« The Vergecast

Verizon switches to Android Messages as default RCS / Jeff Bezos goes to space / Biden and Big Tech


The Verge's Dieter Bohn and Alex Cranz discuss Verizon switching to Android Messages as default for RCS, as well as the many gadgets from this week.

Verge policy editor Russell Brandom joins to talk about President Biden's criticism of Facebook's handling of misinformation on their platform and the nomination of Google critic Jonathan Kanter to lead the Department of Justice's antitrust division.

The Verge's Liz Lopatto and Joey Roulette talk with Dieter about Jeff Bezos' space flight this week.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This week on the verge gas Alex grandson. I talk about a ton of gadgets. We have Russell bread amount to talk about a bunch of policy news, including what the president said about facebook and, of course we talk about billionaires space with lives apollo annually, roulette all that's come up right now on the verge cast the port, but if podcast comes from intel laptops on intel be proud and intel eco design, like your team do their best work wherever they work with all day. Real world battery lay quick charging and remote id support working on the go has never been so easy visit, intel, dot com, slash works best for details. Results may vary, hey, I'm ryan reynolds at mid mobile. We like to do the opposite of what big wireless. Does they charge you a lot? We charge you a little so naturally, when they announced they'd be raising their prices due to inflation, we decided to
Late hour, prices due to not hating you that's right, we're cutting the price of men, unlimited from thirty dollars a month to just fifteen dollars a month, give it a try. It mobile dot com, slash, switch new activation and prompt payment for three month plan required taxes in these extra additional restrictions apply, seem mobiles outcome for full terms, the greetings? Mobile accomplishes welcome to the verse cast. I am your friend dieter bone. You may notice me ensuring show that neil I is on vacation, but what I can because we have Alex Krantz. Yes, I am here in the office with the young, right in the same room, it is wild and it we also a here- are going to have one more guest yeah. That's me that, mind me. That's my music are. Are as is in it even know how to characterize here hustle it's like a lake of cop sir. It's like your wading through a lake of cancer.
felt very well. That is a very, very chill walk on song Russell brand em. There you go, I have a very strict good vibes only policy and I find a music really help enforce it. That is amazing, will later on, were also to have less apollo, enjoy real. Let's talk about billionaires in spain. We straight but we will start to show by talking about covered, and I should not have a ton of updates here. There are, of course, some cases happening at the olympic in Japan and there's a lot going on there that there's a lot of drama going on there. But we also have a bunch more to talk about with vaccines and their effectiveness and who is actually getting covered cases. The answer is the unboxing aided, and that turns out to be a super contentious issue which why we have Russell random here, because the president basically accused face book of murder, twitter, happened yeah. So at the very beginning of the week we got this.
sort of message from the surgeon general. That was very, it wasn't, the remarkable, but it didn't mention technology platforms which sets up the later vines I mean he was saying, like here's, what school educate we can do here is what research institutes can do there's all the stuff and it was all like a very nice sort of nazi recommended. It was a message in the certain general say. Look like misinformation is actually a problem. Medically speaking, please stop at police figure out how to fix it and here's like our sense of what would be helpful to stop it and and a lot of it I will say, is stuff that platforms have generally already been doing right. If you go to youtube, you see this sort of little covert, dash bar, that is like sensible people saying sensible things about about covert. They ve had ever over for a minute now and it's suggesting stuff like that, but then it kept coming up in there like. Well, what do you think in your like? Well, there's sort of more misinformation on these platforms and we really want and
yea I mean, like the press secretary, the surgeon general due to press conference, so by leaving the white house to go to camp David, and these reporters come up to him and asked so What do you have? What's your message to facebook about back misinformation and I'd and says they're killing people and he's a sort of. You know we only have a it's. Only this new wave among the non vaccinated and their killing people, and so who is they yeah? Well, they did just ask him about face but then we get into this whole thing of how carefully will was each choosing his work he's getting on in years. Well in its
like Biden is, as a has a history of speaking precisely in his life, even at the time it was like in our post, the hill did a great job getting video up and we embedded their tweet and we're like look. You can see the whole exchange for that I guide anything like that's what he said, but they like immediately walked it back and he was like. No, no, I mean, like the misinformation, is killing people and we want facebook to do a better job of restraining it. But Facebook, as you can imagine, is super sensitive to this stuff. then another white house, person sort of said well We need to sort of have come sequences if a young rain it in and now we ve got point where you as well, recording this this afternoon to democratic lawmakers introduced this bill to sort of have this sure. Health and human services would have the option to strip to thirty protections from
Tech platforms that are not there being irresponsible with vaccine misinformation, need to stop you right there for two reasons. Reason number one: if you get look I'm music? We also need to have audio stingers every time section. Two thirty gets mentioned. We used to have a say two thirty song, which is amazing? We could play that again our what we don't do that, but just in the back your mind, imagine like a thunderbolt sound like just time. Boone. You thirty comes up for the first time, so I saw something But this can you explain why the idea that stripping section two thirty protections has nothing to its information, like with misinformation and wise at incoherent. Ok, basic Please section two: thirty immunity, I of no. It is the law that keeps facebook from getting sued, but, Essentially it focused on things that are illegal, so there is some or crime the classic lawsuit which, like facebook, has been sued by this proof. For this dozens of times is you know this part?
from this terrorist group was on facebook and then my cousin is a victim of this terrorist attack and the I was using twitter before the attack happened and I'm going to sue facebook for damages for four sort of aiding and abetting terrorism, and this is sort of us you section thirty says no like they, they dont have liability for the fact that this guy this thing on twitter right? But the key thing is that it's there is this cry and the question just whether facebook is liable the crime right misinformation, isn't a crime right right, so you could strip the two thirty immunity from facebook. For these particular sort of issue, like you know, ok, in this case facebook hunger appeal to section two: thirty writer, whereas the lawsuit gonna be there, the facebook has now actually no law
has been broken right. There actually has to be a crime in order for them to go after facebook for allowing the crime on there form right and also like what is the claim of what facebook should have done differently if there's no place for they say, ok, look like a crime was in place. You are sort of there. You don't gonna, be an accessory. It's your obligation to try to make sure like your equipment, isnt used for illegal purposes that doesn't really apply. If it's just this legal thing and then also I mean bride. We must point out. Ok problem solved, we're gonna, outlaw vaccine misinformation. That's gonna be a pretty big. First amendment issue: so this is one of those cases where people blame section, two thirty for something that is really coming from the first amendment that pesky for then I know some very to every time. Every just every time we ve been time
facebook. So I must exclude that my wife works for facebook. Reality labs aka oculist, which is a division of facebook. That disclosure is especially important on this very podcast feed. There was an interview with more exact. work by our former colleague casey Newton about the metaverse he listened to that, but I'm bringing it up because of course he had to ask Zuckerberg about this thing. That Biden said he I can win what you tell me. What happened there it was sort of a judge. Dread metaphor: where he's like no one is out there. Trying to solve crime, which is obviously because judge dread is out there trying to solve cry like like these. Like you little eradicate all the crime in a city and facebooks like that, I was going to be some bad thing which, like by the way, we're all in new york. Now, if, like the police commissioner, got in front of a roomful reporters emily,
look, we're, never gonna, stop we're. Never gonna fix all become like that's factually true, but it's not a reassuring thing to hear Why can you not yet you don't say that? That's not a great thing to swell my figures like if you, if you're, trying to find some comparison for yourself if people feel good about right now, I don't know if I got caught up here, only skip that ok, so these bills are, when we see bills get they know introduced, especially by two thirty, so them are just like. We know they're going nowhere. There just therefore show or their to try to move the conversation or score. Some points for the senator I'm talking about Holly what about whether the stuff that just like happened today, will it actually happen here? I mean I will say so far. The reaction we ve seen has been priority. Chile, I dont think that you know a lot of times you you put something like
