« The Vergecast

Android Wear 2.0, Google Smart Home, and Vizio gets caught


This week on Vergecast, we’re in our new office! But our studios aren’t ready yet! So Nilay and Paul set up in a conference room and Skype with Dieter to share what they learned in the tech world over the past seven days. We even recorded it for you! Here it is. 01:54 - Android Wear 2.0 14:52 - Google Assistant on phone and smart home 27:02 - Apple's Ultra Accessory Connector dashes any hopes of a USB-C iPhone 32:08 - Fidget cube 33:56 - Most smart TVs are tracking you — Vizio just got caught 43:52 - Paul’s weekly segment “Please don’t talk to me, can’t you see I’m busy?” 47:13 - Neckbuds 51:30 - The Nintendo Switch is missing a golden tablet opportunity 57:16 - Lightning round

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You're really mean last week, but I that's where the people like they like it. When we tell it down yeah. Then we which are the back up. One leg: what emerged from the flagship pod castle diverge dot com, which is an event like an ephemeral media experience that just wraps around you wherever we are on the internet and that's what I'm saying now, instead of a website The ephemeral media expert at said finds you I'm great at conferences, the verges, an ephemeral media experience of that mean that the flagship is therefore a ghost ship death. It's as I go ship like, in the new johnny depp pirates movie. This is the worst worst allegations are growing at vienna, recycle opponents of its european gathered prior to the pirates and korean caribbean mental motels is our goal.
Anyways this diverge cast were not actually sponsor boasts johnny, depp movie, although John, if you're listening, which I'm sure you are give me a call and we'll boot squarespace right out of here, anyway. This shows actually sponsored by fake vodka brand that I once an enforcing LG g, six news onto the show, so we can talk about it. The brand is called scissor vodka. You can just go ahead and cut right through that night. Snip Snip is Paul. Miller is here well, dieter bonus here, three of us. The tight very gadget focused gadget forward, Is that what the essence resort gadget forward its like a fine wine? Let's try! angular. Some move. kind of I thought there was a this week, because another week of endless political machinations have occurred meeting, everything else in trivial, but I went. We were looking reporting that run any other. A lot of stuff happened this week, a lot of like tech, news
down, so she owing to It- and here I want you to andrew anywhere, because there's two new algae watches there Like The new line that they're using made with our friends at google. That's their figures just help behind a new kind of like nexus descriptor, so I'll, just like we ve got this friend Google and we did exactly what they said and then these are the watches they may there's a sporting style and a new version entered where I think data you even wearing one Yeah I've been wearing this sport which is huge. It is just a really giant giant giant watch and then the style is the limit to small they didn't make. The goldilocks watch is what I am saying to you now so that's the whole point of everywhere to point out, as they basically did the same thing that apple did last year, which was look at this problem.
Platform ago ha. This is too much. This is really gonna complicated and they like stripped out a bunch of stuff and then they put in the stuff that everybody wanted them to put into it, which was third party complications on the watch face and they like fixed up Google fit a little bit and then because their google and there hold in two. Pleasing wireless carriers, I wish my new theme by the way google over the barrel from my wireless carriers. They made it fully support, LP, which Well, why didn't you do that anything to do with wireless carriers? that's why, when these devices are going There are gonna. Have independent wireless connections well, probably bite it, not Going kidding, lad, verizon announced a random white label watch called the where twenty four,
it's not it's not going to take that in order to get these watches to not be a huge pain. You have to spend money on the wireless plan, to have a second device that shares your phone number right and that's enough that costs money which, by the way, why does that costs money? It's not clear to me! It's not like you. You know using extra data, you're you're straight up paying for dick the the fact that you've got another node on their network yeah, but I'm hard pressed to believe that really is worth ten bucks a month to? I don't believe that verizon, a t and t anyway. The whole reason I'm like chasing the school, Behold the carers is its. I think also the reason that they won't just make em. I message com and there are trying their still try to get our siesta happen. which sat, but this is about android, where
edward, whereas the xor by which we can talk about everything else, it's interesting. It's fine like it's! It's it's a good upgrade! It's a good platform dan thought the aps or pre slow. I thought they were fine. The improvements to google fit actually like surprisingly good. You get to watch like a little video of a dude doing pushups on your watch, and then you do the pushups yourself, which is kind of cool okay checks to see if you're doing them right You can stream music on it just directly. You just like open up. Google play music, you don't have to like with sinking the thing with your phone and like getting your playlist on your watch and all that crap. You just play the music you want, which is pretty need. Automatically grabs, the best connection it can, whether it's lt or wifi, or you know, bluetooth from your phone or whatever. Just a just figures. It out and entered pay is on there now You can get a watch with that of sea, which only one has it added the of sport and its freakin huge. Yet
it's you're wearing it right now, so you know I'm wearing. I had the the sport over to loren good so that she could test the exercise stuff more carefully than I could cause. I don't exercise and I'm back on the motor three sixty I tell you I'm super torn because what I what is an android? Where watch? that has nfc for for android pay and maybe a hurry, monitor out an hydrant exercise, but I'm gonna start some day. I swear. I promise and you can't get that with getting the thing that has everything in it yeah, so I'm hoping google actually get some other manufacturers to make some starts at somebody will make something that's in the sweet spot, which is basically the feature set that the upper. Why as and by the way. The apple watch has everything that the entered wear watch has in terms of sensors except a lt e, but it's not gargantuan yeah. So
so really quite apples has had its earnings? We talked with us. Weak gavel, watches they sold, effing analyser guessing now they sold six million of them. by revenue. They become the second biggest watchmaker in the world. That product is doing fine. By sir, whereas one which I think is funny, because I just imagine him getting texts from the president. While he's up there, there, like dubai She just likes his watches boeing. It again, please, please, try, but the epilogue just sort of everywhere, whereas I don't of our staff and the occasional we're like rage, twitter, really some people wearing the hundred, where staff, so that the idea which I dont think is going to be met. italy successful with the idea that the new everywhere watches will work better for iphone use is because it has independent third party hops, You can literally load up the Google play store on the watch itself. Nonsense, install apps!
