« The Vergecast

Matrix Awakens Unreal Engine 5 demo / Snap’s first AR Spectacles / Android games come to Windows in 2022


Nilay Patel, Dieter Bohn, and Alex Heath discuss Epic Games' Matrix experience in Unreal Engine 5, Snap’s first AR Spectacles, streaming news, and more.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This we gonna chest ass. He turned to show we talk, what is an area with canneries and carry on mass? What else is going on in the matter? Verse? once a streaming news and then the lightning round to end a lightning round. So it's coming up on the chest now: hey I'm ryan, reynolds at mid mobile. We like to do the opposite of what big wireless. Does they charge you a lot? We charge you a little so naturally, when they announced they'd be raising their prices due to inflation, we decided to deflate our prices. Do not hating you. That's right. We're cutting the price of meant unlimited from thirty dollars a month to just fifteen dollars a month, give it a try. It meant mobile dot com, slash, switch new activation in front payment for three. My plan required taxes in these extra additional restrictions apply, seem mobiles outcome for full terms. Support for this podcast comes from intel laptops on it hell, be proud and intel. Eco design, like your team, do their best work wherever they work with all day. Real world battery lay quick charging.
And remote eyeteeth support working on the go has never been so easy visit. Intel dotcom, slash, works best for details. Results may vary, however, what emerges from the flagship pie cast of reality? If he's going to be going to sit in that for a minute, yeah really just pull the car over now and just think about what the flagship podcast of reality would be. And this is where it was, and then you can keep growing hi emil. I'm your friend diet around us here, I'm the glitch in the matrix with good, Alex Youth is here. I move cyber punk mad at you. Stay away, that's funny and a little bit If there's going to be with us for the whole show, there's lots of talk about you, but we will just start with you know one of the more exciting things, as happened at the old verge dot com in art, ten years of run around you hung out with counter reason: carryin loss this week. Yeah we too
about a lot of things. It was a very interesting interview and the reason that we talk to them is because they are doing this new interactive, pliable tech demo by eta games showing off unrelenting five, and it's a tie in with a kind of teasing, the next matrix movie, which comes out later this month. So we talk about all that kind of water, real? What is fake, the kind of blending of the virtual and real and have as changing storytelling and a lot of other something's gonna get very classic keanu. He in the videos up the timer. This is how you should watch it. It is very much like a key on a real experience, and ass, a great too, like she's great, but like Keanu leg, Literally, you see him like he lights up over time adds its issues where the whole thing it's at once he's like we do this, so that we can sell things. I mean make art, I mean, sell things.
This in turn grinning. It's very good the hand, gestures are wonderful as well and yeah carrion moss, not really a fan of technology. At all, even a little, which was interesting. But yet we talked about kind of digital likeness. Euro Keanu was one of the first actors ever I found out in the process of doing this to be have dad himself digitally render in the original matrix, trilogy and so warner brows actually found that footage and like a vault buried in the ground and unlike idaho, or something like that, and we gave it to attack in a big re rendered it with you. If I've for this matrix demo in its it is fairly trippy. There's a couple times where they told me after, like when it's real him versus faye cabinet in actually got like the least once and the other, the intro too. This is written by lotto chaskey. The main writer of the matrix franchise and then it's kind of an open world said
box experience that kind of showcases how you five is basically just super scaling, the ability make like actual net averse stuff, so It was. It was really interesting and candles. Ike almost ready to have a coherent thought about like the nature of reality and unreality and how it interacts with that games and cinema like I'm, I'm I'm workin my way towards it and carry on mars like yeah. No reality is cool everything. Why would you how about reality? I want it. And a table with my family, and I put it could be a virtual tables- is a habit, but what about the real table whose great, actually shocking. Take away from this canneries does not play video games that those really interesting seconds. I can see that Well, he's he's a character on cyber punk, and I did ask him about you know in cyber punctually. Seventy seven we covered this one. This is happening. People were modeling one of the characters that you have sex with in the game to be counted
his character and it got so bad that the game developer actually said. You can't do this. If we find out you're doing this, we will ban your account. Asked Keanu about it and he loved it. He was like you know. That's his. I tell ya, clearly was not consulted on their decision. Another thing that I think fans of the matrix will love is that on a really wants there to be a modern day, matrix video game and basically told me point blank that warner brows drop the ball fifteen years ago, and he would do it. So there you go the matrix franchise. Is I dunno? I think I watched it like my first week of college and ninety nine. It was like a field trip that, like my dorm took. Like it was just like one of those I opening moments. I hadn't really heard about it and then it is like twisted and turned itself
into all manner of things in means, since, while that they actually never made the game is like the rest of the tec and gaming industry has done nothing but try to make the matrix. You have no, they it make a game they made too, and there was only one where you could play neo. It was called path of neo. It was on the measures to. I was actually pretty good. The in play was like. I watch some youtube videos of it. It looks fund for appears to game and they could just remake that they could, just like literally just do like you're fighting as neo as a game like you, don't even need to really do a story know now they would do it and you'd end up. You would end up in that dojo with morpheus and you would have, to either grind for sixty hours to level up two points, pay Michael, Action is to get the loot box that one of them, what maybe have come through in it.
