« The Vergecast

Huawei’s HarmonyOS arrives / Microsoft's next gen Windows / Apple's WWDC preview


Co-hosts Nilay Patel and Dieter Bohn talk with Verge senior editor Tom Warren and managing editor Alex Cranz about operating systems — what's coming up at Apple's developer conference next week, where Microsoft will take Windows next, and the debut of some new systems like HarmonyOS and Fuchsia OS.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This week on the verge cast out crowns in Tom Warren during the show we go through. Everything is coming up w w dc next week, Tom just the new version of windows we go through. What on earth is going on with eighteen t and warnermedia that is going to converge fast now, hey, I'm ryan reynolds at mid mobile. We like to do the opposite of what big wireless. Does they charge you a lot? We charge you a little so naturally, when they announced they'd be raising their prices due to inflation. We decided to deflate prices do not hating you that's right. We're cutting the price of meant unlimited from thirty dollars a month to just fifteen dollars a month, give it a try: men, mobile dot com, slash, switch new activation, an apparent payment for three men plan required taxes, and these extra additional restrictions apply. Seamen, mobiles outcome for full terms. The border, but this podcast comes from intel laptops on it hell be proud and intel. Eco design, like your team, do their best work wherever they work with all day. Real world battery lay quick charging
and remote eyeteeth support working on the go has never been so easy visit. Intel, dotcom, slash, works, best for details, results may vary the hell, I'm running the votes cast the flagship, podcast of alternative android operating systems they spoon, we fork diverge ass, tat. I'm your friend me like I'm our studio in the office for the first, over a year and I'm giddy with excitement. I apologize to everyone, if I'm just over the top today, but it is superfund I can studio deed around here. I am your resident nvidia shield enthusiasts, the only one the only thing we are legion, There are so many of you and all of you know how to use email. Tom warrant is here.
resident windows, nine enthusiasts and also the email client. Doesn't work very well south feel free in vienna we have a new guest is very exciting, alex crowns. the new managing editor of the verges here I alex hey. I am: So a fan of the shield, I'm sorry data you're, not alone, I'm here with you there's, a shield have an email client. Yes, it should. it's it's android. It's got everything. What can to do nothing no wonder shield owner, send somebody. Many emails has a built in angry email, very high powered or Alex it's good to have you here. First of many virtues and very excited If I want to start, we have a lot of w b c is next week. A microsoft is threatening to release a new version of windows, but that would tom E3 coming up other, nobody knows anything about he three and then we were officers a bunch of news to talk about from last week, most important.
Which is, of course the agencies have wondered. She'll has its do its inevitable conclusion, which is that it's over now so illogical run I would do well to start where I was our with covered. By this I mean the office needs. We, in the united states at least elsewhere in the world, is still very bad, but united states still a story going were still not out of it, but we coming to what feels like an end of something there's a lot of change to come. I think this summer is gonna, be nuts in united. it is everybody like emerges from seclusion, a change to come, but we just whereas in the site, but I think point two at time of reflection, that's happening so Nicole. What's been, has a great story about all of the tec initiative that we saw during the pandemic. We ve talked about a lot of them on the show. There was the closure notification system. There is a bunch of faced in Google commission data that was made available to researchers. There was a promise of a website,
was it was their website me like how long? How long did it take to make it more than a year, and I will say, does not exist about we're? you get tested so because a rundown of what worked and what didn't? I think it is remarkable that exposure notifications, just kind of didn't, go anywhere, so really mixed results. She is a big breakdown of that but the location data location google and facebook made available as part of the programme for data for good. They just released today. Anonymously to researchers in that has become a huge success in the scientific and economic community. So just a real What did we learn from all of the tec initiatives and its? I think some surprising results, snares, that's a great story there is. It continues to be controversy about the origins of covered the whole. Actually real three pack for nicole this week. Article is a great story about how that's important to suss out figuring out the beginnings. Isn't gonna help us figure out the end, so she has a great story: unpacking. And then she has another great story about what we know
seen so far, which is that immunity looks good for, longer time to come. We obviously have to experience the time to come to make sure that works, but right now the data suggests is going well, so in end of one period, I can talk to you from our office again, I I'm so giddy about being in this office again, I was not expecting it, but I also had to drive two hours to get here. I think we're just excited about not being in the car anymore, we'll see This goes as the shoulders on, but we continue to cover covered in the vaccines and what we have learned from this moment. I very carefully because to enrich up. Ok w w DC worldwide. developers conference is apple time after time. There's a lot of talk about but it's all of its many o s is theirs. I could whisperer northern ants, yet another o s called homo s, which makes yeah we'll see. the thing you did vice to run on it like putting an hour,
their customers, the homeward makes no sense like you're way out and of us. If you have apps if you have a reason to tell people also, Google, in which case you just now so assault on, I follow us didn't have apps than other. Perhaps it was about it. There Didn't you didn't even really having a name I thought it was, and then it was I don't know ass when they announced apps and when he did the ipad for like a year, the ipad ran iphone. That's right now and then they change attire, estimated encompassing and then they realize like what two years go like. Oh, this is constructing and they renamed like apples varied they don't like make in Munich. Anyone idea they don't even me, but Google's like otto here's another linux based on us, that we made this one's the future. he's another messaging up in any of the unrest it. this operating systems runs on our cs era, she's raffle, goes through all its existing operating system.
Iris. Ip address macro s, waterways tv s in the now potentially, What like we'll see, but there there's a rumble that they'll do that. I want to go through order. But dear our time is for the show apples are under it. Loud it. The studied NBC like they just this big trial with epic a little bit one every detail: the treaty is extremely aware that apple executives, car, like make money for this idea, what does the eternal money fountain on? Unlike take thirty percent the, rationale for that thirty percent. You might buy it. I think it is rational some of the things I say about why that thirty percent exists is rational. Some of it is like they're, just stubborn in some of it is like they're just greedy, and that is the first time I think apples like summer has been punctured in this way heading into Wwdc,
how you do wb DC? But you remember what was when did hey go after them at like the morning or the day before it was like a few days before yeah yeah, but that was like one email app from one popular developer, who maybe it's not so popular anymore, unlike er, and I resolved it like they just like solved the problem. Yeah like reinterpreting a rule, she's, like hundreds of emails, TIM cook, on the stand being This is how I monetize the phone. I think it is a qualitatively different situation, kind of but they have their apples, though announce outside recall developers and they'll soon forget those problems just like we forget everything that happens a week or two before.
