« The Vergecast

The great Pixel 8 camera debate


The Verge’s Nilay Patel, David Pierce, and Alex Cranz discuss the announcement of Google’s Pixel 8 phone, along with the new AI tools that raise lots of questions.

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Forests are the show David held up his new ember mug, which is gigantic. It's huge, it's so big with so much much work to hold it up. Just now, our own james vince, in currently curly book, leave again here an entire book called beyond measure about pop essentially the politics and culture of measuring things? Does one of the virtuous diverge ideas if anyone has ever had and its obvious didn t should go away. This book is called beyond measure the read it and it occurred to me as we are talking about David's comically, large, electric cup. That's what it is hot with me. Just that. I have no idea how much a cup of coffee is like not price, like volume ray and David pointed out to me that the world cup has a third additional secret meeting in a context of coffee. Yet so, when you, when you have a coffee,
maker and you see the lines on the side. That's like this many cups of coffee. You would think that would be like a cup like a measuring cup cup. It's not it's a coffee cup which in most cases is defines to be either five or six ounces. So what you're getting is not eight cups, measured by mugs or cup measure measure cups, you're, getting eight cubs by this brand of measure of a tiny amount of coffee that no one actually wants. This is another book a whole other book. How many, how many there exists of coffee? This is okay. The problem with the history of europe. Do not forget a bunch of kings got to invent a bunch of right now is to live in their world. king Harold, was I gotta it's this misty, whatever All I'm saying is. You should get extraordinary, the biggest coffee cups you can the biggest mugs, and then we buy gigantic bowls and our new house there so big
making average amount of soup? Look like? Not a lot of soup, you ve consumed a lot of small, improving a new place, you're like what what law? the format vous, we ve been, we acquire. So we don't have to think about this for the next several weeks when you fill it with ice cream. Is there any ice cream left in the garden, I prefer not answer this makes me think of, like so my wife and I need cereal as a lot of people do and heard nothing. and of a ball of cereal is just whatever the size of the receptacle is so like. If you have rather like a relatively small humans, as bore shall fill it with the the you know, normal amount of cheerios puts a milk in and move on with her life. If you give that woman like a bucket, She'll fill the bucket with shoes and be like this is a serving of cheerios. So, like I love a big boy, it's their aid they're better than plates at everything, including not just everything. It's just all the things. But if I give my wife a large bowl, she will she will eat. Like a deathly
amount of cheerios- and I can't do this- I won't know- there's a trend in plate where, where the the plates are becoming bulls and they're, like they're, half balls, there's a designer out there who invented this was furious, that their being regarded as vs aware my fiesta wearables, you didn't you just We said the word for us to put up with that. We ought to start. This is actual tat, use, I'm just If you want to write the ins, story of how plates are becoming bowls. Theirs but one publication will be less craig s. This belongs to. Their temperature regulated, like my amber mug, although if your borders have wifi because there's a lot of news this week, by the way, I'm your friend neil? I hello, David piercing, high me and my mike we're both here, electric mugs, I drink if he too fast, I want to be, I've always always wanted ember, mug and there's just no hope. while on the opposite, I drink the first five ships really fast and then the last two thirds six and a half hours later. This is why,
This thing is perfectly now: transitory yeah I've used them still thing about the fiesta herbals there are huge, in so monsieur show where the radioactive ones, the old ones, I dont think minor, very good, we'll see and a couple If you don't know, I just said is vs where the radioactive ones that's a lie. Google adventure for use, given that's a little copyright holder, you could fall down on a service. We provide here on the verge hast stuff to google great time before contour newest segment, how to google about old plates, There is a lot of tech news this week, like absurd amount of tat news. There are some philosophical quandaries, a bunch. People are mad at me and instagram threads suggesting that words have meanings: it's a lot theirs. A lot going on. There is the pixel event that had andred fourteen watch too inflexible prices. every streaming. Services going up in the actors are still on strike what's going on there and then we have
deeply hilarious, lightning around just have things just people continuing to make choices. We obviously start with the pixel david. What would happen is so this event, as ever with Google recently has been absolutely leaked, death, so we kinda knew what was going on coming in, but basically we got two new funds, the pixel eight and the pixelate pro which have- lot in common, but are different. He added especially along camera lines. It's a little bit like the way apple. Does it but Google split it into bunch ways that I don't know a lot of sense, but anyway, new tensor chips, normal sort of upgrades every time the screens got better, especially on the on the eight pro put. The camera is the thing and we're going to talk a lot about the camera solely that for now we also got the pixel watch too, which seems to have much longer battery life, which is awesome. It seems to also have better performance, which is exciting. This seems like kind of
the pixel watch. We knew. Google was gonna make after the first one, which is last year's, as like cool. First try like call when you sort of finish the job this one feels potentially closer to having finished the job. It has some good safety features new sensors. I think a heart rate thing for the time, some like zone training in your heart rate, which is a good thing and then the other one is, if I'm not mistaken, not new, pixel buds, prose, put new features for the pixel buds pro some cool software stuff. To make your calls sound, better. There's the conversation ducking thing which is like when you started fucking it'll, lower the volume and turn on transparency mode, which I hate and think abs Everyone should turn off because it doesn't work on anything. It's a disaster of a future quality, a bad feature here who got it right and some bluetooth super white band, which is obviously thing. We have sock that today, the first cast and yet again just a bunch of new software stuff coming and I feel like software was
Lord of the story of this event, like Google, so makes funds, and so much she's in still makes headphones, but is increased. We taking all of the stuff that happens on those devices and moving it somewhere else. The lot of the camera stuff that happened is not happening on the camera. It's happening in Google photos and that's not nothing There's a lot of clouds of happening in they talked a lot about assistant with barred and andred fourteen Mountain it's getting generative ay stuff, like Google is really leaned into this idea that it can basically make you a decent piece of hardware with a whole. a lot of stuff happening in the cloud and that that's the correct balance from now on and I'm deeply fascinated
If that turns out to be true, yeah and- and this is obviously the flip of apple's approach right where everything's happening locally on the phone and the phone processors are the fastest processors in human history, then how dare you even suggested other processors may be faster at anytime nothing's faster? Do you know what makes the iphone pro pro really good games? ray tracing movies, feature very, very confusing ghouls, always gonna walk this line right. How much is it phone. How much is happening? I google service people internally sunscreens lately and I think David somebody shared one to you and me on threads, and it was Entire has untrained, was google apps? like you know, android exists. If it doesn't, then coworkers. when, in the obscure its many colours of ours are like that I think Google recognizes is that a lot of people have iphones that are just vessels of Google services and google can just sell you a phone that is that thing.
I will say it doesn't give me great confidence in google wanting to continue to make hardware for a long time, but I already didn't have great confidence in that, so, whatever I kind of feel like we need to start in by we, Google, not us. I think we're pretty realistic about it, be realistic about the fact that these are always going to be like the surface. It's always a device to show aiims what they can do with the stuff that's available in the software that's available. I disagree with really fight me. I think it might have been. I mean we've been through fifty rounds of what is a pixel phone for that's what the nexus line was for a piece of reference. Hardware billion ago that might have been with the first pixel phones reform, but there's only one o n in andred world. That matters that's fair right. There sit amazon, and so I thought I think the idea that google needs to show samson how to do it is just not reality. I think we will.
