« The Vergecast

Android 13 arrives, Galaxy Watch 5 review, and Instagram gets competitive


The Verge's Nilay Patel, Alex Cranz, and David Pierce discuss the Android 13 update, the battle between the vertical video apps, and a bunch of gadget news.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Today on the verge gas, new android phones, new android software, the fight between social media, apps and, of course, the gadget used from this week. That's coming up right after this met yet global private aviation leader is known for personalizing every detail of your travels, because net, yet standard is not just meet their definition of perfection? It's to accede. Yours too ever more at net jets, dot com a new york? Presbyterian are data scientists and doctors are combining decades of medical experience. Caring for diverse community is, with the power of data science to one day, get ahead of a health issue before it becomes one stay amazing. Today and tomorrow our presbyterian,
the one of the richest flagship podcast, but incremental innovation, an electron wrappers for web apps day or two, Can my javascript? Not we're not gonna. Do it. we most days we do in a roundabout way, discuss javascript, I think, but this is not the show for you here. Javascript enthusiasts. I will tell you that right now, I make no bones about it anyway. I'm your friend eli house transit here, I'm your friend, who just loves perl, very good. It's my that you're, it's great you're, a student use student, the family and you're in there she's here, yeah, I'm definitely your friend, who is going to give you a long speech about low code and no could try to convince you to optimum.
Is all of the apps in your life, to the point where everything immediately breaks. That's my job, my first email client was in I was in a terminal with a unix terminal, was pretty good. I miss those days was called pine. I don't remember this I might be the one old they were now to get a hacker. Every time you check your email will know is it was at. It was at school in college and aid. They just had a bunch of mac classics at that. by way of the dorm, whenever one stood in a line to log into their there, but shall account to check their email and pine. Just as we didn't have come, reset typing the iron out my steam engine of both were his to stop. What will you do? that sounds like like in it. these when they show like the line of people in prison. Waiting to make phone calls like that's that's. Basically, we use described yeah It was. It was a different time and at no point did we think that democracy would be imperilled, command line, email client brings entrenched it's fun. So here we are now.
Coming to light over the internet data thing, how things are infringed demand imperil the votes cast. You gotta take the good with the bad. You know Whilst I was weak, There are thirteen came out for pixel phones, alot of people refreshing eagerly. Brewing war between the vertical sterling. Rio. Apps is here for tv news, riding around. Let's start with andred We had samsung reviews this week too, that the z fold for the watch five shout out to the front an incredible fake out on the watch. Five video review. If you haven't see, I'm not going to root for it, but I was preparing to like. I was writing a dm two. Her pain like this head is wrong. Why are you saying all of this? With this head? You can't do that and then I kept watching as they are. That's why that's why they got it. It's fine! It's your watching! It's got both David Andrews, thirteen it feels like,
It's like a like an android snow leopard later just getting a lot of stuff right yeah. I think that's basically right I mean a funny thing about andrade at its is always that it android updates come and who was like andred thirteen is here twelve of you can download it cause it hardly like nobody owns pixels ma most people on android phones that are on somewhere between, like last and six versions of android ago, but andred. Thirteen is out for people who want it. It's like it is it's a snow, leopard thing they're like there's a bunch of little things. This is kind of where we are smartphones right. It's like it's to give you some more control over like how it looks and what kind of access apps can have an android, I will say to its credit, is really good job of starting to lake peace. Things together and there, like, you- can tell your up what language you wanted to run in which photos it should have.
As to how it should operate. All these like they're, just giving people a lot of knobs to fiddle with which I actually think like at this moment in smartphones, is a really good idea. Yeah, we should describe snow leopard means again in an old had steam engine. both ways. All member states asked version of what at the time was called maka ten and they just that is not a new features for a year and just make it good they immediately were like an hour back too weird features, and that is what it was. I didn't leave snowford for three years as I care. We are adding this operating system, this one's perfect in every day that I use a computer and was like we must not simply that's like wearing that moment for a lot of software hilariously the developers of madden described it. Yours is a snow, leopard wits and it just feels like Andrews and that same place where their adding things like spatial audio because they need to compete. apple. Their adding things like
personalization may, because any view of apple, but maybe because there's nothing left to do. we'll say the one thing I find very exciting about android. Thirteen is like Google's big theme for the world. Right now is like putting all of it's many pieces together to talk about a bunch on the show, and they're, trying to make all their absence services make more sense together, and so there's this thing now, where you can basically stream your messaging apps from your phone cheer. Your chromebook
I think a is an extremely good idea, because, like sitting here at my computer and typing on my phone all day to message, people is a gigantic pain in the ass that I really am excited for it to go away, but also because it's like it's a good idea and that kind of thing where it's like, I should be able to type on my phone from my computer, and that is like how all of this should work, and I like it very much and it feels like that's like the start of something very cool, but otherwise all this stuff is like yeah. These are good things that are not going to like blow your mind to pieces. Do you think it's like? They just really wanted to hunker down and improve, unlike the stuff they have, or was it the pandemic and the, Development cycles usually take awhile and the pandemic kind of screwed up those development cycles, or both. I think it's both in like in a serious way. I just am- I remember sind, are saying to us on the show, it's kind of a beginning, a pandemic. He was like where well set up to all work from home and complete our road maps. What I'm worried about is the next set of ideas which in a lot of,
please have run into in one way or the other, but I think obviously disrupted and no company is really being loud about how much its plans were disrupted. This also think context, truly, if you actually the state of android right now? At the same time, the android thirteen is arriving. We have Alex easy fold for running into twelve, like admitted that the new, complicated, fanciest, endurance or phone is being At the same time, one of the old version, his ashes, android is, and then there running this gigantic campaign about arcy s, because they know that at least the united states. Getting people leave, I messages or sugar is too hard so like what is the value of firing dozens of new features into android at this moment, when switching usually hard and your flagship from provider is gonna run, They expect all day long like I urge this house by what they think that comparison is like it. Just strikes me as its behind all of
stuff right now, right like on. On the one hand, the idea that, like you can customize the app icons and stuff is like a thing- people love on their iphones- that I think Google is very smart to pick up on a sort of keep moving forward and the like automatically change the color scheme of all your icon, so that our work, but there is also like the one. Ass. Somebody now like the difference between iowa, an android did their functionally. The sam andred actually like has more features most of the time, but I was just feels better. They didn t just does not. I think now, like Google, is pushing really hard on this idea like what, if we make andred feel better and and there this little stuff that that entails, like? I think we're talking on this show about the magical thing where you can copy text from one device and pass it on to another with apple and like now. Android does that rights soon. It will do that if you have to devices that updated, which you won't but, like you get the idea, but I think like that kind of stuff is like I think Google is absolutely right to say: let's not,
insane new stuff that almost no one's gonna use, let's like make android feel better, and I think that is like that's how you get to where apple is. and if you can solve our cs, then you might actually be arguments. People switch. Do you feel like we? had this conversation every year for the past five years, because I feel that we can just do a clip show about that is a re run ourselves say Google is focused. Do you remember project butter? This is a come. That once announced an entire initiative called project butter It was designed to make android smoother, ah, the kind of worked. It worked for a number of reasons I remember that it was called project butter framing too, I guess inroad improve. It. Just feels like that's the gap in No, the google has meaningfully close did on these funds. Then you ve just got what is the reality of android in this country at least it's all of the enron funds are sold, samson, tell
then someone else comes in and like does, however, they want andrade. Samson phones are smooth in their way in itself. It they're not just smoothen likes sons way, which is a lot of china. Redirect you into a samson lifestyle, get deputy brave, he turned out interested Hamish way, shape or it's like that sure carriers can put up some this phone like there is a different. Experience to that. That has just mourn the business. In your face? More with a samsung android phone socially via one, a major carriers, whereas both to its credit as you like, there, businesses in your face all the time but like they managed to hide it better, I don't know absolute is lake, and there were some news about this this week. That apple is now preparing to put more ads in more of its antonia search results, if, like that- and it's like they're kind of creeping towards each other, like Google, is getting a little cleaner, little symbols simpler, samson,
even has really pulled back over the last couple of years. To the point where, like I used to hate sam songs, you I choices and my recommends as always like, run away from samson software as fast as you can buy its hardware and do some weird stuff and install launchers, like samsung suffers, get, and it's like yours, to see the business of apple a little more as an it is starting to move their just moving towards each other in this really interesting, not necessarily great way all the time. It's also interesting that apples, blake hardware lineup, is getting more fragmented, whereas, like Google's been dealing with fragmentation for a decade now they they know how to deal with. and apples, like I gotta figure this out and we get like slowdowns. You want old software. We got a generous and do not having figure I mean they had in the same likely devilish aggregated, like police services from android, and they are better at up to It's no sign more aggressive deals to foresee updates to happen.
