« The Weeds

Are unions making a comeback?


2023 was a big year for unions. WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes brought Hollywood to a standstill, and the UAW made historic gains for nearly 150,000 of its members. But despite all of the commotion around unions, membership is still way down from its peak — and has been steadily declining since the 1950s. Was the past year a sign of an upcoming resurgence in the labor movement? Weeds host Jonquilyn Hill talks to journalist and organizer Kim Kelly to find out. 

Read More:

More in U.S. See Unions Strengthening and Want It That Way 

Labor unions aren't “booming.” They're dying.

The UAW Strike May Have Finally Set Us Up for a General Strike

Fight Like Hell: The Untold History Of American Labor

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Jonquilyn Hill, host

Sofi LaLonde, producer

Erica Huang, engineer

A.M. Hall, editorial director of talk podcasts

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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In our well upon hearing this. My dad got up from the table and literally started picketing me. He grabbed a notebook made a sign that said the bird say cheap, cheap and started marching around the dining room. I inevitably to his demands and brought the imaginary for my imaginary employees above minimum wage I'll that, through in and on site child care center for employees after my mom suggested it I'll say. My evolution from corporate overlord to champion of the worker was a fact one. That's definitely not how it works in reality, but this year I took note of some energy. I saw We saw the united autoworkers, the writer skilled and sag after I take on their employers and they one for the most part in many ways
Twenty twenty three labour winds are the result of a behind the scenes campaign to reorganise the organizers and we're gonna get and to that, but I also wanted to know if all the Energy is enough to reverse the decades long decline we ve seen in union membership. For this conversation, I knew just who to call my name's kim Kelly and I'm a labour journalists and author of the book fight like hell the untold his shoe american labour. Ok, I am not exaggerating when I say this kid is that girl, when it comes to labour she's, not, the rapporteur she's also and organizer, and number of the writer skilled, quick note. I, like the rest of my nonmanagement colleagues here, a box I am a member of the writers guilt to him. First interested in covering labour when her newsroom at the time was organizing two weeks after I got officially hired couple, co coworkers will be aside
that hey we're thinking about unionized during my first response was. Oh thank god. Could I knew that the union was a good thing. I come from a union family I knew that you lose were a good thing for a lot of workers. I just never thought I get the chance to join one cause I write about. Heaven ro, the internet? I didn't think it a local six. Six was necessarily out there. But it was we we joined their wares, gave America east I got superman. In all of all the, Can I say I could and in all the bargaining stations all the meetings, the committee's endless endless meetings that come with organizing in joining the union, Until I found myself going to weigh more union activities then shows- and I kind of joke that labour became my new favourable. And that's kind of where all my energy started going, but it was still my job to come back to work and sit in the chaos office, and you know interview corpse grinder, so I was trying to figure out how I could kind of direct
that energy, and I was already free land- think as I get paid laugh anyway. So I always freelance and I started pitching around labour related stories here. They have to see. If I could and really team bow was my big break in that way and by the time I got laid off and twenty nineteen I decided. what I'm gonna try and be labour a porter if that, the job that you could have and A year later, I signed the contract to write my book, so I guess it worked out or where you were introduced to labour. I think in ways that a lot of us were growing up. My mom would always tell me about how, like my grandpa, had this union job like that's how they were able to like navigate the great migration and kind of work, their way into the black middle class, and you know I was working at double Hu. I am you when they started organizing forsake after I- and I remember, voting yes to organs.
Is that union, and so I think, that's like the way a lot of people get their introduction, but it feels like twenty twenty three in particular has been a big year for labour and there have been just hundreds of labour actions this year alone. Can you run through some of those strikes, especially like off the top of your head. Give us a list of sort of the big ones god it is so funny. Eggs is literally my job to keep track of these things and can barely q track if a book, which is a good thing, though right, I think the other coronel labour tracker, the latest number We are on that which is just a great project. People should keep an eye on it's like four hundred and four strikes this year, but as of today, some of the biggest ones I can think of. Of course, the? U a w stand strike we've had the medieval times strike the pittsburgh post gazette folks who are still on strike. I thousands of unite here. Hotel workers in California have been striking on and off starbucks workers of history
you got it off. We had the big hollywood shut down where the riders go of america and sank after came together to bargain these two new big contracts. We had the tail end of the warrior met coal strike would I spent two years covering in alabama. We had like seventy five thousand keyser permanent, a health care work. With essay. I you go out. We had the portland Oregon. Teachers strike the dancers, a star garden, one of the historic stir club that unionized last year. Grandson workers here and fully a temple went out like the hits cap common. I am sure I feel like I'm, going to get a press release at about five minutes telling me about it. You know, like people are fed up what are the most significant ones in respect to what mean for workers. Overall, I get excited about every shrank. Every should make is important, but you
