« The Vergecast

The summer Intel fell behind / earnings for Apple, Google, Samsung / Nothing's Ear 1 earbuds


Nilay Patel, Dieter Bohn, Alex Cranz, and Chaim Gartenberg discuss this week in tech news: quarterly earnings for the big tech companies, the state of Intel, and the Nothing's Ear 1 earbuds.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This week on average ass. Our and and high Guttenberg joint stock earnings from apple dude. microsoft, samsung, amazon and more. We go into what is happening at intel. Talk about the huawei p, fifty and wind, with a little bit on dish, network and t mobile. That's come up on. The ridge has now hey, I'm ryan reynolds at mid mobile. We like to do the opposite of what big wireless. Does they charge you a lot? We charge you a little so naturally, when they announced they'd be raising their prices due to inflation, we decided to fleet are prices, do not hating you that's right. We're cutting the price of meant unlimited from thirty dollars a month to just fifteen dollars a month, give it a try at mobile dot com, slash, switch new activation activation enough from payments for three meant plan required taxes, and these extra additional restrictions apply seem at mobiles outcome for full terms and ryan reynolds at mid mobile. We like to do the opposite of what big wireless. Does they charge you a lot? We charge you a little so naturally, when they announced that we raising their prices due to inflation. We do so
went to deflate our prices due to not hating you that's right. We're cutting the price of mint, unlimited from thirty dollars a month to just fifteen dollars a month, give it a try. It mint mobile dot com, slash, switch new activation, an upfront payment for three month plan required taxes and fees. Extra additional restrictions apply cement, mobile dot com for full terms. the I welcome the rich has the flagship podcast of audio huddles. I should really makes like pay me for that. anyway, I'm here, I'm real, I'm your friend dear balance, here I'm you're, even though there generally accepted accounting principles. Abound screens here I am neither of those things, but I enjoy them out he doesn't enjoy cunning and higher garden is here. We are, lot. Gunners, every big tech company had earnings, they're doing fine, they're gonna make it one more quarter, guys theirs
rumours, there's some ear by this. Just a lot to talk about But I want to start, we start, which is the pandemic. the biggest story in the world and its back everyone it yeah. Are you excited, I feel bad for delta airlines, which currently has the worst branding in all of all of industry yeah, but they did. They did extend everybody's status for another year they're. Just like screw it can. You can have it for another year. I didn't know that and that's where the broadcast is done, everybody that's the most important news of the week. I was so sad about my status. Going away. I'm good I mean I got it. Maybe maybe you didn't ask. This status, a thing to brag about now really easy to get the only thing worse, as you know, instead one thing about this virtual already after them, they went delta status. Is that if you live in new york city, you can make
our entire personality delta status and then go out and wander like the bars of new york city. Finding other people with that snappy and any like here's, how I got silver medina in someone's like oh, I got go this way. We like out my having a whole conversation about airline money, wait a minute. I wouldn't even bothered. Into somebody. Like you see what I'm saying just a real thing you can do in new york and I ve ones, which I like it If you saw me, you would notice I'm embarrassed by this. so like a wave of embarrassment is washing over me anyhow. Delta variant, however, is rising. It's taking over the cdc as reinstated mask recommendations for some unbox native people. In some areas, it is very confusing feels like the regulation should be to just where mask and then on top of that big companies
that were planning full on return to offices are now caught in a pickle, because delta is rising across Three, so Google is now going to require employees who vaccinated facebook require: u s office in place. You vaccinated, netflix mandate, vaccinations and operations, productions, united states. I feel the closer. We are currently making a netflix production. The like the other thing I do and muttering us and apples gonna require masks and it's? U S, stores apple also, It's a strange policy. Zoe Schaeffer reported this yesterday yeah. If you don't tell apple you're vaccinated, they will assume you are not and they will put you into a different protocols. They return to work. Well, they may a bunch of a bunch of companies, especially big tech companies. Like you know what get vaccine, if you, if you have to get vaccinated, come to the office whenever we figure out when we're opening up, you have to be vaccinated. You're, not you have to ask or you're not come into the office. Apples,
internally. Our sight current desire is, if you dont provider, vaccination status, your vaccination status is assumed to be vaccinated, backs. Ok, if you're not fully backs, working inside an apple building, additional health and safety protocols may apply gear. That may is like an out. You know like it's doing: a lot of work. Yeah A lot of like major supreme court opinions are like premised on the difference in may and shall write em like them, as the out it's like I think you can read it is apple- will do this right, but if you're really nice to them, maybe we'll see I'd I would expect apple of all. Companies is, yeah the most energetic about coming to the office. It seems like they're gonna mandate, vaccine soon to be reckoned on office, but bossy, and if you, if you are wasting now, tells her because she is running for that so just a lot going on with delta and masks. They have a story. This headline speaks words: communication on mass system. Terrible like we're just like,
we're not doing a great job, and we need to get vaccine numbers up in circles but delta. It's here, it's like we ve thought it was over early summer, junior me so all see, but the good news is hospital since and deaths are down because the vaccines overall vaccines are still affected against eta. It just very communicable you, it was hot back summer. Unfortunately, it's not in fact some hot mask summer, I will say we have another story. There was a study. The end of actions out for a while that pfizer vaccine is still protects you didn't severe disease after six months. There's a lot data about that now. Obviously so that's good news. Second, We are effectively socrates or the pandemic to the common good is back because everyone went outside again, I would say I have a cold and I look and it would we went and friends our kids by together, kids, the second other like little kids, each other. They get cold Visual range like give each other called
magic, sneezed and my face like a media, they had a cold and, like yesterday s craft to have co, signed, gotta and suggest a cold. the common cold as everybody knows, a cold which a super in english from a of public health statistics perspective, and then this is like a thirteenth order effect. All the people who are out in the ocean doing measurements of ocean temperatures in the ocean by him came back, so our ability to, to see what is happening in the ocean has like completely dwindle. We had a great story about that on the site and howard might be able to get it back in autonomous systems that have been deployed to replace our ocean sensors because the people are on ships anymore, theirs. I could quote and sorted it's like. We were out for like a long term thing and we came ex express steam cruiser back home. The second covered head to the elector building on the technology to to measure the ocean, which I think is lasting before we get into it. We have a package that we
internally haven't been verge a week just with actually called next round its on the site we had about. Younger writers tell us, experiences with technology. With with software we ve written, we're sorry to read, at that sophomore. It's a really cool package with incredible art. It's some of the best part. We've ever done really eye opening perspective on technology and, if you don't regular, hands young people and talk to them about it, okay, which which earnings during the first year, I kind of put them in the order. I was thinking but If you want to change that around there was an inside the show question that was me said waiting to you. I can't do it again What earnings urundi first here I mean we should start with apple is just just big every time. Apples. The big quarter, we're all just like money apple, makes so much money, hoo boy hard to tell how about how apple? How much money apple makes you can't even like put it into human context.
