« The Vergecast

Gadget news, FCC's final proposal, and Vlad


Here’s The Vergecast. This week, Nilay, Dieter, and Paul plow through a week of news starting with (no surprise) the FCC’s ongoing mission to destroy net neutrality. This was also a week full of new gadgets — from the new Microsoft Surface Pro, to the Jamboard, to a $9,000 laptop, we walk you through the things we saw and reviewed in the Circuit Breaker world. Also, even though we filled our time, we added a bonus segment in between it all: Vlad Savov, a fan favorite of the show, stops by and quickly breaks down what is on his mind and what gadgets have piqued his interests. There’s a whole bunch of other stuff discussed on the show, (sorry, this show is an hour and a half), so listen through it all for more. 03:27 - Breaking down the FCC’s proposal to destroy net neutrality 32:36 - Inside the mind of Vlad 49:38 - And now, a brief definition of the web 51:03 - Microsoft's new Surface Pro has 13.5 hours of battery life and LTE option 56:22 - Microsoft has created a Surface USB-C dongle for “people who love dongles” 1:00:12 - DJI's $499 Spark is the company's cheapest and tiniest drone yet 1:04:43 - Google made a $5,000 whiteboard — and it’s weirdly fun 1:06:14 - Samsung responds to complaints about HDMI switching, will offer a firmware update 1:10:57 - How Anker is beating Apple and Samsung at their own accessory game 1:11:54 - Acer Predator 21 X review 1:14:14 - Paul’s weekly segment “Vroom Vroom goes the car” 1:17:00 - TV lightning round

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Well. And welcome to the verge cast the flagship, podcast, the verge dot com, the multi channel media experience about technology in emotions. Can I just admit to everyone that I'm having an emotional week, you can sew policy or hi Paul hello, dears. Here I am also having a a week, but just the three of us this week, oji crew. But yesterday I acquired the last episode of control the lead with Mr Walmart, where we put his last column today. I have some news to share. That is much happier than that. Which is that on june, ninth dieter obey in town, mere city elevator, according the last special episode of control, to lead a life
in your city, at the school, a visual arts and sixpence closer at six p m new york city ticket stuff is coming soon, work, explain how that works I'll just undisconcerted, just full transparency I've been waiting all day for the link for someone cause not in charge of tick. I run a lot of things. I don't run ticketing says I the waiting for somebody to give me the link the buy link. So I can put up the post. I don't have yet working on. It does they're good people they're working hard or settling on some things, so I believe the tentative plan is, I'm not actually going to be on the the live control, alt delete, but I'm going to be in new york so that every time they say my name on control, delete albina, dunk tank and you're? Just gonna get wives, slack notifications we're talking but It's me: why must its? We did? Seventy five, you know prerecorded standard up, says a country delete. Randy one last live dieter when you com, if you jus. Ninth, six p m school of his words, I assure
for you, there will be a post on a site for that. That is, it takes the the bitter and makes it sweet, or is that a thing? It's bittersweet it's sweet and get better, because there's like a pill now that you could take a coach, I dunno, there's like a weird fruit of their fruit, that is a weird fruit that you eat. To make the whole thing: that's all shows are weird fruit for your body, anyway, united parameter was both the last control at the weight of the regular I'm an waltzes common observe it a little bit of a mood. Say and we're down to one podcast. Now I will say that last week, on the show I asked for more progress. It is specifically said: please don't just save lad. Many of you failed to listen. So we might have something for you a little bit later in the shower, but we are good we're so yeah it should not just be one solo flagship. Current had just like.
Higher, like we did a bad job with the armada log airships or to strip despair. which destroyed our flotilla, voluntary, amicable, yeah, well deserved retirement. Yeah of the ship sailed off in literally in the distance anyway, but because we're we have some fun stuff to talk about. In the show a little surprise for the vibe people, come up, but I want to start heavy. I mean that I'm in the emotional place to start heavy there's heavy news this week, whereas our having so we're going to start with net neutrality. there's a bunch of us. I promise you if you if you do Let me have you with us skip ahead in there's like a good time waiting for you. if your journey emotional zone with me, this is where restarting net neutrality so for or against. Dammit,
I actually have a whole thing, I'm writing next week, it's not publish on monday that it occurred to me throughout this entire debate that I don't actually care about now. Aldi for it's own sake. The first draft with me of this- and I gave him a a sixteen point comment and then I deleted all the swear. Words yeah and I don't think he's gonna accept any of those. There are a bunch of swear words anyway, so I'm working on it, but I want to start their worth with the listeners sides argument on child you out born. I debated a lot: cutie pie and his army of trolls, who work with him at the fc to literally try me on twitter, so I don't even feel bad about coin that it's not really about the policy right. The thing is the consumer product that you buy. Internet access is often overpriced and bad. There are lots of reasons for that. You can either try to attack it in saying there should be more options in the market or should competition.
We are better generally, when there is competition, things are better or you can say wow. This is really hard and the way that the market is structured, competition doesn't seem likely. We should make it. We should have public policy in place. That says he can't be. They can't do the things that people don't like that, the whole whole structure of the thing right. If you have an internet service provider comcast, I always pick on comcast disclosure contest as an investor who asked media. If you have comcast and they start blocking bittorrent, which they have done, and you can't reasonably switched know that provider to register your outrage at such behavior, while you're screwed We should probably make rules rule that I can't do that. So that's like where I'm at with net neutrality right like the thing itself
I'm just firmly on the side of these companies are basically monopolies, there's very little competition. They tend to raise prices and not make the service better over time. We're not going to fix it. I I just don't believe it so we should probably have some regulations. That's a good reasonable place to start at a policy disagreement, but this is week that budget pie I and the other republican commissioners of the sea put out what they call their notice a proposed rule making. So if kicked off the official start of the process by which they roll back net neutrality, so this isn't the plan. That's actually like an important point it is not their plans are like questions. Yet it's there like searching plaintive questions about the nature of a regulatory state, but I mean how often does this hey? We want to make some rules already tell us what you think I hears what we think we're gonna make some rules, but tells me
that's basically what this is right. I would describe these as very leading questions. We had gg son, who is a very smart person. She used to be a counselor to chairman wheeler when he was on the fc. She wrote analysis of. It was like basically what this document is is a series of leading questions that presuppose the. sars and use a lot of ice, p, funded studies to draw conclusions but conclusions the form of a question time. I've I've put im out here, c n p r m is out came out this week. We have a bunch of stuff on it to read on the site. If you only get deep into it, Jake wrote a great piece noting two point: six million comments were filed in between the draft in this final version and they made no changes and responses to these comments, which I think is fascinating, made some changes in response to like legal fostering. So in the inevitable lawsuit comes earnest stronger place, but that the millions of people have commented their views,
But there are some lines here that I think are worth reading embarrassed. evidently about what we think about his net neutrality, no blocking no throttling, no paid prioritization, the stuff that people don't like and they know what their eyes we slip here's a line. We emphasise that we oppose blocking lawful material. The commission has repeatedly found the need for. No blocking rule on principle, with the freedom to send and receive awful content to use and provide applications and services without fear of blocking is essential to the internet's openness. That sounds good, but then here's the searching point of the question. We have reason to think providers would behave differently if the commission were to eliminate the no blocking rule is that no blogging rule necessary or bored or burdensome and smaller providers and swimming back leading questions are like well they're not doing it now, but if we took the rules with a baby. They wouldn't do it anyway, because everyone agrees. I think it's very strange. Here's those same question for no throttling
Does the no throttling rule prevent providers from offering broadband internet service providers with differentiated privatisation that benefits consumers doesn't know, throttle no harm, latency, sensitive applications and content. Does it prudent prevent product differentiation among ice peace? If we eliminate a blocking rule, should we also eliminate the no throttling role it sounds reasonable, but what they're saying is we might have any rules at all for the internet. What
they're also like they're setting up a particular kind of like burden of proof. Right like please prove that it's also asking people to prove a negative like there's a flip side to asking a leading question, which is: if we didn't have this rule, would they do something you know? Has anybody done something bad? That shows that we need this rule, but the flip side of the question is: has this rule? Actually she she like done anything bad to these people right, yeah and, like I think the answer to both of those questions might actually be a little bit fuzzier than partisans on both sides of this issue would want to admit, but like throwing it into that, like muddy, proven negative style waters. sort of means that no matter how you rhetorically respond to that question, you end up in muddy waters and then they could just say. Well, it's muddy we're going to do what we want yeah. So and now you want to say something problem. You just read that too, and so paid prioritization, for example. Allowing pay prioritization given answers source writers, a subtle.