Maybe you know exactly how to gain would redesign now the outlets fair. Another highlighted this interview, Keanu seems very interested in being chief, creative officer of a vcr porn tat company. In listening to this show, and that's what you do. You should definitely reach out to his team, so he don't want to admit who the audience of your show is, and sometimes you just know it's like the venn diagram it's like extreme revert, shared in one corner, Keanu, reads the hour porn and then it all just kind of meda metal Do you see any movie at all? They preview movement? I just I have only seen the trailers they were very cagey about. Something surprising carryin said. Is that it's funny, which I wouldn't expects from a matrix movie but well the first matrix movie was kind of funny. I guess it had funny moments, but I think the tone of this is going to be a lot more funny than the than the previous ones. Okay, I could see him in the hole until pill, like cultural association, is such that another
What has he sisters like want to break it because it is now associate with the all right now that, like I get they want to change the tone about red filled with abortion. I'm excited to see this movie but and burnt on the previous two you have referred is area. Is the unreal soft better than gemini man, the movie in which will smith was famously Oh my god yeah I mean as a story. Objective. Yes, but, like I literally anything, the tec is, I think the thing that impress me the most is that so you're in this giant kind of sandbox city, that they know that they are going to give to unreal developers to build like their own grand theft, auto in, for example- and Everything is rendered in real time everywhere, persistently so, like you anywhere, you move its already there. It's already rendered down to the detail and like a chain like sounds so like we flew up and though we shot a new analogy was like dad didn't render as we move to
no, that was already there and full detail, and I've never seen that at that scale in a game, so it showing of the power of the world building there and then also the ability, for this is a little more geeky, but the lighting is actually pretty cool. You don't need to know really apparently placing lighting games a super expensive, tedious process. There really hinders the ability for to look real in a big way. Through ennui. Five is this kind of automatically a high powered lighting system that reflects naturally and likely you can you can change the sunlight? And you know what a dial in the game as you play and watch all reflections against the skyscrapers change. Anything cars? And it's pretty cool. Honestly I mean it's the ideas that you'll be able to take. Like you know, a carmaker will make a car for a work. You know simulation thing in
the five and that same hyper, realistic, looking car could then be used in a racing aim. It could then be used in the next faster furious movie, all as the same asset in euro five, which asylum has existed before. That's really cool. I didn't playing the grant I've gotta answers, which are very fun as agreeing about them and how they did them- and they are one of the biggest pieces of the puzzle- was lighting. So the original they were just lit like the game too, on earth like the scenes, are just let like it made, no sense for the lights are coming from, we didn't have the technology, we updated the lighting design, and we try to naturally light the game and we had to go through and, like add street lights, to places because there wasn't, they made no sense for the light was coming from before, and I was like the work of remembering this game was just wreath rejecting all the lighting that all its stuff is like the confluence of game engines movie special effect
and then the metaverse stuff it does feel like it will all just kind of be the same software at the end. Yeah and it's. This is honestly like epic- is the perfect company to to make all this, because their sitio cam, who I also interviewed for the story, worked on the original matrix trilogy. He has a film background and he did all the he was effects supervisor on kind of bullet time and like all iconic matrix stuff and knows which house he's that's kind of how this whole project together, and he was talking a lot about how he thinks it's gonna change. Hollywood, an epic is already so like in the mandatory em in camera, visual effects, where there's a giant a wall behind new set of Xinjiang imposed with a green screen, that's being powered by unreal and that technology he thinks he's going to religious change. How hollywood runs are, I think he hopes are well
Oh yeah. There are very interesting company unreal, like this really fascinating, powerful thing that touches a lot of things, but consumers don't really see. So it's a little walkie by we, I mean if you're talking about like matter verse like this, is actually like the toolkit right. This is actually the thing like matter. The company does not have anything remotely like this. I just deciding it's interesting debate and we have to tackle such weak unity. The other big game studio just spot when a digital which right Peter jackson, special effects house for one point, six billion dollars and like that's lord of the rings and avatar and Shang CHI, like you, can just see where it's going, that the the game engines are now getting good enough to do the special effects everywhere and that's why there was
story about epic hiring a head of film and like scripted, entertainment, and I kind of got at this with the ctf that they're going to start doing, games that are also movies using fortnite using other things, because Yui five allows them to just use these assets across mediums, which is pretty cool. It's a it's a new thing for sure now. I feel like a genius for telling people red versus blue ass much too early two. Thousands, this this is done. Sitcom that takes place in a low is the future of entertainment. I said to no effect at the bar, but right. It always comes. I'm just excited that all of this means that within the next well- let's be let's be realistic, in the next ten years, will get rid of quicktime events that are justino pre rendered cut. Where hit the button at the right time
I know this, but apparently all the fortnite commercials are shot in fortnite likely real time, and so, like they're, already doing this he's like we just stage it in the game and we shoot it and like we may like touch up things and make the characters. Look a little shiny or but like they're already doing this, and, like part of this matrix thing, has like there's a car chase scene where the cameras like going under the car and around the car and like that was all done in the engine right, they didn't like cars out on the street that date and tracked and brought into euro five like sets we're getting into weird uncharted territory. So what The reason I asked what gemini man, which were, who is it's not even an airplane movie its? it's not even in areas like unwashed, Chablis, bad there either are. Really hilarious, like youtube clips, where people I think I'm a man was actually like shot in one hundred and twenty frames per second and release that way.
But there are these youtube channels that, like oppress things into higher frame rates, so you can go. Watch gemini man at like one hundred twenty frames per second on youtube and it looks it looks like a bad video game. It's a there's no way to describe it just go watch it. It's like but a big piece of that puzzle of it. The BP sets for them. If they came out was there is, a model of young will smith who is going to own the digital character. Model of young will smith, and what could that model be made to do in who round it and like if the young psmith model acts in a new movie. This will psmith get paid, internet with with Keanu and caravan. Yes, we did, and apparently Keanu saw this coming like decades ago and has for ever had in his contract where he has to approve any use, are added to his digital likeness in any format, and he's like this is happening like we're. Having these conversations in hollywood about like it's almost like
estate planning is like. What are you going to do with your digital likeness and he's like like Marilyn monroe's in a coke commercial? And you know he was talking about how marlon brando's with superman was talking about this already like decades ago and so yeah I do. I do think it's something that's like on celebrities. Minds is like how do I license my likeness, and you know like I asked him so the matrix did this nf t thing for the new movie and the site like crashed after the first like hour, and there were three hundred thousand people in the queue for like one hundred thousand enough to ts. Fifty bucks, a pop and keanu carrie Ann were not enough tees for that side. They obviously did not approve the use of this, but they That was interested in canada was like. Do we get to canada so prompt? Probably not, but he was like it's all capitalism man, you know like a lot, That's it! That's what you got out your time within then mission accomplished.
My favorite cover cases ever had law school, a vana, white, veal, samsung, electronics. I think that's the case. Caption samson, add for, like washing machines, were a robot like turned letters like wheeler fortune in vienna, why it was like Relax is too much like me, you're using my likeness and that's an unauthorized use of me man. What is like a robot- and she was amazing in my lab, professor was like yeah a california case, a california, like the california courts, was inside. With hollywood, though, you is over, in his mind, was open and shut. The like the corrupt californian courts have once again taken cited big hollywood, but it's like that was ages ago, an hour all the way to there's a digital Keanu reasons contractually obligated to only due account or use, wants its use and other if you senior metaverse report aussi, that's that's your title
you see it mean he had a big week also saw snaps a are spectacles. You got to try him on yeah they're there. They seem very prototypey to me very prototypes. I mean the battery last for thirty minutes, the first pair they gave me overheated after less than ten. They had like four on site I d like seamlessly, swap out, as I tried different ones, is nearer which are snaps out ex so that I never noticed the battery. Definitely the best were on air air glasses have used. You can tell they've thought a lot about the interface there's like this carousel. You see through your eyes and it's a touch thing and there's voice. The thing that is the most promising on these that, I think, probably won't be cool for several more years, is a scan button. I did another video thing on our site about a month or two ago about this in the snapchat app. It's like visual search right, Google lens is there stab at this and they're working with a lot of other developers right now, but
