« The Weekly Planet

399 Movies about being trapped!

2021-08-23 | 🔗

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We trapped. Locked inside. But that did not stop us recording this podcast on both the big news of the week and also us going through some of the best and worst bottle movies aka movies set in one location. WE CANNOT AND WILL NOT BE STOPPED. Thanks for listening.

00:00 The Start

04:57 The Eternals Trailer

09:13 Spider-Man: No Way Home Trailer Time

11:29 Early Shang-Chi Reactions

15:49 Delays But Don't Dismays

18:15 Ironheart's MCU Debut

20:45 Captain America 4 Confirmed

21:22 Black Canary Returns

22:46 Michael Keaton's Multiverse

25:31 John Boyega Star Wars Series

28:40 Star Wars Visions Trailer

29:32 Secret Wars Movie Leak

35:08 Bruce Willis' Final Form

39:43 Ranking the Best Bottle Movies

01:16:05 What We Reading, What We Gonna Read

01:21:03 Letters, It's Time For Letters

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
These bodies is part of the planet. Broadcasting network visit planet broadcasting, Komsomol podcast from a great knights and work effectively. I need to another episode of the weekly planet where we talk movies and comics and tv shows. My name is James, also known as mister sunday and with me, as always, but different is all this way, because we have to do to bloody government restrictions is nick mason fire, remote tele link its great debate james, but I mean obviously not here, not man, you know, while our internet connection might be bad, emotional connection, also bad. It's never been no emotion, none, no sherry, only only bloody, just just just just frippery james, just pop culture.
Nonsense. I great adjust just stepping over each other guy, but so are you not just to get one of my advice fell out I was gonna, do at filling it out. I mean they might be. There might be some audio issues, we don't. We don't really know cause we. The most recent thing we did remotely proud of this was that episode of what, if we did, we did a recap, the otter. What I have to and obviously look. I do two things when we record remotely and if people dont know when, obviously why would they know because they're not here in the room with either all this one? Is I give my alpha funny zone background? Just be you that stir who, who who who will be in the room with me this way, you just don't know, we've had it's something that sometimes it's a celebrity. Sometimes it's a it's a it's a friend of the show. The other day I went David, a shopping with with a friend of the show dave. I did scrape the funny little background. I be able baker compilation, but the thing is as well. We likely don't plan to make this a habit like we do
we're working around like the restrictions, but sometimes we just have to assist, but I would preferably nop away where we're going to do all we can. You know yeah and- and so this week it's obviously it's just it's going to be you and may, and Joe rogan from the Joe rogan experience is the Joseph rocket just give it a big up at a big smile. But the second thing I've also done is I've. I've gotten I've literally gotten a post. It note and stuck it over the the video of myself on my screen, because I mean that's what I do is I don't. I spend an hour plus looking at myself and making sure I'm squared up in the rectangle correctly, and I don't actually can with a personal talking to, and this is actually absolutely you ve got gray hair james I'd never noticed, but then that is, the law is a trick of the law and I put in some, but I do know that old gray, hair, like stage my cup in, Yet now it can cocoa yeah. Just to say you do gags, like you're with jargon and idea. I pretend that I've gray hair. So, let's guy that's a joke, because if you actually
have gray hair at your eyes, that would be to have a stag. I kill myself. This how we got everybody, what a job around our going to talk about the eternal trial, gonna talk about the spiderman. Try them becoming this week. This new, on the first reactions to John Jay, where really williams, Williams. Iron heart is going to view some more captain for news black canary a solo film, Michael Kaden, on there internet realities in the dc universe, more delays. But dismays or whatever this segment is called we it to. Last week I mean some people might be. You know slightly dismaying at this point. Yeah. Well, that's fun! You know, maybe maybe the name and theme of the the segment will will change. Oh yeah over the spans, more it's better, but for now don't despise guy, it's gonna be noticed amazed, slow, it's gonna, be not a problem. Maybe John biogas may become coming to disney, plus a star wars, visions trailer. Maybe a secret was something in the works and bruce willis has reached. His final
form which I m very excited about, but before that things is mason lie both trapped in separate rooms we thought this would be a really good opportunity, also talk about movies that are set in one place or bottle movies, as they are sometimes referred to. So I ve got a list. What happened is we thought. Well, obviously you know we didn't get a chance to see snake eyes. We didn't get a chance to see. Ah we didn't get a chance to say free guy. Ah, what should we talk about, and I sent you some suggestions, some of which you were kind of lukewarm on, and you said snake reset snake eyes and free gobs. Like I said we can see, there's this budget, like us citizens ass, it was just guess. You ought to have a whole no but it. But I said I send you over some suggestions. I said what about we talk about movies, where people go on a big travel adventure. Let's talk about, movies at the right at the end of his life or what about movies, where people are stuck in there
isn't having a really rotten, though I have at that, and you will like. Yes, I didn't even remember the other two I just. I hardly saw that lol. If I bought us like all his life, that's what I gravitate towards the other ones did David register anyways. We did I what is called the final trail of for the eternal this wake. I didn't. Do it right down cause like I've, there's davidson whatever I feel like about another by sab, look at a ball. I really want to spot amandas wake if it comes out, but one big reveals from that is, is that the right and why they didn't get involved in the end game scenario. Yeah, obviously the real reason is because they had an written into the universe. Yet so what are they all silly yeah? They just showed obvious. These half form concept sketches just stop. Flying through spice, like wales will save. You are flings. It's us a camera test of wretched man. Europe is just just just a man demanded a vexatious, some of those like tinted sunglass
in the hollywood himself typing, I'm here to save the day, but obviously yeah we will know. But the the reason I've given in the trailer is what people have people your every man on the streets. You know kit harrington, just a just a just a just a real schmo on the straight just a graze to just a real just, a real pile of garbage on the street, just the adjust your every man is like. Why didn't you come and save the day you and every other time this has happened and they're like well get a load of this guy, and it's it's irish him. The judge who's, one of the celestials and he's like don't do it yeah I mean it's. I personally would say it's a little bit.
clear what he's suggesting that isn't say anything he's just there looking stern. What isn't? Doesn't he say what they said we were at will told, are in the to interfere, if, like the deviants, are involved, but isn't isn't tennis, maybe like a deviant. I guess so, but maybe not in this year or years in the comics yeah yeah in this he's just he's just there's just one big purple. Guy he's just he's. He's a single adjust purple guy averting this. What like what we, what we say of the deviance is yeah. some some, some wolf wolf creatures, yet some kind of weird aquatic situations yeah and like a guy for avatar, that's cool, that's very cool. I did this sketchy more or less jazzed or the same amount of jazz. To give you a better idea of like the movie because of the complain of the last trailer was like what is this about? It's just landscapes and people. Looking solemn yeah, I look at it. Did you actually give me more jazz? You know, there's we we get to say you know more of the powers and action we saw. Another of the celestials like
an entire galaxy and its hands ready. Sir, we get like a like. We get it. We get a sense of what they are all about and up to minimise wretched man, she's licence out of his eyes in italics those bloody tinted sunglasses off five seconds, typical that character, probably whoever haze probable, Hezekiah easier, as isn't it yeah yeah yeah easier. I know the names of characters of comics of bailey read the aid I read One of the more recent runs, but so here that you go look at something that I hope to save, regardless of where we were put on going to talk a bit about the Well, we might not be able to say it in a stray, or at least I saw a tweet recently A toy similarities said. I think it was yet a choice. That's right! I do here's a new segment. What I saw toy. Sadly it was a tweet that said something along the lines of it's a fine line with marvel casting, because if you hire someone who is to find this, you only see them as that famous person, yeah yeah all the time- and
and this person had that feeling about Angelina jolie. How do you feel about that yeah? Look, I don't think she's like the main player in it. I think she's, just one of the town, which is how they kind of getting around to Kevin, foggy, also think about how like the casting for the fantastic four and he talked about that balance between like new faces like they did with like Chris Hemsworth. For example and red faces and faces, popular and mostly rice's. I hate saturday set it written, we're back. That's right, I am very excited to talk about it even remotely it was just the gong show. That's all it was. It was yeah. It was just this this, I think, that's it, but you were saying about new faces yeah, so was like someone like that and then like Benedict Cumberbatch, who was like a more well known, and it is if you look at that for the for the costing it is a lotta that you know what I mean. So I think, with the fantastic four will probably going to get at least
one of them, who's quite well known and the other is not as much I'd say. That's probably the direction that we're going. Maybe that half off I dunno we'll say well we'll say yeah we'll say, is that the movie? What about this mason? only this week, maybe monday or tuesday, depending way on the world. We are going to be getting these spot demands love where all the spot amanda coming together for a multiverse event, but also yes, I've already things from people in the now who alike, you're, not gonna, say, the spot, a man you're not going to say maguire or andrew garfield, but there is some hints people like posting, a of gifts of like Alfred Molina soda. Show the like. Oh, this is the other dimension and he's back, but don't expect, like all of them swing together and karate kick so whatever. So, whatever I had a thought james go with, He s a little bit random toby maguire demands
what is in the markets, but it's made staring us in the face for two decades, I'm going to I'm going to hell, but I look on Google search it real, quick and safe. I'm the only person who's ever said that may probably is there once andrew garfield enough? There is once again andrew Andrew Andrew god, wide open might it be ten years in the mikey displayed stereo identified without it, I've got it. We didn't folks, I to think everybody out there away, whereas twenty years and three hundred and not yet besides, we did it so so so they saying okay, we were going to get we're going to get bad guy hints in this, but yeah, but obviously like when they're not crazy enough to to ports to to put all their all the big reveals in
it's trailer right and I think if it speaks to like what we saw in like the first jean J trial up what we saw on the first of tunnels trailer. This is what they do. They do like a little taser say like mostly like establishing shots of characters and people looking or looking like something big, going to hit them, but you can't see what the thing is and then it gives you like. A rough dice have released Have you not a mind s eye? I think people are going to be upset, but just don't expect. Much is what I'm saying. Or just shoot for the moon expect. Ever there is yeah MR sunday wet blanket here, to tell you my, I just don't want people to get it on their thinking. They gonna see. Big kids are distorted, there's gotta be how many were not even a single big. Kick that buddy What about you? Suddenly, you see a lot of big kicks in the first reactions to shown to have been out people eleven it. There is not a bad reaction online