Until revenue stream that would enable them to offer lower price broadband to to end users. What will be the impact A new startups innovation doesn't know paid. Privatisation will harm the development of real time interactive services. Should the commission imposed restrictions on these business models at all this, makes. It seem- and I just want to be really clear on this- that one outcome is a comcast would start to do paid privatisation, netflix pay as you go, Mr Annan, they'll have more money and then I'll take that money in service like counting. It is profit, though use it to make your prices lower which is never going to happen like that not the incentive structure of a publicly traded corporation at all. Why it is actually know that such true it is you set the structure for publicly traded corporation if they need to compete on that price right, but if they don't, which they don't
right, it's sort of like your rights of. I think. One thing that really interesting is that there are four national wireless carriers and just team wall. Trying to be more competitive has made that market more competitive one can but one actually competitive company ripen. That is not the case for spectrum in new york city. There are very few companies can head up, compete with spectrum in your city from how I've got an optimum versus files fight my neighborhood lawyer, but that egg a files, tangentially related here, into her eyes, and I do not think this is a rising employ, but somehow I believe he was either the commission or files and he's like an he's like into nagging realistically alike, shows up at my door like the earnest sucks. Doesn't it
I bet you, can you interviews person a shared and. Maybe I'm not that strong, emotionally solid person I like to believe I am I got a back door because he called me a liar. I said I got a certain amount of speed down and speed up and they're like well. Why don't you benchmark it on the phone? So I did the google speed test. If my phone was slower than what I sat and he was like see, it's that slow as like this, not my typical experience with my service as well. That's what the phone says, and so I closed the door wow. That is crazy. though, I want to work towards a situation where he gives me a good discount on files, and I can move over the files because it would be an upgrade yeah, but I don't have to lose my pride yeah and he really. It's just that I'm a smart man and all you need to you need to do the reverse neg. You need an egg right back. I think,
Maybe I could now rise and keeps lessening its investment in fibre and an end to the home If your mother, I dont, know why don't you leave me radiation? Has her long haul give me fires before, even with the switch, I had so here's another one. This is the least controversial net neutrality, rule of no one ever disagree with this. It's the transparency rules, so they're gonna do stuff they have to. Oh you, I dont know. If anybody has ever disagreed with this rule, we see comment on whether to keep If I were eliminate the transparency rules, when the commission adopted transparency, rule in two thousand and ten enhanced it in two thousand and fifteen. It found that effect. Disclosure of an answer is riders network management practices performance in she'll terms of service, promotes competition, innovation, investment and use your choice and broadband adoption yeah. That's him. True, we continue to support these objectives and see
comment and whether the existing transparency rule is the best way to accomplish them or through other methods we can employ. I just read that and what I see is what we're looking for is a bit like support in the record for us to not have these rules at all Indeed, I think this is to your point right there, in my mind how they're asking these questions really speaks of something deep. So here's one question about offer rules. Could the continued existence of these rules? The net neutrality rules negatively impact future. innovative pro competitive business deals. They would not buy themselves, run a foul of merger conditions or established antitrust law. That sounds fine, but it means what chairman pie is trying to do is apply. The boundaries of antitrust law to what the fcc does. It is not actually the fcc standard, that is a federal trade commission, standard
ass, you see standard. Is the public interest serve if he saying I don't I'm trying to go to a different legal methodology for evaluating these things? That is the house that isn't it the house of different agency and that's exactly what he did with broadband privacy right. He said the ftc is better at regulating privacy, the fcc we're going to roll back this broadband privacy, rule Think this whole document. I read all these questions together. What you get is the sense that- and this is what gigi wrote him I too, that they want to eliminate all the rules eliminate all the authority for the fcc to pass new rules and change the entire standard by which we evaluate these practices not from. Are they in the public interest? Are they providing consumers with better service or prices, but would this run a foul of anti trust, which is a much radically higher standard for evaluating corporate behavior than one? That's out of the seas,
main in the first place, it's transferring self over to the f tc right right. So a good example here is microsoft. Delaying in our explore with windows and logging on netscape break ran a foul of anti trust, lock, as they were tying things together. Comcast blocking bit torrent doesn't live in that zone, but I would argue that most consumers, your experience, that were unhappy about it right in the market of the internet, was harmed by it in some way. so if you're gonna say it has to reach that. Like microsoft level, I can't really change what you're saying I don't get the exact impression from the language. It sounds like other any interested opera tune, it is on the table that are currently barred by these rules, but but that don't go so far as to violate anti trust like is there is there is, but
the area. Is it? Is there a zone in there where you feel like you could be more innovative and do more interesting things or make more money? If we didn't have this rule- and we want to hear the examples yeah, but we're not saying going to condone violating anti trust or fight. They have tc just want to know of examples, this opportunity yet, and so this comes back all the way. To the first thing I was saying, which is if what a jeep pie was proposing to the to the american consumer, was just listen. to get rid of these rules- and you are in the end up with twenty broadband internet service cutters and they can do whatever they want, and you can pick up again. I'm with you go crazy. I do not think that that this leads to that. I think that this leads to the existing robin providers getting richer, gotten, potentially building bigger networks.
through that process, actually becoming more powerful and less less responsive to competition, and I just think that this is a dangerous zone Right, where all of the only measure of success that you have is like how much money, eighteen to spending to build out its network, which is his primary measures capital expenditure. All your measuring is like those companies getting bigger. You not measuring new entrance into the market. You're, not measuring head up competition right rise in files. Verses was it was you don't you have always because if spectrum them to leave up to you like that, is actually kind of the measure like how much the choices wire broadband is the average american have if That was the measure and we are saying we pass the title to rules and the average number of choices went down to one of audit sucks.
If we, if we get rid of all these rules- and we agree that the measure is going to be to the average american suddenly get two or three choices- ride broadband thou be a very interesting point because the like we see in the mobile market t mobile, rated one service as you are ready to tee mobiles. three and they all ended up at a moment of data points is that's what consumers want, so I dont believe for the most part that the government has the power to effectively give uses more choice or better prices. What they do have is the power and usually the responsibility to stop consumer abuse from companies. Advertising like predatory practices. That goes well. There's this other line here. Everything about these guys by the way is, like they all just remind me of like freshmen dorm, like it just the tone of everything they write internet service they asking if internet service provider should be telecommunications,
The heart of the question? Internet service providers do not appear to offer telecommunications defined as the trains in between or among points specified by, the user of information of the user's choosing without changing the form or content of the information is sent and received. That makes no sense. That is exactly what you think the internet does. But there are you in his broadband internet users do not typically specify the points and quotes between, among which information to mine. Instead, routing decisions are based in the architecture of the network, not consumer instructions that is such a be like. To me, that's beyond the abstraction of how all of us think of the internet. Like I go to youtube and like I would like youtube to giving this video not. I want youtube server, five located in mountain view, to send me this video. I don't think anybody thinks of the internet that way it
The whole idea of how are we changing the standards by which we judge the conduct and how retaining the language by which we describe the network that to me, is where I think there are voicing the issue of. Does he have to see operate in the public interest like how should the internet work the average american experience internet- and if you dont, have a lot of choices then I think we absolutely should make rules about what every internet service rudders required to provide EU because lots of you I only have one choice and I don't see where that new competition is coming from space space. Where could have been the internet, peter. I consider the camera just staring off into space off into say something controversial yeah. I actually I've been thinking about this burden of proof, thing, yeah and like to me all of these arguments, which get pretty wonky and technical sort of boil down to you know what
If we didn't have the rules as anything bad gonna happen, probably not something bad happens will deal with it and we reflexively I reflexively like yeah. No, I don't trust you one, because I do think something bad will happen and two. I don't trust you or believe that you'll actually do something about it. If something bad does happen, but the controversial thing is like you know what, if I am perfectly happy to try to have the burden of proof put on us, that taking these regulations away could cause something bad to happen. Like that's fine, I actually don't know rhetorically that it should because we've already litigated this once, but if he wants to litigate it again and make us prove that if they take these rules away, something bad will happen and fine I mean we'll, do it. I think that that's a perfectly reasonable thing to be expected to do
I think it's not being done in a way that is like adheres to the principle of like charity and honest. You know discussion and rhetoric, but nevertheless, like the. I think the thing that is actually like recoil like makes me recoil about this- is that I don't trust that they're asking these questions in good faith, but I like, if someone were asking these questions of good faith. I would very happily like have that discussion, and so the the question is like. Do we engage in the discussion about do? If we take away net neutrality rules, will things go bad? Do we like to we want to be like honest, even though it feels like they're asking these questions in a dishonest way and, like I dunno I actually am less against being Like my ass about dishonest question, like that's fine yeah, I disagree.