the I feel, like the there's a little quietness around Wwdc this year and like there hasn't been many big ios, rumors or ipad rumors, which makes me think that they've kept something secret that they can do, and I have theories was like- was the m one chip in the ipad. You know like its asian unlock your car with your ipad. I mean, like think about all of the other billionaires I've had as a camera. They gonna walk up to the roles and theirs No, it's a trailer by sea. I think they'll silence the stories. We've seen over the last few weeks, the epic trounced off with before they do best, which uses deliver products and please developers in different ways, cause, as they always seem to manage to do it. I dunno I feel like. I think that this is not going to be a crime. down. Quite so easy there's going to be they're going to flood the zone and there can be a million stories we're going to write a million stories, but I think that when the
dust settles there's ups. the congress that is still very interested and asking questions and scoring points there and finding out if they could do something about it, I don't think it's gonna go away. Quite so easy to me. The merged in question is: will there be any kind of acknowledgement in this online keynotes infomercial thing of all the drama There be any gesture at all. I don't think they can. They can't see anything and because, like its being the judges looking at her right now deciding and they can't just go out. We are going to cut prices or whatever we're going to increase prices like nothing, they say will help you re amazing. If they're like we're going to a forty five percent, yeah that'd be great. I dunno actually right create a scrutiny, certainly the congress in this country, is making
lot of noise, whether they ineffectually pass anything remains to be seen. There's a court case. There's the EU complaint against the app store. Do you to do stuff, whether any that is effective, also means we seen but like their under this cloud in the last time we were under this god. Would they announced a small business programme which the The trial actually said you didn't do this for competition, you did it. Regulators and pressure like this, like this they have other moves that could make the I think the detours right this the keynotes are now infomercials. They have been for over a year now from all the companies. These are tightly scripted, they're not going to no one's going to boo right, that's good! That's a dangerous avonlea, ten thousand people and must go any west right is european thing, unlike tim cookies can expect the cheer and its pin drop silence right. or like worse people like boo, we hate you, You don't have any of that to worry about
but they could announce more lowering the caught on subscriptions to eight and a half per cent for two years. They could announce, in that purchases, for all categories of suffer games are going to ten percent and we're just gonna heap milking the weather, in category four. I would like to have moves. I think one of the questions I have is the kansas like gesture at it. They have to do something. Will they do something after all of this noise, but I think they've already done other cars, lately cut its fifteen percent for some basic, the vast majority of developing a fifteen percent. If she take out wherever revenues that generate so they kind of did that in the wake of a lot of this drama last year, you know that the question around it so much don't do anything of dvd see relates this until this significant regulatory pressure,
the three already know what the he doing with with their case and what they can to try and convince him to do like that. The the the thing that needs to happens that regulates has to step in and say you need to change your product, told you. Do business, modernise or not, bismol be nice change of product yeah That way, I just don't know, that's gonna happen in terms in ghana, and he likes to do like do things like when you boot up an android phone you're gonna pick a search engine and the like ever and pics. Google today love doing this So I see I just think that that's to me It is the biggest dark cloud that apple has had before an event like this and quite some time, so we'll just have to see if they come out, because this is developer event. This was just another event to announce a macbook or an iphone event. I would expect nothing but the audience for this, even though we're all gonna watch it and streamed in my class people
Consumers are gonna watch it. Applicants are gonna watch it. The audience is developers, that's who this is for, and it feels like they need to address that. Maybe state of the union, because all these other events, they have their own allurement more closed door. But to me it like Williams, I would argue, as is the pointed to offer events senor us as early as two get developers excited about building to your new api new features and like making new innovative stuff on top of the platforms, if there are any kind of mad at you like the second part of the equation, is just as hard to get through we'll see what are they just go back to charging fur o s updates and that that's the reform that will fund this offer that way, instead of appstore fees, they're, not gonna, do you know they were just very great, in a biased in the mail, and it's just like tiny little lightning, usb key with the new version, as it does for lunch in your hearing, we'll get it out without buying at all, really incredible what tom said kind of made me go.
Galaxy brain on this, though, which is you know, he said they're going to surprise us they're going to do something big and what, if the distraction isn't like directly to the developers, but what, if it is stuff like this homo ass? What if it's you know they ve been, they ve been floating around a are and they gotta circuiting people somewhat excited for that, for when they eventually is there a our glasses? What if they do? A big tease, just kind of like to distract people from the fact that everybody loses thirty percent of their income and when they develop an app for the store? you know, I think they're really good, I'm putting on a big show and and and and really getting us hyped about things, and one of it's kind of like ignore that ignore that look at all this other cool stuff. We're doing you want to get excited about this. You want to be in people's homes and the different You gonna be in their eyeballs in a different way, got it, here's here's one. It's gotta be a matter. you hear it from me first exclusively on my god. I can just
exclusive nonsense from data to cook gets in the mill of apple part and he's, like you know, the future of tibet being for the mac is web ass. Every time pete, anyways, he's good repute everywhere, it's just can be well, that's not stop for forty five minutes because you to call it a sweet solution, can steer the ghost of steve jobs tim into a sorrowing hordes acts like that's, not it and the logo just a yeah, we wouldn't be talking about the thirty percent yeah, that's true. That is definitely true. They will definitely have light like makeover. Smoke and mirrors. You know that there's going to be as like some sort of there'll be something that's going to distract that it can be like you know, We are going to give you this to see me crate for developers and play because that's the way the apple tech, These things are never cash that just gonna give their Alvarez cash, male use, direct apple pay and if one
The spending on fear him, because every day that you dont tweet apple gives you five dollars. Actually that would work I would take that deal Let's go through Theo. S will see what happens. I just wanted to put that in the context, because the point these events is to get. People excited about building new products for the arrests, and that is a hurdle they have to get over this year, which is new. talking about ios that, like very few rumors about ios as Tom thomas saying, yeah squid, is it suspiciously quiet, I mean a meanness, Montgomery had a story about how to see some change that notification stuff and some home screen stuff ipad split. That seems like there's a way. holmes, green thing on I better as every in a well I've had it with did nothing ass, your software on separately, so that One is like in a pretty good place. Then horrific since have long needed updates so that make
answer. Gonna do do well. Actually we did it. We needed sit on this for just a second okay, so the rumor is that is reporting they're gonna, have different settings for different. Like situations you might be like driving, working or sleeping, and then you can customize notification works for these different settings like automatic plies and what not This is literally just profiles yeah. This is the feature that was on every single feature found that you'd like star to or whatever than you pick between, like five different rate profiles for your ring tones or whatever that region Forgot existed, because that here it is, it's a verse. Gas because palm invented the rigorous and that you don't want to fifty profiles you just want to enhance. Apples, the only company that bother to steal, and then one plus another later- and so I don't know I I am very happy to see lots of different notification like management options are an android user and I just love how google
just their mind about hundreds of cases are gonna work every year, but that has got them to a good place. I dont know that the problem, notifications occasions on the iphone that there are enough modes like that's, not the problem, so we have to bear. This works so interested rumour, their think about it, one ec as recital shy about apple's dark clouds, developers can just exert pressure on developers amy like part of africa it is now we are going to set priority levels for your notifications, for you, if you use the system? We're gonna kick your out of the store, and that is the way in time and like yeah, you do that on every up, as I guess we're the highest priority. Notification is out of the box. There are like No one is humble enough, andrew after robbers, humbled I'll. Let you know what you need to start a thick. It's like I would accept that like a system where, after overs centralized to be honest that yeah, ok, probably want. My
sitting out to be the highest protein notifications. But I really do not at this point than your time, breaking use, notifications are like we conducted a thousand word investigation into butterflies, and it's I don't know what this is like. I just need to shut the death, but I want them. I just need them at the level of everything else like. If I could do that an iphone, I would be very happy. I would also like nerve kay. See much more actionable, which their stepping towards, but there still not good bright like if I can delete a text from the home screen, I'll be the happiest personal or what describing. This sounds like you want some serious, missed machine learning chops in iris, which is something that it's kind of lacking the moment or you know censures capabilities
You want you want unit to adapt to you and you want it to be like oh look at this new york times is not like the phone knows me in those that wouldn't be interested in those butterflies. I mean that's what it's kind of weird, though, because, like apple can't really get two in depth and machine learning, because it's it's very much about like silo, ing your profiles and your user data and stuff, and and that's always why it said serious kind of stupid, and I personally love that, like let it be the more stupid if it means I don't have to have like worry about them. Listening in on everything I do, but at the same time if they dont do the machine learning thing they do like exert influence on the app creators that just kind of pushes the right back towards the judge. Currently deciding if they have too much power over creators and its
It's like there in a really? It's like, I don't think, there's an easy answer because, like what's the other one like you get to go and create huge profiles for yourself and you have to create like twelve different profiles and that's like the antithesis of apple and just being able to opening use your fallen at. So it's like I'm just curious to see what they do, because every single rout, the seems very not what I would expect from apple. Do I mean, I think the thing that's true right now is that notification management on iphones has been horrible since the day the first iphone came out. Yeah like right now getting a phone call on an iphone is just an incredible experience of like you get the drop down banner, whatever you're doing you can answer it, but then, if you put it to your ear, it out in the app so doesnt show the scream. So your cheek touching a bunch of stuff, so that it doesn't make any sense it sought in speaker front, but only go to push the speaker button. It doesn't just default to the sound speaker, it'll bring
the speaker menu. Do you wanna take this call your macbook pro and then the other person I'm a line is like. Are you there, anyway, Hang on I'm still answering the phone call an approach, a hearing, you being called on your map on your ipad on your watch every other product, your house that uses out yes imbue. Definitely You found somebody using I'll ask because you hear that ringers around them come to a gas. They answer legislature, satisfying. That's the suppression of notification of a phone as I just like baby to make that system more power, whether with machine learning, whether its give The users, an endless series of controls, whether its shutting off, I just do something I started over and like rethink it, but it is to me this, It has always been and will continue to be, the single biggest paint point of an iphone, and so that's the thing than outside, I also do nothing else like that. We great I'll.