but really the solution to enter and fragmentation. Samsung one, the market, yeah and so like it's not that fresh wave and legal. they had a deal with the challenge and, like think about that challenge in a way that apple really hasn't had to like ever in its phone market. Right, like apples, never had to think about fragmentation, and now it's got. What sixty four screens or something that is yet another they're gonna delay. I've had to us and we have heard by rumours that my phone or some event where soon from the usual in september was first such member Kennedy, a home pot event yes of timber. Seventh, I think, is the date mark governor portends, all whom pots and apple tv is get excited I mean I would draw out of it with bells would have like I'm here. The most most plugged in persons event? Let's talk apple tv, the whole time. No one already hit me craig
Just let me alone in the field. Looking at the giants, remit come on make a tv. and then just ten card command saves like now not only leaves. I need I will get it right, maybe it's time to change events. What if, instead of holding product launches they just one person who want something really badly and an see other company just denies that person what they want. It's really close to I a more coverage, dec but disappointing one person at a time. That's our new events strategy. I think it'll go really want speaking of the sampling phones, reviews are hitting, so I also if old, for viewed the ghastly much five besides he felt for since a pretty into this phone, is very expensive but she's like this most gadgetry gadget you can get and you won't be disappointed with it. Rose, improved the andrade tab.
ecosystem is still whatever it is, but I think we are seeing this last week like I've, just I arrived at iterated their way to a workable folding phone, I think the camera, it's super exciting here, actually cause that has been cause like. If you're going to buy a fold, you kind of get into the fold, knowing what you're getting into right, like it's going to be a little more fragile, it's going to be a little bigger, so you're like it's very hard to buy that phone and not sort of understand those tradeoffs, the idea that you're spending all this money and getting a worse phone than samsung's other herb or worse cameras, rather than Samsung's other high end phones sucks, but now you can get the feeling that, like samsung now has sort of done all that it can right and it's it's still a little big. It's still a little fragile but, like it just is where we are in like science and materials, chemistry. Ah android app are still bad for big screens. You just can't get good tablet, apps for most android apps yeah, but otherwise simpsons of
put in its best feedforward here, which I find super exciting it still eighty hundred dollars, but it's like it's a very good phone, also turns into a tablet and that's like about or you can ask for it. I like how thorough alison was in this review like she tested the flex moat. She did it she put it in the studio she she put. She in silent silence had known on the show is like. Alright, the people demand people. My bosses demand tested. In fact, I guess we'll have a somewhat harsh mountains there then again, samson has done a number of things. This phone did. legitimately the future offence right yet folding or not right, either huge pixel, been sensor has been the future. or minute, but they never find it to a place where the worship, while the un you're display camera still a little weird, but it works really well like they say it pretty. Well,
His description of it was very funny to me. She described that as the the visual aura that you get right before you get a migraine headache which is not what you want to hear from your selfie camera, but as an under. Screen. Camera is like it. She kind of landed on like it does the job right like it's fine, and there are also forty thousand other cameras on this thing that you can turn towards you in various ways. So it'll fine, but here I read that's the kind of thing that like give it a couple years and that's what all front facing cameras are gonna look like debt It simply has just historically good at throwing things at the wall and then slowly, iterating them into until apples deals and pretend they invented them and, like you know, it's true I just think this. This phone for versions in is to keep saying this. I don't anyone of its treaty more because the software and ecosystem lock are so hard, but here what like a new gadget, I can't think of a or gadget at this point in time,
I've been saying things like phones are the worst gadgets. What five years like go by a new tv or upgrade your sambo? I thought if you happy and then we're looking at all of the sales from all those companies, it's like. Oh everyone did that already. Are you trying to find a new category gadgets? It's like it's! Folding phones, like they're here, I, I think it's using its falling funds and not like the steam deck in those kindly little game councils. I know how you, in short, he asked we're sean, get him on, get him on the line liam calling pair nintendo, weakens to the fold fork. Is there there? It is near zero magical gadget like just get a guarantee print a little case for it slotted in make your own switch The student. I actually have something I need to go. Do sorry, gotta go, do that Somebody get me a three day. What I didn't see marquise like a great category of yeah. I just I just think one is gadgets where even screw with it, but at some point you, the gatt,
playing with the gadget element. It receives You just end play a video game right yep, which is great and fine and fair. but if you're in gadgets, further messing with the gadget element of it having the folders a superior caution? Three any sense! Yes, yes, I think that's probably right I mean I disagree. Dosages gives in vienna to do like, like at the end of the day, with any any gain consul yeah the pointers play video games straight. That's true it was like sean and the point is to like buy steam, deck accessories and then augment the steam deck into a full laptop and then run the very least. I want my steam deck to like run pie, hole like turn it into a little sir just have
do all the things like everything like there's just so many weird things I can do with it and just mess around with it, and I think it's probably the linux of it. That makes it like supreme gadget for me cause I'm like it's got linux I just get into linux. I can just get into the command line, and I can't do that with with this phone, but also I appreciate that I can take this phone on a plane and like mess with it as a gadget, and I could not do that with a steam deck. I would just play video games with the same deck or I would accidentally break it. Those are my those are. My two would also without that I think you could buy all three skews of the steam deck less than fair enough. asia. I agree like I think- and I wrote about this when they announced the the depot for it like. I think the thing no one has done is make the case for why this thing needs to exist and, to some extent this is like the the like ongoing.
