« The Vergecast

Quibi's launch week, Asus laptop reviews, and Sony's PS5 controller


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
On average has new verge laptop of your Monica chin joins us to talk about a bunch of laptops, including suits zephyrs g, fourteen samson, gauss, chrome book. This suits, crumbled, foot, Anyone Julie Alexander, joins us to talk about quickly that launch this week, and we get into a bunch of stuff, including the new play section. Five control. That's come oliver chest now. Support for this comes from american express business. If yours, a business owner. You want wanna partner with someone they can help, make your data day of mourning experience that's where american express can come in a mere an express business cards are built for your business with features in benefits like these. to earn membership awards points on select cards, the power to pay for big business purchases and twenty four seven support. business specialist built for your business, amex business terms apply, learn more at american. Express
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Paul Miller's here, although I would also like to apply for friendship status, the website is is the problem cuba. We have a special guess, monica janitor, hello, monica high, monica is our new laptop reviewer. How if the position of the verge, how long has it been? Even if, if, if a few months area a couple of months yeah it started in late january? Alright, it's been totally normal ever since super normal new job bunch of laptops. at a little later on. Julia alexander is going to join us. We gotta to talk about the kobe launch. It happened. It happened this week so that'll be fun of it later. I want to start There's always just a quick run through of what is happening colonel virus. There's a lot of coverage. I've heard from quite a few people that they appreciate that our show is not one hundred percent focused.
on the virus, its balance. Which are you write, keep given me notes. I do appreciate, but I do want to start with just some updates. So What are you gonna do it? Does it mean they now on a friday in the show. Comes I affrighted just I'm good at counting you guys. It has been for weeks by the timeliness, it will have been four weeks since donald trump. Add the flow chart. That's at the website. Symptom checker drive through you know what I'm talking about and then Google was going to where it was approximate. One hundred and seventy thousand google engineers we're gonna build a website that lets you schedule, attest, drive through a test and get results that website makes his air has not shown up yet that's correct how verily. The these sister cover Google underneath parent company alphabet, has expanded another testing site in the bay area and I believe I read that they said that
down as many as six thousand tests, which is around five thousand sixty six six hundred bore them, of, what was actually you like more president, I expected the goal is Tests are fairly, can can role that are even farther. We will do nothing but applaud them. Unjust, the idea was that everybody would be able to use this website. That is often archer. Speaking of of counting You can also now count the number of days since a governor new york governor Andrew cuomo said that google is going to make him a website for new york state. So I was going to ask how many days cause you're so good at county, it's been since he held up the print out of Google tweets in the end, then mike that is met with that's my holiday. That's all you gotta do it goes, but the following monday, There was no promise associated with that. days, cities tunnel trump holds printout tweeds. Is you mean I? I applaud, the time or someone's someone scheme, but I'm, moreover, that the last promises so there's that there's some cream
second order things happening, criswell a story about webcams, speed, impossible to find because everyone's working from home, like a basic logic Web normally enormous for fifty bucks is like two hundred dollars for sea nine. Twenty, the higher sounds like debris out, which is their forte webcam? Five hundred bucks come on come on there are some in stores. The problem is that the stores are closed. So, my work. Happily tell you, they haven't been stuck in your local store, but only invest modifications have the curbside pick up that you need, so those such around me actually seamen from logic. They are not happy about the price aging, that's happening so where they can where they have the ability they are actually trying to get some of those listings taken down But if you just like bottom on shore, I chanced to resign and much can do anything to say- That's it. That's a weird second ordered known expected it about other stuff, like Delgado, streamlined boxes, people using the mere also that everywhere, that's it, second order, one atom,
a great piece about chloroprene, inside the misinformation ecosystem about that just check that out we're trying It some service. He thinks people have cancer, reliable information. So that's a good one to share their the insane five turn of irish sincere cease theory out there, Are you not say about it, but Tom Warren, where a great deal bunker that people in england or lighting five you tell her some fire, and so, if the government in english wireless companies are having to beg people to not light sovereignty. And fire, because this is britain, so their politely asking whether use bull. it may prettier snarling hours, polite fires, that is nuts. Ann Cusack, tweeted that five g would be the root cause of it and then, like everyone dunked on him, and he had to delete it like it is a pervasive conspiracy theory than you would ever expect so Warren wrote a debunk of that. I encourage you to go, find it and share it widely and get some good
mission world in an this is just my fate. One actually harm in the union. Consortium has paused emerging development for this year because of the virus. And then I got any right like everyone's really distracted? We don't we don't need to do that. They do in person beat up to like make the final decision, plainly remote process. You, like sin, like a thing, the birds at a piece how I got the bogey into damages run it and that there is a meeting that like you, you go and you present or like you send in your thing and then there's a meeting where they like go through the presentations. Can I just read you this quote: is this from Davis president, the unicorn consortium Supervision is registered, demoniacal aridity. It's amazing under the cap circumstances. We ve heard that our contributors have a lot of nerve plates at the moment is that it is in the best interests of our volunteers and the organisations that depend on the standard to push our released it people are busy. there's a lot anxiety in the world. You know needed you don't
but the ones that were already announced, like the olive, the beaver and the plunger they're still coming, it's so good, it's the new ones that aren't the controversial ones. The concert, once yeah emoji drama is going to have to wait for a year. It's speaking of counting nearest thing. I've been counting the most on Sunday April twelfth it will one year since fox con told us that there empty things were not empty handed. would send us a correction yeah one year, they ve gone one year without sending a sec correction, but well well, do something about the euro since on friday, yet I assure you the virtual, have a post on sunday tomorrow, glorious extremely disappointing anniversary the buildings are probably empty right now talks on actually still under construction in wisconsin deemed themselves essential to make no one knows, but they didn't announce amounts yo of another company med traumatic, announced that they are
building ventilators at the fox on factory in wisconsin, come on reach for comment, declined to comment so, hopefully, This factory, which I were river and he was supposed to making elsie these making ventilators many chronic security. They open source, their ventilator design I'm so stoked on this yet but trot really a serious company. Yet my trunk, as are the real deal. You know their ceo says: we're gonna make him at this factor in wisconsin. People believe him he's not screwing around and they open source I ventilator designed. So that's really cool fox on just not committed to doing it, but you think they would just that's easy one in the world We are using fox. Come won't. Do this, or has it agreed that this is the key These men, chronic seo, went on CNBC and he said we're gonna be making ventilators the fox on factor in wisconsin. Ok, Reuters CNBC reached out to fox on vashon, didn't comment
and I'm saying like usually like when someone hands you the ball and then picks you up and holds you over the basket. You're, like you, just put the ball through that it's a it's a second instinct that companies have. They just didn't do it. So we'll will see this forty six weeks again, that is not what the factories for their right: the factories. Theoretically for EL cds and its first open and many so wherein it there's. There's a lot come in fox story, but if they do makes some ventilators everything, that's a good thing. It's just you would think the factory rest assured, spitting out elsie's in may, was kind of like ready to do that, it seems, seems unlikely that you can like the car companies that are making ventilator shadow kane is actually in a big story and is hopefully by time listening to that sugar cane, while the story about why, like the state, mentally to check and why specifically car companies are, are shifting divinity of russian it's because they we make a track systems, they have a lot of motors, they have huge supply chains, all the stuff, so they can kind of cool.
