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This week's Section 230 hearing / gadgets go to QVC / Motorola Razr 2020 review


Nilay, Dieter, and Adi discuss the latest Section 230 congressional hearing featuring the CEOs of big tech. Ashley Carman stops by to talk about how gadget makers are turning to shopping channels to market their products.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This week on the verge cast, eddie Robertson joins the show to talk about the big congressional section, two thirty hearing, which was a mess then ashley, carman, dreads us side, where the new season of her show in the making all about hardware makers has and until we see so fun we do little gadget lightning, entitled the rays review the wing review bunch of other stuff. Coming up now on the verge s: hey I'm ryan, reynolds at mid mobile. We like to do the opposite of what big wireless. Does they charge you a lot? We charge you a little so naturally, when they announced they'd be raising their prices due to inflation, we decided to deflate our prices
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you're going to it. I'm neil patel, indeed about friend here, I'm section, two thirty point: six, that's sub clause, you wanna be seawater, see to death just gonna. Go really in the weeds, addy Robertson is here to actually help us talk about two thirty hey there see to be noted These are very deep jokes if you're in the two thirty eight but later actually carmen is gonna. Join us she's got news they were in talk about song gadgets. There is actually when she got software, so that's coming up soon, I want to start where we always start. You know, there's an election next week is coming out on friday and then in tuesday's election. It may be just as important piece of information if you're thinking about your vote is at thirty three weeks ago, Donald trump promised. a website, I five or six million. Do engineers are working on this website, www attested We really enjoy your symptoms and go through a dry through testing.
situation in the parking lot of major retailers, then get your results back on this website just thirty three weeks so long time ago, yeah, it is There's no website. It takes a long time to implement a chart flowcharts when there's a flowcharts gear. Every single line you gotta do something with like literally entire companies, have launched and failed in the time liquidity quibble came and when in the time of the entire earnest flowcharts a little bit and use it. Time is short for a long time, underneath all that there was a subsidiary of alphabet which is apparent company of google called verily. That way, indeed doing a website and doing a testing programme in various ways, always very small. This whole thing at way over hyped, but it did occur and in san francisco in oakland, when a very partnered with us cities to roll out this website and testing didn't work out actual in san. We have a story. Nicole, wrote it san oakland of actually phased out. There very
We covered nineteen testing programme because it wasn't serving enough people in the right way. Indeed, just before we, sorry you're saying, the reason is because you were you needed, a google account now get testing which is not appropriate yet well, it's not propria just ethically, but also straight up, but you listen to the show! It's probably you probably have a google account, or it's not hard for you to get one, but we need to be able to test people that don't have easy access to a google account. They like they've, really need to be two to the tomb needs. These testing facilities need to be more universal. Then you do not have a weird requirement. I trust Google wasn't doing anything nefarious with whatever information they were collecting. In order to make this thing work, it was just The google accounts are really security of Google wants to like keep information secure. The Google account is a really good way to do. That is just not appropriate for covered testing which should be accessible to everybody. As with all the things that the tramp administration really just counting overtime and wait like review
rules and enormous identification ceramic keep track. You miss it. Me it's one, it's one of those things that it's just a microcosm the entire covered response so far ass. This website, just that and another few little covert, updates jump into it. The white house considered using your mosque in a kind of our sad campaign, the level this is the most twenty twenty cents that exists in a nickel actually wrote a really. We have a package going up this this week, the Jews, they were all service essays. What what's at stake in the election, nicole wrote about our ability to fight pandemics into public health. It is very powerful sorts of personal data aged encouraging, read it and I really really enjoy it. Was very proud to publish it. Then you more little, I he kind them that the second order affects the pandemic. Juliet note every major media company has gone through a dramatic restructure to become streaming companies, disney. That's it can t time warner.
Into the agencies like messing with hiv on cnn right now, that's what's happening. agencies operate. Netflix is actually. Through a dramatic executive restructure and they just raised their prices and netflix just raised. It's prices now have to disclose fox dot com, as a netflix show. The verge has netflix show many disclosures. but anyway, Julia roadway piece about how the pandemic has accelerated. That trend to streaming in other countries restructuring because of it check it out, and any hawkins has what I thought one of the more you could see coming, but it actually happened, pieces, line which is the scooter company. First, they went through it here downturn because the pandemic another on, like just meteoric growth that actually doubled bunch. the numbers and the cs into any covert has gone from headwind into a tail, and serbia people are not using public transportation. I don't want to surround through using suitors. We that's.
they're trying to just excited very interesting piece of announcing the scooters. They don't go very fast. They really do want to tail wind. Otherwise it be great if, like what's that, and in the new york city that was like vespers rebel revel, We gotta get. We start out of here the bay area to be great. If, if but the end of the tunnel if everyone was just vesper looking scooter like it was like italy in the forties. I was just like one of those man. It's like men, stop wearing hats after world war, two after the pandemic, we all just cruised around on scooters. Okay. That is enough of that. Obviously the pandemic is first and foremost undermines recovering in a lot. The election is a big deal, but the election to me, as I say we re into this hearing- com patients are out. There was a section two. here is actually the tight, The hearing was very direct. It was like section to thirty. give you jerks too much power jack, dorsey mark, Zuckerberg and soon which I were in front of a Senate committee. How'd. It go not
I mean I feel like. If this thing is anytime, you see a section two thirty here. You can mostly be assured that it's gonna be a weird nightmare but One was facebook and twitter. Google, coming out with testimony that actually did open the doors to some pretty interesting questions, especially facebook, which we're gonna talk about and then the entire rest of the four hour. Long hearing was report. can strangle litigate, really specific moderation, decisions and demi ass, saying hey, it's ridiculous that we're doing this a week before the election. Let's talk about election security and then a couple people just saying: they're refusing to participate, because it's an embarrassment that happened. I think twice. So what are you I was mentioning was before These hearings begin the the the the witnesses at hearings release their testimony in built their opening statements. He can get em they're pdf, a lot of people looked at facebook since and woe phase where he's making a play here. This is a big deal
we're just saying: what's, reform to thirty, we have some ideas who want to participate in good reason and most about Can you kind of expect the hearing to be about this whole big proposal from facebook to reform? To thirty we'll talk about it soon, but the hearing was just a circus. Instead, and then there is one question or maybe too there were actually about two thirty and the rest of it, was just pure. I mean at ted crews. wants us to talk about this, and so I feel bad that we're gonna talk about it, but, like he, d He obviously were her steady put out. He treated out a poster a boxing or mme poster crews versus dorsey, emu is insane radio its. whose turn to speak when he said Well, look I talk to. I talk to I would try, and I talked to mark Zuckerberg yesterday, my time on jack, any just started yell any literally. The end was like who hello. What did you ingenuously invented? Twit
there's. No other answer to that question, and it was just that level of theatre the whole time. I think we have to also mention that jack and looked like somebody dragged him out of the cave. Yes long beard report like the cave had great silence yeah for sure, but I definitely saw that picture of him and I immediately went and like cleaned up my period a little bit I was like. I can't I did that and wanted to be nowhere near that future. Yeah super long Zz top beard and his hair is like messily combed forward with like perfect curls lines. It look good, but in a way that suggested it, he either was about to just rip the solo from legs or look through trash. It's like one of the other two. What's gonna happen or institute a coup using wizardry of russia. That right, I definitely watched I've been watching. don't move is just distract myself and I wash informers age of empires. Does I always merlin cut up, let's merlin merlin invented
informers attitude, you I mean obviously there's these moments of castle. We should just talk about continued gather. anything from this fund. Our adventure, I mean the thing gathered is largely in the testimony, which is that it looks like sites are. It looks like large companies are maybe gonna be lining up behind this one specific sore and a bipartisan, maybe less objectionable than the other bills. Otherwise, it was a repeat of a bunch of decisions we have already heard from about. Also just kind of convinced me that of senators are terminally online, because it is bizarre how much time they spent on twitter a site that is just orders of magnitude smaller than facebook, yeah, we'll talk about that for minute. This has been, I think, one more interesting, sir? A sub plots of this whole. Year long conversation that social media moderation which blends right into the antitrust conversation which blends into every other countries
in the last hearings October was on the stand and he was too in summary, asking a question here of that was a twitter decision. Rather like that Is it an exchange that occur remarks? I was I I didn't do that twitter to that, because they're all confused about the fact that these are different websites run by different, beneath the sea. I don't even a surly like each other, but twitter just occupies this psychic space for our politicians did is crazy to me so face is huge. Rights are two billion active users, just at every in the world is like in facebook they so instagram, also on what's up its This massive company has huge footprint around world google is huge and tourists If you wanted occur, virus tests in oakland assurances feed, editing rank. Google is massively anew to bear the only well search engine that exists, everybody encounters Google, facebook Google also have multiple other.
