« The Vergecast

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This week on the Vergecast, Nilay is joined by Casey Newton, Chris Plante and Nicola Fumo (who is keeping Project Figure Head in full effect). The panel discusses the iPhone battery case and Nicola tries to put together the Google Pixel C.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The hello welcome to the verge cast. It is december tenth for the live viewer, for the vast majority of you is most likely december, eleventh or some date thereafter. You know if people who read the back catalogue in the rush, listen to the whole thing. Oh yeah, like I don't even wear at one eighty two somebody asked me twitter, like hey: where can I download verge cast sixty nine, because it's missing I was like that was ever work, so the one hundred and ten weeks ago I have no idea but if you listen to them, you know consecutively, it tells a powerful story struggle a year and that's how I would listen to it. If I were just getting into the verge, I mean we had a long here to begin where these shows or salon? I can't even imagine the first jars or the this god damn it anyway. Something very exciting is happening, and I wanna I wanna. I wanna introduce my friends here. You may have recognized
beautiful us. So, as you may know, I am I'm your patel, I'm casey newton, your friend, to hesitate in here. in response to a now? That is, I think, unprecedented, show right. Well, we never been. the same place. At the same time, people's eyes, we were the same person where we got a lot of blood between us and we sort of had to clear the air before we would agree to sit down at the same table is true, but we put that all behind us now, Chris and casey there's a reason they're in town, and that reason is that they're coming to my birthday party, I made them come on now. He doesn't know yet. Oh god, I hate you now all of the verges editors. The section editors are in town this week were all meeting for a couple of days to talk basically like high five about how cool twenty fifteen was and then plot out a scheme of world domination for twenty. Sixteen sounds good I have to tell you feel them three magazine, you fucking current. Also just pick.
It's totally friend. I would not want to be the editor in chief of boys life, it's a christmas here cases here, I'm very excited to have them here. If you are following are many social feeds, you might notice that with Zapata was also in town some circles in town who, as we find, that it just yeah anyway, and then is always my friend as nearly always is nearly always. I I think, if I think of you is the virtuous friend from a cooler the cooler part of town nicholas users in a rapid. I we just figured this out Nicholas communist. Yes with us, yeah, there's going to be crazy and I'm so ready for it. It's going to be that'd, be nuts, so an upcoming year birthday or you you're better than chris.
Well, I'm gone and done like about how her stick a game is like so much better denies its I'm not going to say that she is. I won the laptop. I know it's like really nicely coordinated. Well, she's, gotta, trapper keeper, that's mixed I thought that'd be fits your trapper keeper that was covered in stickers charity. Well, what else do you put stickers on it item year, logger the water you put a second even now, I doubt, but it could I just think peel off of your phone because you use it so much. I just think adults put stickers on one thing and it's not upwards like when you're an adult, that's the only place that you can put a sticker, maybe a maybe a bumper, a bumper sticker, nuts drank knowing the huge inflatable things about the things I often go to the local boy. virtually no viruses, that's so bumpers, amongst others, where there is nowhere else. I had a friend that did an entire stick: our door in her apartment,
critical, o bar bathrooms, barbaric newspapers, were stickers. Actually love. He was also by the way, is just a list of places where, as adults relies liquor talk, I love when you see people, people are printing out their snapchat, you are codes and putting them around three years. You are codes yeah I'll, get you re job with thanks. Yet see those around them. Like that's great, I mean why not I dont know if you're codes, even after the overwhelming power of snapchat thirst can make your kids a thing This is how you ever used to you are known, what are everywhere yeah I dunno. What happens? I have definitely added people on snapchat, in their view that those that's very yeah used up. That's like a brother, something about the fact that its goes. That, like makes you forget your skin and your coat.
