« The Vergecast

HBO Max will just be 'Max' and Twitter pushes more away


The Verge's Nilay Patel, David Pierce, and Alex Cranz discuss Warner Bros. Discovery's new streaming service, Sony's mobile gaming move, and Twitter's feud with Substack.

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a lot of things and the share of the past decade that we ve been doing it decade, plus, if you can't leading edge by gas never never have I received the quality of comments that I received when I said, carplay was not as good as sticking your phone running maps to your dashboard like The union commoners like I've, been listening, the city it for a decade. This is the worst thing. Is everything emails improves, I thank our apple podcast, really I'm right now, and I want you to know that my conviction in this opinion is one hundred percent. I just spent two hours in the car away here and I gotta say being able to use who acts at once continues to be better within not being able to how many accidents did you get in on your way to the artists multitasking under high maps in the radio? I don't understand Not only do you want to screens were once again is I use your old car,
all your old car today who is in the new android powered car. Forked Andy I might remind you that it was. Better to have the radio up? little tiny, dinky matt, it's a huge phone risen Can I say I'm going to throw another one into the mix. If you live in a place where apple maps is good, apple maps is better than Google maps when you're driving. Oh yeah, a hundred, sat absolutely true. Yeah, I feel like as has been suppressed, google, for you can't treatment. If you type apple maps into twitter. You personally comes to your house and removes the keys from your keyboard. It makes you type google maps the switches. Although that is not an argument, Google, this is dangerous information. The packets there were just speak in truth. Found she doesn't want. You know that apple maps is good. Are you ok? Look
why does he waited for put you're? Not just our is the thing because This thing you keep saying where what if I had my phone and also the radio is lake, what if I use my phone for navigation and then listen to lake z, one one hundred the whole way into the office? It's what? If the map is open gap in the tissue, its song, so even skipped tracks or switch between serious channels, you're a real thing, the back it s all right, see you you're on serious. We sought to this new drafts. A youth immediately ruled yourself out is like a person who exists in normal society, yeah that'll that doesn't, even if you just want to use spotify and you just want to be per head tracks. it's better and easier. You dont have a little button. I have a little button of my car and I go and it skips it's on the steering, wheel, problem, sawdust and then have then I go hey siri, hopefully that and activate anything doesn't looking around me and then in the maps change. Sometimes I don't really do the maps one as much, because I get confused driving
I'm gonna go back to I've got a few things. I believe one that Iraq, wired connections are better than why yes gets trail. That's one of the hottest opinions on the show that that's that's, accurate, yellow real one time. Some guy made an entire youtube video about how comcast only me because I suggested it will help with severe for efforts. It's like a whole youtube video about exposing us, the thing that we disclose most stopped. So I will say just depositors, one that is your only correct opinion about partly every other thing about car. You are dead wrong about, but the thing where wires, car play is kind of trash is precisely correct because, whilst currently exists on this, like just long enough delay. that you press the button and right at that moment you go. Oh, I don't think I pressed the button and press the button again because it is stupid, ask pass button it soon. Of changing tracks, once it changes, tracks twice, because you
I didn't know. If you press the button or not, let's add songs to the theater is just plug it in and everything is magical terrific. I literally, I bought a new car and was not allowed to have wired carplay, and it's the only thing I don't like about my new car that's right, you're conscious usb port. It does can plug it in you can charge, but it really is not allowed to democratically the carplay see through. Thank you. since as wired internet connections are better a wireless gets. Cracked up copyright law is only meaningful switch regulation on the internet. We don t go to my knowledge, lying interesting car play. Take anything to add, better than one up more screen are better than the one screen very simple. I feel like we, agree on this, except when it comes to should we use digital maximal lesson? Yes, so I see it as our yes, that's that's what we founded the website I think you're right on everything but carefully
I also have I have the maps in the music. What am I saying, some people who agree with me that car players, but there are some of them All you do. Is you? Can we be a little louder? Can we start some bought accounts, whatever try to stay quiet, we're just going to bully you off any platform you're on, don't don't want to risk it yeah. The other part of this is at some point mila. You have to remember that you have to use something and and you're describing is a delightful spotify experience where I have a giant screen where nothing works and carefully at least is a screen where things work, I'm just saying it's better to have from apple once reign in the music on the other, the most important person- and why are you looking at the music agree, should be about that? I asked Becky hey, we tried carpet again and she looked abuses and why, in that
All I needed to know be honest. The most important person in your life is howard, stern, on sirius Xm, listen to every single day. That's all I care about alright. This has nothing to do with what we read today. Quite a lot happened sweet hbo max announced that it will just be called max ass, a bunch of shows and pricing they did. They did not acknowledge they had ruthlessly stolen my daughter's name. They tell us that just a real are you do in this house as I go, and by the way I have sat down yet under my fears, were that happened? Eighteen, sheep walker, didn't things any super confusing yeah, but do you think is this? Like? Do you remember when the amazon echo's first came out, and there were all these stories like interviewing people named alexa about what their life was going to be like now that now that the amazon echo exist? Do you think this is going to be like that, like there's gonna, be a big lake washington post feature about like people named max being up, at the future, streaming services
they should intervene. It's her birthday and, I think, a great birthday present from the washington post and I will be interviewing her about it next year, she's five strong opinions, max's catered to her like that was a big part of what they talked about in their big announcement was like we want kid in kids won't watch h, b, o, but they'll watch max will come back to this. This is the first human to talk about sean holster uncovered a bunch of information about playstation cloud streaming that connects with it's handheld that we've heard about there's some other streaming news. We have two pricing for sunday ticket, then there's just a bunch of twitter star and their twitter visa stack, which came to them. Ridiculous of conclusions culminating in episode of decoder which, on a similar scale, emotionally process, and the third act were just the british going to do that? What sort of maximum? Yet she Congratulations we made it. She has a thing there room, caballero player. I am it's. Only a young merit
max only listens to hype. Now a europe where every parent knows innocence but eat you, it's a streaming music box, but it doesn't have an interface as cards. Okay, so you stick a card in it and it goes and collects a file off the internet What do you want that? Your car, this point three other player, can definitely be an hour We we, we think about it, a lot in our family, but she got new cards. Her birth in one was kidz bop and last night we were just like she. She listened to Ariana Grande at eleven and jewish to mentoring. She was just like. Had doc, her kids bought this bob and unless the future stringy permits is finished, things I'm cartridges about that. Absolutely the actual straight out. What on earth is her on her? Well, they they felt that hbo was to lead this a brand like hbo. Access to latest they didn't like it. Were using it where they were using discovery, and they were
staying on discovery and they were being retained by discovery. So they said the best thing to do is kind of dumb it all down. Just call it man. with this was our argument is that people want watching enough. Atrium acts against silly ran it. Yes, there discovery. Does all this stuff great hbo max? Doesn't it cut a sucks in a big part of this? Was about kids, they were, they were like. We will all have this great content for kids and nobody's watching it. It's not like hitting with that audience and we think that's because it's called h, b, o max and that runs off all the children. Is that accurate, no, not as an argument either. So the one number I just want to point out is that they did say during the presentation. I think that it was seventy five percent of each of your max's viewer ship came from bones great, so people are in the ep, pick something that they see, whereas people and discovery plus are actually looking around in finding soften, go into the different tabs that sailor com and food and travel in whatever right,
but they took that from him was not oh cool. built a service so full of good stuff that people are finding things that they like immediately, but let's build one that may Everybody work much harder. Of mine and I think they want a logic. Is we're just gonna shove. Everything together and Can I doing this since the beginning relic, since one rather discovery became a thing when those who companies can get they ve been talking about the possibility of having a sort of one big behind streaming service to cover everything and I'm not like morally opposed to the idea. I just think they made every sledges gold decision dead wrong in the process of doing I thought it was interesting. We didn't actually see the! U I we didn't see what this app is. Gonna look like because its gonna be based on the h b max out they weren't open about, like its garbage, which we all know it's garbage. Instead, they're gonna use like the discovery kind of stuff, with some other things and make bold drawn in this
max appleby, amazing and always in no be max garnish. Do some quick history here yet you're to refresh my brain cancer h b, o existed. Yes was part of time warner. Yes, they made two apps. Yes, one called a fuego in one college. We are now guess, then, a t and t bought time warner for a lot of money, and it was so marginally in the plan wise to dot dot and tot fairly. We did it something. Some
and they were like this- is too many apps and we need a new one, so they built h, b, o max at some point. I believe vulture reported this they and they rebooted the tech stack of the h b, o max. That sounds right this. This is just like a thing that happened along the way they were like. We gotta make it better. We know it's bad, it's crashes too much and they they read it. Then they spent a lot of money on Zack Snyder, making a square version of justice league black and white some black- that is seven hours. Yes, this failed, I believe, to convert millions of people, teach relax, I'm just these are all things that happened yet, then, eighteen to yours like way. Why did we do this? they sold warner brothers time warner to discovery, which is like this
is garbage. The centre piece of HP owes gigantic purchase, was making this up and they sold it to discovery and discoveries like this was stupid. Yet discovery was always like this is stupid. We you guys make a harness stuff in h, o max, is a garbage app and it's too focused and your nor in all of this other content. What if this was more of a fire hose of garbage situ yeah, because that's what discovery is very very good writer discoveries, excellent, adjust fire hose of garbage and which is why we all watch a key tv entail c and everything else. I assume, judging from all of David, x in the draft earlier this week. How you do need Jeremiah home projects, let's go, there's no episode tonight and I will watch it. This is just a cannon. Filler hunter is what I'm getting out of us, which we one important of this history. Here is the David's, as all these ceo of this combined company has made abundantly clear.