Question about the ipad is like: why do you need an ipad and that's it once you have one you like kind of get why its useful, but there's? No. If you were like, I have a laptop and a phone Why should I buy an ipad like it's kind of a hard question to answer, and I think the same is true for this. It's like it's cool to have big screens are good. You can watch videos dancy for one shut up about watching all of the halo tv show in bad as fold like that's all great, but there's no, there's no reason. I would like to tell you to go If your away and spent you know seven or eight hundred extra dollars to buy this phone. But if you do and it's a thing you want, it does feel like infinitely fun to play with in a way that most phones are not fun to play with right now, and this goes back to the android thing right there, just like they're tuning and tweaking and and samson is out you're. Just like we have some new ideas, we don't really know what they are. But let's see what happens now, could I will say that
retorted the z flip last week. The number of people who had us up to saying that they see flips in the wild very high a thesis is correct. I got a train like three hours after we recorded in the two people sitting closest to me both had z, flips it but it was like a sign from the universe that was like David people use these phone under way like I've heard about this move called the swollen flip. Take it very seriously. I do not, however, see or hear we got a z flip review yet to come. I think that is an important one, but so the watch her quick. Second so watch I was out, but you said you gotta just watch the video is, it said incredible:
out from the imf, but it seems like the grand samson Google aware, o s, experiment is off to an extremely medium start: gas. That's like media me. He shiva mean hate. This watch like he didn't outright hate it, but it still all the promises not there. They have not delivered on the big was being promises of this collaboration. Instead, they ve done like when there's nice things this just a bunch of like really basic stuff that it's like the guy. I have made the case for years continue to believe strongly that truly the only thing that matters is battery life. Yes, thank you, you can, you can add all the stuff you want after you give me a battery that is going to last ideally days, but at least, though. all day without ever having to worry about it and like the fact that samsung is still not there is, there is a real bummer and a big problem I think,
That also means if they haven't really changed the design at all like She said the only only way I can tell the difference between these two is that the strap colors that's not show for the present it's like the purple size, it looks pretty. I saw it in the office the other day when we were there. It looks very pretty. I miss the physical bezel. What are you gonna do, but I there's just this moment for the android ecosystem, where, like everything is a two thirds approach to where apple is and is going like, we are expecting in september or october, or whenever these apple events are like a huge next generation of of smart watches from apple right. The big outdoor watch, the competitor to the garmin, the big update, apple's chip lead, is enabling
in it better battery life now the size that they put out a bigger watch that can shove a bigger battery in there. That lie just seems like it's getting bigger, not smaller. You think you're, one hundred percent right. I think that's right, and but I do wonder like how much google actually cares, because they think that carolina, then why did they suck so much the struggle to think how, if they really care and input better research, a good question to ask on board so many things, Are you care what you suck, This is a seriously when max, like throws attention like maxim: you combating she's, a try the very door. I appreciate it, but it's like global. You actually have to dig you. Gotta do is like a child,
I know I know that's the big Google right. No, that's the big google trick. Yeah, Google named itself, Google and it put a bunch of colors and it's logo, and we think that it's a kindergarten and it's actually the most ruthless company that you can think of, but told Google everyone's like are Google, and it's like in the background and we're knifing you like I say no, they're doing. They know how they make their money. They write like sir, a huge business for them youtube is a huge business for them. They are very good at running those businesses. It's here whether not in control of their ecosystem, that they struggle to find a compelling narrative. or they struggle to do things like by each dc and turn the pixel and new competitors. Simpson- and I think I know I know the care- we know- lots and lots of gray. We know one very well in particular, I know it caroline, but it's I don't think they have the moon, so I don't think they can directly produce the products like we maybe
they ve got the pixel. They have announced that there's a pixel watch coming. Maybe those things on the actually take control of their ecosystem will become these competitors, but here where they sign this big deal a samsung to do where less on this watch like their their ability to execute like ends and samson ass, take the ball and keep running, and since it is not a bad hardware company, we just such what this tom. We did this before we have a new dynamic. Samsung is party
for some reason in this category, no one can get. I think I think something is part of the problem because they historically spent years thinking like very much hindering their whereabouts and be like fitness bands are for ladys and smart. One boy said: isn't it quaint and q, and so there's like catch up there, that they have to figure out there's a lot of like just there. There don't zine philosophy has to catch up in and actually consider apple and not just chase like the ghost of fit bit from six years ago. What? But it's also the old thing I would add that is Google keeps making the mistake of having an unbelievably short attention span on all. Yet is enough and end like two things to your point about apple silicon me I like that is a long term project that is like really only coming to fruition for well now, and they ve been investing in that for ever, and the idea that,
Google is just going to decide every six months, whether or not to care about making it's own chips or smart watches or to kit like it. Just can't make up its mind long enough to get good at this stuff and so we're basically back at like the first and second versions of these things, even though it feels like they've tried them a million times before so, like my expectations for the pixel watch are super low, because this is functionally like the first ever goo. smart watch, even though it isn't, but it's like you, you don't at least from what I've seen a lot of this product development. Like you, you can't start stop and then pick up where he left off like an accident work like that, you end up effectively, sir over every time and sue. You just keeps shooting itself in the foot. Here I mean it's true, I think, most most clearly in tablets right, whereas apple spent, avalon, just insisting that the ipad was the future of all computing and then
tis slow. We realise that people like their laptops internally, I've had it with expensive laptop shore, but I kept at it right there like. This is what we're doing we've made. This bet we're gonna, keep going with it. It helps if people bought a lot of ipads along the way, but Google made the same that made the same noise. I was there at sea ass when he announced andred honeycomb the motor oil I board god like I've, we live through it all together as a family and and then they dropped to like no one's buying. These no one cares I could buy and they let motorola and lenovo and samsung keep putting out two hundred dollar android tablets, mostly for people to use on the content, consumption devices or for people to give to their kids right like that became that market. Like here's, a thing you can break and then they really
it folded. Walls were going to be big literally and we gotta be getting tablets going to they've, announced a new tablet project, and so was he just kept your eye on the ball and made some incremental improvements he'd be way farther ahead than where you are right now and like I don't know if that's quite, is true with watches, but I do know that they keep. They ve now bought big companies that are theoretically good at these promising bought a she see to make pixel phones they bought fit bit to make wearable and which have seeing the results it. Maybe that's because actually see, was not competitive and that that was not competitive and because they don't care like that needs a huge company. This isn't their primary space like, as was at its youtube. It's it's
the ads. This is a youtube search yeah. This is this is very much like a side project for them and until it really shows returns and shows a reason for investment, it's never going to be an investment, but it ends up being that chicken and egg scenario cause it's like. Well, you never invested it. So it can never be really successful, well, yeah, but if it was successful, we'd invest of it and it's like oh alright, we're just gonna argue with each other and in far out another alike. Sometimes I get a real window into your previous courier and, if I may, on company danish Y see psychosis uniting us. and I think the other thing is- and we should stop talking about this here in a minute, but I think, Google has also been a terrible steward of its ecosystem. In this sense, right, like Google, has never for one minute, given any android developer a reason to think oh. I should really invest in my where, alas, app because, where o s basically like ceases to exist once every two years and then comes back as if by magic, three years later and its
with large screens and like apple just relentlessly, told developers for like a decade tablet apps matter, but that's matter tat, let s matter, and then they have actually got all got on board and our apple has this amazing ecosystem of tablet. Apps that Google has just never giving people a reason to care and so when it decides to care. It has two like scramble for six months to try and get everybody on board and in the eu or decides doesn't care again. I don't know yet. I would say that I am not sure that apple made, the emotional apple finished a turn with the watch and apps. Right, like that's fair, now in many ways, apps on the watch or stole it it's better. Now this is too reductive. I understand and are making in a sort of unfair reductive comment here, but in many ways apps on the watch are still just remote controls of your phone.
extensions of your phone, and some other important matters is there's a few that our great standalone wash experiences with the very few in their very targeted and on the ipad it's you now. Some of them are great somewhere, really really great. I've had ups, but then he looked at them. spirit in the ipad line between the three hundred twond I've had ended. Oh and it's like yup. Some of those apps are designed for this market and a lot in the ipad is a lot of continents on the bottom. Just the fact that I can describe that in a lot of people. Listen to this understand when talking about is a victory for apple. Right, even if what I'm describing is not a victory in the context of it's own application ecosystem or where it got to with developers, are replacing the mac all this other stuff. It's a victory that there's enough stuff that I can describe how that it's down hers. I don't know that I can describe to you a single where wes up, that is anything but irma control, the phone or even describing aware lesson. I think that's like the problem with
Walls like ecosystem is a problem honestly. What to the wash five beyond its like battery life? It's that it's more of an imply. It's a feature phone, a feature, watch more than is smart, a that's an old debate. Right, like is, is it ruth commuting. What is a computer? Is this? Why, computer, or is it just a really really fancy counted? It is it's a feature found nearest there's someone out there and I'm freaking me than the first irish I found was just a feature fund because it can running about cohesion ecosystem, and I want you to know that I love you ah you're, my people, yeah. We we all agreed with that. That's sweet or we should take a break. We gotta come back and talk about the war brewing between vertical video editors. It's a real one, top flew right back, the, support for this. Podcast comes from pollstar, designing an s. U v, for the electric age means designing wooden suv can be introduced.
