« The Vergecast

CES 2015, Day 1


On this, the first official day of CES 2015, The Vergecast is a reflection on the day's experiences. Nilay Patel yells across the floor to Sony's booth, Chris Ziegler relinquishes control to a self-driving car, Chris Plante breaks things on the show floor, and special guest Joanna Stern has a selfie stick. Join us, won't you?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Well welcome the recast. They want to see us twenty routine. I am you ever tell. I am transplant precisely where super confusing I'm special guest Joanna stern, joint eastern star gas return or reporter Joanna CERN. How do you know that you're titles fully star? Whilst I think I like this? Are you start our designs? Yea are yeah yeah. I missed this document signed it. Don't you want to austrian vertical with no it's ok, every year its yes, we have Joanna come back, because china is one of the founders of the verge founding member and escaped concepts of this insane asylum that we call the website so they won. We our first episode of the show. Yesterday he was chris nine data in this space at our booth, only everything was completely empty and there are four groups every I wouldn't call it! It's like an episode is like it was a test run
it was like news and experience. It was a test experience. So I was talking to Google this morning and they they had just listened to the episode and they said we loved the the forklift conversation, but they are really excited about it. But I don't understand driving forklifts know there was a forklift driver. another point that I wish to make. A lot of things happened. I will say we and remember dates. He asked it to publish a story that we think sort of wrap up the big theme, we think the day will be today was dieter. I would say Asked headline in some headline combination and virgin history: That mine was we. Finally now come after the smartphone, I've had was acronyms because it is true because achieving its acronyms here that are happening everywhere. Are the inner things envy? unfortunately, and stupidly named eight ass, guy dress say what it means. What is the aid ass? Well, so too,
It's clear: what is the sturdy who came up with it's an it's an invidious, I'm used it, so. These are. These are vendors right that this is in the automotive industry. Now I've heard the people no one on a ford stage or a shabby stage in history has said our new car as eight ass. That is well that's a shilling vision, but anyway. So it's it's a collection of technologies that will enable things like anti collision self driving so on and so forth, and these are all things that are on the five to seven year horizon. So everybody is talking about it right now, because they're working on the cars that will get this in five to seven years and that's what I love about cs, they're, the things that were going to the technologies that will to us five seven years now that require an enormous amount of human capital investment. In reality, we know is an turning out and there's just Joanna with south east. Stick
and I would say to selfie. Stick is also one of the main innovations of cs. I greet you did just take eight hundred and fifty pictures by accident without yeah. That's a feature as a feature of this self me sick that I bought in a casino forget how much twenty dollars dignity nine fifteen dollars, but supper- and you and you love this- you know Are you triggering show you? Let me show you said that there is a special button on our side. We have that. The main problem here is that well, there's a lot of main problem is not working at all, but not even good, so we the to in myself, we stick told I need to, and I need a selfie mike's holder you got. That is not working at all. we're trying to have been making a lot about us right now. There are indeed, I gotta Joanna that we want
I would just say: will review, are in your car and your with this, as most of you are what you just said, with someone not using a selfish. I was added up now, it's doing it. It's no making loud issues a furnace burst. Just now is somehow there s an ancillary aghast. Actually is already taken a hundred and thirty five says you're right, you shovel shoot that while we didn't want to quickly talk about my why I got this healthy safe because I got to see ass, to shut you down we're talking about really at having a virtuous early without alcohol which make it less crazy. She was. I do yeah you're right, I don't need. I dont need alcohol to talk about my love for the salaries dec two things one I went
I'm square the other day was shooting a video there and everyone had a selfish stick. Meanwhile, my video is about how ridiculous you look when you take a photo with a tablet, but there were a lot of tablets. You know that the big everything really unstick they were not on sticks that happily z and how many city I saw one x my first day, I saw a tablet unselfish: stick your inside it really carry on anyway. That was the first thing. My real, ok. This is huge. Then you guys wrote something about the selfie. Stick the number of annual writing about the selfies deck and then I got to yes on sunday and I kid you not. I like walked into c s unveiled, and I just saw a flood of reporters was selfie six and I felt like I must up my game to cover see yes this year with a self. Instead, really that's yeah. We have to be compared that the wall street near what are some examples of how you up to your game, monsieur
brought a stick and actually does doubles as a walking stick as well. I, like the other day when walking through the sea s desert. Nobody, I mean people arriving at it, does but you're shooting your own videos. I've seen a lot of that. I don't shoot my own videos, so that was in all that helpful to me, denouncing it very well yeah, showing our own personal sofie stick. This one is broken and takes underline galaxies. I'm I'm pursuing getting more selfie sticks. I like that, may give out of the way I mean you have document a tablet: the tablet it ruins true that it gives the particular galileo, but you I hold it above your head and then you have another seven inches of like a screen for the person behind you to not see, but then somebody puts like the iphone or the chinese stick around. Like thirty of the see,
but apple made. The great points, tiny facetime apple, makes a huge point about how you need the the viewfinder, the big finder in your face right eye this. I actually did this review of the new venue. Eight, which has this improved, intel real sense, camera, and so I kind of talked about like well. Can a better camera on a tablet make us want to actually take photos with a tap turns out the cameras, not that good. So no, but by the way I like, that is as precise a caress summary of the Joanna stern rubia like life as a creature, is this hope real now, because del made it, like a thousand of those reviews and material. He used to added many of my dal netbook reviews, which child about the really cool lapse after centuries, so I will say this: there are no tablets of the ship. Now I haven't, I see tablets,
interviewed again older ceo today he and I ipad and like a really old blackberry, very embarrassing, I feel like I took in the gestalt of that scene. I was like well, your your company is doomed, but that's it Basically, this gets done on blackberry, an easier ipad depress, the keyboard, I've seen lots of phones and actually lots of internet of things things a plug into closer racism in funds. No one here is showing its habit of any kind. As far as I can tell what's our this venue eight today at any rate was announced. Will I write the reviews? Are all its arguments flashy announce rohingya people had them, then there? What is it I haven't? I think of it puts the laptop that came out of that century. There the ex bs, it's actually more far more interesting product, then the tablet you never. I mean me I was really I wanted to review the the venue because I thought the intel real sense thing, I'm seeing all those commercials with sheldon used to have you guys seen those
yes, I have yet shall then shows up to a wedding with a huge tablet and he can refocus the photos or big bang theory. Irish out, as I don't see you know, his name is actually shouldered when it. What does his real name Jim our success right anyway. Sheldon is really into the real sense cabin whatever reality and children's sheldon's, Wilson's camera- and I was into this in the real sense thing as well- they're going to do some really cool things with it, and so you know eventually it's similar to the the on an age. You see one, the camera, the. What are they doing? oh ultra, pixel, yet know the tap to focus thing about those three every cameras. Anyway, I think it's just not listed in areas of gems. Authorised shells were into it. He is an shall The next big cutting down on the show now decide without really interfering in anyone's tablets are basically not here. most interesting, laptop I've seen as the dell one in an hour.
