« The Vergecast

Fear the reaper


This week on The Vergecast, Dieter Bohn is joined by a rotating panel of guests, as well as Nicola Fumo in the hypeseat. Elmo Keep, the author of our massive feature on Transhumanism, will be on to discuss presidential candidate Zoltan Istvan with Vergecast rookie Michael Zelenko. We'll also have our car experts Chris Ziegler and Andrew Hawkins on to talk about cars, car sharing, and car feelings.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This episode of the verge cast is brought to you by brain tree branch. Gives you a full stack payment solution, support for all payment types your customers might want. You can start accepting. Android pay apple, pay, paypal, bitcoin, venmo cards and whatever the hell is coming next, all with a single integration across all platforms with superior fraud, protection customer service and fast payouts check it out for yourself visit, braintree payments, dot com, slash verge cast As I promised myself that since July is out that I would start the vote cast right and it would, it would be really smooth and good, especially because we ve got to rookies here for them for the votes cast, and I think I think I pull it off really well.
Well, yeah, you're doing good job. So I'm on my left so that if you listen to the show you can, as is Michael's elanco high and your features, editor features editor. That's what I write is emo keep high and I don't idea of title, not writer, just yeah, very good writer and nicholas here: hey hi, so we're doing the verge cast a little bit differently. We are going to talk about the huge massive, very impressive feature that emo wrote and Michael worked on about transhumanism, and my involvement was basically I nothing you didn't I came up. I came up with like one headline that I like that everybody hated each but wasn't now is that so Ok! Well! So we had some are either the headline, because one trance humanism met people might think are actually talking about transgender issues which of course, we're not because it, but for the general audience. Actually we
start here. Ok, what is transmitted mine term? What's it like this transit loses crazy. It's like clear easy and we get. We could like try to define trends humanism for the next four hours read, but so ok, what's up concise, Well, ok! So it's a it's a loosely affiliated movement where people are looking at technology where it's medical technology or otherwise, advances of you know: computer science that are going to bring about a kind of post human future like we're going to become augmented. We going to become way more powerful as humans, we're going to become post or transhuman, so this kind of like a ongoing disagreement among them themselves, which is like how we pose to humans, or are we transhumance, but that transhumanism kind of really did stick as a name when they kind of decided that that was maybe twenty twenty five years ago? So what was really going to be be called and said he added that answered at all. Probably not you know it answered it, but like the the like, the the the thing is like I get that as a concept kind of
okay yeah we're going to augment our brains and we're going to I dunno become cyborgs, and some of it is become cyborgs. Some of it is not at all to do with machines like so many like you know, gene sequencing or trying to cure aging, or you know trying to get. You know off planet, that's a big part of it. A big part of it is for us to become a dual planet. Species like to be people to be a species that is not just stuck on earth. I feel like we're stuck here. We need to get into space. I'm stuck here- fear fisher cancer. It sets gray and its splendid are big and hits sometimes without a single thing. No, no. Now that makes it easy to talk about yeah, right, ok, so Zoltan insult, honest van brandt is trans humanist here. Well, like name right. It's happened. Mixing now, let's is undesirable because that is given name. His real name is lost
is a shortening of his hungarian name, but yes, altogether, that he says he's his real name by the as far as columns old, yeah, really yeah. I know what these emoji the lightning bolt exactly sure, which was which really does suit his personality. I think he's a very energized person. Yeah tell us about him. He's he's very charismatic and he's really fun to be around and he's really he's just incredibly committed to this pursuit that he has dedicated himself to, and he strikes me as someone who should be working as a motivational speaker like that's kind of what you feel like he is when you made it like that kind of said, it was like
in the photos he looks like he does. Look like a politician like the way he like strides like I know, he's got he's got the post like that goes into the midst to hand the wardrobe in men and the war driving. But I think- and I had a conversation with this about some path- is with someone undig today that he reminds me of a golden retriever. Will because in the best way, in a bad light, exactly and Elizabeth eliza was moderate, dig dialogue today said that's what I said when I saw the philosophy method. He smiles like a called retriever like he is one leg. So if I were a darling, I thought you were. I blonde just ass, you, like totally happy livelier, really ever there to do stuff. like. What's my job? What's my job, I'm going to do it now, you know yeah. I thought it was a compliment but, like I guess, maybe you could take that the wrong way. Someone said: Remind me of a dog was really the higher the compliment that I could think to pay his dog like man who wants to become more than a man he's he wants.
his doing he's not out there like doing medical science he's not doing like advanced ai research. He's running for president. Yes, he's running for president he's, that's kind of a guess, a little bit of a conceit to say that, like he is more interested in using this platform to get the ideas of transhumanism to be mainstreamed more even than they are now he's really about sort of trying to push this agenda. He doesn't have illusions of grandeur to the point where he knows he he doesn't doesn't not really think he's going to get elected. Obviously, but he does, I think, seriously, entities that it could possibly happen like to election cycles for now, like that's what he says in the place right, yeah one in twenty four like I know the answer, conway exact way
after kanye after hillary- and you know that'll be enough time. I think for as far as open season for people to accept that we could become cyborgs, and for that to not be weird, so I think you know he's maybe a bit optimistic, but he's definitely committed to his vision. What one of my things about my one of my questions about assault on his is: how serious is he about these actual issues and how much of it is actually just him having a great time, because it the entire time I mean if she has read this piece, he is having a blast yeah actually before like. How does that like this piece? If you haven't read it, you absolutely should but you basically when on a road trip, yet him right like what's this, what's the arc of like what actually happened. So, let's start men went out to san diego, yet when I just any aggressively oils or time yet to join sultan and his inner he's driving all the way across from from any I go to
to washington in this absolutely not really at all word wrote fairly bus that he has turned into a coffin, and this is the way that he is getting here ideas about trans humanism out, and so I go made him in in Santiago and I'd stay with him for a week as we crossed the desert later southwest as getting into arizona with a little data to mexico, because we think my friend of the border humour in annex I, you know we fun. When are we just like I get an tuckers and there's like you know, booze done is really cheap, so we can get that as well and it would be. want to go to mexico, and I was like hell: yeah it'd be fun to go to mexico like he is so aware of, of, like a press. Tour is a is a total pseudo of
like you re on a real event, it doesn't exist for any reason other than for people like us to be the right about it. So he knows how to create these kinds of moments, and so I hope that what came through the peace was that we were also very aware of that being almost half, so a kind of as this linen met a narrative around it and then through their. We ended up also going to some pretty crazy places. We went to the actual chronic facility that is where people get get decapitated to have their heads for us and to up in the future when they can be cured from being decapitated and dead. And if we also went to immortality cult- so. Well began, no color. I think we can probably say that its cultivation they preach. They also preach eternal life through positive thinking. So if we were just think positively enough- and if everyone around you also thinks positively in up there,