One of those quarters, the the story to me is there a few stories, but one just like I phoned sales are up. Fifty percent, this iphone twelve, is very popular and I personally think it's because it's a nicer design than I iphone ten based design people that design ass, the purple one like it, it could be the purple one. Everyone's just green. because five g, everyone, everyone just really wanted five g. I know that, like some cup honour of apples, inter alia, but like other countries have told me- when they do consumer surveys. Those survey somehow tell them that consumers want five g, so they have like created demand and now they are fulfilling it. and now the story that all of mobile, the industry is telling themselves is fine jeez success because it selling tons of phones and hooray yeah Maybe they did a lot of marketing people got confused. People think the vaccine gives you five g like the five g marketing was it a success
across many dimensions. I would say: have you seen the five g horse? Flyer cassettes, like my favorite? No, I think it's a joke. just a dumb flyer. I can picture of flyer like five g horse cited in backyard and it's like a ethereal horse. Turkey, it up, this is what happens when you do a show like that. I've got too much like dumb energy say I buy that all of the hype around five g created some demand for it, and if you gave people a list of reasons why they may have purchased a phone. The thing they could not have before, ranked higher than all of the other things, do you like? Did you buy for a better camera? Did you buy it because if I like, I don't know you can't, I bought it because it's purple didn't have that like on the list in five g, looks nicer. That's the fifty percent is incredible me, I'm even korea, covering forever that that is like
rising even not in covert, not an iphone. Twelve five g that just huge number. It's it's a huge number, and especially huge number four q, three or with whatever quarter apple calls this one. The june quarter over here, because this is typically the oh there's new iphones coming out into three months. I'm gonna wait like this is when, like you know carriers are like literally giving away the phones cause they're, trying to clear stock, unlike the old models before they start hyping up the new one. So the fact that their up this ouch now is really impressive: was there are a time, and this is kind of that five g like back and forth right, like eight in t will, just if you like, open the a t and t website and you're at a t and t customer there like. Do you want to phone any phone? You want it's free, just take it away from us they will aggressively run promotions to get you want to their five g network and give you five. You found especially
I found young. So there is a little bit of that like discounting promotional stuff going on that might be driving the sales and it might be good for apple because their businesses taking money out of every button that you buy decide I think we're use too I'm curious ray of recital on a site where you sit. I like that two year boom and bust cycle. Right the phone yard, everyone gets a phone same time you work Fourthly, on the regular secular, the s cycle with the iphone right and then the contract when I read other spike in sales here. It's like of all the promotions, because a five g like that cycle is very clearly broken and apple doesn't seem to care if the phone is discounted immediately, because they're trying to make all the services yeah, I mean that's. That's like a big big key part of this is: is iphones in pockets are iphones that can by apple too, because subscriptions that well they that every question, but that's that's rare that goes much further than the purchase of the phone
It's almost like a return to like the the carrier, substation model, but on the other side were like before a t and t would just like pay for nine tenths of your phone, because they'd lock you into a couple of years of pay four overpriced self service. This is like. We will give you. The phone somehow and then you'll pay for the cell service, but also paper for all the other stuff it s as a whole are even apple. Turning into a carrier right like as long as they get the hardware in your hand, they know they're gonna make money and all these other places I mean looks like they're they're, making money on the hardware to judging judging by us, sit there they're not doing badly on that front either. Actually, we should talk about the other places of apple breaks down its revenue, its sails into iphone mac, ipad wearables, home and accessories is all one category, and then
services, so iphone huge jump up across the board whatever, but wearable home and accessories edged out ipad and mac made more money there and that was half of what they are pulling it and services so like in order of its its iphone hardware, money and then next one about half as much is services and then everything else, is about half as much as that, our group together, but wherever possible, accessories just edged out, and if you look I'll where will summon accessories and services as basically the money that apple can extract. Out of iphone users, either by selling you airports or by selling you services is not totally fair. has like an apple tv is not necessarily just stay here now iphone accessory, but neither is like a home had many held look I'd.
is anybody buying hope had many who doesn't have an iphone I have to. I bought them like immediately, I love my pipe. Am I the reason? I'm the reason here tim cook is I get kranz yeah? He did it nailed it in one but like why what about wearables cause cause? If we had this whole conversation all of last year and into this year about wearables and about like this potential magic ability to detect covert and other diseases, and that was a huge part of the conversation and now we're seeing that like wearables, which is a big part of that that chunk, sold and like the apple watch is the selling wearable out there and they all kind of saul there, I think their numbers took up the sheer so like. I wonder how much of that was also these watches you're adjusting food total market for wearable, home and accessories. Is this of the iphone market, I guess he's numbers are big enough. It's statistically there's some android user at their combined minis. Now, that's not me that recipes, but, like you can't
have an apple watched without an iphone right rights beyond, in the other ones, are so closely tied to it. So, however, big the market for the iphone is the market wearables, is some percentage of that however, the market for the avenues, the market for services, is some person that with a multiplier that apple can monkey with, because they can be like now. Icloud costs to ninety nine are worth of her sick turn on more money. yeah the market for the mac- and you have had the other stuff does not have that. Just sort of joy Relationships, as I say I, for market so you can see where they're going there making market bigger their sign, your iphone staff and our hat invest in the other things be even at whatever per se, edge of the size aftermarket. Is it still gigantic market? There is just more people with I funds to sell things to, whereas, like I don't I have a mac as an accessory. Do I found it max are very expensive. I funds are pretty expensive to pierre. Did you much heart. That was what you and it's like airports by themselves.
are bigger business than like netflix did not see that shirt, but it's it's a hard shirt to work with, because apple doesn't release hard numbers for any of this stuff anymore, which is incredibly frustrating People are you'd about this chart for the reason that you are describing, but that netflix as businesses like a seven billion business right so, depending on what you think the biggest chunk of variables. Revenue is, if you believe its airports you're like. Oh that's. The whole business, which is a lot to say about airpods and a lot to say about the iphone. This is the way not derailed us with a usb sea or- and this is why the god ever getting your pc, why they decided it's. No, it's why the doesn't, but why the ipad does, because the iphone market is too big into important. Let anyone mess with that without explicit permission. The interesting or explicit tax collection and andrew I mean you ran over. I just want to end this apple session by calling you and ask for being the only ceo in the world who will say
his own earnings hall for tesla. It is not our goal to create a world garden into use two bludgeoned competitors which is used by some companies and then to literally, do the calf taken, say apple. He was on his own earnings call amazing. You can say what you want about echelon and everybody will that was hilarious like just the funniest other companies also doing well. Google in you, tube arches, the ad dollars are moving away from tv and moving too the digital platforms were Everyone said what happened ten years ago, and it's definitely happening now. Yeah. Well, there's been a lot of dumping netflix like Youtube's revenue is like almost as much as net netflix, his entire company yeah. Apparently the thing I will about especially with the admin is, is the big jumped this quarter? Just you know, everyone thought.