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to learn more visit to good yogurt dot com, slash one cup, less hunger the back? We ve labelled the segment tik tok to grim spiritual. David. What does that mean in your mind? So we ve come to this beautiful place where all the answers same there's, just only there is one up and it is it is. It is a false, vertical video and where it comes from. you do there and it is is not important- is its Your phone is just called up now and you open it and it video for you and you swayed vertically, and that's all that happens. This is the but we have some who come to us. I woke up it's gotta have apps huge me looking out for five hours and I'm like yes, I would thank you The app is like when it. What does that word invidious? Come from? I don't know it just in anything,
if, like dances and I'm like yeah sure I feel that, but I feel like all the sub apps really want you to know where the apps videos come from. Oh, it's so import. to them it's a variant. So we should point out just a plug land of the giants. This week is also talking to the future, facebook and discovery engine in the future, the news feed, which is basically trace, we're turning facebook into app. I therefore discovery engine, that's a good place to get essentials into so here's the thing about app ticket specifically tiktok, if you just zoom back what tiktok is not so much the experience of viewing to talk sets great, that's very important. It obviously is winning and ever and scared of it and throwing their hands up in rebuilding their access to talk. Shore. That's the consumer side right, that's the watching, Tik, tok, side,
report of takes off that, I think is under covered under discussed under reported on. Is it it is a video editor that, like lord, groups of college students have all learn to use like expert video editors it guides you into making kinds of content that very few video editors have ever guided anyone into make em like that piece of Tik tok. Success is fascinating to me like the duets in responses, but are they called the stated in the stitches so duets in stitches, like they have done the language of video humiliation and tiktok, and then there are tiktok. Challenges like you see that tik tok is expressed to its users, is as much about creation as it is about consumption I think that super cool I totally agree. I just wanting Tik tok, invented that, like I think
I would say if you wanna go back and fine like a house style of vertical video like snapchat, is the answer buena that everything I had designed to bring it up. Don't talk to fine All my favorite tik tok accounts are just old vines and I, like that's a wholesale sort, but I think like- and this is part of and we should get into some of the news from this week, but I think that the thing that you're getting that super interesting to me is that, like we are now in this place, where it is just for. Video and everybody setting about where it comes from and who sees it not all, but like the thing there I think start Two realises that like if we can build the best creation tools that actually one big huge way to win and likes wish I'd had the filters and instagram is starting to build really advanced stuff and tiktok, like I think, you're right. That tiktok has like developed this to talk to you, that is a language of cinema in a really cool way and yet ended it in a huge way for sure but like if you just step back like apple tad, I movie dead clips,
dear sweet clips, which only deter about overload. I forgot about that right. They What apple had was a creation tool that a lot of people like me- and I was an a kid against dimension- a pill both ways. How is me- and I didn t know meter- footage- offers sony camera on island there were sending tried to rebrand firewire, as let's do an hour on that. I whole hour with union, lie on that. Very everybody firewire, eight hundred at what happened at one hour of the votes cast. Can I just say why didn't gadget years ago, when apple finally killed firewire, I made an entire video montage of fire imports set too yeah. This was before tiktok existed because it's sort of like a perfect. I talk, so I had to go. Get a o l, custom video player and be like. I need to upload a video and I'm like. What's the content as like, I don't want to tell you Did you ended it, and I made it away and watches
that was the day well went out of this. You should leave and start your own website needed, but apple illustration tools. It never had a distribution platform yeah right. There was that it was not their fault that in creation, is recently important, youtube famously is still best, most lucrative preferred distribution platform from us. Every internet creator that's got the best revenue is the biggest community aid. Schwartz's outperforming maintain shorts again is up as expressed but youtube good. I dropped the ball immigration side almost completely like to be a high and youtube where you have to give in to adobe premier or final caught, or make videos about. My final cod is actually good and you get a million years like that. It's just and I ve been a place for youtube, doesn't copy, create anything there starting to that insurance because up, but it's weird, that the biggest distribution platform never really cared about the crucial element.
what am I think takes up is the winner. Is they married those two things in a gigantic way? Yeah totally snap in stories are filters, did that sort of, but there is no valid associated with snap, takes off his like vitality per day. Plus this huge creation tool, but now you're selling the right device to write like that. They put it on the right device. They didn't put it on your your computer, they put it on your phone, which is what most younger people are using as peter yet. No that's all right. I just funny to me that there is consensus. There has been this historic spot checks. Outclasses split, the navy instagram you ve got youtube shorts. You ve got Tik tok. They ve all got these powerful creation tools in them and they are trying to gain keep the creation tools in the lock them to their own distribution cassettes, whether money it and historically creation tools have not been wedded to or tied or limited to one distribution platform. Does it ever blow your mind to think about the fact that this is like the wire
carriers, not wanting to be dumb pipes, and this is why all the streaming services dont want to play with universal. Because they all want you to hang on insider their absolute. Every Three is the same. Some been Allen's change, but everybody is like everybody makes the same stuff and then goes. Oh, no were the same stuff. How do we make sure people think of us is the same as everybody else, and then does this, and this year and the answer is software restrictions and one was in one or more so This week youtube shorts. The editor will now put a watermark if you export out of youtube shorts and repose in wanna. Take it somewhere else tat I stick around. This is our own social team discovered this this week in syria a really powerful green screen tool for real serious using it and they were exports, video and use it for ever other. stuff now instagram him just mutes that video, when you export it has no
audio. Unless this is my third parties, unless you share at first on reels yet which is fantastic, Thirdly, do whatever you want just put it on wheels. First, I mean, I just think that There's something here where the idea of creation tools being locked or tied or limited to. Tradition is new in the culture right. That's it meaning fully new historically again, the creation tools have never had disruption connected to them and the distribution platforms in the recreational creation tools them now like what, if we software, lock you into this garden, when do you think they start charging? suspicion is that people are going to react to this extremely negatively. You don't either going to discharge people they like, oh, you wanna, unlock it. You yonah export it wherever for two there's a month to instagram. You can do whatever you want with a video you make for us. I don't think I would actually like for honey,
dollars a month like the lifetime value of the instagram library. Getting bigger, yeah is bigger than any dollars that you could pay them, as a consumer leaves you gotta do them, that's right, like instagram, is staring down the barrel of a ten billion dollar tick. Tock shaped gun yeah. How are you going to how you gonna make that up you can't it's up to dollar and they all see each other as super zero sum, which I think is really interesting like it does. The idea that these acts are not in a position of being able to like just sort of lead, a thousand flowers bloom and be like you know, there's enough attention for everybody. People are on our app, they are like directly threaten by each other now, which I feel really interesting- and it is like the only conclude I can draw from that is that they have all begun to understand that these serve the same purpose for the same set of people and that, ultimately,
only one of them is probably going to win and everybody kind of thinks it's gonna be be tok, so so they are like desperately fighting against that pull away. If, if I'm youtube, I know that that I would necessarily feel like I'm essentially threatened threatened by tiktok. If I wanted to go to a different thing, but now youtube is like no, we have to fight with tiktok and they have to take every advantage. They can away from tiktok, which I think is fascinating. So youtube has the big advantage which, as it has the best revenue share programme for all those platforms for actual creators, make money platforms no one makes money into talk. As far as I can tell you. I won't say the dreaded de word here, but there is another very good podcast where I was about to bring it up. Hang green was so good on decoder, are you so I said that I was interesting and cleans like no one makes when he took out. But that's where the audience is, it's also easier and cheaper for me to get there and his feeling is like all of that adds up to his youtube audience growing this business. Doing