like the way that look over the lol you will say no esteve they have come. I've been learning. Some of your behavior is to make a little bit smile so like every day I'll swept down an blake. You watch this trick stream, it's like when you watch this today or ill, be like We must use this person lot way. Mrs his person and I like at least tiny, things that turn always quite work properly yeah, but when they do they kind of. Like those delight things this list others save me, like you know, a couple of seconds voices reminded me to do dual task like if they can really play on that with light, being too into the privacy staff and the creeping us of it, because it can be creepy when these the stuff pops up and my prediction by eva, then I think that's the way of light glaring. I was to be a bit more. in a power user friendly or just a bit more usable for especially for stuff. I notifications, if they, if they apply, that solve imelda notifications,
yeah like now push the answer, call button in our advanced differential I've seen em out system has. Term and that you wish to answer the phone call I'll? Take it here's a our question right now, who are they lifting more for early lifting all windows phone ideas, with app tiles and like deep, certainly lifting more android idea. Cassandra has much bunch such stuff, but it's it's all very different than how windows funded, you, can see apples kind of going in that leg, app clips, app tiles d, wings direction more than that the android. What apple, just kind of running in this window. All the time I think they lifting from everyone, even the jailbreak community, as well like we've seen a bunch of stuff from from that community, this bubbled up until ios, I mean they just pick out whether the weather's good works works well, but they take their time to refine it, which you know we know from. The decades of which an apple, the other rumor. Is it they're gonna lift from what's
because given says they're working on quote upgrades to I message with the eventual goal of acting more like a social network and better competing with facebook and whatsapp disclosure. For your your card, my way to reality, labs surveys, division of facebook- I don't know means, but I do know that you know I message is nowhere near popular, the rest of the world as it is in the u s, and maybe apple, does feel like desire to compete in some way, but I also know that apple. The lasting company would want to do right now is deal with yet another, like moderation problem right, they got enough going on with the app store. If there's like you know? What's up has had all sorts of moderation? Issues like the having disable automatic, forwarding and knowledge of other stuff. I don't wanna
thinking with I message, but trying to make it into a social network. It's like that. The thing that apple has not successfully done yet you didn't, they really bomb the last one. They tried ping ping. Maybe me was pretty great way, hello. These are all different apple fellers, paying was their social network for music, but made no sense over. There was there was an apple musical since then, but I forget, but it was called, Then there is one and apple music were artists like when they announced apple musically like an artist will just like not use instigate us. that quickly fizzled out: it's nothing hit the bridge, All reality. Mobile me was cloud services that are nightclub famously like Steve, stood up in front of like the mobile me team. In his like what maastricht is this: how did he stood up it means a wall has very conflicting.
But like that was that, though the level of failure was like Steve jobs. Like look at a slow, you all said: how'd you screw this. Also that put not a social network. I do the last thing they tried to do with I'm s was they try to add up to it? in that era, when apples answer to everything was what if this had an app store, and so they try to put absent such and that has gone effectively nowhere IX that it is now much harder to add a photo to attacks on an iphone I love my marriage. Funny the eager eyes light in the. U s message is such a he's think is I'll. She only ever go into a message to look like us sms. Those lately, that's amazing sets. I owe us. We there's another vision that we then there's a my message of lots of mystery shrouding. What else they will do apples most important platform that can't be it, but that's venus. Afore ipad, o s equally mysterious
but I will say after the last round of ipad pro reviews. Everyone like when I gotta do something separate. Or whose, like I do now that I've been hearing that free here is a theme has just said: tired. Now I just I, the rumours are gonna they're gonna. Let you public place where so everyone on the home screen, because I did that for thy father. They didn't do for the pattern. Nobody knew why and the hope that their apples gonna do something lack adieu. Like let you run mac apps on the end, one powered ipad pro- I just don't do not know I just I've I've. I no longer have hope, there's no way weight or not you do because then you would have it touch sri mac think there are some food, that will happen, but like this, years in making these things then that I just put name one chip in the ipad them in six months later, go through them easy max, I saw here that they put the chip in the the ipad them one in that field,
It can lead to a logical conclusion, but I also think is a master of its own supply chain in theirs. Ship shortage m. One is really just like the eight thirteen acts or whatever Fundamentally, it is just the next evolution of the chip there are using and their like what borders using all the computers like that there's a rethink, the existence of a ship does not make them have to do anything they exist. Of governments around the world doesn't mean destitute and it doesnt, but like the fact that everything, apart from I find his own among them like. Let s everything stella patent max. Basically, that is the reason behind that of the chip challenges. I think yeah. I just don't think we're gonna get that this year like a reason, is a movie processor. I think they can't do it they were so emphatic about the mac. Makko s wooden become the ipad right late. They can't take one, and make it the other. They ve been so emphatic about that for so long that the minute they do.
we will Alec. I will be delighted as as I gleefully throw it back in their faced and a blog form. The last thing they can't do it late late there, it's going to have to be subtle and like low key and- and so I think it is, I think, Tom's right. It is going to be years and years and years. But it's also like this is the natural next step and I think it's going to be kind of like when they finally blew that the iphone up and they they had all these other different things, to distract from the fact that you could. we are fitted in your pocket and- and you know, Steve jobs had always said. Oh, I will never never do a big phone they're terrible and it's the same thing. He was like I'll, never do a touch mac and like yeah. It's just gotta, go slow and then distract us with something else. Steve jobs. Actually, when he set out our budget, did he have alligator arms. He put up a slide, like this one, you I'll your arms guerrilla arms An animal was a type of animal arm that he thought was very bad
in those animals are still to this day are angry and apple. ever see a crocodile using a just to fuck with you. I had it's been ten years of us saying hey this screen is pretty good, and this processor is pretty fast. You should you should yeah. You could do a lot more of this and apple's like, and then a couple years ago, typepad a west alike like eight years, the new system, here's over the the new winnowing system its and has accepted I did because apple. Finally, let the ipad get complicated, which is what needed to happen in order to turn it into a computer that didn't feel like it was like limiting you and it's like you've, just you waiting for them to finally do the thing that you pent up you or your hopes and dreams heard of in pet up over a decade there. Just I think that they are actually really content with where the ipad is and what the ipad is like to wit, multi use support like if, if all they do is walk up on stage. I said this last year: if all they do is walk up and say just say: here's the ipad, here's the log in screen look
I got one for you and one for your kid. They walk off stage and that's the entire ipad. section done a plus the stars near their land they're gonna answer more on kid automation, features and said, but that's you. When about like a week, remain in a decade for certain stuff, if you dont, like five is and said that the ipad fab mouse and keyboard support. I think most people have been like nah. It can happen all like yeah. I want it, but like it's, never gonna happen, and even apple is like at the time no and they did it in their own unique way. So I think I don't feel that the ipad civic makeover when I saw that, but I feel like they will get to the point where they the wondering is different, like ie, but they ve conical in that way is, very windows, eight so hybrid at the moment, but I think you'll get a bit more free flowing It makes sense if they allow to run mecca apps on their at some point, the air it within that they just light to bridge gaps as what the ipad has been doing flight
This is too slow leave embrasures gap, sir. I don't feel like look air travel is coming back. A lot of additives, are many needs, do email and first class apples the two thousand dollar computer that can solve that problem for you or just sell a lot of that like I think they might just be happy with that, and that to me is like across all these product lines where he was I want watch necks, like apple faces, so little competition. I go back to that question of like who are they lifting from more work one operating system android that exist the kind of life from all the time, but even a piece of that back and forth has slowed, and I will take you at two dead operating systems. Like apostolic, whether less have any ideas to some of those there's not a lot of like pressure too, eight in a lot of these spaces anymore, in an in particular with the watch
and with the ipad, where they feel in any heat at all right. It's just like only from within. This apple feel the pressure to make something better. It's good. lucky that apple seem If you have a lot of that pressure all the time like that's the company. so dna. I think that just shoot commended for that there, ways you two products, even though they have these monopoly positions, but like theirs, he's ipad is moving a lot slower than it did receive once a number years ago. He got on a quarterly results. Call indeed like a ten minute rant about seven inch, droid tablets, but he was fired up about seven inch. Android tablets using is wrong. Size are broken and its has do. Was given you like the nexus seven. I would, however, like I aren t you that no employees, I gave a start and end tablet in any capacity except amazon, so cheap one for kids and apple would prefer that you just gave your old I've had to get a better will that space and the mature, if the particularly iphone
but the ipads premature as well and, if think, is any if is still friends going to face any sort of competition of then you know wherever google as an android, is going to be foldable stuff, unlike web like if we ever to the point where you folding these things out needs them is actually appears thin. There has to be the flexibility of the oppressed system and else, but the game where police out from that ever being a reality. So until that's the case here they just after slowly page liquor, I'm still holding out for an android e ink I believe that can play a video, it's gonna happen and then
apple, is going to be like. Oh my gosh, I'm just going to be absolutely wrecked by that first beautiful tablet, you won't be able to read anything in it. It's going to be great. Let's play like two frames, a second. In your mind, this is a black and white. It's like you're, watching silent killer, we're going to get a cult like give it two or three years we're going to have the perfect ipad replacement and everybody's. maybe be going and buying their e ink tablets that reich thirteen inches wide last for four weeks on a charge can't play video but look got fabulous and they call it the korea hidden and that scenario is more likely than genuine competitive pressure on the apple watch like There are some interesting to watch o s and I honestly do not going It was customary traces beyond doubt. The lad, like ten more watch raises two: it they'll be thirteen different ways to think track. Your work outside our new
and I dunno else is left because there's nothing until I had now they're gonna merged with ties We are also platform ties, and the only other thing happening in wearables is amazon has a restrict that will put tone police you worry about in the world. I think they are facing small, tiny, two bits of competition from companies like or array, and in a lot of these companies that are doing that health rat and though The further those companies go down that health throughout. Like the first time, somebody gets glucose monitoring on your rest. The lake apples gonna be scrambling to.