People want to gather. There's really. I don't the tests over here. We're tests, engineers at how they designed ventilator, using mostly tesla parts like that stuff, is cool. you don't normally because cause it's all mechanical, that's been it's to just big populated tvs are not big pumps. This, as far as I know, if you can, we have a t, that's a big pompey, just hit me but I mean they're on their push out. Pixels light and matter are technically, according to the theory of analyses like there's a screen and on the bed tonic, and you got a bit like a shell, for it yeah sure to think built so we'll see Sunday is one years since who told us the buildings are empty and then we'll see if this exerts a fox about it, Ok, that is all the more virus news that I got just. I want to make sure we keep calling on our coverage don't ever signed seamanship cranking away in these in order effects that are happening throughout the whole world. Quite frankly, So I want to short change it, but I have heard from quite a few people that
it really needs a break, so we're going to try to get the balance right, giving that feedback. Alright data monica Paul talk about some laptops, yeah, the aces r o g parentheses public of gamers, zephyrus g fourteen. Has this hot shit? indeed amd chip, which we have talked about before, and you interviewed ceo last week, monica tell us about this laptop Yes, this laptop, whose really really impressive it's pretty well. It's a lot lighter than most gaming laptops, You traditionally, gaming laptops have been like five and six pounds things. This brought this just ways just three and a half pounds, and for such a white machine it really can fly. I was able to play red dead redemption two on all true, which is just about the like most demanded game. You can play and he was able to do it like it was an amazing. It was a like. You know a council issue like experience, but you know you could.
play it on those settings, but if you play on high settings which is just below all try, it absolutely was great experience. It was around fifty. Fifty eight Yes, like it was really really performs very impressively. Editing does not necessarily surprising it also very powerful graphics card. but it's really. It was really impressive to see just below that it could take on so put this put this chip in context, because this is this at the sort of chip that I should expect to like be in the next macbook air raid or be in the next. The dollar ps. This is like specifically designed for like high intensity and gaming, like really serious sort, a sort of processor work yeah, so that the forty nine hundred hs isn't it's an eight courtship its comparable to entails core. I nine so you know the laptop most like dell. Xps is that you're buying are going to have an ifi or an I seven, that's what most people are choosing between when you get into the eye nine and forty nine hundred hs territory, that's where stuff starts to get very good, more expensive
wars are power, user oriented any aid? the esa. The end indicates like special. It means that its that you know that the forty nine hundred each is like the top of the line for an under age. Ass is designated more for thinner laptops that can still deliver on gaming. They call it s top class gaming so that yeah, that that's that's the intended that trip a lot of persons I saw- was this chip at thirty five watch verses intel at forty five. What's so, it's like it's kind of similar, comparable power, comparable performance with less power draw here that that that suddenly, what then that's what they're going for, but it's not, as is obviously not as low powers, the u series, which is that serve the main like comparable to to That's an ultra portable laptops, the you series! This is the ape series, which is for slightly bigger machines that are slightly more powerful tool of
which is the the battery life, is a fillip amd, was able to make laptop processors in the three thousand series that were cheap and ran. Ok, and this is very fast and a little more expensive. So, what's the like that the battery life is, is the web here? The Barry life is definitely a win. That sort of another thing like the last effort, as we review back in twenty seventeen had like two hours a battery life like it was almost comical how not how around the battery was I eight hours and fifty minutes of browsing not not gaining, but you know honour on a balanced battery profiles and not even batteries haber motor easily made it through a whole work day, and it only to forty one is to charge up to sixty percent unease is one which is like that's not terrible. and even gaining on battery. I got about an hour and a half on a charge. It's it's a it's a pretty big accomplishment for such a power for such powerful hardware. To last that one put to sea of content,
this means a lot to gaming laptops, I'm assuming it as like thinking about gaming laptops. This is not going to be a one off. This is actually like going to be a new thing. That content like the intel and amd continue to fight over. Does this affect anything that's going on the laptop processors outside of the specific domain yeah, I mean I would definitely hope so. I think that you know, even though this is a machine intended to be, for you know intended to be for gaming. It's certainly something that works really well as a productivity machine as well, and you know it handled them, tasking just fine. Obviously you know the sixteen by nine aspect: ratio in isn't like the one that I did, I'm certainly event for productivity. But I certainly wouldn't you know I would be totally happy having this- is my primary device in a work device as well, and I think that sort of that's one of the things that is really impressive about this chip is, it is able to provide the battery life necessarily that that most people are looking for in a primary device will also really.
