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Apple announces iPhone 12, MagSafe charger, HomePod mini


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This week on the verge hast dancey for joins me in Dita to talk about apple's new iphones, all four of them, the new homepod, and I promise you. We talk a lot about dolby vision, cameras, that's coming up one of our chest. Now, hey I'm ryan reynolds at mid mobile. We like to do the opposite of what big wireless. Does they charge you a lot? We charge you a little so naturally, when they announced they'd be raising their prices due to inflation. We decided to deflate our prices due to not hating you that's right. We're cutting the price of mint, unlimited from thirty dollars a month to just fifteen dollars a month, give it a try. It meant mobile dot com, slash, switch new activation, an upfront payment for three month plan required taxes and fees. Extra additional restrictions apply, cement, mobile dot com for full terms. We eat with our eyes and our mouths, obviously, but also our brains. Noone can help you learn more about that psychological component to healthy eating, new music science,
in personalization, so you can manage your weight for the long term, start taking control of your weight management and join the millions who have lost weight with new. You can sign up for your trial today at noon. Dot, com, that's n, o m dot com to sign up for your trial today the, hello among the recast, reflection, podcast, extended, dynamic, wrenched february trade pump out, like extra, are weakened. Yet come out more and more knits than you could possibly imagine. That was like control or delete in trail other. If we're gonna complain, we be we be picking up when we sit up. Ok, I mean I've it'll do around here, I'm all here dancing for it is here I am here as well, so I found it was iphone weak. It happened to us it he had heard. Finally, I took it, took longer unusual because of covert starts from the start. that's my start every week, thirty one weeks The president said it
national testing plan of website built by forty five million google engineers. I believe it was but a website in the website is small, its related to verily, there's, no national hosting clan and This issue is a true thing. That happens. We nancy pillars, Yes, I believe us repress secretary chief of staff, from pressing retweeted congress is working the president, the big stick when is the white house, does not understand the need for an conference in national testing clan. Ok, I just Remember there is supposed to be a website. There is a flow chart and everything anyway. It's been thirty one weeks since that happened just going to keep counting just some other. Covered up dates in remains story in the world: mostly a platform content, moderation, Zander Johnson Johnson pause covered Jeanne vaccine trials due to unrestricted illnesses. We're tracking that very clear. c mere rhetoric is writing a newsletter called anti virus, very weakens, again on the satisfied, so you like be flooded with it. I find it very useful in
where's same content. Moderation, facebook it's a ban on anti vaccination ads, because that will be a problem when this vaccine, it's in whatever form it and youtube said a warmer videos with covered nineteen vaccine misinformation. So platforms are being a little pre emptive here in terms of other moderating vexing related content, because it feels like we're going to get closer to the vaccine in time and actually getting people to comply and take. It is important once it is actually here mention the platform moderation south, because, as we are recording right now There is a massive platform content model controversy unfolding united states of america, which Basically, not even talk about at all. I want to comment, on it and say we. We note here our policy desk mckenna Russell all covering furiously, but twitter and facebook preemptive. we took down or limiting the reach of news reports about hunter biting. It's a holy
We regret piece about it. Just fifteen things we know and take away from the situation. Gory that and right, as we sat down to start recording the scc a g pi he tweeted. You see, as decided has the authority to interpret section to thirty. Which is why, because isn't, and we don't know why he thinks he does, but that's what units I think that power is vested to the fcc by the power of a giant reason, is coffee cup yeah. It's a sceptre right. If you hold it than you, are in charge a toothache Anyway, that's going on it's literally happening as where, according so I dont have a law to say about it. Next week we busy all these. We turned me busy a major theme of the next weeks in the lead up to the election. Is pressure placed on platforms from both sides? to moderate in different ways into the election and in the aftermath of election, which promises to be chaotic so
mckenna Russell. All doing a great job read that atty, post fifteen thing to know about the honduran scandal at it just lays out really whether it was really well done, Mckenna is tracking this fcc to thirty thing very closely, so check out a site on that. We need to mention it. It's important is huge breaking news as we were recording but because it's unformed, I just Don'T- have a lot to say about it, ready, the second and by the time you're around tomorrow. Everything will have changed anyway, so that's the nature of twenty twenty. Okay. All that said, there's there's for her for a data rock was- and this was a weird event- it verizon got a branded content segment, and toy. Can I just say my favorite moment from the solvent them like they've all been infomercials. We toss them into this whole time. The moment when cook was standing in the empty steve jobs, theatre and the screen behind him, had a giant five g logo. Just broadcasting to no one. That's ok! That's
It is a visual metaphor for the entire five g situation, someone tweeted a supercut of every time. Somebody said five g during that and it is it you will break your brain. Oh my god, alright tell us what the funds were you on the phones for second after the homepod mini, so I'll come back to that later, but they enter the sat we get to the phones. There are four. There are two pros: the pro any pro max, iphone twelve and then there is a real arrive on twelve and then there is the iphone twelve many and much. you my chagrin. I our chagrin and much to it. Five g was the headline feature: they all have five g, They really want you to know that they have five g. They care deeply about the importance of five g and it's going to revolutionize everything and approve that to you for is gonna. Come on man turn special segment, they're gonna light up, nationwide sub six network, so it's not just millimeter wave anymore and then we'll talk about phones, now
did you know that they have five g for four. So we should we need the phones, but you just Some like code words there, six millimeter wave, there's no way to talk about the phones in five g without unpacking at all can use do a little bit on that so subjects, as the the spectrum that gets used to deliver the wireless signal to you, and thus the sub sects is the is very close to what you're used to with lt three gene or whatever, and it travels far penetrates buildings and isn't like sanely fast, but it can be faster than theirs millimeter way, which is the thing that up to now rise and has been using as its five g, and it is that it's that, just as just a verse password is for so don't tell anybody. It is the biggest scam in the sure.
it only works on like certain street corners. If you go look at verizon's five g map, you could just like you just like see, dark lines on streets and a few major cities, and that's that was their five g network and you had stand on that street look and get linus site with the tower then you would get insane room wicked. Fast. Five g speeds. So u s has special rise in a lot of. They ve been putting a lot more effort into the waves. Everybody else realises, like oh yeah phones, they should use. You know: spectrum and radios optimized for fun things, and so everybody else just made good five g networks. We are wherein the middle overweight, waiting to reallocate spectrum etc.
