« The Vergecast

Galaxy Note 7s don’t explode, they sizzle


This week on Vergecast, we have the exclusive interview with our tech and transportation reporter Jordan Golson, who has been reporting nonstop on the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 debacle. Nilay, Lauren, and Paul welcome Jordan to the show to talk about the recent events regarding Samsung, as well as what it means for competitors and the tech ecosystem. 02:42 - Samsung recall 22:48 - Masterclass ad 27:07 - Google Pixel 36:44 - iOS10 37:12 - Samsung vs. Apple 50:15 - Graphicstock ad 51:24 - Ashley’s weekly segment “A Genuine Gadget Connection” 55:26 - Amazon Unlimited Music and the various tech ecosystems

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello here. I started getting these words. He saw it learn hello, desirable my son only live hello, hello. What does he say? How do you know how to put people start? Broadcast greetings. Fellow travellers, extra travel business emerged is the verge podcast from the recover technology and feelings are feelings about technology. For that algae literally burns us causing us to have the feeling of great pain is feeling authorities pay. It is a real feeling only actual upon others. Here lauren good is here in studio. However, as always a delight, hello,
and I believe, first ever appearance and avert has jordan goals in is here hell out? How did the word hello become a sister I cut through the night. Oh yeah, yeah, Jordan. I've been waiting a year to say that cut through the night. Jordan is here that's an advocate in case you didn't know it's a vodka brand that I made up that one day I will. I will own I showed breakfasted in front of us this morning and he spent a lot of I'm trying to convince me to build a still in my back yard. Like me, at the time, then you would expect it went from it wasn't like hey, you should yeah. I have this great idea which started hahaha move on to the next topic is walking you through it. It was like a detailed history. I think you should buy a premade kit. You know, I don't think you should weld copper on your own, but here's what you would do I mean it was detailed yeah. I think we did You are still manufacture get at me, for I was drinking since the vodka I think to myself, but this was made from pre made kit.
maybe I did very well. They were too busy. I hear these pre baby trips rotten rested a region. A video, a review review, video at a brewery, downtown manhattan and will goal, and I guess we have someone on staff, name, village or disabled people- that the verge should sort of worry and we call it virgin moisten or something like that. Restaurant hastened virgin moisten virtuous and this I would be shaped like these with one hand on the side. While you know we're about to the march plan, we are refreshing. The bran dispersed, remember, store, rossmore miller. If listening to this know that I'm waiting for that merch sure you're not wrong. go ahead and tweet at him he's at owner, roscoe esquire t shirt is because that's his responsibly where's the march where's, the he wears the march. We need button to auto tweet was known, roscoe where's the merge. That's guy dross, I'm not sorry giving t shirt.
tons going on, but really just one thing going on. It was not. I would not. I would say it's not a huge week of news was Looking over everything happened. This week really the one story jumped out in its wake. When is here. Jordan has been heroically owning this beat for a few Now, if you read the site, you know, Jordan, usually is one irish, our transportation reporters he lets writes a lot about the future of translation and cars and some things, but samson galaxy note, seven blew up on a plane, Jordan, the story jordan emanated you show your backstory journey strive for mac, rumours and evaluate sewed tech reporter extraordinary and then just decided that he would own the note store
if journey want to walk us through what happened, because it's pretty bad yeah. So you know, if you go way back the phone, the note seven was released and then they started catching fire and they were recalled. Okay, that's all well and good everyone's familiar with that, and then they issued new phones that they said were not broken and it turned out. They were broken and a couple of weeks after they started getting released. This guy was getting on his southwest airlines flight and said he told me cause. I spoke to him on the phone that they were, giving their pre flight safety briefing and they said: okay, everyone with the galaxy note seven, please turn off your phone and he said oh geez, you know this is silly. This is date, you know minds the recalled one at safe turns it off, puts it in his pocket and it catches
in his pocket, which can be alarming when you're on an airplane and yeah you're, a lecture on x is catching fire, so that was not good and then how did you get in touch with him? And so what happened was usa today and some local news stations in Louisville Kentucky said: oh, you know: sampling phone catches, fire on south west airlines light and we were sort of our jeez. I wonder what this was. It must have been an old one, they didn't replace and I found the level I believe it's the courier journal is their local daily newspaper and they had an article with the guys, wife lives name is brian green and his wife said. Oh by the way, this was a replacement foam and they buried it in the seventh and eighth paragraph because they didn't really realised this.
Advocates of this and I saw it and was like holy shit. This is huge news and managed to track down the guy. I started googling him and I found the company that he works for and then I tracked down his his email address and emailed them, and I said hey, can you call me which I was a little concerned about because his phone had just caught fire? So how was he going to call me? That's a real problem: that's legit as like! Well I'll, try anyway, and luckily he had gone from the airport to the a t and t store to buy. if the phone was an iphone seven. Of course he called me on it like yeah my phone just caught fire and he was he was half thrilled to be alive and half really irritated at samsung. Aside from the fact that fire is dangerous and explosions and heat are dangerous to humans. Yeah this the smoke from this like in a confined. Space is also yeah. Pretty scary throat ass this video of of six somebody passing out like this,
First video we have of of one of these exploding this lady walks into the live from holding a smoking. Note, seven put the assets it down, Finally, I don't know why she held it starts. Walk away and then like passes out on account is thick smoke? I guess I'll just tell me: what do you know? It's a battery overheating, it's this nasty electrical smoke. You dont want to be it's like the chemicals from about it. You re are what smoking, yet the badger impulse about chemicals mary. Angela channel in our transport as a whole. That is an issue that should watch about why these matters were busy little by little bombs and we really synergy solely to power screens which scrape, except for the bomb part when you these it fast rate anyhow, so Jordan? That was the first one and we said This is bad or patterns replacement, and then if you were in sight of the past week to me, this is like an old I move that we made where we just did. A hundred updates, we just wrote a hunter.
stories about every little iterative development. We don't do that as much anymore. There was a time when that was like our stock in trade, like I think that is a classic splinging where it happened again. Here's another outlined we fire, but neither do we want at work any more. It doesn't feel great anymore, always just because of how it used to read things on twitter and facebook at it. You don't read it at blogroll. But for this story just seemed to make perfect sense like there's a build here and every one of these things it goes off again is actually it's own story because it compounds the original story so journey with Jordan. You wrote one of these stories, like you literally.