Covered was over and economies back and like it's time to turn on the ad dollars and start making money again, and so because Google, facebook amazon, such a huge portion of the online market that they just are the beneficiaries of it or is it like? I don't know in partition, did more money happening go to like Google, especially because, like everyone knows it we'll figure out how to make our work. Whether or not people turn off app tracking on the iphone. I think it's both their right leg, the story of the pandemic, is ever inserted shopping more from home, which made advertising more valuable because it has this known return like this. It might. I constantly joked and instruments soccer me every time this is like the whole underlying argument. A facebook and small business and cookies and bubble gobbled law is, if you or a tiny inventor and you ve, invented marginally, better car mount. The
this way to acquire means a customer is online advertising. It sought billboards or olympics advertising, are targeted, cable advertised Wherever google is like right at the bottom phone right, your search harm out and Google's like here's, a karma, unlike people, timor by those adds left and right. If you have a fear of traditional tv advertising and you know people are watching less tv in court. Cutting continues unabated Where are you going to put your beautiful tvs, just put them on Youtube yeah and that's like the other side of this puzzle and you're, certainly not going to put them on peacock yeah. The peacock has a tier that you can pay for that still has ads man. I think, mrs beer, you just look at these numbers in we sent the last few weeks on the show complaining about google and go and slow? And it's like feels kind of stock these numbers other due to fun, yet there stuck because they can't get through all the money
coming up the engine and block tyres. Yeah, we ve got this just as we are doing, in twenty tangles. Second quarter, avenue six point: eight billion in twain, We want to sixty one point: nine yup, you go back years. Thirty eight point three legs like it's close to doubling right from one this is going to sound like I am. I got a freshman who just read his first Karl marx essay, but I understand that Economy is not a zero sum game and that everything like the pie can grow overall. But if you just step way back and like is, should we be pursuing antitrust right now, the massive profits that these companies, like this ted acts in a decade or what Is it possible that we would be doing better if some amount of that revenue was split up amongst more than five companies? Yes, yep
support for efforts. I am I going to die hard capitalists. I say that we show robot I've just say like. Oh, when big tech made a shit, of money, this quarter, maybe that man should it got elsewhere, just at the on the face was like: will why what it would mean they d? They worked hard. They they built businesses, they should make money, but there is like I dunno yeah who's. I guess it's like who's losing out on that money. Well, that's the thing we don't know cause they. They weren't able to exist because apple captured the entire iphone accessory and services market a less existential way of saying this country is difficult for the bridge task, as we tend to veer ended existential as fast as we can and ourselves just what google is investing in Google's their businesses being middlemen right. They don't like to think of it that way. And I'm sure people what we now need for calling on that because the? What do you know suppose there's this intermediate, you, google,
its money getting in the way of what you want from them. Search results and placing advertising from other coming. And the reason and other competitors that add market. That's where all the end Pressure angle really comes down to re. It's all. I that's The suits from the states attorney general's here. The states attack These general here and united it is the market the eu, the ad market. Unlike the order of google search results, its google being a middle man right you, Google and you're supposed to go somewhere else, You go to Google and you want something to show you an ad for something else, and so that middle man, profit is historically the thing the internet in disintermediation. And because they are such a monopoly, it is impossible to dissenter media google from advertising on the internet. But that's like just a problem you can and you can see, that their ability to collect that tax is going higher in higher right the ad dollars on a move from tv. There's a lot of shopping going on online, where
wanna spend it you're going to spend it with google and facebook you're not spending with netflix, and so I keep dunking on netflix like you can't give Netflix more money they can just then they can just run out of people to charge right. Where's school can collect more taxes with apple. This is apples and interest problem right. There are tall collector for a huge amount. economic activity on the phone and that's why they're so invested in services. because as high has written by five thousand times, tat like that his trunk of services revenue is like wales. Some candy crush language, maybe a tax collector of that size, like probably not, and I the second order, like what didn't we see right is like if is farther down the list to me than just saying, like yeah look at these numbers, they they just sit between people and what they want yeah They charge a toll for every one of this transaction, that seems really problematic. I mean I should say disclosure. We are part of a media.
but he that makes it funny advertising and has it's own advertising product and so there's a little pizza. This is like our company might be worth more if we weren't just picking up the crumbs of whatever people are just giving to google by default right I mean, like Google, took over where media traditionally existed. Those are the dollars it took right. It took the dollars from tv, it took the dollars of newspapers and took the dollar from digital media companies, and now it's it's just very happy with that, and it's also taking the dollars from all these other places too. Besides, just this big chunk that all of media last yeah but like if they take all the dollars from tv right, which is you want to make the big argument about cord cutting and the tv ad market and youtube like now to turn to the dollar zone on tv advertising isn't, regardless of how you feel about tabling in germany, it is pretty good that there are multiple cable news channels right right.
like one algorithmic driven cable news channel which is give you call us all that money needed like youtube s too much power yeah. So like I always honours its greatest companies are doing. Well, you can. You can see the aid to be consequence like the pandemic, when people started shopping from whom they about more technology. The money follows the other medicines. Should they be talk lectures at the size? idea I spoke had earnings to their earnings are also up in like marks We spent the entire time talking at the met, a verse and not advertising, and you can tell he's a board with his monopoly business. Advertising is like what have I did the metaphors like there's a part of this business. It is unseemly. I don't want to talk about it. They want to talk about consumer innovation, but it's their business. There's a reason. In particular, you see google get distracted from artists. We wish they would invest in because of the They have to tend to the money in the money is out of control somewhere.
through time you want to microsoft and samson Oft also made money to the spread of revenues. The one percent they made a bowler money. You can look at the numbers. The interesting thing with microsoft is that a lot of that was with is actually not. That interesting is exactly that. enacted, which is a lot of it was from their cloud and office services which were up, and then they experienced ahead from the global chip shortage and, like you know, surface and surface revenue was down, because you know you can't sell computers and you can't sell windows licences to obey, ends that they can sell computers which egypt's also its bit, half minute. Since there has been an interesting surface computer yap brain extra, maybe they just their ticket to break because their their thirst,
we're just thinking about the surface duo in their hearts and yeah. There is that leak this week, yeah there was the leak this week that there's going to be a new surface duo, they're going to they're going to have another. I have many feelings about the new surface duo, but you know the the surface pro the main, like the the surface that we all think of it still has the big, bezels and dinah design has been updated in forever, where Get into intel and its problems in a minute, but you know the surface pro x is they're the prettiest surface. It does wants to buy it because the army and windows is bad. They haven't done anything. That's like oh man. This this is like a big deal if we care about, if I were to go out and buy a pc today, services, not on like that, the list of things that are thinking of first right now, it's a racist razor, it feels like that Unlike some soul, searching like there's going to probably be windows arm equivalent of apples and one stuff at some point or or cat. A windows or some. This optimism call comes-
make a hoss, I dont know what is going to make it by ok. I am optimistically assuming that someone will figure out what apple has done here like it cannot be some sort of magic thing that only the great minds of property, nor able to figure out like it android, sometimes too, and it still needs four times the ram, but they got there eventually. So, like someone will figure this out, I think microsoft very much wants that someone- and that was the whole surface, acts stuff and I think they're they're just doing some soul searching and figuring out how to actually make them work did what their soul searching is they told us the future is dual screens now at an all that low? and then they are like rethink like an adela was on dakota. Using windows is a platform from platform like they pay in windows like they're they're, just like they're changing their relationship to that stuff Dont have a surface neo. That was the big tears now as the air and at things got shelved and they kind of pivoted windows.
