« The Vergecast

LG quits the smartphone business / Sonos Roam review / Apple "Spring Loaded" event preview


Nilay Patel, Dieter Bohn, and Chris Welch dive into the tech and gadget news from this week — including theories on what will be announced at Apple's spring event next week, LG quitting the smartphone business, and Sonos' next speakers.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This week on average as chris welsh joins us, we talk about next week's apple event. Lots of stuff to preview. Algae has quit the phone business and, of course we talk about. as soon as one of you that's gonna happen of her chest. Now, pay awry reynolds at mid mobile. We like to do the opposite of what they wireless. Does they charge you a lot? We charge you a little so naturally, when they announced that we raising their prices due to inflation, we decided to deflate our prices. did not hating you. That's right. We're cutting the price of meant unlimited from thirty dollars a month to just fifteen dollars a month. Give it a try, it meant mobile dot com, slash, switch new activation in front payment for three. My plan required taxes in these extra additional restrictions apply, seem mobiles outcome for full terms.
Support for the show comes from gold peak, real tea, there's the time of day about an hour before sunset, where the rays feel warm and the breeze feels cool. But the hut hour of golden bliss is always gone too soon. He may rekindle the the feeling with a pot of gold peak made with high quality tea leaves it's smooth taste transports you to golden hour at any hour gold peak tea. It's got to be gold. The I welcome the forecasts of the flagship podcast spring, which is here and see what I'm doing here. He asked spring apple of that. It's a little way out here. I'm your friend did around here
I am you're a friend who refuses to make weird jokes about the apple event being on for twenty. I think, but I think you just did Chris Welch's here could be back. Always. This is great. We get. We got chris with the whole run. Today we got like a classic run, a gadget news to get through, including Well, then there was just announced bunch Tv news data has promised to memorialize the algae business in some way, but I want to start, we always start which is co, vade still at a story in the world. Although I got my In short, yesterday dinner, you got the J J shot got that last week, Wednesday, which was dumb timing, because it meant I was knocked out for the verge cast last week, let's trade chris. If I've been, Follow your instrument adventurous correctly. You ve got two of them. They have. I got my second. Last week I was down for twenty four hours, but tell me what it still worth it.
He was fully exhausts yesterday, although I did not have it as bad as other people I had five or so, and I heard there was going to be nasty, but it's actually just. I was just a sleepy boy, basic That is actually the news in vaccine world is right. Now the johnson johnson vaccine is pause. United states are excellent signs team. Nicole. What's when our health porter watched that press conference yesterday was a lengthy, detailed explanation of the six cases, a blood clots than have been discovered severe, Rare clotting side effect, we're watching that very closely we're. Also watching I mean if you listen to very fast. You know we spend a lot of time thinking about the information ecosystem and what this news might do to it, there's as much controversy about whether they should have an answer and pause it or whether they're doing exactly the right thing. In the end, all that really matters is people to get vaccinated. The other two vaccines are still going. If you have that opportunity
please take it as fast as you can and slide at the end of the tunnel, we're still tracking the vaccines with what's going to happen when Jj was happening with the astra zeneca vaccine. the side effects. Mary Beth actually wrote, are sensitive. Mary Beth regret, explain her of side effects and what you might expect the whole range go ngo that So that is that logistics problem vaccine rollout distribution tracking how effective they aren't for how long story ongoing project both Johnson Johnson and see a five or say actually said they intend to pay? You will need a boost. Her vaccine shot pfizer in about a year and changes so lots to come on that front, but I ain t shots. Chris got two shots. Dealers does one shot like already bergman. explain flight was going to say my parents, so you know it's. I see that light. I was also talk about. second, why would I call second were effects of the pandemic? we're just seeing that all of us
vaccines now with all the rest of its air being b, is trying to pre emptive. We detect like post pandemic like crazy parties, an area in these and cancel out preemptively, which is hilarious. We a great story about like that some nations souvenirs on at sea and other platforms which our hilarious. Speedier, has launched a tool, seek and figure out what restrictions in, like vaccine passport tee things you might need, as you travel in a moment, video about how co2 sensors might help us get back to court on foot normal by helping interact. They are caught in different spaces and ventilation, although if it's happening, but it feels like after a year a year plus now dip. There there's definitely a lot of theme in the tunnel. I do have to point out. Several weeks ago, Joe Biden promised a website yeah I was gonna, bring it up. I was out last week, eaters here too weak. I don't know exactly what number it too. I think it's like five owner. This kind of the weeks because the
well. The real deadline that he specified was may first right, so we have to start counting may first, although he announced the website. I think five weeks so there is a website there, their building a seat. You have said already exist. Please go to it on may. First, we'll have a lot of coverage about whether this website is actually happening but given the pace of vaccinations and seem so people are finding them if you haven't found one prisoner. Finally, and by the way, if you wanted tweet it needs a donkey that I lost track of account. You deserve it. but the real deadline is: may one apple news, dieter spring loaded spring comma, no comma implied calmer loaded. It seems to me the that's. The point is that there is just gonna, be a ton of stuff and its If you would like to think that there is something with a spring in it, that's gonna, be least I invite you to speculate. I have seen population where they took
our animation of like the swoopy colors form an apple yeah. They like broke them out a color and then, if you line up the colours in the right order, here, kind of maybe spells ipad. No did you see the one where they like. They took the spring swoop, and I like this is the hello from the original mac incursion. Yeah, it's like it. It is actually like it's an interest. Is it that it is a close enough where, if you want to believe that it is. I want apple, to bring security max back, that's what I want incur verified. The problem with computers is there too easy to move I saw your arafat higher fresh free, you think about it Ethel loves, I refresh rate. So that's what they're all that I just feel like the the name, and I we kind of there's a lot of rumbles, that they just mean. There's a lot of stuff and not a theme yeah. I think that's probably what it means. Ok, so there's a, but we we did this sort of
two or three weeks ago, but to me the thing that most likely is gonna be a new ipad pro of some kind. I've had many. Looking more and like more more likely right now that I expected I've just got it ear tags, because I am contractually obligated to assume that apples, granada, air tags at every single apple than for the past two years, there's so new airports, that sort of like borrows the sign language from airports pro and then maybe I mac- probably not- maybe maybe some else and then who knows what they're gonna do a services, because that plus bundle demands content yet so the words would segment order, so I had prone. I've had many seem safe safe pro. Almost certain many will see to government said that they're having supply chain problems with the pro, but that as an indication of the prior announce it am. I personally wasn't expecting a man
