« The Vergecast

Xbox Series X, Series S, and PS5 review / Apple announces 'One More Thing' event for November 10th


The Verge's Nilay Patel, Dieter Bohn, and Tom Warren discuss reviews of the new game consoles — Microsoft's Xbox Series X and Series S, and Sony's PS5.

Oh yeah one more thing, there's an Apple event next week.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This week, Oliver chest we're doing to episodes on this episode. Tom Warren joins us talk about the next year, of consultants, ps, five xbox series, ex xbox series S, reviews of all of them, then there's an apple of next week new mansion arm processors, god chocolate that that's from amount on the virtuous support for the show comes from shop of eye to run a successful on my business. All you need is an idea and shop. I can take care of the rest shop if I is a commerce platform to help run your business and their flexible templates and powerful tools.
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the french flagship podcast of the next generation, it's good. It's like a hopeful. it's just a star trek podcast we're just going to talk about jean luc picard for the next two hours. You know in many ways I think we are I'm your friend Eli that has diet around hi dieter, hey how's it going Tom Orren is here hello there Eli I I'm so we ve brought in a bread on this, the forty forty fifty of the american election. Here's what we're gonna do. Election is not over. As record this recording is on thursday night there a lot of just dead ahead tech muse to talk about there We had xbox reuse time, the next picture review we have passed, I've news coming tommy's britain, it explains how the controller suspending amazing there's an apple of that next week or exporting arms. A lot of debt ahead. Gadget tat used to talk about
and then there is a lot of election news, a particularly platform policy election. Is I was signed at eater earlier. We could not figure out how to manage the transition between those two things. In one episode we just couldn't. I was like there's no no subway available here. What's the audio current, just like a line break just like an eight hour bar on the website, you just like, I would put a brake I'll be fine. I hope we can in it. We I think we have done a reasonably successful job of keeping it altogether this week is too much so can you a little bit of an experiment have to smaller sized episodes we'll go over regardless I'm not going to tell you how long we think they're going to be cause, we're going to go over, but we're going. This episode, xbox vs five, However, that does not have such talk about that's one do another episode with addy. Both at the same time with it we're edison side what the election platform policy, what twitter facebook You have been doing around the massive amount of
this information and chaos that has come about in the selection process, so both absender and feed. You wanna the policy talk, go check out our conversation, daddy. If you come for the budgets carrier, one time, I got it The only thing I'm not doing is I'm not going to hit the covert website this week. It's thirty four weeks, but hopefully we're done talking about it. So we'll get back to the endemic is still the biggest story in the world. I just think this week. It is in some ways been eclipsed by what will happen with the future american politics. So thirty, four weeks will come back, which I can uncovered will do except next week. This is the xbox vs, five apple episode. If you want to go talk about election policy platform, stuff, go check out the episode, clear, clear, okay to mourn and a there's Three new consuls right there series ecstasy asked the past five years, the serious acts in the series asked this week, how
yeah I went to bed at four am and go up at seven am today. So that's how it went and it's britain is spin spin spin a ride. Can we just really quickly. Our listeners are savvy, and so they know that the job reviewing the council is an actually found. It is work you like it playing games but you're playing games with an eye towards judging things, and that's it completely. different experience and just playing a video game, the eiffel tower, Can we find those ikea due to export services, can be fun and has not never again I'll. Wait. Ten. until that easier bs, We we took a look at this series x and the series S and it basically very similar solar consoles, except set their very different, so four, nine dear ones, to nine nine and, like the four nine
is the real like cannot pierce five competitor and the two nine nine could so is the sort of like it's the budget one. I guess you is the sole snapple expose the little tiny experts, and yet I feel like both of them. I they're very different and they kind of do very similar things and I feel like the they are very similar to like a pc so like in in different generations, before like the idea of a connection consulars, they bring something new and I like pushes the different games forward and to take forward not seen that yet with a wave of any of these controls. To be honest, maybe the peaceful control by philip were a point where games is put in the past, the eve had let these big jumps right in in generations, and I don't think that jump is necessary here. I'm sorry exports represents in the in the best way possible because he just feels like evaporated. Your pc
waves from both of these companies is. The re tracing for graphics is like the big graphical jump, the higher frame rate at for K and august load times right that for the xbox, specifically in the series acts specifically, that is both be this generations equivalent of the sixty four jumping to three d or you know whatever, whatever you know the big jump as for each council generation, but it seems like you can't just point to one of those things, but yet this is this is better in that way for sure it just everything is nicer and faster in lots of different ways that it like you, you said, felt dick, like the equivalent of upgrading your pc here. Unlike I know, every every generation Nichols comes out, so it takes a little while for the games to catch up anyway, rum buffing, with with the experts this time, instead of like they haven't, got these new games, like that's one of the key missing parts like to me. So if I was on the
icsi exports next tuesday, when they will come out. I think I'd be super excited about the low time super excited the everything runs, a bit faster and stuff think I'll, be missing that, like superman about something new rights this was something is saying about some brand new areas like a new life and has like magnets on the back and you are who you know I also this I've had the pass to new iphones of purchased. like so Silas yeah, you haven't moment where you're like oh and then like five minutes after you're done playing with you're like oh wait. This is this feels the same nothing's triggered this is ios, and I it feels like the the law because they didn't change the dashboard. It's very much the same for the series x right, pretty much yeah. like the basically use in the council's sectors like his there's, no differences, or look at fast of seeing the dashboard and stuff you'd expect. Is this the games optimized an updated, that's where it can be like a transformative.