I almost patent so that its monetary gunter lake, like there's competition there, but it's it's lesson like the fun kind alike, user experience and much more. Unlike the, how much more of your medical data can we put in front of your eyeballs given day there. I've also been there earning kuprasso people like it there. in studies about the data produces and how can be helpful superman? saying to use one. He needs had run an app on your yeah because, like you think about it right now? What are the orange didn't? Updated, sat for a couple weeks, europe like That's a it's, a weird dynamic that they have are all these ancillary products also have to filter through the phone or yeah. Maybe not the primary user interface cause it's like a piece of hardware but a very important secondary user interface that includes setting it up for the first time, unlike dear,
I think I think that level of control across the broader ecosystem is interesting. To think about. That said, I couldn't tell you what they should do with the watch at this point in time. but what do any watch a westerly like maybe I'd think like maybe the walkie talkie feature could be slightly faster. I would take that. I use my wife, and so I can be sure like everyday I'd like different. racial sayings for different notifications, of up as they were, but like this not away for developers to set up, I would like better access to using home automation. Stuff like I would like to be able even do it from your watch put its miserable It's its duties on your worst experience in the world, and I would like to just be able to look at me like I'm gonna turn off the lights and tat my wrist and the lights are a major source of s, ears, I will do ass, she does it, but sometimes I wanted I just want to touch. It won't have to health through my house c c,
if it learned it was ten p m at night and the he did that so many swept down from the top. That was just an option islands, I will allow it, but It should not have to learn that its ten p m at night, why that is require a. I won, It also does at it like shows up my though, by night automation at night, like it's pretty good about that, because I like talking about home gadgets like the rumor, is that they might entered homo s, maybe they're like converts, the both the home pod and the apple tv to run this renamed thing. It's, on that thread, radio later this year matter, which as the use we called chip, which I used to calculate however, ip thing which is basically home kept, but everybody can use. It is like launching so it's possible We could see apple actually, try really hard with home kit the way that I feel it
it hasn't and because it was really limiting and it was very hard to find hope it devices for a while now slowly been opening that door and some maybe- maybe we'll see like a big push there and that that will be one of the big surprises and apples. we gonna try and take on alexa when it comes to smart home stuff. I think they absolutely can, especially when you see stuff like sidewalk happening in there's more and more conversations about how in bruce of amazon and google have garden in the home. Apple has positioned itself for years. Is this big privacy protector and now it can say like yeah, we will break you. Can Well your whole smart home and not have to sell all of your data to to give it all away blake. I think I think that's something very doable and there's not a lot of competition like samsung. Smart things was probably one of the biggest competitors and it still exists, but like
people have soared things he I loved it. I used it for years and I moved into a new house and I made the switch. Home care just like see how good, if homecare could work, and I will never go back ass lake? Yes, had to programme of my lights in home kid instead of the hue app and all the other stuff, but it just like it did exactly what I needed to do it. and I think, if they actually give it some more if you, if you have stronger automation and and people can program that stuff a little better than it currently is lake, there is no reason it couldn't just dominate in this kind of budgets. My home area Can I just say the nervous thing? That's writings! Yes, do you know the sleeper smart things product is the absolute sleeper. It's the wifi router. the same songs for things, wifi, router didn't make it them
I they licence all the tec from plume, which is like one of the two news: wifi companies, plumes others itself, comcast disclosure, ass, his first arising images or whatever they licence attack in so the plume appetites you do is a sign. Devices the lands, so they can only see certain other devices this region bracket all of your smartphone stuff on one virtual network and, unlike only let certain people, see in her house, or only that certain about to see one another. So if you, for example, desire to control your garage doors with a very dodgy sort of garage door opening system. You can hide it away from the rest of your network so that it can't send data. And it's like it's absolute, the sleeper cars we buy a plume, you've, gotta pay a monthly fee or subscription fee, but san francisco, covers it interest free. So there's an entire like underwear,
community of smart things, radical ape like we're getting away with that yeah it's very just you just call them If you're going to ruin it yeah it's over. I think that when people know that they signed this deal, I feel like it. That's like coming back to like apple homekit, and it's like it is wild that samsung makes that price. And they make an entire range or smart things, things not to and should washers and dryers in refrigerators. Right like amazon- has this huge product range. They can't quite integrate, but you can see how it could work, apples, ike trip. They'll want some choice or maybe homer s is aurora. Men were not prepared to do that and they were very good. My dad still uses his. He has not replaced it in forty five years
Were we just moved and isles unpacking around a box and there was an airport just think what only I want to use it. Makko us What are you? What do you want from makko ass? I hope they d ugly, big, sir. It's all right, I just try again just speak, like we made this thing that looks like you should touch it. We keep insisting that you shouldn't touch it in it instead looks like disneyworld and we're just going to turn that down, maybe they're just bridging the gaps I tom, you spend so evil. That's like apples playing risk with all computing slow weekend say. Look. I would love to take little acts in the notification and make it a big acts. you know occasions in in morocco, as this is why we don't run these so bad. You noticed
mercosur terrible they are in a they ve, gotten worse with everything they ve done up in the corner, but go find growl what left of ground by it just put on there and done and I'll be fine, Growl is a deep caught. most of our listeners. two thousand growl- was it open source notification framework for mac o s whose ex cholera second and like all yet right, that's great will use it now is used it enough. Well, its own notification system that is oddly used and in growl faded away, right, so you're saying go, find the remnants of growl yeah like give that guy five bears his name is John raoul saga is like george george rifle.
