« The Vergecast

Milwaukee With Rich People


The Vergecast is back with Nilay Patel, Dieter Bohn, new Verge science editor Liz Lopatto, and notable humanoid trollbeast TC Sottek. There was Ebola, Windows 10, really good Twitter stuff, and then Dieter foolishly took a bet that will see him use a BlackBerry Passport for the next two weeks. It got real.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The good yup said I should start yeah. I think I should say that everytime I was watching a george clooney clooney movie last night. He didn't want to use like in the airports all the time what's up near up in the air, and I literally he does that, like hello yeah, this thing where cause he has perfect hair. He does that perfect. Just like I mean it's like it's a work of art and I was like man he's that perfect hair and then my wife is like he's, everything's, perfect and then she's like including his voice, and I spend the rest of the movie repeating everything I said exactly what he said and everything he stalks so slow. He just like. Listen sometime, listen to talk he's just like super slow. No, I don't want to go there.
Captivated by his herons anyway highs emerge ass. I am where the the level It was in our headstones is incredibly loud, just a note for whoever no way we also don't have the monitor. Let's see how we look so I might be like out of frame completely if you're watching live video, but this is mostly a podcast. So it's good just pretend just know in your heart. The data looks at yeah. what this is, our virtuous we're talking about technology, news, culture, news science news for exciting I'm new. I am dieter and live. Oh my god. Did I surprise you about who is here she's our new science at our verge at, and I support it on twitter, witches I keep saying this: its cheers. Here's fat here, two facts. It is extremely true that we hire those because she's extraordinary qualified and a talented writer in a great editor, but it is also
fully true that I read her twitter feed once and said we have to higher than those things are definitely related, but loses here she's visiting new york and usually she lives in oakland but she's visiting for a week. It's been delightful ever here and we wanted her on the verge got to meet everybody. Hey guys, it's been so it's been a fun week. Yeah things have happened, fun, fun On this I mean here there's the usual leg, o crap everything's. Why apart? But then there is the oh good. I've started drinking Things are automatically looking at things resolve themselves and you go home and just sit there, annoying your wife by repeating everything, george clooney says but yeah he talks so slow. I just watch a george clooney movie. He's like I am bad. Is this a power thing? Is this lake? I could get people to pay more attention
stop Tang, quite so quickly. So here's the thing I thought you, our cells, guys upstairs ass, is true, and so sales guys are always like thinking about how to close deals. Of course, abc always, girls are always remain always because- and I apologise for the job I am in so they like have this like litany of like moves like meeting moves, and they talk about this one. The gym bank of our ceo does registered starting line and everyone has to lean in wow. And like so that's good? This bank off is like see yeah like he's got it down he's like he's in it. He can pull that move. He can put his skin's got it.
I can't send yours now. I just start giggling whispering, but the sales guys they keep, try it and apparently some of them keep trying and keep sucking at it, which is the best and I'm dying. I dunno. I think I I personally want our reporters to to like go learn like some of the like meeting power moves from the sales guys. I figured out why he says. Well I mean we could just watch the kardashians. I feel like the kim k moves are probably very similar to like the power moves that you do in movies being super beautiful and captivating isn't really fair. I mean that's like if I was going to be like whatever you want. What what it you want. I love love everything that you do you're a true american icon, you're royalty, y'all she married kanye west. Can I meet him? Will he be my friend? I regret to say there apparently clearly apparent even burner- phones,
and one or two to a very famous lawyer, powerful where living there it's, where human rights and human rights and he gave way to avoid leaks. He made everybody had burned friends which makes it sense. So what would you use that phone for the idea? Is you take the pictures you can send them around? You can do whatever you want with those things, but they know that they're not backed up to icloud yeah. That doesn't make it very short sighted, because you would presumably want the funds to it leads the world right. Yeah. Sorry, I am for snapchat right now. Oh god, that's over SAM Schaeffer is what I would call snapchat hypebeast. That's the phrase I would use that. I think he would enjoy and he's sovereign. We should I've got some news happens. We ve got loose gutless this year, yet talk what the most depressing things every year
I mean that's kind of might be like that's like where I live. Terrible things happen to people and I write about it, but I mean obviously the thing that people have been really concerned about lately has been a bowler right. We had our first case diagnosed in the u s and I want to be super clear having a case diagnosed here is not quite the same as having transmission here and especially not the same as having sustained transmission, and I know its little jargon e bay. This guy came from Liberia and I got in texas, visiting family and suddenly started showing symptoms so mina, so he got diagnosed here by the clear caught it somewhere else, and now all of his family is being monitored. Everybody he's come in contact with is being monitored. All of their secondary contacts are being monitored, so that would be
if somebody else get sick, that would be transmission and the average number of people and a bowler person. A person infected with a bowler effects in facts is too. yeah, ok, so it's not nearly as contagious as things like measles, mumps pertussis. Also of why does he probably have this reputation cause? I think, if go out, I literally think of like zombies, rick running down the street like blood spurting out of every part of their body, super horrific like the way that people die. You start sweating and you have this big fever and then you, you know, have diarrhea and like it's just like this total haemorrhage thing and like it's a completely horrific death, don't get me wrong and most people who are infected do die, but it's really hard to transmit. I mean like I I hear people worrying us like all this is this is an airborne infection like unless you're like deep, throwing somebody who is currently leg. now a currently infectious leg. You have not a thing where non this dear.
