit calling out them for their religion by, but there are components had overlap with and anti semitism. I do think that is fair and that being said, the summons allowed to fill. It wants a film it then she showed, but these people they they were scared that it wanted to film it and They directly insulted her eye Israel loves, taking proper property. Think it's theirs, but we're gonna go ahead and ask you to leave.
man. I really really really really despise these people, the cult, the psychotic cult came. If you are psychologically pro israel, I feel. Similarly, I do if you're, jewish and you're pro israel? Oh, no, that I that I understand, if you're palestinian and your postage, oh, oh totally, I get that if you have some something that ties you to this region for which you are concerned about, you are allowed to be concerned about it. I respect it one hundred percent, but these people they are not palestinian they're, not israeli. There are americans who are psychotically. sassed with Israel. I don't care if your four against Israel, if your white nationalist or on a left as an editorial, I don't care what your background, as well as a pretence
your obsession with Israel. I will say all of you have israel derangement syndrome. These people are psychopaths, but let me break it all down and go back to the beginning. Were women and hope you all realise that I sent out mocked at least a fun, and now they are getting dragged for it, because most people are just like dude, don't be a dick hey. Look I think fat shaming is bad in some contacts. What scraps fetch Amy's, not fetching. If there's a morbidly obese person- and I say your morbidly obeys- you should lose weight. That's not fetch. Aiming at a soft phobia.
I think that Jamie's insulting someone saying you disgusting, pig and things like that. No, we should encourage people to be healthy and lose weight. Okay, you're going to be a dick about it. But that's that's! That's! That's just it they'll claim! Well, that's fat phobia that you don't want somebody fat but yeah. Well, I want them to live and be healthy. So you know what y'all can shut your mouth, I don't care, but when they claim that they can ban ever speech they want, and then they can permit the same type of speech as long as against the Jews, young man. We call them out, we expose them for the hypocrites they really are, and we begin winning I wouldn't be surprised if us another poligized, we'll see you leave their necks segments coming up at four p m on the channel. Thanks, frank, it out now see you all them. Cnn releases anew Paul trump leads by hidden in Michigan and georgia as bra the majorities hold negative views of the current president and one of those
fascinating things about this as they say that non voters are the biggest factor in trumps success right now in the people who did not vote in twenty twenty favoured donald trump by like twenty seven points, but my friends, I have a video wall street silk. On twitter on acts posted? This explains exactly why Donald trump is doing so well and why, as of right now, if the elections were held, they. Donald trump would win and bigley, and I'm gonna this video for you,
because this video is revealing. It is of a a young woman with a simple question of everyone's favorite chipotle. Do you like your burrito bowls? I certainly do extra cheese, sour cream and guacamole double chicken, no rice, no beans. Until we do we go keto right. Take a look at this clip. It's only fourteen seconds long, my burrito bar for principal ages cost me nineteen. Eighty two. Yes, I got guac but that should make it nineteen. Eighty two there is so much money for one ball. What is happening yeah I'm I met this lady, but it is frustrating, isn't it what it Happily, I by John what you wanna bet you vote for Biden, not to be honest, MIKE be she didn't even vote at all, but how many people for Joe Biden and are now ally, Why is my burrito causing me twenty dollars by burrito I would still batch man so the tunnel
from is our ally. People always saying like you, do good trumped him. No! Well, it's like doesn't always talk. It's dislike the rally voice that he does about a look, and if you a young person right now and you're wondering why it is your brito cost. Twenty bucks well down vote for I bind because I'm going to make a real simple for you. We can come out. We can say you know. Donald trump was spending a lot of money and increase the debt short fine. We can come out. We can talk about the Trumps policies to recover not being good, yet all that, but you want to know what one of the biggest components of why everything cost so much money is because people like Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Barack obama and the rest of the neo cons in the deal libs. They want war overseas and how do they pay for that war? Printing money they just print it extra interacting the buying power from your savings and making everything cost more money. I know it's a bit complicated, but that's the simple version of it to put it right you don't let me do this mechanism.