See, I would say it's soul searching, but we kind of know what it looks like right. Yeah. I guess just not with the hardware it looks like that's true. Xbox is doing fine, it's just not doing as well as playstation, which everyone could have predicted that the so called self was about to say it's what's is doing exactly as well as the number of councils they are physically been able to manufacture. I had the moment this week as a flight. Simulator cannot really xbox wanna buy an xbox and you know like you just have that, like oh here's, the reason I was going to buy the thing I'm going to like open the web browser and by the end I was like. Oh what am I think that works anymore. Now, I'm going to engage a network of scalpers and thieves to see robots to see. If I can get one of these things, I'm going to buy a play date, and I can't wait to get it in twenty twenty four or whatever. The queue looks like these days, It looks so cool. Okay, Samsung samsung also made money.
There's a trend in good time to be selling selling tat stuff. they made money. They noted that there were no component george S, which is the same story. We seen fur for a lot of these companies. They are starting to take more material. It's on these, I think we're gonna see more of that coming up in in the next quarter, especially with the new stuff coming up. Apples already started to be like you know, we might have issues with supply micro, The said aim, these, like you, know we're doing our best samsung, also like started teeth Flash out. Why just saying we're going to have more folder bulls and, like a week in the end, the worst kept secret since the last samsung announcement, and now they re basically announced the phones in a letter of blog post, and then they mention it again.
Here, the line that they're gonna make it like more mainstream, the mainstreaming, the folder bowl category and solidifying its leadership in the premium smartphone segments, though that that's a contradictory David. If you're gonna mainstream it, it needs not just be the premium smartphone segment you'd there need that. The flip needs to be. Like eight hundred bucks, that's hilarious, that, you still very expensive Would you say what just pause for a minute in just react to using mainstreaming as a verb? That's what's going on there mainstreaming. The folded category is us. Can you imagine going to work as like samson junior marketing associate in being like I'm inspired by that phrase like it's just, not a vision Everyone is gonna. Have these phones right eventually, all Funds are going to hold. Eventually
or they will fade away into the memory pit of of bad text. There's like like the three day. Funds are folding phones as other treaty. Are they curved or are they? We already tried curve fund, literary where I think the funds are gonna hold. Eventually this. I fully believe it like just like that. You now have the combative erst came out of nowhere, because because the obvious question exists, a bunch of czech executives, our get it like it's not anywhere close. but it's a saw its size. I visions a product that people can see, understand and waited three funds are ever was more nonsense. But this is a thing for movies. You have a small screen. It falls into a big scream, so our holograms, like someone, the technology. Just isn't there like. These are not theirs. There's not a lot of good ways to make like a durable thing that folds that doesn't like disintegrate. After after
here are two views. The wall street journal had an amazing article about bendable oled screen technology, and they had a they had a prototype that was a tube and then the the phone would roll out from the tube. You know, like I dunno you, if you could see me you'd on my pulling a phone out well, yeah, I'd like you to bendel screens and like semi, transparent and like Very, very cool, like the technology exists and people can probably start making this stuff. By. articles from two thousand and one and you say samson is getting to the point where they're, using mainstreaming as a verb yeah, what they, I think with their actually suggesting, is removed, will disregard for the conventions of the english language, for staff, which old I appreciate you in second they know it's about to how like it's about affright, that's a big promised
it's your investors, especially ahead of event. We have much products me out and I think it should be obvious that samson is they also white label displays, special railway displays, so I think they know that their display division is ready to ramp scale on a product that time sweetly can survive, if yeah it's just, this is just ready, be a component that samsung sells, and that means everyone's going to have them once that happens, it's you know it's the same as with anything once once. The form factor settled and what is most important, the software and then simpsons right back where it started, but aren't they going? Are they still going to be delicate, like the current ones are because of the current ones are like we'll even more delicate than the funds we have now like? Our phones are getting more and more and more and more delicate, and that feels like we're going backwards, even though I'm excited to something and put it in my pocket. We are rare one generation out from the folds of all that came with like an entire. You
video detailing what not to do with this phone laid a hand on we handle it with kid gloves, like a newborn child tat lets africa dealers who first full of trying to solve the problem, I get it I'm just, but this is this will be the third generation right in Austria yeah. So this is this: the third generation, but we are the one that we are currently honest. Is still one out and it still has issues. There was the whole video like going around a couple of weeks ago of like the six month or the or the nine months with with his he folded as like he just crapped out one day and and now there's like this giant line in the middle of the screen yeah, I just feel like the technology is still way far out.
and also that, like I dunno there's diminishing returns on the outlet lake everybody's demanding so much more from their phones, they wanted a good picture, but they also want good battery life. They want it to like last longer than two days and I feel like going super super premium to something that you have to like. Coddle isn't going to actually do it for mainstream for mainstreaming, yeah mainstreaming. Sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that I remain folding enthusiast. I think it's clear that is a folding pessimist. Am I the only one here? That's actually spent his own personal money unfolding phones because I've done it. Yes, yes, Ok, we think we're even notably quiet. Well, I'm you know I return its hagstrom videos like I did it, the third generation of attack products is historically when they get good.
If you just look over the arc of time right, it's like a third generation of any microsoft product is the one where it gets good yeah, I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, and this one we are hearing that, like apple, is lake. Looking at these devices rate and apple hisses is historically the one who finally figures it. while it makes people go. Oh yeah. I would put this in my pocket, so there's there's rumours that Google's making unfolding pixel. That's that's the one. That's gotta blows market whiter than we are It all did the all the space that comes into can one of two display companies make these things at scale, I'm still holding out for anything I think you know they gotta color, the sheer we give it another. Ten years I look, it's gonna, look almost like a real thing can be grown, a dream stellar Yang is also one of those ones where I think we could pull up and article from like two thousand one. He did totally changed this year. They need doing what
colors. Does he look like mud? Doesn't yes? Yes, that's true, but its closer ets, I love this energy. I am waiting for a really good miroslav displays guys amazon hasn't put usb c on the kindle. Yet I wouldn't, I would maybe not get too far ahead of yourself. The most substantial upgrade the kindle has gotten in six years was a color temperature backlight and that kinda sucks. Can I just be honest with you, I bought a can always iraqi, I'm prime day cause she's a kindle act I know of reviews it cheap bother god one and I gave it to her and, unlike three So as I do, I can you handle expecting to like wind that participation and shoe sick, it sucks wow, It has no battery life because this too bad. You gotta, keep it in the case. You gotta keep anything it's and he got it turn off that one back late function,
and just as you said, under the sun, it's like a gameboy advance from two thousand and one amazon made one hundred and thirty one, one hundred and thirteen point one billion in revenue growing twenty seven percent year over year. That was kindle until they hit their estimates basic their guidance, but the investor class, we're going to make way more, and so it was very like like sad panda about it to be, I think that'll be fun. Yeah, they're gonna be fun. Oh no, I guess that's, okay. What amazon made a lot of money was taking a break, we'll be right back we're gonna talk about until hey, I'm ryan reynolds at mid mobile. We like to do the opposite of what big wireless. Does they charge you a lot? We charge you a little so naturally, when they announced they'd be raising their prices due to inflation, we decided to default.
