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Two new antitrust lawsuits against Google / AirPods Max review / iOS 14.3 has arrived with ProRAW for iPhone 12 Pro


The Verge's Dieter Bohn, Nilay Patel, and Adi Robertson discuss the two antitrust lawsuits against Google announced this week. Chris Welch joins to discuss his review of Apple's AirPods Max.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This week on average has addy Robertson joins us. Talk about the two new antitrust lost. It's a that's a total of three now also facebook versus apple, add tracking controversy. Then Chris waltz joins us talk, new airports max and what's going on with pro on the the iphone twelve pro that is going to unveil chest now, support for the shell to run a successful on my business. All you need is an idea and shop. I can take care of the rest shop if I is a commerce platform to help run your business and their flexible templates and power
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welcome to the verge cast flagship, podcast, the consumer welfare state he's going to get real dry today and I dunno technically I'm on vacation. So I'm just going to admit to everyone that I'm a little less prepared than normal, but it's fine, I'm eli! It's fine! because dieter bonus here I am your full from page add expressing appreciation for you and your family instead of condemning you there'll be nice, that's how we're gonna say print personalized eater bone appreciation for this eddie Robertson is here and a little later we can have criswell transact rat happily about apple, max and smugglers, his audience here. Let's talk about all of the action between Google and the government, facebook and apple, their slotted stuff happening in the world, from power, perspective. I wanna start where we always start. First, there was covered up date. I am sure all of you are aware that,
things have started to rule out the fda. His authorize, the first cover nineteen vaccine from pfizer people are taking them. The posting It wasn't selfies of themselves getting the vaccine, which is amazing, so that is happening we are covering it Marybeth Craig's obviously has her newsletter anti virus. The vaccine is not the entire story. Rolling it out is difficult, making sure people comply with the two shot regime of how you get vaccines basis for but it seems, is difficult. So there is a lot to be maintained in terms of data compliance about stuff, the second dose. The vaccine is not people out for a day, so, like it's gonna have effects which has got bleed, entered misinformation and that higher ecosystem and vaccines in the internet, which is now these tracking at very closely the platform. The change or move Seen: misinformation or twitter is being more aggressive, there's just a lotta news about the vaccines that they're out there being distributed the ring Ten people are experiencing them so urgent.
All that stuff in our science desk, animal as these are anti virus. Its exciting is happening to me, a long, slow roll out to getting back to serve a normal place. That's the covered up date, still the biggest or in the world are scientists is incredible, very proud of how they ve covered it through this. Hopefully, these actions should be the wrong policy front. There's just a lot at. We I think we all hoped that we'd be kind of crews and towards the end of the year in it, it feels like Restate attorney general was like you know. We have a couple more ideas for twenty twenty, so The Texas attorney general has announced a new case in school. We ve heard theirs. another one coming, there's not a city.
existing federal case against Google TOS. What's going on yeah, so I believe it was last week was we're all going to yell at facebook week and this week is we're all going to yell at Google week. The background is that in October there was a very long awaited justice department case against Google, alleging that it mostly that it's search business, was anti competitive and an unfair monopoly. So then, as you said, on wednesday, texas total of ten states ended up filing a different to that took aimed specifically at add tech, which was not really a focus of the original justice department case. They announced this with a really intense sizzle real on twitter, texas age can pack sent In the lead up to investigate google investigate google, Google, Google, tech, giant, Google, Google, Google, the focus is Google's anti competitive, anti trust. The antitrust, anti competitive trust thought they made a height
video for their lawsuit, it was so much and they did it before anybody actually had seen the lawsuit. So just like watching the hype, video it's like all we had was like news catches, a Google antitrust and then the attorney general for taxes is walk away like Google is Google repeatedly used its monopolistic power to control pricing, engage market collusion to rig auctions in a tremendous violation of justice? I feel it This explains why this there are two state lawsuits guess so that was wednesday. So Wednesday, that's like the bombastic one and then today there was a colorado suit. Colorado and a total of thirty eight states in territories, including some that had signed onto the texas suit, filed woods, sort of liking, justice, department, plus suit,
it explicitly is like we're gonna, take a bunch of the complaints from the justice department. We agree with them and we're going to add ons and more specific things, mostly involving add tech and what are called vertical search engines, which is like the sort of topic specific places that you would go to look for like plane, tickets or restaurant views to the federal government. He's from october, was duly you're, paying apple too much money to be the default you're. Protecting your default position, you're walking out competitors. that whole realm of google behaviour. The texas lawsuit they came with its own hype, real, is very much about the advertising market and how google pushes people into the advertising,
work it in, in today's case, led by colorado, is also about ad tech, but also about google, manipulating search results to favorites and properties and pushing out the yelps and the trip advisors. The world is complicated because the justice department case is kind of an omnibus but yeah. The justice department focuses on Google's, really big. It has all this power. It works with other companies like apple, but also with android device manufacturers to make sure that Everybody uses google for everything like if you're on your phone or whatever than the texas suit, is very narrowly. Google has these add markets their incredibly powerful and it manipulates them in such a way that it and facebook are just going to absolutely dominate our sales and take choice away from the companies and like the web pages to who are buying handsome
using them and then the case today from colorado, says: ok up stuff, the justice department said is correct, but we would like to add specifically that it's not just Google making deals with these big companies there's also it there are these specific actions there taking that are really taking advantage of and suppress in all of these smaller topical search sites and also we're going to add some add text stuff. That's weirdly, distinct from the texas kay but so at a high level. This colorado case feels like what I expected the justice department case too. I remember when the justice department case came out, we're like you're going after Safari deal, that's the centre of your case and it seemed weird cause. The way that we usually think of a google monopoly is them screwing with yelp them screwing with like flight results and bought and other stuff. They do on the search results page, and interesting to me. Is these cases really are complementary to each other? Broadly speaking, it seems like
did they are? They all knew what the other folks were doing there are talking to each other and that they consciously split out you do I'm gonna do this. We're gonna do this, or was a divide and conquer that just work out this way. I am I'm trying to figure out. How will we got to a place where we've got three different suits instead of one big ass one and None of them are like identical to each other, so there was a lot of speculation that the trump administration was trying to really rush out a justice department case before the election and that there were cutting corners and just trying to get the thing that was like a big broad slam. Dunk cares why Google is bad, and I sort of by that now, because the case the colorado brought so I mean not only could guess that makes sense, but also the color, no case, is so much we're going to talk about these things, but we are also going to tie in a bunch of more specific size sort of want ear issues that require a little bit more time. To explain that I am not really
what's going on with the text suit, like I've kind of confused on that one. The other weird thing is that the justice department case was just a document and both of these state cases are very heavily reacted, sometimes to a kind of polarity. extent like you'll read their someone's, making an analogy in they blacked out what the analogy would be because the analogy is like you: for for Google, the algae is, they can really It may be very obvious mafia references like at the end, like Google, is so big in the ad market that they're like it would be like if you didn't pay I feel it on and the mafia dawn came to your website and broke it he's like well, but so much of an analogy. There is also a star wars, reference that got redacted. Yes, so the texas case has apparently they cut this deal with facebook. That was to their benefit and they had called it something that's named after a star wars, character, the redaction shows it seems to be pretty sure,
pretty short name which doesn't let you down very much, but it's redacted. We were all trying to figure it out yeah. It was inspired by sours character, but not necessarily so people were coming up with all sorts of droid names that the g to F to cars like google and facebook together, I feel like they redacted that, on purpose just to make tech journalists pace or finally, what all psychological warfare in the heart of the texas acid to one like an actual legal strategy. Why are the three cases? What are there? witness way and the other one, maybe maybe I'll, do the simple way for so. If you think about good what problem the that- and I have, as we think about like organizing our team. Is often some will say to us. You should have a google reporter and am I great. So you want to add tech reporter and now I know what I mean is an android reporter great, so we're gonna do a certain and have a google search reporter Google is so big did, is actually and possible for anyone to say they cover google, and, if you just
look around at the industry of reporters tat people who cover google actually only the best ones. only ever really cover a narrow slice of google, citing we're very good at Andrews. We, I spend a lot of time in the weeds of google search mart burden at Bloomberg is we're good at like google search in google business deals. Thereupon, Julia centres really good at youtube, but the influence or shadow you tube, not the technical licensing side of you to it it just a gigantic of this is true of all them. amazon, true of apple, like you name it they're. So big, do you can't just like take one shot at them? even if he would just think about in the most simplest way, which is how should we write about Google? Who should do the work it turns out? You need forty five people just to think about the whole sales. Google. You combine that I think with just the stand life cycle of a lawsuit which is it we're time they get smaller and narrower right.
