« The Vergecast

Google Cloud Next Conference, Iron Fist, and Hot Tinder


On this special episode of The Vergecast, the ladies of The Verge take over the show. Did you know that nearly half of the team is female? Seriously, we’re probably two women away from a 50 / 50 split, but you’d never know that if you only listened to The Vergecast! That’s why, in honor of International Women’s Day this week (and Women’s History Month all month!), we have Megan Farokhmanesh, Adi Robertson, Natt Garun, and Ashley Carman in the studio talking about Google’s big and enterprise-y week, Iron Fist, and the exclusive, invite-only version of Tinder for mega-hotties. Whatever that last thing is. Culture reporter Kaitlyn Tiffany also joins in to tell us her account of the Women’s Day strike. 00:49 - International Women’s Day 10:49 - Google's giant 4K digital whiteboard, Jamboard, will cost $4,999 13:55 - Google’s Gboard will now translate text into another language as you type 15:32 - Google confirms small number of Pixel phones have broken microphones 17:35 - Google Hangouts is getting a major overhaul to take on Slack 21:39 - Google can now recognize objects in videos using machine learning 23:55 - Iron Fist isn't just racially uncomfortable, it's also a boring show 28:45 - There’s a secret version of Tinder for hot people and you can’t use it 36:31 - Ashley’s weekly segment “Yo, when will I be able to afford this phone case?” 39:32 - The CIA is hacking Samsung Smart TVs, according to WikiLeaks docs

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The hello. Welcome to the verge has the flagship podcast of the verge dot com. I'm not will a which might have any guessed we're actually to do. A special have said this week, because maybe it was to the verge passed before, or maybe you have an but it's usually run vanilla, indeed or which would probably make you think, though, that many women who work at the verge It turns out. We have a lot of women on staff and they are here to talk with us today, I'm so this He was not only international women's day, but also was a really important day because of the day without a woman strike. So to talk about it, we've got me your host megan from kadesh, but I'm also here hosting with nat garen. Hey we've got addie robertson, hi, I'm ashley carman, who is currently not here, but we'll be hearing about
ten minutes and we're going to kick this off cool, so international women's may was on Wednesday a majority of the rich staff decided to partake in the strike which I get. I found really profound because they got here in the office and it was extreme in the quiet and the only people here were me and audi, and it was really strange walking into an empty room. I mean you walked here and then like there's nobody linked associating with not here I hadn't, I feel, like everybody, was sort of freaking out like who's going to put all our stuff online. If we don't put the stuff online, no one reads or is able to see our content. We can't optimize anything. We do writing all this stuff. That I think, is important, but we didn't get a chance to kind of consult with the people who truly impact the way. People can you are content, which I think it's like insane. It's really I opening for me, even as a woman, how impact will our female staff members are and to talk about that is someone from the social team caitlin to name who also reported
about international women's day and I'd love to hear more about new insights on what you thought about what happened this week call so yet the peace that irish was this great. Why didn't really have a rainy thing? I was just like a three thousand words of quotes from people at our table, women, who work in the media about like what, how they felt about skipping work, wednesday, because I had kind of been had like mixed feelings about it. Now we like dramatic, like, oh god, if we all skip work, the internet will crash to a halt and for general. When and what but like you it is like a little weird to be like. Let's let boys do all the writing about the world for a day, so I talked to but how they vote about that and people had lots of mixed thoughts, and I still had big thoughts after reporting it, so it was useless just getting a having. Is we like the rig?
go away. Was that as strike is a lot more complicated and allow more radical of a political action, and I think most people are used to taking, or even considering am so. It was useful just to discuss it with people. I and it also made me think more carefully about lay claim that we work, which is a great place to work, and I dont think any of them. like I don't feel like. Oh no, my Ok, we're going to take me and don't value my voice by like when we took away the women from our website. What was left for the most part was still like tat coverage, and that is something that lots of men every day. I m sure you guys- can attest to this are constantly asking for for the verge to be only tack and for the verge to only be written by men and for the women at the verge too, go, learn what they're talking about, etc so yeah, but I mean, I think, what we did a good job planning ahead. I think the men on our website
did a great job looking for ways to amplify the stories prepared. So was the good day guy. What it loved about are web page on Wednesday is that in our home peach hero, basically, the euro is dominated by female by which is extremely rare to see lake. We all right great stories every day, but I think if you went to the verge stuck on right now, you'd still see a lot of mail by lines that are represented on the homepage and that's clearly not true. So many female writer is right, great stories every day for the verge, and yesterday was one of the first times about racine. All of that put frightened centre, and I think that it really highlights the impact in just really shows how many women work here and all the stories that we care about. For example, yesterday I think the site scheme which is comprised of entirely women to strike, and they were really great stories about why they take a strike lauren. also technically took a strike but to partake in historic and she shut up kind of you know,
it came here and there to kind of offer her opinions about some stories and sort of hopped out and came in here and there check in, but she did write a good story for us about the whole uber debacle last week and the blog that Susan fowler wrote about the toxic culture at who were in how women aren't surprise when they hear news about when silicon valley treat women like crab, because it's extremely normalized and we have a president who normalizes that it's okay to take advantage of women, and I think that was really interesting. Insight for her to go through and talk to other women and also, at the end of her article offers a lot of different ways for how companies
It can surprise women by not mistreating them by giving them a real pay, raise and not subject them to all the discriminations that we're just so used to at work and just all the misogyny that we think people come to expect in people. Women are just expected to quote unquote deal with in order to make it in our industries, which I think is so so important. What's also important in yesterday's coverage, is I wrote an essay about a cancer support group on facebook that I was a part of because, throughout my life in my childhood, I grew up, knowing that I had a strain of cancer. Those extremely rare and my daughter's can really figure out what happened or why and one day after a long, google search is a fairly landed on the streets group of a woman who is trying to figure out the same thing of what happened to us and turn it in a way crowd.