An ingenious bit of hiding, like the nervousness accelerating and japan, Hugh ARCA but it's funny and cute and you're a gif inside of it. I haven't done that yet maybe I should do that, and so we should talk about a few things. Yeah we we've had a big week. I saw was just Next week, that's true people are already in line, of course. Isn't it? Yes, in l, a the seventeenth or heard of it a week from today? That's why we made you move to us a week from today. Nobody will be watching the verge has because they will be seeing the force. It won't because there won't be any tickets and they won't have to I'm actually just going to sit here. Narrating a leaked script squared have already already cast idris kylo Ren. He wasn't happy with it, but that's the part ahead and we had a big week. There's big stuff coming next week and a lot of stuff happened this week and I want to say the weirdest thing that happened this week and do you have it on your phone Chris? How well apple have released this like
Patrick S. Rarely has a random bad accessory blown up our website in despair. The way this ninety nine dollar peace blew up. Our website is not good. Can I use something I'm going to be very honest, so this way will just tell you what it is and then you can be real honest. So if he didn't see it in the world for some reason, if, if, if you don't run away from donald trump coverage into the waiting arms of our battery case coverage, Apple released a ninety nine dollar battery case for the iphone six, and I guess success. Not this plus just the six. It is the the smallest battery case on the market. It's eighteen Eighteen hundred eighteen, seventy seven million of ours, I think, is the right number that murphy just like areas like twenty five hundred so like does even charge vat or elsewhere, and it has what lauren good referred to in our view as a bit of a bump adorable
good work in it just really weird yeah. I may I tweeted at it. If you can make your phone look like its pregnant, with an iphone for like this is the way to go for an item I d bump. Is it it is exactly the size of this generation ipod. So I can you and the apple's regular case and then there's like an ipod like glued on the back. That's what it looks like where you're going to say chris, I I thought I want that, maybe because I'm I'm this before I even read anything about it, whereas, like it kind of looks slim, I guess- and I was kind of like convincing my I felt like well, it doesn't look as bad as, like my dad's charge, what a doofus or having his phone in a different charger. But then you handed it to me right now in. What's really, it's really does not feel good. Like that's how the silicon remain. The bump me. I won't know what my hat, because you have the bomb right so then my hand, my fingers, my pinky goes in under the bond which illicit rich and then it
counterweight, and every time I like want to like lifted to press the bottom, I feel like I'm, going to light drop out of the top. My I give you design like a bad seesaw, lloyd I am going to drop everytime I want to use theirs is like like joke to take it out. People will like like make fun of of tech criticism, because we have this like stock line that we use in reviews with all feels really good in the hand. What do you mean Well now we actually have like when we know what that means, because we have felt the apple battery case. We know it feels terrible in the hand, and it's given us a new sort of frame of reference to the release. Just think Nikola, have you seen this thing in person in person with your picture, where you hand it to one, I'm always very curious to see what Nikola thinks of these objects, so they put out this thing. The internet goes nuts, learn, writes review she's like. Why would you do this and it has a lightning adapter on the bottom, so you don't need a new cable. The lcd is on the inside of the case. which is amazed. This is how I lost my mind like because
the detailed that you just sort of never see apple, getting wrong right, so there's an empty indicator that as you are believe when it is charged like urban, is charging. What discharging I think it may be turns green when its fully charged- I think so you have to move the phone from the cable. You can see it on the phone okay, but still. Why would you hide it? Why like? Why would you build an indicator that is hidden in ninety percent of the time, because you can see it on the phone okay, but why? Why even do that anyway, then yeah? Here's why we sometimes charge? Am I the only one to kind of understand? I literally do please explain so. Okay, so most of the time it'll will have it on your phone, just plug it in, and the phone on, the screen of the phone will tell you if it's like, just as your phone currently does not have an indicator, light just push the button charging and the like walk away and live your life. Now your push button in charge of the case and the phone is charging right. If your phone's, not in the case the light is displayed. Why not have it on the outside? Why? Because you don't need it leads to well, except at that,
This way, you would be able to tell when your phone was fully charged without having to turn on the screen yeah. That feels like an overthinking that that's one of the things it's like well yeah, so we've got so much this thing to me. I just keep imagining johnny happening like we've, designed it so much. We didn't design it at all. He's like smokes at a perfect bong, like he's like he's gonna perfects was couch. I like what is if I were to redesign nothing. If I have ever want to see johnny I've in his white room, tell me why apple did something it was for this product. give me it tell me a story, you don't think he's like already under way and what does it he's like? Compare sally happily, commissioner, that she's actually is just like a dust
I don't like blows and he was like: have you reinvented steal again? That was your first test falling. I think really learned the years. None of us do a good job or an echo. What do you think of this thing? Okay, unpopular and career, smashing opinion. I don't hate it that that's fine, think some people really like it doesn't only because, okay only because I can't think of how I would do this better. Have you ever seen a movie in your life yeah, but, like I mean so, that already exists. Why would they make the same thing? Patented hell and back which about, and yes, I like it wouldn't make any sense for them to live. Consternation ensued, imagines that verge article if they copy the movie term cook.
