« The Vergecast

Apple unveils credit card, streaming plans, and more


Apple's event this week introduced Apple TV Plus, Apple News Plus, Apple Card, Apple Arcade, and more channels on Apple TV. The Verge's Nilay Patel, Dieter Bohn, Chris Welch, and Paul Miller run through the event, their new services, and how it will compete with current products in the market. 

Stories discussed this week: Apple Event 2019: TV plus shows, News, Oprah and biggest …Apple's TV efforts: an abridged history over the yearsApple News Plus: price, release date and how to sign upApple launches $9.99 Apple News PlusThe Apple Card is a perfect example of Apple's post-iPhone strategy …Apple announces Apple Card credit cardApple Card: Apple's thinnest and lightest status symbol everApple Arcade has game developers excited, but questions remain …Apple Arcade is a new game subscription for iOS, Mac, and Apple TV All the shows coming to Apple's TV streaming serviceApple's revamped TV app is coming to Roku and Fire TVMacbook Air (2019) reviewI rode with Nissan’s AR and 5G-powered virtual passengersNintendo plans two new Switch models for this year: WSJ 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This approach has to go through all the news: travels with certain events, the new service, the tv service, the games the service service, the card service and the variant we talk a little bit rather than tend to switch. That's for sure, ryan reynolds at mid mobile. We like to do the opposite of what big wireless. Does they charge you a lot? We charge you a little so naturally, when they announced that we raising their prices due to inflation, we decided to deflate our prices, did not hating you that's right! We're cutting the price of men unlimited from thirty dollars a month to just fifteen dollars a month, give it a try at mid mobile dot com, slash, switch new activation and upright payment for three month. Plan required taxes in these extra additional restrictions apply seem at mobiles outcome for full terms. Support for this show comes from american express business. If you are small business owner, you want a partner with someone they can help. Make your data day of mourning. Experience. That's where american express can come in
american express business cards, are built for your business with features in benefits like the ability to earn membership awards points on select cards, the power to pay for big business purchases and twenty four seven support from a business specialist built for your business. Amex business terms apply, learn more at american, express dont, come slash, business cards. the hello rock in the verge as the flagship podcast of the VOX media network, which I'm going to just keep saying until someone makes me stop. I have your friend nearby dealer bonus here, hey, hey, hey Paul Miller is here hello: we've got a special guest. Chris Welsh is joining us. How you doing chris doing alright. Thank you. Chris is my virgin secret weapon for all things streaming, services, which is what we have to talk about, yeah because apple
one answer like a bunch of 'em, they announced something they're, not saying it's very confusing but deter. You were there, I was I, but I managed to make an admission. I chose not to go I'm in miami this week, with any deal our reporter or we're do a there's a music conference here presenting so I didn't want to fly back and forth. We sent data in nyc, you were there. I am going to be very honest. I kind of feel okay that I incur while well. I just like I there's you know that moment like right before it starts like shit. I I should have been there by the end of it, as I gather that choice, how? How does that make you feel when meals as things like. What do you know, lives there it was indeed or to cover to be different. I'm the I'm the most easily ignored man and I'll. Tell you a neck: were there we were there. I made a video about the experiences event you should watch it. I have a show called processor on youtube. I'm going to plug it real hard right now to think it's good video and it was weird. It was weird
weird event, and we all knew it would be something because apple had announced all the hardware the week before, but yeah. It was super strange there, potentially like a rule that you weren't supposed to of telephone lenses. Everybody ignored day such ass sitting in the audience, for some reason, though, he never got on stage and then they just ran through the stuff that we all expect them to run through, and then This is going to be way out of order, but- and I don't wanna just recapitulate- the stuff I've already said, because you can see it on the website and on youtube, but when They started putting the celebrities on stage at the end. They did it by like making the entire theatre black and then suddenly somebody walked out on stage in darkness and then they brought up the lights. So you'd have this mode of oh, my god, it's so, and so it started with. I think, Steven Spielberg and you're, like oh cool That's right! He did amazing stories. Ok, cyber! How amazing stories are great. I want to
see me a trailer right now. This is gonna, be amazing, and instead he just talked about how great it would be if this show exists Ok, fair, whatever they'll do the next one, and then it was just that, like fifteen times in a row and then the like. We care what the customers buy sick, what he said, and there is no pricing for anything announced except apple news we'll get into that. Really states are still pretty hazy. They're just left off in the distance in the fall Not odd, due to your videos like, why did they do it? I don't know it's like. I just don't know That is a question. I mean why not wait until fall did not share iphone time with these services or like now, they're gonna have to come back to all the stuff in the fall and talk about pricing, and are these going to be two separate events? The fall is going to be pretty weird, that's what it comes down to god. Are they going to do a whole other event to launch this stuff separate from the iphone, because they don't want to crowd out the
phone bright. That would be crazy if you will recall several weeks ago on the park ass. I said in regards to apple tv that they should shit or get off the ground. and so he says what actually I have met. I have some. Thoughts about how the tv stuff goes? I don't even know where we should start what start with apple news, because we can just get through it. Ok, right apple is an nap that exists on your phone already. If you have an iphone, they added a new thing, called apple news, plus we hey ten bucks a month and you get a bunch of pay walls. yeah. The parameters of the pay well stuff are very confusing, so you can, actually get the entire wall street journal? But it's very hard? What do you mean it's very hard because there's bit there like in the early minutes, this event. It was like all right. It's not the whole journal that some of the journal- okay. Well, it's some of the journal, but we don't know which parts okay It's a whole journal, but only for a couple of days. We know it's
Yes all journal whatever and unlike addicted just kept changing so like famously the new york times or washing post did not sign up for this bundle. Right. The wall street journal you're like most of our subscribers are business people expense accounts which people we can go. Take that spot. If, like the national newspaper in this app because the times the post aren't there will like promote in the app or like politics and lifestyle and national news coverage and will just like not promote the business stuff that people pay for. So that's the that's the strategy, so they it's the whole journal, but the stuff that you will see is the stuff they want you to see and you have to go dig for the other stuff and it's somewhat hard to dig. Then there's magazine issues in that is like literally issues a weird phenomenon this week in media twitter is people who work at magazines, tweeting that you should just subscribe to the magazine. Instead of buying apple news plus, it was just crazy.
it, apply to the new thing too. So so our sister site box media has a thing they're there they're going to be in at tech crunch has a section in there and josh constant at techcrunch, published a very long editorial, saying apple news sucks. I'm really worried that my publication is in there yep. This is like the yeah, the editor, new yorker dot com was like you shouldn't. After the new order, because then you'll get the stuff we abolished everyday and not just like issues of the new yorker, which is what you get any shoes are magazine. Issues about. Half of them have been like reworked in the new apuleius format, which is not html. It's like a custom mark up and then the other half I swear to. God are fancy pdf and the fancy pdf are not dear amis. If you use apple news on a mac, you can just get the pdf.