I had someone get mad at me. They were like TIM. You don't need to explain to us inflation, alright, let's say there's three dudes and each of them has one dollar dude one says I will buy product off. You for one dollar gives. Our two guy one gives out a guy to guy too. Now us dallas got. One has no dollars, but guy one has product. Guy three says I want product and they all. Trading. The one dollar around each other well as each of them only either has one two or three thousand any given moment. The value of certain projects can only be one two or three dollars, there's no more money so guy. one has no money and he's holding an object and three says I'll. Give you a dollar fort. It says: well, I don't have any dollars anymore and I just bought it for a dollar but you know I'll I'll. Do something new give me a dollar? Basically, the the cost of the goods can't exceed the money in supply, so one could say like there could be,
to be honest, I guess they could say like ok, we only two days ago they may make more later. If I do more work for you, but simply put oversimplified now, let's say a secret. Fourth. Guy just starts making a bunch of fake dollars Now, guy guy one has ten dollars and guy to only has one dollar, and guy too is like, dollars. I got ten on it. Basically, what happens the. U s creates money upon the issuance of debt. Fur is war overseas, that money that they get goes to big weapons depends contractors and and special interests. You know problematic, hundreds of contractors etc buys buys weapons that money goes to his manufacturers, give to their staff. Those people in united states spend that money, and thus the money supply dramatically increases it only because of war, but a large component of it is so pay. You wanna see the costs, go down vote for someone who is not going to expand wars, and your best bet is gonna, be donald trump, not perfect, but your best bet cnn reports
for president donald trump. Has the upper hand over president Biden, two critical, battleground states, michigan and georgia, with broad majority, Both states holding negative views of Joe Biden and this is seen as opel enjoy state Biden carried by a very narrow margin and twenty twenty registered voters say they prefer trump. Forty nine percent over Biden, forty four percent for the presidency in a two way hypothetical matchup in Michigan, which I won by a wider margin. Tromp has fifty percent. and two binds forty wow with ten percent saying that when support either jeez trump, is up ten in mitya again the most recent occupants of the, why does appear to be the most likely nominees for their respective parties in next year's presidential election yo? I am not going to even try to predict what happens. Alex Jones is back baby he's on
acts everybody's talk any lawnmower bone crazy over here we got no idea. What's gonna, look for all! We know aliens show up, we ve been waiting for the aliens they keep report, at the news. Maybe aliens will land in march and then everyone goes crazy and we don't even have an election when they'll be the funniest. Ever like roseanne and Michael Mouse runs him cast. Iron and rosanna like ours, we're gonna have an election and Michael's like Europe. It does election. We're going to do a bet. How funny would it be, if The reason we don't have elected is that we get attacked by aliens unlike discernible like an alien ship, comes out a little green men concept, firing lasers at us. Ok, why? I really don't like did it's likely, but there also strong possibility, that should aliens reveal themselves that could instantly create one world government, no question so what aliens here, I guess well I'll just say I mean think about it. If an alien threat emerged, challenging earth. I'm sorry like
in war mode instantly, every government of the planet unifies all weapons and technical scientific ticket capabilities to target the external threat, not just it. So I rode on That's going to happen, but wouldn't that be fun, they want to say trump's margin over Biden. The hypothetical matchup is significantly boosted by support from voters who say they did not cast a ballot and twenty twenty with these voters breaking in trump's favor by twenty six points in georgia and forty while forty points in Michigan those who would having voted in twenty twenty say. They broke for Biden over trump in the election, but as of now they tilt in trump's favor for twenty twenty four in both states. With Biden holding onto fewer of his twenty twenty backers than dust from those numbers, a deposit possible challenges for both candidates in a long campaign had trumps advantage, ass on the assumption that he can both make support among a fickle politically disengaged group and convince them actually vote while bide money to win back support. Not are you kidding challenges for both
pest got people who didn't well wanting to vote for a mean that do anything this I bought lay lady, I'm telling you right here. Look at that face that is the face of somebody. Was mad. Her burial costs, twenty bucks. Okay, I mean that's literally the faces. That's literally what she said. You think she's gonna vote for Joe Biden. I mean she might I just love this. My burrito bowl for principal ages cost me nineteen, eighty two. Yes, I got guac, but that shouldn't get in eighteen. Eighty two that is so much money for one ball. What is happening and what is happening? Look man. They want to act like social issues, are the most important thing, but it's the economy, stupid and when you got young p, you're, you're wondering why does young people are supporting? Tromp could be that their burrito balls cost twenty dollars. You where the phrase the more things changed, the more things stay the same. And while we love the excitement of new things is also needs to have the reliability of something constant.