Apple coffee is. What can I do a little media criticism? Let's do it. I've noticed our friends at mashable, often get defensive, apple quotes printed in mashable and it seems to be a go to move for them. That is all I will say anyway. So TIM cook was in nashville. Yesterday talking about the battery. It's like just imagine you are the ceo of the richest company in the world and you release basically in existing product. Would like a battery glued to the back of it and, like the internet, blows up so badly that you are forced to like issue a quote about it on the same day that you're like promoting girls, learning to come, but you have to take a break from the day of co. I have to say, as you probably know, from being a user of this, one of the real insights was: have you ever used other cases in trying to get them on? That's the quote. If you make this solid all the way across the cook indicating the slots for apples case embedded battery stops, and you just have this off flora masters
casing in order to get it on you'd, find it very difficult to get home. So the guys had a great insight to put in a bend without making it a smart case. I have no idea what those words mean. I've read this quote a thousand times, and all I can say is, I think, he's saying it's nice because its bendy it's nice seconds, then in that's it that's easy, easy easier to get. I know it's you, so I had this conversation with wall and I had this conversation theater and it's fine. It's just fine yeah! That's the thing! It's just fine which is fine period. I think it's less than five, and you know what I mean, I'm sure some people might listen to this and be like. Oh, these guys are just you know, taking any opportunity to rag on apple or whatever, but the thing is like apple makes like a lot of really nice cases mean, like you know, the smart covers for the. The ipod cigarettes are usually the case younger than normal case,
the user, like I have one on my phone like it, it's fantastic in a team is very simple to very elegant, like there's no extraneous details right leg, so this thing comes out and lake. It feels like Ligon, neither like a bull. statements nor an elegant solution? It's just sort of like half way in the middle east is an ailing solution like making life and a better about putting things. Ding, ding ding, and what are they doing instead, making it the you know like six microns leo thick in the next generation of the iphone? Apparently yet it's a paper. It is you just rapid it around your face, I'm making around long now. I think that's like. Do you guys the ipad you came out like the big cool thing was the case, because like we engineer, two things together, it's got magnets in it. You could be allowed to create. This is obviously not engineered get her legs, it has
I have the same problems as every other battery case, like it adds an inch of thickness to the bottom of a phone. You can't, if you have beats headphones, that the plug doesn't fit in the thing like it has, Think about that, though, like these are the details that we rely on apple to solve for us This is why we have so much good will towards apple generally, is cause they think of these things and they designed around them and they make our lives simpler. This is not that thing right, and it's also you can man, I'm I'm in a particular moment of, like apple media criticism, because you can this case, I think, drove the wedge into what publications are like totally buying it and what politicians like so any publication it describes as the audio porthole, which is a whole for the sound from the secret.
well yeah. They they covered up the speaker, so they had to drill hole in the bottom likely I mean it's the every other. It's that's the audio porthole, it's acoustically designed for maximum sound reflectivity, there's also a passively coupled intent on the back, which is just to in yeah is on the back like passively coupled means so touches, soon. I hope passively uncoupled is when you got dumps compulsory. I ain't you over there. I guess group do. But what did you do that that's probably in the Van diagram of us one of the items in sight of their devotion to please rather cases I'm all my lad. Yes, the stupid, there's two groups of people. My eyes on boats are fashion. People cause they're, always like in weird places right, yeah cause they're, never you're, never some one place with a plug always running around. What do you see the most of mophie
like you can understand why apple want to be in this market right leg, it seems, like murphy, has a nice little racket for themselves. Designing these cases has like thing go. What, if you don't have your business so like it's only makes sense you just exactly what you said like if they had only like engineered them together, this would have been such a little thing. Do you think it's the month of December christmas day. I do think if they were lying number. We need to get this out so at a certain Why, when they would have may be done on those checks, plight make sure beats headphones work with an apple product. There were like yeah, we could do that like we're already coming in height,
we're just going to do that. Johnny, stop designing! I dunno he's never going to start with a rectangle. That is a true question marks that stuff. That is like the next step is for apple to come out and admit that this was a hack week project and it just got way out of hand there to say we don't he started. Building a supply chain just took over at some point. The supply chain is so efficient it just it can't not make it effects from johnny to accent the file he emailed it to the and he produced whatever. We do. Don't make this the wrong dropbox? This is the thing we don't want to do because, like oh shit, I started my gmail. Ten billion have been produced in sheds To tell you wacky makes up still the best explanation for the apple battery, so