I figured. The many was basically on the iphone se track or apple, makes it and then forgets exist for five years and a like, oh shit, they make another one of apparently not when they got to you fight. Air travel from back all those pilots that use them for fight manual lost the old ones. They gotta get new ones, ear tags. They just announced the third party devices. it can support, find my yeah, which seemed like a prelude to and destroying this devices with hurt? Third, so that what ipad pro and many like eight out of ten certainty, yeah, I feel our ear tags at a seven you have, I would put the apple tv it for police, cause. A rumours are at us that they're, like their thinking about making a good Rumours are there thinking about making it into a facebook portal is like a full on my camera. Speakers and syrian whatever
yeah. I just like, given the state of that rumour, that's do not ready to an asset. We are happy and in surprised, if they did, but at four and then I would put it. I am at the two yes agri. Nowhere at only bared they got that's like they need to have a stair in person redesign the computer that gun it, they wanna hands on area, they can see that moment. Coming. That's my guess or they'll: do the data we see an old like start somewhere else, my big thing with the ipad We know that there can be the many led screen, probably just on the big one will be able to be it's about new screen technology, that's the favorite thing to do at the verge, especially in this room of the three but then there is also one of you do the processor, because they, I just have one max which blew away. Intel stuff, I try and do something impressive with the ipad pro or is it just going to be yep still fast cars? To cares? How fast the ipad processor is because it's fast, I dunno
yeah. You know it's funny because for years he'd be like this: I've had is faster than windows laptop, and so it it will still be faster than windows. Laptops, and I think they can stay in that lane for as long as they want to without comparing it to the apple products right in them with when they put at the max there, like that, battery life and all the other stuff that arm gives them there, but I dont have any interest in doing had had comparison, sir, now they don't, they are actively trying to avoid it right. The and you know I think, then one has a bunch of stuff that a serious processor process the issue is system on a ship does not half crack already invited. The people are treated me about certain something up: open, more noisier, Christy you care about this? This new screen tech that we're expecting? Maybe I mean we'll see how nice it is. I bought a two thousand and eighteen pro twelve point, one engine, I love it, use it all the time, and so I skip to the twenty nineteen or twenty twenty fresh. That was very easy to do their here's a light. Our centre wasn't much of an upgrade,
but this time you know what the screening it's a lot brighter. Maybe but it sounds like that's going to be the main difference that we're looking at so and many ideas, nice on tvs, not sure how much will notice it on my back the screens already gorgeous and other like white color and their sharp and so will have to see, how can it looks in person, given that the primary benefit premier efforts are potentially battery lay maybe some brightness depending and that's like a big question mark. Is you are still thinking battery life make it brighter. You might end up making a decision to preserve a better life and then contrast ratio raymond. That's like what you get at least on the tv side. That's what you would get out of it, I am like again it's like well, maybe we're all going to fly on planes again and I'm like man. I really want those like deep inky, blacks, I watch a movie and my eyes had, but I have never once thought about the contrasts ratio. If I about Can I have my lad. The older generation probity of the smaller one just has it occurred to me to care about it now
for disagree, though yeah. If I had proper inky black on my eleven inch ipad, I would probably use it to read in bed. Oh that's, really interesting. Yeah cause I cause, you know, put the kindle in like black darker on my background mode and just use that I've been doing that did that with their C4 too, which are just return by the way I've been doing it with the here the surface. Stu o is pretty great, but those phones Aren't super super good at letting you crank the brightness way way way way down yeah, but apples, pretty good like letting you get the brightness as low as you want on on towards phone. So I would love to be. to use a user ipad in bed to read night edna in a dark mode yeah. I guess it's true. I do appreciate the inky blacks of my iphone, but when I before I had them, I wasn't like man. I care
at this, and then I was like. Oh, I really care about this like you can never go back so we'll see I we talked with this. I think two weeks ago, the last time we did a show it where the ipad goes. Like I fancy your screen. Is nice progress here like happy with your I've? Had with this get you to upgrade the battery life could get? There is if you like, you used to have that promise laptop. It does drain pretty fast, so they can improve that. I thank you. be pretty meaningful, because you have like em on max now that just like sip power and like the ipad pro is not quite as good about that. So my the little one that we have is it is and light room ingestion device. So when you come back from going out with max you put in the car, just the voters and like maybe I can there, maybe I'll go to the computer boy it sitting there as we do it. It also max is preferred color in the surface and those are the only two uses. It's like. I have a notes. App that is synced with just
crazy, crazy, max colouring and then like lightroom, is open on the island of maybe I would have greater larger one. Maybe, but yeah, but like we're getting exactly out of this ipad, what I expected that we would in I have yet to see, particularly if anyone acts like on the horizon. There is not a reason the world and I'm like. I need to upgrade at this time, we'll see I'm but you said I think this will be the big thing that they announced. So what what's going on happening. Is that the shipping, as can be limit, delayed because of screen or maybe chip started. Who knows which means it like? You could probably wait and see. This is the dvd seer, where they do something to the ipad cause. It seems like that's every other year for them that they try hard on the ipad. Other software side ass on software and last year they did not try hard with the ipad a year before they tried very hard. So I'm interested to see what they do this year yeah I dunno what to say about air tags
We expect them to come what is taking. So how can you be able to find stuff about immunity though this crazy mesh network idea right, like that the underlying its built. It's there. It's called find my it's been around They got a lighted up and, like you know, they keep calling after in front of congress- and they gotta tell congress, they did a thing like the here's. My theory, switch to turn it on a code that, to turn it on is a filing cabinet and in the end, and they always has been working hard and some alone the key and they just I dunno dunno. How we'll just have to wait till we find it ironically enough until they can launch yeah that'd be great. Actually they are going back to the office. we are expecting? Some bundle of announcements are and service its right like pocket several music news. This is their big push, fitness plus they just announced some more work out like there's a lot of things they could talk about, and we just have no idea what they might talk about apple tv plot,
right. They announced a bunch of chosen coming back. They just put on a tree for the second season, a method Cuesta they get announced that they it's more of it and it's available to stream. I have no idea more ted lasso. I mean it. It is definitely to do right leg. So the question just like in what order again we are expectation of this event- is an interest It's it's like a samsung cs keynote every thirty seconds or somebody like we made submarines and washing machines, there's a phone there's a lot like it feels it gets, that kind of vibe to it. But this mrs piece, you know it can I guess what it really is. An ipad we We want to know, what's gonna happen, their taxes, you have to do it with services like any one of the mill interactions all I want is apple. Music hd have been waiting for years, and I ask for me to say you don't no one cares about this, but now that spotify beat them to the punch, I think they might be paying attention. But more I mean it's like free money for them, wonder if they ever.