Ok. Tell me tell me they dieter blush, you that's what does not no it's fine. I don't look, there's like clearly the one transferring there are other. Yet you have to be in contact with an infected persons. Bodily fluid person has to be symptomatic because when they are asymptomatic, I don't have enough viral load to infect anybody else, so all of the people on that plane with him before he got sick are probably fine right and you know, and but anybody who met him after he started to have the fever and the symptoms and may have come in contact with like towels that he had been sweating on that kind of thing. That is potentially a risk right, so you're telling me Two click: the treatment for belarus bessie like a lot of fluid in time yet and prayer. Any re like
Yeah, it's like any disease where you hemorrhage, you basically are losing all of the water from your body, which has very destructive. Your body needs a lot of water, like seventy percent water, something And so what you do, is you wanna be hydrate? These patients is best you can, but that's it like. That's all. That's all we can do wrote that yeah. I mean that's nuts, so why is this outbreak so much more worse than the previous ones? I saw a chart. I think it was unboxed dot com where it's like. It's just spite out of control. It's actually really sad. So there aren't a lot of public health and infrastructure. Why not allow hospitals not a lot of ambulances in a lot of these countries and then on top of that- and you also have the problem of you know there aren't enough protective like protective, gloves protective grounds,
kind of thing I think in liberia. I think it was liberia. There was also a nurses strike going on when on allow this this first hit in part, because nobody had been paid in a really long time, and you know that the debate show response was really late, gum really really late and just to put the debate on perspective perspective. There's their budget is smaller than our sea disease and they only control that twenty five percent of it. That's the member dues. What happens
the other seventy five percent of their donations that are earmarked for specific diseases by the member countries. So, like I know you get a couple million here, a couple of million there for aids. You get a couple of million here, a couple of million there from malaria and they can't decide how best to spend that money, because that has already been decided by their donors. Okay, so they aren't there they're operating with a really small budget by comparison and it's the whole world that they have to take care of. That's bonkers, yeah I've read there's a few things about this one here interesting, I've read a bunch of stuff. It's like this is because we're more globalized, it's inevitably coming to the united. its, which strikes me as crazy, but then it happened with the one patient bright, and but it's only it is endeavoured. Why do you like business for granted cover there was about? I like him? I was in blood I see I just I think, that's that's needlessly panic inducing. I think a lot of people are afraid of something that they don't have to be afraid of that there
in a place where the public health system, I mean we know how to treat infectious diseases. This isn't the first hemorrhagic fever we had here, marbre fever, which is really similar. We had a patient who came in. I was sick in two thousand seven and didn't spread it, and I think there have been three other cases as well. So this is the first a bowler case, but not the first case from that family of diseases, and we ve done a pretty good job containing it. I mean we have isolated facilities, we have public health, we have people following up with all the contacts, so that's the difference I mean like we have the infrastructure, we have the gloves. We have handwashing, we have not as yet have we ever facilitates said, Michael Craven, brook no now africa's with a monkey, and I gotta find the monkey. Now it's a hot, so you can just me Michael Crichton book tcs here is going to windows in its one, where they go deep in strain. To have one of those I'm talking. I had no idea.
So there's this terrible like reggie. Imagine eighteen, instead of tubes, to keep the alien isolated the facility dislike meteorite hits a small town in ever basis such melting new rights, Michael as one does both the virus from andromeda, yes, it's a drama strain except I hate, suffer an old man and a baby is a true ends. Take the old man, the baby and I put my ongoing facility with like a carefully constructed team of light as computer researcher and a couple of biologists and a doctor and a psychologist who studies how team is michael, Creighton, right and they're all in the seventies, like monkeying with computers and like going through tubes, trying to figure out why the old man, the baby, stayed alive, which I will not reveal here, rent. Commerce, strain or actually purchases are we? Are we a spoiler free podcast? No, just it's it's from nineteen. Seventy, it's forty years old yeah. I don't think you can spoil. I don't think you can spoiler,
for anybody look, they discover that the old man drank a lot of like it's easy yeah. The old man was an alcoholic and drank a lot of sterno and the baby cried a lot, and so they both somehow put their bodies out of the ph the narrow, ph range in which the virus was She says it's true, that's it! That's the boyfriends like at the end of august. I got it, Man is drinkin stern. Oh, I don't remember what have I am pretty sure they prescribed that all of america drink a bunch sister now, but anyway, the the conceit of this. This book in movies that there's someplace in america, where scientists can go in it in a hole and like study viruses in a safe place, so we have bio containment. But it's so this is like back to reality. There not really whole? So much is there in hospitals.
And there are various different levels, one through four with for being the highest and, above all, as usually ranked as for, but you know: that's that's how we do things like study. Everything from you know, measles, to the more serious stuff like hiv to the really more serious than like Ebola, any kind of smallpox. That sort of thing And there are you know, procedures and that's that's the difference between the levels in its get sort of our came right, not, but basically has to do with how much you have to clean yourself off and how much you have to lake, where a gown the thing and you go through like negotiating. What's it it's like a hospital gamma thing, you know we may not hazmat suit at the highest level.