but no you can also just go to their website. You can go to the website and go to the Google play website which, by the way apple doesn't have and then you say and solace thing and uninstall directly to your watch. So You can do a lot more stuff where, if your pair to an iphone, then you could have before with the last version of andred where so it's basically like a soup. charged pebble, that's probably gonna have better half support through the pebble did, but like the pebble, it won't support. I message: right? I mean Dan sedan reviewed the thing and he pointed out that we kind of know what these are for now. Therefore, the fitness stuff and other foreigners actions and therefore these, like light weight, apps so you think that Google's like bent over the carrier barrel and that's what he added l I think they added elsie, because they can't depend on the iphone at all They want to sell any meaningful number of these things.
android users are like they're not going to buy them like the the stats on what iphone users are willing to purchase. First android users, totally skewed in favor of the iphone owner at the red iphone users. By more stuff for their phones, so they gotta capture some that iphone market, but they can't there never gonna get in on the apples platform. Then their watch has to be completely into and the only way to do it really completely independently, is to build and elsie radio into the cost you ten bucks month I mean apple is just gonna win this war, because found. The I found in the apple appalache will always just pair better than anything else, and I dont in africa watch he is where they're going with it. Yet I do the elderly is just from the physics standpoint. This is never
we're going to work. Oh yeah, this watch has a rest cancer in it. It's just there's so much power and a certain size antenna that you need for lt e and even with the like, the low energy lt stuff, that's coming out, as I was going to say that that could actually work. The low energy lt stuff could actually do it, but it's not here yet the it is possible to make a watch. That is not massive with lt e, the best tweet that I saw about the hundred where stuff was I can. I forget who it was there like man. Elgiva sport really makes me. You know appreciate the galaxy gear who It sounds like it at all. It is a gear eyes in universe and I can write never owned a smart watch here I dynamic, eight apple watch. I did own a calculator watch at one point. A kimberly they're called complications. Yet
It's! It's the opposite! Word of what you want for user interface, yeah like yeah. I get a little present. It's like watch lingo but come on. Oh! Is that, like a watch term, I had a reader rage. Tweeting me saying somebody went through your whole article and replaced all the times europe applications and replace it with complications and access to public order. stared button, actually make a lot since to me that that the watching watches someday you glance and if it has like it's like a little dashboard that shows like relevant information from whatever possible. At that I want to show information from like that. It's like a mix and match the incorrect yeah yeah. It's customization, those pretty cool yeah yeah. I know I looked down at my watch. I see the weather, I see my next appointment. I see the day of the week cause. I am a completely incapable of remembering the day of the week is certainly the date. I see the time and then you know it
I want to feel bad about myself. I put my step count on their orient you're unready emails or or which will call it. What's that thing that we use for website traffic chart You want to try to be, as it were, choppy don't. You know, maybe granting the animal set of monitoring your heart rate is like chart. People fed back into your heart. So this was doing really good. Your heart was racing like feedback heart rate. Just like while your heart rate to some arbitrary web statistic. Well in one thing that I really liked that they did with some of the wearable pioneers that, like mit and stuff, they were doing stuff like affective computing stuff that is like and there's some. I think some reason I actually believe it's mit research on this, like I think they made it a watch. That kind of shows you, like the tone of voice conversation an end. This idea that you can have a complication that said like hey year, you come across a little mean right now: yeah you gotta grouchy
I don't know I had a grouchy tone. Maybe it's like a little frowny face. Oh shoot, I'm going to graduate tone get gotta. while it just as my smile tells you smile ass, we like to think that that those sorts of things like that that you'd say what is the I already inside you, don't even ever really interact with the watch on a regular basis. you- just look at the watch and it tells you relevant facts for whatever your situation is and an area that was the big promise of the first version of andred, where which is that Google, Well cards would start populating it automatically. So you'd show up at the airport, be like it looks, like your mean, basically risk clippy and I think we all know that risk clever, you actually doesn't work, should risk clip works well, but they they never. Out, like I mean, let's all face at Google now did not come anywhere near achieving its promise and Google figured that out and then basically stopped doing. Like I tried to.