well over in your car at a new mexico, highway tour at one of the I mean you just went at it all week and you want to walk us through the ones that you did. So it's it's starting back and I'm going back here because there are so many stories I'm clicking through all of them, but usually the first day. There were two stories: there was this plane or a note: seven catches fire on a plane, and that was bad and then the one just after that was the consumer product safety commission, which is the us federal regulator that oversees a recalls and dangerous products, and things like that announced that they were opening an investigation which was about five hours later, which is a pretty good turnaround for them, and so that was the two the first day and then we said okay. Well, maybe this this story is as run its course now look into it and it won't be a replacement phone and that sort of what I hoped it was because they are the why, if all these replacement funds are catherine fire, that's no good, but then I was wearing recalled that this point. Yes, there is already because their call happen, September, besieged Tralee, very early september. To this
all posts wreak right, so we should zoom out. So the big news of the week is that there was the original recall in september, and then they expanded the recall programme this week to cover it even the replacement phones and then samsung carriers are like just bring other phones back. Samson is giving people a hundred dollar credit on their cell bill if they get another samsung phone, yet twenty five dollars for yet another brand and which is just the way and notes that production is halted in the notice dead right and there were. There were two batches of notes: there's the original batch which had a samsung battery in it ironically and they caught fire and then they said. Okay, these phones are bad, we're going to recall them and then they said. Okay, now we have new note seven's, that replacement note seven's with batteries from a different company, and they said over and over again, these are fine. Their totally safe were completely confident that these are saved. The problem is fixed and then those and started catching fire read in so you covered. I would say six of those,
and now there there were five or six and then I think they said there were twenty three total, because not everybody ran to the verge on a why they didn't phantom. Several people did so. We had won the next day that I think was from a local news outlets, and then I had to people email me one. Was a guy in virginia who emailed me and said at five forty five this morning, my phone caught fire on my night stand here, are pictures of it and so make when he woke up flipped out, took pictures of it and then emailed us, which was great. Some of you have something crazy technological happen, email. the verge. That is exam. Then we had another person, the same thing. Actually, no, I had a woman. She tracked me down on facebook and I don't know how she found me on facebook if she went to the verge and then clicked on me or if my link got shared, I dunno, but she messaged me on facebook, and so I messaged her back and she said: oh call this number. We can explain it and it had caught fire on their table
while they were having lunch at a restaurant outside in texas. I mean that's what he was just sitting on the table and burst into flames when they were very upset to what kind of sensor you getting from these people. You've been speaking to about their exploding notes, like are people really frustrated? You think people are going to trust samsung again, like the word I He's is betrayed, samsung, said and all of these people. So you know if you're buying a note seven. It has not been out very long at all of the folks that I talk to. You were very much early adopters. They were very enthusiastic about this phone. They thought it was great. They read our reviews and ok, the first one comes out. They had a problem, will recall it. Ok, that's annoying, but it's ok. Now they got this new phone. Samsung did they, they say: sampson, allied samson betrayed us whatever you want to say most folks are really unhappy. One person I talk, you said I'm just gonna, get it s, seven and
refine and the other couple of folks I talked to were like forget it. Do I just go, buy an iphone now you know where I'm done well, I want to talk about the litter mean the the pixels out in the world. I mean, I think, that's like a that's a thing. It's it's going to be a huge problem for samsung, but let's that stay on the just a note for a little bit longer cause, this story just seems to have gotten away from samsung and the more that it is revealed its not that the story got away from samsung. It's that the situation gotta from samson, so they dont know why the sec. They don't really know why the first one was exe. They soon. It was a bad battery. They switched it from their own supplier, samson battery samson subsidiary to another company those from started going. There is a report on the new york times basically said reclaimed. Samsung internally is unable to replicate this problems. They don't really know. What's wrong delta
the sullen salon. Today. Maybe they were too quick to blame the batteries right. She means there could be something with like whoop. What would be the quick, the quick charging right? So there's like a million things right who knows like we are left him irresponsibly speculate. I saw were that that people thought that the charge of the firmware was charging the battery at too high a voltage yeah that's the conspiracy theory, and so oh, it's not a battery problem at all. It's a firmer problem, shit! That's it! I know who I mean knows my salary land reported for us and the same Angela. Who did this great video on youtube or facebook or myspace youtube? They should traveller yet to come. but she had written a report mean back last month and quoted you know, battery experts and one who suggested that things can get dicey when the unknown touches. The cathode in the battery in their swift be separators there, and if the manufacturers and handling the separate or properly then something bad could happen.
I saw a random scientific sovereignty, x, ray photo of battery, that's like the pins or by litter, Everyone is assuming everything like. Maybe they new ass. We see wrong, but but that's the thing is like This is so mysterious and we ve had a couple notable happenings about an explosion. The hover boards, yet another note seven and then before that, like the biggest when I remember, is like the outer. Yes, our letters like that years ago, so like we We use millions of devices all the time. The batteries, and they don't export very often yet though she and I are up with a pet vive here. Yes, please they're not really exploding. Ok, when you think of exploding, you think cut blooey work, but it's more of like us, sizzle rang and then that the phone itself gets really hot and sort of expands and and bad
and smoke pours out, but it's not like it's not a psychopath. My staying goes everywhere. Yeah. I got a glowing, isn't that conventional name sampson's next, the call nine m, which is this samsung sizzler? Oh, I was you know you could Blooey sizzler is really read and could Blooey. It looks like there's a lot of pressure inside the previous latvia factory expands a little bit anyway, batteries that fail it sort of bubbles up and expands a bit like a bread, that's rise and they get. you ever they get really how they want in the plane, burn through the carpet and down to the media and which is in the same samson doesn't know what's wrong. They also georgia monsieur take on this. It seems likely mishandled all of the language or on what to do when they do it? I got an email from somebody. It was like. I try to return. My note here is that you know from samsung. The email was gibberish,
what samsung was trying to communicate, which was go to this website and push this button, will send you a box. You can send your phone back, but it was like four hundred pages of what appear to have gone through at least two rounds of translation, like machine translation so things are communicating with its customers correctly. They didn't do the official recall if you didn't use the word recall for a long time. They said they were exchanging it. Now, it's an official recall. They didn't stop making the phones now they've stopped, making the phones, and, as far as I can tell, they haven't done a lot of like big, like announcements right there, they're sort of trickling this information off. One thing that's missing, I think they haven't said I'm sorry yeah, but they they it's ridiculous
We're really sorry. This happened, you know it's all. You know we're taking the matter seriously and were investigating and blah blah blah. But you know they haven't. Had a where's, the seat yo coming out and saying we made a mistake, I'm very sorry will Jordan love means never having to say you're, sorry and clearly: samson loves its cost, where's. So I have an iphone and I thanked him. God loves me. So, what's yours If, on the beat you talk too much, we bore the phones, it one point, the weekend join our just like messenger forth. It was actually hardly get ahold of samsung. Which not to get all inside baseball. But if there's one, if you're a company one reporter who just kicking your ass every thirty minutes for two days. You should talk to that. Reporter but we couldn't get a hold a samsung at all,
