« The Vergecast

Heartbeat Trolling Everyone All the Time


We're going hard tech with Nilay Patel, Chris Ziegler, and special British guest Tom Warren. We've got Microsoft, Apple, VR, Hyperloop, and dispatches from the North American International Auto Show. And, of course, Sam Sheffer is on hand to check the hype at various points along the way. It's beef.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Let's just get this out of the way I am exhausted, passed the point of rational thought, I'm doing a thing when I'm really tired or my voice is gradually and when SAM heard it in his headphones, he just looked up and said o whisky lie. MR really its heart, because I had fun yesterday its cause. I I literally took a twenty four hour trip to seattle, which involves riding on planes like nonstop planes, lecture wilson What what is in seattle? Now I oh that's, that's a huge did the people seattle good stuff there. I will say this: here's what a number of things happened to me in seattle and she won't hear about any of the important ones until later. But here's here's a few things that happened to me saddle I still have a wisconsin id. This is true because
Legal now, honour sounds like should be illegal. I do sir I've had it. I because every time I move em I should get in there we and by its like four years in their living somewhere like I should have done so your photos for when you were like twenty one. I look like I mean age, so bad He definitely goes hungover and went to the dmv, and so ever I saw this idea so everywhere I went seattle like checking into the hotel or like going to the legal weed dispensary with our video team, which is basically an apple store for weed. I don't smoke weed, I'm really I'm terrible at it, but we just want to check it out, cause it's legal there and I was like this is seriously. Can anyone see get ready it everywhere. I went sailor like pakistan, her and then they were super rude to me, cause it just my eyes and they were like mad. It was like a doubt. So that's one thing, but you
a packers fan incorrect and then I was rude to them back when I had numbers as I come to wisconsin and say that that I have to go there anyway, so that happen and and then the other thing was that we went to this apple store for weed We we deliver on that, because I was a new thing. You look straight looking the greater the time he looked straight to that for the further we now say it was. This is like a It was like a strange place. It was like at the end you know like hip. Restaurants are like always finish, like refinish wood and like here's like an old lamp made of iron right and like. Oh, my god, these changes are exposed this, but they must serve great food here right, like that's an aesthetic restaurants. Now do you know you know what I'm talking. So this like an entire store in that aesthetic, but then, like the the merchandise of we'd consumption, is nowhere near that aesthetic so all
stuff was like and then crazy, seventies bob. It's like these things don't match at all, like you built like this hip clean. Apple store and then there's like tears. A bong shakes inactive hours, where I was just like literally iq built store for product line that does not yet exist. It was just like a total aesthetic mission. Also was the wheedle overpriced like an impulse to yes and was all all marketing drizzling, true the server in every time you picked. They are the johnny I video played. This is the first was tat job just I've just now it was just like we many it. We had so many hours to kill red eye, a red. I fight back we're like what we do in our first we'd go. I could get a pipeline market but actually far away from where we were so. What's the next thing, we can do it's like legal. We
we, like literally yelped at it, was like such a weird experience like the one we'd get with a guy like so we walk in recall journalists right like we're not going to buy anything. So we just start talking to the people who work there, and they're all stoned. Presumably I dunno, but the guys, like you know it's really great about this, as I can finally to say what I do is. I guess I used to run ahead. job right idea. This is a glass bowl for tobacco But now I m not lie anymore, and I certainly did it was. It was justice super weird experience anyway. So I'm very tired because of all the flying, but this is the verge cast. So in terms of cold opens, we've accomplished that goal. I think, for the week, I'm the lifestyle I am critical, and until one o snap tom or in the uk, the uk, even origin Conover, gets that
I give it away and my parents, with my men and the hype desk, hey god, I'm sam schaeffer, welcome to the verge cast. It's corporate sam is back a I haven't seen, say anything so next week we'll talk about it, we are. Can we have one entire show, a just about say, and it's it's that intensive a movie like that will change my life. The lights are You, the style, is coming apart right now. I think there's just an incredible number of eighties movies that if you just watch them, you will completely understand a lot of people in your life he will become even years older and instantly it'll, be I don't really want that. Maybe I prefer to be, using about all the people that, anyway to tom you're, you came to see us with us today? you're staying over in iraq for the week, because he had flight free weeks into and then your cause you're flying cause. There's a windows event: when does the windows event, with windows ten on january, twenty first on the swiss mike.
So they doing the consumer version. Witness ten redress and she's gonna be tablets, this event was really sort of business. You must go yeah desktop, and I guess it. They're gonna talk a little bit about the desktop there's. Nobody worries. Women's rights are an area windows ten. I can't tell if this is the continuation of a strategy that microsoft things as working more if it's like microsoft and they're, just like reconfiguring as they go like what I think I just trying to maximize the amount of press they can get out of this stuff, especially the windows. Ten. The initial event was keeping it small and it kind of surprises with a name. So was he got quote a lot of attention and it was the desktop stuff, and now it's like his own tablet and phone stuffs. I think, if anything that they need to do next week is prove that they are still in mobile, do that they can still cause windows. Rt wasn't particularly
is a flop. We can, we can promote, say that send us whenever he doesn't ask his career. He should because I return That's right. Ten thousand words on learning by shipping about about media. Only a joint blue person. You say is that we demand some kind of up and stephen reno they'll go. That's yeah. The way to crisis art is fave, while certainly so that they need support. that they can do a combined phone and tobacco prices to operators in the people care about right, amber that operates so windows ten. They announced the name and they went super hard. This first of all, super strange, yeah events. Armenia reserve, reedy, smooth low key they wouldn't. Let it is, as I still people we wanted to live on, and they would only let us and tom- and I was like basically like one person for outlet we wanted
Basically, we want to announce the name and then show off a bunch of insane power user features near where they shot off a new terminal and they like keyboard. For I that was all about light, weak what about you guys that we kind of screwed over with our crazy start menu that took up the whole screen and like we do care about those features. If it gets more about like yeah, we do care about the desktop guys that they were trying to say at this time. I think that this time will a bit different philippines things be similar to them to the experts. One event though they did, but I got the glitzy see volcano and they re afternoon- collect private sessions a light, not not so public in at least them what I saw diggings or the features and after
are they going to release a developer preview or anything the the? I think it sounds like it's going to be like the last time they did the event. It was the day after or in response to do this sort of similar thing this time, but depends on a lot on the timing and if they're ready, but I figured be very very soon after will there be a one more thing then I surf, pro for then already for that stem cell phone flagship, which surfaced of wills of lines up, but so so that that first event was really small and then we criticize them like you do, and we said why was your event? He runs windows ten, but you didn't answer anything. Our friend Joanna wrote a piece I was like: don't buy a laptop to windows, cut into that and frank shot for microsoft, like superman, like tweet, like twitter rage at Johanna and because he was like why everything's great right now, but I think this is the moment when they show off the rest of windows, ten,
make it in a piece like that, like just wait to buy a laptop until windows, ten comes reloaded is going to make a lotta sense of eats. Also they've got a show like they'd, be talking about free screens and a cloud for like an hour. I couldn't remember the amounts in the original bomber. Yet I was a bomb a thing, but this is kind of their moment to explain like this strategy. They ve always been moving towards the universe, elapse across all ref apps, any kind into the whole thing of. not too many like, we call the metro abso, whether you want to call me that Those I apps. And does not witness foam ones were not quite as goods come too It comes into like that that thing, with a struggling with the apps on these new platforms, and so I think they have to can explain a little bit of that, and I guess that they're going to reserve most of it for build, which is at developer conference. So is the philosophy that, if you convince developers to make
desktop apps that just happen to also be phone compatible, then boom. Suddenly windows phone becomes relevant. Well. That was like the like the assault concepts in the fingers, but Helen they embody shoved it on everyone's fruits in terms of 'em. That start screen been forming a really bad you'll, like it is a strategy that the idea was like to to make sure that people use these apps right and they were like in front of them every day and the idea behind keeping it consumed with the tiles and stuff is like they would boost that mobile platform having familiarity and and it has worked so, and so I think they need to kind of explain that the with the app stuff. So I mean we know that they're still working on android apps on windows. They are definitely building that their trust in and out is a business decision and it's a trial.