to show samsung that same samsung screws up where subset of line that it will go and get the marketing deal with verizon, but did it do that, while I think I think samson instead, one ok, wait: meals, go with me here, Google is too samsung. What being is to Google? a substantially less successful thing that exists both to try and be a good product, but mostly as a check on the other thing, just saying, if you blow it, we will come for you yeah. Only the dead slight difference is that if SAM secondary exist, andred would not be as important as is yeah. That's fair, at least in this. trade and aid in in europe in india in africa, like Andrews, big deal on its own ike, my favorite thing, but the indians part from market is like fourteen phones get released every single week and people. Andrew. There is expressed very differently like andrew. globally important whether or not
amazon does it in this country and or doesn't exist without samson, that which is just at least in smartphones, that's crazy right and I think a lot of the pixel is there to just. Heatedly show samsung hey. We can do to write interview poor. If you put ties in europe, which they've threatened to do or you skin the phone too hard which they have done and like there's a whole history, there you know googles or so I think the pixels The different so you're saying the pixel is basically google just staring samsung in the eye and say you try it like justice homage to humphrey antibiotics extent. I think they also need a vessel for their services. They want to show people would be like they also want to come. it head on with apple re result, there's a lot there, but what is that it accomplishes the most. It's not sales ray. It's true It is a lot of interest from phone nerds
crazy to me, the disproportionate amount of traffic we get on pixel coverage versus samson coverage. I think that's why I think of it. Like the surface devices cause it's the same thing like people care about the surface devices in the way they do not care about a sous unless it's appearing in court, but yeah late, like that's. That's really because people really passionately like the googled devices, but it's a very small group of people according to sales yeah, that an answer, we are fully in to tell you. This is the thing I thought of it. So it's more fun. It's awkward that the concepts and the ideas embedded in the pixel glenda cones. There was cool stuff is tire I dont know. I mean the thing that really stuck out to me was how much the people who were otherwise primed to like a phone like these did not like it. we're, like typically the the overwhelming reaction I've seen. I'm sure this is natural, everybody I'm sure there are people who excited about it and, I think, are cool things worth getting excited about, but like a bunch of people
unlike the android blogs, were mad about the sort of perceived lack of interesting stuff googled it here. Our comments were not psyched about this in a big way. The general feeling of this law that I got was a lot of people kind of being like this, like that they see my fine phones, but, like that's, that's all you got an icon of agree. Like Google made a good phone here that really doesn't seem to make a particularly interests case for itself outside of some of the camera stuff, and they also raise prices by a hundred bucks yeah. It's it's like a boring, looking phone extraordinarily boring, but that the magic editor thing is cool. week with the camera. Is such a good six I don't know I want to just go talk about. Can you just read the specks of the phone, so we ve done? We wish we ve done our talk. Sure I can do this. Ok, so main things to know the pixelate starts at seven interrupts the pics. They pro starts it a thousand dollars. They were three hundred fourteen the pixel,
It has a six point two and screamed the pixelate prize. A six point: seven and scream that's also a little better twelve years I'm on the pro eggs of ram on the eight more store jobs in the high end on the pro you can get anything five, twelve and a terrible what you can't get on the pixel eight. They both have usb see they both do more. Face unlock stuff than they have in the past, which I think is interesting. Ghouls like letting you do more with face a mark, but didn't really explain if it is made face lock, unlock more secure Oh, that was interesting. A million outrageously complicated differences in the camera Allison Johnson made spreadsheet, of which features are coming to which even now doesn't make any sense, but basically the pro As for cameras that you can use, it has fifty megapixel main camera forty eight megapixel wide forty, eight megapixel telephoto and ten and a half megapixel came on the front. The pixel
It has the same and the entire world megapixel larger, wide, no telephoto and the same self. He came and then again, there's a million software features. Fundamentally, the pixelate pro is like a dramatically better phone. In the way that I think it's kind of like comparing not like the iphone pro and the promax, but it's kinda like comparing the base iphone to the iphone promax. It's like none of the things vs all of the things and it's a three hundred dollar price difference which I guess you know realize that, but that's essentially the rundown like they have the same chip, which has been very important too well to have all of this stuff kind of on the same generation of tensor as much as possible to do the ai stuff they want to do. But then it just gets real chaotic from there am they come in a bunch of cool colors that are actual colors, like Google didn't do the thing apple did and just put like one drop of color die near the phone and call that a actually colored the phone it's very exciting. The camera you'll start about the camera. Magic
neither of you were listening that we're? U r D, sooner going shut up. I can talk about the camera. I get it. I was reading if we don't say the speck alike when I was a little baby gadget blogger, I was told the for just get. The specks in price out of the way, and you can say what everyone, but, if deliver those are founded, people are going to get mad cause. All anybody cares about is now you have the specs or the press as I can manage, and you get so this is this? Is it I think a watershed moment in these cameras in it. Isn't it all at the same time, and I want to be clear about their attention here, because what David said earlier, the features are built instead, Google's cloud services in their apps, but the way they are marketing this camera the way they are showing it off on stage thing they want you to think it can do. Is why do you there's no other word for it. The camera has
Generative ay. I tools not built into it, but parked on the frontline shirt. You know what I mean. It's like it's not it's thought they're not the same they're, not it's not in the house yeah! You know it's like a photo You can open the window and yellow the generally, I too, and it will definitely hear you eventually the gap is gonna courts. Do your you're talking about magic editor, rightly essentially there's not a features, but that's the one. That's it in particular in magic. Editor of the one I am talking about is the one where you can take a bunch of aims of people altogether, and it will assemble a composite. You can pick the faces of the people that, like I don't care. If you lie to me what color the sky is, you know Whatever screen you yeah sky's green, a great you're, crazy. You have all the like. You bright, you
You moved a salt shaker from the left to the right of the picture. That's great! I'm glad that happened for you. You know be you're an artist. You start changing the way people look at each other in photos. You are playing with fire like in the realist way you're you're, like you're, kidding about the line there will actually take the line. There is really important, and I want you to tease out why that bothers you in the way that the sky doesn't, because, if the, if your fundamental problem is these care, rose and their editing software. Let you lie about what you're seeing in front of you. I think that's lake slightly sort of chicken little skies falling issue about the world, but also like I can understand that take I I also understand the take that, just as most people take photos of their family and wood everyone to be smiling and that's basically fine. I can also see that we are trying to find this middle. There don't necessarily know how to find where it's like changing certain things is fine. Are you
kay with the thing where you can like move stuff over in the scene where, like, if you shot them, off centre. You can slide them over on them. to be in the centre like where does this go from sea? The changes to like you're lying to me. First all its line to was short liking. did this actually happen is now a threshold question for smartphone photography you look at a photo. They came off a smartphone, a good question and you can ask- is did this happen? Did this look this way short We ve been doing what is a photo on the show since four years, since the first pixel since stood what's the iphone eleven did what was the first or they started. Looking too bad in it, like we ve been talking about what a photo is for a long time because did what most people believe a photo to be. Is you open a shudder? A bunch of light hits a sensor. The shutter closes and that's the end of that right.
The goal is: how accurately did this capture reality? That's the like that for a network of success right There's a whole other brand higher if we can get into it. It's like very creative or you are trying to manipulate light and textures near posing people in all this. it has happened here, doing wild at its invoke the shop, but that this in that we rely on photography to be. Is inaccurate, representation of light in a moment. the others romas relaunch short? You can you long as well, but whatever it's like this light occurred, these things happened in you, get away with computational fiery words words out even now before we start moving faces around they re like man, we're like right at the boundary of this ray. I think I know where the boundary is. I think I think I got it so we ve always been able to manipulate manipulate photos. Re, like you, ve, been able in any future for us since,
The first person took the photograph blake, they were, they were putting fairies and in photos. Eighteen, hundreds and saying yeah, it's a real fairy and it's like no, it's the person wearing a stupid outfit. That's always a shocking, I know, but that's always been there, but the it was hard to do right like in order to do the stuff that you can now do on a phone. in photoshop twenty years ain't, nobody got your back to admit you're about to make the argument that google is making witches like we just made the tool more accessible. Let me just back up for one saying this: the accessibility itself as the line. No, no! No, I just disagree, then. That's that's basically, google for him to be out like that's like what google is saying that therapies, I dunno backup for second, even if you stop moving faces around the thing that we are doing now with basic hdr phones, were you doing complicated exposure stacking to make things? Look better is right on the blurry edge of the line, because it never that way, right, like e in, like the goal, is to make it like look even or
without the tones or expose everything evenly and that's. Aha, your eyes were like this is a very philosophical, very abstract, very verge, hast conversation about like ok, it's a photo am I not maybe not what you saw or maybe not what old film looked like an inner we ve had markleham away from it. Excellent team on the show talking at what artists? The pixel was meant to avoid every year. The art like we ve, done it in that's just exposure. What we ve done years of conversation about computation exposure manipulation and what that means for photography in that smart hd irony, the iphone, that's pixels, computational photography in all of them. Is just boy Should there be shadows and photos yen. Literally years of conversation about the blurry line of computational photography and expand exposure, and I still don't know the answer like I think that's very subjective.
You know it hit the mainstream. Like a new yorker kowalczyk, I had a piece in the new yorker about iphone photos. looking real and there being backlash against it. That's crazy that the exposed Computational manipulation of exposure is now a mainstream conversation about what photography means so that at the line already is blurry before we get to adding theories in the eighteen, hundreds yeah? Now, I'm going to tell you that inside the new phone inside the pixelate, is marketed and having until we can take a bunch of shots, it won't just stack exposure. It will change people's faces at your discretion, to create a reality that never existed. I just like a thing that never happened, and I still see that as photoshop still see. That is the exact same vine. But this is the accessibility. This is where your thing about accessible. It comes at a very fine, that's photoshop, but the camera is marketed
the things I I spend the morning on the train and coming up with a very silly examples. Go through. Let's hear him, look very silly. I'm, so I talk about fairies, it's ok, ok, you, are added chiefs game and you see the box with taylor, swift and ryan reynolds in blake, lively and whoever else you jack, danger, canneries, hugh jacket from this please yeah he was there. Okay, it looks like china's house is going to score a touchdown, so they're all cheering with any fumbles in jaroslaw, and they all they all said. Yeah it will now. You should just treat their faces, so you got hacked Hugh, happy ryan, happy blake, sad taylor, but I can't do that in photoshop. You can do that and photoshop, but you Wouldn't, like the accessibility, is the thing like yeah, you can lie more easily right off your phone and send it right. Ok There be some norms about whether or not that all she widely available to you too.