It's a hazmat suit, but another ones is just like a clean cleaning right. So the other thing with the burleigh is we we were talking about yesterday a little bit. I think you an area we're talking about sort of most, which is and there's like a weird zina, the first american death, and now it's important rightly how it is that so like Is that actually a thing, or is that just we're perceiving like how to make it important for an american audience it's hard to tell yeah I mean there. I was on the cdc call when they announced this first case and the first time somebody asked if it was an american citizen. I was like ok liked by the fourth time it felt weird like. Is it really that important It's important that we find out whether this is a citizen or somebody who's visiting or somebody who, like you know, is a resident alien like does it like? Doesn't matter status like he's here, he's sick, yeah and he's presently being
contained yeah he's right and he's in an isolation. So is there more concern here I mean this is like really it's of. There are many. Science, what is happening and you ve done a bunch so far, but this is like the story of re. I mean this is it. This is the big linear, and I know it's not the only health emergency. I mean like there's another much more slow, moving one coming and that's climate change, which is really good for certain diseases like, gay and malaria and chicken gonna were bill gates somewhere there's always a sermon, and god who said pencroft Nathan, marvelled red. They ve, that's intellectual ventures. Theoretically, intervention intellectual ventures is, is a patent role, so they can spend our money and developing lasers account mosquitoes. This effect, but have you give you read any peace and I ventures stream
You know right they all open with, like mason verbal, the shooting, a mosquito with the laser and it's like yeah, but he's oscillate ruining what, but what chicken chicken chicken than you is the of moving on to what? What is that? I should. I be a shy panic about that? No, not yet okay, but what should I panic about? That is what I really know, which would you panic, What can I freak out about an be, madam? I even news for not having any free out about Well, I mean there are a lot of low level things that killed a whole bunch of people and sorted it out of our car crashes. Re right well. That would be a thing. I was thinking more along the lines of vaccines. I would I'm a little panicky about people who don't get their kids vaccinated. I am very panicky about the it's a situation which is not good and those Those are real big. There is there's a big obama. Antibiotic planet was expert, criticized right, yeah. Well, so
Clearly, the antibiotic plan was addressing doctors and hospitals, but eighty percent of antibiotic by audit consumers are actually animal. and so a lot of these antibiotic resistant germs are coming from farms and the plan didn't really address that We ve stopped using antibiotics in feed for growth purposes, which was a routine thing because internet Thanks do make animals grow larger. There are also you know, routine uses like preventive uses when you have a bunch of chickens packed very closely together, because if one of them gets sick, they all get sick, and so they do preventive antibiotic treatment, which is not great because the chickens, you know, if they're, not sick, already and then you're, basically just exposing the antibiotics to everything in the environment and do things that smaller, really good at swapping genes, like especially
like yeah recombination. What so, if you have an antibiotic resistant genes in europe in something bacteria in your god, it can potentially swap into something else, yeah. Well, why things? That's all I'm, but this is a good thing and I am not totally are widely. Why it works on that scale, but it's one of those things where they swap alot of bacteria swap genes and that's antibiotic resistant genes are among your stomach yeah, that's it, it's like how the swine flu became. Swine flu like it was a bird flu that recombined in a pig's stomach and then it became very infectious for people. That's terrible! That makes me sad yeah. You have any happy,
Nice yeah, oh man, that's really interesting. When we, when I talk to you about science, it's like there's a part of me. That's like still eight years old and it's like half the size is just like. Robots are coming right, but that's fundamentally, techniques like there's a there's, an incredible overlap here between what we're doing and what's happening in science and then like how we perceive what science will like bring us in right now. What you're bringing us is incredibly infectious diseases. That's right! That's right! That's part of it! You know I dunno. If this is good news, but it's certainly interesting. The? U s is wholly unto nukes to defend earth against rogue asteroids right. I don't know if you guys, all that
I always of like an actual plan to but alright hold on. Let me check some twitter credentials here. Twitter have some things to say about. What's good news: yes, a chemistry masters of science person, Chen YI, says bacteria can swap genes easily because, despite only working swap survive, they replicate so fast doesn't matter. Are we going to that? Some are followed by brilliant people? That's really lucky! Also one complete jerk, yeah I saw that are blocked when you answer me, yes, it hasn't noticed, is the master of the twitter block, so it's amazing to watch. She calls them out out loud as she works, which is the best but she's like got about you. You have a script at this one gesture yeah Ministers, one of those things where it's lake anna- if you have something to say about my appearance, I'm blocking you haven't you as to their blogs and am dare dynamic, tried so hard to, but It's one of those things worth: leg, hey cutie and unlike denied
Welcome to the internet to like be harassed like I am at a bar like that's not what I want and you're, not you don't have to listen to you good, bye, yeah, I'm telling you one of the best twitter feeds of all time. Thank you, the best and you're yelling at your computer. A lot I do I I wait to be fair dealer today, literally looked at his computer and just said the word really demandingly, where that's true it was like. I was. Everyone was like what and he's like, I'm just I'm just talking about screens yeah, I mean this is truly a strange place to work I totally talk to my computer. I really have now looking forward to the day that there's like voice recognition, because I'm going to be yelling at my computer and blowing off steam. I got the dream, but are you scream like the machine machines has to take it? Now?