I skanda a plant. You know with my glasses in it recommended some plant based lenses and, like you, expand that out a few years and you're walking around and you can just search anything. I mean it's, it's going to be wild and they also like they're doing like club. Mapping to your clothing were like a have. A a r jacket will drape like it would naturally imagine putting that on someone you know through your losses, are making them they're. Your bet Mogi right, like there's a society, ways that this is gonna, get trippy but yeah definitely a prototype at their being, like, oddly humble about it, especially considering like the way that the first spectacles were hyped beyond belief and ended up sitting on forty million and unsold inventory that there, the right I've there's not selling these they're, giving them to hundreds of our creators just to try and play with, and it's it's really a learning thing for them, and I think that's really smart, because if these things were sold to the public, they probably cost thousands of dollars and ever want to be like what the house thing
after thirty minutes what plus the field of view like it's so narrow, that's the thing like they optimized for brightness and for color, and so you know, maybe half of the frame is the way of guide is what you can actually see, and so I found that they learned it looked better in post on my phone, seeing what I was seeing through the glasses than they did in the glasses, because I have wide wide field of view so once that gets there once it fills that full kind of This thing looks like a cyber truck on your face, so I want to feel that wide kind of lens it's gonna, be wild. I mean it's, it's gonna take years doubt their this really showed them? A battery and display are the two things that I know our gonna be set for a while that that the type of seyffert just a couple, minutes I mean that I know the feel. The view is narrow, but was it could mean that damn doing this outdoors A flax like I've done hollow and stuff discussion
my wife works for mehta puts division. That may be called oculist and maybe not I don't owe to over there but like what was it good like. If, if you are just tap the dissuaded, you had and give it a proper field of view yeah. Would you been like this? Is it there? It's it's there or is it still feel like weirded pixelate it in whatever no wasn't isolated it was. They have two thousand: that's a brain, in this thing, so it works. Allow sunlight and foot is why the battery dies and it reads after ten minutes, but they're are optimizing for visual richness so that people can make compelling a our experiences so that when the tech catches up the software kind of pipelines already there, which is another piece of this- had been, I think very smart about kind of seeding. The developer ecosystem. Very early meta is not doing this, which I think is curious, but yeah. No, the display was probably the most
I I've used on a stand alone device again. This thing isn't tethered to anything for for good bread and the glasses were light like I didn't feel like their heavy on my face or like I wanted to take them off after a few minutes like you could, theoretically, where these all day and be fine, you looks really weird, but you see, I think, there's a lot of promise there and you know snap- is this kind of silent, dark horse in these air glasses met glasses, metaverse wars where they rex kind of the first two like think about this in a serious way and their just kind of quietly, iterating, now a little bit and public, which I think is interesting because they've been so secretive, I mean the display apparently, is so good that they bought the supplier. That was my first speech that I did wave optics their largest deal ever for half a billion dollars just to get the kind of display tack locked for them,
so yeah man. This is all it's all starting to come together. I mean it's definitely not compelling for consumers, but this was the first time doing one of these demos, whereas, like in a few years, I can see this being really compelling and it's going to kind of flip how we think about computing. I think I have a big eye. Gray. If you like that, the part where you can see the software applications or way ahead of the hardware is utterly faster. That hasn't really happened in many other places like you just like throw a dart at the board and think about some other hyped. Future hardware, like three tvs or like it interactive tv, is as a whole right like you're, gonna, be dropping any t v watching all the live, Cameras weren't, like none of that, has come to pass. It's all just streams like the software, either the hardware in the service ecosystems systems are there? The software is kind of where it always was in
case. A hardware is nowhere near close, but everyone already has a pretty clear picture of what it should be and the six of like we're going to point a camera at a thing and then do some computer stuff. Layer, some information or experiences over that thing. That pictures really clear security like What are you doing at sap is already doing it. Saturated we hit on apples phones. You can see that the hardware is really far away and these lenses, though, did these lenses are getting smart, so you can have links, lenses now, for the first time that kick out to like a store so for a creator makes like of something for their shoe. You can just go by it in the lens there's music. Model labels and their their brain. Inside out for the first time, so you can have like, after ex crypto trading in a lens or whether you like the temperature into a lens, so they're, starting to become interactive in real time where, before they were these static kind of more artsy things. Yes, like,
seeing someone has spent two years making a lens that can measure anything like and there's another when they can tell you if you're surfboard as a good surfboard based on that's contours and is so they're just coming up with all these wild things that once we have these glasses, like it it's gonna be cool. I won't give too much weight as malta the timeliness, but narrative see. John hanky is on decoder next week. Ninety makes put em on go, they have their partnership with all com. Two makes smart losses about a references and floating around. I fell down an absolute research rabbit hole of how these displays work before it taught they're all kind of same right, you get like there's two tiny elsie needest ways in the stems of the glasses and then there's a reflector and there's a bunch of mirrors nightmares. There's a bunch of coatings or etchings on layers slave guys have yet to bounce that display and hear us inside. Yet pushed him as it is this it is like. Can I go I'm going to go from here to hear I see the first
elsie display on a primitive smartphone and I know in my mind, this technology is really important. Soon. Elsie is, will take over every this way in the world, with some alleged on the site. Like is this the technology bet or is it? This is the best we got, and maybe something also come up and he was like this. Is it like this? This wave guy technology will, it will get to where we wanted to go, which I guess, if you like, in the partnership with call, come near, slipping wave guide. This work- maybe that's what you say, but snap may that big investment and bought that company and makes wave guides, collins, is weighed against magically bus. To make something else, and they ended up we ve got by out it's what we got. I dont know because again hollow and has been around and like wacky wave guides with elsie d, like ok, get better at the manufacturing process.
Did he gets bigger and more responsive, like there's like a hardware improvement arc there and and I am not smart enough to know- is that what the hardware proven arc for a wave guide is. Is it just like we get better and better at etching until we Finally make them big enough. My understanding is these. Things are constrained by size and battery and, like thermodynamics, more than anything like these wait, guys can pay there's a reason magically raised two billion dollars: that's because they had people looking do a thing called the east there was the size re closet there, while the computing it needed to power this thing appropriately, so when they have that they can do incredible things already, it's just getting it into a form factor. This was Zuckerberg has talked about with me and casey like getting that form factor, as is the hard part right yeah, but but the beast like the best quote. Ever see a eventually was like we're hacking, the jeep you of your brain and what it was met was they're gonna, send light into your eyes and waited mimics
reality that isn't just in emissive flat flat, plain wave geyser just a flat plaintive light right it s all the electronics are in the stems of glasses and it's bouncing away through that so dieter. Your question, like he watched the finnish, like lots like trade industry, presentations from wave guide suppliers and eat, I'm telling you I fell, deepened and, like. Their presentations or like here- is our process. Here's the cost is here's where the cost has come and they're trying to convince you basically that theory standard glass making screen making techniques to make this next generation of wave god pieces of glass actual display is still just like a tiny little c d: that's enough stems of the glasses right there, just bouncing it in front of your eyes, with these waveguides that they're still expensive so like they're trying to make that cheap. But they haven't there. I dont know that it's the bat like it feels like it's the resisted touch screen of
in our world yeah that can get you there and then some days, Steve jobs is going to show up with, like the capacitive touchscreen iphone everyone's gonna, be like. Oh that's what we should attack. This is a good segue to apple, because there is a continuum here where the way of guys in the air glasses are happening on one side of this, that's definitely several years out at minimum till we have that at scale what's happening in the near term, and I think twenty twenty two will be the year of his pass through mixed reality: proper lcd, whatever it's going to be no waveguides, but basically tricking you by piping and video of the outside world and mixing it with the graphics and that's what apple's going to do. It's? What matters got with Cambria, which is this headset they're working on for next year, and I think that's going to really show people that there is something there's like a stop gap before we get to air glasses. And it's that mixed reality past- experience yeah and I think that's like that. The recent apples doing pastor video of your headset