but he also said youtube. Shorts is growing faster and once youtube flips on the money which they already can do. They've already built the model, so they don't have to go and explain it to the board of directors or model like they already have it. I think they might win, because people will obviously go where the money is and that's great, but it's not going to solve them like long tail problem with tiktok, which is there are lots of people on tiktok who are not there to make money yeah right and they're, just having a good time with a cool video editor that happens to reconnect to the distribution platform that might make you go viral at any time and deliver you one hundred dollars from the creators fund and that's like a good enough incentive program compared to tj, where everyone wants a career as a youtuber, and that is a different game to play. I just kind of ask cause. I wonder why people there is this big existential, like crisis, for a lot of these app makers, because Facebook meta
google, they have like the endgame unlock. They know how to monetize stuff. I make money in tik, tok does tik tok is tik tok making money hand over fist click to bring it fine again. Is it a very large area back to treat a raid in so like nurse who turns out his black boxes of elba by dance? We don't know how by dances doings guy, but all the reporting suggests that takes on advertising in spite of their clutching those dollars and like the music industry, loves, tiktok and tiktok loves the music industry, because, if you have If you are beyond saves record label and publicist you like these sums are getting a viral this week and tiktok will all, but certainly make that happen for you, That's it. That's a revenue generation, so that so like that's, why they're scared right requisite tik tok is the culture like
better or worse? If you listen to us and to talk like takes up drives a massive amount of the culture now because of its ability to generate vitality. the ability to generate trends and the trends come and go in a blink of an eye. Rebecca Jennings at boxes has written about this very compellingly. Like you, don't eat it's impossible to be a trends reporter anymore, because all the time rapid happening all the time and then they go away like see. Shanties do not say anything about the state of america went for one week. Sea shanties were very important to everyone, because it just happened, and then it went away and as a rebecca pc sugary. That's pretty good, but instagram is nothing anymore. I used to be, and I think they feel it going away youtube. I don't have one ever that thing, because it was always everything yeah right, like We were covering youtube stars and that that period of youtube, when we can cover youtube stars like they were aliens and we're explaining them to the work
It's like that felt like a thing. We are actually doing like here's all culture you don't see over here on you too, a little but others like everyone like david data in india, the culture, large and youtube is still manufacturing, so those moments, but not merely at the rate of tick tock, and I just think, Fundamentally, yes, it is a zero sum. You only have two minutes in the day and if you want app, Tik tok right now is best app yeah? I think that it will, I think, what's what's gonna be interesting. For me to watch is like the upside of courts for youtube is that it can then, but I think that the company closer to sort of being able to wrap. All of this together is probably you too. It has the giant audience short sea? to be taking off it. Has them. position strategy. It's like youtube is, is
sort of the end point like even people on Tik tok make their tik tok money on youtube. Like that's. That's where you go to make your money, so tick like youtube, is already solved the hard part of this. What tik tok has not figured out how to like build home bases for people who do this for a living and really no one other than youtube has ever figure this out, and so I think it means Like we see all these rumors about tiktok, what trench twitch figured it out to assure you that that's her twitches like a specific needs of the world, but has devil figured out. That's all it there, but I think other than those two like facebook, never really figure it out. our job as a figured it out, tik tok, hasn't figured it out and I think, like you, look at like Tik tok music, which I think is is gonna, be a thing that exists and has been rumoured forever, but is them trying to build an end right, like you come to tiktok you go to lincoln via, and you leave eventually to go. Make some money for somebody and tiktok would like to pull more of that back in, and my sense is that's hard, but whether it's harder than
Getting people to spend three hours just scrolling through videos on Europe is going to be. Like the big question, for you, I mean it. It's hard because you're, seeing like a lot of these, these fandoms for these these followers, and so are these creators and just phantoms in general you're, seeing that that huge decentralization like they they aren't. There aren't hubs for these people anymore. It is all just word of mouth and in sharing and and all these back channels, so I think that's really really difficult for tiktok, which is why I keep coming back to like his tiktok built to last like yes, anybody can be really good at like creating the culture for a couple of years. We've seen it again and again and again anybody can do with glee. Was the culture? glee did not. Last sorry, I'm sorry, I do not agree with you. There really was a culture. It was unfortunately very much like the ones I was in percent on upon gas with you like musical theatre, kids, and I just need to tell about this issue, but there are
things that like it's not regardless of if you agree with glee, there are these various things that are like this is the center of culture. This is what we all care about in an especially for young people, which is what most have tik tok audiences, my dad excluded. He like watches at every night. He calls it like his show his talks music I get in bed now watch my tik tok. It's like historians story is its gay, but like for the most part, is younger people and in the way they do move around very quickly, and this is like it is hard to lock. People end right now, lock people to like a specific up, and so I gave him I'm still not sold that tik tok is gonna, be this huge behemoth. I think it's very, very successful, very, very right now, but, like I dont see where that long term game is beyond music partnerships and even then we ve heard like lists of doing great traction on Tik tok, isn't necessarily translating to sales for Elizabeth
so lake. Well, nothing translates the selfsame against us. Here is like where it I just don't know how long this last for them before people get philip tik, tok tik tok its cancelled by the teens they all move on to what discord youtube. They all just come back to youtube and that I can be heard in this place. I desire is think to talk. Talk, talk at its current rate is bound to succeed. You, because it is one supported by the chinese government, has really wanted to say and actually its biggest ice. An existential threat is that the united states It is aware that the chinese government support sector and might one day just turned off much will remind you that a previous president decided he was just going to do without a plan. And also to make us oracle go by this hey, you got some money. Just do it. Our goal is taking over the tick tock data centers like it's a wii deal over a tick tock land. There really is a white,
like sliding doors moment like just to tell I derail this just for one quick. Second, like imagining what this like august of two thousand and twenty two would be like if oracle or microsoft owned, tiktok and like the culture had changed around that the last two years is like, like our we're gonna do a tenth anniversary lake. So it's fiction in reverse like what, if microsoft own text and I'm already excited about it, I will remind you that such an adonis he was at the code conference was like. That was some of the weirdest conversations. I've ever had yeah, here's like we ought to be in it cause like. How can we not try to buy tiktok feels like he was weird, and then it went away for the best weird I I don't know like. I don't know if it was for the best, like I'm not saying that the operation, that version of our government was ever stable or smooth. But sir, times like the broken clock twice a day like there I take stock. Is
by the Chinese. We should take a harder line about it, yet I might add that might have been I think that is coming for tik tok much more than jens Z, deciding that what they like is reading long blunt I'm tumblr again, which would be amazing. I would love to see if that is the next move its. But I don't, I don't think that's likely So here's what I wonder about this is thick. Does this mean that the next thing we're gonna get is like a really powerful cross platform vertical video creation tool that does all these things, like part methinks somewhere Evan spiegel and the snap executive team are just like. Leaning back in their chairs being like come make stuff with us. We don't watermark, let's, let's hang out, but then I also wonder like he is: is the next phase of this just that everything sigh Those really aggressively is it that we all get less confuse seeing youtube watermarks in tik, tok and tick tock, watermarks and youtube.