The reason all this matters is rising had only had those millimeter wave and we've been waiting for them to launch their nationwide regular five g network that actually is useful for phones and they decided to take the opportunity of the launch of the iphone twelve to do it, which meant that both tim cook and hospice vestberg, ceo of verizon, both said five g is real. Now I didn't like implying that didn't or before. When you know android phones has it out of the iphone. Has it now it matters which is or that it didn't matter before when t mobile had a gigantic while comparatively gigantic subjects, five five g network read rockin. They both have their own reasons. For wanting to say it wasn't real until now, They also both her reasons, for why did you say at israel now, because they want to cell phones and it's it's ok like you will suffer get sore speech on five january on forty. You have a heart
finding a millimeter wave signal, no matter what network IRAN and it's just not going to be life, changing all of the hype he promises from the five g hype. Industrial complex are not coming true right now, they may be true two years, and so, if you need to buy a new phone and then you think you're going to have your phone for more than a couple of years, it makes sense to maybe get a five g phone, but you shouldn't buy it just cause. It has five g the thing is even if they become true in two years. and like? I don't think, apple nail this either. Nobody has really given the use case for having one give it to gigabits speed. on your phone other, then download movies fast and download big gaze fast like so what and if it comes true in two years and millimeter wave is somehow magically everywhere. What do you do with it? You download games fast, anita louis ass- I don't wanna discount like faster- is always a compelling up going rate by
after you, gotta get a new phone plan which may or may not be more expensive faster. You gotta get a new phone faster you gonna do all these things and still not even get it as a little. Tougher sell and I do think the five g hype industrial complex, I mean- I didn't gradually accuracy he's the new s review of my getting it apple, your faithful schiller he's a good do like I like talking to him a lot, but he at this moment in the keynote, whereas, like here's a five year, do any showed like a doctor looking into medical imaging on a street corner in years. Not be able to that file fast enough is the difference between life and death and, like I'd, think the stakes are just not that lie if that's the situation hearing with your medical professionals, like maybe you have a different right, like there's, no other radiologists available in the world, to look at your imaging fight like, and that is just in, and I don't mean to put that on apple or jaws. Anybody like that is
to pay in how the carriers have talked about five g, the whole time it's going to enable tele, medicine and remote learning, in rural areas and all like it, the making it will feed and clothe your family, and it is just ask your wireless networking, which she's crazy, but it did. It would be like if the wifi six people were like you, gotta gigantea, this wi fi sex life. Can you can you can't wait to download a faster and like they can't supported because everyone I did anyway, the point of all this is it a highlight feature of the iphone event the five years. Finally, real now is deeply funny for a variety of ways not least of which is that five g in the rest of the world is more it spread and faster than five jean united sates right now, so we are like honoured meeting. In china are suffering to cover,
Someone was what he asked. You complaining virginia pays great. The second great, like that's true, so you know the question I have is: most people are gonna, buy this phone they're just going to get it they're going to be inundated with five g, the height in an airport out of the box inside the factory. The thing is like, even if it's rate, that, like I mean we talk of a millimeter wave, the world are not using millimeter wave but like there also not like five genie unlike some six or other frequencies is like dataset slight, faster, but we're not we're not talking about two three four times fascinating, like twenty percent faster, like that's, not like a dramatic increase. That is that worth the cost of the phone, and we will talk about the costs, I'm sure about the iphone twelve is significantly more exposing the iphone eleven. Is it worth that cost for twenty five megabits faster download speeds, for twenty five may, I would take it for twenty five megabits
some of the funds we we should come back to five G8 amended following the rabbit hold. so ass. We leave to start their cause. That's where apples started. That was like the central conceit of the with their pitching here, right, yeah, but so, okay, so there's four phones, yet, okay, so again, twelve twelve mini twelve pro to promax. The interesting thing, though, is you would think, okay, so the twelve untold many are the same. One is big, one is small. The twelve is obviously the successor to the iphone eleven and then the pro and promax are the same. as you know, kind a big and one is very big, but actually the split between them gets. We more complicated because the products has different camera hardware. It has a telephoto lens, so does appropriate. It else has a larger sense So you, like you, really start getting in these weird divisions between the capabilities of these different phones.
the main one and the one that I suspect most people will buy and that I think it's probably once we get through the review is going to be. The answer for most people is the standard iphone twelve and the big changes there there's Five g there's now a new design. They all have and share the new design with flat rails that are on the side either aluminum or steel. Depending on the model it looks. People are saying like designed to look like the ipad pro it's a little reminiscent of the iphone four, but it's just they're very, very flat, not exactly sharp edges, but it just. It looks very modern to me, and then you also on the iphone twelve switch over from an elsie de panel to a o led panel, and you ve crises face I d to unlock the phone. There's no fingerprint censor the cameras haven't grade on the twelve, but it the main main thing is apple, saying that move the balfour and computation photography,
and they also have a slightly better aperture on the main sensor. So it should be slightly better in low light dandy onto your aperture math. You ve done it. You don't so loudly in every meeting we ve had so ready for since then so last year's iphone eleven. It had at one point. Eight lens this year the iphone twelve. It's enough! One point six lens it is about. I think apple quotes. These seven percent more light when you're done but that, in terms of like pictures that you take, that is one third of one stop writers That means that if you had to use one sixtieth of a second shudder, speed with the iphone eleven. You can now use one eightieth of a second with the iphone twelve. It's a pretty marginal, not very significant difference in terms of It may make a difference in some edged cases and I think apple really loves to show off the edge cases. That is that it does make a difference in
everyday use, your really unlikely to see a difference between the iphone eleven and the iphone twelve in terms of brightness or image quality. Due to the lens now, the processing may be different and ended processing is different. That can change a story significantly, that's what we know from phone cameras, pressing matters all but with the lenses. It looks like a lot on paper in real life. It's much It mentioned that there is also there's two lenses, its regular and ultra wide. The base models. The base models, the phone and they did say with the ultra wide. In particular, they reduce the distortion of the edges, wishes great in january, edged cases on the camera. All the photos they showed us are stream edged cases yeah so nice, code on the front camera in a bar only lit by me on us that that they want to your house not just like in a brightly lit desert but you're inside of a tent and unlikely crazy. Like a major edge case,
you're using portrait mode at night, like they did if you just look at the photos, are showing off there, showing either to further photo outside of your can read, and I my belief here is it Improvements on the camera, smart hdr three, which is what they have now normal situations there very minor, their ability to capture and create photos. in a wider range of situations, has been increased. That's just what that's what I got from the foot they were showing us is that these are all these are all which cases are not yours that you're asking photo at the end of the day, I think the the leap from the iphone ten ass to the iphone eleven was much more significant than what we're seeing from the iphone eleven to the iphone twelve in terms of camera. Now that maybe differ with the toy max and its new camera system. Maybe that's giving that big weep, but in terms of the iphone twelve and the twelve pro they have essentially very similar camera systems. Last year,
seeing the same kind of generational leap so that the story of smartphone cameras for twenty twentieth Samsung comes as as all right. We are going to be the ones to move it forward. This time, we're not collect. Google do or not wait for apple we're going to be the ones we're doing it with one hundred and eight megapixel sensor. That does pixel binning and we're like cool, but it can't fail. As a matter of fact, the laser later Google and the pixel I know we're actually not gonna get into the pixel reviews. We've got a whole other episode that is coming out on that tuesday with that so stay tuned for that, but it made pretty minor updates to it's cameras. So the big question for the iphone is: is this more tweaking or does their new? he shall photography move so the state of the art significantly ford, or is it basically in the same way that samsung Google dead? Is it like twigs around the edges? Is it simply no you're real improvements? I feel editor of instead of like oh man? This is a reason to go. Get this yeah, I mean around to see a great lake
what did we learn from the ten ass? It pretty medium pictures? It didn't make it right leg it whatever it's like this- is this year's iphone and it takes worse pictures in the pixel. Maybe one person in god bless your private Hassler stern, decided to switch to a big soul, because of it right like. I think it was James Merriman. I think it was our former creative director James here. I think that's the person in you know like we have to see the promax, bigger sensory or to see what is capable of their opposite. Your private, just not out yet in that country me too. You know either the job the eleven to the twelve is very big right leg, a display new design, five g, smaller size smaller size. We should talk about the the process or to a little bed because it seems like it's. You know I've every I got my god. The processor seems fast, but they are putting a lotta