We see a really at the head of the? U s w this year, the strike that they lead against the big three automakers for gm and stolen us, which makes chrysler in a couple other. I conic brands. They had this six weeks, shrike that had a very kind of unique and clear. were militant strategy that we haven't really seen utilised, at least in this century before which they had. This kind of surprise strike. Tat than in all go out at once, that would have been, a huge deal that would have been like one hundred and fifty thousand workers all at once and that would have been fun for some of us right, but that would have depleted the.
strike fund right away and it would've it would've been a pretty big logistical nightmare right, so instead they launched these tactical intermittent strikes like that. They would announce every friday through these, like facebook live streams that just scared the hell out of the sleeves up, auto ceos. It was really wild to see. Why do you think the? U? A w strike was so successful, like, and what about this year feels new or different than the previous years, because you know labour has a long history in this country, but this this feels different. Is it different? It does feel different. Doesn't it there's almost to quantify array, is honestly kind of wives. Based in a way like there's so much energy and enthusiasm in interest and billy militancy, I think dusk
I love the the word of the year and I think that's a big factor in why the? U a w, is able to crush it so hard, because the w has a really complicated past. There's a lot of corruption, there's a lot of top down kind of iron, fist type administration and that all changed this year when they elected their first ever direct vote election, they elected sean in this new reformers, our president- and he made it very clear from the beginning. This was not going to be a sweetheart deal. He was not going to go in there and shake hands with these auto bosses and play nice. This was war and that's the way they played it. They pushed and pushed for things that going in there were told. Oh, that's impossible. That don't ever happen will never be able to bring electric vehicle plans under the master agreement on Monday,
I did like the thought of forcing an automaker to reopen a closed factory to bring back union jobs was just totally a pie in the sky thing, but they did it like it's just that sheer audacity and that willingness to go hard and make enemies. I think that's just such an important moment for so many of us to see cars like these, We're, not our friends. Your boss is not your friend. The billion errors are not our friends. I think that something that is just something lit. That's important for people keep in mind as they continue to organize and fight, and I think that this example has really good a lot of people. A lot of hope. I think we're here seymour. no more, MR nice guy style, striking and organised next few years, because the euro w so do you w had this huge successful strike, but we have also seen a lot of these strikes sort of rise up in pop culture and also impact people
sort of more in their day to day lives. As far as what their consuming I mean, there's been starbucks. There was and the attempt with amazon there was hollywood with sack after and w g ay and unions have just very much been a part of our pop culture this year. What does that kind of visibility mean for organised labour? I think this is such a crucial thing to know, because so many strives to so much organizing soda campaigns happen in places that the public are is aren't necessarily gonna, see or pay attention to for better or very much for worse, people tend to kind of only pay attention to the stuff that impacts them know. They got a lot of stuff going on people got rent people have kids, people have a lotta shit to do you're, not thoroughly gonna be up on the latest labour disputes unless it filters and your life in some way, starbucks as bad as their coffee.
Almost everybody has been to a story about a lot of supper. Omitting guy, you know amazon or especially early pandemic, and still so many of you border like everything about their entire daily lives from amazon, which they probably shouldn't. You know, there's other stores, but still I know some people, it is it's what they did to do. That's too, amazon is like a part of your light. Those boxes that box in your front hall, that represents hours and hours of people's labour and blood, sweat and tears. You know finding out how they are treated, how their paid out when it came to the hollywood strike, people were leg, hey, I'm not getting my show. I don't like that or I'm not or dune is going to be pushed back. I hate that, but then I think it kind of just showed people a different side of the actors and celebrities and whatnot that they they turn to for entertaining
and when folks are saying like oh we're, we're getting a raw deal were not being treated the way we need to be I'm not being paid the way. We need to be the people that Maybe are in the headlines, are not making hollywood money, even though they're doing hollywood labor that had an impact on people, especially, I think the hollywood one may really help for younger folks too, who maybe aren't necessarily thinking about what the teamsters are up to or what you know on pre workers in seattle are doing, but they pay attention to their people and their shows and its until we get the the badly needed resurgence in pro union working class. Programming that we need hbo etc. I think this is a pretty good start. Our aim, so they merit around labour tells one story, but union
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We're back it's the weeds, I'm drunk one hell, so the support for labour unions has shifted over the years. We have seen it and we ve seen it flow, but the numbers are showing us a different story. Why is that? How do you explain low union density, though vibes or killed it? The numbers not so much That's always kind of their palmer part of discussing the labour movement and where we are and where all this energy is going, because we're still only dealing with ten percent union density and me sure had the definition right, the union density it conveys the number of trade union members who are employees as a percentage of the total number of employees in a given industry or country. Thank you Wikipedia yeah, and it wasn't always like this. Like we used to have, I think one of the highest was in the thirties.