I think there should be built into the camera should be so close to the camera that the camp. Is marketed. The line. Best take uses a photos you did take to get the photo. You thought you talk the marketing of this camera that the positioning of this camera and it's like ass, you can do anything for you, gotta dumbest a hundred years ago photoshop, but the effort to do with the effort to lie with her It was a barrier to entry, so lowering the barrier entry to now they're, not Those are just memories and we all know a pound. Farewell memories are so you can achieve the very nature of photography to make it. So you can't trust any picture. And in my my mentions on threads, it's a lot of people say we could never trust pictures see that's where I am there. When I say it's a watershed moment in cameras. This is the camera that is making people say, you cannot trust pictures. I don't.
that I think I don't think there there's a bunch of means about sharks swimming through the streets of Houston. That said, I can ever trust pictures, but those who propose reward but that is like so obviously silly yeah yeah. Then issues like the care is this. It will be sold to you so that when you take a bunch of frames of your family, It will synthesize a thing that never happened by design That is a selling point of the camera. Let me off in the market will not correct that the market will say that's great, because I want better photos. Feel very like. Let me offer you this other very silly example. I love it, and this is I based on it will mean that I saw today slick sect it. It's really bad here. Can you pre? Forgive me for this? Ok, it's a camera and it takes a photo. I am justified in a process of the photo and throws the original photo away, yeah, and so it's gone. You can never recover that photo and at the other end, everyone in your But just has huge boobs the market
who buys? This gives us the most successful cameron, human history? I would do that all the time. Everyone Scott big now, I have to say, is sacrificed boy. Haven't you prior some siders, like it doesn't matter, my point: is the market does not reject this camera, like the people of the united states? that's the camera! We want his big natural stuff, maybe I should have agreed not to get mad at you sorry day we're on research. I give you just think about this. We were people want lies, they want pleasing lies. I didn't realize it gets rid of the old photo like now. This is my pathetic out tariff guessing tariff. Just a made up. Example, yours of dead wrong about that by the way, just like that thing, you just described no one want there like fire were horny teenagers on the internet. Who would be sector there's a kickstarter for that camera right now, a guarantee- and I want to cut all I'm saying, is if the market isn't going to correct for true I admit that example. Is it silliness honesty
majority records should react to my favorite idea but like in general, in the information ecosystem, we are in them the market. The free market is not, like truth, is important to us. It's more like picture Sharks right and so now you met you ve made this thing. Google Whoa has made this thing. The company that wants to organise the world's information has made a camera we're right. Next to it camped out on a frontline marketing the phone with. We will synthesized pictures that never happened. It now, It happened. We're going to make you images that never occurred without a seconds hesitation on how that might go completely sideways for them. I mean they're not just doing it with photos that right, like they're doing across the board. generative ay, I didn't, but this is like when you talk of the a I apocalypse. Yeah like the eia misinformation. Apocalypse is right on the front door. It's on youtube. Deep fix are on youtube bait.
And at the same time the argument is well we're just making these tools are already available, we're just making and widely accessible to everyone. It's like yet Then people lie at scale is actually aren't you been around the past five or ten Well, it is something great. It's really funny to watch this happen. As you see, companies like open a eyes start to deliberately pull back on the thing that their stuff can do. Like yeah, open air. I put out the the image recognition thing that you can. You can upload a picture to chachi, pt and it'll, try to sort of guess what you want from it and query it, and the thing you would want from that is the thing that you keep talking about. Neil the thing where I'm just like: who is this person? That's like that's the feature won't do that. You could do that, but it won't because they know that it's a bad idea that asking and I chat but about a person- is a real bad idea and its use very funny to watch google of all companies. The company that is like preaching you know board, but responsible job,
pull all of that apart. We where, where in this camera, is responsible. Nowhere, that's my point, just the full bold, but if photoshop was doing this and not Google It was, and it was just as easy and just as good, but you had to pay for a creative cloud membership to have it. Would you have a problem with it, so it isn't effectively in photoshop it's this much harder in photoshop, but not that much harder. It's it's that much harder! There's they swap exists on. I mean there's a million of these things that exist, but that image pipeline from camera to editing software to distribution is important right, because the thing to trust. Is the camera and google is right on the blurry edge, the camera still find the camera soldiers to an agency are, as far as I can tell right, and maybe it's covering some detail. But usually get how they are talking about the camera.
the features and google photos in Google's marketing are integral to the experience of the camera. That's weird and when I say the line is blurry yes and on a very basic technical level? Some features are in one in some features are another happy, but then on a much more like intuitive level. Google photos of the gallery on your phone like it's like that. When you look the photos I do and added them you combine he's not like it driving you towards these choices in a way that having photos, up is like I'm intentionally gonna go. Do this thing? Ok, I don't know it's because it suggesting rather late, like it, removing that its intention, that's kind. It feels like where the issue is right, you and it is right it google's to its credit rating, I know that they are thinking about this, and I made this choice in another year. Another android o m will, which is
I wash less responsible, more aggressive or how we want to say it is gonna, build it right into the shutter button. It and they're going to say, take a bunch of pictures and we will ai generate everyone looking at you right away and and we will throw away the original You know like super hot, yet that's the camp. That would sell ones in one specific lounged. If that's what you're? my other question, is I think that this question of like taking much photos that exist? In order to make one that never did, there is something there that is sort of ikey, but if, if that was just saying If Google said we can do the same thing, but we're going to read, it essentially is like merging burst mode where one eye going to use a single picture that wasn't captured, we're just gonna use the best pixel in every part of the photo from the ten images that you took. Would you still have a problem with that? Every pixel of that is real it's just not all the same time. The everything happened, but not at the same time,
Travis kelsey never looked at taylor swift, but we ve invented a fair. That's all I'm saying Travis kelsey looked at taylor swift, but not at the same moment, Hugh jackman was also making that funny face. Pressure. Now we ve now, but now we ve created a moment. Does this is dangerous? It's what you go with me here, philosophically, go with me or, if that last step of we use all that data crew, to create a thing that ever happened. with every single bit of bing by the way. It's just. This is just composite photography. The number again, the number of people in my mentions, who are just like recapitulate in history, I know that all these ideas have exists in all these two roads before, but if you take composite photography and make it that easy and that accessible do you have the same? what. Oh, yes, like without question, because your expectations of these images are different. the change societies, norms and maybe the norm is never trust a photo again. Okay, big decisions put not out there.
