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The rise of Clubhouse competitors / Apple's WWDC rumors / What is Google Chrome FLoC?


Nilay Patel and Dieter Bohn talk with Verge deputy editor Dan Seifert about this week's Apple rumors ahead of WWDC 2021 — from their AR headset to new iPads.

Senior reporter Ashley Carman joins the show to discuss social audio platform Clubhouse and the rise of competitors from other companies.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This week on, the has dancy for joins us talk about a bunch of apple rumours, including the new rumoured headset. We talk about cookie parker. What one out of t, mobile and google and some gadgets in an actual carmen joins us throughout. What is the future of class? That's coming up on average has now In writing. The recast, the flagship podcast mixed reality said: rob future unfriendly like did about it here. I also have a friend of yours, Dan C4, desir, hello. I will be here Israel from absent and later on, we can have actually carbon the talk about club ass in some. I am imagine in every other out. That's doing live audio, but we had some. We had some guy to such I wouldn't, but first as always, I want to show the cove. It updates till the biggest story in the world. The biggest thing affecting all of us lots of covert news Ivan sailor,
last few weeks. How many weeks several weeks I've been saying there is light at the end of the tunnel. I will say: it's been three weeks since Joe Biden announced they have website would come on. I may first Now, this forest ago, since the announcement three weeks ago, correct art, thou website is obvious go to it. It's limited in scope on may one it's to get bigger and scope, but were keeping track of it. That said, the big news about vaccines is it states ever opening up vaccine eligibility so this past week anybody thirty in up in new york can get it in states. Anybody can get it now, gives also news about vaccine efficacy, so that at last people out in the real world have gotten. The vaccine studies are being run, the evidence shows the vaccines work. They are effective they say today that the pfizer vaccine is a hundred percent. Effective and teenagers is more real, get vaccinated and there's more are there not seen we're just learning that they are more effective? There
a lot of discussion about vaccine passports, which in some cases look like apps on your phone that verify you ve been vaccinated, seeking go into public places. an enormous amount of debate and how to build use in view if the information in this passwords, you have a couple stories on the site about those that These are also changing how we interpret the coveted numbers. So if you're acting like us, even washing the case counts in hospitals, nation and deaths go up and down over the past year, now, there's a vaccinations how we interpret the numbers, which one was which ones we emphasise is changing. We got a great service that you talked about. Second order affects people are. atheling again I'm off next week, because I've got a shot. I ve got her shot me. You got a shot through coming to visit us getting on a plane for the first time in a year. Oh, it's big deal by airport experiences safety. All that gonna change. Now the people feel uncomfortable doing that stuff.
Well maps is gonna show covered nineteen travel guidance in the ep, so you know what happened at airports. it's going to be just a new wave of information organization experiences we have amazon got up authorization for at home covered test, which is important. Even if you are vaccinated, we still need tests and Lastly, our way we have to manufacture lots and lots of doses of these vaccines, with lots of them. Three hundred million people in the united states, as we ramp up that manufacturing quickly. There are errors when a johnson and Johnson's contractor made a huge effort, and fifteen million doses that vaccine had to be tossed. So it's there, is good news. There are some news along the way, but the light at the end of the tunnel and then once a sufficient number of people are vaccinated. I think we're going to see a lot of things like apple maps, travel restrictions just a lot of help. In understanding what is and isn't safe to do and how you should act in public places? I do think the vaccine passport id
It's going to come to into play like big. The nfl wants people in stadiums this year read. They have announced it to do that, they're, going to verify that most people are vaccinated in the stadiums. How are they going to do? That is a big question. That pressure is going to make this happen in some way. We'll just see how it goes we're on track very closely be people for health reasons who can't get a vaccine. So that's gonna complicate the entire situation. Also staring down the barrel of a potential fourth wave here in the: u s, so the light of that The tunnel, please don't make it longer we show by saying where mask please continue to socially just as follow the rules where a mask were very close, dont trip at the finish line, Please don't try for the finish line where mass way the appropriate amount time, but why did they know that said time its apple announced study to see this year, I can only again, which I think last year, the apple of all of the company's manage that
virtual event infomercial the best yeah. I mean that they manage it. True two there, you know I dunno ethos, Google, just up and and cancelled its well for conference. Lesser there's, like you know what now nothin online nothing at all. We talked a bunch about the different ways: the online This has gone I'll, be curious, see if apple tries to reiterate on what it did last year, because last year was a rush. Aberdeen really feel like one so carry see what they trying to this year. Yet I mean: I take away from it last year was they went into it he had his restaurant, but apple like they like controlling things. I don't think they were all that sad to put on in our long infomercial that who, how cool they were- and I I think, they're like happy- do it again, but you know most apple products recently have been very iterative: the one new product they announced
was airports max which, like gas, sent us even has her hands on in. That was fine because headphones if they a new, for, I think, that's a car virtually like that will be very hard for them, so there Lot of stories are rumours that their pushing to get people back in the office that pushing and get events back. In this our mind, only dummy dairy dc will soon be the last the last one. Now, right, we have been waiting for a march of eight march, came and went There are a lot of rumours it happen. Where do ipad refreshed where do a bunch of refreshes across the apple product line? I have no idea. What's now on. The other thing I guess to talk about is the invite there's always criminology of what the invaders, time its closure, my wife, what facebook reality lives, which is a division. Facebook that makes occupy and may also be, the division is working on a our glasses There were animo animoji in the invite, and then you can see the reflection of the very pretty icons in the glasses.
that every single animal jew was wearing so is just like they want to show you how excited they are, but the thing they are seeing on the screen, so they had it reflected on their glasses, but a bunch of people like oh there's, the aer glasses, are going to announce something they're going to announce like the developer kit for the hourglasses at Wwdc. That was a speculation that fool around for twenty minutes yeah. I sit here right away. dead, glasses and their invite time. That's too on the nose for apple. Well, it's like apple new. people would say this apple is not dumb. But even know that people look at their advice and try and sets out what they mean and there's no way there, like, oh god, and even think that people might freedom day our glasses on, in that they knew it the matter of it. He's just to be a tease or is it a tease because are actually do something? Yeah I mean it's been. There are multiple rumours now about whatever headset this is gonna, be there is another one. This week
mangy clothes said it they're, gonna way less arm. Fifty grams I'll see that the information is like more drawings of it make some kind of headset it wool because it We have some sort of advancement in the hardware compared everybody else like that's what they do. I don't think they're gonna, something that is just the same as the quest to live like this, they really need is abhorrent. I'd I'd! I personally do not think the multi year, experiment of putting a our gimmicks on the phone and the ipad has like paid off in a robust, developed eco system of aid are apps. Are you kidding me lie so excited to get glasses on my face and see what it might be. A couch looks like it might of air. Look I'm moving soon and I literally just switch back over to the iphone twelve from acts, and I'm gonna use the light our next week for really real to map out a room. For me. That's that's great. You can ask the measurement
There's a number of ways. The government ass- I was I supposed to do with it highlights- did a lengthy review that the twelve pro camera after months style and he was like the light are actually makes a difference in night portrait mode. Ok, so like serve the centre on the phone is doing stuff in their making use of it. But if the goal was to prime the pomp of develop we're doing a our stuff in apples, ecosystem and figuring out what they could do. Yeah we're we're like it. The farc EP zone, we're not gonna use cases were not like, you know, I was very proud of itself for, like having developers that make millions of dollars a year in revenue selling apps in their store, apple's gotta get there. I'm confident every one of those developers will immediately figure out how to port their extremes. tuna rap lads at but there's a reason you would announce a headset at a developer conference.