source and information on what we know or don't know about having this cancer, and I think that part of being the under verge that calm and writing about technology stories that inherently these stories are about technology at all. It's about human in people and technologies plays a supplemental role in driving these stories forward. The sorry wasn't about, if he's but group, therefore fast the story was in about the internet, so reads about people in having connections and coming together, and it happened that it was a supportive group of women
and I think that that's really powerful and nuts something I want to see the verge right more, I mean I joined a virgin november. That's one of the first big stories of our role for the virgin and hoping that my presence here encourages the team and all of us to figure out more stories about the people who built technology use technology in our affected by technology, and I hope that our absence yesterday remind the boys of that too. Before I move on nothing I thought of killing, can you give a kind of a brief example of what's the history or the backwardness of the day without a woman strike? According to you are in jeopardy, photographer Amelia who took photos of all their protests.
Today there was a nineteen o, nine and garment workers strike in new york and that's the first international women's day, so egg, the original story of women's day is one of like pretty radical activism. So thick it. I guess it's like it. It was exciting yesterday to see women's day a kind of going back to its roots, even though you know that people struggle to that- and I know a lot of people thought it was dumb, letting people that I usually think are smart. Did anybody. I get a chance to go to like the rallies or baseline cures did anybody who's who actually took the day off to strike who went to rallies? Who worked like? What did you guys end up doing I kind of worked. I watched the internet to see if there was anything I wanted to write about turns out. There really wasn't so at like three. I left for the Washington square park rally, which was great the washington square park
it has always have a lot of weirdos, which makes them more fun and there's like lots of organized labor people there, like octave signs about different labor unions, which was cool lots of socialist, as there always are new york city protests, lots of adorable dogs. Honestly, it was great, it was beautiful outside chloe. Soon you have there. The actress, oh my gosh, I love that thing where you're around for the arrests? No, I didn't go to that. That was at the the uptown march. I guess like some of the organizers, including Linda sarsour, got arrested, but I think they were released pretty quickly and they were like tweeting from the police van, so it seemed like pretty yeah. I saw that as low key comparatively not to be like you guys, just got arrested, but it wasn't a hc deal but like it, it seemed like it got, resolved, addy decided not to protect,
strike yesterday. Why that I guess essentially, because I'm an egotist and because I figure that I'm a writer- and I mean this sort of unusual position to be able to actually make the things that other people are doing visible and so yea was online. I wrote a bit about a really interesting toward our com. Flash fiction project so covered some other random stuff, and it was great. And I am very happy that other people struck yeah, but I did not agree. I fully support the people who decided to not come to work yesterday because, like us, like I mentioned, I think that their absence is absolutely noticed. I decide not to strike yesterday because I wanted to be in solidarity with the people who can't financially afford to strike. Like my mom, she went on business and then think that if she shut down, the visit
for a day sure some people won't be able to get some delicious thai food, but I think for her it would financially impacted the fact that she lost income for a whole day, and that is not something she can just easily afford to do, and I think that that's important you that some women who want to partake in a strike can afford to, but that doesn't mean they dont care. So to be here to do that, and I think that being here and eating able to run the stories that we did yesterday helped us do that in a way that show people that you, even even you can't strike, there's something you can still do today's episode is brought to you by Chris all at no glare lenses. If you wear glasses, they know that fingerprints, smudges, scratches and glares can be a constant obstruction to your vision and a huge distraction. Sometimes you end up focusing more on. What's on your glasses than what's going on around you, they give you the clearest vision possible by offering resistance to glares, scratches and smudges
It's a confession. I don't actually wear glasses. We have so many in the room who does, though, and that is ashley carmen joining me. It's you actually. So there was some big google news that happened this week, haha yeah this week. There was the cloud next conference from Google so exciting. Yeah, like oh, ok, guys settling cloud next time. out of enterprise needs by google did kind of announced some fun hardware, things as well, which obviously I'm pretty excited about. Google, clarify that is, jammed board is coming out soon and it's going to cost five dollars. dollar. One is a gem board, sorry without immediately think of a guitar well guitar that you are on your neck. Is what I mean? Yes, no, it is not. It is a four k digital. Why part they gave out such a cool. That does not fit that description. I know like guys we're gonna go right, our meeting no on the jam board jam
this meeting, I think they're, just making it exciting for people who actually work in meeting rooms and have to meetings all time, you're like less gm at least not going to announce another product called the jam board and have to rename the jam board and like Jeff, wise here's the way that microsoft did with the surface, though a special about this jamboree that costs five thousand dollars. Well, so it competes with the surface hub, which is microsoft's version of the jam board. Jamb board is way more exciting a name really is just a collaborative massive dish. He put her size, cool yeah. It's for K is doing to the enemy emergencies. Leg is vaguely the way I've ever seen. People use the surface, it's like a white boy, you figure on it and you can drawn it. But it's like it's a tough, presence whiteboard. So if you have a bunch of people in different, I dont know office. As one presumably does. Then it appear on all these whiteboard simultaneously and probably other doors.