He deserves eagerly, just just buy it from him. I would love to be able to put my notifications on the one part of my screen. I never go to rather than the part where, like it always covers up all of my slacks with other slacks yeah, I think, with the emmeline, with their able to new foreign factors, max adding big sir predated those four factors: Now, looking at big sir you can see this bay intolerable and bright. It was like thing They knew than you and when I asked her coming, they ve gotten aesthetic hardware, software, aesthetic for those computers, There is a risk of a new macro prowlers, it's obvious! in all the other computers and along the way, there's some leaks about the ships are gonna put in mac prose and how many course they like they ve got an entire cycle of mac redesign coming and I think MCA less has to go with it. Go for that ride, but I didn't tell you that the right now we're max
like we're gonna get in interminable demo of like safari, cookie blocking or something great like that's, where they're out with morocco s, they need add more features to it and, like the big feature that everyone is a touch screen and then I want to do it Tom, bridging the gap again, prison the gatt diagnosis. We sit here in ten years and oblige member Do you think we're gonna get new macro press, a hundred percent? Oh god I just don't. I don't want to set myself up for disappointment it's so bad. Here's here's, I think there's, a bunch of rivers and analyse saying that will happen process as it will happen, but if there- in this new map approach. They have to introduce new processors and that, in turn, experience of new macro prose justifying the return of ports, because that's the rumour, there's gonna be ports again
god and explaining how fast the processor is apple will never do that in less than forty five minutes. Maybe half an hour ring, the move faster in these like in these online world, but for them to cram new version of a hot shit. Processor, that's faster than anything else am report's back and in all new design, and this is computer, that everybody is truly waiting for their negative cram. It in you know a ten minutes segment of doubly dvd, see I and they absently should because I need this. This macbook pro binds the twenty six key at a regional touch bar by straw city, and I'm on my third one, but you know I think the processor or so for the last couple of years. They've spent so much time talking about processors, and I think it was less about like telling us about processors and more about like hyping, their their abilities in the space and and at this point, they've kind of like shown they can do it right like if, if all they're doing is a
Well, you know a talk for the the tick that was the m one, and that, in this, in one axor m, two is just a couple additional cores and slightly less power. Efficiency like I think they can communicate that pretty quickly and and be like, like all they have to do, is be like it's going to be like mac that prevents the two more hours. I over the ports is a thing they will absolutely due to be like yeah now applaud for this sd hard reader. And I will literally you hear the applause around the world and avert even on a virtual, then another pumped- u s pc, to support more power recently I I'm sitting here with the sixteenth inch macbook pro and a hundred wat usb see charger in this thing often does not charge like it. Often still drawing too much power for this gigantic hundred. What brick If I play anything else in the briquettes game over, so I think another reason to bring the ports back is they might as well just have a dedicated powered after, like? U s
see. I know they say it, but it's true like if I may, if they needed put ninety watson, do some ultra powerful and series ship, then you might as well have a dedicated power adapter. I think it's going to be a powerful chip. I think it's not going to be as powerful as like. The big power users want it to be rae like I don't think it's going to be the thing that, like all the video programmers and audio producers and stuff just chuck out there, sixteen inch and go get. I think, they're going to like, I think it's it's going to be less power well than that, because apples gonna wait until that big mac pro to really show off like how good it is at processing blood. I think it's like. I think it's just going to be kind of their half step between the macbook air like right. This is just a little step up of like slightly more powerful, slightly more power hungry. and look a nicer, bigger screen and ports no
I think that they are to have the thirteen inspectorate pro, which is like what, if this computer had a fan, right in and the pro, and if you do, a fourteen inch, I think is one spurs fourteen and sixteen of them rumors like those that's their like bread and butter pro machine. Those things have to be. asked. So I dunno we'll see. I just think that they ran into bed. Owe you a swiss cheese. He was a mistake. We ve had a so put a power port back on here, because we need to pull much power from a dedicated you, as we see break where they can. They can be like what they do with the mac. Prose is like you know. We heard you. This is what we girls over like they can. They could do that I don't know yeah, I'm like with data that I'm not sure whether they have enough time to come in. They won't loneliness. I mean based on our preview here that could be like watching us like what you have done on this matter. We are, in an hour and we need to take a break, and I were the explosion of windows. I was
I doubt anything of note- is happening to the: u s, because all of apples, efforts on getting the apple tv up, another platforms included The invidious shield ha see now if shield mention think about that before he send your emails and the rest of andorra teeth. that seems where their efforts are. They just really new box criswell tribute anyway If the new remote is great, you should buy it, and it's amazing apple too, can get another seventy dollars. Out of me, an entire google tv is fifty bucks circus. Okay, when to take a break, we'll be right. Back talking about windows, hey I'm ryan reynolds at min mobile. We like to do the opposite of what big wireless. Does they charge you a lot? We charge you a little so naturally, when they announced they'd be raising their prices due to inflation
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see you want it to be windows, twelve or windows. Thirteen, I think, an exclusively real. The name servers costs, Exclusives can be windows. Nine, go to, the one they missed yeah. They were made a gateway. Some beer, like it, looks like he's be windows. Eleven, I think that's at least that's what makes it wants us to think so there is only one does twenty: how are they? sufficing just kidding when we said we're. Never gonna have a new version. Windows is greeted his ten for ever and ever we promise we hold on. I have an idea of the windows, two thousand see, I think, is going to go. One of two ways rights can be one freeways is: can be windows, windows, eleven or windows, free six or something else something windows series take them.
Windows, series xbox, If I didn't the name of branding around this is changing. Xbox live, in windows, edition It's it's gotta, be it's gonna, be azure, intelligent, agile. So what do we do about windows? The windows two thousand were winners, thousand came as those eleven so so they put out, they ve been teasing these four months so panels next generation back ignite in the data he just a week ago said like this. Just give me the biggest change to windows in like a decade and the next generation of windows, and then well, this invalid, which is basing its to sing wits about next generation of the windows, but also alongside the info. It has like a sort of a shadow light pouring through the window, but it doesn't have the folk bars at the horizontal buttery re, so it just
like it's the shadows creeping in eleven, unlike us Okay, maybe not like you know, everyone over analyzes apple invites like whatever then starts at eleven a m of certain and witness events, never easy star that time, ujiji, let nine or ten m, says kind of cookies. Kids, and then one of them I sought is its upon twitter. Unlucky can't wait for this new version of windows and iceland heard them say, a new version of windows like that's different language, and they feel they always set the next generation of windows wherever that means. So I think that combining those freezing together is why I think this can be some self naming happening here. A new windows name. What is it? What is a new windows? Name means rosita was saying when they need to understand we're just an update window send forever. This is that here we are what it means having a new name. Is it Unifying strategy shift is at a new product new interface. What's years, I think I think the new name, probably
nephites, a bit more, very investment in windows, so these they split, windows into two parts internal me a few years ago, and panel solve, came on board and then the pandemic kit. Unlike that combination but pencil taken it windows in the pandemic. Resurgence of let pc computing cause peoples, each one. It work from home. let them think I'll, let you know there are still like. Whatever is one point: three billion people ease the operating system every day, so we should properly fix things that make it late, look better and stuff. So I think it's the opportunity of doing all that fixing up work and a new. you. I and all that stuff is probably just lead them to the point of like we should just call the summit different. You know like they were trying to Spain called windows. Ten x, it was going to be on duel screen devices before pandemic hit and then they were like we can put it on single screen devices and and they're, like you know what we're just going to take all of the work that we did on that. Like the good you I work and
good bits of like reorganising windows, essentially making it more lightweight. Are we to put it into windows? Nothing, that's what this is so like a lot of that say is, is basically consists of life free things like you, I work new store, and then some rumours about began to that, and then the final thing is is basically a joint hutches. Complete completely osman training the daily news to me you, I I like a move and opportunity for at developers of ink, unlike opening up a little bit, I think, pretty bring some of the walls of the store down. Who help that. Doesn't they want to be that app distribution game like yeah like they have realized? I think I've had conversations with panels in the past, like when you, when you took over me site that conversations with him in briefings about windows and like expressing like them? either? I c windows and other people who use it frequently say is that he's, like a to z, is like a poorly to its eat all over. But
think a lot of the time they've been chasing like the wrong set of people for like they did his creators update. They tried to do for that group of people. It didn't really work out and they keep they kept. They've constantly be trying to chase growth for windows, rather than just realize that it's valuable to a lot of people and they can improve it and build upon it fix things that will make it more valuable to those people rather than have to you know, add another hundred million people using it, however, and so I think that they have finally come to realize that and perhaps It also has to do with the pandemic learnings and stuff and the absolute growth in pc sales. I mean it's like yeah explosive growth in pc sales yeah and like dems of assisting them experiment with these versions of windows over the years, like tennis and taxes, very experiment and I've been waiting fur at length for aliens having a different name windows like a version that they can sell attached to harder is like a gold mine for them because they pay. Is it just a meal?