The outcomes yeah, which I like I eyeball and supportive, no drm. It's just super funny, interesting like if you're on an iphone the apple news, format and magazines look better, but if you're on an ipad, the apple dos formatted magazines look worse. If you are on an ipad, the pdf look better, but if you're on an iphone, obviously the pdf sort of like Bear- and you don't know what you're going to get when you tap on yeah. So there's just like it's it's messy: will they fix it? be right in a way that apple about beats. In the first version of apple, Zack was like warmed over beads and they like slowly fixed it. They bought a company called texture. This. Obviously warmed over texture. Will they fix it? One hope so, but as a ten dollar among service, it is so uneven that I'm not sure any by ship. For at this moment and economics and the news industry which are extra
Really boring, but extremely contentious are such that the people who work at the publications that are participating in this, our kind of like dont, do it so a lot of pressure there in also just feel so old in the sense of like what what media is now is sort of a multi sensory experience or you have some niece you tube her. You ve got some pie castors, who help explain the things you ve got like a few different large power occasions that you go to for news, and then you also so small publications that you got. You know like that's how sent influencer's, because it is multisensory alive foot you you kind of have to build your picture of reality from a lot of sources, and so going in like in the fact that you know it's just to helstone journal as like that I don't know it just seemed so weird small, an old to me yeah. I think, there's
there's a value you haven't made a big point. They put aside for other things like its human curated. They want you to be able to trust it because they are putting effort into making sure it's trustworthy. They are tracking, you are not doing crazy. Targeted adds its chapel news is fast when you're, not town putting people like there's some value that there are some great user experience value there, but that the back end of it, which is, did you build super foot board, but you definitely the less. I was speaking of the user experience. I don't know where wall landed on this, but what was running some great experiments hither table. He would treat our mysterious apple views lake, like what happens, do this, and so everybody click on it and tell her what happened, and I clicked on the first one and nothing happened. It was just this page told you the apple news
exists but have no way to find the actual perma linked to the actual store and then the next one I got lucky, I did get forwarded to an actual a new story. What? If what? If the lesson here is a google, that's good you're, one of my last saying that apple just has to be, other than what is their stance on being better than amp, have they said it yeah I will just from what I know the apple, these format. It is at once like easy to use and it also easy to be used. Disastrously. It's weird like the pitch to a website or magazine we code your entire thing out of html into our weird custom format, so we can take a fifty percent cut of ten dollars a month that we calculate based on engagement is like if Facebook suggested that, like the the industry
down yeah like we. We calculated based on engagement, oh and by the way, it's very hard to share these stories on twitter. In an era where the president is on twitter, all the time yeah as is it better than like facebook, vitality? Probably that's a low bar, Is it better than chasing twitter, vitality. Yes, that's a low bar. Is it surely better than like being I search result in Google. I dont know. Is it better than building loyalty to a publication in like come visit. Our website come visit, our he's out of and obvious,
streamline biased but like? I would prefer not to be disaggregated by one of the largest companies. The world that we also cover, so, like apple, has like big questions. To answer like, if apple has a privacy scandal in that's the biggest news of the day in the wall street journal writes about it. Are they going to promote that an apple news like I dont know the answer in that's like you will. I think you will see that quest and as a start to do more and more of these cultural products that question's going to get bigger and bigger, so that I think that's news we can like set that aside if you want to do the card next, so the card was an apple day on the day itself. By far the biggest story of everything that apple announced, more people cared about the card than tv. More people cared about the card, then apple news where people care about the card than what I think was potentially like the the best like put together section of the presentation,
apple arcade thing. The card was the thing and the card seems like at first blush the good and then a second blush like mass fine. So here's the deal apple partnered with goldman sachs and they are making a credit card and they want you to use it inside apple. Hey. If you use it inside apple pay, you get two percent cash back. You get three percent cash back if you use it on apple products, so there you go the the interest rates somewhere between thirteen and twenty four percent give or take, but they are doing a bunch of stuff that is pretty not necessarily completely unique, but pretty good for credit card stuff, so they won't hike your interest rate. If you miss a payment, they won't charge you an annual fee. They won't charge you a late payment fee or they won't charge you international transaction fees, and then there are also doing some clever stuff, like I think striped at this first, but they will geotag your location when you buy something. So when you go to your credit card statement, instead of getting like a weird abstract, random code,
if letters and trying to guess what it was, they can do a better job of guessing where you actually spent your money. They present you a chart saying if you pay this much you're going to end up paying this much interested. If you pay this much you'll pay this much interest, and you know Barbara ravena and then importantly, I think they are working to make sure that your purchasing information doesn't get shared and it's a little potentially sky about what apple knows and doesn't know and is able to collect and what's only at local, on the device and what goldman Sachs also gets The northern saxons made a promise not to share that information either. So that's actually like that's really good cause. You know target can't find out that you're pregnant cause you bought, you know a thing. Surely can wait in about well. If you buy a bunch of stuff at target, they know what you bought will not if you use the apple card because then they like, they won't have shared the information back. But who bought this thing? No, but if you buy a bunch of stuff at target yeah, then target will just know yeah, but if I buy a bunch of stuff at target- and I pay cash does target- know
now, so that this is closer, maybe not all the way, but closer to the anonymity of cash as long as you trust, apple and whence sacks to not reassure the information about you purchased. Ok, I agree that the not reassuring as an improvement. I do not agree that retailers will not find ways. be scummy, of course, that that's like they will figure it out. Yet a lot of that underlies all of us like we did. Measurements are apple news, but apples not sharing any reading or tracking information, well known, assuringly, tracking information to advertisers and apple news, its unclear to me here and later with our case, if they're gonna be sharing like zero information with publications like it's actually useful, to know like someone read this article or not that article or they read halfway through this one in all the way through the other one. Anyway, we haven't you talk about the best part for the coastal areas, part of the cap which, as they designed a physical card that is made out of titanium hanan, has nothing on it, except in apple logo and your name so
there is no, and there is an rf eighty chip hidden in there somewhere or so that you can do contactless payment, and then it does appear to have a mag stripe on the back which presumably includes the number which, like it, doesn't have a number on it. So it's safe, but it's like the mag stripe, has the number you guys and like they individually, recreate the number and secure codes for online transactions and there's a whole system for like getting a number. If you want to buy something, so that is not printed on the card and blah blah blah blah. I said it doesn't have a number when you swipe at it. generates a number that then gets authenticated. It's a virtual number and then you have to authenticate your phone. Is the bag stripe actually generating joel number electronically. Every time on the card, or does it just have a number it just hasn't that number is not actually associated to yunus like anywhere, but inside of apple. Ok see you can, even