Phrases. All of the big internet companies are now putting out marketing materials that we support the open internet we believe a net neutrality. Just not title too. Pie has been out there that this thing opens with. We believe in the open internet by open internet is interesting phrase. It's a super trusting phrase bone close internet whatever that means, but they're all out there saying that right leg We know you're worried about these behaviors and we agree with you there not the right, behaviors and then this whole document this whole. This whole document that seeks to put into the record evidence about what rules we should have asks questions about whether those rules are needed yet right, so that the starting point of the rhetoric is, we agree, read that there should be no blocking of content on the internet straight up. The carriers are set at the fcc has said it. This document says it and in the next question
is that said, do we need really need a rule that says you shouldn't block things on the internet? You could reverse that and you can say well. If we all agree, then we're going at this rule down and you're not going to do it and it's not a problem. It's not a cost free. If I do, I made a rule that says we shouldn't murder people, america, like we, have a lot of them. I don't know we shouldn't do. I think these are good questions. I really do because, because I think it's important to understand exactly why we have a rule has, I think, make us a little more concrete and yet little little less theoretical view describe net neutrality five years ago, It would fairly obviously say that it's bad the t mobile makes some videos, forty p but gives you an unlimited amount of them now. Well that some music services are free to stream, but not necessarily all of them. They have to have a you know. A deal with t mobile And I remember when that came out, it sounded pretty pray. Shady,
and like this isn't gonna work out and t mobile is probably gonna like pick winners and it's not gonna be good instead What I have now is an arm and a quorum. Unlimited mobile internet connection I haven't thought about my data cap in ever since I switched over to it. The every once in a while. I'm bothered that the video thou marching on empty is not perfectly hd. ninety nine percent of the time. I'm not, and I am very happy with the situation as though you going in any an ideological way. This is a thing that companies doing. That sounds against the spirit of a thing that I believe in and then having experienced it practically. I think I'm fine, where the current situation- I I I think on this showed he said I have had the debate like ireland,
I don't know how to read t mobile zero rating right like the way that they were doing. It was really interesting. The way that eighteen team verizon or do it is not nearly as open right there they just straight up on cash, then everything else is slow and your thing is fast right like that is how they operate. There's your rating. Games. Those are different right, unlike when Tom wheelers FCC looked at these things, they explicitly said the weighty mobiles doing it doesn't appear to be a huge problem, but the way these other guys are doing, it does appear to be a problem and you can make out a value which is in the public interest. The other thing that I'll know- and I can come back to this- the mobile mark- It is not super competitive but its way more competitive than the fixed broadband market right. The euro, you haven't had that experience between fires and, ultimately I shall hear here's a fixed fix broadband theoretical right now
a lot of consumer routers. Do the throttling and privatisation they sort of list the ports that gonna, like I'm, going always keep a little bit of bandwidth for voip a little bit of bandwidth for skype or something right now will I who configure known my it's roommates rather I am my own rapid works. Fine, but it's lynching of my up. My ruins rather double nat double matthew remains router, it's terrible so like right now. I think I know what you're in its my apartment, if someone's it's downloading something on steam yeah, you can't load up a website, read like it. It just sort of it just breaks because steam takes all the bandwidth and it's not you know, our our traffic isn't shaped, and it should be shaped by with a better router yeah, but just one router.
It works really. Well it's a long appointment. We do too, you know what don't worry about it. I'm gonna get your euro. Thank you, but the I spy could offer this service quote. Unquote, like hey, will shape your traffic prioritize for you yeah and which allows going alike inside of the old net neutrality rules. I was in their reasonable. Work management practices as long as they're, transparently disclosed super okay, like that there wasn't a co like the ice. Peas were like look, we need to be able to do this and the rules were they reflect that at the just think the differences. What if there is a real say, you couldn't have your router and then network, where if he asked he said we'd love to give you a lower price. We ve got a rent. This exact rather from us like that, runs a foul of the no locking idea. What if they say when are you be cheap wifi, but you have to buy up a mobile phone from us
That runs a foul right like what, if they say only certified will give you the fastest possible bandwidth, but only certified devices can it can connect to your home network? that is exact. That takes us all the way back to eighty and teasing we were going to sell you, the phones of ourselves and the fcc acted in that case and said no people should be able to connect whatever they want to. We're just in that zone and what scares me about these questions, I think either this is kind of what you're talking about like these are great questions. They are fantastic thought starters for us to sit around in a coffee, shop or bar and talk about. They are not great questions to complete reset the public policy of like billions of dollars of infrastructure investment in america- and this is like the question both of you have is: is fcc abdicating a responsible billions to consumer protection? Yet because that is their charter right to operate in the public interest? And I
I look at this and there's there's another whole thing here, which we don't have time to. Do. We get all kinds of other stuff to do and actually fun things to talk about. But there's a whole other thing here where the fcc is not allowed to like whipsaw right. They have to regulatory agencies are required to maintain some stability that would be nice. and so they're not allowed to just capriccio has changed their mind when there's democrats or republicans so pi has to prove to a court cause. There's inevitably going to be legal challenge is proved to a court that the market conditions have changed, such that this policy is it's required for him to change it into that. He went into this rulemaking with that with an open mind that his mind was already made up on the first. It's harry he's the people going to argue about whether network investment is for down. There's a lot of evidence on both sides. Actually, I think, there's more evidence on and I think the fact that the ceos of these companies all told their investors that everything was fine and like all full steam ahead, while they all thought Hillary was going to. One is like pretty indicate
it was the fact that it wasn't a big problem and then he's got to prove that his mind isn't already made up and he's running around. He he be kicked off this process by saying this is a fight we're going to win, and it's like so you your mind was made up so we'll see Anyway, I did I wanted to talk about your definition of the word, but I think we should rightly some fun stuff too late How can we you know it's fun, yeah vegetables, to talk about the web? Alright? Well, let's do let's do this for that go on to me, I'm just telling the listener we're going on today, wherever you drive and in your car take the long way whatever your ironing, irons, more double irons, okay, so a lot of people out there for chess listeners, my favorites people do my heart tweeted at me and said what you wanted was flat. I did for you that was in new york. Did not tell me why, but I love seen him. I know I was here: he's taken photos of headphones. What else to do anyway,
Gotta do that new york come on. I brought him in the studio yesterday, while here in recorded the blood sample whitening around. So I'm going to read this ad, then you're, going to get a pure dose of lad them or come back or task was from fun. Stuff regret this so the bridge has brought to you by the art of shaving. What does a secretive, well groomed, guy there shaving founded in new york, in making any six. The aren't shaving has helping guys look their best for over twenty years. You're, a sharing has your total routine covered, whether shaving beard, maintenance, hair, skin body or fragrance. the art shavings award, winning products are formulated with the highest quality, botanical ingredients featuring pure essential oils. The four elements of the perfect shave have been created to deliver smooth result everyday start by prepping skin, with their signal.