a lot of work into this thing that does a lot more with photo processing and so it it may be that that's it may feel faster. Then, the last it we never really see directly the speed improvements, accepting certain things like photo, processing or editing, video or something but It may be that it will enable future things to happen. More use like us. It's got on the new financial process and it is so much faster, yeah, you know I was sick of I, the iphone processor, claims to mere never about now, I always about three years from now. You didn't upgrade and your iphone still feels pretty fast, because it was always so fast to begin with so yeah. I think that's great, but like the year to year, jump new design or display. What was a big knock on the eleven was it it had a fairly low resolution, I'll city in you, I'm the one who's the most display nerd am. I can't take us you're and huge the swineherd like using refined. But now it's got the lead at high rise. It looks seems to be the speck. Why,
seems to be right on par with the pro, just a huge jump from the eleven and twelve? But then, if you look at the twelve line, the difference between the twelve and the twelve pro utterly tie, it took one more camera, yeah, ability to shew dolby vision the sixty four ensure seconds and of thirty, which kind of hints that the programme more more ram in an idiot it there's the cases differ. like trying to like decide. I was talking about this with with time yesterday for like an hour, both of us are trying to figure out which one de choose. I know who he was working as unfair as imposing things like that. The twelve and the twelve pro, and I think one of the biggest like things at the top Oh has going in its favour is at stake. At twice the storage? So once you like upgrade the twelve you that one twenty eight gig storage, you start getting into like spitting distance of the twelve appropriate price where it's like. Ok, I can justify a hundred bucks for that. Third. Third lens: that stainless steel body, and maybe that, like ever
slightly brighter screen in extreme somebody like they re like me, this really hard to choose in a clear, concise way. If you want, storage. You maybe should just go with the pro data. Make that our did choose at all, they may it's easy to spend one hundred extra dollars. Yeah there you go. The other thing about pricing that we should actually mention is that carriers, especially horizon and eighteen t, are being remarkably aggressive at offering. Subsidy plans and deals and trades and whatever to move these phones, especially the twelve. Yet if I were like the initial pricing that got listed was like the discounted price kit from these carriers, not the actual unlocked price, which is like thirty bucks more. Can we just take it just a pause. I want to talk about the phones This was the most weirdly carrier driven iphone event ever yeah like in a key way like in a straight up, Ikey wave rise and onstage ring like it's fine,
Here the hype waves are key sing through your body, is you speak right and then the price of the fund is that their showing on screen carriers, subsidized price and we now in All the other conversations we're? Having were hearing about eighteen team eyes me aggressive with the like, there's more, carrier shenanigans with this iphone. Then any other than I can ever think the last The carrier was this much part of the conversation. I think those two two instances when it was- and it was twenty eleven in have you area or whatever was when the iphone finally lost. It exclusivity with eighteen, he was over and it came to her eyes and like rising, was a big part of acknowledgement for obvious reasons, and then the original announcing doesn't seven when, like he d, singular at the time was like very excited. the carrier that had the iphone they were very much part of the conversation. But since then, it doesn't matter
But if you remember that original one, two thousand seven right, they like eve. Jobs is like and this asshole, let me put it on his network and like santa, shows up and he's like we're so proud of you. It seems like then do shit right and then he said here's the plan. We invented the iphone I am thirty bucks amount, unlimited edge, that's what you get is the only way to be able to live and get the fuck off my stage like right, still, it was apples event remember this of a little differently for a hooker I use a glorious moment in in unbending carrier control of america by aids. Like many think status. I never want to watch it again. That's how I remember it and that's block, but like the entire, the attitude there was very much like this is apples phone. Thank you and he but apple had a custom data plan. It was unlimited. Thirty there, like were to make the point simple this time, it's more like even
Oh, how much the phone costs you have to navigate carrier pricing shenanigans yeah yeah right, you're only gonna get that price. If you sign your contract, like whatever rise and things limited means, is part of the iphone story. Now this That is like the most striking about this. Is that, carrier discounted. Pricing is what is on apples website and what was apple, which On stage like normally like apple will, show the price and then, like the carriers, will say like, though- will advertise their trade in deals, they'll advertise their discounts. What have you this is why it's so hard to know how much samsung phones cost by the way, exactly if you go to samsung dot com. This is seriously if you go to samsung dot com and you look at a fold two which is one thousand nine hundred and eighty dollar phone, it is advertised to you like eleven hundred dollars because it says in fine print after trade in
and order to limit the advertising that, like forty dollars a month for forty eight months so like this, just a very odd thing to see apple doing who is always like staunchly kind like spat in the face of the carriers and janet with their shenanigans or whatever, and now they are like literally obvious skating, the real price on their own website. Until to the check out and you like, oh I'm, not the verizon did he customer? or I just want to buy the unlock thing, and now I have been more yeah. It's only thirty dollars. Shore years already eight hundred dollars on the thing. Thirty dollars. Ninety shipments, but like that's not the point, the point is, you are paying more, at the end of it than you when you started the process, here by the way a the t mobile is not doing. This is cutting great. I maybe maybe john letters is just a now. like a year ago and they're negotiating the deals. Maybe John ledger John letter is like look, I'm outta here. I blew it off to go, do a barbecue on sunday and they just didn't get the deal done.
Maybe maybe they'll have some by the time I mean by time you listen to this, the that priority will be living and who knows what deals we live, but like bulgaria, that it is literally only eighteen tee of rising, at least at the time of recording this. But again, that's like the oddest part is the fact that, like apple showing the carrier price, it's that show the real price. It's so weird. My concern is that this is a symptom of the real reason that the five g hype industrial complex is exists has already so excited. Is that the technology, the technological architecture of the network and liked the way that its being launched and run, and the way it necessarily may have to be in order to make work as five g seeds a little bit more control to the carriers and they had before at like some very base, pan fundamental level- and at this moment here, isn't it directs, minos, symptom necessarily, but it's part of a trend of carriers resting back more control all over. What happens with our foes
I will give you an apple in. You are facing effectively flat on sales every year in your china, more services, revenue, all the stuff in verizon decides this: is the year they're going to sell more samson phones and they turn that lover by three or four percent rate any apple. To play ball now, because a cancerous count on ever increasing iphone sales. Now they can count on my message lacking, so maybe that's fine at that, the numbers that these companies play with hundreds of millions of phones like two or three per cent of marketing budget and like dessert, does become real numbers really fast. So we'll see, I don't I I feel like we're just
so we ve spent thirty minutes yelling about five million carrier we haven't. I think we should now about the families. Are those of us who said that, like ten times, we gotta talk what the many everyone everyone's hype about, the many that come in blue the male is super interesting to me right, come it smaller, that's good! That's what I'd like it! It doesn't lose anything from the big one, the twelve very interesting doesn't exist in the march so right so they ve got the with, because ever I've nanometer chip, because have the ability, I think we have to do, the battery life is with five g, but it seems like they have. You Let us save some better us in use a smaller battery, o ads in draws less power, doesn't have capacity backsliding, so they are able to basically make the full phones smaller, necessarily make the battery smaller soldiers wasted space inside the twelve and ship it we in finding its here. To me as a great I
I have no idea. This seems to be the biggest hit in the world or just medium, but all signs pointing to be a sit in an area they also they can do a thing that no android manufacturer can do if they can say this is the same chip, but we're going to order to spend a little bit more time, tuning it for low power for the smaller phone and like they actually don't need a ton. alright, like they could just be like it'll use. The smell, of course, a little more often. Nobody will feel it because iphones always feel fast in the first place. So where google and samsung need to go to qualcomm and get the like the chip, that's got the lower number on it, so that and then you know so it can be cheaper and everybody feels bad about it, because it's not the flagship chip apple can just put it's flagship chip in I'm, not saying that it is slower. I am sure it's not, but if at like Could they have they control the complete stack they're, getting whatever customisations are getting on their fighting modems and that that ability makes them part of them to say this is like the full for fat. I found in their small size you if you will get apples,
who's in charge and stuff, like that, the many does have less stated battery life. So I think it's something like twenty percent less. If you look at like their video play back because they don't think really express better life in a sensible way by, The point is like yes, it smaller phony should expect less better, like the only makes sense, if logical, but is it much less battery life that actually like matters like we learned with the eleventh last year the eleven has sexual battery life? It's you know it's in. Less all day for the vast majority of people, even though apple still rates and act like whatever ex hours a day. The point is obvious: people to get merely that with a smaller phone, that's more comfortable to pocket. If you ve got a smaller hands, you just been tired of the surfboard phone and you're still getting all the other features of the twelve saint cameras same display same processor, like dimension bill? Quality seem design, seem colors, like that's. That's a significantly.
