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CES 2022: all the TVs, concept cars, laptops, and gadgets announced this week


The Verge's Nilay Patel, Dieter Bohn, and Alex Cranz run through the huge amount of products announced at the Consumer Electronics Show 2022 this week — from QD-OLED TVs, to EVs, to a hair-coloring gadget.

All the stories discussed:

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This week, on the recess out, transferences show we talk about c s, twenty twenty two: it's here, there's new tvs from algae and sony samsung and everybody else there's wacky products theirs. citing products it cs coming up now the border, but if part caused comes from intel, laptops on intel be proud and intel eco design, like your team, do their best work wherever they work with all day real world battery. Lay quick charging and remote id support working on the go has never been so easy visit, intel dot com, slash works best for details. Results may vary, hey, I'm ryan reynolds at mid mobile. We like to do the opposite of what big wireless. Does they charge you a lot? We charge you a little so naturally, when they announced they'd be raising their prices due to inflation, we decided to
late hour prices due to not hating you that's right. We're cutting the price of men unlimited from thirty dollars a month to just fifteen dollars a month, give it a try. It mobile dot com, slash, switch new activation and prompt payment for three month plan required taxes in these extra additional restrictions apply seem mobiles outcome for full terms. we're looking for a chest flagship, podcast virtual cs attendance cause it's cs. It's a we're back hello, we're back! Welcome to twenty twenty two, I'm a friend eli deter brown bonus here, I'm a quantum dot. Oh wait! No, I'm not a quantum dot quantum dot no I'm, not a quantum that you know it till you observe me- could then will forever changing plans is sheer. I am. I can't top that there's layers layers of murder and such Like I say it's, twenty twenty welcome we're back up yet again break. It was very restful. We missed you
and diverse year, doesn't begin until after cs. That's how I think about it, because he can't be like happy new year, a fresh start, the me like cs yeah, you gotta be like we're going to just get through this and then we're going to start twenty. Twenty two, that's right. I want to stay with us how many weeks as a binding I since twenty one. One. Since we were promised other website judge in just sixteen days ago, trump promised her. While seventeen muslim listeners, he promised a website that you could get a free ticket from I have been assured that such one site will be delivered in january, this is a strange and I will say much more willing to talk about their plans than the previous one. People to judges on the counter this week, actually talking about ebay infrastructure, so that this to put out a website, I don't have a square space account, yet they try to get on word. Press I will invite in yesterday gave it address my covered,
it is like we ve lit up so many more testing sites and to find them just google it and I get what he was doing. Yeah right. He is, I use the tool you are familiar with. The hard part is the testing sites. We did that just use it, but ever like you, so your solution covered is growing at a word. That's where we ourselves I just set aside where to keep counting the days until there has to be said, because I can't help it. but it seemed ass though it had its happening. Yeah it is ending a day early because of covert concerns. We didn't you in person, most media outlets and go in person. Lots accompanies pulled out. It's still happening. There are people in vegas right now. I will admit There's a part of me that very jealous of them, because, a lot of photos of cool stuff. I talk about this hp, dragonfly crumble for the next hour. Oh my god, it's so good. Can I just tell you my favorite thing about the in person cs experience is there are people who are taking underground tunnel and the test was that they built
There is a trap and there's traffic clearly less than a tenth of the planned attendees showed up and there's traffic in the tunnel. I think it's just like You heard of trains, I'm like a very good dealer. Even so even smaller- and I will say it feels like a lot of companies that had cs announcements cited you you're, not gonna, get all the reporters in the room you might as well, just take all the attention for yourself and another I slew week, so there's a sense that a bunch of stuff got held There was a lot of last minute, scrambled yeah. Even so, it's pretty good My first thought was: you know this is a better than I expected, but I wasn't expecting much but as the It has gone on, unlike this is a better, ever see. Yes, bullion like stuff, I think, is actually going to ship and in terms of cool
concepts. I think maybe we could have seen some more wacky concepts and maybe some of that got held back because we can't go there and look at it. But if you know I dunno, this would have been my thirteenth or fourteenth. Electronics show in my life, which is a lot of those. I wouldn't put this in the top five wow yeah. I will say that, with the lack of wacky concepts is due to what I have been calling the, whom use product effect, a lotta company, sherbet cs with products designed only to hook the local news producer of your local new station. to be like in the future. Your bathtub will sing to you right. Local newspapers and not others. That is that we do have the decision. We have but there is still more of it and then maybe less this year, because the issue is how to setting up a community producers on the ground. cs the tv show my heart's will tvs Your virtual sensory know that where I can when to try to go through this quickly, but yeah
Heart of CS is living room, stuff, tvs and sandbars. so you got any. We gotta start tvs, so sony, be algae, seward, o oled technology punch, which is pretty remarkable, well samson assets, so it's cell the first one to do it like release it or show it off. That's thanks panel is within their yeah, so we ve been expected. We were expecting samson to announce a new kind of all a panel than they didn't and then when he announced it, but it's using a samsung display and if you're not familiar, you don't remember when people say samsung. They need to really distinguish between, but this consumer electronics company and they samsung that makes boats and ship there's another one of those it samsung display, which provides the displays for many many devices. Your phones and bubble are obliged. So Samsung is the display for sony's new Ola tv and
Why did the solidarity is that it's a quantum dot old tv which, in more colors, more brightness, more rights Typically, when you have no let it has made the colors created by a filter, color filter and that sucks up a lot of a light and quantum bad stone. Suck up as much light as a filter. They let more light through. So you can get a much broader, o led picture. Then you could with a standard of lead. We ve had clung dots on elsie these for quite a while now, but it's a new thing for old age, The church, the traditional knock on all, is yet the perfect black levels we don't get. The searing brightness of hiv are correct. Who is the conventional wisdom that little so, like all, adds traditionally crush the blacks like like if you, if you were a darker ethnic everybody on this call on this house?