Locking businesses or google unstable cloud It's just a massive company with a huge reprint twitter is just twitter. You're twitter. The last that I looked at tat Thirty one million active users, united states, united states has about three hundred and twenty two million people in it. One in ten americans uses twitter Vast majority of people who use twitter do not really post much unto her brother. Consuming tweets. Yet I see. issues like three ways there's one donald trump- is on twitter and therefore it occupies a lot of you. Attention in my chair cause he's very on twitter to in terms of the size thing you don't get mad, the sky you get mad at the rain like facebook is just too big to try and do anything out. I think an incentive and others Higgins had given up three there's this argument. We actually should probably get warned her think you're goin their ideas, even if a tiny people use twitter. It is like the seed
a whole bunch of things that happened in the news. It is the thing that you'll see on twitter that turns into cable news for six hours a day or whatever That is, I think, maybe, where they're coming from that's a maybe giving them too much of the benefit of the doubt or maybe eddie tried to terminally online, but you could make the case that twitter has outsize importance in american politics. has the people their are using. It are the people that set conversations in broader platforms laid her yeah. I think that's totally right and that's the thing kind of turning over my head because, on one hand like yes, it's variant, lunch because it like everything that happens on twitter often sets the conversation. That means it's very important to figure out who can part. The paid and what they say. On the other hand, that also just that's like saying it's like a really influence news, wire service or something like I keep. Joking that eventually twitter is final form is like Bloomberg, buys it and turned it into a news wire, because the only people
and our like pr people and journalists and politician MR sources like bloomberg terminal, but everybody snarks on it so interested raises this way question where, if the argument is that lots of people pay attention to this thing, where people post news is that pudding in the same category as something that just massive numbers of people use pure We as like a service provided by a company, so this is that question. This is the reason I brought up, and I trust usually one you want to impose some when a government historically is wanted to go in monkey with a private business It is needed some reason to do so with anti trust. One reason is: well: you re only company in the market and we think your fee, Closing competition are behaving in some four way. We're gonna come and do stuff to you. That's a pretty high bar, like this case in schools. The first antitrust case like fifty years at the scale right to do. Speech. Regulation will then wherein is gonna? U nose like set,
first amendment aside and say to twitter what they can and cannot do, which is what all This comes down to is should twitter moderate continents platform, it's an even higher bar in so you have to say There is the only social media platform in the world that matters in a matter so much that we can set aside first amendment which is just twitter is a chaotically run company that we want in ten american use like it a well run company it doesnt work operate in a rational or reasonable or stable way that any more when it feels a korean off a cliff and the thing that rests on kind of both sides I was doing twitter, is so important that we can. We can end round the first amendment I feel like. I should also like the that makes this even weirder is that this entire debate was largely about twitter, adding warning labels to tweets and lake
making you click through to them or limiting the reach that this entire thing isn't even about take downs for twitter, which just like understand again like reach is on the internet, like that's part of speech like making something very difficult to see, that does absolutely her, but on the other hand, we're not even talking about deletions wearing this majority conversation they're, not even taking down the tweets what was the mike line, he was like an island region about censorship in I define censorship, adding labels in doing fact, checks. Do you sensor stipend all them right now? That's not censorship. All three c s news I will. I am using censorship with a different definition and it was it was one of the most insane mama that entire hearing where united center decided the at its own definition of censorship, that they should all agree to and then meant that they were doing if it, and it was like the very smart through the ceos, all of them
billion errors will you can't just fool them by king? Like cares, what I'm saying I have defined if murder is blinking your eyes, have you murdered anyone and it's like no they're not going to fall for it. I mean it's like it's like a monk he's paul where everyone is having a debate that I think is very interesting and they're doing it in such just the stupidest way possible in the worst faith they could possibly do it also. Actually, this is the big question. Is we need to talk about the shall substance of thirty and woods awkward set about it? Disclosure? My wireless works her. Whenever calling oculist now is an individual. Facebook the lab. Thank you. Facebook reality labs. I should know this, but I dont report on it. So any The question that I have is: is there a charitable red on the circus itself on the purpose of the circus itself beyond a bunch of people what is to be seen on social networks yelling about social networks in big sensor and social networks right ahead of the election like that is key to me
that's the obvious, cynical take of why they wanted the circus. I think it's worse than I think the obvious cynical take, as is three clicks worse than that, ok sure, but their aid non cynical, good faith. There was a point to the circus. Take ok, I can give the good faith and neil. I should give the bad faith. I am. I The if you are going to be really really charitable, you're still mostly just taking a weird utilitarian view, and it's that the idea- is to get this on. The table is too yes, maybe it's a circus, it's really loud, but everybody thinks that the way the tech companies moderator forms is a huge issue, and this draws attention to it. This is kind of reasoning behind a lot of the loose census between left wing and right wing. Folks who hate big tec is like yes, I disagree with them, but at least the bringing up the issue yeah. I think there are three clicks worse bad faith interpreted and which, if you ask me right now in this moment of extreme, election anxiety is then
mere scenario is today comes and goes. The votes are counted. we're still waiting on a winner and donald trump tweets. I won on the president in twitter, puts a label on right saying this is not true and I dont say I think this entire exercise was for the republicans on committee, to try to work the refs to make that moment of massive outsize importance such that twitter, I do it or yeah there's some other set of nonsense. That happens. Vladimir putin hence the internet region agency to tweet and put ads Facebook saying both binding end trump one anita, to stabilize the whole action, and the platforms are shy about modern. That to me is that was the goal of this was too to work, the rafts, because the elect
is, is so contentious now. Were they successful at that? I'm not a fan of how any of these companies run their moderation teams, and I don't I don't. good job and we ve written how many features from casey about how simply up youtube and facebook at scale means that some people get ptsd reddish like a fact or facebook. If you want to run faced with the scale, you need some moderators. Those matters have to look at horrible things, they're getting appeals. That is just a fact. You should start there with your moderation decision. Do we think that they enforcer rules? Well, do we think that they write their rules consistently? We do not. I want to give them all too much credit, but at this hearing they made. It seem like they are thoughtful and rigorous, inconsistent above the fray, and they are not going back to him so was this here even successful doing that, like I don't know it, it is. Is it me that jack dorsey came from this looking like he had it he's gotta go on it. This is what we're doing. This is how we're doing it