We have not seen what we seen in the past, especially from Oh, is they built the s which is technically a smaller phone, but that's built for price point. That's been hit three hundred Ninety nine dollars has built a hit some five hundred dollar crowd. This is a phone, that's not built for price point it built for a size and its built for someone. who is looking for a smaller device and doesn't want to compromise on that smaller device and I think pretty interesting and pretty exciting its bill for price point is to say that what an idea from the start that the exist, of the many allows, a regular iphone told the cost more yes, which adopts yes, but it's not so aggressively price down that it becomes like a budget phone? Your story a high mid range, almost premium phone, just in a smaller package- yeah and the aladdin is still there, if you want the bigger screen or had to have you look at their pricing chart, it's like every price from three ninety nine to eleven like those wild dieter, in a video about later samson, I sing apples hit samson pricing
other little notes about the phone. This is particularly interesting to me, so they front discovered what they're calling ceramic shield, which is not a coating. The actual material is, as we have learned, glass surrender. Hybrid. You actually has ceramic in that the structure of the material we're not allowed to call it glass because glass does not. Is not supposed to have crystals in it in this way, so it's we have to see, but they're very proud of this material is hybrid glass, ceramic material developed with corning. The back is still just the same glasses before yep. Well, just but it's pretty, ass, but so that the point of this ceramic ass, hybrid material, see we are you sure it's like we're being debated in elliot ceramic shield, with our own name. It's are dropped, durability not necessarily for scratched her ability, scratch ability, problem, be the same, but is a thing to like. Maybe wait for
we ve seen courting increased drop and then decree scratch, and vice versa. It's hard to do both at the same time in Theory was the the ceramic shield allows him to do, is not have to do scratch resistance in order to improve drop resistance, and that's that's why it's very interesting and why I'm really excited to see how it performs in their their claim, as it's four x, more resistant to shattering and drops four x drop, resistant and they're saying it's not just because of the new material that, because the edges are flat, it's in there I care when you drop it, I can more like it has like that. Is it's crazy if quantified that I appreciate you, I can only reactions that is their ears, like some engineer had to do that math and that reason in my
whatever the answer, and I appreciate the effort we take a break. We've got to talk about magsafe. We've got to talk about the charges not being in the box. You gotta tie with these cameras, but we have to break we'll, be right. Back, hey, I'm ryan reynolds at mid mobile. We like to do the opposite of what big wireless. Does they charge you a lot? We charge you a little so naturally, when they announced they'd be raising their prices due to inflation. We just I did too deflate our prices due to not hating you that's right. We're cutting the price of meant unlimited from thirty dollars a month to just fifteen dollars a month, give it a try. It meant mobile dot com, slash switch new activation in front payment for three month plan required taxes in these extra additional restrictions apply seem at mobiles outcome for photo.
My support for the show comes from gold peak, real routine, there's a time a day about an hour before sunset, where the rays phil warm and the breeze feels cool. But the half hour of golden palace is always gone too soon. You may rekindle that feeling with a bar of gold peak made with high quality tea, leaves it smooth taste transports you to golden hour at any hour gold peak tea. It's got to be gold If you want to start with magsafe, or do you want to talk about the charger coming out of the box? I mean it's part of the same story question so the charges on in a box anymore, neither our headphones, which I dunno, I and remember it like two years ago now I interviewed the sea of occur. Right when they were
down there meteoric rise, and he is like eventually there'll be no charters and the box like we got making these chargers, that's what we may power banks and, like he remember it, ghana, lot like This is a future. But button has like you are crazy dreamer. I won't hostler pray like great. I mean it's good for anger. If there's no charter in the box, that's that's really what it is. Isn't it does not with the phone box is a good thing for anchor. Can I address this right now because I know we're going to yell at each other about it. I know right there's. No. From the box, but there is so lightning came on the box. up in arms with lightning cable is usb. See now, which is great, It is great now because you already have a usb lightning cable. The chances that there is a usb, a lightning cable. Just floating around. You is a very high if you buy an iphone right, but then think so, if you are switching from android to an iphone the chances that you have a usb see. Charger is very high
No, that's only of yours, working from an extremely recent andrei phone, like switch to you as we see adapters in the box this year. If you haven't s tent, or an s. Nine. You buy an iphone this year, your charge of everyone has a usb april. So if you wanted to get conspiratorial about it, why did they get rid of the? essential reason for getting rid of the AC adapter after in the box is it's a wasteful casino making a bunch of things at landfill everyone has one anyway and let them get them smaller and later, so they can fit more than a pallet which saves on all sorts of carbon emissions and so on. Smaller, lighter philip out? Yes, better for the environment for sure, but the the quest, does everybody already have in asia? It, after is like a tougher one, because I think fewer people have: u s, BC ac adapters than people. How usb aisy adapters, I forget, drawers.