potentially when medicine to is his apple cannot ship glasses with a teeny, tiny field of view, the get really hot that they ve got. A ship of Senate like their brand, is finished consumer products and that core technology of a piece of a display that you can look through its just like What we got is waveguides like I encourage everyone like if you're a huge nerd you'll, see shit like go. Look at how we have guys where it's neat, it's super cool. But at the end of the day, it's like you're wearing the entire hollow ones in your head and you ve got like a postage stamp in the middle of your field of vision. That's like put the spark plug in the eighteen. This is not good. I think it's really neat like we're just in a place now. I think it's fascinating that every software developers like ready for this in the hardware, is like years like five, at least out from what I can tell the other thing, though it'll decode our preview, I'll give you you were talking about how sap has filters like everyone can be wearing different clothes, so I was like how are you
Govern reality like, he is, can average is pick and choose like what, if it's like I dont govern. What saw you listen to me? What industry? Why should we I govern what you're looking at and you're, just like there's only a marketplace of realities. This is my new phrase. It's going to be terrifying. Put that on a shirt yeah does he regret. We should take a break and we should come back. There's there's like a lot of streaming. He's talking about. Were epic, hey, I'm ryan reynolds at mid mobile. We like to do the opposite of what big wireless. Does they charge you a lot? We charge you a little so naturally, when they announced they'd be raising their prices,
inflation. We decided to deflate our prices due to not hating you that's right. We're cutting the price of men unlimited from thirty dollars a month to just fifteen dollars a month, give it a try. It meant mobile dot com, slash, switch new activation, an opera payment for three month plan required taxes in these extra additional restrictions apply, seem at mobiles outcome for full terms. What this podcast comes from intel some work days are more work than others so help your team do their best work, no matter what with laptops on intel, be proud and intel eco design. They have all day real world battery life built in hardware based security and superior quality video conferencing to support your team, everyday visit entailed dot com. Slash works best for details. Result me very back. There is a lot of how would you describe as low stakes streaming drama low? extreme drama and like new,
that seems unimportant, but actually could be massively important yeah. It is like it's it's that it's like I have to convince you convince that what these things are buckle up, what sort the waves, K and happened, because the game words are announcing the unreal software but Google's adsense, if a game words too, which is by the way we are accordingly for the game. Words happen, but here listening to it after they ve and right so imagine there were we're just assuming there's like huge games, trimming news and and and were reacting to that, it's amazing its can change everything there is some like google news come in yet streaming, but apparently Google play games is going to be available on windows. So that's like entering. Windows here? We go and it's interesting, and so just bringing the whole of Google play. Andred apps they're bringing google play games because a fast indecision only bring them into microsoft's. Weird,
Andrew ep universe unclear. What do you mean by that snake? microsoft, suddenly deal with amazon to use the amazon app store to get android apps on windows right but then they were also like you can use any app store you want. So are they building like a special windows? Google play games, yeah, they're, making google play games, Google play games store or you can download and install android games for windows and that's running inside of the windows, android, apt compatibility, not some weird new google aware what so That is a little bit unclear because it's like Google isn't like partnering with microsoft. To make this happen there just doing it there's going to be a great yeah okay. So that's one thing we'll see how that goes. Google just needs to diversify its revenue basis. All the app store drama continues to grow like in more of it's game stuff out in the world is any good for google, like apple, would love this to be happening on the mac. I just don't think they're ever going to convince any games.
We're gonna take the mac seriously. Even the game developers on the iphone are like. Why maybe with like his m, one chips become more widespread game developers will make the easy jump to games on the mac, but it just kind of hasn't happened yet. Well, I mean the whole question with games. Right now is like what is the future of like the platforms that you're going to be thinking like what the games runner uncas cause? They keep make an android games that seems to like you I'm. I now believe that android gaming phones exists and have a purpose. I've been convinced by who just looking at the world looking at the market. Looking at the chinese market, like laid off they're not make em for no reason, yeah, others that there is, of course, the various streaming platforms in windows. There's xbox, there's play station. There's like the various versions of spock, scented streaming stadia now runs on tvs. Yes, sultana thing, that's interesting,
add that to me is well, of course it does it's. Just like it's just a video stream. I like that it's potentially a big deal. It's like the the rules of how you think about what your screen can do. We are changing like they were changing slowly and now, they're changing really quickly. So whether or not you can just play a console quality games on your tv was just a matter of when they get around to creating the you know casting and points app for web. Alas, it's actually not that difficult and I just I don't know where that's going to shake out. Are you going to care where your game comes from. Are you going to care if it's local or streaming, and the the fact that it's it's just a question of like who's gotten around to building a client for the thing there's even a place like Google play games on windows is really interesting. So, like honestly, this kind of leads us up to
the rogue who youtube drama that, I think the other had settled this week, so yahoo and google were about to see each other like they had to reach up it just gotten very far. The reviews in a kick youtube off its platform google had done some shady stuff on other platforms. They'd built youtube tv into the youtube app because you can't get rid of the youtube app, but they were at the kind of brinksmanship point they are going to walk are going to youtube from rogue who would pull you see from review, and I gotta say the arguments were dumb like did you read broken, but always why person like whatever the arguments are having were when you push the rogue who voiced search button and the youtube app is open. What voice search should you go to, yeah. Ok, Google was like google like ours and workers like now the operating systems, yet by the way they won that for like samsung. Unlike my my samsung frame tv, the microphone but like into Google
it's a google assistant button, the on in the youtube app it ceases be a global assistant button? I gotta youtube search button here. These arguments are like they're, very verge, cast arguments like what do you think then, should and native control supersede the applications concerned right, unlike their other ones, where, if you had the issue about open and a search for a move, easing rogue who voiced, search the native, broken voice, search with paul movies from the applications and supported in siberia, right, and so it goes, complaint was like this movies available for free on youtube. You should be showing users that which sounds great, but also, if you're in youtube app like, You should see she'd like do not have made sense work how actual people use their software, but in like little corner cases of what the buttons on your wrote it. If the youtube app was open,
in the I like it just seems, like google- believes that people open the youtube app and living at twenty four hours a day when they watch tv. Maybe people do, but does seem that likely when you're searching for like a disney movie, I gotta say here You guys talk about all this makes me think there should be some good old fashioned. Consolidation in this industry. Has there been enough and then there's like there's like add money in a back a hundred well- and so this is like theirs- is like great inversion where you you're you tweet about this thing. I am selling idea, but like it used to be that way, use could play on your screen, whether to gamer, video, whatever was really dependent on to your service, writer was what screens capabilities was you know what platform you packed, etc, and now it's completely dependent on have some deals been made: As someone like done, some engineering work to make an app your efforts yet it is utterly. No one knows what the terms of the studio
It is a multi year, deal youtube in Egypt. We will like stay on the review platform, its firing who is calling google and unchecked monopolise throughout all this, because when, when they like threatened to kick youtube tv off the whole like money dispute is it broke, a hardware is extraordinarily cheap rhetoric. Thirty bucks, Twenty bucks, they don't know, aren't making any money on the hardware. All they make money on is when you sign up just like in any other app store sign up for disney, plus they get a cut right. They get bounty of that of the vet, sign up Who runs and add on the road to like This adds a survivor. If you add services or really gets a cut like those that that's just like the app store itself when when any commerce happens in an app apple, wants a cut when any timing or subscription happens on a rigid rules who gets a caught and that's how these substantial hardware? This is the economics of every tv by the way like
algae. The reasons tvs are cheap is because all the money is made through ongoing actions like the story of adding a chip, two things and in may we connected is so they can just like charge you for the rest of your life. That's that's really what's happening, but that's totally backwards right be used to pay your cable company and then the cable company would pay e s. P n. Yeah, now you're, paying disney and disney is paying roku right and, like I dunno, if it's good or bad, but it's it's clear, What roku sees itself as like you're, not gonna, get another tv box or have fifty tv boxes are gonna. Have one but not one should have all the aps. You want, and if you wanna be on that, when you have to meet their terms, sharpening earth is run other people in the world can't get rid of his youtube. So when the kick youtube tv off like skirt you're gone, but then Google can youtube tv to youtube because it's not like you to give it up by our aren't. They barely both monopolise in that way they grow. Controls most of the stream platform business in the country?