services. Now and yeah I mean they do with that. So stuff is what, but I mean have thought about android apps running on windows, though really yeah still happening, where they're still building it and testing it. So I think that's their plan beat right so, but they're not going to talk about that next week, they're not going to talk about that build on his lap, Sergey his l. Finally, we ve got to the point where you can get. An apple makes what's ran on windows and on the phone and in others,
if we're in the same situation a year or two, and then they pull the trigger and they pull the trigger like like nokia, X yeah. I mean I just think this event. Next week they have to show it's not just showing apps running. It's like they literally have promised that they will have one operating system running from phones all the way up to the tv and, what's funny about that, is, and no one else has ever pulled that off. That's a big promise that no one else can do it particularly a unit like right. Apple has rifts of ios that run everywhere, except laptops and desktops, but like they're, like kind of different refs, have it on their screen sizes, and when you get to apple tv, it's like a totally different platform. It's still ios but whatever, and when you when they go down the wash it's like a kind of a it's what microsoft is like it's just the same thing everywhere, and they have explain what that means. I still haven't heard that story yeah. No, no, and no, I mean they've kept it very secret. So internally
is he essentially what they're doing that combining windows or tea, which powers the surface quality in surface to us not to serve his profile? and the combining, whereas our tee and Windows phone together into a single solve operating system that will span? Of course, these these saw tablet and phoned verses. so I guess what I really want to safe, and that is something this competitive. While I was summoned dyke, where they forget about the windows legacy to forget about the desktop- and even maybe even thank call it windows I know they wouldn't do that for like now, you're speaking, my language, that makes the people who speak windows mad at me, but if it was if it was completely different, so it's like it was never windows. You can well, I mean such is and isn't beholden to windows the way he was right. He is kind of of the mind that the service, the the service and the the software is the important thing. Not the platform, yeah but in the way that what makes us always words on telemetry customer feedback in
oh yeah, that's what it has its early right. So you go out in the world, they could see people use them, but the thing like that gotta show windows. Ten, like I think, show understand, and it's you got the new docks ps thirteen here, which I think is the abuses nice for the best windows at I've. Seen for for yeah. Really, it's really nice has attracted renounces gloves, typepad and is the new precision tripod. So the joy at the moment is that you like the way they figure out the jobs of its really low level winter window. So you don't go the lag associated with some touchpad drivers and stuff. Everyone should go private, that's the move! You go private! Then you make some awesome hardware right. We didn't have to build tons of crappy laptops right you have invested to. I will say that the number of ideas here that are copped from the air pretty pretty high, but it's beautiful, I mean No, no, it's pretty well differentiated from air mean its ultra book profile ripe near near you, I'm an event.
The boy like everything, looks like an air. Almost nothing, it is. I trust me like we're turns out. If you buy one is that we should definitely amy we can review and see what it's like Nana we'd lay looks. Really anyway. So it's this. This is fine like if they windows ten is this, and it makes this piece of hardware better, because it's a better windows yeah. I think that's just like table stakes, that's what microsoft has to do to just stay in the game in terms of like selling windows machines, rightly it's keep windows relevant and moving forward, and but the the big move is like. This is the same operating system on the phone yeah, and this is the same operating system on the xbox the and they have to do it. They've been promising that xbox thing for a year, maybe more then I'd have it and there's, I think, there's only I've only ever seen. One app on the xbox yeah. I have a feeling that they're not going to talk too much about experts. I mean I dunno like the app strategy.
This seems very curious. They seem to like that strategy and I was kind of the strategy that was put in place before dawn metric left. I never was so big, so I think they kind of like that. I dunno river. I mean they obviously have been up in the game, so they've seen that some pretty good games, but I dunno where they going to do the app stuff, but unless you're like the the likes of phil, spencer, the xbox and the gaming chief, essentially how much he's going to be there, but I feel like so about pc game of it is, can be more of a surprise for pc gaming stuff. Then it would be perhaps when they still have, presumably have stopped said. Gdp yeah right right, so yeah and there's the removed headset had to do. You know that there's plenty of exposed stuff coming, but I feel like this could be more like. I would like them to see CD you play a game on your phone or your tablet. All your windows, pc against somebody's gonna, xbox yacht ample. They ve been promising stuff.
They demonstrated windows mobile days. They run. They have these crazy demos, Haiti's games coming in it whenever cayman, Well, I'm just saying: that's the that's the like: they open up the game sing but like they did on the xbox three. Sixteen away like the the core thing for them was a soldier that can act with the bundle and I was going to be the new interface for computing on your tv and then they're like screw it and like that. I think. That's the that's the moment. Right like that, I move for them to like if they want to take that next step. That's where you gotta go yeah, but it will be interesting to see what they actually talk about is what stuff, if at all, yeah cause they the tv stuff is. of sea that is doing premium, but I've put out the canadians, definite does kind of that where the oil blasting, which is a key feature. Even I knew what whatever happened to another just trolling me gathered spectacles.
