« The Vergecast

Cut the night


Another week of Vergecast and we have SO much to talk about so we extended the episode to 90 minutes…and then some.Mobile World Congress just wrapped up so Nilay, Dieter, and news editor Jake Kastrenakes are here to analyze the coverage. Also, the Oscars are this Sunday so our entertainment section is taking over Vergecast during halftime! Entertainment editor Emily Yoshida leads the discussion with entertainment editor Jamieson Cox, and senior reporter Bryan Bishop. Nicola Fumo commands the hype matrix once again for this show-within-a-show episode of Vergecast!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
So I welcome the branch its today or from any people tomorrow. I'm your town, I'm here with you in your heart, drawn by data around that's right, who have miss terribly J, castra kisses here. Yes, firm us here, several high here Things have happened to show this especial ninety minute extended verge, cast remit halfway through so the first ass weren't talking about mwc technology, oversees the fbi. The plan was sent to us like not talk what apple, but they decided to file matter live while the massive ended its fighter tat. My heart explode with joy, and I know that you guys you did. That was completely sincere and then halfway through we're going to everyone's you'll leave, o brien bishop on the phone: Brian lew, hey bishop skype and from l a hamburger through since eater thank dieter.
If you're going to leave by Emily, Yoshida and James Cox are going to come, sit down and we're gonna talk about some movies and the oscars that are happening on Sunday. So Brian is our glue because Brian was Oji verge started with us, the very beginning, hardcore tech reporter now senior editor. junior partner on the airport when it brings a senior dude on guaranteeing repeated verge. So, like you see the continuity see the the intersection of technology in half Yes is embody in the brian in bribing. It's like technologies on the side And cultures on this side and then it's a door, you walk through and Brian, is the arch yet wrangling, about the doors, thus enabling the middle actually the pressure that holds all the wing tween, the arch, that a bishop. As I told the bishop at the keystone, that's a keystone!
I and lasting about eastern thing. My neighbor keeps Brian Brian, not not important, yeah yeah, that's a good name! It's like a it's like a competent succeed, keystones on the case because it's got a brancusi anyway, anyway. Jake's answer your question. So Dita got married two weeks ago, yep he he he and his now wife lisa request that we've let fly the the rings down with the drone so that we get a phantom three phantom, three professional, great great product. How much we recommend drone practice before this house, I would say it was. I had a lot. Ok like tea, I watched like a day of youtube videos. Are you tear easily yeah lies? He put me, I feel
into the caribbean like a week early, so he could practice the drug eventually he was like it was like for a vacation, but really it was so he could practice. I had this whole moment where I realized I'd. I'd spent like an afternoon, my house watching youtube videos, and I was like I dunno this seems, and then I was like this is a bunch of like drunk twelve year olds on a boat to or flying drones like like with, like you know, it's like there's a lot of those videos. It's like phantom first flight and it's like a guy in a speedboat and he's like bright red and he's like that, and it's like I can. I can do this like if that guy can do it. I can do this and then I was like, but what if we made it even more complicated and ruined one of my best friends, wedding industry, but so he had the one part that was scary was we. I bought a tea strainer the rings in so like a little round thing on time. Decorated likely said, like some flowers and dears like.
it looks great any like held it up and started jingling it and immediately popped up so that that we had like wrap it, and but it worked and it was. It was stupendous. It was something and I haven't yet posted the video cause. I didn't wanna like turn your wedding into content. Go ahead! Alright, I wrote a post anyway. So let's talk about what's going on, there's a lot going on. There's some news. It just broke yeah yeah in the apple case, and then NBC happened. So, let's, let's, let's do the advocates quickly cause I'm gonna read I'll write a big thing tomorrow, because I love playing for legal briefs so thus far in the apple case- and this is the fbi I wanted, able to create a new version of iowa survive ass, is located in I restrictions so that they can try to brute force, enter a passcode on iphone five se that was owned by the san bernardino terrorist. Everyone is fearless
in the shown you you don't know that information. I have no idea what you're doing and anyway so thus far the f b, I filed a motion to compel on the court. and then it's been apple was not involved in motion and not replied. Emotion and aid has been a pr war right hastily. It's been pr were, unlike literally cook was on a last night was like he does. Ask the same question for half an hour, but like he's line was like the government is trying to give the technology industry cancer like it was that level of rhetoric crimson could in these very firm on that, and I can't do this, but since interesting to me is there hasn't been any legal battle and just been this pr, their setting stage, and if there were his like, not broken and apples favour this far others conventionally suit. We sent its lowly surgeon, maybe turn deserves one paul. It's a majority or americans did want to do it and then later
it was like well. Actually the majority is not so sure doesn't want him to do Alex slightly question. That Paul, though, cause that poll polls while it's true and but I feel, like apple, probably skews more toward people who nevertheless the lie is right, but it's like unlock iphone is something that everybody assumes apple can do pretty easily and it's a terrorist's phone and that's a really steep hill. clymer it's about sacrifice, but then we sent cursing out there's a video on the site and on youtube. We sent kirsten out in times square. Just like do man in the street and talk to people and what was really interesting was they all started? Saying apple should unlock the phone, and then, as kirsten sort of fed them more information about products. and what it would mean. Almost all of them change their mind, really yeah. That is crazy, whereas we're always watching
through like so you know what that means right and then told them right after he gets released, then anybody could unlock a phone you're, the fun of making the phone more secure. They unlock one phone, then the government can ask them to unlock all kinds of other phones and, and you just sort of watch people, come to the inevitable conclusion that eventually the government will be able to do crazy things, like request apple turn on the microphone in their own right, and that is fundamentally the capability of the government is asking for is. We would like apple to write a custom firmware targeted the single wireless devices in, if apple, can do that with one phone there presently due to every phone, and then the government can say: okay, this guy, we have a search warrant for him.
write a version for ios that sends us every siri command or is constantly listening or whatever the hell. They want to do right and that's that's what that's like you're walking all the way up to there, and then everyone is like. No, we don't want. We would never want the orange got. So it's like really said. The pr was like furious back and forth. The more people learn the more that mind. Donald trump. Is he still sweden from his iphone, even though he said he's banning apple products? It's crazy and then today the thing that happened. which I think is the most notable moment. Thus far is apple filed, its response motion to vacate this order and say this is bullshit and you can see what their actual legal argument is. Instead of their pr argument in the legal argument if only we literally did- and I were just like reading it as fast as I could before I came in the air league argument- is not as strong as I want it to be. So what is the core arguments here? So it's it's structured is three quadrants
first one I gotta look up, but the actual that written that stands, for example, collyer mac. You know mac. Has these little previews and you hover your mouse over. It gives you little arrows instead of just opening the damn thing on pdf yeah, the worst anyway. So there's this law called the communication system for law enforcement act clia, it's usually acronym and pass. Ninety four and basically it says if you run a telecommunication service, you have to help the government tap. That can be, but that's it right and just read. The first line of wikipedia see united states wiretapping law of precedent, for this purpose enhance the ability of law enforcement agencies to conduct electronic surveillance by requiring the carriers, manufacturers, equipment, modify and design their equipment facilities and services to ensure they have surveillance capabilities. But it's it's the wiretap lots as if you run, if you're eighteen to your apple or whatever you gotta do so and in their apples.
First argument is a very specific eminent among it, real professor, faster on the sure, it's a very specific line. They pulled out a sub section of the law. That's that says the carriers have two wiretap in intercept dialing information in the audio. The call in a there's a sub section, like section b of this says this- does not authorize the government to require the design of services or equipment which is spent, typically apples thing is requiring us to design iowa such that I mean that's that maybe that's what I've been using this language so clearly, because they ve, I mean every single time, they're saying that code, a new operating says right. So that is their first argument is clear. Is that united
its wiretapping law. Clear in this section says this subchapter does not authorize. You does not offer as the government to require the design of a thing. That's great. The problem is that that is then. This is like the deep lawyer saying this sub section does not authorize. Something doesn't mean that its power habited, right, sir, if I say this law this sub this chapter chapter, forty seven does not authorized me to like it jake and then for forty eight is, you are authorized hit Jake forty seven does not prohibit. Doesn't it it's just that I'm sayin! You are not authorized to hit jake, and this chapter doesn't authorize you to hatch. I no longer feel safe, rightly gets issue. Jake is dead I just want viewers. Please stay on it's going to be an hour. It's gonna be ninety minutes long, because it's snuff film
it's slowly dying. Nobody like Brian. You are apparently like he. He hear what I'm saying right like it's. This subchapter does not authorize. This does not mean this law prohibits this. It just means you have to go, find some other authority to do this outside of this thing. So that's their first argument. Does that make it's my crazy swine, so here too the economic sense the government is like. I just want to show you they're like on skype or alone. I miss you and it's not elaborate. The others ever getting people to love him, The other thing you should know o Brien is when apple suing samsung Brian and I were like the fuckin strike team brand was in the courtroom. We had secret by channel voice coms opens as listening in court, and my blogging is how you should turn. I think we can talk dude, it's other cases, so over
do you know what that would have been really cool, as we had done that so cool? I can't wherever man and the cases are for it. I mean Brian, our deep we're deep in the zone to get anyway, so anytime, there's napoli, okay, so I think lebron and family as it is, and Jake, however, are going to die so that that that's their first argument right, and I think that is a really weak argument. Just said I just I just don't think it's great. I can be wrong. I will I just don't think it's before they get to the actual legal arguments like the moral force of their rhetoric, is very good, like the disney name on it yeah it's because as a as a lay person, it's like, oh yeah, oh oh yeah, yeah, I'm with you! This is great. I totally am convinced okay, so we should get off this because there's there's much more depth here, and I talk about another case where the government forced a literature.