like they're just and nowhere what's your sense now the situation, Jordan, I mean there because the recall is in place and they ve worked with this, the cps sea, which is that the regulator to come out with the recall. I think that procedure is in place and they ve been pretty clear about. Ok, go back to wherever you bought the phone, bring it back. They'll give your credit, because, unlike apple, which has apple stores everywhere, if you have a problem with your iphone, you can go into the apple store speak with an apple employee about it. But if you ve samson phone, you can't do that where you can go to their website and you can, you know, go to twitter or whatever, but if you have promised your phone, you go back to eighteen t your best buy of rising or whoever- and you say I've read a problem. So I think part of that is is sampson's issue we're just with communicating with customer, because, like you said when people did communicate with samsung, it didn't make any sense, they were getting conflicting orders or what they were supposed to do on tuesday was not what they are supposed to do. One thing
his day, and it was this mishmash of of confusion. Yeah I mean just a game it out. I mean, I think it's it's interesting to think about. I mean again, who knows why the thing broke, but let's say it was faulty batteries, apples just as much at risk of getting a shipment of faulty batteries as anybody ten years ago, powerbooks exploded because they had faulty batteries in them. Just the thing, if you, if this was the iphone a, I think the level of crazy would be ratcheted up way higher, because it's at oh nuts, but you just think about walt- brings us up on control to eat all the time you think about antenna. Ten gate apple, like held a press conference. They said we don't think, there's a problem but we're sorry everybody. It's free case your. The around you're holding it wrong. Here's a bunch of videos of us holding other funds rig neither although work here chamber worried test it whatever in the next year, the quietly redesign the internet, as it was problem that great, whenever they didn't write, em
store so that you can just go in and give the phone back there's like all of this attention detail and attention a communication from that company. I mean that the but that's tough for almost any company. That's not apple, because who's, the face of samson read for Who is the person on stage I eyes he says you're holding you know seminal, I mean they. Ve tried ass and places it just really hard. I mean that part is hard for them, but they could just appoint a face of the right, like here's, the person whose constantly on the local news. Yet who is the head of sampling of america? I mean we should know I believe that even if I live there, may I could say any name. I now Steve Johnson get out there and get to work. Steve odyssey johnson's in the world, really disappointed team he's mad but it'd, but you could just have anybody beyond them, news or talk to us or Gregory Lee. I feel
about four, not knowing that, but the presidency of sampling, electronics, north american giants, I'll try is a tv sets gregory, we re, I know, MR carlo is doing their marketing for a long time re. This is great, really see the family was growing. Now this is that's the problem we should all now, because we should have all talk to him but seven times by now. Yet why wasn't he on the NBC nightly news and I even their people not call to reply, but like even the people who are represent samsung on social media channels went totally radio silence right like if they went into a bunker mentality, when they were they really needed to do was start communicating more. So now we get to lorenz big question, which I think is a hugely important question. Is anyone going to come back around I mean, I think the most dangerous thing for samsung's brand is at flight attendants across the country are opening flights with
If you have a galaxy found, turn it off thrown away, it's dangerous when the plane ride, In that sense, I to send a note, I think, I'm a carrier in Australia. I believe it was saying: galaxy phones, galaxy, seven phones are fine. It's the note. That's bad! I like the whole brand, has changed. I feel it's two pronged I'd love to hear your thoughts on this I didn't, but there's the aspect of samsung needs to say: hey we've figured out exactly what was wrong and will never do it again, so that it's logical to buy another samsung phone, but then the other thing is, if they, if they make desirable device, I think people are going to buy. I think the thing about hoverboards people wanted to buy hoverboards, no matter how many people told them that it would explode like people just think people are people still buying hoverboards yeah they're out there. It's pr. I think it's a It was a fad, but I'm sure hovered thing there's a difference. The differences like the hub airports. It blew up. Really
like unregulated on safety, tested chinese hurry right, the came in a faulty batteries and non of protection on the batteries and was fairly up He wasn't exactly revenues like everyone here, we in our true. It is that I paid to look let us pay too little for this product in it. It in the ground and if it gets pumped it might blow up. This is like a very expensive phone. Like it's a eight hundred dollar phone. So there's I don't think, there's an intuitive connection to anything other than samsung blewett. Do you guys think that samsung will ever be able to use the name? Note now that that's done right, and that includes the tablet. I guess then right. The the because they have a tablet, basically anything that has a stylus, yeah, they put under the note brands. I dunno. What do you think they put out a note eight, how long before they can put out a note, eight zero here, two years, it's it's a while, I think so when when does the s they presumably come out April or something says
only when they come out, there's one comes out churlishly end of you see, and that is the nose than that known. As I know, the notice oghee usually run August right. Where were you when you ask them and at the end of it, and came out in march. Ok, I gotta would announce it mw scene and launch it within the next month So they go. Radio silence, we're really sorry they essay comes out. Then, if they come out between now and then and give a tick tock hears exactly what happened, we figured out what went wrong. This is what happened and here's what we did to fix it. I think that the brand ok samson phones are ok. I think that assumes that some, the rest of the market remain static right. I think this is the big problem. the first time I read an ad and then we're gonna talk about the big problem, which I believe is known. As the Google tax
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Sure you can enter a friend's underscore of underscore the verge underscore one which is way more complicated or friends, underscore of underscore at the verge underscore too nice yeah. Just they all the same. I dunno go to bed. The class dot com report back to us. Let us know what it's like: having a hen. Sorkin rate your online submitted screen, redding exercises kinds is read: this quote from herzog ray It hurts I'm about everything that the verges ever published of all time. Yes, yes, you're right, it's put him on go. He asks the interviewer Emily Yoshida. Do they bite each other's hands? Do they punch each other yeah Emily said no, and then what was this about? Hits a great follow up to. Oh, he says physically, do they fight? No, do they bite each other's hands? Do they punch each other? It's great yeah. Do the pokemon bite each other. Then, if not, what is the point? There must be real people if it's a real encounter with someone else. Yes, it's true anyway,
better answer. Ass, a consortium that's must cross. Thanks are sponsoring this vote Can I get my favorite erin sorkin on writing quote! Do it if it was from all things d a couple years ago, and he said, writing does not look to a casual observer like writing. Instead, it looks a lot like watching. Yes, pm grew I find it to be true when I interviewed sorkin around the steve jobs movie every time asking a question here like you just reached over and grab my shoulder: that's it Would he answer? Yes? He would. He would answer things like that's not important, and I was like oh wow, I'm going to try that it was. It was remarkably effective. I conducted an interview like that recently yeah, but we're not going to get into it. We'll talk about later. when it runs we'll talk about it, but everytime we like so this movie has nothing to do with Steve jobs, and you would just like touch my shoulder and be like shut your mouth
consumer, just incredible area. Let's talk about the danger of losing urge cast where we just try to talk like we're, Sorkin ask care, not really tired, super witty and run off sentences into one another and, like rock talks, Yes, let's students hire walk and talk large gosh. Yes, okay, I'm into it. Okay done and done. I feel If we submit this script to faster classes, physically and mentally, incapable of being part of and I like we want down. The hall like. Let me go, sit down and think about something to say we catch ross miller rustlers one human beings in tat fast enough to pull the looming danger? so. As I was saying, samson
let a calm down, let it breathe they come back. We fix the phone, here's a galaxy s, aid ever make make your exploding phone jokes, but but but house you gonna buy. You can you could call it the looming safety. Safety on the horizon, a phone doesnt blow up yet galaxy safety I suppose you could buy another found that didn't blow up if only one of those exists so but here's a thing. So all of so yes there's the iphone fine but sam. is the only manufacturer in the android ecosystem that like collects profits from doing the work of making and selling phones. So if they, those people are probably still gonna buy. Android phones are in that ecosystem. I don't think they're going to go, buy an lg phone. I don't think they're going to buy a sony phone.