What does the machine have feelings? Don't you feel bad for the machine? I doubt I I just don't I mean like maybe one day I will but like this thing, here's the thing once you like have had enough computers in your life. They stop having a character. So it's like children, having nineteen hundred right where you just stay here. One another. One tat I hoped go plough the field snap until you ve taken was untenable. can't you wait until you until you die of infectious disease, known ass, the steel children today which they were already
It's once you've had enough computers, it's like they just stop being like mine. When I was smaller. My computers are very important to me. Special damn. Cars are a reflection of identity. Now it's like the thing I leave at work and I go home and, like don't think about it, yeah, except for the fact that I'm like I'm, trying to work on my phone, and this is terrible, wish I'd brought my laptop home and then that feeling passes in minutes this is you leave your laptop at work too? I bounce. Sometimes I mean I've got another laptop at home right, so I just use that one. I have an imac at home, here's my problem with the imac at home. I recently changed all my passwords and the imac at home is not logged in my email because,
It wants the two factor password and I leave my phone in the other room and I'm like don't don't care soccer. Do this until he's like a little bit useless because it's not logged into a bunch of stuff is because your phones, five feet away. You gotta leave. In other words, I've got to leave the room. I guess- and I do then you leave the room anyway. Yeah sorry yeah vodka, but then this is nothing, and this is a glass of water. Nothing don't know when I first started podcasting our producer trent used to tell me that I had to stop. I had to switch to beer because he could always hear the ice in the glass. Strict each other. somebody's whatsapp? We we only have a few more minutes city. What what else is going on? Tell me what you're going to do with the what's the dream and to build an empire and conquer the world, yeah cheers and that will decide necessarily like what's beyond that
What's the plan for verge science, or do you want? What do you want? How do you want engage with readers? What do you want to tell them what you want them to tell you Well, you know, I really want to write stuff, that's in and edit stuff, that's very, very voici, and you know- and that is aimed at the general reader who is enthusiastic about science but maybe not necessary- knowledge knowledgeable, and I want to do it in an interesting way and I often feel like as important that historic stories are they often don't really get at the depth of? What's going, because each individual studies are piled up into a thing that you can then write about right, but each individual study can be very confusing because sometimes you get contradictory, contradictory results depending on population you're using right, like you, the vitamin studies case in case in point really were alike. It's like one week. Vitamin e is great for you in the next week is like if you're a smoker. That increases your cancer risk so, like softened sturdy, cancer yeah says thereby series with the headline cellphones. Well, when I
the literal headline as well slash, not yep yeah, but so you know, I want to be able to step back and give a little bit more perspective, because I think that one of the reasons people get frustrated with science and science journalism is because each individual study is being reported rather than sort of this larger, broader context, and that's why replication is so important science. You know if somebody else in a Webb does the same thing. You did and gets the same result. You have a good result and so yeah I want to. I want to go a little bit deeper and be a little bit more thorough yeah and I dunno just bringing some kickass stuff, I mean, there's, there's so much going on in it, I would say the thing or the vagina at school. Is there like engaged right there? They will talk to you and it's cool to have sort of figure out. What we're going to build word. Science into is going to be fun yeah, because everything we do thus far is like already explicitly popular the verge
that's it yeah. No, the awesome, it was great having you here, yeah watch back will be on the show again now we're going to execute a very seamless switch yeah, there's, going, be no pause whatsoever, shrink, utilizing setting them so This has happened and cursing here's the thing I was a year ago, yeah, but as he is fired his you're gonna fire teeth. now: ass, a cat he's barnacle he's like like you, know old ships that barnacles barnacles are actually holding the shut together. What are these look at this look at this laptop he's got to dish out to hard way his game. Can you turn your laptop into a troll teases? Duck tape on the values is so he was teaching ass, doktor bisected, I'm surface profile. Yes, it you have to read it it's a surface pro for its running real windows? Ten? What's the other one intel wind side tones does having sound side is wind side because the to win.
well here's the thing you need to rest easy. We had a story meeting today. Ntc at the end of the meeting was tissues time, but all the stories were gone and he looked very seriously the room. He said it's time for a coverage get better and sign for us to start. You know really having people that really use windows, yet It's ok! Here's your moment manages to age the thought about it. Answers the fearsome some sweet windows stories. tat. Is my window windows? Seven point five: do we do want to back up in what happened this? We get into the whole things your show, man, okay, so microsoft basically said: hey we're not doing windows. Nine we're doing windows ten, sorry, firstly, they're doing windows, one which was a troll.
A huge trawl each tried anyone to go up with. I have only got we do when we get burned on twitter. I think we did and we europeans who we are and we get burned everywhere, like the industry got burned right like they were, I mean a lot of very good microsoft reporters, one of whom works here at the verge, we're convey. Who is going to windows. Nine yeah the title of our livelong. They will tell you: I rose like microsoft. Just executed like the ultimate s, yo troll, on the, I like finally they're getting that sweet. Google traffic they've always wanted because they were the only publication in the world or the only site that had windows ten years anyway, to this happened anyway, yeah, so they they showed off like a very small portion of one of the new windows. That's coming out. It's a they released, a technical preview which is basically for uber nerds, who it's it's like a it's like. It's like windows, seven with the different sermon, exactly capua any. I used to use it for a few hours last night and is pretty much that.
I've been using windows seven, since the beta But her ears like be just to set the stage, theses pc guy he's here he built it. I see I see I've been using windows since nineteen. Ninety two red three point, one. When you were four years yeah, I was always for not much older but older. So now I think yeah, you don't know where the same cause I I was three hours and three hours for one yeah, and I remember like being familiar with them as das, like early on what was your hymen can configure asking god I didn't see with the turbo button, I'm just putting out there. It was like a failure I did my first computer was like a three hundred fifty dollar hp from best buy that I bought to play counterstrike lamp. He's right did have a terrible terrible. Now I've never understood with a true in this war.