anyway, it's over. We have no idea what this deal is: a bunch of people smoke cigars on Zoom and came to terms. It's shady we'll see yeah, but they're back so in theory, a couple years are now all this cause gonna get shaken up again so for a person to be on our side basically broke the news that there is a part of a standard for matter, if the matter is the connected home over ip standard. We're going to have a whole verge casts about this on tuesday. So buckle up for that we're going to talk about this, but because I published a story today. I wanted to talk about it briefly. So there is a part of the spec called matter tv that I don't think most people realize was going to be part of the smart home standard and it's basically just universal casting either from app to app or apps tv's, once through that all these big companies have agreed. Oh yeah, if you want to tell your screen to play a video this stuff,
It will be supported, so it can replace airplane acre place. Google cast it can replace whatever weird stuff samsung does amazon is written the speck as they really need it cause our devices, but they don't necessarily a fire tvs. But it's like part of this back in casting might actually not suck next year, beginning next year oh, I don't think doubt it apple or google are walking away from their standards. Well, no, but they're not walking away from their standards, but this standard will also be supported and they are part they like signed off on the spec. So if you have a tv that supports matter, it will, support. Having this casting standard hit me, that's where I just don't they. I dont think this gas and sent a run. I've been. I was for years to come. No, this is going to fail for sure I mean that it probably will. Why do you think it'll fail, because no, the like we do everything your words are saying like this entire there's so much in fighting right now,
space. Everyone wants own their layer in their their system in their substrate of the tv experience Some start up or whatever's. There's no way, there's nobody s we're getting into this next week, but like they have walked away from that wild garden fight in the smart home everyone's like we have hit the ceiling. We can't make any more money we can grow. Despite the I'm telling you the matter shit, just it, everything is the inner operate india and it's gonna work locally. It is based on like equal parts from all these big tech companies and they're? All you know, it'll fall at the standard. It'll probably fall apart, but like it seems like your, like your doorbells just going to work, and it's not gonna be locked into a walled garden any more. If it supports matter and you're going to want to support matter, because you know it's easier to buy stuff and if the matter tv thing gets like brought in with that spec,
like a trojan horse that could be interesting. All I want to do is go to a hotel and be able to cast my phone to the tv yeah and and not have to worry about. Is it a chromecast and apple tv? Usually I can't stream my iphone because it's like chromecast and something that fixes all that yeah? That's that's going to be a trillion dollar company for that, so that I mean that's the matter. Spec is the. If, if the thing supports it and it will see it locally and it will either cast it I from your phone or no like just tell the url that an easy arrived from the intern. The promises that it'll work we'll see what it actually turned out to be, but I am very optimistic about the smart homes side of it and the fact that there is like a tv side being like brought in alongside that is fascinating weaknesses. So apples and make a tv which they shut in south africa sprung up
continued for that energy or make a tv now car seems seems borderline. Yet now that's terrible! That's that's! My line. Come on. I've also suffer but when I put the apple tv we everywhere they gave everybody airplane. It came along for the ride so now. Every tv has airplane chromecast. So now you get a third one if they don't get like samsung and LG, which are like vizio right, like I don't think, vizio is part of the matter, but samsung, tcl, panasonic and lg are all in the matter. That's a lot of tv's that might support this thing, yet we'll see I have high hopes. What I didn't see here anywhere was like we're. Gonna make remote controls, but no one seems at all like interested and there's only. Problems. Technology can solve me. I can I can I can I get my radicals. My streaming revenue. Radical o is spot spotify, comedian, thing
yeah. So there's this there's this group. That represents a bunch of comedians called spoken giants, which is a great name yeah, and so this new theory there are, you must vote if I about that results in spot. If I were moving a bunch of tracks from comedian slain Kevin heart tiffany had a shuttle any geographical or swat, so they ve got this idea that the written jokes now constitute one work and performance of the jokes are another work and as united so it's like songwriters, get one this and performers get another, often designers and performers insane personally a pay twice. This is there's like inventing a new new ready, strangers streaming revenue so low that everyone's I'm trying to find new money, so comedians have come up with this new lobbying group spoken giants to say that their not only just like telling jokes, but their writing jokes and then people many jobs, and so that this year, the streaming revenue for the audio according and the publishing revenue for the jokes themselves
just a wild way of thinking and comedians telling, because example, songwriters assume multiple people will perform their songs overtime, comedians do not that no one does not cover joke albums, not a pretty good matchup like entire john mulaney cover album, wait like tik tok is full of cover. Jokes of just people, lip sinking comedy routine was our doings, the audio sure But like it's a performance here, I don't have any idea of a tax on licensing works. Yeah, I've always asked me whether I just think it's the press. You're on the people who make their content for spotify the revenue pressure and everybody so high costs that pay us are so low that, like their inventing this new concept, which would imply that you should be able to like do an album joke covers, put it on the blue,
know, yeah, I think it's fascinating ashley who writes hot pod. She- and I are just like staring at this being like- is this going to work? like spot. Avengers was like no and kicked him off yeah cause spotify fighters. Need a bunch, a joke, helpmates her father, but it's like fascinating to me to see like all of these way. Is because the money has gotten so bad that artists are creating new, but he's twa. Every artist is doing enough cs, and but it's our, like we're, gonna create a new royalty structure for comedy are out of nine I think we should do this for the verge gas. We should get paid once for performing it and paid and away we don't never mind we arriving at a rate of four years ago. Where contemporaneously writing this. What is thy paper? What does ip what we say if someone wants to do a full cover of this episode of the first shot you
all as I write you, a contract, analyzer middle, cheap, cheap cost, a lot of money but it'll be ironclad. The performed this first cast word for word. There are ten bucks. If you want it's simple for your good wishes green play this verge castle last, things happened, music. Is they have that weird voice plan for the homepage this is what I mean that, like the capabilities of your device, are dictated by weird asked back room. Contracts not by what the capability the device are this voice plan is dominant owing it, and it's just because the record labels gave the same plan to amazon yeah. What's, what enables you're smart speaker. You want to say place a music for smart speaker. That can't be sure you don't want to do a deal spotify right. Are you like make your own deal for like cheap streaming? Just for the smart speaker, it's like five eczema for next month, yeah,
it's weird and then sent us is not supporting amazon, music, ultra hd and dolly at most on the new being supports amis and the ark I got it. I just want to say that a piece of physical mail from amazon asking me if I want to try amazon, music amazing, the other day- and I was like that says- a lot about amazon music- that's my without their we're quickly getting replaced by the way where the combination as the service you subscribe to end their heads you have as meaningful implications for what music you listen to like Gotta have an atmos service and sonos speakers to listen to atmosphere from amazon, but your apple airpods, which supports spatial audio, there's no way to listen to atmosphere from amazon is just like it's nuts, like it happened, the bad thing happened. I don't know what to tell you. It could be a lot worse. We can be paying gas fees every time we listen to a song, I mean don't put
energy into the world man? What are you going to happening? there is an ear times article this we like a choice. The new york times is on it article about how wired Funds are trendy again to see it has not. Yet I did it me like the number of people who, like you, got your wish and I think they're so lightning headphones. Alright, we gotta take a break and we got just all of the lightning round to end all lightning rounds. Come up we'll be right. Back fox creative. This is advertiser content from SC johnson. From the tiniest plankton to the most enormous whale ocean. Go systems thrive when all parts and cycles work in harmony, each rely on the rest to survive a healthy earth and healthy oceans and healthy since can't drive when overwhelmed by plastic pollution. We can't let us continue.