that's how we will not have to die and also like donate money, ray and also pay join in our parties, but also one of them died. Yes, twenty had saunders die. Does every well know. Well, I mean just because everyone has doesn't mean that its right is the Tagline is just right, so so yeah, it's true one of their founders died very sad for everyone who loved that person, but also very obvious, and they have just That applies on an insult and when they had to give a speech and to present his ideas of trans humanism, so he wasn't part of the called he was like
and when we just went to yes and we went to they like kind of revival, church meeting kind of thing they have a friday night and Zoltan within like one of the people who got up and gave a powerpoint presentation, it's very lot of slides and there was a kids at this event. Yeah there's little kids, there's little kids as babies is a very cute little girl who's like two who is just like ambling around the front of the stage being a child. It's about these people behind it talking about how, if we just believe. when you don't have to die and very strange with a fancy symbol of youth. Yeah she's, certainly not even aware that I'm going to die, I'm not really sentient yet, but so that was a very funny contrast, and I mean like the desert- is just a really intense place. I think the you know like it's. It's harsh and arid and very difficult to live there. It's like it is hot
every single day, and I think that maybe makes people a little bit weird. So it's become this kind of like lucas for strange ideas like I dunno it's trying to formulate as like what is it about this place? That has attracted these two things, arizona, arizona, thy the florida, the west yeah, that's exactly what it felt really good. So true, if you live in arizona you can tweet michaels, I could yell Yan ks, I'm not going to tell you about that gorgeous! I would love to live that can accompany yeah. It's beautiful that it is ok, so Zoltan is he's a transhumanists, but he's not like the movement is so big that he's not there's like
What kinds of transhumanists are there like there there's this cult of people who seem to genuinely actually truly believe down to their hearts? Are docketed die, there's Zoltan! I can't tell if he actually believes that or not another can I do theirs. Then what I'm leading you up to here is like there's like insane silicon valley, stuff yeah. This is crazy to me. Yeah, this stuff is really the weird stuff yeah. I think, and I like these ideas were talked about. You know the idea that you could cure aging or the idea that you could create a computer powerful enough to map a human brain to the point where it would then be able to be programmed to imitate the human brain and think like a person. Those ideas used to be like futurama, but now there's like a super big amount of money going into making them real. As far as is possible,
there's a huge amount of pushback to those things being even possible at all. To do so is the question. What kind of transition has to do? I guess like the flavor is so there's the people who believe very firmly and sultans one of these people, that the singularity is a thing that will happen and that's going to come. That is going to in the middle of this century, that's going to be unbelievably powerful computing power that we can't even imagine like super intelligently things will come on nine zero singularity passes. People like elon musk also believe this year, which you know go for it, and so this is. This is like a really important part of this patent potent out of twenty minutes, and then these people who believe that medicine, will be able to eventually cure aging by figuring out whatever it is. That causes our cells to age right and if we can reverse that Since then, we won't have to die again that something that now has
ton of money going into it a whole lot of different, like institutes and labs and stuff in silicon valley and there's people who believe that a feature, artificial intelligence will be able to figure out from your digital footprint. That you're, leaving now, who you are And if you died, that's ok. You be able to be reconstituted friendliness. from your digital profile from your tweets will prove yep. Your tweets will be part of every email. You've sent will be part of it. Everything about my future. Transforming itself is based on my tweets. I am going to be an asshole yeah radio jokes I'll be a jerk who makes really bad jokes that'll be by everybody?
let us all year, so it's like everybody's going to god place to be right, I mean, but I mean, as I just like when you, when you like, interrogate this idea. This is just a ridiculous idea like we're saying that about twitter, because twitter exists now like people who, like ten years ago, had an idea of what you will be reconstituted from in the future geo cities, so your geocities account will be who you are in the future like yeah, okay, let me give you hundreds of millions of dollars to make that real. Would you like come back in the same human form like okay, if you're hit by a truck, and you die okay, very sad because yourself aged but great yet then and they're like okay, but we'll just take nikolas? cloud personality cloud, and I put it in what Well, this is a good question or like: where does it go into very good question? Well, potentially into some kind of server, like a very, very
details about how this would actually happen, but it's like yeah make some kind of algorithm or robot or robot yeah. Well, the idea is like at this stage of our you know, evolution. The idea that you would even want to bother having a physical body would just be a choice that you make and you might decide not to have one because it's cooler to hang out in the cloud yeah you'll be like a substrate you'll, be like a an intelligence, a disembodied intelligence that exists in a camp in a server in on the cloud wherever it is, and it's like a dislike, aggregated algorithm, that's gone through, the photos and liked in like she used to really love playing basketball. Don't know if that's true, but she did, and so your disembodied self might often be at basketball games cause she tweeted that one because well. there's no they're they're inside of I think you're in some kind of virtual reality. That's right. So they think that that is a way for our consciousness. To continue
this kind of goes against the likely, maybe a series of philosophical thought, but yes, the towns, you, you know the worst part that parliament be able to detect sarcasms anything three. He is, I exaggerate every literal. Yet I think about the punctuation you're, not using how you just ass. I was going to read that I didn't I mean look, so we should be putting a lot of requesting right now, because this will be part of our future digital service. Twitter are the best thing that comes out of the really really believe in I like this thing, and I back it. I think you should like it as well, but you should like whatever you,
if you really say I'm really good at basketball just becomes a place where everyone wishes their best self out loud. Oh that's! Basically what this whole thing boils down to it's a it's, a very, very big wish, yeah well and also like I dunno it. It's not very intelligent, maybe somebody's thinking it was anyway. I dunno you can tell me is anybody thinking about like the actual, like philosophy like the self like? We don't need to talk about the soul but like if it when it comes down to it. You know it. Is there a self that could actually exist and like be a singular entity on a computer? Well, that's like an unanswerable questions, but they don't ever really like. I mean that's like an ongoing debate that they have in all of these different. You know ai research places if they know that the existential risk place that nick Bostrom runs like genuinely having these kinds of conversations of like. Is it really
me if it is a copy of myself or is it like? We can answer that question because it's not possible to create that, but that it has caused in just the idea for the idea itself as an illusion in the first place. This is the thing tat s. So it's like this. It really you I take a drink and you take so much of it is just like that, though, like so much of it is like conversations you have when you are high at university I said a little profession, I mean to have these thought experiments over time. Well, is it really well What's the other thing is like it seems like I don't like Zoltan. Maybe it's a part of this he's like running for president cause. It's a crazy fun thing to do, but I get this this real sense that everybody that is actually putting real money into this. It's like it's, the it's the elites, it's the the ferry