in its way, once again credit breaks. Yes, but with a big league, and you can discuss the problem, this leak anyway, that you on that night, if I back basically really like renderings of a rumour, twelve inch, macbook or mac look here we'll. Just we call them at work can be like the low end, cheap, netbook e crumble. Because that's what's missing an airline and that's like grumbled sure going education, you think that's a low end product. Not it's apple, so I think it'll be less expensive. How do they differentiate that from the eleven? I think they kill the eleven yeah? I think they killed the eleven that I think they probably ends up killing the eleven, but definitely keeping the thirty and she and the low end, and I think that this twelve inch might be higher end. I disagree I am him joining so Tom. We should get into so apple again On the first day of z, s is in the news. standard, it's actually surprising apple, didn't like apple, could do any. right last year they re, like their supplier responsibility
right. Now, as it was a big deal this year, it's a bunch of leaks macbooks and you can believe or not that it happened on purpose time to this day. I think a little do, Is it at all, but whatever line, I will say we're talking about marguerite, translate right get I I just think very suspicious, and that its honest, I know it's a lot of insight baseball, but I'm not sure is that would be his sources interesting. It's my theory. It is this day anyway, so that equal, is really really then twelve and track like air, with no connection so for one usb type c connector, which is reversal on and on. Warren when digging through usb specks in found that apple has more engineers and that product than anyone, except for intel, more than down where they should be more than fox con, like their dry that stand in the way that they tend to drive like some. Standards right and the thing is so:
and the broad while longer argument is probable needs a fan, but with what what entails, we're working. It is coram which can drive a display which Why we like land? This is more of a crumbling thing, which I think is well, yeah because I think the ipad, so you don't think so. You don't think it has a very high resolution because of the limitation. I think it has a high res screen, but I think it has very little like raw processor power. I think it'll be browsing the web and typing some soft and like running in doing so. I do this very expensive. Laptop right me, it sounds and that's why I think it might be higher end to me. It sounds like a products like the original macbook air was right and no ports right now, seriously. No poor. yeah, a usb headphone, yen and think of the genesis of the macbook, bulgaria, Steve jobs sore up and down that he would never release a crappy laptop then it's not save jobs apple anymore, but I just I do think, like I, the man is having a little bit of a renaissance and peace
these are back. These things is klaus over gadgets are back to back. This shows about gadgets. I'm still you think gadgets or back your careers. I still have a job it, so it's great that their bath, cool. What do you want to stakes are so this is the best gadget of two thousand fifth dont wave after me So that's the thing I mean those are the two prevailing theories, one that's high end and one that it's also the trackpad stuff. He talked about. It's going to be really big, yeah yeah because it doesn't look like they'll bring a touch screen to something like that. Unless we're going to see some other version of mac operating system, which I don't think we're going to see, if they're releasing this sometime soon and he talked about how the trackpad doesn't actually have to click, I think that's. I think there are probably some be some crazy touch staff going on there will, then I won't by it. I won't I won't by it here that has attracted the doesn't like that's not right
By that I mean, there's something I want you to look at this moment. I cannot wait for its role as rapporteur I just cannot wait for anyone with their justified this conversation on the agency s in this in shadow of sony city, the walls away I wonder scale, everyone terms In any event, my shit circle in south asia go check it out there they make much dvds, I guess at eight sponsor sony now that there are four for of at the car I'll do it later. You know when you open the door, the car, it shines, a mustang underground, terrible if you're trying to break into someone, not that you should ever do that with foreign mustang, internally, so fast so, but they were developing when they were developing. That internally is known known as the meal. I like, the one that makes why words out in terms of a sponsor, makes out
I will never buy back scheme intact, In fact, if I lived with my second wife, is wonderful because the same thing with the macbook air: that is this in reiner computer that is, and that for the market is that that's guy who is sitting in the cafe one thing that is light as possible and looks nice and is a kind of small and light little. You know boutique and he's going to have his nice hat he's going to like ryan in the wall street journal august on his podcast he's like yeah you're right I do not only have one hundred percent they went out. We are in a coffee shop that we build where many these people, great and I wrote argument that may sound they're all as I do that art and I don't have any arguments but they're all listening to them. Do you not know that not yet found good of you make it sound like a memory of how much younger spreading like oh? I should be writing, but I guess what saddam
Let me only let me let me when you take this new europe aristo. That's what let me take this through darker place. I think that more is the computer for bradley coopers character from limitless before he starts taking the pills so he's in a really bad place in his life. He he's trying to finish his book, he's not feeding all of his stuff sucks in his life, including all his gear right because these poor, he has nothing some I limitless and it affected me anywhere. That's that's right! computers, the land rights, the pills, if better twelveth mac look here and help, it knows a hundred percent of your brain convergence, campaigner, gambling mass, better movie called lucy, yet there movie Jeff suckers, you ve, been driving. Cars heard three days: summits cars. That's what you're, in the show due to thing and I can't be on the show just because I'm cool just some of the cool dude I have to I have to drive cars that are married to chris