Enable it to run games, and so I feel like I could just have this and I wouldn't need a secondary part to be device. If I wanted decency to play games I haven't even laptops outside the gaming space. I think has really been put on notice here, I think not just with gaming laptops, but with I think this really shows that laptops can be really powerful gaming laptops and really good productivity devices, whereas where the battery life and with power consumption- design. The weight is concerned, I'm so I hope- intel is, you know, is making moves to do that and they're moving in that direction to somebody we might like sets us right up for, like the other part of the conversation here, which is Andy, has been charging hard to doing. While this is a sob machine with a powerful chip in it. That's next to all of the tenth chin stuff we're seeing intel put out which seems a lot if here than I expected, is kind of you. Experience,
yeah. I mean, I think you know definitely compared to the prices that we ve seen for intel stuff so far and the net the battery life and all those things that we ve seen for intel so far, I would say in over for comparable gang machines. The does everybody fourteen has really rewritten the rules on when I first saw. Price. Fourteen forty nine, I was like I've literally emailed the pr guy and asked if that was the right price that seemed so low to me, for the specs of this thing has and the performance it was. I really think they raise the bar like a ton and in terms of what What intel machines should be able to do it? That price point I mean. That's, that's like unprecedented in terms of what I've seen so, ok return for talkin, tenth janet we actually, maybe it would be useful to like do intel chips, what a one because like when it used to be
like you, he knew to twin Y series and uses series until you're good and then, like you kind of needed to know about the gen and but now, when I hear intel tenth gen, like I literally, don't know what it means like it could it could literally mean anything in its confusing as hell. So like there's, there's this new expiate reviewed period, a couple of chrome box. Everything is like running until tension, but it seems like that none of the stuff actually equivalent. So I can you like gimme the dummies version of what's going on with until tat general now yeah. So in terms of the current expiate that I'm reviewing has the ice, one o six five g, seven and that look at her of the ice lake generation. Does a clause? Does one of the quad core processor, the ex vs thirteen, that we review the end of last year has- and I said, and one o seven one. Oh you and that's the comet lake generation, and that one is a sin. court? That is a six core processor, so that sort of the mean the big. Things that I'm
that our views have so I been looking at so something with two extra cores, is gonna, be a better fit for productivity, oriented tasks stuff like crunching number. Yours elaborate things excel, but we found it Dan founded his review of be the one or the other last year, which has six cores inside they was worse. Like photo and video editing, because the update with the ice, like sesar is it actually has better graphics, better integrated graphics, and so one of the things that the extra s? Thirteen that has come out with the ice like chip is that that is supposed to be a much better one for gaming, on integrated graphics to europe currently reviewing the extra asserting our spoil? Your of you think pray be out after me listen to this, but what is your the impression you I mean my early impression is that it's very good I mean the xps thirteen over the past. Several years has been really the the windows laptop to beat just
I think that if you took a lot of a lot of the features that it has like, we took a keyboard vetoes the touch pad, indeed at the design. If you took the performance- and you just put that by itself in like another laptop, it would be the stand out feature it isn't really cool experienced. Just have all these features be like absolutely the best. Basically, I think that over the past couple years? The xps thirteen is it. The progression has really been one of refinement. It's been dell sort of seeing like what a what does like the one or two things here that people really don't like and changing So we know for awhile, was the nose can and for I was the bottom basil. I think there are really two point with a fixed, a lot of things that we didn't like. I think it's probably still the laptop to be Ok, that no standing is really funny because there's an argument in my twitter applies today about webcams like there it's a bunch of older ex ps thirteen owners being, like, I didn't, think
would go. This bad from our group was a guy with a group of those geared to full areas. That will always the reason I didn't want to buy. It was the nose can't I mean I was literally like it seemed like the one kink in the army If you don't remember for the people listening, if you don't member, they too Two years ago, when I got that the experts, thirteen the camera sucking in the bottom of the screen and the corner just like shot up your nerves. And I would also say the other big thing is the design is, as as changed a lot there's the screen, taller. So this exploring team by nine expert aspect ratio is gone and I hate the sixteen by nine if you live in aided bottom. You know the bottom bessel used have the big del logo. In case you forgot the dell major computer. So then I think nevertheless different and I'm really excited everyone to see, see how its change we gotta get to nvidia stuff and forget there, just like to express my by my deep heartfelt
emotional sadness. about the to crumble, it's reviewed so like, I tested in the xps. It sounds good tension in the samsung chromebook and the acer chromebook flip. That sounds like that. Not that not so good what what the hell happened with you. From books. Yeah I mean, I think the issue with these crumbles is just that their there they cost too much. You know, there's a there are lots of debates about, do you know, doesn't We actually want one thousand all roma. Why would you pay one thousand dollars for crumble, and I know definitely a market out there. You know there are people, their power use of Google. There are people who really like a criminal ecosystem and their preferred operating system, and they really want a We really nice computer. I've been talking to one of these people who have been so far, granted that they feel like their best options, are like either you get the pixel book or you just have like what what looks like junk,
I'm so have really been waiting for. You know something that comparable to an ultra book that has promo s and a lot of hoped. It would be the galaxy chrome book or would be that the new aces crumbled, flipped C4, three six and you're the galaxy crumble. looks so nice. It's really well designed and there's a lot of things are design, there's like a stylus there's like camera in the keyboard, deck and the screen. He knows it it's a for K, amyloid screen, it looks absolutely beautiful- are many lot of fun to use and its super white, but is just a battery life of four hours is really not useful Most people you buy a laptop because you want to be able to carry around you, don't want to have it just like sitting plugged in all the time sitting at your desk, especially when it's so light, and it also gets get hot, which is incredible no fans. So that's not necessarily surprising yeah. I mean it's just you know, I think it's you know if it's if it were a five hundred
device. Maybe we'd be more forgiving of a battery life that I bet one thousand dollars. You know that's when we're getting into like bats macbook air pricing in oath. That's when you really You really are looking for something that is pretty good all around and unfortunately, the foot C4 three six sort of fell to a similar issue. You'd better levels and quite as bad. I got five hours out of that, but it's an eight hundred, chrome book and you re we need more than eight hundred dollar chromebook, to be like significantly better than chromebooks that are five hundred and fifty to six hundred and fifty dollars, and I just think we have the pixelbook right now we have the flip c. Four three four are. We have windows, machines that are, or you know in that price range or a little bit higher as well, but I just don't have in battery life issue, have similarly good performance and much much better battery life. So I think at this point it's just yet. We need to win make these machines better or when you to get the costs down a conspiracy theory
Well, I have a correlation now to consumers. If an unfounded correlation, you just really to machines, tension, processors. The to come back to. You got four in two hours and change the crumb of forty five hours, are you sure you, two macbook air, with attention processor, when I chrome. I got about five hours of battery life there's a commonality here, which is Google chrome, which it destroys battery live like it. If your entire operating system- chrome, you can't be like the battery is going to do great. So one thing is that, with a with a chromebook flip c for three secs as well as with the the galax, from is other reviewers. Who did batteries hesper they just loops. Ten AP video galway better battery, so I action you think it's probably an issue with the with, with web page optimization with app optimization, my the the
I have is no one is buying from just to lieutenant. He PV book. Asperger's zeb, like entails integrated graphics, are getting better faster than their shipping processors or abandoned. I don't do link. Is it just see chrome actually does ok. When it's like just running on lennox, like that, there are problems with good battery life. They exist. The pixel, but go is actually a really good example of a country with a pretty good battery life. When it came out. I was like mad this inside, but the other problems are cheaper and better, like that. that is a fourth C4. Thirty four, which is still around like is just a better all round computer but now that I'm seeing this new gauss occur book, which is like literally the successor to the pixel book. The Google pretty much told me so it's trash this week, six is a bummer like I'm, actually less worried about cromwell s in terms of chrome killing battery than I am about the fact that I android, are still rash.