you're, the first and Google's and say, as you should throw out some of these claims against us and the judges, the judge instinct? Is why don't I just I don't just so much work salmon throughout the bad ones, the prosecution is going to agree to throw out the ones that seem the weakest. You know they're not going to feel out the judge. They can feel the process and are stick to the best ones, and so, if you just have the one huh case your ability to say any one of those things is the strongest just naturally, over time drops out to then you end up with three cases that are pointed at different chunks of google. In there they can be focused on the is each of those shocks as their own strongest case, as opposed to the justice department having to staff a case. That's about android, end about search and about. And I, like the ad case, we can talk about attack in a pretty perhaps level. It is very kind, Using aren't that chief revenue rocks media rhine polly his line of attack is it's complicated
Everybody who works in ad tech needs to stay employed like it's a it's an employment program for the ad tech vendors, to keep it complicated and keep the jargon high. He thinks it's very funny, but I don't know that a judge or he is gonna, be like I'm excited to dive into the vagaries of programmatic advertising and header bidding, and Google. Once in every part of that stuff Google isn't the one or two position in the market, every one of those things a place where do will connect anti competitively or in the case of this lawsuit, be accused of colluding with with faced so that's just one whole complicated weeds. The argument that might fail, like my just hit the rocks of complexity and if you ve, if, if you're, just like failing there, making any headway on the google killed. Yelp argument: you failed. They are making any headway on the default search on the iphone argument. So there's like you're just a good strategic reason. The keep them is three supper cases and also keep school having to fight on three fronts, but at the same time I think we talked to her a months ago. We ve just seen
responses to these cases, and it is the very much the same. It's like what everybody likes. Google. Do you like the search results being why would you want a ruinous? And it's such a great argument in response I'm not sure entities lawsuits really didn't really address. The fact that people do want google to be better in and that looks and taken back I mean I keep going back and forth, so your google had put out this blog posts and it's like we didn't so much better here, look at what happened if you search for bread and two thousand different twenty twenty and in two and it's ten links and in twenty twenty others said dooms in on all the different parts of the screen. You ve got the box. That tells you whether bread is good for you and where you can buy bread and bread recipes and then the weird thing is that if you read the lawsuit from today, they kind of make the same argument in reverse, which is google. It used to be ten big, ten blue links. If he searched for bread, you just fine princeton,
now, if you search for it we're going to map out this diagram on the page, where you're going to see. Oh there's this box, where Google's put it's own like reviewed restaurants for bread, and you have a bunch of ads for bread stuff and then you have all of this other stuff and then way below the fold you're. Finally going to get those ten blue links so they're both sides are basically making the argument that google search has either become way better or worse. Because of all the stuff Google is doing. I think one of the more complicated things too to pull apart, fair is something's google may or may have done that are just flatly illegal right. actually are colluding with facebook to monopolize he had market that that's just illegal like if we don't have to get into the weeds conversation about annex. law standards or whether should change them or whether prices went up like that and of collusion between two of the dominant players is just flatly illegal and so they'll, just the loot method.
There are some question marks about what they actually did because of the redactions, but if the government can prove that case interest legal, on the other hand, there are some parts where Making the product better feels very anti competitive and is whether, feelings are illegal. They should be blossom. From today. It makes some one of the things that is nice about that it makes a lot of very specific claims about why specific things are bad lake. Its argument, broadly speaking, is areas, where google isn't really competing with anybody like restaurant sites, you're, a vertical search engine, you get to put your name to your results and like make clear that people know. This is where the results are coming from. But if you're in an area where you're, where they actually have a vested interest in maintaining dominance like local, like business results, then they're going to make it very difficult for people who are reading links to tell that they're coming from somewhere like yelp or trip advice
and because of that, they are preventing these sites in areas where there are specifically trying to compete from basically building brand recognition, and you can argue that gather like reasons why Google would want should do this and that it is not that it does boil down to feelings. But it's at least more specific than the general like Google. They put on their puts it on stuff in boxes, because that's the best stuff here. I think that we have mother fiery statement for me help in our boxes. We always do. I can read it to you. Eight weeks ago, the united states partner justice brought a historic and suit against Google. This morning, a bipartisan group It's an attorney general's one of their own suit zeroing in on how google manipulated search results to illegally maintain a channel search. Monopoly goes on to say this is arguably more significant than previous lawsuits in that it strikes. foundation of Google's dominance. Its search results for new aid
The optional protocol to team is openly advocated for heightened and interests. Scrutiny of good was reviewed, it is gone. Defying to see Google finally brought to justice for this specific conduct, and I think that really cuts at what we ve been talking about which is there a lot of places? You can focus? Your scrutiny. Have google an eye on sitting? search results and ads. Are that schools, business lot of stuff around like whether they pay apple too much money to be the default. It just feels we taught us when the first case feels like a sideline to Google controls all advertising on the web and, importantly, The search engine results page deliver, There's a lot of traffic or on the web is a fire hose of traffic and when Google changes my changes, its mind. What where that traffic should go? Companies literally succeeding and when they change your mind about how that information should be displayed in one should come from companies. A yelp can just get knocked out of it. I think the question is really you know this was
if it harms listed in the suit they do get to the question of. Has anyone been harmed like the company has been harmed, but have consumers been harmed which remains the standard and that's what having all these case are fighting and sat standard having a lot of consumers are going to say what we just use. Google, I it keeps getting better one question I did have there's this lengthy, digression into what's up and it's connected to the google and facebook colluding, and we usually think of google and facebook is hard core competitors, especially in advertising. What is going off his what's up story on that's an excellent question that is confusing of people. Actually, our colleague russell random rota, good piece about it. Basically, the gist is that the lawsuit contends Google as part of its like illegal collusion with facebook cut this deal that lets it advertise against. What's that messages, what's at being a
encrypted service. So the argument it seemed like was that Google cut the steel that lets it look through. What's that message is the way that it can court unquote, look through gmail messages like scan them to target rising as Russell explained. This doesn't necessarily make a lot of sense is not clear how they would be able to access what's out messages, and it's not clear. the sort of speculation that maybe the idea is that if people are backing up there, what's up messages to somewhere, like google drive that actually the deal is that they can access that. But if that's the case, then all already on a google service, it's sort of strange and confusing, but the problem is that they have rejected this pretty heavily, and so it's possible that there is a reasonable explanation for this, that we just don't know and that's gonna, be one.