I want you to write your prize. It see. I've heard this joke. If not a joke. They drew people have told this to me at least a half dozen times since yesterday there like just go to europe. It's see as we get it. We get. You can't go. this event, the you're off doing whatever can't see sampson's floating lady he's only cannot ever cars. I basically this crisis promised me a self driving knight rider car tomorrow syrup, so I'm ready for that. That's the only reason this is allowed its all happening for your news. This morning they had at that so I was on my way to another events and ford release, something like thirty five press releases in the span of a minute and my heart dropped, and I I look through it yeah, so they're they're doing some really interesting stuff. The the combined package of all these It is called smart mobility which, as you know, does raise but they're getting into cars. Daring. They have like four or five different car sharing expense, that, their running globally, which
We must counter intuitive because they're kind of like their own business right, but I was just talking to them at their booth and they raise the good wait, which is that car sharing is going to happen, whether their involved are not really they might as well get ahead of it. Right is kind of their their attitude they're like look, we just want to be on the leading edge like yes, it might be bad for our business, but at least we want to be at the front of it instead of at the back of it. to be shared cars? They want their be bored exactly so, should I mustang with with just one years much talking about freely. They rarely see a better it's what I said: yeah that that that's just a guy that that man's right there was on that journey. You, as you too. I think he told me that it matches my sherry one standing by the cars now mustang natural tonight. That's if you just walk over there in touch it, you can make the emission of airlines and I'll be in my usual in lieu and the car is blue. What John mustang? That's? That's! That's! Each year
we offer here. The verge you realize you touch our car. You can give yourself a nickname as long as it's the name of the car you have tomorrow or bringing in a fiesta the editor It's like walking out of you having to name your file, mustang battalions we well my child law. They re stripper or anyway, yesterday I spent part of the day with Bmw, just one of the free. islam has ever done last year. They did a self drifting car. Bmw loves to do spectacular stuff. Yes, they have done it for a while. Yet they did too three one of which they encourage to have me, dr as fast as possible, into a wall. So I did that, and the car stopped self automatically real, yes and so that they set up this course of it looks like super mario blocks, except that they want you to run into them as you get close the car. Very. lightly and softly beeps at you.
And it just stops, but what's freaky is that it stops with like a half inch before you had the objects, and then there are ok now turn into this. Whilst at the side of the cars going to scrape we'll, let you then they ask parallel, apparently like driving a car and force field. Basically, yes, The future your car is going to become a crash, and it's kind of amazing does the first them and then the second demo was a self parking where you get out and then use your smart watch, their easing samson guy your ass you tap a button on the watch. The car just slowly like wanders, often finds a spot. Where is awesome? What's yeah and then You press it again and it comes back to you Actually I I'm going. I followed this little trend reviewed, android autos, Andy Brenner, I dunno what its title is today by
asking about the integration that could happen with those smart with good, with deal with knock your with where and andred ato, and it seems like that could be something really cool like I either I've had my phone or my watch out. So the idea for like unlocked the keys or that kind of thing, remembering where your parking spot is your location. That seems really cool and hundreds already doing this. They showed their blue link, android whereat, where you can write. The water restart the car stopped the car, lock the doors remotely. You know if my company are doing. Is there like some sort of authentication thing, that's happening, forty japan, four digit pin. So, theoretically, if somebody stole your watch any european, they could start your engine in another state, but as long as you don't run into this situation, so with with the Bmw on the return trip. I got into the car in the passenger seat with no one else in the car, and I cannot tell
you, what an uncomfortable experience that is really have a car drivers that dream it would actually less if it was going at highway speeds, but the fact that it was going like five miles an hour. Kind of meandering back and forth, and turning very carefully while sitting in the passenger seat, just hoping it doesn't take off, is like the nvidia demo car constantly going one hundred and sixty thousand. That sounds like a very advance system for driver assistance, it is and made ass if some kind- it is maybe two years ago and is the word it's driver assistance and had he had you spell that eighty years, a d, a ringer, ok, I was thinking anyway, you're thinking, the number eight and then the word ass. Yet that is what I was thinking. That is actually that's invidious code, but it's really confused. God messed up along the way. Eighty asses, when I was thinking to just
getting worse. So why do we hurt you on that? Show? I don't know I don't know they answer today. If you turn it sideways kind of, looks like this in various and large bad guy. This willingness branding campaign will aim as our next company. That is using logo idea for an amazing company name. Applause in the center of the table. That's an off the rails alert and you you hid in russia by yet he wouldn't leave your head down the entire yeah and there's like a reggae horn that goes off anyway, so I took, I will say this. I was interviewing somebody just here the algae booth, which is also near the house of morally boot, and they were I am very sorry. This reggae music never stops, but this is kind of chill I mean I think I've seen you're going to see. Yes, I'd want to be near. That has some early. It was just really he was just like. I'm very sorry. Your idea is going to be all messed up because
music, never stuff. I like a date tenure years are pleading eliza. Whether we we are studying, aren't trailer is yours The volkswagen demo is still the self parking cards it may make a deafening. You did my mind. I knew yeah. I hope well as soon as you start just mute as as you started your your like unlicensed focus group on your own worst brainstorm of all time, I'm just laying it out there. The eight looks like It is not as some stuff sexual isaac number and help them, because their eyes members are very sexy or died. That was numbers. Are evidence see asked what team never look close number three, we want booth babes, who just did not join is genocide. No, no! It's he's over there. He can't bought us he's doing with this. Am I doing here yet