there's been a lot of fun, the presto stuff in the? U s in particular, it looks as if I would say is probably gonna get pushed back here I would say yes, maybe because it's in melbourne, we're gonna, be getting out of locked down the day before, and why am I probably not if we're just yet and that would also mean that it would release friday, and it's like that. I just I just done things can happen. Era but I dunno I'm I'm trying to get clarity, pollack around for an online copy from marvel. I don't think it's going to happen, but she's good at like getting that, may well she's, gonna get and stuff like that. I, like pr people are bad at it. They just like know what I'm like. Oh sorry, I emailed you but she's she's very much like she yeah she's, not sorry that I am idea. If any, that you're sorry, you will be sorry. She says she's on the dark when I don't they go, get live but out. But yes, I took all upset another thing yes wet blanket
mr wet blanket movies is telling you that, if are destroyed, areas at Bartleby coming it's making off. Let's talk delays, but not despised. My son, Well, we're not over is that is that all is that I will laura l zhang J talk, cause you're like what have you heard? What what have you? What? What do you will bass? Well, I haven't heard any. I haven't heard anything because I'm a man of the people- james, I'm not out there in the in the intellectual dark web, getting getting spiderman screeners and I k forty sevens in exchange for doge coin or whatever, like you and your wife are bots what I was going to says that the the you know we've we've we've seen snippets of the action in this movie yeah. I think try trailer really showed it off, but Tralee you may like other clips, it have been coming out or whatever you mean yeah yeah. But what what I think? What I think this week's sort of burst of trials has shown is that for me the question is always been: how do you make a marsh
lots of movie interesting in a world where everybody kind of does martial arts all the time anyway, like that's most people's default position, is, is a like a crouching tiger stance. You know when they just they just did a line at the the the the juice bar or whatever they're doing the the doing. Some kung fu stances is not wrong, but I, but you know the moves were saying jiang J? You wouldn't see on anybody else in them in the marvel cinematic universe like this, you wouldn't see captain america doing the leap in the double splits. Kick you wouldn't even say you wouldn't even see black widow. No absolutely, and it turns out, I did notice, but a lot of jackie chance, dont, cruel work, on this move. All I saw there was some comparisons are no cause. Some people is being like check out this body. Whatever yeah there was some comparison, but no I didn't. I didn't realize that now I was shocked and appalled. Apparently I don't think we mentioned this, but Brad Alan, who recently passed away, is like one of like, like a world renowned kind of martial arts stunt, coordinate
yeah yeah, and he was his team. His team work on this very good, along with, along with along with Jackie, Chan's crew. So that's you know, that's that's something! That's good to know the shots were saying in this. I think really do look like it's gonna. Just not be you know. Captain america fighting black, star, yeah, absolutely standard issue staff someone's good? Exactly and isn't it big loiterings, thereby legs and that's the problem in our document before what we like the obvious characters, because if you the best of martial arts, maybe look like you can do it and undermine and it seems like they have now all that. But again it's like It's these alike! Reviews on back mr wet blanket This area in recent years were people like you are in the press, who I get excited for everything and first reactions whatever by all accounts. at minimum is going to be pretty good, so that's good at that day in I again just tell me your expectations start. Don't do it reminded this week that fin jones star of iron fist had it has in the past. Given us a grab, debt
from my he has been in. I saw bad nvidia yeah. Well yeah. I dunno. Maybe he was the best of martial arts in iron fist and they made him look bad and I well we don't we don't know he went on as we don't know his side of the story of this. zack like so. Let's get him on the shore, they like the old man. I mean you know, yeah, that's it appreciate. The shadow, whatever explain yourself yeah. Oh here we go before we let the let's. Before we get into delays, but not dismays, I've got some more. Some more news is mice and if you die or we can utilize now, what would you prefer it's up to you? I prefer delight: let's get the lies, but not despise out of the wise archive. This is a new segment allies, but not despise get them out of the ways. Yes, if you if you place last week, I judge dissolving like the countdown to win. Time to dies going to get delight and lo and behold, oh, yes, the curse, the monkey poor. That is this segment. It turns out baby,
it has been delayed specifically in australia, amber eleven, a guy so that the released the world premier is owing to bay in london on september, twenty eightth and I've said that, like it's, so costly were pushed back so much and every time we ran up to this fucking movie, it costs us tens of billions of dollars. Well, it would be more cost effective at this point if they just release it and get like get, it done because every time they move it, it just cost money. You know it's just like it's just burning hall in their pockets domain. Yeah, about this james for a no time to die down under clearly when do I get a cobra yeah with courts the cautious wonder why the fly this good, the galaxies? Actually yeah yeah yeah, I love and I'm a big fan,
I didn't offer you a drink, but then I just realized that we're doing this remotely and I'm just doing a good joke. I forgot you know what I mean. great stuff, like that it was good that give there was good. I don't see you this optimist, prime, but you're. Obviously you're, not you not there, so you can't. You have the next time you bring it I'll. Take it. So don't forget, because Eric when you come next on I'll, give you a drink like I'm true to my word, and I can even give you two million optimus prime. I expect this fine fine you're going to have my action monster optimus, prime, the one that doesn't transform No mason I'd rather have gray, hair and die quite frankly her report. I heard that venom might be delight again, side, vienna, I'd actually didn't hear that so they got so thanks. For that I mean that. Could this be having a really great guy until you tell me that there's going to be the light again, probably beth beside look. I think that
could just be the dos for every baby said. This is just by the goliath you know, but that one specifically there was rumblings this week, anyways Dominic thornhill not dominate. Thorn. Sorry is blade, really Williams, when you that, as in iron heart of young people, giovanni man. He's going to make a first appearance. Now in the disney plus series, but in the movie wakanda forever yeah right, the black, panther sequel and speaking of out at what? If sites. I lost one went up on Wednesday where we talk about eight. What about start every waking that one faces. One of the final performances from chadwick boseman we were like this is pretty good, but I'm getting a lot of comments that people like. Actually, this wasn't very good, because how did they convinced than us do not destroy the world? It doesn't matter, doesn't matter it's just a cartoon set. in a parallel dimension to the series of movies. You probably don't like anyway, so tat they ve development as I died away in a way, sometimes every time it is meant to be a fund, a light hearted
and and not everything is, is fight of the universe, and sometimes it's funded just have a little throw away joint, that's riots and also a nice man is not a bit forget it not. There are you're telling me, you know it's not yeah, I'm telling you know, I'm telling you in this instance it's wrong and all the other height is a right james. How would you know there's a lot of other It is likewise called style, lord, because you know paid a robust these mom, called him style lord, when my god I'm fucking. Now who is like it doesn't matter again, it said the parallel to budget. Maybe he saw it on billboard. I don't know who cares? It doesn't matter you sorta available. Maybe it's not the best thing you ever put out but like who gives a shit. It doesn't matter how about this. Maybe ego told his mother, something something story about a guy called star, Lord something, and then she called him star, lord, what she called black panther. No, she called Peter quill star lord, because of something ego.
I told her. So maybe a star lord, is a common thing out in space. Oh okay, that guy gotcha yep that makes an ego was like yeah. We got these guys that called star wars or whatever I think they didn't want to like names specifically, why he was called star wars. Star wars he's named star wars now, because then that's like the han solo thing for a lot of like someone getting your thoughts like, let's just avoid that, maybe it's like maybe it's like you've got to put you mister, miss a miss to you know whatever at the like the spice dmv and one of the options is star. Lord it's better to get off that yeah yeah. Why? Don't you just go? All startled? Sounds like you know, sometimes, you'll you'll be filling in a form online or something and it's like mister mister, miss and then it's called like admiral and you're like ooh. Maybe I'll try, admiral it's like do you want to be duke, and it's like. I want to be a duke this funny and if I had very funny so Anthony mackey has confirmed that we did hear this rumour upon the wrapping up of the show falcon and a soldier that he is He's gonna do captain America for, as a movie
a guy makes sense? What is that gonna? Look like well it'll, be on a big screen for one Beyond that we don't know much diana, my yes, but that's exotic, I feel so yeah, that's not surprising. It's also like I feel like the even with the on the way to soldier, like I didn't, move the universe for that much like kind of like andy's, captain america and it's like yeah. We know he was already. Those are the last movie finished, but yeah good. Getting? Is I'm everyone on this by sin? Lakes? many small. It is going to be reprocessing her all is dinah lance, as in black canary in I hate bureau, max black canary movie cool You heard recently that that girl is get movie bluebells, getting a movie, and now black canary set itself the back of she was black canary. in what are called birthright. pow, at least once in that movie. I feel She used to wines are one up yet or two times. If you can't talk, she broke the glass. I don't believe that so I can agree this is
this isn't a surprise, because she was the starve love craft country also, nigeria exam. A lot of people involved in that are also apparently going to be writing on this, and you know she's out she's a she's, a rising star and lovecraft country got cancelled, so it did for me for for old tweets. So that's what happens? The other nine you gotta be getting what you ve got an the of social- maybe I was just it- was just the old. The toy, Would just you know a lot of them. There were just quotes from a lot of hp, lovecraft's old books, and it turned out they awful. They are all it's awful stuff in there downside that style. Just some of the things just some of the things he actually thought and said yup and the thing that he named his but you can't say that you should be appetites ahead. Is now about the gothic dialogue, something cards. Gonna have to look it up. That absolutely cannot sign here.
Michael kate. In this way he was baking to tee. I jar, and it was meant and now ask him about the alternate realities in the data universe, because, obviously, with the upcoming flash movie, which is just a bad man, movie is, the universe is going to be merging with the regular data continuity over. That even is at this point, and he was talking about how just doesn't get it gotta quite accurate where he says explain to me that to explain that to me several times, but while not being arrogant. I hope about this. I don't say it like unto groovy, I'm so stupid, theirs alone, things. I don't know about- and I never looked at this like all. This is just a silly thing, It's not it's silly thing. When I did that man, it was not a silly thing when I did batman but has become a giant thing culturally, its iconic, so furthermore, respect for it, because what do I know this is a big deal in the world to people. You ve got to honour that, and irrespective of that, even I go Jesus. This is huge, so that's going to be