Nineteen forty six haste with forced newark phone carrier like install a wiretapping device using this up, like this in the same arguments of alright hoping to our, but that's like the big breaking news is like well they're, making their legal argument now and not their pr argument. I think that is really fascinating, and this is one in someone's and to make a decision here in its apples like doing the information thing where it's like. Well, it's everything so hard and you're gonna like how can we possibly code in you? I, unless our fault- I liked you- that's like you, if you're the richest company on earth, the other thing that's happening is microsoft said it's going to file a brief in support of apple, and I think Google now is also supposedly facebook as well yeah. That makes sense. Anyhow I mean if, if, if you're facebook, the last thing you want is the government just like oh and verizon backs apple, of course. Why why of course, stiffly
in the given the given everything it asked for physical. The government is peace that, if you have rising, you are already tightly regulated, so you're right on already has to give so much stuff to the guy they're afraid that they're they're, afraid of they're actually genuinely afraid of the slippery slope, argument that if the government can compel apple to make new stuff to let the government spy on you that they could also compel verizon to expend resources to make new stuff. Yet to make governments by any good, and so Verizon's argument is there's already a complex regulatory scheme. Yet that provides the government with with that compels us to help the government in law enforcement activity. If you want to help, if you want to sell more congress, should pass a law saying we shalt more government can't just like that. That might that would be my guess. Anyway, the story is going on, but because it's it endless show endless in jake still alive
jake four hundred bc, so it's nickel did they provide these pictures of funds. Is I requested dieter sent me all the links with which one I looked out? What's, let's start with the seven sagoths year? Seventy It will be seen Jake you under the specks. That's in that sam samson term, this window, butter, samsung tab. Actual me, the same on products, galaxy, tab, yeah, but come on. It's close, the galaxy tab. Us too did I do have one of the galaxy tab, not getting a seven. yeah, so snapdragon, eight, twenty us outside the? U s! It's something else I feel like this is like the worst samsung asterisk of all time. You can't say the processor samsung's around, because someone in youtube comments right now. It's like it's nonetheless in front of us accident, or are they using their own processors outside the? U s always take four gigabytes of ram. It's got a five point. One inch What hd d those here six edge has a five point: blade seven
you mean that same phones right, they danced backed by five six and it made him yet nicer. Am I missing so, thursday, and they don't have usb cynicism, though they dont use, receive so so that they can connect connect the the gear, the big big big deal. They they made the battery like way bigger, it's three thousand jobs. Now they also added esther. For expansion, and they also made it waterproof. So basically, they took all the little things that people didn't really like, but the essex and they just fixed all of it yet so this is likely a six ass back more than it is the esa look. It's weird is in some ways feels like the most like borings. Some launching a highly closet? Exactly it's like such a squeak looking phone, it's so well, rounded, I'm like really emperor drunkard, their owners so around it. This is the one that open and, as I have already seen, that language learning, but you see that happen. I like every other year, but as a person whose eyes are not attuned to these things, like I think someone already has this fund I've seen it, but now they are
like all because they fix all the little things, and in doing so I mean I've been through any fixed was on the edge, which is a curve one literally one of the notes was we made them slightly rounded. So it's easier to pick up that by low is a huge problem. Diabetic just like super funny. It is like they didn't notice it on the first one like I did. No one ever put down the galaxy essex edge on a table and try to pick it up before they do that. That occur, they're like shit, we blew it Ralph S, seven they also reduce, the camera from sixteen to twelve megapixels, so that could have bigger pixels. That's the thing. I don't understand why the edge has to be like an infinity pool like. Why does it have to all? Because it's awesome I, like him, is hard edge. Well, you should look at that. Won't do you know anybody with occur fun. Do you know anybody with an entrance? but I see you know Evan rogers. You know at least one
Person who now has found run actually live in the iphone lifestyle. Now yankee is listening to me once announced like what is this blue bubble accepted a green bubbling? What have you been friends? What does my sites like what you do? Embrowns when you become friends someone do you do with us. I am a bubble color now, but we became friends here again about birthday party, which I don't remember not that I just knew of his up hundreds. I'm not a malady android bones. I expected a green bubble. I see I got a blue on either you should. Do a feature for us where you just categorize various celebrities as blue or green bubbles, whoo. Okay, that's the thing! That's the thing right, yeah, yeah, yeah, green bubbles, green bubbles are ok, yeah bedroom, You are green, celebrity that come now radically young person green bubble.
Only old people, autopsy Alec, green velvet, because, like green velvet, my dad you just goes to horizon and he's like this is neat. Oh it's in the plan and they ve gets it yeah I think that's how a lot of people shop for retrieving marco rubio is a blue belt, where again bible belt alright, so that s seven, the big news of the seven is arguing not the s said it's a bitter Zuckerberg walked onstage and stole the show by talking about you, We are in there. They got like a crack strike team of the hour. People working with sam gm personally do by own they put out a three sixty came the gear through sixty, yet which is everybody, has a three sixty can my mom Three sixty yeah, but there's something there is something. Oh, I wrote a whole column that I spiked, because it it just made no sense by the end, and it was diagonal integration for this concept, a god you're re, ready, samson
all three sixty yards stuff is the only one out of that group of companies or be successful, like maybe sal, because I play station Google, because Google, but samsung, is poised because their diane, the integrated with facebook and google right rights or facebook has opulence. They run on the samson hardware, samson tunes the hardware facebook right to do all your stuff. They make the screens her face I worked there like tightly in the game and all runs on android yep in googles and so facebook in android or facebook and google run huge video discs. Asian platforms, they're both heavily bought into in dvr and their organs, deliver this stuff on the hardware that having specifically tune
at least one of those samsung- is the only company that is getting content and like support from two sides of the vr battle, and they are the only company that is doing everything except for diagonal. Integration is awesome in that idea. No, but it's now it's dumb, because they're not vertically integrated. Now it's like straight striped integration. They don't know they're, not stripes. That's horizontal That's a horizontal certain regulations at all to the good idea you guys yeah threat, but since I hardly violating the ground like to point out that I just come on, We said all stripes are horizontal. No, no one even came close, so did he was idea. All stripes are horizontal words. Were a horizontal stripes run the matrix way, who actually said Where does it go on your matrix seems practical and a little bit elegant, I'm a big fan. I am excited to try it good. So then LG did a bunch of oh, my god. Lg went crazy.
Get the energy. We have yeah, it's great, so g, five, whatever it's got the same. Specs it's got specs! I don't care if it's high end cone with sex. You know it's got the eat the stuff, but you can flicker, switch and pull the bottom off of the phone and the battery slides out and then yanked battery off of that thing, and then you can stick it onto another thing and then stick that back in the phone. So you can do like one of the modules. Is a camera grip yeah? and another one is like it's pc cards pc. Hardly wait me this. What it is right behind, when are you ever going to put a camel grip on your phone? Never Living like didn't know what it was for another one d c, so again read that's for like two people, if they had one that had a big ass, one of the chemical has a bigger battery and it's got an extended battery built in has a giant camera grip on it. It's like it's like the bump on the phone. Well,
what about the speaker loudspeakers. I could cite a guy Hmm I mean, and legitimately what would be the the thing that would make it would be nice if they developed an ecosystem, the problems all the years of what people have wanted attached to a smartphone are all the ideas that are, they ve all been attached, and so we, like don't its next right, but I believe in my heart that there is because I love the replies or so much so tat. No hot weather answering visor, give us a history lesson so palmed, as as as it often did, was really crappy in the nineties, and one of the founders of hawkins and dubinsky and collagen they're screw this baling we're not start our own company. That will make palm handsets. Do we want they wanted to do was make a pda, but
would have a modular system. Then it was literally like it use a pc m c ca interface. It use the same plug interface. I wasn't didn't use those same commands anyway and The idea was was a pda, but you could slap mp3 player p. You could slip a memory card expansion into it. You could slap modem into it. You could slap, you no other kinds of cartridges and there is a whole list of stuff that you could get and there is a pretty big ecosystem of. I don't know a few huh a different modules. You could get that this happened this and there is a d I why ecosystem those cool but the real reason they did it was because they wanted to have one of the modules you'd slap into it, be a phone to turn the pda and found think about that think about how far we ve come. They think is one of the models. Reggie five is actually a palm organizer Toby incredible by the way, if one of the modules the giant was upon the three and it what I'm you turned her front over
let me and I'm sorry I just want to say that the reason you have an iphone today is because of that idea, because there had been other smartphones, but there were like how will try to expect? they didn't really believe it, but handspring like made a real, concerted effort to make a good soup broadly popular consumer device. That would become a smartphone. They made the visor, so they could test out the phone, so they could make the trio, but you're saying this is x, ecosystem failed, Well, no handed austrian spring so palm, which at the time was like who bought handsprings handspring, bought await really expensive headquarters, building an egg they couldn't afford it. They're mortgage bills, so Paul had volume means higher palm stories just classic, MR and then, but they they up. They also like their site about one of the next versions of the truth coming out. So then Paul made the trio for a while, and I was going great until it wasn't how often dewey have emerged ass. It doesn't get into like deep palmer. Whether I love I learned so much not to say that its. If there's one
in the dna of the verge. It's like the ptsd of the palm story. We have some of the best palm reporting in two thousand, judging by the way, as some exec from Alcatel finally admitted that they're not gonna, do anything with palm brand it hunter, isn't there, but no, but so g five, I dunno what else is going to get plugged with the g five, but I love. I love the idea that you could plug other stuff into it. The thing I'm most excited about from LG, though, is that robot ball hitter seen throw up all nikola okay, what it wait: okay, open your lg tab, which is not