In some limited way cause you need a really kickstart tat ecosystem. I just like my big question is beyond a little bit of hardware like push in a better, slightly better harbour than everybody else is a fine thing to bet on with apple. That's a lot of developer platforms. Rapid to manage now raised a lot of them and they ve kind of forgotten about some of them along the way like this is a new page in its favour tv products that appears to have been forgotten and, like that's crazy right like are they going to be, going to just turn their focus over there and further? What some of this stuff wither away or are they going to? Are they going to figure out how to care for all of it at once I feel like I was a big enough company and has resources, that they can figure out a way to get for it all at once. and yet the apple tv hasn't been touched in how long you I I believe, easily, like the exception,
Presumably maybe it's not that far, but like the apple tv, isn't it in case. You mentioned earlier that there's a lot of things that are overdue for updates the apple tv obviously is way overdue for updates and doesn't make a ton of sense in the market right now. But at this in time. Apples idea for the apple tv was that it would be a platform for applications. It's not, though, it's a portal for content and, like the de of what a tv is versus what a phone and what a tablet is and what a mac is and what maybe glasses are, or something like that is like a little bit different. I think in in the actual real world use cases, so I don't see the apple tv and think o apples, gonna screw up the glasses now see that minister of the glasses, I'm so like they're gonna, do a good job, the glasses, but the other previous just gonna get word their attention is any at all the work. They have a lot of platform. We taught us. Sometimes they have the
the phone they have the ipad, which is now its own individuals, variant nonetheless, of the phone debts, they have the watch which, as yet a third, they have the math which is now a weird hybrid and develop individualised variant right. There run I was gathered we may be don't have for the dutch prime anymore, so that simplified things beautiful you d, better judgment, so that's wait, wait! Awhile! That's the first the I've had the watch, the mac. Tv Yap, then they might add a headset. and a cause. It's alright! It's a lots and manage it like, I would say of they have an eye message. Appstore I'll happening, it's all in there those the only appstore that I think has signify a meaningful traction. Is the phone ipad is getting there? Is it, though I would say, like you know, if you're looking for an example of a platform, a new plan,
that has not seen enough attention since it was debuted. I think I've had. The ipad is a great example of it. Like I, better, was barely change last year, even though the phone dramatically change in terms of july and options for developers and things like that, I've had a lesson just kept on cap and keep it on. While they had their big change the year before, like that, they then I think they might be tik tok enough. Maybe that's the case which, by the way, is pure evidence that they cannot do two things at exactly sure sure, but Emily think, like you, can look at the ipad in there's, like so many obvious things that they could improve adieu and they just like drag their feet with them, and and and have not done it and like maybe that's an example of like one area that not seen enough attention, because it is not the phone. It is not okay we've been looking ahead to w w D c. We should actually talking about this event that we're expecting to happen that we thought would happen in march. That should happen soon, which would be the ipad event. The ipad,
be a tv, maybe tv, but like that. The big things on the less like be more max coming soon, there's airports three floating around take? If, if you take care pads pro unplug, the little rubber you're in certain than that they turn into I guess, there's air tags, there's apple tv ipad does bunch stuff about it seems like we were really do for and that government saying is the ipads are next We are a little bit overdue for like ipad prose yeah. Last year's update was very much not much of it, right. They eddie, I'm not one processor core and they added a minor since, like this, What I mean they're like is this enough to build a developer ecosystem for for one more core. I get it, but they have to figure out and I haven't I've had proved keyboard case did or are you had one? We have a, we want our sappho use them. We hear from people use them, they finished that idea,
later, when I've had, with a usb, seek an actor and a keyboard case to introduce hardware. They need another new idea, because if it is just another iterative processor bump, like you might by one from two years ago, like there's a tiny fraction of people in the world who are maxed out on the performance of a two year old I've had well whilst the big hardware ideas gotta be the that the bigger one is going to have a mini lady screen sure even that, like even if we just like updating the script like they need a software refresh yap, make it more capable or they need a desire which I don't think they're ready to do a design refresh so make the keyboard. Croatia, I super do not want to design refresh. I don't want to have to buy another tat, keep or hurt actually are. actually super disagree that we need a big, huge designers ash, or that we need necessarily big huge new hardware capability. If they, if all they do, is they put the camera on the front in the right spot
the horizontal side, that's enough for me: yeah We are not suggesting that needs like builded laptop version. suggesting things like cameron, I'd spot in to usb species it's like where hang on hang on a medical, say: women like what are we go for it right? the original ipad. The original ones were supposed to have two thirty. and connectors on the side and one on the short side. You can dock it configuration in a dilemma like literally the last minute, seem steve jobs changed his mind, Well that you know they must have a bunch of usb see plugs lying around that they never put into the iphone they get a run into. The ipad yeah I think that the ipad right now, if you look at I've had air and have had proud people are getting I of them exactly as much as they can give break. When you think about
ipad air that poorer than like the m one max right, there's a clue. Split, it would show like I'm through on this thing out. I'm getting a mac, I'm gonna, do you mac stuff, but that's entirely because a software them like, I don't think you mean you say like you'd there at what the max what they can do. It's like it's, not because the ipad hardware is incapable of doing more its again limited by the software and like that's, where, like at least if, if they were going to release new ipads last year, which they did and they added the core, the the meaningful difference would have been adding new software features and they didn't so maybe we're due for those big software features in those news. Changes in those things that are, you know, knocking off the list of things that stop the eye, from allowing you to do whatever you want to do right, but historically you get those italian everyday sea like the yet in the order of operations. Here, as is what I'm like focused on, you can put out a new ipad, but if it can only do the things of the current I've had a west can do slightly faster. What storytelling
right, that's it! I think that just like one of those things, apples to figure out is in its tik tok cadence of like now. Managing fifty platforms are ones, I must say, the airports if they may be, regional airports better than the original how'd you like the based model, airports, better, the regular airport, it's like they're, just going to sell a bunch of those, because the original batteries are asi yet surreal in for them, and air tags are just like this endless mystery and clear. Why, with the hassle, what the problem is here, but they could, if they did apple tv, air tags ipads. I want them to do imac macbook pro desperately, but like set those aside, if they just, Do those three things in an event then they can be like here's. The new ipads are the fastest. Ever we learned a bunch from making them one they're even faster now, but these aren't the ones you're a number and something something invest green ever there's bastard eleven go by one and then they'll move to apple
the apple tv, etc, etc, etc, and your phone can find your motive is. It has to be built built because because change changing the remote and they will set a million of those and then, while word using your phone, define stuff yours ear tags in out just like: that's it that's a complete of it. They just knock it down and I don't know why they don't just that have for what it's worth. We saw reports today. I think samsung air tags version is gonna, be shipping real. Soon, like you got pre order. It now, will you w b, the technology in it and stuff like that. So you know same sex. Many animals is trolling samsung into doing aren t, down somewhere tag. Stop that's where we're the folding iphone yet letty, samsung figure it out for three generations and sense. I mean these add that you'd have to be shipped what it. This is. The second there were in the eleven pro another right. Well for it and my beyond airdrop, which is still pretty soon,
there's nothin right, you don't really is also in the homepage. Many in it does the little I had dance from the phone to the many that when you walk up to it, ok very advanced, I'm supposed to be like a mark in a car like going to the moon anyhow. Other apple? Rumours is actually doing this. Actually pretty good week of apple rumors rugged, smart watch, which makes a lot of sense mixed since there are still plenty of people out there by an garments. Says or casio g shocks or whatever just fallen, watches that are good for the outdoors and swimming in, like better than what the appalache can do. Big For me, as of apple, makes a rugged smart watch. What did you do a battery life because watches are solid today, watch for me these days, but in that category you need more anyway, more solar panels, sure stratum shone out ideas I mean well. The thing