I gotta get it, but people seem to like it all right now. That's that's that's a fond quote, but I feel like if, if even if anybody, wants to track down the audio. That should definitely do it, because Michael katyn interviews always better yeah in audio. For my thing, why are these allies? Like I am, he did, he did a w t f with mock marin some years ago, and it's very very good cause he's too to see did stand up before it. It act isa, very funny, but he's like he's talking about how like they like. Did you ever? Turning down, you know any batman, sequels or whatever and he's like man and you know I done. I never did, but then one time I wonder by this house, but I have the bread man. You know so yeah he's just like he's just like a he's. At least you wouldn't eat it seems like, wait! A bit policy seems like an old hippy, but one thing I don't office, all that no other off all of these reasons, but in a similar,
I saw an interview with Joseph Gordon Levitt quite recently, and it was abouts and it was a. It was one of the click bait articles to the extent that I think I probably emailed it to myself. We might use it in our clicked by podcast. We got we got this covered covered bots, it's basically it's basically Joseph Gordon Levitt is asked about like all the expanded DC universes, and would he like to would he like his character, the move on and men be part of this expanded universal. Whatever and he's like. I don't know what anybody any of this means, but it seems great yeah man, terrific, A lover of watching that show is gonna. Show about being a teacher on apple plus at the moment is the common, something which is good anyway, neither here nor there, but if you ve, got apple plus for some reason, you can check it out you see there was that new trailer this for that apple plus series, in the world's ending, because mathematics or whatever our foundation on the trial for that this week, which put some looks incredible. That's it that's coming out this year, that's very exciting
I great anyways moisten, it's time for a star wars, news or a fine fine whatever man good ideas. All this is why the hell tags, show apparently John boyega. Despite the memory he made a he had a quite a couple of years. Back after whatever the last star wars movie was called, it was like. I'm not gonna get disney plus you'll, never see me again, whatever apparent John boyega, as Finn, is a story, they are going to tell him the disney plus series and it would be pray first order in an old jump forward in time to continue his story opposed to rise of skywalker. So presumably like it'll, be like he's storm, travis stuff and then he's aren't yet I training stuff all they got it seriously because they don't say it The problem with moving forward pass the universe in live action, whereas with the last trilogy sorry, the original trilogy,
they didn't touch anything live action really posts that other than some video games stuff you ever. I guess they walk movies. I guess so they're, not the white like twenty years, they gonna like use these characters. Now you know year to flesh out of it, which I think is interesting. Do you think there ever going to accept in what he really wanted to cite a right that time. Now they're, going to it's going to end every episode like you'll there'll, be having dinner together to choke on like and all of that, even if it gets the chance decide that a portion you just jokes about different things- a portion, I should say an assortment of portions so they are excited for that mason and yeah. Ok, cool! That's an interesting night bury the hatchet yeah unless they're, somehow going to be as assembling this through like snippets of interviews and things and like unused takes and dialogue and likes and look. I think if somebody, I think, if they roll up and there like, will give you ten. Dollars that yet ever in due course, do something proper with the character, as opposed to the last movie
say why you wanna do james. I found it, oh, what is it? Is it the name of the cat notice to eat it. All up. This is Joey yeah. This is Joseph Gordon Levitt responds to the idea of returning in a dc. A team up movie is on screen rant, but I'm going to do. It is the paragraph. During an interview on Jake's takes promoting his new apple tv series. Mr Coleman, Joseph Gordon Levitt was asked if he would be interested in playing robin or nightwing alongside bat flick. Michael Keaton's version of Bruce wayne in the upcoming daisy EU multiverse movie, the flash, gordon Levitt, respond to the question, saying, to be perfectly honest, I'm completely out of touch with everything you just said Yeah, fair enough is your kids now as well, because cause all honesty, yeah and honestly, if, if you know, if, if you are presented with that block of, have a question and he didn't yeah, you want, you want intimately familiar with what a bat flock, was, and they say, a u multiverse,
bloody at a bloody. Not you, don't you you don't know who Nightwing is you so you know robin is you'd, be like I don't know what any of this is I'm trying to be a wacky teacher in a sitcom or something whatever James said he would about the it's about the depression or whatever all anxiety, mobilise nice that guy spinster What did you say the trial of a star wars, visions, the anime? Did stuff works? Good? Doesn't I don't know? I think it's isn't this month, well next month, whatever it is, I dunno whether they're dropping them all at once or that's going on I'd. Imagine they are cause, I think, they're on the short. Actually not I dunno. but in a way I know a lot breathing nine one thing that you know I know the next bit of news is, from Jim shooter about sector was lodged Yoshida one of the best to be fail site. I only know that could in front of me. I didn't want to desire to know that that's the people who are missing
went missing. You know general grievous and his many arms. If you like, I wish there was some sort of lightsaber wielding jedi or sith type person with a billion trillion arms saw was visions. I got you covered. Let me tell you, that's exactly you're not bloody wrong. is very interesting, so this is from former marvel editor in chief, as mentioned Jim shooter. It was recently. Guess that major com, which is something I agree that this is what this guy he's got a bit of a block, a textile aside, stopping at any point You need to ask questions or just you you want to make a funny comment or little riff you're, not a man. What? If I want to attempt a funny comment and it doesn't Why did I know? I know I know in the middle of it I'm halfway through and I'm like this isn't gonna land, but on my two choices are: do I just stop talking and pretend it's a connection issue, or do I just keep going with the thing that actually isn't that fun?
I know it depends like what what what I just feel it in the moment. I think now to my gripe alright, so I have faith in my abilities. Four hundred episodes into this stupid thing words. I never will So we said this. One clown called me from what one clown purposes this one karat gold me for model. He wasn't an editor, but some executive, properly managed which is a little odd. He asked me if I wanted to a novelist nation of secret was so shooter. not to mention that hey. He was then sent a retroactive work for high contract, which ended up turning down Another cold then came this time from David Bhagat. The senior vice president of operations and produce produce produce cement of publica. So I kind of like I can't bloody, read the small text. Of pop a publishing mobile entertainment, shoelaces bogot apologize for the previous call and that their retroactive offer was for ten thousand, according to shoot the reason for the contract. He was sent to me
model was trying to secure the rights to secret was and to prevent any. essential legal issues arising in the future yeah. So I've talked about Recently, where a lot of the people who worked on and created these big comic I don't get it now any actual. for any of this year, the d, not the figure that's being thrown around is five grand like sometimes they'll pay off their beliefs. So ten and pretty fragile jap radically. Very generous so we'll shoot it think marvel needed to retroactively pay him for the characters ended up. Taking the money and deduced on his arm that a movie is coming at some point, so he said this means you're, making a movie right, and the bog says, glad to tell you that and then he said, then follow that up with. Well, I think you just did, well yeah, detective shooter. So what version that is the cause. There's like sacred was the
Yet who did the book club didn't what we did with the black spot? A man yeah? That's a great! I reckon if because the modern version is the old version and the erosion about similar and sort of Why did it sort of like you know, heroes are whisked away from earth to alike. Are you know too, like a bad alien planets, but in the in the new version It's all various parallel multiverse battle world elements that battle. yeah yeah. So I, which is now probably say the the yonder, who was the villain of the first one and the same elements of the second one he'll be. I would, I would probably guess that that's, even if it's just you know spit bawling. At this point I think they're like ok. Well, if we, if we ve gotta multiverse now If we ve got yeah an infinite number of parallel universes people are gonna, wanna, say and fight you, no absolute.
and so we can do that in a mobile game. Obviously, and that's going to be a big ton hit and that's going to you know, a lot of kids are going to hit that loot box button and and drying their parents' bank accounts, but also what we could do is we could go okay, see who people respond to in these multiverse movies and then They, like the dead multiverse, is going to collapse unless they all get together on a planet and fight, and that's the fight, the young griffith fantastic fourteen, whatever their before they got their powers they just too short for it. It's just it's just a big pile of all filed fantastic for characters before they got their papers test every saturday. I just I take sigh, but I think that's interesting dyke, that idea of yet bringing everybody together to fight because isn't that what what comics are really about really there too. The dire yes bring everybody together to fight, even them so brave rural of comic books, I've read marvel and day say end up with you know what he's my put them, not mr fantastic,
these nine, the guy that guy who gets out of staff. What's his name from day say MR miracle, Mr Merrick. like having to kill dockside, oh yeah, or even like you know, you know injustices very mature, comic book yeah, but it's really just up it was. Really just springboard off of a video game where people kick each other's heads off. So exactly what I was going to say. It's interesting that Jim shooter got this like that they gave him the ten thousand because he was like he. Is alternately liked and disliked in the comic book universe when he was editor in chief of marvel. He was like all about deadlines, but he was also like if, if you're, if you invented a character to get license for a toy, you got money stuff like that. So I think they'd be like he's. Gonna be he's gonna be super litigious like if we, if we put out a sacred or movie
oh yeah, he will one hundred km analyze, engage yea and he's got like he's, got enough juice in may, in the comic book industry, and and probably enough money to you know my real pine, so imagine there like they wanted. They wanted to make nice for and it's sort of worked so that they will look. They liked a potential bogey s here. They so lost, but a news, as I mentioned up top bruce willis has reached its final form and people might be like what does it look like because he is the star of series of commercials around russian phone carrier and internet provider megaphone, but here's the thing not in an actually it uses deep, fake technology. Up to fourteen vice face on a different, bold man and he sells whatever this is and its estimated that he was I'd somewhere between one and two million dollars, literally, do nothing
legitimately he's killing. Man is killing. This is the dream he could do is forever now like he's just yet they will. There he's just like savings digits avatar around the world like a little to eighty just gettin in getting it add, campaigns and stuff rawdon motorcycles of bridges in earnest just appearing in supermarkets and surprising a housewife deciding on dishwashing detergent or whatever willis, but, alas, it or about like a val commercial strategy reversals thou be great, loosely disguised as dues or wherever this is. This always been his dream. This definitely Let me not always, but in the last ten years at least, but you don't want Somebody was like a million dollars to put your advice on someone. Are you gonna give a shit? Of course, do you know I mean george clooney has long been known.