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broadcast listeners, I've especial alert, vlad sav of is in the new york office. He sitting. Crosser me in Pakistan now. As you know, last week I issued a call on the verge cast for new podcast. It is, I specifically said you can't just ask for vlad. I want show ideas. Many of you failed to heed these instructions and just asked for vlad. So here he is he's right in front of me: has it gone, but allow so we're just going to do It's five minutes inside the mind of lad. Some of you ready for this. I think so. What are you doing in new york, because I'd I dont know he's looking at me is smiling some of us, no I'm in new york this is dangerous. We can tell people that it was fulfilling. Their requests showed up and just warm their hearts that will listen the truth I came over to san Francisco to the bay area. To do. I owe
I shall have photos for the live blog. I hang out with dita and indeed said, go to new york. I listened yeah and I turned up here I will describe. The trip. Is reverse santa claus trip The essentially so it has, of course goes around the world and drops off present for people of than is actually opposite have come with no luggage at all, just empty bags and others picking up gadgets, yeah So what I have done is of gotta California. We have a ton of re, fascinating, but small scale have on companies when they she missed stuff, there's always customs issues that we need to get through and nobody customs understands. The review unit can go back to the united states. He there to pay taxes whatever to mass. So I just pick things up myself and we have we shut. Thousands and thousands of photos here in new york office would have professional photo team so that saves me having to do it myself when I'm back in london. and now I am set with a billion gadgets, mostly headphones, that have to reopen next couple I'll eat when he got eyes
I think we got a bad, an excellent o which may be supposed to be pronounced, excellent they'll make sure it wasn't. I it's easy about it, but actually they are really fantastically good, any headphones yeah they cost thousand dollars. I also have defended fx, a nine which nobody seems to be aware of. Even the offender have been horrible, besides the fact that the exist these are in each other's me there in years, like silicon molded right, finally, custom ones, but not custom. They say today something I ninety five percent of peoples is those costs, one thousand two hundred dollars, so just like top gear, I'm getting really hard core you advice daily apparatus and wages, but we here it is like a little preview defenders too, There is more than the buyer dynamics, but they dont only one year is good yeah, so I could actually make.
Viable argument for why you would spend a thousand dollars on any headphones at the biodynamics and then just say: okay, I'm done spending money on that category of device yeah. I would just fall in love with these headphones because you can do that defenders not so much. They have a very particular tuning, which some people might love. but I feel most people want yeah. So as it is, I also picked up a pair of shore as he five for five in years as well, which are from twenty fourteen yeah. I think the the pets that the review better have was made, and we think that any just kept. It is their shores way. They keep one model forever rear. What you say that final but this code as egos his second edition and what it did show. Usually a really curious about the sound, but it did was people asked the same would Alison has asked for me, and here I am people.
then we say dramatic, word: tweet lad three times he shows up in new york. Exactly do have a weak, so people said we need obey. So ass. You did. Ok will give you a second edition of the five four five areas and that base are they have just gorgeous. Like is not do much now they didn't like go, but it didn't go to bed territory, but is just to the point where I feel like. I love it and I want more and is because in a given it to me, I love you more. I see the tease me kid this morning with the absence, makes the heart grow fonder. The absence of the deepest bass right well think of deep have extension, it just the quantities just right to where I was one more yeah and that that is how a good relationship should go personal or with technology and funny. This is the most exciting thing as to income, can k a double than yet another one thousand dollar product, and when I presented two people nowadays daylight, is it me? Yes, I freaked out yet. First question is: what is it second,
Who is it for? It is a portable media flat. They still exist, yeah, ok, but it is two inches thick has to have. One jack's has two: as you call slots, to use people as soon as he is busy and micro xvi for as the and micro sd and has he's vocables storage would it is a massive beautiful thing and has its volume roca, which you even ask me, is that fake sounded making, but not hasn't mc cool thing where you use loud. Mechanical click when you toilet is fantastic, subtle, rocker, the euro is a cylinder of rigid and that all that is just excellent. To touch in hand, it's good mechanical input devices are leaving. This is like a trace of the world's ultimate ipod, yeah right
the ultimate in every respect, look at ultima in terms of size in terms of ergonomics cause. He also has physical keys and, as the other thing again purism about this, the everything else. The back button is a back button. Harris is just rewind, you're. Trying to tropical I do this is a thing. Runs android inga, like that suburban drawn up in your music changes. You like wizened, going back at the interface, so rewind and fast food ha buttons play button and home button as it so one physical controls, okay, first of all, the android to think of something like android five point something yeah some version of it is slowest sin gay and display, is not of a high quality, but as a trouble again, we want, companies they consume the high, but they don't sell as many device this or the council's, the high cost only displays, and so on. the shame we need, somebody,
like samson, wanted to be a device latest and put an honest green on this. I would just gush over I mean I load as it is, and what when people say they like put it so huge and does it fit in a pocket efficient pocket? Yes, the difference with it is when you actually plugging a good pair of headphones again thing with a bite, and I I put it was on. When I was in our san francisco office, I sat down and I I was just anchored to my seat. didn't even matter what music I was listening, I'm listening to mp freeze because as far as I'm concerned, if I don't hear the difference, just listen to basic mp freeze, it isn't that much of a audio great yeah right, I'm not paying one thousand dollars for something that will make me chase around for flac files and whatever else I want just the basic immediately accessible upgrade for that sort of price, and I'm literally just anchored to my seat and I'm like no I'm gonna get up like I've got work to do I describe it is it's kind of like an accordion
soundstage. So do we listen to music is like right around. You knows I say around your eyes and in this fingers expands it and a bit of audio files. Jargon head is holographic where everything it's free to mention around you, so you don't hear just left and right stereo you hear like a zigzag, would have musicals forwards backwards and so on just yeah. It is terrific. It really is terrific and again everybody else me after they find out what it is. They're like. Oh people still make those yeah. The second question is: who is it for, and I can't give you a solid answer, I didn't say as a gift. That would be terrific, for that. person, who has everything you buy them the world's most complicated mp. But many of us have that person in terms of gadgets like if you bought me a laptop, I just shrug and be like. Okay I'll add it to my other ones. Yeah. If you bought me, the phone I'd be like come on, come on. By Mr Cox. At this stage, what switched to funds funds cause? You have been against a lightning round
and when I say we we're going deep into vlad's brain what you just heard was unadulterated feet of headphone information. That's what it is! That's flat! That's where he's at nowadays, but the other side is phones. You have deep thoughts on phones. He recently wrote a thing called. Google is boring, or it's time for google to be boring. What's going on in the android world, what what are your thoughts? You, you probably use it between you and Dan. You probably switch between more android phones and any other people. I know gimme gimme. Your lay of the land on the android side within reset is the pixel. I think the pixel continues to be underrated by most people yeah and just having a chat with somebody from It's only recently, and he asked me why people why? So? Why be so religious about picks? What is it about the phone? Besides the camera- and I said there is nothing besides. The camera yeah nobody's religious about the pixel as a device. It isn't great and says industrial design is
the reason special it's audio, I will tell you- is terrible yeah. I refused like the burden of excellence, as I do not plug them into the pixel. It is sacrilege, alright, This is the greatest argument. Flap or remove the headphones jack is like I'd. Really We just remove the headphone jack. Instead of give me this garbage. Really it's speakers, bad audio. Headphones is bad. This is a bluetooth bad when you pair of bluetooth headphones to the needs of his face. Oh, oh good good example is fine unless you cut the glass bit of the back of the pixel really and it just cuts everything off when I told grip for productivity yeah an undesirable not on our website, we got a whole website for stories like Literally, the moment is posted again, then you know you're wrong once again once one time he lived, but there was rarely ever met an achievement for translators, others many other times, but I will say no you give yourself enough credit you you're. Like me, you write, like ninety nine point: nine percent of the time yeah.