now is wearing a dark shirt and we would all look like we're just wearing like black cardboard on an lg oled that is properly calibrated and mrs supposed to be able to actually pull those colors out and show them more so you're not going to crush your blacks, you're you're, going to get more detail instead of getting blown out with all your whites, because it's not using like a big white flashlight on top of the o led like an lg. Is technology cut. It does so like it. tweak. I don't know for most people, I don't know if it's going to be a huge difference visually for like deter, and I then other like it. I you know everybody on this call a lot of people listening, it's probably going to be massive because we can be like. Oh, my god, you can just bare
We see this one shade of red if you want to. If you want to have a good time, just talked to Chris welsh or tv reporter this week he's still, he will talk to you about qd oled just all day long. He's very excited me because fundamentally, and I I'm the sort of person who always has picked a lead, because I like the black levels same but the trade off, is you don't get the brightness? You lose a little tiny bit of that colored radiation in our society about then most people are like yeah, but it's not gray bars above my movie right and soon I maybe you saw this trade off fasten. Ours is the sense in panel, but it's show tv sony we'll get the samson tvs. Same sums refuses to acknowledge its like. Dolly vision exists, tvs like it just doesn't, is our real for them besides, is all in on it. So he s in this way is making panels or tvs, support, dolly visions. Son still is it
a wild mass of corporate politics. There sends you. These are also very exe save and I'm assuming that one of reasons they were able to move faster than you panel technology is cause. Just like whatever we're so just paying eight hundred dollars more for achieving peace, and they're going to sell, like you know, fifteen of them right at the places equal to you. So I wonder, though, how how expensive they'll be like cars? the sony because only still doing its regular, oh let's with the panels panels in them, so still still gonna get those and then we're getting like this step up as it can be, like a grand, warlike, three grand more. Would somebody really pay? Three grand more fairly slow better colors yeah when sony kind banks on it at the end of the day, their aspirations we can line is always like it's the most expensive and I think, there's a market of people who are like just give me the most expensive one and they're gonna be fine, flip side of this, which I think is really interesting, so that were pushing
Well it's and will see this across our companies too. Many a is kind of showing up is the ground between fuller anal, dimming in our cities, which is basically the whole market, an alleged which is kind of encroaching on the tops and I've got many ladys which give you some of that black level is missing. I mean work for, europe is now cause it's in the macbook pro it's in the ipad pro some tvs of had it been its hitting that sort of mainstream price point is like the middle ground. I need to buy gaining tv or tea for the base. For that reply. Video games on possible these-
sometime in the next year and a half and I'm having a super hard time deciding really we bought at the the tcl series, six or class six, whatever they call it. That's that's submitting ltd for my balm and I've been like calibrating it and stuff and like the difference between it and regular ltd, is not as big as I'd hoped, like. The blacks are still there, but the halo is the thing that always gets me. An lcd tv's where you have that just like grey halo around bright spot stuff, and it's still there- it is still very, very present were watching for all mankind and everybody's a little grey blobs. I ask where blobs on the moon us there's blooming it. We pointed out in the m dinner I've had I like it here, looking for it on those devices and find it on a tv there's like often oceans of black yeah, in a way that I know like marco s is not designed to give you oceans of blackness that I think will deter. Why are you? Why are you torn,
because I it's the basement so stark enough like it. Definitely let him be perfectly happy, but I dont know if I want to spend the money or take the risk and first chance of cutie lead and not to put too fine a point on it, but I'm in Forties isn't that great anyway, so you know so I really need the absolute thing or do. I need an extra ten thousand dollars. One hears I'll tell you so these new many already badly technology is called Ex our back my master, dr oh boy. In that's what you mean Nancy Ellen ring I'm missing and see us as I just being employed. Having marketing term, just like it in giant signs, are you what is the ex our back late master drive in there's. No way I am pretty sure that something from eta gear for that is kind of the other piece of the puzzle. We don't think about, like the panels are made by a handful of companies, Lg Samsung, the software controllers, that's actually the the money for these manufacture
so Sony runs its algae panels way differently than algae yeah. I imagine I gonna run their samson panels. Waited from incense on most, notably in supporting toward me, then, starting with many already right, that is a complicated back late timing. Algorithm that you develop. That's it's one of those things You trying to seat before full local, doing the standard technology other ever it's where several generations into it. So now that this early many already moment we'll see the end there's also like lg, is jumping into microalgae which is like the ones we can beg you not build a job? and panels. Since I was entirely that for a long time I was was not expecting lg to hop on the bandwagon, but they're doing it. I have no idea if this stuff is ever going to reach the point that many ideas at now are like is like creeping into the mainstream. I kind of think no. but there's still make another concept visa use it one wall, the basement, the reality display. I mean that's our decision
So what I'd say is sony. You will note. We have not talked for one second about sony software, because they're, just like google will do it. Yeah then we'll put ads in it and that's fine. it's that's truly how the sony tvs offer experience. I say this as a person who owns a sony tv, that's very much sampling algae. Yet they ve got some hardware peace, possibly that simple ransom course about. What's more software, should so much more. Persone did make a camera that will yell. If you sit too close to the tv it's perfect, he was right but samsung is like an outdated they made, new tv is. If a map display on the frame which I think is way redo. Actually I mean there's about display on twenty twenty one. The frame I noticed I own. I am Look at it. I see those matt, I feel happy and then the overhead lights command, and then I see the overhead lights in the tv and I just lost, and the next two years being angry that I didn't we now, that's a real bombers, tvs yeah!
It's like once it's on the wall, you're like well, I'm stuck with you with a phone I'm like I dunno I'll trade. It. Ok, so they dad and a better Matt display they added they didn't you harvests are frequencies whereby fine softly. large solar love it they not some curvy gaming, one whatever that's the hardware. The real stuff is Now it has entity support now more small rooms that balance at stadia angie force now like they're, all, in on this- is a software platform for us way more than any other Display stuff so actually think again, embarked could potentially be cool army there, eating their homes ring for ties and whatever, but just that somewhere the thyssen team as a cut. you or isn't just telling stream games is also there like configure settings for your local council.
He's trying to a we're gonna support vr up after one forty four. So when that starts to happen for consuls they You got some configured and getting your settings right. If there's a dead in the game bar on the tv for that that is potentially a southern point. Yeah we'll see Helen, the reason I think stream boxes still cell, is they every processor? Every tv is underpowered in an over time. I get choked out right. So I don't know how much stadia needs local processing for I dunno how much divorce now needs at the whole point of it. Is you don't need a lot read, but I would still be like you definitely need more than a tv vendor is inclined to give. You will and app makers aren't inclined to update us right, like they they're, not updating those apps as much as they are for android
work for an apple and in roku and amazon like samsung and LG weber, us they kind of live in a sad space where sometimes you get the update, it looks really really cool, but a lot of times. You wait a lot longer than everybody else for the cool stuff or you just never get it at all, and it's like okay. Well, I have this tv. I spent two thousand dollars on and I have to immediately go spend one hundred bucks. Fifty bucks or whenever on a dongle, to make it work properly in vienna. The dongle okay for process should spend spends fast rate. Simply you should do remember they had those like boxes. Employee. yeah, they mean one one update of the box. I think like someone, she went back and look
I may like one or two like, but the boxes were ever released in the history of samsung. Doing that is interesting because, like is thinking about the processors like I mean it was two years ago. The last time we did an in person cs, but I remember going to like their big black box room where they show you everything in super detail, as they never report on this ever again, then, like we all report on it a week later, it's great and they are caring about the processors but there. But it's weird, because they're not caring about that part of it. They're just only focused on like how it can upscale and how it can like fix signals and make it look better and they're, not caring about the fact that they also have to run all of tyson on it and make it not run like slow garbage and it will run like slow garbage
I mean it might not have the the idea with all these all the platforms apart from apple, is that they're, fundamentally html five apps yeah, sorry data, so you've got web unless I'm just like pre apologising. You've got web ios running on the lg tv and it's supposed to run a team of five html, five app that can move very easily to tyson or android or whatever, and in practice it just doesn't happen. Yet. So we'll see I it is exciting to see the gaming this. The cloud gaming stuff, come directly to the tv, closes a very important loop yeah, but we just don't know how any of it is going to actually work. I hope that this nf teaching is a one and done and we don't see that on many, many more keys to come. Just that's that's all I have to say about that. cause. I don't want say that it's just an app. It's not like it's not the thing, isn't like mining, its swaddle I dont want. I don't want a bad way, reverse just that tobacco. guess why pitied her that's enough gas?
so wait hold on, makes the frame, of course, they're gonna make the end t tv app for, for I think he can. You can like you, can browse and buy. I potentially by double checked as I could be wrong, but I am a man, If you can explain to me why the macy's thanksgiving day parade dragon was worth four times ten times as much as the other balloons that except that there's an energy out for their sovereignty. words either money laundering which, or they It is more rare than the other one, but I suppose rare hunt with but think I'll tell you I made it slightly less rare with one click of a mouse button, verge staff, favorite t v, show guess what it is. I know I don't know you have to guess what is it? Is it? What's not the odyssey arc Now, that's going to favorite tv show the tiny little algae oled does.
The forty sewage all of everyone's favorite tv is the smallest. Why? Because it sets out a proper algae quality, allege that maybe could work as a gaming but will actually be a good tv and a small space which has been surprisingly. You can buy yes, super into it. I thought I use horrible, samson curve tv as a zoo, monitor, and as I should go, to replace museum and then ask why am I spending money and zoom in I had like a man? the walls closed in on me for one hot second he's like another punted same idea, right they'd biggest, smallest, but they're like hears our new health platform. The now you can do health stuff in a pandemic on our tvs, and it's kind of an old idea, like maybe one of the oldest ideas for tvs like interactive after conversations I am sure we could dig up a t marketing from the eightys was this idea, but it's also like me: were there no argued shrink open. My laptop
get on a continent, but this is like the dream of convergence. Right like the idea was that you turn living room into a computer space with your microsoft windows. Media center tower gave a garden. it was going to be great alex. I wanted that so bad and then we entered in this. moment where it's like. Okay, the tvs are giant ipads and we're so like I dunno, I'm gonna apply this roku into it just cause I wanted, but were like back there yeah. I dunno, I'm always fascinated by kind of the tv space at cs, because a lot like we get the cutie cutie or lead, and we get these like really big technological leaps, and then we get stuff like this and eight k where it's like tv companies.