generates like hype, an interest in products like gold. Isn't you were windows? Looking English again, you laptop, it triggers casinos bending in all this stuff, innovation, enterprise as well do you think they just want to be able to reuse the letters or like I like. We we want to do another has windows. Eleven as it is because of that strategy was to appliance. I windows most of us, also to take on chrome books right and so, if there they didn't succeeded at making the s mode. You now it never really succeeded in making like a light version of windows. Do they're, giving up on that dreamers it that somehow part of this- and I think that's part of this- I think, like some of it was making a bit more lightweight the euro improvements by think the tennis stuff was more than competing with kramer s. It was also like control of the operating system has taken that control back
a little bit theres many legitimate reasons to debt. Let rent somewhere that were seeing across the world happens on windows, computers because their open, pablo, but the way they went ahead date. They force people gallery where they'd have to package the wraps into the store is very much like the ios debate. Right, like apple, has all the control over the app store, thus the control that microsoft ultimately wanted, wherever they want it, the same so control who knows I think that was the primary driving driver, their needs twilight, team sweeney was dead against that self. and I think the realisation of windows knows that that stuff, it's just not never, really gonna work whenever they never gonna treaty make it lightweight list this blow it up and do something totally new which, like its text, like trying to go down that route by fix the realisation of like he's windows and bought this product is, for, I think that's that's does anything so did the surface neo and the out. At the same time do our runs, andred and aid, and we heard
All the stories about how they work with android in harare google and panel set at microsoft. I tweeted of her. Not products is like and I got nowhere who is deeply discounted seriously considered impulse wine one, and then I did because, as I don't essentially a fire sara I don't go anywhere else. I don't need another phone discussion when it full sovereignty recited bigger found. Maybe next year over there and neo was ten acts to austrian any intact, story, we heard was like dual screens on the future productivity you The two things at once on a phone it needs a ranch you have since on side by side. Over here were re, are connecting windows for dual screens once again in the future productivity that appears to be out there. Yes, tat is totally out of the window like that they don't talk about the nearer to animal. Like is basically a council. Put up to now is princess in the palace, it doesn't exist anymore, bringing the two windows. What happens
all those like laptops from the o m, because they were all kind of going on it too, he is, any only lenovo la when odin and that she launch their ex one followed, think pet photo over his coat The supposed to come in a text was gonna, come to that, so at an old happens there, but I'm sure the two people bought one word. like I'm, not gonna, be disappointed Y know, because we saw we saw a sues did like they're there to their kind of dawn honour and I think there are still doing it right where they have like the little monitor down at the bottom and stuff, and I knowed del kept saying they were going to and then kind of stepped back of. It said they're going to and it just like did they all just say: oh the display technology and everything else that needs to be there just isn't there and when at the same time said now. yeah. That sort of stuff is slightly different to those of windows, ten ec stuff, so that was that was just like pure windows and like they were doing like
customary em like panels above the keyboard, sets a pilot, and I can't believe they re aims of expense, without source for years. So I think that stuff will still be there and will still say I just don't have feet mars is going to support it in lucca, a big effort. Yeah I mean it will what they really drives. The upgrade cycles of foreign factor change, which we owe this thing we even out inside of the iphone like the change the iphone, looks everybody buzzing you. I found this just after the iphone twelve, even while lots of people were at home, lots of people want I've controls. Was it look different to me? It's like it is to meet the silliest. What most consistent thing. I know that technology is viewed will buy a new one. You just change the way it looks like in the eye is like the example if I rarely got new functionality, but every year they made it look different and I was like I need a new ipod and it's coming
the reverse. At the moment, cause it's like. What's driving pc growth is the reverse, like people are going from picking up their phones? To being like, I need something to work on. Like I can't I you know, I usually have the the something the office or at school or whatever, and I don't have that now so I need I need something. It's like is still a form factor thing, that's driving it, but it's just the opposite likewise, we used to have won by mobile phones and just not ready, touching desktop pcs or laptops as frequently and that's that's driving this. This grief at the moment who knows once everything starts to go hype. It work or whatever you want to call it, how that shakes out like that, I am sure the grateful go away yum summer, but then do they pick that your screen. Yet might put that some say much suffers a gung ho unformed factor change. Could they thought they could crack back into the free market and they could do something? The juice, the pc market, now dropped because they didn't the kind needed.
I could shine, and I just interviewed the ceo of acer acer has had it's best quarter like in years and they're, just like making everything and we kept asking like who what's your bet like is a crumb books. Is it windows on arms it whatever he's a couch gonna make whatever like burns. Why everything? You forget here there in like that is almost like this, Two thousand silver pcs them just because this such a demand for them An unusual about demand? I'm say is definitely opposition fertile stuff because they could just experiment and people people via the yet like the fact that Michael was, you know whose basic, potentates its surface brown on the line. Here, for like a jewel screen device and stuff It has an see on the android side, it's surprising that they dropped it so quick during the pandemic, and they get an. I feel like they kind of used as like I don't assain excuse, but like is definitely like,
I think he was getting the way that they thought it was going to go the development cycle on it, so it was like it was a good point in time for them to likes of, say: okay, let's not do this right now this focus more on windows, but you're like I'm curious to see where they go then future and is like this room about like this windows, eleven stuff that they might bring back some of the touch stuff, a kind of did, which is sing sing. Stuff flying around about that. I've got a feeling that they are doing quite alone. a lot has ITALY, because if if somehow managed to keep it very tight. So I feel like this can be a lot, a lot that we won't know until the event. How extensive is the user interface change can be cause like with windows. Ten. They did like a surface change and then you'd go to menus and and you'd just be back in seven yeah like I think, a lot of is cleaning up,
like that they ve been so working on this over the last saw. Copley is like some, the icon staff. The system icon- old order so stuff like clean up. You know when you open up ever installation and suddenly you feel like you back in windows. Ninety five, but like nightly happening here. Think some of that will be going away and I'd hope that all of it goes away but, like I just can't see it fully going away, and it's like it is a focus on a rounded corner. Is a new start menu a lot, the stuff you so intense, where they simplified. Let the flouts mittal spa alike. basic stuff like controlling volume, older, so stuff looks a bit more like mobile friendly, almost like bit? Will tablet touch friendly as well, because I think they really stepped back from that stuff in his turn because I went so badly of eight. It's like the main ones swinging right like and we discuss and take an apple actually has a giant and solid base. A touch screen pcs. Now here they ve
they are and how people actually use them on the things they want to do them, which is usually just like get. I know but yet I am. I am curious to see where they go with that stuff, if they brain, which is, I can let slide to bring in widgets and stuff, like that, like I dunno, I feel like they're, going to add some stuff that a lot of people are just going to turn off right, but I hope that they get to the point where they don't have to do stuff like false. Stan, you afraid of force being done afraid and some others, so businesses decisions they tried to do to oversee, make things seem relevant and see like it has users at all I like generate some search and ad revenue units and stuff, like I hate they get away from that, because I want to type into my start menu and have it search the web on the provided that I wanted to do it's open up the browser that I have set as default, so I'm hoping that they kind of do that sort of stuff as well.