sat there. It's an idea. You want to see what the responses, and if there is good response you serve me for with it. I don't think they got the response. They were hoping for that. There is a real question of like a year from now He, which is how long it's going to take to do any of this stuff, because congress has a lot on his plate. Is this still going to be the biggest problem we have with facebook because it's not if a year from now were arguing about privacy or were arguing about sort of you name it right. There's there's ten different things I mean a year from now. I will be coming up on another round of elections very soon and that's good. I shall be a totally different conversation. Maybe we'll miss bydel only addresses like a specific kind of misinformation right leg: it's not all misinformation on facebook. It's just co vigorously. So it they don't mention cover they sort of same misinformation in relation to an ongoing health. Emergency
but it's not like I could give you referring to It- is like they wouldn't have to write another law for like the next catastrophic pandemic. I guess yeah, but it is. Pretty specific is not great to like, I guess, say what people can and cannot post on facebook feel like that still facebook's job- and I think I mean part of the weird thing for me- has been like. Okay, so everyone should get vaccinated. The vaccines are safe and effective. I was telling us to an uber driver, the other day where I was like ninety percent. There are a lot of people. sort of pushing back against the vaccines, for whatever reason, and some of them are doing it like the most popular cable. News channel in america right like, but I think there's a free speech norm of like if Joe Biden got in front of a bunch of reporters and was like Tucker karlsson
killing people. We would understand this to be like, even if we even you know, I'm not actually disagreeing with that claim, but it would be a little over the line would be like a weird use of this sort of power of the of the presidential podium right and I think we're not there with facebook. Yet, even though I don't know like that is what's happening there, protected by the first amendment in this situation and like even if you wish that they wouldn't say these things, you can't just sort of get up there and go after them, but because facebook so unpopular because it's sort of it feels like it and there's all this tech regulation up in the air. So they see this as a place to sort of apply pressure right, that's kind of where the conversation went well, okay, to sort of wrap this up. The the the big question is is is this. You know the white house is finding several ways to apply pressure. There even leaks that they had they had a frosty relationship with facebook that they kind of preceded. All of this. Is this
a little bit more pressure campaign, but it's sort of isn't going anywhere. Do you think that this is the start of like a big thing that is separate from the tec regulation were about to maybe talk about? I dont think any policy you are going to come out of it. I do think this is a sign of a lake. Facebook is now a political football and it's just gonna get punted. Every time like one team needs to score, points now wait, and I think we all have a pirate, because they're gonna get it feel Nicole picked but anyway, There are kickboxing bad for yeah. It's bad news for facebook, conservative diplomats line, so the the other thing at the white house not too long. Where we talk about it. Is they put out a big executive order with multiple parts? We talk. What this on the verge cast One of them was Joe Biden, instructed the ftc to do whatever they could.
to ensure you know the right to repair- and this is specifically talking about. Like I mean tractor, he mentioned tractors. I believe right did he mentioned farm equipment, yeah yeah? Well, I think yeah. He may confirm yeah? I know you type pharmacopoeia talk about that. I'm I'm like! Ninety percent, confident that he mentioned it, may just inserted in myself. My understanding is its executive order. He didn't actually expect specified. Do this thing he just incur, the hit the agency he's in charge of to do something, and now they are well so they did something they issued this policy statement in some ways. What
we did was like the f t c is now instructing the ftc to do something yeah, it's a little weird. This is how my writing process works. By the way I instruct myself to write, and then I start myself to write together that eventually it happens. It's just like the outline gets more and more developed until the outline is the piece yeah. It's it's very much like that. So we're one step closer. It is meaningful progress. It shows the ftc is taking it seriously. I will say like there's a real world in the which this was just farm equipment right, like the the we saw this a bit in a campaign where people would say right to repair and then I would say will know we really just mean tractors because they didn't pick a fight with apple. That's not what happened to you. So the f t c.
basically said we're going to keep a big eye on any incursions of consumers right to repair and sort of use, their existing authority against unfair or deceptive conduct by businesses just sort of prosecute the, so everyone's kind of on notice ran. The next step will be. Actually, you know prosecuting someone whether its are they gonna make the case that, like apple having special keys cut out third party repair shops are like. Is that anti competitive conduct like right? They ve sort of set it up to happen. I don't know if I would. I know the odds. Are that that's like immediately coming, but this is definitely a step in that direction eldest, with a form of like a lawsuit or somebody else, Susan. You have to see that you pay attention to that. Are the empty see sues or are they just go to issue a policy letter? No, no, it would. This would be like F, p c, versus apple in federal court would right I mean, or so
If the other company- that's that's, limiting right to repair, I mean rare car companies have had a lot of issues with this john deere. The tractors is, is sort of the other like there are a lot of sort of lower profile, and I mean this is the other thing is, if you were gonna start somewhere like prosecuting a right to have their case. Maybe work up to the apple case like go after some little guys. First, just to get your ass yeah, but I don't know that's a strategy. Question like it's gonna be a really interesting thing to watch there's one more thing. I deftly wanted, what there's a live thing or attack on the policy space, but let's talk about this nomination of Jonathan canter to lead the department justices antitrust division because every like. Oh, my god. This is a huge deal and then no one really fully explain why I'm wondering if, if you can, you can help us out with that yeah? Well, so
cod is the other one. I mean there have been a couple of appointments that all the antitrust people were like. Okay. This is what we want we're getting. What we want your team, who is at the national economic council, lean economies chairing you have to see an end or directly in charge of allow the right, repair stuff, we're talking, jonathan kanter sort of like the third one of those and he's taking over the sort of antitrust division of the department of justice at a time when we have all of these federal anti, trust cases against Google it and he has sort of been outspoken in taking up private clients against Google. I will say looking into this one of the things that pops up is in twenty. Sixteen. He wrote in the new york times like up ed column about why we shouldn't google take over set top boxes. Why is this guy's gonna get a fit right in with the other folks recovery, but actually can meet somebody between
at me, that other than on the verge cast, they had never heard of our assent. real simples indication and now it's just being taught in like junior college science classes in college and one thank. You Let me know that we are educating the children, Patrick walker too, as long as giving history lessons, Google taking or set up It was a genuine fear in two thousand and sixteen. I know it sounds ridiculous, but the cable companies lined up to make sure that that didn't happen, because they were terrified that google was going to do to the television advertising industry what they did to the online industry and they didn't at all You couldn't thank jonathan cancer for leading the charge here that one I feel we can think Google's engineers for failing that has nothing bit mid day there. The real winners here yeah. So I mean, I think it is tricky because, like the sense one gets is that he's been involved in the background of a lot of fights that, like
if you weren't, watching the trial and seeing oh that's the guy, then it would never really come up that. Oh, it's ease impressive, but you know he just fundamentally one of the lawyers specifically who is at the head of the progressive aunt. I try push randy's now, basically in charge of america's biggest antitrust tastes. Right, U s! We google, like we, haven't tracked it a ton just because what happened is they filed it out? You know under trump and then just immediately went heads down into like two years of discovery and thrown at some point. They'll come back out of it, but, like nothing has happened, it's just been going through like enormous sort of tupperware boxes, full of documents where its hands down the most important antitrust case in the federal government. Right now, like there's no contest- and this is the
I that all the anti trust people wanted sort of on the wall now is on the wall, amazing, its wild. I extend the game, thrones reference, but our let it go. There's there is there's one more bigger point: we're waiting because we're we're still short a regulator. The deaf cecy fcc commissioner, yesterday so. Yes, we do have the commissioner much less like a full slate of of people sitting on it, everything in limbo over there there are a lot of things that you could do with a democratic majority in the sea. Seep I mean for one you just off the bat, restore the Tom wheeler net neutrality order like that is probably going to happen at some point. It's one of these things everything's trying to and through the door once right right, we're only six or seven months into to sort of the Biden admit frazier, and so I mean yeah it's happening fast, but not that fast red light.