it's off the air. Now we took her off the air, I'm fine with. It keeps wow technical challenges. Okay, great well! Well they solve that continue. Your stories about cars well I'll just say that the rate of advancement in this field is ridiculous It's because, two years ago out, he did a demo self parking demo where, I needed to set up. All of these special begins in the parking garage so that the car could understand where to go, and they don't need that anymore. Is the sensors did they put around the cars are so advanced that they can map the environment in real time in part that way so that they don't need any. The parking grass doesn't need to be out fitted for cell parquet anymore. You can part anywhere, but that's a scary, pint we're talking briefly about yesterday within videos, eight ass, when, when it's like, oh it's going to learn, versatile and
signs didn't learn the people little will learn how democracy then the will be president. Then it will learn how to do keynotes. Then it will get the oil yeah. The keynotes have been delivered by cars, No that's good! I mean that this is the I feel like always with ato stuff at sea we see all this crazy blank and we curse on yourself to forget. I could say a lot of the rules. You're allowed to curse and the verge has until apple develops, filtering software good enough to catch it and then not give us the explicit tag in itunes. Okay, it's a little inside baseball, which is apple, doesn't have robot system for the cheat map on here. That's not going to I mean, like you, ve already signed only talks about boning numbers like great detail. I did this black now barely have left to lose large numbers and I feel like we always see others great step and then the reality come
that our society is not moving fast enough to allow us to have any of this great stuff, and I get very angry that you don't have great stuff. I've heard that exact message from several gadgets are back this week and judge sir about where we are the society as it moves us for our cars to drive themselves, but gadgets are not. I, in a regulatory nightmare, cars are right, and so That's what everybody you saying is that the technology as our way, This moving much faster than the government is shocker. and so we're going to end up with a perfect, are closed to perfect self driving car. Long before we ate it, These are to know what we are. Super cool nickname for people who like have illegal self driving cars, jerry writers and then make a movie staring at her door like you not you'll. Have the car illegal
so, like you have this underground society of alexandria, either car even who are just like they're in the driver's seat, which eventually sorted like we re. losses, but really their sleep. It's a weekend burning. Have we can ever find to dead lately, relative whenever the drive me to do this is about making it burn. Burs blanche calling him we gonna birdies man, his name in burning with universities. We get a burning man is in that way. You can learn from you just say why he drives. You know, that's what I'm right weaken it burns. Twenty twenty five self drive, the movie that I'm just bring back all the original. I don't want anyone from so many pictures is over their own city, but we have agreed.
Have you ever weaken it burns, twenty twenty five? That is self really interesting idea, not like it's called ada. Your therapy, uncomplicated, zero. Fine, the corpses, we network, that would, of course, be no romans and gazprom tell us more about your social network. Is our socialist party right now? They know you put them in the driver's. You have your legal self driving car man you're able to drive yourself to work or, like I was a kid. I requirement is just a body living or dead tender. you just so left left yeah, you, I am understand the idea The idea is not have contours, acting ideas the giving clear its yeah we'll be talking further any investors like any pcs, something to prove Joanna, sir,
as an idea for you, it's raising any more surfing. Ok, I've. We hijacked your. I don't remember as arguments. at bihar's cars. Yes, cars. What I do have a question: do you go back into the deep? What is required legally July have a car, it's like driving car. How much do I have to touch the wheel before it becomes a legal. So right now makes sense right how much you ve not touch the wheel, william short, well, yeah, pretty one legal yeah, the Knit the national highway safety transportation. Menstruation wait the worse. They may have, levels of self driving that they have defined, let its level one is like cruise control. You know level to adapt, and then goes up the level four, which is where you you can basically sleep, and lower levels are not totally clear. In the regulatory framework, everything Levels are obviously legal and a higher level
laws are being approved on a provisional basis on a state by state level. So, like florida, is allowing self driving cars for testing purposes. Fournier is, of course, and nevada sadly out, he was able to drive a self driving cars. Pop palo alto to beg us this week. I would not be surprised when in the driver's seat right no, no, no, they they have them in their ibm. Yeah right, but I wouldn't be surprised if, like florida is totally first to a completely lost. Driving cars because there were elderly violation. Am I decided I would like my parents self driving car? Well, what about it a car or a golf cart yeah. I was golly, so bad. such a waste of technology. But why have you ever been bend in the villages in florida nets? Julian's, dollar? Second, as having around it and drank city of of utopia people s utopia, they all make noisy
giant ray. It's awful like floated state. Anyway geriatric. As a tv I mean they have nothing to lose the other one. Grandma dry tasting the shore. They have like tons of golf cart areas, no matter. How will you desire to? Finally, now I'm gonna jerry rate goes uk. That's what happened to me. A couple you can draw cowboy today from a virtuous red spots. Grab that time I went florida by chris plant. Thank you very much. What what did you do here? What did you do for your job today? Vegas? Oh, there are the right moment. right there. So I saw that levitating speaker right areas like this is great. How does the magic work and they're like? Oh, it's magnets, it's really strong magnets and you have to use like a device just to get them balanced, one magnet like field over the other and that's what makes the speaker float and I was like: okay, that's cool, but since they're strong