very rich people that are doing this and like if they actually managed to pull something off they're the ones who are going to reap the benefits and the rest would be like. Oh yeah, guess we're going to die like everyone else read, it doesn't mean it's right, though but it does but not because it hasn't happened. I don't even know what you have just put. This happened every one else, doesnt green energy riot more that yeah one of the things I really intends amerika and very we should come back to that sorry, life is going to say that part of this is like it's already being put into action with the crash annex bit ray we're now a lot of money going into that and what is the purpose of that, we gotta talk about. Alcor word is the boy saying This is a facility that, assuming they can stay in business, you go there and they
pop your head off. They pull out all of the fluid and replace it with antifreeze. Then freeze the thing in the hopes that in the future somebody will go to unfreeze it and reconstitute your body body and identity and then also fix all that this cell damage of being frozen at minus one hundred and ninety six fahrenheit say you ve been turned into a stone like, and then your medical technology being advanced enough to be able to well what they think it's gonna happen. Is it there's gonna, be all these millions of tiny, tiny, tiny now I bots, like millions of like atomic scale. Machines will be able to get into your bloodstream and fix everything that went wrong just by replacing broken things with unbroken things inside your body. So this is not at all backed up by any kind science or anything. Today, one size scientists sues like yeah. It turns out that a lot of your personality and sense of self and emotion is actually just
the chemicals flowing through your hearing. I got the actual neurons well added that the interacts. Very importantly, we think, like we don't try and understand what exactly it is that makes cognition happened right at all, so he's a neuroscientist dedicate his whole after this lay works with hundreds of similar people's like we don't know anything about this, but probably say that this soup of our brain with all the vow proteins in the will of our document, all of the chemicals or hormones and around brain is very, very, very important to how it functions, and so, if you get rid of it, you've got a big big problem to solve. Yeah I mean you hear stories about people like hitting their head and suddenly they're like a completely different personality, forget things like imagine not just hitting your head hitting cracking it open, taking everything replacing of any freeze, pretending and then hoping come back to be the person you were in the very beginning, and that is that is most insane portela. What's, again we're sitting here laughing about all the stuff, but there are people who take deadly deadly seriously,
that is the right word. I guess right. I mean the paper that people who are paying to do it they're taking it very seriously, but no one in actual medicine who's entertaining it even vaguely as as an idea and it's something that they say about it is it's like no. This is going to be. I mean it's so important. Do this because we're going to save people's lives, people who were dead don't have to be dead any more yeah. Like you know. Morally, we should be able to do it's here's. My thing I think people who are dead should stay dead. Yeah cause that sounds cool, go back and kill baby hitler would resurrect hitler know exactly now. What's the like? Would you resurrect gandhi know just keep him dead know what's to say that this ai of the future won't resurrect bad people oh, my god, so many existential permeated by adding another those other things like those not thought of this weird line of like we need to be worried about the singularity cause the eyes going to kill us.
But where you want to chase the singularity, because if we can manage to like cross this very fine line, we're we're in charge of the ai ai are we are we become the ai, then we're cool yeah. It absolutely makes no sense like a really favorite one of mine, as well as like elon musk, is super worried that this is going to happen. He's like very worried that ai is gonna, become bad and going to going gonna kill everybody. So what he does is donate money to helping it come into being, I'm going to give ten million dollars to it to make sure that it's friendly, rather than be like I'm going to give no money to it to make sure it never exists. It's like I'm going to make sure it comes across like that's crazy. It's all crazy, but that's more like super evil. Ai kidding the singularity and like- and you know terminator matrix a future. For some reason. That feels less ridiculous to me, then, I'm gonna like upload my brain, and it's going to be me and I'm going to like- have a continuity of identity from here to there. So how much of this is just like? I'm not in the right cultural space to take things am I
and to think that, like a like real ai, that actually causes problems as a thing that could happen, I think it would be extremely unlikely, because why would this okay? So this is an underlying cause of thing that runs through transhumanism, which is that technologies like in some ways separate and somehow separate from people, and it's almost looked at as being the supernatural force. It's like technology is coming. Technology wants what it wants, it's going to become what it becomes it's going to get so powerful. It's like what. How does that happen at what point? Does it get out of the control of human beings? And it never does so I find it very difficult to take that idea seriously, because machines are not these since they're never going to become like the point at which we are, we lose control of technology. I don't think, is
I think that would ever happen. I got to read an ad, but I need a hype check of I dunno death death. I'm pro death yeah me too, but there's an ending yeah. I hate the idea of it. Never ending. I love life for now. Yeah. I've checked that that's what I love life for now, such a good slogan
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the robots. Alright, here's my headline: okay, you ready to eat. We had a lot of heads. There are two that got rejected the the one that we were going with until like the eleventh hour- and I think you heard this- one was choose life yeah, which I loved, but it was sensitive and I think the sense of mine was fear. The reaper hm fear. The reaper is very good at it. It's not that good, but it's pretty it was. It was good enough for a troll people by saying no, it has to be thus even nobody. Nobody could tell if I was being sincere or not much like the proponents of transhumanism and had a lot of layers. What did we have? We had so many heads and all them we're so so bad super bad. We ended up. We got to a point where we were reading white zombie lyrics to each for like a half an hour or more human than human yeah,
yeah I mean this is, as we all know, that there's a lot of these that in their little he's like in their whole kind of cyber guff space, I think there's. But we look. it's over there. What about live and let live. Nobody liked that one no, no, never say die, never say die, they got knocked back. I got a knock back, I mean I am the astro creep phantom in a box shadow in your head like yeah. This is definitely straight up about the singularity I are other jigsaw man, an electric head, He saw a man, that's tariff electric head weaknesses. As yet there. This is crazy I am the nexus one say it really. Is it it's like cyber goethe anthem? I want more like I want my life, oh my god, because I mean that's a tool to go back saying it would be terrible to be forever, which is true. That's like the whole idea. What purgatory is
religious thinking. You never die or go anywhere. I wonder which create that on earth as this horrific in so that was at my number one question in my mind. So much through this story would be a cave. We can achieve this if it were possible at what point would be like indeed the true death now, because I'm a zombie and you have to choose to die and have to choose today have to do the things they fear most, which is india alive, so and think about others. Kid that only a video like that this did not set a cut through to the point where I was like all, but I still want to live forever like it's not going to actually ever be forever. Nobody would be like if you like, you know what I'm doing I choose to die and then, a month later, your best friends, miss so inside the button that really ass you from your tweets on your back and exactly in it. I really exactly a written, is coming. My grandma can't ever she's nellie, it's the holidays.