Push, I'm faster, proclaimed, asked applicant. That's the truly lazy. If a locker anyway, using windows forever. Like I'm super familiar with it, I used to be really into building pcs every time a new graphics card would come out right. I would look at every speck I would you know every month or so. When I got bored at work, I would build a few computers and the newegg shopping cart, but I would never buy, and so I I'm really familiar with windows and at least from a I've used it for more than two decades kind of respect, and you are not
not terribly impressive, understand what you're saying I know not what before we already have always has judgment on that, the ten itself we get after the event we gonna talk about three years. They have a bit more dns. So there's a lot of ammunition asked rhine event. I got you and I want you- can do another. We are. We talked about the devil, whether this insane thing or they kept he invented superman. all. They want they. They wanted to believe that they could just talk to business and enterprise customers. Nobody else would notice. I mean it I'll say this. You know we asked microsoft like quite a send more people. Let us do a full out, let's blow this out and they said no flatly they were like Tom. Warren will come, which is fine, that's a thing you do, but you can't launch a thing called windows ten and not expect everyone to pay attention to you.
and that's like they just I don't think they assume that would happen, but they didn't assume that they will have so much attention for a new, a whole new product, and I think they thought that they are going to build windows in a new way, which is admirable right, like here's, the foundation of what we're doing we're going to let our biggest customers into the process, we're gonna, build it and it moments I get what they're doing now, they're putting out new releases every two weeks or something really fast, I'm going to show everybody everything they're doing they're gonna! Do you like this? Like no, like microsoft has been burned on big ideas so many times it sounds like they're going to just like you this one. This is like this. We built. This is like a lady with the biggest committee possible right in that seems pretty messy
I know it's somebody's you're saying that somebody's asked me windows, ten needs a gate scandal for better coverage, and it's like no microsoft doesn't want us to cover. Like straight up. We asked they held that event basically cross, treat from our san francisco office and we're like what send all of our reporters to the vet and they were like no well, whether or not that was a good. You know the optics of that are good yeah. They were holding an event on their own terms and not the tech media's terms, which is give us an apple presentation for your next product because of what they're doing is actually the exact opposite of what apple does, which is saying: okay, we're not going to release windows until late, two thousand and fifteen, which is a really long time from now. Are you hurrying an event at all? Well, no, I kept. What do I get? What they're doing they just didn't? They are different company. They they have,
We see their stakeholders differently about how they developed their product, so I think you know, I think I at least what I you know having to sit through. That event was really fun because I talk shit on twitter. But I love I loved her given by the way you guys go to see, but he has a different took her hand, allow he's no longer laughing stoic their why'd. You change your twitter handle felt like it envy you get to keep her fox. But what was the process of change your twitter handle use changed, it may just gone. Did you have children I spent like ten hours trying to find one that has been taken cause twitters been around since two thousand seven, so yeah. How'd you like, I did you manage. It was available You don't been around since two thousand and seven I couldn't get verge on elo. I tried to get virgin elo and I was like talking to no no meaning to talk about Ella no, no come on.
the time, it's a joke, but somehow I would guess it's the opt out net of of of facebook. This ways and like absent, I was their absolute native, twitter and areas, the absent, not a facebook, and everything will fail in case you are getting It's really really good thing. I know I read it's good. Advertising runs the world. Okay, that's true! It's happening to you right now in your brain, whether or not you want it to. Anyway, I love windows slunk away because I've used it. Have you ever has around the world. This is our first. I think window should die now idea. I've been using it so we go, we haven't, I gotta do knew not what we don't do it. Don't you that's fine with whatever there was an event, it was like yours, airline her husband, funnier, showing a command? I know it's.
I thought they were trying to peers that they are all the south during the event was like. We have taken the time to finally improve these little parts of windows that you've always complained about. We have a plan for our tablets that we're not going to really talk about, but like here's, some windows, eight stuff that we grafted on, but really this is like windows, seven plus right and we're just really going to harp on the fact that windows, seven users will find this familiar big businesses that have not yet upgraded. It is right. Also, please be a part of our development process. Is we need you yep, that that was the event? That's fine! It was a stray. It was just a strange event like he just go. Watch that video like ask yourself like, if it's great for microsoft, to do the iterative development, I think that's really cool it's very different but holding an event calling it windows, ten, it's disconnected from that. They want this thing to be small, having an event calling it windows, ten made it big,
that's really a deal, that's all the problem. Why? Ten? I think I've only seen one answer is about and Tom desired degree with answer I dont either. I just think it's hilarious answer So the answer that was this cnet The answer that I see that a saleratus is it's still there's a bunch of apps yeah. It's a rumor, there's a bunch of programs that back then they were called apps. They were called programs that were designed to detect what version of windows they're running on and they needed to check to see if they are running windows. Ninety five and or when and the aid, and so the the common code was if running, windows, nine x, nine star, then blah blah blah blah. So they couldn't call a windows nine, because all those programs that were designed to detect whether or not they're running windows, ninety five or ninety eight would Fail yet tom really, but that's a good job. It's a good job. Bulgaria still get some real and also Tom Tom I'd like a twitter. yeah,
He has stressed he'd been working, his prey on a planet needed there. He covered a lot of that event. I will say that drunk twitter monoplane has been where I've made. What I will do, what I will just candidly call my biggest mr x, just just one. Resounding errors and all that all occurred like twitter works are plain when it nothing else will do you know this now so like like you're on a plane. You're like guy you've got like bad wifi in like basically, nothing will work right, like the like. The web won't load like your email, be crappy, but twitter comes through and you're like, but what? If? What? If I just say this and know you're drinking you're at high altitude, The answer pressure you can't talk to people next season is everyday items about. I wear a story is going to see if you ever get on a plane, you yeah dont use your phone. Why ten? Why not? Nine because they tell me cause their competition, is it
and I think the better question is why windows Yeah, that name is such a quagmire. Now I I've said for years that windows is a bad brand name for their tablets. Like they always we all we were. We were not going. they should call. It should call them here. This is the disconnect for, for their enemies, customers windows is a great name. They bought into windows are invested in windows, says like that's where they built their businesses and for consumers. Windows is a disaster, and I think that is microsoft biggest problem it. They have been trying to serve to masters for the longest time they have in trying to serve consumers with enterprise strategies. That's where you end up with, like you know, microsoft windows. Ninety five pro exposition, where whatever rightly they're doing these things, that they assume consumers are experts like their enterprise. I t custom death and then with a they try to service there. I t custom.