Turned down like we can just pay us more money for an imperceptible increase in sound. I am surprised that they haven't latched onto some nonsense, three music thing, because I do. Spatial audio. They ve got home, pods the admiral and he might make it better tell you, they are doing it and, like you came here, have been here, since they would like kind of Well, I'm I'm surprised they haven't gotten all way there, what I looking for two is like fourteen point: five is coming any minute: we the like it'll, come out that day around. Then it's got the big, privacy warning, opt in thing sharp and every single app can we track. You were not they're gonna. Do a little started song and dance about privacy? Maybe I'll take a shot at mark Zuckerberg disclosure. My life works for facebook. Reality labs apple. Gonna have everyone's attention for how long is this? You know. Infomercial live stream. Keynote thing logic lasts. as I use it to to you now, push
angle in that fight, maybe apple when you watch an apple echo in keeping the one they did with the with an answer putney, many and literally built a house like we washed haven't like Apple events are all out like how awesome it is inside the apple ecosystem, right and there's a whole little story about like happy people talking to siri or whatever they're doing until I go out of it in like a before I make against space, which is kind of like breaks. The happiness of the event might not fair, they might do to doubled over yeah. That's definitely because they are, the answers are supportive to it and there is a way to talk about it. And they need to know what add tracking tech they are allowed to use or not their developers. Here, it's like visually, too stuff tucker. I'm curious that you know. Ashley carman had a a piece last week about how apple's podcast roger seems to be just extending its television, franchises
I am very curious how they talk about that, given that spotify is making a huge push in a podcast, we keep hearing about Google's big push in the podcast like it's a hot part of the media ecosystem in apple. Just is the eight hundred pound gorilla that doesn't seem to do a lot. They really just don't do a lot, which is good and bad like I like that they run an open door. We have podcasts every other. Podcast player is allowed to use, write like, but do you think apple likes that it runs an open directory of podcasts? Do you think apple's? Happy being you know the source of so much free, open content that you know is run off classic web standards? You think that's something that apple boys, I think, when the podcast team rolls up into like the board meeting and they're like here's, our plan to expand, and then TIM cook is like great. That sounds good. How much money do you need or like
five hundred dollars. You have made a lot of money there. How much money you think they're gonna make me look like a thousand dollars is like we make the iphone like I'm. Not. I don't care about this money like it. I dont think that part like it's big business, respond. If I, if Google can get a bunch of exclusives or whatever google's gonna, do and get you to switch to android, like I dunno. What they're going to do did they run an advertising business, so they create more surface area for advertising, Google's very happy apples. I did you buy an iphone, but here's an app that's on it, we started this conversation with apple plus apple, one whatever bundled needs content. What about apple, podcast plus with exclusive shows, and they get it bidding war was spotify to get bruce Phronsie. Brok obama, you know next season or whatever, and that, if you subscribe to the bundle you'll get all these bonus park ass. It apple produces here I just showing. If like the Duma,
boomer energy of all the boomer energy companies didn't get the obama in brief, Springsteen shall have no interest like that is like in the strike zone of apple stuff, like it's like Oprah and then you're, the boss in renegade, do in their show yeah, I think to show is called renegade right and as yet My guess is that they think of podcast is a nice extension that people in their ecosystem and not a business, is big enough to care about right, just some what we know spotify my guess, is. If apple sees away to further bolster their story to their investors that their an important services company that makes money on services they'll, do it even if it doesn't make that much money yeah it will see again. This is what I am saying that we are expecting a bunch of services, announcements yap in order and what scale across each of the many services like they just announced sure games new, pressing model, propagates plus they did not do that. At this event, they announced headed
Does that mean that this event is too crowded, or does it mean that they're, just like yours, we're in a try different with games real? I pay too much the services narrative for apple. Is there and they've been pushing it and they've been slowly building up a suite of products and they have the bundle. I would not tell you that is in focus I think they're still. What's in once out our works, you this us inevitably to the apple tv, the least in focus product in the entire hope that will- I was excited about a couple of years, so, of course we have you here. What's your reaction to the idea that they're going to bolt a camera onto it and then like make a home, that's more like an apple show. I mean the camera part is getting here. And they can make sense in like the age of working at home, but I still find that a little bit strange, the speaker part, makes sense. I mean you've got like you're, doing soundbites that also have their software built in sudan. Idea is good. I think having apple to seem to get those kind of late to these ideas and we'll see what this turns into product. It sounds like it's. Fairly early on something. For now the other should just cut the prices.
apple tv for care because it still just sitting there and is way too much money. I They should finally pulled about it off and switch the primary interface to tv up. So I you know, has all of you yelled at me so much. I bought the new chrome cast with Google tv and it's great until it until it like good, slowing, crashing right, sometimes very crash. Is I I would say it's great six days a week one, and then you know on the seventh day you have to reset it it's up. It's not quite that bad, but it can be. but it's great right like it has all the recommendations, the hilariously they made a big deal. The reason I bought it was they announced the apple tv plus was on it, which meant library of movies that I've bottom apple tv were now available in this other device. switching costas zero. I bought a competing. The free market works? Is even a single hour show you understand this switching costs when two zero illiteracy apple tv plus up does not.
the recommendations and does not show up and ways to watch and then on. The trunk ass was introduced. And it's like ways to wash this movie. Even if you own it an apple tree, He doesn't show the list. Which is where is because you would think google like apple? Do you want to integrate into our thing an apple tree? I guess we'll be losers, arrests, but instead they said no anyhow, it's great That is a vision for the future of the thing we're all the cards, this disaggregated works apple has that its tv up and they won't just bite the bullet and make it the primary interface or sullenness like we're an world. I think if they just did that much, they can tell you that the product was now upgraded from a two, a ten raise like ancient correct, just like ass. He got the pipe adds. People are recycling cubic now has an age. Well that we put the interviews and you could tell tell people its new now. It demands a hint of minister, put a new processor and give it each day my two point, one specks and then call today, hopefully in a better price.