Aids, woman about the roma and when it comes to insurance, as they form is a good neighbour, you can count on solar I one. Another ways they form helps is by supporting the creators and storytellers of Michael due to park as network family, Can I do that they stay farm. Establish that you also, yes, they were under knows This task forces san school. China's common. When we see no stay, farmers die brenda mass and a s a punto state farm punto, cop man, so this is this: is it you got Joe Biden drawn up? Do all the student loan forgiveness offering up billions in student loans to be forgiven, and there, and there saying I think they passed a bill, so imagine this- that it's not gonna to cords it towards their taxes. He vole p parliament evil. Evil democrats are you Look, I'm not saying neo cans or any better, more democratic, publicans for osborne is garbage. Evil people was a handful as a couple of it
the crisis through its true, I know, is a couple. Maybe what? But republicans ever a decent man, maybe like seven to twelve or whatever, but the system is broken and people are starting to experience it, and got people post this video saying like hold on there a minute, I'm making fifteen bucks an hour working part time. I don't make that much money. I can't afford a burrito bowl at chipotle. Well, I gotta tell you my friends is the dead of winter and you want avocados, that's going to cost you a lot of money, but you know what it is. I'm going to say it's your climate change agenda. yo. They don't want to drive avocados from mexico up to maine. Okay. So if you live in new york- and you want to get a burrito bowl- guess what it's gonna cost you fifty bucks, then say white. While the avocado came from mexico and we got to offset your carbon footprint, we don't want trucks. The allegation that understand about visa avocado us they don't
it's that long. So when they harvest them, they gotta get them up. There asap a lot of these fruits. They gotta put in refrigeration trucks, I'm assuming avocados or refrigerate, or refrigeration. Trucks too. I dunno for sure. But now not only is your truck burning fuel carbon. It's also running air conditioning giant refrigerators, carbon. You want to play that cause climate change agenda meant by all means, go ahead and do it, but don't be surprised when your burrito bowl cost you twenty bucks, and then Democrats don't be surprised when these young people all of a sudden go. I think I'm going to vote for donald trump, because I would like to have a ten dollar burrito bowl. If you know what I mean when we look at china, we look at india and we look at the amount of carbon they produce doesn't quite make sense. Now does it the american people want to have prosperity to, and we ain't gonna give it away, that means eurobonds loosen, but will see man we got a whole year and setting a while to live there. Next segments coming up at six p m on this general thank sprang up and I'll, see you all them.
Woman in her late thirties realises she wants. Marriage and kids feels betrayed by feminism. She actually wrote several articles. Bravo to her. I feel bad for But I am glad that she's speaking her truth, because her. Message may resonate and help many other women stop now before they find themselves in a similar position. this is a story of a woman who we got married young age, but got divorced, didn't have kids thought she wanted a career, and then she realized this time went on. She wants to spend her life with the love of her life and right family, but now she's, almost thirty nine years old and she fears it's too late. She said as in no uncertain terms that she feels betrayed by feminism. Oh boy. Well, we get in all this and break down what she sang and why it matters and I'll start by playing a clip free,
her. You can hear and our own words, so I still unbelievably betrayed by feminism, and I don't want to put it on the movement because I believe you make your own choices and everything I've done, leading up to this point in my life and have been my choice and that's all
it's, but when I was a little girl, it was like and it's been the envy it could be bear. I think this partly comes from coming from a divorced family and seeing my mom kind of handle a lot I mean I just saw a women a woman, take care of a lot, but I also I was constantly fed this idea that women can do everything. We don't really need men, women can women, can have great career and and have the kids that they like and change the tires. And to this I mean I grew up thinking men are great, but, like I can do all the same things looked like. I really really feel I do feel in many ways betrayed by that line of thinking
and I got that from so many the women in my life, to look like a tragic and promote very traditional family, so I wouldn't say so much from the only but just a lot of like the older women in my life. I want to go back to some of those some of those teachers and coaches and and say what no did you mean by that began- can't do it, so man can have all you have it all right. That's a thirty rock joke! Where tina characterised, as I really can have at all, because she wants to have a relationship, a child and be the boss? It are big company and you can't I mean look some people. Can it's very, very difficult to do.