Looking for a reason, but not really like kind of coming up short, though like yeah. This is really cool and we're like why and they're like it's cool, but why but it's cool, and then we just don't talk about it. The next cs, like there was no no real talk of eight k. This time around there was there was all these conversations that just didn't happen all these things that just kind of like they left. I am about to get really debate hurry here when you're debater and you have to like maintain. You know your flow. You can't drop any of your cases and then just drop it oliver like constantly and Are they going to pick them up in a couple of years and we're going to be like? No, you dropped it on your last rebuttal yeah, I dunno, but it's yeah, just the lg thing felt very like looking for a reason to exist. Yeah, you don't think there's so many like cameras on top of tv. Is this year's? Yes, yes, Neither is the sony one, the algae health
form as little webcams, regulatory and psych teaches puts zoom on the tv right like skype, on the tv like there's, a lot of grandparents out there who are like. I just wanted you to some tv Grill do and there's a facebook. Porno are met a portal and that's it that's your choice in its. We it's like you to stop their ban quite. In the real opportunity, yeah an open? The platform is enough to enable that thing right I am with you, I always say My c s test is like is the first generation of iran. Cars idea- or you show me like this generation gigantic sony party speaker. It is. I know you are super committed to this idea. That makes no sense there's a team somewhere. That's like this year, the archie be ellie in our party sphere can produce more colors than ever before, and it's like you can think about this for six years. This is a six the eu? That's my test, never drive you. Did you idiot
so slowly otherness ridiculous, video. Anyway, before we go to the odyssey arc. We should talk about each to nineteen point one. We have to sell confusing. I shall talk about it when they they make it understandable. To my mother, I that won't will not happen yeah. It will never happen but like if they, if they can or my brother, he likes tv's. And if I said, if I started talking to about two point, one a he would like punch me: boob and walk away this, I don't here any more tired stop talking to me it's just slake its sole purposely baffling and I understand, are trying to make it easy rate hd. My two point, one a is supposed to be like everything, that's already there, but better, but they're, not thinking about how people actually live in use these devices.
You're, not thinking about how everybody selling it markets it lake pages long Mary are. This is what I have come to I've rummaged embracing the dark here. yeah go further by one hundred percent thinking about that stuff, mike what we have come to learn as we go through deeds. his standards, episodes of the show over the past year that we've spent more time paying attention to them. These standards organisations are not, then they have no authority It turned out in charge of shit there just like this. council for tech companies, but rather in here political organisations that they We exist because companies are no. They have like a collective action problem of plugging things into each other and making they work. The engineers at the companies are like yeah plug
sir a fine idea? Horses like look like there's like enders idealistic, engineering component to it, but their rights. by business, people who are like we need to sell stuff and if use, make the label rick. Are all the features that cost too much money in their lives. for the standards committee read through its I've. I've just given up hope The standards committee is an idealistic organization with our best interests at heart I know it's more like a necessary political evil that everyone hates it will always be. in horrible and all we can do about it is yell. So here's what I think we should do they ready ready. We should, just give up on numbering systems, because, like the proper two point, one as you can, you can still pictures which parts of the speck you support right doesn't Fundamentally, the problem you get it. The highest number and trusted you everything right We live in the digital age. We we can make anything display, industry or printer
but we want why are using numbers. We should just use emerging with a grip. I'd say it's each tasty my clown face and then you just An incline faces the list of things that are supported by clown, face and then the whole game it. So you just now but if you haven't play station, you definitely need to get crying about east timor and then work. That's like on the little cable. No But then you can do a lot. Downplay station compatible logo that you sell for money, but you can print Oh gee, on the cables and on the report itself and some of you and just be able to look. see what the compatibility is every time. This is perfect, squid, it was and what I would call that nerd race moment in our newsroom the other day, where I think was it high hi. I'm discovered a usb cable with it
I'll see to monitor in it tells you the charging speed but mark has treated at first and sold out before corrective loss than the its It was very entertaining, but yet right like we could make everything smarter, I'm sorry, the incentives art like that's how you step with firewire in island, and it's like sony make you be one you just uses noticed anyone there. report this week in what hi fi, that apple is going to ditch bluetooth version of their products. Yeah, I should say speaking are you guys. I've met his excellent audio engineer. I got to meet him at the like the home pod when they did the want she's. very clever, love talking to him, but he gave this quote to what I find it's like yeah. We would like, bandwidth, that's all I will say about bluetooth at this time Actually they definitely the thing. Were they embraced. Bluetooth extended it with the h one.
in their extensions unethical, and now we will continue to hug you to death. I think that's what microsoft with the way I'm just putting it out there. That strategy had a name embrace, extend extinguish the end. Did you see there? Is it sorry I'm way off topic now I think, we're going to do the tv's fast. By the way there was there's that great look out: internal tat, company emails, you happen, and there is one this week were bill gates. Emailing Nathan, marvelled about These are a move in the same region. Sleep over java, sobered he's losing sleep at java will become the operating system, which is its nathan marvelled replies as like. I don't think we need to embrace extend job at this time the best part was bill gates its affecting my creativity,
I need to start right could deeply emotional jobs that are affecting the creativity and then there are primer. Others, like you, need not lose sleeper verge of our aid. we are end. This very mere conversation about televisions destined show that c s twenty twenty two from the verge is the sandstone odyssey arc. those criminals. That means, as you are aware, this everyone far and wide knows odyssey art. Fifty five inch for K curved gaming monitor that you can. Using portrait just law. so very easy. Just the pictures are incredible it's only max, but for your desk, but vertically,
you ve, never seen anything like it. I have to say we dunked on this when when we were working writing it up a regulation was writing it week we kind of dumped on it and then it came out. I've never seen. one more upset. He was like it's so cool that he's like it's just giant screens yeah I mean you just gotta, see the picture like there's a picture of like an executive at a game. Desk or gaming chair- and this thing is just it's at it's not just my three of them a globe of displays around me. It's very good. No one knows how much it's going to cost, of course, but I'm I'm definitely gonna buy one the end. I mean just to point out curved monitors, awesome curved tv's, terrible and her mother, is that you can put it departure, mostly over your head, the philosophy of the passage
It's a picture! This dude, just like he's, leaning back in his chair just staring up, I'm excited to watch. You do like a zoom call with that with your your camera on the top of it. Like does looming over your hand. You always have to like lean all the way back at your chair. I don't want look that that I'm getting up in the years I gotta I gotta, fill in the tots before people see Son curved gaming monitor leads to rise and aeroplanes sailors across that everyone's by inhabitants. For some reason it's like becomes the beanie, for you older, No is great. It's exactly like two years point: it's gonna come out. no they're gonna shit, this thing about it. So just it absurd idea, it is the best kind of cs thing it ludicrous. It is fun to look at its fun to talk about, and it's going to ship give its not just total thick like, for example, all
urgency, so I'm playing this game called paper workers in my head, there's an orchestra that things where cars every time I see one these cars, where cars, so there's a What we shockwave, there's the beam double I ex concept with the egg. Side, fascist as in this is a car made for Alex. it's all. I want you to know if you bore tagging her unswervingly alex, they made a car for you I'm so happy. I've never been happier than you do. describe what it is really. Quite though, just like the full concept of it, ok, so so e ink and is, as you may or may not.