Huge decision have you been around? Have you looked at the internet and how quickly and easily people will believe? Ok, I need you inside a tweeting at me to go talk to all of let me know when you rightly spoken. That's a huge norm. Shift in society is not as simple as waving it away by saying you shouldn't trust. Anyone if you would like to get to place where no one trusts anything, then you should play that all the way up until you know the flip side of this is. I think this is fine for creative use. I think this is probably fine for family, like where the stakes of the images are low. Probably fine, which is the vote, The majority of images, the vast majority, maybe I don't know I just we we now create when you say the vast and really meant we create so many photos as a people that, like the vast majority of ev thing in all photos, there's nothing there
The only thing I even your own life right, like did the number of pictures in your camera role, and I suspect this is true of most people. That will be viewed by frankly, just you and no one else ever or you end tenor. Fewer people ever is sure, ought practically all of them and you're a pretty public purse, and in the scheme of things right like right now, most of the photos, my camera are of like light switches terry wire and I just need to remember what colours and it's like a boy. I hoped so. Don't lie to me about that. That's seems like a fire. like you know, look whatever you're you're, not I'm just saying, like it'd, crazy ideas, it you know what that red level like Cable. That's a pretty yellow up a little bit. Sorry whack wired! No, no! No, like it's not going to do that. Fine the revolution in photography? Is it more people use the tool than ever before in funds right that such
So you have this shared understanding. Why worldwide cultural understanding of how the camera works first time in human history that you have had a tool where everyone is using, it the same way to make the same thing and then importantly, closing the loop consuming it on the same device that pieces really import. We talked about our vision, pro and special photos, edit, like it breaks a chain for apple, where you're taking pictures on a phone that you can't view because they're designed for the vision pro right now iphones the chain is the loop is complete. You, you have a tool, you can take photos, you can look at photos. Other people took on largely the same tool and on your that's very important that so if you break that for people- and you say you understand how unreliable your tool is right that you can, you are often using this tool to make things. It never happened. when you change your renounces understanding of everyone else's to us, and that is like along
it a slow process, ideally a very considered process am I here we are on. The doorstep in Google's answer is what we put some meditated inserted renounces responses? We can always do this without shop and it's like yes, I could always lie what I did not do as can call really re context realise the very nature of lying, spread across every phone and existing sure. Am I that's at this moment? but we should just be honest with ourselves at the next phone or the phone after this. gonna. Have it in the shutter button When it's in a shudder button, the camera becomes totally unreliable. An unreliable maritime events, and we are now just producing memories and not photographs in all of the norms around photos about what is acceptable editing, how much skin swooning is acceptable and which had what should people like people of darkness,
What should our complexions, like all those norms it tossed away in favour of, or what did he want in this case or not knesset, deliver you what you want instead of what is true, seeing that for a while now in funds in china, where they would lightened skin and smooth everybody out automatically and you couldn't escape it. I think even one of the early iphones nurse, and it is for this has been a conversation that I have had with the various fatigue. Teams always didn't. We ve been having this conversation about something as simple as exposure for a long time like ten generations of like exposure just how bright in light or things you add. On top of that, since moving in what you have found, what we have all found with a major companies have found. Is the chinese market in the south korean market want built in beauty filters and the american market thinks that is moral catastrophe? It probably is
Now it is the dozen doesn't stop. The key point here talk from shooting them all the time, but like yeah whatever, and so they have had to split the difference, but that gives us like a framework as we go into the next phase with Google and in people who follow after Google is we cannot have that framework? We ve seen how it happens in China, we ve seen how it happens in south korea, some extent yeah, we'll see I mean like should again. This is why I mean I I this is my point about my camera. Like the market in this country, the market rejected the idea of a aggressive skin, smoothing right, that's actually like, maybe not what you would have expected and you have another. You have a counterexample the market in asian countries actually wanted it in you know. Samsung basically gives it to them apple kind of. Doesn't you know like there are like you can get the apps like that's more or less. Answer when you asked him like yet with eighty we see faced unixlike other stuff, Yes, and you can just get it, we happen bubbles work,
I don't know what the market is going to say about. The camera can swat faces around. I do I don't. I got. It was kind of terrifying in there's a video on our tik tok right now of alison and Becker, using it in its horrifying. If you know allison, because her face just keep. Switching body doesn't change after and you're like. So here are some important caveats. This entire conversation, one We haven't urged the funds. I dont, how good the sufis I'm a sense of how good it is too. I've said nothing about, like the audio filters were like Video just makes people sway sustained audience. Like that's great, you know, I'm maybe a morally compromise, an affront to in its built into the camera and photoshop as in all the stuff, like whatever I'm just saying, there's not a lick of entry,
action here, there's google saying we put some shit and the acts of data to market is added, and it's like you guys, wouldn't really funny that this coming from Google, who has been very vocal about like we're doing a job right and it's like okay, but you just how is- is any different than the gent like putting out a generative text ai. I that can just lie we I that's. I keep coming back to it during this commission's like bed. The thing we're describing hears what's happening with everything everywhere on the internet right like this idea, that its we ve made a trivially easy to lie to a lot of people is like the story of, social era of making her head. Yes first, it was easy to lie in a text those two men. It was easy to lie by making a website that looked like a noose posts, and then it was easy to lie because you are associated with the russian government and now it's easy to lie in photos and so like. I think the arc of that is not that different. It's just it's getting sort of higher fidelity and we're gonna go through this with video in a very real way, at some point very soon to as all
These image generators governor I mean we should be talking about dollar three and the fact that is able to do things that look like photos now like. We are now passed the point where you can quickly glance at a generated image that is holy, arrested and immediately go. Oh, that's ay! I like we are passed that you can no longer do that unless somebody wanted it to not look like a photo, and all of this is, I think, wrapped up together. I think, like the means of creation in in dolly three is in a lot of ways easier than I don't even have to buy a pixel to do that. I can just go to bed. I can just do that great. So I think these big questions of like trust in rules- and I think I think you posted about this earlier- I've been going back and re reading, like the ape. These rules about how they do photos and gettys rules about did you fellows. Unlike for people who take the kinds of high state for us that you're talking about there have always been rule about what you're allowed to edit and how and basically like it, you can like crop and you can vignette and that's essentially it
and you can't even really mess with things to make them more beautiful? The idea is, like you took the photo. That is what it looks like. We are going to publish that if you look at the the new york times and in sort of their feature photography, Then yelling is out of control, because it's the one now that they can turn I think you're gonna start to see these folks like in the same way that we have more and more people being more and more outspoken about things that they're using like chalciope people are coming out with policies, but how they do and don't use it. I think you're gonna start to see the same thing with images. I do wonder if the question is going to be like we're going from everything is now possible on a smartphone too, like I wonder if smartphone photos get outlawed from some of these rules, overtime for exactly that reason describing she brought up getty two year, these high stakes, image pipelines, you can't solve it in technology, all that by getting a bunch of people to agree that this is what will have yet norms right now will do this. You will not do this, so
if you are a getting news photographer you you just agree, these are the guidelines and all we can really do is crop and all we can. Wendy, was maybe a little dodging and burning. I think getty allows you to remove sensor dust or the a p allows you to remove censored, but then they're like, but only if it doesn't change the photo, and if you have a question like ask us so you can enforce cultural norms in software, you just can't you can influence them. You can induce himself, but at the end of a date it's just a bunch. We will have to agree on how things work so that the new side of it on the greatest I have answered quite up into an area have photoshop great generally cat would have all the time. That's what they that was agenda, that gas on is your code like fine? I think that stuff is exciting on the high stakes. Are you representing the truth to a lot of people is donald trump looking at the protesters, or is he looking an issues and did you were moved like this? Matters right is like really
some of these images really matter what they say. There is an entire like ecosystem of tech, talkers, who just look at pictures and tell you what taylor swift is yanking. It matters what the picture say: okay, so unless it takes pipelines. You have to set some rules site. You mentioned getty, getty, ceo, craig peters, was on the code stage with me talking about ai last week. I just hit him up Hey. Do you look at the pic slate? What do you think of it? Would you ever like ban a camera and he said obviously do I answer. Pixelate is like iron played with yet he said we will largely continue, navigate on the following lines within our editorial coverage. This is the editorial coverage to carry the news coverage, strict avoidance of any modified, actions to the image? Carry ventures are making some adjustments to light on the sensor, but we are stripped. The image is possible. So that's, that's it no changes. enemies and within creative, the artistic side of getty. We allow for a bunch,
As he said, I see us allowing things within creative context, but we will not allow misrepresentation. So my next question to him was: if there's a hypothetical phone did justly aggressively smooth skin out of the box is allowed any said we might there we wouldn't have as from today, but if things move in that direction, we could so even like. Gaddi is at the point where there like we're watching it says: theoretically, they be like next pixel found. No, you can't similar whatever the unnamed out o em makes a phone and their big camera feature is like you're you're, always viewed, I'm not going setting, say natural god. Again would be like this. This camera this pipeline is not acceptable to, and I think just the fact that one I can ask the ceo of getting that question, and he's like this is. The answer We are considering it. That's what I'm saying this is a watershed. Nothing,