as enterprise customers with consumer features and they're like nope, and they just how many times have we said they should have left windows. Seven alone had windows, eight and then split up metro for tablets, like we have said it a thousand times and I'm looking windows ten and when I see is that's basically what they're gonna do the keyboard is attached right, but, like that's, what they're going to do right there they're going to break out all of the metro, slash modern features into a tablet, touch interface and is going to go over here and probably won't touch the desktop too hard and they're. Finally, going to like make the desktop it's own thing. including like profiling, the command prompt, that's a great strategy. I think it's a terrible strategy, they're just doing it three years too late. I think I think nobody actually really wants to do what they think people want to do, which is like what blackberry thinks people want to do, which is like have a phone or have a phone
the keyboard on it still onboard blackberry wants to do right now is exists. Rusty. Take that anything that that's that's their ambitious outcome can we just take a quick lack, re pause now, that's coming. I had such a thing I had at the desktop is fundamentally like a decent user experience. There are tons of absolute can be run forever that are not going to get. Modern you eyes that governments are going to use that old businesses are going to use like that needs to be around when, but it just need to exist. Long sigh. Why does under these advances Why that why do we have to, because I don't think would never certain certain tools that we made this stuff we made them. Shit for windows and it wasn't like when we were making shit for windows, rallies enterprise, apps that they were. They were like. Oh man, we gotta make sure we ve got
The stuff that runs on vacs are gonna, make sure vac sticks around and stays the same forever cause we made all this stuff for vax or unix, or whatever. oh you want everybody made, shit for windows in the nineties an early two thousands they can make that shit again and I know that it will cost money and whatever, and I personally think they should be building something on something like the web. It's more cross platform, so they can. Not have to worry about what a runs on. all I'm saying, is there we are talking here about a black learning that is worried about software. That is approaching what twenty eight ok, twenty years old one at least I used for fattening microsoft. Up, don't think people given of charity to the actual problem that microsoft has to deal with, which is that what sir? organisations need and what certain governments need is not actually map to the consumer technology cycle of planned obsolescence right rat fell.
so so so it doesn't make sense. Make your logic that so compelling the people want to use it and let this shit that needs to be backwards: com, Well, none of the old stuff and charge a maintenance fee after ten years to keep it gets off the streets. That's actually exactly what I'm saying. I think windows should become just a desktop. rating system very minimalist, basically, all to do is run old shit that people are can upgrade right, but I think I think nobody really wants a laptop that transform and dual is weird shit. Oh I do do you really. I do. Everyone I try to. Do you really bad, but I really want it. You want a laptop that you can like have excel. I've been wanting to transform into a kind of aid. Often I don't think I think. Maybe it really sound, maybe two by lay them let exactly right. There was good. No, no, I told you
we want to do something on a tablet, you pull out your ipad mini. I have never once wanted to reach out and touch the screen on my laptop really that has never occurred. Yeah. Are you after using a surface pro three for a week, I was touching the screen the time you have it because he can't you like. This computer, like my laptop, is completely functional and designed to be used with like this gigantic well functioning track that right. The service for three is not functional, as you touch the screen rent. It just rains utilise move your hands around more. doesn't training even more productive. Well, yeah sockets windows, eight you have to like you have to do all that screen size like I have one at my house too. I use it, but it doesn't inspire me to want to use it more. It's just like here's a computer that makes me used to input what does not. Watch, but like the answer, then one's got it.
The answer to do you want a fancy laptop in my face: always yes, because the idea It is amazing. Now that stands. That's a bullshit that people in the tec reported report Let me say: that's a lie, haven't you say it's a lie, no window, what I'm trying to get to them. If it is really got us, it's cool. It's an amazing cool. I and we want to be, that it someone's gonna figure it out. Was there ever figured out finally two different things in one day So you say but like the trap that the basic issues transformer is there if, if they just implemented that well so that it had a decent track, bad decent keyboard, Oh really nice screen that folds up like a laptop, but if you just wanted a disconnected. And you'd have two pieces and you'd be like. Oh, I got two pieces of what's going on, but there was actually like an ipad. You. It sucked cause you'd have to pieces because whatever, but that would be great.