Is his actual like ink and it suspended and there's like white and black pigments and there's a suit suspended in a fluid, and you run electricity through them and they go black or white, and this is just that fluid suspended all over a car. So you can just have a giant e ink Your kindle display is your entire car. That's not squares! It's a body panel. We have a body ps emma It looks like a normal car, not a car, with like kindles glued to it, which we would also accept that this gloom on with some superglue but but yeah. So it's it's. Actually it's like it's because it's you know it's pigment. It's the same thing. It's black paint fundamentally similar things, it's kind of similar, but it's like an actual liquid in it. So it's in motion, whereas you know paint and pigment is not, and it's just
eat it's really cool, then you can control it with a button. I guess they arise when you get it, the panel's run the wheels to use the wheels or concentrate was very tribune. There was another gas cap. It looked like from we shall saw so like everything changes in the gas and out your car. So as I think the charging port missing now you just stay the same color all the time. She sets that study These are the electron gus. I mean a thing. What school I have like the usual concerns like what, if it gets reigned on what, if there's a house what did you drive or park anywhere or someone keys? Your car full of electrically activated fluid it's a great concept. Total vapor right, like the I x, underneath it also might be, is like vapor, my definition of vaporware by the way is we're, told ships. Do you gonna? Do anything you want until the day people whose got by it paper. Now, do you mean guarded by life beyond
I gotta go and buy a marquis right now and I cannot the car is shipped in under dress. You could acquire sophomoric some a person that is not the maker can own the car. That means it's not vapor, but like this, this is being done, It's it's an empty he it was, who zero sixty three by sex. It's got a long range insight, It looks like a dope yeah give ass crossover. And I trust, Bmw to ship something they provide until they do you say that doesnt tat? He had a ship, Are there is levels of vapor there's like no kind of thick vapor? That's probably like the ship at others super thin paper like what's the difference, We need this and like a fairly future egg. Under most circumstances. I would grant you that there are levels of paper here tonight: we're going to end with the silverado, which I think is the hardest question of all the car
it has taken such advantage of people's excitement about ease and delivered so few ease. I mean we extract that's that's my personal, that's where that is. If we have to passing people, four hundred dollar deposit on cars, that shipping or that have slipping, shifted the subject this week ship date, the weight slightly got it. We are intestine ships course right, like they're in the same boat as Bmw. Eventually they will pressure that car when the ike's seem deal right when the in a car, industry is also really good at being like winter, twenty, twenty two, which is went like April first or whatever the law says so I'm just being extra hard, so the I x double vapor right, a paint of your memory over by other alex well for one hour issues and I guess we d like ours in jail hundred percent arrested. I act
Mercedes announced the vision issue execs. This is a concept through and through concept through and through. Yet it has like crazy, crazy, like battery life too, right. So there's too there's nobody car. It's someone in the photoshop, I'd use the skew function, an aston martin db, five, and that's what this car looks like. That's all they just like stretched it out and they're like okay, it's concept, art and they're, claiming it's important because has to turn eighty miles ridge. So, yes, it's important to make it with long range to deal with range anxiety, does is actually do anything there. For that, can I tell you, I think it's the most tramper of all yet make the most of it for another. If its consequences, asked martin will be litigious? No, because the mercedes logo on the picture is an obvious. like photoshop stamp, and it's not centred on the good? I don't know of. Even the concept car exists I don't know, I don't know the answer to that question,
like? Is this just surrender that they blew it at the end of the last minute, they're like timid in turn- give them or spain vertical they So that is the most vapor, but it's not that there's like a poison vapor car, like Actually I see him as he s an and I'm sorry, it's the solely vision, ass. You don't believe it's real. I fear I'm just livid at sony for this thing wait. Why are you living so they had a business couple of years ago and said this is we're just playing around with some ideas and then this year they rolled out unless you ve version, and there like you know last, I recently despair of ideas, but this year were founding a brand. New company called sooner poverty and we're going to explore making this real tries to say why are you actually going to make a car sony? Do you actually have the abilities they already started? Building a supply chain. Do you like? Can you do it the best you're like
what three four years away from playing that off you ve been doing it in secret and nobody knew about it, which I doubt this. Can, I just say, there's a video where they show off a remote driving via five g linking Tokyo in germany in real time. It's like no, no, he didn't. He can't do that. He used a five g network. You aware of what that's like. I don't think I don't like. I don't think so. What if there are any airports between those two cities? Just a quick counterpoint, though: what if there is actually out there a secret supply chain, in both sony, an apple or using a. What likely livin in visiting world like its image. Subterranean like village, their building all of the cars he could be distorted out there.
Would say that these cars, the thing that really gets around these parts- it's like they don't look good, yet they're so ugly, like they they just. They look like when you know when you buy like kid toys and it's like car. It's like it's like here's, a car in on the inside you're full of sony user interface like when, I think the future of mobility, I'd, think sony software yeah and that's really. The promise of all the stuff is like you're, going to recreate a software environment inside the car. The cars will drive themselves and then you'll get all this user attention back and blah blah blah blah blah spider man inside your car, yet right, thus bringing the sony circle of life together. What kind of storage is this cargan? It's definitely to be. of some, sometimes by after asking people on twitter, the wheels, will be a new kind of propriety harrison report. I, like Estonia, the sunny memory wagon, the agri total vapor, we'll just go through the other ones
lack, announced a vaporware autonomous car, but of course it is chrysler, previewed the airflow concept of total vapor, the screens and that, as a partnership with amazon, no boy, I dont quite on the and. Why amazon saying this to me, but amazon email these, said the tweets. You share the interface. Screens is not accurate and they have not fallen. As I what's inaccurate for new press release there's an alexa logo at the top, and then what looks? I will tell you like andred three point, one like I'm not saying is Indra three point, one, I'm sure it's like a rough on fire west, but the design sensibility of early two thousands android tab is alive and well in crisis, vaporware car, there's really into hollow man, but he was any amazon toby, it's an accurate. I will update between if they show me a real design, river our volvo said it will have unsupervised highway, driving, approves labour problem,
jenny, confident it can get. It answer is the same thing. The w is good at making much like a recipe for recovery, just on, and on and on all this I just wanna buy a car gennaro wanted. one of my car, the battery in it there's four of them. How expensive a rare for primary now, because it's the only carville with a battery dear dealer, selling in forced rather forced for one hundred thousand dollars in cash because there's so much demand for you. No actual levies? so harsh is to say for this week and ass, it was doubling f, one, fifty lightning production again to a hundred and fifty thousand units. This is a key, We have seen I've seen the move, yeah vaporware car until it ships like that's, where I met with every evie company. So now the hardest one chevy announces: silverado evie its yes, it is important because americans by trucks, they do
but it looks like an avalanche trying to think about your lack of all key people. But it's not like that I was there were some there is a small but ferocious band of evolution is it does there's a regular silverado which is what you have one fifty lightning looks just like: they are from fifty they just some white stuff on the front basic get right, this new silverado evie looks totally dependent, currently shipping brand new silverado, which has fastening decision big screen on the inside seventeen inch, elsie infotainment, retain meant inch I views super crews, all the formal steering right. It's like somebody took the avalanche and they really like smashed it with their vivian. Neither do I could see no revision and other vapour a car like they ve sold five hundred to reveal employees anyhow. This car is based
palmer iii, which vapor worker it's like, there's they've sold like four of them. Ok, so it's technically shipping, okay, but this one isn't and it's ship date is not until late. Twenty three right, which is probably twenty four in the car it's based on, is only bear the shipping is. Have ever weaker. I say yes, I mean sure only by your definition, yet it has a date and a price, but where the price? it's at thirty, nine, nine and tilak one hundred thousand dollars. That's that's how it goes with trucks. Shouting that doesn't surprise me at all. Can vote be it's ugly enough that I want it to be vaporware. It is not a beautiful track. It is a very confusing edit. Is it just a diagonal pillars over the bad that make you think avalanche yeah a hundred years now, but they did effort aerodynamic yeah, it's weird controls applied anderson I met, even though I believe
chevy will ship this product, even though they ve done the things We demand of every company's yes give us a ship date and the price right garage joke about no price. No, no really said I'm so like yeah, it's not out. Yet it doesn't count. So that's where I'm at I'm! Sorry, if I'm being harsh, you know- and you can make it up to me- chevy by shipping, yeah, I'm jeremy, harsh by this all year, like they got people we we need to put batteries in people's driveways, not gas engines. Yet I see this as a person who runs a ridiculous, extremely inefficient gas, and I'm a need to get rid of this thing so, but look at our current rate of replacement. When people you know the average reader replacement of cars in us were looking at. You know, fifteen to twenty years till I get gas engines off the road like at least until we need him away faster and that we can't do that. Mr Carter, Lots for everyone gets a hundred thousand. I for prime yes mean