Interesting things to watch. Casket really stupid question were not dealing with matters of national security directly. Why does this stuff get to be rejected? Why, like? What's this Is it like that straight up, competitive reasons, and they don't want to be punished for having a lawsuit filed against them, because that would tell their competitors something or is there some other reason that, like all the stuff gets rejected yeah, I think it all depends on where the evidence comes from and how is what the agreement is between Google, the prosecutors to get it so, if the evidence was filed under seal or there is a discovery process under seal, the prosecutors can't break the seal. If it like, you don't negotiate with the person. Your final, suit against ray you're, not like hey I'm about to file us against you. What would you like me to react? It really depends on how you Look at the evidence of some of the evidence for People in the house- and I trust investigation- was filed undersea where they asked for the staff,
want to subpoena the company's remember. This is a big, dramatic piece of the puzzle. How aggressive is gonna be there? We're gonna asked him to appear when a subpoena him and then they all like The ceo is like jockey for position. I forgot to your first, wanna? Be that aggressive, I think here what you're looking at is there's a lot of evidence. It's filed some it was likely filed under seal or under an agreement that they would. It would be redacted over time. I suspect it will come out because the prosecutors don't want the ship redacted right. They would like. They would just like to tell you what star wars name metaphor: google is using for evil cause, that's a great headline for that. So I suspect over time, there'll be a lot of arguing This be adding just comes into how the evidence was gathered, and I again on prepared. So I don't know the actual question, but that's that the mechanism underneath it daddy we through the general argument, a face working in google colluding the gin.
Argument is that Google was a very dominant advertising player and that its then saw facebook dominance and was threatened by it. and so it ended up setting up again because of reductions, it's kind of unclear some kind of secret agreement that would lead these companies sort of set the right like set the terms for people who are trying to advertise on them? there, are also making a big deal out of what is called had our bidding. That is true, when they're, trying to if you are buying and add, or your placing one that you're trying to think that you're running things through a bunch of different out exchanges, but actually, google and facebook, or trying to monopolize this market and root everything through a system that basically lets them dictate the terms of how adds get placed were so close to her. programmatic advertising, and I'm not going to do it. Okay I'll see, if I can do it really fast, so programatic advertisers is the heart of our business, so I should be able to explain it.
When people sharpened by ads on a website they don't just by ads and the they target an audience so We have just heard. Mr Grady undercoat ensure better job scientists make but If you're melissa Grady you to see emo of catalog, you want to target I dunno thirty five to fifty year old people who identify as ceo, see like putting all the data in your attic changes. I go find those people show them that way. you load average web page, always trackers that people complain about, aren't trying to figure for you are, and then they Go off to another ad exchange, an intermediary server- and I say, hey this person is authority If you see I shut up on this website, who wants to buy the ads thoughts on that website, then there's an a process called hundred bidding we're all the all. The ad servers can say: I've got this much money I want to buy. This had there's an auction. The agates pass through the whole system,
despite the very complicated happens very fast. It's the thing that makes the website. It's also the thing that makes all the money in the web. Google and facebook run the dominant exchange, when we say Google's in one or two position at every point that stack the services that run that set of interchanges Google has today, and our company or a system that has a wanted to market share position itself. if you have the one or two positions of market share that stack, it is very likely that you want to preserve it, Israel, You make a deal with the other one and the other almost always facebook. This will actually lessons I can segment, which is faced with an apple complaining at each other this week, but its common to doing it's all blending together, but the idea that that face, looking good collude prevent competitors from appearing There are lots and lots and lots of other companies able what modern opinions on us in this it's like the one where its hardest to explain to a judge hardest hit. Why into a jury but inside
in the industry where it is where all the money is people feel it. They definitely feel it that it is hard to beat google and facebook in delivering and servicing the ad market. Now, whether it be like we all have feelings about tracks. if we dita and I get the tweets about the trackers and the verge like every day. We get it, but that is the engine of advertising the internet. Now that engine is changing. This we're can talk about a face, an apple, but Google has, I think, been very aggressive, maintaining its door Hence in that system, which is rolling, money is right now. I think I feel that now you yeah pretty much. I definitely got something wrong in some anti person's going to tell me about it, but so bitter the lawsuit might have gotten something wrong like just as when we were looking at all google potential monopoly problems overall, and the first cut was making deals so far a placement and then the second cut his ads and then the third cutters. Like the thing we expected with what the search results page does, there are probably a million different ways to go at google for what it does with
in the ad tech industry. You know they bought double click, power power, longer about double click, and it was like, cover, and then they like took over that section of it, and if you make this case, google like you're in charge like now? We actually only comprised such and such per cent of this, but the honor. Market and its only like a third of a per cent of the worldwide, add marketer? You know whatever the thing is when there you're trying to define the market, but especially on line they control the important parts. if run, they run the exchanges. They run the intersections and there's probably three or four eight other ways to go out and for what their add tactic this is the way the texas case goes. There might be other ways, but I dont.