Then we wrote so we wrote this and then, when we next, that did a great job of it are essentially taking a tweet that had gone viral yesterday with a picture of the battery case, a picture of the apple pencil in artfully charging and plug and plugging the ipad, a picture of the new than with the charges on the bottom there's another one. There's like a handful of like total design. clubs from apple or justly, really weird, choices in what happened said apple this year and I don't know the answer like, The pencil I there's only one that I think is like tired, defensible disease, in thirty seconds and at last for four hours or something like that makes sense. Just like here are the available things you can charge us with units pocket and you just played annually take a breath and it's fine. Everything else is like. Why like why
with the mouse that you can't use. While it's charging- it's say you know, unlike so many other apple products, they were the ones where you feel like at some point during the design process, a couple of people are like yeah. I guess this is fine. I guess. Let's just move on, you know like it just that they didn't get to that like fit and finish stage well, you know, there's like a there's, a theory that, like somehow people behave which is like. Steve jobs? Is the editor right until you have like ideas, ideas he is and he'd be like my taste is supreme and, like I make these decisions, and now I dunno who the editor is presented, jonny off but like he could just be working on, very he's also in charge of the stores in the architecture of the new campus yeah like his portfolio, is big. He looked at this like he I was a fantastic editor, but I think it is is open question whether he can't just edit everything you're one of the things that struck me about this,
I remember remember the days not all that long ago, when upward brag about how all of their products like fit on the table. Remember this because they lived, they really only made like six basic things, but now they're, just kind of starting to pile stuff on top of them, and you know that His pride themselves on saying no to so many things. This really does seem like something where they could have said no to it. Rightly, this is probably not a billion dollar business for them. Yet maybe it is like a leg of the out at the outside. But they could have not done this and just focused on a lot of others. So here's my here's, the the really harsh question and it this is probably not true. So I'm looking down the camera and the listener in the car, I'm seeking directly into your years probably not true, and do you think that they were just worried that their holiday was gonna, be down, so they put out something to goose their holiday, I heard the best theory about it. You ought to hear what it is there. He's in that they released. It is because it's an accessory and it will go in
the same line item on their financial reporting, as the apple watches over is only so it will confused people about having apple watches, are being sold like it's a mess direction play because they could see. You know a hundred thousand units and it will create a certain amount of revenue and people have no idea how many watches this old, that was the most convincing insane theory that I heard that mean that, as in that is like quickly cook, well yeah, but it's fun. I would say apple watch down to forty nine at best buy well kind of hundred a horizontal that we're six months away from the just like giving them away when you open a checking account, rumours of anyone may fall stadium night. We sign of my credit card. You get one more example. Watched by the rockies gave incredible it's like the warriors like did you know that you can pay for everything here with an apple watch, one idea, because you have to look under your seats and people, don't even
that's a lot of work. Do you see avalanches in boston text? it's wherever the hell. It is that you have my friends and wherever the hell taxes I bought apple watches, one works he's a gm at a restaurant and the other works awesome publishing both of them return them within five days and they were like hype like I was like I don't know. I think you might want to reconsider it and they were like up that creek and it ended up being shit. Creek yeah I mean I every person I asked. Let me tell you that the one excuse I've been given to like why you should buy and have watch this is absurd, is from a b c person in Austin needs ike. I really like him from me. I like him from my wife, because then I know that she hears me whenever I call
ok so that having so did you gotta get out of their religion is like it was like what his defence, because I was like that that sounds awful and he was ike. No, I think you could get him. I think I never sell for for people who don't have phones on them. So, like my wife keeps her phone in her purse and my kids don't carry their funds during their backpacks innovation. APA Apa watched you and I text him. I know they see it yeah. He can also implant a chip directly into your wife's body at all times. It was that it wasn't. The best lunch or reuse do you still have any interest in this thing? Ok, I had lunch just now. Next to someone who had won- and I had the first tug of my heart wrestling I want the thing relieve your aside. All he had the war, it will have the weather. And I know I know, and I like science like little homescreen with, like all of the items that he selected to have on it, and I was like oh yeah it'd- be cool.