The? U s, ba ones? I personally wish that everyone just moved here is busy. I personally think that asking some until, like you, you bite he'd after that's a curious he had after for life at long last, you buy one, you can choose the one you want. That's got one or two or three What's on it or whatever that's great, and I wish it meant that the price of the iphone went down a commensurate amount to the you know, whatever the cost of the ac adapter. Is that was you know the real real real optimistic of me to think that there would be like a choice between a discounter getting an ac it after they made the accessories cheaper, yes, cheaper than airpods or ten bucks. Do you think a pair of earpods, it costs money to make it probably cost more to ship then to make, and I'm just saying what we like a couple of hundred thousand people. Listen to show I'm at the point where I could. Probably ship and ac adapter to every listener of the show there's just a room full of them over there
I mean, I would say me why you're not representative of the typical smartphone buyer, like I think we can all agree that most in this show, a representative of the smartphone buyer, like I've, got a drawer behind me as well, point is between you and me. Everyone gets too great service to america, except by the shipping and cynthia, say I m the boxes and the pair, I am the cynical snark he won, and I actually by the environmental argument here and elsewhere. I don't buy the first second now cairo by for a second think what it does is it really is great for apple is shrinks. Apples, carbon footprint because it allows applebee's use a smaller boxes and ship fewer things and all that stuff, but all it does, is it offsets that carbon footprint to the company that you eventually by the brick and the headphones from so you're gonna need different, cable or even going need a different charging break
at. Are you going to need replacement headphones? You don't need it. It's a lightning, cable, yeah or you, but you've already got that cable or you're going to buy that brick less often- and you know what like Let's, let's assume that apple is being a thousand percent, cynical machiavellian about this. There only doing it because they can shave that money at the cost of the building materials naked charge. You know these same money for the costs. Unless they are only doing it, so they can sell more of their accessories because ha ha ha. They left a usb c cable in there, instead of a usb a cable, so some people are going to have to gotten by charges from out the goat s. Single step down the line. Take the worst possible interpretation of apples decisions here, it's still good because it still good for the environment. I dont care, but I'd I'd might mighty is it not as good for the environment is apple, is claiming because it is just offsetting that carbon cost to someone else and assets that device cost.
You you're not saving money, when you buy an iphone without a charger, you are having to spend money more on top of the iphone. If you want a charter with it so like the people are gonna buy charged with every single farm payment. That's right is the exaggerate. Rightly Last year you are guaranteed to manufacture one brick per iphone. Give they bring that number down at all. It's a win. Its own sales or belkin sales or skyrocket for five. Usb seeber. Don't tell that to the geography of the larger right I mean. Maybe like, I will see our place, I think it's I'm the one gets mad at apple when they take things out of the box or move things from the phone yeah. I'm I'm totally I am so happy. I don't have to throw this thing in a drawer, never think about it until the ultimate point of this, which we'll get to
there is no usb see on the phone itself? That's not the well, then there's that point, but like the mag save conversation is like the ultimate point and the ultimate end game of them is you're not gonna have a lightning poor or- and I ask you as we support on the phone and a year or two or whatever, and there will be any cable in the box, like that's the end, in your right, so mag, safe by the way, what a troll the name! everybody, this is this for a further mac, but so much in my youth like in dongle, hell you're, watching so event was like will bring. back safe back and get this warm foot We a glow and they're like it's a giant circle for your phone. What safe about the point of mag safer said it would detached from your laptop. When you tripped on it's a lot of political flying. Do you think that your phone is gonna tat from the circular magnetic trip on the table and it won't go, there's nothing to say about it. It's
sailor trading on the goodwill we had towards rational ports and laptops Instead, it's a circle. So it looks. very much like the, but why the apple watch charger its g cell phones insult charge, using your old chargers, confusion about this yesterday, so you can still just charge your phone and a wireless charging have. If you buy apples, meg safe one well: use magnets to click on the back of a phone align itself in charge of fifteen march, which is faster than most not assessed as a cable but agnes are strong enough to hold the thing on the back of a phone, and I swear to god. The point of this is so that when you get it your phone's almost dead, and you still want to screw around in your phone while plugged in you can that's what it that's a hundred percent why they made this happen only if they made it like a six foot, cable though eve, but I'm sure an open standard, they ve the this there's there's like some emma.
The floating around that anybody can adjust its magnets. They can They can't dear emma magnets. As far as I can tell the questions, and they can they m f. I made for I found dear em, the fifteen lot charging speed. They definitely emma thigh apple watch charters, so yesterday that there definitely there's little and see tags and the cases and the official stuff some shit making software rate women's charter, but anybody make a mouth balkans already make. Car mounts. Scotia is already making like it's happening, since the accessory ecosystem for the iphone dip in it is all happening, so that is built out so that when they take the port off, phone everyone's already used to click and little circles on the back. It is it my way that it would have this whole environmental conversation to maxie circle looks very big. The leg compared to how tiny a lightning cable is things. It's a giant. coaster that you like thrown around wireless
chargers waste electricity compared to a candy other radically less efficient, and so it's not good for the environment is wireless charger apple buys tesla, You thought the conspiracy there was taken, the poured out the phone, I'm saying there their minds s. Test of our walls happening, I d make saving, citing I for one leg, wireless card charge them out in my car in its it's the best and so and able to I throw phone on there and take it off is really awesome there already all kinds of made any cases for that. I keep thinking about my little asthma gamble and so the new one has a magnet, but he sounds like fiddle if I click to get on your phone. If that thing This becomes a mac safe attachment, that's us like theirs,
a million things you are taking your phone in and out of, yeah plus they're, going to sell more pants, because people will have to buy special pants with an extra pocket with a protective line around it to keep it from d magnetizing credit yeah. repacked that just magnet on the back. That's all your iphone. Many problem, like there a bunch of cool ideas that happen when you have magnet tat things over. I guess, if the question is, how strong are these magnets? Can they hold the weight of a battery pack? Can they state keep your gimble mounted, while you're I dont know do an extreme sports are like what I remember Well, you don't let him do that as well. Bomb and down the snowboard mountain? Will those magnets mess with the compass, because that was a problem on the first phone that had made is unaware of the the palm tree. It's pointing that out. I'm just gonna say I'm pretty sure, like mom rushing the phone out the door and I cracked the compass doesn't work
I can ban board of problems was far below like sprint exclusive may. I hope we have what this topic did anybody check? The magnets alike, I have thousand apple engineers are assigned to that problem. I think it's really need. I do think that it's obvious at the march to taking the port off the phone is under way. I have very mixed feelings about this deeply mixed feelings about this, but for now support and our cracking jokes about it, but it if they really wanted to do the right thing for the environment and they really wanted to have courage. They would switch from lightning to usb c. It is the same cable. That's being every chart used to charge every other consumer electronic that you know modern other than the stuff they're trying to save a penny here that are going to like micro, usb it's the same cable for the mac. It's the same cable for the ipad
ear is better for the environment, cause it's more efficient than a wireless charger, the. What do you get out of dropping the lightning port and going poreless other than you get to say? You are portlets, we've seen pointless phones as dumb I can't fat like us. They have got a wireless charging standard that is radically better than make safe, which has only fifteen watts like you can't fast charge. You just can't so I know it's funny how hard on ever switch to why you ve set this, but these are just choices. Apple decided to make and they could have chosen to. Switch to you ass, we see move the centre for improved the usb ecosystem for everybody and like have fewer cable. in addition to fewer ac adapters out in the world. It was a mistake. I fully agree with you deter, but I'm going to play the advocate and say the removing. The port removes a failure point on the phone, so that's one less thing to break
and breaking ports is, is a thing that happens when you're europe, you drop it when its plugin or whatever. and obviously rule make construction or manufacture less costly, because others less component to be put I said I said the advocate peace that all set fully agree. I'd rather seen a usb support on it. While we, an entire segment just on as we see, which is the most virtuous thing we could do to be honest talk about connect your standards for thirty minutes. We think we gotta talk about these cameras. I have so many thoughts about tv and there's a there's, a little baby homepod to talk about where we were epic. MR pursued, is brought to you by KPMG e, at keeping angie innovation is the go to state of mind their visionary, fingers and advanced technology. Help you see beyond the now uncover new insights and turn them into opportunities. Kpmg
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and now, because the events are just videos, the electric heating haven't been rebuilt yeah, they got nothing else to do not like sitting watching literally onstage. So like we're alive, we're live blogging away, you know everyone's doing their infomercials now or like live log in and they get the dolby vision, camera, which is very exciting extremely my wheels and its great that they're doing it. Ten thousand questions about how this work so shortly, the questions and then, like a little later, the huge simply heads rustic? It's so here's what I know about this camera so far we gotta get it. We have to use it to see it works in practice so before we get to far down dolly vision, rabbit hall, just as a reminder, the iphone to many and after twelve have two cameras wide and ultra was slightly better aperture? The iphone twelve pro adds a telephoto camera, but otherwise seems like it's pretty much the same except except can do do sixty and until vision and then the iphone,
of pro max has a larger sensor for the main wide camera, which is very interesting. And it also has a light. Our sensor, which gets used, heard mapping the rumour whatever, but also for certain camera effects like that required depth or fast so they can use refocusing the lighter than the little pro has line or too oh here, ok priority so that the user for focusing on low light, which everybody does with lasers, laser out of focus, but there also using it for like depth yet which she was very cool, like I've got a little taste of what light are. These camera system should deal with the ipad goddess, I do think me, mother, do portrait mode at night. That's it! I guess it. It's all edged cases right, like they're, making us about our sanskrit yet so presented with the idea of light are being used to revolutionize camera photography me. I want to talk about how I hd our standards work. Yes, that is correct.