use it I'll swipe over to every now and then, but there's never which I never have those like. Oh hey. This thing knows what I need to know before I ask for the moments and it's a black box that doesn't have a conversation with you to really figure out. I it's not exactly google now but kind of that card, tenacity, were elbow, reads or email and creates cards for yeah. I missed the flight. because I, like you, know what you really want to know about his connection. Chicago now now you need not worry, you are not recognising a fly argues, allow its paul. I love you, but you can't blame listening flight and google slow down. This is the literal whole point of technology. Rare, is to augment and supplement own abilities sure re aggregate. Yes right, that at the highest level during flowed window I go to my airplane place
Google, and they tell you the wrong time now, Google failed. You can't you just there's like a few things that you can't blame technology for knowing when you need to be on an airplane, I believe is an atlas aeroplanes, I did I wanted to know so I look on my computer and you don't call up the air airplane people every time part way what I want. I want to just bring all this iraqi wise airline vocabulary. You're, like airplanes, I went on the fly, flop, what's going on voting time, what the you, a general aviation dictionary, speaking of conversational interfaces,
Google assistant on the phone soup weird control, bunches, partum stuff. Which is again weird This gives us a fragmented and undergo the foam. Could already do it in so it's either there rolling out this capability and fragmented way, but this is kind of the story of all these assistance right now. deeds if you decide if you're in elects a guy or do some guy, I'm still bouncing between of I'm thinking about in back into an elixir guy, because amazon just updated Perhaps I ll actually use wake words you're after tat the button and him yes and I have it perhaps sitting around one of the few verge links I ever I am Becky we have a time bathroom I'll. Tell you that so she goes and error since the podcast, like all the time we're getting ready in the morning and so she doesn't want like deep push the button s work is often it's wrong, but the best feature of that thing is you push the button and say connect to my phone, and then it automatically
with your thanks to your phone, which is on heralded feature of that device, rats in the same quality is bad and it looks bad and are you a boom is like a hundred times better in every other way, but the fact that you don't have to fuck with bluetooth settings, you can just be careful. and it does it instantly makes it the winter. So now economic agents for even pushed about you walk into it, collects my phone play, podcast, the maize, that's great super excited site. Would I we're all in annex I ve packed up the Google home get well, I think I've he's in the google home little bit too plain netflix which works yeah. The problem is that you do it and then you sort of never really know whether or not you gonna get like play, pause controls yet a whole. chrome casting egos. stem very bad it like maintaining a state, so
if the veto, as a visual tv, I ever chrome, cast plugged into tv, I do all my streaming over. That chrome cast its great super love. It do you have this prize When I hit play, I'm like a show or an app or something- and then I closed tablet move on. I come back to change something and the tablet as no idea what the fuck is going on and it all the time It's like! Where do I stop this because it is a magical cloud. Video now yeah. But the whole point is your captain. It I get it's the thing. Is you not truly casting from right, you're asking your tv to start watching a file? That's all it's always kind of mysterious. Also the two main things I want to use it with nfl, never works, always rush me. Actually I switched to almost twitch twitch will pop up the twitch logo on my tv actually same within. It fell upon but the logo like were twenty one I thought raising raised. I can cast it from the app yeah when I try to do from
out from chrome on my mac, it's totally messed up seemed with twitch anna within as well I using a sunday ticket or using no sir, the game pass. Oh interesting data. I remember never used on sunday. Ticket works right. That's that's why he switched all the things to comcast cause the sunday ticket app on apple tv literally to make it go for scrapping of said this show for to make it go full screen button hit pause just like justice. Such at embarrassingly bad you. I decision that I switched platforms I would just yeah but would cast. It would be great if they don't quite know, because it's funny it's not just like a technical, logical thing. It's like I e. U ex thing of where should play. Pause controls be now that this is happening at the answers. Like really obvious to me, you should be on in your hand on your phone. That's funny there be like. I would be happy with like if I like, lost my controls that there's always like a cast up that I could give.
there is, but it's not just doesn't do the work teeter. I in europe deeper into this, because your hope you're told J works. This way not enough. They just don't leave a permanent play, pause thing in any hap anywhere you're supposed to be one of the notification shade on android without comes and goes apparently some tvs. If you like, hit the pause button, that's connected the tv, the chrome castle figure it out, limestone by remote doesn't have one I bet your vizio doesn't. Have that? Doesn't it didn't come with a little remote doesn't have a pause button on the little aroma and my little remote has a pause, but I have to look again anyway, We started with the assistance. I still it still. A bit aggravating like the life hacker, actually did a chart of like what the assistant cannon can't do, unlike the four different institutions that it currently exists, and it just weird and every time well, google about it like yeah, you know we'll get it. We just want to make sure that it's appropriate to the platform that you're on, so it doesn't make sense to
I dunno, but like it doesn't make sense to like turn on your smart lights. For I talking to Allah, I'm like yeah you're, probably right, but why not like just do it yeah, I dunno, I mean it. I think Google right now from a sheer execution standpoint is not doing very well. I think they started off last year, with a bunch of great ideas, and we are super high on em all of those ideas and execution level have not delivered I am saying this as somebody who finally ordered a pixel phone. The six hours it was available again, and it will not be here until next month, late next muslim verizon now try to order the about what I think, rise and stores get him in and out, but it's this was her eyes. I did like an apology. Headset thing gave some people daydreams because they are so
so sorry but like this is their push they didn't get there. I think aloe and do oh is products? Are anybody is aloe or dual dieter now now Now the only person I know who would doesn't use it I'll just dropped out of the top five hundred most popular apps on Google play. That is my rough hats. the assistant that we're talking about it seems to be all over the place daydream. The our stuff plants are quite fair about the assistant, the assistants good. They ve been actually like slit low key, adding a bunch of stuff to it. They just don't have that are doing everything like alexa is and it works. It's like fine. I think that it's it's a little bit frustrating that its inconsistent across home watch phone aloe whatever, but that's like I don't know it's it's like complaining that the
here. Shifter in my car is a little bit twitchy when the car still drives. Just fine apple has some fragmentation with. Theory. They just have less place. I don't think so. I dont think serious. Even in this conversation right, I mean series like all over the place. I I just holistically across all the big google initiatives. Last year, it's hard to point to one. There was a home run because they executed it so well. It's all of them are good ideas their interesting. I'm still very excited to get the pixel. I'm just gonna, get it halfway through its lifecycle, because I was never able to order one for so long. That's like Europe, in writing with his assistant. There's this be alexa moment. Jeff Bezos gave an interview to billboard today they put him on like their power list and he's like the momentum is actually taking us a little bit by surprise, but we're going with it. We were built for this moment an heiress after the races- and I think the Google argument, which is