with all of those watches the the the garments he mentioned. The soon toes the ones that the real outdoor enthusiasts, like they're all huge and the reason that they're huge is because they have giant batteries, stuffed in them and in a lot of cases they don't have full smartwatch, oh ss, on them they're not running a bunch of background apps and things like that. The only thing that they're doing is tracking your gps location for x number of hours in a row so be interesting to see if apple figure so yeah, while they that the due date their running real time operating systems like they did you heart rate, they do they do the stuff yeah. the fitness focused stuff, but, like you, can't there's no voice assistants on there. There's! No, you know you're, not opening your garage door with that watch, you're, not managing your to do list with that watch or whatever it lcd to the smartwatch for There are two ways: one apple puts in a huge battery and says it's the s for chip. What are they are now, too
six o clock the next generation in their watch ship, even more efficient giant battery, they solved it or you can turn off most of the features and run it in outdoor mode right. I think my prediction is that with giant battery because of what they want you to do is leave your phone out when you're out yeah. I think that's right, there's a third option which is put a second screen out. It doesn't take up any power. Which is what tick watch does and what casio has just announced. Gonna do it's making a g shock and its doing the second screen option year. They won't do that. Yeah. I mean this thing looks neat but yeah. I don't. I dunno man like it's a cool, it's it's like the first g shock in awhile or mike yeah. I should just have that because it's like These acts are cool with most enable the same for many years, and it sounds like islands while I think apple goes big battery giant re watching at last. For a couple
answered. I gather in like they want to sell you, the cellular one that you like. It's your computer on on the trail yeah? I can already see these heads and they are already you make me feel bad about myself. I don't this order of events to me is the issue right. Yes, Do you maybe want all of dub dub to be focused on this headset? The fact that the market is about to get really competitive? oculists exists. The quest to his good staff is war on something we ve heard a lot about it. What tools doing apples to enter like? We know apples to enter this market, its also real crap living a good story. They need focusing developers, pay attention to it and not the other platforms. But then they that's all the others have to care for in all their regular products to announce in, like they miss their first window that at the beginning of the year here right well, yeah I mean I guess so, but in the thing that the other thing that we meet alluded to a little bit,
we're still waiting for arm processor updates on the imac and the macbook pros that are, you know, actual permissions. Those make a ton of sense to announces that w w c, that's where all the press are paying attention to cetera if going announced us. That's really that's the macro. It's with approach, if they're going to announce an imac that As you know, forty seven arm course in it. That's the place to do it, so I would be surprised if we saw our max before dubbed up, but it is another. Those things that it's like on the list of light when are they gonna operators? And yet, They are two sets out their schedule this year. I usually see him waiting like because our apple will need to do anything. Just wait like ok, we're having person events again. Yet they were wait for almost all the stuff, and so we can have the moments that we want to have, because what are you gonna do not by an iphone Please don't tell me that that's what I and sea I really like. Clearly that worked fine for them. Last year a lot of people
Didn't so was. I continue to fund surprising. They decided to but eat up, but I buy every phone families are about but like laptops does on suffer up, I I think the leg can eight. This is when I you went back if so many things to care for right, like they have taken. need to turn over the entire line of max it's funny. If you think about all the things I have to account, maintaining the iphone is. Actually in the middle of the west, which is their entire business in terms of ambition and that stuff they actually need to invent get. They need to put an iphone thirteen, this I'm sure they ve been working on for several years, but, like yep, so a lot of them, and it will be fine because message exists. It will have a slightly smaller notch, yeah like they in it's heart. I'm not saying that's easy to you. I'm saying that the scale of the challenge compared to when
who wants an entirely new a our platform and get it offers to buy an and not make suffer the like the face or platform of the satellite form. very hard, we need to completely revamp or tv products strategy, because we, we literally employed tv show makers. If they want it. Like I mean that's the thing with a tv. That's interesting to me is like in it the tv is the one piece of apples hard That is not so tied into the software experience, because you can just watch apple tv plus shows on any other platform. That's remit ante room after product strategy, so an ok so reason by an apple tv, instead of using an apple tv about another platform, little bit simpler, I will be nicer interface, it's not it's going It's got fewer adds an interface from here like plus tracking, that's good, and you can play apple, arcade games, sure it is the one platform reliably turns on all the lights for
service that should turn out the lights dear. But even then chrome cast is good. At that night, I wouldn't say it's good It doesn't answer ass, unlike also gotta, just freezing and giving up yeah, but, like you know, rogue who does it fire tv, obviously to the end, All of them are doing it at a quarter of the price of the apple tv like in order apple tv. Now you have to be a like a av, nerd or really like apple orkut, if you and avian narrative already bought you ve already semi melody invitation It's already yeah, who are you already own? The apple tv, because it's been out for three or four years or whatever I'm sure, there's someone annapolis in this right now being like cause, we stopped carrying on with the tv two years ago. Isn't it obvious, like that, what this is, all I'm saying is its wild apples, the things they are river to be announcing this year, declines. They are shifting our carrying over more need to reinvent the car they presumably want to build,
Amid like order them all in the west to like how hard it is to do, and we like- oh making the next, I is actually sort of the middle of that list, yeah, because their apple, unlike there, they're. I'm sure the iphone team is like protected and not being moved around them So I just think of it. This is like us. in its final, hopefully we're all going to events again the order of operations or apple. Like it's a well run company. I just think I'm very curious to see how they order all these things and then how they make them. I feel as big as they have traditionally made the found feel when maybe you now timgar grow. up on stage an apple car rang the hour headset enemies. Also, there's an iphone from thirteen, aren't we have they break. There is actually there's more techniques to come will be right back this episode is
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they got some kind of deal with Google? Google pay them a lot of money to their data. port, Google's arcy s, just straight up, gonna beeps compatible the universal profile there have entered messages, be the default on all andred phones, anti mobile, including samson phones, there's a whole wacky thing that happened with yes, twenty one there and they also argue sort carrying and pushing the pixel, which is very good for google, because verizon did nothing for it. Maybe t mobile will probably not, but there and give it an honest, try and keep like all, also if you want a live streaming tv from us were each get ten bucks off utility vehicles were burned, tents and for done with the other stuff member, the thing we In october, the emerald missus Allen deal appears. Is ireland deal so team of old bought layer, three yap already, MR years ago, the only other person gets should have got this issue julie, velvet
If you, actually, you do need to explain that the actual why this tv thing is so hilarious. I think people forgot about layer. Three and the tea bubble launched a whole damn service off of it. Eventually, so yeah so t mobile buys his company called layer, three, which is a cable company, effectively yup they should down they roll it all over and say this is the future of our streaming service. This is all today, my theory, the gigantic company seers, haven't ideas announced copy each other so like like Hell, you bought warner media will require small cable company a monster so so team obeisances smoke, hey we're coming, then they launch a service called t vision which is supposed to compete with youtube tv and all these other ones. and their whole thing. Is it it's cheaper than the other ones, because they're t mobile the n turns out the reason that it's cheaper is. They have not gone to the tv networks and negotiated prices for how they burn
the channels, ok, hazard, the unpopular they just like like here, we like we, disable company we're like swooping other existing deals. We have you bundles for tee vision and a cost less than everybody else, and unlike discovery, networks and NBC, and whatever else you can think of is like hold on a minute. You didn't ask us if you add a channel x. You have to bundle it with channel. Why that's a contract? We have everybody else and we're going to sue you. So then team, like enter like falls apart, mind you there. t vision in october of twenty twond. It is all just like happened. So all the cable networks are mad at t mobile tools like whoops this time They then they like realized, they can't win. Other choices are to raise the price of tea vision in actually How to operate if you can't be