can actually see twitters moderation, decisions are getting more aggressive overtime there. Absolutely getting more aggressive. Lord are more confident in what they're doing then they have they were previously I don't know it's the same: forlorn and facebook, but twitter, which is where all of the psychic energy is located. Yeah they're just being way more aggressive and they used to be so I dont know if this hearing was effective in working the rats but via the bad faith interpretation since it that's what it's designed to do added. You think it's that dire, which part of is that dire? I mean everything's dire their work, the wraps ahead of election misinformation. I can't tell anymore because I I am in such a tax policy bubble that we all understand the extreme nuances of all of these things and like we get why what ted cruz said. That was ridiculous. This week is different from how he was ridiculous. Last week I keep suspecting that there's just this. Large contingent of people for whom the tec lashing, like the anti big tech section, two thirty, whatever is just
ongoing stream of nonsense. They don't really care about that. Like yeah. Maybe they probably like us think that tech companies and light platforms screw up all the time, but there like? Oh yeah, no, ok, it's another thing where big tech wasn't good and like they're, not what to see. This is even a new beaten, the story. He. I feel like that. the nightmare version is covers. Always like the local news headlines like should twitter have to abide by The first amendment and you're like well, where the sun different planets word my planet. The first moment only applies to government and about yours, and like that, I think that just amount of noise in the system certainly allows for a lot of policy decisions to me. What like terrifying speech regulation, I am surprised, nobody's brought up the utilities argument. I will say everybody keeps trying blink everyone in the trump administration keeps trying to say, like these, companies are basically utilities, but no one will come
and actually say that the the fair magic word is the modern ten square which is very high, but his implies that, like the town square previously was a well regulated place where everyone was constantly just exchanging opinions instead of like just about people young on some, so bosses and other people are trying to buy apples like that's. Why I'm here, old transgressor like it, I dont at an hour and our wants one. If we did referred as town squares. We could start calling jack dorsey a constable instead of ceo, that can defend god. He did kind of looks like a constable let's talk about the actual to thirty proposal that facebook floated before this hearing. There's a two to three. I think the way I just want to set it up is, I think the first amendment prevents even the most aggressive republicans from saying outlet here- are the moderation policies that I think twitter should have right images varied direct like
congress shall make no law restricting freedom of speech lay there it is. They can't do it there congress they can't do that. But to thirty, is this big weapon where, if they too, it away. Twitter becomes liable for everything published on its platform, at least until some see of court cases solves the problem for them, or at least provide some batteries. taken away. Twitters costs go up, their liability goes up and twitter minutes shut answers This existential threat for platforms of all sizes somebody who works at apple insider, like retweeted me. Yesterday during a hearing and was like, if to thirty We have to shut down the apple insider forms like the liability arrest is too high. The day, I assure you there not a monopoly activities like right, Two. There is huge huge weapon with an existential threat from a bunch of companies keep threatening, take it away so that they will impose speech regulation well internally, that are whatever you might want to
but there is still sunlight to thirty. The pact act, which is what areas seems to be that the two thirds reform, that everybody settled authority. What is the pact it, so the pact act is, is We have a collection of different pieces, but the main thrust of it is that its focused on ok, we won't tell companies how to moderate? Exactly, but we're going make sure that they publish what they're gonna model. for in, like give you extreme transparency into like their terms of service, and how their moderating and you have an appeals process. So, if you think you're doing was unreasonable. You can call a customer service line where a five representative will help you. Also, if a court orders that something is illegal, we have to take it down within twenty four hours that's a pretty moderate set of reforms right? That's like twitter needs to have customer service right here to say any of the really strange section. Two thirty bills that are like the empty she'd sea should create a speech commission that you have to apply to or the earnest act
It was like the deal. J gets carte blanche to just make rules, and if you don't abide by them, then too bad the internet was also like you don't get to use, encryption and your messaging platform right wasn't at the trade. No, so there was nothing never actually came out and said that they made a big deal out of like no. It doesn't actually say that it just says the deal J can do whenever it once and then comes out. He's, like you know, what's terrible encryption, so What's the connection between screaming about individual tweets in a hearing and the pact act like that that that's a pretty broad range right? So if you wanted I'm being sort of charitable here if you want to about it. Then a lot of the hearing focused on trying to prove that twitters moderation was inconsistent, so would be. Somebody would bring up hey. There was this horrible dictator who said something horrible and you didn't label that, but then trumps at a different thing. Any label that and then jack dorsey would turn
to explain like the state monopoly on power or something like a distinct. Is between saber rattling internationally and violence against your own people, but the point is they were trying to establish that, like they were being unfair and the pact act to the point of it is to mandate that companies are in air quotes. you're fail. So under this rule, twitter theoretically has to pay Its standards and donald trump has to be able to go and appeal to those standards and get really good explanation or have his tweet. people. I guess a long long long long time ago I got put in charge of the forums at trio central and we rupert talkin about the tree, a smartphone and You know, like every website, with a forum you published moderator guideline. You say these are rules, their relatively vague but like kind of no, they are and then there's moderators and then because it was. I got to say: look if you
to appeal any of these things you just just email me and don't argue about it publicly I'm probably not going to litigate litigated with you publicly, because then that's all we'll talk about ever so it sounds like what they want is for just like endless opportunity to knit peck moderation rules out in public and like make it the focus of discussion around these, I bet that just sounds like a nightmare to me. My original cut of my very first moderation rules was my decisions. fine, all if you don't like it, go somewhere else and like I could worked, but the problem now is you can't go anywhere else at least for talking about facebook, so this is that's really weird and hard is that it feels like there is a fundamental difference between something like the apple and