on expenditure. When you consider ways, how do you make a tab, zero veto while its misguided easily? What is it a rolling bout yeah, I'm bringing the eu or else guessing five euros, were to look at the G. Five, a drunken headless, mediate. I've met, deviate, yeah, hero, it's like! Maybe it s right, it's supposed to be of any world dominated by social Do they sell accessories to make it a bunny? You could I mean it's rounding up, many any accessories that fit around thing I believe, will fit like people. Is this a thing like people are out of the summer. Oh, my god, property, It's a rolling baldos like a zero or be eight decontrolled their phone, but has a camera on it and a speaker on it in a laser pointer on it in India is you're at the office and you want to screw around with your cat. the ball on you like what
Well, the thing around your house: do you find the cat, and then you turn on the laser pointer and then start moving. The laser printer around the cat goes chasing The only way you can say what did I auto cat troll mode, where you just hit the button Then he finds out shooting a laser piss off the cat. I have a question for you is that EL jeez idea, if the device or dieter bones idea of wild the laser pointer on a rolling ball. Can you wait? I mean how much is the cat torture, but who cares it's amazing I'm into it. I mean I the whole. The whole g five thing is like lg was, like you know what everything we're going to make with our phone this year. is ever gonna be put out of your head set for no longer view had since such garbage. What's real bad like I was. Actually it was really cool. It looks. Ok, I've been its nicely color dear a picture of it. It's like its smaller than all the other ones. It has us like felt piece. It you'll get lonely, doesnt, work, credentials,
It is necessary, or oversight like compared everyone else's of your heads at its it actually like, looks the nicest the poker light leaks in and with it reality we all know I, like others, looks the airport in the matrix, the people wearing it. It's very slim wow yeah? That's why low light leaks in the ass reality? what if you could buy accessories further like cops like DR ostentatious drowned ostentatious, it's nothing! I mean it looks pretty good for like being the thing that is, but it's like the dorky as thing, so I forgot that thing in all the other things you plug into the phone, and this really bald. You know what lg calls them. What friends they just went for it yeah. They just went for the the g five as
phone. You know it's like nerdy and awesome, and maybe they'll be cool modules, tour, but almost surely not cause. There's no lg is going to get support from a broad ecosystem of hardware developers to make stuff for it, but it is the first g five in a while that doesn't like basically look at and go. Oh that's cheap and plastic. Yeah yeah, which is a big deal. That's something I just listeners telling me if I'm wrong, I just feel like lg, is the perennial also ran in this entire game? like they're, so big, and to make so much money making screens for apple there like we'll make a fund to, and they just need to what differentiates analogy. I feel This is the key for edited camera right, yeah, but, and now like this seems, first year they got one. That's just, round really nice there I'll try something kind of crazy. I mean the g for the g three. They were like kind of forgettable there technology you could like flexible people, energy for a decent,
go get hurt, camera and like to set out the thing did not look and feel great yes like and also their software now begun, isn't gonna veteran g for in vienna to screens for no reason. Yeah, that's it amazon you weren't algae, have like always on screens now the time and they can notifications. On screen all time. Do models are enemies, wait. What do you think of the G5? Do you understand that when a g algae puts out the g sex, we will listen to what could she six and twenty nine? team on. Ironically, as a mass cooperation by just bumps that sign us. It's on its inescapable. It's coming. Everyone just be warned today. No This a year from now will be on the show I'm quitting next listening. I feel like a Jesus. It's not like it will come for us bottles in the club g fires,
Ok, you think they're about frederick, wait. The friends second second be around next year. Is that even what are the chances? Friends? Last, though, there's no way, I'm just really excited about them, yeah and as a gadget, it's cool. You don't have to if you don't call, it is clicking. Something's cool, isn't a recommendation that anybody buy it I mean in what world does it succeed like the way? Excuse me neither I know I just bought a vial, p man. I bought it about one hundred and five. I spent two hundred and ninety dollars right, I'm with you on the It's saying, okay, I'm just saying I want LG to like get a win yeah. No, that I can do what I want. I want sony to get a win. Yes, aye, but it's just not happening in all its staff at him there you see the new experience. Phones are like bewildering I dont know why is there this existed this we're mid range points, no one's really sure where they fit nabbed yeah. That's the impression I'm getting
I like that every sony found now has a qualify and its name. It's like this is the x seven, something every single one like let pre m compact forgettable right. This is the forget. It what everyone in formal terms like the others, don't we perform sony also made a bunch random crap because of their phone. there's, there's a moto hit. There's like it, you know, what's her, what's a movie, with the girl wires had set her assets? Is her yeah, there's amazon, echo clone and then there's like a thing, pedestal that, like displays stuff on the wall and does stuff and like could knows, if actually gonna sell this stuff there, echo clone, is called the sony experience agent. Yep discuss every so agitated can't name a product. One name shakespeare agent sounds great. There wasn't a name
of these things in the matrix trying to kill you constantly the thing about sony and experience you ever the original experience. Now the original experience was horizontal slider that slighter that ran windows mobile and it was bad ass. Rightly before, came out people, were losing their minds over this really stretching though it was, there was a first like smart the hardware that had amazing like build quality and it had aluminum, and I was like whoa. This thing is going to be amazing. in the end, we started using it and it was hot garbage and the keyboard is terrible and like the buttons were bad and whatever, but I I probably spent like nine hundred dollars on that thing. And I decided I opened a thousand dollars. Others windows mobile sin- I imported it. But after that thing didn't live up to expectations
Maybe they should stop using the word experience everything they do yeah, I dunno why they used it once yeah. What does the word? Experience mean to you Nicola experience? Let's sony smartphone brand em, it's august, it's like an ex multiple expiring it says I guess yeah. I know I've had a number of our trip and we had experian try new food. I mean off to Europe. I want to study that is one hundred percent the worst girl at a boarding school said: yeah that'd is who is the worst mean girl at your dear elite? an boarding school she's, the one who, like I've, had experienced look up. Look up Sony
ericsson, experience x one and tell me that doesn't look like the higher covered, the hell out of yeah. Oh it's with an ex nodded yeah. I remember this thing we can see. This was like an engadget special. It was like a thing that we we got down there. This was kind of sweet. The curve yeah right and then, when you used it, it was like. Oh, the face has like a million things that was every windows phone. Yet it continues to be everywhere. Yes, Oh man, you can buy one for eighty dollars, I'm buying and I'm buying an experience. What did we get? We reviewed this. Of course you to engage it yeah, that's not nascar, but none of this is right. None of these things are the right thing. Two thousand and eight Darren reviewed it. Would he give it give it? What do we have scores back? Then? I don't think I covered the experience on windows. Well, what those are few and swift if someone figures out a kit android on it, we wouldn't say wholehearted
emendation would be too far from the realm of these events. We would recommend this view stripped of its operating system and put a different one hour ago. There's experience one on ebay for twenty seven dollars hey this is it. I just bought a vip van here's. What I can I can I can. I load the the groundwater. From a thing I interest, I think we should start to sony hardware. Museum certainly hardware everyone peoples whose intentions you and then people would actually pay money to get sony devices until recently sony made was that dieter shade yeah now is a deep learning zone is like a son he's been is it as an insurance company in japan, and then they have this like electronics, business on the side. Oh, they also make a camera modules, video camera modules for for apple yeah, like that's their business. They make the world's best camera modules that make tvs that very few people buy in a
sell insurance, their own employees in japan and amazing stats stylish gadgets that no one buys now so like all through the weight nineties. Two thousand and into the sort of mid two thousands, so he made the crew the best hardware and it was frantic as I do, that that thread, what what's the coolest old laptop and the comments to but criminal is almost course about other criminal us on the comments were. It was just people posting pictures of sony. computers because they were also cool and they are also need such a bad software company, that they were all garbage in different ways. So the idea Not putting windows on there and putting just like chrome is a browser actually is like a wonderful idea. So I've purchased a hot pinks cool promise on it and then assuming my computer and I'm gonna be the happiest boy. I like, I literally think about it every day. I've shown it to so many people like it looks awesome yeah, it's amazing when's, it arrive, you mean it has a one point, six years, atom processor, it's not going to be
its grounds by right. You know my teeth, yeah, I'm! U ethics and notes the meeting as you might. You might have yet another verge bite, won't be able to do the verge. I might be able, if I can get gmail and like any notes website anything new. I can type a note Debbie great in it if you're lucky, maybe slack, who cares because their artistry mean it means taking away. I started my phone, cause? I can just turn everything into a bluetooth key to insanity to a full oregon. The screen cares just like yeah. That's a great idea did you see, I mean other stuff is yummy and we got to be released. Another iphone note. Actually this is pretty nice and looks like it looks like it looks like it looks like this samsung phone, which looks like Jeremy phones. What's the mi five six, it looks good
are they equipped or something yeah betting works like an iphone. Are you kidding me come on? I guess it's a little squared off on the sides it squared off and that's what they did. It looks like succumb to the? U s, of course not. You know why, because both apple and samsung will sue this company and it looks like the front of an iphone with the back of an essex edge yeah, but they kind of did that before the s. What's the word, squadron of your grid, Nikola, the worse yeah, probably drab, there's no bad quadrant thing I mean everything has its place. Is there like draghi to the drab utilitarian is pretty good draft practical drab practical is great, but how is utility? very impractical, different driving or utilitarian impractical and practical on opposite areas in another sweet to attain its drab elegant, practical ostentatious. Oh, you are here last week. I was not. There is really no negative practical out trap. Practical is fine
dr practical as an extension cord, that's what the computer already extension cord yeah, an extension cord is drab. Practice you're really going. How are you gonna make an elegant and like it doesn't need to be sure being in between? If somebody send me his picture of an elegant extension cord I'd be super to think about it. When I left the bad quadroons is elegant ostentatious. Is that possible? Seen out now run like a matter of livestock thy love, elegant ass the day I think, if, if you're ostentatious your by finish not elegant. This is your heart, that's one! Then I've learned with you and your people. Everything gets a literal near last week. The debut of the thing I mean the follow up costs.