because you're cheaper. Yet we competitive because you're better right, which is like when the competition is Google you like but we have to make about that. Allow tv to What is the list of companies that have failed to compete with youtube tv? sony eighteen teeth it slowly just download slaying down the latin these companies are falling apart. Try compete with youtube tv, which my itself might not be long for this world currency, cable and it's expensive. It's like I pay for it. It's seventy five dollars a month got it. They just raised the price last year again because, because of cable network bundling yeah, so they they basely, shut, anti vision, enemy, say what I'm gonna do we want. You were in a bundle and youtube tv. I am confident when they went to Google and said we want to make a deal with youtube tv. Google said no. Until you light up rcs, you think so If I was sundar any any other executive. Do google I'd like I finally have leverage for this
Yes, a situation, and you also have to actually sell pixels. and also have you heard of her phone. You might not have. Actually this is there's no way that that's how does dlc mobile was on the path to do. sure good our cs stuff, and they they promise. You too, profile, there was a little the squishy nest? There was some whacking us what the pixel three a we're like t, mobile support of the interests profile- unlike other phones, but not the pixel- is like a fiasco but the big thing now is it's actually not about our cs. I mean it's our c est, but also about making andred messages. The default messaging app This was a big thing with the yes, twenty one samsung and google Google like basis, you need to start making it messaging up at screwing everything up. It's making it too complicated, use, entered messages, samsung said you know what sure that's fine we'll do that Google's andred messages is now that the taxing app on galaxy is twenty one phones, cool and then in america nope.
still stood, get samsung messages as default and why that's a that's, an excellent question. I invite you to ask a t, t mobile and verizon, and so this turn of by the in the year every android phone on t mobile is going to be using android messages and google and t mobile are going to like spin up business for business chat together. Third, like gonna, somehow split: that's what the revenue from that this is about our she s, an error messages up a lot, more so that it is about pixels. But to me it's bout andred messages we'll strategy is like screw it. We can't get here, used to spin up. We can't win. Unlike the network level, we can't win at the platform level people to adopt our cs organ of win at the app level and so entered messages, he is like their big pushed to have. insistent shot uppercross oleander advance. Here I just they haven't. I any leverage to do it and it just find a t mobile. Just like him,
actually trying to compete with eighty anti like wandered into this situation with the us. every time. I hear a business chat which we about a lot we ve been here. from apple we hear about from Google. We unfortunately, here about it from the carriers who is using I use it once last year was great. As I message was: that's ok, so you dieter bone the apathy It's just. I mean I love you, but one of the nerdiest people I've ever met in my entire life. I didn't go seeking it out it just like happened. I like hit the chat with the thing that you can site sometimes- and it was just like twenty- is the message I sure ok but those great so like that's like that's how I wouldn't it expected to work like I don't use. The bananas on the website, like I shouted with amazon till I can resolve shipping dispute or something like that. I shouted with verizon's customer support because my files wasn't working or whatever but like those are all like self contained in their apps and their websites and went out to see if it was like do you.
these, I message I would be like. Oh my god, the system worked like I just would never expect it to work like that. Yeah I've never experienced business. I'm saying dieter you only experienced at once get any like that two it serve. It appeared t if it from here to you again. You would use because you'd be curious. Right at every one of these companies. Like this a huge business, we it'd be their own business, as, like I mean it must be mobile. World congress continues to exist. Google by the way, announce they're not going to show up to that this year, good on ya, so like I dunno, but when we used to go to mobile world congress, he like wander around and it's like. There are thousands of like multi in dollar companies you'd never heard of that do miss steer. strange back and things behind the veil of the carrier service and yet, this money there. I don't understand it, but it's there.
I think business chat is a shell game where they're all just chatting with each other, so there's only like a fixed amount of money in the entire system and they're paying it to each other in a circle is a huge pyramid scheme yeah There's friends to sight of this is tat. If Gmos gonna push pixels, that means has to make a good pixel right. Yeah, we just clarify t mobiles care the pixel for what they have. The important difference is: are they going marketing and push that's part of the promises they gonna turn a push it. and so, like I think, of like the one plus phones, which is like t mobile's, been a partner for a couple of years now and like apparently, it is dramatically increase one plus, it's presence in the: u s, because they're fun the carrier, but t mobile, seems to be a little more willing to promote these phones. Put them on, like the big stanchion in their stores, and things like that, where maybe for for many years, would put up a billboard in manhattan once and be like. There's our pixel marketing
now. So I do wonder if it's like. I had something to do with like push it, putting some pressure samsung as that that's a kind of a stretch it does make like weirdly. B to think that pixel phones are going to have a better relationship, a t mobile, if only because back in the day when he used to go and look, nexus! Phones at google, you just like walk around campus and I asked people service are using and everybody used. Ie mobile, like the nexus, was like a T. Mobile designed, in some ways and the usual andreasen was anti mobile What would you think, isn't happening tears years, a question that will apply to four people? What happens to Google fi? It runs on t mobile network there There are no implications for google fires. The official line from Google hates her never implications rendering of critical someone thought about Google, I in any one of these meetings since
pandemic. I have paused, my google fi account four times because it's a three month pause, so I just like aesthetic yeah just keep pausing it. One day, though it'll be out in the roaming across universal. Once now I haven't. I turn my I can't just so. I could like go out in the world and take photos and have it work a little bit better, but I dunno it's dumb that I'm paying for two services right now, yet why am I even paying for one to bed? Alright, we gotta talk about these cookies, ok. What do you want to start? What is the web? the web, is a group of things that are link a ball and agnostic to the client. You ok, so see here, webcam hits It turns out there's only one that does. There are two that truly matter. Safari on mobile gap and chrome and stop the mariner fight. Yet there are just not satisfied. So
apple and mozilla, and that apple, then, basically, everybody but google like we're done accepting third party cookies. The only thing cookie should be used for keeping you log in to your website. That's theoretically other good for now and google was like who, to what would it take two years to do it, and years ago. I wanted to take longer to do as they wanted to replace the function of third party could cookies with something else and the function of third party cookies is identifying you, so they can track you so that they can advertise the same thing to you on every website that you visit across the entire web red until you buy it. You buy it and they will still advertise it to you for the next two years yeah. So Google has proposed this system of a bunch of different bird related code names. Sue. give advertisers the ability to do some targeting without giving them
Your actual browsing history or identity, which, with a cookie, is relatively easy to figure out cause. If you, you can put a cookie on somebody's computer, and you can like just gather that information, so they have created the system called flock, which is the federated learning of cohorts. There's other related systems like turtle, dove and blah blah blah blah, but like flock as the big one and the idea is your chrome browser, we'll look at your browsing, history, locally, analyze it and then in an anonymous way. All the chrome browsers are going to talk to each other and they're going to create these cohorts of basically profile like generic profiles, the profile of people who, like you know, trucks and cars, yours and bikes. The profile people who like flowers and rocket ships. The profiles of like a bunch of these different demographic profile, thousands of them and then think those be automatically generated. They'll just have ideas,
and what will happen is when you browse the web locally again, your chrome browser will be like our this looks like there. two flowers rocket ship, so for this week, based on their browsing, they are going to give website the iD that says that their associated with the group that likes flowers rocket ships and there's at least some people in that group, relatively anonymous and so you go to the version com you'll get the verdict Well, now that you're in court, fifty nine and then it on our it's our job, to figure out what court fifty nine means: flowers, rocket ships and then once circle is complete. Then, and advertiser can bid on providing add to somebody who's into flowers, rocket ships, what's funny with them, is that it is insanely, complicated and weird, in many ways it is completely streamlined like system compared what we have now and alive. ways. It is yes, so what we have now is a good weird backwards hack.