Thing we have to mention that dish just a eighteen t, five billion dollars so that they could provide. They could be an end vienna on eighteen teased network, because mobile isn't cutting it for them, which is the thing t mobile promised to do, which is what gave them permission to buy sprints, and it has already failed yeah. I mean this is the classic thing is the promises they make before the merger aren't was just not worth anything everybody knew it yeah we weren't. No. This is not a surprise to anybody. The only surprise is that eighteenth year actually has enough bandwidth to gift. It is it's not good yeah well Russell, when, when you get nominated to the fcc, will probably have you back on very excited. Oh yeah. Definitely! Well! I ll- be the first fcc commissioner, with walk on music. Lessons
you're, not my weary, break a weary right back with lives enjoyed to talk about billionaires in spain. This body cast comes from entail some work days are more work than others so help your team do their best work, no matter what with laptops on intel, be proud and intel, eco design, they have all day real world battery life built in hardware based security and superior
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it'll be billionaires is spent a word. would silence okay, so weasley, Jeff bezos and some other folks, including while he funk went into space, that I thought, let's just give us the the set up here and enjoy definitely talk to you cause. You were there. I don't know how close their means, but you weren't, you were in the vicinity. So, let's start with what happened So I just wanna like start with the petty stuff cause, because this is what happens when you invite me on that. Cast jeff basis. Blue origin is like
we're going to send a billionaire to space and it's going to be Jeff and he's also gonna bring his brother and some other people great, and then richard branson's, like I'm, going to go to space too, and I'm going to go sooner and then blue origin was like you're not really going to space because you're not going far enough up, and then there was some like goofy fighting on twitter. Anyway, we've recovered both of our billionaires they're, both back on earth, but most recently it was the blue origin flight, which I think blue origin has bigger ambitions. Since then virgin galactic and maybe joey you can. You can tell us a little more about that yeah yeah wall, blue origins is but one of many different programmes that they have right. I mean they have their whole new Glenn rocket programme to which is designed. Orbit online and whereas virgin galactic space planes, you have just in the sub orbital realm. So I'm What blue origin is trying to prove with new gland
new shepherd? It isn't just. You know that they have this space tourism business, but it's you no part of a bigger architecture that they they wanna tell me that is reliable and everything in, and they really need to do that right because you know they haven't really want a lot of contracts. They haven't you, no one, the air force contract that they once kind of suit over. And they lost again to space acts on the lunar lander competition too. So they're trying to really pay a a lot with with new shepard and there in other space tourism goals such as little deeper for them, and so the space tourism thing, so obviously Jeff basis brought his brother, which is cute. His is official name is Jeff bases his brother, but I think I think jeff calls him, yeah. That might be his name. I have to confirm that, but
That I find myself very curious about was how the other two seats, who decided and because the other two seats were the oldest and the youngest people to go to space respectively. But that was not originally the plan, so we should hear a little more about who these passengers are think yeah. Also, we have Oliver Didn'T- and I think this is like the most interesting weirdest and was questionable story of the whole commission if he wasn't originally supposed to go on this flight. He was supposed to go on the next one, but he was bumped up to this one, because the winner of this massive auction of blue origin origin hosted the month prior opted not to go because of doing issues, he bid twenty million dollars, but there is a scheduling issue that you don't prevented him from going, and I put heavy quotations on that. So little is you you think you we had funny conversations about that
I don't know who is too busy to go to space library? I can't reschedule I I just I have to. I have to be on for this also, what kind of person their consent that much money can't make people schedule around them. I mean the I'll say, like rocket scheduling, is the hardest thing ever in its hard to to manage that by it. agree, I mean like Y yeah, It was very employers and really wanted this date. Tube is July twentieth, which is that anniversary for the first time the man stuff and in so that was a significant. It was part of the whole optics that they were trying to to nail, so maybe that played in, but that you know again is is assuming that the scheduling issue was exactly what happened. You know with there than they were in their declining to specify what kind of issues they were talking about so
So the only thing that didn't make this whole launch feel like a disgusting display of wealth and ego was that they brought along wally fuck to me since our logo. Her yeah a lot of people were excited about wally funk and it was you know. It really is a cool story, because she was one of the mercury thirteen astronauts, which was this informal group of women who were trying to become nasa astronauts. They were training, they went through the training process, wally funk performed better than her male counterparts, but she was denied and she wasn't able to go to space because nasa didn't want to have women astronauts at the time so that that sucks and- and she kind of then went on to become this kind of icon advocating for women in space and the fighting the system that was preventing women from getting there, and you know the whole move here is that she finally went to space and blue origin invited her, and there was this kind of
justice, you know- and it was a great great moment for raleigh functions. Eighty two: she also became the oldest person to go to space. But it was a. It was a good story. You know, like wildlife, funk finally met the the final frontier that she's been working for, so that was that was kind of cool, a lot of people loved that story I gotta be real. I kind of think that Jeff basis invited her specifically because he didn't want people to root for his rocket till I blow up has then you're blowing up this like feminist icon? That didn't really work that, while the rebuilding everybody still still is talking about that, and some people pointed out like how could you like wish that when you, while you bunkers that word but by the other, the discourse remained? Okay? So let's talk about what actually happened, because I was a little bit shocked
By how brief this trip was speaking as someone who has taken a fun ride on the vomit comment, where, unfortunately, nobody threw up link I've, I've been in zero g, its super fun, but this was not like a lot longer than the vomit comet trip. I was on so Joey lake. What exactly happened? How high did they go like? What were the logistics of this flight yeah, so it all lasted like now. Ten minutes spend a lot of people are shocked at my mom was like oh they're, they're already back when I was telling the story and I'm like yeah, it was just a quick trip, but it lifted off. Early in the morning from this remote. You know launchpad that bluish has in west texas it sword like sixty six miles high, the that's beyond the line that they call that they consider space and a lot of other space bearing
emissions believe in space, which is sixty two miles and at that point, once it got to that height of the the crew capsule separated from the rocket the rocket came down for a vertical landing, just like spacex, falcon nine rocket and the castle floated a little bit and in microgravity for about four it's and everybody on buckled from their seats and floated around jeff basis was like one skittles. He apparently had skittles on how many he tossed went into oliver's mouth yeah. They had activities, they had skittles and they had like ping pong balls or something yeah yeah. It kind of remind me of this one scene in children of men, where they were tough, around, unless you seen that by around like a ball, I like it was fun experiment but, yeah in that they were gonna. Just how having a good time? Wally funk was a guy look at that. this is crazy. You know, and then they buckled back in and then returned under a soft parachute landing so
quicker trip, I knew joey like you were physically there in texas. So maybe you can tell us a little bit about like what the run up to the launch was like and what happened after everybody got back yeah, so it was is pretty interesting. Blue origin trucked. All the reporters out like two thirty I am to this pressing. in her very nicely design. They're nice couches, look the guy an ikea set kind of, and there was wifi, but we are in. so for launch. Everybody rushed outside to see it in person and we were maybe like five miles from from lift off, and there are a bunch of brewers and executives out there too, and you know everybody was applauding and clapping and some were crying when it lifted off six slowly and the most like jarring moment. Of the whole thing was when the new shepherd capsule was returning for landing, and The sonic booms which
this loud cannon like noise, that just pommels your chest, and it was deeply deeply like loud and echoed throughout the EU well region, and that was really interesting to see person. I'm scared the shit out of everybody we were expecting. You know you never know. What's going to happen, I know its inevitable, but but yeah you don't even know exactly when. So that was interesting and then afterwards you know they. They brought us to the the landing pad to check things out. There was also a press conference quote press conference set that happened afterwards. It was more of an award ceremony, but yeah it didn't feel genuine and authentic. There on the ground, because I have been increasingly struck by something Lewis has been talking about a while, it's just the the sort of choreography and optics. of their lives streams, space ex treated like basically nasa version galactic like just leaned out, way into infomercial like super hard, and then I
Blue origin was kind of somewhere in the middle. It had this moreover, a moment at the very end of the live stream, where they done the staff they pretended to be nasa and at the very end like if you want to go to space, send us an email. I was like. Oh, my god I mean did it feel like like a genuine citing space moment, or did it feel like pretty I dunno like as manufactured as the live stream candidates. You know personally, I think it felt pretty genuine, but I think that's because I was they're in person and for a lot of people for blue versions audience they weren't there in person they were watching the livestock. and what you saw on the lives dream was a lot of advertising you no kind of like virgin galactic and in each other. They organise these these events and they cater these whole experiences for their potential customers and implored and kind of tried to do that too, because space tourism is extremely dependent on that kind of stuff. It's an early kind of business and they really need to
generate that kind of excitement, but with the eye with blue origin, I mean all the astronauts were rang. These like omega watches that omega with its marketing and in talking about- and it was funny because it was on- outside of their astronaut sleeves. No one ever does not want to know you don't do that unless you have to they put it on wally. Funk two were disappointed: yeah but yeah, and then blue urgent had their fleet of rivian truck tragus, which john, I think our colleague John, had us.