Wait are prices due to not hating you that's right. We're cutting the price of mint, unlimited from thirty dollars a month to just fifteen dollars a month, give it a try. It mint mobile dot com, slash, switch new activation, an upfront payment for three month plan required taxes and fees. Extra additional restrictions apply, cement, mobile dot com for full terms, hey I'm ryan reynolds at mid mobile. We like to do the opposite of what big wireless. Does they charge you a lot? We charge you a little so naturally, when they announced they'd be raising their prices due to inflation. We just added to deflate our prices due to not hating you that's right. We're cutting the price of mint, unlimited from thirty dollars a month to just fifteen dollars a month. Give it a try it mint mobile dot com, slash, switch new activation, an upfront payment for three month plan required taxes and fees. Extra additional restrictions apply, cement mobile dot com for full terms, we're back time euro along peace this week about last summer four intel that led to all the changes,
new ceo new executive team, new plan there earnings andy had earnings, tells us what on earth so early, came first. Actually, earnings were last week in tell made eighteen and a half billion dollars, which was half a billion issue above what they were expecting to make up two percent you every year they define m d, it made three point: eight billion dollars revenue is up. Ninety nine percent, so obviously weren't a little different categories there, but percentage wise amd is also doing just fine, but the big thing from intel wasn't actually earned. It was on Monday, their new ceo, pat gelsinger, had event called accelerated, intel or intel accelerated. I think sorry and it was to announce their new until itself, and it was too preview. The next five years of entails road map in terms their processor architectures is new processor nodes, their packaging technology. They also rebranded all of their stuff to make it look like they,
not as behind as as they are in some respects, so they they were doing a lot is is, is marketing lot of it is, is damage control from last year's big thing, which is that hell delayed its seven animator, which is now called into four? Are you can read those all breakdown in sight, but last year. Intel was like on their earnings this summer, about a year ago today, they're like our next generation ships, which were supposed to ship at the end of two thousand and twenty one are not coming until twenty twenty three, we messed up a thing in the in making them and now they're super delayed. Sorry is this, like the fifteenth time intel has said something to that effect, we're going to the thing that the smaller process as we thought we had it, but now turns out it's really hard. We screwed up thing is going to be longer. Are you referring to the six years it spent trying to get it's ten nanometers ships out that? Yes, they are almost out the door,
animator chips are are mostly out the door. They still have not done it on desktop. That's one of the problems of the desktop ships is that they are now doing like some ten nanometers stuff on the fourteen nanometre scale. There are like some reviews are like just by last years. These are not as good as they have fewer course, so the big thing about this week was kind of taking a look at last summer when everything kind of exploded for intel and then what they ve been doing since so there are three main things that happen: Pretty much in the span of a month entails, like mr fix it, chip designer they had hired in keller left the company very, very suddenly. It was or personal reasons into has really given details- color has really been didn't else is opened up companies, he is he's he's so he's working on a new company on their board. He usually stays places short, but just get a little background. She helps apple. Does
and the e series chips the a four and a five when they first came out. He helped amd design, it's an architecture which is what, let's, what amd is like currently using to very aggressively compete with intel, helped tesla design. It's self driving computer chip He has a really impressive resume for this kind of stuff. intel brought keller on to run it's entire silicon engineering team in two thousand and eighteen, and he was like very much there to get everyone back on track literally like a month before he left. There was like this giant interview in fortune with him about how like intel, betting, everything on keller, yeah, then three and a half weeks after that went up. He left the company, so I have just been you know. His time was up. He usually comes in for short times unclear a couple, after that apple announces that it is no longer going to be using intel processors and its max, because it wants to let the mac jump forward that they can make better products. It was this big
giant sign. That said, we do not think your chips are good enough for us, and this was coming after a lot of frustration with into the past. Limber. Basically, reported apple was frustrated until roadmap. cook had noted in twenty nineteen, that you know they had issues with supply constraints from intel stuff. was not necessarily the vote of confidence or lack thereof, that intel needed, and at this point, while they're in the middle of this big, ten anatomy to roll out, they had finally gotten these chips out the door and then the then a couple of weeks after that, internal. Had you announced that its next year relationships the seven nanometer intel for whatever you want to call them? There are probably more on par with jesse the and samson spied nanometer ships. That's the whole marketing breathing coming to seek a pause there, then the marketing hustle they are called their seven nanometer until four, because gaza reviving, and I mean it is incredible zero percent of people bought it, but now expect the hustle serbia,
g of chips in entails the fence. They do have some some likes to stand on here. In that all of it all the points I made up another this means anything. Any There is no. If you take nanometer and one ship that yes m c, makes on their five nanometer processor apple, and you look at it under a really big microscope. There's not a single thing on that ship. That's five, nine meters in size. These are just like approximate terms to indicate jumps. The court unquote: five nanometer, no known is firm uv which, as you know, ultraviolet etching technology that they're using entails going to start using that until four, it's not in highly unfair, to say that it also doesn't change this but until his still on its ten nanometers and admit what do we want to called equivalent and everyone This is already turning out five nanometer chips and has been for over a year, or so will it has actually turned out there. Yet right, like it still way behind so you're in
intel is in the middle of it's turned on meter, everyone else has seven stage like it hasn't gotten there on desktop yet versus you know, everybody else is looking at five: you can seven and meter amd desktop happen and sticking your gaming peter today, if you can find one on the shelf, which I wish you good luck, so intel, isn't very yet, and even if they were. Everyone else is already on the next thing like you can buy a laptop with five nanometer chicken it using one right now tells big thing was we're going to catch up. They cleared house after that there had of engineering doktor, dr read him on the border with him he's longer there. He laughed. She laughed right after that announcement was made they announced shortly after that that ceo bob swan, who is cheap previously there she financial officer, would believing- and they are placed him with pat guessing earth. Who is the current ceo? Who is entirely the original chief technology officer, it was really a shift back towards getting their leadership.