I'll see you wasn't, I do think the idea them to the homepage. Yemeni apple tv team are now this the same home devices team. I do think lots of people use apple photos if they can get their head around a great screen technology and say this is a great photo frame that run SIRI people will just by this is the reason that we have good ones, not a licence, because we use good offers an apple It's a good photo service that people use at scale amazon, for whatever insane reason has chosen not to build such a thing, but I think that's a that's a winner of a product for them we made an apple to youth, a camera where you can put it. He knew tv's, I don't have any room under them and if they do reseller there who will go above is the idea is going to be a separate like a wire is it gonna, be one back down shipping a thing with a? Why are you kidding the apples? He is the camera and that into your tv? That's That's the only way they would ever does design such a product did I do
connect. They should just decided to take the extra ipad, many screens they're, making slap them on the front of a home pod. Many and call it a day. They would sell something like this is like again. I don't think we're can actually see the stuff, but I think apples- Products are limited by how few of them they make like how many echoes in every shape in size that you can conceive of you wanted when a plug outlet here to see one another, I'm assuming Van fan, surprise apples, we make one circle. It has thread in case. That's what you wanted you to flee, told em like it doesn't do a lot and I think that needs I like just make a bunch of these unfair where the markets taken it. Aren't you want. I listen. There's like I want to talk about the act, but it's gonna come out again to come our dinner tell me. We mentioned air tags, and it seems like sampling- is from a front runner gathered
I jumped out with a there there another version of the smart tag with ultra wide band. It should be available to buy by the time you're listening to the show the whole like samson. World of find your stuff. If you wanna go live in that world that galaxy? If you will, my god, you can, I do No, that you should. I don't know that I trust samsung, to support this product long term, but it's there and samson gets to say that they put there's our first, which I think there legal, this are you ever ballads runs into the rest of this tv stuff. We knew this is happening actually this year logic, bracken barrow was on the verge hesed in twain, nineteen, before I like. We were. Remember enery him in the office so clearly the before time asked to about orbiting around city hemmed in hot and said what a great community a clear indication that there was going away, but now a year in change later. Indeed it has gone away. So here's my thing
there's nobody there too. They didn't get killed by a competitor. It's just that! There's just no longer a demand for a good universe or like no one, no one by some thinking. killed by h, t m, I c e c more than anything else, yeah, that's the case. I think like when you buy a roku or like a fire. Stick like it has that remote. That does enough tv functions like or volume to cover most You want to see me, you don't have like twenty things in your home theatre set up yeah, but like either you just you the smart tv app underscored tv nor you have set up box and apparently the hd mice easy good enough. Maybe you've got a cable box, but the the world in which you need to. I dunno have fifty things on your tv and you need to control the remote control is apparently gone or everything works off like proprietary, bluetooth now and so, like you couldn't get it. I dunno it's very confusing to me that there's literally not enough of a market to support one company making one good
we so remote. Don't talk to you about kava another mean that's like a sideways bad product. We saw my parents on and it's great what you like does the job for them, but they have many updates to make along the way what harmony were not good products the end does not wait to make no lawyer five years ago they were like ooh. These are kind of bad products, and now, after, like years of neglect, like I'd really like setting up a harmony. Remote is one of the most painful experiences you can have and so like I think it's like there was enough to support it and they also just didn't care about it because I would have you know this logic made so much money last year that they just made a super bowl. Add about how working from home means we have to love each other and by new keyboards you that's what they're doing
yeah. They were out of stock of webcams last year and airline webcams keyboards in my mice, yeah like went crazy. They crazy have a huge business, huge business in like twitch streaming. They bought that software bought that people like that people like studio, that's logitech- and this is all it was was telling me, I think it's less. They got killed by sea easy because, as we have all happened, Even the html forum doesn't care about so easy. I think they are killed volume buttons on the road to remote which took forever for rocard even put their yeah, and they got killed by the fact that the tvs themselves are smart, so, like most people have nothing connected to their tv and well who do? I think our way more comfortable having multiple around some coffee table than anyone anticipate lay its It's actually not a problem to solve. Like I have to go to my coffee table, I think it's done every now and again I look at it, but I want harmony product page and we are not using the software program.
Have to remotes. Then use the software there's gotta be answered, Christina how long they're going keep supporting the existing arrangements, thus offer them. like a firm time limit. So they are going like more devices like to the sport list as new stuff comes out which I'm not really sure how long they would actually stick to that. That promise, but sounds like they're like have some sense of customers referenda will see you just an hour ago, I spoke like they're gone wasted, Cavo was kind of on life support and you can even order their products currently from what I've seen. So I'm not sure if that's like a chip shortage thing or what it is but yeah. So this whole, like market is gone the super high up stuff like control for like those. Instead, listen, that's still there for the people who can export and spent thousands of dollars for, like some nice touch me, mental control their whole set up, but like your thing now, just like we ve got all these tvs that are smarten. So don't let that middle thing until a kind of handhold you through everything. Here I mean I would say you and those they hire. Control for a restaurant things are like the kind of bad product. Because this model under them is you have to.