If there's a single one of those ways that is easily explainable, I dunno that the way that ads work on the internet is so complex. There is no way that you can, in you know thirty seconds, even explain exactly what google is doing in a way that I think, would be accurate and convince people that they are doing is its confusing. I mean the thing than you, I said is super strong, which is that if they have a bunch of material that lag and they caught the shady backroom deal to do something that they're saying that they're not doing, then you don't actually have to explain antique really. You just have to explain a bunch of damning communications, but because there are so many interactions. We don't really know what that got. Yeah we'll see mean, I think, as the cases progress they are going to narrow, and that means all the emphasis will be on one or two things- and I think that will make it easier for everyone to understand the eet. Due to your point about how complicated the advertising market is this a totally different story, but today,
and he was oracle put out her report saying: there's massive amounts of ad fraud in streaming. Video, because scammers set up server farms to just pretend to be clients, like streaming service, clients, yeah, and they request ads from the adventurers. Tell the advent of the ads are displayed in its act if a million dollars in fraud from people just pretend being to be the hulu client and apple tv. And the only reason oracle caught them as there is a mismatch between the hardware the less. It was reporting to run like they were reporting older The tv is running, newer versions are tv, lesser unsupported, that's the thing they got them. Well in that kind of stuff throughout the industry is prevalent right like it's so complicated, and so fast that happens at such a vast scale. Do you can you can just set up a rack, servers and pretend to be apple. Tv is asking for hulu ads and get paid out at the same time. That
allows for google to do things that might not be on the up and up, but because google and their dominant they look like the cleanest vendor of them. All and at that, but that comes back to like feelings? Illegal ran like wouldn't you rat, like google at least, will tell you what it is doing in some cases, or maybe the them she emails to face were being like mark. I think we should debate this market, which would just be flatly real, but some of the south are doing is actually to combat fraud, so suffer doing is actually the lock out the shady vendors, and they will say that to us Actually, I think we should take a break and come back and talk about facebook, because one of the ways you can talk about facebook and apple yelling at each other is in the context of chrome
Part of this connects to the fight between facebook and apple, so I'll, take a break. We'll come back and talk about that. Hey, I'm ryan, reynolds at mid mobile. We like to do the opposite of what big wireless. Does they charge you a lot? We charge you a little so naturally, when they announced they'd be raising their prices due to inflation, we decided to deflate. What are prices due to not hating you? That's right. We're cutting the price of mint, unlimited from thirty dollars a month to just fifteen dollars a month, give it a try. Mint mobile dot com, slash, switch new activation, an upfront payment for three month plan required taxes and fees. Extra additional restrictions apply cement, mobile dot com for full terms, fox creative. This is advertiser content. From a sea johnson from the tiniest plankton to the most enormous whale ocean. Go systems thrive when all parts and cycles work in harmony, each rely on the rest to survive a healthy earth and healthy oceans and healthy.
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then there's the Google antitrust fight, that's happening. Part of the dual annex vi is connected to apple. One of the things Google are both doing, is their restrict. cookies and their browsers. So again, That's it most degrading decoder like within three minutes of us. Having a conversation, she started talking about the world going calculus like this is what c amounts of big companies are thinking about. Is cookies on your web browser? So apple is research how the cookies and far either their switch. Their identifiers faking out websites like they're trying to keep you in on. It and they're gonna do these labels. What data which we sought to remove it. who has said it will do this thing with cookies in chrome, in twenty twenty two. Why is it taking them longer? Because every time google tweaks chrome, to make it harder for third party advertisers to operate with cookies, they benefit them. selves, because you are signed into chrome They know who you are all the time so Google's.
Add exchanges already know who you are here to sign into into Google all all the other advertising vendors need to drop a cookie in your browser. So they years ago, when dieter- and I took a briefing with Google about, cookie thing they're like we want to do it today? We know we're getting hammered on privacy, but if we make the move we'll get sued for, and I trust that a couple of things- one disclosure, my wife works for facebook- reality labs, which obviously a division of facebook. So there's that to split talking specifically, what's going on with cookies and browsers, the other reason Google will publicly tell you that they are taking their time here. Is they do actually want to not just break all of advertising right? There's this system, that's happening where the incentives for google are to like keep the web around and and in order to keep the web around people need to get paid in order to get paid. There needs to be advertising, so they want to like slow
build a new system to replace cookies. That is more anonymous, and so they end up in this thing, we're there's like a privacy budget or like how many things is a web browser able to figure out about you before the cap and global level. Lot but it just so happens that them slow wrong it a lines with their monetary incentive to knock it four trust and to continue right, but the same thing wise to safari and its moves with cookies, and also with these new things are putting on acts which we have to talk about. It just so happens that apple making it harder to identify and do advertising aligns with its monetary interest, to have people like pay for stuff directly. And they wait for papers have directly to apple rather than have stuff be supported by advertising, cause that they know that that system like helps other companies and our applicants apple, doesn't want to make money through everett
now, I am not saying that either one of these companies is necessarily acting in bad faith. I suspect that it's like it's not a pure, yes or no answer for either one. But often with these discussions, there's like there's a default us out there that all Google's trying to scare you or apples trying to screw or whatever and from my sense of it is it's like yeah, maybe, but that might not be the primary reach but it sure does it make em sad that it's happening is kind of how I see it here. I mean third competitors at second reading. I dont think that face working apple like being in a fight
and so add a can. You can you just give us the overview what's going on facebook and apple, so yeah, so apple, one of the things that's updating with ios fourteen is that, if a site, if an app wants to use your sort of phone advertising identifier to track you or personalize ads, it has to ask permission, and naturally the expectation is that a lot of people are going to say no, which is going to make that use advertising take a hit because their ads or no longer seen as valuable and so facebook, which obviously, as we have justice it is a major advertiser has started, taking out full page giant, very tasteful ads in major newspapers saying this is gonna hurt small businesses. Why are you killing small business, says apple. Your terrible situation arose. Yes, I read those ads and it just it's like the idea that
Facebook really cares about the the local butcher is, maybe they do, but it it's like. I dont you don't think about face works tourists in my small business interests has been aligned in that way, as yet agree line, unplanned former here is like well. She's stores and bowling alleys existed before facebook presumes. They all continue existing without facebook. Advertising in this way like facebook to create a market for this was made advertising more effective for this business is in some way here, so I don't have it. Maybe you can help me out what is facebook school? I mean it seems like the goal that we and speculated on was that this is a thing that's designed to appeal to the kind of people who read like the wall street journal that this, like a regulator and lobbyists thing right so for some sort of where we just spent all the same. Faced with Google operate the most effective, dominant advertising platforms in the history of the world,
in error, like we're. Gonna run these ads in print bright, like just That alone to me is shocking or your face. It wants to target in its true they're running. Some he's adds digitally There is a very funny one of the top of vocs dot com and the headline like Joe, Granting letters it was like facebook supports it. regulation and, unlike the vox dot, come have analysed we should regulate facebook. Like I sat there today, our targeting in that way, they're they're running those ads and actually, as other places, politico all is the regulators and lawmakers and reading putting it in print. The goal is to make it feel permanent right. There was to make you feel beg to get the urn media people taking a picture tweeting the ad like to cover it the official, ruled out a digital had campaign, would we, a story about visa rules on a printed. We're like facebook took on a view: strange print add today. Here's what it says, because it is likely that no none of your buying a print newspaper