there's a reason for it. This woman, melissa, Melissa personally also wrote this article from business insider, I'm thirty, eight and single, and I've recently realized. I want a child, I'm terrified. I've missed my opportunity, I'm glad she's speaking out, I think very brave she is going to be facing backlash from the whole woke machine and more women need to hear this because my friends may be your female. Maybe you don't want kids totally fun, yet you've done advocates. Maybe you don't wanna get married, that's cool too! Maybe you wanna, be the ceo of a big tech company that's a fantastic good for you. The problem is, there are many women who feel our feeling pressured into these positions. They don't want There were some viral article awhile ago about someone looked up a bunch of. files where women were like. I just want to be a mom, but society doesn't let me and things like that well, there are a lot of women who probably would just rather be a mom stay at home. Mom, take care of the house, raise a family, have children and do well.
modern society is not so much in favour of that as we can see here with this example, this woman saying she was told by feminism, you can do it all. You can have it all. I ve got bad news, for you got bad news for all of is woke, egalitarian, far, laughter if you want to call it. Maybe a gal tarion is the wrong word, because you can be a gas chamber, recognize biological differences, but these ultra woke men and women will never be equal. Thank you. Haven't I say. and I will move on to the next segment. None, but in all seriousness, I'll tell you why I'm not saying quality under the law- equality equal. the under the law. We can reach a great deal of, but I do not believe we can. Four have equality. That is not to say that men will be but- he's or above or men will be beneath or above I'm saying they will not be the same, and they cannot be. Let's start with the obvious, men have more muscle, bent more bone density, more muscle, mass, more skin college and narrower hips,
slighter q angle? I mean all of these things confer physically that isn't any knows. Men also can create people women get while men participate in the in the process of creation, so women do require men for the seat of life, but it is the female body that actually generates the human being, so men provide to the process of creating humans, but women are actually the ones who will grow and create human being. That's somethin incredible! I gotta be honest. I don't believe I believe there are very few feats a man could accomplish that could ever amount to the creation of another human life. I'll, tell you why,
You may be a strong strapping young man, you may be the best in your industry, but what you scored more points in a basketball game. You broke a record, you swam further. You built a machine. Those are all really great, but guess what you are simply the vehicle by which that thing was created, and you were created by your mother and your father and built within the body of your mother This is why, as legend tells it, I believe this is true in sparta. The only way to get a tombstone as a man was to die in battle and the only way to get a tomb centres of women as a woman was to die in childbirth. They viewed the man fighting to defend the village equally, with the woman creating the life to sustain this is itself? But now we have many women being told you can be the same thing as the guy. Let's play the game. Thirty eight year old, single and wants to advocate, ok well you're running out of time, you're getting old, and I don't mean that as an insult doctors will tell you this.
I think they say women should be having like the peak period is like early twenties, twenty four, maybe thirty, eight! You can probably have a kid it'll be a lot more difficult you may have to use. I have ivy effort in vitro fertilization, isn't yet obvious and it gets more difficult, but let's play this game, a man and a woman twenty four years old. I do want kids, the man says amr they have a kid now I mean. Am I got a stable job, I'm making a decent salary. I can definitely support getting a small place and renting in the suburbs and having a wife and again why we need to do all that much. Maybe you can do some odd income generation online or something, but for the most part, goodbye stay
and so he meets a young woman, and she says she wants to be asset absolutely advocate and they get together. Advocate now dudes twenty five, twenty six he's making a little bit more money he's well on his way. Mom is staying home, taking care of the kids. Dad comes home, they have food together. He pays the bills, he does the work. She raises the kid they say: hey, you know I'm making some more money. Why don't? We have another kid now he's in his now he's twenty eight or whatever he's got two kids. He keeps working his job. He keeps growing up Let's talk out the woman twenty four years old, she says I also I'm making good amount of money. I think I want to have a kid. We hold down their missing. You are going to create that kid, and so what happens is even if we take the most the most Like advantageous view or or beneficial view to the land that she would only miss a couple weeks of work, let's say the woman decides to get pregnant with a man, and the man will stay home and do all of these things and he'll be us