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there's always like the patch after the release for it's kind of big. But this one in particular, is like. Oh, the the pixel as reviewed is not the one that they were hoping. Get out the door like there is so many fixes in this thing in also includes the the launch feature where you're going to build a tap to snap or can double tap the thing and use the snap camera. Even though you're still on the lock screen, then immediately on the heels of that there is an android twelve l beta elder large screens. I guess you installed on a pixel if you want to first summaries and where you can yeah cause, but but for emulators there's like a lenovo tablet that you can install it on. If you want to see what it looks like, but it's clearly designed for folding phones, right and maybe they'll make another go at tablets because they did the things
it should have done, which is like put a proper doc on it. Make rearranging windows via drag and drop part of the system level thing and not a hack that microsoft and samsung have to create. You know like The notification drop down. Control panel dropped on things, so it actually fills a screen instead of being ridiculous like the phone they ve made, andred, not terrible and big screens, or at least are taking a couple of steps in that direction. But there's just there's no big screens to I think there's a kindles there's like some random sampling tablets, or we make some stuff, but not here, and then there's like the one lenovo tablet. That is, I think, really only seldom like the uk I think, it's interesting. I'm glad there doing the thing that they should have done a while ago to normalize the: u eye on microsoft, to screen thing and folding and whatever else is coming, but it also like a pretty clear sign that either there still working on a pixel fold, yeah. I mean, isn't everybody
we talked about like way rising. They are, but like also everybody's from mecca falling from work. Right. I'm sure I was like dozens of folding from purgatory. Why, literally? Who wants this because it doesn't. I want this. It's great it's the best I've been carrying around an ipad many at home lately, instead of just by found like a tiny phone ipad, many and it's lovely to have a little a little device with a big screen, and I you know, I bought a fold powerful to have and use that for while I'm tellin you, man, like big screens, are great you're, the best brings our great no, I that I get a big skater pocket. That's great! I love the pro max and I guess you're saying folding makes that also compact right. That's the promise other makes it a little bit smaller here, given that I also just think everybody knows that new form fact cell inside you can deliver an actual folding found that works. That compromises, sanctions already iterated its way through some of the compromises. The lot
from a faces. Italy's it's like you make that add me like. Look this iphone folds and half the people who, just instinctively I don't, they're trying to solve a huge problem, I think that they can just see if they can just see a product that people and simple they understand. The other pixel news is apparently the mail and repair warehouse they were using gillis. Crazy was like people were, making their pixels into get ready. Heard and then the like their newts leaked? So that's horrible, and I want to tell you that light, psh never send your phone in for repair without wiping at first but like if the thing is broken, and you can't like use the screen to wipe it then, like you, you kind of have no choice to send it in before you wipe your data in a lot of cases, so yeah not cool. That's all it's like what other advice can there be, except to say, not cool yeah, I mean this is, and we talk about the pixel, unlike what it, what
Only a city like they need to market. They need is a lot of them. The back half of the story, the earnings devices, is like service and support right, and this is why we always recommended samsung phones over pixels for many years, even though we tend to prefer using pixels more ourselves because for the average person you can walk to a you know, sprint store if you use sprint and be like fix. My samsung and they'll be like ok, yeah or more likely will be like your contract is up in three months. We join you samson, but, like us, What is how sad is it that I still in my in my in my world? Sprint still exists? It just occurred to me. It's? U moles running, there's ads for free funds that they keep mentioning sprint customers to have you seen these had ever gets every running, things. Right customers, like you own, spread, like you, shut it down. Who were you talking to its god? It went away. Did you see this microsoft bug
Actually I don't know if it's a microsoft bugger, but if your team's installed an android phone, it would occasionally prevent you from calling nine one one yeah. Well, so the the phone app lets other apps plug into it. The iphone does this. Right- and so there must be something where the teams app wants to shop in your colleague that messed with the habit. But this should never happen, but that that needs to be like the phone up. There should be like an ironclad ghetto, secure enclave around that sort of functionality. It's ridiculous! So you what you think that their track hormonal I was writing and through teams inside denial and dispatcher, is getting messages like police and so like soft etons, all I'm saying is that grow hacking and its finest that that the microsoft software could have touched. Google software so like something there. One other phone stuff, Five g story with the affair is getting more more complicated by the day. So now. The FDA definitely was on
with the fcc and with it the telecom companies a t and t and verizon agreed The way some of their five g out uncertain bands saw these foia problems, now the affair, a saying, so flights in some weather conditions should not land using instruments alone I can see the runway raise, fuzzy interference, in eighteen t and and also promised, I think the lower power on airports or something and decide that these rules We played like certain equipment that allowed people want replaced anyway. It's like the I will just ass. The this is I mean it's, we usually see is like the ftc and the dj like fighting over who's, going to sue a big company. Yes, you see in the idea of which clearly not taught brodie s. He sees tie job is to manage spectrum in this country. Yeah, and yes, like that,
I only just got a heroine jessica rose and the warsaw was officially confirmed by the senate like two days ago, but they're still they're still deadlocked. They don't, it was not the fifth, but they don't need a vote for this stuff, like the votes that we care about, that, we pay attention to acknowledge like a big policy. Stuff yeah like most we at the ssc is full of engineers and lawyers whose job it is to this figure to suffer right. It's not that where this far into the five g cycle and the effort is like others, the problem with planes so, like maybe thousands of flights can't land look now sometimes when you're in a race. Some people have left behind. That anyway, did I will come. Lobbyists are out of control mad about this and sort of like the fcc people are are like when he talks about this earlier. So we'll see what happens
but it's anna there's something wacky here where, like maybe it was just the race, but in effect what is happening is the big eighteen t and verizon mid band rollouts are being affected by the affair yeah and we'll just see where that goes, and did you see this verizon story? So, yes, and it's like this. This is my ps3 moment. So there's this thing aware horizon has risen already had this program called like rising up early. Thing. Where was really obvious? Signing up for this to get a deal is definitely assign you have to have having collect more data we're doing it and even skis your way now, with verizon customer experience and customer experience plus and It seems rough shaking his head yeah, it's it's like come on verizon. You know famous adventure of the super cookie right yeah. What I believe is happening here is verizon and a bunch of other companies are turned that there is a start, but the suck for us are they're. Turning the
knob up on all of their like customer loyalty programmes and all of their like you no sign up and go some piece of information programme too, as high as they can go right now in case the stuff, with app hang on iphones and google chrome It's it's going to finally do something with flock, although my money is on they're going to waffle for an extra two two years. You know if the cookie pop collapse happens or if you know some. Without tracking gets shut down. There was a weird story where, like apple was, maybe letting people collect data on you know iphone apps, blah blah blah. All this has really frothy right now, but, like just don't sign up for anything, it's that's my advice to you so this visiting dearest argument was for the verizon super cookie ages ago was for eyes at the network level would just track everything you did on the web. Using something of a super cooking. You couldn't get rid of it and if you had