I think there's just now to try to make it feel bigger, but then the actual add is apple is rolling out a change that will make it harder for us to run an advertising service for small business sector. Those gates of logic apples? Gonna hurt small business, and I, I don't know, what do you want apple to roll back? The change? Do they The government to write a law preventing the change. What on earth would that law? Look like apple? You can't put up a pop up saying this app collects your information that seem, unlikely at best in the current environment, I don't know what the end goal is accepted, trotted rally up some anger at up. I know we know Zuckerberg he's kind of an apple in time they control being platform to their dominant and scrutiny. We heard that look he's gonna support applicants lawsuit against apple, it just it. But what is the worst
go like I, it's just there's a there's empty question mark at the end of the year and a rile up all this anger at apple. It's not going to take the heat off of facebook and it's certainly not going to make european privacy regulators prevent apple from putting up a privacy notice. What is the goal? Pregnancy has been kind of at the core of apple's antitrust fight, though in the us that this dovetails very neatly, with the claim that, when apple wants to destroy a competitor, it does so by saying that they pose a security risk like it rolls out a thing that lets. You watch your kids' screen time and suddenly all the independent apps that have been doing this are a security risk or if you are going to run something like tile or if you're going to do something that duplicates a feature. Apple has decided it's going to roll out, then you're going to have to make your users are going to have to jump through these hoops where they accept these. Oh, this is, could be dangerous or you can accept it. So from that prospect,
If facebook is calling attention to a thing that has definitely been on regulators' minds yeah, I just I feel like the attack on apple for being protective of it's users. It just doesn't have any political weight to it and that's what you really need where you want the law that says your tweet apples abusing its anti trust position, okay, a bunch of small businesses showing up and saying apple, thirty percent of our revenue even when we had to shut down or yoga studio and hold virtual classes very sympathetic, rightly every lawmaker is falling. The themselves, this apples, the bad guy there apples telling people that, what's that collects a shitload of data and are already come and professor who, like just cast of characters from all these hearings in investigations in congress, and I can't even imagine even the cartoons Josh holly magnates, like
They are not going to be like yeah. We think facebook is wrong here very much. We should break up facebook Like always a reaction to these things. I've been Facebook can be somewhat optimistic about how its public image is perceived by other. for like they had a call where they were like showing off a mind. Reading her like armband, they relate people not think this is creepy earlier this week there is just the fact. The bare facts it- and maybe this is just to forty chess The labels getting rolled out on apps the nutrition label saying this is all the data is being hunted by apps nationally. Led to a huge round of stories. Are we just going to look at the labels and be like wow? Let's compare the things that are being collected by a lapse and facebook collects alot wholly crap but now the story is facebook is angry about this. There's there had thinks of small business They ve successfully muddy the waters and prevented just appear.
round of stories saying facebook collects too much information accepted. We are also talking about that because they put up these sick. I appreciate the fire. I appreciate the competition I think apples doing the right thing with the labels just flatly. I would rather like what makes a good market lots, information, sierra consumer. a lot of information about what you're signing up for, especially when it's free trading in for the service is data. You should know exactly the terms that exchange pudding. for information in the markets of people can make better decisions kind of unequivocally a good thing? so. I am happy to come down on the side of that one. There's a lot more to calm, hopefully doesn't come next weeks, because I think everybody would like a break from twenty twenty But everything is not your answer. It feels like policy coverage into next year,
be fast and furious. I expect will be talking to you up. Thanks are we're when they break come back swinging revelry encyclopedias headphones with crystals. We all have days when our busy schedules make it impossible to tackle or to do list, let alone by. Time to make it to the pharmacy with walgreens. You can take control of your health, but the touch of a button. The walgreens app, has features that make it easy to prioritize your help and the health of the people. You love easy to set pill, reminder refill by scan prescriptions, family medication management and twenty four seven pharmacy chap feature means he'll, always say on top of your prescription, routine, just download the walgreens or go to walgreens outcome, slash easy aurex to learn more. So
after the show comes from gold peak real brew tea, there's the time of day about an hour before sunset, where the rays feel warm and the breeze feels cool. But the hut hour of golden bliss is always gone too soon. He may rekindle that feeling with a bar of gold peak made with high quality tea, leaves it smooth taste transports you to golden hour at any hour gold peak tea. It's got to be gold, We are back Chris Welch's here, hello, MR welch. How you hey could be here, So what's up with you, you ve review the airports max I was fourteen dot three with pro raw for the pro phones cameras throughout europe that up to I am very, I mean he's ready for an hour on raw formats, etc. They arise max. I had I'm afraid of them. I was
these are weird, and then I put them in a box and send them to you. What do you think I want to smell, was gone that you haven't. You got from the cushions when you first unbox them. Is someone told me that, as that specific phenomenon is hauled off guessing, which is a wonderful phrase, is specific to see materials critically. Memory, phones and it's the smell and it does fade after a few days that first day let me tell you, I don't I'm the first time ever the phrase off gassing, but now I know exactly what off gassing is in my god, the offer seeing this guy was God knows how about you. I spent a few days with them and I think I kind of came to the conclusion that I mean. First of all, they aren't a ton of money. Five hundred and fifty dollars is a lot, but it's not unheard of by any means, and they are just really good noise cancelling headphones. They sound fantastic battery life is decent twenty hours and they ve got all the usual apple trick: selling automatic, switching and special
which I love alot, especially on these when you're watching movies, but he can So just save your money and get something from so near boughs and you'll be very happy. So you were uranium right now. I can see that you're wearing them with a wire plugins beside the thirty five dollar wire. Yes, amazing. in one of the big questions was absolutely in india. The servant latency does Remove that latency. Yes, it does far. As I can tell anyway, like I've had done this a few times, then I've made some garage band tracks and those have been fine. So I think, as far as like monitoring goes, you can use season and asian have any lines Well, so, in that regard, the cable is nice to have put, it would have been nicer if it were in the box and surface another way. I noted in your view, which was a big question I had just in play number five minutes there. There quite a lot of them. A lot of the ports of the thing are white, particular here cups and had bands ear like its already. Certainly will dirty is it? Is it just like? normal amount of dirty, then it's its is going dirtier, everytime, that's, definitely,
dirty her overtime time. These last few days again, the air cushions are getting a little body, can take em it's like apple, doesn't really tell you to like wash them with any kind of like soap or anything. They just like say like he was water and like a soft cloth and spread the best he can do so. I feel like space gray or like the dark blue color seems to seems like it would be a good choice if you want to hide some of that stuff, but yet white is going to be rather in the green too. I think is pretty light so former verge created, Rotterdam sparrow bought them, and he was I will never wear these outside of my house, because they're so heavy is that they sound beautiful. He said I want to get to the sand, but are they heavy? They are. Pretty heavy much heavier than like the sony or the bose headphones, but I mean they're all metal, then so yeah like I take that into account, and so that's going to be. Some weight, like the top of your head, doesn't really feel it. He just kind of feel like on your ears, but it's very soft and comfortable. I think it'd be like neck problems and something to kind of be aware of, but like as far as just like sitting around the house. They feel fine. I wouldn't want to like walk like three miles in them. You would probably
and so it's like it doesn't hurt on the headband after a while they do they they spread it out. Well, just like it adds a feeling. weird inertia like when you turn your head cigarettes is my hands a lot heavier than before, but I've got like a huge head and they're pretty comfortable. I mean they don't clamp to down I've, seen some people that don't really like clapping for someone. But for me, that's been fine. I haven't really felt tightness or anything like that. One of my friends, I was asking questions my friend asked me. Rather Is there anywhere I'll just ask chris in the podcast they're made of metal, it is cold outside. Do they get cold in the winter? That there's just a part of me that says these were not designed to leave the house rent or they get dirty fair they're, like heavy They might not be like if you have a wet finger and you touch a very cold piece of metal like bad things happen, how cold do they get