over and over and over and over that. That is the content he believes in is it actually for streaming. Do does not want our care about these. really expensive. You Kosovo led premium stuff like what he wants more money and more space to make chose with chip and Joanna gains like that's it, and he has been so clear about that here. Cancelled, expensive stuff. They killed back girl because I didn't think it was very good like do movies in theatres, and he once down, home tv shows on streaming services and so to me, the long story each be oh anne, with someone who absolutely does not give one c well crap about h, b, o as a brand, as a store of content or as an ongoing concern and has basically just tried to sort of systematically destroy it? He does, though, I like that part. I don't I guess fair because he's still there acknowledging h, b o it sounds like it's going to be. It's own like carve out in the app like it'll, be a tab
This is the tab. You go here for quality of stuff. You watch h wintered stuff. Yet this is the twenty four tab and then we're gonna do everything else over here and that kind they get that calculus like he understands that tick, talking youtube or his competitors, because their discoveries- competitors right then there also everybody's competitors for attention. That's why you guys both chose I'm the one who told me that you are watching takes acknowledging assure you here during the last year it was great This is why me at my discovery, makes a lot of shows. You can definitely watch youtube while watching yeah. I would actually say: netflix makes a lot of issues to get. There This makes a lotta shows that are it's definitely fine. If you miss the third episode cause, you were watching tik, tok right Conflicts is where lake I go to my. I just need my pajamas on my brain netflix hbo like I'm gonna go get college suffered due at all disclosure I mean, if you have enough lecture on the future of its very good, do not watch tik, tok, washing thither episode, just walk in, if you
What am I bought? People get somebody to watch it to that would be great. I've just been made me happy Suddenly, our show hit the top man netflix. Like start sooner reason, I would receive nothing from it, but I think it would be funny- and I think we could share that moment together. That's my ask to you, the s audience our company, VOX media, as a bunch of investors, NBC universal, is one of those investors. That's on my comcast operates. Peacock, I'm pretty sure VOX media has made, shows on h, b, o and now I can't answer- is a great disclosure. You can see how conflicted I am yeah there. It is. We have a tv division, they sell things every tv network, we're super conflicted. Now we can still have opinions. I think it did. This point should be abundantly clear that we have a pink where we can strengthen There is no other soldiers leave. You haven't yeah alike
the back to what I was saying, H, b, o is very much like, not a pajama brain network. You do watch it so then you can go talk with your friends or a drama brain yeah. You know. Sometimes you just like. I want pajamas for my brain. Oh that's a thing. Isn't a thing is one thing: the usa, the thing my friend sense says since good, yet it can carry yeah and end. So it's not a pajama brain network for the most part netflix is go, is in here think he just wants to do that with but also then have this little tab as hbo, because a announcement to shows debtor very hbo shows that are not these big lake pajama re sort of they announced a bunch of really expensive, shows based on somewhat impressive existing ip. It's the kind of thing you would want to do if you did wanna take any risks. But you wanted to make a bunch of money and see.
In procedures is, you would announce a ten year long harry potter show, which is what they did write like if they had announced the eight new aid, the originals that you ve never heard of that are going to totally blow your mind pieces I'd be a lot more willing. Believe that there is some real investment and, like the thing that hbo has always done well. But to me this is like the same in a t and t used to say said h, b, o, which is basically like. You need to make a lot more stuff and you need to make All of it is a hit, and you have to prove it to us before you make it and in eight years- really bad at that, leaving a bolder biggest. Is the start of accession talks game of thrones those weren't, you kids in the first episode, does took out that those were what slow burns yeah and it was only because they were given the opportunity to do that let's be complaint about a lot of the other streamers networks in particular. Is everybody his older, not giving them enough time to make sure they haven't changed turned over the leadership in Israel. It's okay see boys yeah and he was very old. He was onstage talking about it really like do in his his dance for the audience and in
and yeah we're really excited because we've got harry potter. We've got a third game of thrones series well. So, although who is this event force, I was watching this event like on and off throughout the day cause. It was fairly long took forever and- and I couldn't tell who it was meant for audiences. It's not like it's free average it's for investors that the other? There are desperately trying to say the streaming, market is crap right now. You, dear wall street, have bet that we are not going to pull this off were sitting on a mountain of debt, and we I need you to think that we are about to be on fire in a good way. Did you like it? I'm just saying for that audience you like what you want to show them is: we ve got one decade of harry potter and sure. Yeah, these nerves are never gone anywhere. Their parents Nineteen. Ninety nine a month for four k, harry potter for ten years, can you do multiplication
The money give us and they were dancing around. The really big issue with Harry harry potter is kind of like become a toxic property and everybody refute. Everybody at warner brothers is refusing to acknowledge that because there in so tight, o j k rolling, but she has become a very, very toxic personality. She had a video game and people were curious about in refusing I again was also a huge hit is huge head, but there is like definitely that toxicity for ya site with them. Damn fantastic b hiring johnny depp like this continues. Happen, and when they ask boys redoing with her, is she going to be involved in the show she can be participating? Is she getting money for it? Obviously, yes, he just danced around his, You know she does her thing. We do ours. She says she's going to use all her money to destroy trans people. That's fine we're going to keep over here and I think at some point they are going to have to deal with that similar disney, avoiding what decade long headache right but You think for this audience and angry
there is already an issues decided, doesn't give a shit audience is seeing. Ok, people will pay the monthly subscription to watch harry potter for decades you're doing through detective season for jody foster. That's it right you ve gotta, show them the franchise ip. I dont think that foreclose is new stuff from asia, so she sat. Leadership is dollar yeah. I think we're still going to see stuff from h b, o we're still going to see stuff from that kind of Hb a max team. They specifically called out the big successes, air which are hacks the sex lives of college girls, which is really difficult, show to say watching at any point in your life that's right, you're, the only person on the show that can say it and get it, and even I was I signed up when you watch. It is like the six eyes, a college girls, wool on his way home act as various real chef. we are calling out like those big successes that were h b. O mac shows where people were concerned, that they were going to just get rid of that programming team get rid of that programming. They were
also the other big thing that people were scared about was cartoons and losing cartoons, which is why they specifically called out a new gremlins cartoon. and I reckon morty anime another property that has a big toxic cloud around it, because Brussels yeah not yet again, another big established thing big fan. Belated big catalogue I'd like to me like play this outright, so these things- get combined, they sort this out and they start to see how people use it right and end the reality of the world is there: a people spend more hours a day doing dishes while they watch hdtv. Then do sitting in front of gaps succession once a week and Look at it. They're gonna say this. One episode of succession cost more than three seasons of three age she tv shows what god's name. Are we doing and David's as of as a person who has made very clear that he is not doing this for them these. He is doing this for the money and, frankly, the company needs to do things for the money.
Like how do you not eventually look at the balance and say why are we spending all of this money to get these really great? Shows people watch a little bit of into this tab when, in fact, actually most the people who come to Europe app, are watching this other stuff, that's much cheaper to reduce and is an endlessly renewable resource. May I just unless you are a person who cares? What the thing that H b, o has done over the years as they've had people in charge who have said we're going to take, risks because I'm in charge- and I say so- that's they just don't have that now and the end now they're, bundled together with all this other stuff that is just going to decimated in every measure, because our quality and cultural relevance and those two things are really use achieving shut your correctly becoming needs money. There it should tell a bunch of that. Yeah eating t still has a stake there in a budget that everyone needs. This thing to make money great that have known for making money these. These are good at. He is good at it, but my theory as to why he'll keep schwerin is that my theory for why he bought one around us.