Does some kind of like animation stuff. I dunno, I feel like the most exciting thing. I've ever seen happen on a giant interactive board is when, like weathermen, like move shit around like during the news like daily show where they're like alligators statistics are like we're cnn, and we're going to show you now and like. Let me drag this piece of news over and like check this out and, like I don't understand how that can cost five thousand dollars but yeah. It says that there are different touchpoints and there are sixteen touch points. You can obviously have multiple hands on this board, as built a microphone speakers. It's just supposed to be the thing you put in europe
meeting rooms and you guys can all use it in collaborating and whatever you're doing, sounds extremely chaotic to have more than one person touching a giant board. At the same time, I don't know how these people do their meetings, but that's the funny thing is the game. Like microsoft, it was all about games. That was the only thing people demoed on it was that you turned it over like a table and you had people like pushing around a puck or something and playing hockey with their fingers, because it was cool that it could detect different hands yeah, but the tilt is pretty cool on you gonna be when they turn it down. You, like. Ok, that's chemical, know its awesome. The idea of a table like the idea of a smart table, the oh yeah, so much cooler than whiteboard totally totally, and I believe that the jam board does tilt really feel like it should be a skateboard I feel like. I should be able to surf on it or something one day. Eighty one day, Google will do this for you. I hope, May I their boards, who also had some their boyd other poor located news. They release an update to their g word keyboard.
And it's awesome. It now auto detects when you type- and you want to translate your language in a different foreign language and that's really cool. I feel, like all of us know somebody who, like we live in new york, we communicate with a lot of people from different backgrounds and, like sometimes I use google translate to translate things the thai, so I can talk to my mom then I feel like this is awesome. So that's like jam born keyboard awesome board. Thank you. Google actually had a question but that, because the G board, already it had the sort of assistance centre thing where you can auto translate a page knew about this outer translate. I think that, like as your type now, yet there is little thing that pops up at the very top that you can do it. It's basically like Google transit, are built into the keyboard, like you, know like on some texting app. type in like it, detect that? Maybe you wanted to, and unlike suggest some oji so like in this, I think that they are able to have it automatically trend.