If it's called play, are you asking for a warning label like do not licked owns the kind of tying a madman outside recent? Most things are, but instead a fake. in the winter? They say they feel usable in the winter outside, even though made of metal, I think so outside shooting the video on sunday, and they were getting pretty cold, but even if it's that cold you're going to have gloves on- and so I think it's not going to be that much of an issue like I don't really see a case where he would be holding your hand against them for a long period of time and plus that's right. The dial comes in which a lot of monkeys headphones versus, like here tat controls and that kind of crazy in the golden stop working right now we ve seen that from sony, honest I'll yeah might get got the sunny exam. Section three. So we arrive every time when it gets super called out. These touch controls duchess like abide whatever, but you like the dial as it does. It feel. Naturally, you
and like you remember what all the little button presses do and all that feels great. I mean I hit the stem pretty often out the of headband. That is just cause. It's so close over time now go away, but it's easy to find and works yeah. I think physical controls actually for something. You can't see much better than tat like use that locate the button and go sure wish there was a power button. Speaking the physical control force. There has been a lot of confusion overnight. The battery situation, when their outside the case and apple hasn't been, super talkative about it. Yet, real briefly, can you We talk about what that controversy is with the the battery situate cause like put them in the case. Like a low power, but if you don't put them in the case, people are experiencing different rates of battery drain. If it's just like sitting on your desk Yes, on the one case, they're going to a super low power state which is pretty much off as far as I know, but when they're out of the case, if you put them down on a table, they'll turn off then think a few minutes are not fully turn off. Sorry go to sleep or take a light form of sleep or they're still connected to your iphone. But they're. Not really doing
the thing and as far as I can tell, they can sit there for a few hours, only lose lake two or three or four or five max lakelet points the battery, and so it's not like. Some massive drain overnight, but I think a power but would have saddle on his confusion. Out of the sound is something aztec, I'm gonna think they sound better than your sony and bose, of course, not by like a huge massive margin. But if you're someone who cares about audio, I think you're going to notice, today sound better than sandbars when you are moving around depends. How much mostly isn't here sound when you're walking around with this is what I'm asking great like the jump from crappy headphones to get headphones. in every situation, is noticeable to me so your standard pack in apple ear buds, your pods, I think some horrible if you buy any reason why good said headphones, neurons What situation and you like that was an improvement in the all sound good. I would say this,
in both these all sound fine and the sound good. I mean they're, not lake, the best headphones I've ever heard in my life, but there are only five hundred dollars and not like a twelve hundred dollar pair like open back headphones, so but they sound great. I wish that apple. I come up with something more than half amused. Can like wireless aisy, audio weapons stuck on that since two thousand and seven so it's time to move up there at some point- and this is a particular the sony's. when I was allotted tweets in coming like yet it make sure use android and they have a higher quality bluetooth kodak. If you use certain services, the iphone, support him in his codecs is so huge if you do get to the higher bit re oddy. Know with the sony, is an android. Are they competitive or is just more resolution like? How would you describe the differences I say competitive any of the
I have more bass, which is too much to some people. I think it is kind of bloated, but some people just love that really bass forward sound, and so I think that's where the sony's went out terms of like that. Really you know that popular sound, and these are bit bit more ensure me not at all neutral, they are tuned in a way. That's like that. You know you shaped a q curve where the base and higher is a little. Enhanced, but they sound, really really good, and so I've been pleased with that. The case is obviously the worst thing about them. I I would love to see apple like change to like a different case and a senate. The fact is that bad. In my opinion, they won't, but I think that if we start to sell a third party options, pretty soon it's pretty universal. The turn on these mac rumours founded view that the design team gave adding was in Japan ran through google translate and station is, they think other cases other cases are too heavy and too thick and so making this thing out of a single piece of whatever is made out of meant that it would be easier to fit your headphones
bag and then having the headband stick out. Method is easier to pull them out of a bag, there's a handle that you can grab. That was that was the gist of that interview. That sounds like a very carefully construed. Recent hearts, the porter section of this case, but I apples very intention I bet those reasons are real and I bet they thought the idea was good and and every now and again apple makes a product for itself. That does not reflect any real people in the world, so apples, design, team wakes up every day and they get in there for a hurry. Is they drive through the spaceship and they walked through. Like a handful of gates, and they go into their pristine design, lab and the normal people on the subway, where its dirty and their perfectly white headphones. Just pick up grime from the air in, like Sometimes apple just misses the trick right, like my, favorite example of this was first introduced, the issue is literally on the border ferrari and so carpet,
was in ferraris before it was an honda civics. That he just solved this problem, I respected- I don't like. I can't complain about it, but sometimes You can just see it happen like The world view of apple is just a little too narrow. I think this cases like exactly indicative that, like. They made a product that they wanted, to hell with everybody else. Am I you know I like it can't be met their very mitch headphones. Will you hit? to mad at the fact that apple made exactly the private wanted in this one cultural luxury category, but I do think it like the question of whether it's worth the money like it really starts to knock up against other five hundred or headphones come with extremely nice cases. They come with the litany of cables you need to use them in every situation there
still come within the two prior airplane adapters. I have not been playing with a two pronged thing in the past decade they still come with the set. It's great, I elevate why an older private jet wrap it submitted siblings. Let's hear here like this the low cheer. Those customary like while mind chats like fifteen years old man. That's a feeble one big question I went through the case, the ecosystem bones in general, you use and after a while. It feels like, if once again like just like a home pod right, in the first somebody sounded great in the second you left apples ecosystem adjust fell apart, right and it just wasn't worth it as a smart speaker assistant and they changed it, and I made the mini in the vanilla stuff. I feel like this is the same exact set of issues
is, it sounds really good. I stood up buy that computational. Audio is a phrase we can get into that. Specifically it just processing but if you have a bunch of apple devices, you mostly are at home, Apple services, you cereal. I d you're gonna, be great, actually kind of question, but that doesn't support hey you sure he does ok good, because didn't thou be a huge problem. I believe what they deftly, don't believe in syria anymore. It's there too. One ships and there she would hope it would support it, How do we know? Why needs to each one ships, get a straight answer on that our contribution, because he can its flags because they No one else even has one so we was use our but like the homeward. sounded great lots of weird audio processing going on great that. Will music generally supports, modify launch like her headphones, obviously different, but that
These are two sound great that only the most expensive if you're in the apple athlete it's a all like fast, switching in audio with yours. I was devices have motion sensors what's wrong well plans again if you've got your ipad. If you watch a lot of movies on there, it's going to be a great experience to like watch these and have a special audio wish. I worked on apple tv. I get why it doesn't, but I wish there was products offer a solution to just like tell them like. Where is your tv located in front of you here, so they can kind of replicate bat. you just guess that the tvs and frontier of you he like and centre what I will call you just like lock it in place. If here, if you are driving home in your ferrari, from the apple design centre and you walk in your door. You're apple tv ensconced in your closet, restaurants system with all the other stuff right and then its run through magical system- gets your tvs and in different parts of the house. So they can't assume that is there one of the great and the second I seem to recall this one of the great things you can do
we control. The entire interface is put things on it, like a software efforts you just say, look at your tv and then just like locate the tv in space and have advance of that. Is there one relational reference, there's like a million ways to solve this problem that do not while putting a gyroscope in your tv if apple words, lisa tv of its own I would say: listen for the gyroscope in it because then it they would have finally released a tv, but thanks the next apple tv, Ok is going to have some weird sensors in their catches on you, one ship to tell you it's position. Relative apple has a stack of technologies, honest rob! I think we should bring back everybody wanting apple to make a real tv again. It's like, let's start that up again again, I've been there now but like let's, just let's, let's get monster on board, let's like, there are trillion dollar company the. Why not right they could do it.