Its words one tap for being too taps for Google. Is there If they're just going to hide it behind a series of incomprehensible finger presses, but this can fit like these univee things things gonna be in asia? gonna be too small windows up, but if you win terribly just like they haven't whenever they ve done stuff, I dont might, if not, really they ve done it. Seventy five percent of the way and its those little cracks that make let some sancho stuff up meal was it like that Yeah just say I think, going to one hundred percent on that sort of stuff will make a big difference. It's very minor stuff, but ultimately the the little cups adopts. How much is that gonna go to like the app developers because they know with with like when you look at back ios. It has all these really good and good. Looking apps, and it's because, like apple kind of thinks about how things look in windows is just kind of like a works go like. Are they going to be trying to push that more with this new app store,
the oil year, not necessarily the app store but like they have been shown percent with a lotta api work over the years- and there are some like better looking windows apps because because of it, I will say, like as a desktop operating system. I can't think of an app that's in the last five years as important a puppy browser updates right like it said that point where the itchy foot, iterative versions of lead, I be crave. Sweet I like big news, but like there's, never easy a new app that comes along, I don't know they're all let's run apps, that's the problem. Shut up share that with their web browser biscuit, telling you w w dc that we give you deceive three hours of web apps at that time. When is this event june, twenty four? But yet the other think the other big thing is the store, in open up and allow like chrome and firefox and stuff. They know that members,
openness, the store like chrome can't be, and, like my browser, you can't be you can't sit with us. they will signal. Allow third party payment process persist, As for the slow they're just going to come for apple, I see what they're doing yeah like yeah, so that doesn't have a I thought this as well and then it's just like fixing up stuff like e mana monmouth, to support some some bluetooth stack stuff that they should have fixed years ago. Yeah, it's like the big fix. I think it justifies an eva. Sir, the twenty fourth eleven, a m wherever you are doorway. life sucks and time zones at eleven am yeah. Alright, we're going to take a break. We we've got more operating system talk about wild adventure on the show right back
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Download the app to get free delivery on your first. Three orders offer valid for a limited time, minimum ten dollars per order. Additional terms apply, we're back. There's more operating systems talk about surreal week of operating systems, including from Well, but really the the news here dinner, I'm gonna. Let you walk answers while a basically got banned from using android from by the trump administration. Basically they're pulling the entity west, which is still a great name inactive created a new ass which is not andrade, blankets. it's like three endurance entrenched yeah, it's called the us. They should call the entity or it's not. It's not three androids in a trench coat. It's it's like three androids in a very pretty trenches with like flower resident, it's like. The flows in the wind look sign. Yeah like ours. Tackling actually did some really,
the ties on here when you actually ask huawei about it. They're like yeah, it's no different and it's like. No, we, we all know it's based on android, which is frustrating because they could just admit it re think android is open source. Google can't directly offer stuff to huawei, but like it's out there, Google can't stop let them sir there's some way they could get around it. I don't know- and it has also we- It is a color we just spent talking about needing competition and more apt stores and whatever and where, I'll, just sort of turning a nose up it hernia ass, before its even out. Get me in what way is the biggest player in funds in china still and thereby the end? in my forty years ago, wish. I actually have sam update this piece, but he did a whole piece about how the chinese smartphone market is ultra competitive There are lots of different options, lesser and force of android. They all use complete, rhapsody iphone came round
which is amazing. How many of us actually, if you will actually a better way to describe it as three androids in a in a iphone the content? That sounds bad, but so that's like that is always faster. we like white. Is the camera app get ripped off the most? It's because it's the thing that but he uses and lowering the switching costs the camera app is good. Its interest is, simple is like it is not worth while to innovate and how the camera outworks, because you want people to pick up a new phone and be able to do the thing they're gonna do the most without any cognitive. Whatsoever, then you can be like we have ideas right. Notifications makes his coat and accurate but it's the market in china is booming with andred forks and so harmony unless is gonna, be a big player, and that is true because don't get. These are like hi you nobody's android and in what ways like, but we are here well, it's also like we. We won't bother think any every father doesn't have the google placed our failure, but is actually like,
by having alternative after that wasted at amazon appstore was good, but would you needed was absent. Google will never put its absence, anything that doesn't have Google's play stored. All those exclusivity agreements anyway harmony was coming. There's also harmony was on the highway watch, but it seems like that's, really sorry brand of light o s, which was the version that they ran their watches on before, because nothing runs on where until new version of where this merging with ties. Incomes are hot, The optimism that something will run on where then look and then they tease but did not really release the highway P. Fifty which looks amazing. There are two giant like our eye camera raised on the back justly big giant circles of cameras in them to go for it is they just went forward? It looks great
Oh only releasing It- and this is the quote from the company- quote- we're trying to figure out how to make this great product available to you I fucking. Would you like to? Would you like to read the chip shortage? To that? Would you like to read the entity listened to, that would shoot. Any number of things are keeping us from having this great product made available to us, but yeah. That's! I love It's not like coming weeks. It's like we're, actually we're trying to figure out how to release don't know if it's gonna happen. That's fair! That's amazing! Okay and then there's future, which we been diligently tracking the status of Google's future for years and finally did a thing yeah, its arriving on the original nest, hub, formerly known as the Google home, no, my god, is just gonna, be the underlying nothing's going to change about its functionality or features it's just. It's gonna run on top of future now
all. They said. Was it's gonna be faster? I would be so happy yeah. I guess we'll see whether or not this is a stepping stone towards touchstone towards future. Doing more things is unclear, it amuses me the most, isn't the confusion about whether fuchsia is going to be the future foundation of phones and tablets and laptops and whatever it is, and if it's going to replace entering the promo us, it's that Google's smart home gadgets now run on cast future and I'm pretty sure, there's some like android home floating around the world somewhere, literally doesn't care when it s runs. Its gadgets is basically whatever yet future you about ready sure it will throw it. I said I should deeply confusing whether even announced this yeah because like it, they can adjust done it in The future team would have him like happy yeah,
and they would have had a secret and they would have walked the streets of san francisco. The glimmer in their eyes. They knew something that you didn't know. What love This news broke is like somebody from the fugitives. Like is not every day shipping you ios ass, it was like watch yeah, He could have secretly installed the linux micro, colonel and got away now too in all his work and then an agnostic. These efforts- and so we have to the glimmer in the eye is gone now, everybody knows the secret and the secret is nothing has changed its social Let down to lake like that, the early hyper few she was just going to be. It is going to be totally different susanna, replace android yeah. It's going to replace android, it is going to be incredible. It was going to be amazing, and now it's on, like a google device, yeah that really not supposed to interact with yeah like they've.
you're not supposed to touch it so much to the new one encourages you'd just wave at it. Instead of dutch, it's pretty good. I wasn't I have stopped a lot of timers like very insistently, miss good slap it I get why they did it. It's just like stop. I know the rice is done, you shut up, I think that's it for operating systems tom before he go. I want to. I want to end with a segment on an thirty. Eighty two, as you have one day, one like five people who, like Are you afraid for your safety, I also managed to buy one today. Canada is a half test. sir richmond s native showing off rendering submit coins, and considering certain sum of india's how it works, the third issue. I say I reviewed it. It's you know better than the thirty eighty, as you'd expect for full came to an end for if we pay gaming putting
a little bit pricey foot for the, especially in this market like and even today was seen them like a faint alert system. Hey person. It was like specify a thousand in one pounds I like people, send them on Ebay for two and a half thousand pounds right now says like yeah, but it is a good call is pretty much cause you get to the thirty nineteen she's, the fifteen hundred dollar card, but eve you. bending twelve hundred fifty hundred dollars a month on a card like this is a kind of a new area of gps, the thing- and I think, the thirty eight years, just like the bogan card, really for the six nine nine like I don't know why you go for the eighty. I really luxuriating wanted the actual at ten percent. Wake. you can't get either. How many for K monitors? Do you need to justify than thirty eight eighty? I is likely lake You really have to really want to play. The lead,
the extra high framework for K, I think for most people. They make an moved to forty four epa. The vast majority still internet. You pay, sir, the eye I read by the thirty eighty. I think that would be my recommendation over the thirty eight, but you can't buy them, so you can, It is a very odd we we're looking at pictures or lines and for the best buy here and states dear, like it's a very odd moment for these products. It is They are just not available this unfortunate because they so good. Compared to the previous generations, that is come at the worst possible time. A global ship chip shortage in the middle of like when everyone wants to buy cheap here and if one wants to my laptop and almost to do everything say, is really unfortunate and, like you can't ready for nvidia for like competing with itself and what another card- and I know a lot more people like why they launching a space like you know,
this is what these countries data, when the woman to source stand standstill, visa bays unfortunate because now can we by them, there is signs, though, by the fact that I could buy violence, and also john- amounting managed to get the EU today what about that? That's like a sign of both highly uk here as we move to the uk, this sounds like a scam, miss vernon rex. It scanty to boost our population and other Yeah come on member nations, the EU and individual trade agreements, we have gp use available. Yes, let's get this done. You can mine freely. So what's actually really interesting with the chip, for this thing is an unstable such a decoder. Our people have told me executives, a flexible me this year, foretopmast the shortages, it old process, nodes rates, fifty five and ninety amateurs. These ships are samsung. Eight nanometers like here
overall global chip shortage is, is elsewhere. The demand for these g pews is there's her snuff capacity, its It is incredible that there is a much demand for gps right. Yeah I mean, I think, is because you did, the twenty eightth series and light there were good cause, but people are we'll just hang out handles, went tonight for a little bit longer to see what they do next. I liked that it took them balls to do the next bit Now people I can already took great now so there pull even buying twenty eight days like off of ebay for like whether the crazy prices there, like whatever a thousand dollars, which is just not so kiss is, is a crazy situation. Many and you can't discount the bitcoin, renders the and, as the irish, I refuse to know how that works there, during those coins and now but the industry that, like the theory market, is still largely based? Actually do not the sort of just two beekeeper. I am aware that big business in essex
in theory, missiles. Entropy, is what that market is still driving internal demand. Oh, it is, and that's what that's why they know the mining and particularly, if on these cards, because they know that those dust diced people still building farms with these gps. How is that nothing easy to get around well in video, it really easy to get around because they release the driver they'll be here like they are bringing out neath the eighties and new thirty seventies that have enough hope. You don't joy if there is taken. But, like pete, I think people have been figuring out ways of getting around yacu dislike anything right, nothing's ever fully on credit, was, he began to use the deal easier to use one gpa to crack the energy pierre, which means you gotta get to Now I know what you did Tom, that's ridiculous! asked no before we go We didn't I about this last week. A lot of streaming use us weak in addition,
our trans, our new managing editor, is wonderful. We haven't you streaming reporter stubbins, very big choose of Julia katy Keck we need ambitious in every day this last week out of demanded katy, walkest or other craziness and streaming we'll do that soon. But he's seen cheap just decided to walk away from the one I deal yet is in credible their spinning in off emergent with discovery. There is an excellent new york times piece about how to steal, came together by edley, whose eastward record and were very friendly, fed, but it's read it: it's incredible. The sea discoveries, very rich man here the town house in new york, but that the town or city owns, which is a second I'm in europe, was on innovation, so he rented another town house for this deal. She's like a perfect detail. For me, in decorated with pictures of rock stars and they all they made. The did. The deal under giant, photo, Steve, mcqueen and all the exactly
Steve mcqueen as the hero of the deal read it and you're like none of this, makes anything like none of this is related to what you are going to do by merging these companies and putting off agency, but it is happening. they announced a tagline and a logo and a name it took them one week is the worst nay logo and tagline combination. I have ever seen from any company ever its author. The name is bad the name. Just warner eyebrows discovery yap which just the two names together, it makes sense, but the fact that they ve gone with when her brows in second brothers is incredible. With a period the law go looks like he was made in ninety ninety five on the quadroon, seven hundred like it's. extruded gold, three d on a sky background, and then the tagline which I am told us from a a classic warner. Brothers movie is the stuff dreams or meda. which is under medical, and also
and no one alive today has seen that movie like it's for my casablanca. Some day we famous movie that no young streaming customer, is aware. If you know the movie, please tweet at reckless The non stop everyday reminded what the movie sluts! Here's, where I I just google it I just google, it's a song by carly Simon. It's an episode of law and order, organise the maltese falcon. That's the movies! So very, very famous movie but I assure you most people have not seen this movie or get this reference. I feel There is also a really bad movie to choose a quote from life it's a big film nor lake. Why would you would you be like you know what this woollens? our people. Murder, begin white murder, I'm. So it's a mood is the stuff that dreams are made over do you teach it just look at this. Just go. Look at the picture. It is.