first place, which has one he thinks he is stupid and sold it to him for pennies on the dollar and he could do it, but two rich guys like fancy stuff, yes, and I at the end of the day. This is why the taking Mr Richardson deeply in hollywood. They they they want. This is why Jeff Bezos is, like you know, at the expanse ninety seasons it season. It's super boring at the end of it cause they they want to be in those roots. This is why atomizer is like always. The met gala at the moment for instagram was happening. The opportunity to show that cultural relevance is like irresistible to be the big patron of the arts and that's the thing he bought. He bought warner brothers. So I agree that tension is there especially for h, b o, but I think he he likes the big movies. He wants to put the big movies in theaters again and they will have a home on his app, and I think his ultimate goal is to replace. Kb
just cable bundle writ large. You don't mean anything. You just need this. One up cause twenty bucks a month, you're washing hdtv all day, while you're running around and then at night. You, like, I wanna, watch a blockbuster movie and its there for you, you know, like peoples That is why sorry, you dont water and your house, like a nineteen, forty bitch, now. I know why you I do That's right, though, and I think they talked about making big investments in sports and working. Mothers also has, I think, tee, and tea bleacher report and stuff like that. So like there's, some sport in the empire already, and they talked about news, unlike so it's all there but tnt. That's who sets out some sports events like your own, either will they have real moves real if they want to put some stuff into stuff, they have real, have real splashes of do. I totally agree, I think that's that's gonna, take a while, because sports rights are really expensive and really love cable subscribers, but I do think like
that road makes a lot of sense me I totally they have seen and which is, oddly, not part of us in his says of hate, cnn he went over. There is like I hate you guys like this place. And you're going to get a whole other thing now. You're gonna beat you're gonna, you're gonna appeal to everyone instead of just illiberal elites, and then that's really. coming out. Right, like this whole thing was imbued like I'm done with the liberal elites. This is gonna, be that service for the regular guy. You drink beer and drive a truck and like where a lot of plaid. This is you, how does how do you see that also green light? The next succession you just can't like that's. I think you do that's the bundle. This is the whole gay women like in a magazine days. The front book is like what sold the magazine and fancy features were there when awards and push the address, is higher
this is in many ways how we saw our property right, like you have the cheap stuff that gets people there, and then you have the procedure stuff. That like makes you fancier and pushes rates up and like in some way there Do an ad supported version here, right, right, they're, doing they're doing three versions, notably discovery. Go, is not going away. They're keeping discovery go, it's called discovery plus by the way, sorry drinking water There came a discovery, discover sticking around they're doing these three new bundles one is supported. I believe it's nine. Ninety nine and it's just as supported you watch it in hd, that's it then there's a fifteen ninety nine one, which is what the current non ets forty one is costs, no ads, hd only and you get thirty downloads, concurrent downloads. I guess what concurrent the concurrent story seems like you, ve been having things straight, downloaded offline, thirty amazon, you can download speed and that was
clear, it seems like they haven't limited to this in the past, but now they are and then there is now a nineteen ninety nine dollar version, which gives you fork and current streams for k you H, hd are with dolby atmos and one hundred down. look, I just wanna, say every single thing about these pressing plans sucks every single thing here, sir with my absolute everything about this is the ninety nine month plan is the ad light plan which is the existence of an ad heavy plan. Would you decided? I you start at add late? I just I don't know what spoken here. Two streams is not enough. I think, for should be like a bare minimum forever. Streaming services because money, each quality like forks being a thing you have to pay ten extra dollars a month for is outrageous yes given how spotty and crappy a lot of the fork content, especially on these services, has been in the past.
Anything other than unlimited downloads is outrageous. Yes, a hundred is a lot whatever, get used to a hundred you're, probably not gonna, put more than a hundred things under seventy way, but just the did idea at all of it being limited and not being able to download anything on. The ad light plan is is lunacy. I like this is all so incredibly user. Hostile to me, it just makes me angry. Loser Do you like that? So before you couldn't do downloads? If you were on the cheapest version- and I think netflix at a couple of others, deep keep downloads offering download the area for higher, prices. So this is just all and I honestly I think they could have even not mentioned how many down and gotten away with first tell on evaluation of things, your I'm with day. He asked four hostile, inventing things to put boundaries on sweden, upso, yes, india, the audacity of hbo max who didn't even launch before k in twenty nineteen. No four
Hey only got around to doing linking of thrones and four k last year to be like now, I charge you for four k and it's like you couldn't even guarantee, as well as coming with one of my cnn forecasts, but like just the combo platter, like these companies are so big that they all have like marketing teams. They invent person, as as, like the phrase they use, yeah like what's invent a person and see what they would buy and I'll do this exercise. I'm sure we are marketing people who listen to show who are like freaking out. I see you, I'm in your brain and your meetings in there like sally, sallies, thirty, five years old travel a lot she doesn't really know about four k and she doesn't mind. Ad she's got household income of fifty k, nine as perfect for in a invented, a person who demands both for K and one hundred offline down, and they could not find a person who, just once working for slightly more money right.
cassettes. I can think of a lot of people who, like I do not need to download any content at all zero. percent need to do that. But at what I the movies. I want and reinforce each year I mean. How do you miss that person in the sequence of pressing kind of similar to netflix them? Wait netflix does a similar pricing scheme where there's like a fifteen dollar version that gives you downloads and everything. But then, if you want four k, you still have in more concurrent streams. You have to go to the twenty two. However, adjacent differences netflix has added those tears over to me. I didn't feel quite as indicative right like this feels, like you don't backwards a little bit yeah, because you're, making him way more expensive in the middle tier seems like a worse deal in history that said there are going to add a bunch of discoveries catalogues. This thing in all: that's in hd anyway, and if you just watching a shows, it doesn't matter, yeah. I do we want. She shows. Are you like? No,
discovery. There can quite see the wayne Scott what's so this. This is why I am I'm with you know, because I think to me: in fifteen ninety nine a month middle plan is both the best and worst deal here, because on the one hand you get essentially nothing for it, especially if you're, not the kind of person who wants to download like the difference, is fewer ads, and downloads and as a person who generally pays for no ads fine, but that six bucks a month to just turn off ads. Do with that. What you will you don't get? Four k so then the flip side of that means you're paying another four dollars a month for, like the occasional movie to be in four K. Because a huge amount of that library is just not available for k like I'll. Just hang it's gotten better over time, but its sooner great, I'm
It's not that because a lot of this stuff is available in four k: l, especially that older catalog, with a lot of it exists. In theory, though, there is all the dc universe, stuff that was all shot in four k on four k and dc universe, and then, when it all got moved over and they killed that app, they were like broly dude at a ten. Eighty sorry and I think it was honestly probably like a bandwidth issue. I've always wanted to track this down. If you know email me, but I think there was likely some sort of bandwidth issues they were like well, we can't handle four k streams all the time, so let's geek keep those let's limit it, but it's nobody's confirmed that that's just my like tin can Yep theory over monsieur goes. These days are gonna, be I guess this is just did just disney fight everything. This was just watching like disney being born, in a single investor meeting, Like we're, gonna go after the kids, we're gonna go after middle america. That is the single best outcome zodiac could of her for it.
One person saying this is like washing disney being seriously like. that's what I said earlier. The bad kind of disney right you have won the one reversals is ruthlessly the one that ruthlessly stole my daughters, yeah like this, is not a good, exciting, dizzy recovery, as we have not linger on the small does. Actually, I think it's a great name for a trial, horrible name for streaming. So awful, actually has a history of max is cinema or skinner max. I used to know it. It's like you, picked the weakest brand in your portfolio. the one that is most associated with a late night is soft core pornography. Kid therefore- and I was a kid service yeah I mean the kids who stand up late moms, not here max It's an axe in this ep yeah, listen, she's gone but yeah, it's it's in the ep like it's already. The tabs are a trio. Food travel
porn there's a cab to refresh it. That's the only thing of a sinner max- is not nice blake it's all there newer stuff, so I'm warrior banshee that kind of stuff there their original. ten, but I'm so impressed that you can keep track of what medium great show us burn. What medium great network, like, I love medium, great sadness that I got out of my bread and butter. Like you, you know we're all the sports are. I like, I know we're warrior season. Sick watch live, there's a shoutout samurai is on an f, and am I get add ons right now, as we know, is the slogan my guide, the seasons italian incredible, go like it. We a brinkley before radio to examine the need for one more second year, because it makes me angry and the what they should have called I think as hbo, and we can mitigate that. If you want to play
what I did was there there's this very good wikipedia page of all of the warner, brothers, discovery properties that they have divested overtime. Yeah that don't exist anymore or that they have sought through the list of all the ones that no longer- to see if there were any better names, the presumably they already on the trademark too, and that they should have names, service instead of max. Would you like to hear a few of them yeah. I would absolutely yes do you remember Beam casey neistat up the oh yeah, okay, that would have been a better name. The next see at an airport, which is a thing would have been a better time. The blacks, there's one call d play. That's probably not a good idea. I don't recommend deeply astronomer had one called festival which I actually goes there. Fullscreen fullscreen, actually think is pretty good. While screen is good, the more I think about festival, the more it lands and the D plays yeah. That's fair
Hannah, barbaric home video sites for the elderly? There's there's one called ok, but it spelled oh h, exclamation point k that was pretty good. Drug the tropics warner brothers owned a minorities taken quickly. Can I brings you in, but he s always there was one called warner max, just quaker. We just had just the operation, including it's like every we talk about his bags. I want to go through the eighty anti just remind this happened yeah if you and t got sued by the trunk department of justice, because it wanted to Warner brothers so badly and its whole pitch was we're gonna put like by size episodes of greek, my friends, loaded on andred funds. This week we had to sit here and I had not be as our hitched. That's what it's like. I did
The veneer of journalistic integrity was so thin and then, like now, there's max and I just want to everybody- quickly super happened. It was a real thing for a month now, even a month for a week When we went to a c s presentation, oh yeah, they were like Our innovations will turn your phone and we named it turnstile Remember in July you to talk to people about like, and I really thought that, like once I held it in my hand, I put it. I was understanding like a change in cinema, yet they were there into Steven Spielberg to say that his innovation was a servant? Came out only at night you think I've always wanted to do there. As you say, every now and again, it's important to just take one step back and make this happen to us a lot: and no one believed us, but now we have met slovaks, arrogant, more names, waste.
the only last what I had for you was one or max, which was knavish shortlived production company, in that That happened the mail experienced warner max. Please let me know the ira think between cnn airport inherit Hannah, barbaric home video. Where were you may I guess, I can't believe they got rid of seen an airport. It has set itself. What are you wash in airport easy win? I knox its fight, this However, we are having a break and we must find out what let's see, if you know I will get our hands on cnn, an airport minimise virgin where is expanding, we're taking a break we'll be sport for today show comes from delight. What does the future looks like it's a question that drives progress, but, more importantly, how did you get there?