We have more data were actually you know a machine learning company we're gonna win, just cause, we're gonna win it reminds me of of actually like microsoft ten years ago they were like looking at the phone- and I was through that like we saw all the things to everyone, we have to do is show up and we'll win, and it's it's the same. Well, that argument is the same. You can also almost see the flipside a lot of the alexa momentum. It feels it I think that makes alexa feel more inevitable. To me is how many other devices are getting it yeah, which is like kind of like the windows thing and, like you know, I argued endlessly with my buddies down the street. You know mac versus, c in the nineties. You know but no or how polished in great. I thought, o s, aid, you I won't let you know that
power. The market power windows was so great because you can buy any computer at any price point and you can get your own thing. Sir Joanna stern our friend Joanna stern trader, eschew instrument she's, just one of them, Naturally, there are so she too great com, a video speaker. She read a bunch of stuff or a new car and she raged texted me all through the process of buying that car. Whichever on here talk about cars refund on, but the car dock that she picked, she picked one of the oker ones and she picked the lrg one touch, We actually did a story on this. This week too, that's like a magnetic car mount with a microphone in it. So when you take an android phone and you click it in it automatically pairs the phone launches the logic app. In the background,
in alfred's you another voice assistant now google assistant guess which one it offers you Alexa Alex said. While that is crazy to me right, it's literally just a car mount. It's nothing! It's a couple of magnets and a microphone and it hijacks the Google assistant away from your car It gives you alexa instead, which a super interesting to me, because now consumers have a choice. can see which, when they prefer I actually don't know why google hasn't put an android auto app on the iphone. I think it's a huge missed opportunity for them. Yeah. They totally should just appears that Google maps view, unlike some spotify controls and like have at it, but it's interesting to meet it. access in a market position where a company like lodge attack wouldn't just go to Google and say we built a car amount with the microphone. Can you can access to Google assistant, they went and picked amazon, that's store. I mean I just strange. Like it's our the codes already and found the Google sincerity there, but what people want or logic things people want is alexa so,
I think. I think the real answers that amazon's willing to play ball with anybody in everybody with Alexa and they'll, just yeah sure make a thing hears stuff will help If you want to you want all the ip for how to make a microphone array. We all here will hope you'll build it yeah and Google's like yeah no we're gonna, we're gonna, win everything, and so you know it's it's the when you say that, like microsoft, like that's, exactly right, amazon is out are saying everybody make stuff. We don't care google's like do. We want to win so everybody hold on a second will share later when we want to make the car too yeah. So I gotta read an ad, but we should come back which talk about very minor apple, accessory nonsense. That happened this week and then we talk I don't have a video for five seconds just now, but we should talk about the tracking controversy cause. It's it's very interesting to me, actually, betting, that we were back.
Today's episode of the franchises is brought to you by Chris all know, grow lenses again people Chris. All. Thank you for continuing to sponsor this podcast. I don't know if you're listening or not, but it's and it's been ride for glasses. The fingerprints, smudges scratches and glares me a concert, your vision and huge distraction, some diversion- focusing more one. What's on your glasses and what's going around you, that's why? people love chris Nowhere alleges that you be the clear solution possible: laughing resistance to crashes and smudges. Their means we're, blinding where's. Have us headlights. Oncoming traffic will drive driving night, no more fingerprint, smudges front Iraq is on offer scratches from cleaning the ones and shirt and because chris, all nowhere ones, estate clear and reduce distracting glare. Your friends and family and actually see your eyes, not just her glasses in the may know, if your time fuck untruth we'd, better, feel better and, most importantly, be prepared for ever comes your way with clear vision. Go to resolve that combat, see our eyes, yale dot, com and start living life in the clear, the theater. Do you want to walk us through this nonsense, ultra accessory connector situation, where you do this so fast, so it came out.
apple had for the made for iphone program. Imf. I said we're going to support this ultra accessory connector and everyone. Oh my god, apple's make another connector. I know they're, not there's already a connector called the you ac or whatever. It's called that looks like like a little baby version of many usb, basically and apparently If the story is headphone, manufacture, want to build a make headphones without can have cable that will work with either lightning or can work with usb see for edward funds. It don't have had contracts and in order to do that, You either have to build a really expensive cable. It's got. Electronics in the cable will, like you know, talk to both of them or you use you put your tracks in the headphone and use a connection. there and apparently buncher headphone manufactures one wanted to use that you see connector instead of I don't what
ever and that they couldn't usually bc, because your pc won't talk the lightning without extra electronics, etc. Set aside our so bottom line. This plug might show up. headphones so that they can ship in the box a dumb, lightning, cable and a dumb, usb c cable such you could use them with either iphone or android. So here's my quest the real question by the way, if you let him on amazon for one, these cables are called a mini. Eight pin flat. Ok, I have a lot to say about this, but here's. My question simple question: what speeds gonna do appletons beats. Presumably they sell some leads to people who don't have iphones it's one of the world's biggest headphone companies when the world's was profitable had from companies are they going to lock everybody out who doesn't have iphone? Are they going to make usb c specific beats? Are they going to have weird lightning that it's very confusing cause? Some beats headphones charge of a lightning like the beats pill, the new one charges over lightning
should beats headphones. Have many usb here, my various micro micro espy, are shouted, knew you I see and introduce a third connector into this, makes it What are we doing with apple? Would cease or yeah. The answer is, it would be great if apple would use usb c. Vlad is convinced that this news means it's never going to happen. I don't I it's just what you're going to make fun of me. Everyone did make fun of me for the rest of my career, because I think the headphone jack thing is so dumb, but this is what, happens when you get rid of the universal stand, because wanna adorable, I thought it from the trenches. Yes lost my headphones. They also have the dongle on them. Yeah right the level of heads of headphones. I can find in my apartment. Are these two pounds: stereo, monitor type gangs and dumb in the airports with the lady connector, the came with
So now, like every time I wanna watch video on my laptop. I can't because plug a bit, Well, I don't want. I your you studio, monitor things you don't hear together can derive regular oh there somewhere, my like a permanent, but I mean like if I may, the coffee shop or I like me, headphones yeah, you're, screwed, screw itself my a c is by usb sea. Life is wonderful update as I bought and just now received. Finally, a thin six dart power adapter, which, like what is this? What is the site This thing! It's like how snickers bar basically dealers holding up if you in your car and you can see it dieter held up a power. With a look of absolute joy on his face. Yes, but yeah, it's like it's like the size of like half a snickers and it plugs in at the log into the snickers so that it doesn't get in the way of other power adapters. It's got a long, usb c cable that comes out of
and the usb c cable has a regular female, usb port on it. So you can charge something else with it. It's sixty five watts it'll charge, my laptop and my phone both relatively quickly and it weighs nothing and it doesn't take up much space on a on a power strip. I gotta get one of those wow it's great yeah, you should you know, put it on our ephemeral media brand. Well, here's the thing about about this thing. I didn't actually believe it was really going to shit where's. My lightning review your what and I I just made it format a lightning. I need like two pictures and like four hundred words: okay, well, it's on a review of lightning, you didn't think what a quest for a than than doing it upon you. Because do he writes that chad? Obviously even because it was a kickstarter right, yeah, well No, it was there another one that comes like slew of adapters than this. It will make it a usb see version the stupid thing about it is that the plug on the actual doktor? Isn't your speech.