On that point. One, and I thank them for against the rest of us- have resumed sensory. The big do me is just a standard smartphone of any kind k iphone as well could go to jail for seven today, do not have one in my bag. Is it my back of foreigners idea seven, but the camera, the pixel issues exceptional? It takes photos, I can't take any other phone. So that's it for me, that is the decision make, then you have the galaxy s eight, which is for the vast majority of people. The perfect phone is terrific, like his design is so good is performance is display. I mean I can it is camera just isn't as good as the pixel, but that's it you have samsung. You have google and I do feel like they have just distinguished themselves on a higher tier than everybody else. Then you have guys like one plus who keep doing really good things. Industrial design, wise. It just kicked out this old black version of the one possibility, which is just extremely gorgeous.
a massive battery side as well. I will definitely use that if it wasn't use the pixel they just putting it up, I think, with famous camera company, to improve the cameras offended. They brought it up with the xo yeah, the the guys who did the benchmark Is that those again promising for one plus or c android is kind of a? It is in a weird situation, because the biggest sellers, the what the companies have grown, the most the chinese and, if firmly focused on the chinese market, so vivo and oppo, the fourth and fifth biggest smartphone manufacturers have doubled their sales, Over the past year, but almost all of it is either in china or nearby countries in the area and it it'll make their way here west, whereas assayed samson its google. Now with a pixel, I'm really. The only company that I have faith in is oji yeah
I go around this. Unless you're, I wrote an android deathwatch and the people, the people in the companies on the list were htc, LG and sony, and just today we reported that what was going to be a couple of days ago, one supposes, but whatever sony is cutting off. It's mid range phones to focus on it. His flagship devices, which you know my way of rephrasing. The headline is so many discontinuing its mid range phones to focus on discontinuing his flagship phones. Yeah it's a dead end with sony and I feel like that's the same way with htc, which is a damn shame because of love. They just see for the longest time, but they're not showing anything positive like everybody else is moving to no bezels agencies like nah we're fine, we'll have massive bezel
and you know how the iphone doesn't have a headphone jack and nobody's in love with that. As a feature we're going to keep doing that yeah, I dunno what htc does except not make enough pixels, that's correct, yeah. My working theory is that htc only sells like a dozen phones every month and then Google says guys are going to do phone. Can you cover this? For us and hd were like yeah? We've got this, but guys is going to be really popular phone is going to in the first google phone? Can you cover, for it is going to be big order and an thought? Oh so big orders are like twenty phones, yeah, and nobody likes sat down and communicated the whole, we need to produce a ton of these to satisfy demand like the pixels biggest problem. Is that not being able to participate alright, so and abiding around. What is your biggest obsession with what it would it? What's? The next thing that flag is obsessed with modern, I'm stuck on happens. I won't tell you what direction emasculate before me. There's a thing with it. You start we're headphone jacks
you amongst our entire staff were like this is fine. The future of headphones is digital interconnectors to their work. I did say two features they should and can. I saw the benefits of a sort of potential, but nobody aside for like a say these more nation between companies who are doing their own lightning cables and sure don't competent ash is doing it What is he led the way last year a bunch of them are due. nk was in when the integrates the digital to analog converter in the lightning cable and when the integrate amplifies into that they just automatically make the sound better. They don't depend on the iphone to produce good sound for their headphones. So I see the potential it'll be great. If apple were the ones who embracing it, it'll be great. If the how do manufacturers like sony, yeah right, are pushing that, but sony is actually pushing for better bluetooth, audio, which again I don't mind you know if, if they make blitz you for your work, brilliantly apple makes it clear that we want it underlines complaint.
am not somebody who just wants a wife for the sake of a why I wanted for the sake of the quality, if you can do to quality without the wire, then I moved thumbs up about it. Was it the reason I am certainly have homes, because, unlike phones, there is just an endless diversity would have us. Do me I have to do is vegetable stomach ache. Nobody knows how much diversity there is. What is your fair vegetable or tough, tough questions? he's really they. I want you to know that he looked down in asked spillage there. Yes, but two years ago, is carrots less correct of mood than what an important fight update. We ve moved on from goods spillage with phones you, you see all these lines, which are just parallel lines along every company. Yeah right, you can't break out of phones like with this acid can can which, like two and a half inches,
I've literally showed it to a phone design, a dude. I would love to put one of these volume clicky things in my device, but like his devices like tiny yeah, it's a piece of paper, so it has no room for it right. So phones have a lot of things. We just have to be a certain way and you can break out of it with audio would have phones, people doing these alien designs and every single one of them is slightly different. Some particular way it's almost like a fingerprint, so it's really really hard for you to just grow bored with headphones or vegetables spinach.
have you tried or have you tried the w one had fans? Are you an airpods person? I have, and I am not myself in airports person, but I totally see the benefit of them and everybody who's using them. You just psyched and loves them, so I can see the point. Listen if you listen to podcasts, you listen to radio meditation. Whatever I'm sure. That's great me, I'm I want like. I was saying the extra bass with the shoes and whatever arose about the music quality is perfectly fine for people to prioritize different things. I have used the w one with the beats sold the fries with an iphone and that that stuff is just stupid. How could his yeah, or just in terms of range keeping it always connected, never dropping out? It is super impressive, like every single phone like if everybody's doing that with bluetooth okay, then we can you and I can stop whingeing about the lack of headphone jacks yeah, but that's not the case
sofa. Let's see sony is pushing rather than contributing code to android now to make bluetooth better, we'll see. Alright, this is vlad free form, time you get to say. One thing tell the virtuous audience one thing that they need to know from vlad low, carb diets and the future. Oh, my god that was truly. I want you to know that was a complete top to bottom vlad experience. You All of it is there. You got it we'll we'll try to get him to show up new york randomly and do this more often, that's it flat out, say flat out flat out. There is flat out flat out so, where we're back in yeah. That's why we'll do more of lad. That was Souci five minutes and I am reliably told that I was in fact seventeen minutes. Also, the fact that we covered everything from like android fragmentation in china to spinach mean better than carrots. I don't know
I can give you a more pure vlad experience every week I dunno that you can handle it as listener, but I love that man anyway. Let's talk about some fun stuff, yeah spinach, more special, not going to talk about the web. Same though, due to the whole thing and in addition, the web, if we're not gonna talk about, I just think everybody should read it, because I feel it it's just what the verge was made for yeah, it's it's too, to draw the did the sort of person should the to a place on the internet to have a discussion about them like this is very important to us. I can read this in pakistan style: do you care about the future? the web. Are you interested in a nervous topics about what the web is? Go to? My website diverged outcome in enter africa dieter.
It was not at all sure- and I have a title of that- is that a lot less and now a brief definition of the web, which is a word way to start a headline and now, but I did it so that any time anybody from now on needs to complain about the death of the web or talk about how google amp or facebook its articles or whatever the hell is coming back. Is like undercutting the web. We just end every article with a link that says, and now a brief definition. That's great I'm really excited about. We need one knows permanent sidebar, so we can do now. You don't do this course sure you don't make a sidebar. You can put it any post. You want for ever think about it anyway, fun stuff gadgets, gadgets, gadgets boy, you gonna get your blog a truck. Now some big ashes might hold other surface event surfing can I say panels.
An aid, throwing the entire by being like there's no servers, revive ok, any service browsers, like kind of great here's. My big question with this, so their claiming thirteen and a half hours life partly due to cavy lake ass? A partly did to windows So how much did they do in hardware? first is how much did they do and software which is theoretically needs good? Every every laptop gets benefits of the software improvements. Whether other came. He lake chip set features that need to be optimized. My windows, no it's just window, but not that I know of no. I mean you should also note that they are claiming out eyes, battery life for the surface laptop in particular, because it's running windows, ten ass, which means its limited to.
Stuff from the windows store that there's a bunch of crap that is like legacy windows, stuff that can like break your battery life. So to me I mean I have so many things, feelings about the surface pro and I'm very curious to see how this thing handles chrome. I'm very curious to see how this thing handles other legacy windows apps besides edge, and it's also notable- I think- that microsoft's battery life claims are based strictly on like streaming, video or looping video, which is a radically different test than we do. It's rallied have tested a lot of people do, and it could just be that those battery life claims are pegged to optimizations against video. It's not like it's not dissembling to base a battery test on
It is perfectly normal thing to do, but you need to test these batteries up against a multitude of factors. Not just something that happened. Windows happens to have an optimized against video has especially those special chips, generous only forty coding. What's interesting like years and years ago, running video new laptop was a thing that killed the batter the fastest, and now it is the thing that will make the battery run the longest I've done so much harder, optimization, but talk about trolling from panels. Bernay we'll talk about it comments on usb see where who area before before we go there. So that's it that's great, but also their not tamar hopeful. We have surfaced devices now right there. their laptop. They have the surface pro they're, not calling the servers pro tablet anymore. The key in a laptop while they're on their just out there being like it said, let tat your laptop, which I think is fascinating. You think they're do that, screw with, like eighty see in their like way that they calculate pc sales.