You are, you are talking economic stimulus. I try to get any espionage. Would question was rejected, anyway. Andy did talk to secretary of transportation, PETE buddha judge on decoder, but charging networks with ie safety, all the stuff he shingles in that there's another bit of assessing. This is supposed to be the fast segment and it was absolute was not. I hope you're ready for like what promises to be an and nineteen hour verge as we're going to take a break and come back and talk about everything else that happened and see us or epoch support for this part cast comes from intel. Some work days are more work than others. So help your team do their best work, no matter what, with laptops on intel, be proud and intel eco design, they have all day real world battery life built in hardware based security and superior
equality, video conferencing to support your team. Every day, visit intel, dot com, slash works best for details, results may vary, am ryan reynolds at mid mobile. We like to do the opposite of what big wireless. Does they charge you a lot? We charge you a little so naturally, when they announced they'd be raising their prices due to inflation. We decided to deflate. Our prices due to not hating you that's right. We're cutting the price of mint, unlimited from thirty dollars a month to just fifteen dollars a month, give it a try at mit mobile dot com, slash, switch new activation, an upfront payment for three month plan required taxes and fees. Extra additional restrictions apply cement, mobile dot com for full terms, but we're back This is the non paper were second yeah. This is nuts and bolts of computing sing. And we're gonna start with stuff it hasn't shipped yet holding o deadlocked. Actually
it's little bit out of order from what we have. We should start with the chips and then move to the laptops that you know. Mavs chips read what do I do intel or amd intel until alright, so twelfth gen alderley chips. These are important. I think, because yeah most people assume they wanna get until at up, even though india's our charging it'll is making gigantic claims for these. If they are, more powerful than the one max on them as proposed, which made maybe they are? If you have a nuclear power plant here say much about better life is this is what I'm getting at and there are powered by you'd like story within tell how it has been for a while. I was one of the back, What are they? Gonna start really really get back in the game. Pushing and Maybe this is like the possible started. What you think I feel No because the only ones
as they announce laptop processors, but it's only the forty five watts right. I think forty five watts the h series, processors and that's usually the stuff you find in like work state Events in gaming, laptops and joint gave when we start seeing the. Why series in you serious and all the other lake stuff that actually appears in and laptops, it was people by then I'll, be like ok, they're, serious and when its It is the end one job. What the other thing that it's all talk about was the are cheaper use, but no no actual updates there. so like intel, didn t give you here. Let's just keep waiting for that. I guess I just didn't ask more oh yeah, we're gonna usin was at the plan a third. cs in a row where they're like do not adhere gps, gps keeping up nope not happened. Sorry. College refers not too far from what videos to exist. Gps in terms of your ability to get climate,
It will be easier to get an intel jp right now. then thirty, eighty tee, I or t depending on how you what a pronounced it has. No official recommendation is supposed to attain a notice they they officially said this week. There is no official pronunciation say it. However, you yeah that's good. I like that. I use the letters t or I it can be a know. Nvidia thirty, move very good Did you see that, with the other stuff, they put out an apple draft of performance per what I don't love the bad grass or taking over our industry? No, although they did say what test they were using and tie any print at the bottom, but it was still just like random relative scales of light,
I think the Y axis was from zero to one hundred percent. Yes slick, I don't know what this means at all. I don't think I don't think it's fair to say they're taking over cause. I think intel was one of the people that invented the bad performance graph. That doesn't actually mean anything like they're, very good at making these and you're always like. Oh wow, wait, wait, you're, comparing it to a laptop six years ago. Yes, of course it's gonna be better and it sets itself will see their stolen were the transition of the new year. They could write a little more confident onward little more planted where iterative yeah So there is a rise in six thousand laptop chips. Are there? Did you enter improvement, others of theirs their claiming double the graphics performance, but it's the same century architecture six nanometer process on these sites. not a huge job, but it's like their continuing to make good workshops and animal
What is also examine? If I were to by giving later this year, I think it would probably be rising six thousand Will they actually announced cp use for laptops that everybody can buy, so they they announced kind of their there? Why series, or I think, equivalent? So thank you yeah. I see that they did announce their next assistantships from the second half of twenty twenty two, the ryzen seven thousand. These are new architectures and four, and there are five natalie to process. So I will see like stepchange I think that such a change is today we ve assuming that Andy will overtake intel, because the ships are our path to overtaken, tells chips, rapid and tell a soul of force and it's the standard dealing This is the year I dunno. If it's the year, just in terms of raw volume, but in terms of you know, people in the know
making a choice. I think that this could be the area I mean again. Second, half twenty twenty two is a hazy vapor to say yeah. I think we're seeing a lot more for years and years. If you wanted to review a laptop that was made and amd and intel variants, you can only get until, like the the companies, just wouldn't send you amd and we're starting to see it more, and I think this year we're going to like almost constantly see amd, tops being handed out to reviewers, instead of into ever meet and feels like the big change casino in those, though, has like what ninety five percent of the server market lake- it's not going away, but I think fur personal computing. This might be the year for aid maybe we'll see see now I don't want to say confidently cause then I'll be wrong and everybody will reality yet, but it feels break it near as organism feels like feels like. Maybe you especially
is only especially an apple being like our computers. Don't need power, I would say the invidious cs keynote experiences. always been impressionistic. sort of our words you of my life, yeah yeah right I never really know what they're announcing, but it seems it's kind of the same here right with the thirty they did one year with like was it the twenty sixth year, the thirty sixty they announced that cs, and that was like kind of a surprise and kind of a delight. But this year was like very just bread and butter, nvidia being like yep. Here's some some iterative updates, surprise we're doing thirty. Eighty ti I and thirty seventy two, laptop gps. Like yes, I could have predicted that I could have written that story before you announced since I was a laptops. This dell xps thirteen plus, You gotta reminded us peace on the coup- man, oh
yeah, it's the here's. What what say! First, in the start, by giving a compliment mo companies when they have a hit product just ride that product, with no changes for as long as they can enter the ground. The extra s. Thirteen is hit product. This text has thirteenth losses, the opposite of writing a successful designed to the ground. It is more like I don't it's like it's like into its like, so. Tat was like someone will disrupt us if we don't make an invisible tracked, had first, Like alone, you know like threw down in us. in my view, is running around in circles like convince themselves at this problem exists. It is not. This is one of the most nuts looking laptops it or seem totally flat. Keyboard the track is just it's: not there bottom deck is track pad. Well,
that's a whole lot of black attractive, but it's a flat diagonal track that is under one section of it, but there's no demarcation of where the tractors so it's worse than I thought has a touch part like a thing may be described, such we're not and elsie. These dream, unless you're the room with somebody who works for dell, was his deal plus you in the face, but all function. Keys are a capacity of touch function, row, This feels like a red from our capacity. The function row, which refers to little ellie ellie d buttons and a flat bar that you can tap to fiddle things like brightness and volume del. Since this is not a touch bar parentheses, but it is, I mean a bar that you touch to toggles. Anyone who Does anyone else his brain immunity jumps out conclusion. You are valid and I see you like. That's romantic, What is done with the weird wording in this matter by the keyboard is also completely flat to the rest of the deck,
the lackeys always rest. When you see a brand new keyword design, please ok monica! and then you know she's she's, not make a judgement yet and then last but not least, guess what it lacks. This is the best part o now ahead for jack odin. What do you do? I just made this this. Is this laptop see how this is Ives revenge? He went over to dell and made this it's incredible. He like whispered to TIM cookies, like I'm, going to Texas. I won't tell you what I'm working on but you'll know, and we got the experts as thirteen plus I'm assuming its adele, and the sooner we keep the standard actually has thirteen designer and forever consensual doll. Does say it is rare to see accompany mass with its head product. This dramatically,
Well you're very like this. Is our design laptop with a higher? It's weird, you ve hit some weird choice. It's you think this is a mustang boggy situation where they do the crazy laptop, then someone said actually we should call on extra ass. It's pretty good. hello Did they follow that person's advice in one of the strangest products and services? Here then there is the rugs efforts. She fourteen which white laptops or a theme sure. Is year. Drivers exciting, for this laptop is like the does g fourteen guarantee thirteen consistently our favorite gaining laptops in terms of price performance adjust overall usability and we're very excited about these ones because they have webcams yeah. Will it be good and they look like laptops not like something he would take to a larp, yeah, very good, and then alright deter your tweet about this. I think summed it up.