It's something: proprietary, folder that I'd sheila rigging speaking of care, that's right up to the line of the dream and everyone's like what. If this dream was in my mouth What region is reading of kickstarter I like, like hey What am I to do it right now all load up the verge com, a website love to read. Dieter bone has the frigate fidget key. for the last time. I have two of them motherfucker I back there where's my fidget cubes, I go to my email. There. Never change and from the fidget cube people says it'll ship between, like the middle of january in the middle of February it, but there's a tracking there were cooking, the tracking number it's arrived. Have it
So how does it go along the bill story? Just really. I was stuck on the firefly stolen by damn Why should I be high theoretically own, a shipped fidget cube, but I do not possess one. I understand ownership with opposition. That's a real airport psychology book like how to live a better life ownership. Without my pony the can spirits, see theory, so they like every kickstarter. They have. They made a batch and then the first batch was bad and unlike well. We have to redo this and delayed the actual release. The thing story of kick start. But there's a million knock off fidget cubes on amazon and everything. pretty sure that what's happened is the factory that made the first bad batch said screw it. Then they like sold the bad bad. and so if you go to amazon by the knock off you're, getting
original version, that they produced that they decided not to sell, so they can make interesting. That's the conspiracy theory anyway, I mean everyone loves a conspiracy. Speaking of which we haven't oxen, anything that's actually on the run down for this second segment of the votes cast boats, I'm a vision for second. So This is actually to me some of the biggest news of the weak viscera caught. Basically not on their most recent tv. So not the smart cast stuff that I was pretty excited about. Dear again, has a pc, smarter? Tv and so the ones that run Chromecast they're are not involved in this, but all the tv's previous they had a bunch of user tracking turned on by default, and I this is, I think, a dirty secret of the tv industry they're all doing it. They all basically have automatic content recognition or a cr at the.
Display and audio driver level. So they are listening to what's going through the speakers and watching what's on the screen and see basically to see what you watch they can. They can detect it. It's not a complicated technology. It's Shazam yeah. She shouldn't h d c, p block the now we had spent all its other easily reality their literally listening to the sound that comes out and there like watching like a corner of the pixels, and you just like you need to watch that a second or two zadig you can have. A lot is happening in the panel afterwards. Decoded, yes, it's all happening at that level. So, so vizio had a service vizio, it's off to lacko! Now, god only knows that deal is going to close because, like I was like a garbage fire, but when vizio was going to do an I p o and become a public company there s one filing revealed the depths of their tracking. It was actually going to become a separate part of their business, so they are going to have a tv business and then,
data business. The data business was called in scape. There are like we saw the most easily united states. We know what everyone is doing well games are playing. We know what they're watching a netflix, where the only company that has netflix ratings information does netflix fix, isn't release it. It was. It was huge, like a big piece of their time? And we are be you can't you can't escape? He can't so they got hit with a bunch of class action lawsuits. They got hit with an empty, see action. They. Basically what they did was they they kind of hit it. So when you set up your tv, you had agree a bunch of times didn't read anything. So you just said: okay, and they opted you in so did it was the setting was hidden and it was opt in, and so what you would have to do is turn something off other tvs. They bury it, but its opt out, among others, backwards vision.
If the opt out right so sad, he was buried and turned on by default. So you didn't even know that you are accepting something because it was just on other tv's make you opt in, but they hide it in a bunch of junk. So you agree to something that you're agreeing to to the same effect to the consumer, but because in particular, vizio had an opt out system and they were by default tracking. They got dinged by the tc. So now a bunch of is your tv's. Older vizio tvs are getting pop up, saying turn around if there's a whole page on vizio dot com, the tracking is huge outcry. I saw people being like throw away your vizio tv and like fuck this company, and you should find response to throw just throw your stuff away. That's where he wanted to or turn it off tvs, don't do it, but J cataract lawyer, wire they're, turning off the the setting for tracking make sure that motions for things, just do it please. I highlighted the measure of all its friends house and he had motions ruining our tv and, like he's a pretty good friend,
but he's not that kind of friend like I was basically sitting on my hands. I was like. I want to ruin your super bowl cause. I have made the full path, yeah sure nope somebody's house complaining about motion smoothing, there's a little bit of like a bad bad mood here there's levels of friendship, the bottom level where, like you're you're, not friends, is like your friend, but you can't. They have the motion. within conversation ass. You just know, then that's your out and others that one and then yeah, buddy, Alex, is like I don't tell me about this. Train ran on his tv is wrong, but yeah that started the doors open and then his actual tv or about the batteries are dead because you're watching skywalker, they couldn't fix it and we just all had to sit there
and I literally thought to myself. I wish my phone had an ion blaster in it which expects it right it was. It was deep joanne his dad back in. I went and visited join his family two years ago, three years ago, and I turned off motion smoothing on their tv and to this day whenever Joanna sees her dad. He complains about me he's like that me. I screwed up our emotions. Does everyone who lives with bushes weeping and prefer is that? Did they all love like the high frame rate hobbit? I don't know anyway back to the tracking
and Jake castro, ACA is wrote a great piece for us explaining how basically every service does this. If you have an apple tv, you have to go and turn on limit ad tracking, because otherwise it's like collecting data about what you're watching in the service roku's do it. You have to go turn it off and samsung tv's do it and they do it hardcore. So, if you're, when I'm watching football over my chromecast on my samsung tv, it literally detects that I'm watching football shows me related scores and, like news and highlights, are considerable and all the display driver level of the tv. It's like crazy to me, but they don't have access to the it's weird, because your cable box does it to you,