here, you see, I think it's gonna be in incremental year for the often camera. I really do. Ok interesting. we'll see maybe lot you. Maybe portrait at night is great I think the liner sensors are there because they are building a our ecosystem for their eventual glasses, which is very clever. shipping ladder sensor on hundreds of millions of pounds which their moving towards very smart, but much like five g. I think like ours there as Well, eventually, someone will figure out what to do with this, but that's how I feel when the regiment of dolby vision. So they say it can shoot dolby vision and shoot hdr. It is right now very difficult for the average person to make an hdr video very easy for the average person to wash nature video. You just get your hd, our tv, you download, netflix or dizzy, plus or apple tv plus it play
lights, come on the dolby vision, light comes on or it comes on the screen and you're watching hdr. Why is a share good, yet higher peak brightness? So you get more luminance and usually in the old, with hdr, not as part of the same sandler? They usually come as a package pair you get a wider color gamut and see more colors red. Those are good thing and that that increased luminance at the peaks makes things look just a little more realistic in a way that no other real tv standard had done until since it basically hd like you, you will actually it actually looks natural when there's a son and a dark room or whatever I would rather have hdr in a wider color gamut than four k. Yeah like there there's something about it. That I think looks great. Other people feel very much differently anyway, great, very easy to watch very hard to make. You could make hdr content, dolby vision and share ten with any number of cameras and already exist. So, like I've been oryx one hundred five, you can set it to shoot
it s like you, usually on graded raw format. Then you can a great and indeed the centre as capturing all the data. It's really what format or putting it out into the world and what friday, creating so kind of thing, we made it only vision, camera a heap saying this is simply saying we made a jape had camera right like it just what they're talking about is the output format of the camera, the video so you're saying that it's easy to watch and its technically easy to she for any hardware of a camera to shoot, but the difficult part is making sure that the data that the cameras, the hardware, I wish you'd turns into that each year for you. I can't think, given how fast these phones are now the fact that, like three year old son aid effectively pointing shoots- and they are still under way- but you know what I'm saying like several your old sony handheld cameras.
this capture capture a video that can be turned into sea are. I am confident that last year's iphone could shoot s line to export. This might be slower right, so the iphone twelve per I can shoot hdr video and exported television at four k, sixty in a regular talking to you to four K. Thirty, I'm guessing this is like a ram limitations seems obvious: the parliament, okay, here's a real part, because dolby vision is an output format, they're not actually shooting in dolby vision their shooting in a different hd. Our format called h, algae That is the thing that's actually on your phone. Until you tell the phone to send somewhere in so the can send to an apple tv over airplane, and you have, to I fourteen on your apple tv it'll play dumb it'll plato, revision which means there's a conversion happening somewhere, notably there know about, and- and this is the crazy one if I airdrop you or
message you use, I messages, send you a video system will say: oh you, ve got an iphone eight or later or a newer ipad or a mac running big sir you can handle this will send you a dolby vision file. If not, it will send you a regular file, so a regular file. What is a regular file standard for K wreck. Seventy nine standard, brightness standard collar space, while so MIKE my question here is: why does apple hate files? I no, how many files or on the five I've been I've, been puzzling this out, when you have record it makes a file that file necessarily because I files so incompatible with other things like if you play adobe vision, file on an under revision tv? All crazy right? It will look. Not the colors are Onawandah it'll, look washed out and crazy like yeah, so they need to have jobs story earlier this year about people thinking a test. Yes, yes,
and Monica Chin wrote it in the college. Words website was not configured to take. Eighty, I see photos from iphones, so kids were like by being out of their age testing asking do we take it! Imagine that, but for every video you take your iphone yeah nothing is compatible. The videos are, the iphone makes him should. So we wish the social be like save two files, which seems like a pleasant to doing. They told us is only ten or fifteen percent better. I think so. I think there actually we'll see. I just think what they're actually doing is keeping the hiv, Each Algeria's stands for hybrid law, gamma, more acronyms oliver chest H, algae was making H. G was created by an educator. Japanese work has turned the bbc for live events broadcast. Did so last year and recover fox doing anatole games in hd. Are they are broadcasting hiv somebody some converted to convert it to shirt. So it's like that sony calls it inside hdr, you can shoot and hiv even out, suddenly made for it, but you can end
that is good about hiv. Is it if you play back that file and an sdr tv? It looks fine, ok, so it's a more compatible file or more I standard for video, it's kind of like the j peg of html yeah. So my question is: if its capturing hiv, which we know that's the file on your phone, when do they turn it into dolly? I don't I don't know they. Will you it's? Another reason is keep saying say it's like agenda cameras. Jim eggs magically turning into p and g's, just as you want to, or you say it did, it has to do it some time. Right and I dont know when that happens, and I'm dying to find out- and I like apple, does not want to talk to me about it's file system. It doesn't talk to me about on the fly re, rendering a video like right, like these are just ted dna level. Apples don't like well, there's a rectory on your iphone like they just
it's not how they want you to think about it. It took them to like ios twelve to admit that there was a file the first. They don't want to do so. A million questions about dolby vision, video on the like all related to the luckiest file format, details you can imagine coupled with having basic. I need to explain what hdr is and why you'd want it in the first place. That said, you can play like the iphone eleven hasn't as dolby vision compatible screen, and so you go to netflix or a goat playing dolby vision. Video from from itunes yeah. You play adobe vision, visionary from itunes, the screen we'll get brighter and it does a good and the iphone eleven like you could see it look at the way the author intended. Not that's pretty exciting. For, like the videos you shoot I am probably only pursued, really cares what the vile formats, but I mean who am I? What is it? Why are you here we spent a thirty minute showing a magnet, so it was
and into me. That's like that. One of the most interesting bits and bob this fund? Is it made a big deal out of it all can do about it with the iphone twelve? Many can shoot television iphone, twelve to gather the two prose. So we'll see I just where. Even if it's on your phone, you can only send it right as other I, turns into max running big sur, maybe to some apple tv's. We you know like. Where is that conversion happening, but you can send it, you can play it on apple tv. Can you send it youtube his instagram gonna support, dolby vision aged, like is tik tok like will it make your tik tok, look better I guess I'll be while I mean someone's gotta do it. I should point out by the way, apples not the first to this in a way that where they made a big deal out of it. I'm sure will cause the ecosystems move. You can shoot hd, our ten plus on samsung galaxy. ten? No one! Does it no one, but you can forget switching one of the reasons. No one does it because hdr.