Games because they running it like an old sluggish fur, infringe the second, which does feel that if you used. Like someone like me, I'm used to pay an about turn the frames and obtaining pc and, like is super fast, and if I go about your favorite second, I sometimes actually feel physically sick. I have values adjuration like it depends on the game but but you and they sometimes it does for you, hello, but an efficient but but punch people used to fifty francs per second, but once they saw once they fails stay frames. A second and beyond its like going from like gigabits in internet, combats fifty six came out at night, like the step back he's like so dramatic that you'd want to keep at sixty frame. forward. You know one of the points in your view that I think is super interesting with remarks. The xbox anyway, is there your ability to choose what you our ties in the dish presentation of the game is approaching. Like the pcs, so you're saying you would prejudice high frame rates. My instinct is like just
bad at video games. It's not like my reaction times matter, I'm crash in the car anyway. It's like the oddest make it as beautiful as possible. Rightly, I would prefer to have more details, better lights, and she like I'm just looking around in most games and then quickly quickly dying unless the thing like faith for you that's there and for me he wants high frame rates. That's the slick They were against this point where you do have these modes and we'll see on the pc. Just have the slightest right. You just crank all the saints up and down such so much good. Ready to use it? needs. So much of that in the console that is so simplified, it's just a flick of a switch track, and it's just it's just nice to have that and I feel like we can get even more modes, and I feel like it's this disgrace choices, grandma No, but it does show the limits of computing power right now, right like what we can make with a guy aim has run ahead of what a reasonably priced consumer pisa hard work and do what you do in the new generation of a new council is suggest everything's set
max all fighters at max all the time right. That's what you would expect from like the good one, but that's just not pass Nor has it ever happen, though. No because lake so the harder this point side, these things about you you you like. I have a free thousand dollar game peace. I can run watchdogs max frames smacks of everything max rachel You just can't achieve on a five hundred dollar. Alright miniature pc. Essentially, everything's shut down and smaller, but at that the story are usually that its at the end of the day, I saw my cycle that you get the most powerful. Squeezed out of it yeah, so I think here particular interesting, as you Tom's frame of this is more a pc upgrade. Then your stand, generational leap, the games are being updated, but that big, optimization pushed it years, isn't quite pulling olive third perform inside of it, which I have just said a bit of a change and I think the curve of what we expect to me, the one that
always comes to mind, is the launch of the three sixty ages ago, the xbox three sixty was. A video in council was it wasn't a circle should have in a circle anyway, I'm that was the one that we move to. Sixteen by nine aspect ratios we move to hd like this was a big change. It wasn't just for pushing were pixels, it was. We are re architect and how game consuls word. It's mine all the time, and it just took a few years before everyone really understood what to do with it. So, for me, for this generation, the big open question is: will we see that pattern repeats or are these, things in their her core architecture, their processors or gps, and the way that they access, storage, so's much closer to the way that an initial gaming pc works. But those optimism like will come faster, like the reason games got so good towards the end of these. Other life cycles is there's a particular things that you can do
It is squeeze out extra performance out of the special components are inside a council the components inside the spock series acts they're, not there really, there's so much closer to but you ve got in a pc in terms of like coding. I think that may not see like that spike. At the end of the car, our generation yeah. I feel like the poem This generation is ray tracing right so that that thing's pretty heavy that there's always something that they they promised with these consoles right less. So for the for that experts one originally in the peaceful. It was ten atp. That was the target right and it never quite hit the the beginning and it took a while to get there and then roughly, me primmest peaceful, did anyone and then the export next came along and it was like we're doing full k and eating quite get there like, and then it did and he took well- and I think this time it's like we're doing retracing, unlike at the moment on pc that, like
If I were called retracing things on stuff in some games are done even get fully frames right with reflecting on expensive graphics card, so I think the real if he have ray tracing, is going to be pretty limited and that's going to be likes to the point where we push up against and the optimizations will have to be found there and they all doing like on the pc side. They do something. That's cute like super sampling, so ill. Basically, Jesus like invidious using economic assistance like scanned the game and an upscale from a low resolution image to ireland, be super instances, outcomes these concepts. Gazelle sort of like help with the hit from rejoicing That is something I need to pump up against and something that will only will only really see really high. They re trace. Games like in a company is having realistic We talk about the games library, so you know everyone knows that there are like launch titles for this xbox, like the big one at launch day, like oh yeah, can I get this game? It's going to look and feel amazing