Insane we're just another. Life will need to wait. A little finally to mitigate again, I'm sorry, that's all. I have to say what I m too busy. I think I think I think yes, I quit looking for whatever songs you looking for where's. Your story, No, please understand his algae blows. This opportunity. I dont, know what to do what they have. A phone right now call the chief eyes They should already be stealthily playing this song, like in clubs. In the background of a house tv commercials. It's just this resetting the stage for like a few sticks to come back
getting into the right dj written down, mix it in next year, they're gonna go with like the g five, through this. How do you blow this up at like they drugs This is their vision waiting to twenty two has yet we started because the first proposal- well, the g one or audio engineers will to how long the song has gone on realise that it's beyond the amount that you're allowed to do or want talk about this land is freaking out. don't know how I got this. I got to cut it so that, at all, it's all getting cut cut cut in the phone spins in the ad think about it, our reporting on it. So it's fair he's going to fuck it up and do some kind of like like really absurd, like there's going to be beavers
You know what I mean they're, going to like every meme, like I hate these, these advertisements that were made to be means a premade cream, basically like all of the lazy superbowl ads. Oh my god, it was so frustrating to that thoroughly recommend it. She was like I'm drinking sisera but free years, my friends, I totally misheard it and we thought she said she was drinking scissor, which is in my opinion and, if you're listening, the show I want to talk directly to your heart, now if you listen to the show- and you maybe have too much money, you know how to spend it. You want to make an investment. I have a complete business plan for a vodka brand called scissor vodka, This involves a song. It doesnt all the song I think, having a famous sign which people appear to be safe, drinking says. You're on the club is a good look. I just want. You're an entire print billboard campaign by fear go media campaign of like hot people and they still working with her fingers like this and injustice.
Cut through them. This is a radio show. People are in the car. What are fingers doing the scissors man who just giving back to use the euros if you're in the car right now, here's I want you to you. I want you to look at the car flies as they're saying it's sort of a pci dss. It's a little thing right. It's a piece! Look at the person in the car! Next to you know, you're alone, this is alone you're on the road, because air communing places people always derive their cars in the car, the other cars revenue in the traffic jam, the trap your eyes at the strange make eyes. Industry men will there's a self serving cars. Its origin to have to do is look at another. Put up in car. Didn't you ve renders the kids in like a slight scissor shape and then just mouth the words cut through the night. In that people get to do that, and that is good for scissor bob. I would again I'm seeking directly to your heart, This is a beautiful. You have more money than sense and you like,
it's this and for me I'm your friend. I love you and I think, you and that's the kind of pitch you'll hear on That's just the worst thing. I've ever heard my I've a second one for a trembling vodka, which is just the word bounce patches, adjust its endlessly adds of people leaving clubs let does the ass. You say we shall you man, this alec, some, idi sitcom, dad has a job and he has to go pitch the thing it's kind of like country. The night is great: cats are the next great cups varieties. Great balance is awful. That's that's like cut through the night. A trifle Catherine is great. Now cut. The unit is fantastic. Yeah yeah and there's already a song of yours. I already want to cut your drinking, sits around the club down feeling so fly. Alright, we should just get Emily Brian Brian was that Brian, you didn't talk ro. I dont them, sir. I'm still not slow about dry
It's definitely better than bounce yeah. That's definitely true cause he's gonna. Okay, no katrina is greater interest. People, it's better. I didn't say it was great. That's great brian say one thing about the phone and then I'll leave. Friends is crazy. Your high for lacking had understand at all has helped us, like the literary read some advertising. I wish only to find my way through this autumn at the bottom of the unknown, when a bad person, terrible human? That's where all the links you want me to read the ad. I need the links whoa check out today's ad. What's our ad for whereas I now I'm in here right forces overcome its resources. Can I read a faker forces? Are you alone in the club. Do you feel like you should go to a different club? No
aging millennials, like myself, where is your aging millennial yeah? It's like it's being help getting hard. It's one o'clock when you want to leave cut through the night and scissor back and I swear to god, you can sail to four yeah yeah. Well, it's more like you're. Wake up and it's four because you've cut through the night you like to be like. Are you already bored get dumped and sister? Did you actually yeah your wake up in the gutter cut through the night? Do you want to skip directly from sober to regret, cut through the night with says? Okay, I'm going to read this. there's, probably a positive version of that ad. That is like people snaking through the front of the line. Yeah, it's a guy. It's like the group of friends walks into the the the the concert and there's like a big crowd. and then one of em like this, The site is either friend where the front there, like they're already on state
if the rapper in the night- and I know that it is right and exactly yes, the trouble comes when you cut too far, to regret, don't cut to young it I cut too deep. That's our anti drinking and driving time machine go back in time, five minutes until everybody on this show that they can skip yeah, no magic too deep as like and like like it says, like drink responsibly. Don't know what is slack is a messaging app for teams. It brings all of your communication at work. in place. Integrating with the tools and services you use every day. Slacks mission is to make people's working lives simpler, more pleasant and more productive, so many teams transition a slack from a solid collection of tools. I've cobbled together to build their own communication fabric
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Five percent fewer meetings. So just do this thing that I want you to do, go to slack dot com, slash, verge, create a new team and you get one hundred dollars in credit. So you can decide. If you like, slacking, try for free aid. If you decide to upgrade to a paid plan, you can use that hundred dollar credit and read upgrade your lifestyle anyway. But here's the thing locksmith use a slack. These people who dislike it. Some of us, like slack so much love, slack my tongue so hard. Now Emily has her own feelings ones like, but if you're not using slack you are not using the right. That is what are you using a competitor like? I don't think I can just fight competitors No, I don't think we can do that, but it did slack slack. It's the one cause that really, as it started with Aguilar, cut any slack cut through the night kind of
oh yeah, the urine by more coming around upon the ground, was clearly over. I didn't realize the by jumping into the middle of a package which is a very risky and but yeah. I would be missing so many inside joke. Oh god, it's already real bad. It's real bad! I feel lost right now and I'm I'm supposed to be like know. What's going on in a segment I'm supposed to be steering the ship, and yet I have no like, I feel so left out that we're literally cutting through the podcast right now it's happened. Well, let me ask me: okay, Brian it out. Nick no georgi c'mon man, it's all soccer before house, the next forty five minutes oop, but I'm just going to ask these two because they're fresh fresh ears, fresh minds. If I were to start a vodka company called your vodka in honor of my misinterpretation of the lyrics of like a g six, which is my favorite song, one of my favorite songs. It is we were we were just we can do. I can just hit play and I can just push the classic song.
Increased articles on the version way. I thought very, very favourably about like eighty six macho elgin algae This year is called the g five Ivan saying there blowing it don't start seeding the song again so that next year, oh yeah anyway, how many things have been named in a series of g, something or other because they were max two or four yeah. They got to g five and they stopped conspiracy theory, but the planes didn't stop the planes kept going. Yeah, that's true for poor, far east movement- oh man. I bet anyway, so I always miss misheard. The lyrics like a g six is drinking scissor in the club is not scissor, and I was saying, if wouldn't a great tagline for a brand of vodka called scissor vodka be cut through the night stinks. It's got. I sounds really sinister to me. Yes, it should be sinister.
no. I don't. I don't think a vodka ad should resist DES, which would be like dangerous and sexy I'm much water to drink spirits, so I've had. I just don't want people drink spear bids, but not me age in despair and now I'm out of them. When I was a young man, you're. Taking you gauge going hard yeah. I got a soft
in dreams about a six pack of. What's it called not your father's root beer, I don't think I could take the remainder of the podcast to explain that debacle. Just let me just time out for one second, so if, for some reason you have decided to live through that transition through with us, Emily Yoshida is here, hi and Jamieson cox is here, jamison secret weapon in the original carton, in my opinion, just hidden away in canada to come down blogging machine yeah. I came down for the oscars yeah. It came down to don my my four. where and we should make a blog down to watch the oscars on television with us, as regret bran. True is also stolen. The line is going to be at the actual oscars, so he gets the fun thus created by the rest of it is urgent meeting just like eating pizza and water, and even making, but real your dress. I know TC really wants us to dress up secretly
or not so so you coming through the asrs thing, and so I have to do my own racked, I'm gonna be was it yana, a common yeah I'll be here? Are you guys going to be here, yeah they're, throwing the whole thing for making the whole staff guys? Everybody love us, VOX media, new york headquarters for the thing and content make an oscars party ever. Can I sidebar to my favorite tc clothing story just cause? I think that the audience knows and likes them. So it's easy and I have become friends on twitter without really ever meeting office. You guys work. Twenty five feet, never really happened, and then one day he walks by wearing a poncho, and I slackened for the first time. Oh there you go, I slacken for the first when I'm like tell me about this. What he just said tell the: are man discovers at sea? I I I I that's me is like one of those you know those forward shore,
stories like baby she's, never worn because of the army and discover the riot. I think about it. The man says formal air what he really knows where and ahead like incredible, I love it. Ok, I'm I'm I'll! Let you drive! You're forty five, ok, you I was talking to me in the control room were piazza. I heard the whole background about like a sex. I knew were scissor vodka from I'm totally with this package in going well. I was just saying, though, where I'm not really sure how to attack the oscars. I think at some point I would I think it would be fun to go through and to say who we think is going to win the major awards, but we should probably start by just talking about what a fun shit show. This year's oscars are going to be cause. That's why we're watching on tv? We could follow along on twitter, just find out the the results or you know, watch a boring telecast
it's gonna, be an interesting one. Yeah there's a lot. You know in the air of obviously the whole oscar, so white controversy. Now it's too years strong has really reached a peek. A lot of people will be. There are a lot of a lot of people that you no one would expect to be. There are boycotting de the show itself, and am, I feel, like a lot of people- are going to use our time at the podium to air some grievances with hollywood, so it'll be fine. It'll, be real. Fun. Lots yeah lots to watch I and- and you know I I think it's funny everybody's saying that the biggest the biggest narrative is around Leonardo dicaprio. Finally, picking up the oscar, I dunno, I feel like it's one of those.