Plus is like sampson's riff on hd, our ten in so I have it on me if you are playing a bachelor, samson tv in a shirt endless, which maybe I'm sure there's some people live in ivory coast? and when you, when you turn on that title on assessing phone, it like warns you it says, may not! compared with other devices. So I its end its also buried in like a lab setting in senegalese, fully capable of it. But you right, nobody does it for these compatibility reasons that we've been talking about for the past fifteen minutes and there's like a reddit forum is like bixby stands. It's like we're in the samsung ecosystem. We've been doing that come at me. Bixby stands just dogs wearing shoes, all. That's enough of me ranting file systems its ivory odorants, what their own blood money that's what they did it. They made a less expensive hobart. I mean like this is like the thing that I don't know. Did the holborn come out twenty, seventeen, twenty eighteen and it was thought, hundred dollars and everyone, like I can buy an echo dot for a quarter like or quarter. Why would I by this, and so like now
apple. Has a smart speaker, that's price at ninety nine dollars its priced head to head within, You know, starting from Google the new echo from amazon, which are both new things from this. His it's like they are right in the mix. It is physically smaller about apple, said three point: three inches taller we don't really know the size of the actual speaker inside of it. But the thing itself is about three point: three star, which is on our side. We yankee candle were once it. What is it and regards his eyes? Were magic people like us as a reference for sphere, shaped by think it's a little smaller than a match paper. I want to see the new standard magic gave. All the match gave all pro max Oh yeah, you know there's like the twelve inches magical waiting and what happens when you shake their homepage. Many the serious area does stop shaken me what has it hasn't like top display. The sound display like that shows little gloomy later or whatever yeah, it's
yeah it. It's got a lot of design elements from the original at home pot, in that it's got that kind of multi color lcd display on top that doesn't display, like info, action, but it just lights up. When, He is listening to you speaking has got some volume controls on there and then it's got that seem fabric mesh surrounding it, but instead of being a silly, their shape, like the homepage, is a ball because spheres are so hot right now. So it's it's less expensive. Its obviously not going to be as impressive in the audio side of things as the homepod. It only has one driver in there and then it's got like two passive radiators. They call it base readers for a base so it doesn't have all the twitters has like a cone underneath that these say is doing some other got audio shaping, yet it's so so the speaker faces down and like a projection.
on which is actually the same way, that the old echo's work there, the old tennis ball tube, echoes their speakers fired down onto what looks like a rounded cone and that cone than bounces the sound out and projected out into the room ass. If that's the way that this is working and what that does allows three sixty agree audio. So you can put this the middle of your room, apples, demos. It's event. They were all like The thing in the middle of the room and strategically getting the cameras, you can see the power cord. That nobody ever actually does. It puts out three sixty that audio, which is kind of interesting because, as we saw, and because we talk about maybe a week or two ago, google them and amazon about shifted their designs this year to more directional audio, because nobody put smart speakers in another room. So that's it does three sixty audio. You can also put two of them in the same room and they'll automatically become stereo, which is pretty cool. You can do that,
the nest audio and you can do that with echo is. But it's a set up process apple saying this is like. Basically they just now, in the same room, and they they become so What are they have you? They have ultra wide banned in some way so and then they also have altered I've, so they can like interact with your phone you got an iphone. Eleven are newer. They can tell when your phone is near by you can throw music. podcast or whatever from your phone to the speaker. Apple says: there's like this kind of like half interaction that makes it feel like your physically transferring the odd to the speaker will have to see real. That is then It's a big rumble when you just throw spotify out that, even if it comes to your house with an iphone, can like walk up to the speaker and hold their phone next to it and get the song information. That's pretty cool, yeah yeah, There's this like a bunch of little tricks and there in the end, it's great to see that, like apples actually using the altar wind and rain, admittedly, I fought for a year for some
practical other than like a car keys. Are you don't own, but there's and then, of course, there's always listening. Microphones, it's its assyrian there. So you can control homecare devices. You can asks you to play music and things like that? Not spotify! You could stay play music room, a handful of services, but not yet spotify spotify apparently, would have to build support for it, which even done yet yadda yadda, and you know, manager counter things like that, and then I think when the most interesting things to me as someone who lives in a poem, with a family and other people is that, depending on who is speaking too, syria on the homepage, many it will personalized answers to them, we can tell hood your voices or it's using your proximity of your personal iphone to customize responses, so you can get your own calendar as opposed to like a shared calendar or your own to do list as opposed to a share What's it I think that's really interesting. We seen amazon and google try to do that with voice matching and they both kind of that's a great so
It will be interesting to see if apples able to pull it off, but the point this is theirs now inaccessibles, more smart speaker in the apple homecare ecosystem, that'll be up there and will actually maybe compete with amazon and google on a more funding. Than it has been in the past. This thing is going to compete on sound quality right. If your pretty good sort. Speakers you're gonna stand that ecosystem. They have to committee to switch siri. L really, I think, comes down to sound quality them in that really compromise. That was the whole point of the first home pod. What are you thinking it doesn't do proper, full on room tuning, warlike, detects the shape of the room, and I just it does customer music to the acoustic signature the home pot itself. I wrote my eyes so hard during this thing. Apples like we're doing computational audio, and I was expecting room tuning today I was expecting homepage stuff right. The homebuyers, like multiple microphones,
measures the excursion of the warfare to get more base. If you move it Do it again within sight when we didn't talk? My whole review is like how does a single beam forming? This is just a speaker and what they're saying combination audio as this was their diagram? Was had a sound waves and there is a line and the sound way was one color pass through the line in it got a little bit smaller and turn into a different color. Does it just happened magic Neela, I mean you need a computer. There might have been like they might as well have been like yo. It's got mega bass like that just doing like srs wow, Google does the same thing with an s. Audio Google nes audio does not do room tuning, even though the nest max or the the the the whatever their big speaker is called, does do room to
the nets audio. Does not what google says it's like: they ve got an algorithm. That's got twenty five hundred different room placements baked in automatically base, looks at the content, you're playing and adjust the audio based on that and so like. It seems like apples doing a similar thing to that. And yes, maybe maybe it's a little bit of super extra base online in terms of the technical level, but that this is a pod cassa, you can't see it, but I'm genuinely worried for new life health, these rollings eyes right? I've seen nothing white for the past two years I don't know what it is about. Companies that, when they make sense yours there just like yeah what so lies that'll, be fine like crazy. Every one of them is like. It sounds good and you play you like sounds like a small speaker like you, a on your way out of physics. You just cannot do it I'll, be very interested to compare these and, like so like first point a hundred bucks. You got the necessary,
that's got to drivers in it. It's got a small twitter A larger what're. You ve got it's a big brother, it's a big, it's a big about about spotty bread, tastes, good and then you ve the echo at nine nine dollars, which we haven't heard yet it's got a speaker and then to twitters so its multiple drivers, their competing on multiple drivers, that this bright point an apple only has one and those passive base radiators or are like kind nonsense. So, like can one speaker sound as good as these others that multibillion they are we're going to sound bad. I don't it's like the fact that they have even convinced us that what we're talk Is audio quality is insane. I just I use it all going to sound like three inch speakers,
at Dennis. Audio sounds good, like it sounds like the average person listening to the nes audio is going to be like yeah. That sounds great, like I could drive to your house with, like a set of good speakers from like nineteen. Seventy, two and you're, like oh yeah, yeah. No, I don't disagree, but those are also enormous and heavy and expensive and they require a receiver and a player. And all this other stuff like now. I understand that convenience trumps, all I'm just saying they have managed to negotiate us down to being like This doesn't sound like a potato and we're like is working. It's like maybe they're gonna blow me where maybe I hope, a monotonous. This is that this is the virtue I am optimistic, I'm way more excited about the hope I've many than I was ever about the original, but so I'm a very curious. I think that israel by the home pod, just from the jump Z, way overpriced, although they were regularly.