Do all this crazy stuff with it, and then it obviously has like the dmv stuff. It's like two factor authentication with a credit card. Yeah like that. I think that goal is that you will you will look at your phone a lot. You will off to your phone when It is used yeah and you only get one percent cashback when you use a physical card instead of two when you use apple pay right, but I think that their their assumption is that you will like use the chip more swipe yeah she's, a very apple assumption. That assumption is also that you will never use the card and you all. You will like make a sad face whenever you don't get too, like apple, hey with your watch. and that will send our shame. Retailers note setting apple pay bottle of also, on top of all this, the apple, the cash comes back to every day and it that seems like the best, but also really does benefit apple. It goes to your apple pay, cash card and that money sits. Unlike apples, banks occurring interest, until you use a telling patient
We also have apple pay or to like pay down your balance or do whatever you do with it. It is you know it's like other cash cards as you get from other payment apps or it's like it's. Basically the cash you can do whatever you want with it, but it just happens to be cash that is sitting in like apple's vaults until you use it instead of like Where else can you spend the cash? That's in the cash app? On your credit, with your credit card, a one assumes way now at night you can't spend cash with your credit card. You can pay your credit card. the cash or you can use a cash to pay with apple pie, see. This It's a very important. I don't have a credit card. It I've been very curious about the car is like the least surprising wish, where when I saw this announcement. It was like an error. National desire like us, like that's it upswing
on the next iphone. I gotta cute as critical about what it is like something about the video and I just think think, there's an antagonist. relationship that you typically have with any of these companies and which I have had with credit card companies, and it just didn't, feel good and- and I just I just pay them all off and got got rid of them. But this one just looks nice I feel like I could I could six. see that this credit card you know for once this hard that was designed for my middling ability to him We're having a credit card here, I can't believe this is the thing that guy If I'm not a big, strong subject, this was the most popular thing on the site. I don't want apple to run my life, it just looked real cool shot, so I think we should talk about why it was so popular cause. I asked the people were telling me:
the consensus on the card is it. It is like a base of emit of middle of the road card right like there are better cards with better rewards out there. If you are like me, and you like fly a lot like discard, can't give you airline miles. Get you under the delta. Lounge can't get you in a center like there are reasons to have all these other cards right, but paul to your point, people don't like their banks. Banking apps are bad like apple saying we're not going to do fees is not the point, blah blah blah sort of just like also goldman sachs, like just like, throwing that out there on the side. I think people are like okay well. This company traditionally has cared about, like my my user experience as a person. These other companies, like obviously don't
That's I think, that's the interest in the card itself looks cool and everybody likes a cool thing. Even vlad wrote that story about how it's now their thinnest smallest status, symbol, basically yeah, and when you don't really get that from the apple pay version of it, which is kind of funny, but you need the actual physical card. If you want to have that look, oh yeah and I think people like physical cards there's a good reason when chase, put out the sapphire reserve, like they literally ran out of aluminum right. They, like the card, was on back order for awhile, because so many people want to deal I want to make it clear my level hype pipe business I would leave the card at home. Cards are old, timey thing and we don't need just like every other episode will show you like bitcoin is the future and not here like I want this goldman sachs areas. I am aware of a square debit card. It's a wonderful experience, it I'm having a great time and I get cash back when I buy a coffee and I use it to buy bitcoin in its wonderful and I'm a
it's? Why customer? And when I saw this apple credit card, I was like I could be in debt right now. It'd be great. So I think the thing that is super weird about this card is that it does not. It makes sense from one perspective of apple, which is they want to own, like the stack of stuff that you use right, so they have apple pay. It's a good experience to pay with apple pay. I like using it on my phone. I think it is everytime. I try to use it with my watch like the clerk just stares at me, like I'm a space alien, but it's it's like fun. It's like a good experience. The next obvious thing to do is to this intermediate chase, whatever bank of america and say open out an apple credit card, and we control the experience of like that money too. And then the exact your own currency and its an apple currency, yeah, yeah and then yesterday by a smile to buy stuff at you know the company store like pictures.
And shovels and no doubt jews. Hungary's stronger rules, boundaries, doggery company, studying that full on deputy town shed at the end of this is like here you're a mining, rare earth metals to put in the thought that you would accompany suffer. I feel like this came up before, but I feel it several of these tech companies now and very clear The apple their business model is, let's be like china, but with a twist and out his wisdom is let's be like china, but we dont tracking yeah, although they, if used not for news the video service, the credit card, the gang in there. They know so much about you already what you're spending in your time in their ecosystem,
I have to track you they're charging you for every minute that you spend reading. Who cares what is left pretty good idea? What he's up to so? That's the one view right there just sort of like integrating the rest of the tech stack. The other view is this is super weird, like nothing about a credit card, sits at the intersection of technology and the liberal arts right, let's just like apple's conception of it's nothing about fucking goldman sachs is like user friendly and safe right, like they're trying. They have other markets that, like shit we're, but it's it's literally apple, is like where a behemoth like this is the thing that makes them a behemoth misses a thing that makes them the corporation is that they have a credit card with goldman sachs, and I think that is just that's the thing whereas like. Why is everyone so interested in this, and I get it it's a card. It's pretty
my work, but it is so weird for this- this company had started as the upstart they had the pirate like didn't the apple pay team pirate flag hanging from the wall, like I just don't like. Do you think that goldman sachs team is like we're at like they don't? I am far too mired in debt to get this card, but I mean it seems interesting, I'm not really part of the points and cashback culture that people seem to be super pumped about this, but I'm going to push back this idea that, like banking apps, have gotten bad. I think they've gotten a lot better over the last couple of years like I have citibank, I have capital one. So if I have to like freeze my card or like do any kind of like customer service, that's all pretty quick and pretty easy. So I'm not sure apple's customer service benefits come through here, but the appliques nice. It's got that cute little slider. You can see how much interest you're going to pay and things like that. So it is so it's very transparent, but still I mean they were saying some things on stage that just weren't. True, like the low interest rates, I mean that's just not that's just not accurate and so like. There are some some parts of the state.