but like cause, I wrote this kind of like extropy and horror films that have treatment, and that was like exactly what it was like. The future came to pass and then that they couldn't ever get out of it, and so people maliciously kept bringing them back and trying to kill the person who kept bringing them back didn't work either. so they dislike trapped in this perpetual hell is what does anyone who wants to option that I'm ready to go? That's like if you left a job, and I just kept being like calling you They wanted this one email, this one time work there anymore, you have to like never been able to get a four. Do not call this like you just let you do something always getting solicited. Is everything about it Why are you putting back on the list. Well. Well, they're not yet come on back great for you, you have to send and send a blank email to unsubscribe from life yeah. No, why life
it's one email away, say it'd be made into a zombie would be terrible and then sultana was like yeah. You know, it'd be really terrible, especially if you had become like enslaved in this system. That would be really bad and I'd be like yeah that'd be superbad like you wouldn't actually be out to kill yourself, then you'd be stuck in it forever. It's like yeah I guess he would be trapped in a hell forever anyway, was going to go, get walking way to get another beer is telling me this. So if you choose to dream of We live forever inner physical bodies, environments, toast and that the things that the entities that enable us to live forever right now. The the dream is that all of those entities are corporations. It's not like it's like the government or some you know communist utopia, it's companies, so we are, we are their perfect world is a blasted environment where everything is destroyed and the only way to have anything, that's good is to be in the computer and the thing
that enable you to persist our companies that a fair assessment? Yeah? That's it that's the utopia. Yes, it beautiful. I really can't wait sums of the Google facebook twitter whatever I can't global. That is making ace look at entered in virtual reality. Yes, this is it yes, you have to be regretted from what you ve personal face, Look for the duration that you ve had a phasing in and be virtually poked for the rest of your life. I think I have a lot of the cycle box agenda go towards curing aging, that's one of his big things. Right really feels like that. Where a j yeah it's how you feel how we can reach our human potential best one of the best things to do that in a was best ways did it would be to never die, so I'm really glad that they ve incorporated that trust like invested important things like that, you had a long day and you wake up the next morning. You're. I think I caught aging considering the hague. That definitely happened to me when I was like thirty, six. I woke up and oh
I gotta have come down with an aids nose like when you like, when you're in europe like early twenties and, like you, do you have your first like real, over right, like I'd twenties mega, forget, wait a minute. It's a chronic, is. This happened to people never go back, and I was just really aged truly bad point in their life that the first truly bad hangover you ever have it's like. Oh my god, I really am going to die someday like it's directly connected to mortality or shake psyche, yeah, okay. So what's next for Zoltan, Zat Zoltan result that I can't comes to consult z, Z, however, is that he is even hundreds of love. These last leg, everything this you're, the boss, he's probably on its last legs as well, and yet
he's on the way to washington to deliver his bill of rights, and hopefully maybe I could go there and see how we see how that actually unfolds for him. What's his bill of rights as those the trans humanist bill of rights, it's what that everyone is. It runs in title to eternal life. Everyone is entitled to be how to do it if they want to do that. Body government should be putting a lot more money into things like curing aging right, but he's got a bunch of other stuff which we set of talk about. It now sit down halfway through the story. What he wants there to be like a universal living wage and you know that's a whole in terms of getting it. I know that's like there are a lot of parts of this. It's like hey, actually that sensible, but then you also get pot, where it's like an I'm going to be a decent body consciousness in a server who lives for millions of years, unlike with a great leads. I can't we like this perpetual government that, like some guys, perpetual money, and so he absolves going Keep going and realizes is gonna. Get
washington and then I think, he'll think about what he wants to do after that, which is probably go surfing in baja yeah. That sounds good yeah you're going to do that forever. It seems like forever forever I mean that's gotta, be pretty sweet wave. he's right, because the eternal way these had a lot of time in practice. That was not one of these dreams. Going to her no eternal way asking whether we could bring that up anything else. You want to say about trans humanism and how amazing interpreters, it's a terrible set of ideas, people really should have just come out with it tells. What you really have to go about is what I think, and particularly what you've raised earlier. It's like all these stuffs being driven by private money in corporations and that's really not great for democracy. So, ironically, this he's running for president. If it isn't this weird that where they were terrified of like it's really terrible if they achieve their goal, but we-
laughing at the goal, all the weight of along. So should we be happy that they're like wasting their money on this instead, something! No that's even that's even worse give me the money, study, the money give yeah, maybe not me, but somebody better than me. Alright yeah put put that. Put that put that money into doing something to actually you know effect change like now in ways that we need, maybe not trying to make a few billion, is immortal. How to get serious and that well, I'm gonna need another out in U s head up before you do. How can people find you take? Yeah hope on twitter, which is elmo underscore cape double w you'll buy me and Michael. You are also enter on twitter and these links island that were the case, the chaos in iq and visa links. You'll find me if,
wanna find me nor I am breath the machines will always find those telecommunications systems ink. Did you know that was just a few lines of code. You can send text messages that include alerts, reminders, order, updates, sms marketing campaigns and instructions are apt on loads. It's true with telecommunication systems, inc cloud messaging center developers can easily integrate text messaging into their own mobile application back end or website, as a company tcs handles up to six hundred and seventy seventy billion messages per day. That's billion with a b, that's an average of one point, eight billion, The bee messages per day. There see him see. Rest api allows you to send messages for alerts. Reminders order updates to you can also used to send sms marketing campaigns that DR app downloads, or to increase user engagement? The rest
p allows lousy, perform messaging functions such as sending receiving an scheduling messages securing too receipts and ordering and creating groups and contacts tcas offers inter carrier messaging across all. U s: wireless carriers. The pricing is flexible and its based on the quantity messages you need featuring pay as you go monthly plans, so good, a cloud messaging, dot, guru and sign for cod messaging centres. Rest api. You can start can start this messaging solution today. That was deeply deeply nerdy, add red with an amazing clash out on the middle EAST. totally fine, don't be sorry, it was amazing. I was really does. Is the best pizarro verge gas ever yeah, and now we have to two people here Chris Ziegler, whom many of you have before and a new inverse cast rookie and iraq and fellow, are you on twitter? I am yeah. Aren't we all? How do you feel about twitter rules
my life and all the working to make it a matter of a legal base and much has happened. I heard about a here there's a there's, an effort under way to improve twitter twice in the past two days. Like basically were data, I've tried to say nice to somebody and twitter and is assumed I was being sarcastic now. You know how I feel my earnest my earnest curiosity that comes off as condescending everytime, I'm like will tell me about it. Tell me about universal remotes, Dita and you're like she would, and I'm like no really talked about, though okay can never win. So you guys are here to talk about the only auto show in uber and just car stuff, and also, if you have been on the verge costs before I have not, how does it feel Tingley tingley tingley that sir, it's not the adjective glasses breaking everywhere. Yes, now might be if a small fire subject, never know the good news is nobody's gonna talk about how you did here, because all they're talking about apparently is nicholas hair on the
comment I know I'm really enjoying the fun. Are you watching? Are you watching youtube live comments yeah during the verge she's commenting now all I got them out on youtube dot com, slash watching question mark veep, yeah, yeah wow, I could not handle read live. You two comments in now, and they really want to know, and neil is, as Neil is a guiding immortal gap. It's like the movie transcendence, where he turns into a computer. Now each among how do I know the watch that movie you haven't seen it So bad ude? It is. It is that's the johnny depp one. Why would I want to watch it? So bad movie, so look that the first eighty percent of it is actually not bad, and then it gets really bad, really fast, yeah, which you know. Ok,