and found they were its buildings profile, you ever got mad. They turned off I'm too, This is evidence of their bringing back. You know for sure, rising entire media strategy. Remember they bought a well in yahoo and they merge into a comes spun out. And now you gotta that's my off again and just renamed rise media, the company that was known as for eyes and media is Just known is yahoo attack like no, no hiding the bottle like the corporate entity that owns, like tat crunching gadget, which are great sites and rubber by people, but like that corporate entity is now just known as yahoo attack like zero fighting the poor. What they're doing so now, because apps can't track their data on the phone for iceland can track your data on the network
It's then you've opted in because it's your carrier you're right. He resigned whatever contract. He got a free phone surprise and has all this data about where you are, what your traffic zoom, what your interests are, what websites are going to and then they can then flip that into ad tracking profiles and bypass all of the apple. The thing that throws a ranch in this is private relay is yes, I clouds the type thing. It's not a vip, amber, we'll call it that and right. It's almost like apple saw them coming. This is like fighting what how low stack of like the ability to blocked at a tracking? Can you get apples pretty down there, but then there's verizon's, I ll. Actually we can just sniff. If the packets and then apple's like well hold on we're going to put a wall up, so you can't so I have a feeling. This won't work is, is a roundabout way of saying that I mean carry yourself radius. It's a good bet, but like both this is what agency wanted to do with warner media like their stated
is her buying horn of africa is just ridiculous to think about it had a tracking and advertising. There is study like you were there. Russia seed noise like as a resource. Indeed you sound is up, for the other commissioner spot a break the two to tie and where I think we try to others with Russell ass. We others recapitulate succeeding. Sound is up for the last spot in the sea, and fox news and in wall street journal don't want her to be any fcc, but o n and news max do because she supports common fishing just like as a principle and over competitors, which is very high. That's, it has rules and also the ssc. But if you look at investment in networks themselves, capitalist furniture networks, when they got rid of net neutrality. The actual net investment networks went down because all of the broadband companies started buying media, they went and bought warner media and they went and bought a well. They did all this stuff because there are
monetize what happens on the networks as we can see the networks and then what city is were inevitably at. I don't have to say like this: you can see what's happening, like apple turned off the cookie stuff, they turned off tracking and I'll ever in us. Crazy ability track is like lit this yeah becca. How can you cover like a bunch of like snap, had like bad earnings? This is like hating these companies in serious ways. Yeah I mean what's effectively happening, is it's it's? A lot of. It is apple in the in the private sector. A lot of is actually coming from the E. U in the public sector, so between apple and the E. U and then, Google, or whatever the hell they're going to do you've effectively, you could think of the internet. Today it is like a big series of interlocking webs right where it was pretty easy for x company to sell it, sell data to another, or even just tell them hey like we think this
Does this and they corroborate what's happening- is apple in the eu with the cereal market service access coming out, sometime are just taking scissors and cutting all those webs as everything is becoming silos and we're in this like kind of adjustment painfully I spent period mostly brought on by apple right now, but like the things that facebook is doing, where it's you know getting rid of ad targeting options, you know where you can't. You no longer can target somebody but based on their sexual orientation. That's actually motivated by laws that are coming in the eu that are just clamping down on targeting from a legal perspective. And so yeah everyone's building these and there's a Eric super. It is like a super. Smart, add tat guy who calls them kind, at fortresses, but every app- and I I wrote this and tenure kind of package like every app- is going to become a super app where like, instead of you going off app to purchase something facebook wants you to do,
shopping on instagram, because when you shop on instagram, they know you bought it, whereas if they kick you off to a website, there's no more cookie for them to say. Oh, they came from our ad, therefore at work, and so this is going to reshape big parts of the internet for sure, and it already is starting to do that. Yeah, I'm just going to put an idea out there if you're, if you're an apple engineer I just want you to pull over in your car and think about this problem of these super apps and everyone trying to keep people inside their apps take a deep breath. And realise in your heart that allowing in that browsers was a mistake. Now should turn them off on your platform. Browsers, are the worst give, My tabs give me my browser my extensions give me own space, where I'm a control wherever that on the web and don't make me bounce from the twitter browser to safari. Don't make me you log in to
the new york times like irene article if jean times and every single app that happens to link to the new york times just send them all to safari. This isn't a problem on on chrome because they share cookies of the browsers, but still I'm just sayin ban in at browsers, and you will go a long way towards solving this super app tracking problem. Just they will end up back in court tomorrow. It's like it's like that. No other wedding and stuff. Add emissary had of instagram was in front of congress faced with serious set up shop in DC. At this point, move all executives there are met, I'm sorry matter the first time for Adam in front of congress. He said they're bringing back the chronological fee. What did you think of this hearing? Oh, my god, I mean how many more of these are
and have its like, if you forever casey had a great tweet about how you know it's like they just legislate through hearings right, like nothing actually happens, and it's all just a bunch of grandstanding. I mean I think I turned out of this hearing after like half of it, because it was just is just in comprehensible, and it's like you can just tell that. This is all it's all politically motivated, like all the sudden, all the senators care. What our kids and it's like you know it's all metals fault, and obviously there are problems here, I'm not trying to absolve them of all responsibility, but I just wish there was actual more. I come back to like the fact that, like the honest ads act, which is a response to twenty sixteen, like literally never happened- and there was like the only thing that managed to even like get some kind of interests in congress and yeah- I just I dunno. I don't think the american public really thinks these hearings are interesting or,
King like I, would be shocked, I just don't really know who therefore accept for donors and the media, and they won with serious as we're bringing chronological feedback. That's the actual news out of the entire whatever to three. Our hearing. As its again bringing back this thing, they killed for no reason it wasn't no reason, but that people hated that they killed years ago. So but it's got its next year. I'm sorry, twitter move faster than twitter. You can't always fast is twitter. What are you doing? Well, you know they are going through a lot over there. Ok, you know they got a lot of people in the meadow verse It's funny because, like that's francis, how you notice the facebook whistle blower, that was her whole thing that her her stop speech when she came out was like ban algorithms like the chronological feed will fix integrity on the internet
and we're going to see if that works and- and I would not be shocked if, like most people, don't even use this when it comes out, I don't think twitter's. Chronological feed is heavily used phrase. It is wow yeah, of course, man to be a twitter. Completion is too so. I'm in my entire thing is a twitter poisons your brain. We should quit so fine tension, Take my twitter experience as broken as possible. That's fair. I mean I remember, being a tweet bought, stand and like having to read every single tweet in my feed, because it would show you the counter before you could fresh. I'm really glad those days are behind me, but yeah. I don't know this whole like. Should we all be chronological feeds, or should we be algorithms- and I just I dunno they're doing this to appease the the the angry senators who who care about our children. So I think that the angry centers you're correct about dinner, so I think it does get them. Voters yelling at meta or facebook or instagram, is like
It works for both parties because republicans need like suburban women or buts. What's the yet, I think there's that at lake I think this next year. You know how is testifying, there's assuming this next chunk of the plan passes with as if it will the next invitations and we back onto to thirty and social media regulation. Like we ve heard both parties say they want to do and there there's gonna, be some me. Being full, though shit. The first amendments in our way, just common for them always say this every year, though, that it's coming like I can, I come back to like the honest, adds act, which was like a smart piece of like detailed niece focus legislation about like political adds like that new went nowhere. So I mean you really think we're it take meaningful section. Two thirty reform in a divided congress. I think what's gonna happen is dead florida social media bill more at its way through the courts, ragout stayed