or a little bit deceiving, but there's lots of excitement about it, and I guess my question is why not or in some other services, with a car like if you get our cardio now you get one terrible cloud storage or does that feel too ikey? As far as lake mixing product and and the credit card, did they say icloud once they did not now not a single time right I think this goes to like how much with us all cost at the end, because right If you buy any one of these services, they should give you more accessible. especially well, I mean we already talked about this one. I think it was last week, but if they do an apple prime play right, I mean it almost feels like they're teeing themself up for it, like we didn't tell you the price, because we didn't wanna yet unveil our great. They were we bundled at all, and you get all. For one low yearly fee, so that be rational avowed, You know the thing you would assume other company would do I kind of think that maybe
apple won't do it. maybe there's like there's a sense in the company like nope that, where we're not playing game like well. We draw the line. There if somebody signs of four apple news, plus an apple music, there already paying more than amazon prime right per year, yeah yeah yeah. I'm some problems like a hundred dollars per year. I think they just want to raise it to one twenty, while still this in two ten dollar month. Things is yet more than a hundred a torn amazon's cell. There is like you're gonna buy stuff from amazon, whereas apple doesn't run a store liked me. They do like. The source will have like thousand dollar baubles. It's not full of like socks and laundry detergent, which you know like amazon cap once you sign up for prime amazon's captured you for everything else. So I think the the model at amazon prime, is now twelve, ninety nine a month. So it's a hundred fifty five dollars
yeah, sorry what games will kick in and we have to? We have to like dig in on tv data. You you tell me about the game thing, so it's called apple arcade. We don't know what it costs, because they don't want to tell us prices anything. But it's a subscription serves a special section in the apple store and when you subscribe to apple arcade, plus you get access. To these games and you can freely download them to your iphone, your ipad, your apple tv or your mac, which is new and exciting. We think they're going to be like exclusive and I don't know if you could build a buy the stuff outside of apple arcade, but they've got some big names, at least in the ios world. Some developers are behind monument valley, florence alto's adventure will write, made some city like that's, that's the thing also spore, also for or man. Actually, I talk to somebody who worked on sport not too long ago, and she was the light anyway. The games look good. so far, I mean we saw more of the games and we saw tee previews and
to me, depending on the price it might be. The easiest sort of subscription you can get of every apple announced because you can just opt out of the hunt for good games, that you can trust that aren't scummy trying to get you to do and purchases every thirty seconds. There's a question: mark about whether or not it will truly be good for developers because one they might be locked into this thing too, we don't know how much money they're actually going to make three like that, feels nice to just buy something and own it, and this would not be that you know, but the bottom line is like the app ecosystem, the way that money is working at gaming I owe us, and just in mobile in general, is so sort of fundamentally broken and skewed right now, just not working super well that any change is probably a good change. We can push back of the house
How is it broken in app purchases of people? Don't actually pay for games that the price of games has dropped very low, and so it's hard to like make a living and run a development studio based undergrad like you can't do it. There are successes, but there's, not it's not like the video game world for pc or council right like it's. There there's no reason it shouldn't be. The phones are powerful enough. The tablets are powerful enough, but can't you. No one has turned into the on the back of iphone games and like why not isn't it kind of the it's almost like a state like if you, envy and you make a small good game and you charge ten dollars, for you you are not going to be as successful as by jeweled, right or candy crusher whatever, but You can make a living if you make a really good game. That is really popular. It's it's like a proportion thing like tat in up purchased games is like a multi billion dollar.
industry that is is I am addressing in out purchases on on games now, probably dwarfs the film industry, but but you could, I feel, like people can still games and they can sell them, and they consist succeed and also you know you have a larger chance of that with you a larger market, and so so maybe people don't ever paper anything on android, but you can also put it. It's that I owe you can have it being the humble bundle you can put your game on steam if it's not an exclusive to this apple. Arcade server. Take there saying like oh yes, this is gonna, save anything and everything is broken number, but I think there's a bunch of stuff. It's broken its worth, trying something new, but there are open questions. How much will they get paid? Are those apples it I'll pay you by? Like how long people spend in your game, how will you get into this subscription how you get into apple arcade? Yet get approved by apple well will mean that lake it's her.
For the little gotta make good will be happier making a successful game turn into. Do you have a good relationship with apples team like that's like not the right incentives, rights, others. There is potential problems that this could have down the line, in the same way that the app store itself started as a very simple concept, but had these knock on effects that just radically changed economies and like we don't know how big this is going to be, because you know for all we know this will just turn into paying right yeah. I just think that profit might read on it. I'm I'm just a great piece raspberry like broke out where the money comes from and apple services, and it's like all in app purchases and games most of the top grocers. It's like the big paid apps like tinder, which is the highest grossing app in the app store according to app Annie, which is crazy town, and then it's like all in app purchase games. It's like apple created this month
sir we're, like literally we're like. Is this gambling, like a kind of feels like gambling? Kids are addicted to gambling now like TA, like ok, like they create this sir, but they just slice thirty percent off the monster so like that's a huge revenue line for them and now they're gonna sell you the cure, which is like for twelve bucks. You can opt out of this coming as it did, for, as that is the other. thing apple is saying: hey we see the sun games that you enjoy playing. We have made a curated selection of possibly exclusive games that nobody's playing wreck, you know, like I'm, happy that they are going for and, like you know, the that, would that adventure
game where you're driving rv through the desert. Like I've been following that game for like years it's beautiful and- and it seems very innovative and interesting but like you know how it seems like they're they're taking they're taking creative risks that it's it's like netflix, you know it. This is the netflix of ios games and you know on netflix. Netflix comes up with a lot of crap that I do not care to watch. And you tube I've talked about there's a hundred times. You tube, constantly spending. My you to read money, or whatever it's called these days on horrible shows that I definitely don't wanna watch while they stop doing that. Third, third, there get nodded at the hollywood down. It's like the day before apple is a day of apples. I get we're done, megan we're done trying to be mixed professional careers. we're just gonna folks, outriders there, like apple, has got off to a man, so speaking of things that people don't play off in one's life, Let me guess played a game on your back. While bob
when's last anybody and on the apple tv. Why blob so does this fixed those platforms? I mean that's a valid question like it. If you make it for this, do you have to make a game for the mac and the apple tv by default? Might do you have to be on all four or if you make a game for this? Do you get the mac for free because they are going to smart, japan at Debbie them see, and so that's why this coming out in may or fall as this one mayor fall, this one's fall so they did announce that these games will be available on all the platforms on the t v on a mac on the phone and the ipad and the only way that this works on the map is marzipan right, like there's no other way and ike I don't know man like you. Just look at the marzipan, the pan news that, like all these games are doomed since what, but how do you saw Probably have you saw the problem, a game that runs great on an aged twelve running in marzipan. Unlike a macbook without another word. Without it's not like what is your plan?