Lady, like as your typing, so they can just tap and unchanged the word into whatever that foreign language is sitting as saves time events it'll, be like a safer world kind of thing where it will be like. I detect the contents of your speech and I believe you could translate what you're saying better if it were in german and then he translated into german and you get one of those giant like portmanteau words and then translated into other languages. That's an awesome future What happens if you use like tap it back and forth, and and just like get a super mangled paragraph to the end. It's just like this is poetry that you get the class translate songs back and forth and see if you can guess some game, Well, Google news were super exciting, and this week we news about google pixel and how its having some major microphone issues, might google claim steady, we effects weighing less than one percent of filling a lot of pixel lovers on staff yeah and with love,
big pixel lovers online to you and they ve all flock to like this support page to complain to google about how their pixels microphones what work and they all get replacements, and they, no don't work. So there is a very big hard you yeah, so there's big harvard issue going on here and google is really attempting to downplay how bad it is, but an seem that way. I mean they said that its only affecting less than one percent of devices. So it's tough. If you are getting placement been devices that are also not working, though that seems really unlikely. Unless you have some kind of batch based problem well, they said that in their quote, it was a quote: unquote, hairline cracks, but they said it's only affecting less than one reason of devices and to be fair, if you have had such a hard time getting a pixel, that it probably amounts, feel like a couple of devices, because people can't buy google pixels. Are these still sold pre ordered mine, like five hours before pre earnest
most. I think about magically back our line one weekend for like two hours and I think criswell on staff manage to get its hands on it and after that it went offline again and people which is kind of like the computers, computers until their ship and status of did after the pixels, like the only Google phone people have been excited about this? I'm tired of the cameras I'm going to so much of it is good, like guy should stop talking about the pixel. I really like the pixel so do I? I think a lot of people would like to like it, but like a from problems, maria do and not shipping the problem like the nexus for had or something I think it was audio problems. You just couldn't hear it. It also had lots of other problems. It was terrible not blowing up. I feel a people has such a low baseline for what makes a good form. That said, I know big google thing
and google is still trying to make messaging a thing relaunched. Hang out into this hang out chat thing that they want to go against slack and its confusing. It's god: google hang out chat, which is not the same as do tat it. All or hang in. There is enormous outside it's not the same with hang out, we don't what the hell it is it supposed to facilitate group chats, it looks basically like slack but completely flat, designing weight. It looks really pretty Google has a million messaging out with what is it what's why I can't figure out? What's he doing here? the very least: why does it not have it custom launcher that will just hold all of your messaging ups in one place, so you can just to have. but that would be so much easier savings Is a bunch of third party apps like claims to like our centralize, all your like messaging apps and will centralize our emails and all this stuff with like I do like I shouldn't, have to ask a third,
Where do you like person that helped me do that, like Google should just not do that? My standards are low? I don't even need it to integrate them all into one app. I just need to think remind me what all the cool apps that are out there right now on yeah. I need a guide to google apps, yeah, unlike even though we're really annoyed that google has relate released yet another messaging product. They also didn't really want to talk about it at the Google next conference, like dieter, bowing with their he's waiting for them to announce it, because he thought that the big thing that Google is now doing yet again and are taking on the company like slack, and everybody loves slack, lose like a cop following for and they didn't even mentioning onstage lake is Google. Does google even care anymore? That's gonna, like the position.
Microsoft is in for enterprise that right that its super boring and nobody cares but everybody's on it. So it doesn't matter and they don't have to advertise it yeah. That's it I'm wondering is if people are just like forced into the Google app slake, though care when they have to use it. I guess if your company decides the switch over to gmail and then everything else that comes with it, but until that day comes like I don't know like we're on slack here, but we do use gmail I've ever in a really interesting hut, because we return reporters by we will have to share documents all that, often unlike ok one google doc week. Here, though, if you like, I just Where can I see him ass? I feel very sheltered from app world enterprise our prize app world, so I feel rather office workers out there who have like ten hundred apps to navigate, but let's pretend flack actually doesn't exist and we have to use google like didn't exist. We will be using higher, see Joe
for many years as Israel, but now got another hang on hang out terrible. Google hang out chat, not just hang out hey out chats whooping. If slacken exist, would you use hang out chance? Would you that would do you then go to just regular hang out to talk to your coworkers Would you just go to the little bubble of g chat? I mean hang out that is in your like gmail client, that you can use to just dm somebody like wait. What Is it orally d use aloe do like coordinate a thing because you and your co workers have to, had a meeting or alike go to presentation or which, which would have a there's too many options and its do understand why google keeps making so many different, absolutely I understand the need to be consumer facing versus enterprise bathing, but fundamentally all it does is let people talk to each other, like that,
and be there. There's no need for a variety like. I think you would want to be able to talk to each other and like get the message, What we need is Google assistant to be able to tell us what will need to use at any given moment we actually, that would be cool if something could more or less deduce what you were going to do and pick which up would be good for it, like Are you trying to collaborate on a document with lots of people all open up slack clone is this? You know your boyfriend, I will open up. Hang or whatever and all encrypted Hey, Google tell me how I should talk to interfere with this google they need to sex. What should I do? Well, ok, what else happened with, go. There is now a Google claude video api, which is an ally that looks a video and try to figure out what's going on in is
like machine learning and image recognition, but for video, which I think is highly significant. We see there's a lot image recognition. People everyone from facebook do flickr now, it's image recognition and machine learning and are now trying to group and sort and tag photos. But this is one of the first few things and we're seeing big companies are making a push for in video. I think that's. Cool it has me weirdly political sort of internet cultural ramifications, because for a really long time? If you want to say something really terrible, you go to youtube and say it that that's. Sort of why this whole miley an apple is thing didn't blow for so long because you can control left through a bunch of texts, and so you can like a visceral somebody if they did a tweet worse, they write blog specific video, like your recognition still wasn't great. Thank you can't really tell whose, unless you can't who saying what you can really mine it and the idea that
now, video will eventually be out completely searchable and quantifiable, as text is really weird guy, you know daddy philip that, though, I feel like I'm getting, even because I like text, and so, if you're I'm going to suffer with this, you will all suffer with me. It makes our jobs easier. I think, I also did a video a couple days ago that it enabled this gender cuts called the gene a q and measures gender on screen. It's like robotic, backed alsace, detector, so it can detect gender of characters, presumably imperfectly. Screen and then tell how longer talking and how longer on screen and calculate the percentage of like women screen time enough. winning movies or whatever, but what is it basing that off of it? Just like the ladys were to dress lady like hotspot, you hurt Facial features, as far as I can tell it seems weird because, yes, somebody who, like gather lotta we're gender fluid people in my life, I dont know how it would detect those people, but that's its hollywood.