another, whether when I'm getting ready instead of like looking at my phone, I just criminal acts urine. I really want one of those. You know one of my favorite inside jokes with myself right now. I don't have one of these in my house, maybe already referenced as alexa play free co, one of my favorite future songs right now You just yell at a joke, but I make what myself at home I'm sorry, you have a kick started to get you in elects. That's it! That's the whole recently by one hundred and eleven, yeah we have. I bet we could make that happen. What would you rather get for christmas in echo or apple watch? Probably will leave this echo chris'. I mean I have an echo and I like it a lot cause. He posed the question for christmas
but I I suspect that I wouldn't use it very much because you'd be surprised. What else can you ask? I don't like voice interfaces. I like getting that one future sake. I hate on the commercial when it's like he's like asking her a bunch of to do much of things and it's like plan a road trip playlist and it's like if you're in your kitchen, why do you wanna live near road trip playlist? I hate that everytime it plays. It makes me so angry you're like play future dan. The scripts does not that he not object. The scripts I did so when they heard commercials on my echo certain kinds of ship which is aware now really like when the xbox are connected. Commercials would like turn off, connects yeah and it's like ok right yeah. My echoes like It's not like it's fucking possessed it's like bat, like hey siri, sir wherein cars across america series lit up like many people's hey siri tell the time it's like you can just troll people like you. If you, if you speak into a microphone- and you know your voice- will go out over speakers- hey siri
image out to like somewhere in someone's car right now, fucking serious you've just cause like eleven car accidents across america. I haven't I've just made siri tell people delightful jokes across the map Siri. I am a robot, keep your eyes on the road I know so you can tell it obviously can tell it ted for the weather you, the music stuff, is really weird because it only connects to amazon's. good music service, you have to have prime and then you're like amazon play me some morning, music and it's like idiom, hits from two thousand and eight and it's like. So I got that also wants peace anyway. Also does workers bluetooth speaker, but yes, like that have you had already gone: Ask for the news, just fine! You can measure
You ask measurements reset kitchen time. Basically, it is replaced siri in my data day like if I'm at home, the fact that he was like yellow for information. It also do it for you, which is cool. No, and I mean I like Mine, I also like my thermostat and then Chris Ziegler has like a house full of like hue lights, including a michelle gosh getting into or chris thrusts us one of us. Apparently he has like light strips under his bed, so he can just like yell scenes and like the lights in his house, including lights under his bed, electron purple. If I did that right now with my phone, it would change on the lights in our home yeah. I have an I like my hue app, does it so I can change all the lights in my living room. It really freaked my wife out right away, every day. I just slowly turned the heat of the theme of this. that is like how to mess with wives with technical language. Isn't two thousand sixteen gall site
not not in there now, but my wife is screwed. No Oxygen underwear, casey socks and underwear back, they are gone. Twenty fifteen was ear of no socks. Twenty sixteen sock, and underwear. My friends, hd boring stocking suffer but mac Weldon not start one get back more than holly pacts are not just to give that everyone needs its. They give that every man excited to get together, remember socks and unaware. Macworld and believes in smart design, premium fabrics and simple shopping, and you know you just go online. You push the button scientists wonder where all of their products are naturally antimicrobial, which means eliminate order, which means I'm reading an ad for nonstick unaware, but they want you to be comfortable as well. So if you don't like the first pair, you can keep it and then you will get refunded. If you don't like it, you don't even have to ask questions
I would ask you questions. You, don't feel bad just be like this didn't work for me. I put it on my body, my body, acted more. Let them know that you liked growth, among others, call start asking questions they'll just they'll. or mac walden nice to hear sir look anyhow and mac walden's underwear, socks and shirts, they look good. They perform well, which is an interesting thing to say about the newer. I've, never thought about my indoors performance. But if you buy this underwear, that is an option that you have in your life. It's good for going working out. You can get working at and go on dates. We can throw it at your wife, say: harassed you with technology, you can put stickers on it. You put stickers on your underwear going to nothing. Extra, the socks was the name of bill clinton cat. you can go to macworld dot com and yet twenty percent off of these socks and using our promo code, which, as you may have
this verge. Does it at was that was the undergrad that I, anna presidential pet fact don't get dynamism, what is what is about my students, ruminants bow and other die at the So we got to talk about there's another big thing to talk about the Nikola. Has it I don't even know what this is. I was told not to touch it now. Because I want you to play so dieter and while both review, the Google pixel see that is you're a tablet with an optional keyboard cover, and I would like you to figure out how to attach the keyboard cover without any instructions. when I point out that what I have not given, you is the sheet of paper with a double sided instructions for attaching the keyboard to that object. You have to talk out loud because it's a radio shows that describe what they're doing
pulled two pieces of metal and screens away from each other and there's a slot. I feel that this one peace should go in the slot, so I'm proud saying, and it's not going, there's no way to slide it from the side. I wonder if something bends, nor could we should do this every week. I know chinese or that- let me tell you that magnets are involved, but not in the orientation that you might expect. Okay, how else wait? Oh it's flat on the ground, it's flat! Does it bend up? Try blending see what happens? It's never going to happen. So, as a pixel c, I think we've just described the essential experience with the pixel c to you says: here's here's the biggest found now. Okay, now now polls pull it up, you got you got it now, pull the screen towards you to hinge.
Yet I feel right, we ve got a little. Those worry size debt so that special see here's what happened cruel there I mean the chrome team, the chromo esteem and the android team together. That is very political, and we've talked about the show before when they announced it ever of others. Folding cromwell us an android, but then scream at an ardour and more complicated. It there's some deep weirdness in there. What they are claiming publicly is like. Why do we need to set a blue tooth engineers will just have one and then, at the end, its mac? Why do we need to? getting systems like its clear. Where that some recent lies and ass. I did that I just turn. Hunt somebody's occur. alex us at a time. For thirty minutes, then free choice. Alexa set a timer for twenty seven minutes.