so these games are developed in unity and unreal and unity and unreal can target the mac directly. I don't need marzipan as like a go between like the you know. Marzipan will be a thin wrapper around these games. Most of the code that runs these games is is a game engine that was probably written in c. plus so there that much? That is designed by necessity, to be extremely platform agnostic. I've been the only request What the mac is. Do any max have gps that are a strong as an yeah yeah. I know the answer is no. It's literally I have. I have like the last two thousand and fifteen macbook pro dj vu. It's like hot enough to fry an egg on I'm a fan runs all the time Here's here's! What I want! I just want podcast, where new light you sit down with epics tim sweetie, and you say just what he thinks should be on the show apple arcade. And then you just stop just let him just wait for the next thirty five minutes, while he goes
like its aim, is very accessible, is on twitter. Here he I cabinets We are arguing about game store fees, in my mentions, with, like a squatter, a squad of people very entertaining yeah same as you wanna come on the show we can. We can talk about a tiny want, but it's fun it's fun to talk to them on twitter, okay, we gotta take a break and come back Chris. make. You tell us what to do anything if you, if you're in a car pull over while we take this break, I listen to the break, but then pull up under Webster's excellent article about apple arcade, where he talks a bunch of developers, but their hopes and fears. It's well worth it, and everything good that I said was curved off. I am right reynolds at mid mobile. We like to do the opposite of what they wireless. Does they charge you a lot? We charge you a little so naturally, when they announced they'd be raising their prices due to inflation, we decided to deflate
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management and join the millions who have lost weight with new. You can sign up for your trial, day at noon. Dot com, that's in o m dot com to sign up for your trial today,. okay. We're back. I mean this is like the big one, I'm glad that we saved all the time for Chris yeah, what the hell this tv plan, so we have three things that now share the apple tv name wishes. There very sorry for her and you ve got the apple tv set top boxes and- You run the apple tv up and on top of that lives, the apple tv plus streaming service, so yeah they ve got a lot under one and so they started off with the new tv app, which is a bit more personalized and now they're doing this thing called tv channels where you can pay for h, b, O cbs stars. show time and you can watch those shows inside the tv up that having hop over at age like you would now, and so
that's very somewhere at amazon's model, with the primary channels and so they're doing the same thing I mean those really. The only major partners have others epics, but after that it gets kind of random, so they put up a bunch A cable company logos position view hulu live logos. How is that stuff? Integrate I talked to hulu and they said that you can't watch their stuff inside the tv app. Yet I mean there's a page on the apple website that makes it sound very, very much like you can watch hulu through the tv app, but but yeah hulu told me directly that that's not the plan. So I think for that, for that, unlike others, like our prime video, those you're stuck out, abounds out too that up to watch the show, but those shows- listed and inside the tv as they are now, but it still and rice and friction and moving around so the the interesting thing about channel, so I cant find the source navid, like people have
add that amazon actually makes like significant amount of money from people subscribing to channels inside amazon, prime, but they make they make you bouts. What apple doesn't make you bounce, but this is like this is potentially like the actual thing that matters in terms of apple making money off of of tv is if they can actually get people to use the tv app and they can actually get people to sign up for subscriptions like that. The thing in this is what Peter kafka's was reporting like they're gonna have their own shows and they're gonna. U now make a new version of the and there's, there's gotta be other stuff, but like fundamentally, the like intervention. That apple is making terms of its tv strategy. Is you can subscribe to stuff inside the tv up and we'll get a cut of that, but that is not a fair assessment Do you think I think so. It just seems like a very strange way to go about things I mean when you get done sign up for netflix or hulu. You have all this comfort of older, shows and other serious that you can always just fall back on. If you don't want to watch their latest original wars with apple It's gonna be got tv plus and as far as we know that
only their own shows and outside of that you have to pay for h, b, o if you want that, so that might be ten dollars according to rumors, which is less than it costs. But I mean that's, not a back catalogue really. He can guess that's enough for some folks, but I mean there's a lot more to just fall back on if you have netflix or hulu or prime video or and that's this is very much not that strict I am still act, it don't understand what's going on in the same, so there is right now and apple tv up where it aggravates a bunch of shows a bunch of services, including live tv providers like playstation view and slain and whatnot, where you can enter your cable company password and authenticate a bunch of cable company.
it's a minute it'll, just like bounce you around, so that is still happening right right and a put those logos on like you can authenticate to optimum and charter, like whatever you cannot defy us which they announced two years ago and they still have not delivered. But the idea that you have a cable subscription. This thing basically replaces the catwalks tv app fine, that's still happening. Then there is like we can basically surface content out of hulu and amazon. Prime video, and you can see it and you click. In a bounce you into that app and you'll watch it there, which is very confusing and still exists, and then there's this new thing, where you directly by h, b, o inside of this. You never use hbo, our hbo go an apple, the stream and say you wash it directly there.
Right is recycling sands can be topped here, quality upper video on and sound. So so it's them how to hosting the streams, and so there in charge of all that. So that's interesting That's gonna curious about what the bran he's gonna be like like, but so are you sure that's three user flows in the out of one app, but I mean I'm right here, peace, where he like unveiled the history or like review history of apple, trying to figure out tv and, like all the different times like babo, starting with you, know, Steve jobs, saying I've, cracked, it and then nothing happening, and history seems we like next year, it's gonna be great, and then next year comes like while we didn't get the deal so here's what we got, try it out, but next year it'll be great and then a year passes and while we didn't get the deal so here's what we got, try it out and we ve been having this cycle for I've seven years and was supposed to be the moment. They broke the cycle and I just don't think they did. It gets yet another moment of while we couldn't get all deals. So here's ok, I like
throwing his hands up and saying this is what we've got this is who are partnering with, and this is what we're going to go with, and maybe more people will sign on over time, but yeah, and maybe it was too much to expect, but, like think about how different the you know, the thing that the thing that you two are striving is from the clarifying moment of the itunes store, music most people are pirating bob Well, blah. No one knows how to do any of that stuff. It's very confusing. It's getting really fragmented, but you know we're doing songs, cost a buck. Yeah have that destroyed the music industry just to be well. There's like craters, like they've, only just clawed themselves back from being desegregated. That way, and like my point is like whatever happens to the music industry repeats in every other industry and like I think we're seeing that repetition and we're seeing that the tv industry is learned like we don't just want to sell individual shows. We want you to subscribe to our bundle and like netflix. Is it in this in in re. Hastings is famously like I want you to live in the netflix app
Well, you're done watching. One afflux show we're gonna suggest another one, all your time here, h, b, o god only knows, what's going to happen with h, b o now that eighteen t owns them and literally all their executives are like flooding out the door. I think it's called h, b, o e. Now it's odd to me and the Israel, like their whole strategy like hdd, bought them and they're like we need to have more shows like we need to like quadruple the number of shows, so people like spend time. or annapolis, just like we are going to resell other people's bundle and having three different radically different user experiences inside of that app one. That's based on you having a standard cable subscription In authenticating I, like cable anywhere apps, Another one. That's like you have an amazon subscription, but we can just like surface the result and bounce you out in a third one. That's like you have spent ten bucks on h, b, o.