If you don't think of your cable boxes like generating ratings information and the other thing was vizio, wasn't properly aggregating the data. So tivo used to getting a lot of trouble because they collected and sent out, but the whole thing was when we aggregated, so we don't say to you not, we say identifiable all of the markets in california or los angeles or something they watch this the most, and that was fine everyone's, like a little squeamish about it. Videos like this user. We want identify them, but this user watch this stuff and you can target ads to them freebie. What I think I've brought this up before, but what is anybody working on like a completely dumb tv, like I mean they're out there, but the biggest highest and most beautiful tvs are all smart tv's and someone who wants to put like just a step below highest end,
specs in a tv, but just make it a literal of my pasta, you plug htm, I am and then stuff comes out, but if you're a company like vizio, samsung and you're, making this other revenue stream, that's why you can make the tv so cheap, whole thing, but if you, if samson, would sell me last year's high end specs in a dumb tv, I would buy that instead of this year, science backed feel like the real thing, the door he could just not put your tv on the internet. The real thing to do is is infiltrate the corporate speaking gig market with anarchists who can convince suits to not think that being a data company is the most lucrative thing to become the twenty first century. You can't and that I mean hey. I think you it's very easy to infiltrate the corporate speaking market for a pr for like for us and then lie and tell them that data is not worth it
What I mean, I would say, being the big contrary and at the conference that's a winning move right right! show up there. You want to do your malcolm gladwell, like you thought this, oh yeah truth is different. Actually, that's another great, like airport book. The truth is different. The truth is A fly fly worry I like it. I like a naive belief in the hope that, like the companies had that do something like a keep one thing of anger for some reason, just like super straightforward, like don't hide the specs. Don't hide information, just like be just a straightforward nice company, that does things cheap there is some sort of any more from a breaks. I know, but they do a good job. They emanate now it's actually it's a great but like their own. They sell you see. other people like sell you these experience for millennial, our britain,
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if the code verge thirty five, when you subscribe, that is hellofresh dot com. The code is verse. Thirty, five fault: you do a segment every week. Every week, every week it's always got the same name. I've never missed a single time, anyone's ever blown it. It's called. Please don't talk to me. Can't you see I'm busy yeah, So this is a kickstarter called lux afore in its light that you plug in over usb to your computer and it's like a status message from like aim: the let people in your office know whether or not they contact. I can do others two way. I suggest just a lion
a lamp that says, go away, it's a light. It's like a e d that changes different colors. Okay, I could like it could like notify you that you got an email or something like that, but there's plenty of ways to do that yeah. This is this is being pitched as a way to tell your coworkers that you're busy and you don't want to talk to them yeah status, like in productivity tool. I feel like gases interruption, you could just get one of those old on air lights like on Ebay. You can just get an old one, it's been searching. Are you just change it? So it says no, and you should put that on your desk if you've ever worked with a with programmer talk about flow. What's that flow? Is this state that a programmer, I'm sure other people do to get into? And it takes about, like fifteen to thirty minutes, to get into flow
and if you break flow, you gotta start all over again trying to get back in the flow. So that's why a lot of people talk about like the evils of slack or something like that, because you can't get in the flow cause you get here. So you quit all your email apps. All your sausage sounds like doing klug in your lexa before you get into flow yeah way off, Yet you know you flow. It's called flow not like a flow, but it's like you're during the flow yeah, your dear you're coding and like them that the code is magically coming out of you and you don't have to think about it. You have to catch sleep understand what the brackets do and blah blah blah blah you're, not arguing about how many space the tab is where this I call and goes you're doing it here in the flat and then nila walks up hey what you're doing over there and falls like em blogging. I don't had goading here at all. I using especially if I want you don't. I won't I
What a thing where, when my bluetooth headphones, get turned on and my computer, it automatically sets my notifications in slacked snoozy like leave me alone. That's pretty that's what we want tasker for computers, they catastrophe computer, go, went in, that's a thing! It's it's! what automator, automator apple doesn't care about it anymore. I made I made my first successful automated thing. The other day was really proud of myself, so I like to write in markdown but then are like Google docs. You can copy and paste our tf like rich text files, but also are are not cms, worse carotid, media are modern. Media stack also uses artists, so I can write
markdown, and then I select that right click it and then use my automator action which converts markdown to rd rts and then puts in my copy and paste board yeah. My clipboard then paste it into wifi, it's nice, but yeah this this. I can, I confess something to you sure I've been thinking about this for a long time, think I might be ready for now. but next but your neck, but yeah having the same bout say like the beats. Acts are coming out and very you you just ability headphones. like. I gotta see the appeal I get it. I have a plan I had the same headphones for planes at either. Has you might know them flies? Why comfort, thirty five so the plane for christmas, like those nice bluetooth, it's great I dont want to wear those walker and city cause, I'm afraid I won't
or anything and thus be killed because being in total isolation and when you're walking around the city is not a great idea, but I airpods, I have a pair of review. Airpods, don't really fit my ears. Well, other people love them. They just don't fit me. Well, so my what bluetooth headphones should I get and I'm like shit. These beats expert fucking net buds that buds man. I lived the neck beard life when it was like a horseshoe collar now they are the beats extra. Those will be tax or a wire. Now there are more flexible, yes, mother did so goes around that you're still a thing you have our. Does it rest on your collar bone yeah right I mean if, if airports do one thing for the world and that psych get rid of your wearing a bluetooth headset, therefore you look like an idiot, and that gives me permission to wear neck buds. I think I might actually be happy with that.