phone and not sayin. You need be outraged by this phone. I'm not saying you didn't by the phone seven years? for updates five days have a time, but go nuts. I'm saying that in the car, next of what is a photo. Google has decided that they don't make furnace anymore, that they make memories, that's the quote. They gave two thousand johnson and her interview about with a google p m about this. These tools and I keep your memories and I'm just would remain and the people that memories are famously fallible, famously unreliable, not actually allowed in any objective contexts where people need to know what happened like that's crazy right to to make that rhetorical shift. Yeah, it's not to say, photos, don't lie it's nonsense. Photos can be biased as they get photos can be added it's this one. Camp Ok, we should probably start having a really serious conversation about a high and cameras and how they can
I'd and whether or not we as it culture as a society expect our photos to be representations of moments in time. Whether we expect cameras to produce that, and if we don't, we don't think, that's true. then we should probably have a huge conversation that how we certainly dessert training children from a young age to never believe their own eyes. I mean, I think we should do that anyway. I mean that if you want In the end, we're all going to be the headsets seminar for five. It's gonna be great, but that's like those are the stakes in ota and I think there's a lot of people kind of like doing ni. isn't in my mentions that are like? Well, nothing was any error or anything like this is just, and it's like. No there's actually sticks like that. It means something to give everyone. The tool yeah. If I was like I'm just making guns easier to buy, you wouldn't believe, like everyone's always been able by. No, it actually means something to give everyone the tool where they can lie at scale in it to brush it off, as these aren't photos or memories, and if, as we want to say, then okay, you haven't met a camera, but it's it's not
did not like outraged and we ve been doing what is a photo for so long that I'm just like oh this is this is the combination, my life's work he'd gone. We have carried out by the way. Now I have to buy a pixelate yeah like after have unjust to be like. This is a watershed. We should all pixelate pixelate else through the roof and when people are like why we're like, because phone is philosophically important nature of imagery, not because its any good, honestly that that made me want to go, I mean that, would you can you imagine if like, rise and had a meeting where the pixel eight sales are through the roof. It can be done any audience. Data people in there like it's, it's as if battery life is a performance and people. I know it's philosophical, Why have we gone over sorry, David? You knew this was happening. I did aside. I walked right into this and other table but the phone as a screen dollars for two hundred more than last tensor three variables
it one more cool thing about the funds that are about the google, an aspect that we should move on. Google did this weird thing where they announced that bar the the the barred is gonna, be powering google assistant, and they did it. Is there sketchy way that made it seem like they had like just thought of this idea of five minutes before the event started, but that's a super big deal and out, soon, I were at the amazon event when I started talking about the pudding ll underneath alexa to do more stuff, and I think if voice systems are ever going to be good, this since the moment we're gonna start to see it and the home. Yes, these p we'll have. Is super high the case for why this could work and why it can understand context better and why it can be more reactive is real. Like the chat g p t voice stuff is like alarmingly good, and so I think if, if suddenly, this becomes baked into Google assistant in a way that is like excess people and cool and useful and has the same control over your phone and access to the internet. That's are going to be really cool. They were so
very sketchy about the announcement. I have no idea how any of it is going to work or when any of it's going to come, but I think it could be a really big deal. I'm very excited, especially if he can answer that cup question eli had earlier like if it knows the difference between the cups for you also game changer when you school assistant paid more I'm trying to be kind of the audience here. Will you This is and how much is a cup? It's so confidently, not use like in the context of a coffee machine is just like a cup has announced its ignore. I know that Yeah! It's going to give you a real one. Alright, we're going to take a break. We're have where do you another two hours conceptual nature, if we're not but if you send me, but one you now asking us to do, it would have been right back support for this. Black ass comes from amazon, prime, let's be honest. Everyone loves a little vip treatment
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Let's be honest: everyone loves a little vip treatment, whether it's a stranger holding your door or an extra nugget in your order. It's a reminder that your parents were right. You are special now during prime big deal days on october, tenth and eleventh feel like the ultimate vip with exclusive savings just for prime members joined prime today, just in time for prime big deal days, this two day shopping event offers personalized suggestions with huge savings. Prime big deal days happening october, tenth at eleven learn more at amazon dot com such prime big deal days. Our back there's other softened, the pixel than there is entered fourteen got release is based wants to all that stuff. Going to be in a recycle, so we all go into hats off in detail but have actually used it. I just can't resist her
as a further still wanted to end my gratitude. Keep talking is like we could do another four hours anytime. You want that's what we're that's, why we made The website, Neil. I guess what netflix is more expensive. Now that is our talk. The whole time hours, which already reflection for its due and find a watch top hat on at this weaken it is lovely alex. Your picture is like famous on the internet. By the way, I said something on threads the other day, basically saying like the only possible response to the eye, The ending stream of streaming price hikes is just to delete. Our streaming services and by box sets of your favorite tv shows that solves aeroplanes, and I mean it does indifferent. People were like, or just alex transplant server, yeah I get sick. I worked really hard on that serve amalgam. Allow I worked really hard when I was unemployed are unlike our home, lab there's. Oh, we are yet the area into it
we gotta get you like a rack mount synology situation, that's what I want so bad. I have to figure out where to put it, but what I'm not going to be doing as subscribing to netflix know. That's not true. I continue to subscribe to netflix because I, like it and there's been, shows on it. I like, and I obsessively consume media, but netflix's, there's a rumor that netflix is going to be ready. it's prices again, it's waiting until after the the sag after strike is resolved, which everybody on both sides seems pretty confident is going to happen fairly soon. So that's lovely to hear the reason answering. That is not because of the sign all these new contracts and they're spending way more money on an actors and writers, they're spending a little bit more money on actors and writers like a fraction, tiny, tiny fraction. The reason is because they were always going to have to raise the prices because, like zero,
interest rates are gone and you have to pay for things, so they need money. So so yeah, that's it's happening again and in daytona are talking about this beforehand. We seen a bunch of price hikes this year and and we're going to keep seeing we saw another one this week. In fact, the ad free version of discovery plus is also getting a big price hike. Sorry David one of the few people. I know that subscribes to hey feel, I'm fine. We we have finally moved all of our streaming to max, so I'm just we just leave inside of max now. Why leave her alone? if she's fine, she's in elementary school now she's going to let her own plex server she's got her own she's, no longer as refined like a little little five year old signs were. This is bluey on the surface. It's just y know what run our its minecraft videos on Youtube in this case is taught her soft she's like building allow raft, and it's all, because my gravity as any two kids, and it's like, I am worried about, it began its fine, it's like us
it's all your fault on the radical zation funnel, but like right now, it's like she's building houses. Thank god send wants to be a dictator because of youtube. It's fine! look there's an argument that we would be better served by a gentle to give you, I don't trust photography. He worked. You gave me with. Have you'll you'll? Be fine kins it you. Might we everything's things max you have you watch naked show? No, I didn't make it attraction is not family friendly for my tongue. I watched one episode for journalism, wit vacuum I sat there and we watched it together just and we both like. Do you want to do you want to keep coming? You can stop no, it's ok, anna and I are currently deep in the ultimatum on netflix and the golden bachelor on hulu so like well, we'll get around and aching attraction. Put that thing don't know d run roughly I will say the golden bachelor makes me feel a lot of feelings about the world, but that's for a different. I guess the disks
mean praises. Think so I went back and lake. I made a storage room for us just like compiling all of the recent stories about the price hikes. Unlike manage brutal, It's just everywhere. You look it's just like one. You three dollars more expensive all the time and I've been trying to figure out there. One of two things is happening and I'm trying to figure out either. All of these companies are just testing to see how high they can go. and eventually their hoping that cancel everybody else and sick around with them, which will make your praise flex, billy higher, for that one platform that you like best and they'll be able get away with charging you thirty dollars, apiece or everyone thinks add. Plus cheap subscription is the future, so they are going to keep pressing ad free services through the roof. till you go to the ads because they ve relies that that's how they are going to make their money. This is my theory
tat s the long term, everyone yeah, that's the one. This entire business was entirely add dependent until like fifteen minutes ago, you gotta get everybody was onto ads and it's really really funny. In the last couple of months, you really started to cede netflix take a back seat as its trying to roll out adds max is taking a back seat as it tries to elaborate max famously, like this comes from we owe that was not a very advertiser heavy like heavily subsidized place, but a bunch, the other parts of that thing in bunch things that David says loved it before this was very advertising place an watch like paramount plus in everything that they are doing right now. It's those guys, no ads. That was CBS those route that was like the biggest network. And it was really really good at taking all of your money and and and wants to do that again and watching this likes sleeping giant slowly get out a bad, because he's all sorry
now, watching him slowly get out of bed and like go out and and and start to wind back all those eyes as as this, this whole landscape starts to shift from can be on netflix too gotta have my own service to oh god, we're just inventing cable again and now we have to figure out what part of cable we are Paramount's going to crush. And this because that's what it's done for yes, and it knows how to do it, Alex that continues to be your craziest streaming. Take I just wanna hazy. Paramount plus is good. Is your single wildest stance in the street? Again? What did they do? This? We contact, I dont, know cause who care o they're the ones who did ok, nor might take it back. Paramount's gotta go see, see your siena you're cnn. You should explain what happened but you're right. I take it all back. What did their game so so paramount this week, uploaded all of mean girls to tick tock is you can watch it and little sections, because that's, however, but he's watching old shows I want to know I've watched so many movies in But what is essentially the plex Alex's point server to talk. You just wait.