They're making self driving cars. Like all the reasons for appleton not make a tv that we would always site or hear cited and the reason makes sense and they want to get in their business and their margins and note that great psychological blah blah blah blah. If that matters, when you're a trillion dollar company, you can just do whatever you want. Yeah like make five hundred fifty dollar headphones with the garbage case that only works near ferrari. Exactly We can imagine on comparison of the homepod was successful because nobody cared about some call. The garage conveniency here about the wedding. System. Do you think this has the same problem? I'm not sure it's going to be the same. Prominent with the homepod people, also care about price limitless price. Pretty high above the echo and Google it goes. So this is also more expensive, obviously, but I think people are kind of drawn to it. I mean they've sold through a lot of these, who knows like what it means that they're, not shipping till march. It's really hard to say what that actually means, but I think people are buying them. I think there's going to be some disappointment over the case
It can be bombed about the cable not being there, but they sound rate like as a headphone. They are excellent. That annoys cancellation sounds justice, good, if not better than I would soon in both here and both are doing, which is pretty impressive so that's the airports not, other things tat from apple this week, fitness plus hit dieter you it's It's in the review ecosystem yeah. So we're we're going to we're going to do some long term testing on it. We we we weren't in the group that had it ahead of time, So we're going to we're gonna, take our time and have like actually multiple different people. Try it out cause. You know we want, I never actually as I'm going to try and look like somebody else who does exercise more often is going to try it and so we're gonna take our time with it. But I will tell you that right now, I'm less angry about the fact that it requires an apple watch. I kind of get what they are For with that, because I do really wanna like introduce the staff. The screen and blah blah blah, but it has made me angry all over again.
over multi user on the ipad soaked when you use it with an apple tv will he be pops up a thing saying whose whose exercising and then your watch says, I'm exercising indeed have the washing of pears and you're off to the races, and you could literally any apple tv right, you'd want one in a hotel room, hotel lobby. board room somewhere, whatever you can use fitness plus with your apple wash login and multiple users, no problem, an ipad, an ipad, its tied to the person whose apple icloud account has signed it do into it. Because you know, I paths are only for a single person, an apple world. It makes no sense, might just have multi user inside of the ep yeah right, but I mean that's how it works in the apple tv it has probably like it shouldn't be the same app on the apple tv and the ipad, you'd. Think from what I can tell from people's reactions to it. It's like if you're a serious like serious fitness person, then your deep into baking
using swift or you know, you're already palatine person or whatever and like you really specialise in june, You know how you do your stuff. This stuff might be alone basic for you, but seem like it has a really good range underneath that sort of pro level, as excited to see how people feel like, possible. It is, and if they're gonna ramp up on it, and I am also really curious to see how many people just start using it, because it's like is just part of the bundle in the same way that, like microsoft, whole are even for teams like you're ready and for office. Three sixty five, you might as well, not really part of the bundle right, the apple one, most expensive, one, the most expensive. Yeah. I think the ones people are going to get is like anyhow diminished apple. One is conceptually from apple, yet readily in announced it and here's a bundle of me like did all the work trying to figure out. What am I- and they just Haven'T- talked about it ever since even they've put out like a flood of products of the past and tell you the output,
upon a swimming iphone Fourteen three hit sports witness plus supports thereupon max, also supports Provera samples, new camera, format Chris, even playing with it a little bit yeah school surface combines flexibility of raw get all that editing power, and now you get on top of you get off the smart hdr on all the other tricks that the iphone does, for it's usual shots so that before he likes, she was just raw through apps like highlight some other apps, but as well, but now you can actually combine those two for some shots that look great and you can still fix things like shadows and white balance and on that really really well, so it's pretty fun. I saw some reasons to use plain raw like if you want sharpness, I think it still takes a beat to capture all that data when you're doing pra verses, like a rough old photo, is just like an instant capture. So the reason it's like stick with raw vs pro raw but yeah. It's neat and it's just part of the software now and it's right there in the camera
and you just had a little toggle. The files are huge, so you don't want to use it all the time it's like twenty five megabytes and megabytes per file, so that will fill up your five gigs of icloud. relax at a click away, god, if you're buying iphone twelve pro and shooting Pereira and you're like I'm, just going to stick with the basic icloud plan. I appreciate that. That's like I bought a sports car and I put eighty seven it yeah some people, do it. The halo folks actually wrote a really long blog post about per hour, which, should I read it, they will do a better job. They will do a better job of explaining the wheels of it. Then we will, even if we spent an hour on it, what I found on ensuring that thing that you said about sharpness price Like smartest. Hdr requires multiple frame captures. So you get jack, waged yard tracks and then you'll get the editing ability inside of a smart share photo but a single frame will always sort of inherently have more sharpness in many situations.