you're, like all of that, is insane he's just I dunno it feels chaotic, but then he put that on like a roku right like they're, going to like the right anthony. What was that the event the announcer can wrote units like do bounds out? from the tv up to their h b, o happen coup around wrote, if you are in the apple tv app on fire tv and you, click on an amazon show, at least the fire tv has like a real processor or gp. You and a user interface like the roku box, is like a fucking command. Yeah like I've talked to them about it. On this show like anthony. Would why is your interface, bad and he's like? Because people don't care, they just want to watch the thing right and they like they. They they sell boxes for twenty bucks
read like what is apple service. Gonna, look like on a twenty dollar rogue who stand in this does not seem very friendly to the cord cutter folks out there I mean, if you pay, let's say ten dollars. What's guess I wish him a cost for a tv plus and all that will show you get that and then that's all you have, and so, if you want it to be, oh ten bucks more showtime, ten weeks more and this distorts get very, very, very expensive pretty quickly. I ask that the list of platforms apple is committed to supporting, with this extremely can using app, is insane right right so samsung they have to make a tizen app for samsung tv's. They have to make an android app for for sony tv's. They have to make a web o s app for lg tv. It's all they have to make a roku, up, there have to aids, the vizier run some crazy html. Five they have to do like. Who is the poor person apple tasked with port? This, in
Secondly, we are concerned there are those hours of these. Why forbes? Those There is no actual android proper app for this thing, which is also pretty interesting, but the actual platform that most people in the world that none of this makes sense, but they're doing it. Since it's happening, it's here, we're going to get it. I suspect this Why didn't really sit like you get the feeling they need to have some like slow roll out to explain how it works and they're going do all that stuff and then all of that is next to o A some more money into apple in an opera will be their right. What is it I had to give a clear sense? that service it sounds like they've got a lot of shows. Coming, I mean they've got a lot of star power, it's hard to tell like what shows are actually ready. I think there was some report last week that several have actually they're done, but but they didn't really What show as much in the way of like trailer, if there was just that really short short montage of like twenty seconds worth of just random scenes, and that's that's all we get
So they've got big names, I mean I'm sure their shows are going to be great, but it just comes down to like when you get netflix, you get great, shows, plus a ton of other stuff and they're, really breaking that up here, so so caress compared to all the other services that you cover. What does this one land like How should people think about it? It depends how they price setting. If there's a bundle. I mean right now. If you look at spotify as you pay for spotify and you get hulu for free, which is pretty wild, I mean so if so, there is no like apple, music and and bundle for this. It just gets a lot more difficult to recommend to somebody to to pay ten bucks for apple music and your ten bucks well, video in your god knows what else and plus they don't really show like how it actually works inside the tv after show, like one slide of it, just the shows there, but I mean people just want to sit down and have the app What to watch and like Appleton really go and like how it's gonna go about that kind of thing. So,
there are a lot of unknowns, setting prices the biggest one and how they're going to piece all this together in a way that makes sense, because, right now, it's not making a lot of sense for a lot of folks yeah. I just keep thinking about the number of times. I've talked apple about their tv products, unlike Basically, the attitude is people of apple so that by the apple tv of course, and then we'll just have other people and people have to send the deal's. Not just didn't happen. Let you just actually as happened, and so now they have to go out. It's amazing to me. They haven't made a cheaper apple tv, there's that yeah. It's amazing to me. They haven't just made a t v like just like. If they just did that enough people will just go like Paul's, like I'm going to buy this credit because it's pretty like imagines maidens, even people by them and now they have this. Like long term like the problem of making a tv is that you sell at once right
when apple was just gonna, make a tv and you're in plug some approximately walks into it, and maybe winsome tv shows does he would sit on the wall? I think the average, like seven years in the industry, like that's, not a great market, compared to like the iphone where you're sitting, one thousand dollars for two years or whatever, but if your plan is to monitor services over the time now, you should definitely make a tv and like charges subscription fee for the continent like. That is that's basically that the cable company to be clear, I'm not into this had a car because it's pretty, like I said, I'd, leave the titanium slab. Oh, how but the I like that that this is that it makes on my behalf right. It's not. tag initiative against any of my lifestyle, like that. That bears this out, of these services year. Your signing up and you are making a very strong commit. A like spotify, rosato, music, like where are my playlists gonna, live
who's, gonna scrabble, my listening behaviour and then all of these different views streaming. Services are so antagonistic that that were out of port I'm. We as consumers have greatly benefited from the stream yours and I think we will continue to benefit from the stream whereas in the sense that there are available some very great tv shows there like two or three per you know, depending on your tastes, on each streaming service and so If you spend sixty dollars a month or more, I am you have a subscription to each of the big stream serves, as you have the best tv that anybody in the history of the planet has ever had and now apple, if they can actually make good shows and you are willing to pay another ten dollars a month. Now you
of even more of the best tv that anybody ever hat, but there there does come a point where you can actually subscribed. All of them that at some point some of them will have to die in an end. It is clearly looks like the way it's been. Invested in its almost a winner takes all market like at least see like these companies see that that this is a very large part that will we can't naturally beak split up into a bunch of things, because ultimately people want to be able to watch all the time. they don't want to just choose up front. I will only watch things that are created by one company and people like that's, not how you watch movies. You don't watch movies, you don't go to the theater. I only go to the theatre. If warner brothers, pretty you know, so it actually avoid the theater when it's in the desolate universal run away from that go for we like
it is the same with music. Like I don't vote, I don't choose my music based on which label produced it, and so I don't want that to be my streaming experience for the rest of my life and so there's this antagonism. I it makes sense that they they have to fight each other tooth and nail, because this is such an invaluable market, but I feel like it can't last forever, because it's ultimately going to be off pudding to your customer, yet the comparison credit card is really interesting right. Why I gotta guard cause it it. It offers you a better user experience. It probably kick feels that cares about you more than competitive products. You don't like right, we'll everybody hates the cable company apples and staring at everybody hating the cable company for how long and they didn't enter, and so there are a bunch of great alternatives to the cable company that exists now proliferating that are creating great tv netflix. Famously this week at reed, Hastings ceo netflix said we're. Not a tech company want to entertain the company now write like this. We just
The distribution is like solved. We make entertainment, we compete in that spirit, literally hbo b, o s its If he cannot be said of me as a new law, you have to refer to it as h, b, o e h, b, o five g. He exists. It's so bad, but that is a distribution. Playwright agency wants to distribute this stuff so apple. How do they express they care for you better or that all they really have is like a great user experience that you sit down and like shows you much stuff, you want to watch and like it's easier and nothing about the current tv. App is great is your experience? Nothing about this tv after ve, shut off seems a razor expand. That written seems pretty. Oh captain seem site it's. Seems messier than ever. To me, like I mean I use rocco so yeah but like yours, was but one example if used watch the video again, not This shows have tax titles below them all the titles of baked into the graphics of the shudder.