after forums and twitter like they feel like just fundamentally different services. One of them is kind of like the phone company and others like some kind of random hotline. You can call and like chat with people yeah, but they're trying to make laws that cover both of them. The pact has this like small business exemption, but it's kind of narrow and hard to tell exactly how it would be enforced, but basically there trying to make law that's going to affect both is incredibly different kinds of services and are simply doing it only by ever talking to the people who run the gigantic services, and that's really frustrating just continue to point out. The twitter is not its. A category of gigantic. Ok, it's not even its bigger its twitter still like a really big company needs its. It is maybe it's not a community. I feel like we can. Just that's like ours. Conversation It happened ass to where, like focused on twitter, but I think I've
There's some like every episode of the show that we ve taught what youtube on ever like two creators are always matted youtube. There always mad at youtube and What happens in youtube chat like life I watched the hearing on using yesterday in the live chat was another, is horrible, does exist should moderate this chap, like you, Has this enormous scale of moderation, problems and content, modification problems and they're all hyper specific? You to know the language of youtube to under and what is happening on you too. I don't know how you take any particular while the written for the prom twitter, glue them onto youtube and actually make life better for the individual eu creator or them. Are the youtube community that just once space, to watch videos and talk to other people in our community. Let that seems impossible run up in your piece, I mean there's you too, but you also brought up. I think you have read it like red. It has got stuff
it is where they set their moderation rules and so does each I'm going to be subject to the rules of the pact act as reddit as a whole gonna, be like it sounds like a like a fiasco: yeah it. This is the problem. Is that it's really hard for me to answer those questions because they put out this year this bill they actually did have a pretty good hearing on it, where they invited mostly a bunch of legal experts and they kind of hash things out. But it's really difficult to what this would practically mean for a bunch of companies, because it's all its this very angels dancing on the head of a pin kind of scenario where they're making these rules and then those rules have to get to I through not only individual moderation decisions, but the fact that a bunch of these decisions are made by a eyes and so have to assume that you can like make a bought that understands the spirit of this law, or are you just have to prepare for this gigantic flood of people contesting the rules, and I feel like nobody is heard. I think that the issue underlying all of this is when
dieter ran the trio central for first instinct outer wall was, if you don't like it, go somewhere else right. What was your big a tree, essential forms. There were a bunch payment, centre had forums. There is also a great art stickers, so it is very he's I hear if you're here they are ranked by their dowry forms of his great. How follows great right, that's a competitive market if you're mad trio central you're gonna go to howard forums, are united trio knots in that a reasonable thing to say If you are mad at twitter, they gonna parlor right like I dont know that that is the answer. None of these companies are one for one competitors with each other twitter your facebook. You have a wholly different kind of experience, you're mad at you to be negative anyhow, you're gonna say He very already movies for very much smaller audience. Very quickly is isn't a real problem here, there's a such a lack of competition that we feel comfortable making. What is affair
every speech regulation. I can't do that thing. That sounds so incredibly reasonable and it's a thing I feel like. I said for a really long time and the more I watch people try to make alternatives, the more it just it feels like. There is no world where there are three separate, but roughly equivalent twitters that you can move between or like it seems like when competitors show up their stuff like tik tok, which yet is not a one to one substitution, and I dont know anything like it feels like. Also, the more people talk about tech as just these three big companies, the more they will ever see something like the trio forms as viable again that like nobody's going to bother joining independent sites because they only to find themselves as either we don't exist, like facebook group or hey join us specifically because you hate facebook, which is a dumb reason to join something I mean there's that there's a scale as you like that discards are super popular right now right like, but that they may work because their smaller
so that there is always something but there's not there's, never like in a b and c discord taking facebook anytime soon, for example, discord and read it or interesting, because so much of them are self, can either like community moderated and they work there more like software, like discord, is almost literally software, it has central moderation, but it's the I'd really like the ideas, social networks as being. software tools, but then model she ends up following two communities that have own share of gigantic problems, but it it's the thing that, like feels good to me- and that makes me happy and very little about social media- makes me be caress. Other thing about the euro. Surrender on the show you how to do the right ones, but there is an error. the euro router is I brought it a passionate euro fans on read it. It has in saying we strong moderation, believers very funny to me. So you can't even post in the euro sub, read it unless europe is it a certain age? And you have enough karma.
Those numbers are not disclosed. people the game it. So high numbers that our secrets by the minds and there We don't understand why we need this, but in order to keep the ear sub, read it peaceful, we're gating, community and moderating very harshly because, like night hawk fans show up my troll the euro. If one on the bottom Every time we haven't asians and, like I feel like, we should ask the mob, from euro sub. Read it to talk congress when it's like moderate. Their mesh wifi, router community without a microphone, figures tools away from them. I want that so badly. I want them to hold those like they. Wouldn't they were doing anti trust rules. If they were like hey we're, just gonna call up a bunch of companies and they're going to tell you how like apple screwed them over. I really I would kill for a year where they would just bring up people who were actually moderators or like runners of small services that rely on two thirty and let them talk
I would actually love for them to call up some people whose businesses and livelihoods were affected by fastest esta. Yes, they ve been like news about them opening investigations into seeing what the effects of those wherein I haven't heard anything about it since- and I am super curious about it because yeah it's the test case for any kind of change to section two thirty. Actually, we should probably because people are familiar explain you could probably do it better than I can. I was trying to their so says to foster is which, but maybe we refer to it as trust- assess that it's a law and it just a couple of things that section two thirty just doesn't protect against. So the one before them. The best known one is like copyright that there's just to carve out so says- to foster use that same logic to add a carve out for anything really two anti prostitution or anti trafficking laws, and the result was that basically anything related to sex work ended up becoming.