there's a void walter and Jeff Henshaw, who still worse at microsoft, like literally during cs, like they went out to dinner, and they like took us selfie in their tweeted at me, and I were talking our or blasters that your user straight up just trolling, that's cool. Whatever happened, xbox tv, there was a thing at some point, in terms of like a device. Yet there Well yeah, I mean they've stepped back on that so yeah. I know that wherever I think that's gone now right, so wait for windows, ten I mean like maybe they'll do experts. Maybe they won't. Maybe they'll talk about phones and tablets. Maybe they won't but they're going to spend a lot of time talking about pcs, And there was like there was an I d c survey a couple of days ago saying the pc market is coming back a little bit yeah. If he gets gone, I mean is he. I d c said it's gone down by two point: something percent gartner said it's gone up by one ram, so basically there that they count devices differently. So it's hard to like once is a freemium differences. Ain't me and says
likes or find the middle ground debate just seems, like is literally saw stabilized in bringing the full of corn of each nation. It could be the year when it starts to to come back a little bit of ink zeus against a point where the tablet markets is pretty right. People on refreshing advice is granted yet it wasn't. There wasn't a ton of excitement around the air to launch rail. The answer a kind of coming slightly wit way to catch then spend their money like to be smart, which I oughta an for christmas. Are you know it's like it? It it just literally limiting scream. That's it that's the thing that they dan and I like makes a difference in an otherwise look dad, also say about yeah the only the only reason I got it so they cracked the screen on my air and now my air is possessed like nothing like I've, cracked, many screens and many devices. I've never had like something happen where the digitizer shorts itself, so that my air just starts.
working on shit like scrolling, crazy and I'm holding him like there's a ghost, and so I was like okay, I get the new one and then I got the new one. It's like alert. The only difference is limited. That's right! Here's where it's faster, his redruth old one read thomas workers article about duet then use it as a she's a complaint, but I think it's crazy, but it doesn't. I think that, it doesnt respond to light really yeah. Put like its evils. You like fighting gestures and zoom all the way asked the launcher and then like watching you app and quit it's not I've, never seen a touch me break that badly interesting I'm looking I'm in the market for the good legacy eighty electronics vendor in new york, city or sharman, who can perform an exorcism on your eyes, because there there are many like shady I what's the one where like they send guys to you and they're like to fix it right there there's that looks like a vc. started sent. Doesn't the Marlena thing gets? The guy
what a retroactive the shop and is holding a cracked possessed ipad. This is it this isn't what we did rugged visual, definitely like a vc back start up where you like call people in a shop at your house, the one that's for literally anything especially in new york, are fair, but these guys, like I I I try to. I forget what it's called, but I tried it and they won't like they just won't respond. I've had requests interesting, they only do they make a great living at iphones apparent when you're like ipad, like the notes you like starting it desperate like please please I don't want to go to the apple store. Please don't make figure is probably two hundred bucks to get it fixed at the apple store, but I know that are like shady places in new york. Yeah, I'm sure there are plenty of shady places So what are you a big expectation that we understand them? Like the question
curious to see, if they show of like will they condemned the? U s stuff. So you seen few the leaks and also we've got to mention spartan that the browser stuff, so I'm expecting that so essentially spartan is the successor to in and explore, and the best way is code name of the moment. I'm sorry subserve internet explorer. Is it still triton whatever the trident they're, the engine suspension I do newsday to have him trying to get rid of the legacy, even an exploit, which leads me to think. It's known, recall, didn't explode unless cornered by the room is at the moment, but the keeping and explore there in the background the flight for enterprise and for legacy purposes. So you won't see it as an end user. It's not really going to pop up and be like hey. I'm here, but it will be there for the people who need it. So I am where they were asking these partners can be lightweight and for Looking at the core of microsoft challenge, for everything that it does with wonder the rates at seeing the legacy, and they have to do more than both granting usefully for everybody, knew its insight,
what happened when he got? Seventy the reason it right now living happily do investigations sell windows, seven forever, no xp expect. No, no seven is great. If you don't think you could write but your attitude is measured. Redrafted second attack when it has to be said in windows, classic call it right interest, let that do a thing. And, unlike what you're saying like name it some other thing, but they never will like they. Wouldn't. I want people to upgrade. They obviously made a little money from from businesses. Upgrading the hardware and bright red, licensee and stuff say yeah that spot and stuff I have enough commenced, and especially if they just end up calling a spot cause they've already adopted, halo and turns before katana so that's true yeah, so that's true talent spotting would be an interesting cause. It's also in a spartan that the nature of the word would be a good fit for a bright. You want it to be light like clean and bright symbol gamble thomas windows, ten going to boot into desktop or metro by the fall
I guess the will and the moment windows a programme will be into depending on what device configuration is rather like out of the box. You know for just the end user, you know mom and pop upgrading and male america I believe everyone is going to your desktop on establishing if you're on the east coast, it might brutal differently. Middle merit, the asking where gas it different modes, but no one knows yet right. there's no, nobody spectre pretty what they did on the april. One day there are many would be see what they call windows autumn when windows phone, the combination could hardly code name windows, mobile and they will be. hello, you something that may take place at the same time it counterfeits menino see what they correspond I mean that we will always hands. Were answers to windows mobile series, ten, mine, all the worse windows mobile ten series. Yes, I like it,
get rid of the series. In a few months rate, of course, I just I dunno man, I I want. I want modern to be a complete thing, and it's not like right now in windows, eight It's so not a complete thing. It's like he's trying to do too many nights, trying to split too slow in a way that, like layers on top of windows, always feel slow yeah. It just feels like it's gone again in any way, so it's just a very confusing at. I hope they solve that, because there's potential there rcs laptops are not so speaking of laptops. You broke some news last week as well the mac, the maghreb. Rather did I break news as it depends? Who we did? We did some hard hard inform speculation. Sam hype check speculation. It's cool I've checked when assent. The events that we call. I grew up on windows, so I'm waiting for them to like get their act together, and it is very clear that entirely. broke his samuel, Andy Richter. What
shit. I just trying to understand here so I was trying to describe the verge to our ceo, the other, which is strange, as you would think. as you're able to do that. I would have done it already and that he would know that. That's just where we were, it was vegas, so we were just really confronting our feelings directly and it is what I came up with was fast analysis for teens. That's not what I signed up for a temporary committee takes routines. Http actually have to share its growth behind. quality city display a bastion of my screen word. I use a snapshot. We ve never seen yeah. Now no sam sam is the voice of the youth, whereas
I am increasingly becoming a voice like the great with the goals of georgia. I think I'm regretted by mid life, ices car private, like I have serious, a conversation, SAM's damages. Their texting for the dude everyone. I don't do it, what everyone else it so you want to bring it altogether. The age do not mix as about anti aids, we are all very tired. I think it was very clear that we have no idea what we're doing so. We lost the trust, somewhere invests know. So we actually never talked about that. We talked about a little bit with Joanna on a cs: podcast, the mac, the mac or the to. Writing is actually where we ve got more question. I think it's worth having that particular context. The winners event so tell the story. So during