It's. What can they stick to you and the guy was like? I don't know, and I was like: could it stick to your phone and he's like we can try and it did snow is I can picture this wall? even I dont know. If so, then I am sure that you had a big idea. Levitating cool need not useful for me by working ready. For you see french, while ours go where we really good story. You put it that way. High in our house and then you just randomly turn our music and you're. Like I don't know, maybe the ghost in your house, maybe should pay me money, you aren't you live in new york? I like twenty neighbours. I could do that to see what your plan- and I just want to sketch this one out really specifically what's called an entrepreneur eyes till you ve got. This is important. It can lose ten speakers anywhere on the import art and are fake ghosts. Busting company, you realize that's what the epa in the movie ghostbusters thought was happening. You
You are the other think what you wanted to know if it goes right and is not a product or I don't know, earthward antwerp air square. That's pronounced it nobody's. Gonna know that, yes, no, noting yeah, I'm saying I have also live. How did I new york this you wanted? little story with you on a sort of senior citizens with her bees in florida, letting him one subdue. Then after they had a nice very long. Life part on their rights applies in my judgment or national service, this is our fault. We don't you might like eight happened to them. I say that they are going to children then I shared with my models. What is the purpose of putting this on things? Why not? What nick? What is the purpose of making it float? See? Okay, that's a totally valid question: it apparently it
told it makes the acoustics better. I listened to react on it realities, Indeed, if you are saying- and I give you back- he'll movie goes boss, but it has to be on our animals and financial services, so it by the wall we're going to fall on the ground rules. The fact is the guy. Well, that's why I was wondering why cover this? If that is, why does it you're our? Nor did it does the magnet works on a magnet, but on our part and well, unless or this parliament loading, the only yeah now requires gravities. How got it so once I like to point out that in the movie ghostbusters- ok, that's something by brooks corrupts epa official, william pack, told the ghostbusters yes that airport. A sound and light show to confuse old before and then shut down the containment grid and made shape of marshal of industry, new york city, but you're, saying that
They set out to you. They would be correct as you putting on a second, I would in fact be no real flamer coca isn't what else have you done here today? Chris, let's see, I can't talk about that tomorrow, but it's going to be good. I also looked at ah where Cs Jeffrey? I love it now because you are not going but have you are very sceptical about the reality is surrounded by playthings of which makes sense to me, and I get to break them and revive amused by it, because I seem quite you, you just stupid, boots and yet break things.
Can I wonder the shop floor we see. My name is hanging like oh you're from the average. Like you, don't know, what's real or yeah, I'm just wander with it. What does that mean? Stick and journalists are also urge reporters particular me along reputation for play. with anything in immediately crashing the operating system. I try to do good, we don't it's only yesterday and I crash the main android tv. energy demo? I crash the main energy run type for patents and guts for andrea. Eighty, like it's a tv right in my seeing like the android error message on the screen, the egg. This is just like stopped. The Agora tv has stopped and eminent like its thematic. User experience and then like the it back and immediately did a flawless demo as I feel like I've heard neil, I say each out an android tv. The last ten years of this show we're dead two years ago to the television companies and a yell at them
how many years have even covering an android tv or google tv thing, is eight. It's easily crazy and crazy. But but now it's like the tv companies are bemused by my presence. Unlike what are you? Ok, walks and you don't see the future like we do like. Maybe even trying to answer that question. When I ask they just like def watch me they're, like we brought a mustang to the boost they they jingle. The keys also feels like a headline that we, you guys have written, probably like forty five and google tv is finally dead. Long live android tv, but I feel like that happened two years ago, but that sure is old. That didn't go up today that it. What are you talking about? This went up on January six, two thousand and fifteen. What day is today today today, it's it's a tough ology. What what's ok, dieter is drunk
nobody I mean. What are you saying, is right right. It's google tv is dead again now it's android tv. In a couple years again, it will be it'll, be to Google tv he's talking about developer platform tools and staff, but I'm just I'm just saying this is the constitution. Causing every year I am pretty sure. That's it. Dieter is like he's expressing feeling I can really deep way feels dealers having feels bone feels because A palm was officially purchased by alcatel, upon his back and, like you to know, It's either heard this news and, like you know that emotion, like the crying and the tears are just like flying off the south. I like that was determined about
said: okay, let let me explain, let me explain how to deter my diet that dieter dieter abandoned us to put up this post dita is like Dita is like johnny, depp's transcendence, where she's like I need. I need to bring them back and then and then she's he plugs palm into the matrix by end products. It's, actually restructuring own right right, but but it's not really palm. It's like a fake palm right and then palm destroys the world. The movie theater, when the movie fact that you know what I like. The idea that, can execute anything level but destroying the war for what you have put in your torrent is barely leaders, but probably the matrix. another story, Yeah Janna. What else have you seen today? We only have a few minutes. Last year, what's been going on with you, I have been strict junior up to all day
We have been talking to people. Pebbles even makes nipples they're gonna make simples there. Everyone should come make Sippel somebody it's odd, I mean in terms of wrecking a story, trademark of the wall street journal we're stealing that simple shit you're running with the verge two thousand twenty fifteen stippled up this rupert murdoch listened to this podcast and you, report. Now so saying she said Ruth Donna. I did not say that I call on Mr Murdoch if I still rupees extra, that's his deeds. I think it is the traditional for me to come on the spot, cason things to be said about. ever I work for our or people I work. We're luring you back in my outing iran's right last year was Diane sawyer two years ago, an extreme yeah. How is diane in touch with her, sometimes that you talk to her okay. What have you been talking to that? I like