I I'm a guy that will defend johnny mnemonic. I was a good one like johnny. Mnemonic, isn't isn't the book better yeah, but I dunno how to read so loud. That's an admission yeah, it's turning into a maury, povich kind of have no idea how to deliver. I like I just have no idea so now we're just going to I'm just going to do it. Tell me about Member states, when others goober, is a company that did a lot of things. It is doing a lot of things. I guess the big news today was that they are aiming a or seeking a another round of funding, because money is of no object either lookin for about two point: five billion dollars from investors, which would up their valuation to about sixty two point: five billion dollars. Why does, however, need two point? Five billion dollars so that they can continue
to make it rain and then politician that right, that's right! That's what What did you say? No, because I think be the assumption is that there are no civilly moving towards an ip. Oh, that's been sort of the the word on the street, although the ceo has declined to discuss any details about that at all was seen. He says that, were I think he said so that that this conference, a little while ago, that you know he'd there, like the new girl at the prom, ran. Why would we go home with you know anybody when we can to sort of be at the prom, see stuff like that these days? Well, this guy is a to say, crazy truck travis. annex says a lot of important. We just finish talking about a crazy people, funding trans human,
Let's, let's talk about Travis, just a little bit. Are you familiar with how insane the ceo of uber is kalinic? I mean like in an abstract way, but not in like the way that, like no not as much, I mean he, he he he's a a a deeply committed and iran IRAN. I ran into randy and he's iranian, so he he hates him some some liters, some put poetry, the answers motors. What's the what's the phrase, the cheeses takers, I'm I'm shrugging like atlas right now to re write. I never read the book, he is going to every hour was alexander hamilton for a while, and then it was that I think the cover of atlas shrugged or something arise here and yet no he's is, is very much into self determination and grant me it for yourself in having amazing here, the dude has an amazing ida. Hair was beyond really someone who looks like he's perpetually twelve years old
here, ran read that right, he's not bad, Well, yeah, they're, they're, raising a ton of money and they're. You know crushing the competition, and I think that another story that I wrote today that sort of reflects this is that you've got lift and all of uber's asian competitors banding together, like the super friends, so that they can jaw defeat. The uber minutes, isn't one of the super friends heart or no? No, I'm thinking of captain planet. Reach. Your heart is banned sooner. No. Eighty million in captain planet, one of the rings- definitely heart like every other. Doesn't it had on every other kids like a real happy waited water fire upon our interests those who could further superman grant or any other woman batman
But no, yes, a lift is getting together with difficulty, which is china's big right hell company and as well as Ola, which is based in india and taxi, and there are sort of getting together in their eyes, technology, shirt, mapping, technology, people who use lift, can go to these other countries and hailed these other services using their lift app. I guess so it really sort of extend expands lips reach across the world. Whether or not that's gonna have any sort of effect on this competition with uber. It's remains to be seen there there's an antitrust concern here, because they a lot of those companies, operate the same markets right now, they're just all sharing everything.
another. That's a good point. Yeah. I dunno I mean there is there's been massive degree due to the deregulation in the transportation areas like the seventies right. So I I doubt that there's I dunno, I mean here's, here's a real question. As a bleeding heart liberal, do I need to feel really bad when I use over like that's it. That's question. Question know I know I like I'm a guy. You were always homo, probably spend two and a half billion dollars on next year so that we get fired Those are. They didn't mention that they're raising all of their money from nikola trying to get the fuck home sometimes, but no I like mentioned, I was in seattle and, like mentioned my friend and I were like, are we gonna take uber or whatever and then are like? One of our like punk friends was just like went off on us, and uber was something that we just like didn't talk about.
a little after that you, my anarchists friends, wake. I friends do you actually have like to if they happen to be dating each other, so it's very you'd actually have liked to know that, but they are all over my case all the time but uber sending me links to dubious websites this this and that, but no, I think, if you look at some of the the legal challenges that uber is facing over the next few months next year, I think a lot of this stuff's going to come to head how they treat their workers, how they classify their drivers. It's really going to be something that they're gonna have to contend with. But you solve answer my question. I think you can continue to use it in good faith really and not not feel like I'm a moral force Now why showing further reactionaries downright classes are you should you should definitely use it and feel terrible about yourself right, but
It was because of your health choices. I know why not they they they could treat their drivers better there. The question of whether or not you can make a living wage on uber without like making it more than a full time. Job is up for debate, especially depending on what city you're in yup and man. I went to washington dc this time last year with my parents, and they discovered uber there and, like grilled, every driver yeah. So I heard more like I would never ask someone like. So how much do you make like? What do you like about this? You know what I mean like that was just like impolite conversation, but like parent, oh man, no they're, not gonna. Listen to this they want, but the one that is not what so did the little holidays. Family what's coming nets, but you have to ask every drive
or about it and a lot of them. This isn't like DC area. A lot of them lived like elsewhere in virginia, were like retired guys who are just like you know, I'm kind of bored at home. Don't I go make some money and then there are pulling in like thousands of dollars a month per their stories. But I don't know I don't know in new york of it's, I don't know filling anytime. I bring up like the job they're pretty they seem pretty into it. It definitely depends on the market has like away. I always think about. I go to allay and you you go like forty I was in a new barracks and you spend like a doll ass. I was just there and its ivory yeah three, it's difficult for you with the question: how long can they sustain this business model tolerated continued to try to undercut. You know traditional taxi businesses by offering such cheap fares and that's pretty where the funds,
it comes from right. It's likelier, they're plowing money into undercutting all the traditional they're, basically burning large piles of cash on these extremely discounted fares that they off yeah, which is why they need two point: five billion dollars more apparently yeah exactly so. The other thing that happened is Ahmed wrote, a piece about the a bunch of uber drivers in france had screw it and they like banded together and created their own app but yeah. I thought that was pretty amazing. Isn't amazing story? I think I'm surprised that hasn't where I read that I was like this is not a terrible idea. I mean it's, not it's not probably not going to work, but I'm surprised it hasn't happened in like the united states so like like. when I think of whom are, I think, of a company that fundamentally, like their technology, is fine, but it's not like this huge moat like what they have over. Everybody is theirs: l scale there everywhere and now, honestly, they have like the infrastructure to get to fight the city's. Did they make their app legal, their right? And so the question is
Are they when they? If they do that, I cared about that to begin with, here that begin with, but now that they have to do it right, and so, if I were were. I would actually want to create some like grey zone kind of licence that they would get so that you know that there can be some other. Like you know, I've made a communism joke about their there's, a spectre, hunting Ober and its spectre of a crowd source. French, tearing up right like it's the means of production, I'm serious, it's the aims of production. The means of production for ride sharing is the ability to use a smartphone to connect to the customer, who wants a ride right and right now, that's what uber provides, but over doesn't like that thing could just be made. And just what it needs a scale. The network effect and legality and right now go over at Google. Her over has, which is invested in over all three of those things.