her cause. It's like super can be just how there needs to be renewed and is what, unlike, if propagated, if I'm wearing my ear pods now my only functional pair of headphones. If I take them out of my ears, like I don't wanna, Jim and in my pockets, unplug them from my phone- and I hang them around my neck, so Paul this is this. Is that the move I used to commute via bicycle? You need to run the wire for your headphones through your shirt, and then you take him. Often they just like an angle from the collar of his shirt. I don't watch out approach him again. I've been watching this incredibly stupid movies every night in an effort to engage in like a real time activity that is not paint well, you know, by the way I just want to point out. My escape from political reality was playing last of us right, but not the direction. I know it was fine. It's like! Okay,
we ran. The story, you you, I'm sure you saw a story about how like trump time is a real thing, so every day feel super long, because you're constantly in like a minor state of panic over what could happen sure you feel that I did not read this us bleeding. Heart liver totals daylight permanent ban as we as a sensitive that I do not remember why you were in psychological pain. That's great you another! for plain it, The point is Why can't I been watching really stupid movies. So forgetting Sarah Marshall and there's that scene where what's his name, ripper brant robert robber, robert plant, jimmy pages in the airport. Russell Russell brand Russell river play anyway, but it he's gotta headphones on this movie by though, if you watch it the technology in this movie
it's not that, although the movie ancient technology all over the place of their face time, It's not even called facetime they're using. I chat, video and they're changing all the backgrounds and it's like the hottest shit in the movie he's got ipods. He like shows him a cd, it's crazy anyway, and he's got his headphones hanging out of the front of his shirt. The way the theaters describing yeah- and I I myself ice trouble you that all the time- and it never works right it because you ve got it connect dear ipod, your ipods in your pocket, your head, hanging down. You move your ipod. Everything like ghosts crazy, but with mac pods you could with you could live that light. Leave the tree national legislations. Let me do the beats ex marketing campaign interest me remaking, that seen from for super getting sir Marshall, be like you could look this cool I'll, try to find the sermons of what
it'll receive a google Jimmy page airport. Rupert ideas are and what you re all button tender switch, and then I think we should bring this to an end. The internet is pretty mad at me really. I said I had an opinion about nintendo and that's not on the internet, but there was a neo guy will say that is definitely not allowed. We have people on our comments were arguing and one of the people said to the other person you're, just a fake nintendo fan, which is Incredible- and I didn't know if I should get in there or I should just like- let it sit there is like a a piece of artwork, I'm like don't disturb it anyway. Dieter continue, a new yoga, so the switch is not others and yoga thread. That agree with me. Therefore, ever I'm right, because I don't know if that's how that works at all so I'm real, the tender switch is not launching with support for netflix or web browser. It'll come later and Michael,
Jane is that I don't trust nintendo to do it later and do it right. I want them to do it sooner, and you know the whole reason. The we was successful was that it broadens the market to non gamers and its clear that, like that's nintendo move, they don't just appeal to the hard core and what better way to broaden the market than do the basic tablet, things that you know my mama now wants to do. I guarantee you. My mother keeps a we in the house for the grandkids yeah. She is never going to go, buy a switch cause she'd be like. I don't need this. I like that. We've got the wii, but if it like would let her watch netflix in bed and maybe do some web browsing and like Hell, put the kindle ereader on that and replace her kindle
by it in a flash heart, but your bike, as I did not want to see things, not the so well, then she must get. It would give her permission and then she'd start playing the videos like she's just by a fire tat. No, this is that the fire tablets actually that the perfect example like this thing could sell to more people if they just like what position did to also replace a fire tablet. the thing that is going to the thing that broaden the market for the wii as it was cheap and it had like fun motion controls. So you could like have party time with your family, and I don't think that that move is going to again yeah, so they need some other move to get one, you know everywhere, on my terms, aren't going to try to make it a fire tablet. Just like amazon What scares me about your your thesis here is nintendo making software
yeah. That's right, like the idea of it and tender web browser, we ve all lived through at once or twice in our lives. It's not a good. They don't know what they're doing kind of situation. The eight like yup, like the idea of them, building an ios and like letting you like. All of that to me is terrifying if they were just to like use, android and not skin it, which they almost certainly buy. The nvidia shield just got nougat yeah there you go and it's just like substantially the same Basically a shield yeah just like I don't know why they don't. I think there's like an easy way for them to do it, and that is the way that and tender thinks they should do it and I think the way than internal thinks they should do it is to zine consumer facing software with like buttons that looked like plastic, blobs yeah, it's like awkward, it's like they took. It is essential that marks and Eric just people like that. Unlike they, don't that's where they, I think, that's my knee jerk reaction to why I disagree with you. Dieter is because the middle east-
which of nintendo because, like they're also like delaying their multiplayer stuff yeah like internet internet multiplayer, it's like you know what I don't really go to nintendo for excellence in internet multiplayer, so I I do think the hook with the switch is this idea of playing multiplayer mario cart with your friends in random places? They don't always had to come over to your house and you had nothing. I dig I I agree. I agree with theater. I think one of the big hooks for the switch could be if you're, the sort of person who travels with a laptop, an ipad and a phone, and I do that all the time I think jeter. Does it pretty regularly? could replace your ipod. What you're, probably using, is a reader and netflix device with the switch, and then he could get related games to have controllers. Stuff yet, and so, rather than like make. I made that argument, but I actually think the stronger argument is there's a bunch,
people who are never going to go, buy a playstation and who are never gonna, go buy an xbox like non gamers but like they've got like grandkids and kids and whatever, and they might be interested in playing nintendo if it was like if they could like justify it and the thing that lets them justify. It is oh, Does a few other things like it instead of thinking about it in terms of a tablet think about it in terms of a row coup you know where the we for a while, but had the biggest netflix install base of all the council's. If they just did that, then you another there go into the store like. Oh that's right that intended. Plus. Maybe I could play a game every now and then and then all of a sudden, you ve turned grandma into a hard core, gamer john and cysts siri, all calling people races yeah. They call it Israel Aberdeen well started with the netflix suspect nightmare grandma.