at home, dad and that's fine, although probably more rare, but let's be let's, let's, let's be as beneficial to this argument and give them the benefit of the doubt and, and all of that will maximize no matter what no matter. What the woman will need time off to literally birth, the child and the man. Yes, of course, will be there with the wife when she is giving birth to his child, but there is also the fact that some guys, don't okay, that means there's some dudes you'd probably say, are awful dudes in their nasty fine advantage. They can choose to skip the birth of their kids and keep working okay. Well, that's probably a crappy thing to do. That is a crappy thing to, but some might but let's just say they don't
women still needs recovery period. There is a period where the woman cannot be walking at the same level as a man depending on the job she's going to working long hours because she is pregnant. I think it is silly to even like my view of this. As a woman who is pregnant and on the verge of giving birth trying to work, an office job would be akin to a man trying to juggle a bunch of plates while lifting a car off a person and trying to file a bunch of forms like you're you're asking to do the most riddick like asking a guy to lift the car off
person pinned down while beating the record for a free throws, throw you know, thrones like how do you do this? You ve got a switch one of the other, stop throwing the basketballs and save the person or what the person dine throw the basket. But you can't do both the same time, not people who say women can be pregnant and what its interim I'm saying not of the same level, because you are literally creating human life. There's there's theirs, but as a body torn as I mean morning, sickness the idea that men and women are physically, the same is not true guys can have kids into their seventies. Who was it like some seven year old do at a kid recently women can't this means women have time tradesmen, don't that's just it and for this, and because of biological differences, you're not going to have the law sang measurement, identical in every way and the law must be applied. The same things will be different. It's a message that I feel is the longest time pushed by feminism, that
equality, men and women are the same. You can have it all. It's a lie. You can be the strongest of the strong, but I I think very few men are going to be able to actually have quote quote. Unquote it all, but let's talk about what it means for a man to have it all: to have a family to have a job sure, but men don't create life. Women do the problem is the comparison between what a woman can do and what a man
can do a man being the seat. You of a company is, in my opinion, be a man being successful in business is equal to giving birth to a human being. Men cannot create human life, but they can create systems which will contribute to the detriment of society and human life and the families. Now men can't just state bodies, but they can, they do contribute, and this is a point. I look at this way. The amount that a man contributes to the creation
Life is comparable to the amount a woman contributes to business and industry is it. I mean I'm not saying it's absolutely, no one for one there's a mathematic minded women tend not to be ceos. They tend not to break physical records, they tend to have less like, as I mentioned, bone density muscle, mass, etc, they're not going to run as fast or jump as far men are going to contribute to the creation of life, but I'm not going to create life. It's like a eighty. Twenty thin women do less in terms of external work, but they create life. Men do more in terms of external work, but contribute a decent amount to the creation of life, the seed as it were, but not the creation of it. For too long. I think we have, as a society, been insulting to women and downplaying, The great things that they are capable of doing as it's inherent to them, maybe that's it for whatever reason society has said: no, no, you have to be skilled and re really really good at something, instead of just saying you're, naturally, talented I'll go this way if you're over it
If you're like over seven feet tall, you have a seventeen percent chance of playing in the n b a is that because of skelos, because you're tall well, women produce amazing things: human beings, they do an amazing thing and it's very difficult, and it's admirable it's honorable and it's just by nature of being women as the as the crazy thing, whether it was this thing wrong with there's nothing wrong with that, it's beautiful, it's humanity and men have the challenge of working really really hard to prove themselves. It is what it is I'll wrap with this groundwater rant on this one. This woman is amazing. I've tremendous respect, for her. She was saying that when she put this article chugging attacked by people who call they're stupid and selfish and an awful names- and that is the the stupidest thing you could ever here. This is a woman who I she's. I just want to put it all in feminism because she made our own choices. I respect that tremendously, but I also want to defend or a little bit like do you, lied to interact. How are you supposed to know? You are a young person. You are supposed to have guidance from your elder
and she said, I go back to his men and ask them what you mean by this. She was tricked, and now she is acting as an elder, whose experienced giving that warning, saying hey: this is what I experienced now her life isn't for everybody, but it's important that message is out there. She was tricked she made mistakes and she's correcting them by passing on knowledge and experience to a younger generation that may help them. That is tremendously respectful. So bravo, Melissa is really really great. What you're doing she's writing writing more about this speaking out more about this, and it's a must be scary to have. You know even apparently guys who would would agree with traditional lifestyle insulting over it, not what you