That is an interesting conspiracy theory that I now wholeheartedly you nailed it. That is what I think wow the twelve surface pros they sell a year are going to really bump that number. I want to create a special pair of pants like with like right, is right above the kneecaps. That's designed to you know cause. You know that little flap that comes out of a surface yeah that is bad for laps now at slots into the pants ridges, and that's super great for laps to right. Where you got on that, I could get in the microsoft store. This really is complete, verge experience for the plague. Forty minutes and then you try and in public, like our custom tablet. Tat laptop allowed up at me and said about serves proves that there is a
core. I five version that is fanless and the fan on the I've got a surface pro four that I break out every now and then does spit up more than I'd like, and I love having a fanless computer. So I'm using the the new macbook and the idea that I could have something more like not just a core m processor, but a proper core. I five and have it be fanless. Is very interesting to me is definitely the core five. Yes, what's interesting, oh god! What? If I'm wrong remember when it Why? I was so mad about this? I knew it was going to make our jobs harder, oh that they like it. Call it a core! I find yourself re branded it. Some of its core him processors s gap with that. The core and lincoln non ets the service pro core, I'm three and cora, I'm pretty sure it's a proper core. I five, ok cool in. Video they when they yeah microsoft, makes like beautiful videos rather new product. I love them. I don't like
most fun to watch, but in the video or the introducing new surface pro they like they're, like no more fan, and I do like the fade, wipe to remove the fan, but then it fade wipes back in and it's like an lt each upset. It's like really! That's where you I love. I I've never understood why apple doesn't put wireless ships us in their computers, as I was searching, though he has a wireless chipset diet of dep, also in one of those either that or the source of. I think it is for this They use the same, be role of like diamonds like shooting into sky and a dome that movies with mikey uses in his interest to his youtube videos, hey Vaughan fact tyro. Yes, we see, What do we view as we see it as very confused? So we don't Put it in the surface laptop. We now know they haven't put it in the surface pro and I have been pointing out that
literally everybody else that matters in the industry is trying to push this future forward. Intel just made licensing for thunderbolt chips free they are going to build it into future versions of their cp use. Apple's pushing it. Google is pushing it. Samsung is pushing it. Why everybody's pushing it, but microsoft is like nope not for us. It's not ready and, and so Tom Warren obviously asked panels panay about it, and he said I love the technology and type c. I believe in type c, when type c is ready for our customers to make it easy for them will be there which add in all its little bit mean dear customers, maybe got this line that like customers like they, they seem customers with type c devices like plugging a phone charger and they think the phone chargers should charge their device it doesn't then their sad like
man. I don't really low opinion of your yeah, but then my favorite, if you love type c, it means you love dangles, yeah, we're going to give a dongle the people who love dangles. Yes, like the like we're not going to participate in like helping the future happened. We're gonna stay the stuff to people, know and understand, but you know what screw it will make a dongle, because Why not by donors, causes arousal nodded adapter? It's amazing, I'm so happy that microsoft is doing. This is just the best troll. How does this thing work? It is a I haven't seen a picture of it, which super annoying since supposed to be under the surface. Connector a correct. I think it's a surface turn that it gotta like an empty usb port on it. Usb seaport yeah. Does it operate at the full bandwidth of sea yeah, but I dont know if it'll support, thunderbolt right. because a the whole, because otherwise the service characters like the shit yeah? But I don't watch stuff, but I dont added
I just don't know how that works. no you can. You can aren't you can plug a full hub into a surface connector right, like their microbes, is really keen surface hob wishes like got like crazy display ports and I've been with you as we see it, love love of a blind you just like plugging the little magnetic wing on their servers reactor get all that stuff. So, like the kids examined your pc, I yourselves proprietary thing is yeah. It's I don't know what it is technically by like it's got the bandwidth and it could do the staff, and so theoretically, like you, should be to get most of the benefits of u s bc through this dongle. The question is like: Donal, any good housing constructed here's. What I want. I want a keyboard from surface pro yeah, an actual keyboard maybe a little battery in it. That's always nice. Some years bc slots
So that's that logic. I just gave it to you not op, but that's a different connector, that surface connector is the actual fan wing power thing. The keyboard connector is a different thing and I don't know if you can transfer that much data through the keyboard connect and I'm saying whatever and let the keyboard do that. But then you just have a little usb c bus and a little power yeah and clicking on the That's interesting, large attack not gather gone, bring boys lodging belts. Another call margie now accessories I'll shoot. You gotta go back and doesn't change its into belt. The spell I have this really bad. I like hip, hop bass campaign, know alright yo yo, Dj We went to suck Jim belts, I like you're like a british thugs and those are your to enforce algae folks,
dollars for everyone more gadgets? This is awesome. I got to see this inaction today. Dj I put out the spark the spark drone at five hours dollars. If the little guy it's like the center of it, is smaller than an iphone. Also a bit thicker. It's got a camera for the wings folds up. It's real tiny hair weighs about the same as a can of coke yeah, but here's how you control it. Do you see this today? When Ben was trying out? I didn't watch it so you you don't you can fly it with an app on the phone. You can buy a controller, but you don't need any of that stuff. You just double click the power button and hold it in your hand, and it takes off, and then you take a step back and you hold out your hand and it just it, finds your face and finds her hand, and it just follows your hand around. it's like your flying, the drum the force and then to take a picture. You just put your feet: yours together, like the classic director framing
like your other hand, you make a little rectangle with a forefinger. Oh, I guess it's odd. It's an audio show, so you do that but your hands down, and then it takes like for pictures and then, if you're outside you can like, flynn. Your hands out like flying far away and take a picture of you know this. This made me so there's a show cool. I believe it's an mit. I should try to find out for sure, but am There's some college did a research project where they you could programme drones to get you a type of shocked, yeah cause like there's like storyboarding and there's like the the language of film. It's like there's close ups, there's like wides and there's like two shots like where you know so, like you tell it in advance how you wanted to frame people, oh and it will move around automatically trying to keep that frame. Even while people are moving ball, audio not bumping into it,
Is it because we already have some smarts in our phones that, like try to like you, know, like you, take a bunch of pictures and you get rid of the ones when people are blinking or something like that and automatic light detection, but like having having intelligence, make framing better as someone who personally cannot frame a photo to save his life is very exciting to me. I like this idea I'll find out who actually did yeah well being but tj there's a lot of all the drone manufacturers do that now in some way, the what's happening with drones is that they got the cameras in the air and now the cameras and they've added lots of cameras. Now the cameras are flying the drone right and they all do like computer vision,
to do cooler and cooler things and now they've, just gotten to the point where you don't even need a controller of any kind. The journal just follow you around, like it literally detects your hand in the air and when you put your hand down the lights, turn red and just stays where it is. Until you put your hand up again lights, turn green and starts falling your hand again do as wild. I I what I think is most interesting about. This is like we just spent the first However, along this show talking about competition. Diedre has no competition. They actually are unique. There's like yeah, there's other company that will go prose like we have drones. They just folder like deja acts like its hunted. They are a company on the run their like, whatever here's another one, its smaller. We added more software features, we're doing all this stuff and unique yeah. You have a big investment from intel. They got a real sense, camera still pro return. You try right but like their other companies out there,
but their deja is you're so far ahead of the market in their just keep going and going and going, which I think is awesome like there are few companies that I think run that fast and have in. I think when we first start talking about drones, we all think thought of like the phantom, like. I have a phantom four and it is great I love it super fun to use, but it's a huge and bulky and like you've, gotta managed all kinds of battery, and whatever. Now this thing is literally the size of a phone. The magic is basically the phantom in a much smaller packet they're just making them more and more and more consumer friendly and awaited. I think very of a few companies are keeping up with its I think this is the moment when regular people start to have drones in a way that they just start using them all the time and that, like unlocks the next set of things versus you know, I think we ran that post on like christmas day two years ago, that was just like dad's crashing phantoms.