When I think of you know brand recognition, I'm always like old george chloe's, like mr ness press or whatever you like, that dinner celebrities, take these deals all the time and obviously now by car, a copy flown to russia to do whatever this is so. Why not use that? knowledge you that's available. I it's gonna be had seemed to say how I guess I haven't seen this particular if you like, I couldn't find yet earth hasn't been done yet or as a main released, but it's going to industry. About how realistic it it can look because you kind of have to get somebody, so it is about replacing a face. You need someone with like the site: head structure, yeah right angles. Otherwise, that's really wise odd, honestly, I don't think it really matters really cool. It's a fucking found carrier in russia. What does that after look like, but it's also like as it? That's that's fascinates me because it you know at the very least george clooney probably hasn't it, has an express over shaded his hand,
like is, is bruce willis. Getting I like a russian just just something I think he's getting. What the tilbury dollars. That's what is its ability but deal like you? Maybe a look at the express our ideal. I go clarice like an coffee, maybe it's good, coffee or whatever, but a u like, yeah, persuasive lowering the coverage of this is russia the communications company, maybe all that they get their wifi or something what it's interesting point because, like there asked We a tipping point for this, where he does so much of this that he's worthless. Yes, like as a brand I don't mean like eyes brand for like making stuff like this, but I mean just like making movies could be like a big movie. people like this isn't a dry at all on a man, I don't know I think if you couldn't now market, like the lack of a better apple, the movie hearts war. Did you ever say it's actually carrying out all right. well sure german in turn,
camp yeah, water, a movie or whatever like he couldn't make. That now is not not to movies at last year nine, because no one's gonna say that you couldn't make cosmic sin a movie that he was in for fifty years. its baby last year or they see or something and its sides fictional something in there on a spaceship or something or space station. You could make that these make. It could make it now you really get it do you use. Would he said I also have a say in the arab, I think, maybe I say still or something disease speak like english in the night. I don't I arrived. I do. I guess that's even want that's, even one more step removed- or maybe they just maybe Bruce willis- has like a russian like dub guy. like a like! He always I always liked. I often those so maybe maybe maybe a payday for this guy's. Well yeah. You got your model
Will they be right? Also like it wouldn't be hard to get him to record the dialogue via, say something like this and then have whoever is doing the face of him on set just, although at the same time and then switch it like it's, not that difficult to do. But, honestly, I don't think it matters whether he's voices in or not. I don't think it matters if he's in it and neither to say apparently couldn't do anyways. Let's talk the topic for this week, my son, yes, because this topic is movies in one place, trapped in one place, potentially those are called bottle movies, you one location looking movies, something like saw. The first saw, for example, it's mostly said and saw that one room not entirely and like a we saw idea that might be something like ten clover field lying boards one location, but it's not necessarily one room, for example: should hash it? How should we rank these james? I feel like we should rank them a worker or lower, or perhaps a perhaps write them I'd like you, you're asking
in this, but you already have an idea, so you're pretending to be like that. It's all this, but the common and go actually have given us a lot of thought full, I may well need. First of all, we got wicked. We if we're gonna, we gonna list, and perhaps we could list them in size order. Obviously we need to start david stuff, smallest, don't go smallest, whichever is more anxiety and using for you wouldn't do think. All yours, Do you think, then, I'd have without doubt would involve me having to put my list in some kind of order. Before we start talking, or do we try and find the biggest and the smallest as we go yeah we do that yeah, yeah and also what's important about this. What the of the other important thing is. Any rules we might get to stop will invariably collapse, yet you know five to ten minutes in, so it really doesn't matter, but I just wanted to. I just wanted. You know did just just the idea of like a man stuck in a phone booth for ninety minutes is funny, but is it funnier at the starts or or do we keep getting smaller and smaller? I think it's funnier. I think it's funny of the smaller you get, but I also think we should.
We should write these in terms of like. Would we not like to exist in this universe or o or do we? Would we rather be in this this movie, then, in our current sties of victoria dr. Why isn't gonna have to keep on that? You did you like to start off with, so you don't want to start off smokers. I think I've got the smallest one of the top of our list. You do. I cannot start small lets. You know what lets you don't want genes. We should do we start at small. Yet and then we should and we should expand the spice. You know because that's relaxing, I think, that's funny. Relaxing I will. If you look at the very last one on the list, the sea, ices. It is quite boss
it's by the very last one. Yes, anyway, we'll get into it. Okay, well, the the smallest, the smallest spice, you could be trapped in in a bottle movie is in the movie buried, which is a ryan reynolds movie. Yet this is the one that first came to mind when I think cause. I don't think it goes outside of a few, don't know spoilers for all of these, and also this one is set just inside the coffin. Yes, and that is it jibes to be clear, he's it's set in a casket, sorry! Often is what a dracula sleeps in he's asking it square on all sides, you're right so he's in the middle east, maybe something or summer. I thought. I'd really remember. buried alive. He's got a cell phone eliza snake pays him of visitors, on points a lot of them. That is very much aldys. I am not just talking about the snake in a game: snake god he's mobile phone, a real snake are, slightly not so it's about him to work out. Where he is concerned.
nigeria, like he's, got a lot of full lot, but if he uses it or burns the oxygen in there, yeah yeah, what's interesting about this movie, is it's only from its for only ten years ago, yeah, but also it in an ear like it's in a where you wouldn't be. It wouldn't bottle. I don't mind that ryan reynolds is in this movie, because there is no. There is that too, to the best of my remembrance, there were no laughs in this movie like it's, not a no, the guy in the coffin. sorry caskets, I sent it causes casket as companies, whereas their dracula slaves they gone, but he's not like he's not goofing he's, not there's. No references like ryan reynolds from this point is my If choice- and it is either self referential, goofy guy and a making jokes and memes on the internet- that's true, but we've all forgotten about buried, which is not a not a fun movie. no, but I remember really join us not as at its own terrifying. This is
if you have your, if you have any cuts kind of claustrophobia, it is probably one of the worst ones on this list, but that reminds me could speak IRAN. Reynolds he's married blake lively and she's in the movie, the shallows which is mostly set on a rock while a shock. Also I just remembered that one of you do. You think that's how they met or we'd, probably adult. Now. I think I think James they were some sort of they were some sort of hollywood photo cole and the and the person taking the photos was like. Ok, everybody laana via highs know what I've changed my mind: everybody line up by if you ve been in a movie where of trapped somewhere- and I will I got just just us to just ass to this- does thus to and tim robins tim romans is over there and colored families there. These that earlier, so that those ones are good but on pvc body
and this has recently on its bonn netflix. It's it's a french language film, but it has been dubbed in English. It's got oxygen and it set in some kind of way spoiling it. This woman wakes up with no memory in like as futuristic like stasis chamber. Ok and it's got it's like buried, but it's like some holographic. devices and again to strive to find out where she is and how to get, in all these other kinds of things going on and you and that its very good. Ok, I hadn't you stumble upon this. I I think I saw it on Netflix had I am at a compelling thumbnail, did its advice, have, I remember a diplomatic itself. One of the things that might get actually spoils india on the cinema, as the right idea. What about all the trailer, but I wasn't sport,
may going in, and I talk about on suggestible my less successful. What can I do with my wife? But oh yes, if you liked buried, I think is a very good chance. You also like oxygen. He could also, which are two english language If you don't wanna rate subtitle, so you're, not very good at nice, and I now yeah inside archival. That's gonna, put out to put that on my list by that I mean just refer to your list that you emailed me so pretty pretty severity. What's the next thing on at least and by at least I mean the list that I am will change. If we go, by size as weak as we currently and we're not we're not we're not breaking this format until we've just said the next one, and then we'll probably just break the format, because after that, most of these are kind of the same size. Ish anyway sure our phone I would call a barrel we assets for the mahars bodies within the confines of phone booth. Yeah is not fund, it is, and it's like it's The scenario for those people remember, Colin Powell, is going to call his
he's married, but he's got a girlfriend, maybe or something I dunno so he's at the phone booth and he's like this is how my wife doesn't find out that I'm going to do a cheating on him. That's what I'm gonna do others, like you step, will have five both on the issue so many jobs or whatever, and it becomes a psychological cat and mouse game between the phone booth, Colin Farrell and kiefer sutherland. Doesn't it that it's interesting that Colin Farrell's character, his nickname is the phone booth? Isn't it this movie Oh I forgot tat. We ve got a potentially forgot to do. One thing we said: we're gonna: do we don't really living currently? Would you rather be living currently in the sight of victoria? Where are we? under a locked down, but you can leave to get like like d get groceries. All I go to work. I go to the doctor alike. You know you say it, but one friend, all you know, do some exercise or whatever, or would you rather be trapped in a casket that is being buried underground and you are losing oxygen and you can get bombed or whatever is a snake you're going to get in to your house in real life? Yes, then, or in the car?
like did through the advice of the events of the movie buried like play ass, cannot be like I've seen this moving. I know, what's going to happen yeah. But how do I know I do want to be in a coffin? Was it question nobody, we're gonna, be one and also to ask it I don't want to be in the shallows or the movie oxygen as much of the three I'd take oxygen tank. That's James! That's a spoiler! For me in the movie, sergeant, because now I not one that he would now. I know that you wouldn't want to be in the oxygen roman, the movie oxygen, but it's Little hollow it's gotta, holographic interface, sagan. What's like all that's a movie, you can watch the movie oxygen while you're trapped in a movie wichita on netflix, probably already fixed. Probably say: guy I'll show you what are you? What did you do? Do you like? In truth, I've seen at once, I remember liking it yeah, like vied with alone, is forest whittaker in that year,
see the gaza. The phone booth is our common gonna me be done. What does your baby that's the lot and they gave us outlined? while the movie fibres at the end? I hope you'll learn a lesson. some guy around the city, shooting people I have taught you a lesson. Colored viral I'm going to shoot all kinds of papal phone booth on no phone booth. You thought you'd escaped me just by not being in a phone booth in the future, but maybe I'll shoot you not in a phone booth, galaxies Earl better watch out, I also have a persistent memory of the act of powers, both thing in this movie, but that's only because I invented a fight move like old phone booth from I own both which, in order to escape a sniper, Colin Farrell, has to call up palace both and convince him to come down and negotiate. Ah, that's that's! That's a deep cut from a long time ago. So, what's less what's what less grim. God would take that of all the three you have all the ones up, the without so far, probably take fine booth. Listen but I am again