Breaks used to call it the whole one thinks you're, not a user configure wool, and so there I just think that they're kind of engineered to be a little a little brittle, so you have to always call the the integrator it's a good business for the integrators. Don't get me wrong, they all seem very happy Three ever modes apple tv plus experienced on buttons the writer amount, which is big of a sign of apple, not caring about its on hard, whereas I can think of us into just happened, because I just got this requirement in and the one I got It's not have this button on it. Yet so I sent them an email, and I'm like is this going to happen they're going to change the button, so, like virtue unhappily just worked out this deal, this is the first time the buttons on the regime for services that I care about. for the longest sunday crackle, but there's a crack about. There's a sling tv Therefore, while in as they are not yet my nestling tv instead of the apple, so I guess that's all it's getting kicked off a coup had more money
so now? It's a netflix disney plus hulu and apple tv plus, and it's like alright, I buy it like that's the right set of buttons crackle Do you like a reasonably good, secondary market of worker rights with the buttons you want like if you go on Ebay or whatever they advertise their their replacement around specifically like this one has a netflix, but some people didn't it. arthur runs buttons, never go obsolete, so your roku, they have a new sharing player and new remit, the upper the new players cheap, As for a let's get hd our ten, it's your ten plus soldiers, the first for you it comes with a voice, remote and other votes against. the rechargeable voice, remote, which is the one I just got an email, and so what kind plug is it? That's a mike usb twenty twenty one? Twenty is unfortunate, but it's got hands got handsfree, MIKE's, builtin seek and lake call out to it like find my remote
it'll sound out a tone, and I can tell it open, apps and stuff, but so since I, my whole personalities bikes now, I've got like like like sudden and garment, doesn't whatever every single bike thing uses maker, usb at its just like I just okay, fine whatever. Yeah. It makes me happy that I have a giant cache of the old palm micro usb cables because it had a little divot where you could tell which side was up by holding it. You'd have to look at it. You just like The cable, you know, excited postscript, so I've got a whole box of those final eaten. This is the time you open the door for the old cables, there's nothing better than that. Feeling The way when you know you have some extremely bizarre, cable. Yes, you open that door of crap in your life, I did it. I saved eight dollars today.
square usb be cable or whatever the printer, bulgaria cable, that one when you, when you need that one and you ve got it you're you're a superhero. While this firstly turned a very yellow. That's been my experience. I have no fewer than three file cabinets. What little cables it's bad, it's bad! It's fine! They belong to me. That's! That's a fact about them. What's this update on the roku S, what does it mean that they're having instant resume for streaming? Paso? Usually, if you like, bowed like nothing or prime video lose your place, which I always found was kind of strange in these things, and so now, if you open up son The roku channel and some other small ones will actually go right back to where you are, which is like a nice small thing, but this does now with netflix or any other services. Personnel will see. If that happens, and as I think that this update brings at airports in the future and more devices before it was on four came on all snouts going down like hd stuff as well, so that will be on more.
stuff. I mean it is just tremendous to watch apple like divest itself, caring about tv hardware like they just decided they it is just not what you would expect from a company right in a make a tv and I like we, put a button on the roma remote and why? But we'll see tobacco is very good it's very good shot, we're going to take a break we'll be back. We have a lot of a lot of phone news talking about wherever I am ryan reynolds at mid mobile. We like to do the opposite of what big wireless. Does they charge you a lot? We charge you a little so naturally, when they announced they'd be raising their prices due to inflation, we decided to do
late hour. Prices do not hating you that's right. We're cutting the price of meant unlimited from thirty dollars a month to just fifteen dollars a month, give it a try. It meant mobile dot com, slash, switch new activation and up front payment for three. My plan required taxes in these extra additional restrictions apply seem mobiles outcome for full terms. between the kids being home and hosting everything in our house, get used up in summer within cigar can save money by stocking up on all my favorite summer brands. I save time like it everything delivered in as fast as an hour- and I say it myself, a simple of dirty dishes by stocking up on paper plates for the annual summer, cookout save more on summer. Essentials spend more time. I'm enjoying summer add some are Deckard. download the apt to get free delivery on your first. Three orders offer valid for a limited time. Minimum ten dollars border additional terms apply we're back, So we had a tyrant algae, leaving some business and I will I'll just tell you this one story years ago at a
I reviewed algae fun. Unsurprising, Like you mean this is like more than ten years ago now, stuck with me I dont know rubber why it's very specific memory, but I was in a car going through the tunnel out of manhattan back home, the midtown tunnel and algae pr pr? She doesn't work anymore, so not like burning was, for somebody called me and he was like you're not giving us enough credit as like, but the phone is bad and he is like we're. The only thing in samsung, so you're not giving us enough credit for trials and, as I that's great stop yelling at me, your phone is bad. Went on through the entire length of the tunnel and ireland. thinking. Who am I talking about on the lg phone? Just the phone is actually able to hold signal the tunnel. Maybe it's not that bad cheaper, but I remember thinking to myself, I'm ending this conversation when I come out of the tunnel, no matter what happens and the like what I gotta go, but it was just this like their entitled.
again. This is a long time ago. For more than ten years ago. It was a reasonable who think that they would be the big competitors, samson yeah, and then they weren't. It should seek. I started to lose its way. It was like our lg will do it, but they I know there was the the g four, which was like we're going to make this we're going to make it modular, and you could like pull the battery out and there's like this weird plastic. Then you attach the battery and you can test something else and blah blah blah blah and they had the flexible phone. The flexible phone and then plug diverged Ass fans will know that the real a nail in the coffin for energy is when they launched the G. Six and didn't references. Are vodka that they really they really blew it. They had. It was right in their hands because of us, No, this is true. They called far east movement, the band, acquires the other way around, I think mike working here then, and he like colonized movements, manager to be like have a license like a g sex for you,
believe their answer was that would be cool They had a talk emerging, go anywhere and yeah like their, their phones ended up being kind of forgettable. There was one where I literally gave them a participation award like we ve got a little longer than men and put an end to the phone, but they're kind of forgettable, but the problem was they were kind of forgetting all, but it didn't they. They were fronting like they were added sup competitors with samsung and they just words, and so they they deserve. Making weird stuff and apparently the market have just selling the cheapest phone to carriers. There's too much competition on low and despair, from like tc l, who apparently wants to be the new algae, their hard charging and were both of cheap phones, but also with weird phone. and yes does is acknowledged, don't have a business, I would it'd, be sad, I'm a little bits but I'm more sad that we'd net we had it
chance to have android, not just be samsung. There is a minute there were. There is energy, hd, c and samson and now it's samsung and I just think one plus examine away like, in the united states. I think where do we have to look very much? If I say about it, there's way more competition as way more competition, but here it's like rough and but sales triumph and they'll be in there, but tat the thing about tito verses. Algae is tc, oh no one! as a tc I'll phone thinking, it's gonna be heads of competitors. Galaxy is twenty one no one has an illusion for a while, just trying to sell its phones like they were heads of competitors to samson phones when they just weren't. Here I mean I'm like I am sad that algae isn't gonna like put out some insane no idea every year and on the dot till they were the ones really trying, but it's not like. I. I've bought so many phones in the show. I have never impulse bought phone while you can now
can buy a tcl fold and fold, unroll someday it screens on the outside and unfolds, and then on top of that it rules out to get even bigger. for it. You just everyone, just assume that I'm I'm typing right now to buy a do you imagine that had something happening. So, there is one company that I wish would compete with samsung. The u s and that a sony there six very one. Three and the experience I have three and the Also, she hot they look really good there that they bear. These axiom one factor is the exterior one too, but very, very good, incredible screens, maybe they'll get there. married this time, but if you're willing to go in to promote- and you wanna like to have really incredible focus or take gingham high framework photography, like twenty francs per second photos, you could do that these.