What's I want wash it what is obviously to ourselves, but we should certainly right. There was everywhere I go where you know it. JK simmons is to be a dick, but super fast. The only one that didn't get me was inception where I was like I didn't know it was happening in this movie when I was watching real time on a big screen, and I certainly do not know what is happening on tiktok. That was so smart of paramount to do, because everybody does it that way. That's the do like tv strict, like you're, going to sit in front of your tv and you flip the channel. But he took it down, they took me rosato tiktok just a one day, more get a bit it. It is a wonder, marketing thing it s a really smart marketing thing: they do. They make any money and paramount plus its whole girls, but it was all about the means. Yet it has been girls take as october. Third, and that's when you talk to her, it was up to her. Third, I watched over the lot clear Unfortunately, though, also almost all of the oceans movies ocean, levin ocean strong oceans, almost fully
I watch all of us here. If I pay as much nice. Mine was just this sully weakening the plain, and then you shall be my worship That's a lot. I bought the simply split mine, is people complaining about the lack of switch options for philips hue, which I am gonna making? The sector has like, unlike move his way more entertaining the guy, I think I think paramount's on to it that this is crazier than the time you said big naturals. Fifty two gacha, I dunno I just like the the tags we're gonna get on like or everybody it's like automated transcriptions of these podcasts and we're just going to instantly get banned from every podcast perform like we're toast, but I think the thing that's so funny about this to me is everybody has discovered how good a business cable was and, unlike a bunch of people, have been talking about this recently with the way the economics changed that have led to a lot of the stuff in the writers' strike. Is they made money from you,
twice, you paid a lot of money for your cable bill and then they showed you ads, and that was that was the you'll we made and agreed to for decades, and then a bunch of people thought it was. super good idea to just take one of those revenue streams away, and they did that, and it seemed very smart in a time when you could get infinity investment because you just kept showing user growth and then we come to the last two years and all of a sudden, it's like you have to start making money again and they're like well. How did we make money? The last time it's like, oh by making money twice and there is going to do the same thing again, except instead of paying one, seventy dollar bill and seeing nine minutes of ads every half hour. I'm gonna pay ten seven dollar bills and see nine minutes about every half hour, but the user expired. It's going to be worse, we're literally in the middle of rebuilding, worse cable and it's starting to drive me totally nuts wait, but we don't have to deal with a cable box. I dunno that that's better! Oh, I do
Instead, it gets killed. My roku who tv, which sucks yeah yeah, there's What's a rogue who it's an app tv, it has like go, get a better get better says what it still. Ninety five thousand different user experiences and series, did players that are not very good yet another. That's why we're like at some point, they're gonna, have to start reckon What is right now, everybody's big way of getting you on their service is, but we ve got the sport or we ve got this. This tv show yearly when what where this movie, you really want me Acs has been very clear about we're. Gonna sell our stuff so using a whole bunch of max products on netflix, as we have. If you log into netflix as we get feels like old school netflix, yo yo, I can watch dune yeah I get is due.
It's not just casey boys on says your code and he was like basically saying what David is saying, or we used a seller things like a lifetime's and that's that everybody's wanting to get back to that kind of indication. The brass ring syndication was huge. Syndication was what everybody worked for and when they haven't I do it in the last few years and now they're realizing wait. No, this is like all the writers and actors realize it all of the the directors and producers realize that everybody wants to make as many much money as possible dipping as many times as they can and just going all in on any one like form is dump the the big difference with cable. It's I think it's important to say this out loud. There was value pre internet in paying money for cable one,
and it had all the stuff yeah and you couldn't get the stuff at all. Unless you paid for cable, the cable channels were not available to you in any way shape or form unless he paid for cable too, and I think we forget that this is where the industry came from. They were better than in tennis, yeah right, like the the wild west of the early cable industry, was a bunch of people who got in trouble from broadcast networks for setting up big antennas and then running wires, everybody's houses, Lisa call cable cat tv cctv. It was coming. the access to television- and that was the budget right in this there's like there's a thing under their where there are like. we centralize the hard part which is getting the signal off the broadcast towers and then we'll will make it good and you are paying for that thing. Very specifically,
like directv, used to advertise. Their was higher quality video. Then cable operators does god It's like no one gives a shit about that part anymore, so the party of paying twice as I can for access. Then you getting as it wishes and the access be great well in the other. Part of this is cable didn't just die because netflix like netflix, certainly participated in the death of cable. That is still currently happening, but youtube is a was much bigger impact. Sure ray and and youtube hasn't gone away. Youtube is still here, so these people are all going to be out here. Recreating cable, but they still aren't, can be they're not going to get the audience back. The audience is so fractured now you're, not getting that whole audience back the days where you could go and watch. I remember like my favorite example is grey's anatomy, because grey's anatomy season to that was stolen, cable was really strong and when grey's anatomy with sorrow, strong, it still really straw, which is tat, no like it does well in the nielsen's star wash
It's a bad show, but it's sold as well. Yeah yeah, yeah yeah, so the nielsen's back in like two thousand and six two thousand and seven for most watched episode, would be like thirty million people tuned in nowadays grey's anatomy. Still, a major success considered a major success for apc still making a lot of money. Average episode gets like six million people and it's that's good. That's considered good, like we saw a huge drop of an audience and all that audience went and watch stuff elsewhere and that's not coming back and that's the thing that the streamers are actually going to have to reckons with, and I think that's why the prices are going to keep going up even past, where we think is reasonable because they're having to compete with youtube where everybody makes the content for quote unquote free. That is going to be hard, for. I think that's right in the sense that there's only like twenty four hours in a day. Writing and the idea is where are people spending their time and like the younger you get the less
likely? You are to be even spending that time on straining services lake. I spend a bunch time this past weekend with my nephews. It was homecoming weekend. So I was like talking to him and all his friends are talking about all the stuff they watch and he was like yeah. I used to lake city watch t v, but then I realized, I was just looking at tick, tock the whole time. So now I don't even turn the t v on. I just sit and watch tiktok and I was like that is telling my friend like your second scream is, elephants, yeah. This is our end up by a frame tv, this guy, to people like tv, installers, yeah and, unlike some samsung people, running a frame is a hit because people know that it will be off their just, can leave it off in an I bought because, as I was be in our bedroom until just leave it off, but I now which currently our tv yeah, and I'm just not even local, been regarded local. I really want one for my bedroom, just because it's pretty german? It eventually mean about around him for his watch
many specials on it. I have always wondered they, like all of the other, as the material you see for the frame is when it off and I've always wondered like, as this is a good tv when you like turn it on, because at some point turn it off now I want to be very clear now here s. The mat screen is like really cool. It's really good We have one and the other studio here and when it has, art on it. With a detail, it so convincing so cool, Now, when you turn on your eyes, one big ass, a lady back light like its nineteen. Fifty six viewing angles has the bloom doll thing is bloom. Just there's like one flashlight behind the just does not know the color black. His grey, namely, why don't watch whiplash on my phone phone, true blacks. Will the good news is it's really expensive, so got that for you know it's either. Actually the little ones are cheap, and I think this is
because it's a cheap panel, the atmosphere, so it's all price on margin, which means that get discounted like crazy, okay, fair enough, but by it was like we should buy. I should buy a galleried series lg like a g two, it's real nice, very thin. You can mount it just like a frame, but it doesn't have them. screen, doesn't he can't do the art as a crab, by the of in an I'm looking at it like. Why did I buy why? Why do? I have heard a single? back like a seat. He and my home, you put it as a background for Pakistan, it's gonna be great, wanted to Onawandah, better moon and we never watch it which is an insane thing to say about a tv it'll, be great when we stop watching pictures, let me pictures of max and it's gonna with great regret that thing, but as an actual tell us it's like samson got me again. Is this in time of a samsung t, because it's beautiful What am I looking at and wider as a habit for fifteen more such that canada? Anybody know
we're going to buy where I'm waiting to buy. I think you can get them now, but the official on sale date is the sony, a ninety five l, it's so expensive, if it's pretty but we're going to me in the wall for fifteen years, so I'm like, I should spend the money yeah it's gonna, it's gonna be great. If it had better be rate, because after this frame experience I don't know, can take slackened. Sorry David. We are talking about the future street All I know is I have I have it tcp tv back here It's forty some inches, because I accidentally clicked the wrong button on amazon. So you know what it is: it's fine. It is just fine and I'm still on algae b, seven. No! She I haven't. We sell to seven years be six. It's it's fourteen. Whatever the years ago, twenty seventeen that's right seventeen cause. I bought the basics and sixteen Tv is always ready, but it's gonna be there for my should upgrade MC. Why spend the money there's one I think you should spend the money on it's a nice theory. Phantom habits you're going to have it forever. I do actually agree with that. This is the problem with streaming. Is I'd rather talk about the tv's in the contest?
Good teaser for monday is forecast by the way before we take break, which we should do were our whole episode is with the person who would like to give you a television for free. it's coming. I cannot wait for this episode. You're right, we should think of anguish, delighting round, and we should get out of here and then for this. We have a bonus round more hours, time of a nature will be ever so. We ve got three potential mysteries. story, one. I think, there's a fourth, MR, where you all here so the mystery one. No one answered MIKE what you hear it right. I don't know you not again this week on unexplainable comedian, why it's a knack place? Our game show unexplainable or not, he's gotta guess which are these
streets has actually been solved and he gets to do it with the help of a pact live audience wow, that's really helpful! That's that's! I don't We will do it on the prices rise to hear. Why do it unexplainable or not follow unexplainable for new episodes. Every wednesday I'm Josh mucho host of the pitch from vocs media people described the pitch as the anti shark tat and I I agree. Take everything you think you know about venture capital, start ups and fund raising and throw it out, because, on my shout, he'll hear the true story of how these deals get done on our upcoming season. You'll hear legendary investors like Charles
Hudson and Elizabeth yen invest over a million dollars in the start, ups featured ownership, and let me be clear, none of this is staged. Each episode of the pitch features real entrepreneurs pitching real investors from real money. Then we go the extra mile to tell the true story of what happens after everyone shakes, hands and walks out of the real. Listen to season ten of the pitch podcast to learn from the smartest investors and founders in the world. Knew episodes drop on wednesdays, follow the pitch for free wherever you listen. I would back when he round we were like already over its core just. At the same time, people sitting in their cars waiting for us to finish the phone is good. It's a piece of heart. It's not just a bundle of philosophical
what laundries? But it is also because it is that yeah, please, I'm telling you if you have the money, go to your local wireless carrier and be like I want to. I want you to mark down that. I am buying this phone because it is a philosophic well dilemma. I won't move the needle right. It's not speeds a camera. It's I want to be horrible at parties or at lighting around David okay. I have to because sometimes How did that my first one is? It appears we have now seen the entire human eye. Pin it was it paris, fashion, weak and naomi Campbell and an ethic a couple of other people were wearing it.