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sweetheart stared to combine sweet ends heart, but they didn't stop there. Now they have combined soft and bound see to bring you knew. Sweethearts dummies, rudy split, a uniquely delicious dual cited gummy with one side sweet and the other side that charge but entirely smooth inscription. A powerfully perfect, combat sweethearts dare to come by. Alright we're back. Let's talk about another kind of stripping the sports video games. Oh yeah! It's last week we taught with this rumour that sony was developing and playstation handheld called the queue light. The worsening and you very kindly said: it's not fair game streaming. Sony has farmed out all of its game streaming to micro which in the moment, I myself why it was true, was true, but things
of change, many things which are even in tat moment when you said I ask as like that, doesn't what was really goofy because the reporting around they handheld was saying it is only gonna, be for streaming from your ps five, yes to handheld urges goofy, which is good. The enemy is true. It sony had made some deal to use microsoft, cloud technology right thing, the gaming team didn't actually find out about it until a like afterwards. For the longest time. Sony was farming out a lot of their gaming stuff in everything. Even though they'd purchased the purchase this really great card gaming company in, like the mid two thousands guards looks back there. They had all this technology and then the distant do anything with it in there. I whatever ignore it and now a pair Lay their starting to pay attention to cloud gaming after stadia died in everybody. Forgot amazon exists in microsoft, is just crews in the long term
Germantown was the reason that I that, when you said it last week has like, but they hate each other yeah right in, like the idea that sony is big enough, that one division of sony made a deal to use azure the game division like fine, I buy it. These are huge companies sony in microsoft are basically at odds over the activision deal bear in legal conflict in countries around the world The idea that cloud streaming is the future of mainstream game play thing, is just sort of accepted wisdom, it's not true, but everyone thinks only true soon. I mean that's mainly because microsoft has been saying that for the last few years and and everybody else was kind of ignore them, including nintendo and sony. They were both like yeah. The infrastructure is not there. We don't want to do it. Nintendo famously, doesn't really invest of this stuff took forever even to get cloud saves off the grid. since this is like everybody if ignored it. So I think it's a surprise, but a welcome one. That sony is now on board. Sir Sean
master has been digging through sony's jobless things, Amelia he's in it. He added he's a detective was shot, might accidentally work for so yeah. We can't prey as a recruiter at sony. If you get a call from him, he's got a job offer ticket yeah he he has uncovered a lot of roles that are being hired all around cloud. Gaming tech it seems like some of those roles got listed and then he wrote about them and then they disappear surprising. Surprising, which in it suggests they really are planning a strategy around cloud gaming. There finally figured it out there super late to the party, though, and and that I think is gonna, be a challenge both because the infrastructure like microsoft is really good at it, because it has azure if you're going to have to go and get that from Google or oracle or somebody else right. That's going to be a challenge, and then also there, just Google did it and failed in like a heartbeat and now they're.
in, like the Kool aid man just come in late yeah, so I can see that slightly differently, I would say, we are, as we are wrong. Thirdly on the road to all of that tech becoming pretty easy. Actually, because azure exists and because the amazon, working on Luna, stuff soften. That's all just gonna get at baked into aid of? U s, because Google did all enough with stadia that is now getting rolled into Google cloudlike d, roll. Your own cloud gaming thing is actually gonna get really easy really fast. I think then. So if I'm sony, what I'm thinking is. Ok, I historic We have better games than everybody else, and so- I can come in a place where I know There have to be a leader in technology can just show up attach myself, the technology that already exists? Put my or games into it and when I like
we don't know that I feel, like sony, is super late to this game, they're late to the game. If you want to be a cloud provider, but sony clearly doesn't want to be a cloud provider, I mean, I think, there's still going to have problems there, because they serve to get the developers onboard rate. That was a whole challenge on all of these reasons, the azure when works is because they said no, you don't have to do anything. That's for sure, but both stated anne and Luna. You have to go and do like read you the games to work on the poor in some cases build them like from school actually there be a cloudy right here in an that's that my services, since we can run anywhere actually running on my watch right now. Yes, they're gonna have to link figure that out, and I think that's where they're kind of late to the Haiti is that a lot of that work, three they're gonna have to redo it by some choose Google are choosing amazon and then saying: ok, now we gotta go, do all of our games because what their known for is their exclusive right. It's the naughty dog stuff in things like that. and now they're gonna have to go and get those done in
schemes also when they do port them elsewhere. Struggle lake, both the The big one right now is the last of us on pc about looking like absolute garbage yeah and now you want to also go and adapt for the cloud. That's where their big challenge is. I think, like it's less about going and finding the the provider and and making a deal with them, it's getting all this stuff developed. Working well enough in and also the whole huge infrastructure problems that no unsolved, because did she sat on the ssc yeah, so we're still have garbage yeah, but we are seeing this wave where there's the lodge attack cloud gaming thing we ve there's a few of them now right. I wouldn't the steam deck the stared. I worry, yeah the little hand held one gray, and I think that's what like their chasing after cause. I realized o people. This is a new product categories which was begging for an I'm. So happy it's happening like this is a thing we can
and go into this space and make games and push them in this way. Microsoft was right like that was hot microsoft's whole calculus is we can do you can go and you can buy it. You can have the council and will play perfectly, but some people can afford the console some people. can't afford, like it's, their parents, t v and their parents are never going to. Let them use the t v to play it, so they need something more portable. Now we can do a portable offering without making the vita yeah. So sony was thinking about this. They walked away They watch reforms, game streaming, pretty resigned this deal with mining shops, which they always had it like game streaming has always been there. It's just been not great, and everybody always would forget about it, and part of that was like it's not very fast. It's not newer games, the big thing with microsoft. What changed with microsoft? Microsoft said: oh we're going to do like dandy. at then that's huge that that's only makes us viable, rather than like effectively like for the longest time claw gaming was kind of mac aiming like
I can agree, you can do it wow. What are you gonna have cleared? You can play assassins, creating that's about it, So what have we learned from these listings? Will cause, it looks like sony is going to rebuild an entire infrastructure, this handheld that will compete with the largest hack and other stuff, but have somebody's library of games and series graphical fidelity and sony service. What do we think this service looks like in what sean has uncovered? I mean it sounds like they're they're, going with a lot of people from guy K, beliefs how you say it, so I think we're going to see that again. I think I think this is we're just going to take their new release in their since, if we don't know right, that is specifically the developer step and in how those developers are gonna work. That's, I think, the big kind of up in the air from what I'm reading please correct me if I'm wrong but we'll see, item, I think if you have to know
that part before you can really get it off the ground. But right now it's like okay. We go exploring the space we're building in the space, we're gonna, get more engineers on board and more like people that know like that tech and that's really really crucial and then they're going to have to go and teach all of the developers specifically naughty dog. How to design a gain for something. Besides the play station is not a dock sucks at it. Can I tell a completely unrelated story? Yes, it's told him related, but this is what I worry about when Sean rights like insurance or research, but pangs of anxiety rocket throughout, when Sean writes about about streaming services, we were in a lawsuit for six years, because sean called again trimming service defunct is a true story in the guy who ran it claimed that we, defamed him for calling his dead game streaming. Service defunct. Anyone suit us- and here the statute of limitations had expired
but in delaware re suit. Us the state courts had not yet set the precedent that linking to an article did not constitute we republishing it so that was his argument to get out of this sexual invitations that we had recently linked to this article. We had called the dead gaming streaming service defunct, yeah, there's a he republished it in it are outside lawyers like yet the delaware judge just wants this precedent, while six years of in war, we won, we won going away and the judge was like yeah. It was different, but it was like what do we do him? every time you, I don't think he called anything defunct. This time. I will keep in an irish on yeah. We think we gotta was right. What is it sounds very merry right. It sounds like there are interested in cloud gaming and there
current services, not you fight to be clear. Sony does currently half cloud gaming, it's not good, which I'm allowed to say because that's my appeal but they do have it is not to fund. This is the thing that I, was interesting about sean's peace is, and he points out in his story is that from the job listings themselves. It sounds very much like sony is starting this process from the beginning and its It saying yes, that one of the jobs is like come help us dream up a vision for our cloud. Giving- and it's like my do it's it's, twenty three, like you, don't have a vision for cloud giving them. On the other hand, I see your point alex this exists like they. What they should be doing is taking this kind of crappy thing that they built in playstation now and make it better and instead what it sounds like as they're building a whole new thing from the ground up.