Don't worry it's so much for the alligator kicks work. They siri. What's the weather in Milwaukee wisconsin any so it brother came together that chrome book which is a beautiful product that I love very much actually, and they are the team that built that built that tablet that runs android. So that's a weird matchup. Those teams were previously separate now, they're together, the chromebook team is building hardware for android. Google originally has never built it's an android hardware, except for the nexus q, which was garbage and they didn't release to it's the hca, but they didn't change and rated all terrain tablets. They built this like surface pro. Looking thing this, like ipad pro looking thing but literally none of the software was changed. So it's just a gigantic found. Basically, unlike entered habits
event or android tablets. It's like twenty eleven when the motor elysium came out and they still socked do indra tablet Do you know any human being with an equitable? I mean that the like there is a point where the next seven's did get into dislike. Give away mode were eulogists lake walk into a bar, and somebody would Andrew one lives in san francisco, so I can buy an apple watch yeah exactly so. I do have an extra seven that I probably last turned on eighteen months ago. I have two nexus of the original and the weird leatherback yeah. It feels like racing gloves and it's like. Okay, that's a choice that you made and then I think cooler new one which David Pearce I gave like a ten out of ten when set was the best tablet and we randomly The town good riddance do that to them we ran them out of town. What do you think of that technical and still setting it up, but I don't want to? I just want to play with it, we setting up it, wants me to log in everything and give you a socialist,
how did actually said this can take a while and then moving through. A year wreaking have a lot of elects a lot of serious up for that awesome, imagine if you use your powers, were good meal? I pay siri remind me to donate to charity alexa put donation of red cross said my shopping list. Why? I'm sorry you really done it. This is the stupidest thing we've ever used to produce. What would you what Would you have the elections of the world? You know, I think, to the extent that they continue to open it up as a development platform, make its way more interesting right. If I can play spotify using it. It's way more interesting.
Away right, but amazon is the most locked in Well, I dunno I mean like what I'm hearing from them is that they are actually pretty excited about turning it into a real development platform, and they should because they have an opportunity to move much faster than apple can retweet. I mean we've seen how fast apple is open up siri, just like basically like what one new partner a year it sort of feels like, and so there's where they can do on a little speaker, And- and I do we should because, like that's all blue ocean for them right now, I've never seen that is the first amazon hardware product where they entered the market. First, with a very obvious riff on a product that everybody else has and they like have blown it away. But it's it's I like it, lord you. What would you do? A thing I mean spotify is like is: is the big thing right? I feel like it's. The service that everybody uses at this
White from music, I mean, whatever I'm sure, there's a few title users out there in turkey ever figured I'd really into their apple music. I guess they use it, but the title users weeping, on exclusive to india has not headsets will never work with amazon. Echo also lay gub end, forgive me, but like they don't like open table integration rate or lake, albinos integration, because if you can yell at your speaker, les, hey gimme, a large pepperoni to my house, just like the the on demand pizza thing is always used as an example by tech. People like I was, I ziglar was trying to tell me that, like the killer, app of apple tv is seamless and which I know I don't find that all because if you have people over you're not going to stop everyone watching tv be like whoa, let's look at a menu for for fifteen minutes, while people debate what they're going to order, but like the on demand, pizza thing, I remember was like when the
Ninety five, it was like you can order. Domino is from your computer through your modem and when you get the facts, the cd drive. You can put your passing on it like you been. There are like that. That type of it just feels like the thing. That's always turn around I know who actually use it. I mean. The reason is because the the the home delivery pizza market is insanely. Big, like is much more than ten billion dollars annually, people's spent. This amounts are under getting pizza, deliver to their houses year its But here in the middle of easy patch, in your better tommy hired him disrupt tunnel, I'm about to change your life right now, yeah I got another. Do you ever read that there's? Like a fake view, it was like an old secret doom or secret yup that was around only just a year. And they grow up so fast stairs and obituaries right. There is like my favorite secret ever was like the kashi market in america is worth a billion dollars. Yeah pistachios.