It's the reason to go by this council, but there's like a bunch of games are being up might not all of them, and it has repercussions for storm and like where they go. So what is it and, of course, the other big thing as theirs, xbox game pass ultimate, something, and so, where do you see this state of like the games are available way for either these councils, because to me I am really too, we were gonna, try and do one versus playstation later, but I'll just tell you that Now I'm really torn between the desire to have the simple ecosystem of netflix for games at microsoft offer and what to me seems like clearly superior hardware and exclusive games on the piazza if like come in general? I do know which one I'm gonna get. I might add of getting them both, and I guess that's all. vision. I think, is a lot of people and I think that's why the series s success rather like the timber concept is like this is out based export scheme pulse council just a resolution, be aids,
as of late exclusives. They obviously don't let their they have some exclusives at launch, but they, like you, know, indie games and there's not. The aaa halo was supposed to be halo, infinite and I got delayed because it didn't look, great when they gonna sixty one model for that one brute or whatever was bs, it is missing that is definitely missing. Those games and thus, beyond his ds, puts one for our generation was missing, games oversee marxist on exports game I'll switches like helped solve offset that middle or promises leaf. Quite bethesda, their acquiring solve game she goes all the time. It's been a snap, so this is a lot of promise. There is. The promise of these games will eventually come they just not, a moment said, I think they were lying on like unite the assassins, creed Hannah watchdogs side, a punk, they saw things to be the drawer for this particular council,
but there is also available in peace. Wife, so is ready, is really game pass and, and those of around launch game shoes nor the launch relying on assassins creed- you like your bidding against exclusivity, taking place We agreed on a number of sensing refrigerators at this point like as you we also urge the council became her seems a good markedly different way to think about owning, acquiring playing video ams. Did you feel that right away or was just like? Well, I'm hang for another substance service now here I think lake sickening postal is incredible value at the moment. Right like he pay ten bucks a month and you get more than a hundred games, constrain them and can play them actually on. Cells as well. So it's more like that the streaming side of its like an add on, but it is shaping out to be so like a net fixed for games, but it does come with the fact that is or digital you don't own. These games, they can disappear, publishes just decide. You know we don't
I came in there anymore he's gone so decides to put the prices up. We see that frequently with netflix. The price will go up so this think we are heading for an era in gaming, which is a little uncomfortable, perhaps cause if if, if the same thing happens with like the netflix side of things, we get a bunch of different streaming services and you have to have a subscription. the games you wanna play than he and pink love money when you could just bought those games, individually. So I felt where I saw a tipping point to see how myself does because they're the ones that already come leading the way in the gaming sides menaced It is of a city, their own thing and a bunch of other. ass dreamy services like amazon as well, but none of them, none of them, have the breadth. The content myself does at the moment so based solely, spinning up if nintendo international, spinning up scan me instinct sir, but I feel like exports. Game policies is great value for now, and I think it will be in
future. Just adieu adieu worry about the ownership side and the pricing everyone alike and looked into that so subscription a bunch of what we see this to other, but what's coming in a flexible, leading netflix indict the next thirty days of the sleeping netflix I gotta go watch everything now the aid if you're going to need to keep an eye on? What's going to leave, xbox game pass and you're going to have to like? Oh, my god, this is going to disappear in a week. I need to try and finish it right now and get like forty hours into a game or something that's what I'm afraid of yeah. I think at the moment like getting per se, is really good. If it thoroughly now, will you and pirates who had discovered some games? Is this John. There is great for that. Especially if you're new to an expert. So I like is a great stein point, slice and, and the peculiarly ea games coming to rest of it's like there's a law but yeah. I just don't know where it's heading so the, thing it's really interesting to me is how much you seem to love the xbox series ass. I introduced. Because it so small and cute, like I just that
was the first casting most people like. Oh, I want to get the good one, but there's something that's appealing about the the series assets just like I'll get it as my game pass machine yeah, and I think that that's pretty much what it is like to me. I keep describing. Lieutenant you pay machine, so there's a little people who still plan to navy tvs, rivers in livery, blue in the bedrooms for our kids to plant, I e and monitors and it feels it is designed for those saw people didn't care about for K that their poverty- maternity pay, they have an experienced, perhaps fuquay on the benefits of it and they don't really care about it. And yet it does feel like the perfect game plus machine, and it's just so small and I think I've I come into my living room. Let's see let the peers five and unlike coal, every time I seriously big and I see the What's in asylum, like someone knocked over my exports, as legislators strangely designed this this time round the lake and it s just like it's not the greatest.