They went. Doesn't it clearly never met a useful kilt case I want to jam on over to a new topic. You guys this is really important. Gm I'm gonna make over the enterprise software I've gotta, jamming a new thing we do. I want to talk about iron fist because I am deeply upset invest. Ok, so I dont know what iron fist is, but apparently might the people of culture, okay, so quick background, so basically Netflix has been creating. These shows with marvel that are based on the defenders, which is kind of lake we'll rent the avengers, and it's like this team based in new york and it's daredevil, luke cage, jessica jones and iron fist, so everybody has gotten their own show. Daredevil is up to season two iron fist. As the last of the defenders to like get his own show, this will lead up to the actual team up mini series. That is also called the defenders, so basically iron fist,
it's coming out march, seventeenth by reviews, have finally head it's about danny ran to is that stories. But to be this, like fish otto, atwater story about this, like white guy, who learns mystical, martial arts and then comes back to new york and fights ninjas so already struggling. This is like a snake only dahlia we It's like it's really bad Is it really bad and it's hard because if you look at what you know netflix and marvel eddie dine. Lou cage was an excellent show, because the cage is a black superhero in harlem. Who is fighting in a hurry and his bullet proof like that means something re like the whole thing is about the black experience and what it's like to be a hero sky jones. The entire plot is essentially hunting down rapist like it is. Serious shit like that is a show that I can recommend and have recommended people who don't like comics and still are just like here to see these characters do their thing I don't like daredevil that much, but are now it's all. I think the review that we have
I pump iron fist is really good at the idea that yeah you have this leading man who projects catholic guilt and he has a central motivation that makes sense and the fight scenes sometimes good, and I don't think it's a good either. But I can I see why you like it I Among other things has just there are certain troops that feel so ate like dated, and Credited that it's like oh you're, gonna like remake birth of a nation, no, no you're, not gonna, do that anymore, so some plots just don't seem like they should be resurrected It's it's tricky because the representation is not great and that's what a lot of people are upset about because, like this was a good chance for them to remake this character. It was a white guy originally, but they could have put her name. an actor and to show and made this means something and You have dinner end awake, I simply by fin jones from ghana thrones, who will occasionally dislike mansplain martial arts to like one of the other female such agencies? there is in the show like at one point
talking about martial arts in her fucking do joe to her like she's, like a master of us. It's it's insane, but even even if you take all that away like the show its office kind of boring, like it's very clearly, not the best written out of all them it's slow. Like I will save only seen the first six episodes, I don't know that's him. The sixteen wrapped up like I'd, keep watching as I want to know what happens, but I feel it gets. Lake visual stockholm said durham, like I'm ed. I'm here, I'm here is that the risk of a month, you ve, committed a certain amount of time you like. Where can you just do this? I don't do that. I have so many shows, unlike halfway through that, have dropped because I'm lazy, Has the first two episodes I found again committed, like I've, seen people on twitter talking about ways that this show could have been interesting. I think so. It was grant morrison's animal man comments which were all about deconstructing stuff on. There is
Superhero called Bwana beast whose thing was kind of like this, but for vaguely african culture. and that the entire thing was just him dealing with the fact that this weird mystical thing made a white guy the protector of this realm and I'm trying, as I remember, to like him this offer, but this basically seems like a boring, superhero generic superhero thing, feels like a missed opportunity. Someone said the count. Your calling wing who is the is the dodo master I mentioned earlier. It's like wow, wouldn't have been great if she was actually iron fist. If they'd taken the actress and made it a woman, if not an asian like an actual asian actress or actor it. Just it's a missed opportunity like they could have done something cool with us. They could have made this character. Bush area in some way or relevant to any conversation today, but it just feels very tone deaf, especially because lake asian actors have so few chances to have big, weeding rules like us or to be heroes. In this I like, that that sounds or social justice ie, but it's also that just just makes it specific that superhero movies have been done so many