On their on their sort of breast pocket area. Lagerfeld ing the shit out of this thing, so we have now seen what it looks like. I think it was john gruber who described it as an iphone. You would get in a happy meal yeah. We still don't know anything about what this device does. Their original launch date was the fourteenth, which is just next week, but there's been some reporting out there. That says that has slipped to november, so I'm not exactly sure. What's going on there, but we've now seen the pin. Is it real? Does it do anything who's to say? We have had many questions about this for a very long time. I think if they they had a couple of videos from paris fashionably where it was another one of those like projecting it under their hands as they were due, some kinds of videos? I have never had so many questions about what something is than I do about this, but I find it deeply fascinating. Can I just am going to start with a baseline question? There's a do you like our post and we'll go. Look at the. since in the shone out spill over in a car,
and look at the picture of the mounted and ladys pants. How much is this thing way, because it is not pulling on this fabric? hand in her pocket. No, I don't know, that's she's got her hand in her pocket, even she's. Holding it up is he's, teaches keeping it she's given up because look at those that fabric have you ever worn. So much is like a boot near to like high scope I like how this is kind of saggy, yeah, right to think that I'm just saying, if you ever do anything like, has any weight it's going to pull in here. It's not doing you think she's pulling that fabric taut, oh yeah, she's, she's fully. Planet taught, because you look at the other ones, its honour its on swayed jacket. Then it's on this, this white shirt where she's also tell yes lapel and then she's also again styling imposing herself, and this was all coming from the pirnie show which concerning apparently loves to to do some little fashioned stuff so like their their previous recent show was like, although robot.
Dogs, yeah my age and prepare like my dogs, so like they. They love to do like we're tech staff. Our rapporteur me ass. Otto is a big fashioner and, as I go pirnie stewing issues, of course it's That would do the humane thing. I have a number of questions, for example, cutty load contacts and this one cell phone. It broke real question, you interact with it, but you you just talk to her with her hand out and run here. We got no hand adjust to me was very funny that this came out the same week. That apple announced its no longer supporting and repairing the seventh thousand dollar apple watch and it's like those two things take. Did the beginning of thing in the end of a very similar thing? It's like you can just see humane trying to go there like cool fashion.
to make this a luxury item route, which is that thing I think people try to do before they have a product that good as it. How did that word for google glass badly? It works pretty badly for everybody, because she turns out it's very hard to make something fashion. I just I want to take you back to the further the lady in the pass every time I look at this product, I have more questions. Ok, We ve seen how the thing works right in combat any your whole that where, if you Have it mounted on your pants? You can see hurting knuckles, whatever whatever it look. That way I decide, I still don't know how this works. I think I think, there's cardboard in the paths is what I'm trying to say. Let's say this is an acceptable mounting position for the humane ipin, not a dorky one. So may say this is where they think you should have an you needed to call bethany. Where are you gonna put your happened,
squatting yeah you like your down here now, yeah, alright, just the basics of this product related using to me. Maybe you papa squire maybe that's like part of their that you really do innovation wraps. What's it like papa squat call, you fran papa score, check, the amazing remains marketing slogan is papa squat, I'm all in all. We are ready. I'm just look at the photo with the way where it, where it's on the pants and just like. How would you Just run just run that to its logical conclusions, you One of the ways in which you use it is that you talk to it and it talks to people in france. just then suddenly it's like. Does it out, as I want in french run your beer pants pocket from your cried basis. but what happens when you sit down? Does friend sound like the adults and charlie brown that what that's so fast Are you? Are you asking just as you know,
my other living writhing growth. Ass. Is this weird kind scandal about the iphone fifteen overheating, but if you will notice that their iphone fifteen's raving really hot and training the batteries profess apple basically came out and said it's the aps fault which is like a delightful follow on to your holding it wrong from you know. All those years ago, apple, then released an sos update, fit it said quote, addresses an issue that may cause iphone to run warmer than expected, but also said that it was the aps fault and a bunch of apps, updated and suppose we solved the problem. So what is going on here is whenever it is. It seems like it's been fixed, terrific deal, the overheating problem from some of these acts that we're running wild seems to be solved, but whose fault was this and how did they fix it? We don't know, and it's driving me.
nuts. I just want to know. What's good, it's very weird cause. It's a point update that doesn't like ordinarily, when apple adds new features in, like a point o point three update: it's like little bug fixes and security of in stuff like this is not a moment, you do much, but they named this one, nor because I think that there is a new cycle, but I guess my guess, here is a with. I was seventeen, there came so new frameworks and ceramic who were in a bunch other apps relied on. They updated to users frameworks that was causing the problem today than they could blame it on instagram and now here we are where they locked into the thing they opted to the us that was maybe using the framework they voted in the framework of the outer using the aps. Can't do it anymore it. My guess, is. It's much more innocent, then it seems, but It is very funny, though, like I dunno instagram, everybody made a boo boo. Alright, what's yours LG is dropping eighty, I see three point out from its tvs next year
I got a lot of a lot of messages about this over the weekend says the r I p kranz story of the week yeah then I think it was telling LG was one of the first to adopt the technology and put it in it's stevie's, and now it's one of the first. A bit too and its because nobody's adopting eighty. I see three point like the stations aren't, aren't converting over it, So I had a conversation with a fancy. Person occur again about television, not the person who is on sectional byron out by the way a superstar code overshadowed by lindy accurate, but he was like here's one doing. I'm sue mcdonalds as a racist, every french fries racist, like it, was crazy that he's trying to buy a beast yeah and one of the reasons that he was trying to buy a bc is he thinks the stations are probably manage. This whole thing he's trying to babysit, sir. I was at code talking to the people about that conversation because it was a superstar performance ago and they were like we keep trying to work.
with local stations to make them better. There's a lot of things you want to do, brasil if you're interested in sports rights, all the big streamers, anxious and sports there's a lot of local broadcast deals to to make any sort of our great see its words and for care, for example, that the local stations have to do it and they won't you They just like there is not a single, less innovative part of the media, the ecosystem, nobody woeful television stations, Jen. Everybody has been buying up the local stations because their largely a couple of different monopolies that that, on the majority of them, they have no interest in it they. They are effectively like private equity did to journalism, whether we wanted just buy it in milton roughly what we say now rendered to the ground, places like in new york. It's it's pretty expensive to to put up the towers and stuff for eighty se, three point: o n a lot of it. I guess a lot of the buildings around here, don't want to deal with that deal with the leases and everything like tat. So it is its challenging and there is just a bummer.