and I don't have a shock circling me and all I can, I can out think Kiefer sutherland. I think so I'd be like you know, yeah it'd, be like I give the sutherland your star before twenty four to dipped like quite dramatically. It was lost boys and young guns, one and two yeah yeah, going to disappear for a bit and you're in the in this movie, because twenty four picked up steam, but at that point, you're really just a tv actor, and that puts you in for a bit part in this He probably should be Don't shoot me if, in future you gonna be the voice of solid snake in the metal, gave franchise data be replacing troy by there are some one who ever before night, before David, hey deadening, writer screwdriver. David Hayter, is not a fun fact. I'm having you go with fun facts. They don't shoot me. I agree speaking of bottle movies? What you think about this? The gods must be crazy. That's funny cause there's a literal bottle in it. You don't have
Do you really have that one on this list? You don't have it on here. That's one of your funny list. That's one of your funny jokes, or do you have to James hughes song? Do you have a do? You have a fatalist which you've said to me. and also your own list, which has little funny jokes. It is that is nice. The last word by james. That is, let me say, delightfully devilish army joy that immensely good good. So the gods must be crises about a guy from enough african tribe, but somebody jobs, a coke bottle and lead the screws up. Society is like I society, so he goes to return as something doesn't. He and there's also a cycle. They just like this. It's a scam, strange and whatever you remember that. Just watch it at school armand obeying like this, is a very good reason that a bit hurry watching the thing, I think- maybe I admit road I think I've only say maybe like minutes offered, but they like naked natives and stuff in that movie here. But I think it up,
and it's like you know it's as as it is in like a documentary words like its educational, say now automatically Would you rather let my god it's? Yes, it's nine years between one and two, oh my god. Oh for those two for those these and then there's a movie called crazy safari, which is also might be known as gods must be crazy. three I wonder, what they drop out of applying in the other movies, so fast anyway. What are you gonna do list more list less towards already inside joke placed it even better. James? I can hear you only all I say: ok, but would you rather live in the land of the gods must be crazy or I guess does not really trapped. As known as the tropic of our us. One would issue a grandiose coat bottle. It's pretty good ship or you could start a band I would turn their james have at this ready. What about? What about the breakfast club we're trapped, but we're trapped in detention. Yeah
that's interesting, because bottle movies don't always have to bay we're trapped in this thing and it's a dire situation and that's really about life and love and geeks and jocks and is whatever? Oh, isn't that just life and love you know, and certainly, but it's a it's a it's a good kind of teen movie the other two year. I think it still mostly holds out. Doesn't I think it does refer? I've seen it in twenty, and I ask you this james. Nobody detentions. Did you get in high school matter at seventy five in the tent like you, wouldn't I I gonna attention on my first day of high school ever nice, I straightaway first class walked in gotta detention. What the like talking is this because you follow, His gems do this because you followed the rule of high school, which is as soon as you go in high school. You find the biggest guy and punch him just to prove your dominance. Yet that was the teacher and it was may have pledged myself, the biggest god I got to the edge, but now I think it will. like we can why school was very we'd about like getting.
People in line it like you, seven, which is the first year of school, and they make you line up in silence out the front in and lines of, two like your children, which I guess and then walking in silence and stand behind your desk in silence? And then, when the teacher said you can sit down, you can sit down and, unlike the fuck gonna situation, is this like what it? What are we? What if this like the school from fuckin, but that robbery of school whatever that school is it has you know that school very aladdin school about society- oh yeah, like this, it is fancier school is, do you think it is? I said some of the person next to me just like what's up with this and I liked attention you ve made today. What are they got made an example of worlds are yeah. I get seventy percent like an area attention, but it wasn't like. It was always a little things that was never like I'd fuck. It cuts someone in the face of the box counterfeits
But what about you? Do you ever get it? Potentially? I just thought about lot of box color incidents I had. I think I have. I think I had one wants, but I can't remember, I think I think I am I think early we talk about the matrix recently. I think I I think I did school to say the matrix, the second time and they found out now. These are separate incidents idea. I d gone away scot free for the matrix mass. Don't don't worry about it. I do remember. one time your high school they brought in. I think this would have any annoying as with the deadlines are the worst yeah. They brought us all in to him too, like an assembly in order to like tell us how good a job we were all doing with something or other alike, but that is how it was. It was basically like. I like a wheel like bring you in here like us, like a state of the union, address kind of thing of like hey, just letting you know everything whatever, but nobody would settle down. So we ended up like just locked into this I would like to add a half hours. It was like this, like these kind of, like his words,
there was a stand off is like maybe like a guy like you have was whoever was controlling. The assembly was just like. We will not begin until as absolute silence and then it was absent. Silence and then somebody would be like, and this village Recital would now we just another. Robert ike up and they would be like to shut up, will look at it was light. We stayed like two like five o clock. It was the wire you can't do that. But even the illegally led to do that christian brothers Gauvain, you know they like. I guess I am. I do not like once I've it other goes. You ted, I skipped so much school today, become back for three days and ass. They robbie back to school. I thought you were You gonna say I skipped sky, so much school that they named the concept of skipping school after the logo. you dont clemens day,
can you do the job that gb rudder out, but I know that even a beds, Judah really like I got ok grades or what it holds you spoil you tell em, like I'm fuckin sick of this I do. I didn't really do much after that, but one of the things was like knock at a crack. I'm not gonna mentioned anybody else and I'm not going to apologize, which is like it is our job to do there, like you, don't seem to be showing any remorse and I'd like to know what to tell you meant because I didn't go to school and now back here like what you want. A little luck, fuck up I guess I do know well anyway, I was a prick, wasn't bad. why do I m in a while and james? I think anyway, what are we upturns? I think you would fit it very well in the shore shank redemption, while because he didn't you, read out your fellow man, which is probably something that happens, that movie or not, I don't know but fair trial
The roma are drafted many rooms up. It is one big area in a way with lots of wolves, that's united in between that that bigger room to make even smaller aunt therein I mean that movie famously not a hit when it came out anonymize, but its very blunt, even slowly. It very quickly became like em, bodies, favorite movie, and you know what I'd probably get a bit of likes. You know it's a bit of a joke canal, whatever that its third everybody's by the movie, because it's so basic and whatever, but it's it's genuinely a very good baby that very, very true yeah, and you know it's it's one of the it's it's one of the few movies that you know certain men will be like yeah. I have watched about how to cry. You know it's a as everyone here what club through that shit let me think about all this shit, I climbed through metaphorically and the term issue, but that should not be about ok, sir james look, I've got to ask as if the rules are, would you
other be currently stuck in leafy suburban melvin, yellow trap for decades in shawshank prison, now do I can I see I a year, but there's that there's that fecal river you mentioned earlier. You have to yeah it's only for a little bit, but can, So do I make the warden shoot himself after I live like this, on our own issues himself? its unrelated, like I did my wife you get murdered. Vice somebody else and on blamed for the murder because they think I'm jealous because she had an affair that happen. No, you won't. You ve got putting Shawshank as he skipped school too many times like this one what a barrel J a bad thing that any back vehicles. You know ass. You know like if you, if you like, come you pay a library finds they might they amount
AP yeah. I will what happened? Is they they heard you skipped school and then you didn't, you didn't get a proper. You didn't get any proper punishment for it, so it's mounted up and they're, like you get in twenty years in Shawshank, for this so close, find I'd. Probably do probably do this thing where we're currently having fun and recording a podcast yeah. I would also get money for this yea. I don't think he'd get any money in shawshank towards the end. He does get money, doesn't it etc anyway? It's not that you know that good movie, what about the movie cube? Mason? Oh yes, it's set in well, it's not technically set in one room, but it's filmed in one room. That's true! So it's just a series of puzzles that they have to solve and get out of the cube they're in a cube but they're. Also in a bigger cube. True enough to escape the cube yeah. I only recently watched it though, and I have had the second one is not good, but the third one which might be a prequel is good. I dunno
I recently watched a similar movie called the platform also on netflix. You know about this. I've heard the name, but I don't know anything about it. So it's like a prison. That's like three hundred levels or something okay, and it's a it's. It's a it's a comment on like it's a commentary, unlike How the system works and the one percent icicle if you're up near the tall? Yes there's a big platform like of food that goes down and on and on every level people take more and more. It gets down to the lower levels and there's nothing like IRAN. So it's that thing of, like you know, people say that, like big corporations, if you give them money, trickled down the people underneath when in reality it doesn't latest hautala, the wealth and that's what it's really about. So metaphor for food, but it's not fair I mean it's a metaphor for what will be, but it here wait. Okay, alright yeah! I mean it's, it's a ridiculous premise, but you know it's interesting. It's like a pretty compelling, but wouldn't the people at the very bottom of the platform. Wouldn't I die very quick.
Why? Yes, huh? Yes, so you have to survive thirty days and then they move you to another random level right and like the other thing is sometimes like. You kill your cell mate nate them for thirty days or whatever. domain? It's just a ship gioia, whatever that's that's. Where, with its words that looks so I would die. I would rather not be in the cave covered survive. Very well, and I e the cube environment. Really figures you need special sky. Would I wouldn't want a puzzle? It out a dogma, Ass was now that you guys all yet all that squirrels Josiah Hu Jia, soda ok. What about this one nice and go on message in a bottles meshes messages. Little starring, Kevin costner and robin roberts have absolute wrong. Come from ninety ninety nine. I have absolutely not say this and I am quite frankly insulted it's a bottle, bovine, quite free
insult. Oh, I see what you got with that. I was like. I was furious that you thought I might have said that, but then it's it's it's and I should. I should have checked it's not on my list, but it's on your list. The fun jokes, so good work, that's right sounds about. I think it's about a husband who Maybe his wife died. He sent a message us on a fucking, a real one. this is one that I haven't seen. But maybe you have obvious jumped around here dinner with Andre, are you saying that many more meaning to watch out for yeah. I've said many many years ago, so yeah I dunno. If help you without ok, then since the conversation isn't it perhaps in the community episode that its advice based upon it. There's a couple on here that I haven't seen that I do want to say on that one I haven't seen. I haven't seen the original sleuth, which you've said I think talked about recently, all with Michael Cain, yes that's right- and I also have insane twelve angry man shockingly, which I do need to save