What he actually cares, and this isn't really a thing or is there a new thing that could happen? Platforms are detecting the watermarks, though that's actually yeah, so youtube will detect the tick tock watermark in downright out there. So there's just it again, my thesis here is that creation and distribution have never been so tightly tied together and that imposing the Business limits of the distribution platform on the creation tool is bad oh then, surely the people use aggression. Tools will be frustrated enough to enact some sort of penalty on those by forms will see. But I dont think that the answer is snapping. Like four four bucks a month, you can use the snapped that he wanted her cause. They have to keep pace with the coolest tools and tiktok and takes up greatest success is adding tools. The people then use in like
viral recursive conversant ways with one another, and that is they have been better at creating that loop than any of his other performed, so the company that should be like licking its chops at this is like video and the other. Like active creation, I'm serious. If, if we, if there is, beat a bee video white label hosting service. Now, I add, is now that's fair, but so ok, so that's the thing like who is it then then the thing that's going to happen is somebody is going to like sit above this, and it's like you remember the thing when they everybody built like the hootsuite of the world, where it's like you can, published to all your social channels in an automated way, and it's not such a disaster to manage one hundred different things like that's gotta be coming for vertical video now, maybe maybe a hootsuite for AP. If the hootsuite people are listening, you can just take that three or four ab, both we'll know, happened, and we welcome that. I dont.
It's only there's great upload, AP eyes for these part like these are very restricted. Platforms in awaited twitter, for all its problems have had hasn't it. I then other people periodic when we post stories from our cms. They just get tweeted automatically, because twitter is still that kind of it and I dont know is next phase. The sex just sucks for cross platform creators that, yes get any arrogance is everything science. What are you saying? Everybody's got telling eventually creators are going to say this is stupid. We don't want to live in your walls because adobe premier, Never been gated like this. I movie is not gated like this creation. Some hardly gated that you out guys. I figured it out ology is going to create a really good which it and
she's gonna bias, analogy and upload their videos, and you re like type in the ip address for the persons house and get your vertical videos they direct. Just Instead of going fully into the cloud totally silent and he's to get fed up and billy, we all have our Psychology tick talks close to be great. Didn't plex conflicts, this gather thoughts. They got this. To use any need of ice and Zella. Now, I'd like to Well, we're gonna, take a break. Alex's install us understand that he has some car stuff. We have a lighting around coming up, we'll be right back. Running a business is stressful, but where about how to grow. Your company in the digital space can make any ambition person want to give up when they ve been
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but I'm not gonna start with deadhead cartoon semester, with extremely want you have seen it. Because you know how I was expecting assessing these. In the car industry lost a court case this week. That is like one of my favorite just dumb conflict. We like whole car industry. Does the car industry have like a lawyer, will have an industry group dig iraq. So yes, they have wrecked. So, in The late nineteenth like any mine, the fcc set aside, all the spectrum in a five point: nine gigahertz band for something called vd vehicle, the vehicle communiques it's and then they added v to I vehicle the infrastructure, communications and then to make it all sound cool. They started, calling it vita XS very funny should the city is a car industry, make the car safer, make them all talk to each other or make them talk to stop lights
solve traffic jams. You won't hate each other. Here's a big chunk of spectrum, but good spectrum for you to figure this out. I have been so like five thousand cs demos avidity. Indeed I stuff right and like carmakers, with this new technology that cars can see through each other, we can predict traffic. We can slow you down, we can see what's happening up on the road. Make sure you had all the stop whites perfectly on time. It's here, and none of it ever ships, but it's just this is The right idea, right like it It's just like. Okay cause, it always I've. I've spent less time with car people, it's a yes, then you have, but even in the like, I spent a bunch of time with qualcomm like four or five years ago, and all they talked about was v to v stuff, and it's, like Ok, the idea that I don't just have to rely on my phones care on my car's cameras to see everything that's going on. I can actually let my car talked
the other car and to the stoplight and they can all understand. What's going on that way, it seems like the right leg in a perfect world. That's how this should work right, yeah but David. You considered that these are the same people that make like in car, huds and and our compete, like is the same people that are like. We need a ski morphing version of the car, so you can turn your lights, often on, like, of course, to tap on the truck tits. It turns out that the climate in your truck sir, to be fair, like a tiny handful of extremely expensive luxury car ship, would like you to be here in the twenty seven team mercedes and a class and ass class cadillac city S and twenty seventeen Ok, three four just talking to nothing, just this really aren't you nothing in and they started. I mean the all these major it and then you have five g happen: sermons
five g will do it and they started calling it cellular, vita, x or c v, two ass, oh my god. Nothing resonates with the consumers like cb two x, So then, the tories, seventeen trump. FCC, which, wrecking volund ideas got rid of a regulation that Obama's fcc had put in saying all the cars needed to be said right. How do you get over the hump of new cars having it? You just write the last thing. All the cars need to have it. We all need to do it Carson, except crashing into each other, not the trump fcc which didn't do it to be fair, it had been seventeen years Citizens measure ninety. Ninety nine employees, I've indeed nothing shipping. So our boy, the jeep pie, is like screw it I'm giving above. The spectrum back to. Unlike do usage, which is a big trend lately. So maybe you have five point: nine get her it's wifi now
and you can still keep a little chunk of this for cellular, be two x c b to act, To the operators and his ribs don't do this, we need it if we even wifi will interfere for four years don't exist The alliance for automotive innovation. It promised five. In cars, would have been if he heard the next five years, but they wouldn't do it if the ssc gave, especially so they filed the last comes out, the judges like what are you? talking about no intelligent transportation systems have been developed as twenty two ain't, no commercially marketed vehicles used five when I'm gigahertz to rival vehicle safety features, and then he's like your argument that you need all this. Trim for new technologies is not great, noting the petitioner directed us to no significant developments in the field of yet to arrive technology. So good
This is a judge, saying you, ships of April for her. Yes, it makes me so fatty the field of yet to arrive. Ecology, is like the the the beginning of a book about. Vaporware that I would share. It is much it's so good It's like this is such a good idea. He has never shifted. It was vapor for so long that eventually the united states government was like we're going to dunk on you a little bit for while very good. It will hopefully or wifi router sip at her, and hopefully five g actually does what it's like. They driver about surgeons, your house and self driving cars that that's what verizon's ads sure, but so is veto v like dead. Now like what would have no character. was to put five you radios in the cars of the five geo fix it a tiny little chunk of the spectrum reserve that use but they wanted at all did just didn't use it. For twenty years he's announced coming back to unlicensed usage for wifi, which I think is probably the right decision. Yet, let's use it or lose it press
you're twenty years seems like long enough to try to do something. Functional here is very good. Other harney is big study. Easy owners, don't like the broken chargers in bad charging. Software. Surprise. More importantly, at the inflation reduction act was signed. Big climate bill, lots of ie tax credit news that bill on the plus side, tesla gets the credit again they'd run out there. Only two hundred thousand so tesla had run out ages ago. Gm had run out. I think ford was run out. They get it again if the cars are made in north america if the batteries are made north america, after I think twenty twenty four, and so that means like the hyundai ionic five does not get the credit anymore. It's a hard. It's confuse in lots of freak out. My various car forms that, when you sign your contract density, signed a contract,
If you have a written contract before the date of the thing, you still get the credit, if you don't you don't Andy. Hawkins is a great explainer about it when walking through it and the really important piece of the puzzle. Those it's gonna push battery manufacturing in the united states, because carmakers need the batteries made here to get the credits which I think is important and the other important piece of the puzzle because of this written contract requirement. All these, like vaporware car preorder, might go away, yes, which I think is super fascinating, like not, I don't know anybody was anticipating this sweet, the knock on effect, but if you need a contract before like a lucid, is shifting from priority, innovations to written contracts now because they got a lock in the order to give you brad credit. For the man, they're gonna get there before So it's if these companies that are like shifting, so they can make sure they get the money. Don't ship the cars in a timely fashion? Can they get the hell suit out of
by the customers depends on what is these Britain contract cat? That's so city, I mean not for the car makers but like for me personally I am opposed to vaporware who say that the The game around the credits is like it's a real limbo space right now, like the law is past. No one really knows what it means. There's lots of attempts farewell means how to get the credits at the same time for right. Seventy five hundred are all credit comes back for them, because they're not gonna hit the cap anymore. They just raise the price of the truck may thousand dollars cool cool nevermind. I hate that this is terrible
yeah. So go with that explainer. If you are in the market for car like me, and you can't find a car to buy with me, it's good, it's very helpful. He ended up in growth, explainer cause. I was like thank you Andy and then last week have to call this one out. I dodge dear sweet dodge part of the fcs to Atlantis worldwide conglomerate of car manufacturers and they, if another, first even concept to charge or even as a fake exhaust sound like their alike. muscle. Car buyers want loud cars, so he just puts girls in this car that make it make loud sounds, and it's the best is the as loud, sound, the candy organs. When you read about it said it sounds like a lion getting heater, and I think that is that's pretty good. it's yours. Something else battery electric vehicle exhaust noise. Can you turn it off
I think somebody like is testing at a two, a m outside my window. Lately, I think, I'm hearing a lot. We name is called the french zadok chambered exhaust, what which can reach one hundred and twenty six decibels, making it as loud as hell cat power and am I am- are wrong for thinking. that and exhaust is not a thing that needs to exist on an electric vehicle. My name is easy. It's just speakers. I dont know what to tell me It is not an exhaust, it is just a thought. Martin, just somebody going home as they drive down the road yet, but with a really good. So, instead of flipping up and hitting nos you hit the speaker and then also if you've ever driven ie, you know they don't have transmissions cause they they're. Just electric motors, the cool part of driving ie is like the instant torque at every.