decorously dangerous for sites to host, and they just kicked off sex workers, and I mean this very complicated by the fact that it's a bad law in general, like I might tone believe the anti harassment laws are valid and that, therefore, if we're gonna talk about keeping harassment and libel off a plan, that's a conversation. Anti prostitution laws are bad, and so it's hard to make a one to one comparison, but it's not good law. It says to foster a bad carve out. We have had a little coverage for era that we should take another crack at it in the after period. Do you know that the future is coming? I'm told you there's a future after tuesday. I just can't. Quite I see it, but we should probably take another crack at it. I want it. We said we're going to talk about this. We've gone a little bit over in the section, but facebook did put forward a proposal in it's testimony, it seems very aggressive- can use quickly give it people of what a sense of what it is. So it was aggressive, but it's sort of more rhetorically aggressive, then specifically, so the paragraph that day
that mark Zuckerberg has is the debate about section. Two thirty shows that people of all political persuasions are unhappy with the status quo. People want to know companies are taking responsibility for combating harmful content, especially illegal, activity on their platforms, and they want to know that when platforms remove content, their doing so fairly and transparently, and they want make sure that platforms are held accountable so then he says: ok, but changing its a significant decision, but they should quote update the law to make sure it's working as intended. We support the ideas on transparency and industry collaboration that are being discussed in some of the current by partisan proposals, and I look forward to a meaningful dialogue. The dinner mention pack specifically, but transparency is like that pact act as the highest profile transfer and sea related to thirty bell. Somebody called it out in the hearing It seems related to that feels are We could say yet make change law weaken paid to comply. with it and other
smaller competitors may not be able to- and this is great for us and the physical ready puts out these ridiculously data transfer. see reports every quarter and has these gigantic policy teams that all working on similar so yeah As I said at a hearing there right now, there, moderation in compliance, the amount they spend on moderation in compliance is more than face which revenue at the time of its appeal, just to give you a sense of how much waste, which means that one of those moments. Where you see the big company saying pass regulation. We can pay for it in our competitors, may not be able to in people. That very aggressively mike massing detector. like facebook declares war on the open internet, throwing them under the bus slightly less active, throwing the oven inner underbody read it that aggressively. I shouldn't how I think it's sort of that, I think, throwing under the bosses a bad comparison like it doesn't. Necessarily. I dont think that, like
we'll bus or a greyhound different like I egg, is more like allowing it to fall under the boss. I dont want actually think that there's this conspiracy we're facebook is trying to shut down to escort or something, but I think it's like look. People are going to stop complain about section, two thirty. I she wishes if something to get them off our back. Let's do the thing that we can deal with, and it's not a huge problem for us and to other companies asari too bad. There's the bus trip to Boston, and we going this up. One thing I do want to call out, regardless What happens in congress, which you thirty in these laws that if the administration did put out an executive order asking F, c c, two reinterpret to thirty. Sorry clarify claire glaring, amazing, Again, you can just read it. We started the shoah, jokes, I the sums actions or to thirty. thirty, is remarkably easy to read. I encourage everybody listing this. Just carry it by the casa book, the twin, six words that created the internet, curried epoch like just read, read the law, you just google it and read it. It's very short, very easy to read. Anyhow,
The trump administration asked the fcc to reinterpret clarify the law, this now. Consternation see that a republican fcc commissioner who said this is a little first amendment me for me, got yanked and replaced this happened. Trump did this and Jeanne pie, who was a little if he about it finally decided to do it better cars are commissioner turn next in line, if trump wins. The chairman is I've. All over fox, like shows up on because in a real about twitter, all the time and mckenna wrote a profile of rent a car. In his big shift from serve reagan, style, small government, limited regulation to like mega warrior. Let's regulate twitter, its debts like a big story, that's a big shift in the park. that's josh, hollywood's all these characters. We talk about saying we regulate companies, directly in a way that sort of previous conservatives do not want to read that provides very up on the site, capital analysing the perspective. We are such argument. You thirty everything,
you get so much after the election, I'm sure, as I will not go away and why do back on soon, but thank you so much break and come back with ashley and weren't. Talking about some gadgets, hey, I'm ryan, reynolds at mid mobile. We like to do the opposite of what big wireless. Does they charge you a lot? We charge you a little so naturally, when they announced they'd be raising their prices due to inflation, we decided to deflate our prices do they not hating you, that's right. We're cutting the price of meant unlimited from thirty dollars a month to just fifteen dollars a month, give it a try: men, mobile dot com, slash, switch new activation and up front payment for three meant plan required taxes, and these extra additional restrictions apply seem at mobiles outcome for felt.
My support for the show comes from gold peak real routine, there's a time a day about an hour before sunset, where the rays phil warm and the breeze feels cool. But the half hour of golden palace is always gone too soon you may rekindle. That feeling with a bar of gold peak made with high quality tea, leaves it smooth taste transports you to golden hour at any hour gold peak tea. It's got to be gold. we're back ashley here, hash hell, I was just It's been like. We've talked a lot in psych, but it's been months since we've. Actually talks is very nice. I know I was really excited. I got to come on cause. I haven't talked to you or deter and what feels like an eternity. It's been a long time my new year's, how many covert managed. So if you want to talk to me the watch a video series.
It has to be in the same contracts that go to tolerate any lights become a real monster in quarantine. Management is great now, but you in the making is back that your video series, where you talked to guys makers about making stuff. You know, I love hustlers system, I true hustler cut. You're. Doing your first up set out its people, china, hustler way and alive shopping, tells me yeah. So for you who don't know, it's called in the making it's on youtube. It's about all the challenges that independent hardware startups face. This season registering a couple of episodes, doing it during the pandemic, which has been an interesting challenge, but the first episode covers I'd heard from gadget startups before that they had gone on pvc and hs and which, like shocked, me shock to me because I don't know why you guys, but I definitely think of grandma's, I think, of cuba and grandmother. buying like movie
battery pacts on pvc- ok, I like sure so anyway, I was like you know what I really want dive into that. So for this episode I spoke to a bunch of different these, including zag, which owns murphy, also smaller startup named SAM knox, which makes a six hundred dollar sleep robot, which talk more about if interested and another company that we previously covered on the verge. That makes it a bunch of different stuff, but one They make a something called the so bro, which is a connected coffee table that has like of a in it an like bluetooth, speakers and charging ports. And all the things? So I talk to them about How can we see? Works and weather has been successful for them and there's a mixed stories, but the wide agreement seems to be that pvc in ages and the secrets of selling lots of gadget the minutes that you probably never knew about coups via gadgets run on curious initial son. So now most
so this is kind of like the thing. That's a little difficult to get, because I toxic pvc in each of them. First of all, and they are like ok grandma's until ignored and, as you know, are our main age. Demographic is between thirty five and sixty and, unlike its son in law, I raised her and allow the company's didn't really want to speak to it. But one of them did it's not actually in the episode wiki he's ideas, the buyers are definitely older, but he's like, but don't think that's bad because they have tons. cash to just spend in their like willing to watch the segments and they need to buy things are evil. So he's like it's great, we don't reach them on instrument. Facebook. So actually this is super awesome for us to join people in like very stoned young people- that's my sense of the split were like. I definitely need a coffee table or a refrigerator in it. It's three am I'm calling that number well, according VC, they are one of the top
Spock live streamers as well. They only which I shall deal with them. So it is entirely possible that you know someone shares that link or you have a find rent memory. pvc in you just go check it out and all of a sudden, your hooked in your, like all my gonna watching this on facebook live or in their app or wherever there are everywhere there actually everywhere. That all this just makes me a little bit of My dad was the night shift, your doktor when I was a kid, so my mom there is an element that organise a post just like the deal. They had I never fall asleep when he wasn't working in my house was full of qvc stuff. somebody high earners are coming out of our ears, like all like everyone has seen on tv. My dad was like that seems great. Zip. You just like it was like wisconsin constantly eighty is or is not a lot of other content to consume. three in the morning, when I couldn't sleep and now just like this is horrible whereabouts. So many sag battery packs about this you should check in with your mom.