times that the idea of anything that makes this distinctive, it's just something we grabbing for it does not sound like it sounds really bad yeah. it's just even if you can get past the representation issues which is boring. That is my review of iron fist. So far it's boring and the writing is bad and god bless those actors who are doing the best they can with what they have. speaking of doing the best you can with what you have. Let's talk about it. Ha ha ha does secretary of all time, but for certain her we found out this week. Tinder has of exclusive dating up available called tender select. That seems to be just for hot or rich people yeah. It sounds like they pick you out of the crowd: Melick, hey, you're hot. You get to be on this new exclusive part of,
in there we only could see other hat people, and maybe some famous people too. So when I was reading this, it was saying it didn't. You say how people it said like super models. It in implied that it was basing this on someone else's external judgment, and it wasn't just going through in picking people who are attractive and unclear on which one of those things it is. You mean like attractive off of like, I mean it, I had to pick level. Are they look at tat scout or are they a bouncer? Are they looking this and saying you're a model that you put this in your profile, I'm in a put you on hot tender or they looking all differ and actually look seeing how their rated, because it ok cupid, had a thing that was. If you are rated above average, you got into the special club where you ought to see hotter people, and it was weird. I got the impression that. They are operating on the assumption that a few urged a general hot person like our model or something like that you're going to get swiped right on all the time, regardless of who
If the person is that's viewing, you maybe you're, not really their type, but if you're, just a general hoppers and they're going to swipe right on you, because your general hot person, so those people are now being inducted into the new level of tinder. That's the impression I got. It's not just how people, though, because they also say it see, owes an upwardly affluent type, so its rich people. So there There must be some sort of system because, like how do you figure out his rich person based off of their if you say like yonder, doesn't ask you to. I mean I guess most absolute, probably figure out your demographics in some way, but that disconnected connected face. Ray exactly said, I think in some ways they can use the facebook integration to figure out some mere demographic in some way. But I also feel like once, like our know, anybody who is part of it. hot tender, but feeling ones dear there. I wonder if you get lake a placebo links syndrome
what like, when you're there and he's like man, everybody here is hot and everyone's here is awesome and everyone here is exclusive, like if someone handed you like a glass of red wine and said it was like some nine. bali like, andrea whatever, but if someone Would you like some exclusive fifty dollar bottle from like two thousand five reserve, whatever you like so like a man this wise great. So I wonder like you're in this hot tinder and you're, like everyone here is so great, like I'm so like it's so prices just to be here and what an honor I'm just going to swipe right on like fucking everybody, because everyone here is hot, as in like cause awareness, exclusive club like when really probably just like some dude who like had money, hate or like some, Who knew the guy who meet tinder or like some due to went out ones and parted. With a engineer who is like our guy into hot tender, but like it doesn't
You will also like, never want to leave right, so you never want to settle down with anybody, because you'll get kicked out of the hot tender club. That thing is that the way this is described just makes it sound like its preserve. Sort of John roles in which you pick rich guys and hot women yeah, but I mean tinder irene generally tender is viewed as a whole about anyway. Anyway, like I, don't really know that there is tinder. I dunno have that a couple people who met there like long term boyfriend, overall friends or partners like on tender, which is crucial in a I dunno. I mean I've also heard of many people who use tinder for hookups, so it's like. Maybe it's easy to just hook up with like rich people who are You know how vain enough to just care about the fact that their super hard and its fine and indeed have fun, and then they come back too hot dinner and find the next rich hot person.
I would why I don't know why, but I just haven't quite with these may issue, with these types of apps, where they segment you like, there's ray, I think it's called words exclusive. To get an invite and under Also it s. Okay, keep it like you said: annie, ok, you hunt is an older generation and I'm really glad I got that generation of dating apps, where it was obsessive, leaves like self curing what you were going to say and it was like obsessively foe intellectual and it was all about. did your words and things like that. Wonder though like are they making they do. in these more segmented apps to get hot people to use their applique. What's the procure for tinder like, why is tinder segmenting like this like? Do they just want hop your dick? Oh, if I can find other hot people I'll use this app or is it like I'm not finding enough hot people, so I need to be in my own group, like I don't understand why they're creating this separate tier honestly, probably because it's really cheap to make the separate here and it'll get people to talk about tender like we're doing right now, but I have but I feel like it makes regular people.