Because they buy the new lg to be twenty. Vittorio looks nice, it's just. We all know what they're going to buy for it. I think that the software update stuff for the android is the people. I think people buy. Galaxy phones either buy them because they're cheap or buy them because they're discounted or they buy them because they know they want that high end front, particularly is the highest one of the highest and funds you can buy period. I don't think any of the other manufacturers support their phones as well. Samsung did so you could. You could either wait, wait it out and there was like a crazy article mashable the writers like I'm keep, In my note, it's a great phone chances. Are, it won't hurt me or credible to those people, but let's get to it. There's the pixel and the pixel. You know you can you can get on the waitlist.
I have to, but you can pre order it now, it'll be out in the verizon store. Soon it's Google's phone. It's the high end, android phone. It's supported it's going to be marketed. I don't think Google has any desire to like wait for samsung to fix itself. They don't have any reason to they don't have any, moral imperative to help samsung, especially not anymore. How does samsung come back in a world where Google has just gone full out with the pixel? Can they come back? I have to say I think this timing is incredibly auspicious for google, because my very first impression that the pixel only having used it briefly- and I wasn't at the event, but I followed the event when it was unveiled, is like yeah. This is a good first, truly google made phone by the way they kept saying Google's first phone, but in reality hugel has been making phones with hardware partners for awhile now, but this was the first one that was like branded the Google phone.
It and- and I thought yeah It'S- it's got a good camera. That's great! It's a little thick! You know it's, not water, waterproof! It's it's a it's a good phone! It's good! Yeah! That's that's! Where I'd put it. It looks like it's a good phone. That's not my final review by the way you're going to have to go to the verge dot com check out the final review when we run it so many caveats learn I'm just saying. I hope I'm not breaking any embargos here but like based on, like a very brief experience, having used it and held it and like I just think, that's how it would have been perceived like everyone is oh google's getting into hardware and that's great and here's a really good phone that Google made. But now it's like a serious contender because of this note stuff- and I think the only way and people are saying. Oh, like it's, it's like fullstack android, it's like Fullstack, google, like software hardware, integrated cool, and I think the only way to like really best. That is to make like another, really kick ass, android phone. The stakes are that much higher and I just don't like samsung as a software chops.
Competing. They bought viv that that the company started by the team that originally siri like there in a world where there now competing against apple and Google, with her own smart assistance and how I was literally about the same samson can't win this fight by making us smart assistant and bought a sort of system which by the way. Look really good like this. The more people show clear doing good. When you push the button and the samsung phone, are you going to get very very going to get? What is google assistant Let me mean also that you have to have viv living another hardware around your house, like the one thing that google and apple or doing an amazon is doing, is putting it in these little entry date of entry points all around europe rights are. How did we won't know anything beyond what you do with it on the phone unless you away Maybe they can be a mud. My dishwasher and my friend
starting your eye to interrupt the earlier, and I dont know if this were a movie, just didn't throw this out, because I'm gonna forget it. Otherwise, if this was a movie, would you have any trouble believing that Google had sabotaged sam because because it's convenient convenient for them do those and organise enough to sabotage anyone that mean that that's basically to like What is it this is a movie google would have put at this for like three years ago, but here this is a movie than this vanity would right this is we'll realizing has to get serious. I dont think that something that has been noted. That note starts catching fire that did half weeks before the pixel comes out. It's the most convenient timing ever One phone to implode as another means also be like a mighty duck situation where the hawks had banks on their team and he was actually not supposed to be on the high seas and the different district so like the hawks or the bad.