But if, like the question is, are all three of those things? Does that basically mean that uber wins like lift, has done all the this consortium of other companies? Trying to get together are done like is, is that's cedric, that's why they need the money. They need the money to make sure that whatever lead, they have never gets encroached on. I mean that's the question and I think that's what lift is definitely trying to staunch the bleeding right cause. They, you know in joining forces with these other companies, and I think uber is making a big push in china too. So there's clearly there's a threat there to you, know sort of these asian companies as well, so, whether or not that that can be sustained or whether or not uber is going to become the default taxi service for the world prize, as obviously the the the the question that will be. It will be answered over the next year, or so I mean this was the year that they basically consolidated america there
still kind upon the ropes. I feel in europe whether they ve got a lot of legal challenges. Ideas. The labour protections are somewhat strange stronger in europe and they are here. You get a lot more push back from my people in france and ireland. I use em in amsterdam, and I was getting dirty, looks on the street that people- what are you doing well that's interesting like. Why are you on your bicycle know? Why cause they're still fighting the the taxi industry there and so like that that that hasn't resolved itself? Yet they're like yes, I wasn't riding a bike, so of course they didn't like, but I genuinely like there was like people like like look Admittedly they made one, but it's like what are we? What are we bemoaning? We we bemoan about the drive the way they treat their drivers, but also like are we promoting the the poor taxi millionaires that are going out of business now, goobers committing to replace. I mean nobody really. I don't think it's hard to muster up some sympathy for Madame
in owners in the new york city area or taxi companies in las vegas, who are all by the mob are right, I mean I will. I will say that I know that this is an old fight between Chris and I that fundamentally I'd. I don't like. The idea of cars are driverless cars because I feel like mass transit is better and there's no there. There I have the dream of the the personal driverless car doesn't seem to be designed for people that want to pay two bucks to get somewhere in the city. It's designed for people that want to pay ten thousand bucks and fifty thousand bucks Car right or car sharing, like the the the level of income you need, god. I sound like such a communist, a ranch and whereas you're a little crazy but yeah like you, know, getting a taxi before uber sucks and it suck for really bad reasons right, yeah and they're fixing that which seems great
it was racist. It was, it was dirty all his races. Sometimes it was dangerous. You know yeah and they and uber sort of took all of that kind of out of the equation and was like hey. It can be clean and seamless and driver can be thanks to you- and I will say the one time were, I still consistently use a taxi in new york is when it's raining, because you open uber and it's it's. You know two point. Five or three point o surge be, can always find a taxi. If you just wait. Five minutes now
always yeah. Well, not always yeah become pretty lucky. I take a taxi in september because my phone died and whatever- and I forgot how expensive it is compare like I got it took me like. I think it was forty five dollars for me to get home from the west side of manhattan, and I was ended, something that I would have expected, ailing, maybe thirty dollars warrior and I like by the time I got to my place, and it was weird like it was so bumpy like the car, because it's like those cars are different while bumpy, ailing
it's unpleasant, I was like oh, this is so weird. Some taxis still use crown vex, which are like basically ancient tanks. Yeah like they've, been around like the fundamental cars, has been unchanged for thirty five years and they just stop producing them like five years ago, but the taxi industry is still using them. So my my best friend in high school had like an eighty seven crown vic gotta love that car it's a big car, it's a big car. It had a it had like the the three hundred mustang yeah, just just just massive massive yeah, you can crash into anything. Won't feel it yeah and, like you, could turn the steering wheel like forty five degrees before it started. Moving yeah, you can go like this in the car, just sort of rocks back yeah
Alright, what else is happening in cars? Windber, spot yeah? Well, yeah. I thought it was just so they there. It was kind of an under the radar thing, but they are rolling out this new feature just in seattle to start out with that was that's meant to address the problem. You have neuber you're waiting industry, you get into the wrong persons car because you think it's there, it's yoruba car ran with rarely happens to their all canneries and highlander ryan regulated labour. That is your name dietrich. Do data that I shall die triche right? Are you d trichet, always Nicole wilson they their new solution to that problem is they're gonna, be sir handing out these, like ellie, delights tat for the drivers to put into their windows, and and the writer can then select the color, that the light will light up as you, the rap so gonna, look at the last three digits of the license plate. Why does not over outer slowly the color of the car? That's coming?
yeah. But what is more, show you? Why is a little guys? I think they could tell me the make the congratulations late. They can tell you that drivers issued a pressure of asia and they catch something. It's gonna be black yo yeah, that's a good question, Apparently they decided that they didn't want to go that step and instead want to invest in some sort of new light light based. You know and close encounters with a third country, its air. It's good, though, if, like it, you know you're in front of a really popular restaurant or something in manhattan, and there are eight praises pulling up and you need to know which ones yours and you ve had a few. you ve had a few that if this is fashion week, you're deeply. I should wait like this problem. Is this fashion. We kids, like you get out, labour, not yours, natura, two thousand people leaving the same thing, all hailing the same surveys and all the cars look, the same brand We look at casual search into on twitter to be like auburn random, and it was like full of people there are like took got into some random guys car thought it was my aubert riyadh. It was
no somebody else, but he gave me a rat anyways. Apparently while people so do we was it was it was the person even a professional driver, just some dude, I would to go deeper into the story that I wanted to find out. You freaked me out when you said this is fashion week cause. I thought you meant was fashion week right now. No, I was like oh wow, that's the we didn't talk about that. Will you know if correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe fashion week, at least in the city of new york, is sponsored by mercedes Benz, which is a good segouin into. Oh, sir, We ve been talking. I'm crusher asked when he minutes, I thought they pulled out, but they did just host. They did just so. Some this runway show in dubai with public school ochre regime. Yet again the idea, which is kind of like interesting and weird for many reasons, I can't even like it into it remaining get emotional, please do
the youtube comments. The cameras now she's crazy tear rolls, though, be avert cast. First it great, some crying all, usually weird easier, even though, as you know, there are many many tears ass, you would walk into fashion. We, like the main sponsor reverend there be a car parked in the middle, would like ropes around it and like people would like take selfies that the car but you didn't like touch it. It was really weird. Even I don't selfies with cars? cause you're so used to live around you. Is it a thing that you're not supposed like touching the out at the the paint of a car is bad like the oils from your hair or bad we I mean you'd, want of polish it off yeah like right away relatively quit. You wouldn't Lila. Like that. That's why add we now are you, you actually don't touch. You don't touch a car, you know what I like white veal, but you also keep it waxed in Boston all that stuff, that that's why at an auto show