I also work as a monitor for your slr camera, a special usb c cable. You don't have to buy the exterior pro with an hd, my in any more they it's just their fast. The software is relatively lightweight they're, beautifully designed but for some reason, sony can't cellphone for less than his thick and her son, and they can't get u s carrier support, just can't. I want support five june eighteen t it'll. Finally, support for she and the other to carriers, but none of the carriage carry it. and so it is also doing the thing where they announced the phone three months before you can maybe by it and I ve been doing it for three years now just announced the phone. and then I see the phone. I go. Oh that's hot, and then let me close by that's how you and how to do it We must not make everything about its competition policy, but I will do and even half a chance. It's here did sony needs this much carrier support to our lisa good phone with features people want. So I
I will say I tweeted about this a little bit mp like you know. Europe exists as like. I know, but I'm not a smart. I don't know much about europe as u s and account people like yeah, that's, ok, they have cared for here, but also doesn't matter which is of particular here. I just to me. It's like we're in an we live in the same sun like if you want to buy an android phone new walking your carrier store what year inundated with samsung messaging, because they they pay for each other. Basically, there all wrapped up in the deals with each other, then there's a bunch of private funds that other people make and that's kind of, like the shape of it, but to mobile sign that huge deals. Google threats are pushing pixel phones to we just talk our cs. Now I will start with the pixel five ay who the pixel five hey, this announcement is so incredible if you missed it, because I went by really fast. There was a rumour that the pixel five eight was cancelled,
came from john processor and then entered central said that they had a sources confirming it, and so then, Google we were about to reach them were written the story and they proactively email thus and said the pixel five areas not cancel its coming out. I will announce it in the usual way. announced the phone in order to deny a rumour that the phone was cancelled, get like the most google like What team is not interested in your standard media play book? very much more. Like did someone tweed about us today. We announced the phone so that it did so last time, but the last I believed it was like fun jaunty and, like others, rumour you ought to see a picture will show you a picture. This hybrids, like you guys, were still here. We haven't catalogue. making the phone atherton cancelled, the pixel story, But this is like utilities as we grant there is the the pixel we're not. And old, and then there's the hour cs now hence isn't going away. Ok, so
light reading an industry blog about the telecom industry when asked, asked bunch bunch carriers- and this is- I wish I just thought to do this because t mobile now to deal with google that they support, Google, but you know there is, for you know, entered messages and so he reached out to everybody else's hey what about the cross carrier? such an initiative that you announced in two thousand dean where you're going to created. You know you're all going to support rcs and it will be great and verizon was like the company that was going to build them, build it for them was like we don't know and then drives like yeah we're nowhere with that and then eighteen o commented, and then they eventually come to us that now we're not doing that. So everyone saw this as ha ha arcy, as is dead. Let me be very, very clear about this zone. a man like an hour. She has booster penalized data. You must be so sad that irish, yes, is that, unlike what s not dead too
can die and I will be totally fine. I don't care, I just wanted to be. Coherence and the c c o my plan was verizon and a t and t and t mobile to get together and make a super cool texting out that you could use. That would be at the quality level of say, verizon messages on android, that would have been a nightmare and they would have also done a whole bunch like really dumpy like business services in the background. That also would have been terrible, so them abandoning that plan means they got like a terrible plan got abandoned now. This could be that they wasted time on a bad plan until their and set back. It could mean they're gonna screw up our see us again in the future. It could mean they're going to continue to drag their feet on europe's profile, making everything cross compatible any number of thousands of things could continue to be, slow, annoying crappy, incompatible or confusing with our cs, but This one thing getting killed is actually good news. Yeah
like about this most is that you insisting that you don't care that much is still evidence. care more than anyone else in the world. You know that's the formation of the sea and I, I believe happen I was at a remote recording studio. I hadn't behind the world somewhere and the news came in while we were recorded, and I emergency bailed on the third class in the milk quota and ran out and sat in my car and called up sprints. Who would like I knew Actually, behind this thing, and I got the story out, that's for an executive, deaf doesn't work at him over now. You know that. Like the deal closed, up to him, and now I hear the dated caesium. I it's time for the timetable we unspent bye, bye. I want this to happen, like here, the apple, an epoch, glossy is ongoing. There are tons of discovery yeahs, where we're going the emails out of both companies now and someone
reduction. Some them aren't. Epic is obviously trying very hard to show the apple acts competitive ways in an Some are you see the emails right while near now? and so, if there one an unnamed or employee rights the number one most difficult reason to leave the apple universe. Is I message I message That's two serious lock in in phil, shoah responds moving since you android will hurt us more than help us. This email is why it's an obstacle to iphone families, giving their kids android funds is what craig Federal We always see these. We were grown apple. The next week, third european states are like the lovable dad's of the apple world, just goofing and then of pope of also that the most successful tech executives in history and, of course, their sharks when they talk to themselves I buy it. I understand this is
done the reasoning- and I know it's locking they're keeping it in that's all fine and if you are sympathetic to apple, you have already treated me did of course deserve it. I know that this, because this is what my tweets were when we did the story, but the questions like is that how you want the market to work like all of these little bits of lock in all which are totally reasonable for the individual company to do, none of which are like horrible, but all of which keep you from switching when you add them all up and like I don't know inside our cs, if it works like one big questions will apple what it on this platform. Knowing that I messages locking people in, do you want the government like you, have to use our she s now. That seems like a disaster just given the nature of our cs: pitcher of government, hidden text, thy, ok, so law. The long term goal here is to spend down ass a mass like we'll care ears, have the guts to spend?