party. Better dodged, decided, muscle. Car buyers need a transmission, so they've added a transmission, I'm not sure how it works, cause. It's like a confusing idea in an electric car and so we'll see how it works, but they've, given it a name and the name is lowercase e s: r lowercase e love it in the name is lower case e capital letter r. U p t or erupt notes it's a yeah oh. Why would you like a game in diesel thinks that I find myself wondering right now as like did did vin diesel get in? I received a one of those ngo discos rate. They cosette said it I hope it's in the next fast and furious movie any like it could be louder. And like part of the movie, is them just trying to make it as loud as possible, while he gets really good at the the gear shifting game musically we do this last paragraph from the CNBC piece can discuss
is the sea of dutch said some of the design elements and technologies are expected to impact the range of the vehicle. But it's not something dodgers worried about and unquote. I don't care it's bad ass. It's a muscle, car. That's right! That's the muscle. Car owners feel the other. Now gonna hit the mega may spot them to unify five miles college. Let's go I've been thinking that it's it's, real bomber that with electric vehicles the world is gonna, get quieter. Some really glad dodges out here trying to solve that problem, just a concept, no idea when I will ship did you like the gear shifting thing: that's fun lake I was just reading. A story the other day from somebody about like how gear shifting is going away, and it's not going to like it's going to be a lost art, and these these evie owners you'll be able to hear them coming and you'd be like. decades, since you straight up, do you know how to write a horse you're from taxes?
Are you? Are you an equestrian? Have any mean I've ridden a horse I went on my road it written a horse to would you say you knew how to write a horse if you like, it's not hard to get up there, but it's different. It's a no from once upon a time southerners like riding a horse is a lost art, he's very hot like they do. american unicycle alliance was like these cars gutta replaced the cycle- this also sounds like they're gonna, just The joystick in the middle of the car that does nothing ass. Suddenly, ass, the best party, some rumbling noises every time you may change society its can make a bunch people really happy sticking to erupt. throw this up and running around runs erupted horrible. lots of southern lighter and what you got were definitely getting an explicit tag on this, but I guess
I the thing that jumped out to me the most was snapped, giving up on the pixie drone after after just four months. This thing feels like it just shift fifteen minutes ago, because it basically just did and the it's kind of a sign of the times lake. It's it's a tough economy, everybody, a sort of pulling back in finding ways to cut down on spending and, like I don't think anyone thought the sum that the pixies room is gonna, be a huge revenue driver for snap anytime, soon put if its indicative of what this next phases, It looked like where I think a lot of companies are going to pull back on anything that feels sort of extraneous. Ah, as a person who likes gadgets and technology and new things, it just kind of makes me and I think what we're gonna get a lot of companies investing in like a very small number of relatively interesting things and trying to figure out how to monetize all the stuff you already use and spending less time in the very near future, trying to invent new stuff-
and, I kind of think, that's a bummer. I was never going to buy a pixie drone, but it's the kind of thing that, like I like that it exists, and I like that sap is the kind of company that makes this. duff soldiers to see it give up so fast year. The flip side of that is when the big companies look in word in that way, it just creates a lot of opportunity for other companies to make interesting things and not worry that you now we're gonna make a camera drowned and then like facebook will make one in class, and so I am hopeful that there's a little bit of that dynamic in the future. When you see the smaller companies do interesting things cause it's easier to differentiate. When you know the big companies are focused on monetizing app, that's where I think. That's any that's right and I hope that issue, but I do think there is it The chance were headed into a weird time for hardware like supply chain. Stuff continues to be. Wonky, hardware is hard and expensive. There's like people are buying less and less of that stuff sigh.
I'm gonna, be curious to see what the next, like twelve to twenty four months, looks like in terms of interesting new hardware Yeah he's my money around one. It's very good! This is by journalism story at its core, perfect journalism story. So there's a spy from called shriller, which you forever. We don't know about its tik tok clown, run america, they're doing They are a much money. They consume audience. Demille eleazer involved in some way but when all the tick tock trump stuff was happening, and it s actually was like worry, yam dialectics gonna die we're the new tiktok. Let's go, yeah internet residential money. That time they spend some of that money on verses, which was a pandemic sensation run by timberland and swiss beats. Who are megastar hip? I still get. I can't if you don't, if I can't play right,
you don't need to view listen to this year to cope educators, us in daylight, created the sound of like at least a decade and a half paid in they had sold for us as a licence to like apple music was streaming verses. It was just then calling their famous musician friends together and like they are played. sounds each other and talk, and it was great it was, it was growing, come it was it's really fun to watch. So they sold it to her sides. They forget color, they sold. They saw this old address us. thriller. Another suing shriller is a trailer, owes them twenty million dollars and never paid to date. Defend it's trailer have failed and refused to make any payment to timberland and sweets. For the past three sons boa right, great trailer. This is the journalism story part. So it's very funny because upstart social platform, with no real money, forgot to pay the superstar
it's funny answers. So we report on this. We get the lawsuit, but rather the complaint we have astral or for a statement. So emma authors and museum Astral are sent they reply from an account that just like press at schuler, dot com and in it's place, saving is just on it's face like not like hilarious. We do not wish to air our dirty laundry in the press, but we are. Paid swiss in time, millions of cash and suck no one has benefited from showing. Today children helped fuels two new heights, which is just not true and has already it thanks. Like apple music is streaming the anxiety it. It was already a global cultural phenomenon before July shut up and they said it and we made it. We hope it's just missiles. So then we have this background policy where he done now allow an impure people to email back. This has to be in Iraq. She had tunisian longer statement, which is like even his readers. for its randomly capitalize. The whole thing
We think it's illegal shakedown. They have not delivered any episodes of as we think their lawyers are over zealous whatever it is, it's random capitals are really good. No sign, though they still haven't, signed it from a different email address from outlook that come in at the bottom. It just says: ryan ashore, co fracture is stable. Encounters regions like reply is, is, as you have just stopped, responding so we put the store. I hears lab. Here's a sourcing me, too, what you well always try to transfer and what this seven eight responded gesture with another version. The second statement, elevating the amount paid to fifty five percent, are claiming fish five billion now they're saying this same- can be attributed to our ceo and chairman mahi de silva, which they misspelled yeah.