One is traditional men who have families to be giving her awards to be shaking her and being like what you are doing, speaking out against the lies and calling it out is an honorable thing. We're sorry that you are tricked into believing these things and where we appreciate you've accepted your role in making the mistakes. You've, you've accepted personal responsibility. You've you've pointed out that you are lied to and I are speaking out against it. Nothing could be more honorable. What she is proposing is not for everybody but the fact that she is standing up for what she believes in and exploit suppressing the stuff is is tremendously important to bravo I'll leave it there. Next segments coming up at eight pm over at youtube dot com slashed him cast. I r l thanks for hanging out and I'll, see you all then woke ness killed Han solo Adam driver said I didn't, kill hans, although woke killed hands. Low and it's hard to know what the point of what he said was going to really clarified but this is on Saturday night live and it say episode where they defended those university presidents who were alike. We believe in the
Station are right to call for the genocide of jewish people, despite the fact they bear, free hate speech, but twenty but a lot to say about star wars and the story, and I dont know if it's exactly a get. What go broke. I dont know he's making fun of the idea of what miss or actually making fun of this you getting woken going broke he's from a sea and our dot com. And I'll just say I'll play for you real, quick, the clip here you can hear for yourself. I think it would pair perfectly with my genius many micro penis I'd like people to stop coming up to me on the street, saying you killed on solo, I didn't kill on so low welcome, is killed on solar, the I don't I am. I dont get it all just the win won't miss killed, Han solo, sure star wars. Universe is completely broken. Disney has destroyed itself there there, there
These are failing disney absolutely gotten woke and dawn, broke and women admitted to their shareholders. In there quarterly filing that their political views are misaligned with what the public wants. Perhaps that is why they said. or perhaps it is how it comes to be that he says what miss killed, how solo there are those who don't Oh hello ran in the force awakens. I think it was the boers awakens in the force. Awakens ran killed solo much too many fans. Dismay. And on he's, like I wish, people would stop coming anus where the sweet, not hugh, tease, not understanding. He was mocking the people who say that what miss gilbert sallow, he literally fun of dude brows. Immediately after this he's mocking the bull? That say this issue yaller so effing, stupid and effing variety for this click bait and f for the climate headline? He says
Oh, you know those tik tok. Actually, let me just you know those tik tok words like those couples who do pranks on each other Can you kill those people say now? It's part of the ritual where I play only night while making unbreakable icon- act with the camera right, so they're, they're gonna, claim, while many said conservatives celebrated the statement. Others pushed back declaring. That was a clear example of mockery right. I think that actually might be. The case sarcasm or not star wars has been widely criticised for taking woke, pandering to an extreme bounding into comic pour it in July, disney's up hi republic era live. In star wars series. The acolytes has its lead, the black lesbian, nonbinding actor and international feminist.
A man lost Sternberg. Is it amanda or is it a type of man, love but Zippo, the academics, to be released next year and ain't, nobody gonna watch it ain't gonna rash, amber, and so you want to know what happened a star wars the whole. Yet what ms did kill it ray everybody hates ray the character and all men. Let's, just let me use opportunity to talk about star and it's demise Ah the emperor strands that fact and the emperor is now a woman. That's a fact. ray is the emperor now. Did you see that less movie wow did they just butcher I guess the emperor never died at the end of return of the jedi, he's been alive, the whole time orchestrating the events of all the other ones and whatever and then the emperor is like embrace your hatred and then I will take over your body. It's like whoa whoa hold on there a minute there, sir. That's a young woman. I suppose in the quest for immortality. You wouldn't care all that much
You are due to check the emperor being. Evil, guys, like literally dont care, but then Re literally does what he says to do and kills him so the only assumption is at the end, she is actually the emperor and the m Now in a young female body. Ok, I guess that's the story line they were going for, but star wars is a complete. Screwed up broken series anyway, yeah. I just love. I love star. Wars are Let's roll first disney. We get it crash and burn. This new series is going to suck, but can we Berkowitz? but star wars in general. First, let's let that is my opera, unity just roast hours, the first one I don't I'm at will the original movies I get it. They were good movies. But if you really think about it, a questionable storyline. So everybody knows the joke about. It was a kid from a dutch. Planet was radicalized by road religious extremists. Who, then, the cargo ship went to a terrorist training camps where they devised a plan