This assumes fordable a lead. Where was I wish, I could tell you: it's gonna be good. The second is ours, you remember how you know will be. One of these is the full screen that folds and half of the vulnerable thing and then there's a keyboard. I can sit inside the sandwich when its fully folded, I'm so there's there's several points of possible failure. Here. Others, the physical failure of the street itself. There is like to fail Where have ergonomics of like well, as you know, actually a couple of years, will they get the keyboard right? Will the keyboard send the thing correctly? Whatever there is the software, potential failures of, like does windows do, but he wanted to do in these different. You know form factors when it folds and unfolds and does stuff you know, there's price they'll probably be, expensive say others. There is a lot of ways. This could go sideways, but I will say not to put too fine a point on it.
I trust aces to make wacky expense. It's device that could actually be decent, more than I trust you know was like each by mental devices. Andrews over think tat loathing book go to town. I believe you, rock solid by the hell out of that thing entrusted with well we're trying out a new form factor. How many times have they screwed that up over the past years? How many times do we talk about the one that had the keyboard? No, we will not yeah, but that the thinkpad is like the definition of don't mess with the. It product yeah, although they kind of did this year a little bit. There's the yeah yeah there's like. If there's like the corn, Really, I wouldn't know, was like going to go beyond the thing. Tat dna don't do it who actually streak of- and I was shocked by this think what plus, which every time I love the idea of a big screen. The laptop tech, it's one is cooper, futuristic concepts, yes, and I think the guy
way for whatever you see when ceilings price. My life is what the manufacturer has chosen to put on the display- and it's usually dislike statistics about computer itself, Lenovo has a battery meter like a giant eight inch battery history graph is like yo. I don't need that at all. I know, a lot of times or sea like bandwidth or you'll see like processor graphs, and I dont truly faintness information. I can get it I do not need it at all times. This is why they haven't. You got no knows what to do with these displaced Your idea was watching tiktok you're out of your talk about keeper deck all day long of europe. It is it touch like. Can you touch the display, unlike do stuff, with a view to use the mouse? Not only is it You can write no time with the stance, which is why these editor dare C4 is limited about. So he's a left handed and he
to think those tax was computer, as others would be perfect for him, except he can't because The window is on the other side and he had to take his lot had over the keep trying Maybe I am also enchanted. I'm also livid. Now maybe they'll make us think book, plus gin, three l yeah. That would be actually amazing if they had to make right and left handed versions of thing. I don't know another great cs: Prato, aids, gonna ship, it's really silly and at the end say what are you going to put on this thing and will microsoft one note support it for five years and the answer is absolutely not yeah the end so that his laptops again monica is doing a great job just trying to have some insight. Everywhere put a phone stuff, nutrition has a huge presents its he s, so there the interesting thing about Google is Google's traditional huge presence had started five years ago has always been google assisted and this year it was supposed to be android and better together. There are like,
branford. All these devices working together and then ass like over a dozen ways that they're going to try and make it a system of the integration of things working together to try and compete with apples. They're going you oughta, switching for headphones, they're gonna, put your text messages, but they're. You know what you use nearby shared a windows pieces of her His fear he I think they didn't actually break windows in the oh, so there's some some microsoft fight happening there that I dont understand what else like fast parent. it will also work with like your google tv, and so he parents arizona. Then you of the new year. What were you haven't tv and just there through google, account like all this stuff, we'll users get there trying to bring as much as they can to end users there. I think is he have to conceive of android is not samsung, android read the sanctions that abortion is already in the samson world. Yet too late,
we're gonna be able to push it out to samson phones and then to window. or is this. You have a pixel and one model of it assumes laptop yeah. That's a excellent question I asked, and they said that a lot of stuff it is going to require, like a point of due to the less they could push it out. You, Google, mobile services, so at least those that but what you? The last states, are coming months, cowboy physical. some weeks and there's one second half of the year. I think, early days to her yet member I mean duels, I paid the all time leader in were announcements, so I won't bring them to our order from a restaurant later, with Google assistant the a I it's gonna happen, we can happen. They announced dolby surround audio fur youtube tv from devices shifts
but that's like Google shipping cadence has, since Google has existed, been like whenever yet and so it's actually fun. Like events like cs are, I think, difficult for google because after line up, they have to like around the kindergarten that is Google engineering like them altogether I think this is great. Innovations are great. I just think fundamentally, they ve gotta, get it onto the it onto will have to make the case that the integration is because in the end, for ecosystem. The immigration is the reason you by all the stuff The thing that I don't understand is why haven't figured out how to get the court with chrome and attacked near by sheer, in particular, the fact that there is not a decent era alternative and road users is while to me yeah. But what it just write: a helper app for windows, that might what they're doing it, but just each p devices aspect that we hilarious
new one plus ten per sparks. They announced chinese availability and then they teased a picture, and then they now set backs and where like they're just like that, there's like five announcements for this phone. I still don't know what it's going to cost us to come, the? U s, at least as of this recording. They could tweeted out right now, and I wouldn't be surprised. It looks good You know the concern here is: can one plus recover from the garbage twenty twenty one with oxygen o s just like they had all sorts of problems definitely lost the fence right there, Indeed, the shine is completely off of another, their basically integrated with about europe. I mean they've, always been there, but now they're running oxygen, and there was supposed to be a new ios and like it very, very messy others very little trust for the right now gap I see the opportunity was this last year because samson had sony proms delivering in aid. Listening
yet strange, samsung, new estonian effie in an awesome leaks today we have today, as trying to which it should be very soon, but that the What's wrong since yesterday, if he is its second low cost us twenty one would like. slightly worse cameras, maybe, but, like the same processor, slightly worse, build quality, it's a phone that should not exist if you're like. If you pay attention to the phone that you buy, it's like more better than last times as if he so makes sense for samsung because they can make more profit, often I guess, but it makes zero sense for consumer goods. cars, twenty one use or referred, or you don't understand, it's a thing. It discounted was you then maybe, but it's also weird that, like we know these twenty two is right in the corner. They could have just called the seventy s. Twenty two f, you know what it's fine. I can honestly the best way to these leaks I don't. The design is all over the place. Now every single one looks different.
ultra is like separating itself out, because the ultra is good. I was on board. Stylus were expecting so has complete its basically about europe, it has the worst looking kara bumps ever do is a bumper as if the whole fingers thicker, it's hard to tell him this. Rather, there is a time there's like it. There's that there's a little bit of a bank of the ice metal around the camera lenses, so his sword like an iphone six style bob. you know what I mean. Probably they probably did a thing or that I'd take the picture, just a certain angle, to make you think, there's that camera bumps there, but there actually are. So. I dunno I actually love the us twenty one. language in the way that the rail like merged into the camera, but I thought that the great it seems like Something similar rests with the regular as twenty two bad. I will see. I don't I don't want to completely prejudge, they want to see it in person by in photos. It just looks Toby yeah, see we're gonna end with phones, its sea.
As there we got to do some five g news. That's just that's the law. I heard I see as its primary hope news just point also explained. Her eighteen jean rise and is still not lit up their mid ban, fives respect, which they spent billions dollars on in because If you see the affair are fighting and that now that, like the airline flight attendants union is, in the mix, because there are some worries. Radar radar out and planes be affected by mid band. Five g usage and the mitigation strategies are it's a mess mess it mike? see observation team, whereas writing fiery letters stood to bear pete, it's very good but it's a mess, and I think it it's funny like after all this time, we still don't have the five g networks. We have lost the race. My friends yeah well well, most in this particular bureaucratic infighting. We talked about it for a few weeks on the show.