I'm not like my way, prefer that design and its slots in anywhere like its assessment is it they ve ever done something that just It was my inner catch it person and it does everything It's. What series ex does pray much just allow resolution less priorities is way. I subscribe at a lower resolution, but also you're going to need to juggle storage way more often with it yeah. That's the worst part about it. That's the kind of I feel like say it's. Five hundred and twelve gig ssd Okay, said she usable is three hundred and sixty four, so that actually matters there's like there's there's. Definitely one hundred k games like call of duty, I've told you it's like one hundred and fill out their destinies like one hundred and eight bullets going to get gonna get smaller, If he's the one of those your ego like enough for five games. Maybe maybe the lesson that and the need for which is like ouch storage expansionist super expensive, yes, in twenty dollars, so that puts the price up to ninety five. Twenty. If you go for that,
more than the series ex nor I e walking half again capture storage, but that's not the point yeah. I just, the story. Situation is a problem. I feel that microsoft could have bought out different sizes of those to which causes that would have helped, but ultimately, they're, probably going to introduce one terabyte, as some point in the future, surely, sir, which will addressed that, but it doesn't help runner. Sir, that's does does the big drawback closely. And the men. So they want asked where we're in a time of peace, five, insane hard or in a minute, but it is. I've talked to you about it, it's as it answered at it. The controller of the ps five is the thing re, meaning that the applicant countries seem like its stand out. Why this is a new experience, is or anything like that with the xbox boxes. Not like no, not like the digital shaken his eye, you see dealership, there's one thing: I think that is actually
the experts has. It appears. I've lacks a quick regime, quick resume yet here but late. The peers five has light similar, like techniques like to get there. it's not quite the same, but quick regime like basically cycle cycle between. If I say five or six gives us the rough good estimate we could be more could be less I've seen games. They loaded like sometimes a lady like a few seconds but easy within ten seconds. Super kid. If you're playing like my best examples, if you're playing in the middle of payment ory like a single play, a game, and then your friend invite you to pay for nihilism. It are you like No need to like finish this and kits are safe. When you don't you just hit the invite and go into the other game like he didn't you start to forget about safe once said bigot for that that yeah, that is, that exports, it's killer, feature for sure but I mean that's xbox killer feature about it. It's itself software rights right here, where's, the peers, five, the control alike, is genuinely. I don't have a game changing
I just said I mean in in a one narrow sense. It is literally again to what will actually take a break in come back and, I repeat, has five virulent and answer actually reviewed that council. That reviews out you wrote if a controller works, there's just a lot to talk about. So let's take a quick break, we'll be out the hey, I'm ryan, reynolds at mid mobile. We like to do the opposite of what big wireless. Does they charge you a lot? We charge you a little so naturally, when they announced they'd be raising their prices due to inflation, we decided to deflate our prices due to the hating, you that's right. We're cutting the price of meant unlimited from thirty dollars a month to just fifteen dollars a month, give it a try: men, mobile dot com, slash, switch new activation, an opera payment for three month plan required taxes, and these extra additional restrictions apply. He met mobiles. Our comfort full terms were back pierce five b aside its big it looks.
It is amazing to me how the design of this council is. So wacky that I'm like, I should buy an xbox. Is that yeah is s weird rightly. Vets have now you're supposed to think about the council's latest. That someone he likes to use what their living room looks like and and is very, very intricate about it. Like the p s, five is just a big. No, no to me, Can I can't put it in anywhere where it doesnt really like just shot out and said hey, I'm here, Let me in literally last week, actually on the show is: I walked into watching my boyfriend's living room and so ps five like about out here, yeah, that's it the steady indictment of hissing by Ideally, you know this is big moment. Do you gonna buy new tv, sound bar? like all the stuff away in a closet. I believe it. Did you like an eighty rat closet, Reilly
I thought I'll just say: it'll get a better house. Am I going to run a fifty foot hd? My two point. One cable like that is going to cost three thousand dollars a look at the data we all make sacrifices. This is the time that this is the first console that really justifies home renovation, because you don't want it out in public we live in a mansion like that. You can have a p s five in every written right, exactly so desire. Well, actually, let's talk about you've got it. There you were saying earlier, like it looks, imposing talk the actual design of the thing and how it how using it just plays out is it do you get used to it. Is it here, like? I don't feel cookery got used to the design. To be honest, I think just because I have slotted it into my tv stand and it looks kind of goofy. On it's side, I tried to stay open on my edge set to put on the floor because it's late system, ready for him with my livery minor, so how He got used to it, but I will say, like they're just boxes. It
shove, undue tv or money, like you, don't have to figure out bid awaits a fish of monday, only once is under their own is out the way and a few months down the line. It's the stuff like the controller and the new, so games and the content selection that really matters right. An aids that that controller is like here like this, I think, before we talk about good hardware, one of the things that, as you pointed out in vir noses too, and he actually showed it to me. The stand for the console, you're radically. This is only a problem what's, but it's actually really. We weird and complicated, and strange- and it's got like you- do a twist thing- those a hidden chamber where the screw goes and its thicket literally. Take me like ten minutes when a car like ie in like this most confusing thing I think of ever unbox didn't like totally let ten well, I never easy on boats like phone or laptop and don't know. to do so? You don't have to go into the menu receives you look a sticker.