on the engineering side of things? They ve been rehiring, you know old, old designers, old harbour, people who had since left the company in the last. You know ten years of of delay. Is, and they have this very ambitious road map which aims to catch to where everyone else is by twenty twenty four and you jump ahead by twenty twenty five and they are doing by more or less releasing new architecture nodes every year for the next four or five years, is very ambitious. So it's just like a tick. Tick, tick, tick! Almost it's! It's not quite a tick! Tick! Tick like intel. Three is more of as more of a talk. It still would be based on on the upcoming thing, but it's going to be a fairly big jump with it. We are going down. The numbers always go down so the roadmap is that where there is just a logical and point to that plan right,
no tell him tell him tell him, I'm so glad you're as about right now entails on its second generation ten nanometer tech, which is ten metre superfine. Previously entire had a system where they reduce pluses. So you had forty nanometer fourteen, a mere plaza fourteen, a mere plus plus it was the best system, it kind of indicates how long a fourteen nanometer I didn't think angel fourteen nanometer, plus, plus plus think there might have been. I have to double check So ten metre plus would have been would have been this currently the tiger like stuff, which was renamed to ten animator stupor fin to reflect the technology in it. Also, it sounds cooler than ten amateur plus this year. Ships were supposed to be ten amateur, plus, plus the third generation one. It's alter lake, which is coming out later this year and uses some interesting new technology, so that's been renamed until seven
You think you could put. The lakes are still there right it still. Yes, the lady of the lake, so the internal code names so that's come later this year, older lake alter lake. Is it little styled ship that uses a hybrid. You know performance, core inefficiency course similar to our products. At least until had released and earlier version about that lake wakefield chips. This is the second generation of that is the third third generation of its ten metre tack and that'll be out later this year, so that until seven formerly known as ten meter supervision So ten, I'm your separating us now is tighter lake until seven is the surgeon contend ten nanometer, which is alder lake again coming out at the end of this year. In tell for is the or what was, previously, the architecture, the artist previously known as intelsat and animator intel before, which was
it's supposed to be out at the end of two thousand twenty one and will now be coming out in early two thousand twenty three with meteor lake, with production, starting in the second half of two thousand twenty two they've already locked in a few things, and there are going to be big jumps at that, like that's the big jump that intel's been waiting to do so they're, saying like a twenty percent jump in performance per watt, which is not inconsiderable and cutting down on overall area of the chip. Like it will be a big jump when it comes. I will feature much a much higher transistor density than even ts and sees current five nanometer note. So it will be a very interesting piece, a technology when it comes another year and a half? Hopefully though, out of numbers. Now we are running out a numbers until three is the second generation of that seven nanometer products. Answer to this. I can generation of what would have been the seven nanometer one. It is
surely also promising a roughly eighteen percent increase in performance brought for until four. So it's a talking, that is the second generation thing, but it will. I have a fairly big jump. Intel is expecting manufacturing in the second half between twenty three and it'll be available in two thousand and twenty four. Probably they haven't put a hard date on that, yet now, as Neil I had pointed out. We are running out of numbers here, so These numbers are not really standing for anything. You know they're, not until three nanometer they're not reclassifying. Is that because again the number as they stand right now, don't actually stand for anything there's. No, Five nanometers, seven nanometre transistors on these chips. That said and the next generation after until three is not intel too, but until twenty eight, This is a people
we really have to lay down the groundwork, so I'm gonna give you a bit of an explanation, and so the twenty eight may hell, twenty eight is meant to evoke the angstrom era of semi conductor, design. What's so angstrom unit of measurements that is smaller than a nanometer moves, are twenty angstrom is equivalent to two nanometers now this is not a two nanometer scale thing, nor is it standing for twenty angstrom. It is just meant to evoke that it's so a note, you know at any time accompany just jumpsuits numbering system to twenty. You know that they ve not samson. Yes, twenty. You know what, whatever its twenty now, we know it will always be bigger than the iphone number I'll joking
I, though this is probably going to be the biggest jump in intel's chips in like twenty five years in like, but it's going to happen twenty five years from now, not twenty five years and like in, like ten fifteen years, it's their first new transistor, architectures and Finfet, which is the basic technology that every major transistors been using since when you live in. So this is how the next really big jump forward other using something called ribbon fat, which is an all get around transistor. It lasts for what greater transistor density, smaller sizes, they're doing a lot of interesting stuff technically or are planning on it and it'll be out sometime in two thousand and twenty forward twenty when you five poverty, ramping is twenty twenty four it'll, probably and harbour you can buy in twenty twenty five, hopefully, assuming that none of the delays that have played the company for the last ten years pop up weight, twenty one component, twenty eight twenty, eight twenty, or to nanometers that number still has to come down. Indeed as you don't want to go to thirty eight, so the generation
after that is eighty ne, which is the farthest piece of the road map, is the vigorous thing, suits the second generation that'll use that ribbon fat technology, it isn't develop, and for early twenty, twenty five is the only thing intel gave at this point. We don't have hard numbers anymore. Fur fur improvements that x expecting performance for what eighty ne is the most important peace, because that is the part where intel says that it will be back at the head of the pack soap. Yes, this once this event in tell is not a hand right now, like as a factory until does not make the most technically advanced chips on the planet, and it expects to be making that again when eighteen eighty comes out, twenty twenty five, twenty twenty finish. What smaller than an extreme so small and angstrom, I'm so glad you asked the angstrom is not actually a scientific, not nasa unit. It is an alternative unit. Its imperial, it's an imperial
one angstrom zero point, one nanometers by them scale generally only goes in units of three, so we go million which, as you know, three billion, which is another three dead. So the next thing down his pico pico meter, but were probably always away from having to use, yeah and entails even further somewhere on the entire charter, like twenty p, is coming twenty people coming before the heat death the unification of just where my two hundred p, given themselves all of the numbers in between yeah yeah. Look when they it's too measuring things and eggs firms. I also think the need to get rid of lakes and switch to ponds. We got an it's time. I've I've ever heard pinochet explain the usb version, numbers or explain and tells me It is always so much more complicated than you could possibly imagine. That's it. That's why I appreciate I apologize to everyone for this amazing
what time is very much any. The chip beat lately. If you listening to this in Europe, you're the person and intel in charge of picking angstroms just email, tis many questions are coming okay, whereas I want to break and we got a degree of a lot of catches talking about yeah. Alright, we're back support for the shell comes from shopify. If you're thinking of starting a business at twenty twenty three building, an online presence is important, and that means finding a trusted partner. Who knows E commerce? Shopify could be that for you, they're revolutionizing what it means.