on the positive way is the most popular post I did hear, and I might just stop working is that I saw the future at sea S and it is ordering girl scout cookies online. For me, that is a game changer. It is. The only thing I've seen at the show that will change my life. Can you order them whenever you want? You have two still no girl scout I don't know if I, if I have to verify that you know that That seems like a prominent related to negotiate, actually read the peace, because it is interesting about why you still need to know a girl scout, because the whole reason there are girl scout cookies is to teach these girls about business and management and money and all that kind of stuff right. That was the intention of milk Jim is dissolved delicious cookies. That is also what the real intention is. So
You still need to know a girl scout to buy the cookies. They either have an ipad app. Well, it's an android or an sos apt that they can load up you just put in your information, no more or like little form we fill it out. They take credit card is of huge guys. I don't know if you order now cookies in your office. I'm excited, I was just worried that it was like a way for girl scouts of america to make lots of money and then not have like little troops getting the cash. No, no. This is dire. The girls are really at that. At the heart of this I sound like the pr person I talked to yesterday. Girls are at the heart of this, we're encouraging entrepreneurship. So how do you verify that you know a girl scout, so a girl scout? Would you have the ipad app or whatever they would come to your house or whatever that's one option? The other option is that they can make a website and then that link can be sent out by their parents by their friends can even be posted to facebook, which I think is a little bit dicey. I dunno, if you know that, could get circulated and more people could be finding out about these girls what they say they can't post personal information on there. They only can
their first name are not supposed to post photos and that kind of stuff, and so you can just go onto the website or to the cookies. Putting your shipping information credit card information, you get your girl scout cookies. So there's nothing so you don't actually ass an odour ozga event, I just wanted me like straight out just just twenty years as you do, We just moved on, and I mean we encountered. The girl scout lynxes invite our the crypto currency of the future. It's gonna be ok, that's hiding way. I know a girl scout, a girl scout loki. Crack Not like twenty, like yeah, they only go by Tom. You write down a number of important areas of browser works, but an uncertain of berries me what I need you
as cities say to conduct the transition? I think this is the main thing I've seen that will change my life at sea. Yes, yeah! What's your? What's your favorite girl scout cookies samoas take lunch. I had some yesterday The huge backs engrossed outcome, these in my room, I think you're only wants to join, is why every sunday? Well, I d like to start by saying that I have a website learn a little bit, but I'm an area that exactly they gave Joanna J that I've got married since I've been out of girls go cookie. I just invited everyone to my room girl scout cookies that sound. and all the other species are continuing with the dealer analogy: she's giving people a taste, god, other things that I covered. I ryan secrecy how's it goin. What really drinking is use. He was
it's like a it's like a liquid diet, looks very fits and golden. Well, you probably spent six months of the year working out just for new year's eve cause. That's like that's a super bowl yeah. I think every day is super I mean he is a man who wakes up every day and has a superman. He jobs today. So what do you? What do you have it, whereas, whereas the typo you have the iphone six typo somewhere you're pointing to this guy that says, iphone six ipad, that's an iphone six! Six plus! Oh, my god, yeah! This is the type of six. What's case. None of this was that no, he has a six plus is an iphone six kilos or with a keyboard we made one good one, bad so wait! Cyprus, even it reads, egress, because the tiber we don't know that on when you run the show asked yes one year ago, besides, basically, I'm good, for
the talking about it. I've really gravitational rip off plug virtually board wants its christian roots. I hope there is another one next year, that's better than there are you into those who use it. I've been using it. a month and a half on and off. It's not very good says thus he might actually show this- has did a really great, really great thing. Internally finishing a product should not be equal to turn it over over and see the raw circuit board. Job seek rest, look he's a busy man the anyway there news is that they made an ipad keyboard which looks pretty good new ipad words is pretty things like. I do like that. they're not going to make a keyboard for the apple watch. I did ask him that she said no, what's your? What's your unfiltered opinion on an apple watch, It is a keyboard out, there's a handful of watches, naturally, naturally
like every apple product. It needs a keyboard. That's because apple loves keep rights. They live in fear of their lives. Near now. Tell me, when you think, as I was playing with it, sony my watch it out like who else one today, alcatel alcatel they want and there's odyssey all the sampling stuff over there. I have the design is is interesting to me when I put it on it. Didn't look too big on me, which was like that thing I was really worried about. I really like the old, one with the red bands I'm really into bad, but I really want them to make a rose gold one. I will definitely by that old man match my engagement ring desired because I'm married now keys, but nothing else. My girls girl scout called the hanky panky off the rails, button that just sit
buy, but there's two things that I am really excited about with. It is to see what the fitness capabilities are like dave, how they think they're going to really market that, and I think it's probably not going to be very good nope and for me, this whole health. This whole health monitoring, heart rate thing has just been a total failure. I did like a huge thing a couple of weeks ago on how all of these heart rate. Things are completely inaccurate, like really really really an accurate. I went to cardiologists measured all of these different things. The the ones that are super accurate are the ones you wearing your around your waste, your chest, their whatever that's called, and there I think you're gonna make a huge deal out of all this. I just really wonder how it's gonna work and then the notification thing I just don't think I is in is in place to make that transition to the rest, and I think