and which of those two things turns out to be true or if there's some combination of them is confusing and fascinating to me or- and this is just like a honey pot to key may visionaries away from like her soft I love that play. They just sit over there in a corner, never really signing this is in the season. Attack lay offs right. There's like the endless articles. Now there are like the ultimate business insider bay I made to it it has now you go and I got paid to drink lattes, although like in that such as they were all just hiring the keep town away from each other yeah. I dont think that that is the position. Any of these companies are anymore I wouldn't expect sony particularly to being a company that does that. That's not really sonys m o, so I think they are trying to think of this from scratch and from scratch kind of makes sense when you think about the architecture element of this If they're thingy, ok, playstation six. Whenever that comes out, we want that
work with our new cloud gaming cerveza everything works. Would you what microsoft debt? That makes sense? That's the thing they can be doing, then I would get whether would want to start from scratch. Yes, because otherwise bolting everything on and then trying to teach naughty dog again how to adapt. That is going to be a lot of heartache everytime. I download the game to my position. I the digital one, yeah, I'm like this, is weird. It's weird that it's a it's all a bit surrounded on the drive. My ring come down, isn't the future much more hybrid ized right we're the games update to me. I don't want a lucky to fortnight, and it was forty three point, two gigabytes or something of the kind of my downloading. It takes eight minutes to connect Every time I up everytime. I turn on this. Damn game like what is the site, I've, just downloading it you have to local assets because the vote, because it moves so quickly that if you're having, if their having to download all the assets to you and like load all about in real time and do the rest all in real time. That's really really complex in
that creates a lot lag or anything. Some attitude seems over two choices. Right now are pretty far apart years. All of that seem is rendered on the server and you're. Just in the video in sending back control inputs and we've managed to crunch the latency. So this works right, even when your handheld yet- and this is the only pitch for five g that has ever made any sense to me- and it's still, but but that's the idea right, you're, all a gps or in the cloud and we're sending you a video stream and there is low enough latency that your control inputs can affect of it. get it and all the other side is. You got the entire forty three gigabytes fortnight and a powerful jp. You in your house and the whole things running locally. Yes, it just I dont know enough, and is there no middle ground? I think we're the play station. Six as like hybrid eyes, were some of its running up there and summits running down here and there's a reasonably be with its enhanced by the clouds. Writing the radically that can happen, but you ve got to two issues,
Is there one? Is that people really liked we'll play offline? They hate it when they have to like be connected all the time. That's like a huge. You any time, somebody downloads and obi soft aim. Oh my god, kazoo be soft. Hasn t r m that requires you to attach the interpreters are serving. The only game exists, get very limit. Why, certainly to the re an end. So there's that there's like the audience hates that, but then it is also just really complex, because if you are having to like what are you? What are you playing on? What's? What's what are the assets that need to be on your computer? Theoretically, it's like your big forecast for like textures, frazier and then what needs to be in the cloud lake. figuring that out, I think, would be really really complex and making it so that it handles it, while also not losing lag should be really Finally, I think we might see that an end like adventure games- probably something not super timing intensive- lends itself more to that country's both pro
We not all your fighting games, your first person shooters, definitely not but like games where you're just dicking around and like climbing stuff yeah yeah, which is okay. If it's got a little lag again, I think I don't know enough about the the technical aspects of that in what you're describing gracious. If you, if Sony announced the playstation, think that figure that out of the first hybrid cheap you set up the streaming services in here. Built into it and I'll run great on your phone and the slow handled was selling you and then, when you doc it to achieve you, that's right in your house. It gets even. better yeah lake. If they can do that and building up like the big catch there is you Don't have to download two hundred gigabytes just to play the new aaa game. That's huge! That would be a really big thing and that's what everybody. Working towards better think them all ended on just do the video directly to you, because that's just so we are- and I guess in your middle ground, Neil I, what are you actually accomplish it because it? kind of seems to me like the worst of both worlds cause. You can't play the game offline which, like out
thing is what you accomplished by downloading the two hundred gigabytes. Maybe you shortened the download time and as somebody who frequently has like thirty minutes video games and spends that whole thirty minutes downloading and update you again. I feel that what it feels like every good thing, you're describing is actually may be better served by working on the lag problem with input. Yeah Probably just the history of the tech industry is not a weird compromise ground that is yeah is often the thing that happens, infusing sony. If anybody is going to do that. Well, maybe nintendo nintendo actually had been more likely just put it on a nasty card. No proper nintendo never met a cutting edge graphics. Regarding this nice ass, the next here, the switch will have wifi if they ask where work since, and I can't you see them being like you don't want. This is kind of garbage in a lot of ways, but it's cool, so we're gonna do has very nintendo
so now you sony would be like dear miss cures, it's as we think about ensuring again and the idea that things will default there, because, as David is pointing out the aim of the widely bought softens roy, your own feels locally still be technical, easy, if not business, model, easy word game library, development, easy, but technically easy! It's like at some point sony is going to make an argument for putting a jeep you in your house get in at it or else. The argument right now is the internet sucks yeah yeahs. The best argument really is a alright. Let's wrap up this section, there's actually a bunch of additional stream have I say we go through, I'm sure set will be wondering we saw what was so near offices, the other thing shandy was uncover a bunch of new plans, fur sonys smartphone games, which is the Other future of gaming. Sony has sort of systematically data. That is that, over the years, its various it's for using. It is actually very similar story, like sony has, a bunch of good people, made big promises,
about mobile games and not succeeded with any of them and appears to be sort of rebuilding and trying again we're excited about that. We got a bunch of nfl sunday ticket news. We talked a little bit about this on Wednesday show, but all the information is finally out ever been. Our comments is very upset that it's gonna cost anywhere from two hundred and fifty to like four hundred dollars for the season. Do you get else. Are there other back? I know so. That's the whole beauty of youtube and the reason they'll tell you that youtube tv is so terrific is that you get the local games on youtube tv. You get the out of market. on sunday ticket and for an extra forty dollars season, you can also get red zone. So it's benches and it's a mess, but at least it all like in one app, I'm so happy for the both of you. If you're ready for you tube to solve this problem, As for you, I also neal. I I did a packers burn at the end of a youtube. Sorry didn't even notice, I'm really sad about. Will you already told me the pressing so yeah
I definitely wear that story, and I thought others like this guy yeah, that's probably what avid google tv Alex. This seems like something that would excite you. Google tv got a big guide to eight hundred different free, channels. I already have all of them, because I have candles. so the thin in three you, the thing that you are describing basically, which is like take all these free channels and like coal, led them into one up there you can actually search across is what google is now trying to do, which is the single smartest thing google has ever done in streaming. So congratulations, google, it's the most googly thing they could have done. It's the best thing was ever done an trimming. I'm sure it'll be a piece of shit because it's cool tv and every other shooting box. Google, tedious trash, put hey it's a good idea anyway, I ought to say that is by the way, is David's hottest take. This is your our play when he wrote that have on a number of reports of these funds? yeah, but it's like not very good
yeah I've ruinous stockholm syndrome apple. That's the thing car play not very good, just better the authored orbit jack! No, that's that's basic! I mean that's it literally, like apples and therapies. Airbus, these jobs put up a bunch of phones, and there is like we made a slightly better phone, do want it, and have you been reading the Steve jobs book that does not the steve jobs archive put out the ebook, and it's just lots of interviews and direct causal link, something wonderful. He does gone. Let's make something wonderful. I am a total sucker for it. It is just a couple sucker for you can read on on the web and a has a great web presentation. I download it to apple books, and then it does not mention. Can those like we're here he'd every other gets very, but I highly recommend reading it does if using this you're, almost certainly a sucker for steve jobs, think saying things like the only good profit however, in a surly regional telephone and the trembling telephone and every other telephones, garbage credible and just saying this and like making seventy eight
like straight out randomly do an interview where he's like twenty four years old and he's like there's only ever been two good duluth and like I'm, a complete sucker for this and you just read it and you like look at the Business model infected apple ecosystem of today, where everything is designed to get you to buy something else and you're like oh, I wonder if he would have loved this or hated it in the apple tv to be is like the number one example for this, where it's both designed to make. You watch apple tv plus at every turn, and then they can. Get the business deals to complete the interface to make a good soldier stuck in the middle of whatever it. Is it because it back in the middle, it's the best option, because everyone else's screw it we're just going all the way towards converting you to our services in at least: has the restraint to not do it all the way they do have a cattle as giving a restrained. Someone that's same with her
I am just telling you. Everyone should read this book because it's great and if you're a virtuoso started gonna be a sucker for it. Is there an audiobook version? Now, it's just it says I collected writings who were they we have to get well, you may I sit down their minds a great it's, your very good did do you say we were well. No just the one thing we should mention which goes back to the gaming handheld stuff is. A bunch we would have accepted on the internet, because a video from a microsoft hack, fun, I think, last september, just go. showing somebody had you know cobbled together. They called it like windows. and held mode, and it was basically like what, if you could run windows in a gaming specific mode, on a sunny, seem deck like piece of hardware and everybody very excited about it. I took umbrage with this because it feels like nobody's used the microsoft cloud gaming platform on esteem. I spent an entire afternoon having like programme and get it all set up on, may seem back and it looks almost is identical to that new works great.