ass, a massive apple doesn't pick up our cs anna and certainly by two apart decease you might like their whole, e business idea having flower shops text you with rich pictures or now that's I'll exists if other during an independently. Of course there are, All of this is like where's recovers, epic lawsuit and trials coming up in may we're gonna hear a lot about it and I would just the focus for me is like they know it's lacking. They know they talk they use the words locking yeah. They know the blue bubbles, key people on their platforms and key parents by france. What's the thing that would make you say: okay, this is finally have a competitive if it's not that what it at how many things have to add up- and I I just I still I dunno the answer. I I couldn't tell you that this is enough, like, coarser using the word, the describes what it is tat, what other they use, but the thing it blows me we're about this. It's not that their emailing things discoverable to each other. Is that so
killer needed to explain that he thought that I as a vulcan was a good thing. By foreign email, saying it and said: Assuming everyone knew that's. What he thought he know He's like off. There all drive, Therefore our is dictating. The emails using syrian car play it's great and taking gonna break I want about the sonos around as much others are talking about where we are back. This episode is
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on our upcoming season. You'll hear legendary investors like charles hudson and was within invest over a million dollars in the start. Ups featured on a shout- and let me be clear, none of this is staged. Each episode of the pitch features real entrepreneurs pitching real investors for real money. Then we go the extra mile to tell the true story of what happens after everyone shakes hands and walks out of the real listen to the pitch podcast to learn from the smartest investors and founders im worried season. Ten starts on Wednesday august, twenty third the pitch for free wherever you listen, the pot casts back chris, you reviewed the rome and then there's some kind of crime. the ikea pictures.
Speaker was sonos, what's going on here, so the room ships next week on the twentieth and and so they added another review of It- and that sounds great for six and speaker, it's clear, crisp, really well balanced. It's got airplay to Google, it's gonna lex on there, and so it does a lot of stuff and sound really good, but it is like at its core six inch speaker so like as long as You don't set crazed expectations, I think you'll love. It does not contain like now A party by itself can handle big room, very well, and so I think like for those cases you want as move more so than the room, but for a nice that take anymore speaker mean mean sonos, did it yeah? Can I should I need to move a bunch. My sort of speakers around that I might need some surrounds. Can I can I use a massage? You cannot use the misery ends and ocean, without which it is not even a ridiculous thing to have wanted in the first place. I think the answer is yes, that's a dump they do have wanted. I don't think so. I got quite a few questions about something, though, something that something people want button
It's like this really make much sense. You know they're battery powered yeah, that's fair, yeah! I I love that they have cheap charging that you could just like, set them on whatever wireless charger you've got. That seems like yes, every speaker should have had that for years. Yeah I mean it again. There's light at the end of this tunnel. Do I need a portable speaker right now? I don't but like getting this out before. Maybe it will reopen and there's like a whole cycle of people going places. I could see it I'm into party speakers as it turned out pretty. Well, I think buttons feel great. They have actual bundle you push instead of zones as usual touch sensitive capacity buttons, which would not have worked well here, but it sounds. It sounds what nice the batteries only ten hours, which is not the best for pollution speakers by things like that's the main strike against it, otherwise does what it says and costs fair amount at one, sixty nine, so they had a lot of stuff. I
If they're going to do all of the colors and designs that, like the boom speakers tonight, that's actually on his part of you even so It's like every time I see a color, but I don't have like I should buy it. I have three of these yeah but we'll see if centers or what's going on with this, this art pictures you're saying so last week: sanderson ikea both can a teased other next parks and their symphonist line, and so I know it's gonna be a new lamp that looks a bit better than the previous one, which looked a bit strange but the second product sounds pretty far out and if you like of print of art, has a speaker inside it. sk lay, so it looks like a canvas print on her wall, but it's a solo speaker inside, so you can actually use these as surrounds from what I know you can see. Yes, people are pretty excited about that. That's a pretty red I mentioned. Are you gonna run power to them, so rapporteur actually I've and others in a story, but apparently can be able to lake chain the power cord one,
The other sale have one go into an outlet and you'll be like daisy chain them and so to keep our on it to really clever. What's the art gonna be, how can I mean I've? I've I've walks the basement of ikea to like them pick up your fly, packs. I've looked at the art and every now and then I got a bad, but yet sir, it's like here, I'm not super into it. One further measurements like a final product, but it looks kind of like your basic, like most inoffensive piece of law are young. Fabric finish to it. No not just like a pattern thing because they want to keep it simple like have it okay, so you can have a speaker behind it and like mesh and so it so it all comes together, but ill see what we'll see what it looks like when it finally ouch should be sometimes fairly soon. I am all in an area of paintings around It's er surround speakers really care. I think I talk about the different kinds of surround speakers
if we consider the show at this point I have enough seek, I do not need any more ashley reviewed the spotify car thing like half reviewed They sent her one. She read about it, it's harder of using the began by like view our spotify subscriber. You might be offered to get one Then you have to pay for shipping just such like it. Like everyone else in the world offers free shipping but trot. If I like, this is free with the shipping is now. It seems ridiculous to me, This thing makes no sense, but it does make the best possible. Zune, vibes, dial, interface, seems fun and there are like four buttons on the topic is like take your favorite playlist, her husband's or podcast. Just gonna need, people say like we'll, just use your phone for all the stuff, that's kind of like a nice fast way of just getting somewhere, but I mean it does need your phone to work in the first place. But ass. I love like how it looks and unjust and eat gadget, It still is like controller for your phone right.
So it's really fancy remote control for the spotify up on your phone, don't playing the audio through which the best kind of nuts there's a picture had it in her car there's a picture of a car she's got the phone. Mao our thing amount. They both got the wires running she's the her cars stereo is there are the big screen all of that seems like it should get clean, but I appreciate as one if I may this thing and I do love that has the dial? What if you're on a really really long road trip- or you regularly- are driving kids around and you just want to give them control of the music? That's kind of neat like instead of having don't think of it as mounted on the dashboard think of it as like? The music control that you pass around your party car this'll be great for a part, us think about looking at the spot a five year listening pivot
market there's a new market and write the light at the end of the tunnel like last time, authorities, speakers and in party bus bluetooth promotes? Is you trends. You come to the verge cast for future trends. spotting. Its party must formats new echo buds. a google again like released a thing so? You ve got the new second generation echo buds from amazon, their smaller they have fallen. And see. That does not involve both this time. That's gonna fascinating that then we didn't realise to be alone partnership, but they look a lot nicer and other priced super super aggressively seen by him, for One. Nineteen yeah man, like one nineteen for these things, if you aren't apple, samsung or job here maybe bows little bit sony other side. In your turn airbus, on amazon dot com, good luck!