shutting twelve angli, many, I'm telling you. What are you saying shockingly, because you are yourself an angry man. Is that why it shall get another call. Em economists about connoisseur of rights, so a lot of people. A lot of people upon maybe they're like damn giant a real number, eight of the twelve angry man, you're real if the right personality that I say and you got me like I gotta say: let's go see that movie. Would you like to use here's a here's, a question for you, though John? Would you if it got you out of the house, would you be on a jury right now? Absolutely not really. I did at once. When I was nineteen I fucking hated. It is awful like it was awful because the case was like, like those of valve like a refugee, you'd, being traded, terrible, terribly in being forced to like run drugs black, herbal husband. I want again to the details of a bit of a they'd like swung between boring for days and then
the horrible and graphic unlikelier about abuse and then back to boring, then back to graphic lasted like eight days like eight worked of like my holidays like died today, a guy and like everybody's in the jury's like what what this so whatever they like. Like know, china puzzle this thing out of whatever it's like the reasonable doubt. If you think that bears any chance there do you know that No, that this thing didn't really happen. Then this fuckin wrap it up and let this woman gang, which was what end up happening, which was good. But I I would I I can get out of jury duty also because I'm self employed, oh, I said I'd never have to do it again, but I hated the time. So you could still have They'll make videos on jury duty. You may like, what's up, what's up guys, it's me our motto: jury likened subscribe. The other thing is they. Your work is technically supposed to pay
your why right corner? But I worked for mcdonald's at the time casually. Some mcdonald's are just like while we weren't gonna, give you those ships anyway. It is not The european idea, like twenty bucks, a dial whatever the fuck, so it was just I just didn't. I didn't like it and if you cannot do it do it and you also don't know what you're going to get. I could have got a case that lasted six month strike or what, if it was like what if it was like a funny crime, no till bore, wanted somebody like come, they like hijacked forklift and I like it, drove it through a supermarket. Like a bunch of times I mean that's funny. Yes, we can see the footage of that, but once you've seen the initial footage, there's not really much else to to do I can say that on youtube, I guess or yeah you're and I have to sit the dear jury like a twat, I just want to say for the record that if, if anybody out there whose work and though the random jury
Judy machine out there in Austria in Victoria and any vive discovered a funny crime and you'd like somebody to adjudicate on a funny crime, funny not serious funny crime YAP and you ve already lined up like some colorful characters to be the other jurists. If we are really bring bring me in coach I'll, do it I'll be there, though, would you say you'd big you'd be? Actually in the dark, as I've never done on, you regret it, Believe me, your instantly regretted it I'm telling you I read, also causes these multiple. Levels that he got got to go through. This is boring. We should wrap this up boy that you got to get to before you get the action. Jewelry box? So you get caught up once and then you go to like a next level and then you get selected the jury, and then they can knock you back s right, and so I got up there. It's like I got to go up as a first step. I can step and then the like. Now we're gonna pull out of you, fifty or whatever gonna pull twelve random names and unlike plays non they placed on my place. and I was literally like the first, I'm like a noble
challenge, because I just like this is some kids, like your use of this order? say, go fun there what about the movie bottle raucous, because this bottle is a bottle, is now in the title I've never say that, isn't a bottle of aid. It is technically body. I don't think it's a bottle movie times now and then a technically is a bottle rocket. I say I say what you doing. That's the fun joke I like to now that was good, and did you see oh you have seen the man from earth which is not so much like their trapped. Yes like physically, but their trapped black man's compelling narrative fits the story telling a story that we send the cycle in a why this did that sow? That's s, spiritual inspiration giants, because we we crossed such a compelling narrative, the people down on us which broadcasts devices yeah. I So in a cycle, I'm not a bottle is not a bottle movie anymore, and I still think it's interesting and what
the watch it? It is free on amazon video, I think, but rod is like a one rack of a movie one of them. All I seek is there's a lot of bottles. I say Also, did you just now or did you did you? That's very good! That's a that's a that's a that's a Jimmy clement original mac, very good! Well, you pulled that gb clemens, I loved it and it saw some of the acting is not greats. I think they've gotten, like some student actors in like it's a kind of a legit situation, because it's set it's set around like as a school again, but it's like you know, students are, I think it's still of compelling the mind guys very good in it. I think so, yeah and he looks kind of like the guy from the pretender- and you can't take that away from It- that's true yeah yeah, it might even be the same guy, but I don't think it is. I just think it is either recommended this one- and I watched this recently also talked about on suggestible. But the guilty is swedish or something go yes and it set in Highly in I am
at nine one, one like emergency center thing. That's true! Yeah! Is it not for that yeah. I think so, yeah very good. It's a good one! That's on! I think pro. Did you watch on sbs on demand, yeah I did, but a body on, prime or something I its answer is doing because we ve got here. You know I've got buried, we ve got phone booth. We ve got the guilty. It's interesting, how your mind fill in the gaps. Thank you would. Yes, you would think that if you, if you, if you suggested days is like radio applies or like an audio narrative, or something like that. I feel like a cool. But if you, if you told me a lot of some of these and said it's a movie, I would my instinct would be the tv that sounds very dull, and so it see no credit Today's, that's that's the annandale yeah or maybe that's a credit to our wonderful imaginations. Maybe it is. Germany is run through
humans are obvious, just just rattle mafia, so the movie room, which is mostly set in a room but not entirely, certainly very much more via a wine racks it, I sure isn't it mice and I gave a james, would you would you like to be in that room? Not fuck now admitted guide. Come you not strangle it might so you would like to vienna room just for purposes of murdering yet good common, expecting bray, Lhasa, my little boy yet to be made and not strangle. Would you be drafted a little boy knowledge? waiting, we like I what's up and I'd fuckin strongly advised really great nice other odd jobs. We should have just see the problem here. James is what we this is. What happens all the time? Is we get three quarters of the way through the thing we are going to be talking about, and then we hit the real we hit the real gold we strike. strike the oil, which is, if you a leave these situations, could you have prevented what was happening happening from just strangling guy
although they localize, maybe you reckon you gotta make you could have strangled andrea, my dinner with Andre. Couldn't strange, I did, I would say, to jail what you wanna gotten out of a dinner party and say how much I strangled at snake. berry day right over the snake, but could you could use though. The rock from a hundred and twenty seven hours, Well, they lock yea. I've only got one or two arms value to get over crook of your elbow yeah. Maybe if you get in a leg, lock, What about the booty misery strangle that woman gates he strangled. Cathy bites strangler roca yeah russia's item of the typewriter. I think I've never seen the movie clue, but that's one, but also going the count of monte cristo, just just I'm just imagining I'm just imagining all the characters from clue they vote they ve all got together in a road. Professor clubman colonel must than of princess patient, whoever they are. They all alike
the killer was James and it did the data that it's just you just strangling somebody else. struggling to get much broader, just everybody's in their areas of this suits and hats, and Dresses nearest anybody is strangling so said the count of Monte cristo well, but Jim conveys, a large portion of that is set in a prison cell with candles, knock it off with dumbledore original, but all richard heresies pensioners are. It's really good. I remember very really good eddie. What wants to get revenge for being put in a cell its autocrat- benjamin Henry cavil. Other gets his first performance in that actually is like a very young. Every couple is this: this isn't the guy peace count of Monte cristo abandoned. that's exactly what I'm talking about are on our way. I don't know anybody Becky, that's goofy. Besides god fears to budgetary belinda,
by revising the butcher people that is a testament to the acting ability of gps etc, all the acting ability of all those other actors, because I didn't recognize them. I completely guideline I can rattle off the cost yeah. So it's cattle other ways goodman's in all those grossman. Yes, Michael women, What who looks a lot like in a microwave You know macklewain caught it now and I dont in your eyes and things. you don't you definitely day is an alien forts. I could do. That is not the other thing that is it the fidel's asean, how The crisis is a lot of people in asia, eyes isn't so much stuff, you definitely not anyway greener. Is set in a green room. That is not easy, elsa, that's a good movie on it! I wonder, though, one of the last movies from the light Antonio chin, so people should check that out, say Patrick stewart's in it as well tricks to what's in it yeah, maybe image inputs, maybe forty no lights
which is about the devil, runs a error. Speaking of the devil runs a room ideally forgot to put this on the list on defamation. Now, member devil that once it in a lift the code Yeah see I'm not shovel on the movie set on a lift sure yeah. But it's it's not him! It's and it's it's! It's not like. He produces it or something as the two thousand and ten horror film, where there's like I've strategies in an elevator, and one of them is literally, devil. Yes, my proposal about who's got squad. Fine, would you do it? situation jive. So we just strangle outside of the devil purpose. So I started to say: you're, it's your instincts is still good. I thought maybe your instincts, and you know why sent away in current aid, but scared, scared, and I, like I, adopt strangling the guy from the midday project too. I think is also that movie or whatever I bet there's a bible that fuel, but I don't really rebecca, but where the elevators. It's like dropping wildly and the numbers spin on thursday, six exciting
ass. There are probably air. If these movies are happy pace of garbage sure the movie, the descent yeah send a cave system, I guess, and the descent to soft snow peace, Ah I set on a train the full of the rails is what they call, the trains lies the movie sidewise. What's because this bottle, so I say you ve done it again James. You got me every time. Every single time I was my last word- was it is apparently a twenty forty biblical luck with stars, tom hot. It is about him big, trapped in a car. Also robert pattinson movie, where in a car the entire time a limited up, eight nine, eleven or something has happened. Yes, sir boilers robust that boy space is mostly set on a bus. It's true, I guess any movie says on a boat- is also a technical
james I haven't. Even I have a question about- is the did this one here is: what's the movie, Resolving your dogs chimes what's wrong. I realize what is. Is that like dogs, so I wanted this giant. Is that what did not come up with? I a spelling error. I know potentially you've spelled it that so many times that it's just like I guess is. This is what he likes. So Is it not doing it in your? Is it not? Otto would be what it is today will now actually so in my life, it's been corrected must have sent over the prey corrected list on us not in the hateful ice is they're both butterfield. The loss of god is old, is lost, which is a robot redford stuck in a boat movie. but I guess you could put in castaways. Well, I guess I guess my son. Would you like to be stuck in me? Would you like to be stuck in a both robin read for forbid You would love that you locked ever get him up like tell me all about books,