we are unfortunately, not in that space right now, because almost in the, u s, it still really hard to join a union, even if you want to there are still so many road blocks to people that even just like the people that want to organise their workplace is not as simple as signing a union card and being my corner union. There's all this red tape and all these processes that Employers are able to use to slow down utilizing efforts or bust him up union busting to intimidate or threaten, or convince or cajole workers. Out of organizing that you need avoidance, which is such an ugly does what an ugly thing debate, but there's a whole industry out there of high pay consultants. Employers can bring in to basically convince their workers. Oh you don't need a union. So that's what union membership looks like now. I want you to take us back to the peak of union membership like when membership
is in its you, no real hot girl era. What did that look? Like I mean They get about like what decade will there be labour historians and academics who studied this for a while. well, then they probably have a million different answers to this, but I feel it a ninety thirties- are one of those moments where people are like. Oh that's, an unions were like killing. There is massive strikes, there's really high you density, as when we had a lot of these iconic moments? Speaking of the? U a w that's when they had the flint sit down strike that really launched kind of the current idea of what industrial strike looks like That was really the new deal era, where the reasons that that was such a moment for labour is that was finally legal remedy. You knew well that'll. Do it the way their eyes in thirty five. That was those paths. Essentially, it is enshrined the legal right to organise and collect, the bargain, with your employer, before that it was at home
a free for all. That's where there was such ass. We sit so suddenly tumultuous moments, especially in the eighteen in the nineteen hundreds carbonated just as borne the nineteen hundred failure night here, because even workers that one or two unionized they didn't have any kind of guarantee that they could do. If there were any protections There wasn't any legal standing, they had the literally fight for it like in the case of coal, minors and appalachia, very famously there the whole mind wars era about it in the nineteen hundred nineteen twenty is when call minors. literally went to war against the feds, and I guess the mine bosses for the right to unionize like it has been a really difficult slog in this country for workers to achieve their right to rebel. Temptation. During that same era, we saw the passage of the fair labour standards act, which established the first
minimum wage and the forty hour week. That was huge because it took us about a century. The guess that point like their work. Team, girls and young women in new england that we're trying to organise for the ten or work day a century before then who were anarchists in chicago loosely parsons, an hour parsons in the haymarket martyrs, We are fighting for the eight hour working day and eighteen. Eighty six, it took a very very long time to get even these basic things why I gave you enjoy having a weekend or having some semblance of a minimum wage, even though the sun minimum wage is still a massive issue for somebody service workers at disabled workers and incarcerated
where's, my country back in the nineties, the association of flight it handles, I think, they're the first union to win spouse or benefits rail djibouti q couples, because so many other members were queer thousand. They they pushed for. Like thank unions, for that. So many historic and important rights that we enjoy now that many of us enjoy now that go back to labour. So what and why is it so hard to union eyes today, when you know we had this peak of the labor I meant where we were able to get so many things changed, there's really two significant moments or aspects that really contributed a ton. First, we had the taft hartley act in the nineteen forties, those a law that essentially hamstrung the labor movement in response to this massive
driveway we on forty five and forty six, essentially outlawed sympathy strikes or solidarity strikes which to explain that it's like okay, if your local coffee shop was on strike right and then the bagel shop next door was like. Oh, we support them. We're going to go on strike too. That would be illegal. That's a sympathy strike there'll be a lot of potential there, because there is so much solidarity and empathy between different industries and different workplaces. We could really cause some damage, which is, of course, why they made it illegal and the one other aspect of this, which I think is probably one of the big ones. Reagan in the eightys. There was this very significant moment where air traffic controllers- moreover, organise eleven thousand striking airport control packer workers. They came up against ronald reagan and he decides
aid to fire them all and higher times's scabs, poor workers that come in and take you to workers jobs. So when you see sir, be the rat the blow up ran outside that yeah. What that has yet to mean like something the fairies is going on in there. If you see Scobie someone someone messed up, but he has actually clip notes. Big strike was gone on, reagan stepped in fired all the strikers brought in scabs blacklisted those striking workers and really just showed that this kind of long standing agreement that I agree with just kind of long standing convention between employers and labor was that hiring replacement workers is kind of a bridge too far.
It was considered so confrontational that companies one really do that door strikes the reagan, change that and now that established a new norm that were still dealing with employers will still threaten striking workers with ok. What does get rid of you or will move the factory or will find some other way too? Back at you. I get really just ushered in a new era of acrimony and unjust employers not giving up about how their employees perceive during these labour complex. Nevertheless, there is momentum up next How a new era of organizers are reorganising labour