lily haven't, got an invite to hot tendering like well fuck tinder, doesn't think attractive like. Why would you do if you are using this? It will you, but more work into becoming become a pay? I ok. I think that this is not. Im saying it's okay, but I'm just like. I don't know if I'd want to be in that tier anyway, because I feel like everybody in there is probably insufferable like. I don't think these are people that I'd want to date, anyway, says may get. I dont want to be in hot tender pitcher. Like. I m really curious like how they that it like, if I may make a profile like photos of kate upton. If anybody you worse under hot selects like earth tenders like taught tenderly, please don't answer the second If I make a fucking profile photo, that's just like kate and like slipping like. Are they gonna realism, a fake late kindly to catch the cat measures. Can I be a catfish you're onto nurse liked and get in as this tender select, fake news I'm going under her I don't know all I know is I very curious about these types of like segmented dealing, apps
an artist. I found one very like in love with the woman she's amazing, her name but she's, always making instagram stories about riaa, which is the exclusive dating app, and it sounds like it's really not that great out there. So that's what I've taken away from her is that actually these super hot people dating apps are as bad as regular dating apps. I feel like if your somebody, like I don't know if you're rhiannon tender, like you, probably do need that separation, because then you just gets worse. Like fan so it's like if you are a supermodel or somebody who is like an influence her. Maybe you do needed to be happy and find love. I dont know if the fantasy of being brianna that you, We have to bypass the other languages agonizing rather dating unrelated. We don't know, this is true reality of your listening. Please, let us know Although there was a story about africa under once, we are, he actually had a tender profile, and people
in its white, bright, eyed him exactly the joke and whose acknowledge I'm really on tinder If we just need someone to love- oh my god, zack, I swear to you So if you have enjoyed listening to us, talk about tender and google and all kinds of us, moreover, today show come from square space. Whatever your next big idea might be, a cannon squares based I'll, be create an eye catching online platform that brings its life where they are planning to. Certainly business launch a creator project. Change careers, square spaces beautifully design, templates and customizable features. Give you everything you need to look like an expert right from the start, even get a unique domain to set you apart in the field, so squarespace there's a verge code. If you enter verge and all the cabs who get ten percent off your first purchase, what podcasts? Do you
forthwith. Ace didn't mean money literally podcast exists for forced course is so actually you are here in place of Paul, which means that you have a special weekly segment to talk about and place of Paul. But it has a better name. The process, my weekly segment called yo. When will I be able to afford this case? That's a great name. This seems like a very wide applicability, leave a tie, when a new phone case that introduced this week that cause over five thousand dollars and is made out of crocodile skin. I love on cases personally, it's kind of I will go on a whole rant, but basically I just enjoy phone cases, because I feel like it's pretty much the only way I can express individuality with a smartphone at this. so I think the five thousand five hundred our dollar louis vuitton phone case is deftly makes a statement is one way to express
individuality- and I you know, I'm a I'm going to lust for this one, but I'm never going to be able to afford it. Does it protect your phone, though That's ok when economic analyses, the very tough their tough. That's actually very good point like when I get a phone case like a drop, my phone, a lot in the cases there to be bubble boy, the phone case that I feel I give people only written leg, mostly return this year like purses your wallet or hate and illegal. If I ever drop this it on the floor. I'd probably scream so like if I will louis vuitton phone case, I drop it on the ground. I would fall outcry if you can afford a louis vuitton case. You never touch the ground you're in cars at all times, and I feel you drop things even if you're in cars, all the time, yeah hadn t how like, if you can get out of the car like that, you know that is usually when I found myself as I always job when I'm getting out of the car, and I know what it is like that in terms of lake stepping over
A little thing, like always forces me to got my phone yeah. I think it's also just eludes this idea that we ve seen actually a ton of designers, release their own phone cases and, like obviously, discuss kind without aid, but also it anyways your phone. Your phone is obviously your number one accessories like if you're a fashion person. What are you doing when you're going out to the fashioned jos you're taking photos with your phone when you're out just being photographed at the club, you're, probably holding your phone? So it's really advantageous for these designers to get their phone case in front of them whereas, and I just love that this extreme luxury markka has sprung up. That's so ridiculous. By also like, I call, I guess, there's someone out there who genuinely wants this five thousand five hundred dollar crocodile leather phone case, sir make people mad about luxury for the second time this week and say this is actually way more practical them. What existed before, which was the virtue phone
This seems so practical compared to a hundred thousand dollar feature phone. That's like encrusted with diamonds shaped like a dragon, it's gonna be like a year. A dragon phone sounds pretty good. Oh, no, it's great, I'm obsessed with virtue phones, but no, it's like you, get the phones crocodile skin and made by cadillac or something, but it's true, the world's worst phone. It's true. The alleys you stopped Ivan in here for this one, because, what's going on with women, the ex I've been out of the loop on this one at EU level, and so I I can see the setup for this, which is that in february, wiki leaks started tweeting things that made it sound like it was going to run some kind of a r g. It was a bunch of photos that were like what is vault seven, who is seven. Where is bold. Seven people alternately thought? Maybe this referred to releasing Hillary Clinton emails which pretty boring. or maybe releasing a theory about nine eleven which was more exciting it. now it was about the cia and a bunch of cia documents, as far as I know,