cause. They are relatively hard to fly. Yeah yeah. Now it's like anybody can have this thing and it follows your hand around takes pictures. That's going to change stuff. Okay, it was mit. I was right. First yacht made the jam, Did you play with the jam board? I play the jam board at the google next cloud conference. Jake castro actress went out and played with it and Google's a new work offices slashed labs or they intend to develop future products, and I I dunno it's it's five thousand bucks which seems expensive, but it's still cheaper than a surface. It basically runs like a big ass android app and you can do like hangouts calls. with it, but you care it patently can't send your video and what's on the white board at the same time, which is really dumb, but I don't know I would love to have one
If there is no way in Hell, I'm going to convince our company to buy a bunch of 'em. I dunno, I think, we'll see. I think I think it's cool. I think it looks cute. I think that it's pretty smart, I think that's going to take a while to see if anybody really needs it yeah, I'm super into it, just because I live. I love done so hardware, its dublin silly. It looks like a big carried out. I think that's interesting thing like the color, would have drawing is almost like a tutorial exercise for like web developer. Learning about websites like like a as far as web technologies. Go you throw but can this and find a way of drawn to it, and then you share that with website kids and olives and airbus drawn on the same canvas like it's almost trivial
weasley. It's a lot more work to make it a polished and good experience and look nice and stuff, but like that that that software side of this is so trivial and then it's tied to the super expensive harder. It's interesting, okay, Paul yeah! You have a victory for consumers. What did I do? You got samsung to issue a firmware? yeah the issue. To be honest, I feel dirty. Why I know the story, then the emotions, so chris welsh jobless, again, the other week, whereas, like hey, there's like a bunch of people in this samsung forum, complaining about heather tvs each year. My switching is like over the top and erratic in it's kind of hard to tell exactly what's going on, because it's an it's it's either the tvs have hd. My c c features that
like not possible does disable, even though there are options to disable it or there's some. There ain my feature, but basically, when they detect any device, waking up the tvs will switch to that device and certain devices it's really bad. With spain we then nintendo switch, which somehow is sending this signal to tvs more Then it should wallets. it will say: hey, I'm going to wake up, and so people's tv's will switch to it all the time and it's really annoying for people. So I just wrote this up very straightforwardly and I asked them. Some for comment a week later, they got back with me and said since it has been falling com honor, community threatened. Will we issuing a firmer up they early this summer that will address this behaviour and provide the level of convenience that was intended so not call it a bug, a level.
convenience that was intended to look. That's all anybody's asking for because, obviously a good feature like if you turn on a device a lot of times. That means you want to watch something on that device. Not always in especially not when it's supposed to be just asleep, and so hopefully this fixes it and that'd be that'd be great. I think this is like the parallel hd at my cc right, like my apple tv. Does this all the time to everything in my stack to the point where I turned off cc yeah in my house, Yeah really so I just I did I'd have your remote, it's like what me here. I know it's. It's pretty! Well. I've turned on c c and gotten rid of my harmony, one remote it my algae tv, the runs whether less I actually use that its comedy of errors by use that to run everything has its the best way to get Forte k on that tv, and that is controlling controlling everything. When you have like multiple devices that are all competing for that
and what is its we're. The sea is not, as far as I know, on any of the big video carts, maybe eighty Is it but like none of the good nvidia cards do, and I have a ten seventy which is plugged into my tv, and what I would love is when I wake up my tv or wake up my computer, it's switches over to it I've been thinking more about the whole and allow rehash last week, but this whole my whole problem with google system, and it like did it I one have a conversation with google systems like you'll go google system, you know about crew, chrome cast. Tell me how you work with chrome cast and weaken chrome cast better. other, but what I really want is is is basically, if I could say hey, SIRI or ok. Google switch side by
all I can say what are those magic words? My tv would switch to what I wanted to watch like him. I wanna watch chrome cast. I could just talk in I'd start watching something on chrome costs, which is in my tv. No, I'm done an I want, switch back to my pc. I want to have a go, find my remote and switch the input. That is literally literally all I need for my remote. The only thing you can do that if you like, live in CE seaworld yeah with Chromecast yeah, but you have to it's another like ecosystem, look, here's my point: people were mad on the internet, yeah paul. multi noticed the virgin article sampson's engineers have to write it from man. That's all you said. I started a virus and I don't like that power, because I don't like that responsible. I think we should use that power. All that's like net required, firmer update of the greek cypriots
that's good, that's good! The intended level of convenient if we can constrain this tool to two firmware updates that would provide the level of inconvenience that was intended. Then please hit me. Onto it. You can we can we call the series the intended level of convenience- yeah, that's great! That's great! Okay! Last, while I'll do this one fast, I want to call out nick statt who wrote I think we talked about it on the show ages ago. Anchor is like this quietly power. How the company that sells everyone's batteries and amazon. Now that we should provide lunker nick went and did it. Talks to ceo talked to a bunch of people who work there and they that story is great. You should read it. it's basically a bunch of ex google engineers who had played around in the amazon marketplace in their first product was laptop batteries second product or replace them battery for each dc sensation anders end quote. Ps whether like yeah our batteries,
better than the opium battery and he's like that, got us a lot of attention and it just took back to a time when replacement battery for the htc sensation could like launch your company You should read it. It's great super happiness got its great. He did a great job on it. Very that last even arise this Paul, I'm Gartenberg received rashid a predator twenty one acts, which is at nine thousand dollar laptop which would bring the meeting after meeting, he took it to a shop like the method version of reviewing where he would bring it to meetings and he'd like take notes or be writing posts while we're having a meeting, and it just drown out everything with his typing on a mechanical keyboard but yeah, it's crazy machine. You gotta watch this. yeah, there's a scenery, as in a coffee shop in woman behind him doesn't know. What's going on justice,
staring it. Yeah, it's like drinking coffee and typing and like doing is where it's over and the woman behind them is just like huge eyes just like what what are you doing- anyway. He said it was unnecessary, but he ended. I think it important note. The world needs these things. Absolutely someone's gotta go over totally agree. I'm going to be another ad we've gone way over. I just really want a quickie, he you brought up tv's and how they work as well. and cares to all of them are doing tv. Things summary. I was I quick and then we'll wrap the thing up we've going way over in great, It really is like an oji verge kassam needs to run like two and a half hours for no reasons, no limits that limits the internet. It's all only the limits we place on ourselves, also, whatever the carrier say that we can and can't do, this episode of her chest brought you buy tile. What have you could find thing in seconds ball with that life. Now with tile, the tiny bluetooth tracker, That makes funny things easier than ever. You can do that simply attached child here.