Has it now, apparently when they get disconcerted by like a hundred dollars pursuing okay, but That's the other thing. The big home pod! I did a review. The number one question I gotta found pod at the time of the euro areas, car use my apple tv and because by does have beam, forming microphones and can do all kinds of crazy audio processing is actually doing it. You will be able some time to pay to whom pods with an apple tv forte? they will in some way delivered all the amazon issue or if I want to be fair, it is what sounds but doing with echo studio in the fire tv for cases last year like they have exacting. So that's why leslie talking to the your tv and it sends an the signal and To those I mean one, but it's obviously better with two others studios. You can blast utmost into the room because it's got being forming in russian speakers all over it, just like the homepage, so heard those I mean. The thing with the homepage is like it's very much designed using madeira
audio. The homepage is a very much designed apple knows you gonna put it near a wall mostly so like it sends audio out in front and in it bounces much audio off the wall. The thing that it wants to do and I feel like for a surround application that might work. You might get that height effect, we'll see how it goes. both amazon and apple have the exact same problem, though, which, you pair this stuff with their box generates. from their box and then, when you go to play your game console you're, like my tv speakers, sound amazing, work with him and asked, and I just you know like maybe maybe Apple arcade is going to blow away the ps in that series X. Then I move I just I don't I don't think so. Like it's cool, it's like overdue. They should have always had it we spend the money into on pods. Do not do it I just buy a soundbar because you'll get way more use out of it. I think apple knows that, though they're not they're not acting like this is a a huge deal. That's going to change everything and blow
off the shelf right. As of now, it's a little bonus if you have a certain how to set up owners of the roma have been asking for this. So there at like that's what it feels like endless, it out, so I will say when I, when I did the sinners arc review, I was very sceptical that you could get height surround and the sense of sound above and behind you from just bouncing. from a sandbar, and it did really well as long as you're in a rectangular box room gotta be in the box. If you're, not in a box. I mostly spend my time in the basement now, but yes, that's where I spend most of my days so yeah. It was great for me and that's a lot of apple stuff too, is there anything. We have not been angry about this isn't something to be angry about, but be also announced new headphones there? Fifty dollar their wireless n dinner. You could say: I'm gonna, let me say this: which from lightening the usb, see yeah yeah. Why It's because no one apple is paying attention to beats
are they paying attention? No, they are not. We split you as we see in it. I didn't deeds are supposed to be there like it. It's their mass market brain now, oh yeah beats like has always been expensive, though forever long knock against beats was that they were expensive, pretty headphones at work. Actually, that good they change at, like these headphones are actually quite good. Now recommend them all the time, but they are still on the expenditure side. The fact that these are fifty dollars and the wireless and they charge you as we see, which is a great pert. I love these I'm by bottom already. Great. Fifty bucks twelve hours about her life charges by yours, bc, pauses and music, when they click together with matters what they should have done in the first place, and they finally added that working from home like they're, just always run your neck. You have to fiddle putting the headphones in and out, no cable, which is good,
and like when somebody in your house walks by and wants to talk to you. They don't have to like scope out your ear to see if you got in here, but in their before they could help they can hear they just see the wire from the neck, but love him very excited. They also I'll. Take the sting a little bit out of the fact that the iphone doesn't with a headphone now, because you can buy what's up here. Decent wireless ones from apple for fifty dollars, with a completely charging standard setting out a little let I've spent beat us the mass market ran in that like they are clearly positioning airports to be. hayleigh writers, all the rumours of the actual airport headphones I find it hard to see airports as not being the mass market brand. They are so immensely popular. They are like as mainstream as it gets. Four headphones are airports right and maybe airports. oh or the premium, and maybe that the over ears that we ve been rumoured forever and having
Come out will be among the pro line and end up there, but, like I don't know, it's it's hard to see what they're doing beats like, like you said like? No, nobody. It feels like nobody at apple cares about beats anymore, because the airpods are the new baby but like yeah, I'm telling you there's years we see on these headphones. It's just a test. where they all came into the office yesterday, the rogue android users are still work at. It beats exactly do in it like they better that it clearly office s really, like anybody call I mean anyone, know anybody now! Alright, but three months from now tim cook calls him up. Like hey my cousin, told me what the hell I dunno like like Steve beats. I dunno Beats such he bought it I know, that's better than amazon right now. That's the boom boom is that amazon moves that amazon? Alright, that's it a lot of stuff to review come out.
I know we ve dissected, invite you detail every measure, this one's spends a great if they do look great, I'm excited to review them and decide to play with them. I, like the blue, the blue looks great wow green. The green was great. I love the green last year. It just an exciting set of announcements to phones, the twelve twelve pro or coming first. The many and proactive coming later allison We are due by the end of the year from apple one arm macbook seems like it will be a big event unto itself. So he also there's one more apple events occurred this year, which is very exciting, but also I give you an actual ipad air with ie for teens perseverance at some point, just a lot of stuff apple will allow it to be released. Marathons now legion branch of work and effort and adjust its We are busy its idumea busy month overviews and gadgets. They'll take our mind off the other cast in the world.
which is the ssc directly regulating tweets. If you're wondering why would interpret the pixels at all, we gotta do the tuesday episode on the pixel reviews and I guess I gotta be David rhetoric from ETA police and of aid from edward central, a very excited to like too hard core andred bloggers that run andred sites about this android found it to be superfine. I that's it I want to say we went over it using a tradition that I dont know how along the shoe was anymore. We went over your head talking this. What format is so well active. Tell me just tell me what it's ok, you can t ass, I met reckless steve leads. I await your call to hers. Backlog Dan is at deasey seaver, like dieter salaries hosting tuesday show I'm on decoder next month. We're working hard, god. I m very sorry. We got some get spoken. Very sorry about that. That's common! That's a vote!
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Transcript generated on 2023-08-23.