Eighty three three point out is cool technology like the technology itself is super super cool and it could do a lot really really democratize act, ass to a lot of stuff, but No one wants to actually do it, so it's all just kind of a bummer. like I don't blame algae for not wanting to spend the time and resources to continue to use this. If nobody is adopting a lake, you know come back in a couple years, but by then broadcast tv will effectively probably be dead. So that's it! It's just a real. Right at the end, the tax so that they got their agreed. We may that another year, your ten years too late, you ve, forgotten this a while back
As you know, there's a there's, a balance you remember, vizio took the tuners out of it's tv's and there's huge backlash then put them back, because that was too soon. If they did it now, nobody cares. I think that's right, I mean well, I think vizio is cheap. The video that that was a whole get a vizio. Is you get really good tv for a really inexpensive price? That's changed a little nowadays but like so I get like their audience. Probably did use tuners a lot more than they thought and most people- probably don't. Actually especially lg, like somebody's going to buy the nice lg just write to us. I need to know the answers. We're both guessing yeah, we're guess. I I think a lot of people still use search interest, especially our audience our audience tat. It is because I use my tunisia still had to suffer if, but we back the audience at last us to talk about it. You see three by now, I have a feeling. I'm sorry guys! I want it to go, but I dont forget net pts to point, I was going to farm obsession, it's going to be very happy there. It's gonna be really close. I have two as well, but mighty work. The same thing: ok, wine acts that
from formerly known as twitter announced deal with pair sultan, I I'll just. I would describe this press releases calorie free that it contains no one, nation. It's a lot of words. So many words One thing I learned about monday akerana is: she loves words, just loves word, and you can see why she was a great marketing executive. It NBC cause she had NBC. She had the limp. If you just want to wander around talking about how people feel inspired in communities are brought together and look at the world and there's a young girl singing and by an annex I see is a great platform to be that personality when you have twitter, it's like. Why are you talking about click nothing, it's all the same sort of like a hope. He changes, which for lack of a better so anyway, so they even ass a parasol and casual she wore posts on acts. The orgy other great for origin,
or video content programmes per year. That includes live shopping across along with host of other activation across all services of x. The life. Insurance will allow a browser catalogue of products and then click through the site to make a purchase via the internet browser again this could be cool, and I'm gonna give you the longest. Hydrocephalus is act who is selling ecstasy from these last four zero people, eddie paris, a super into radios. This is like the at the law about herself and she super into, to traditional radioactive c b radio. What does she want of the stores to see be radio stuff that would be cool if paris, hilton as a cb radio activation regret, acts work to secure brand sponsorship to support each of the activation of paying paris. They don't know how they're gonna pay for paris very good. So also support, employing other efforts. That alone eleven media which accompany eleven. Eleven media in person will be involved in throughout the year now. Not this is nothing. What is it
So I besides dollars, I said the same as my second thing is: there is a little bit of an existential crisis on threads this week, the heart of the inner fallacies on the government shut down? All the stuff is peter. The house is getting fired. This is the stuff you, u use twitter, for right, like these moments more. Were twitter, there's a flawed in new york during twitters great at telling people who I don't care about the weather in your city. What exactly is happening with the weather in new york city yeah in threads? Has I would save flatly failed to live up to any of these occasions is a real time, service. Dived I've tried and I'm rooting for threads. It's the one. I use during its. Madam you, one of my threads is bad, or are you still want amusing? Am I leave and I tabled a whole thing. It's not good at the stuff watching football with threads is like not watching for better than I could see.
opposite of watching footballer threat, so there's are a lot of consternation about threads and whether we care about news and metal is there The report, an information that met as doing creator councils with a gathering of the creators together to see what they want, which is historically in the history of social platforms. A thing you'd read before you die but high, but the flip false idea better. Does I've instagram like that? They they have it. They have a thing there. yeah, but you know it's like they're they're doing committees to figure out what they should do to to kick threads back into gear, and it's like, oh, you don't need a committee to news just to twitter just do what twitter is romania's! So I posted on threads. It feels like they need to make every mistake. so burned by news atmosphere so burned by news because he used to run uneasy sober menus. That's it try everything else. First, Missouri actually went back to me. We are now anti news, news is already, and threats were simply trying to avoid it over promising and under delivering to an incredibly powerful group which is
stake we ve made his accompany many times in our past on its face. Does it all? There is nothing to say right? We dont want the news media to think that threads will save it. Yeah sort we're not going pretend to things about this. One. One solution to this problem is to make promises and keep them just put matter lies as somebody who lived through something called the pivot video. not lying about metrics and actually do being revenue? It's concept. I think that would have solved your problems. It's just that. I just a thing I get where that's coming from, like everyone yelled at him with a somewhat like reading, keep our promises, so we don't want to make any promises. Sandwiches like backwards fought like fire I actually understand it. Yeah like? One, rational response, that is to say we are making no promises. Great the diplomacy reasonable, are now so good luck like forget, being burned by making bad decisions hasn't met a learned that caring about
news? Business is actually just all downside, right and regulators are there and Canada is gonna, make you pay for links in million persons rupert murdoch it's going for links, it all happens, there's a blonde! this country. That would make him do it. It's all bad, but the product isn't sticky, because what you desperately need is people posting about the news on a product that looks like we're. Ok, yes, except twitter was a bad business, was always a bad business and was a bad products that most people didn't and the people who did hated themselves for it like I'm, not sure you actually should look at twitter and be like. Let's do it twitter, it sure that's how you get a bunch of like psychotic mania, like us who spent all together too much time for fifteen years on twitter, like my brain is healed. I feel I'm a new person not do in mind like I've. That's my fire, even open it mike. I forgot
alex through obama threads. I was like this cameras are liars. They walked away to me. I think I think the thing threads will regret. More than not being more like twitter is positioning itself against twitter, the way that it has because what they did mark Zuckerberg and Adam Missouri both did this like aggressively and sort of loudly at the beginning was say in as many words we want to be better twitter and we all kind of internally understand what that might be, and that comes with certain things and certain ideas. If they had just said, we think it's time for a new kind of text based social networking for sharing this sort of did a little. But you, if you say the first thing, everybody's gonna hold you the first thing right like I did. I think it's true, but also, if you, if you say like with, we think the world deserves twitter. That assembly run run like in essentially that many words people are going to hold your twitter standards, but I think, like meadows out here, to build a big thing that makes money,
Twitter was never any of those things, but actually we have like ten thousand disclosure, so the first one is criticism of the current twitter is in no way praise for the previous administration of twitter. I think it's important to say that they were bad at this there's an argument to be made now. I think that that was the best I could be sort of chaotic horrible right was like the best. It certainly was the best it has been jamie. Maybe they had stumbled into it. steady state of misery, like I dunno, maybe to me it looks like this is a company that sold itself for four billion dollars at fifty four twenty a share cause, it could not figure out a way to get two. Fifty four twenty a share on the open market. Like I do know, that seems high, take them on earth. We got nothing. My guard we'd, not as it did where you were in a lot more people tweet, like forever analogy reports, so that its worth eight billion dollars ceremony. doing great of certain there's. I just that. Then the other surgery talked about streaming and cable cited comcast's investment company through whatever they don't.
They're! Not into me. We don't stand an ominous looks producer, that's a real thing! I have eighteen years my personal friend service yeah, I just the rice and yeah Franz watches every star trek show on paramount plus its true rod cast tv or if energy is flowing through our bodies, that's a real thing. what's happening to you to graze. Anatomy is going right, hey, listen! The five g alert went off. All of you are aaron rodgers. Now I not be I dunno what that means, but it sounds great. Come back around the threads, I'm just saying if they had solved the smallest problem, f. There are, I know, a bunch of them are often fans because I see posting of one days after the first it because the outer that feed- but I see him, do it- if ages solved. We want to make this great that they would have solved. They want to make a great for washing football.
The problem is it solving. Those problems necessarily makes you great at others, a government shut outlining o the speaker has fired or whatever right, and that means are good at news, and I dont think that they have a plan to square circle. It cannot be that a bunch of famous you you're gonna pay pairs. Helen some money to post about It is in her shop coming, that's not going to do it for you, you don't know. Or that you're just going to block some topics entirely the way through and has done with covert right, like you can't just you can't just write certain things off and then be like come hang out, but only about the nice things like I. I think you might be right that what twitter was might be the best of all the bad outcomes and maybe they're all bad outcomes, because it was it's like the nc, seventeen social media, threads desires legitimately the ansi, seventeen and- and this is like generated-
It's pixar twitter says not cheap. I just don't think like. Even if again I I would just come back to some of the stickiest things that twitter did for me. That weren't news like hard news, like political news of sports, watching sports with twitter open, is great or was great. Now it's weird the Cathy bar there and there during the weird programmatic insertions of like As for buying gold, it's not gonna love going to of any of this, enter the apple iphone, so it's in the web, whatever it's not great, I would love to switch to threats for this. It's just not then again, I'm rooting for threads, because I want but he met a scale to bet on federation in inter operability and push all of that forward, they seem super committed to it. I am totally insane. That I just think they ve lost sight of what makes it sticky, which is actually real time information. like I dont know that you can solve that without actually solving news and I think they're paralyzed. Yes, that's one hundred percent right, on the other hand, twitters pink.
or money the fact that Linda Akerana had to tweet the words living is just it just makes it all worthwhile the present system living I wish this life while, while we're leaving me less living gas, slide on my way out the door? That's it we're way over time! where this observers s coffee cups. It did philosophic, quandaries and we ended with slashing when people say we The range is, if we made a whole publication for ourselves, for this is where we live. I that's it I got some things call out. We have a partnership, a d brand. You should go, buy the skin, they're, really cool, they're, cool, they're sick as hell; actually they look beautiful and then three whereas becca's video thousand photos the iphone fifteen pro max one of the on youtube: lots of voters back home
lots of thoughts about this camera. She compares it to my first iphone camera, which is actually it is more complicated than you might think. Again. Just exposure, philosophical quandary of these funds go watch a video That's does her chest and that's a rap for verge cast this week. We love to hear from you She doesn't email adverts cast diverge dotcom diverge cast The production of the verge and the box me upon gas network shows produced by me. The genes and our senior audio director, Andrew marino are editorial. Director is brook mentors. That's it we'll see next week, the.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-07.