Brian and I saw those in person that wasn't something exclusive to the to the live stream. They were, there were everywhere. There was maybe like five of them, and there was this little bbq that they did where they used the the pull out grills from those review on trucks to cook food for the guests and and everyone. So there were a lot of marketing opportunities and it was a. It was important part of your role for for blue origin. So some of the people I talked to they were genuinely. You know, impressed and happy that this all happened, and it was a huge moment for them, but the overall goal is to sell seat right, and so you have to market into some. That's a little, not very genuine. The trip to space is limited. Sophia's reserve your seat now by calling one eight hundred blue origin and then will make you sign in and the aid to tell you what it costs to fly on it and you can make it a man in before hazy. Payments reacted fray and that's that's the other thing like that.
I kind of was was a little. I was focusing on a lot because blue origin hasn't announced how much it costs to fly one of these things right now for virgin galactic. We know that it's around two hundred thousand two hundred fifty thousand, but that's expected to go up. We just don't know exactly how much but blowers and hasn't said anything they haven't given us a ballpark, her or anything about it and when they hosted their their press conference, slash award ceremony for the passengers, you know they. They didn't speak to that at all, and the only allowed three questions from the press. So so no one was really able to ask about it. I went when blue origin took us out to the landing pad. Jeff Bezos made a surprise appearance for a photo op, and someone asked him about seat prices and he just kind of laughed and did not answer at all, and then I was able to shout. You know a question like hey Jeff. What does it cost to fly? One of these things and he finally said we'll be announcing that later
like. I will, how later Emmy said. We don't know quite yet, and he said there really focused on the private pricing in and so it's so that it doesn't sound like they're, really trying to her to let anybody know publicly. What with those prices are, but just basis did make it clear that the public was, participating in his little his little postal launch where he he said. I also want to think every amazon employ and every amazon customer, because you guys paid all this so seriously for every amazon, cuss route there and every amazon employ. Thank you from the bottom of my heart very much you're welcome
from the bottom of my heart basis has been like obsessed with space since at least high school. He was the valedictorian of his high school and he gave the speech about creating permanent human colonies aboard space stations. So the earth could be a nature preserve. So you know it was a little astonishing to me to hear him say pretty point blank is that like amazon was means to an end. So thanks to all of you for forgetting me, the space I surprised students to take the people who gave him tax breaks, but whatever that's true, I think I've heard that the expanse the amazon prime show it's in space is like was like. He definitely wanted them to make that show. That was a passion thing for him, but we should talk about the you know, cause flourishes, for tourism. Does the other stuff for him to try and move heavy industry to space. Blue origin is talking to
I guess like they. They manage to do it, but in so far as like, moving heavier stuff to space or like being like other customers being open space customers, not just tourism. I've, noise, where there are they, he showed off like the blue moon, lander whatever. But I can't tell if any that stuff his axe, happening or if it's like, it's blue origin. In a bunch a hand waving, it's blue origin, and I mean in a bunch of hand waving, but they they need to get to orbit. You know they they have yet to launch anything into orbit. New Glenn is what will get them there, but they haven't rolled that. To the to the launchpad. Yet so the whole story, moving heavy industry into space. That's kind of the the cover story. That's the pr thing that they that they want to say every company has that end
We were Jeffrey has a long way to go. I mean they ve launched this new shepherd rocket. Several times like this is this was their sixteenth launch for that, but that doesn't that support at all. You know it's it's a little easier to do as it is a hard feat, of course, but begin into orbit is a whole other animal. So when they do that, then they can start building. You know the infrastructure to do it just says he wants to do. I want to talk for a second about the response to all of this. Also because I've been covering space You know for a while, and I have never seen any response so negative to a space flight and leg from quarters. I wasn't expecting so I'm going to read you a tweet from Dan rather than rather dan. Rather, I prefer watching the watches of independent bookstores there a lot more entertaining and they actually occupy a space homelike.
How long did you spend workshop exactly yeah, which is like that? First of all that that would be brutal coming from anybody, but like I was genuinely shocked that it came from Dan rather of all people and there's been this sort of backlash to bases in space in particular, because it feels like he's dabbling. You know like whatever a spacex. There are a lot of people out there who don't like elon musk, which is fine, but you get the sense of space x's serious right, like they're, actually working with NASA they've won a bunch of contracts like they're doing the thing they're not talking about moving industry to space, although they are talking about mars colonization, which is also crazy. But you know like
there. There they're doing the thing they ve been sending missions to the I s, s four years, thereabout to launch people to the eye ass ass soon. So I guess one of the things that I'm really curious about joy is lake. Why is there such a different response to blue origin and to base us new business? Doesn't really have that cult following that elon musk does, and I think, a lot of the support for spacex that we see comes from. You know, elon musk's cult following and- and you know, people love watching spacex. Do these crazy things? You know launching humans to the iss in I dunno. I think I just think the identity of elon musk plays a huge role in it, which involves tesla and I'll all of his other ventures and his crazy ideas and whereas Jeff
People just are, I guess, aren't as excited about it, and I think you know amazon also has a lot of controversy right. I I don't cover amazon and I'm not as familiar with it, but I think that also kind of plays a huge role. A lot of the criticism that people had of tuesday's launch kind of spoke to that. You know a bit about his how he manages amazon, so that might hurt him a little bit too. But you know as far as people and how they care about billionaires, going to space, people just tend to gravitate closer to you on must, because that's just his his call, I guess you know, but but also its it's the fact that spacex, yet it like you said, was they they are doing a lot more than blue origin. You know they. revived nasa's human space, flight capabilities with the first launch of mass astronauts and twenty twenty in over a decade or on nearly a decade, so that is kind of a good narrative in it and favourable story for space acts that makes them look.