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that's shop, abide outcome, flash box business support for the show comes from gold piece, real routine, there's a term a day about an hour before sunset, where the rays feel warm and the breeze feels cool. But the half hour of golden palace is always gone too soon. It may rekindle that feeling with a bar of gold peak made with high quality tea, leaves it smooth taste transports you to golden hour at any hour gold peak tea. It's got to be gold back Dear, what we're going to start with, I want to start with the highway p. Fifty which is launching for real. got harmony o s because in through universe, for the thing didn't have harmony owe us. This would be the phone of like the fall right there you know I followed is probably ants.
sort of a cycle whatever number they give it sampson's going another samsung phone? You know Google's gonna, try for the pixel, the like all the stuff but like up until the ban was away, was like gunning for samsung in like major markets, and they were, they were the there. That was the competition. It was samsung versus while way and then not just what is gone. So this phone, the p fifteen perfectly fruit pro, is like from an alternate universe. You know, I'm it I'm sure we'll do fine in china. You know we already talked about how many of us and how its its android, but it ain't right, and you know the cameras ridiculous. I love how giant these you know. Kara modules are in the back of the phone and they ve had to colleagues in such a bad spot. One of the quarter like fighting fontarabia and our reach? We have to go for g by removing the five g module from our chip design again because of stuff. So that's an I'm waving my head at stuff, a lot
So that's kind of what I have to say with a sort of like I would love for this to have been the phone that makes like put samsung notice. That, like is taking on the ultra at a more serious way. It would have been a huge clash with the titans. Instead, it's it's an interesting side. Note yeah I mean that's what I have to say about the p the harmony wes thing is like we'll see, right leg. If you're samsung you're watching to see if we can pull off from android right and actually pull it off yet because that end is that, maybe you could do the same thing, which is like the big back and forth historical tension with Google yeah well, and so the other thing I guess to pay attention to is: can can they get it ecosystem going. I am sure you know every compatible there. Can they get a store going? Will people actually use and update that their apps on that store cause? There's like there's, maybe a little bit andred store competition potentially happening, because you know the amazon
app store is going to shop on windows now and windows runs android apps, while always going to be doing this thing and harmony, and it may be that that could be another interesting like sideways thing that this does I just. I don't want to give it that much credit quite yet, but I think you're right that samsung is paying attention to that. Can this run amazon appstore for the same stuff. You know have no idea if you were to do so, cyber the amazon, appstore harmony, o s, what it just like happened to work. I bet it what just happened or just like you know I don't know how many people in can we buy is like this is zero serious one dieter mark. As clear to people are gonna, be buying it everybody else's good? We buy it in china, where an appalling do really well, because we always like Yes, you stare know this, isn't this is explicitly for the chinese market, like I'm just saying that like
alternate universe. It would have been for the world in a ashes. We ve silent, retarded apples, earnings like apples biggest. It is china, in a very real way. The p fifty is apples biggest. Can competition it as as a lot of attention, span yeah- and I think you already are seeing like in china, like their own app stores, are really popular already, like everybody's kind of gotten used to having their own app stores, and you just go put your app on all twelve different stores for all forty different products out there. So it feels like this is probably going to do just fine in china, although the five g thing is really weird, the five g thing yeah we're just we're just talking about that. That's a big point of contention here in the united states policy idea. Just reminded me. The last time apple had one of its like deep dive camera meetings
they talked about while way way more than I expected, and this all just brought it full circle for me because that's who they are competing with, like the care. A lot about seems ah monsieur pixel in one of their biggest markets, if not the biggest market quarter, to quarter yeah, it's it's weiwei, well, and and not for nothing. It may be that the chinese government dislike has a vested interest in seeing some success of harmony ios and wants to do what it can to support it, and so that could also be a reason that it could be successful. In some way- and they will just default back to android, if they're ever allowed to again and that that could also create weird pressures on samsung and google, yeah yeah yeah, it is always very friendly already. They really give me no more I think it is email. I don't like it when you say that they are very from lots, only gadgets. watch too in china. Dear another
second other dieter special, I mean. Is it sure I bet it's look? It's it's running the sort of same alvarez sweep, you know, have been seeing out of Apo for it's watches it would. It would be very interesting if this thing ran. You know a more standard ios. It looks fine, but I it's again it just it solidifies for me that the wearable accessory market for android users is just the most depressing thing. At this precise moment you can get a fitbit. You can get a bad where I was watching. The wireless watch like upgrades story. Is a fiasco? Don't buy aware of us watch right now. Just do not have very. cherishing the small number of them are even gonna, be up creatable and that operate process requires a hard reset he's gonna start from scratch. Fossils released watches this fall. That will be upgradeable, but they're not going to launch with where it was three and we're expecting samsung to announce somewhere. I was three watches imminently, of course, but you know like
if you treat these watches as and I want to say, disposable but like if, with all of these watches the upper watch too, klute? You should just assume that what it does out of the box is what it does period and it what it does on the box good like long battery life keeps time steps decently. halfway decently. Well, then, you know more power to ya happy. You got something that does what it said it would do out of the box, but do not expect it to be like a platform that you install apps and, like it gains new capabilities over time, not right now, yeah I mean we'll see what this war amis three stuff looks like. Obviously, google and samsung gleaming they got their asses, kicked to come together in a way that you just wouldn't expect historically sourcing ourselves, but there's nothing. you're buds, which feel like they also came out of nowhere and were like a hype supernova this week, yeah yeah yeah, I feel like we were
We ve been hearing about them sort out for a while now, which is really annoying, because the name is nothing and I just keeping like oh what like they're, just somebody pun, slake, it's just inviting them, but new new airbus there. They look a lot like at airports pro, but I think nicer. I personally, like my like willingness, so get little cool is happening, but their only a hundred dollars instead of two hundred fifty dollars. But that also means you know you can't that much money and expect them to have the same quality like that, just as in excess. So to the big issue I think is that, like the noise cancellation, and a sucks. Their buggy, is hell. Yeah, yeah The software is just slake, not not great could be better, but they look cool and they got wireless charging and you don't have to expend extra for that and their hundred dollars. Dear that's, diving, suits me. I that is not new
thing is not why I gotta go down here later. If that made me grown, you know it's bad I just want to do you think these are gonna become like the default android buds ranked as they like have the work they have. I think it's a problem for google if these become the to enter it. Isn't google is sam? Certainly nobody, google or samson buzzer himself, your buds that are ok sam songs? Words are really pretty solid, deepened although I will say that I bought the buds pro this week and just completely broken within a day,
well. The noise cancellation on one of the buds is just like we're just going to make some static noise now, and so those are going back, but they're like the regular buds plus like as far as like lowest common denominator. You trust them to last a long time and sound decent and like not just be broken. The great I love them so samsung. I think for android users is like probably like the the you know, one of the I mean there's a bunch of people like the chopra as people like a bunch of a bunch of the other ones, but this could be like the default cool one for at least a hot minute. Yeah, but like four android users for adversely bluetooth headphones or a huge business tat, apparently particularly autonomy for apple. So it's it's when nothing came like were the first we're going to make our our bluetooth headphones, we're all like, but actually maybe that's just that's where the money is like you, but also you have to you have to for these to become like the next default for android users.