this is not all of them, but the most interesting thing that people seem to have found so far is that sampling, smart tvs, have a vulnerability. I am not a security expert, and I don't know exactly how much of a vulnerability is. I actually do do you have a great sense of this? Well, okay, so I think the first thing is just noting that, like, as you mentioned, daddy wiki leaks is hyping this so so much. I call my god. What's what's going to come and really their leak just reinforced everything we assumed about the government, and that is that they hoard vulnerabilities to get into apple device. is andrew devices, samsung tvs, apparently the sound some tvs. Everyone was worth. About this. I think it kind of confirms the idea of like hey if you put a connected device in your living room with a microphone, it's entirely possible that someone
there is may be considering a way to get into that device living. It was just we don't know if it's been used in the wild or not by like if a hackers have exploited this before, but I think that the bigger picture is more just like hitting This hits consumers of oh, my gosh, should I be afraid, is I think hammers home the idyllic. Is it a good idea to buy connected devices and are you willing to take those risks? Think that's good, scary to me about tv specifically, is that it seems like tv manufacturers will not let you not pick new features that they just throw everything into their newest model So it's like, I can not get alexa very easily if I'm buying
new t v? What are the odds that, in a couple of years, every single tv will be a smart tv with this kind of listening tech? Exactly yeah? I think it's that's kind of what's tough about the market. Right now is everything is connected and it's getting harder and harder to get those non connected. Vice to even toys, which we've seen a ton of being kind of security conscious, you are probably aware of okay. I don't think I should buy this random stuff. Well, that connects the internet for my kid, but a lot of people do it because it seems like a fine idea and the moment and obviously theirs. They sell it to you, it's fun, but I don't know it just sucks, because I feel a for people who don't realize that actually there are security implications behind these devices and, what's interesting to as these are the big name, companies who are putting resources behind their security, and it also demonstrates that, like the government you find a way, and I think year. I think the question is partly how easy or hard it is to compromise if it's like someone has to physically entry or
And get access to this and plug a usb stick in that it is now of interest for anyone accept people who are should be, harry paranoid already and probably care about this. If its lake, if you open a particular tv show then it hacks, your tv, as far as I know, is not a thing that exists, That's actually really scary re totally weeping angel, oh no, that's the utterly has the most amazing they, who name is the star literally every day after who, literally every exploit ever have like the both ethically aim is lake work This just made security kind of somewhat fascinating thing. You has to make it sound cool, so people pay attention. It's like you, you heard about that. We think angel sing. add the opposite? I think it's really never get to tell people about this stuff unless it leaks, and so they have free, and do whatever they want, and this is their only outlet for creativity and so on. You know what we're just gonna give things the weirdest names we possibly can
which is a similar principles like military operations were you, like operation brunch, very scientific or maybe operation snack. I can easily It sounds so epic, like it's some kind of like they. They want someone to like make a movie out of his heartbleed like prism, prism kind of technically maybe got a movie. If you count snowden and person was a great name guy just made it sound. So like cool, it's not cool at all, and I know it's like hard to get it. It's like you get excited about it and you're. Like oh fuck, my tv, heck of man is then good, though maybe that gets people to take security more seriously, because if you like oh yeah, slovenia and ITALY today about it in your leg like man within, might like in me phone throw nobody my phone, no that's good. It scares them. It scares them straight. The you're like online, my foe, might get infected with weeping angel growing that in the trash wherever It has no name you're like whatever I don't care or like if it's got a lame name. It's like
I am delighted with, but just a fully clarify. Yes, it is now realized the exploit that this was using relies on outdated the firmware that you've probably update by now, and also I'm pretty sure the firmware has been discontinued at this point and yeah it was a usb. So really general. Consumers do not have to worry about this exploit, but, like again, I still think it kind of hits at the idea that people are attempting these the government at least attempt these kindness efforts and other government is basically run by troll, so fortune is probably also doing something. I don't know everything is wonderful. Okay, so I That is our show and thanks again to our sponsor krizzle. So if you like the verge- and I hope you do is use into the show you should follow on twitter. We're on the verge foreign snapshot is the virgin on instagram as the verge making. Great review us on itunes. You also can check out other podcasts. We have control of the lie, which is my favorite name of all time, every thursday. We ve got to embarrass ask
good rico dakota with wisher swisher recode media, peter kafka. Something really orton that I should have mentioned at the top of the hour. We're gonna be itself myself was doing alive, show with an audience, and you could be an audience. I guess if you want to, you can check out recode media march tenth too embarrassed to ask march eleventh. The verge has is going to be march twelfth and we take a break. We got recode decode march thirteenth and then verge cast is back march fourteenth, It's going to be great it'll, be nila, deter casey's, going to be an I'm gonna be on, so you should come check it out. So yeah. You can leave us a review on itunes and check us out on twitter. I'm meghan nicolette everybody else. We've got I'm at nat garen, that's two tease ashley are carmen. I'm the dex three archy like patriarchy, but with right handed things. That's what that is. I've had junior college because I'm left handed recently left Indiana jones exerting oppressed by the dexterity fed things.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-06.