Eyes they got trouble for breaking the rules samson if citizens, the bad guy, they had trouble for in their batteries? Wrongs? Animal! So now the good as reap the rewards of the bad guy breaking the rules yeah. I I just think I want to talk about Laurens greece, where I message to write leverrier. If I wasn't If your phone right now, I would almost certainly bioethics old man, always for funding by every phone and buying pixel, but you understand what I'm saying I pathetically. If I only about one phone here I mean pulse, its weakness an apologist, leaving the dongle pleading, there's iphone, seven, which is crazy, speak, I got to send back my six, oh cause, you're on like next or whatever, but now I get the t mobile things. I have to send them my phone,
with regard to mobile blaze exchange with spike, whatever the cost area. Eighty four, I think I'll have a great time by understand like if you want something new and different. I tweeted a picture of the belgian dongle today as it should. ridiculous ass, if you had to admit this: let's ridiculous men, so many angry fanboys defensively tweeted back at me, like that, vision is wireless. You now they put like this. It's a box but anyway, so using the big thing with the iphone as we have, the trade offs in the design to get its we waterproof and put the bigger camera. I like ice by it because it turns out apple designs, the phone, so they could make the phone bigger. That's it they just chose not to make that decision? I don't know the trade offs in the iphone are worth the income, and at least in the way that I use the phone for that thing, and I just
I just evaluating my usage of the phone. I don't use any of apple's apps, except for imessage solar and he wrote a big piece, but that's your last login yeah. I had this a moment on the plane when I was flying out here. New york, where I realized I'd, been thinking about it and noodling that for awhile and then I heard like- peter. Your voice in my head, saying, put her on the site. This is really effective ts by the way for those of you who haven't heard, put it on the fly, but what you want to know what it's like to have your boss yell at you not to be confused pain in the yeah Paul said it not me but when you're on a flight and you're just held captive and you're like alright, I guess I should do some work, so
I wrote this essay and it turns out people have a lot of feelings about it. It's kind of like hundreds of comments and people really tweeted. Some really thoughtful stuff back at me know truly. That was very thoughtful and it seemed like my my the premise: was I've thought over the past week a lot about whether or not I'm going to buy the pixel phone. Personally, I was a little bit disappointed at how much it costs, because I had just been on like had just almost bought a nexus five x ice, blue off of ebay and a couple of people on staff talked me talked me down from it and said: no, no, no wait for whatever google comes up with next, because it's going to come up soon. and then you know it's like the six hundred and forty nine dollar phone are up, and I thought oh shit dishes by the five bucks off Ebay. Now, I'm so disappointed with the price. But then I really started thinking about why I'm not sure I'm gonna buy the pixel phone right away and that I realized it came down to messaging. I realize every single app I use whether it's gmail my calendar, app spotify, all my health and fitness, apps, slack all the things I use on a daily basis, they're all available on android.
I like android, it's not an inconvenience to use it, except for imessage, which works across my desktop and my iphone and my whole family's on it and like everybody, I talk to every everyday is on a we'd, go to cover events. We create group threads on it and, like it's just. I message him at least in the: u S is such a lock in. For me. Some of the comments I got back were people from other countries talking about their most popular, your preference, their preferences for messaging apps, and- and so I admit that the article is pretty us centric than one that I wrote or people were like just agreeing with me and saying yeah, just I'm, totally locked in due time anything with lasers anymore sympathisers like that someone sent with lasers is ever now in case you tweet something clearness and he puts sent with lasers after it. That's it
but, like I've not used a bunch of that stuff as much as I thought, I would yeah it's fun. It's like they're yeah right. I mean, I think that you could like, as with all of apple's nascent ecosystems, it will just take a minute for everybody to like figure out what it's really for right. So I really like ios ten and it's fine. I've noticed people just complain about how buggy it is, which is not normal, but, like I said I get tons of tweets. People like this is so much bug that needs to be Tom. Warren has out to me how It is Ezra klein from VOX tweeted. I think it was this morning he's like some who had apple decided that unlocking iphone was too hard and it should be made worse. I still am swiping to open, sometimes, admittedly, immediately if you've been doing it for weeks or so that's actually a pretty good segue into the other big Jordan goldson story of the week, which is jordan, went to the supreme court this week strands all over the place. superstar importer, jordan goals in samsung, I'm not.
For example, I said: how are you in colorado and then filing a story from new mexico and none of the supreme court? I fly out of Elba kirkhi, so I drive from my home and drank oh to help a courtesy and so on. My drive to albuquerque before on my way to dc a story broke, and I said well, I've got cell access, pull over and just write it? How can I do you realize you learn of albacore, jordan erratic travel patterns, no better, maybe you're the man, the stone age, If chaos gods, you didn't. You didn't see that in my ethics statement, that was you know on the google, it's Jordan pulled over on the side of the road new mexico lit a note on fire took a picture of it. but I've. U r d c. where's the samsung for long time verge, cast verge audience. People was a huge
As part of the story, the site, when we launched recovered the hell out of it, we had in actual we had met carry who stole a wonderful person, but that was on. staff use a patent lawyers on the verge safe, just to be a full time consultant for the story, it's like five years later in water, on wandered its way out of the supreme court. Jordan tell us what that'll of it so it started out with this. You know huge lawsuit, arguing about patents and phones than phones that are ancient at this point. And so it campaigning appealed an appeal and appealed and a teeny, tiny sliver of that case is what finally made it to the supreme court, and it's like the obscurity of obscure parts of the case, which I think is fantastic. What is it and so what their arguing about? It is apple, one, its loss, it samsung and the jury said. Okay, you have to pay four million dollars, or whatever was too sampling has to pay for two million dollars to apple
same sex. It no way that profit that you just awarded them is for the entire foam and we only infringed a little bit the fuck you, and so we should only have to pay a little bit of profit because it was this in our home button nor the front screen when the chips and the display and all that stuff we didn't infringe and we made profit off those and we should get it. keep it, and that was their argument right. So there are design patents, which are just like generally hard to explain, but it was the rounded shape of the phone the location of the home button and ethical It was the side bezel the bezel, and not to get too wonky, but it's those are ornamental features that are protected over time that are like patented ornamental features are not functional. Patents like slide to unlock as utility patent. It'd, be like patterning, a handbag, design, yeah and then there's. I can feel then there's another one. That's like trade dress, which is like the shape of the coke bottle right in that so like a design patent, you get it and it's
you get to exclude everybody for the market for using it, but then once it expires that people can use it. Unless that design has become so associated with your brand that it is effectively operates as a trademark All of these things in the air and all that is in the case right. Jordan is just the three design patents on basically that, yes, syria design of the iphone whatever. Yes, it's these three patents and what their arguing about it. So a design patent suit has not made it to the supreme court in about a hundred years, and so this to design patent people in patent lawyers. This is a very big thing and to try and explain in about twenty seconds is really hard, but basically the you have to pay your PA. It's on the article of manufacture is what the law says, and samson is arguing that the article of manufacture could be a single thing like the display and the rest of the phone is separate.