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it's called firm room goes the car the ashes to guide us this week. I hope that's an excited makes it go on today is gonna drew from room goes the car move room. Yes, well sell, so there's a vile z so hard for me to divorce via from solely because it's like, half of what so means to me, but anyways via A random japanese company made a mercedes, benz edition of a laptop with like how, via random japanese company here, there's a lot behind that. I know I know big story, but it's not sony via yeah, but via via
They made a virgin others. The flip laptop that has all this mercedes, benz brandy, which is its egregious and its growth and, in any event like porsche, made a laptop research or nobody wants. But the start up. Noise is of room room. It's really a car making room. It makes up like a room. It's a gear shifting car, which is funny because, like their flagship image that they want to put on this laptop is an electric car bay. Was it's the car car noise when it boots up? I think that's funny but also this sphere lightning the queen, who have seen us the alex dope so sphere. did. The I hate covers the balloon property at that I'm getting this from the whole as I feel it causes is at least a mid tier pixar. Now, but it's like a lot of people least I dunno it's kind of like words of wisdom from Paul newman in it it's great car, it's great the red somewhere recently, rather something or how pictures fallen off
and one lines as cars is by far the worst pixar movie? That's why I don't get. I don't understand it when you are worse than cars? Well, to say hard as it now I like planes like they made it If he does this, as it is now a dizzying whatever my point is that to hate cars, you have to hate the underlying premise, which is at the movie doc. Hollywood is that, because it is basically the movie doc hollywood and I refuse to admit that the movie dakar was better dancer station. So I'm here I'm here for other cars, but toy story three, so who, for that I love about. If what is it this car is real. This you got you to have a go. Look at it look for sphere, oh lightning, mcqueen, because it's you think it's going to be an rc car, but it's like it's like animated is yeah moves around us and start at the mouth of moon eyes. Blank with like an OECD scrape together a little bit
a little bit of a tv related lightning round and then glad does another. Forty five minutes spoke that such just three headlines, a trumpet, the mother. The rise The sea of rising, confirmed the companies find a watch streaming tv service, You can now use alexa control dish, hopper hopper dvrs, this one's interesting to me. You two tv now supports airplane. They have an app and apple tv we can airplane. The tv and in the ceo of eighteen tee Buying time warner was like when we had done buying time warner reconfigure things for mobile, like maybe we'll just do like twenty minutes episodes again thrones, that's what the phone evil one which is like a headline you can read in the couple. We had a big argument about it like he was just offering an example. He wasn't saying going to make twenty minute episodes of game of friends, but he was Nothing like this is the sort of thing I want to do
and he also said at this investor Conference- were already thinking about how to create that library and turn it into mobile stuff. So maybe that game of thrones it's definitely other time warner content. That's a lot How do we watch tv? Where does it come from? What does it look like news in one week? in my sense of it this relates all the way back to net neutrality. The big mobile carriers are all trying to become tv companies, that's their move. They own these big networks. They want to program to be honest, they want to charge you for it. They want to have Clinton funny about this, as we spent most of like the late aughts, like oh five to two thousand and ten watching a bunch of broadband providers and tv providers thinking they could get into the mobile space. They still do it from time to time. But, like you know, dish had all sorts of stuff. They bought a bunch spectrum, comcast was buying spectrum and like they were trying to get to that couldn't and now the wireless carriers are like so rich there like well, actually we're gonna go to your stuff now or
even like we're winding further the the something TIM kelly talks about a lot like win but first heard of vienna, like oh, have like newspapers and tv channel calls on the internet. Now, that's ridiculous. Like does not what the internet is its loosely. Will you have to read data's peace to know it? It really is yeah. You know it's it's linked information. You know. So the idea of sitting in watching tv channel is so antithetical and I hate it personally. I don't want I'll watch tv if you call your things. You met the internet like oh boy. Now, if you call your ear, I'm like that's, it immediately went one thumbs down and maybe you made the great thing that the following subsequent thumbs ups bring me too find a way to watch it on my own terms, but, like you ve already
biased me against it. By calling a tv because tv to me is you creating a stream of information that you think some generic person will enjoy and I'm a cool, unique I'll, eyelike Nels Alex somewhat favorite stuff right now is basically funded by patron yeah like stuff. That is. Is it like the fact that someone pitched something to a television network and went through that whole process and caught the hundred executives to decide that this was a good idea means? I probably think it's about it? I added. I think this, like this tv moment is it's just fascinating to me. The cable companies were so long denied that cord cutting was happening, and now it's definitely happening in impacting their businesses like
the isbn is going under, because fewer and fewer people are paying for e s. P n that they're trying to do there's something valuable but t tv but they're, trying to push it into these other spaces or somewhat more or less. Interestingly, just deliver t v over the top like download youtube tv, You can watch just straight up tv with the dvr. I dunno, I think, they're just missing something really important about what people want out of the internet and like how you can compete with it, and I I, the the youtube t v thing to me is fascinating that they didn't just put in app on the app store yeah. I have a typo. I have a lot of guesses as to why, because they have an ios app and it's not that hard to take and an ios app for the phone and put it on the apple tv, but I bet they want people to sign up right from there and apple wants to cut or apple wants to do it's own tv service and the restricting youtube tv can do, and so these endpoints of how does a big framework
it just gets getting more and more and more complicated in at the crh t being like? But what if we take the step for the big screen and make it for the small screen and interested? It's just wide, open chaos. So here's a funny thing. You know I I've used. Playstation Vue have used the directv stuff wherever it was, and I switched over to youtube tv cause. I'm like oh, like they did a dvr properly. It's like up in the cloud where I want it and it works across more devices and make the sounds great. This is exactly what I wanted out of a tv service. They might not have all channels I want, but this is what I want, and you know what a barely use it and I definitely like every time
oh man. I should like get the show on my dvr like why the hell would I bother going through all the work of trying to find a show and make sure that it saved properly and my dvr when, instead, what I could do is just get it on demand or get the best parts of it on demand on. You know Youtube breakout clips like it's all of this work to take a bunch of like tv metaphors, especially the the arm it afore and convert it to you know a twenty seventeen world turns out, at least for me to be like that. Just a total with like just give it to me on demand like netflix, does or don't bother me yeah, But then you get round the things I live, events right leg. Whereas what that's why I'm staying subscribed to so I can watch like five things a year which is the same. They certainly I will say to flip side: are you something
enjoy just sitting down a bit like what's on, unlike that's fine, but there's a pretty minor thing in my life anyway. My point is its chaos, exciting chaos. We should write do something. We slippage more story, ideas and aversion. Southern southern we didn't southern yardstick, okay! Well, if you're a competitor to diverge, you heard nothing I should have what's on now, is to stock up really new major anderson. twitch like just live stream. You all day long. I would love that the Paul show no I've been looking for more time. Play Victoria like long interrupted session there, so the intended level of convenience of popular nasa. that is the verge asked. I would like to thank our producer, Andrew marino, for all that he does including editing this nightmare together, which is going to do but there's other stuff, so listen to, sadly not revert back ass, any longer. There's, there's back episodes of the votes cast. Wasn't ours as agreed.
There's back episodes of control the wheat, seventy four, all seventy five year in a row do that and I would like the the listeners to submit a one page essay on common theme year? What would you say the narrative legacy I like I've, found a couple progress in my life, where like found them, love them and had to listen to the back catalogue? Well, you say that narrative or a or just one of the themes of someone might get from from from that working from the the seventy five episodes of garage late. I actually just went and listened to the first one again like we didn't know, we were doing so they've gotten much longer. That's one part narrative, the other one is waltz desire to tell stories about what came before. Anyone up is. The time on because there's so much about what's happening now, that's in infancy that relates to how products we took take for granted now were once in their infancy, and what's saw all that, I
tat I loved doing that can't. Thank you enough for doing it with me. Go us in that like you said, we're due in one more lie: episode of control leak, dinners be in town. For me on it. At its june ninth near zone, we sang school of visual hearts, Bilbil Dante, korea, Juno, visual arts six pm live control. Delete soon, as I get that ticket link there'll be a post on the site, will tell everybody about it. We'd love to have you give a hang out. Meanwhile, dear afterwards, me superfund, theirs. I saw the passes through there full lauren good or what talented, wonderful senior editor was too embarrassed to ask. What's going on that one actually soon kara swisher has recalled decode, which is super smart. My favorites immediately peer kafka's record media goes all that's on itunes, and you like, itunes, VOX motivational, shows all of the vocs media podcast. go check that out rate em. All review m get into him and we next week will be at the code conference fact
try to back the names of the code conference, big big names, Hillary Clinton, for big onstage thing, Having is going to be there, be there Annie, reuben lotta rumours that some news from the robes they have tweeted, that they're gonna make a big announcement on may thirtieth, which lines up with the goat conference, which is very interesting indeed return- of the site, but will be their recovery rico to have all the coverage, of course, was highlights the consumer audience over on the roadside and what we do in a podcast from there, casey lauren. Indeed- and I are we- have you listen last year's conference where chest it was we're nonsense. Ornament try to do a little better. This time we will soon. and then the nets are areas is crazy.
Weeks out of us, but we'll be back next week. Thank you for saying that is the request. Rock n roll Paul snap rum, verbs net goes the night.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-04.