was heroic in. I will say that However, the issue- surrounding this launch just watching the rocket touchdown vertically between it will never not be cool. Just watch erotic rocket just come back down to touch on vertically inland It has a huge alien like invasion, vibes on right, yeah sides exciting for people like it, its remit, when spacex landed their first booster successfully Jeff Bezos I quipped to to elon musk, welcome the club because they had been doing that with new shepherd before falcon, I was able to suggest we do it, but you gotta say you know. The two rockets are different: falcon nine is an orbital greed booster, whereas Effort is suburban all, but but he eyed it is a pretty cool badass thing to do right like it's. This rocket that bless off, which is cool in itself, and then it comes back at first
ending. You know blasting firing its engine again and gradually. slowing down to the pad and just gonna plopping right there in after it deploys its leg. So it is it's weird and all happens autonomously. No one steering this and that's another crazy, think you're. Looking at this robot do it by itself so you know it is. It is a pretty fascinating thing. I don't think that will ever get old for me. So here's the money question for me- and this is this- is open to both of you. If money were not an issue, if you, if you have and the money for it. Would you take a flight with one of these companies and, if so, which one I would be conflicted. But if I mean, if I had that much money- and I would it would completely change- represent I would be an even bigger monster than I am now, and so of course I would do it and I would I would do it with spacex because it goes the highest.
I wonder what space extra, because it goes the highest. But let me let me inform your rationale: real quick spacex, his crew dragon. There, there tourism architecture as they currently have. It goes but for three days so you're gonna be stuck in this. This capsule fern for three days right. Whereas these suborbital flights are far shorter. Ten minutes you you're in microgravity for about four minutes on both virgin galactic employers and systems in hasn't really announced its source and plans starlight or get, but on creature again. Yet, I think about how long you want to be trapped inside of a little capsule it is I mean it is the view the the stunning views of earth going to get old after the the first twenty four hours. Are you going to have to go to the bathroom in front of people and you kind of have to tell people not to look
will that will that smell, bad and then we'll everybody get pissed off for the rest, the trip and then there's fights- and you know I mean, there's things there cycle a lot of psychological factors you have to consider when you're tourist mission is three, all day long. You know she actually foregoing people, you don't really know that. Well, man like that two year, like board like imagined, paying that much money to go to space and like anxious watson, netflix ray, They re do. They would come to that. I'm here. I can't wait to see how that plays out, and I think this is something that engineers are asking themselves to you know is: is this the right kind of service that we want to offer where we want to take people into space for three days and we're gonna see this play out in september or some time in the fall. That's when space extra is going to try to launch their first space torres, so that will be a big step for space eggs, but will also be a pretty big test to see
these people actually liked going into space into this little gun drop for three whole days: so I don't know full well stream. It block. They probably want stream live the whole time, but yeah It will be interesting to ask them questions when they get back on land I also would take spacex because send me around the fucking moon man like send me around the moon. If boeing gets its shit together, I would happily take boeing, but right now it does not look like it has its shit together, and that just leaves me with spacex because again like send me around the moon like if you're Send me the space. Send me all the way you know like. I don't want to argue about like what really constitutes space and how high up it is. I want to like be able to see the planet like that famous shot of like the earth from the moon that I say one of the things that, while we fund could said during their little whose mission event she she has colorful, like very amazing ways to describe her experience of at one thing, she said, was that
She got up and she saw darkness when choosing the capsule, but she didn't see the whole world like she expected such it kind of suggested. She was a little disappointed at that which was interesting. You know I mean everybody else was giving really amazing reviews and during the event, but while he funk was as real as sheep, and she said you know, I wanted to see a horrid operating quite see it, but it was still fun. You know, So while we find a real one, there hell yeah ok, so we know that spacex is gonna. Do is to resolving the fall of a can there any other big rocket Judges are blue origin, stuff that we should be on the lookout for next well, space ex spacex a starship they're trying to go orbital later this year? They turn into their first orbital starship testing everybody's thinking it s for space tourism. Everybody wants to see you.
Musk ride, some spacex ship right, like it states, is his turn. Now that branson did it bases, did it well you almost, but he hasn't really said anything or expressed any pressing desire to to go up there himself. Of course, until we have the capability to get to mars kissed, you know then he'll be illegal I'll down mars, just not landing. which is something he actually said body out. I don't know, maybe we'll see mosque. You have announced that he'll go next time well this has been another episode of billion box created. This is advertiser. Content from s see John From the tiniest plankton to the most enormous whale ocean,
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then our cs, we, where you start I mean, I think we need to start with our cs, because I'm still trying to understand it. So it emmets mention that I could be like dieter explain it. mean I'm gonna? I was tempted, Well, you just the rest of the party. I mean I was tempted one meal. I was after that. Just like that. You know what this is my pod cast now word is: can we arcy us not just that pursued but all episodes? This is our cs pod cast. So what and was verizon is the third? U s carrier to formally adopt using android messages by default on all the android phones cells. And what that means is messages uses are ass. Our successes, rich communication services. It is the next general conversion of texting that replaces sms and it enables you know- receipts do say: red receipts are reader seats. Read so do I but everybody else's red,
I'm wondering at me around or young yeah yeah he's back there all intents and better images, better video. blah blah. It also allows for and and encryption and one on, one chat and that's actually entered messages feature not necessarily in our cs feature anyway. It's better right, but the rule out has been terrible because it's this like supposedly open thing where if a carrier wants to implement our cs and use their servers to manage it. They can sell, opt in bit yet Allah or if they dont want to. They can since google servers and innovation Google like look if you're not gonna, do it the will just like turn it down for users without you, and so that's a third way that people can get our siesta. They just you, Andred messages, Google, like says, hey, Your do. You use our cs now. Ok, we're gonna, do it then, but carriers were shipping Andrey phones. That would do,
I too, like samsung messages or verizon messages, plus everybody's favorite software, and so there is no guarantee that you had, even if you knew you get entered messages so frightened Lord everybody's, on board, everybody that uses an address phone in the? U s, starting next year, oh, have entered messages for sure, and then our cs will become the default actually arcy us as being served by eighteen tee. They say we do our cs. I am, I know you don't like it. We do not give it a cancer nurses hazarded somebody in t mobile. Well, you know our opera so. There's this whole argument about you have our cs support the universal profile, which is like the speck, and then even then you don't necessarily in or operate this. This happened with mms back in the day used to. If you are on sprint, you couldn't text somebody a picture if they weren't on sprint. I hadn't I never texted it was a friendly. So anyway we will have a more critical mass of users. There is already a four hundred something million worldwide
how many million android users are on the? U s, I've gotta be like a hundred fifty or something right, eventually getting on the system, and yeah, there's like a legit shot that our cs could actually supplants asked of us, and very few people would use sms ever again, except who apple they have not said peep about our cs. I have asked for comment. I have gotten like legit no comments and adjust radio silence from them, but in general, is nothing new word, and so it raises this interesting situation where You are on an iphone and new text. Somebody an android did, falls back to sms that is fundamentally in secure because it's totally unencrypted it sent over this completely wacky part of the way that you know sms goes over the networks.