underserved, I have just raised ten million dollars to bring those who areas like that's. The structure of every pitch is the size of the well. That's all I mean visas. What's going to start a pizza company unless you, namely a pizza company, philip eyes, As a matter of fact, too fast I mean the best. The best the app name for pizza was already taken. It's push for pizza and the app was as a button that you push. Pizza came to you talking about the pixel c, you're right, you're, right, pusher picture Was this your pixels so well right now, even playing with what you think I'll? I take this little thing. Okay, it turned off, but we're coming back, yeah we're on. I dig it. It's fun. It's cute! It's a great size, yeah, it's weird that the keyboard doesn't light up, but I guess we can't, get everything yet that we want to do eternal like, like both privilege, hated it really yeah. The software is not apt. After my shuts it's it's just a gigantic phone which
it's like dieter's. If you readers review water, he is like grants like lottery dealers or he is a cheater- has been desperately trying to like live in the future and like not have a laptop and had this like touch keyboard hybrid experience. Oh really, so you like data surface for awhile, and then he didn't. He try the ipad pro for a minute and then he was all over that and he's just like we're bought, like literally the first sizers like we're botching it like these are all botched products like nobody really understands what to do with a touch screen and a keyboard at the same time, and giving after windows, eight areas like yeah we're not going to make those mistakes and they came in, like god, dammit that's what I just like that. It's weird because apple has it's too big platforms and apple. Actually,
in which I made earlier, like they ve made so many big bats this year that it kind of using everything's half done like apple put out the watch this year. Eleven, like really said a word about it, but I watch I was too great, but nothing happened. Read they put up a tv product, the runs in: u s call tv unless they put out three touch on the phone the list goes on and on and on and they're waiting for any of them to hit and then like, oh by the way we added a pen and a keyboard or the like and they're waiting for it to hit like it. His endless series of big big bats from apple and it's like, but none of them really answer the question of like how does the ipad replace your laptop and then with microsoft? It's the same thing like tom, jerry, the dell xps thirteen is like you know. I don't need all this other stuff. I just want a great laptop, and here it is. I love it and then there's this thing and it's like Google could build the next. The third platform like they're, the only company that can do it right you've got apple in it's tube.
big platforms, ios and ios. Ten you've got microsoft and windows and they've got a different bed to spread all across and you've got google doing that thing and it's like, but you didn't do any work like you just like put it on a different screen size and, like literally stuck a keyboard on the bottom, with a cool hinge and like is that this is the future insect, not an actual hinge Nobody knows had instinctively. If is with us, you figured it out the AL at some coaxing from israeli experts yeah, I don't think everyone at home is like irae, where those three guys guys it comes with a double sided sheet of paper with, like, I would say, very confusing, pictographs and are there any other?
and yeah. You ever see a pentagram like. I know exactly what the heck I'm going to derail you open up like the ikea boxes like oh. This is so easy to understand. These arrows and lines completely make a bookshelf ladder, don't even know why they bother, including these pictures, it's so intuitive. What was the last piece of ikea? They built? I think it was like a futon in two thousand and six. I had a bookshelf in college and it broke immediately. When I decided to never do that to myself again, we had a very when I saw it in office in this office, which was like a long time ago now with like a blue couch from ikea, and it was so I dunno furniture offices, it gets abused, especially snapped in the middle. So now, they're like shopping for new couches, upstairs then keeps showing me these, like various like west elm cb, to like count like the recent violent couches as like the I'm gonna break. They Michael asked a minute. We can have these orange sponge couches that literally champion
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Is it? You are all that exist, and then I want you to integrate a messaging solution into whatever the hell. It is that you're doing alexa remind me to go to cloud messaging dockery. Yet. the story of a demanding, weird story? By up its? We ve got six units. Last we have a request attack that hamilton. I was using lightning around weakens our hamilton Do me round hamilton hot, not hot, very hot, with this handle now now can learn a lot about. It is you're, not gonna, think it's sounds good. Explicit, sound business here that out loud sounds terrible is a rap musical, all out the life of Alexander Hamilton and the founding fathers
I know this sounds like everything for me. Why don't I know about this? My first I was obsessed with. It. Is the hardest ticket in town so loud basically in lies for minors and solar radiation thousands of dollars. I was picturing more like something like empire exclusively on. It's like you know what I mean like she's going tonight. It is oh cool. That's why this is very relevant subject. Is I decided to spend one night of my time in new york doing something just for me and that's going to see this. This show, which is going to win every tony they're going to they're, going to make them new tony's just have extra tonys to award to what's going on, but it's this it's this really cool thing. It was written by lin manuel miranda, who is owed the child of immigrants, and he was really story, because alexander Hamilton himself was an immigrant and does
use the power of writing to help found the nation any cast, mostly actors of color, like in the roles of the founding fathers and so the way he describes it. It's the story of america yesterday told by the story of america today, but he said it we're eloquently, but anyway it's hope opec and I got into it because of our collective any who tweeted many many times about it, led me to the cast album and I've been obsessed with it for a month, so I say count if any one of the best americans diverge, Yeah by far none also casey and caitlin, I believe only interact on twitter. That is sure she's upstairs she tries to censor and I would love to say, hi to caitlin before I leave. I don't think that you should okay deals off leash and get deals off. Okay, letting around gopros making a drone called the karma drone by gopro called the karma.