Yeah we're good at all. The people who are boning people now they're, going to eventually one day, be grandpa. Think about that a lot we just time keeps relentlessly turning assholes in the pair. It's just keeps happening, let's all, let's all just end it. Do we need to talk about areas here? A boy got a bunch of stuff and unless we don't have time to go, get it what's going on in the us again just jake. Every everything is everything's. Unregulated measures. Have she sees you? Russia, Jake is on the beat, I think, as we were. According ass, he put up a kind of a curtain razor talking. What's going on, but adjured pie. He added every day. I get an email about him, changing some procedure at the fcc. How would you say that he is like real worked up an angry right now, he's receives agitated Zaragoza. Maybe that those agitated
We had a chance to add the podcast, since it will say this, you should read the jake article, we're going to do a bunch more we've already had a bunch, but if you're listening to this and here's I want you to do ajit pie is a hardcore. Nerd again, I think he's a super intelligent super interesting guy super nerdy and I know he reads the verge he's on the twitter. So if you're listening to this he's at ajit pie, FCC Aj, I t p a I fcc, just tweet at him telling him come on the verge chest, Make this move happen, it'd be pretty cool, we should do it APOLLO has been asked me to do. I did it today, yeah, but everybody else tweet at me like on the verge, has talked to talk to the toxin don't ask no don't be cool, be fucking dont, go dopamine, super cool him yell at em, but just say pr gadget.
With show. I think it's interesting because but and I would love to hear what he'd have to say, because I've read a lot of his stuff- that's more like oriented towards, like the wall street journal type, yeah audience or to a more political audience, but from the. technical, stable, I think, has some so do a battle. Star fan like belongs in the ship. Atropine fcc sweden sound on average cost me early me with but a bunch actually serves happening. I would very much like content. Nonsense apple higher to guide the guy, who runs amazon fire tv to come round apple tv face required. when, for antibiotic original content We are now Youtube google to music and give a player gonna, maybe be the second. Maybe I finally he's gotta play people
I will say I love youtube red. I just like stuff, there's stuff happening in the world and all these oliver, all the gadget companies and tech companies are becoming content of these things really interesting, but that's it. That was just a little last up to here. It's a lot of content out there. Do you ever think, there's too much content yeah. You should cut your media diet down to the verge on every platform. Let me tell you what this platforms are where at virgin twitter, where virgin snapchat, where virgin instagram, where something on youtube just type in the verge of find it and where the verge dot com on a platform I know and love is the worldwide. nice check it out thanks, timbre, great great guy to your platforms. Podcasts are a type of media that we make we're a bunch of 'em, while my hosts control until we got deep on flipboard yesterday and we're on flip or to around whence like where those numbers of regular and get out of there began. Like. I miss rss feed, especially our that, so you can listen that shortly,
andrew who's sitting right next to me, because we're not yet in any podcast studio interested in all kinds of crazy stuff on the verge extra feed goes in that stuff lauren good who's. Wonderful hosts too embarrassed to ask on the record side: kara swisher hosts, recode decode, Peter kafka, history, recode media, all the stuff is in itunes, go find it. I usually tell you like, give us five stars. I'm changing my little call to action this week, Tell her friend tell an actual human being. I listen to the spot. Caston like it in the meat airlines. Take their phone away, outmoded other found for them It's a little bit more aggressive and giving us five stars in itunes, but I think you'll find that you enjoy far more good good, your friends house, if, if there is a kind of friend that you can tell them to turn our motion,
smoothing they're are the kind of friend that you can take their phone, and you should definitely do a friendship levels. Chart that's pretty good. I I cannot get my parents in the podcast know, like I've tried to explain pockets to them, so we took my parents will sit there and search youtube for like illegal copies of hallmark movies. To watch but they won't download the aps already on their phone. They won't subscribe to a podcast marchesa hard to listen to they are I actually we're we're time. Kara kara was on as reclined spike ass this week, which is super interesting. You should go, read it as recline show somewhere in itunes. Listen, do it, but then he's he's kind of runs, arrival, sister site. Certain just tell em you like diverge better and the docks dot hook. It tells you that
If anybody should go. Listen that but as like listening to it, because I love them both and I was like- I can't wait to just read the transcripts of this, because it's so much I just consume information faster. That way, I think I think it's hard to transition into being a podcast kind of person. Like our show, you would not want to read a transcript of this, though, because it's nonsense, but our show like washes over you, like a comforting, blanket a friendship like this I guess I listen to you for information, I might add, would rather yeah that makes sense, Rock'N'Roll Paul Paul, wait. I don't hold on hold on hold on Chris one. Coming wash over you like a blanket, a friendship, so you'll be able to see that blanket washer three zero, zero, glare. Thank you again to resolve neurons. Its funds are inside your glasses. You know about the fingerprints, the smudges scratches the glares they're, just there just your face literally in your base? Are you distraction
That's! Why should workers on over lenses that give a clear decision possible, offering resistance, a glare, scratches and smudges that me seems my friend's number blinding glare from the headlights of oncoming traffic, while driving number fingerprint smudges from taking glasses on of scratches from senior ones on shirt. You look better, you feel better and, most importantly, you're prepared, for whatever comes your way with clear vision. Go tick, result! dot com that see our eyes, yale, dot, com and start living life and a clear that's our share was seen a shriek, I'm at reckless paul's future paul dealers at Babylon, we'll be back to haunt you forever rock n roll call. Her.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-06.