chrome is better. We can't do that. We can do this. We cannot do this robotic had somebody problems of another conspiracy. Theory This is more germane. Ok, when that's the galaxy book S or whatever, whatever it costs was announced, it was announced without a lake field processor. and now it's shipping with a comet like like lakefield, is like like these I dunno, maybe maybe, crazy. But these seem like laptops the maybe we're designed like they were gonna get a opel ask processor for men. like a next gen qual com killer and then Instead, they got like comet lake for team, nanometer plus plus plus processors. Yeah, that's not unreasonable timor. Conspiracy it is ironic what's next, obviously extra s reviews coming what's next and the world of laptops we will feel there is a big info in point re yet to new class. The chips
yet many more odyssey a flood any products. What are the next big releases people we're looking for here. So we had a big announcements earlier this month were comment like age coming from intel activity is new strategic, super gps So you know, alongside those two announcements, we got just a barrage of of new new items that were being that very manufacturers are announcing amid incorporated ships on the most exciting one to me is the twenty twenty ratio. with fifteen on that's gonna pair the architects, twenty many supermax q or the twenty eighty supermax q, with a with attention, I seven and it's actually to be the first, a core processor ever appear in a razor blade, so very excited about that. So that's gonna, be that's gonna be interesting to compare to. to the to the orgies efficacity fourteen, that's I think. First time or were really get to see how these in any other autonomy by seven not- and I
and but I think it will still be interesting to see how these, how these systems compare and how well handles the games, because it's only it's fifteen. Ninety nine. So it's only a little bit more expensive as there's Five hundred is another big one. Getting the super cards a couple there being one gigabyte, the gigabytes theorist, fifteen g and seventeen g and then one that I think is really funny. Is the east. Is orgies. Efforts do oh fifteen, which is a gaming laptop that has to screen so there's one like it keyboard and then there's like the main screen and the one on the keyboard like tilt up. I think it's at thirteen degree so you can have sir these two screens running at once. So, for example, you could be like
playing your game, and then you could have your discord chat open on the second screen. You will see if it actually is practical or useful when we get the device, and is it funny or is the genie's palace a founding member of the keyboard in the front club out of nowhere? So we want to cause new stuff. The thing that stands out to me with this nvidia launch- and I think it's important context with the amd is Andy is not getting all these fancy new and video card tell an invidious co announced all these laptops. There's like you can get a thousand dollar laptop with an hour t x, twenty sixty which might be com, ball or even at an even possibly even better than the aim deal out of when it comes to. Just gaming. Anything that's like jp bottleneck. The really interesting thing is a invidious doing this factor. power. Shifting thing that amd was talking about. If the gpa, you sense is that the seat,
you is the bottleneck. It will reduce its power consumption so that they be. Cpu has more room to work to catch back up innocence, which it and there's invalid. claiming like maybe ten to twenty percent performance gains. That so, even though these are like kind of minor tweaks the card, the the way They actually work. My actually result in some decent gave it. Was it gave me great news for intel because they're not helping to make these aids theories one thousand that much faster. yeah. Also why, when to last on her list in terms of foreign backed stuff market, brought the dual screen south it's happening. Microsoft has reportedly delay the surface neo, which I was very excited about, which was their dual screen, which means I dunno what that means for windows, ten x, which are supposed to run all the dual screen stuff, but we will see pandemic. It's just habits, all all my form factor dreams are
Why? Okay, monica? Thank you so much for joining us. We'll have you back very soon. It sounds like there's many many more laptops for you to review and talk about absolutely I was right good talking to I won't say, break these monica where actually was enter talk. What equity I'm Josh mucho host of the pitch from vocs media people, described the pitch as the anti shark and I actually agree take everything you think you know about venture capital, start ups and fund raising and throw it out. Because my shall deal here the true story of how these deals get done on our upcoming season, you're legendary investors like charles hudson and Elizabeth yen, invest over a million dollars in startups featured on our show- and let me be clear None of this is staged. Each episode of the pitch features, real entrepreneurs catch
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joy alexander, welcome I've been so excited for this day. To talk to you about query, launched, happened yeah. They mean that successful network Let us not forget what you know. We ve talked about it in conceptually for what appears to be five years. We After cs a demo of nothing, we have and all kinds of coverage. I urge every red list caught us we're finally make whitman this added great idea mooted focus on Katzenberg. What women who is? Actually the ceo of the company and had said literally change all of their plans and modeling around the virus. Saying story dream
The one question that I liz and I are both like twist- directly was like you were in the sea of hp, you're, you're billion air because you're a sea of of Ebay you like worthy, public in nominating the governor of California. What why are you sure? I think quit We just like we're like this I really do ask but it's launched after all that, after all this conversation, it's here what you think Julia it's an app. in that regard. Opening what I wanted to open and an employer hits videos irene could be a cookie is exactly what they said. Could he would be its? short shows and movies in chapters, and it turns like there's the function that when you turn your phone, what you're seeing the format of the aspect gratia whenever changes that there's nothing else, I think to saint Paul simply about anything on that, but it works the way we wanted it to so so
have you had an exciting portrait landscape, or vice versa, moment, you really don't usually ass. I remind myself at its function that I should use lake writing about is that we can be like I've used this and ensure that it is, but I wanna keep talking to both. in media and outside of media could quite easily go very media thing. People and media love kitty and everyone outside of it, is like what is pretty that is the world that experience so the random people that I have gotten to download the apt semele, please you're, not immune I want to talk to someone on media about it. They haven't used that either there like. Oh, I don't turn my phone, because no one turns there for watching an innocent. The turnstile thing really stresses me out, and I did not expect this, but
if I'm watching it in portrait. I'm like. Oh, I wonder what I would see if I turned it in landscape, I missing something so then I turn it to landscape and I'm like, but maybe this would be better in port I want to see it and portrait, and so I always feel like I'm not getting the right thing all the time because there's two possible options, and maybe I picked the worst one. I don't know, sir. feel like there's a better version of it that I'd just not seeing if you tried watching it with two phones at once, dabbled quite likely to watch it twice, but there's only so many times. I need to see you know the the reboot a punkt so, if you haven't two x, squibs animal, what dear In the same way, though they get I've, I've gone back and relaunch something twice. Just then concerned I've something or its better a certain way, and that Watch it in landscape. That's not! Oh here's! Here's what I would say vited! Why couldn't
Reed narrowly pick two criticisms of caribbean launch. There are more, but if I did, narrowly in in like there strategy, I would say wine. They do not have the one thing. Everybody should watch right that the vision, couldn't pick one. They have a lot of things like an overwhelming array of things. Waiting to disclose polygon has shown its redrawn, which, if you Clearly in a french, your watch it they events and talk. I doing the show, maybe no doubt there's your disclosure, but they have a lot of. things, do none of them are leaving the way the mandatory and was a thing. I know cats murders like what I want to make it so they get out of here. You can still just pick one when netflix was going to do original content. They just like house of cards. It's the thing everybody go watch the show they don't have that. So that's like. I would issue that criticism of their launch. the second one is, they spent all of this I'm talking about their technology in what they could do and storytelling on a phone.