Ok, I already did this evil would, if you didn't have I a whole afternoon Kerry had said that does seem a very compelling, like you download little picture so that it will load properly in the steam you I it's a lot. I do love that we ve come all the way back around to what, if we had small computers to just ran all of windows like straight up, had taskbar tiny computers like there was the ninety seven netbook netbooks just had little joy is they called them pocket pc his think about it now, combat was out here so and pocket pc is Milosevic self spend sheets investing back as edges like everything comes back around it's the one thing, that's my fourth fourth thing: yeah, that's a wired connection, something car play whatever other bullshit I made up pendulum swing back, most of which are accurate, except for the car play the water. Other bullshit I made up partly pieces are coming back. I believe this, in my view,
take a break. I can't believe we supposed to talk about where we're going, to take a break and come back to europe this episode is brought to you by lays lays potato chips are made from real potatoes from real farms and So then you might think golden grows here on over one hundred farms across north America. So whenever you open up a bag of lays, you can thank your farmers for making your stay golden moments possible ways. Stay golden to learn more had to golden grows here. Doc on got it back. You got is not are you I have done that. You like working with people, you can rely on like usa, hey who has helped guide the military community for the past one hundred years, usa get a quote today. We're back
to announce like than the new car power news at which he that I, I am now the project manager for hardway it's going to suck it's going to run two apps at once. You guys it has. No it does it get us the day. I'm going to send you sure of my no when I get older, stupid boxes are not as near Angela language than on wandering in unlike widgets yeah, I'm not looking for widgets man I really want it s actually imagine I want nine hundred full fledged windows of full tiles. Let's go window, car coming soon widgets good good. A late up to I am the new post of the code on prince s. I can possibly come up
so, as you know, we have a lot of lineage to walt Mossberg and kara swisher. What was our executive editor for years? Ot and kara started the d conference that turned into code conference, which rocks me the ones worn retired several years ago. He still texts me to remind me that we make journalism here, which is great, and I love the fact that I can text walt Mossberg. It's like one of those things we hadn't had this happen. The vehicle cara was her last year of hosting code. Last year she went with the bang. Did the best version of that thing that anyone can ever do and so now casey and I have to come up with a different version which we've talked about for a long time. But this is the twentieth year of code, we're moving locations again. Casey Newton, who is a virgin shooting editor, runs but former yama casey myself and Julie abortion from cbc new house. The code conference, which is in september and if you know we should do it, should let me now,
now? We have a lot of ideas and just how to reset it a little bit, and you know where the new hosts were very excited about it. Obviously, where we all interview people all the time. Kara is a very distinctive type of interviewer. I've ripped a lot of extracted a there's, a lot of carers booze in my game, but we, a push a farther. We want to have some different kinds of guess. I really I get more creators not stage and talk with their businesses. Greater. That's news were we're very sad about it was just announced, and I guess that if you have ideas and what you want to see happen and the good conference, this is the moment because we are striving for exactly what we're going to dm you on a lot of it is, can you yell at them even more and most people can't yell at them at all, like carey has to lie, but can you have more yeah? Well, yes, we want to make great journalism and do tough interviews, and I think that's why some people show up if you're, a ceo, you're, usually pretty type a you want some challenging. This is a real thing. This is why they come and decorative soaps. Yeah
The thing I kept. I forgot to set up the top I was supposed to. I was instructed to like announcement mobile, and I forgot this is a good place to mention it, we're we're going to talk about some people should totally have just this is it such a decided, twitter, dear sweet twitter. I wish I hope and such at length, but there's some other stuff. It happened this week. First, we should note you went nuts doing labels like He discovered that there's a field and twitter accounts called labels and start typing stuff into it, see what happened so he got into a fight with npr at first he labeled it a state sponsored media em, which is a sick, very funny, because that's that's like a real thing happens in china, korea and other nations and here's the other thing it gets like. One percent of its funding from the government in the united states does have state sponsored media has voice of america which we used to get state sponsored media publicly funded media are its even a little tiny bit the same thing
Bobby Allen from NPR is great tech, part of their email elon? So when you do anyone said I'll change it, so you changed publicly funded media npr said this is stupid and you're being weird and we're just not going to publish on twitter anymore was a big decision. Pbs also pulled publishing from twitter after the same sort of label brouhaha he did it to the bbc. He apply the same label to the bbc, and then he sat. were, I will just be candid. I just talked what entering people better, he sat there be if he be scenery of ulama sucked and I've figured out. Why cause I've watched a lot of areas of the on and he always seems to snow everyone ever and prepares for elon like he's going to be oh yeah, now, no one's ready for him to be obviously winging. It he's never prepared for any one, Portugal, I think you sometimes your powerful tesla spacex. Sometimes he ever has expertise. but his interviews. He just comes in this. I am here to interview, let's go down, and so
at the BBC interview was back like you, I think of her often is like neil. I vs me their training, it's a game that I'm playing and you can't if you're playing a game with someone and they're they're, not playing if she's not doing well and averages a bbc interview, just watched there, two people having radically different experiences and one person's like I'm, going to ask you questions and you're gonna answer questions and he owns like here's. What I'm gonna do just like the throw water over the walls and start honking like a goose and it's like what's happening in this scenario, and he said, but in an interview elon did say, buying twitter is really painful. He doesn't have a stone cold heart. He says he got forced into buying it, which is an incredible way to say. I signed a contract to buy her company for forty four billion dollars and then was sued to enforce the contract, and I thought it was going to lose the lawsuit. He was forced, yeah, yeah, really.
I know yeah just very odd week for twitter, and then he announced who knows if this will actually happen, but all the blue checks will go away and of course, for twenty nice. Sorry, thank you a friction drugs and, and now I'm a. I think people are trying to get ads. I've gotten ads the regular blue checks are going away. Don't you want to subscribe in it again? I think we have a lot of like advertising listeners this ad teens, no explanation of what the benefits of paying might be, not even a town, it's just a threat it's just exertion check is going away subscribe, double absolutely like say one good thing that will happen. He's gotta know you know generally, when you do this, you, like you, smash them stuff. You like break things and you're like do it or else, and instead it's just like but like do it, I believe.
In my bones. If he thinks that people think having a blue check is like a cool signifier of status, which a it was never intended to be. The idea that, like the blue checks, were a thing always ridiculous and be, he has systematically made it stupid to have a blue check to point, as I have said this, as we have talked about before on the show, you can have a blue check and hide it, because, it's so embarrassing to have a blue check on your profile that communicates so to come out and say: don't Your blue check. There were a people I saw the other day who are tweeting it. Actually, what you should do is chain is display name because it will automatically remove your blue check as a as a hack like I don't wanna have a blue check anymore. How can I get rid of it? More quickly is a much more prominent question at this moment. Then, how do I keep my blue check? This
what we ve come to, I'm just really curious. How he's gonna do it because right now, they're having to like go down the list in and in doing that they like manually, they haven't figured out a way to do that. Not me I was afraid because they found me did they find you this I blocked the very There's a deal is life He doesn't want you to know like level of horror. Alright, he blocked the verified account that they wouldn't be able to find you, because that was the only true list they had. I still got my my check, you know, but you had to block and verified and I think I just don't treat a lot and also I have like four followers so that she can wait for redressal of isilon. It's it's inaugural into the forefront. Anyhow, none of this matters. It's just I wait. Twitters David is possessed. None of this is usually that listening to me, everyone, let me let me just look The first draft david's activity. Pesetas me for amounts very gracious, yeah, that's that's what the heat is just quit
it is place, has systematically proven to have bad product. It will not keep your personal stuff safe. It won't keep your private things private, it won't show you. The thing Do you want it to show you? It will show you exclusively things that you don't want to see. It breaks all the time. There is literally nothing left for you on twitter. I dunno where to go. Come hang out on the verge dot com go somewhere else, go to instagram, it's better on instagram leave. Twitter twitter is done. Let's just, however, you feel about elon musk. However, you feel about politics. Twitter is a bad platform and equipped. Thank you for coming to my ted talk yeah. I think I've pretty much kind of quit this week with the npr stuff. I was like everything else has done whatever. For some reason, this was my my line. This is ron yeah, as, like you just like being addicted to spread. Misinformation now be like sigh
The plan is that, as is he's gonna before, but for some reason this is another one gas again watching that any of you. I go back to my thesis, which is, if you are elected to nicotine and you buy cigarettes factory, you would think every idea you had world right because everyone else feels that way. I do, and I would ask you run cigarette factory in I don't smoke, and why do you keep insisting that I buy cigarettes from you? Cigarettes were like times more non equity and not just the government leaders sooner. They more gotta he's addicted to twitter. He thinks it's monopoly and I would point this out his other to come These are more or less monopolies. Yeah we test lies, had infinite demand for electric cars that can't meet the demand for electric cars, and so you run a business where every car he makes he sells, and it doesn't matter if the cars have to teach panel gaps or they drive themselves in the brick walls or whatever people online the cars and he's a supplier of them.