blow up a military base, yeah that star wars, let's add a little bit to it, and there were like between a million and two million people on the death star, and this is canon, meaning luke skywalker math. It's a massacred onto hauled civilians. What skywalker does in a new hope, is akin to the dropping of the bombs on Hiroshima and nagasaki in, in essence, that these guys were like we're going to massacre northeast yes, but and the war, because it is true that a star blew up alderman. Now I bingley say rebel propaganda than ever happened, it was a jet all heeding the metal beams and all dhahran, causing the planet to collapse and then explode you, that's that's what happened But I know it's true: okay, if we're, if we're going to play like legitimately and then think about what they could have done with this, they actually could doesn't really incredible with thumb the force awakens
they made luke skywalker this whitey loser, who socked? Who storyline made. No sense. They just butchered the whole thing you know, but it worked out have actually been ok with it if in the force awaken. looks all messed up and there are like what happened to you. You used to be the most the mystic guy, that's, what's that's what they're more camel said: luke skywalker was a most optimistic. I would they do to this character. They could have done something brilliant, luke, skywalker fleas he's gone nor to be found after return of the jet. I why. They could have done a really great arc where luke meets the families of the people he massacred. He here, the cries of the people who are like my dad was at an electrical engineer who had no idea what was going on and was asked to come aboard to build a control panels for lights
and luke skywalker blue em up. Well, it's war right. They could have on the really cool where it's like Luke says. Do you have any idea how many people I've met? Whose family members I killed when I blew up that death star or how about the second time they blew it up when I was under construction, how many contractors- and you could argue, if you're, if you're a contractor, building a death weapon, then you're fair game in warfare, river right, but collateral damage is still the killing of civilians and that's got to haunt a man's mind, There is nothing intelligent about the expansion of the story, lines that they have done for star worse. They did not address any of the interesting questions. You know what show was awesome. I only watched the first. I think I watch the second season. Cobra Kai so we all saw karate kid everybody's in gratitude. I guess, and its basically that. There's a bali and the kid when so many years, video where there are like the main characters, the bad guy huh
he's trying to steal this guy's girlfriend. He even cheats- and with an illegal kick and then, if you look at it from that perspective, you're like wow, that you know the jock guy order that supposed to be the bali actually isn't. It Guy and so cobra keyser show is like twenty years later and the main characters italy, the bad guy from karate kid, and then you and I realize, like you know what is it. What is it maintains aimed danny is kind of the bad guy and they surely addressing that, I guess like the guys they team up together and then fight against the other duties will master somewhat this, but that's all really clever way to address a series into something new. While asking these questions star wars could have done that. Instead, what did they do? re use, zoo, emperors, grand daughter, I think, and it's like at the end like us, the force in all the rocks lift up or whatever, and it's like dude come on in was screaming. Mary sue luke struggled to learn the force because he was too old and we like,
stories like why he's got really try. Hard re was like europe for powers, but it s kind of like yeah. Ok, this is dumb get woke, go broke. When you make a movie and there's no challenge, no struggle in conflict. Re just is it's boring luke struggled to overcome this his family dies in the process, not that, I think the story really is a good story like yeah the empires bad. guess where ever really show the empire doing anything really wrong. I guess the empire blew up all the wrong. Ok, fair point. That was wrong, and I looked hours and luke skywalker aunt and uncle are killed, but I gotta tell you men: why do they get killed limit limit limit? Let me a big enough for you. Someone just stole military plans, classified military plans frame for a military base harbouring holding to me
in people, including innocent civilians and the schematics contain information that could blow it up in a single strike. That's critical information to to require. Would we hold it against any any military force for trying to require that whilst the argument is the empire is evil, then we're like no that we should stop them. But let's think about this outside of any any general content. You say: military goes to a tree of classified information and counters, a family who resists conflict and susan. It's not like they just randomly kill them for no reason, or maybe they did whatever. The point is in a realistic context. It could be something bad, but not the as want and murder anyway, the point as this results in the radicalization of luke skywalker than was blocked by military base and kills millions. Instead, what we get a sharp shot, remake avenue, hope, boring garbage and how
although being killed, luke skywalker trying to kill HANS kid. What that stupid, luke skywalker dying in sacrificing himself wherever he disappears into the forest because he uses force, hours. Just what and then in the end of it all the emperor possess is, the body of rain, becomes a young woman. Ok, I guess disney what you're on your own crack anyway star wars is done. I think it's terrible leave it there and excitement coming up at one p m. The channel thanks bring it out now see you all them.
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-14.