Ever complains about other tractors, individuals use our own website. Isn't it come onto the verge. Multiple third party trackers We are cutting them down over time. I promise you we know, but it's what happens? All those are in many cases, are just pixels and snips snippets of code that, like fire and like your ip address, is legal. Registered as okay. We loaded a pixel to this person, this browser, from whatever add tracking dot com domain. Yet that company then like keeps track like. Oh, we are pixel loaded that he addressed loaded our pixel on the verge on. Car driver dot com and whatever else we ve now created an interest profile for this person. We don't know that. Person is theoretically, but I probably because it's easier. there's, no controls there, but like they're, just like firing that x all over the place, including the stores you visit, including like when you shopping, cart and walk away from it. They know. What's in that shopping, cart,
can just like layer. All this data together clearly when the microphone and in listens to you just kidding. That's a joke Jesus her ass, what he didn't make it including the fake news editors are set in that always, created and now you're like you are associated with some line, a database. It theoretically says our interests, on the other side an advertiser show about it. We talked about all this with an illicit, greater, the cmos kind of like and decoder. If you want some interaction, This relating to explain to you on the other side in advertiser opens the number of portals to buy advertising, we can use google, for example, or facebook. Whatever and they say I've got I've got it a card charger for a phone. I'm looking for somebody who owns two cars who is bought it our charter in the last two months
and who makes this much money. Neil patel is who they're looking for because you buy a car charger you own two cars and buy a car charger every couple of months, they're they're like they're, they're, fine. They have found me, I assure you, but you put in that data. You open, instagram facebook Like knows that about you, they know that that those ads are in the inventory. They match you up in the series that that's how it works the web too with, but with pixels. That is we backwards right like that, is not what cookies designed to do. That is certainly not what what one by one, invisible, pixels Domains were designed to like this is our hack on top of the web, with significant privacy issues and honestly, an enormous dent into my car charging budget? It is very successful if you talk to the advertising. Community info your facebook with all their complaints. Apples are tracking identifying stuff what they will tell. You is hey this works,
small companies get to buy really really effective targeted adds finer markets and somewhere products in their happy about it in a way that they were not the advice available to people in the eighties did not like work. This way directors an argument about efficiency there. there's an argument for this is why a bunch of stuff on the web is free, because google and facebook have a massive monopoly in doing this. They collect a lot of data, they run giant free services and then there's like the apple argument, which is also you have no privacy and everyone's like paying attention to you all the time in a really creepy way. Rent, those things are completely Each other sites were Google tunnel like strip out all of the hacks and be like. We actually built a system for targeted advertising on the way, is, in one sense a good idea. But another sense like Google protecting its revenue right, we'll go up having its revenue. he's gonna get on board. This thing doesn't centralize yet more power into google's attack. This
This chrome thing like many google things is ostensibly open source and anyone can use it. No one's using it, except for chrome so like you could on the line and there's like possibly bad rep, Passions- or maybe it's great- but it's like kind of impossible to know right now and the flip side from apples perspective. As you know, what we're in a block. Everything advertisers are smart people, though figure something out, but like we're, gonna block everything, and it's not our problem and what our users want and it's going to be. Fine. Your privacy is more important than the ad tech platform. That's a noble! Honestly, it is it's great protect privacy at all costs go for it. The question is: what will the ad tech industry do and Google's contention is what they're gonna do. Is there going to fingerprint you they're going to find a way to track you via little bits of men?
data that your browser leaks out just by being on the web and unlike cookies, and unlike this flocks system those systems, once your pegged once you're tagged via a finger. It is very, very hard to get rid of that fingerprint because you can't you don't you can like money, your ip address, spot like one of the things I linked to is the way that your particular browser and play for happens to play a tiny millisecond snippet of audio identifies you there just like they could figure out who you are within less than a second, and you can't change that. That is not changeable, easily there's like ways, but it turns into this arms race, of how many bits of entropy can we introduce into the data that our browsers leak out such that we can't be fingerprinted and Google's contention is like that. That war is dumb, must give schema bright. Well, let path for
tyres to go down that protects some privacy rather than do a complete prohibition, and once you know what what's phrase, sal criminals. If, if all advertising is, is criminal, only criminals wilder ties that you have just make the entire industry really sketchy yeah it already. It already is sketchy is like the counter argument I I mean we like this closure, I guess watch me near runs like an ad tax system. Called com you can go via like the whole point. If it is to not be sketchy and criminal like anyone. you look at it if you're an avatar I encourage you to call whoever it is over there that you would call first mats results as it is on the other side of the wall from us, but the finger Fingerprinting is already happening there already lots accompanies it. Do it and apple
It's just committed itself to like we, we will break the contract of web browsing by making fingerprinting harder and so like the iphone like safari on the iphone just lies to web servers about What it is all of the time, because the meditated we're talking about here is like your screen size. What in your ip address you? What network IRAN, whether blue tooth, is on or off like a bunch of inconsequential data that is different from person to person to be an identifier. So apples commitment is like we're just obfuscate stuff, all of the time, and you'll have to deal with it. Ok, apples really rich. They go out of money. They comprise employs some some engineers like keep track of fingerprinting and constantly obfuscate the phone, but that you are committed to forever get well. I mean to be fair, so as every other browser maker. It's just that Google's trying to like again.
can escape health so that fewer people will be involved on the other side of that arms race. Yet that's their hope. What are the other browser makers doing so, It is actually probably do in the most in terms of being worth mentioning fighting finger printing, they have a system called far, which has just wonderful. It's pretty. That is its this system of basically introducing entropy introducing chaos into the different kinds of things at your browser does so that it becomes harder to identify you overtime. everybody's, you know, mixing up ip address. Or mac address as or any any sort of other identifying information there you're blocking it or their providing false ones or the rotating them out. You know, day by day week by week. but in terms of trying to figure out a tech, it's like? I don't know I have no idea what anybody else is doing apple had a proposal for try. whether or not an ad was effective that involve. You know like little he's in what that was basically the equivalent of the digital equivalent of a package.