Things were just going to get it over with. I feel like it's. It's going to be the most anticlimactic part of the internet. Can I get an oscar for a movie that a lot of people I know are just actively avoiding because it sounds like a brutal experience? Oh I mean it's not even that brutal me. I mean it's pretty. It's like pleasant to watch their like beautiful sunsets. And bears. I I just don't know a thing about this year's. Acting on these, I think. Normally it would be another loss relief because he doesn't really do that much in this movie by and people are already, madam, you have our spoil the revenue on this podcast before us or failing to bear. I couldn't do I gotta think anything. I want did not again the bare comes back, but I mean I think in any other year It would be another earlier last may continue having the season leaky narrative around him by this year. There is not really up against that much.
Here are acting nominees just deserve fresher. If you haven't been like baby and stuff for the last month, we ve got brand granted and trumbo. Nobody saw we ve got matt damon in the martian witches lake, not really getting any attraction. Were you know, like none other pre outwards and its lake it in. I think that whole, I think the comedy thing with golden globes really heard it I think, has become such a punchline like. Oh, that comedy that comic book. women's and the marsh it wished to before. A lot of it is comic, but its double not on account of its nea s, not a comedy So, whether common you wouldn't do that funny, and I don't know, I'm not a found out maria, but I just think it's like a week entry, for it is many interesting things in that movie. I just don't think it being taken very seriously for words that we have made a fast better as steve jobs in steve jobs, another film that is having kind of a hard time breaking through, except for kate winslet fur. These supporting her supporting role in it.
again like this is probably the only one that has a chance of getting of being, we out by again, very very longshot and then eddie. mean in the danish girl, which he was last year for the theory of everything. So it's very unlike if any redmain wins to oscars for best actor in a row that something really weird has happened and especially for the danish model, which is like the most transparent play for acting oscars yeah I've this year, I feel, like people have eddie reynines number at this point like he's taking out his first is gonna, be stephen hawking and then he's gonna be a transgender. It was a tragedy that he was not made for jupiter ascending. I forgot that he without jute black jupiter extending weight feeling eddie, reddening and jupiter ascending the movie
the horrible piece of shit, but he was the one like entertaining spotlight we're like. I want to that guy. Do that crazy, shit! Anytime! Yeah! I mean it's not that I don't like him. I I just think. His agent has been a little agro. That's all. I will say it like that projects he's been taking, are a little the calm down. Eddie lake, like you, have your whole, Are you still young? I think you might? I might be older than any redmain philly case, he's kind of gaunt coming criminal hot right now. So yeah, though that sue LEO is going up against who lake? I don't know Can anybody make a strong case for anybody other than LEO? I would love to hear like that are actually nominated. No young. I saw saw trumbo previews for like five straight movies. I went to see back closer closer. I cant figure at the distance thing. I really was briefed he's just not been media trained, yeah, I'm yeah. It makes me sound, like I'm a puppy which to be fair,
media coverage and media samson. That's my official title. I need to intervene yet! Oh yes, so trumbo like I went to go, see five movies and there was a preview for but before every single one, and I was never really convinced that it was a real movie economy reminded me of like the tropics under previous, like trumbo, by Satan's alley? Oh my god There were two, but was there, was their screenwriter oh, not show a movie, I'm trying to think won't letterman capacity in like recently earlier years ago, now like this year of pasture, I don't know- maybe I'm just thinking of it, feels like argo, also men, argo also on vexed thus picture. So who knows? I mean let's
This is what is the best picture? One or two me always seem like. Did you? Did everyone just pick them like the joke? I think I do. I think it was a week here that year, I'm trying to think of what else came out that year do dean off the top. You had brain at the top, my hair, but it was a weird thing and it didn't it didn't went across like the geared towards the you normally expect twin. That feels like it may have been a thing that one because, like the the tiered system of I didn't hear in mean where it's not just like every votes on one thing and that's the only thing that counts yeah wait was that twenty twelve and no oh, my god, you know- we've had a bad run here. Recently the artist won in two thousand and twelve I remember the artist everybody at best movie of twenty two thousand. While I mean now The oscars are notoriously bad. I wonder why it is so important we can, however, them like what what is it someone like why brian running a column. Every week about them like it's the most
visible way to track. I think what what hollywood things is valuable, not further money standpoint but from an artistic and intellectual standpoint I mean. May I use anything what what do you think Brian? As aside from that? I think the visibility is just a huge part of it. That's the thing it's like the best way to think about look and see what horrible things about itself, but I think it's interesting about this year. Is that so, to become a driving part of like several narratives that are about how hollywood is actually out of touch with like the rest of the country and world, and it really really and way it has made this year. Particularly interesting, has been a lot more fun. right about this year, instead of lively, oh now, like so, and so looks like there the wind instead and that's kind me yeah, I mean, I think, a lot of years, the us Your conversation becomes a conversation about a specific genre of movie, like a very cloistered off genre of movie called oscar movie and like the goings on in there dealings with in that sphere, but now I think, because
just became so insular and so yeah, I dunno, like navel gaze, the the and the converse. You know, I think people's had enough of that. They're like this, has nothing to do for the ford definitive award or honor, or that you can have in hollywood for a film that has nothing to do with anything. That's going on in the film and and as Brian wrote about a few weeks ago. This has happened before like this there's a cycle. I think and it'll probably happen again in like thirty years after and after all, the changes are made in the academy it'll. You know things stagnate and then get remade yeah we're all slowly age and become irrelevant, then the ones who get mad at us when we'll drink spirits yeah. I do like when we're talking about like the relative value of the oscars, even if they're not particularly meaningful in a vacuum there still way more meaningful than the like big award shows in other areas of culture like compared to the grammy's.
I think the oscars are way more reliable is like a year, but your snapshot of what was important than the grammys, which are like practically useless in that regard. Yeah, and then we just did bring up the artist. rightly yeah, but but there are other movies that were nominated like you can look at all of the normal. As for a year in the grammy some here, and none of them were particularly good irrelevant like pass that Only I m an. I tell you what was up against argo beer, that at one in twenty thirteen just for fun diseases into Okay, we had a more which was really sad and depressing peace to the southern wild jingo enchained limousine, rob who live by link in silver linings play work and zero dark there.
see now. This is a big gear where zero dark thirty got kind of slander, not slandered, but it got it got kind of beaten through in the in the campaign and there's a lot of controversy surrounding it and it's depiction of torture and stuff like that, and I think a lotta people would say that was one of if not the best films of the year and Kathryn Bigelow was one of the best directors of the year. But you know, campaigns are brutal, do not mean you could, but theirs in that list. You could make arguments there are thirty. You could make a sort of half hearted argument for silver linings. Playbook figure, like you know, like a fund. like a bar, like you have to do. There also mentioned, like there's like three in there, that you could make dwell too, that you can make serious arguments, and so I write like thea In our your and just felt like it one because it was like the biggest
by everybody or less fine, I don't even like shut out to lay moves for giving the eddie redmain height beast the boost that oh yeah. Yes, he was flames and limit values. That was getting over, he was really good. You know who else is good and that errand bite? of greece live well, look at him. He can keep tat monotonous, mantel piece for loans. That's all you could have made a real also and at the way the queen. Like I'm an anne hathaway stand about. Can we just talk about making your face on a face? Tell me what is happening to your face right now. I just like unf james and unfolding and like I really like that being part of what they're, like twelve things, I know, but and then I may last six. I went to go see the intern like on opening night. I act believe that jameson is more of an anne hathaway than a jennifer lawrence. Oh yeah yeah.