One element to assure them that was really interesting was how much of a performance like how much of a show pvc is for these companies. They fear where they, like. I gotta, get em up to lots of battery backs yeah, so one aspect of this video that I also mention. If people watch it is we also talk a little bit about the psychology, slash the techniques that curiously uses to sell you on thing. So, like your kind of mentioning this idea of, we only have fifteen units left better by now, like things like that, but the So what pvc does, as they invite the companies to have a spokesperson host to come on with cuba as his own house. So for a lot of these companies? They take this really seriously. So the one who makes the sober- oh, for example, hired a former broadway actor as their host and he knew no is obviously very charismatic and personal also for him, he's just a sales person
Our real he's a full time employ like this is an investment for them. We really like this company has a full time he guy yeah, amazing yeah, like this is a huge part of their business and while for the sleep robot company They just happened to have a really charismatic ceo, who was great to talk to you and he goes live himself, but obviously he's a huge proponent of the product, so he gets kind of almost like interviewed and then the sales people do their job, which is wow. That's amazing. We we talk about retail for these gadgets in terms of amity, and being a huge monster right like seems like a really big lucrative, not amazon, sales channel, but it is only if there's anything I could do companies today to address kind of relationships with pvc is anxious ends. Is we hear about so much like amazon? Well, but I will say, I think, they're a little bit afraid of pvc in ages and because there, the gatekeepers in the sense of like I've, given you doesn't book you,
you're, not booked and you're, not going to see and they're scouting products. So, like one of the companies you interviewed, the one behind the sabra was saying they went through a trade show and qvc came up to them. It was like we know we see potential here like this, could sell, and so it's kind of like talents county on t v season, but then once you're hooked They don't want to lose that so there's still, though, that comes as a major risks actually, first the smaller start up. So this sleep robot company, for example, did great their first time. Cvc they sold give my this is a six hundred dollar sleep robot and you guys have talked to enough hardware companies, I'm sure you've talked to about retail. Where you know honestly, I from a company like we do greatly cell, like one is today a best buy, and I was like that's great like what you have to really like start thinking about this on the scale so for this, to sell out the first time he went, lived, sixty units of six hundred dollar sleep robot, that's like their year,
You know that amazing, so he got totally hooked on names like you know. What next time we go. Two hundred fifty units, wow and because there are small start up that's, why start ups use crowd funding law? The time is a front that manufacturing costs to get the money so things through their bootstraps. Nato have attained a cash, but you front the costs for manufacturing only to not sell out, and so can we see. I guess they don't like to talk about their deals, but according to him, he VC does have a clause that they have to I back any product that doesn't sell so ends up happening, is key to buy back off the union, fit south. Oh my guy. Let us huge problem the the thing that I think that I vaguely knew, but you really explain really well, is when so in best buy a best, buy, buys it in wholesale and then its theirs in its their problem. But when people, don't you see they literally have to give them I'll give you see seldom in that by back the other stuff, so there's like an axe, a layer of
buying and selling that happens behind the scenes that turns out is very beneficial. the pvc and not so much of the people that come on, but apparently the chances of getting a big payday are so high or so exciting that their willing to take that, ask here, and I mean so this company, behind the sober for example. There now is there not a start up and alive the things they sell our like many muffin makers, which yes, it's cash to front, but you're also probably gonna like be able to sell those. It becomes especially risky you're talking about a wild ass gadget like a six hundred dollar sleep, robot where'd, you you just tell me more about this- is a robot. It's a pillow looks like a pillow, but there is motor inside that kind of vacillates leg. It moves. So it's supposed to sink up. to your breathing so that it's like you're holding a hip is, if you are holding like a human or something you're holding it. It's like breathing, so you're supposed to kind of like follow its breath,
and then fall asleep figures solar, if he's right here, which is why I am going out The terminator is in a with you you also cover instagram and you- and I have been talking about this- a lot that ensue is slowly turning into a catalogue feels like decades ago. They we talked about gear like first instagram perches. Unlike you push that button, yeah. I have a whole story about griddles that I am like thinking about in my head. Oh boy like dad, instagram and dad tick. Tock went crazy for girdles at the beginning of the pandemic. It's a real, The real thing I'm not going to tell you right now, but if you're interested just seems to me, but instagram is basically do qvc now on their lives yeah. So this past year has really been huge. For live shopping on the tec platform, so instagram
rolled out, live they've always had live, but now you can tag products and live so it can be like live shopping. That was this summer amazon rolled out. It's live influencer program, so now influencers can go, live on amazon, basically like QVC Google. This isn't live but Google's kind of starting to dip. It's toes into this idea of like influence or shopping. They have an app called shop loop. That is not live it's more like shoppable stories, but I can I'm sure they're heading them, like you know, they're, probably heading that way. So and then facebook also has shops. Lives so yeah I mean this is becoming a full fledged thing where you can just I imagine soon will be seen What more lives where you're going to be shopping from them, and it's going to be like qvc, but on your phone. I noticed on prime day like that, if you open the amazon app like one the first things you saw, was something that looked exactly like QVC Proteus so overwhelming that for amazon to hire its own video
Just like that, you through it seems incredible. Theirs part of this that seems very connected to a julia covers, which is key. We see, is a cable channel I don't know how many people have the curacy upon earth rocky or whatever d like a just in inflection quaint, coming where enough people leave cable behind and apply, the tec platforms will take over the function. It seems, possible, but I will say: is I've watched? You know a decent number of amazon lives and obviously, with all of us have seen instagram lives before really, I think what makes Q vc work is they have you making studio set ups. If you want, the video you see we have one of the the bureau uses them. turning a car in the studio like they have resources. Their hosts look good they're in a real sat favour, professional camera person, there's like
it's when the influencer's go live. Some of this looks like trash like in their bedroom, trying stuff on, and I'm not going to say that won't work for some people, but I think for a lot of people, you're kind of like. Why would, I Does it make sense for youtube to tag videos? You know like you're doing your thing. I just don't know how the alive is a whole different beast. You have to keep people entertained. I think you really have to be professional, so some people will probably be able to pull it out. But I have a feeling it won't be. As de I wise, it looks right now yeah. I just wonder why the future of the day Cubey c is like amazon prime streaming. the key vc like channel on it or the amazon live stream host. Is king our business religious, seems like that's the that's coming for us yeah. I mean the differences that I guess in this like you, we see is the retailer right, so pvc
has a vested interest to sell these things and they their cured, what they sell, whereas with instagram it's not not a retailer data, really care they're, like just by some stuff wheedle Carolyn as we just wanted to take some points out. The credit card fees and and same with amazon like they are retailer, but I think the way they're doing it now more is like just the influencers can tag affiliate links, so it's just interesting different, now makes in retail versus the platform should be like anyone can go, live just will get a cut of whatever you sell. We don't care what you sell, though yeah alright, what making the mother up some time, what's an exception yeah. So the next at the sewed is about chinese entrepreneurs. Obviously, this year, was a lot of discussion around Tik tok, an we chat in the gut written in the. U s: we're not focusing on software, but we're talking about the unique challenges that chinese entrepreneurs face when they want to break into the? U s: sons, amazing, today about some talk for it. Ok, I'm actually stick around. We gotta come, but we have they break we'll come back. We have like a lot of
I should certainly do a gadget lightning around. I just want you take on the many many your phones, that we had all we're back fox creative. This is advertiser content from s c johnson. my name is call also known as trash call. It did you know. That only about nine percent of plastic waste gets recycled. That's because recycling is not always intuitive a lot of us. Our wish cycling, which is when you toss something into the recycling, been hoping it'll get recycled its good intentions, but unfortunately it's not that simple. Like plastic bags, ten beavis but not when their mixed in with other recyclables making log sorting machines in causing entire batch of recyclables to end up in the land. So a little bit of research goes a long way. Look up, you're, sick,
recycling programme to find out what they can take and make a plan for items. They can't it's normal to feel overwhelmed by the plastic crisis but which Smee hopeful is taking small actions every single day, knowing that those actions- adult learning How to end the wish cycle. Essie, johnson, dot, com, slash action matters, support for the show comes from gold piece, real routine, there's a time of day about an hour before sunset, where the rays feel warm and the breeze feels cool. But the half hour of golden palace is always gone too soon. You may rekindle that feeling, with a bar of gold peak made with high quality tea, leaves it smooth taste transports you to golden hour at any hour gold peak tea, it's got to be gold.