Where you're supposed to enter a promo code, but it was just like there was like up the promo code system, but that the protocol is automatic. I dont know how much pick up that gun, you're apple, doesn't care about advertising, considers gonna put ads the interface for themselves, I just feel like whatever will just put the fitness plus at at the setup screen and it'll be a, yeah, I mean I'm very curious how the shakes her ugly mood, cookie polyps, is real. The like. Rising community is talking about it left and right. It is probably a good thing this weird hack of like use tracking is going away, but there still not like privacy regulation, thirsty there's no baseline of what the eu they have to anyone who has to meet you Right so, like I know in your story, you you were noting, like this, isn't really wrote: whirling in europe, where there's is peoria right, that's unclear, unclear! Google want won't, say that is because a gdp arbiters,
just speculation that maybe it is because the gdp are unclear. I haven't like Who knows whether the system is truly anonymous, escalated tends to be how much state as act it'll leak out of it. issues. Here is if you got a bunch of browsers, creating files using machine learning on their own. Some of those profiles are gonna, be for very sensitive topics right there. You discover that the group of users that visit websites about protecting yourself from spouse or abuse right You do not want to be put in that group. That is, that is like a bridge too far right, even if it's like an miss as they say, and so a google is doing is They are going to keep an eye on all of these categories it get created and if they determine one of them is ever sensitive category. They will tell the chrome browser you- never get to tell anybody that somebody you never to associate anybody with that cohort with that group. So that's cool, it's good. It does
little bit of such rights control with Google, but if any other browser maker decides to adopt this flocks system that browser maker needs to do that same work because east these so just getting created you either have a centralized moderation system like we're battled moderation or you you have to make that. You choose a browser that uses system, it has administrators you trust to not identify you with sensitive category yeah. so just like ample over again right. Where do this? Anybody can do it, but we're gonna run essential on and then yeah it's just theirs I've honestly, no idea where I condemn this debate, like I think apples, apples, fr. I makes them a sense. I just you have to believe that apple will win, ever war everyday well- and you have to leave that I don't know like our business will go up in smoke, because advertising will figure out a way to continue to make money in in in a world where there's like absolutely no targeting or
weigh less targeting you can do targeting, based, unlike the affinity or based on the contents right, there's a good guy So if your visiting the verge dot com in I dunno tech like there's that kind of targeting, but doesn't internet where there is no kind of user targeting or you demographic targeting whatsoever work. Should but it works very, very differently than the one we have now yeah. But there's me it's like that's a good thing. Yeah at the same time, do I think that this creates even more power for google and facebook which already have a dominant, do operating advertising. I certainly like yeah? I do yours way through this, except, I think, either maker should do it, and I we just see zero ships like the current way is not good four idea. There's only one correct way for- and I think is also not proven out so id like to see more of the battle and I'd like to see more of the browser makers do this, but who is going to be a weird few years on the internet have extremely boring ad tech. Lingo
alright. Before we take a break, we had a bunch of reviews this week, Dan, you want to run a run through them. Sure yeah. So over the weekend chris reviewed the bose frames tempo. Now you might have seen those in a piece dealer did a couple of weeks ago on glasses or headphones, that you could wear while riding a bike. I did or didn't like them for the bike riding, but if you take them out of that context and just look at them as sunglasses that have speakers in them that you could wear on it, or other use cases they actually are surprisingly good, which is a weird thing to say. This is totally like a product. I would expect to be terrible, Chris readers go check that out. I reviewed the google. tub the new one that traxler sleep and that works pretty well does it I mean We owe this show not long ago neil, I said he was looking for the buying. The thing is you just wanted a faster want europe, rand,
I bought what I was you gotta. Let me finish, but it really good at tracking your sleep. It does that part pretty well. So if you want something to ambient track your sleep, so you don't have to wear a bracelet to bret bed or charge a battery. It works great for that it is very slow for doing anything else. It is kind of like frustratingly slow at this point and biggest disappointment. There was we're hoping with the new model. It would be a speed improvement over the first jan and I did not observe any in my test so Google's got some work to do there in terms of like improving the user experience on that one, and then it was like a bunch of light. Phone news that came out like there is a new folder balls from while show me, which both look like sam and show me announce see me eleven ultra also named after samson the enormous camera bump on it, which was kind of answer which has a screen on it. The camera during those three that its lest I love it
I mean it's hard to get one of these here, but manto. I along I'm very disappointed in business. things. I ordered one. It's on science way here, That's because I assumed rational tat consumer would assume that the new version. Was faster, yeah, frustrating part. Like google toll told me, we put a new sesar in their it's faster, but they wouldn't tell me how much faster details about the processors eyes like It doesn't feel faster. I dunno. What am I missing here? Well, if you're out there on the boards and you've learned how to overclock your nest and it's it's just real. It's real stagger his stuttering over here. I wonder if it's you know, the the nest hub is a weird product is built on Google cast platform, and it's like a software user interface built on top of the cast protocol, and last year google deliver
It's a pretty big software update that added a lot more touch, interaction, levels to it and a lot more buttons and screen transitions, and things like that, and it made that first generation, pretty dog, slow and the second generation is also dog slow, and I wonder if this is a thing they can fix with more horsepower or if it something they just need to optimize the suffers I first while you can fix anything with worms, power is android. Alpha is a testament to but they stay at ninety nine bucks is the question like the they they want to sell the think, we're a hundred bucks, and so obviously they cannot put a snapdragons tripoli in it. even though maybe he'll areas and end, I would love to see it does come on. Let's go well again. I beg you, please figure out how to overclocking asked. Just let us now we take a break things to dryness them. Thank you. We back with ashley carmen in one second,
I am you patel editor in chief of the virgin host of the decoder podcast this autumn. I'm taking over is one of the new posts of the code conference law. said: CNBC, julie, abortion and casey newton from platform and hard work, you first I'll talk to major players in the worlds of tech and business on our shows. But code has live unfiltered journalism. You won't find anywhere else this year. We have on sage interviews with ex such twitter, ceo window, Macarena, microsoft, see to yoke Heaven Scott and many more from a I too streaming plot. And shifts to privacy. No one knows exactly where we're headed, but code is where the world's most influential people come together to find out. Join us for the start of a new era, apply to attend the code conference now at VOX media dot com, slash code, that is VOX media dot com, slash code, we'll see you in september.