yes mark herman leaked leaked. One. Nine to five mac leaked basically renders in details of a rumored twelve inch. Macbook macbook air macbook, I dunno is very small. Has no ports except for a single usb type c connector, which is for It's the reversible usb, but not not even like a charging for nothing. Just that, and I think maybe I had a single use. If you, the battery and put some quarter back, those best buy mobile airport yeah. Here's I haven't quite finished. Here's a question I had a best buy mobile. Got where we know that's for real it's this is for real hears I've never understood about those running machines. They always cell ipods in them right. What are you suppose? Do with an empty. I've got a whole look cool stuff back, more and roberto bought headphones from snakes. A total sensing, if my headphones or whatever
Are you guys it straight away rival? Why are you always wanted her visitor uses momentum, but like empty eight gig ipod touch What did you do with such a good question? Just get on the plane was staring man I wish I had games will not be a really good, but they you used to sell it. Even you can make it and I'm sure some people were like interacts with wifi, maybe get some music, but like five years ago they were selling like hundreds, to gag like everybody else, I pack, what are they still sell? The many deserve manners are wherever they are, they weren't you. You need a computer used ass and it's not a good luck. What anybody? If everybody knows If somebody investment could tell me how many of those they sell and unlike how many key few p I just wandering the airport listing the ugly eyes. I want that stoop robot
by the way I do at issue a small correction you're, referring to best by express that's by Michael. I got five something that my boy- yes, anyway, that's an apple. Has it Presumably a new macbook that they're going to sell at best buy express, comes loaded with one hundred gigs the photo albums. The two atoms follow europe so anyway, so we looking at it it know mark, has a sterling track record and then Tom actually looked into the usb. I f the for the usb trade group. Talk about that for a sec. What is it's like a usb alliance right, there's a bunch of companies that are coming together these ratings. Ok, I have they have an alliance and they have a permanent promotional group, so apples,
italy participates in defining the standard book, they don't protest, participate in the promotion. They don't want to be kind of. I guess they don't want the market in it. It wouldn't be known that they can have back in that standard. I guess well how the kind of do a bunch of engineers working on this year, more than almost anyone right, they have more than most so much muzzled, has sixty and more than dow more de I thought I was the first and then he tells the first they primarily using backing, but I have more than deliriums. So it's interesting extra apple has its own proprietor connectors right. If thunderbolt mining witches it's hilarious, it's great! It's great mine is a naming scheme. It's slayers lightning. Some people hate it, I'm like fine with it or whatever, but it's like reverse, what's good, and but they have Tom dumped tons of money and effort and resources and people against.
this type c connector, and what you're looking at it and a little bit more deeply and like just the profile of the thing to make it work? You can't use a like a regular core processor. You have used the new quorum right, which lets you not have a fan in that profile. Interesting and there's no way apple wants something like that that, if I have to say where informed speculation comes from its definitely they want to fail in this thing likely, I would also say to the process is essentially the same purse depend which specification you purchase, but at the moment, Well anyway, we don't know what they're going to do into one of the delay on in the year and peter. Shame that that would the pricing could could change that. But it's also it is one of the key things is removing those poor. So funding has lost surveys associated with it.
is also another again tell presumably area so even until you bonanza thunderbolt name now and appellations it back so adding all those but like a thunderbolt, the name on the at any solve costs due to a machine the year, like just just, came under those warmer tools and affirm the one assets anyway. So we let me get to where we're going before we talk about price, so town are looking at this. We looked at the types of stuff. We can basically confirm that apple's are working, hard and type c and have interest in it right that those are public. I commenced and there's no doubt that they're going to use weird hat type, seen some put an in, in particular your mac product right and then we're looking at the the product right and what were the big argument is how much this thing costs right. Like everyone, please it's real the chatter and it's not a superhero displayed by the evidence like a rat.
I don't think it's the same display as try this this style, it's better than this fourteen forty by nine hundred crap that they need no questioning me with respect. So it's probably got a hd display or something like it be supposed. If it has hd display, but wouldn't be surprised because the only thing in multiple the that the of ink and a couple of people putting out is that there is no mention of retina, which is kind of interesting, because imagine if they just put a standard hd display on it, not nine twenty but tiny There is not so we get sector I could still be getting by when be written. Imports into an interesting category of laptop is. Is it a macbook here or is it just a mac pacts are here's. My theory and this- and this is where the argument began right. So we looked at all this stuff and we and we looked at basically what we're hearing we looked at, what we're hearing. We heard what we're hearing
we owe our brains process, this information, we look the market and we came to the conclusion that I think is well supported that this is not a new super expensive. Book air. This is like a new category of product for apple, which is like a more inexpensive mac. Is it likely I think it will be. Here's here's here's! My guess in this part is aghast, so I I firmly believe that what this product is supposed to do is all of the people who buy ipads and keyboards right apple, saying like we can serve you and I've had growth has flattened out and we can. We can build you a better product that you plug in at night and charges up and you unplug it. You get twelve hours of battery life or fifteen hours battery life because of this low power. Processor. There's no fan you open it up. You run it and charge it with the usb yeah you just plug it into the wall. Yet what so what's interesting about this? Is that the
to avenge macbook pro herbs, gimme ipad prose speculation has been around for raising this issue marks you It might be converging into one broader than that. So I think this is like. If you run the mac business, and you see a mac, business is growing and it's resurgent, and then you see all these people buying like medium ipads, like sixty four gave up, which is like, I think, sixty However, whatever the fight, whenever middle one in an hour, two hundred all keywords you like I can sell you a better laptop for seven or eight hundred dollars right there and that's the most expensive laptop apple's ever sold, but a totally new use case right. So it's not like a desktop, replace it's not like this fifteen inch monster. So how do you sell that against a twelve and twelve inch ipad? I think you say like the ipad pro is for, like photographers, it probably has a retina display, most other display, like thinking about really who is going to buy a twelve inch ipad pilot people. The wedding photography you write like apple, has not solved the problem where the ipad can replace a computer. Now they ve they just
that that was it doesn't run out. Marine diesel is inevitable signing into another. I think that was a thing that was like people outposts, post, pc that crap This never happened. Never said this sign of agnes like check, persevere, but we're not very likely It's everywhere, you can't. You cannot realistically multitask on an ipad. I'm sorry, you just cannot do it. So I think if you're looking at the market and you're saying okay apple tried to push ipads really hard in education and their biggest competitor. There's a chromebooks lots and lots of people buy ipads and they kind of like they kind of like hit the wall when they buy the keyboard, and then they want to do more with it. In that ecosystem of stuff, isn't there, why not craft like, instead of like an ipad with a keyboard and hack it all together? Why not do what apple does, which is build a new integrated solution around the right operating, so that is what they, they composition: nine hundred dollar macbook.