it's basically data now, but it used to go the special channel that existed for, like configuring. Phones like it was a whole mass, but that is what you'll be sending and similarly, if you're on an android phone, any text, somebody who is an iphone you're, a green bubble right and so by not supporting rcs apple is actually potentially like, causing like a security problem for it's users, privacy, it's less private or less secure than people on android that talk to each other. Or people in the iphone tucked her from each other on. I message, but is also a google's, also like sitting in cigarettes, must do an android. If you talk to an iphone, but the differences ghouls like hey apple. If you want to join up here's the spec you're welcome to do it like they've, been increasingly been turning up. Sure more and more like so. I tweeted that abolition, should support our cs. Unlike hiroshi lifetime vp of andrew and everything else like retweeted me, which, I have to admit, is very awkward weird but, like bats,
you gonna pressure. Apples, you're gonna be ok whatever, but I interviewed him or the story- and this was this- is his quote. The fallback messaging experience on quote the other plan, for now will not have encryption if it's it's a mess. I think that is a pretty interesting dynamic and I would hope that as ever when focuses on privacy and security. It becomes an important part of the discussion. Yak has link I guess apples thing is what we just want. Everybody use I fun and more secure, so fine, but that's not realistically how any of the world works right. That's gonna happen, so it's! The onus is really on them, tat to make it secure right and they ve already kind of dealing with security stuff this week related to messaging. Actually you ought to explain this like this. Is this? Is the big big pegasus hack that happened to a bunch of journalists? It's one of the biggest hacking stories of the week
maybe you might be able to expand a little better than I can get, so there's is theirs as israeli company that provides software to that's so as to help you hack into the funds of terrorist array and Amnesty found a list of a bunch of phone numbers of like legit journalists and people who are like an apple innocent parties in various countries on the world- and it was verified that their phones were infected with the spyware, not great, not great, at all, real bad and that you know how did this happen? What what? How did they get? You know infected how? How did the hack happen and it turns out that it happened via imessage. There was a zero day. You know, hack, where an ai message would parson image that got sent in without any user action or opening message or whatever, and then the message could disappear and that would, in his invisibly, hack your iphone. I hate to bring that
in the context of like rcs, because it's a different thing, it's it's different, but it's also kind of showing that, like apple really, I mean obviously they care about security. I care about privacy like, like, I think, they've they've done a really good job with it for the most part, but but this this quest to be like this. This weird hang up. They have an imessage is hurting them kind of over and over again yeah, it's hard for me to know, because I picked you. Obviously, people love it if your green bubble, your terrible last there's also like, if you wanna securely and privately text, somebody who doesn't have an iphone there
any number of ways you could do that just tell them to install signal or whatsapp or whatever right, and it's just not the default. It's not the thing that is happening in the messages app yeah. It's it's requiring it's putting a lot of like work on you as the person you have to say you have to walk them through it. Just like you'd have to be like well, actually, your android phone isn't so blake doesn't communicate securely with mine, so I'm going to tell you how to get to the iphone store and buy an iphone to like fix it like it's just putting way too much work on people when that's the whole point of apple is to take that work away right. If apple's going to get pressured into doing it. I kind of feel like they're opposite enough, where, like it's not secure and this this whole thing is just not gonna. That's not gonna work. I don't think so. I think it's more like that all the carriers around the world are basically just using our cs, and it's like well wired. She just doing this I'll. Do it I'll do it later at an event when it's not a big deal in there's, not a heat on under some lana having like little little note there. Maybe it s w dc.
At the end, and we go yeah and you will be like Ass re, evaluate a whole votes cast out my god. It's gonna be one of those like you know they do the giant grids of features, but only to the territories, have the giant wall of users of all the esta kazan babo level by right at hearing this tiny tax and the great there, the bottom, the smallest fought possible just put our cs, and I will like flipper table If its own person, I will stand up and run around, I'm so excited to not have to write about our cs. When this is over, I'm excited forty. I wasn't done I wanted to be over. I want to not be the the person who's, always to the guys he's just like leaking it out of his chair right now. Can we okay? Let's, let's talk about some fun stuff, like specifically the play date? Okay, It's almost hear tell me tell me what happened well, so so we actually got to play with a play day. The the pre orders are starting next week. Next, nobody pre order
there's only like twenty thousand. I want a chance, so nobody try really excited about it. So If the people that don't remember what the play date is, it's a it's a little. It looks almost like a gameboy, it's like half the size of a gameboy and it's a yellow like game machine thing. It's got a black and white screen and the big thing is: it's got a crank on the side right and I always thought that the crank was for like charging it. I was like that's so cool well no, it's for playing games that which makes a lot more sense. I mean no, but yes yeah. I think both are cool, make it happen and it comes from panic, which is a company they've done a lot of really cool games. Firewatch is one of them, the the goose game that everybody played a couple of years ago, but they also were like a really am jack company, yeah mack apps back up company yeah. They made the best ftp yap transmit right. It was about a mean transmit, but it was overpricing mighty cyber doc, because your cheap airlines is me in biology,
once you get the money than he had got trailing I mean if I fancy I d cadillac right exactly yet, if the truck the little truck icon that I'm on it you know what our assesses you know treads, but basically paupers right right. A lot of you are very confused right now: it's okay, but but they're they're, better known now for it for their games and- and so they've made this thing, and it's really fascinating to me. I was talking with Andrew Webster, who, who was the he's our games editor and, and he he got to play with his thing and he's been playing with it for a couple of weeks month over a month now and he's just like four games on it. He still hasn't finished all of the games, so they actually take a while, like some of them are story based they take hours and hours of gameplay and Just like the the ideas they're going to do. An episode like a flight of games and you'll get a flight the year of brand new games on during like season so like every month or something you'll get four more games and you don't know what they're going to be and then you're like oh season. Four you're getting these four games and you get to keep them. They don't go away
yeah yeah. It's just it's interest weird to me, because they're going into like making this whole game system right, like it's a whole new consarn from a really small company, yeah like like a really hip cool company, like one of the reasons peoples are cited as I was hurt us talk about thirty five percent of gdp. Up. There is a lot affinity for this company yeah an end. So I'm fast and aided by it. I have no idea how its can it worked out in the long run, ling what's with the end game, for this is what I keep going to you. Is this like they're, going into hardware? Now it took a long time for this exactly like dear I played around with early Early ass prototype already things two years ago, right at the exact our conference, they had a man like outside. It seemed great then, but I mean in on pandemic closing wherever I will say the screen. Is this my favorite part actually incredible its black and white people. I can wait
One bit like a great joy and gave way was to bits right, but also great yeah. This is this is just black white and that's it and it's free. Ever giving us in black and white displays that are like, you know not backlit like elsie space that are like, like a paper. Pebbles yeah. You could kind of have this vision of your head being kind of like low contrasts and kind of man. This is not that at all. It's not like e ink. It's very fast and it's refresh rate. I mean it's not like. I dunno it's not a hundred and twenty frames per second, but it feels just like a normal screen, except that it doesn't.