Literally, none of the launch things take advantage that stuff like zero percent of them. As far as I can tell Yes, you can turn it, you can watch and you too, but I watch everything and landscape, because Obviously that is the primary edit of you think so, in every single thing that I've watched for its obvious, the landscape, that it is the first at it. The portrait is like. its along for the ride. It's not Looking at what Julia a horror movie right where you like inland sea, if you're, watching the the character in portrait you're like watching a screen or something yeah, they like change the way you but you're, still viewing the same type of content. It's just a different p, o v. yeah. That was like the big promise right of lake erie you you've watch, the murderer had watched the the person's going to murdered
by the way, also obsessed with death. Yes, so much, I keep asking them about this and they keep telling me and I'm obsessed with their like my own obsession with her yeah and I'm like. No, what we'll see we'll get to that in a second but the real promise was you? Could you importance? you watch the murderer in an landscape. You watch the murderer e, that's it! That's a word, None of their shows right now. Do that thing, so I if you add those together, they should have had the one big show that fully took advantage of the text. right. The Steven Spielberg show that only plays after midnight. Wherever you are the promise they don't have that yet I think that's like They see me doing fine Julia with it, and then they have like a bunch of downloads yeah. So the third party, apps equity, kobe, hasn't announced anything officially when the disney plus launch they came out twenty four hours later and said we hit ten million cause. That's a great number
We do not have time millions, they didn't even one million, so they can so third party apps came out. I got any sensor tower and they said estimating about three hundred thousand, which is not terrible for an app and one is supposed to be used on the go and no one can go anywhere. That does, but that doesn't have a strong presence outside of, I would say, like either very young circles, because their advertisements are like super tied into tick, tock and ram or let or or your media which, like with where the committee, so I think, really truly lies for a lot of people that I know so during two thousand is not terrible for what could be for what I thought I thought would be was gonna head. I mean it's also, not a million, and I dont know what internally they wanted tit day one. But, as you said, there is nothing in the literal. The funny thing about cats and bird dieting, but eliza huey says content is a kingmaker, but platform is king and it's like
I didn't get the content right and you also didn't get the actual usage of the phone right, so nothing that you have is king or kingmaker. So I don't know what the business is at this point. To get to those points. it's thin lizzy's profile women that again just go, read it because it's good, but, like imagine, you're the ceo of a new platform, I'm sure many virtuous listeners should imagine themselves as such thing as a pullover harbour like you're at home. So I just go stand the sand in the bathroom. but like imagine you to see over five platform in April onest platform and all your plans, your entire team. Your whole company is like we're. Gonna want for the big fancy hardy full of celebrities and then a width of ads, expensive adds, during my madness and mass. And all this stuff in all of it is gone, and women's was, women's quotes. Allays was like we're. Taking us back some are putting them on like twitching, you too, in
that's why you just see if you're, like the number of ads on instagram like out of control right, it's like you because they took their like broadcast sports add budget and just fire hose did it. Social platforms which is wild. I only it's ever been done you that level of move in maybe to get to that three hundred thousand. I think the big question is: can it will sustain at that level or is it going to drop because it usually drops and what's it going to plateau at and how is that going to be enough to sustain them? That means it's absolutely the biggest question unless they have a show, it's going to bring people in one that they think that they have a game of thrones or mandatory and that people are like canada sign up for and I'll watch this we go we again or what we gotta. Whenever people aren't, you are going to come to an end after ninety days, they're not going to say there are gonna pay five dollars for something for content that they can get elsewhere really in terms of quality.