Are you sure you another crumble? Colleagues? Immunity is I've got model I use. This is the question of my guess in this part, I'm telling you. I guess this. The part where I believe were the product. We position it feels very much less like a guest. My guess on the price is seven hundred, which is the price of a pretty good ipad. Ghana keyboard some some, I guess over or this is the this new macbook- is either a macbook Yet that is no unless called it. I bought anything that will happen of he's gonna be the new, it became the only replica and the macbook for an inch macbook airs will cease to exist. Cause you'll just have a macbook pro. I too would like converging closer. If you look at retina macbook pro thirteen inch macbook air today, it's clearly above the market that you're describing yeah so you're saying that apple's going to just abandon that Matt mckay yeah. Look what why do
let the macbook pro I take this over. Thirteen in macro probably would at the moment for us, because this is figure, but like all these new chips. they're coming out and the sort of thing do you think that, though redesign the thirteen and threatened to be thinner and that'll be intercepted That's what I'm saying like. Maybe I dont think you give up the brand equity of mac worker. I think so yeah atlanta, but no but like you, can't give it up like this- is the best selling laptop apple has ever made yet rightly this thirteen inch air, like I don't think you can screw with his formula too much. I think you can upgrade the components you can make a higher screen. You can do all the things people want to do this form factor. This is your main laptop. Like people buy this and it's their computer yeah right. I think this new product is people
in it's what they use instead of an ipad. You think actually call macbook just re macbook yeah, that's my guess! Then again, I look at look at that. Much is totally when I was in college. Everyone got those plastic macbooks, the white and the black ones, and they were just called macbooks right and that that sort of disappeared. But I just think this is the product. Where apple knows it's selling, ipads and keyboard cases to lots of people yeah right, that's enough of that market is flat. So how do you like juice, another round of sales and increase your already accelerate book sales? While you make if the macbook that replaces that category, but the people buy an ipad, not necessarily because they want to do or if they do, they buy bite cause. It's simple easy to use. Other sex is kind of the observer for them. mozart for most people like they would take, I always over ass. They have also noted that was true them. There met right than I've had just wouldn't be.
I think the irs device is like a bigger phone and I think once you ve established a bigger phone habits, become a hard sell and you say what's your next device or that there is also the fact that
at eleven is due for a preview this year, presumably yeah not even close, but every yeah every year they come closer together. So so just to be fair. The other side of this debate, which is sort of like the apple blogger version of the story, is that this is like a fourteen hundred dollar replacement all in for new macbook, the same way that the imac was a really expensive replacement. All in for the macintosh and the macbook air is originally launched, was like a twenty one hundred dollar twenty four hundred dollar replacement all in and it was like slow, unlike a lot of ports- and I think that is cares, my criticism of that and it's a fair way of doing it right, that's history, repeats itself. Apple tends to be very cyclical, they have the same id in it, they usually win. I think you have to believe that the market is the same for these kinds of products, and I think the market is radically different and I think apple's looking at a universe where the ipad flattened out their phones.
Sales are still skyrocketing, their big phone is doing well and they have in their mac, sales are surprising them and also the competition catches up a lot quicker. These days, bread- and he already has a right- and I just think, like one: It's interesting to me, like really interesting to me, is the amount in immediate amount of like fervent speculation and interest an argument about this mackintosh compared to the basically like fizzle out of the watch. I think that is fast. Interesting like that is fast. I mean it seems like the hype really died around. I watch like yeah. It's going to come out and, like I don't you know, no one really talks about added any more like when the new iphones rumoured. It's like the hotness that everyone talks about now is it feels like the one it's like. Oh yeah, coop watch is coming out I'll buy one whatever right, but I think that the he needs to have a. You need to know what he's gonna do like. Yet that's the thing! No actually knows. Why he's gonna? Do you like it? You know you interact with it.
A different way: there is. I can send you titles, you can pay yeah you can. I send my heart: beat society archimedes, rolling everybody, one apple? his icloud into like you, can send your heart beat to makin a the mac starts hopping over. That is the end. The only thing came out- came out to replace all the crappy windows- mobile phones at a time when the ipad without zero. If and when the it came out. It came out to salve attack, netbooks and and the low cost laptops aren't really get where the smart watch that the ipad came out to be it's own thing like it did yeah and to be fair. You know, at the time. It believes that the growing taller like this is sort of the apple blogger thing and whatever like they're like apple, would never make a netbook. They always ran up and down saying they couldn't figure out how to make a five hundred a laptop that sucks, and if you really believe that apple's history repeats
have what you know as they say something they can sense. He asked me to do it second of all. What's real is that even in like jobs, book right, like jobs admits that, like he had his like top one hundred offsite and they like sat there and talked about netbooks for a long time right, yeah, but but but they always end up doing it with a pretty significant twist. The five She is a good example: not a cheap phone right like you're right it and have you found me? How did she sat down right? Is cheap macbook air eleven not achieve laptop right, but I'm saying like you have to believe that the five sees a success that apple wishes to repeat. We realise that they will be found, I see five she's ever that that I see them is rising in ITALY. We have free phone right like right, but it wasn't like that cheap for, like the
sales volume of five seed of five s tips so hard in terms of five s that apple had to like rejiggered their supply right, then that was like a thing there like what we weren't expecting. Everybody wanted five, and it's like why everybody with a five doesn't want the same phone and the crappy are like. Yes, what are you talking like da timing for that now is, is good to have that sort of device only yeah, I'm just saying like I look at this and I look at the the sweep of the market and what I see is like. I never use my ipad anymore. I just I just got it my bought an ipad two when it first came out. I don't even know where that thing is anymore. This is fine in the bed like it that I mean you know you got your macbook, you take your ipad to bed at home, check. Bed macbook, I mean it's probably not figures, the screens brass. Why are you flocks? It's going to be called my foot bed bed. What we look very proud flux is the bus.
How do you get an answer or other changes? Your brain is collar. Tat is so big. Amazing, because you don't want to get on and then and then get another like regular display and you're. Like god, it's great, I just want to say one more thing about the macbook. I is an act that literally automatically turned your your shit, blue our red, like eight dynamically changes based on your location and sunset time in time of day, I did wonder, not you're a vampire superstar, that's just say it like a similar. We changed the color and the like by sunset. Your eyes are used to this orange glow splay and everyone by companies might ask what the hell is wrong with your macbook, and here too we meet here in your like I've guy programmed to trick me despite the right balance, and I must say that that is literally the story of like the parable of like the boiling frog. Do you know the story for the bible is?