if the backlight so you use whatever emulate, is around to see it and it's black and white yeah, it's cool yeah, it is cool. I like the games in it seem really really cool like they got the the the guy who who made katamari damacy. I said that really really wrong, but just ruin that all those years of japanese down the toilet- but you know, there's a lot of really really cool, interesting games that have already been that that, like anderson playing a lot of fun with them- and there are even more coming and like What'S- are people just going to get really excited and develop games for it? Are we going to get like big game developers be like yeah? This seems cool and like just whipping out a game. I hope, like I think, that's I think. That's the plan like that's what it feels like the end game. I think the interesting thing here is. I don't know that there is an end game. I think they figured out that they want to make a cool thing they're, making a cool thing. If the cool thing continues to be although continue to do it yeah and if not hear me,
yeah like we're, only getting one season of game so far right brightened there that they could just be like that, was it thanks and it still like twenty six games. Yeah. That's that's better! Like the new deal pocket, right well worth well worth your money, which is one hundred and eighty dollars. The cool thing about the preorder process. Is the cable sasser to running running panic said that a quote: we're not going to close the door on you. So who knows if their website will crash I'm sure Will they re lobsters ftp? But you know we are running a free shepherds fingers, but, unlike all of the other councils that are happening, not going to be just like a fiasco like waiting to see if walmart we'll get stock and you're not going to have to join a disco. Our twitch, live stream and find out, if you just you just gonna, put your name and get in line and you'll get it. When you get it, I've won our pre promoters are supposed to work and, as I understand it, was kind of like that. Yeah. Ok, that's my experience with my extra.
the steam back was my my ordered never went through and I gave up and then hours later I got a confirmation, email. Ok, I think about it. In five hours later I wouldn't peoria, but by that point I found out that you could lake change the hard drive and the cheapest one Is that so yeah that came out later- and I was like yes, I'm getting a cheap one garbage I bought the expensive one, which is I wanted. The phone look. What do you do with the fact enraptured by this up? We ve got the switchover we ve got the steam deck, we're the analogue pocket, which would be no. We have really talk about a thing, but I have gained by thing that looks like that is the one I'm most popular and we have the played like handheld. As you know, I think part of it is. Is there is a lot of people who are making these things now her? grew up on the gameboy and and there's a lot of nostalgia there to like just hold it in your hands. Not have it be a phone because playing have you played mario on like a phone yeah,
about other dead. The sides girl or marianna like lincoln, emulate oh yeah, just the worst experience. It's him. simple an annual. Oh, no. I need buttons yeah, it's, I think, there's a lot in astrologer there and that's part of what striving yes, but razor key. She for both entered an iphone. It's good, there's I'd, there's another one called backbone that doesn't collapse is small, but it has way better. It, so your phone into a switch gear. Of them will give you squabble usb see enlightening you gotta pick it when you buy it, which is frustrating, is hell but yeah. If you can get good games like hell, and having the switch style controller on either side of that clicks into the thing is really cool, but I think you're right having it not be. Your phone is part of dry land, I was that was like. I have a pixel three and I said you know what I'm gonna make. This might gain machine. I'm like media on it when, as having a state momentum link we vote on thursday. The key force all the other cloud things on here and like tender and anne s. Yes s and he s
the later in all of this, and I played for like an hour because it was like well battery life on a pixel. Three is good, but nike doesn't support that and you can't like charge it. It just was like a gross experience and then I go to my switch. I'm like oh. This is how you're supposed to write. I still have my hands way far out because they're huge but yeah I like I mix. I think it's great, that the that these are things are all coming back and it's just weird timing I mean. Maybe it's like stuff is getting faster, see that was a steam deck. You know the batteries is able to support it. Now, five years ago, completely possible and yeah just technology. Finally caught up. Maybe that's like it's it's it's. You know we saw the slick. Kickstarter thing was like. Oh hardware is easy now, but now we know we know from Ashura Carmen that it's actually not, but there are few companies like well. Actually, if you take the time to do it well,
it is possible to make a thing in a way that it wasn't. You know ten years ago, analogs a perfect example of that, like they figured it out, it takes awhile, but you get you get nice stuff out of it, the the super one. It's it's great! On the other end of the spectrum, is apple. There's a bunch of rumours are our like every week. There's rumours the latest is: there's gotta, be updated airports later this year, which sure for those new. I dont see refreshing twenty to that will be definitely do, but the big news was apt just up and released battery pack yeah. You were busy earlier this week. I had a hell of a time. Getting worse There was like shipping problems, I'm in new york this week and, of course you know, there's very few people in the office, and so shipping is just confusing and the fedex bull are delivering. Here is often so I wrote the wrong floor number and normally that's fine because, like how much crap kits
VOX media all the time back in the day a lot, so they always fight. We know where this goes but nope. So I took an extra couple of days to get it. We went to we sent cameron Faulkner or whatever era's over to buy one at the apple store, because he just was right next to it, so he picked one up for me and I paid it back for it as great as he was, I get the person next to him was returning it. That was incredible. Amazing guess the personal attorney was returning as it was too big re how ok! It is big. It looks funny yeah, here's the thing. I reviewed it. It's probably we have on the website by the time you are listening to this. Everyone is like got it so big horrible, and then everyone is, like god, doesn't have the battery life. It's does it does the batteries to small horrible and sometimes the same people? I don't they
dont know a lot about how things are made. I guess I dont want to be like good a defender of this thing. I mean I gave it to seven. I think that if you if an iphone, it is the most elegant battery solution, apple has ever made and that might exist for the iphone full stop you put it on. It charges. It shows you the battery level. It tops it max's out your charge at ninety percent of all charge, your iphone above that because it knows that that is too hard on the battery. So let us stop there so art it works as a mac, safe charges plug it in and so, instead of buying a forty dollar mag safe pawky by a hundred dollar battery, if you think of it as a mag, safe puck that happens to have a battery on it. good deal. Well, almost it makes sense. I would say it's a good deal when you re you're getting really into the apple ecosystem,
a lot of things start. You start to rationalize a lot of ratings, but everyone was like. You know, anchor just released one of these things. It's you know a little park that has a that. It's not official magsafe, but it has a magnetic charging, and so I bought one like a bunch of people did and it's dependence. It's fifty bucks. It has a five thousand william, better. We should we're going talk about milliamps in a minute, but it also has usb see- and I can see it can do. It can charge right here. We see obviously, but it can also charge a device out of that same port. It goes both ways. I wish a smart and cool, but you know the mag safe battery, of course uses lightning, which cant do anything
and you can charge the magsafe battery via the iphone, so if you're, if you're like oh man, I need to charge my phone really fast. You can just unplug the magsafe battery that you're, using as your magsafe puck, plug it into the phone and then the phone will charge faster, but it will also reverse charge. The magsafe puck, but that's the only thing the iphone will reverse wireless charge. Then that's, okay. You know where my airpods just sitting there it'll charge airpods. The next thing will try to pass, but not your iphone yeah. That's what I thought yeah. I can't just put them together and make magic happen. No, I guess not rude yeah. I dunno I get android and then be a green bubble, it works yeah I mean look, I'm not going to begrudge anybody this thing. If it is very, very elegant, but we should talk about the milli amp, saying yeah, explain it to me: it's fourteen, in sixty million jobs, which is nothing right, zere. It's basically nothing but
millions are actually not a great way to talk about battery size and like battery power and longevity? It's not just like you, never know how much the processor is going to draw and blah blah blah blah. It's also just the amount of gee that an outputs thirst, there's a formula that electricity and so a better metric is watt hours ago, and so the thing about the massive charger is, it can charge at a higher voltage. Which means that it can push through more electrons charge faster in some cases when it's plugged in it charges at fifteen watts, for example, it's five watts when you're, when you're not plugged in, but that's it's like the same concept of like warp charge on one plus, where it's just like. It cranks up one of the numbers in the equation, and then you can get charged or through, so that the number that actually matters for this type of battery, since it has a different voltage than most things use, is- and I want to say it's like eleven point- one three or something what