That could be really missed out, as I could be thinks that it's the reason people signed up for it are the kind of top high production movies in chapters big big actors and in tv shows, and it's not. People are going to sign up to watch, explode in people's faces or watching it just think honest and drivers like it's the really funny mid tier react. This shows that quibbles that, like the basically the thirty rock fig shows that cuba is actually produced, though The fact that it was her like this shows that prove you will find its audience with any dead. There's no way to share any of the others, absolutely no way to talk about quality and the ridiculous of it in like a screenshot or anything because quibbles disabled any for sharing, which is absurd, and their action
if you dig into that a little bit more yeah like cause cause. What with netflix like the people I watch on t v, but everybody else seems to watch on the laptop, because they're able to put out screenshots like really fast, with a caption on the bottom, like an emoticon lady that oh cause they're, not watching on tv, but she can't watch caribbean tv at all. You just watch it on your phone. So what's the problem, the greatest anne series, and so I have like a slacker abundance, people who review stuff it's a bunch of crap it's as though people were doing kobe and the the number one conversation in the slack was how to get it to like airplay on your tv, like every single person was trying to find a way to figure out a way to do it, and then I thought that's what critics do and then, when it was on twitter, just looking at, I have a bar open for quebec conversation on tweetdeck, and it was just it was just like aria grundy stands be like I wanna watch this on my tv is there anyway, I can stand like. Oh that's, a surprising thing, bs like when I watch netflix. My thought processes like I'm watching
and also I want to get some cool social media points are away for good screenshots opportunity and then a screenshot semi entreated out and that's how tired can became what it was like. I, your king was just bob screen, shouting and being like l, l, quarantine mood. That became a viral thing same thing with mandatory and like people, scream, shouted and tweeted about baby yoda, two million times or something like two weeks. They became a viral sensation and with committee, because disabled on mobile, which is true for a lot of other streamers, like you also can't to pinch automobile and without the desktop component. There is absolutely no way to share any aspect of the shows: you're reliant on quebec's own social media presence or the instagram accounts of people in QB shows like if they upload something. I feel a lot of people screen record and then tweet those out it's like that is counter intuitive to what your whole thing is. If you're designing for mobile and what people do on mobile, outside of you in humankind, is like sharing with people, and you can't share that most
unfriendly mobile experience. I can think of yet either it's it's. Whilst we that is catholics seems like fairly enlightened about this rightly thin. Screenshots around. Like your story chart attired in king views over time and just explodes right, like that's. The deal went viral in that there is like it seems like netflix. You would not exe do you need to know? It seems like disney knows it to that, like we need people to take this step. Remix it and share in the ways they want. dr much awareness and b that this sort of user marketing campaign it. That makes everything successful right. You need to feed the phantom, basically quitting It's like it's weird that they don't know that. It's also weird that they didn't there's like a million product things. You could do to even just make that easier for people or like prey, see them with clips or screenshots, and it didn't you no that they need to do that work either. As far as I can tell you with twenty one may question had before going in was talking as people could be, and I said
can you screen record and they were like no we're disabling it like. Why is that even a question I was like well, because people watch content to share content. They don't just watch it to watch. It's become an interactive experience like if I'm I want to get something out of this for me, that's like social club points are making a really mean talk of entertainment, thyself. and so I was thinking about that I'll see about screenshots, and this is something that people been asking for four years like netflix years ago was like We know people are making gifts out of our shows. We note their screenshot and turn them into memes, and by thousand twenty eighteen ted strand does who's. Their chief content officer was like our whole. the goal is to just mean our shows and movies before they come out and that way people are- into the meme and they're gonna come check it out because it's a meme do that with everything in his argument was, which I think is the issued quibbles thinking.
His argument was: we don't have disney ip, we don't have warner ip and we don't have NBC Nbc ip. So we don't have anything that people automatically recognize and are and are just going to come watch. So we have to create a brand out of the here, and the only way to do that is social, viral hype, and what cats Newberg seems to think is that if the content is good, people will show up. but the landscape is so over saturated everything. Good is being squeezed out or washed underneath things that are just viral. Like you kid you can't just because you have to be shared. Well, that's the whole with to get people to watch your thing and twenty twenty. What twenty? What about prince of egypt to do you just like pidgin jeffrey garlic is that our chance is low rates of egypt was dream works big breaker right, I mean all and she was a dream, works movie! That's true! Oh shit,
What's that right now it still remarks that would go home, cast so bad. I actually did they gets caught the universe. Julia's corrects dream works as a track is owned by NBC. Universe is closer. I arrived at this, but I must disclose, verges parent company rocks media and we see a merciless minority investor better. It's because about this it's always deny at the same time, this is having Julia disney plus had a big milestone. Yeah yeah distant plus announced yes dismal pleasant, asked displease enough. Yesterday, the disney plus heads surpass fifty million paid subscribers. We, like a big asked
sonnets, like eight million of those subscribers rolled in from hot in india, a few other subscribers, a few million subscribers. For some reason. It was like an issue with them, the way that they were making counties. They were on the precipice of just signing up, so there's like a weird way that they counted it I'll, be at the point being that disney is telling investors that it's disney plus streaming services continuing to grow. A few important parts of that number one when disney first announced disney plus they thought by twenty twenty for they would hit sixty million subscribers. It is now six months since disney plus launched and they've hit fifty million subscribers, so they are on there they're doing way better than what they thought they were going to do. However, the common rule of business. Dont announced a number unless you're pretty sure, you're gonna hit it or at least be around. point where you are in a europe now, so that the global that any ways but its impressive dealing in six months in about ten countries, I think proximately
This is an impressive number. I mean hitting strictly bladed six months. It sounds like they should put the guy in charge of of of dizzy plus in charge of the whole company just make yahoo. Oh my god, right, Julia. Put that number in context. How big is netflix? Yes, netflix is one hundred sixty seven million subscribers worldwide. For now it's probably gone past, because that's the were in a global walk down and people are watching lining up. What's those numbers are he's the last quarter. Netflix is about to roll into it, season being very, very pleased with what's going on and actually have more, but the other thing which is ties into disney disney when doesnt disney came out, both came out who runs disney's draw us german group and former ceo bob eager said there, really get announced numbers outside of earnings calls, because otherwise it attracts and that the other, whether some people focus on the real
in that they announced it. Now is not just cause. It's fifty million it's because every other part of disney's company has taken a massive hit and they're trying to get they're trying to make investors feel okay, as they head into their own earnings season, which is going to be terrible like their forward. Looking statement is going to be like every part of our company, with the exception of streaming has hit. A monumental us great cause. They operate theme parks and cruise ships and hit. As sports network and I film productions all which are on pause as well. Yeah. Everything is on pause and you're. Seeing does he make this kind of hail? Mary plays to get investors to feel okay releasing random shorts to kind of be like. We still have content that people leg Bobby is doing interviews with barons and not not their ceo- nordic, mostly he's going out and being like. No things are fine. We know things are going to be okay and they're, talking about reopening the parks as soon as possible and taking temperature checks, but the pointing is there saying, listen. Our streaming is doing.