So just like scanning the list of things is hard, but that's that's it's just a weird decision. I honestly don't think like lots and lots of tiles of stuff is how anybody wants like. That's, not, I don't think it's the future of the tv, but that's like another. That's like new law, smokes weed just talks about the future. It's there are so many questions and we want of mine is like, whereas the This ally land here because on stage as watch today, there are single, not sure we will not share your personal information with any and so I mean what's personal and what's personal data, I mean what where's that line. What's I mean? What do they told me that cs when they did airplay on sony tv's and whatever else like? They told me that the Samhsa, the app on the samsung tv's samsung, will not be able to see what you watched on that app and that the airplay tv's that
for automated content, recognition, those seas or that we will see what you're. So then, what does work we get out of like having the apple tv up on its platform? If there's no data to be pulled from it, I mean rogue, who will take any act from anybody like what of rogue who get they get another app, that's all broke away or or they get. Cash like how does europe can make money they sell adds? Basically they do channel placements. Think there's a home market. for all. We know the app on rogue who is just apple tv plus, it's not the chain, thing. It's others other stuff, it's just where there tribute open, on actually know right. So, like maybe it's just another movie store with some apple stuff in it. It's not this channel thing. We, we just don't know the answer in again, there's just try to a man What apple building a rogue who, like johnny eyes, improve the design of a rogue who app is inside. I just I just wanted I mean it's got a better remember, pull over again all over again just closer.
and imagine johnny I've holding a roca remote. This is how it should be, but you get the headphones jack having feeling about the fact that there is a headphone jack on it, but there's a crackle, but not a guys. I came up with a completely different ma: I'm gonna pollution eyes, the tv industry you re, for it went to you to take the higher itunes library right, you know That's why you can't find the actual thing you actually want to watch honestly, service, because they actually have very limited selection of the incredible archive of great films and television of throughout history. You go to a service like amazon or apple in you, buy a rent it and it's like ford,
dollars to rent in its twelve dollars to buy. It seems ridiculous to pay twelve dollars to own it and it seems ridiculous to pay for it always to rent it, because then you can only watch a one time, but if you rented it and that counted as one right and if you read the same thing three times now, you own it rent to that. ratatouille practice things about little turtles were actually own things movies anywhere, has me buying more movies than ever yet, to render stuff and never bought stuff, but because movies anywhere exists? It is so good it has we buying more because I know that I be able use it on whatever device I happened to be on
I know it'll work in whatever service I happen to be using for the most part and if, like the tv industry, would just like look at that and think as hard about it. As we imagine johnny I've thought about the thing about the roku remote I would. I would pay more for tv stuff if I like felt like I could own some of that stuff and it wouldn't go away when netflix which is a deal yeah right to own christie. They say that itunes movies and tvs like this, with movie trailers in this ill fated tv app right yeah. So that's gonna be the new home for your tv's and your tv shows. So I assume they're going to be some changes coming into like the software on the apple tv and will phase out the itunes app that was there or yeah so that's where you can watch all your own content and your rented content. I was well. I cannot wait to try I'm not that shit on the apple tv or is that also in your iphone or who knows better,
was this story of apple's showtime. There are a lot of questions and there's a lot riding on the fall. Alright, we're going to take a break and when we come back we're going to get through the rest of the stuff we're going over here. Support for the show comes from shopify if you're thinking of starting a business in two thousand and twenty three building an online presence is important, and that means finding a trusted partner. Who knows E commerce. Shopify could be that for you, they are revolutionizing what it means.
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how to end the waste cycle? Essie, johnson, dot, com, slash action matters for every week. My did what happens it's called invisible to visible, which is weird. A lot of people think I came up with a name for this segment that I do every week. It's actually it's actually a decent thing, ripping off nice incredible branding by the way the abbreviation for invisible to visible. Is I tv and I tv technique. This is why your roughly can avail shit, are you a are heads abed a weird avatar appears in the empty seat in front of you and starts talking to you, but but it's not a virtual.
the tar it's an avatar, that's controlled remotely by somebody wearing of a five headset, and these on his helpful offered a really great diagram of invisible to visible or I tv and you basically what we need to pull over, hinder, copper, gotta, herds, dot, com, search for invisible, visible and look at this diagram because I has the words virtual world met a verse, digital twin cloud. In fact, The digital twin is inside them, met a verse and then interfaces with the cloud which is outside the metaphors and then through five g connected to a ban and then you can get nauseated. What's he talking to them with us It says that I just watch the spider man into the spider verse movie, while high rate product out of this. I love it.