It's a very strange how things are lining up. Like you don't usually see, the acc, like pull rank in open, Democrats and republicans. Yes, you are all just like shocked and horrified. Yeah like this is what we do. Frequency stuff Why not rising cancelling the then demanded that it'll come later? They did. Ass. You know that it's coming a couple weeks there think, they're calling the mid she danced of ultra. Why band you don't you be or something like giving it the same brainy that they get to know me no staff, so that signing and confusing Might I haven't secular produce Jeffrey some confusion over the way, the branding it they also revamped all of their plants. So there's like get more do or something something it's true, and it is now a common literate anymore. It's a lot, but theoretically you can get an unlimited I would add: a data theorists, surprising, dear stressful, it's affecting recruited
I knew I I bet you forget, where you probably need to sign up for their new, like you know, affiliates super good thing that they do or they attract more of a I'm one hundred percent. Certain I bet it's called trackwork is what they should call but every time a carrier changes, it's pricing schemes at ca, sign up for something dumb. That's my theory. Okay, we're gonna, take a break and come back and do some I mean literally. We have it listed here as misc in that what better way to end your cs, experience the misc for redback Support for the show comes from gold peak, real routine, there's a time a day about an hour before sunset, where the rays feel warm and the breeze feels cool. But the half hour of golden palace is always gone too soon. It may rekindle
that feeling, with a bar of gold peak made with high quality tea, leaves it smooth taste transports you to golden hour at any hour gold peak tea. It's got to be gold fox creative. This is advertiser content from se johnson- my name- is call in also known as trash call. It did you know that only about nine percent of plastic waste gets recycled. That's because recycling is not always intuitive. Lot was our wish cycling, which is when you toss something into the recycling, been hoping it'll get recycled its good intentions, but unfortunately it's not that simple, like plastic bags, ten billion, but not when their mixed in with other recyclables making clogs.
Voting machines and cause an entire batch of recyclables to end up in the land. So a little bit of research goes a long way. Look up your city, recycling programme to find out what they can take and make a plan for items. They can't it's normal to feel overwhelmed by the plastic crisis, but would me hopeful is taking small actions every single day, knowing that those actions, adult learning about how to end the waste cycle at essie, johnson, dot, com, slash action, matters, we're back. We wish pick some of these. Yet can I start by picking the samson freestyle projector so samsung and ass, a tiny little can projector IRAN's thyssen it has a cool little mouth deacon, like rotated hundred eight degrees in set up anyway. Right after you ass. We see battery pack point you
color correction built into its working pointed at the wall that isn't white enamel figure out the colors make it look. You can chew it into a light bulb. Second, you can stir theirs It's an optional adapter. That was you screw no apple, socket and point down at the table, which is incredible. It implies so much about the whole. In that sense, I think this is gonna go into like everyone just has like chandelier are really going to hang the pending lives. It's amazing! The thing is: look school. I like em, a smart, projector act. I like. But in an arms race with only myself. last year started with an anchor nebula dear and I ended up at like a stretch, a dead ahead fortune projector very stupid, like ex models in between So I think this is really smart. I think smart. Russia's are really cool. one run size and two. It is nine hundred
is so expensive is always problems you have with the little portable projector like you can kiss. I didn't have not take up the phone you can have it have the picture not be the full size of the scream, so you like shook it down. moreover, towards you will actually is without moving a project around which a smart, the colored at all. Stop that I've been trying to get might not be a horrible with my little anchor portable projector. This thing solves nine hundred dollars for nine hundred and it's, I think it's only what five hundred lumens yep five hundred and fifty lumens. So it sounds like you wait a year and a half to when it's marked down to we fifty yeah. This is happening and we oblige friday and especially a deal guys just just higher priority he did oh wow, see once you get in the game, you're like ooh another. Projector then you're like a room. Suffragettes you forgot to send back to elements
just like every solution. Artists. Now I will say before I got you called. I watched almost three football games outside and as I do, it got too cold, and I was like why do I say gosh I spent alot of money and it's like it's going to get the fire pit now alright alex. What's yours, ooh, that's a tough one! because I really like that sony confirmed that the play station viii are to name, is playstation, be our too I really appreciate that, but I also I really dig the the lorry owl The new air is supercool I've only I dont know if you guys have ever died your hair. I've only done it twice. The second time with your hair, the first time Oh the high school years highlighted how it
it was bad. My friend it was. It was rough, but this is this: is the color sonic and the ideas there's like a cartridge cause. You know they had to get it on the cartridge change, the cartridge he put it in and then you just brush it through your hair and it will it'll change your hair color. I think it's going to be a lot more involved, than their greatest selling it like and then there's still things like, you sought a bleacher error. If you want to change the others and you ve got a person with black hair like this, I know you're, just a very light tested by I'd like you to lorry I'll think they got their start, making hair color and the really really good at it. They ve actually kind of shipped some of their their previous prop products like this. They announced at sea as well forget about they ship it. Nobody buys it because it super extensive
they're, saying that this is going to be like something you could buy in a target. I assume six hundred dollars and so yeah there's there's potential here. It's very vapor e, but but I like the idea, I liked the idea- and I like that it looks like a finished product like it really does. Look like a cheap thing. I would buy at target to do my hair, so I'm like okay, you've got the look down this. This feels like bad ideas at it and cold duck on a friday nights and break bake cookies. Let's go well, I was good at bleaching were actually dying it to a correct shade of blonde In a step I missed so I'm into it. I would I actually appreciate the most is like it's not like a dumb wifi gadget. Yes, just like it's a mechanical technology engineering gadget yeah, there's nothing smart about it.
I know like we're going to change your color hair. They. They also announced, like a big, a big like I dunno facility booth, to have at at hair salons. I struggled to think of a single hair salon. I've ever been to that would have this booth, where you can get the color done and like test out different colors cause. You know everybody has a phone now, so why would I go to it's booth, but but great cool work. It's a saturday night. What are you gonna? Do color booth for slot pay four hundred dollars, while somebody makes fun of you. If I do appreciate that this whole this whole thing implies that there is a market of people who bleach and either hair, and that was, I seeks anguish, Where would I need to do? But there is a market of people who die their hair, often enough that you can sell here too, pods to them now. I you, I know a lot of women in particular who who do die their hair and their dying at every eda, especially people who
grey early and want to keep the color in. This would be like a huge huge deal for them, so so I think like if it works and they do it well, it really is just as simple as adding a washing your hair having a wet and running this through game changer like massive massive change, if it's affordable care in pots were her, I love it. Yes, pod, whether the pod row model alive and well this year. She s idea. What's yours, you wanted my favorites, so I am going to pick them up. Cs thing: this would I Give us our most. She has a wonderful thing, but to me If you wanna talk about things it just author cs, what if your front door was smart, This is like every companies. What, if you're one of the front door, the different export its if the mason I
power, no vowels, thereby the way smart door. So here's the idea- and I hate this What's that, I first saw it as a good and then however, the post talk to me about it, and now I love it when, because its yes, sir, it's door that has spots for a year lock a ring people camera lights out tonight. Everything you would want to like power in your front door like the doorbell, the light, the camera like that stuff, the smart lock is built into the door, but theoretically it's modular, so you could like switch from something else when my shoulder your door yeah, you know like when the wifi goes, I'm your smart, like you do the euro, the smile. I cannot replace urine, your door, but that is also currently feature if existing or
I would like to think that smart about it in cuba is the door has power and it robs power these parts of the door where you are never going to what smart things. So you can. I have a door with electricity and then you can put in the smoke ass. It did you want zone where the doorbell unaware where did the other things run one way or to your door? And then you have your smart gases there like Saucy, yes, the worst of the amazon key, because of course it does right. Just like every The matter is like the big story. Do we don't you talk too much here, but like all this stuff, gonna be supporting matter, I'm sure. So your front door will support thread pretty soon, which is very exciting and die perfect. Can I just read this paragraph from genes for us? If we haven't had on the show? Genji is or new swarm of europe the thing,
dieter just described, where your power and power were like, that's smart, how things ended up, and then you talk to Jan and yeah. That sounds pretty good. That's gens, vibe yeah right so for gender produce the following paragraph: Currently, you do need three apps to use your door yeah just disappointing aspect of the door from a user perspective, yeah oh boy, so nor its door with power, cables, rounded That's what I'm getting out of the paragraph but They include the apple door. Locked doesnt work with wing he'll makes a z wave locked it does. I mean I don't know man, but I will say a door with pre built power tables in it is marked taken by this.