Just guides, there's like nothing, and I didn't realize that you had to twist it right and it just it, took me awhile to figure out when she twisted is like a little screwing society take out of its little compartment free, there's a secret capable for a screw. I mean, I think, was a submit at polygon who thought that was so clever. He wrote an entire post about it. That's it's like yeah! You! It's been a long time since there's been a new console generation to write about what screw you let The screw around like in a gap play station trophy indiscreet night and they eat it. I the stand is pointless. I'm just going to say that, like I have it where it sits on the floor right now, but I have it on the floor. Without the stand, it stands. Fine, without the stand. I don't understand what it there's a stand, but honest. I just kind of need it because it does a little bit of a weird wobbly sense:
As you know, it's funny. I bet, there's gonna be like cases for the past five others theirs. I already third party wings that you can get. Then somebody had to like tamp it down because they were using the wrong branding or whatever there's going to be a whole lot of shady plastic things that you can replace that wings with yeah here. If you look, if you are a tick tock hustler with authority printer out there There is a market for you right now to square off the p s, wife things Yes, that's the weekend duncan. That is what we ve been going on for months. Quite honestly, we ve got even mean used. It tell me more about this control because that that it's, the one that we read we ve written about it, which in pictures everyone whose come into contact with it has said it's amazing: its will I feel that one of the things tat we are going to have to go in experience. It's really get it. but it s just seems like a step change. A game changer. If you will,
for how we how we think about it and controls. It like it is, is very different and we'll see a lot of controllers have had haptics and rumble features over the years. You can go the way bats like and sixty four days if you want, but like is not that right, it the best way is this a fucking game that comes built into the console, so it's called asteroids playroom, I think is, is the one thing that everyone, if you buy a p s five, you just just play that came before you. Do anything else, because it's slept such a good demonstration that control, unlike used the first You do your sound like a tiny little fan and then use down and click coins along on the way, and as you come off that fan everything about where you're walking fills different like it or feels like you can feel them to belief. Your feet, changing many slide down. It feels that there's a hard slide beneath your the palms hands.
And then you get to the san is like a pittsburgh underneath your feet and you go to like the woods and it all feels very different and, and it really like, you start to feel it, and you know it's like one of those delights as you like ooh. This is This is cool. I think this is called. Then you pull like a rope and the actual tension. The triggers a just sites like is fighting with the actual control, is fight physically flying movie. To make you feel like you, pulling that rope and opening the door, and it's that that's like the two very different PA think is more detail. Is the hat. Chicks are amazing. I think that better than nintendo switch attics that there as good or bad and the iphone optics. Is that subtlety, you know my phone, you hold down the flashlight, you get that less slight. That's why I'm happy feedback is like that, but just Imagine feeling that closer palms and feeling like an liking, spiderman the corona comes. Just stops and it like stumps across your hands
It feels like ie you going the way of him three. His is, is hearts alike to score. Obtaining already is one of those things, but the real turning point three with the control is when I m in ashtrays, like a couple of minutes. In u turn? like a spring loaded, gadget toy thing and you We feel the tensions that you have to pool the attention of the trick is to really get the spring till I release. Then you just filled him releasing it. Just I don't know about it. Just the feedback is great. Like it really feel like you're controlling that spring is, this is great. The big question for me, especially with the attention the triggers one. I have really game designers think through these things, are not just like turn everything up to max just cause it's their here but too. I hope you design is actually code to it. Right back please, I was going to get some exclusives, but there's going to have a bunch of cross platform games, and I think that's that's the question over at the moment. It's like how much will these be used in like in spider man? It doesn't feel as prevalent.