world needs more of his five g vans, five g van! Adam in met digital twin omni. Sensing data I say apple also changed the indicator on a t and t iphones to say five g this week, yeah, which is fills me like my phone says Jeanne there. What's it like having five gino, I hate it. is by aids. Is, I would literally look it my phone every time. One of these have in mind, it's right now I five g and I'm just like you, people will do it Things are really the reaction. I have to buy food. I was getting like two hundred and fifty down, but I think, like you got that before they changed the indicator because it's just sell to eat it's. The worst everybody's send a screenshot of your five g indicated a tim cook. The typical wow,
Isn't that so why did you do this? It seems like at least this time. People aren't really fallen for the scam of the fake thing in the corner. I mean for our crowd at least for your common it into customer. There might still be some confusion, but I mean there just seems to be a lot of pushback and anger over what is clearly a just a trick, just a dirty dirty trick. It's an obvious. The obvious stupid trick. Also eighteen t owns h b o now. I just went out and got that conversation slicker, it's literally crazy. Okay deter yeah. Last week we promised people that you would review the ipad air. thank you for that by the way, because the number of reminders and questions I gotta where's, your ipod error view comment was out at hand. I was very busy but
it is. It is now reviewed on the website. It's on the youtube, and you know it's an ipad. It's very good! It's a almost a carbon copy of last year's ipad. Ten point five, but if you can get last year's ipod apple had put five pro. You should, because it has like speakers on both sides, and you know I think it's the same thing so rather like get too deep into We would like the review of the thing cause. You can go, read it it's an ipad. You know what it is. It's good at the end of the review. I decided. I know what air means. An apple calls a product air now and it's different than it was before, and I just want to like hear what you guys think air means to apple then run. My theory by you If you think air means we did this. Last week we decided it was medium yeah. I don't think it's medium, because the macbook air is not in the middle. It's at the like the bottom. Hmm, it just means sort of like the one you should get yeah. That's what I think. I think I think air means this is the one that most people should get yeah
the air means middle yeah. Well, it was good enough for the macbook isn't in the middle. That's the problem, it just means you just get. It means just get this one air means just get this. One famously goldilocks did pick the middle one, but it does the metaphor: doesn't work for the macbook ere. I just keep coming back to the one you should get. You know it. Air you know, needs air So it's a pretty high on the cheap ipad on points. So is this. I mean that good where he would stupid, away from the entry level ipad and towards this or I I think that if you can afford the extra one hundred and seventy bucks and then the hundred and sixty bucks for the keyboard. Yes, I think you should do if you get the basic ipad. I think that you are still getting a remarkable deal. You are getting
war technology per dollar, more quality per dollar than you can get virtually anywhere else in tech. I love the basic ipad, but if you just want to type, if you just want a little bit of a step up the step up of one hundred and seventy bucks from the basic ipad to the the new ipad air is like noticeable in significa in a way that you know in other in other categories, a step up isn't necessarily worth it and it just has the keyboard connector like- and I know it's dumb to like cared that much about a keyboard connector, but it's so much more convenient than a bluetooth keyboard, so yeah. I I think that if you can afford the extra hundred and seventy bucks, it's a pretty easy decision, the screens better. You notice the difference in the screen. It's laminated and you know you'll notice the slightly bigger size, not that much, but you notice it. It's totally worth it in a way that and the reason I'm so happy about the ipad air existing is
the previous step up from the basic ipad. The ipad pro is such a huge jump for a bunch of stuff you didn't need. This is a smaller jump for a bunch of stuff that you'll actually notice that this is a bit of a tangent. But if you had to choose between an ipad apple's, ipad keyboard, yep a surface, go keyboard and any macbook currently made by apple an evil company that hates typists with which would you go for I would go for the probably the surface go keyboard a lot. You know a little bit small and they can get squeaky sometimes but like a surface keyboard, either pro or go, then the ipad keyboard and then the the macbook keyboard at the bottom. Actually Joanna stern, just published to a review of a retrospective on the butterfly keyboard on the macbook, where there are no ours or ease You were in it because everything
taught how to start last thing is arguing that we get a break just one, not apple thing, eternal says: nintendo plans to new switch models for this year. Well, it's crazy to me a high end and low, and yet the lowest integrated controllers integrated and no and no vibrant. So here's the really fascinating thing that the the writer, whose name I'm gonna slaughter but to but Tekashi, much as you keep tweeted a couple of things. I think they're in the story, but one says they're different from the original and you'd be surprised, and that quote, you would be wrong to think. The enhanced version is similar to what sony did with the p s four pro and the other is just a cheap alternative that looks very similar to some past handheld machine
with the ps vita. So they're, not just like bumping the specs on the high end, one and they're not just making the the smaller the cheaper one, just like cheaper and crappy are apparently so they're going to do something. Interesting and I'm you know, I'm I dunno, I'm a huge switch stand very excited. I'd like I'm point the battery and my switch is gonna start running out. I'm gonna want to replace it, it'll be nice to replace it with something nicer. Maybe some day, I will like be like all in another Google stadia. The majority was feedback that we were super harsh on. Google, Syria, like actually very hype for Google stadia, just a very cautious about the lag and the latency anyway like if Google stadia turns out to be real, that I'm would maybe so want to switch, but I would just get the smaller one and travel with it. Now, so I very excited about switch. They don't have to go to crazy. No after this fancy model, just put an eye
the screen on there may be a lead that would be lovely and some nicer speakers and you're pretty much there. I don't own a switch but everytime I use the switch. I've had some sort of bluetooth issue like I would really like that to be improved. I use a style bluetooth. That is at stake. I hardly what you're saying as I'd really like them or not. You sweetie. I have used a lot of wireless game controllers and I've never had as many problems as I had with joy how many of them are bluetooth, some of them the peace for is put it right It's like a weird, technically bluetooth, sony layer thing. I think they tend to put some garbage antennas and store cons. criteria is well. What am I, what am I most willing to blame all busy at By this I mean I've. I feel bad that I have never goes which, because it it's a great example,
tech industry of somebody just blazing their own path and they keep on going in their own path, and it keeps on being great like that, doesn't feel like the switch it. You know, the switches obviously not competing with the p s four pro or the xbox one x in any direct ways, and yet It seems to have way more hype around gaming on the switch than those consoles have had in years. There's just more joy in it, and so there's more joy in the indie games, there's just more joyful than they just made vr are a cardboard fun, I mean it's, it's why we should korea Tommy's piece, it's a lot of fun. That thing is amazing, so yeah, it's it's it's it's just joy augmented outside of is ridiculous thing. My wife works for oculist disclosure. Idyllic Vieira seems ridiculous. Let's make it as ridiculous as possible I'm excited things are things we have you in this world: it's mostly the switch
with everything else we'll find out when it gets a snow release, this special joy cost in the fall, or you could talk to us about reckless theaters that backline Paul's the future paul Chris Chris welch at Chris Welch. Let us know what you think. Let us know if you're, injured, these services- let us know if you two- are being sucked into big credit goldman sachs by Paul. I liked to put out I made a joke about it. He defended it for five format. we would love to hear from abuser to address, I'm very curious what you think of these services, I'm very curious, if you think apple, can just capture that much more of your. Money and time you can also listen to other stuff. You can listen to recode media with Peter kafka. We're actually going to have peter. in the interview episode. Next week's helped me unpack some more of this T. V, south that'll be really fun. You can listen to recode decode kara swisher. He listen to pivot, with Scott galloway and kara swisher used to do all the seasons. Watch for some button wishes spitting up again, that'll be very good and you can look at the virtual com and you can watch processor with peter bone
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Transcript generated on 2023-08-30.