Apple is saying: no, no, no, you buy the phone, you don't buy the display and then add it to something else. It's all one thing, and so we will see what the supreme court decides. They talked a lot about, samson used in their in their brief that they file before the arguments they said it was like a cup holder in a car, and if you infringed on a patent on design patent on a cup holder, you wouldn't expect that you would get all the profits from the entire car. That would be crazy, and so they went back and forth and they talked about like well. You know people might buy a phone simply for its design and that's why they buy, and so maybe you should get all the proper but at the same time, the chips and the wires and all that stuff? There's something that too, that this sort of come down in the middle somewhere? I imagine
and that seemed to be the the I mean there was a long conversation about whether the volkswagen beetle, like whether the iphone isn't iconic. If it is a design, is a volkswagen beetle. I suspect people listening to this are like it's a rectangle, because, particularly now, the phones like indistinguishable from one another but apple apple statement was like in like not connected the reality of the case. apple statement was like every court that has ever looked at this samsung is a copier. That's not what we're talking about anymore, like samsung kind of agrees that they lost it just whether they should pounds so not just not a good week for samsung
not a good way for samsung and in just one note I really thought chief justice, John roberts. He said yes, the volkswagen beetle is iconic, but if it costs to ten times more or got one mile per gallon or broke down all the time, it doesn't matter what it looks like people would not have bought it, and so that was his argument refer. You know why yeah looks the looks are important, but the insides are important as well, and then there was another comment about that which said yeah, but you could buy a different car that didn't look as iconic. That also didn't break down, so you know it's gonna be such a difficult. for them to figure out and I'm really interested to see what it comes down, but I'm kind of illegal long. Wank I mean I mean to am that this is so exciting familiar. But the case at this point has almost nothing to do with consumer technology. His era like literally money. Oh it's just it's! It's just yeah! It's spent money, it's they lost and how much they have to pay, and it's years later
and they were out there writing such a high because they they got smacked for copying apple too hard. They started not copying apple, they put out their flagship phone and then started burning. I don't think the cup holder analogy really holds up either it's really more like the windshield of the car, I think you need a display on the phone, but a toddler display its just like the design. Everything right, like, I think, the reason the cup to actually take the windshield like the windshield has a function. Re read: seek a patent on another coating on the wine shielded, doesn't let it shatters easily, some other when shield or something else or like blocks glare, but those are utility patents, but like the specific rake of the windshield or its curve, would be it like more of a design patent in this world ray.
so it's just like, or maybe the lay out of the buttons on the centre console yeah. You laid them out in a certain way that was really iconic. Then you know if Bmw the way they lay at their buttons of someone else copied bad and they were like argues. That looks really similar. That be the same thing, but even so you wouldn't award all the profits. Make a fifty thousand law re based on those, but because now the same wasn't assume you're buying it. For that specific functional earth, specific desire, he would or what I assume I don't think anybody buys a car based on the likely I love the most rake ever windshield ray. I'm gonna buy this copy cat. Version of it, and that's one of the things they talked about this- that you'd have to bring an experts to analyze the phone and talk to people who bought it and figure out. Why did you buy it and because you know it could be that that design was five percent of the reason that people bought it or ten percent of the reason or a hundred per cent of the reason and you'd have to have experts come in and that's a crazy, complicated question, but one of the
One of the justices said well, anti trust is really complicated and we let juries figure that out. So why can't? We have them figure this out, and so it is crazy. Complicated first a narrow question, because neither are you- and I were talking earlier about how patent especially patent lawsuits in general, never make it to a jury. Never that's what this argument is about is specifically about jury things. They all gets yeah. So what are they even arguing about its recipients? Apple didn't want to read. They wanted the win in public when they wanted to be public. The jury went away and deliberate into samson copied us and they got it. And now they're they're, just they want the win at the supreme court to east feel it so. This is now thankfully legacy and jobs would have been no it. So it's been argued and and then the decision will come out, maybe December or next year's in time. But so you know remember that
misquote about steve jobs that he would give your normal nuclear war. Do you think he would have been happy to see this day we made it to the supreme court, we're gonna get our win or is it to obscure a thing I mean? I think it at this point. I think honesty he would have had bigger problems to solve. Rightly focused on, like putting out the tv product the mobile market he beat, everybody is moved on. Yellow competitors have fallen off the face of the earth. I mean in that time. I remember what they suit motorola, Judge Richard posner in what is it that seven circuit in I was like this is ridiculous. Get out of my court and like threw it out is this is nonsense, like go to settle, go settler. He was like just you're you're. All making phones like no one gives a shit like get out and his decision didn't and quite so many words, but that was the thrust of it was like this is nonsense. What you do is nonsense. You spoke huge, sophisticated businesses figure it out, get out in other places, agenda that way too.
I don't know just like it's one of those things where bad weak for samson, just like every possible dimension. But what struck me about it was slide to unlock was the region. Apple patent right. I did a whole video it end of you see in like twenty twelve, where I just went and looked at how every other company had designer inside unlocked and they all build a different system because they weren't allowed to use and now I put slick, walked away from it. I was ten if everyone's like the suffix, because a kind of sucks and apple still made it worse. Yeah yeah. I mean, You, yourselves lighting, are useful, so I dont slide ever accidently. The problem is: is there a mall? Is this new like an audio books, then, like maybe someone to talk to me or something so if the pause the audio book? So if I put my thumb with my friend on the phone to wake it up. It unlocks it. So
I'm trying to train myself to hit the side but and just wake up or I flicked. The screen, like, like an apple watch, gesture to wake the screen up. I haven't. I forgot that had like yeah does not now lights on role has been doing filling three generations loans because otherwise had been. If I unlock my phone, I go to my written, washes up or the or their homes green, and then I have like pull up the controls and then pause which anne I do not find that I was ten confusing, but I think it's interesting on this whole shape thing. Every time I see the pixel add that you know it starts out the search bar and expands into a phone. I still think it's the, yeah like. I know it's not the iphone but like it, even if you don't think that their cause- bring the iphone directly there's something about the ad. That's like
You know and love this shape. What if Google made this shape? Yeah- and I think that's that's a good use of apple's argument right, they infringed our iconic design and they sold phones because of it. The question is, like Jordan, saying what percentage of the purchase decision was triggered, that verses. They copied. You know literally every samsung copied literally every icon on the iphone- and I was part of the case this. is so complicated and so aki demur from the original iphone launch. When, when Steve the slide and it had all the phones and they all had keyboards yeah and then there's our phone. It doesn't it If you bought any more and now you look and no phone has a keyboard and it's like look. We can see the progression here, but whether or not it's worth four hundred million dollars which, by the way, both of these companies is nothing drop like samson think that, thanks to of africa to something that costs more than four hundred million dollars like they sell
Nuclear reactors lectures you'll be fine, like pay. The thought, The idea that sounds like some big vested interest in the design patent law, the united states, is nonsense, In addition, just get the wind to I gotta. Imagine that samson tried to settle over and over and over and over and over and like you said, like. No, I don't I outlined in ways we want guilty. You know you're liable judgments. it ain't nothing else, I'm going to go more at the marina ashley has Ashley's gadget corner. She does every week that she does every week without fail. Hmm listening to it, and then we have a tiny writing around in this episode of verge has also brought to you by graphic stock. Graphic shock is a subscription based stock media company that gives you unlimited access to over three hundred thousand premium photos, illustrations, vectors and design elements can afford a great value with the unlimited download bottle. They actually the largest unlimited in the library of graphics photos, vectors images available to the creative community. Most websites will charge you for download, which costs as much thirty dollars for image that adds up quickly but with graphic stock
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I want to imagine that one day I could take your gold plated body out to the clubs in brooklyn and show you off. I know everyone be jealous. I want to flip you open during a tense exchange with a friend and walk off. Pretending like I got a phone call, my would wish she had a foot down for effective, but I dont totally gate you, you ve, so buttons that maybe you don't have a purpose like those four and the lieutenant ask images printed out, then what did they do are they just for? Shall I be ok with it if they were I know the centre. A button takes me back to a central menu, but everything else makes no sense. You confused me knock off the baton, foot phone Youtube video attempts to explain to me person using. You only speaks rush it and I don't speak russian I found john instagram through a los angeles base, creative studio. I know typical,
you weren't tagged. I didn't know you were an art peace. I googled you I saw but I want some russian websites normally It scare me off, but I'm reluctantly intrigued. I can't explain it honestly. Knock off, leave a template. I think, you're, what I've been meeting and wanting your many sees fit my bag or on a key chain attached by clutch your gold and therefore luxurious you appropriate illegitimate. fashion brand, which makes you both confident and sophisticated you're simple you dont load, instagram or snapchat. I mean I don't think you turn on, but if you did, you definitely don't have apps I could just send messages in the club and call my friends on you seriously not after all the time phone we'd make a great pair thinkin bout, you ashen stare anything more satisfying, then snap.