anyone who I really really empathize within Anne Hathaway. I think I am pleased to see a theatre girl like who, like yeah she's, like no one, is ready for the nuclear theatre, girl, export enlightens anderson she's like always like holding it in a little of it till I play a cool, I'm withdrew download I think you're much more of a jennifer lawrence became like I'm gonna, be very real, is really about myself right now, like I'm, not cool and that's fine. I can only like I can work my way like instead like life, so now too hathaway is not corporate jennifer lawrence is like I love being out of me, confront reported that's my god. Oh my god is that rather than the euro like and then like. That's not me like Emily, and I had a slight conversation, one where I describe myself about me out. It's like native we're talking about hunger games and at one point I was late yeah. I wish that I
the cesar flickr men of the verge, but really I'm that on a large, that's very yeah. forgot about its entire harmonization, is coming back to this island territories, written every single person at the verge I think that a jog should have been nominated for best answer. Oh my god. I do not regret having names in vienna. The guy goes very verge, cast of Malta, Williams: something's happened a long time on visas,
continued at twenty thirteen nominee for best to actors and winner Brian, which hung becomes clearer to the youth me god, it's better. If what we know now, we live. Obviously Caesar flickr, men and dear, is blue, dark, heavens, b d It's not a coincidence hold on. Let me google, like I'm just going to say it's not a cohen's, that neil I opened this pipe casbah going Emily Yoshida the girl on fire. Never y know very well. Anyway. Let's get back to turkey to register for lorries society
I don't want to talk about. You know four lawrence and because I don't think I mean she's going she gonna win. I don't know. What's up, let's talk for real about the best actress re submitted. Ok, we got cable ajay for carol relay sent for room, don't for lawrence, joy, charlotte rambling for forty five years and sir surround, and I got her name right. I figured out how to say your name for brooklyn Brian resources I mean there's been that way for months. It seems like nobody's ever really challenger. I mean she's been the front runner since the beginning, and the performance is actually really really amazing. I think the film's really really strong. Have you guys seen her yeah? Have I learned so many characters in one hundred games I'm not going to let them ass. They re on me like a train splitting to the capital. I d, really nice is trying to hide. The fact that using ceasing nominated, if I were you, I which hunger games characters bree Larsson
brilliant commander paler played by patina miller, who first of yours my eye, deaf, have the Wikipedia Pedro Bree larsson is totally jennifer lawrence in. interesting that all right, okay, okay, so I think I'm going to make a statement. I think that this is the strongest acting category by like a wide margin. You mean in this in this in terms of quality performances, yeah, like for this year or an engine. Oh you mean in general, like a yeah like that of the crop of nominees is way stronger than any of the other. Acting categories yeah. I would I would now supporting actor is bree great, I would say I don't know I mean I just feel strongly. I feel very strongly about like every actor in spotlight,
I was listening to another podcast. Recently. Oh and I'm I'm going to forget which one it was, but they were talking about how you could like tell a lot by your personality by which spotlight performance is your favorite, I don't know, have a favorite. I think it might be. Ruffalo like? I I'm pretty happy with him getting that nomination, he's like very, very er he's like the most showy performance in it. But if I had to pick my favorite spotlight performance, I think I'd go schreiber, yeah shavers, a great one. I mean and then that movie is so good, I mean, if I had had I my druthers, I think spotlight, spotlight or mad max would be my favorite or would be my pick for best picture like I just I dunno I. I really love both of those films but but but actress leading role yeah, I don't know, I didn't see joy I didn't see. I didn't see three of these. Actually, so I'm not doing my job,
I haven't seen forty five years yet bands afraid I really like I really like weekend, which entering made before forty five years. I really like complicated old people, love stories, but there are specific that was it please I'm being for real james intact, but I think in the interview process for this job, you talked about loving geriatric. Like comedy predict. What does it mean? The unpacking of Jamieson Cox is deep down. I'm trying to remember which geriatric comedies I you know. I think we were talking about that. Netflix show grace and frankie and grace and frankie yeah, grace and Frankie. Was that good? Well, it comes with a lot of somebody like you should try like okay, qualitatively trap for me delightful. I went in there. I think at this point I think I know exactly what that means, link with that that
valuation me. What do you know a person well enough and they say that new? It it's like very personal yeah, it's it, but it's a sign of a true will like there's a real difference between best and favorite right, and I think that being in our part of being good critic is being able to differentiate between the two yeah not let your emotions get in the way like a thinker. So maybe that's my what's: what's your matrix called Nicolo the height matrix? Now what are the axes? I dragged the elegant yep. He called ostentatious right so my point and is showing that it would be like favorite too, like paid or whenever an like good about yeah yeah I mean
very they're, actually revenant drab, ostentatious, okay, think about it. Drab ostentatious, wait. What I thought DR ostentatious was one of the axes: no drivers on the left elegance on the right, oh practicals, at the bottom ostentatious at the top. Oh no, it's elegant, pasta dishes! It I mean it's so how could and in europe to movie be anything other than elegant yeah? I mean like, like a I'm A manual Luba scheme has to be at a stroke. She'd be argument here I was thinking of something. No, the fashion in the fashion in in revenue is, is on the drive and a lot of your efforts. movie about drab wearing yes he's in three. I say no but their visas, easy season, three industry, but just thirteen,
which is actually true, I feel like I'm pretty sure I mean when I was there at am- is due for the the listening We are both their area of their separately, but when, was unveiled. I totally thought it looked like a it's. What it looks like a sci fi like I said yesterday yeah, I know what you're getting yeah but leg and a student way. somebody's, got some criticism we waited nicholas, been waiting in Brian is hidden in the digital. he's at the end of my to you over there. I wish brain spaces of friends and the entire time instead of mine we're here. What do you guys looking out, I'm looking out of the three short of you guys know we're looking at you looking at our love, shall we just gotta think so now we're talking directly run right now that I've shot is just Brian yeah. That's on verifying
it's fine! That's fine! That's cool! I mean it's like you're right here, so I will tell you what and what actually what category I haven't the strongest feelings about, or that the one single strongest opinion about, and it's so minor, but it's an actress in a suit. readin role. I think Alisha decanters performance in the danish girl is terrible. It is bad, it is not just not up for like not award worthy. I think it is. If we have noxious- and I think she's great in X, marking, I think she's the best part of ex mocking she hold it together, but that is such a textbook. It's like it's like ten years of people making fun of men and manic pixie dream girls like never happen and she's. Just like I'm going to do this, like the spunky wife who, like like decides to like you little gender vending lake in the bedroom, with my husband
have become so much more than I bargain for its like very, very offensive I dont now, but that's, I am- and I only say that the only reason I have strong feelings about this like so many things with the awards- is that I'm pretty sure she's gonna win so right. Well, I would like to just say that I think that astrophysics, arms and shoulders carried ex machina, but that's fine, and I think that really mara should win this war and facial hair and facial here he's a really something. But here let him full of major latinus brain any day. I would I mean, like I think, Rachel Mc Adams is really good. think rooney marriage even better, and I think neither of them have a chance of winning this award, which is that I mean the racial mcgann farming is so understated, and she really only has like a couple of things that are all her own or like that she's just splitting with one other person, but it's so
I mean she has some of the most emotional stuff in the movie and- and I just think you deserve some something to take home after a year where your introductory disease into laying you just need a little something to make the year worth it, cause god damn I was. You must tell me about kate, winslet and fast wonder, and how do you like? There are great performances and movie that nobody light like critically? Nobody likes an audience wise need, went to go see I'm going to miss divided about the key winslet thing because yeah, because no recite and because, as my leg, it's one in these legacy, your words were like all that person like deserves it at this point season one and been nominated a bunch of times. She's not like. This is not her first rodeo at the oscars so thou, and I just feel like I feel like with so many other, sir. Fourteen roles. I don't really get it politically now I don't know, but
I get it more fur fast thunder. He hasn't. He hasn't want anything or he hasn't want an oscar at least, and you know, he's very respected- he's been in a bunch of stuff, that's kind and looked over so now is in the slave show a very high profile, even if it and seeing that much like it's a very demanding a role to take on a beast eu jobs. I understand why that would be in the running and closer think. There's a correlation between you. in a strong performance in a sorkin movie, despite or whatever our feelings about. Sorkin may be. I think that gains a certain amount of credibility. nominating actors. I'm not surprised the leg, it seems like ones. It is kind of poised to like. When are you me now, and that surprises me, because the movie seems law yeah, Oh yeah really concerned with candor, but I think the candor vote would actually be for ex machina, even though I mean yeah currently use fantastic at will and it continues. You know the kind
when continues in the best supporting actress tradition of like anointing, alas, person up right the engineer here and I think that's the best argument, their victory. They love to give their support in rome to an old grizzled vet trinh, Alice investor stone, and the supporting actress role to a new, bright, shiny and pretty star, and that could be very well the way I mean it's, it's pretty likely that it's still one a win for creed, which is a great performance, the greatest authorities only very it's obviously very em. You know contested her door or are controversial. Does because, like you, the only person again nominated fur and great movie lake does even cinematography, nomination and didn't answer now. I didn't I mean granted, there's laugh, you got deacons and you ve got
at like yeah, I mean this is a very cinematography is a serious category this year, but I feel like there is a lot of really great stuff in creed that should have been not given and not at at least and speaking to someone, If other than the revenue, which is likely a going to win because it is like gorgeous what you think, what's your favorite felt, I'm shot some of the eurozone, knacks yeah it's so I I dunno I was. I actually watched it on cable again recently cause it's on h, b, o now and they're, showing it like all the time. So I watched like half of it, the the when it's night, like they're, they're, weird day, Night, shooting is so bizarre and memorable and lake completely honey, it's like a hundred percent stylish it doesnt, resemble acting, came to earthly atmosphere all in it. So it's so cool I, I don't know I mean yeah than that.
Wait there? There's a lot of like using those muted tones and those very like tasteful yeah. I like this, like deacon's work in Sikar, I mean it's really it's beautiful, but it's like it's not one hundred percent unexpected and I feel like there's way more crazy stuff happening in. Inferior that now we feel the same way. That's the bummer about revenue, because it is part of that. If you like, every film that those pair together spicy, she was gonna, be like us and autocracy, gimmick to it yeah and this is all available line, and that's the only thing I m- writing fury road, actually much more a kind of like audacious in terms of likely. Back in older techniques interest. You know people had not seen move that look like that in, like decades man create becoming- rose again about just the overall campaign for the revenue whether it I about LEO and the movie itself or the cinematography like why lake. Man max I'm sure was very hard to film- is why they were in the desert for a really long time, shooting stuff with real cars and, like a bizarre
in cameras everywhere and stunts, and a huge cast like way, bigger, cast and revenant. Why, like they built the guitar truck? Yes, that was on the truck that guy, that guy, with the love of his life on that set, because it was so hard yeah yeah. No, I just don't. I dont know why so frustrating me this narrative like the well. They worked so hard, so they deserved it. I am oh, my god, I'm gonna go down. Such a revolution is somehow robber, BP route story, the handbook riches lots of all from frozen, we release favorites green riding in the last twenty years. He has a blog I was made aware of last week, where he refused movie in talks about whether or not they work on a script level
like the most formulaic predictable way can imagine and he loves the revenue. Obviously, like his reviews, are a little cheque far as checkmarks for each like element that worked in the last one, isn't even an element, or that worked he's just like I'm just glad these guys could pull it off It seemed like a real hard film to make and, like meanwhile, he's trashing, carol and stuff, it's just it's really incredible, but that narrative that has emerged around that film has just like very, I think, it's effective on a certain kind of like old school voter id that at least for my very distant perspective. It feels like the entire narrative around the revenant is like we almost killed, Leonardo dicaprio yeah yeah. That was that true, like was there any chance that he would have died in that movie like percentage wise? Is it two percent that way I would have died, because, it's because feels like they're saying, like only leonardo caprio has the strength of spirit and the desire for young.