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It's the weeds, I'm drunk one hell we're here talking with journalists, author and organizer, Kim Kelly about the year in labour, earlier, we talked about the united, auto workers strike and the u a w take as we discuss it is having a moment in march they elected a new leader, sean fame. What can you tell us about him? I love shown fame. I think he's great she's exists such do like he has been from he's from cocoa. Indiana is better. Auto worker for thirty years has been super involved on the union for a very long time. His way up cut through the rags and he's always been
a bit of a rabble rouser. He won his election by about five hundred votes. Is a really ties squeeze right, but it also he was not supposed to win. He was this. Can a fiery reformer going up against this incredibly entrenched old boys club that were used to the kickbacks use? Do not have to do to me it's used to sweetheart deals with companies. He came in as part of this reform slate. Part of this movement unite all workers for democracy. There are a couple of other folks that were that were elected during that moment too, but he's just he's a no bullshit guy who really does not care about playing nice. He cares about the workers. He is one of the workers. He really wants to push this union as far as it can go, is brought in this just great new militant attitude to a union this been around for so long. I think he is great and I think a lot of people agree with me, given all the means and he shirts and general,
goliath, he's gone for both the rank and file and from other folks and the labour movement can talk. little bit about feigns stand up strike strategy. How is that different from your typical strike? Sauna typical strike typical strike when contract negotiations break down the union leadership walpole as workers and asked for a strike. Authorization vote basically ask the workers for permission to call a strike if it gets to that point and then, if it gets to that point, though, call a strike all the workers that workplace will go out and they continue to go goshen with the company, while putting on pressure there that strike by shutting down production by causing in Iraq getting public support. All the things are going to successful strike what shown fade and they re w did this time they called the strike authorization they made it.
And they're ready to walk, but when that moment came all one hundred and fifty thousand of those workers didn't walk out, but some did they did it in a very tactical way. They hit like certain company's biggest factories, but it wasn't all at once. It was bit by bit by bit location by location by location, and they employers didn't know where they were going. strike next. They basically found out that day or that week, Sean said, would hold these. These weekly facebook live broadcasts where he would kind of announce who was next. Who was up on the strike list that week, like I mentioned before, if the employers had played ball, if there'd been a productive week of bargaining, alright, well, GM wouldn't get hit that week, but still edison ford might or if the next week ford played ball. Alright, give him a break this week. It really kept the employers on their toes and it kept the workers
though energized excited to take part and a kept their strike fund, which they ve been around for a mere. They were pretty healthy strike fun, but it would have been immediately depleted if all the members and walk out at once this way they made sure their workers are taking care of. They were smart about their budget and they scared the hell out of those employers, it's kind of a win win win and they want do you foresee? Other industries and other unions using the strategy not every year The un has the infrastructure and the resources that the sheer scale of the? U s, w they're, pretty big union, but there are others that could absolutely do they're, like imagine. If the usa, s united food, a crucial workers who represent tons of grocery stores around the country, imagine if they did that they all of a sudden things broke down, and your local grocery store was closed and then the next one over was an export over was, I mean
w had how kind of a specific situation where they have this master agreement. With these these three big companies, what that covers, all the workplaces in under those companies auspices. so there were lucky there, but I think even just introducing this as a tactic, you can get creative with it We hope other unions look at what they did here and find ways to make that work within their own industries, because, obviously its effective ok. So we have new leadership. We have these new tactics and labours got. positive bump, but what we need to change in order to increase union membership even more. There was the introduction of this piece of legislation, I ve been trying to do it for years now, call the pro act and that would really solve a lot of
his issues, if it ever actually made it into law the proact, it would expand workers you ability to join or organize unions by implementing the system called card check. If a majority of workers sign those cards, then boom you're, a union you have to your employer- has recognize eurostar bargaining, that's the easiest way to organise a union, but that's not how it works right now, but outside the pro ice cream. I would love to see if, the queen labour. I would love to labour queen of the libor, We are really loved the seas, real work done on worker, miss classification, really love to see up days in reform of these old labour laws we're talking about because even some of the best ones we guy like the Wagner act that discriminates against people against entire classes of workers, agricultural workers, domestic workers, and that is due to