which is just perfect. Our haven't you time and you see, need to respond to the email and you grab your phone and you have to push your drink aside and get it all spelled out. You'll have time to double check the neighbor, your boss, it's just it's like at all times, this is why, at this policy, it almost noise. How do you know what it's like to guess at the the dates, just someone foiling and ask it I play ten minutes, always get paid, they're more important to our culture than thriller. That's that's my position. It's not a position, the verge dot com, but I'm confident that if you pulled the staff of the verge dot com and ask them who, more importantly, the culture timberland and its was beats or trailer. They will agree with me yet encourage someone. If they misunderstand it is thriller. Trill thriller is more important,
the miracle Michael Jackson sounded is less important in the culture than than trailer. And you know it's impossible. You, so just the red whose, when our new news writer she's be sought in the uk, she
I wrote about the absolute goofiness set of monitors that are just like two monitors stacked on top of each other and they just just close up and and somebody's just like yup this. These two very cheap crummy monitors cause they're they're, both like fourteen forty p. Seventy five hertz refresh three hundred nits brightness. These are not super super fancy. Nice monitors, but I think, like the gimmick, is that they're on a cool stand, so you can close them at the end of the day and then slowly open them up, and they just crack me up. I just keep looking at like there's a jeff in in this story. She wrote- and it just keeps the guys just so happy to like just quietly open those monitors and appreciate his monitors, but it's called Jimenez there's two versions: there's Jimenez and then there's the Jimenez x. Yes, that gives you fourteen forty pa. The Jimenez has just ten atp at sixty hertz, two hundred and fifty nits brightness. These
like the hundred dollar monitors that you get when you buy, like Adele, desktop from nineteen ninety eight, its those monitors and they ve. Just like I mean I don't know if it's actually those monitors caveat may not be those specific matters, but it's basically those matters just like you just open it up, and I just really appreciate justice out there right about it. But thank you I didn't even do anything to them, yet they just added a hindrance to that like they just put two of them together, like a door hinge and that's it. You gotta, look, read the story and look at the gif of this dude. Opening this monitor. It is credible to describe this due to its fainter stacked, as is the the videos It's just that he's gotta he's got a big top gun mustache. is along here and he just grinning at unfold. That's very good.
Nothing says it's time to go to work like its crowded out here. What you said. I know you're better off just go. Buying crowd forming the whole thing was the goals at ten dollars. I give it to me. I think I will love it. That's great alright David last one. I needed to explain to me what's going on in sports streaming because it sounds like we have to care about peacock now: disclosure to NBC universals investor in VOX media, but I feel, like I just said we have to pay attention to peacock now. You should understand that tenor of that relationship go ahead David. We also made a show for netflix, but that's not important to this particular discussion. Yes, my good friend and co founder were great. What more do you want from me? You should stop listening now, because this explanation takes four and a half hours. Basically, the big ten, which is a big, ports. Many more than ten property translate here. There's like five times that it like half of college teams
America are somehow in the big time now, but basically they sign this big new deal. for the shrilly rights is eight billion dollars of the next seven years and These are the moments where basically, all of these leagues and conferences and whoever get to decide like what we want the future to look like. So I personally care a lot about these because they decide a lot about what the near future of television is going to take and the big ten picked like a real sukhi way to do it as far as I'm concerned for the future. They, basically they d divvied games up. We NBC Cbs. In fact, some of them, Austria, some of them, want it's Will chaos, what's going to be? Where there's also the big ten network which will have some games? Peacock, just randomly gets eight games that aren't going to be anywhere else like this is just not are they going to and as such, is not a good system and its eight like an app tejus. No, the big make test is depriving who's gonna make em up. There's. Does anyone have twelve apps, the big ten, so the beaten?
and network, and that will have some games. You would think that if you got the big ten network and paid what it costs if you would be able to watch all the big ten games on the big ten network. You'd be wrong, because this is the world that we live in and then it's like we're just we're just in this place, where sports dictate how all of this stuff works, because All the money is, and the big ten at least so, making this gigantic bet that cable tv is gonna. Keep mattering for a long time, which is very funny The other thing that also happen today was there's a study released did said streaming more four watched streaming tv than watched linear tv for the first time ever so like this is. This is a a thing running against the actual trend of where the world is going, but there is still a lot of money and selling your stuff to do where each law has. Generally now it's coming, it's gonna change everything streaming is streaming you're. Looking down a narrow, it is almost over I feel like a phrase you're lucky, the kind of burial is low,
threatening than the actual actual cliche guides the barrel of a gun. You you're looking for just like our yeah someone looking at a barrel is not- and I think I was thinking of the gun when I set it. I just didn't, want you not words, you're looking a barrel They won't there now they're, not they're, not winning broadcast television looking in a barrel or too busy, she's been very busy You're sure, together, you'll be looking at a barrel. I mean in a way it works. I saw my threats intends to combat sweet will do a full hour on firewire eight hundred. What happens next, looked at a bearing eighty. I see three point: zero wasted. Yet all the way from the deck
That's it that's the verge ass. The Wednesday show this week really fun hereabouts test, I will say we got an email about the airbus does David, the emails title. Words eraser, She was not an email at the band reassure on James headphones, so you gotta take care that, can I say there's a reason for that. It's because I forgot that Javert exists as a company. Jabers has not made a pair of headphones in like three years, but I used to love me. Birds, and we will we will bring jabbering back right with iron ready and broadcast foundation, I was really fun derives whether from fifty lightning was the third thing I shredded shrunken, read it insert a bunch people's questions of angry and paroxysms good stuff taking the calls once the number two hungry bubbles, eight, six six,
verge one one. It is absolutely my favorite thing about the verge cast like I love both of you, but it's way more fun. Talking to you, the people who call the hotline so eight six, six version, one cause assets by brush stores, insight. James Vincent has a big scoop at crypto, dot, com, laying off people and then quietly lay off hundreds of more people justine extra best practice. Justine has a stream of carbon offsets for her to do. We got in future. In time I much about part of our own turning this fan fiction mega site, it's great search out of sight even treated us annette, reckless david's appears Alex's out each friends. That's it! It's progesterone the and that's a wrap for verge cast this week. We'd love to hear from you shoot us an email at verge cast at the verge dot com. The verge cast is a production of the verge and the box me. A podcast network shows produced by
William James and our senior audio director, andrew marina, are editorial. Director is brook mentors. That's it we'll see you next week. first. We tight stared to combine sweet and start, but they didn't stop there how they have combined soft and bound see to bring you knew. Sweethearts, gummy, rudy split a unique. We delicious dual cited gummy with one side, sweet and the other side decks chart entirely smooth and squash a powerfully perfect, combat sweethearts, dare to combat it's late almost home after catching that concert you and your friend snag tickets to with em acts. Months ago, your all speed those from the last hour spent singing your hearts out and the only
plain in the car is the last song of the night on full blast in your head admit it. You wanted stuck there. The librarian you can't get anywhere else, looks like you in greece bombs all over again when the night ahead. That's what you're with hammocks american express, don't love life without it
Transcript generated on 2023-05-12.