Raised it lay ashtrays, is definitely a showcase society showing off the new controller, but then, fortnight there make some smg effect seep, it's filled, the guns were filled with different when you shoot and another game in a comment board, it's called but like the tree look up when you can look up. Which has a crazy which is like a crazy different solve element that we had before like an mba, you you'll be like running along new york. Carrots will get tired so then it becomes increase in aid to the resistance. Is there see after He pushed down like at him to livestock moving, I oh my gosh. I mean I always blame The controller when I lose and now it'll be real that'll, be true. To me, seems a conversation. I that's boxes was lots of grass. Improvements in new game distribution system, a unified. series- s freer bedrooms- he beat it maybe p this This conversation is there's a man
thankfully different way to experience video games because of the controller in that regard, how ridiculous the box looks. That's me. That's like the deciding factor of your thinking. Ps3 his xbox and you know sonys com. the game library, because that's how sunday does it? And my I've made only acquisitions they get. It smells like. Why wouldn't because it So damn in my living room and I'll get in trouble that's like all we got? That's that it's like sony was like that. You good luck, cyber Ashraf that's the thing that the best console would be The one had like the design of the experts, that is obvious sports isn't great, but the design of the series s with the controller of the pierce five, unlike a mixed like game pass, and so in this case it's that would be like the dream. Concern is the same as that. If you mixed android and I was to go, there, isn't a perfect want. That is, I think, like the xbox,
I also feel different in games, but for different reasons like they games games so different because their running smoothly, they don't feel different in your hand and then the pistol those economic games run like a smoothly as well. That control is definitely is like the key thing to the peers. Five to me, so the piazza doesn't have the quick resume feature that lets you balanced between four different games, but time is still really good and they have this they redesign their homes screen. So it's got the same tiles, the top, but at least they put me off in the corner and different tab, but then, when each hover over an icon. There's all these options, till I jumped to different part of the game are like. Sperience. They do this thing here. Others, like a second row of tiles for doing stuff. Did you use that stuff? Was it was it cool. I haven't reuse that much but yeah like ebay, ski can jump into. Let's say say like fortnight than we can't test for my yet, but like the idea,
Is the EU just jump into the motor you wanna rode up robin have to worry about going through the menus and slates unearthing says, like you know it reminds me of tremble at the deep linking windows phone light from the title, wade pin a tail on and it would go deep into the app that sort of thing. It reminds me of that, and I think that's great because I is as long as all the dev support it and stuff like that is a really good experience cause you just it's just sandwich crickets like cause half the time you watch his splash screens or, like some part of that Uta, that you don't care about each day, just wanna get light into the game right, sir. This an interesting way of handling. One of the things you start about is how these things are going to get to people raymond we're talking about these controls. how are you feeling, to really understand it in any normal circumstance best buy tried out, but it did obviously theirs. Emma. He shouldn't do that, even if you could- and I don't think that you can, The best way is announced the ex post
He s wise are only to be sold online for the entire holiday season. The sound is basically selling people not to line up its stores on there. State aid to just like this thing is going to be very different for people to get the units we are expecting them to sell out. Obviously, how is that part out for both of the council's here's, this kind of a bit of an unknown at the moment because say and if he might just doing quite the same. I feel that this stupid mean stores As far as I am aware, they have announced that if anything different, but I think the and unlike the supply, is gonna be interesting. I feel like these things are gonna, be pre, in demand, especially over the festive period. So I wouldn't be surprised if We don't really see the ability to get them installs until like early next year, just generally, a crystals anyway now mean all my prisoners were an absolute fiasco for both of these theirs. To be lost,
if the things available at some websites and the chances like the people that couldn't get in on preorders, are going to be even more eager to try and get in this time, the bots are going to go crazy on these websites, they're gonna, know at times to show up. You know the the Took me up like people like rushing into the store and there's a frenzy to get one there been each other up and whatever we're gonna have the on line equivalent of that first, the next three months, just I'm just I've, just go trying, I want one or both of these, and I just know gonna, be such a pain to do it that I've, just in my heart, accepted that me playing on. One of these councils is amid twenty twenty one thing I mean, that's poorly is probably fettes minutes. I think, like this, it s a poorly, be of a fella. Sustainable fishing. others out into the markets. I feel that will probably be easier to get the who come on. I mean of it
the whole series I mean this is your framing and maybe it's not microsoft's framing, but that the series ss, the the second one that you buy yeah I mean it's the budget, oh all at the one for your bedroom or your kids, your kids, the playful now yeah, it's the one, but that's what it is that if you have a four k tv, which many many people do now you want to get the most out of it, and so, like my it's just when the xbox, One acts was out in all of the stores were full of xbox one s is. I was Well, I don't want that one and what I want to do. I want a good one, and I, I feel like that's where we see a lot of series s stock, just like floating around cause ever and ever upgrading to a new council generation, he's gonna want the biggest embarrassed, one an annual sort of failure, other rooms, the elderly early adopts its agenda, one the delays in the greatest they don't want something. Let's not deem ok, they live.
at an identical. Availabilities can be like this. The priorities such a mess that you can just tell I am that the immediate graphic cars have been at that level was of a disaster like this is none of them. I can hear hamley consoles, might sultan sonya making its only making more than microsoft? We don't know like we should point out to the demand for game consuls. Overall, this through if nintendo had earnings this week. Switch switch. Sales are continuing to be so good that actually raise their forecasts for this, so even in the face of massive trend, consul launches switch sales are just clippin right away at high rate. So, I do think this is gonna, be something to track other just how had this conversation bypassed by saying it and saying out loud I'll, buy them both. we shouldn't. We should talk about one last console thing before we break, and that is how exciting it's going to be to try and make sure that the next t v you buy successfully, has all the features and lights that you want the console.