The we're back. Ashley carman is here ash hulu right. So we we just need to talk to you about the clubhouse and the fact that classes in everything now so I'm just going to This list, spotify, is launching a clubhouse ascalon linked in discord in slack and that's just the beginning. In my opinion, it is just the beginning by these many things. The first is on a common cause store bought a field was in club ass with the sea of cod, as in he announced the slack was going to be the clubhouse which, like a firestorm, but I'm just going to be real here here that last october on the verge cast We need audio channels than it was before. The clubhouse thing happened. Sovereign forgot- and this is like the the best thing that enterprise softwares, like no one has mentioned we ask that you announced that a majority that man
answer me right, you're at work used when I adequate chat, I drop in her room, you have talked you go away disorder already. Does that basically, like in disorder like weird parallels, parallel each other is going on with with spotify, accept feels like the one that like is the biggest threat, To close, I wish to make just a sec up all the attention so who so interesting contacts is that I interviewed the sea of spotify Daniel act in February. And asked him about clubhouse and at the time you should like. Oh, you know, I'm paranoid I consider everything a competitor to us, including fortnight and anything it takes attention away from our spotify shows in music is like bad saloon, but that this week they announced at their acquiring betty labs, which is the maker of the sports centric clubhouse, competitor, locker, room aids. is going to be rebranded under a name they haven't announced tat, though we launch
for android notches iowa, which it is right now, presumably opening it up to everybody going to invite only or anything like that and they're gonna. spanned its coverage. So it's not just going to be. Sport is going to be music culture and sports, which fits nice into all specifies interests with the ringer acquisition and their music, and I guess just brought culture. So the plan is, really to launch a callback competitor, but the key difference here at least they have a confirmed theirs, but it's a pretty much alluded to in like we can all imagine this is that the situation is that they want to be with happy but record conversations, presumably using builtin anchor functionality, their party ass creation software. So you can record the conversation from this soon to be named app and automatically distribute it despotic. I m potentially other podcasting platform so basically like a direct funnel to their pod. Casting ambitions, which is just makes a lot of sense.
It's a question I have about spotify so like they have anchor and c h, o r, not the battery pack company it'd be amazing if spotify and the battery company but they've got. ankara, which is their creation platform, but you like you whose anchored offline and you get a file and a couple of that to spot a fire. Something happens Then people is that a synchronously rather listen to it later clubhouses, like real time. You open club ass, unlike for people are talking, you might jump in that room, they invite you and now suddenly you're talking like everyone's alone, together in their basement spotify. His has. None of that function almost nothing in spite of live like that's. A big change respond. If I am I this happened, might listen, weightlessness a music I might watch one of their weird video things that they make. I might listen to podcast or I might start talking and obviously how are they can manage that? Well, I ve met man for moderation perspective that I'm curious matter.
The whole thing, like a user experience like a spot like an app that happens in the background for most people, whereas clodagh, yet the best parts of club. S are when you get to participate, not just listen to venture capitals talking about how they hate the media, whatever happens in Columbus, like it's an interactive experience, the way that spotify right now is a very passive experience. Yeah I think you know spot of eyes. Broader ambitions might be to take a heavier hand in performance is kind of connecting artists and fans. You know, they're really do some work around this like big started, selling concert ticket and merge and promos and giving True fans access to limited staff, so I that's kind of where they, this going is maybe less of leg, chatting on this to be named app about our days and more like. Oh, we have bieber here- and you want to ask you a question about his album- so come get it. the most interesting. I think we can.
This every time you ve been about clubhouse, like flurry of notifications with super high horrible a few months ago, relic every ten minutes. Was opening class in your being invited or somebody new and that's gone down. it's like a lot of rooms and whatever- and maybe I should maybe up- the most interesting one, I've gotten in a long time. Two days ago, someone, I know, opened a club house room that just said, I'm in the car for the next forty five It's coming out, nothing. She was just driving like people work, hey. Hang like everyone is a moderate ever was, and it was just she's filled the space which was like incredible. Would you do that in spotify? Like that's like the kind of thing I'm like pushing at is they're all gonna watch this functionality, but the way you might want to use it or experience it is like. I would never want to do that and slack theirs. Chance that opening up a slack room. I love all of you but there is no chance of opening of slackened. It's like I'm able to be traded with for forty five minutes and Michael.
yeah, I'm. I am not going to do that. I'm linked like that's a nightmare can imagine development and, while I think the issue for club has could be that all these competitors as a whole chip away, a club house, four ways so heavy caesar and where people are like tell me how you major millions, those be, it just doin linked in passing on to do those things that people wanna hear the bieber chap go to the spot via the people who want. talk to journalists and other work or whatever twitter to the people who may be do want that kind of more social experience, I mean supposedly, facebook is working on something so instagram. Essentially, I just think in the aggregate. Clubhouse definitely faces the competition, but like they could carve out a niece re. Now, that's just like this is the hang on. But discord is large. You marry cut club and that's what this court is so like. I just think they face a lot of competence,
it seems like this is going to be in every app, so club has released differentiate itself to make. It seem like a place that you need to be. What's your vibe on how permanent the status and there was big ever was gonna, do live video and then all those I video apps sort of peter out facebook kilogram. Oh wait! If you make very well do live video is. Can we really hard to moderate? We need to create some reporting tools here. To get a real dark. Real fast is Can I come for live audio inside all these apps, or is it just going to be like you know, the money will dry up as we can get to go outside again and not be locked down and independent I think it's totally in earnest ratify like basically, if you're really first thought, everyone keeps talk on twitter, like oh, they just invented radio visit my the thing like the tweet. If you want to make a snark between like have you heard radio, but nobody, but it is a good point in that
npr employees. You know full time producers, editors, host, like professionals who do this all day, long putting together a live show like this is live right now this takes planning and work. This isn't something that we can just, maybe, if you're really good, getting a room and have some fun and talk by like you guys could do it obviously, but like you, it takes practice and work. So I do think that you're going to have a situation kind of these haphazard rooms that are just boring and bad kind of fall by the wayside in any of the professionals, a sort of rice, the top and that's where you and with again kind of that celebrity content or the professional plot casters like oh yeah. I just put my on this and we're just doing alive show, but in an app instead of in our podcast and the fact instantly connected to money right Well, every time I have been clubhouse- and somebody asked me start talking- I'm like- why am I working for free? They get paid to talk twice a week in my clubhouse, doesn't have any built in monetization, yet spotted
obviously has a wide variety of ways and monetizing monetizes some which putting their music like very controversial. The link din doesn't have like a creator. Monetization system twitter is working on one, as we heard from came on a couple weeks ago, like all the all. This is like you'll build a big network and the company will come up behind you with a way to make money and club as it's like they're going to do to a tipping. They haven't really said anything yeah. I think right now, at least for spotify. The prevailing idea is kind of like ticketed events pay to get access. To the room you want to hear. So that could happen. But again that requires the really content. I just think there's going to become a battle for the good talent. Yes, there is in every platform, I think we're going to make people love to work for it and for free, like Clayton, is the only social network where you pay money to do things like you, send somebody a message from linkedin epic payers money. because it has its like very business oriented purpose. It's gonna help you here,
We are in some way- and I linked in that much but this time I can see the like fake south by southwest west I clubhouse just migrating to linked and where it belongs, I want social media marketing strategy linked in is the place for you guys. please club ass reason. It's good on class is like, windows will show up to those rooms would otherwise not be opening linked in it, like ten p m on a tuesday night sick. What's up in like that's how you get the feeling that the major influencers drop into those rooms? There's like start talking, that's it what made clubhouse exciting. If you split it all up the way you're talking about like then you really end up back in this, like pre programmed I'm opening this app to watch a show at a time. I also truly wonder: might you know the thing that I think is funniest clubhouse, especially to independent? Was it you open it up and like buster rhymes in a random vc and like to other like like