I deal with there's like a lotta, we're friends this week? Yeah, you know we and even saying I m- excited for funds get weird again. We're phones are back different forms, come and get ready for excitement and the first wave of them has crashed upon us and I'm just gonna keep waiting for the next one. I guess it's like there's a surfing metaphor here somewhere, but yeah I don't know I'm. I read: the motor razor, the twenty twenty addition, which has five g and they fixed all of the problems from the first one that they were capable of fixing so it doesn't creak any more. When you open it, it doesn't make a cracking noise. It does make a little bit of like a slither noise. You can hear the plastic screen citing weird, but it's fine. It's like a totally perfectly good fine phone. It just costs. Fourteen four dollars and the camera is mediocre right, but Its prettier than the algae not guilty at prayer, the sea,
some galaxies, Z, flip five g got it made it made it through. Like part of your job. Is this remembering really horrible fandoms? I just want these holdings on price to come down because right, I'm tired of talking about them this context of. If you got a whole lot of money to throw in a phone that would otherwise cost you four hundred dollars go for it, but that's what the rural areas every time? I look at this razor. I think, if ever camera by it it. Does it I'm so taken with it. Has good camera like one out of four times it's. I got that that's great and then the other three times are likewise. Why is it doing? What is it doing was one night most shot where dead does z for regularly flip took their shot. at like eight hundred iso and wasn't a night mode, and the motor razor saw that I, like oh yeah. This needs we thirty two hundred and returning, and I would also ask what are you too quick screen city, but
for no good reason. Acid is that it is a razor entice. You here's what I feel like a lot a few of the stories we're going to talk about arts literally, look like headlines from two thousand hm six year notice that season of phones again one hundred percent? Every time I see I'm like wait. What here is it? I actually don't know. I know this is I mean this phone is really cool and it's funny because I remember when we were doing circuit breaker. I was always like. I want like a cool flip phone. This is my thing and now it's here and I'm just like man Ok, that's right! You didn't like I just, My message there's that also, but the thing that I'll be curious about, is what funds, like the razor, do. in response to what ever happened to the iphone twelve many, because if the in front of many is that it fits in a pocket.
if a person a better way or whatever well, a folding phone actually can make in theory a better case for that they just haven't done it yet. So if the iphone to many turns out to be wildly popular, I think we can expect. Maybe bigger push refolding funds next year yeah and there was a I've controlled many hands on video yeah. It not non english. I think it was and it was a very strange video, but the thing is very small the algae wing came out. I'm reviewed it hands out of it, a video you can watch this me look sick, like I definitely want a phone regis like flip it out. It makes a tea for some reason and then you can brandish it. Unlike any, One of six configurations it does seem like the software is kind of all over the place, though I mean it's an lg phone. What do you expect? software to do, but this is one of those words like if, if not this is this: I message front like we just holding about congress algae, should go in front of congress and be like look ya'll
If I message ran on this phone ever by this fund, because it looks crazy, this? Is a competition in getting ted crews and entered cruiser like scream at algae? Like that moment. You want yeah I dunno if the lg way is the is the the standard bearer. For that moment, I would love that I mean lg is fully in the like any better phase of its smartphone. My fright interest. It has been try and weird stuff for ever and it's just getting. whatever this thing is nuts, like you remember they had. They like had the thing with like the modular batteries that had a removable battery and like the like bottom of the phone like unlatched, and you could, like, had other modules too, along with the other batteries? They just do this stuff. alas, more than a year or two, but some day, one of these things is gonna land someday. I bet I'm just saying there are people out there right now, who always want the weirdest phone and they can't get it causes. what blew to them. Telling partnerships
fergus. I must give up mobile about sloka. This is, I think, the headline that actually was calling out as being straight from two thousand six rice and made a yahoo phone. I literally thought this was like. I don't know like some invented it, and I was like what you guys like this is, only. Why did you even like how did this time get duped by this? Only resort to bring this up is just right. Carriers are doing media stuff right. Eighteen t buy warner time warner. Turning toward a media, Julia spends all of her time, tracking the pole takes of one or media like the slow destruction of whatever it was to be replaced by a t exactly, t mobile. We react what one of our liner headlines here. T mobile just launched a new tv streaming service called t vision, but relatively inexpensive right now, as all tv services are and that their introduction in ITALY it more expensive over time and see my loss as all kinds of deals, famously
I gave will equip you for free, so timo, I would say, has constant efforts, but not at any particular scale, but they're they're doing bundled contents. for eyes. In age needed Gaza is used for anger prefer eyes in lake. A well. They bought yahoo. They tat was all wrapped up in a huffington post, all of it his failed. They took them. They took an oath to these. Emily, renamed, oath and rising media european tat crunch, Their immediate efforts have just been so weird and wacky and they're trying to sell the having imposed now. No one at aol knows what they're doing and their hike. What, if we do it yeah phoned me Eighteen years, like we on cnn, like difference in scale between those two approaches very funny to me and I I must say, is right now I will use the out of them we have a time a battery facts. Mag safe is a big moment. I think for phone battery packs movie made about her back the just click on the back. Your phone
This thing yeah. I love it so much. So it's naturally not just a battery that it is a battery that clicks your phone, but what it actually is. What a? What's the the and about the pasok, a tutor pops So it has a little ring on it. But it's just a of square that you three m taped to the back your case and then what the battery does, just locks onto that square and has a charter inside it and she charges your phone through the square, which means that you get a pop socket. You get a little phone stand. And when you want to have a spare battery or put a battery on your phone. You just slide onto the back and your charging and you're done europe. Your haven't: case sticking to the bottom covered up the port and like hassles, and ask us, use like side the battery on an recharging, your phone, it's the best, a great product for a prepared democratic dieter, t tea is expanding its value network. What does this mean to you?