Used to go back to l a after he almost died, making this movie that's. The best thing is like when he's done filming. He goes straight to the club I cut through the night. Yeah say what you want. I think it's really inspiring that he kept a picture of the dance floor at one oak, so when he was really feeling down, he could just like peek at it. No shit his face straight really want that to be true of all that, Snoke is a totally like duh, like all the vague there. So many I'm guessing as someone who is really closely come follows all leonardo, dicaprio plus ma coverage. One oak is a frequent appearance. I remember feeling like he, he revolutionized the thing and wearing a baseball cat, then, like the mid, owes like it. That sounds very
boring, but leg being out with your blue or in a baseball cap and sunglasses cause your figments slake, which is like not we did it do. This is not a stylish look, but though that immediately became quote for I'm fine, Sleep real? I have a baseball her and whenever I, where more people look at me, and I think it's because they think I'd yeah, I think it's totally at it's like I'm on the data in a month No! No! I don't I'm sorry. I luminaries you're, just like us man, the data everything, unlike the united europe, can someone explain now? Is the j train not because language but crazy I of where, like thirty hipsters live yeah but like, if you were a celebrity you'd, be in that uber black or something like you wouldn't be on the subway. What? If you're celebrity, who pride themselves on a member of the communist yoke? What are you yes, stubborn, live like don't like your mark ruffle near actually know. I would take zero minutes. Rebuilding I get driven.
Now. You can't you jason sedateness in olivia, while taking the J train. No absolutely you know I think people where we overestimate how much money they actually make and whether or not it actually practical to have a driver to take them anywhere in new york. I I'm just gonna put there. She was an entire here for long enough. We can read the Jane even come the mistake that mean that is faced with video all is choosing to happen. Only gotta be great hurry. Have so many things to do? I don't know if you wanted to be, if I am not sure if your weapons back and that goes for growth, a series of ongoing adventures, like all through the night,
a real real quickly. I want to get back to talking about the oscar for keep trying real, quick, mockery, just a promise. It won't take long. I just want to know what what movie got dicked over the most carroll it was carol That was not me right away. Your lives near there's an audio. That was not me james and it was karel carol. I'd like here's the thing about care, carol is not only like a piercing analysed, retouching love story. It also super funny. Like I've been quoted, lines fire for the last month. Yet not even just the names How was your search, but everything anyone says is very funny like ok, so I live in Waterloo, ontario, canada and there's a scene and carol where there in a place called waterloo.
They say that it's awful and I just want that's so that really hit home freer everyone in the freezers and it was a close to packed house started laughing and it was a beautiful moment watching a beautiful movie. So if we were, if this is just up to it's just up to the the people. The voting contingent of waterloo ontario carol will be all luck. I think so people were were very stoked upon leaving the theater and there's something like what does cate blanchett say: she's there when they're like having their first date, basically and she's like ugh. What a funny girl fell out of space fell out of space. Yeah I've been saying to people alpha fell. It fell space in the last month, so they say that when that astronaut gets back next week, winters, it yeah yeah minutes, I'm gonna say that's a loren grush. If she doesn't put fell out of space in her post or through. Oh man, wow a really. I mean it's a deep, it's a deep cut. I I'm sure,
Think of what what were you on your space continents, carol, gifts, I you know, I I can't think of something offered my head that I really am lake. and now I am also having complete amnesia. This is one thing that the oscars do that, I think, is one reason to to care about them, as they really do take over the mercedes in about what happened in fell now, because right now like I know there are like five movies. I saw last year that I liked way better than anything on this list. Then I can't remember we ve been talking about these movies for so long now feels like forever. I think we did mention a few them looks over the course. The pie, costly creed and marking are two movies that I also think could have. You know why why weren't both of those nominated for best picture? I think I could have been an yeah excellently knowingly o was gonna and after sunday. I think that my those are my two as well
Doping is going change to mad max on sunday, sojournings, not gonna, win anything. That's ip he's, gonna win anything. I think we know where the technical whirlwind like editing. I think, but I think there's a really strong chance that george, nor can can can win for direct. I think I look that's be. I agree I think he's gonna make me happy. I think I thought he was gonna get the consolation prize when the at winds. Yeah I mean I think it's going to split. I think it's going to be either like I. I think it's a longer shot for it to win best picture, so I think revenant will win best picture, but then I think I think I don't think that eatery two will win for director. If, if revenue is for best picture, I think it'll go to somebody else, but that's also. I I always find the vegas odds amusing, which went out today and they actually have pretty high odds on it. I mean injury to his hire, but but miller is not far behind so
So you know what came maybe some of your watching the verge cast. Your meeting me for the first night should always be on the show, I'm just, but I actually love jamesons radio waste. I have this it's really tom, it's so envy are as this The actual real, all this in a shade in saying somebody's voices, so mp gather my holy already established cheese and have to like my whole life is very and pr that's in pay, he's wearing new balance. I just wanna, be there at the moment. Jason was like you know what I'm never going to be cool like what in their on october, twenty fifth nice in anything. Why don't you say that james and not before oh yeah, that's extremely diverse, the united
nations, I have to let the keel, sierra harry one of the bear naked ladys bigger this war has gone astray. These horrors goes also, I'm stuck it and he too, I was sorry, I mean it. I did have an actual point to make. So you know me, you ve got a feel for me at this when you know that I, like old people, comedies and roma, this and show wave chill wave. Ah, yes and so I'm gonna make an argument for brooklyn, which is a movies. That is the lights. a wave of movie. You know it's so good, so I went to see brooklyn the first half so funny made me laugh made me wiggle learned my seat, certain ronan galvin's out across the atlantic ocean. I once again team. she's, like was spread through jessica parrys there in department stores and she just haven't about, and then the second half pinta needles
fulltime wait, wait, wait! Isn't it just felt like what boy she's going to fall in love with cause? It's like there's a debate between her home and her new home, her old home in her new home, is that exactly what happens and that doesn't change my statement. One bit, I was on pins and needles. The whole time I just thought brooklyn was really well done. I think everyone is kind of like laughing at it or casting it aside, because it's this very like lightweight. No no, he s a movie, it is low and my mom are you should see this as I am. The man of the verge you're so many years. So many more things in just the man, but you are the mom. I thought loss was not really ross he's alive study battles Where do you think you know I used to be a lackey uncle the drunk?
well yeah. I didn't want to say it that's why you tell the kids that it's your comic uncle, don't talk to him so much brian. What what? What category do you? Well? Okay, what's what's the movie, you think god, over one and a monk category two and the strongest feelings about other positively or negatively dick dover ex mckenna. Creed yeah, like the through movies, me where it just seem like they were so strong, but it was like creeters milly no excuse, but I can just so early in the year, and I was like that weird, like cadence release, came in the uk last year. I want to say yeah and like a trickle out this year and that's just a shame, with so many strong points about the moving yeah big it. Some other words recognition, but that's for now not really so much and it occurred. The category I feel most strongly about is actually probably director I am. I am pro
all energy too, and not so much new school. Really you so yeah. So, but I fear in my soul, I gotta have a team. Am I saw that he will when for the second year in a row, even How can we really well unprecedented? I nobody when dj, and that was the first time ever to like it been back to back. So it's like it's possible. I have a feeling. It will definitely split like best picture and best director says: which one it ends up again, as I just I mean It would be another great leg, just statistic to have the crew burke never won a bus directing oscar but inured to one twice in a row like oscar, like I don't know, if you're such a sure we move, it's like you can see like the directing in every frame, and I'm just not a fan of that. So much where, like it's in a mad max's is flashy, but it's about in a world where doesn't seem so like self conscious began its interesting that lake it kind of creed.