where has been getting a lot better with some of that and ninety there, like that way, better with lollipop, and I just don't think dialysis there, so I don't have rightly not, but what the kurds, yes, my big theme of the show is that when I keep seeing gadgets are back at me in these ecosystems are big enough to support others the brain, and I see it with android in way different ways, and I see it with islands. Rights are iowa like there is health get at home and people are building tools. Add in all the car stuff. Here it is, it is a nightmare right, but android health exists just the way. Android wear is, like, I think, farther along in terms of years away for this platform to be extended and all these other places, but then on the flipside apples
hardware ecosystem ecosystem of things is always stronger and got a variety of different ways. Yeah, like that's the race, as far as I can tell you, can enable more kinds of devices across more places, and it's funny like Google's wave like it's yesterday and fifteen in google's just introducing google cast for audio and they're like really proud of it, and it's like yo. You invented bluetooth streaming again like that's as far as you got right like well this just to me. That seems just like an extension of like people know what chromecast is now like. We can take advantage of that. I don't think it's got like a totally cynical brand opportunity. I think it's like to make caster work. You need to send. Estonia sometimes read it should have done that three years ago. Ok, right like that, that that's why me and like the everyone's I think I was an android- are like basis for new windows. Mac, wait like those operating systems. in what they do and they're fine, but all the innovations is happen on these places. Now across all of these reasons that we see
and they are the new foundation and they can act up to the cloud, and so the race is to build up those platforms as fast as possible and why the thing is like fast It is the only screen that isn't being touched by that are the only type of dry sizzling touch, my that are these tvs that surround us and samson like this is a great place for us to invest enticing but android android tv we'll tv that is Google. Nobody, even that's like the mistake right, because that's not what they're still basically a smartphone glued to the back of solely stevie running android right you're, not they just don't communicate with each other. That thing that goes back to some of the car stuff, where I think Google sits in a really interesting place, and even though they are not the ones who are doing this kind of the integration with where that they re accompany the car companies are doing, it seems like a big opportunity there yeah what
they're playing this this. You know that during this dance with car companies, because historically automakers are very precious about managing the experience in the car and so both apple, an google had to say we don't want to touch her dash where we do want to mock with that amazing amazing. This he created there. We just want to be an alternative that you can switch into ran so, but the data there not incumberd in that same way with some of these other platforms with android, where there's nothing that they want this dance around and rang right now, lobbying around here, the show like car company executives today, age, like chicken shit. Why am I very much swearing anymore anyway, so we were walking around and where the panasonic ruth, where they have like the demo. How panasonic can build you this stuff, just like every other, unlike literally demo, starts with
like the words your o e m screen and there's a button that says: go to Google and a button that says, go to apple and then a bunch of cool stuff happens and then and then the the demo ended with and don't worry you push this button and it says euro and then it's like that's a mistake like the automakers are going to necessarily have to lose that battle. But then again, do you want google to control like the air conditioning in your car or, more importantly, like, like the vary in nvidia demos, one of the boxes was like dr train- and I was like you guys- can build us like a fake speedometer that isn't covered in bamboo like I don't are you anywhere near how my car started going to stop it, but you have that ideas about what this should even look like, like. Maybe I dunno where, where do you see that mean that this is year two of his space yeah? Well, so hyundai, I think, strangely I maybe it is not strange, but honey is really kind of taking the lead on the lot right stuff. They there they're doing they did the watch
and there are also doing this thing called, I want to say, is called display mode where their entry we'll navigation system called navigation system, it's just a dumb terminal in your dash that ports, carbine, android, honour and that's all I dine both of them right. Yes, yeah mayor, like maybe the first ones, are built There is an idea that, right just as by ass right, so there's all the air conditioning and age rack exactly so they're they're. Just basically, you know fine. We understand that drivers just want to see smartphone and enough car friendly way. That's cool, go dear thing, We're gonna get out of the way by but on their high in cars still stepping in and throwing why unhandy is called verse alike. Most of us exit strategy. like a high and like a fully loaded, sonata, very like a thirty five thousand dollars. We used to have an internet higher hi and hand. You see,
with every day that passes through sounds it sounded in turn. The amount was the whole job that I made any aren't. I don't use great yeah he's living in south korea. But anyway, yet so, even even matter old and even hot day, when you want to, I ought to tell us about an old virgin turns you do idea before you remember that doesn't that's not a story That stories are the real it's just a button and hitting it everyone's me back can you tell me just really were actually about anything. I want you to tell me a story. Did you go to mercedes today? Eighty scheme roswell ross went last night last night, so I'm I am reliably informed that the ceo of romania's gave a keynote with a little body which has a shaggy we're about eyeball, and I really wish we like I'm just looking at this picture, and it seems like what we have not talked about today is how spectacle. Cs too, is in any way
Have you seen any spectacle stuffs earlier? I will You know you know the that space can ipad on wheels and then new, like teleconferencing on. If we went into the brain everyone list, we wanted she s watching tobacco, while you're working everyday in some using live with all of us anyway, there's like thirty five for one surrounded by like twenty of them and that south africa- and I was like all this- is interesting- severance like and sometimes you make the small ones dancing around. I have to go before they kill me yeah exactly. What's your what's your spectacle story and one of any spectacles per se, just a just a lot of I mean unless gonna spend, there's an optimistic crashing, stern learned and new trick being denied the basic human rights ash into a wall spectacle.