No sir, I have promised a one hour hd my deep dive. I've never a one off joke on the cast risk, in so many people saying. Actually that will be Please give us the one hour hd my deep dark. Here's my promise tee when, when it's, when, when this election chaos is over, which we are hoping as soon we will provide the soothing relief that brings our nation together, tom and Chris Welsh We're just gonna go deep into HT mind one when hurts hurts. When time's running costs has been reviewing tvs where we're in taiwan stir cables? It's gonna, be amazing. Shielded on she'll, do you got a big decisions? Remain cable bail? I was so disappointed when I plugged the series ex ante. My forty four wp Mona, which is it does. A hundred sixty five hurts food, despite or by any too
sixty hurts for hasty mike is the manufacturers are on the point, a hasty, my two and hake is let no one uses anyway, and this lake so on these two hundred twenty hurts might work. really, the president hd via the phone, whoever that is It is an industry where innovation is powerful enough to put its logo like it's weird logo. On the back of the xbox series, ex, not one but twice its, you would get it. It's like. what is the one organization that got its logo on their not once or twice its age, based on my the killer. Is anybody confused about how the xbox max I promise I'll as a form of self care. For for me, we will do for the one hour it's it's like a treat that we're going so, let's secular, gregory and come back there's an apple of that next week. Try talking,
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apple is like she's like this is one of the deadliest weeks of like check out the others? I was reviews of things coming out. Embargoes were alongside signed, but in terms of people like making news, of the deadest weeks and tech ever I thought was approved we for me to relaunch my attacked by techniques newsletter mega drake. They just apples like I at Monday's nothing's happening tomorrow, here's here's an event invite from eggs to in any event one more thing it is like if there was for a time when I didn't need one more thing containing before the election and its own exports long stay. And ass, soon ass. It was just so what it's like a widow, apple, live apple, lives above geopolitical, why chaos loves lives above other companies. So what more thing event. on the last earnings call had earnings a weird quarters. You would expect for them. Iphone push
the october iphone sales flat there's not a new one, Maxwell's weigh up, but that earnings, but apple did find the middle money. Each sector makes a promise old with little bit different. But on that call simply said, we have some great things coming up for the year, we have been acting. They announced they are max before the end of the year shares big event, one more thing: everyone's expecting apples not tampering damage expectation, since they ve taught how to better that here we go so margaret over Bloomberg says that currently there ramping up production on new thirteen sixteen inch macbook prose and a new thirteen inch macbook air, and that at events. What we are expecting to get are going to be the thirteen inch macbook pro and macbook air that are going to look identical to the current versions, but have apple silicon inside
like if you were to stay awake once the most defaults prediction you can make. That's what are you one of what is going to be its? That What one interesting say my girls are parties said the process based on a fourteen which makes sense in many ways the current developer unit me that is running in a serious chip. I think, as an eight twelve z bionic, something like that yeah, it's the it's the one on the ipad through so make, since they were just jobs the next one, but there have been a lot of conversations about what if you dont have to manage heat on a mobile device what, if you can add, even more gp cores to bring up to that where you would consider desktop class performance, so I think there's a lot of questions about what this chip will actually be. I don't think it's a dead ahead, a fourteen right! Well, so they can, they can. They can put in just more cpu cores. They can go put in gb you corps, could be you but bionic machine learning. Several knows what that's gonna do the math context. My hope is that they do something specific with the ship.
handle running acts that are designed for arm, read that they specific We have some sort of really good subsystem that the ship powers to use up apps that haven't specifically been designed for these new chips. I'm sorry, I misspoke it's an eight thirteen z bionic in them, and I said a toilet to the understand, I'm kind of surprised that they're doing a macbook pro with jan. I thought I like honesty full that they bring back macbook. that's. What I get want wanted here, understand, go the honorary like that way. Some support they going the prey first. It must be very confident in like that performance is the that these women they run. If it is it's a test period for this, I've been on stage like a bunch of the last couple of years and telling their performance against. You know basic lack basic windows, laptops even against experts, consuls Jimmy you said, and I think this is about asked rising like this is the case to life? Like
everything's lining up, so I think is really gonna put the pressure quoth? He I mean putting putting the pro this way. it is a huge chest that moment. I really hope that apple finds awaited differentiated from those previous just dump moment you. about. They need to do more than just show of final cut render time right. They need to do more than The sort of standard performance stuff that we know it's probably gonna- be fine at to show us something where we don't think it's gonna perform, while her word nervous about a performing well and just kills, that's what I want to see out of them what The first thing the show us is either you they're calling rosetta again, but that's there on the fly. translation layer between stand. An ex eighty, six apps and arm. That's that! I want to see I want to. I want to see them running late, photoshop the six version