Right we'll just see the other thing that you were going to use it, I think, figuring out when to flip all the toggles is going to be yes has to fun. It's it's it's a year of using new camera formats, the other thing they noted, which I think is super interesting f using a dingy format as I'm adobe's format, they're using I think they were to them- is like little known tags in the format to make some this work and they into the speck with adobe, so they sort of, expanded sort, a standard file format which is great in our view are like a light room person. You know that every time a new camera comes out takes a while for them actually work like light room has to come up with its own set of interpreters. Further, raw literally, is the rod data off a camera sensor. Apples action doing that step here and that's what enabling them to use to do proton all three of the cameras, the Y, the ultra wide and the telly and the front camera which they were not able to before, and because no one, no one's going to
the iphone selfie camera dimas occurred like I had so. It's cool in the thing that the hail, edward, I suggested, which I think is super interesting- is because apple's now developed a raw format, a thing they could do even to deliver all formats in all these places is made. Is there one camera sensors, which is from the last piece of the ship puzzle for apple? And I think that is yeah? We had this conversation on samsung awhile ago, when they it's a bigger gigantic camera sensors and they were, they were doing there. pixel binning in august, processing, like apple, can get to the place where it can deliver its own kind of cameras, censor and then still deliver a usable raw format off of it, because it it doesn't need to deliver the actual raw sensitive people. So, like you to see like it's bit by bit like they just put it,
while format, but one other thing. I thought that was most issue, namely that, of course, is that he pulled a threat. Are all the way like sonys Imaging sensor? Division falls off a cliff like cs one, either way they said see until I thought I was really fascinating. You should go read that blog post. It goes into way more detail about it. That said, I've been playing with her too it's fun to edit lightroom doesn't support it. Yet so there's a couple steps before we can think really shit because I want to use the usual were for tools that I use that the only way I can about using editing and, photos is like as me, I have no idea the level yeah like yeah. I can't tell you if it's doing the same thing. My other refers to cause. I'm at my rolls and apple photos dieter, yet some got so if you want I about others, myself, so samson present a novelty. A row published it very gauzy, hazy, boy post about innovation in the future, but there's a bunch of news that was imbedded in it so and officially said that they'll be more.
I talk about in january, which is a lot that the twenty one can we announced january said that style is the best. If the note experience are coming to other galaxy phones, which is code for silences, are going to work on the s twenty one and probably the next galaxy fold, and also that samsung intends to make a folding phones more accessible in two thousand and twenty one, which means that they'll, hopefully come down in price and the other rumour that's floating around with samsung, especially on the stylus news, is that well they'll just kill the note because the note has the notice no reason to exist. It's literally a galaxy s phone with a stylus silo, and then they like take the opportunity to like rev the camera a little bit or rev the screen a little bit. You know in an intuitive way, but it has been years since the note has been. The flagship premier of brand new technologies that you ve never seen before. That now
longs to the ultra line. If some of the photos called try like yes, twenty one ultra has twenty ultra or it belongs to the fold, or does he flip for the folder or whatever? So the note, the notes, reason for being is to be big square phone and to have a style asylum right, that's it so if they just like make the, Twenty one I'll try just a little more squares than you'd. Think what do you need? You don't eat, aims kind of this because I collect sometimes take bet. Second, the estonian. Yes, we're like sure the camera hudson focused issues that I didn't really fully fix until the no sir. I don't have the note that meteor products banned. You cannot just run the risk of having some bugs it's near anyway. There's been reporting that that the note might not be killed off here, so maybe that they psych saw reaction. They, maybe they just. They do realise that people are very varied. Get into this brand and it
also be like. There are now like, like the regular. No twenty. This year was like kind of her from like they whiffed on like finding the right mid range balance. It's really make a good bitter and shown they really were started on the regular. No twenty Maybe what they'll do as I try and make the regular note next year, just the note and it'll be a cheaper. Who knows we will see We also got another leak of de samsung galaxy buds pro so The way that samsung's headphone parlance works now as buds are the things that go in your ear. Beans are the thing that sit on the outside of your ear, but still sort of in your ear. Buds pro are going to be the buds but they're going to have active noise. Cancelling is that right, Chris? How would I call them the butts I too, therefore buds like the beans here I decided she does not work, they should have called them beans, and you have to be so much easier greatest mess of all time. We sally one plus nine, that's coming. It seems like everyone's moving.
stuff up earlier this year and then we did an interview with piilau. He talked a bunch of journalists, they confer they are in fact working on a smartwatch. It seems like they might actually use where o s and they're going to like do something weird to like make where a west work better with android tv's, it's very hazy anyway. I dunno, if you, if you look at the league for the one plus nine, it's like: oh, they they They made an iphone lessons. I really don't want is losing its like lustre. There was a soldier. what were they like, preloaded facebook on some stuff, their design is like that dunno. I thought that one plus eight was in a pro is fine, but it didn't feel like truly deeply different and like a one plus way, I dunno, I think that they no longer get the benefit of the doubt that they used to, and so I'm really gonna be curious to see what they deliver with the one plus nine and if they can continue to make a good camera, because that was the thing, but the one plus a pro is the camera was very good.
If they want to stay in that tier I'd. They really need to deliver on that camera and twenty one simply to get sidetracked by really strange cameras. macro camera and I think the eighty had some other kind of weird sensor. There too, there was a color color rather like did weird color modes, for some reason does not differentiate yeah. You add me like when you zoom in we have more pixels than apple. You gotta be like now everything's purple, one two eyes that that is what they did How have you ever wanted to take a picture of a bug very close to the bug? Macro camera? That's a weaken this. You can't tonia, but, like a million cameras, got millions got macro cameras and twenty twenty. I feel I think there was some factory that made macro camera sars and then they forgot about them in there
and then, and then they were wandering around on january, twenty twenty and they opened are like. Oh god, look at this. Let's se, and that is why every mid range and lower age phone android phone had a macro camera this year I mean I buy it the eager to see that supply chain come to fruition. I'm alright. We have gone out like this will be a fast one I'm unprepared, but we went over as always. I don't know how long is for spare you. Let me now that's my christmas present from you to me You can tweet us on that reckless dieter's at backline chris at chris welsh, Thank you at virginia joining interests, talk she's at the dextra archy on twitter. We love your feedback. Had us up on tuesday. And decoder, ethan brown, the founder and ceo of beyond meat to be a fun one. Very curious? How that company further the pandemic and beyond and then, on thursday christmas eve, we usually take prisoners, he laughed, but this year, my friends, do we have a present to you. The
hast hd. My holiday spectacular is coming out on christmas eve. It looking text, did it. It will feature numerous lay about effects. interviews? Glenn, the president of hd, my forum, bill drawbacks the city of video. We talked I met sarkar from polygon, about the new game consoles and all the aged eighteen is going to be wild yeah jam packed it's it's. A it's a holiday spectacular is jam, packed just like the hd two point wants to its covered and then, after that, we're taking a break in the virtues is off until january. Eighth, twenty twenty one which feels like so far away it is, is coming up so to say in thursday's. Next week we had to go to the virtuous issuing holidays. Retaliatory then we'll see next year. Are it that's it
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Transcript generated on 2023-08-22.