and then only to switch off from us. It's what windows eight recycling does ten is doing you plug it in computer. You pull it out, I'm italian, that, what you just said is not simple for most people, the idea of combining the thing that you do your work on and the thing that you pull out of your backpack because play. Angry birds whenever you like also I dont, know that. No, I don't. I don't want to point out that, like ipad sales is totally stalled and that since I've had a gigantic phone, barely used my ipad right bright so like building software for like and then they're going to turn it into. This tablet is like e or anything. With these twelve point, nine inch ipad rumors. I think that's why they have to go with the ipad like they
I it's in my iphone six plus review later. He has just been making the case that the ipad is for. Consider what I'm? Yes, I think the the I pad tablets in order to continue to be viable have to turn into more and more like consumer level laptop replacements right, which is what chromebooks are yeah. It's like chromebooks, terrifying, apparently they've got half of the education market they claim to at something. But like that's what chromebooks are right? The chromebooks are a consumer grade laptop replacements, and then people have phones right and, like that's the the universal problems with those devices solve,
but like a windows, work laptop that you like turn into an ipad. It's not solve that problem that same way right, so it makes sense to turn the ipad into more of like an enterprise focused device for like a bunch of enterprise applications read but not excel. It makes sense to turn the ipad into like the only computer. You need at your house grandma, because it's more powerful now and can do a little a few more things, the screens even bigger. It does not make sense to be like here's, our weird ten inch screen that can do everything. because that's not because you don't believe in cook, that's a more complicated user experience than having discrete places for the things that you do right, but the ideas when you disconnect the keyboard it turns into that discrete place right, but I didn't I do not not even to marry my like. No one saw the battery problem yet who actually wants to have one device to do everything
like I was there. I want two decades like basically every night, the media we have just one tv in our house, we sit there and we fight over it and I win because I can bring my laptop home. This is true. This is what pretty much wider very well out of them, and then I win I watch whatever garbage I want to watch and she washes the good wife on her ipad while doing her email on her laptop and she wants that experience. She just wants a second screen to have the video playing on right, but she actually now chooses the ipad like all the time I cheated. This is like it. She has an ipad two. She won't even let me greater until a new one july, I'm sure she's, like whatever I just use this for netflix, so she didn't care. I am like that is a big deal for her, like she has her laptop in her ipad and her phone and they're all doing different things, she's very comfortable with the roles. All those things are playing and I will say, like I've had like the six plus and I use it more than ever, and I'm like the only time I bring up my ipad is when I want to watch a video and like do some other crap and like the idea that
One doesn't want that segment haitian, that making very very few people don't want it, and those are the people who get excited about the idea of coming up with his really weird rigged system to like play computer games in their television with their pc in another room like zat crab. Well, I think that's garb, I just people if they can find if they can buy one thing instead of two or three things without since I suck, they have always socks, but isn't that a reason to want to see companies like microsoft, try to fix that and make it not suck and I'm not saying windows. Ten is the answer, but I am saying, came a chance guys, I'm saying we need another there. They have the idea. They just need to kill the desktop and stop being held hostage by a mantra. Vineyards called metro. I mean they think they're like windows, modern war, the metro which is what they call him. That's terrible! No, you don't
that governs modern anymore? It's called went or windows start when honest or apps on what kind of message kaldu understood. Now their design language is called modern, microsoft, design, language actually against ones, culture that store apps they or their comstock wraps. I'll bring up the wikipedia page for you, and you know. What does that mean? That means like some like, like eighty manager in kansas, was how to get the wikipedia page to myself, Metro design, language, the shows how the measures advocated here's, what I m going on bringing up. They should call my training, where we have to put a ban on that on the verge, now. This is justified. We ever say every single time. Really. In september, twenty twelve microsoft design language was adopted as the official name for the design hears. What are they going mattress and did the fray we should all use for decisions that should have been made, but weren't made, and now we regret is he should have paid the grocery store
That's it! That's the legacy of microsoft. That's the legacy windows! Eight! They should have paid the goddamn grocery store because It is now everything got confused and they wouldn't split it off. Avocados were on sale, avocados are on sale for the first time in like months man they were so expensive before they were, there was avocados, are very expensive all summer. That's true the fact that I guac, who doesn't. When you burn like off just let us know the gravity burned and neighbourhoods by loosely New book. Listen, have fun when your state breaks off from the continental, united states and Kurt Russell is the only one you'll save you know I thought I would be superfine. I don't know what you're talking about that started in. So that's what I got a promise of good times to add like pseudo, including aware of a glorious island,
Russell will be, which is, in fact, a giant prison great Russell. I'm just gonna put this out there and you just gotta, let it sit for just a second real, quick yeah, just let it sit after I put it out there. Alright, I promise, on it said, california's better than new york. That's where I was born so after one full second of sitting you're supposed to leave. I was agreeing with you. Here's what I know both nice place here are some facts. Alright, California is super weird figures on facts. Carefully is one of the weirdest place. I've ever been makes no sense as a state. It should be like eight states, oh you're, you're, with that an absolute los angeles, just saying according just you just govern yourselves and then there's like, san francisco, should we like just exploded. Wow now, a source of everything that sitting on the table and every piece of blake gases responds uses from washington state designing.