Maybe that what changes, competition or maybe not the other, if the combined market today shabby both days, can you for one right I will see what happens when the kia v nine hits are like all these. Other coins had spacex is kind of a monopoly. The government was like what, if we didn't, do nasa and NASA became like a buyer of rockets in the private sector, the one big rock man to his credit. I will give him all the time in the world for this. He was like. Yes, I will make rockets emotionless face and lay them again and the united launch alliance is like. I may have done nothing. I would be willing to wager that europe must not, in the top fifty people most responsible for the launching a landing of rockets. But yes, but I'm just saying his others. You companies were kind of monopolies right there in markets than that, it be competitive and are not yet
The one is because I think cars are going to get competitive for him, but it still works like carplay is to like a conversation, we're having like there's a lot of stuff. Teslas can do that. The automakers are still sorting out, but there they might only now be competitive, so I think he's just got. monopoly brain yeah, where he's like I've run, twitter twitter's, awesome monopoly, I'm addicted to it. What about you cigarettes and then it's like? Oh do you can just leave it like? I can just open the tiktok app Instead, it has got it does you know, instagram exists where all these other platforms to take your time. What is not true is it for years. The default answer for everything and media in politics has been twitter, you're a candidate, something weird happen on a campaign. Stop you issue apology like twitter. It is like the main line and it affects our sight goes down and we're like. We need to tell our audience. We The people who follow us on twitter, which is not the whole audience by a huge margin, is not a lot, is what it feels like we're doing it yeah whatever
as always. The answer twitter is like always the answer, and now it's not- and I think that is opening up a lot of opportunity for other companies. It's opening up a lot of change, hopefully in the house, think about using the internet, which would be good and it is driving elon musk, bonkers yeah, which is right because it he's not the answer he's not a monopoly provider of this thing? It's all, essentially, all the stuff he's doing is like we should. I would subsequently because this is like to me the most interesting thing where the monopoly did something aggressive against competition in it. I think spectacularly backfired, in a way that were really upset right with with the subsec thing. I don't. Usually I don't subscribe to a lot of sub sacks. I'm sorry just leave the one his wife have yeah. I have platform, that's it and so I didn't, really care as much, but it seemed like a lot of people care like substantial one of its main traffic drivers is twitter and then he went and he started like dicking round with the links
yeah. So this happened last week on the sugar ray we're like in the middle of it, so subject launched, have second notes, which is, it looks like a twitter, can better is not really to look at what it looks. Like in looks enough, I twitter yet scary on us there's. Some tiresome personality is involved in the back and forth what that's about it, just as much as I'm an attacker? Rather he starts making intuitive. sweet as a sub stack link in it. You cannot even like that tweet once like or retweet, it was hilariously petty. He puts up a warning screen, so you click a sub one hundred years as the site isn't. This is basically do remember the whole same thing with the hunter Biden laptop story. This is like yeah, but like more use, all those tools used criticising, the best one, which I dont think is a tool that is existed before. Is it if he searched for the word substance, even in the most brute force way? few. We read stories and viewed search our hyperlinks are, you are elles and sub saharan slug. It would redirect that words that, wouldn't you
yes MA am beautifully paddy like you are no longer allowed to search eu or else in this platform that contain the word substantial, like that. Is there who was king dictator and ivory speech thing, I can think of something for example, you on tweets in europe no public explanation is forthcoming. You on tweets in reply subsequent trying to download a massive fortunate twitter database to bootstraps their, which makes no sense like it just as me, If you don't want to download a massive pile of garbage it's to, even if you just think about what that means or how that would work or how you would do it or what you would use it for or what it would bootstrap right, like none of it there's a great pyrenees sites like this, like just on it's face. This is a nonsense. The whole thing to sell it wouldn't even accomplish, I think, they're gonna uploaded, unlike back phil, substantial notes with twitter content is just like. Not the thing that's gonna happen. What right
doesn't make any sense so christmas this year. So sack was on dakota this week. There is a lot to talk about this conversation honestly support insane, but I asked him: were you downloading twitter videos of no and, as you talk to elon, he was like no, and I said, andreessen horowitz is an investor in both companies during the syndicate that jan but twitter of music. Do they help things like aaron It sounds like you just did it. Do you never gave him any warning? he. Never like told them what was wrong I mean I've gotta see, no everyone can be lies will take over at their word. But they say they weren't downloading a massive portion of the twitter database, which no one can figure out why he would even want to do that with where they may be like accessing that get hub. That has a bunch of twitter. vote on it and he like found out and like it here, That's not the database savage that, while iran likes to say, he's close to the battle?
people who are don't say that I've, who knows so Chris told me all about some segmented someone's for a big thing? That's part of this puzzle, is pretty average subsec writer the place where they get most of their subscribers is historically twitter, like that has been the best sort of marketing for subsec writer. What subsec is doing now is they're pulling people into their app and making the app more of a concern performance for like redirecting you to other websites and other and like recommending things into the app is becoming a significant source of subscribers for sub sectors as well. Which is really interesting, cause that's a very closed social network. I will just say here that Chris and I got into a fairly intense conversation on content moderation. I'm shocked it didn't was an episode of decoder.
and I don't want to over- do it on the show you just go. Listen to that show what I'll say here is I'd really believe that if you are infrastructure, you should not moderate, hardly at all. So if your pipes, if you're eighteen, t or comcast or whatever, But people know my eyes and I shall leave it alone. Like just be the pipes and the more you become a consumer service, people can switch away from the more yet I do it am. I buy a product and like the product that social problems make as moderation at the end of that and Zadig swish, there's a turn in that that a lot of people, mrs, which is that we take, turn moderation in a lot of cases, in one very specific right like the idea. content moderation, come to be associated with a lot of specific versions of content, moderation and specific kinds of policies with actually true, as you just have to decide.
like our content. Moderation policy is that everything legal is allowed on our platform. No matter what is content moderation, I dont. But to agree with that policy. But that is a policy like that counts, as you're onto moderation, which you can't do is nothing What you can do is say we don't have opinions on that because it somehow it you just literally, have to and if you wanna, leave those things there and deal with whatever consequences. There are five. If you remove those things deal with whatever consequences that there are fine, but you have to do so. and there's so much in this space right now where people are just like what, if we just did nothing and pretended that was fine, that's like that's not actually how it works. The thing that always gets me is it's more speech- is legal in the country than people expect yeah, yes right any given, and you can just see this play out on social platforms. People think hate speech is illegal or people think. Lying is illegal, yelling fire in a movie really think. If you for
throwing fire in a movie. Theater is legal and it's just like a long list of people's expectations of what is allowed versus what is actually allowed, and I think that's fine right
better for the norms of speech to be kind of malleable and fuzzy and change with people overtime than it is for the government to impose those one hundred percent. Ah, this is like an iceberg has full time. We start with a carplay saxon, like government imposed norms, but where I think subsec is confused and actually in a weird interplay with eons confusion. Around free speech is that you can't run a company with the most permissive set of norms. You just can't do it yet, because that means your values. That means your company has any values. It doesn't stand for anything, it doesn't mean anything and over time, that's all you sell all the company sells or it's values. I I just think that if I hadn't burned, this is like director's commentary. She goes snicker and, like you will understand this director's commentary like after a conversation, I was like an eighty one answer, a question. You probably like fall down the slippery slope of this question. A lot right like I ask you, one hypothetical, then like another harder one and then another order, one like I, I know that's shitty, that's a bad thing.
I do, and I agree with him like that's what I use when talking about it, and he has happened to me. Lots I get why he doesn't want to do it, but you can't say I disagree with that statement, but my terms of service allow it right and that's a decision that I've made because of x Y Z, then you're you're lost right and I it. I think It's the turn that we're missing from all of these social company ceos right now to be able to state their own values and have that value include lots of people are going to a shitty thing with my software yeah and I don't know, vote, No, I didn't really. I think it's definitely true that way, Much of our conversation around this is about liberating specific bad cop, ten. Yet even, go to congressional hearings and people are like holding up tweets on a poster board being like what if this was under, but I mean this happened. Tiktok right, they were like dies, it's this one video one time and it was bad and how could you allow that on the platform? It's like what like? What are you supposed to do with that? Like that
actually useful way to have this conversation, but to your point, the only way to ever have that conversation is to start from somewhere and I think you would it what everybody has decided is that if I don't tell you what I think I don't have to answer, for any of it, but actually the opposite click. Yes, you just tell us what you think we can move on with our lives right there. Otherwise, you are going to be how I can decide whether I'm going to do business with you exactly otherwise, you're going to be held accountable for every imaginable version of your value system and your and I and I think, to just bring this record and elon. This same confusion is the heart of yawns like twitter administration. He doesn't know that he has to make these decision it's what he is like it's free speech, we're going to allow most things and then he globally that blocks tweets, because the indian government asked him to write and it's like whoa, that's super bad
whoa, like you, had an entire team and entire product infrastructure, since two thousand and fourteen that allows you to moderate content on a per country basis and provide transparency on the government's are asking you and you don't know it exists, cause you fire everybody, and now someone in texas can see a tweet, because the indian government said no that's bad right and it's like that's the level of complication here, where you can't just say it's speech them, and I, I just think the the r word a moment now of the social platforms where maybe the problem is just gotten too hard at scale and the thing to actually use decentralized platforms. Yet you should read David's, I'm really excited to read it one day, I'm super! on this work, all that's the real under the virtuous and the answer is a weird open source protocol. If it's me, That's so only eleven. It is finally getting some ass. This new verge cast bingo. This is the new version. has been gonna, spend gas, there's, there's virtuous Hardly isn't this must now be.