Shot a star tat phone. After a call, I know what are we doing in our lives method, I mean actually wants a foot fun dad sheer. She talks to me about it at least once a week, its becoming a real problem. certain people in brackets walk up at all. They want to pay, gear. You newest cigar maker, venture emotional tech support actually, and I actually who you just heard in your ears as you do Every week normal psych, for the segment? Does he does? Every week we did a facebook live called emotional tech support, which I think we should turn into a full time. Outcast, let's be real. We should do something went out and dream is physically there's a four four four emotion is a phone number, the people to call during the show and then they could tell me about their tell ass an eye there there gadget problems, and then we would answer them not practically but emotionally and engage with cause. I just get
so frustrated, sometimes a technology. It just doesn't work. How I wanted to work, and nobody really gonna fix it for me, It's never we're getting a better. But some I just want someone to hear me out too so I'd try to we've tried to provide that to people. Go I'm insistent that we do it again so go find that on facebook, listen to it we might put on the verge. Extra thing as upon podcast, yes, an idea, we have yeah I'm into this. I don't really like taking over verge extra as just weird expert. That's what for So a tiny little lady ransoms added that, hopefully one one thing. More to talk about the launch, not just an absolute erlich, whether there is really like ten seconds, and I just got the end of the year the channel media brand are everywhere that you are a platform publishing whether you're listening to this podcast, you website urges just creeping on, snapchat the verses.
one more thing to talk about. Schalkwyk amazon launched a music service this week, it's cheaper. It's eight dollars a month. Instead of what ten for everybody else, and if you have an echo, it's like forty dollars, but it only works on one echo, the time they can convention. I thought aims. I had a music serve left Has anyone it did not have their amazon prime time using holding her part of your prime subscription, and then they would offer you like a certain amount of storage for saving your my old fashioned purchase, Songs you what it was like a web server like you had to go to link the web dashboard Well, I'm primacy also sat he play it through right when you were like, like Helen rosner exactly better eater she's dreamy half its way, she's like whenever I asked my laxative play music. It just place kristen songs. His primary sexual library was so, but she, like, I like play frank Sinatra. It would just play Sinatra's christmas heads,
I said, but now it's a real music service with the whole catalog does the whole thing. Okay is this? Is it not reading up on this? I mean it doesn't matter. would you just cause you sign up for amazon service? I dont have an elixir there and I already have spotify an apple music subscriptions death. So definitely not, but amazon did just make twitch prime which, like I was a twitch subscriber and now I am rewrite animal primes, I'm and now for free, I yeah you- can watch twitch ad free, but also you get to subscribe to one person a month, which means you get the like, give them more money like your favorite stream. Are you get more money in it? A cool new icon? Next, to your name and twitch, I think it's called a m it amazon buying twitch has done such a good job with which really destroying twitch by keeping at what
seems rare yeah. They kept it. What it was- and they like have have emphasised in an improved it and it did not at all get destroyed by youtube gaming and fact. I think they get they're going start doing where you streamers can upload videos instead of just capture from miss dreams so aids, great success story of I don't know what happened behind the scenes, but amazon did not mess up to its citizens and now there and now they're, just giving any primes subscriber more better twitch
alright. Are you gonna buy amazon is better than an echo. I'm going to try, but I don't know I'm pretty I pay for were split household. I pay for spotify. My significant other pays for youtube. Oh well, youtube red! Slash. Google play, I guess if you pay ten dollars for one, you get the other paper and I don't pay for apple music, but I'm like pretty invested in spotify at this point and they just introduced the daily mixes. So you don't just have discover weekly now and they do a pretty good job of that and I dunno it would have to be pretty. It would have to be pretty compelling. I'm definitely not going to pay for the four dollars a month ago, only I just don't see the point when I can shouted elects a right now and have a go along yeah. You it's in the kitchen, we moved it from the it was originally living room and it makes sense there. I moved to the kitchen and honestly the thing I do with it. Ninety percent of the time is set timers for fucking great set
many timers a pretty much, if you go down for you up for me, it's like set him over seven minutes. Over. Eighty minister never allowed somehow so much faster than yeah I music, with accelerating always It looks good good on amazon for making easy enough to use spotify with their hardware product that because they didn't have this other product right, like hey, what's going to happen now guys, listen to music with your echo because to me the speakers terrible, so I never use it It's not great. I like two feet, big, so really you know it's just just kind of like you just need it right. There are no three also have a sonos in the kitchen I was amazon to re, integrate its coming like that. We also like play music and my whole house. All the scientists like them I mean I think amazon having music services. It's like table stakes silent, do anything ray. It's like we re, not what was holding me back from the amazon lifestyle yeah there was.