Fine. It's growing, we're really happy with it, but I think you're gonna see them of a few. More movies over to disney applies to keep people there to keep people signing up. People subscribed I mean that's a big question. I mean it's a russian for, ongoing question producing plus, is what's gonna make you come back and openness bright with, netflix it's like okay tiger king definitely made me open the app I go. I just saw enough pictures of Joe exotic to be like I need. I just need to know. What's going on here right, using aftermath lorry and has not had the big break out. I was I opened isn't plus everyday to wash toy story three with max, but I'm just like Just by this movie cancel it just seemed a subscription, and it will be it we effectively the same experience. There's not another word looking for new stuff in that app, are they going to ramp that library up soon? the idea. They were to do that, but then all of their big shows that were going start hitting in august arguments number they get legal hit with production. Do is they got there?
we're doing. Mandalorian season two is supposed to be october and it looks like they might. They'll probably be able to get that done, because filming is done. Post production seems like they can do it remotely, but, like all the marvel shows were still there still figuring finishing thing So we all know if, like falcon in winter soldier in one division, which under two big ones coming up we'll hit on I bet I mean the thing is like netflix's at this point where netflix, because they film all their they drop full seasons. So everything is filmed by the time that they do trailers and announce things. Netflix has enough content for the next three months roughly and then then they have to start figuring things out, but netflix's out here dropping new things every single week and that gives them a hit gee advantage will everyone is like, while committee is producing their daily shows, but everything else is kind of taking a step back. He's insane but where they are trying to figure it out, but they don't have any new content. Netflix is the only provider that has new stuff,
that said, there are two major streaming services launching in two months. We've got peacock which launches for some comcast subscribers this week or next week and then we have each of max next month, no man if you're just going to be on the ears me on the show every week, happening here, but he's still max will do well cause it's. It's got family programming and it's got h b o and I think people will want to watch friends if they're still quarantined and so they'll, just beispiel netflix right back community, which is a genius move, its What am I watching? The most and ethics community are ok, okay, so what's that suffers upcoming. What's the next thing Bobby somebody's ass. He sat privies free for ninety days. ray people's just check it out. I mean that the measure like now
terrible, like the reality shows, are that they're cute and if it was free forever I'd be like this is nap. I could probably use like I used. I've said this and Kevin are features. Editor Kevin and I debated about whether or not we puts put the story cause. I was like Kevin Quimby is like a bathroom companion. App like it's gets. back to have in the world and cover was like Please stop being you heard me it's it's a free add that, like has q, entertainment for seven minutes ver now it's like, if you send a very get ninety two. free and that's fine to use the minute that they want to charge you five dollars with ads or eight dollars without as it's like, you can use used talk and its more entertaining, and it's free, and it's like you, don't have to pay such did Mary if you, if you sign up and actively like choose the adoption for your free trial that you're stuck with ads for the free trial, yeah I've seen
People say that I went to reject thanks. I was that seems for free, experience. You get people ads for a limited time, you're trying to sell them on your ab yeah. I saw that to its areas and shitting me is the day after our conversation we had last week about amazon, apple and enact purchases and apples like they're just giving apple the cut like theirs. a way to pay frequently except in apertures. It's like They just do not want you to over thinketh, really push this one button like apple, can take them We just need a recurrence of ships, which is certainly did you, as you do, set up thousands apple subscriptions. Just sign up and then immediately cancel and then it'll get cancelled at the end of three months, but still work until then seed or have to set a counter reminder to cancel later ah That is actually one of the best parts of apples who version well, we'll see what happens a copy it. It divvy invasion you think so are clearly more than almost any opening up its eye.
Every katzenberg, my way win and Julia. Like top three. Equally thinkers. Julia. Thank you. So we'll see you again for bigotry we ve all heard of kyoto. It's its mistaken butter, diet that everyone from him and Joe rogan to doktor atkins himself have tried and promoted, but hear something new about kiddo turns out back in ninety ninety seven, none other than merrill streep made a movie based on a rooster. Sorry about a kid with epilepsy who was saved by the Cato diet gaster upon we wanted to get to the bottom of this. What is kido, what are key, What does all this have to do with saving people's lives? This episode, the story of cato you'd, never knew less from Jane fonda engaged bud wherever you get your broadcasts,
Amelia patel editor in chief of the virgin host of the decoder. Podcast, This september, I'm taking over is one of the new posts at the code conference long see embassies Julie, abortion in case he knew from platform and hard for you. It's all talk to major players in the worlds of tech and business on our shows, but code has live filter journalism. You won't find anywhere else. This we have on stage interviews with ex such twitter ceo window, yet Moreno microsoft video, Kevin, Scott and many more from guide to streaming platform shifts to privacy. No one knows exactly where we're headed, but code is where the world's most influential people come together to find out. Join us for the start of a new era, apply to attend the code conference now at VOX media, dot, com, slash code, that's box, media, dot, com, slash code, we'll see
tumblr Paul Miller, how every week, in these troubled times, you provide a ray of stability, raves every possibility such hold it hold it. What's it called her? segment. Every weekend it's called pop the stack hacks capital, p, lowercase, o capital p, and that's that four package on package, so I got what I, looking into this lakefield conspiracy really into reading about lake field, and I just missed this- is but intel to this end, twenty nineteen, it still not out. It's obviously delayed like a leak in march of like a benchmark which is always like. Sometimes I feel it is companies do that on purpose.