This very last inactivity pub just Delmar down at the bottom right quarter. Events the report makes it onto the bingo sheet some guys we ve all man yeah, that's great, like it too. It's not been on the bingo card for a long time. The last tulip that's just the last year you can see. How do you like verge cast? He checks like the ringer pods, do whereas, but instead of like actresses activity but he's dragon, We sort of measures more slowly and links brigitte under arms for her. we got. We had all gonna pick one for the lightning round for Apis dave. Other or so mine is. There is news today, thursday, as worrying. Is that you can now talk to the being chat, but through your keyboard if used the swiftly keyboard. This is interesting what his face, not terribly exciting news. I think of key is interesting. I voice, but I had that phone keywords are sort of an unused fast
space. There is actually a lot of cool stuff. You can do with just a keyboard out that people don't realize it's very hard to make them good, but their very interesting. But the broader point that I think is really seeing here is: One of the most fascinating debates me right now is between people who see things like Chad, she bt and being in cheap. Eighty four and say, given me everywhere, integrated into all the acts are used. I wanted this, is the future put it everywhere and people on the other side who were like get this away from me. Leave me alone, stop doing less, like I'm in a bunch of discord and slacks and stuff for various acts that are used. One for notion, and there is this ongoing lake holy war between people who are like? I am Emily to help desk at notion every fifteen minutes to turn off notion. I, on my account, because every time I hit slash it's as do up here to help you run a blog posts. There are other people who, like a high as the future, get rid of everything. Just me notion to chat about how much money can I possibly give you- and I think, like microsoft, in particular, is just deep down there.
road of like you are going to shove. Ay I into every nook and cranny of every act that we make and you're gonna love and I think when there are people, microsoft in every meeting, right opening a door and sick, I had no dude creepy, israel and running of all citizens like the camp as ambassadors. We do groupies business thirty, your dream, and now they have yeah, there's some being commander, who they get a bonus every time being, shows up at a new thing in that person. Is italy billionaire? Congratulations to them. We yeah that that fight. I think it can be really the shift. I actually think a sort of smart like it or it'll. Actually, let you back into doing. Inside of a lot of other apps. So I think in that way it's very clever, but ai is, to be in weight. How I and apple blocks that it's been pretty permissive with soft so far,
I am a tv over at mac stories built an unbelievably cool chachi beauty thing just using shortcuts scott s jpg. I think is extremely cool and very powerful and makes a lot of that stuff into other apsley or using interesting cynically. People are finding ways into this and apple so far, has just kind of let it happen it honestly. Ices me a little how permissive it is better for you. You ve just destroyed at its very hospital, someone to realize that yeah Zach don't tell anyone to mind. That is what that's like you didn't hear. It said It's been a decade. I know who listens to the mine. Does so good. Yeah, I'm so sorry about this. Many the car company make the cooper doesn't even if you forever, tough which his weird they have carpet. I don't know, but I know it.
Have it as a new virtual assistant in it. It's a dog named spike nurse at this summer. So if you buy so, but first of all there's a theory that in bad economies cars get more aggressive looking and if you believe that, then we're about to have the worst recession in one hundred years, his are a ridiculous looking. I we have one listener who sent me apparently been running an ad for something called the tudor crown and I was sent a video for the crown looks like fuck yeah. I am like that. that's it that's a look. Look some subaru w are acts by way of camry solara Every new bmw, what's I get so mad at you all the time swinging greek? much of the newest one. I think that I x notes the m fifty wherever one they made yeah the newest anyway yeah
someone said it looks like a pig's from angry birds. Each can't not see that you went off so the newcomers regressive, but voice assistant, If they're thing they want to get away from car play, they want you use or software, mostly shop,. You gotta watch this video spike. It's a dog new spike and, like hey spike in your many cooper vehicle for france, does it talk or does it is bark it's it's a talking up did spike english. Bulldog will be in future many vehicles. Does it have led the dog voice, the rough it will have various forms of support we all agree. This is fantastic right. That this is like in the world in. Oh, it's a which store their our assistants everywhere. This is the best possible outcome that a little purple, headed dog, just like, runs around changing gears. For me, they ve got all I've ever wanted. Oliver homer, minis, head of design, says quote You're, taking spike into the future is a digital character which firstly, imply that specialise in the past as well.
not as it has always been here, certainly always like spike, has been. Uploaded to the matrix. He is not just an experiment is becoming a character for companion, but the user experience it just really good it. Just at all things really good more car should have talking about an incomplete distant sprinkle dance with a disco ball. He will spike, gives you directions. Spikes spike is the best. I love spike omega. I'm watching the video now and like the dancing just the hopping up and down. This is so cute This is very distracting with your driving. We're not driving cars run socrates shopping spike, You try transportation, I'm very glad we're out of the fears of like personified, humanoid robots, assistance in into the lake pixar character, dog era of assistance. justice for up other books, It was not actually dog, we told I only manifested bixby speaking bixby had. No.
This is a dog issues, that's what that's what it is it's in your phone It's definitely way issues in its a guy like that that did not at all. You never get to see it. I never see it for bixby eyes. what's yours tom and had a review of the nvidia architects. Forty. Seventy, which is a six dollar card. That is pretty much as powerful as like Seven hundred dollar card from last year, which was the thirty eighty and he really liked it, except for it doesn't do four k. But if you want for cade buy a playstation fiver spend a thousand dollars yeah yeah, it's cool, I'm like a good for my four motion. We are some recent, yes I do appreciate the word like finally getting back to good cheap. You used that regular humans can actually afford to buy
I'm I'm excitedly. I mean that still the same cost, as appears five sure, and it still gigantic and with six hundred pounds. and it's got a kind of a weird that the power board on it. I think he was its were pretty about, but it's like me I m excited. I love that we speak for a while there amd and nvidia are both like yeah we're going to out you because, like there's a shortage, every cards one thousand dollars another like It- can be six hundred if they can just make like a really good fourteen. Forty p like this, but for three hundred that basic I for motion, you had the money saved on that you buy an affiliation. The arson is, I would I would do some racing and in my brooklyn apartment, in roughly a french, I have no furniture, but we really cool. Our them has discovered that I was videos people, some information set ups. It is ridiculous. Never watch the video of someone effectively watching tv. That's what I'm doing a lot.
They like when they drive I wanna watch a lot of videos, by the way. Just given that the physical set up there are, obviously best in landscape, but I'm gonna video search, shot and portrait. of a man and a shared the chair moves and he's watching him on it. I can't get enough. The irony is that you are more or less that's just start track. Yet why people not moving in shares its chairman there it they're not moving relative to the chair, but the chair puss. Some are moving relative to the earth they're, all moving at the speed of light have taken the floor for de rides, disney worried and put them in our house, and this is the future favoured a limit on iran and there are people detached bands to them. And they call them wins,
use it. A little man is just like a mean, where's the lie below I love it. I'm gonna end up with one of these of your listeners. I give this is said with the the purest love and love you for calling it a wind simulator and I extraordinarily jealous that I do not have a wind simulator by one and then you can get one for Ten dollars at walmart, just clipped it on foods outside of fidelity simulation, are going to get to the code conference in november and everybody's going to be like where's Neela, and it's just like. We lost him he's racing. I don't know Now that I have access to like. Oh, I can make people have real experiences were putting billion years. Incineration, eggs. Don't you worry about if you run assemblies in company and you want to do a code experience, you know when the call Eli this is our hot ones. instead of eating wings interview people, while the men to this is that I wouldn't watched the hell out of ass marriage. Ass
by which I mean just as is the draft We already have done this before we see it may be the host of which we are seeking the door down. The jam is all over That was it. There was a large ass. I want to say you should vote Hudson workpeople herds have you been this experience I should make people give us a trophy it springy. It spread its veto. David really would even want to back. I don't have one there's one in the office. I only have one eye mantle with nothing on it and I would like it to be a weapon. Yet a david hours verge has not one aware we are. We need one vote for these two all out. His return, his look at me, I'm lila, There's a lincoln assurance, please vote for us. We really appreciate it. We got it instead vote, we love it site.
So. We get this week and slots stuff go check it out and we got a really cool new feature. We made our story streams there like alive. Now the update live so using there's a lot. I shall I call this out because we are I have been rapidly like working on the redesign stuff and that's the thing that we spent all of our attention on another. I've done the very cool quarter cause. We did it for for the h b, o maps widget for maximum. We did it for April fool's day, just as an experiment and it's event season coming up to google Io Appleby you'll receive extra filled when you use them a lot for that. He's really caught people asking who has redesigned and it's like. Oh we ship. The thing is here: we we shipped it iteratively, like you do on the internet, and now the product is like it's a complete vehicle. that's it! That's! Where chests. And that's a rap for verge cast this week. Thanks for listening, If you enjoy the show subscribe in the podcast up of your choice or tell a friend you can see,
feedback at verge cast at the birds. Dotcom issue is for by me, we james and our senior audio director andrew marina. This episode was edited, mixed by amanda. Aerosmith are editor The director is brook mentors and our executive producer is eleanor. Dominate the world cast as the production of the verge and box media podcast network, and that's it we'll see next week.
Transcript generated on 2023-05-10.