go side, and if your phone shows a five g I caught and guarantee mobile do alone. Dance and hope that it's not slower than empty because it might be, but the network very saturated yet so might be. Ok, I've illegal people who have so getting iphone trials have on eighteen t have realised like and he says it has millilitre wave yeah. It does not dating Five g logo versus real five July is also very funny to me. Oh by the way, actually, Ninety one it does a millimeter way, ethically evolutions, five g plus, so you in eighteen t iphone it's either five g, which El t advance or its five g, which subjects refugee or its five year, plus, which is now a midwife. They also on cnn, which is ridiculous. Sir service acts review and an echo dot review. The new ball shaped one garee them
there was a little was taken with the ball shaped echo, darted, dot shouldn't be above, the law should not be, should not be a sphere; it should be it. It should be ask suez your heart is yours is a orbs? Are the thing you have it If you want to hang that you want to die on the wall, he want to put it in a weird corn, you don't want to set it on the table, its design, peace, but that's what the bigger hellas far I literally was upstate in an urban, be in every light, was an orb fox fox, Well, the giant orb in the middle wisconsin. They should make it an echo. Oh can I can. I just say one fox thing before retire bbs one, we press release today, san francisco forty niners launch. First, eight k in replace system in a stadium, box on industrial internet, which is that wisconsin subsidiary cigarettes, eight kay I don't have that saving this five g guarantee theirs.
But it's funny because, like it's, a huge scoreboard and of by stadium and unlike the fox com logo, is there and like this? Is all just a waste The peace. Five is roy out in very strange, like staggers, right. There was like people have done in boxing's. We played with a controller. Same thing. Has happened, happened with the xbox series x and, like that says how the surface came out. People do harbor, hands on's, not that this is. You should get for more gadgets to be on. Held in stages in this way going forward. I think I think it's just like pandemic times right maybe anyway, that we have a bunch of photos. Vs five. The thing was enormous, till it's ridiculous. Every effort I look at the photos thing. I'm like omg, buy an xbox and gonna be honest. Yeah I like playstation Like you, I don't want this, so I went over variants. Place too look at it and play a little bit of Ashraf playroom. It is huge. It's just is jack.
Dick. You eventually are, like you, become a little bit blind. Eventually, sort of you know in the same way that they can become blind to another, not on your phone, which, let's be honest, still looks really dumb, but yeah, it's it's. The ashes trojan horse. I want you to know. I watch actually Emma google doglike click on that thing, name popped up, and I know what happened. She looked at the picture and then she started take shaking just picture. What would happen if I go? into my boyfriend's apartment, and he had this analogy like now like it would just be a flat now need to put that away. That's not allowed an apartment here, but so ok, I played was playroom and there's like two things, a talk about with its one. You know it's it's a little pinocchio in the graphics are very good. As you expect, the rate tracing is very fun. You can like see reflect
amazon things and like moving in the shadows, and everything is real time and it's all fun. I think we'll find out much more about graphics and the games closer to the full review but the dualshock controller is bonkers. Yeah, it's and you know it's feels like a controller or whatever, but they have put a louder speaker in it, and they have put stronger have in both a hand lives and in the middle I think, maybe and the two sides, and so the very first thing that you do as they show a graphic of these cute little robots like falling into the controller on the screen and then you tilted left and right and you can feel it. moving from one side or the other, because it just the opposite: adjusting have to try to just tricks with lino tactic, engines or whatever, but they do clever things, so in the little robots running around you anything any time anything that year. returned the game make, does something the noise comes out of cantata controller, like you hear its footsteps and the of its footsteps changed petting if you're walking on glass.
or sand grass or whatever, and they literally give you a little did the dignity of each leg as it hits the ground in the controller I it's it's completely like this: it's attacked about their showing off but just like a little like. Oh, I love this robot now I love this robot and I identify with this robot because I can hear walking around on the sand right now and I'm hearing a little crush of it's pb little feet and I'm feeling it in the na all right now. Actually even if, even though it one hundred percent looks like space helmet, fine, I want to bring this up. The export ps. Five are gonna kick off a tv upgrade cycle. It seems very obvious that would be a mess tell you right now: it's can be mass, like all those fun tvs like the alleged revisions, most of them want support these council their highest settings, variable refresh rave hundred twenty hurts. it's a mess like just the issue, my standard, like all that stuff, we should do all observers bring wealth on the show.
Yeah, maybe talk to, but the tv No, it's about happen is going to be very confusing. There's like one sony tv that will do it: the vizier tv is always is like that of the curve. You, might you by one and variable refresh, not all the ports and all these tvs will. support, the council's so yeah I knew t v the sports to one one and then play it in the report which someplace if you say so, I cannot support pretty normal. But just imagine like the reg p s five customer buying orpheus five in behind what does not work in the cause of the planet are important to me, someday mass. I'm calling it out, however, we're just gonna do in our line. She, my standards, giving great. How do you not find will emerge as observer Glassing gonna call out as because, as always, we ve gone over our self, imposed deadline that nobody, but me cares about money This incredible story about a twenty four whose tracking every broken mcdonald's ice cream machine, united states hero did just incredible.
interested in just one of those like weird wacky internet story, The blue up. She sighed just Read it. It made me happy, it's a very confusing time, really the guy who's, obsessive, broken ice cream machines. It is upsetting when he walked to mcdonald's. That's near your apartment, let's say, and their machine is broken. It is upsetting to appreciate this person like the broken nice room, machinelike, just like a well standing culture. phenomenon I got. How are they only paid? I don't I don't like they dont want to use it. I don't know yet. The ice. We was just there to lure you into the french sets for the money, that's right am I had zero job. I want to call it at last thing: We asked thing we are finally for I discover podcast award toward there's a lincoln machinery just go just go right for us. We like winning awards it makes us makes us feel good. Alright, you can tweet at us
Ashley is actually our carmen. Addy is at the ducks Jackie teeters at backline, I'm at reckless dear you on a tuesday show come up. It seems like we have one more tuesday show common, take a pause and to the show is gonna, be a different kind of direct risk areas. Where do the the reviews that happen at I fix it? They review stuff in a certain way or talk to them about how they do their take out. Takedown stir talk to them about how they do their tear downs. I suspect they're going to want to talk about right to repair a little bit and see what's up yeah and then, after that, decoders launching on the tenth its many sharing out being. since, however, that right now on apple bank ass ago, some little trailer made a story casey newton- and you said, here's what I believe, which is a very hard thing to do. It took a week's torrent aspect, I had to get it out so many mustang reference incentives, as I believe script, you wouldn't believe, look as is an official pickup truck owner now Oh, I guess that's why I'm gonna go check it out,
trials you. It will promote it. When the first sub circumcised, london sophronia, Thank you so much thanks. Ash rings, thanks to atty, for for talking about congress of me. Thank you someone has to do it. Natty always. Does it great we'll back next week touch then Rock'N'Roll vote the hey, I'm ryan, reynolds at mid mobile. We like to do the opposite of what big wireless. Does they charge you a lot? We charge you a little so naturally when they announced that,
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Transcript generated on 2023-08-24.