literally all the time, you see the guys with the rags going over the cars all day long because they want to keep the the fingerprints off the correct, because a fingerprints literally corrode the car. As our er yeah no see. If you go more than like fifteen minutes, the car just starts to rust and fall apart at the floor yeah and these luxury items top of the l a auto show at all. You know we we have not. So what happened or so he was speaking of car- shows where people are puffing things constantly. It was. It was a weird show and we expected it to be bigger than it was, but the announcements that were made were still pretty bizarre, there was a convertible suv which doesn't happen every day. What yeah the the The land rover evoke convertible wake. About this in the last few years we talk, I did read There is no way we can with the royal we're besides,
It's a convertible suv which is like maybe the most pimp thing in the whole world. Worse thing in the whole, or maybe both I mean to pray, where'd you get this because it actually has a utility or you get it, because it's the most pimp thing in the world. We want you getting lose you get it because you want. To preserve words are old, like included the idea of being a pimp thing. Yes, true creature, wrapped up in itself. It you get it because you want a project to the world around you that have infinity money, and you have run out of things to spend it on. So that's why you get this. You know Elias recently, a show where they show a lot of convertibles, because it is a convertible town. By so that's why the cardy be there. It's obviously re limited run vehicles and I can be selling a million of these things. so that happened the the the press shots by the way. If you haven't seen our post on this car, please check out the press shots for it because they are the most hilarious press shots. I've ever seen for a car. One, where it's driving through a lake with the top down, there's one where there are dashing through the snow, with the top down there's one worth their goal,
over dunes in the middle east with the top down. It's just a very bizarre set of press photos that happened. Then the fee out one twenty four happened, I'm looking at them their insane right there completely insane, though the one at that, with the dude in the button down any justly just like casually driving like low water yeah, it's a! What are you doing? Some work for africa? It is no! No. No, the world's first aqua car will get a lot of free james bond from octopus. You know it was live and let die goddamn. It was octopussy, yeah I'd say so anyway. twenty four, which is a weight. You load, the you one, twenty four now I love the the or the express spree for my daughter's elon musk. Keep at it. Yeah love me: what's the spy who loved me? Okay, What you are wrong to dump me that well was not at home
anyway fiallan twenty four debuted, which is a few yards version of the new Mazda miata. and this is the car that everybody with taste loves and have no. No, that is not accurate, its. It is the opposite of the algae. bane is. It looks bad Reporter tamar describes it as the most polarizing coronel yeah well noted issue, so she was writing it up and out, and I I texted her eye textiles Emily tamar, you need to call it polarizing, that's what it is. Yet on the floor, you know just overhearing conversations with different journalists, like people were getting like emotional about this car, describing whether they loved her hated it because it. to me. It looks like you took a miata and bolted on a bunch of crappy aftermarket parts. Oh it's like the it's like the what's the pontiac equivalent camaro firebird yeah, it's it's the pontiac firebird of the miata kind of excess.
The fire bird was genuinely bad ass car that is naturally have you found. Why, when in the eightys and ninetys the fire, it was a dumpster fire with the giant like flaming bird on the herd, it's my sangamo micro machine version of it was also I believe. I believe that I largely that so many rests with their fast looking like a missing man used about I'm feeling I wanna be him when I grew up yet do you want it? the story that the commercials made no sense is like fifteen seconds. Long is just this dude talking fashion that you could understand, and then that was the end of the commercial john, especially ted Jr, download the show he lives He lives is familiar to bunnybury areas and cool. He lives in new york on my god, where this is from new york. if you know damages unit, ask him to come on the votes cast. It will be the quickest interview.
You gotta be so fast sophia when twenty four that happen to them then we had a wrap up at the end, with jason harbour tamarind myself, who were all there, graciously. Bmw. Bmw, who had to fly to level booth gave us their second floor to sort of many podcast from you have. A two level booth at an auto show you're a baller which Bmw apparently is so that was fun yeah that was away and then coming up. Of course, we have see yes, which is, as I've been saying for three years now and ato show is going to be again this year and then to trade that we get to that and we can see the day regard well fair. future is exhibiting there? We don't know what there shall back up fairly. Future is what verdict
sure. So this was this story that we put up this sort of many future written by tamra and it was not part of the L. A auto show a scene per se, but they are in l a company. They are headquartered. nissan's old aren t facility outside our aim. are a california company that has been very quietly poaching, tesla beamed up You mercedes and apple engineer. Ok for the past two years, the only electric car story. I see any more are apple put from tesla tessa, poacher apple, ferry boats from these other people and their just like fifty people that no make like twenty and they just august stolen from each other. There pretty much the game and Google, Google just poached as someone from tesla rainbow s, weak, yeah, gender. incestuous, seen it like the rounds and it's very california specific there's, not a lot of poaching from Detroit right. Like without his king,
but all the other of the detroit companies of open labs in the valley in the past two years in that in that too, and to how much longer is detroit going to be detroit in terms of cars now in terms of existing? Well, it's like well, I suffer. So. How do I put this? The treaty is like a whole box to open its like many supporters under its. I wonder if we have a transportation paca, maybe if we but I would really want injures the ads. Why credible? Why am I fancy my here a minute? I'm sorry, I didn't you it is opening pandora's box. My friend I didn't so it s yacht fear. Whatever the car was called if you don't even know, you claim that it was a great looking car, you don't even notice cough she just about, So you have heard a future they're stealth mode. Still they raised tons of money from unknown sources that are, we think, are chinese.
and they won't even name their ceo. They won't tell us who their ceo, it's crazy they're the they're, the manchurian electric car company. Yes, yes, they are racist, citing a little. So so one thing that they're doing that's interesting, that the only talk about what they're doing and sort of riddles and rhymes, but they they want to launch their first vehicle and twenty seventeen. I don't believe, that's actually going to happen, but that's their plan and they want to launch in a subscription model. So, instead of buying a car, you would subscribe to a service where you can select different self driving cars for you to like one day, you might have a cargo self driving car for going to home depot and picking up like furniture or ikea or whatever would drive itself to you. Yes, but that's the idea so like first of all, they have huge reagan,
for challenges change to overcome. Secondly, that technology is fleshed out three, they don't have a car, yet they have many many problems, but they also have infinity money, allegedly so we'll see. It's kind of also served dovetails tales with the upper ethos, which is to end private car ownership and have everyone just share cars, Shi ites yeah. It sounds like a sort of like their lot of companies, betting, that this is what people want and that hasn't been proven. Yet I mean I dont want. I want to own a car, but like one really honest with myself, I don't know I don't either, but but we all live in new york city, I mean if you live, but like even like, when I go to other cities, I don't want to rent one. I like want to be taken places, but I don't want that responsibility of a car like yeah, that's what I want is for a car to be their two minutes have from like. I need a car I future is a future. Is your friend further friend if they can actually poet?