I can live or is it an organ, the boy now? This is a good thing like if you it's just a story about change, we can could very well be from the bible. I'm doing it simmering fraud, whether its, if you throw up frog into a pot of boiling water like immediately leaves out, but if you just put in cold water and like slowly turn of the heat elders die. that's you in your weird ass lapse. Hello, we kit with its great. They really have. You Try it. I don't think it's from the bible view. I think it's from like people. I don't ever want to say one more thing about this, but rather an extra murdering, basically look, there's even its scientific apparatus. The way. Eighth graters. Schoolers get ipod touch as for christmas and birthdays if apple prices, as macbook rate, it's gonna, sell. Well put yet, as I I think,
Cosette, I think he's gonna be cheap. Is gonna, be cheaper right right at the federal level, there is no demand for lawyers. Ninety nine right, a ninety nine ain't, no nine say thank you guys- are seventy nine now seeking to ensure that animals five. Ninety six, ninety nine very like maybe like thirty, two gigs of internal storage, I'm telling you. This is basically like apple, looks at the people buying keyboard cases for ipad and they're like how do we sell this product without making the ipad gross? And it's going around to us axe right? Presumably it's it's almost ten. I don't know I both of you keep doing this to me. I was ten it's going to run the the operating system. That is on the laptop, not why, when you just hold the right name, yosemite, alright, where's, two more things we can talk about cars and same can hype check himself. I was waiting. Pipe chick is highly, so I don't wanna hear here's I'll say I don't wanna talk about sampling of library. Is its super boring it also got, got basically daddy bonds well
although I will say that the notes written by chris plant for us today wine just as samsung plus blackberry, equal, sam, very or blown thanks. So thanks. So let's do car. We talk of the urban life whatever, like we ve erle, we did we are waiting to talk about. I mean I just want to mention that the six cents thing it was like argues for the first time all over I talk about this real, quick, no yeah, you you look insane in there then dude did you. Try is the first time all over yeah yeah, that's what it was. It was scared. It would talk about all right. So there's a company called sixth sense, it's like sixth sense and a hey check. I am told I mumble a lot, so I need to you know, make my speech clear anyway, so they made him a module for the oculus rift that uses electro magnetism instead of infrared. What is so funny very sorry
I just saw acres birth, l electromagnetism, that's that's literally with they use any so you're gonna hurt. I literally don't know what's funny right now: it's Chris has no I'm sorry, I'm sorry, there's like a big red and white magnet and a huge switch button and a hatchet job lock. So you put on that you put on the goggles that are unlocked there for the loss from thought. You meant the actual, no, no! No! No! So it has a sensor on the back and you put on these goggles and you're inside this trainer, ridiculous right, yeah, the earring wearing oculus and you're holding, and no so you you put all these goggles and then you walk forward and grabbed these joysticks in real life and those joysticks are then your hands. So you move the joysticks and a
for your hands. I still don't know. If you look down, you can like check out your robot body. Yes, it's crazy, then, and then you you grab these floating lightsabers. You press a button and your hand, grabs the lightsaber, and then you press a button and the lightsaber comes out, and then you fight this floating orb that shooting lasers at you there's a video. If you like, if you search on youtube verge, since we are like you'll find the video addy dvd is really great. It was the cool thing saucy ass this year either and one of the core things I've seen since the first somebody controllers aren't cheap there right there, like it's like three hundred or something for your set, but it's the first thing: I've seen in this respect. I would I would you It's like. I would go home and play that's. What's crazy, though, is one I was during the demo like you're wearing the ice, so you're standing up, you're wearing the oculus, see you don't know where you are and the guy was just like dude, you have to stop running around the room.
yeah, like he's like just stand. Still- and I was like what in like dancing and he's like you, you're literally going to hit somebody and I took it off and he was hidden and he was not from america hated us and he just goes you're very aggressive. If you laugh, but that's a serious like if you have it at home, you go to new york apartment you're, going to destroy everything in your home no iota like a hunch, something ready to go. He was cool, it was really really cool and I think we're getting one to review so that would be all over it yeah press you just want jakarta, cyclists and cars. Yes, you can from one garcia and actually yeah it was at two car shows back to back and Tom is using both the trackpad and the touch screen to boo. I believe Steven Sinofsky is mad at you is mad. I don't know he doesn't show so much yeah. I didn't even the identities of fan. Ok, caring, telecoms cars,
There are thing so cs, and you know every year at cs, we get these think pieces. Basically saying. Oh, let's see yes as a cartoon that well it's been a car show, but this year it's been more of a car show than any other cars or any other cs by a pretty wide margin. A mercedes introduced the concept car here, which is insane and hear their etsy. Yes, yeah we're still there we're still it's weird. Yes, we are physically trailer in our minds. We please use oculus. I would never an chevy did this the most insane press conference.
have ever been to in my life, where I waited two and a half hours, because I knew that the the new chevy volt was going to be the chevy event and I sit down the guys like. I don't want to keep you waiting. Let's just get to it and then the circular curtain around the the car goes and then covers the car back up and he's like thanks everybody: let's go to the go to some music, and so the entire press conference was four minutes long. It was at the completely insane yes for the volt in events yeah. Ok, what I remember what's in that room, it was like I like I was walking buying. It was full of like plush white last hours, super luxurious for four minutes. I met my fault Elk as they had it. The motion, so they just wanted to tease it at sea, so they did this crazy curtain thing, and so I took in I was using continue shooting on my camera, so I just took as many pictures as I could and uploaded them all
My my gallery- and I got so many angry comments. Then why did you take the same shot fifteen times like said, I'm sorry that I could see the car for ten seconds, and so anyway, cs, and then we went straight to Detroit, which was arguably the biggest detroit. a decade. more via the the forgery tee. Stole the show. Once I think chris I mean it if the size of the new one it yeah, it's crazy, an end. Perhaps the craziest thing about it is that it was designed heroin, name, a guy that started in the early nineties and forwards german studio design some cars in the uk for coming to the? U S, super super boring folio, just hasn't, designed anything remotely interesting, and then he peed turns out this work of art. Only a few executives at four new. It even existed well, working in the basement of their designs. Aren't so sorry
to guy. I will name him or, who he works for, but I was talking to a guy who said that he knows a lot of people high up at ford. None of them knew all of them, swore up and down the gte. He wasn't going to happen because they really believed it they did, if the car existed. So just like literally a handful of characters, did you freak out when he saw for the first time it was insane and the I mean four did a really good job with the unveiling of it. They they went to Joe Louis arena, which is where the red wings play it completely packed. I was in like the upper rafters of the stadium. It's it's that was there. And then accurate unveiled Second, I want to put this in perspective for folks who are necessarily familiar with cars. The this annex that they'd that debuted on monday was unveiled the week after the original iphone was announced
in two thousand and two thousand and seven. They just show their production version of that car this week, so that the development cycle right any you know they. and so they brought back to life cancelled again brought back to life. So it's engines three times we're going be ten then put in a naturally aspirated v sex than switched her turbo viii sex, and so now that's what it is You know now, whatever mean is here and now it's the engine from a civic, that's the problem, I beg of you to. Basically, I acknowledge the term of was the gdp is using an eco boost, branded twin turbo, these six, that is it is this beautiful exotic, but its is over six hundred horse parts of a keg us, but the fact that they have equal booze brain, nothing, nothing
so then, then a sex is annex would have stole the show had it not been for the fact that the JD just pull the rug out from everybody now afford as the ability to show cars and then ship them exactly, as are the promising the gdp will be on the street next year, can any of em drowning It was twenty, sixty, no, no, ah yeah. Twenty! Sixteen ai self driving was not. I mean that's the way they bifurcate this right. They talk about the tech as the as they talk about the actual cars and the designs of the cars right in detroit. What's funny, just walk in and see us so, first of all, believe me say: he's made a gigantic mistaken cs. By his days they showed off the fifteen, whatever rowing aluminum cage the area dope, which by the way did he get any. We see my instagram of the new local news No, I didn't. I saw that. I see that there is a local news, like I don't know what we will do as a culture without local news, because there will be no joy left
for people covered, I would say, gestures and motion visuals psychological he's like mercedes, the consumer, electronics show is introduced, get this a self driving car and it's like yeah he's like you'll, never believe it's controlled by gestures and motions, and it's like they just showed a guy like inside the car, using a touch screen, but I believe it can totally believe it. I guess that's a bunch of stuff, for once I drove in itself uncertainty airlines it here I get it. I've been there was just one of these. Things are like the thing is So why are you don't have to controls, wizards will drive your numerous say. It's like did its brain spaceship that their car is interesting, because I I mean whatever it's a concert car right, but what the one thing about it that I think is really interesting is that the car changes color.