The world or doing something that is more speculative or sci. Fi works for mad max and it doesn't work for ex machina cause. Usually I would put like before like last summer. I would have put both of their odds about the same for being in an oscars conversation, and I think I mean yeah mad max just has more direction on the screen and more stuff going on and Scott. and you know it's got. I don't know I mean I think I think the performances are really subtle and that move in a great way No, I just, I guess it's just that their cars, but the power of cars yeah. I mean how something there's something about georgia, or in terms of making more palatable in a wake up, an emanation hemi it being an oscar winner. Coming back you no kind of rediscovering his mojo after a decade. For this kind of movies, really appealing narrative to elaborate on that me. That's like average age,
He right like. I know that conversation, I think that's a factor too yeah, and now I I think I think the you know gen george miller's age and race. and gender yeah, I'm trying to think of what else feel I really got left out. You know. One thing that people have been talking about like a snake which I don't. I think it's like weird to call it a snub, because I think it would have been a long shot, but I like jada pinkett smith in mad max. That's all. I wanna make excellent performances of the heater about magic, mind, X, x, no, so yeah that movie was never gonna get anything, but it is one of the more special movies of last year lake on appear at around. Our first and that all that will reckons that whole sequence in her night club you wanna talk about like shooting stuff too, is just like yeah exquisite was minded. oh yeah, this they gather cinematography yeah. Do this sort of her sober gone the camera?
in the eyes really it was really really done. My boy from watches life was Kelly and my clever morning, and let me tell you never the same Can't you see, magic might have others just like a subtle charge. Hundreds have been had anyway. I wait please and paragraph one my history, Ananas and michael no hold on see. Look he's got me all flustered Michael stray hand is magic. My egg cell and highlights the screen on fire. Doing I can say is that you have that. Do the first guy, like not twitch, who does the majority has got and just and also watches ellen at rio, and so it's just like two hours of like unbearable tension. We may also both conflict are late, incredible super report and would like what I'm gone from is so far is that you watch this movie in sudden
daytime television is like that totally charges, because who watches date, I'm telling you know what it's like mass threading interests. Like think about it. Imagine my sins. Imagine okay! So look there be like you like the packers ryan, So you know where this is a matter. Not imagine that eddie lacy breaks our touchdown roma and then every play were eddie lazy. Like runs three yards and falls down after your because you like I've, seen what totally new yeah broken eighty are touchdown run. I know he has that potential within him. When I seen under a twitch sit behind a desk at Ellen, I watch Michael stringham sippets coffee with Kelly Ripper. I know that their like a latent sexuality
underneath that's what it's like iron as we all came together Any argue that was a magic over warminster. That is why I've just gotten meta, though, because I feel the same way now about yeah wow, I can barely speak, I get it. I get. What you're saying it's just Michael Strahan to me: it's like real! If your mother, I know he does like? Madam you celebs you just going it's I them have the same effect, though now I can't even go in that aisle in the grocery store. It's just way too much, which is too bad, because so many of my favorite products, yeah atmosphere, is through the rent.
right into the fibers subtle my guy! That's, let's go, let's go outside of the animals. I know we ve been studying the nominees really really cool We just have to really rigorous, conversely, outside the awards for just a second and talk about the show itself and and what were what we are looking forward to predict dean about the general going time. Are you doing red, big average england, I am yeah I'll be. I will be watching ii in bringing you all the hot takes, do you guys do like? Do you guys talk about like what people say on the red carpet? I feel like I feel like that's going to be. It'll be losers in red carpet awash because, whatever the little set the tone for the rest of the night as far as yet, we have like fifteen
and sets of eyeballs, probably on the red carpet, no, not that many but yeah we're on it. It's going to be. I dunno it'll be interesting. One thing that jameson has predicted for the show, which I think will be interesting to see happen, especially now that joe Biden is introducing lady gaga and for her performance ivory. atlas stacked right, Is it before we wait muslim? I dunno SAM smith will be will be in the building, really boring song from the bright awards yesterday. Oh, I didn't really know what those were. There was the best thing, even override still I've never watched them before, but I've always been aware of them. They're, like the british grammys, the best
I was like they cut too, like the host sitting in the chair at a table and he was like or with cold like we got coldplay like us. They literally got every one and it was just like we got them. Everybody does go to lead to vienna and drink all. I got her pants like ok, so the british courts actually I into my oscar prediction, but I'm going to reveal now so I think in advance yeah. This is a spoiler friction. I think Lady gaga is going to shut out catcher either her performance or her acceptance, but we must avoid an app anomaly. I admit I don't know it's happening with cash. Ok, I can. Let me give you the title, goodwives autos rock ashes, took a hard right turn. Kashgar is currently involved in a contractual dispute with her producer former producer, doktor luke and her parent record label.
Only an she is also alleging that he abused her, and that is the route of the contractual dispute and its currently is a very complicated case, but that is the gist of it. All is not suing for damages over their views either she's just trying to get here on time, so that last week, emotion that she hid filed, I'm sorry new life. I messed up any of these. Legal terms. Emotion that she had filed was denied and it was to be allowed to record music somewhere than with sony and with doktor, because that's part of her contract and then there was huge swell of public support, both from fans and from other artists which coalesced under this hashtag free caution, and one of
the most ardent celebrity supporters of Kashmir has been lady gaga on twitter and instagram posts, and she is a survivor of abuse herself and that's part of what she feels so passionately about it and the song that she's nominated for till it happens to you. I was recorded for a documentary about sexual assault on college, this is called the hunting ground, so this mix of elephants and timeliness and the prominence of the oscars. Just to me, it's a natural that she's gonna reference Kesha and there is also an award, show precedent set at the bridge words. When adele said I'd like to declare my support for catches, yeah yeah, I can I be real. This also source that song is terrible. besides we are you a bad and its I mean I've, somewhere that she she really didn't, have much of a hand and in writing in its panama, it's just her yeah. What's the change a word,
in the third it's one of those, so yeah and Diane Warren wrote the bulk of the time war being the power ballad master of the last several decades yeah. So that should be interesting. That's my prediction: yeah well! That stuff is it's funny cause that the right outcome for Kesha is not to have a trial like the thing that she lost was not. There wasn't like a triumph and she lost right. She actually asked for the big step of the preliminary injunction, which you almost ever get right leg. From an injunction would like to totally reduced abstraction when, like someone like I'm going. I have the right to cut down the street in your yard in your court, stop them from cutting down the tree until this happens, the trial on me, decide if they have at its like its mental? I hold. he's in place yet and yet that's like not moment for her begging. The right outcome is all of this artist pressure and all this public pressure,
so you say fuck. It just leave right right, which has acted. I think that's the outcome and I think that's that's the moment, we're about to be in yeah and she's, and she said as much like she wrote on facebook. The other eight kind, first major public statement in the wake all these new developments- and she said you know, I'm not doing this for attention or like Emily's, for damages, or anything like that. I really just want to be free of my abuser. That's all I want so Yeah I'd say I feel like between that and between and the the oscars, so white controversy, and I just feel like it's going to be a very big sounding board on sunday, like a lot of people are going to use the time that they have to speak their truth, whatever that truth may be and yeah I am. I know you didn't like that
disappointing thing is that I do wish some of the people who are boycotting it were going and were presenting, or something like I wish David Duke Rene was going to be there and, like I dunno freestyle, but she's busy, and I know she's going to rang coolers thing. Ryan coogler isn't going the director of creed who was not nominated and so yeah, and what else? What else about oscars are we looking? Should we, How? How long are we allowed to talk more waiver forever? A year has gone from. Would you like me to summarize the entire plot of the internet for it, This anybody want harming lesson about self respect. The end everyone does dear. That's what I that's why I was why I don't and the average guess no one in this show, except for Jamieson, who is more comfortable with who he is than any other single human. If it keeps us, grounded that's true, yeah
I'm sure the really yeah, of course through. Then we ve and some software here. So I think we ve had a lot of hopes and dreams. Thats, just like everything. Real quick about me should read brain brains, column domineering, which has been doing for the past. Why eight weeks and Jimmy, and summer doing a bang up job of it, just getting real getting deep on some of the the more that some of the different weird murky corners of the oscars, whether that be the nominees are the politics around and campaigning all that stuff and- and you should check it out and get caught up for this week- is the final column will be tomorrow and then we're going be doing some predictions in step tomorrow, so check that out and will also be. Covering the show, live in some way or another on sunday. So so
if you need to choose a media outlet to keep you up to date with the goings on the oscars choose the verge let's be if you ve desire for learning le rackets out. If you an aura. If not your nose like racked with begin when the show starts switchover. Actually I'm currently do A government watching Nikola your legal who's gonna have the best dress. You know we have unwrapped icons, undress, predictions transportation, yeah, amazing, I meant you see what lady gaga picks, because you just went through this whole like I'm regular, you guys moment and now filled with his back to me, greek, and so I'm here for lady gaga is going out for me that I'm regular thing still live anyway. I'm excited to cover the oscars and thank you for having me on the brcko,
The very convinced die. Now you you'll be back, would be cool. Ok. What in europe as islands, I have the youtube lying. Landmines are exploding, ver Jamieson this guy last thing I have to say that the young superstars diverge there Yeah and lonely. Aren't really young. Wait we still live stream, everyone on you tube, there's comments. So Emily and liz have a show called bird gsp that you should listen to every week. Wonderful one of my faves. We talked a little bit about the oscars this week, but we also talked a lot about gotcha and doctor luke this week and about me not drinking for a month. Hey I'm! Sorry! It's like a dream that I have yeah. I did it once for eighteen days, you're drunk on the whatnot yeah I've gotta stay its inner. What might have shown our control? We would stress on this week. We didn't
talk about any of the things that I mainly talked about. We talked about wifi routers for forty five minutes. It was really loopy because I'd come off a red eye flight and what was hopped up on cold medicine, and it got weird- and we have what's talked with chris plant, which can just consistently gets weird and then are very far more good has shown on the record. Radioset Things called tumors ask care social has recorded an peter tough as we could media. I don't have anything. I think it's very clear that you should have a share it's just you telling the audience that they should be cool with themselves. I do have a semi, regular periscope broadcasts from my living room, but it's not quite the same get on their facebook live anyway. I want to see it jamieson stuff formation series site is doing at the other guy. We are like jack, handy type
I feel it would be really really while he I knew you were planning amateur, were at work, virgin snapshot, we're virgin insurmountable recent became the most popular attack in culture publication. On the instagram platform competitor, we It starts with w friend how friend have crushed into fine powder, so sweet you david on youtube, you search for the virtuous and finest because fires and twitter nicolaus niccolo underscore female jamieson, jameson Cox Emily's Emily Yoshida spray, easy brian's bc. Bishop and I turned my character. Reckless, isn't it else that you should you should find a social media platforms. Your choice communicate with us and continuous
to show we can we cap budget thanks? Everyone have a nice, weaken our regions.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-08.