texas social media bill got stayed like as those things move away through the courts are gonna and com. It turns us into a selection year and I'm going to start yelling about it like it's just easy money for a politician to be like facebook is bad sure. It's it's just like it's easy to be. Like youtube's poison, your kids. Do something about it. You don't realize me, the united states congress. My bill will make you tube sensor, conservatives like I could pray when a seat in up certain york right tomorrow. If I just like manner and say that, like its convincing lot of people for reasons that make sense, like people do not have great relationships at these platforms. Art dinner Dinner survey say that we say that a little differently They said they, like utility platforms, Google facebook youtube witches
facebook, so google on amazon really really highly rented, where they provide an ongoing utility. Like ninety eight percent approval and our survey you to weigh up there because what my refrigerators broke. I wash lotta youtube castration. I say I failed so now I argued youtube is very low as you break it further. My father was here and he is when the entire age lieutenants shreds, just as somebody it's yeah, it's fifteen years old! The thing is it's. It's not going to happen. Supply chain crunch is real. That buying the refrigerator right now is a real problem. Anyhow, those are all the top. And you get to facebook and instagram and twitter and there are weight people like them way less than I. I just think. That's like easy money for politicians. I think it's coming. Something is the sum conversation is coming in right at the centre of it is a theme park nothing either a government is gonna. Tell tell itself that the first amendment keeps it from regulating social networks, which is what the judicial
branches currently telling legislative branches or that's gonna change like those are the only two options or we're going to change the constitution yeah I think that our conversations coming in a serious way monsieur I do It's not in the they'll pass a law, but in the two states have now made a run at it and run directly into the first amendment and they're going to think that those lawsuits are going to wind the court censure last three things as free of lawsuits. I beg the apple, the deadline. Apple to allow links to external payments and about what what about metal buttons peace the deadline for apples will metaphors buttons to two other payments was gonna come, but the appeals court, which is unusual. The appeals court granted to stay
say it apple, had re serious issues rather ruling in the district court. That's on hold. What I would remind you is it skipping to the end of a legal process is not correct, like They issued to say that as we have won, it means after appeal, and it means when that's done, the others epoch. The google exists to and so then they're gone to cases that get appealed, which usually means yet another appeal, and that might mean you get a supreme court case right and epic's law firm, famously represented amex against a bunch of retailers lost at every level until they got to assume crucial supreme court and won. In an antitrust case about merchant payments. So I'm not saying apples and when Muschamp picks and lose I'm just saying, don't skip to the end that one one important The state does not appear to apply to apps being allowed to admit that payment systems outside
store exist so they can't linked to it. But an apple. I think apples already bent on this for the events in japan, they are not interested in finding that yeah yeah so like that to me, was always one of the most egregious things. So I hope that goes away with the quickness samson. Ro, as is our energy, happened, they ve merged their mobile and consumer electronics. Businesses yeah, I mean I see this as a function of the mobile businesses. Hurtin unit, like lake lit Really the business unit is heard What just followed every sentence under outages ike is an android phone records it what's it what's it to. You What's a tv, it's a giant entrance but like the tv people are in charge, like this is either just not a big deal or it's like I dunno the sony efficacious. Nevertheless, samsung makes phones, which is like a scary thought, because sony has not been greater funds anyway. I don't think we can read too much into it. Yet it might just be crazy. Samsung company politics,
but I do think that it may mean some like changes to the way that, like they've, been cranking out phones, I think that there might be in theory, maybe if we're lucky, some more coherency there, but who knows death as a person who's in the market for a refrigerator I'll say that I played with the samsung white fridge yeah at the store yesterday, man, putting a slow, midrange android tablet on the front of a refrigerator is not the compelling idea. He thought it was new to me, like you need one heck refrigerator, so you are going to come to see us. I m pretty sad that I won't be too in the refrigerator towards yes. Do they make a one would like a curve screw of the undertaking, given current refrigerator in your house, do you want to do an hour in refrigerator since I'm in it right now, I'm deep in the game. Do you know where you're on the antitrust regulators in the country needed turn their attention? There's like three appliance manufacturers, they all earthen, samson algae there.
I'm saying, algae and then there's higher regions, G and there's whirlpool regions. Everything else gotcha focused surreal, throw also appliance forms. Just a hotbed of internet activity. If the whole world here were not paying attention, yeah running unviable, yeah man, you want to you- want to see misinformation at work. You ask people about lg, refrigerator compressors and whether they're born or lastly, things. There is the really I'm story about the vice president in her wired headphones, just issue, Coren favours or new six senior security or forty years ago, While I agree that, but I'm sorry short, it's ok. If the most powerful people and government don't have wireless radios that intrinsically servers location beacons turned on that man citizens plan to make its products more parable, which is interesting that that is becoming a thing. Microsoft announced the plants in a sense. A plan like apple just did that
right repair stuff that movement work regardless of the legislation is proposed legislation. I know it may not have happened regardless of that, the market is demanding. Repairability in the companies are starting to realize they can sell it yeah. Well, especially, You're apple and you already major products on repairable. Why not just to get someone I fix, it can say, go for a kid. I was speaking this on twitter. I said it was right to repair equivalent of green washing because they didn't have any details about repair manuals or offering saw play some parts or whatever donors has emailed me, and there are not happy with my spiky tweet, even a little. I just for the record what say that spokesperson tom logic. We know that want to show you. This is a real plan with significant work already undertaken on products. We will release. And that you will continue to work to the details of how we manage this offer aspect that we move closer to launch were committed to consulting with organisations active in the space. For example, I fix it and fair
and to ensure our offering is as meaningful as possible. He admits it. The proof will only come when they released the products, but so does pinky swears is my new phrase. Him I this is a second time sentences announced a big thing and then every message: and they're like no. We should have said more just a lesson for all of us finish. Your plan, then really squint. Alright, that's it that's! The rush, as you can tweet at us alex, is alex heath reckless leaders at Babylon, tuesday, to which one was it. We matter matter that that's a good one, this the holiday spectacular continue with matter, buy a gen. Our new smart home reviewer has been working on that matter, piece for a long time, they're coming out together, like the the the the matter podcast. Features jennifer. Quite a lot is put into her big. Explain, or is it's a huge huge splash But you will understand what's common
and what's common is actually a lot. It's a spectacular gap to. I think tony fidel makes an appearance in the masterpiece. It's it's good. We talk about thread just a little. I could actually have a hell of a lot there as good and then, as I mentioned earlier, John hanky sea of gigantic on decoder next tuesday These last two decoders were the way to nazi is right. It was miss XL, which is on track to be the most popular episode of decoder. Ever people, love excel in full answer as a concept which I should have excited, because when I heard rousing only I do that John Erlich from competition do you talked parching, I was a good one and I will say in response to it is like people being like. This is all the problems with blockchain or people look at how our supply chains no in between which is, I think, a sign of again have simply That's it will wreck next week at russia. Struggle get a boost.
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Transcript generated on 2023-08-21.