where to your celebrities. Lobbies like hanging out right am I, through these notifications of be insane dog Mariah Carey is talking about corvettes now, and I bet GIP I'm going to listen to that for some reason like I have no idea why this happened and casey. Like the serendipity of clubhouse was like what sold it right. It's you would basically have conference, also impossible the schedule all of those were at home alone in the pandemic, with nothing to do right. Just like what am I going to do like I might as well open sap and start talking cause. I can't go anywhere after the pandemics over like aren't. They just want to go to like I'm just want to go to parties now the idea that I'm going to sit at home at night. I talking to my phone by myself as like low on my list of postmen and priorities. And that's why it's interesting, because discord kind of aligned itself with the game or community words like oh, you can use this out, while you're gaming to chat with your friends and like thou it you're doing it your activity, but also have that cover this kind of making, whereas it takes up its it's. Your activity like hearing club clubhouse, that's what you're doing today and tonight
annie. I just don't necessarily know that the interest will be their posts pandemic. I hope I met a bar ten thousand dollars. You smoke cigarettes in a bar and sang recently made for me it's almost over as I am a few other influence or things of you, we ve watching instagram trying to compete with tik tok. They like our finally just passed, the first hump of like duets, basically yeah, so the kind of the up there and instagram reels their tik tok copycat. Usually they talked about this some plan can remember, but the core up to is that they started de prioritizing anything that had a watermark on it. A k, any tik, tok content, so they're really come in for life, people to be native to reels, and so this week they announced that they now have this thing called remakes, which is essentially duets where you can just remix someone's real and that's it, but but it's just like whore tik tok thing that me
tick, tock, tick, tock, the dance challenges, making creative content. That was cool. So here we are instagram doing the obvious thing. I think that we're going to lower the richard, I think, there's a watermark is like at once like the most like they're doing it for tick tock, but they found this way of initiating it that wasn't about like anything of a watermark. One of those watermark thing Ave at a suit this we about facebook and video creators So this week I published a story about how facebook Scully shorted a bunch of creators on their pay out. I said thousands of dollars, but that's because I only talk to three creators in fact it I m sure it could get much higher. Very lay when I talk to other people, but basically, have a wise. They launch this whole new experience for pages, that kind of like created a supper profile for your pages versus connecting it to your personal account, and they have this tool that s
It's your revenue per month. All these creeters check this tool to get an idea of how much are going to make that month. They were seeing a specific higher number and then the our came in it was significantly lower and every and they reached out to facebook. Facebook was just like yeah, we'll look into it. I dunno they kind of just ignored them. So, finally, I talked to a few creators about this and as soon as I reached out to facebook, they called it a quote, unquote, technical issue that they resolved and they'll be paying these creators what their own? This month, in April, first workin video metrics premium like every facebook has had a metric associated with the video it's been like. Oh, we got that wrong. We overestimated it. We underestimated it, it's weird that they own as much of the advertising market as they do I just feel for these creators who you know facebook is really courting these creators. It needs them to make content on their pages for people to be on facebook, and so these critters, reaching out being like hey, I'm not getting paid here, my game,
and I'm just kind of ignoring it. It's like, okay, guys. We really need to get a little bit better at this yeah. I wonder if that bleeds over into the instagram side, where, like they, really need the creators right like I don't think facebook is having influencers. The way they think of instagram is having sponsors and if and if they started getting a bad rap on one side, it's gonna plead over time Actually I wanted to talk about this because we talked about clubhouse and all the branded content on these platforms and creators. This is like the farthest right now. If your phone company, where you can go hire a bunch of influencers like make videos about your friends, a thing. You can do better great if you're samsung you can meet, Entire show and then get hulu to run it for you as a show. That's just about the camera on the galaxy s, three one, and this is like a photo competition and it's just going to look like regular tv, but it's just samsung sponsored content called exposure. The show is called exposure. That to me is like. Is this the future
curve of influencing that, like we're done with we're done with like the baby social networks and ours we're just gonna, make a show for hulu, I mean It was a minute when, including the verge every website had a branded content articles on their front page and, like you know, the big fight like make sure the logo that, like the boxer on the thing to show that the thing is branded content, may, means have had like hole like inserts that right branded content inserts. This is like the hulu equivalent of a branded content insert a magazine except they will say brand. I tried. I try to try to just this part of the economy. To me is deeply deeply interesting. Right like and actually in the previous session before he came on, we are talking about ads on the web. look he's going away. I'm like everyone's freaking out about how to effectively run advertising the thing that is next to and around all of that is influence or marketing,
and every one of these social networks put podcast included is like feeble, our figuring out how to do influence or marketing it massive scale. In a sense I, and who we made a game, show I mean I feel it is already happening, though, like I accuse him really queer, I their wages like like I'm in my toyota truck it, like you other, like now. We're like oh twitter, page you to say that so its countries, either was making so much noise like they couldn't just pretended. This was organically, like a malicious pick, the ultra by Instead, they were like no. We paid for this actually as they knew that nobody would believe it. They they called out hardly had like explicit it's pretty good I am right going. One episode of the show to find america's. What is america's creed is mobile photographer I honestly ice. I was thinking vlad should enter
that's out of off. Listening this is like the thing, are, you think you're a handful of people and we should make the show all right there you! Actually we got it. I want to call it a few things before we go. We are running way over time. Just so reason website you pay attention to wine. This week infrastructure week in amerika, ass, present binding and that's a massive infrastructure plan where we are paying attention to most closely. Of course, is the broadband subsidies in that plan Mccann all over it, but a huge part of that infrastructure plan is expanding broadband which of course is of great interest to us. We talked about and if tease on the show for weeks, we ve had listens. as he is heard, gigantic feature on NBA topshop came out this week and the top took huge they took huge investment aid are high. valuation. She has tata andrea you too, Pretty cool story just got real, that's great. I hold tell you the funniest thing
The story when they mention when topshop mentions the blockchain in its adds their conversions go down. Yet when they take their word, blockchain out their conversions go up four hundred percent. Like what I read the story: it's really courts oversee it in. intriguing company people love it. The players are in it lives at a great job, Likewise, the blockchain actually doesn't make a lot of sense, but go read it it's a great story. Johnson, who is on the last week. She did great story reading the fine print of various from plants which is cool anchorage to that end, and lastly, I want to bring this up. It's very serious topic is escalating violence against, genes in america. It's a real thing, that's happening within talking a lot about how to cover it in a way that feels appropriate to the verge is always what are we? We, we come through things by talking about the videos and where they come from and who makes them and how they get distributed. The great peace by Jane who about the fact that these are all surveillance, videos and
one of the areas in particular. No one will take credit for it. No, no! What like it's one of the more famous videos it has theirs issues, but it is very interesting to see who is distributing these videos where they are coming from and the fact that increased surveillance, which the thing we are always talking about has actually deterred the crime so Real peace is a very serious issue. We are finding friends, ways to cover it. We won't be very careful, but that that was our first big attempts at unpacking something complicated it's on the site check out. Ok, we ve gone away over there, you for less than you can tweak at us, I'm at reckless leaders at Babylon actually is actually are carmen dan. Deasey C4 going a coterie of Tracy son from poshmark on this week, as well as a special casey interview with nick clegg from facebook that one that's heated. People are very unhappy as nick clegg just permanently to go. Listen to it, we'll be back next week.
Where a mask.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-22.