to find them like. These are sold right now through nothing's website you're, not you're, not rolling up best buy and deciding between these and samson can't sit there on amazon or or mean they're trying to like replicate that one plus thing right. Where were all the super successful one plus yeah? That was about to say this feels this feels a lot like one plus, which is not not like a return. oh success. It has not broken through the phone market and an unseated samsung core, really popular with andrade influencers. Its view hard to unseat samson, even if you make a better phone than samson, which you can argue that, when posted in someone s you ve gotta get the care your deal like there's just a million steps between you and selling a thing
like other suits, show up and demand whatever concessions, and here there's like made some headphones and like there's a huge market of android users and you can just sell cool headphones yeah. If you put these in best buy, I feel like they would do amazingly well yeah, but they gotta finish them worse, because they're very rare they have to make that I mean the trick here to me is like make earbuds that kind of are cool cause. Airpods had a moment of like being cool, but now they're, just kind of boring default yeah. I can't think of any other eras, I'm like oh yeah. Those are cool, they all look terrible beats. it used to be called before apple them, but not the ear, but those are headphones. Don't talk about like your buds, yeah yeah airpods like you've, got the bows which are giant satellites on your ears. Yeah and you've got like you've got what the the beans, the samsung didn't call them. Beans behind this varies dicey area on the show. Just gonna get a rat
Definitely, but they do. I mean those look cool and yeah. I like these look need these loop lakes. These look like the next step in that apple design, which way it was probably really really guide. How do you know if you wish you and the extra flushing athletes? Not care for their airports is incredible like as watching swimming snipe. Unlike due to recycle, there are plans out just like throwing him loose in their pockets up a little on the like that kind of marketing is impossible. Ted talk, I can write like everyone has and they're ubiquitous they're white people see them, but I think as long as it's it's cool to see that kind of competition in a way that
the verizon isn't involved in this transaction. I like the little pop of color. I like, like the metal elements of it. It's just. They just tell me where I want to talk about these lg, your buds, real, quick, speak out. They have this thing called whisper mode where you can take the right one out and then hold it up to your mouth and whispering do it and then it will like that will just work. It will become like a dedicated microphone. So, instead of being airbus it turns into a microphone elsie, proud of his assistant, watching a lotta, tik tok. That's what I'm saying to everybody and Tik tok is holding up their low microphone where technical have them out, and now you just do it with a blue to its main lover up its crates. It is great issues very funny that they had to branded as whispering mode instead, a hike, talk yelling mode to talk when it load it last few things I'm actually live.
katy Keck newsroom quarter has a great piece on how hot It is the stream the olympics, disco, comcast and these universal measuring lacks media coverage, whatever nothing, but this peace such ass, you please, or that it is very hard to say, The olympics yeah ridiculous. You hard at an then peacock is a mess. The best thing to the best way to do it is to have cable then use the NBC sports app, but even that app is terrible. It was a good way. He said it was the best way you got a number of ad options and your best one is the NBC sports app. The thing that is for katie has like yours: about in each case, with most advanced broadcast from the world. Producing the games in tokyo and japanese workers Two hundred hours we're ok, there's a way ahead of the curve. Ok see you can actually washing. Ok, I'll get internet NBC
taken ten eighty p feeds in upskilling forty. It's amazing, but what are we doing? This. it's very nepal and it's very hard to get those four k feeds you either you have to live in basically one of the fifty cities and that's it it's it's very messy and I don't like it That said, if I, if I was able to watch the swimmers, take their once out loosens I just toss out and higher resolution like I might be dead Lastly, it seems like a giant infrastructure deal is going to go through congress with sixty five billion for broadband and a bunch of other stuff, including charging. sure for edis has not passed it, but it's coming. So you big story for us in the coming week spend an eye I feel like it. and every episode the show by updating the calamity of the t, mobile sway. this network deal says took dish who mentioned this last week,
big deal with eighteen tee and now because team was forced to provide them with the service that they suck at it so dish left. and now t mobile is launching a competitive repaid service to get all the customers it sold to dish is part of the steel with boost our none of this worked. I dislike it didn't work We tried to design some overly complicated system in now. I have to know the phrase o ran open radio access network The thing I have to know about now we to pay attention to the envious. contracts of eighteen, TT, mobile and dish and there's only three years, and so here is my question about this, It was a terrible secret evil plan all along a guess very clearly, yes, but what I am in favour of a different theory. What, if it wasn't they had? Good intentions are, like you know, non completely. Evil intentions and
it yours complicated enough, and it was so obvious that, like no one is paying attention that they just like forgot, the deal was there and so some random market or somewhere inside the t, mobile goliath It would be cool is if we made a deal and then they like, they created the deal and put it out there and forgot that they had promised never to do that, they just like didn't occur to them that was a thing because it was so they were so unafraid of it having an actual force of law that it didn't like. There was no memo sent out to the company. Saying: hey, don't do this stuff, Maybe I'm in the companies are messy in them, just remember when they think they are those press conferences with tenacity mohunes from deal, unlike But John ledger is still this year and my son. What was there and like people will ask John budget like? Are you you gonna support dish and into taking figured out. rightly disease? Always he was, he knew what was met at the two german a very clever man, any
It's fair to say he was smarter than clowns at the fcc and see created this nightmare of a deal, and now I know known around is a soda. You cause you listen to the votes cast. I just want to keep track of it. It's just like. In the background of of everything, it is just true that we went from. we're national carriers to three yards. We're over their dish. Network is attempting to set up something called project. Genesis spelled with five in the word genocide. I think it's important I just think it is also tiresome annoying yet very and stops and others that last thing there's a lot of news command of activision blizzard horrible working conditions that accompany it. There's a loss from the state fournier there is a walk out, so we should for went to that walk out. We must arrive at that. Polygon is doing great outcome.
In that story we're going to dip in and out of it. It's not one hundred percent our world, but we're going to do some coverage, but if you're interested in it plug on seeing a lot of coverage and chris plant, the editor of python- and I have been talking about the best ways to cover it so check out- probably intricate zari story? That thing is going to keep building and I think a lot of changes coming to the gaming industry because of the story. I just want to call it out. It's important. We didn't talk about as much on this episode. I get the sense what you're talking about it a lot in the future, We did under an hour and a half. I was expecting to go like when we were like deep enough warnings. I was like oh man, five hour virtual test. We did it I'm proud of all of you, I'm proud of you, especially haim, when I think of haim, I'm like I'm. Twenty eight you can treat it as I met reckless teeters at back. One out is alex kranz with z, high sea guttenberg on dakota this week we had shut from embassy news. Sunium peacock he's launching, must show peacock. Those really should conversation next week.
Neo Mohammed, the chief product officer of youtube hours, will be spicy. That's my promise to you, and I know that on fire with the richest, that's it they so much right, please Please get a vaccine, the air ryan reynolds at mid mobile. We like to do the opposite of what big wireless. Does they charge you a lot? We charge you a little so naturally, when they announced they'd be raising their prices due to inflation, we decided to deflate our prices.
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Transcript generated on 2023-08-21.