depending on whether it self driving up that's wild and what the actual body known as it gets, surrounded by a grid of lights. Basically, aid is when it's driving itself, it's blue. I think when its in manual control controls white, and I think that this will actually end up translating into some sort of safety feature as a basic he's, a gaming her cause, the the kids thing on every gangs and I assume summarily republican gamers related, it's like in tron, where the good guys are green and that guys are innocent mistake. Mercedes may they roll this thing out on the stage there right, like looks crazy and it's like this is the future of driving, and then I, like the last day I was like I gotta, go see this car. it has to the smooth and you get all a mercedes booth. It's a toy and there's like yeah. There's that it's a toy, it's like do you have it here? you brought it to las vegas re like wise in it here we instead? and what they had was a self driving s class playing a video,
just like a three screens around as what it was like driving the video game like this is it press it at all. I've had a video games, they can drive for a long time. There were a cars in outrunning. My client is it's. It's the computer and need for speed up yet why didn't they? I don't know they have the toy it. It's like. It was a sort of one thing like I spent usually tell us all about sosius for people than I was organized like three big hawks right to north hall is like basically like low ran. Iphone case comes Is like murphy city standing? you just said uncle john cause and in an nedda within its ass, the car hall. So I guess so
unlike car stereo stop being a thing they're like come iphone case vendors and then the movie has like we will build a fortress here. That's true, you can't movie doesn't have a booth. It has like a like a walled city, Is it easy inside tat? But it's not true what yeah, but it's? What are you pitch you're at cs yeah, you go into the mophie, speak easy in your church and what you do. There is just wild to me that it's such a secret. Everybody knows about your ex. Maybe they had a secret product there. My theory is that they don't want chinese companies to call in their stuff, so they like they get really protective. Physical, psychological aid monitoring, which is constantly so that one out or the other parties like cars and that cars are back and big. Yet in central wisconsin I try since for sony and panasonic and samsung city are, and then south hall is a computer hall, which is where intel desperately
tries to invidious down there- I am I glanced- were like info in central. Now entails in south they have a big front so I spent all my time in central hall, almost all cs, She didn't even go into that can like this have hall. I was always back and forth. They say to our booth, which ran extending, but the last day of made the trip to north hall I walked through. I swear. I went with Helen and determined. I had a stamp chatted venture. We sat in a car, it was basically one roll speaker because it's under the carpet, we it all the all the carpet staff and finally, we get to the mercedes booth and like a toy and wasn't it. It was very disappointing that share. We did the same. They they took their vote, ran after that and because in her report to all the the ata guests to profit- but I was just like you can have it here for one day. But even though the keynote cs ruler has through Nvidia
it's been a long time like my car's ford, had a keynote mercedes, accredited keener. One thousand like the ADI booth, was just like picnic chips. It was like it was parts of cars, well yeah. Then they would show you like this is the mother born of our car, because I'm cool, it is out of unusual. It was just like I don't does it do a good job out. He does something that I think is the most serious thing imaginable wishes, though, actually entered, though unfair. Well, the interior of a car, including all the electronics inside of it at c e s and then go show the actual car at at trait or even new york. So they do that with a tt sheer volume, but they show the VM nvidia powered cockpit. Etsy, yes
they tend to handle the new light, sweaty and you're right, edie, dear writing, and then the actual car was at geneva or something so yeah. I mean that's that I find car companies like it's crazy. What they choose to height like there's like the standard narrative which has got cars, has to become big gadgets because people have gathered so you've got to appeal to like the teens. The gadgets are back jabs, the back, but then it's like the toyota booth was like the mri hydrogen powered car and what they were saying with the thing they were pushing. The most was like extensive patent portfolio available for license yeah, and it's like who is tier. That's like Get some hydrogen patents in just one video is aimed at any rate they spent a good hour and a half talking about like I was my change colors and you know if they would have spent two minutes on. And be like. Hey we did this, it's cool, we would have thought it's cool, but they took forty five minutes I think they had something else to show and then
yeah! Last minute there will. I, oh we learn this fill it with us. Does it just seem that that's not how Jensen operates he he just goes for it. He is he he wants to put everyone to sleep. That is the goal, but then like put in like a fun way that was last year last year was the one he was sick right, yeah you'd think, but he still did it due to Michael Jordan playing in the finals. When he has the flu, except not at all dear miss, he wasn't, he didn't win the game. Eliza, Michael Jordan is playing best pulsing. I mean that's false. Let's get real told team ex cop alright of car stuff come up at detroit in life. You didn't talk about a bolt. Yes, thank you sam, so the bold happen What is the bolt? The bolt is movie. You, the dog, yeah the bowl,
his answer to the the nonexistent model: three: they they want to create an electric car for the masses that can actually go a reasonable amount of rain testing model. Three right. Okay! Yes, so if you look at a car in that price range today, like the nissan leaf or the volkswagen waken eagles, they general have ranges of under a hundred miles. The bull is promise. two hundred miles at a price after tax rebates of thirty five thousand where's release. Probably in twenty seventeen renounced concept, carpets deafening happen more electric for electric
and- and basically this there's actually a really good piece in the journal this week and about how this car is basically a hedge against the new fuel economy, regulations that go into effect in twenty seventeen. Twenty seventeen yeah. I think it's twenty seventeen meaning what meaning that the way federal fuel economy regulations work is that across and in automakers entire range of vehicles, they need to have a blended miles per gallon. a certain number, so like they'll, sell these giant after fifties and shabby silver silverado get eleven miles to the gallon and then counterbalance it by,
killing fifty mile per gallon diesels, scott and bolts, and so this cars, basically hedge against that so that they can keep sought. Selling silverado is right. There not been in that's what has elon musk kind of up in arms he's like look. You know that that's great, but really there just trying to meet these these the gun, muttered right missions, but its own, enterprises to develop the cars and seldom it does, but it doesn't incentivize them to make a really kick ass, car necessarily right. The way tesla wants to, because this is their business. It's all they dead regime is like our right. Let's crap, out of an easy matter, so yeah. I don't want to give them too much too much carbon this, because you know, obviously we haven't driven. The car doesn't even exist yet, and maybe it'll be great, but but that's sort of the regulatory environment that we're seeing this car come into. It's a shame, speaking of cars, know god speed of your really bad its actual atlantic salmon.