I will say that the amazon logo on the buds is very bad yeah, I mean it's I would cite the full I was on my dear, but amazon doesn't have like. less logo in that issues. smiley face, but you know you put them. our logo, on it, you get that the apple apple mark. We very like that. The premium logos, even that, like the sony logo, I get it This is an error in the shape of a smiley face, and you like this. Sunlight here is an times like yeah. I get people where clothing festooned with the logos a premium brands I get it I entered. No one's out there rocking like the amazon baseball players must most Jeff is, I wonder, yeah he's? Leaving savvy wrote his last letter as chairman and see how these executive terminal and just ass, if you're listen to your moment to change the logo he's the icon app icon, because it looks too much like hitler,
Without such a different Do you realize what does one plus review sudan dude the one plus watch we've been waiting for them to release a wearable and they did and not good. That's that's how I describe it is not very it's running accustomed, proprietary, alas, that seems like its similar. If not basically I call to the cairo ass you'd, seen unlike an amaze fits some other genome, wearable watch, as the things it counts, the steps it sinks, some health stuff with the one plus health app it lets. You look at your notifications, but replied you, notifications, primitive
getting music on their arco. Aka. This step counts are poorly wildly inaccurate that he very first launch before these offer. If they came, it only could display twenty four hour time, which maybe that's the better way to display time. Different people can have different opinions on that, but it's weird that you don't have a choice. Yet it's just a with an here's, the thing is very inexpensive. So if you want a very inexpensive watch, you can accept that, like battery life is incredible and it does like the very is saxon. Who cares, except that it doesn't do the very basics very well, and you can get other watches that do those basics better. You can go by a fitness and it will do all of this stuff and it will have an ecosystem surrounding it to let you do more stuff if you want, and it will accurately count your steps yeah. So it's just a way.
and I dont know what the plan is for the pixel watch. There were rumours that you know its awesome image that maybe there's a pixel outcome, and I now I had for a long time. We would we are blaming com for making crap processors and they were blaming the market for like not incentivize, more better processors for smart watches over them, add it where I was for being slow. It's just like it's a death spiral that just prevents the market from providing a good wearable to an android user. except maybe the samsung galaxy watch is pretty good, but it still like not great it doesn't. Is that even half as good as an apple watch, yeah, it's one egg is uniting complain about, walk in and answered it is, and it's like ugh also this is a very also, even if the market was probably better in this region, concert zero Heaven is literally big basic and boring half or not
Lastly, online service, I, for they didn't change much You can get Andy processors, which is interesting, that's kind of venom. to have a review of it. Monica, I think, he's looking at it. I feel like we're due for a pretty big refresh of like surface design, but I dunno, if we're going to get it sure I was kind of hoping we would but the fact that they released this and it's like spec bumps, it's good to barely speck pumps. Don't get me wrong, but it's not a major redesign, and I'm not just talking about the laptop I'm also talking about the surface pro three pro x for xbox as an eatery design, service products, looks beautiful. It's perfect just needs a processor that works. You know, and maybe the surface studio like that. I think that probably doesn't need huge redesign. It's mostly the surface pro and surface laptop. I would like to see a bit more modernity out of those things tat. Are we at the same speed ever be used by the way I have a star link at my house. If you question, I don't really know,
begin to review and internet service speed test that net. It's like more consumers needs, as we will see if it stays up a manufacturer that. But if you have questions, let me now the verge itself has an up infrastructure week, which is so this is gonna, be part of infant. So it's ads are coming imminently, but I'm curious what people think so tweeted me. If you have questions about the start, like I'm going to spend my weekend, I dunno running speed tests getting clear line of sight. Apparently, if there's like any tree within his line of sight is like nope sorry and have fun with that. The other thing is that extremely geo, locked yeah, so you're not supposed to move it around and I'm definitely going to try to tutor. monetary listening don't dance anywhere sent me want to call it a few stories. Asher integrate piece about clubhouse this week, my We asked when she told me about the story was the reality of clubhouse and twitter spaces and all the rest is like people at home with their phones, as I just want cool pictures of people talking, phones in point, thirteen deliver so gurria,
It's really good, I ll just give you one little hint indians, clubhouse, higher professional levers, and they have rules that when they can anew and laugh, which is like an entire desired. Her next statue is had after protocol there and video games his austria for us apple uses. Fabio, to manage it trade ends allotted First, you phobia particularly on laptops and reclaiming. They see doubts on the screens, laptops and lowering trade and value. That's right! I'm sorry! check it out really interesting and there's a lot back and forth, and then James Vincent the medium term fall out of google firing its ethical eighteen to make a others. And that has really sent google sideways and ay. I research media, which is a big deal, because that is, as we have heard from Google itself, the very much the future do
so yeah so check that syria is really really well done. Site looked great this week. All the stories are all done, but those are the three early katara you can tweet at us. I met reckless detours at backline. Chris is that chris welsh and he cutter this week, as has Chris milk who's, the ceo within they make a workout app for the oculus quest, which is great so isn't that next week, ceo of Angela sued, who is she's a delay, in video is absolutely not the business. I thought it was just a completely surprised conversation. That's her lamp on dakota next week, next week. Tuesday apple lament didn't. I I've logging on guard bergson livelong with us Meanwhile, that's tuesday check out the virtual all that and then one of the very essence that's it. I get a vaccine,
a ride. Reynolds at mid mobile. We like to do the opposite of what they wireless. Does they charge you a lot? We charge you a little so naturally, when they announced they'd be raising their prices due to inflation, we decided to deflate our price do to not hating you. That's right! We're cutting the price of meant unlimited from thirty dollars a month to just fifteen dollars a month, give it a try: men, mobile dot com, slash switch new activation and opera payment for three month plan required taxes, and these extra additional restrictions apply. Seamen, mobiles outcome for full terms,
Transcript generated on 2023-08-22.