Just sure racism, by going back to what it was implemented, the way they got it through was by allowing racist other law makers to carve out agricultural workers and domestic workers who, at that time are predominantly professions. What led by black men and black women and now, like the demographic change. But it still further, the professions that are led by a low income workers of color, a lot of whom are immigrants or have undocumented status. They, those workers deserve every right protection. That every other worker has and there's just been so little movement to really protect, in a real way. Like a wave, my my sceptre, I would get all Matt. I would love to dig into one of the critiques of the pro act like one of the major critiques. We here Is that its harmful to small businesses? And you know you- and I are both members of a year-
and we're both, I think, we're both writers guild shut out. But at the same time like there are these critiques that it harms like these smaller businesses and a lot of times when we think of unionize saying, we're thinking of the amazon that has like billions of dollars, rethinking of hollywood, which has so much money flowing throughout it, but these smaller businesses, they don't have the same resources and I'm curious why small businesses in particular are so against this, and also like what the fix? What is the middle ground? Because not every company is this lake billion dollar company? I think that violence, gay that line of reasoning, just sort of pauses that unions are a bad they or like an honoris thing that there's no there's gonna cost a company money whether its amazon or as the coffee shop down the street. But so much of what workers are organizing, Four, especially now. Obviously, people tend to want to raise
you should be giving your workers regular raises anyway, but so many of them is that people are organizing around now, especially younger workers, especially workers, her coming from more diverse backgrounds like their workplace safety issues. Those transparent see there's a say and what happens the smaller the workplace, the close, there. You are right, I mean starbucks is a huge national company right, but they force people organise store by store I have. Oh there's been a lot of organizing by queer and trans workers, just around protections and basic respect on the job. There are so many different things that you can bargain for in a union contract, it's not just wages. It's not like. Let's price gouge, our employer like, let's send Jeff out of business. Nobody wants that people who work, especially the smaller places like they they're organizing, because they want to make
their jobs better because they want to stay. They could just leave if they didn't care about that place or about the people they work with, they were quit. That's one of the biggest. I think misunderstandings is that people that organise are trying to make a workplace a better place to be. So they can stay there and continue making money for their owners will continue being able to survive. Themselves is just what I think is strange handover of the Republican insist. That unions are these outside agitators that come in and real up workers and when us and all the money. How like that's, not what it is like half the time is just a group of people who work somewhere like out these specific things about this place, suck what if we do something to fix it? You know: you're unions are a big
gary expensive thing. Unless you really really try a bust him up and you're a giant company with tons a resources, then you might have big fight in her hands so aside from, pro act and also the miss classification issue. What comes next for the labour if, like what are we looking ahead to and twenty twenty four in so beyond come from this? Hopefully, what we're gonna do with all this energy in emotion and enthusiasm is keep organizing, because we can't get those harry numbers. Up until we organise more unions, we can't bill power without organizing more unions. We can't win better wages and safer working conditions and better benefits for people without organizing more unions. There are very few
universal experiences in this world. I think an work labour is something that almost everybody experiences. Almost everybody has a job or had to job or will have a job. Labour organizing is one of the few play is where people can find common ground, a matter who they are where they're coming from, because most people sure but work. If you pick your coworkers, he just have to figure It out and organizing is one way to get to know the people you work with, even if their very different from you, you can find that common ground and realize. Okay, we gotta make things better here, because brought here, deserves that, even if we see the world a little bit different, even if we argue everyone deserves better, I think is that understanding is one of the most important things we see. come out of this moment, so many workers across the country a realise. Oh, I deserve better and why
Look at all these examples of other workers and other industries who have fight and wine and scared, the hell out of their employers and gotten big wage increases or got in these great benefits. Or you know to fight another day. I think one of the most crucial things that have come out of this moment is this increase in understanding among people they're allowed to unionized. They are allowed to strike. They are allowed to push back earlier. They allowed they owed to themselves and as the kind of You cannot take away you gonna scare people out of valuing themselves and their labour that the biggest twist in the story. once you realize that you deserve much more than you're. Getting no I ask you take that away from you Kim Kelly. Thank you. So much for joining us on the thank you so much for having
Kim isn't the only one with an eye towards the future. When it comes to the labour movement I'm also didn't seeing whether this is momentum or just a moment. That's all for us today, thanks to him kelly for joining our producers, sophie land, Erika long engine This episode, kelsey land in fact, checked it out, Oil directors aim hall and I'm your host John full and hell this podcast as part of ox, which doesn't have a pay all help us keep it that way by going to vocs dot com. Slash, give.
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-22.