Women from amazon lifestyles, the only harbor product they make. That I like is the ACA like. I don't want to use the rest of the service. You don't want the kindle kindle yeah I mean I guess they use a kindle bars. separate. It doesn't feel like an amazon. I dunno, I dunno. It's not like just that's where your books are. That's it yeah! It's it's just this like single purpose device like it. Doesn't I dunno it's good, it's the best one. You know that's the one it has, but it doesn't feel as invasive ecosystem wise as everything else. Like everything, is about ecosystem long in accessing the one. Earlier this week I started Seventeen is going to be ecosystem lock in consumers rebelling against the fact that to get the most out of anything, they have to buy everything from a single vendor
it's just going to be. I think people are going to realize that it's really inconvenient and really bad. Well, you know what the sub story of that is. Is that his ecosystem, lock in, but by acquiring a bunch of sites or services or brands and keeping them the way they are just like paula saying about twitch, like I just start, using audible and that's an amazon brand, but maybe you can guess you sort of note from looking at it, but it's it's kind of separate and like facebook, pretty much kept instagram separate and you know I think it's gonna be about sort of keep trying to keep things authentic feeling for users, even as the companies I suggest. suck you end all their services, even though nothing about instagram forces you to use facebook right it I think, of the bad luck in is I want to try to from product. I can't leave because of acid microsoft bought sunrise, and now I have to use outlook liking in those other hostile to the house the rays, and then they go
watch as we watch, which now they don't worry about money and there's growing features right right and those are kind of there are different ways to go, and it's typically the companies that are like weaker in the market that don't lock you in it's hard. It's like, I think, that's why amazon will. Happily let you set spotify as the default cause they're not going to just compete, but they're not going to string, the f at the echo for some echo and echo they're not going to they're not going to hamstring the echo by tying it to amazon music like they'd, rather just win with the go and then later on once they have won the can the seamus. Is why I'm so sad? I think amazon, maybe because yeah, maybe because they're a bit of an underdog in some of these markets, but amazon just seems to do it right and I really wish they were good at phones. So know it's not like how you have this worms, fuzzy feel towards him. As I would such lake incredible competitors- and you know, undercut everybody in spend most of my time and audible. Amazon bought
a long time ago and ever messed up I've been buying. More stuff on amazon finally got over my fear of ordering things online data and then they bought twits and they don't mess it up there. Like a very developer friend, a company like as far as like the tec toxins, and I feel like I that ignore them to die but yeah. Maybe it's just I'm not afraid of them. The way I am afraid of a google or apple that, like oh, they. Me and using this I might be, I messaged I might be tracked just yet I mean I don't think it's soy now like it's just building right, but if these are all hypotheticals, but if the ai thing happens and google stuff is way better people are going to realize they're locked into the ios ecosystem. That probably won't happen, but that one thing as another example super silly, but once people have to buy new headphones, who has found
so you have a dongle permanently plugin their stuff. They are, as you know, the list. The new anecdote from this week with some as like. What's that don't like this? This is the dongle for headphones on our right to fort. So you can. These wireless Sound arguments of antenna- oh that's really because before given that could double as an antenna and get you better, sir this out. That would, I would love awesome. Jordan. Don't you but the idea out there because net our own there's gonna, be some terrible. It's got a brilliant idea. Diners you pull up on the lack of calling pull it up and snap and open dialogue now, but, like the bluetooth heading, That's what I don't mean the wire one solution headphones: the fact that to get the best bluetooth experience and the iphone you have to buy bids, funds not just another little example of locking mike it's it's over the industry. Don't get me wrong? I just think it
going to come to some sort of head, because people are going to understand that it's happening to them and they're going to not like it. I think the lock in is coming because apple was so successful with it and everyone else Google or whoever is like. I need a piece of that action. I just like the echo to me is: what does amazon need really needed? Music trimming service? They are really need one, but they know they have this peace. A heart of people like you get money way to spotify, or they could collect it themselves. We have an idea: do you think amazon is going to start making it's own music, the way it makes it content for dreaming. We saw what would the amazon ban be called the prime there were just called the prime primo free furthest packet, I try to think of the so amazon. Technique with tv shows is find a well loved, existing property
or a well love existing director, and so so they would take. They make a super group out of like members that used to be part of other. super it'd be like fergie, an harry styles. Well, this is the worst eddie. How a recall by the Jeff basis, funk would sell like crazy. I wanted to sell a crazy free with your amazon prime freely opera fergie now just comes through. That comes your house's elects a drop of the order anything from amazon For now, fergie brings a two year period off drops stupid right out, I was just talking to some of your suit, who said they were in seattle over the weekend on vacation major by the amazon com. Is it just saw them testing the delivery drones really, which is amazing?
cool. What were they delivering? I don't think she got the piece of shit I think you something tat was Bobby's lets you gotta is. It was actually fergie there will be that Fortunately, unfortunately, that note on that on that very strange and some of story note, for he felt from the sky millions, it's all the galaxy, and this is really a guy. He was such a good part, two okay, that was it. That was the whole show. I want to thank matters are class once again for sponsor juries episode, mass grasping so with great courses but bringing their old scores. Shutters and sorkin tee mass glass and streamlining its thirty five. Lessons for six hours, videos or inaccurate assignments. It'll help you weren't It is raining writing on screenplays errand covers the the storytelling dialogue care to foment what makes us troops sell for an exclusive clip of air.
in discussing how he dialogue could master class stockholm slash the verge, that's masher clash that come forward. Slash verge. Was that smashed class there's also tons of stuff to listen to all over the verge lauren good it's a share. What's your show called too embarrassed to ask whatsapp what happened this weekend to embarrass? Ask we talk all about exploding batteries there you go, but no really check it out. Itunes, dot com, read recode dot net forward. Slash too embarrassed to ask. It's everywhere everywhere, ever its honour r, snapchat right now, what's tat happens on tuesdays chris plant? Actually, We could really cool distress. Wasn't there caitlin too, his genius and our staff jested ashley carman on as a guest. They talked about how gifts are taking over photo apps, which is really interesting and really fun to listen to actually and then what might you control italy on thursdays just for fun this week we also talked about excellent There is, but then some other stuff, while just won't just read things to serie o like the whole show- and it's like it's not fighting working, it's great is a classic walt podcast and then
especially does recode decode and peter kafka. Recode media, all which are wonderful, said, go in itunes, find all that stuff, listen to it or don't, but just make sure you read it because that's important us go to twitter, we're at virgin, twitter rat were verge on. Such ass were virgins ever gonna, be I am at reckless and twitter polls. Paul's future paul bongos on good jordan, you Jake olson K, l goals, jail goes on twitter, Jordan, Colson Samsung, reporter extraordinary this week diverge we're going to get there the car soon one of these two aspects. if all Jordan's doing just great work on the story, which I don't think it's over yet anyway, that was it that was rich has happened to us into you and together
strange, it was amazing, practical part, Paul rock scotch.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-06.