Wait. What was your reaction? They told you to crash on the wall. Yeah yeah, it's on the site, it's on the verge dot com and what's the web by the verge dot com? Okay, the verge that you might know so when I when, They first asked me: do it I'm like cool, and I went like two miles an hour into it and they're like nope. No, we want you to be way more aggressive, just flooring, I realise that we, together with spectacle right, we ve, had a self dry. Car doing it. Stick outside of our trail earlier non stop for the past few days, and all I do is, I think of it as a giant inconvenience haven't stop to think there is a self driving car right. How do I so tremendously boring yeah? It's just it's like driving one foot and parking I mean I will like we watch that we were here a long time ago, rightly winner, over, like early before I've rainwater, syria, we watch them. Reversing like this works wagon will now park itself. This is an eagle if you're european
my garage, its full and stuff. How about you you're lying Is that a is that the rehearsal, I know that's great and I'm sure they're paid well enough to make up for that part of their lives. Oh in fact, by one other thing, car related quickly, so that the trend that emerging here is just control in the car, which I think is super fascinating, because historically the problem they have struggled with Cars is that you either have a crab load of buttons and knobs on the dashboard or you have a finicky touch screen that takes your eyes off the road. Well, so this gesture control Bmw. What they're doing as they did! You have to go I guess I just going away to graze people arriving in the end users.
you're having the air, and you know what that someone just does that motion that turns off, but there now it turns out there, like romanian veiled in against boy, just picking my nose and grabbing by that, and you just kill it- use, go, kill ya shut up. You turn your back on, but you didn't get up our path. If you like this, it's volume up this volume, where are you joking? Our young lives here, as if someone calls you when you want to reject how you go like that, you threw back and snap child, where'd. You get your, whereas in better then touching the dash forward absolutely volume for the daily with cars. If you are currently losing the vote, asking your car, which is right now what I want It is a magic that you want to turn down the volume of the show and begin waving, your hand, areas
otherwise lack this outrageous slap was quiet because plant. I don't like you, because that's your data to address it most of our complaints, so don't have it back down our opposite way. What is therefore little thing other one of the gestures It had no, that's the millions muttered. This means returning now. There's things like this there I already know: that's that's half what chu lightness. That's that's a zero chris disturbing the air now the yacht. Have I been obviously it's a good idea of the murders. Looking here highlights how wise that better than hands free you're, just something always why or hutchings dashboard sofa executives, brethren dutch touching the adapt, we're getting suggest Paradise. A gesture doesn't require that you take your eyes up
ok I'll tell you why this is the way we on the plane. I ever I'm in a hundred percent definitive because putting a microchip connects and reliable life on it is the worst. that is ever existed vested all its technology. People said arguing like our revelation: uganda, sudan, revolution phronsie. Oh I like that at last miller. We ever know maybe a baby. Yes, I've had a baby David, mustangs started this evening. I will limit the car and then he died a period of several years ago, member when stroller whatever the that out of our best? But when I have a question in its real one if you're cars, having itself. Why do you need to keep your eyes on the road where the technologies, so that, for
the judge, your cannons and I got shit I was no. I can get you gesture hole is one or two years out a timetable for five to ten years. Actually, wives in jest or control here now, I mean like the aims you companies announced that this week, volkswagen Bmw it'll, be here very soon. I may be so. This is really happening, but it's odd even has the light touch screen really like travel letters yet so. Actually so Google wipe us instead of having a keyboard on already cars. You draw letters and attachment, and Google has a custom interface Android otto that works with that touch bad, in an audi is you can actually do like character, recognition inside android, auto and then I went back and to shut, it is their stylus that it comes out. There should be no cease fire in the network. I just want to know what joanna lazy, cheerleading, routine will eventually will eventually be. Is a good question
I gotta go to show that this is changing the radio station. I think that's. Why would it be so what anybody he cursed keeps having an shows. However, that was the very chest job that's very tired? Thank you for the people there I with us today we are doing, and tomorrow, at four o clock sahara. Probably here's here's what I know about tomorrow. We will start right on time, but we're interview being a member of the routes and plan on this stage. We are scheduled to start, and we might just be running on meetings clock, so that's backed the only clock I want to live on. It's pretty it not super accurate, but it's a party so we do this again tomorrow, sometime around four Several people are saying to people listening. You are troopers. I can't leave as many people as northeast forecasts as they do.
these drawing lessons. It is like a lot. It's really weird I don't know what I'm doing here. Why did these people are physically here? Listening to her, they haven't like very tired. They haven't been listening. You can there's a million ways. Father urge the main ways you should like I said a channel on you too. You should like us on facebook, it falls on twitter, which I'm hoping all the already do. Subject, real virgins, snapchat sam, is in Yes, what snapchat? So that's just happening in that I will say we are having a secret special fourth episode of the bridge house on thursday with a bunch of our youtube friends, including the one know the mk hd. So look for that it's that secret. Now that you know that's not it. I didn't say who the other people were true, so there's that so looking? that and then one of the names might riman tall. Monotony might hurt me
How many are alive? Oh, I think he just said that Paul mccartney is on the verge kind of thing. I think Mccarthy is a youtube star made out of curtains and everything's. Ok! Well that is how we will collapse to a finish here on the verge ass, though you started They thank reading her side and yes, he's a pace. This was went to take a selfie and you blew it. Let's just be clear know it's going to be my moment to say Rock'N'Roll in a second we're done. and say roccanera phase. I have here a really here. I never make
at the end of the programming role model.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-10.