thing is I've already told you about butch Cassidy and I liked. I would like to tell me about the staying. Then yeah fine I'll, tell you about the sting and it'll be like me about the bush capacity in the sundance kid pretty cool. either they made me like I'm not in that. I have nothing to do with it on. I tell me about it. What are you about? What are you now? But you know, I only know also of say the ads. I know what's in that in the end will tell me about it now. We re Robert wretch, who have, I would say, the ads that that that's great he's, probably retired, or he is like honourable. Where is that with the answer, but at the moment anything else that sets bloody body everything I think drinking you could get out of that. All is lost the movie by strangling Robert redford, but you still stuck in the middle of the ocean at that point, so he sue strangling well. I could use the stars for leading you astray use my knowledge of of a movie the platform, and I could eight robert redford and that would sustain me be nice, I think, and then I'll probably get rescued. Let's go great point actually. Thank you.
We may do the excitement of the shah, yes arrival. I no actually know what it's called already. Oh yeah gone, it's called what we rating go on, we're going to re open the theme song over excited? I don't think ailed goodness, my goodness mason what have you been with welding this week? Will, I think, maybe we mention this office last week. Have we both read the batman? Eighty nine comic book? I s way, I both read it at this point. While I've read it, have you read it? Ah yeah I've read if ye have ross, don't worry james of reddit what I also think was very misleading from batman. Eighty nine is, it should be like technically like. man naughty one because it set after both back man batman, eighty nine white band returns came out and again. I can't go back memories
came out naughty naughty to set after them returns, also a story. Yes, I thought it was set directly after that not another matters lay us at all. I mean it does manifesto points What do you think anyway? I like to think it's fun that they've they've sent a DA harvey dent. As the you know, the upcoming you know he beat yep. He was obviously intended to be face in you know if if they were going to do I mean I but he would he wasn't really intended to be the option. was there for him to be to face in the movies if they were gonna continue in our universe, but you know just in it. That was Then it was prerogative of cycles was not necessarily, you know the standard procedure back then, but I think it's great. I think they have then suddenly aged everybody up. I think it's really good. Very true. Are they that's captured, thou, william December Williams? Quite well, you're, not a man, it's good! It's real names, but they're gonna be agreed in the temples of Michael kittens batman and UNESCO schuyler
rico, and it's got a lot of like eighty nine early to use or whatever ear this. These movies are really set, unlike technology kind of worked in, like screens and audio devices yeah it's in places like this, pretty common goals have been watching historic. Low addicts is back so the first to have said today. our up in what you meant to good fond david, really, there really giant, obviously, because you know they haven't limited budgets. They can really just as compared You know movies tv shows what have you they can really just sort of go back wild with you, no giving somebody super cosmic powers, Oh, you know having outside I ve known enormous spiced, baffle law or reno. Any those kind of things is not to say it was good to see. Jonathan francs back is rocket for an episode. I think that's a lot of fun.
like this. That's where the girl I lie, like he's characterisation in the in the in the show of just like this. Just he just roles with everything is just like this. Super enthusiastic is sort of like what's they left the character and future, rather the captain pants. What's up guys, know that brown a guy like that branding it, but but like actually skilled at his job, which competent data competent air tickets, Can I also turned up in discovery? Didn't name not discovery would turn up in the discussion, he and I do mean enterprise, but was the short no because they had the asia Africa. Is there a couple of times a year you put on the tots, whatever they weren't? show that there is a lot of aside therein. They go into like a museum like create curated music. of like all sorts of alien, these weapons and trinkets, and I'm watching
Like manna better find you a lot about star trek, the city cried out about all of these things there to other events. Like I don't know, I don't know any those rival, there's a laissez, there's a famous episode of next generation so that this new crew member in their pursuit any speaks entirely and metaphors, and that was like a clear is like a classic episode of the next generation where they can understand this. This island rice, until I understand that everything my size is like a reference to a pre this thing that happened in their culture so was like. This episode. Is nineteen noughties episode of staff wrecked the sort of invented, maim culture, essentially with aids, just laughing, and it just like if people talked with just like you know, holding up picard doing the facebook, in Austria the absolutely resignation vaginal. I grades really good and I guess like the lack of a better example. If you like rican morty star trek get its
It is yet it's not like that. Sell that selling it short debate like it's just written, morty, star trek. It's it's not it's. You know there's more to it than, but so there is a little bit erika vodka. The odd Definitely there definitely some some reckon morty in about is a question for you and I don't know if you can actually pull this off. Can you play there? his name or will it will that disable whatever device? You but what I regard as daughter. So what happens? If I have any tablet, let's say with speakers are on it. But so what happens? but it's just a stone tablet. He doesn't know. Eighty, they words and not for me, that was, nobly a shit while my wild and was buried here were arise. Well, that's the thing. The thing oh wow. So what other things
I'm hearing from you is not how everybody else is going to hear now. Let's do because they both recording separate audio and it s not a you know that let us as a statement of the show where people Why didn't they go hello? We ve got a letter for you all its weight day and you can twitters that hashtag weekly plant ipod or weekly bonaparte gmail dot com. If you want to shoot a email through two nick mason Do you have a gmail? This wait for us nick mason. I absolutely do and also, if you want I e in to us any want to be like hey, I would add strangle heaps of people in those movies. Where would you have got way every other? thirty bottles. Are there any bottle. Universes you'd be like man I would love to live in. I would love to live in the ocean of poop in the giving shag redemption. You know let us now. I mean the sums in areas where you couldn't strangled them like. He can't strangle sniper k for sutherland
up here. It's totally get anywhere near and not the heck area where you got in terms of letters like this is really got. Isn't majority system jason erode men? He says I did it. Oh hi James jones and my so jason here long timeless. Now, don't added a kidney this morning to brother, the one you dont like that's, also in agony as I rightly it's gotta- be spending the next six weeks in recovery. Will I get used to this empty hall in my body, I'm looking forward to being some caravans and book club that I've been putting off until the surgery. My question would either one of you wacky: do that give up your kidney for the other, especially under the threat of death, Of course. I also can I be the official lack of one kidney boy for the part that jason from Kansas Bob right question. I may I go, yeah. If you really needed one. I would thanks man because want a swiss cheese at this point, so I could probably do with one I'm just saying I you don't really drink to how we do it. You eddie fibres
yeah. You know I don't really drink that much anybody that book. Yes, you could have a kidney if you really needed one, but also the more the more pertinent question that bot dollars the more pertinent question that I've just realized is Oregon. We should do some sort of kidney exams, we'll do some school, get some scans done or say, kidneys or in better shape, like just generally he's on drink up there, a wreck anyway, but you used to drink and now you're gonna get to these stones sometimes through. Yet, though less, but what does that mean? The kidney stones like would affect them? if I got your kidney, ah I don't know you can you can have. My gallbladder they already removed it? I dunno where it is. You have to sift through some medical wise to kick it. While I was going to be doing that anyway, the weekend's coming up so Well, you gotta, you gotta, make the most of your one hour of exercise. Yeah sift through some garbage, you know, have I've got a tweet here who says
this is from parts of the caribbean. Direct at ports directive says. How would you plan applaud? You guys could pick six mob. Ok, is to be in the next event, is movie with be a huge fan. Keep up the absolute lay smashing content. What Just like the. Why they're going is it's like it'll be shown jade, obeyed iron, hoss it'll, probably to be anthony, mackey Captain America, it'll probably be captain marvel some of the other captain. Marvel's may be as well yeah yeah, whoever is going to be the next black panther, but you keep whole. And then you definitely away It's? What I do. I not I'll do anything else. You know yeah, he hasn't he hasn't betrayed. Any huge government agencies, italy has to be on the run or whatever he's just there He's lying lay all captain marble, yet you show you can you can bring down all those cray spaceships with eliza blas, but I'll be? we have followed a triple our. I don't worry about it. That's true, I think those are some of the ones I mentioned are probably young avenging characters like the guy was like a lion
I will be young benches and highly startled whose kate, bishop or poverty Well, but yeah I dunno, do you have any particular it's interesting to get a different like set of skills you automate teams do with it, because you need. cause. That's the thing like. I also. I also feel like again it it. You know- and I I feel like you know, even though they've they've they've got What movies and production there's a lot of money and stop moving around. I feel like what they are also doing is they kind of it is kind of like the early movies, where they sort of trying a bunch of new things and saying what people respond to and that might so. I've laid so like if they wanted to. They could kind of just rebuild the old avenging, like the classic team that replaces the few people are coming back like like it puts title. I, like it put the nea naked, they could put an identity mac. Then he kept in america, but they can also use the wine Russell captain, america, if they wanted to yes I'd die, they gotta be a document
this year. I am what I did everything I think ia idea. Again again, I do think like a lot of the stuff. They do is kind of throw out ideas and see what the internet bosses about and they the kind of like yeah. you know, which is fascinating. When you consider it's, you know hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars, but I think they, like you, know, pay people of Boston where we said a lot of traffic about the dark avengers. So yes, let's put that into production kind of thing absolutely that's why I think that's what they're doing with them. What's her name from seinfeld a line from Sancho kramer, there. but I thought I think she is. I think they should. I think they should bring in. I reckon I should bring in job as the bala on I know he was in exists. I did carter, I think they should time travelling to the present and making the butler avenger tell just be like yet have look loved. What happened? We don't know what happened, but he was he was driving. It was driven. You know how it stocks.
Colorado that military installation in avengers endgame- and there was a there- was a time in straight into a portal. I was just going to board. Allow now is now is, in the modern day, lead that I have a bottle of likened the comics. That's the one, the one thing they never gotten over there like look. We can do modern, like we can do comic book. Star costumes, you know we can we can give em. You know crazy origins like an accomplice would have to sugar code any of this stuff because too silly or whatever, but they ve never gone yeah, the avengers, do have a butler and he's a real guide is nice justice, so he put Jarvis on the site. That's what I want. That's really great. I love that we could I'd love it if they reveal that he was alive, it is just like a hundred feet, is by humanity the butler like Harry osborne, butler from us. real now have you got another one. I've got a few. This is from the hands of letter, this mickey out, outlines a twenty percent bother. Why? Yes, yes, I'm bite cut out with some