apple for citizens really nice edged, I feel compelled to San Francisco, because when you because you're in recent years you another better san francisco like Moi, with rich people. Aren't you didn't say that's what happened this year is a tiny city like thinks. It's really already it is it's very confused about like like how big of a city it is right, like Milwaukee is like really confused about how big of a city is right, but always noticing chicago his chicago. Is there to be base area. It is no good baseball team. That's fine! If I like, no one at all, it's true did most archaic of sports base was like an old times were sakharov, but yeah, like yet. What's worse, we make up using only the tools available and it was like
Rocks and sticks, and they made up soccer and baseball. I'm sorry, where were we I was making fun of francisco saying california is a weird place. New york is an even weirder place like new york city should be a state, and the rest of new york will be happy red and then everyone should move to chicago, which is the best city in america. It facts the fact that now here it is it's it's really nice. I was just there. I remembered a time when I lived in like a large Men had a car food was recently of terrible it them. What living in a nice home with with fancy automobile automobile cities becoming states eventually like go, get slippery slope, it's gonna get be a fact. Fuck come up over, there are gonna, be my own state and this apartment building. That's what. It's time for the pendulum, a back from the nation, MR city states, city states. I like that like what, if, like you like, venison room like at the time of taxes worth, texas, this actually melody milk,
I gather that the worst sin city map of all taxes, that city preview national park- I would like imagined imagine if Asnore an independent city state, the middle texas, and how to write off, but going We live in doing that. I had to build walls and like fight off invaders. I think they do. They lost that already to the brands the brands and you know I I'm saying to Lockhart CR and a trial doctor today. I cannot see or hear the word brands without envisioning a hashtag in front of it yeah like that's just where we can't see without hearing casey's voice, fran brands, but you know that so nobody has a story. So Nathan ingram, who works in san francisco vacation in over the border superior state mean well look. Our offices, ourselves are recorded, casey, saying that word brands over until they re mixed it into a series of
sounds. Basically, in today s reign shouted his sound clodagh going over data because people keep playing the brain, look at I don't know what that is what it means about america, where society or the internet. I just know that The same brands, like echoes through my brands, brain it's pretty good, so sorry about the one thing that the most important suddenness after seventeen. left. So where does not have a coincidence? Yes, it s, gamer gay, what I just like doing conspirators here's, here's, here's some facts! Dieter I've made a bet yeah.
There are important, but as this is vital, packers bullshit, it's like that, leaves neighing get out of here. Here's right now tonight the backers by the viking and going to be embarrassed. You have just it's gonna be fine here I mean I know that you have to put on the show, but it's I know the truth, but we've made a bet to deter us from Minnesota. Vikings fan I am from wisconsin and packaged it and the the the the loser. It's funny they don't actually win anything in this. But you know Are you really can only lose loser of the bat No, you win. The winner gets to watch the loser, ruin our come maybe not productive. the user of the bad has to use a blackberry passport for two weeks, as that was a month. I don't, I am actually worried that we will destroy the vote that unproductive for that length of time, like I'm, really, worry, like brothers have jobs to do right?
the and that not just use but use as your primary phone. Yes, yes, I mean I'm defiling, have backup after. create a snow. I mean I will have a backup that I will like only have to check text messages every few hours because I switch verizon and you can put a sim in the thing and I work with them. Pompous trawls, then when I was san francisco fur jd sea like a year was it was twenty wearing one we hot kettle pyres trolls
listen, listen chasing. I was in favour of this point. This out to sea spent the last week, trolling people by playing videos on our tell it presents, rob that's that happens this affected. Anyone tell procedure about scarcely quite super duper. Likewise, role have guy you and, unlike the girl from the ring, is playing a face, I'm good at it. I should be drawn up and we have not done a good job using this presents roma for work. There is a problem that we have a review unit from double. Bought it and it relies it's crazy. I've had a subway right that some of them with me, your computer, do it. Basically, I've had ensanguined thanks what effect It's friday for sure, just it's just very quiet, it's very quiet robot. So all I can really do is show you frightening images until w sends us a speaker that makes it later, but I'm just saying your day, your troll you're, a professional you're, going to go with a different word: they're, not since April
say pompous hisses mean anyway. The point is not me pompous bank. Is that that's? Why me why it has taken so afraid packers are going to lose tonight that he won't go for the full month that we originally proposed. He only had to keep it a two weeks. As soon as we get this right, we were ass internet. I mean look at you you're talking christian ponder like you shouldn't, we don't know yet. I think Christian pondered did beat packers it lambeau to get rid of your guises by a knock. The bears out of the play ass once upon a time is either here. What you're saying here all the words you're saying and what I want to hear from you is oh crap. I have to use this Blackford. Which is why we have the bat software that about its happening, This has been the even know what tc doing us computer. Watch easy harmlessly trolling us is what you never seem like: a troll at work, which MR video, like tc, using a left up to
It's like a window into the mileage shops that he's a magnificent troll he's not an evil troll. Chaotic, neutral summaries, asking the video podcast we'd know not doing, we're doing a single camera thing. Five, you doing to actual watching us. Relevant issues are alive. You you're not feeding, videos into the seed, but if you want to watch a video, you can actually just come to these posts and lies ray we're. That was it. There was such ass. It was wonderful having you as always lose your great you're. Here is a mess, lotto, p timing. We hire people on twitter, twitter feeds alone, which is a terrible, would hire. People will work at this time and I was it you can overcome in the post. You can,
his emails. No one really knows where pot virtuous of the verge dot com goes. Pocket goes to ross miller, just go Sarah, and we can't directly if you'd like just a lot of confusing like archaic systems in place. and you can also treated us, which is probably best value while teeth he's done with windows turned on his macbook. diana manhood aren't as chummage shown age back on I'm reckless. So none of us have good twitter handles, but this in its effort was the missile potter, which I just figured out by the way, do it as like. What's your first name, what is it? It must really start with an m and nope you're. Just a personal
is. This is what that was it that show that virginia and with an exercise for thirty yeah. That's it right.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-11.