Like a little tease like this is coming soon, but this is a really cool chip, because it's got one isolate core like that. Like the sunny cave sunny cove corps that like users and then for small tree mocked cores and those are basically like, like the atom processor, tight and so like the athena chrome books, it just came out are like fifteen march, the altar put portable type of of processes, but these like five, what seven want chips that are bikes supposed to be truly competitive with mobile and we don't have em, but oh yeah, that papa stack. This is it. three, the architect of the cool thing, the how we're not going to lose in more his law is what about the number of transistors and an area right, but does it have any rules against stacking, so you stack chips,
on top of each other and at the beginning of this straight that that's what it's package on package you ve got tin man and meter chip on top. Like a twenty two nanometer substrate, so cool three the chip design and it's got like ram built in, exciting, and I just wish we had it coming. I promise you pop the stack stocks, and are a little bit gaming stuff, some goodwill stuff we alzheimer's ps, five controller. I love it I love you so much it is. Yes, controller. I don't care Anybody says it's too told white and black there's a little blue highlight later on the ring barely see or on the touch. Pat thing looks: storm trooper looks doing, looks like an controller yeah. Well, That's because, like you actually think it turns out that like hands, have a certain shape and like sony finally admitted that's another reason. I love it this way, I don't like it. It looks like they had a shape and then
slowly, morphed it to be more like hands, you I mean, and so does. Feel as design like folders cause, I can't really play games at all on a health check, I'd like more xbox person, but always admired the design because hit so artificial, and this just you know this looks like a control that is designed to I hold in hand. I don't remember who aren't you so this looks like a bmw I ate up for looks like everything the job, if you twitter search for like vs five control, it looks like then another family people than it looks like eve for molly. It's great, I'm like very it's it's it I'm wrote an entire piece about our house like sonny's, most exciting design and forever but see. I'm excited about this council generation. It feels like their proceeding, unlike the right, both of whom are proceeding, unlike the right way like are focused on
the right things which is like playing video games and making playing video games on yeah as opposed to leg controlling uk walks over? I, each other, these are refusing shows what the box looks like like people, real bad shows the box like about actually don't make up, and so literally like people guided by it and unbox it and that's when they get to see what it looks like I mean green vs firefox a little bit different This is a file and at cs on sony, announce like their first for K, streaming player It was way way before anything like anything available. Now it was like, Years ago, six sony's very first, they answer first forky tv and an answer for cape player. The play it was like was like a subway size. Taipei was no is a circle like I guess the surface you were supposed to put in your house, and at sea ass it didn't work yet so
circle is just an empty circle, with a light any actual for cape, whereas a tower pc that was like shit under them and their whole idea was like you would by this circle and overnight it would download the movies for you, because I was so big bright and then when you bought them early. Bang was about I don't really know I'm going this except to say I really hope the ps five as a circle, because I wanted had tons circles sober at it was never really on the control, because this is the most we know about any eddie plays these five hardware use bc kept the touch and which is a bold move. Very I'm intrigue, but I would hope that developers will do something really cool with novel input schemes and they do it twice ever m it's fun those times and built in MIKE is really exciting. To me. I think there's gotta be really useful. Furthermore, casual conversation
is stuff headphone jack. It's gonna have other there's a helpful jake. we should do now. If you want, you know, lag free audio. What do you do? You use a headphones and then it's got these like adaptive triggers has gotten knew their colleagues do since because its to redesign hap dick should be real subtle and it should feel like yours, driving through mud when you drive through mud, somehow that's exciting Dear you wanna yell about the xbox game bar. Actually, I want to yo, actually want to give microsoft a little bit of credit for building something that may be potentially could make them relevant, invest upcoming. irrelevant. It's this overlay than if they basically like, opened up open it up or other people to integrate into their overlay, So, instead of having to like have overlapped Other games, there's just like now like a star
interred bar on windows, that like has the chance to be like the default thing that he used at like. Have it overleaf to do other stuff outside of the game? Naturally, smart, it's really overdue. I think, and of course, they're going to use it to push like xbox stuff and so maybe lily fail by other it's at its it. It's a smart idea, I'm glad there. Finally doing it, there's a few occurred two way they can see that right now like if I launch a game on windows, there's like three random overlays like in video gets at me seem discord, all happy to being overly, and they really want to be my overlay and I hate that if they all used microsoft the eye and then microsoft. Let me manage overlays. Better tat would be cool, but I just take this is gonna, be like the fourth of her thick over all pop over words be annoyed,
and yahoo is going to have one. Oh yeah, it's be amazing, pixel for a eater, so the retail box leaked And- and we also a nine to five Google got like pretty solid specs on it, looks like there's only we won version of it. The screen is grief. Five points age, hazardous and need our specks are gonna, be the specks looks good snap. Seven thirty it'll be, you know it will be the same thing as last year, basically have headphone jack the battles we build with smaller this year, but again, like Unless google does something shockingly go to the pixel five, the pixel four is like the thing to get and like the pixel five a's could be a thing to get like. They really need to oppress us with the five, because, like this for aid, looks like he's gonna, be just as the only difference between it and the four that matters to like most people. Their data
experiences that your face a lock kosher some personal news about pixel, the top glass of the back of my pixel three has broken, and it's really sad pixel for a all plastic. Nowhere else charging probably, but it does have a headphone jack- is it apologetically plastic in others, just a bunch of google messaging winks here that for our values. Ways of exhaustion. Like everybody go, was putting out a bunch, a pr about their video conferencing stuff during the pandemic and in one of their like notes. They just happened to call it a google meat. And our words like what the hell is. Google meets. Do you mean, hang out meets yeah, that's that's what we meant so hang out meet, which, if you remember is the video version of hang out not do opens the video games, and there is now called Google meat.
And we're like what about hang out chat, which is their slack competitor, that, we have a story, is gonna, be called google chat, which me, means initially nowhere. First time in history there will be a real product called google chat, not google talk and we'll talk by which is what every caused you chat is still around in the form of hang out, which is still run for consumers, Google's last communication about that was at the end of life and twenty in june. Twenty twenty, we don't know yet by the time you read this, we might have an answer. If I go If I go to hang out start google com, I'm still using, hang yet right. Ok, I have to do something special intriguing, to discover meet right, a thing about me which is hilarious. I've been on a large meet call, but it doesn't tiled the video by default. It just puts everybody. stack on the right and the new restocking it's the big window there are
really chrome extensions to solve this problem. why just reorganise this window, so it looks like sumer whenever, like the most obvious thing they need to do avenue, but I I love there's an ecosystem. A third programme accent incident quote there be no changes to the consumer, parentheses classic on parentheses version of Hannah, What we need is an excellent. Like parentheses. We know that there are so many more hang out, and it's just it's so bad. You unplug your headphones and then it lowers the volume of everything. But you can't raise the volume back again friends who, like just can't, get it to work on their computer, probably because they're trying in safari- but I use it in safari and it works it. Just like it's a mare in its an important infrastructure. Will he a and so this is the time to break the network effect. Switching to matrix,
All right we to along those good, see, there's often stuff going on this road, Do you should sleep? You know I'm so simple ideas are turned angie chat again in gmail for the first time in like a year just languages, I looking at it just fine. Well, no one's gonna talk to deter again for some time ago does integrate with Google Gallagher and when I got invited the council to show me so much nicer, somatic chin Julia as always, wonderful, we're back, tuesday cancer I still am. I hold their oprah a particular game. I'm excited tuesday. Eleven interview show back on friday. We're not going anywhere so we're just keep making podcast what stuff you like them. Apologies. If you heard that something of my daughter running above me today, it's usually going. Well,
Let us know about that collaboration between virus coverage in tat covered. It's my mind you can treated us. I met reckless posit feature of all. Data is back on we'll see soon rock n roll. Paul from occurred.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-27.