frank together, their lead designer is its of superstar from Bmw. He designed I three and I eight timorous. I sort of a profile of the car which she was sworn she went discuss in our peace, but if you but our video you can makes it easier for you, it's it's right behind her, so you can judge her. If I really was waiting when I was watch any of her just like you know what you think and I just pull the type and it would have been a bunch of like lupus that sticks to the car, like the from bojack horseman, the three kids yeah wait. What what? What are you talking about? The netflix bojack horseman yeah? What what have you not seen? Bojack? Well, yeah, of course I have
It is playing along with the joke and oh you're, playing the wrong yeah you're you're playing the role of what's her name, the the agent yeah and yes, Amy, Sedaris scared, yes, whose name? None of us can remember, shout out bojack horseman good show, but it is a good show best show about depression. I think so too. I I haven't seen the christmas special yet, which apparently came out last year and I didn't know, existed until like last week. some and watch it anyway, that was alyosha. Then this week we put up a really cool peace on the maclarens accent, sending faculty least bonkers fire which, is an insane vehicle. I had the six fifty s which is sort of the low key version of the sixty five lt for a week, and it was it terrified me in so many ways. I was driving in long island with it and when you put
if the accelerator all the way to the floor. You you feel like your entire face is going to be ripped off and there will just be a b bones and like tendons underneath, as can be really, gusting and then you'll die like as usual, via cage, right, fair. Yeah face off situation, makes it there's no replacement face it you just ever. You know about situation exacts bananas is a fantastic car. This thing is like the super hard core version of it. So we're horse power more bolstered seats. It's basically intended for drug use is limited to five per unit. so jason arbor are, are columnist, had this thing for a day at a track upstate and was if you watch the video of it there's a moment where It's literally at a loss for words like he is unable to like evoke any verbalization of what he's experiencing, and that's how you know that it's a good car because he's given everything on the planet check that out and we have seventy two wallpapers. Seventy two,
wallpapers of high resolution wallpapers of this sixty five welty on our side in the back of your computer. Well, you never ill for like for the front of his yeah, yeah yeah, no free movement. I mean why I hang like wallpaper, who had a lamborghini car carpenter or we could touch absolute absolutely. What now? What did you have weakened it? We're gonna posters did have movie posters come. Ok, that's very man terminator. Ninety eight degrees why my brother had the who's. The eighties artists like that, though the black and white women like the food, on easier, like one are likewise doran yeah, he had a bunch of those without artist was whenever I had the m, I had this poster everyone did they still make this? You can still find online the justification for higher education poster for its like it's a mansion with a garage in front of it with like six garages with like lamborghini and two four areas.
unfortunately yeah cause. When you go to college, you get that yeah exactly yeah yeah, that's what we all get as soon as you graduate diploma six cars or cars. I got and not massive debt loan. Do you didn't pick yours up when you were leaving yeah, really annoying shit? There should be a little ticket. You turn in so so that happens, and oh and then one final thing. Ok- So I ve He's feels in my heart for long time, and I wanted to. Them on the website or we can't get into this. We do not have time to get into this just to get one sentence, as already out going to clerks in not a great guy. Ok, that was even said You know as catholic opponents fragment jemmy clerks, and calling not a great out a great guy,
amazon colin. What are you thinking? That's, but that's another sends you said I'd once I said you got it. I as many suddenly live ones, thinking right now, amazon Has a guy who had to leave the bbc was like cause. I fired basically fired me. I he resigned. Who knows for saying racist and recitals things and assaulting his coworkers punched is producer in the face? because he didn't get dinner now, just ironic as he looks like he's- been punished in the face so so amazon amazon picked him up almost immediate. Well, not almost immediately. It was a protracted negotiation period, but I ended up picking him up along with his two cohosts at a ten times, raise what he was making it the bb, see so BBC was making about a million pounds a year now he's making ten million pounds a year through million pounds over three seasons which works out you by forty five million dollars.
Oh and look He's an amazing entertainer. Top gear is argue we the best automotive program ever put on tv, but he is not a great guy dukes of hazzard. No coffee is better, but dukes of hazzard is a sitcom. I'm talking about. Like I'm talking about a straight play kirby figure, you're going in the wrong person. Beloved It is not only nay writer. Oh that's! A tough one is rather the best car, so ever we're getting up to that's my question: are we get into a moment when, when self driving cars will be like kit from knight rider were they will talk to us in a sinew s? Voice we'll talk to you? What's that will set actors name? Who did the voice of care? I can't member he member, he played, am atoms yet too to the half yeah give way to the half he played John Adams and seventeen. Seventy six
greatest historical foam ever made anyway. Yet I hope that that he talks to us the heard a voice. A knight rider was magnum p s, butler friends, friend or I that was my job, william Daniels villain decade, person No, I know these words entered it and then I wonder I watch val kilmer, the two thousand, a reboot white god. It was how to exist. I was there that was with. Mustang right instead of a firebird, yes, which is ins insane, I'm not the level so funny story about that, show that labour kneeling. I were working at engaged at the time at which is may well property, otto blog also nail property aol decided Eric, see me out a blog decided that they were going to live blog every episode of the may writer, reboot and who was lie blogging. I came over who, unfortunately, what in the lab rugs were held.
serious, they were so well done and eli was so jealous cause. It was a mustang and, of course, he's a huge mustang fan, but it's like I need to be involved with this live blog, so he started talking to to the auto blog people. Please let me get on these live blogs, never happened and I think to the states one of the greatest regrets and said he couldn't live blog. That he's not here to defend himself. No he's not! He has not been idle he's not here for to counter us talking about backers. How many times you heard, as do the other social at the end of the pot cast. I think this is my sixth. Seventh, miscalculated doesn't not at all it haven't you try it yeah share where's the words
Oh man, you should follow now, I'm going to mess it up. Just it's! I always forget on twitter or it's just verge at verge, on twitter, at verge. Dieter's at backline am on at Nikola, underscore Fumo y'all at the handy, Jayhawk, J Y H, a w k, and add power. What is edi power? No, no. They pretend I'm canadian power z power. You can also find us on itunes. We are there at that. Just search for verge cast on itunes really, but if you go to itunes dot com, slash the verge you'll find us and you'll also find other things like verjee sp what's: tech and control alt delete and when you're there at itunes, you might as well rated five stars and tell us why why you want to live forever ethic, pull up and snapchat
the real vert hall. What's on snapchat talk about the easter egg on the on the oh, it's just. If you go to the transient as a piece of typing sultan you'll have a party who I didn't even know that I rocked out to that yeah you'll. Have a party jam, hey thanks to braintree for sponsoring. Today's episode of the verge cast branch gives you a full stack payment solution. They support all kinds of payment. Types. Are your customers that they might want to want, like android pay or apple pay, or paypal or bitcoin or venmo, and cards, and whatever is coming next. It all works with a single integration that works across all platforms and has superior proc fraud, protection, customer service and fast payouts. You can check it out for yourself at braintree payments, dot, com, slash verge cast. Thank you so much everybody for watching. We will be back next week.
Similarly with new eli and came in house, can confirm or deny or finish his podcast by by thank thank you buy.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-08.