every sailing of yes. All of this is what this is tiles from a stress that new dead hi james and my son, my wife and I recently welcomed our first child, and while I would like to tell you that the dulcet sounds like a podcast of the magical key to putting him to sleep, that would be a big fat lie. Fortunately, the back catalogue of the podcast and big sandwich is keeping me sane. As I pace around the house at three am trying to get him to stop whaling, though thanks so much for everything mickey in Washington DC, brutal man, Virgil, it does pass if it's any consolation and your savior will be putting in one area bud and holding a baby. That is what you will do for a year and a homo. So congratulations, arabic, stuff. I feel I want to say that, as we approach episode, four hundred question start to creep into my brain james, such as have we already done this? Do we do this already lawyer? Is this an email from philip? I was up to that an episode six lately,
you talk about mrs rand deals and movies until they hide drives, and myself have listened to this week's episode talk about james bond is fifty chicken nuggets. I was wondering if you could do an episode covering the worst and most blatant product placement in movies and tv. We did that. Didn't we see say that's the question James yet a guy. I found it inside one hundred ninety six, zero ninety eight two hundred episodes ago, we did most blatant bomb movie product placement, they gonna bet. There's more lists I bet is more, are definitely welcome. Saudi F and I'll get a black we'll get well. Maybe we're here we'll start of more we'll, go to the great my facebook group and will say hey what did we mention that episode we'll? Do it all I have to say that I still have the show notes for a mom that episode area. Actually here I can go through and say what list I've got here. I it's like eighty races, pizzas, wellborn z, pepsi, nice, I robots does a lot of algae things, yeah
While who knew that are actually ever look at one of these, I should never again. I knew I saved them through raise and who knew that either of us might show its incredible you didn't know about. This does arrive at all your advice, and I think this is. I think this is the news this week. I think I got it I get its way to a new idea. Do a definite idea! Really do it again. Look macgregor, who says hashtag whitley planet pod. I understand you guys new blonde cams work, lip balm camps, work facebook he did: district nine analysing em and chappie and a bunch of like out studio, stereos youtube gentle. and stumbling around Google for em. I found he made a new film, this vehicle, demonic zone. if you guys it actually heard about the sumo scene, seen it I'd say no since it as a thirty percent rotten tomorrow's. I had no idea about this movie. Did you know about that? I think I heard the name and, unlike all check that out, but then somebody was like. I remember that making a ten and alike who more interesting I'll go this way.
Low level who, but just now now to come out in July. I say yeah, that's a shy! I really like is moving any directed their yes, so near the young sucks, but I know, as also I did see some interviews this week away. He was talking about how like the process of being like these rubber cup sake, we're not getting. The ground or doing his aliens five and whatever yeah yeah? I still like think you should get one of those properties like, even if you don't like chapel This movie, apparently I care, like he's perfect, think, is perfect for those properties and also do district ten, what else mason, or should we let it One, more remark, James? What do you think about that? Let's find out on this issue. I think about this is from Jim, Jim ices
from the oven that is Phoenix arizona, I thought I'd james and my so here I am here. I am alive, fortieth birthday modeling that I've been on this planet for four decades. These last decade is included so many things: equally, marriage, kids, a teaching, korea and the first and best damn podcast I've ever listened to, because my drive to my job of teaching high school art is only twenty minutes. I've been able to make the Monday podcast last all week. Sometimes it's a great start to my day makes me laugh, and I often find myself inadvertently speaking in an australian accent, as I talk myself through my morning to do list. Thank you so very much for what you guys do. Here's to you, gents from Jim, can I be the official art teacher of the podcast? Yes, Uma is a lonely cat or what he did. What do you teach and what are you up to in art? I want to know some new tech. Makes my snitching shading dating from shore Can I get you could I draw like add up close like sketch of an eye? Oh, what about a boy like it's, a metal bullets, soul
like china, s shining dear, but it's just a peculiar way. How do you do it? It's magical shy they do it brought about through one of my favorite things, I'd read it where they re up like a sketch and a look super realistic. Adele like this was done with a big pen like what What do you mean? It's a photograph? I don't believe you That's all that I do I'll better go into the art such as have read it and just post a picture of me. A selfie it'd be like a drew this with a bed. Just a blue bic pen So I have to have so useful when it's all in how you hold it. You mike flesh tired. Dry, hoodies, wild. I just realized. I gotta go it detentions- and I was a teacher- I don't know what that's about, but is that made because that many advice, James James? Are you saying? You've got a lot of detentions, as a teacher
Yeah narrator does feel like the staff meetings are a bloody, bloody detention or merit. Am I right everyone? You are a teacher you're talking to some kid. You like you, might be too much trouble, I'm giving you a detention and they're like no you detention and you like. What's this is bullshit another detention for swearing, mystic lemons that's right. Anyways I do want to wrap us up Joe to bring us is the show. I hope it recorded in any way shape or form we'll soon find out. Won't we need to yeah. We will my my zoom is still recording. So that's good! That's that's something! Isn't it as mine, but folks, thank you so much for listening. Thank you so much for it's hard to do this when you're remote, thanks folks. Thank you so much nazis. It is pretty easy, don't have to either have or don't have to, but a smell. You might know folks thanks for listening. Thank you for subscribing. Thank you for telling your friends about the show. Specifically, I may telling your friends about the show, so they also listen to the show. Not just don't tell them about the show in such stunning clarity that they don't need to.
Until the show, because that is where I should have been clear about this. If I'm honest with you earlier on yeah, I mean we're so far in where it episode wanting and in forty seven, I would have a paypal. It might just be gone like others into these podcast, oh yeah, that's it! although not be lying on a name. I listen to the pod coniston than the first guy said. Welcome for the weekly planet, podcast will again and then I do it for an hour and fifty minutes and then that other persons like where you ve, I was really evocative. Our nato listen anymore. We issued specific. I agree, but anyway thank you for telling your friends. I thank you for leaving a five star review because it helps other people find the show gems. Do you have any reviews that does and I'm going to the latest this from emperor violate who says bailey who says decades while spent on this list because every monday, since nineteen seventy six when they started up to discuss news about the upcoming soup men, the movie no consistently, I plus commentary for forty five years and counting I've thoroughly enjoyed it and the community that has grown up around it join us. So it could do a review like that life. You,
or you could I do, what trevor felt, who says just a good guy, just a good all time, visiting folks amusing, my wife's fine to leave another five star view, because these boys are just the greatest. You can do that if you can, lock someone else's fine to leave a nice nice. Nice appreciate it. If you want to get in contact with us, you can go to weekly I part of gmail like facebook or twitter at band camp or you can go to broadcasting dot com. You can sign up to the newsletter from the Greg rob calling cs at raw callings on twitter, he's at the weekly planet, on twitter, on at wikipedia brown on twitter and on instagram nick miso. I kay em. I ass a a change. Your mrs sunday movies everywhere I am. I am also go to the planet: broadcasting great mites, facebook, repeated sleek and just just jump on an errand join up, and you can have a fund that good time chats about all kinds of stuff, related, podcasting pop culture movies.
escape stuff? You have a great time if you want to support the show, you go to patreon dot com, slash MR sunday movies to chuck in a buck or in fact any amount, help us very much very if again, but if you can't you just disassemble forecast and swine, we love it every day. You can also get a big sandwich, not co for nine years days per month, you can get all kinds about its content is cited as it is this. How much contains only a ease where the stuff how long will be doing they are way more than that during a abyss or even all year and a bit. That is why mole the one that's up to next week is going to be justice league part two like tom capture, where we look at the uniting. Eighty one in pop culture and music and movies and tv shows, and all that, so that up there right now determine whether or not it was a good year or we wouldn't want to live a life it. I and we never want. We never want to live there doing mice, and never ever ever, I bought a speaking of what is written
Scott their early while calling on the edge of the audio goes up there. So nice Let's see, I'm a mom, we got some t shirts on t public dot com, all kinds of crazy stuff are their official unofficial, just grab one just search for the wasteful planet and the grey raven, you think is on and I think it is, and the basilisk and reckon problematical themes, and that is the whole show. What now, because next week is. I love it next week, us good mice into this Four hundred, and apparently we promise we mention this, it would talk about the movie three hundred. Yes at the episode four hundred, but we ve, you gonna commentary and we'll cover that movie extensively, but there is a really from twenty fifth Dana sigh five fiction. Film called four hundred days stars brandon ralph lump ran around if we could do the movie four hundred days earlier. This is post. This is post. Superman returns Traceability is twenty fifth day and is also a movie called four hundred bullets. I get came out this year, so you know
Thus all movie called movie called four hundred days of summer, which is a break, will actually it's just the first. It's it's just the first three quarters of five hundred days of supper face man is worthy aims on value. We would say, I've obey the end for the better, because I hope, yeah, it's awful will forever sign, I will think I sat there for next week when we ass. That's right folks. I once again thank you all for listening, hopeless recorded reproach. I put you. Are we prepared to put up with that this particular version of the port cast this way, god life guy start life, don't know of us are now obliged. Sometimes I hope this or I'd say everybody grabbed at jimmy guys. We will talk to you next week, goodbye boy. This podcast is part of the planet. Broadcasting network visit planet broadcasting, dot com for more podcasts. From our great knights, I mean, if you want
it's up to you they cast powers, the best part,
here's a show that we were greetings. Adventurers is an award winning comedy real play d and d podcast that has been running for a decade with four hundred and twenty seven episodes in our first campaign. I didn't have back problems or kids would we started? My favorite thing about this show. Is that it's a group of friends playing dd, who don't take anything too seriously right, like what a normal group use this sphere of annihilation as a toilet. We threw so much mayonnaise in there. We just started a new campaign, so it's a great time to jump in or you can listen to our first level, one all the way to level twenty adventure and have hundreds of hours of entertainment, new episodes every monday, so listen to greetings, adventurers on a cast or wherever you get your podcasts. He cast helps creators launch, grow and monetize their podcast everywhere, aka dot com.
Transcript generated on 2022-06-02.