and just rip everything out to put what you're its modular use the dream of everything. Yes catch. It couldn't make you sell it without all the stuff in it. Yes, because then, who appears to just sell it at home depot is very good. I do. I do appreciate that you pick the door while I was going to pick the the black that your birthday you mentioned yet ass, my next one too, cs, as are about bartender. and for many years in a row I would make casing in get drunk with you see it try. Various roma bartenders there's a very famous ice luge that poor syrupy concoction down it is strengthened, so every year is a rather bartender this year, blackened dec. our two or tool company released, I don't think it's,
depressing crashing the ship it because it's so simple, no wifi, no bluetooth, no app get you put in a drm pod mixers, so the pods have barcodes on them. She would get a bite if you buy buds and then there's just a bunch of like stainless steel straws in use oh by whatever hoochie. What am I put it in there and you are all bottles, verloc soldier. See yeah there's a water tank. I dunno I dunno. If they've said I dunno seltzer is in the mix, but there is a water tank. Okay, it's gotta be such that the beat was, and then you like push the button for strength and then it reads the barcode on your like old fashioned pod. Isn't it just sucks up the the the bourbon it spits it in a cup with the rest of them and then speaks to your drink. It's like I'd have liked to have done that ohio, well, how would you Sarah was like you? Could just squeeze the bag? It's I couldn't. I just peel open the nuts
It's a very good. I appreciate it I have graduated to the old man level of drinking. I no longer from experts rights allow just like what type I see the dollar hannay the fact, but there The time when I will and super into this, but its very so into very hilarious, it's from blackened backer yeah and also the underlying technology is from a startup that wanted to all the wifi stuff, but I think they've found in black and decker partner. That was like What? If we take all the smart stuff hospital and dump the pods again The banana syrup is called artesian lie, you USSR, it does have a party load. where it has Eli needs to lay the bottles. Have you alchemist somebody's party he admitted for about four party. My party like us, you have a good party like theirs.
Commitment here that I can see version this is dotted. Eurozone party speaker has just melted away, top of the market, for that thing is wrapped her she's through and through this too, I see no more, I don't know, probably the breathing the breeding power case pc, that's right, good that the cyber power p c case that looks kind of like it's it's breathing and it's I don't. I didn't trying to think of how to describe it for most angles. It looks like a normal pc case and then the front has all these little triangles that open up to like suck air in and they look kind of alive and alien and neat yeah they're like little they're little floppy triangle, flaps, yeah and they're, just kind of like doing the thing I think yeah, it's just like nice and it's it's really going to exist. It's it's really. Shipping and cyber power you know, makes
good products that this will probably be pretty good and it may sell for like two fifty. I think these are aren't limited to simple, open clothes, but rather opening and closing and adjusting real time to every degree of temperature change. Yes, that's the quote. I've always wanted a pc. That sounds like the departure sign at the frankfurt airport. One of those four yeah? I love you shall have it let it flappy clinkers. You know I I. I love the idea that, like u turn on any video game in the flax wall, just open and that's It- especially the one it's like well, we've detected several degrees of temperature and it's got alright. Peter and there's a lot of several other there's the robot shells, which is great there, is actually We get it in the show notes, but you're gonna have some new hearing aids that automatically adjust their volume based on ambient noise and periods integrity, a big part of category photography too, but you know what I we still. We started making a joke about the beginning. The show I gotta go with the hp.
You try, chrome back. How do you know this? Take it easy as well just got it ass. It is the pixel book that I've been waiting for years, It has a three by two screen. Are you a pretty high resolution? If you want to touch me, it was all around them through sixty my fears magazine the backs when you four per hour actually holds together each other to get around to torture until processor. It has a big a battery. It looks like it's well made. I have no idea what's going to cost, I'm sure it's gonna be way too much, but all of the crap that I have wanted. Chrome book, that's like actually premium that had been that you have had since the pixel. A too is. Is this thing I would even say petrol to. I would say the crumbling pixel the principle to the principal managed it more? Is the common pixel his great this, the pixel booked, Okay, but this thing dragonfly man hides everything. It's like oh yeah, like stop compromising making your crumbled.
God sixty by now got us not powerful, and I forgot It doesn't make sense to spend a thousand bucks for about four anybody the answer is no, I'm sorry, but if, if if you like- chrome, alas- and you have a thousand other suspect, to combat this is. Finally, the roma should have existed for the past. Two years, finally exists: the term of office. Well occupies a special place in my heart, because I bought one for my mom, which is an insane thing like, as I wandered around the streets of new york city like asking strangers like I'm gonna buy my mama thousand dollar chromebook and they'd all be like, Where are you and she uses her saying she loves it because she doesn't have to think about it? It just does web stuff and then she closet it goes away and I'm going to upgrade striving for fingerprints are too privacy screen just like it hasn't webcam cover.
Yeah, it's it's just a very it has a it, has a mute button for the microphone on the keyboard, so you can just hit it and the mic is off yeah. It's like I only want this because I've been waiting for, like samson promised that they were going make one like that I thought that was that it was gonna, be the next time quebec wasn't it we had like nothing great for, like is the perfect chromebook last year, so now we've got it and I I will probably buy it, yeah, but I want to end by saying position they are to confirming name, is now in my last one is the motor oil and they won dongle from oil centre. It ok. khazars a huge market of wax do whilst airplane after they're very well due for carefully and are not great but there's a lot. Them, and many of them are actually the same like My knees sourced guts, using different cases by different five I'd, start ups, wherever, not so many andred, oughta ones,
as one that does not give any go there. One yeah there's a handful. I guess it's like unheard, but we one from a trusted bradley motorola away, wait, whoops! Yes, it is like a motorola brand licensing deal from what company, asked p w global was strives itself as a motorola strategic grand partner debt that some outside is threatened. relationship module that does both car plant at around cars were across the plant. The family, but you so you have to meet as a new head unit, because that's all that's the only way. I know you have to plug your phone into it, then which sooner you plug the dongle ended at your car. Ok, and always a wireless. Do you to put your phone into any I know this is all point like how can new cars have wireless charging pads and wireless carplay and android auto? So, like the dreams you get in the car you like,
the phone onto the wireless padded starts charging and incorporate lights up and in the gear and you're off yet so actually the most important thing, about this is how quickly does it boot up and get the wifi going and get connection going because, like I could take a minute, in a wireless carplay ones, ones are notorious about an and they, like. So we'll see everything on the car play site. It's been messy then the andred site, it's been nuts, many like ones to buy, we'll see. I think. Ultimately, this isn't gonna happen. Cars directly support it, but it's my last cs gadget like fun, the alchemist we obviously it's. Yes, there's a ton of staff! There's the news, four for a mask which, as a voice, bennett and, probably still isn't good, actually filtering effect, mason! it makes. You look terrifying when you wear it more door locked but the door locked in care, adorable situations. Yes, is out of control like that,
companies have realised that entering a home can be made more complicated and I are in it the that matter. Stuff, like there's a lot of man, issue action its he s, a lot of smart, I met her promises matter, as last year saw him promises there's a lot of stuff. It's yes, it's good! There's, a giant g o a gaming thrown yeah wishes also vertical, which is my favorite and from gadget there's a new anker charger. That is very, very small and you can plug a two or three things into it, and I'm pretty excited to have another tiny gan charger, because I never stopped buying them. Apparently yeah I mean, look it's yes, there's all kinds of its onsite there's vaporware cars for days, looks at this. We, if you can draw a car, probably get someone to give you a hundred block of thoughts for it's all good I worry and a rapid up, we repeat bitter judge decoder, we ve got caught him, see a crescendo, amanda decoder. Next,
these days. That's pretty good wives, orphans, yes, on a site, I'm sure the news gonna lead into next week when we're back the richest twenty twenty, the virtuous is back. You can tweet at us. I met reckless teeters at backline. Alex is alex each kranz. It's podcast, we gotta, I gotta, leave you with a podcast note. Actually carmen wrote a great piece to a pragmatic, podcast advertising and how it's going real sideways. Go check that out it's part of hot pod or new newsletter about podcasts and assurance very good. That's it! That's! Where chest or mask
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Transcript generated on 2023-08-21.