is t see everyone mosque just today, he just casually tweeted. Well, I'm gonna build a hyper loop test track, probably in texas, that's what you do in yeah. Well, I know, but just learn a lesson: tackling thirty thirty and they're gonna. You wanna talk about electromagnets, hyperlink! Now I just I don't know it's not that I don't want that was midnight. I conveyed no information conveyed a toned down. Here's the thing we found out about the hyper loop in twenty thirteen. We have a great stories from actually are. This art saw a stream of the hyper loop is super useful, like I tweeted it was great. Core volume is back. Yes, I'm here It also he announced a hyper loop and for me, but I dont know what it is. They he promises a trip from los angeles to san francisco, like forty minutes rate and like pod, when he
it's the saying everyone was like you're, crazy, you're, superman, you're tony stark like let's see, if you could do it, then he he like gave the blueprints out. He was like here, here's how it's going to work here are the blueprints: if you want to try it build it and then so that was all in, like two thousand and thirteen summer summer, twenty thirteen and now about a year and a half later he says I'm going to build one he's going to do it and it's be crazy because he built a rocket that can land and come back down. He said we are going to stay. Let me let me fact check you two things one. He built a rocket that tried to land on average to true, to four he's, not building that it tries, was style, try to style, fair enough to hear he is now building those emphasis at l, a hyper, though I know he's, building a test track, he's building a rigid just the fact that he has the infrastructure and brainpower to make that a real thing, and then he he followed up the first.
We will oh yeah. I want to have students and organizations come and just pod race. In this thing, like like pod racing and star wars, not yeah, in its recent high time. We heard on what I believe I said what I would deem frantic yet passionate emails were team des, insisting that we build a hyper loop of our own. It turns out, demanding that people they'll do a hyperloop results in nothing. Do it will just we just need to face up to a bipolar like so much a matter that we can get some? Even if there are any here's? Here's well say if there's any university students out there who are happy to be paid in n, n, n beverages, sufferings or verge slag bird swag stickers, we have all kinds of stickers and you want us to fund for ill fated attempt to build a hyper loop. I will do it. I will even taken up
of beats studio, yeah we're it for one. I deny you have to buy them for me, any application. What I don't understand if there are any, if there are any university students at their you wanna try to build a hyper loop in their backyard. Yet, like a backyard hyper live, I will. I will do it. I will I will somehow give you something. You know that people washing out there? That could probably help build. A thing, I think, is a key just need some tubes. a little bit of love elbow greece. In any event a number of montage sequences yeah, because people work hard wedding in the garage. I believe it is like no it's a boom like the first time they try it off, like the dude. Just like flies off and lands in the pool, that's going to happen to you a couple of times: it's basically the rocky training montage except building hyperloop. Instead, and there's like one goofy eyes like ninety help pages
right easing always behind my carrying tools. If they really get Joe he's, like he's the one I put the bin, and the we will except for the bet that a fruit tube and they tried putting a fish in the fridge, even in this friday's tomorrow, the fish fry and the burgers coming up As for those who, like the the incredibly dumb story about this, We once discover that writing any story about fish technology was incredibly powerful, for we still know why really connect
with people. So I ended on one particularly slow day that everybody, google, the words visual technology and every one of those stories immediately explode, including one of the gif of the fish, can yeah. It was a weird friday. It was a really weird friday and it's coming again typical friday. The fish fish technology phrase alright, that for better or worse, is our show Tom devaney, the last words it's been good. Spain, emotional robot has an attack me today, so I'm feeling a kind of relaxed, whereas in fact available that last time was on his show, a robot was trying to kill me. That's right, happily chatting away and instantly smash David Davis rolling in his telepresence robot yeah. I delete this stream just there. Okay, we're back we're good, tom remind everyone when the microsoft event is generally twenty. First,
at nine am pacific. Why don't you find back to london because I want to have you back on the show next week after the microsoft I fly on the twenty second, the day after so then we'll have a very sleepy tom Warren on a thursday that should drunk, perhaps one of the two you know, rebuff area on high as well. This right is legal and other teens or texan through weed actually for what you do this they have this extra for supporting I'll, take I'll. Take it take care that they mean something as the title of an autobiography that texting for biography. I thought there was a dvd special. Why would that be better, because people, actually dvds, were were before your boy, because people watch dvds I didn't say I was back with you got the wrong guy. We all got there together. Ok, that was our show sam, say some words about engagement, ok,. So? The first thing you want to do is: go to youtube dot com, slash the verge and hit that subscribers. We recently hit five
in one thousand and we're going to a million soon and we want there. We want you to be there with us because we're going to make some awesome videos this year. I promise you could also add on snapchat. We have a lot of fun, they're, still figuring out what we're doing, but if you saw them at sea as we are just going to keep snapping it's fun, we are the real verge. There were on twitter adverts. Tom is tom, moore and Elis. Reckless and chris is z, power and am sam Schaeffer and we're also on Google plus, which is apparently still a thing that you can go do more on elo. If you're into that nobody, you should really subscribe to her youtube channel and like us on facebook. Ava and fake facebook dot com, slash, verge and instagram also are on instagram, instagram, dot, com, slash verge and, and that's about all I have say this was a good show. I think I feel good about this one type checker on show. This was great. I had a lot of yeah and that's all I have to say
That was it. That was our shared. Thank you for listening people of the world. Thank you again by force. By these bust.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-10.