I tweeted it's on the website the thought that they printed after aims are made. It is like I mean it's a caliber. It's like a default fund. It's so bad. I find the bigger the designer its page shot pro they got dumped on so hard that they really statement to variety being like none of this signal. This isn't I'm sick people argue about already in inner beginning for complete unwinding. eighteen, tease massive investment in order media? There are selling off in. That means, eighteen tea, they bought directv, destroyed its value in our spending off. They bought war. Arab media destroy. It's value, are spinning it off in the middle of all of his atrium acts, and nobody knows they're going to do that. Just if a t and is buying you run you do I knew katie- was the streaming reporter for auspicious yesterday and slack as we are talking about all that she's like is there anything eighteen t can't kill, has like oh, like
on your fresh faced in your like, you believe it answer the question that is given to you. You ve already got it. You ve already figured it but it's like amazing that this deal I mean it was huge deal the trumpet minute and soon to block it because trouble mad cnn, you just want to revenge on cnn. They failed the entire impetus to this deal. Was there we're gonna bundle, atrium acts with eighteen? She services that made no sense, because there is a penny I can support for not streaming atrium acts on their phones so much tncs network. It's still just like they will throw israel maxi if you're an a t and t subscriber for any reason whatsoever. You sneeze the a t and t website. Would you like a treat? max, but none of that worked out an irishman enough. They filed a daughter of the us. You see it's like in F a hue for investors. In all the questions like,
why. Why was this deal ever a good idea, and we still think it was a good idea. We just think we have a better idea, it's very good, so that's that unpack it. It is not closed. We are talking about early in the show there that a lot of antitrust action in the world is going to get approved I can imagine the government being like we soon the steel and now we're in it, a sweden on wind it, but it does have to pass muster. The merchant with discovery, though, is gonna, really sack if you're like a cable provider, because now, like there's just this huge packet of channels that can negotiate big pay, like big rate increases and that's not gonna, be great lake. I guess I could definitely see. There is still some points.
test into this merger spin off whatever it is. I dont know how to create new entity yeah. Also, the revolving door of executives is wild, so agency bought time warner things the new set of executives. All the old worn executives, including the head of hbo, left tons of creative left, warner then installed a new ceo, just and collage ex seo hulu com. I said all my movies are going to streaming dna with theatres from now on, pissed off everyone, including Christopher Nolan, who said I'm done working with warner brothers Dennis it off in the like color, you might be gone and they've been in the I think, he's agree to stay on for one year, but after that he's so like just the wreckage In the wake of the stand, they killed two incredible streaming: networks to cause. They kill film struck with the murder
the original merger, and it was just like devastating. If you were one of the four people who whose it was It was just me and turned to and then they killed they killed. It see universe. That was actually almost good. If you were a giant giant nerd and enjoyed comic books again, it was just me. Sorry alex. Have you heard of hp max as we are happy to give you a few match for, if you're in eighteen teasing, shriver I've never aid for it. I think I have four subscriptions already. They did, however, launch the atrium x ad tear this week, yeah I'm trying to grow that market. But just a look I know I have a lot of thoughts about antitrust laws and I'll be happy if the only antitrust law in this country was eighteen ts. by just forbidden, think it would work out. I'm just I live in the uk and things a little less complicated over rejecting it Government programming,
yeah, that's true! I'm just saying centre of global drive, you're listening and I'm just assuming that after she was on decoder, she is a hardcore. Var channels are now and that's a fair assumption right. That's my idea for an antitrust bill. just put that other than, and lastly, we use other Schuman use amazon A deal by an gm which a supernatural does that when it attracted way we're antitrust, interest right, you're, Josh, holly's or closed like across the spectrum were mad at amazon, we're not going to let them buy this extremely defunct film studio, they're going to that's. Definitely it's going to be fine! I just can't imagine that they're not going to clean house Sudan, gm yeah right, like amazon's, an amazon defy that whole thing didn't like together, a piece of that studios, James bond, dont, even other rights Tom is a british person. you you're legally allowed to no the ownership structure of James bond. That's like here So that's the mountain right is Bmw.
James bond is creatively controlled by the broccoli family to this day, and so amazon can't even like make that into a tv show, although I'm confident Jeff is, are just going to throw money at that province. Hotels. It's off the table, I solve that problem. I think come on poverty in bombay, clearly the villain. No, no. He doesn't know that plot to look if you james bond from from a different person, James bond is the villain of all those movies. I'm just put the text I officiant first People in those movies. James bond is very much the bad guy. Oh yes, in the ways blow and stuff up he's sleeping with your girlfriend like Jesus shows up in ruins aeroplanes. He just sounds like a typical grace pessimism eve, Finally get your giant pit with sharks. install happy we'll everything was perfect. Evan James bond, just swans instills, your girl blows up your sharks and murder. It takes her cat
That's a virtuous everybody. We can ensure that no, it was Alex's for a show, she's just as james on his I'm alive. Going on this week. As you can tell a lot going next week. I want to call it a thing. We were not able to cycle. there is also a chicken wing shortage. country. In addition to a be shortage gestures. Looked into. Why it's not an obvious thing for attacker border to do. It is it se own delivery, apps, there's a real thing. Each row read the story it's very good. It is one of those o computers led to an unexpected result stories it just the in the wildest way. That's We we went long. We actually went along this time. It is good to have you here, we're happy on again. It was super fun. I loved it out what what's your twitter My my twitter is very simple: its Alex h cranes, it's absolutely terrible. Please subscribe Tom is tom or endears our back on I'm a reckless entreated us. We had her also get here as from sight. I indicated this week next week, its third
managing director of? Why commentator the startup accelerator comes out of startups, including convey sledge coin base. Dropbox kirby runs out. A similar michael cycle is undeclared, or next week s really I look forward to it and we have every day we see. That's it right. Snip, snip, bridging the gaps a right reynolds at mid mobile, we like to do the opposite of what they wireless. Does they charge you a lot? We charge you a little so naturally, when they announced they'd be raising their prices due to inflation, we decided to deflate our prices,
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Transcript generated on 2023-08-22.