through theory, rosetta and working just fine, if not better, without destroying the battery life of this new thing like that, I think that's a first test, apples, managed to process are transition before I think they know they have to show that two people and then English second test is what What can you do now in this form factor? Is it everything's where's basely. Basically ever but battery life has been doubled or is it They, the the apple world, is like we ve picked a number of hours a battery life that we think is reasonable and that's what you get right That's like basely having day that's how to handle the funds raised like what we think you can get a day and so will manage about that. Instead of putting huge, rather in there we'll get you a day, the camera sensor. We beggars like that's third debate, I wouldn't say I'm interested in particularly with the air which has media the battery life right now, if they say what a performance about the same, the battery left got way longer, or is there at we're pretty happy with battery life? The performances way,
If right, yeah, that's gonna, be the interesting trick, the tricky balance or even if they go to the polls, What is worse, giving their do that. I correct Imagine sober like there's, no way they introduce a pro that slower, like they don't put a pro macbook out there unless it's way faster false. I must must have been, though I was surprised to see those the macbook pro having such I just figured that they would solve. This be a gradual thing to do. Gg think they'll have lt who I like you know, that's the benefit of arm right down on the windows alongside is thus does. Does the faint I bet you, the answer is no and that it'll be once they fully integrated the intel team than they bought to make modems. That that'll be what brings five g to these laptops. Michael I would say apple, has not been shy about shipping, slow com
it right and just that's kind of history of this smack line. It's like here's, an intel part Two generations behind, where throttle it a little bit in some You're gonna hear the fan and that's what using a mac is like, so if they can just like how fat these are. These are the apple tree, they are kind of interesting to reconsider. In this context, they are comfortable with a performance level They are comfortable with a battery life. They manage those things to form the factors that they think people like opposed to letting those things dry, form factors which many many windows, laptop makers do it. Now I've got a new part, they could let them go and a lot of different directions. and if they are just like what we're gonna do, because we all want to blow people's minds right away with a big processor shift is based. Keep things as they are to bake it out and see where the problems and say: well. The entire ones are still there or if they're gonna go
whole hog say we re the product five thousand times better battery life is we'll performances doubled. It weighs a pound, less pray like if you feel like you could get out there and we ve cancel the entire version. Like that's, I think that's the boldest place for them. I don't like that that far the real interesting part is going to be like how sustain the performances, because of sione into parts. They have like fans that the falling can be controlled a lot better what we see the performance and by the eye, friends in the ipad, they very good. Last short, bursts of performance and greedy optimize tasks I'd love to see like cow, how they will build the software that wage level why is the power of these chips? In my short passive power or how they ve been able sustain that performance and really push things forward. If we so like a full k, export in premier pray and they like blisteringly quick compared to you If we into-
anyone else that that could be a turning point like that soap. Once I just want to know if crumb cuts the battery life and half or in a third. I answer a big question mark we'll see how fast accounting moves their co base to arm and makes armor and I mean I can tell you that the chrome or the chromium stuff on arm is just not that, then he then he people that region is mike. Sutra, like Google, still doesn't contribute bunch that, as far as I can see, and it's like strange that crimes two isn't like fully optimized for windows and all like this, no bills. Yeah, I mean it's but like crow, a regular heavy chrome on a mac is a battery life to surrender. A processor high put that through a translation layer on doing unproven chip in this application, flag will chrome way the matter, then you mac, worker and fire. That's like that. you if they did like post game press conferences after these keynotes alike
excision, quick question: is it true that the macro caroline on fire, if you use the human claim for border now, that's happening. The tenth while others have complete coverage of that? The time you listen to this, gothenburg hands on the iphone many and max size comparison, little video be up an essay the max looks enormous yeah, and I say this If person with big hands like the foremost big, go check that out I am very eager to see how this place out and whether that sizes, as big as it seems like I spent cause. It's real big, casta, big, we got a new new deja. I don't call them ethic many to drown still kept at it. at exactly the right way to not after the idea which I love you inside I bought a maverick mini one like two weeks ago
if you're, so that what are you doing? I could have told you there's rumours well, I needed weep. I was gonna drive the tree. Through puddle, and I wanted to fly the trend yellow. Then you need course who need like that met cream is buying it that met. Everyone is like good. Everyone has a bad time to buy it all times are always Fine, it's just a toy you screw around with. I don't need aki, sank or four k. I'm gonna buy the new one. Okay yeah! Absolutely we by anyone, yeah tom face, are joining us check out ps five review, xbox sears, x, X, boxer, es reviews on the site there, videos just come Everyone, Tom is obviously it in in london, like we the video across the ocean. That's pretty cool check it out. Then we get apple the next week, so big weaken
Imagine he was going into another big week, a guardian. He was excited for it. If what you came here for some deep platform policy talk, we had a whole other mini episode of the french cast in the field right now. Well, you can entreated us I met reckless dealers are back on. Tom is Tom Warren and the next tuesday happening well, she's my new podcast, ass, Dakota yeah, certainly something it's been very weird working on launching a new package building things in this exact moment. Let me tell you, but susie. It's coming. I may say about the guest, so look out for that running some upsets the virtuous feed to promote it. That's it right or wrong
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Transcript generated on 2023-08-23.