and the anchor which has a lower voltage is eighteen watt hours. So it's weird namic where the the maxie battery actually isn't as bad as it spect number might make you think and apple of course, berries it, because I love numbers, but that doesn't mean that, like it's went, and it does even mean that, like the eleven it's eleven versus eighteen like equivalent battery, because I just gotta tell you thing charge. My iphone twelve, many from zero to eight and that was all I could do it just got. Tuckered yeah just got a little. This is that was that was sleepy yeah. That's not much to do at least. Do it quickly relatively like two hours give or take unplugged, it takes it, takes a minute cause it's slower and they don't want it. If they did it faster when it was unplugged, it would have depleted the battery faster, probably wouldn't, have been effective. You know, there's reasons. Those reasons make sense to me, but yeah you
you need to think of this thing as it's not a life saved, it's a lifesaver in the sense that it'll give you a little bit extra battery. Put the thing on there and, like you, worry about little bit last year, iphone stays charged for longer or whatever, but it's not like weekend or battery right yeah and as far as your keyboard, with you yeah exactly as far as it looking dopey sorry take take, battery that you don't think, looks dopey and then try and tape it to the back of your phone and it looks dopey. They all look. Dopey just admit it do you remember there was a battery a couple of years ago and it had like six or seven little suction cups on AK. Oh my gosh, and you would just stick your your your phone that needed a wireless link charles. I don't wanna hear about this anymore, It is incredible. It worked for two weeks it sitting in my desk
yeah, hopefully not on fire. Anyway. That's the thing I I prefer the anchor, but since I had to buy a bunch of them, I'm going to hang onto one of the magsafe just to have it around and there you go. She talk about the one plus buds pro ii, I mean speaking of apple. These look familiar yeah. I mean there's an argument that, like they, they they look exactly like airpods pro except the case opens like horizontally. Instead of at the, and then there's more silver, their silver again, and I love it beautiful tat. The argued is like there's always so many ways to make an ear bud but, like I don't know if I, by that I mean You know a lot of like both. Does these giant sound flights yeah you ever just jams into your ears- and this is just an air pot for every pro scuse me. It's smaller stems or stems yep, I mean. Isn't it one plus
add a bunch of their headphone seized by u S, customers, because they thought there are counterfeit and then ignored or other they're, not they're, not, and what the us customs like they. They looked like it to us with these from now on, in whatever one the standard, one plus buds that looked like regular airports. So so this is. This is slake, reiterating unsuccess them as ordered What one plus I mean there's also the nor to generating difficult look at it. I don't off. We discussed one plus merging Not merging admitting is going back to being part of upper. yeah we kind of talked about it weeks ago and we said, yeah. I remember talking about my apple blu ray play. Ok, ok! It's just settled in for me that, like they did fitted that, like they're gonna, merge, apple, o s or oxygen, o s of cholera. Last, like those things in going to, I actually feel like a kind of a sense of calm about it, then
everybody. Just sort of can talk openly about the thing that we would talk about before over. They were afraid of it, but it was like frustrating that, like pontiac is different than chevy. Definitely is, but it's definitely not yeah rights the same, I guess the last thing before you round out is amazon, had a divine upper event for yet we had this for all for all of the the developers. A lot of things happened there we got a lot of news and a big part of it is like developers are going to actually have access to. The the screen on. Oh really, your show yeah yeah it'll. Finally, like people, I'm kind of mess with intrigue. What that will do? something you do something whenever amazon It's really interesting but yeah. I think for me that the the other thing that like kinda, happened at the same time as this, but I found much more interesting- was this move for the they they finally offered to?
masculine sounding voice. This is way way way way. Overdue. Yeah, so overdue, and I think it's, I think it's kind of telling them that the thing was called alexa in still called election working, very sorry for setting out four speakers, but will do the rest. Apologies guys it's my name. I have to deal with this all the time, but you know it's still because this female sounding board our female sounding name, female sonny voice. I may use pronouns pronouns, they talk about it at amazon; they they all they all talk about. She is. Is a great little voice assistant and so now there's this masculine sounding one and they also conveniently at the same time introduced a new way. word, which is a little more masculine sounding, I don't know a lot of women named Ziggy. I know I know
cartoon named ziggy a little bulbous, sad man, that's another thing that you would know if you are old by the way has Ziggy. I, like very vaguely, see him in the back. I hadn't gone now the area to spread. But yes, it is finally has had and the new wake word. So there was is doing a thing where they refer to these. These voices regional and new. I from the very beginning I have to say I will. I was never happy with gendering digital assistance sane, and this was that this was just like it's not just like standard gender assumptions to be fixed in our society, which they do. It's also like. You multiply that by they're. Not Fuel human thing heritage are complete our agenda, that they have no agency inherent right and so like it always felt better to me, but that do the other thing with the voices is first, Google,
the better job of they just like gave them letters or colors or something and then apple did voice wanted voice to it's weird than It took this long to sort of get with the program yeah. It's like. I think it's because maybe they were you know they were really the first ones to to make the voices it'd be a thing like. I think Syria had come out before that Google had had stuff doing it, but but alexa was really where we finally like embraced the voice assistant right and so much of that was because they gendered it because they made it sound like a woman. They they made it sound like a person, so they'd felt more comfortable in your home to have a tiny ladies living in the speaker, and I think that was they've really struggled to kind of pull away from that cars. Like then, everybody's, like oh yeah, I dont mind having a tiny person in a speaker error. Maybe we should I have many in my homes, I can't say it in her house here, so that we have so many mainly syria that, but you know, I think that there is always this lake there were so clinging to that and images can a scared, maybe
to move away from it, and now we get siggy to be sure, although we should do that we should not associate the male sounding voice with the male sounding. I feel like that's almost what they want the jet and whoever the back as our. I don't know who they are in this case. The other thing again it is most echo speakers are gonna, get upgraded to matter. I am still not used her for to this matter matter is the connected home over ip, alliance, which was for awhile called ship. I like to call it choice, because I thought it was funny. This is the new way for smart home gadgets to just communicate directly with each other over ip, like every other computer on the frickin planet does it's more secure, it's easier to set up as a bunch of good reasons for it. It's basically the way that home worked so anyway echo devices supporting matter for sure, is like a good thing because it means that, like we might
less of this hassle of when a new smart homer standard comes out, is anything at a supportive who knows how to now. Amazon is willing to support most things in their supporting this you won't have to buy a new one and hooray yeah. That's it's just nice. I mean they were always the ones who supported everything. So it was kind of weird that they weren't supporting the matter. Well, got in the said matter is going to matter. it's just a question is negative this holiday season, or is it gotta be next year? I feel eight next area I feel like they ve got a wrap it up here, but once a trumped up, I'm pretty sure that you, just like look for the matter logo and that's your done. You know it'll work with ever digital assistance. You have, you know it will probably work locally. You want to think about the radio's too much the end. This element it's not gonna happen. It should also be terrible, but that's my dream elevate. I like the stream, it's good aspiration for all of us. That is a very optimist
the hopeful note and the votes cast hun. Thank you. So much for listening, if you haven't listen to decoder with new capital is relatively recent. Episode was with the ceo of blackstone products, which is not a creepy investment firm. They, make riddles yeah and I learned a lot about riddle, one I want one, but they run into exactly the same problems that every single text yo runs into when they are starting a new hardware company, it's really fascinating check. That out also want a point. You too story that sugar cane wrote about boosted. It's a post mortem of how everything went down and why the company ended up dissolving. It's very sad so go check that out. There is much more in the votes I come. I'm not gonna punch everything you now to type letters into a browser. If you invite us on twitter, you can tweet at us. I love it when you do, as even when it makes me feel old. I'm back on Alex's Alex h crane.
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Transcript generated on 2023-08-21.