I mean it seems like an effort to make it not sound. Like that thing, that's going to watch you when you don't want to be watched, terrible name gotta do it. I think the fact that gopro like dj, makes drones and now they have to make cameras, because they were in cisco, prison, the drones and gopros like electric drones. It's very interesting cs has officially banned hoverboards. I would love to have a hover board there. I have this dream of a video in which someone on case anyone is right. Have a red slowly down along on away and were wide shot and there's a carpenter say wages. Like jason, case in slow motion, slow motion, yeah I'll make that happen. That's what it takes to get me kick out to sea ass I'll, do anything clinging on bash, did you should make a match reference? Why is in the millennials? I grew up with reruns abash. Believe me on this.
no mass to my prime viewing liver ordered me to lead on Monday and baseball cap. Oh my god, yahoos you have yahoo, because the core business of yahoo is worth nothing I ordered you lock is through this one year, yet a bit with it. It is a story about taxes which is way which makes it horrible, but so got more than most of the value of yahoo is in this large stake they own in alibaba, so they wanted to spend that stake off into its own company, and then they ran into tax issues. They wanna take this huge tax head, and so they have this responsibility to find a cheaper way to do it, and so now there sort of doing the opposite. Where they're going to spin out the much cheaper core of yahoo. Its own company. But what sad about it is that the story of yahoo is now a story about financial engineering leg. It's no longer a product story right, it's no longer about the black people there who are trying to make will things it's just like. How will
this asset be disposed so in in a lot of ways. This week felt like the end of yahoo to me yeah. So I worked for aol for a long time is going up and the rumors are always aol and yahoo. And now rise in which a spot able to become some sort of comcast, like media coming if they're, basically, not even hiding it they're like yeah. You know. If you put that out, there will snap it up and throw a couple of bucks. Your way. Take it off your hands and marissa. Can I call you risser Does anybody call her orissa literally? No one does so welcome to your wish. I'd actually say: congratulations to erica because she gave birth to twins. Today, congratulations to marissa Meyer pay very much immunizations, it's nice and sorry about the other thing. That's a bummer, yeah and so Verizon's out there like we're going to just if you mean, if eat when served here when I think about the media that the tens are gonna, love that that verizon yahoo really really moving?
it offers us it's funny that yahoo yahoo naomi. Finally, marshes verizon we're just like you know what we just. We have the money If God only knows what else we are going to do with it, make good phones, faster networks, now go ninety sorry, the nineties, just terrible product and okay. Given the yahoo that went around. Yep mailbox, is dead. Yeah very sad. The the client that I used on my phone basically from the date came out till a month before it shut down. Dropbox could not figure out a way to turn it into a moneymaker and give up on it. It's terrible yeah. Is there any future for these apps what kind of apps stages inhabitants general? Can I tell you? given the absolute we're gonna catch on your ears point sixteen story for you. The ab development is a terrible business for all, but a very select number of companies and I think, lot of the opportunity has already been snapped up, rightly if you're not in
on demand, services or messaging, or a couple of other categories. Not a lot of ways to make money games is the other one. There's not a lot we make money because most people don't download apps and the people. you are paying for them to go. Making a business out of that are we going to have a return to like people, inventing things not what? If you're gonna see, people continue to make stuff and it away for free and nature of the internet right now, not non internet things like new life, all like something better than the light, but we will know it but better. We will see into the land, and people will be farmers. We will turned to an agrarian society of craftsmen and tradesmen and women and those who refused they must wander train. Alright, I want to have another one here. We've got another one and I do out your actual story when you are quite right. in cure as feature I haven't even had the chance to read it in it's all about how microsoft is gonna. Try to re revive the xbox one yeah
Not that I mean you should read it, but it's about that, but I think the real turn is about how the regal if you use windows a lot more because it turns out. No, I think I think this is actually a pretty bright idea, because look look at sales of video game consoles, right, yep, playstation! She or I think it is three. So no, no, no sorry an image! I get all right, pst! I sold one hundred and twenty million ps three a little over eighty million, and there has been a general sense of the video game console trending downwards. On top of that, like as video game, becomes
You can just stream. Why even bother spending a ton of money on this device and it's also competing with things like your smartphone right. So there, the idea of a console market is messier than it's ever been on the flip side windows, ten ton, what one hundred million computers right now already they they say they want it to be at a billion in three four years. That's a hell of a lot more people, so I I think it's kind of right net, like I don't know if they'll ever catch up with sony and the playstation
four, but if their real idea is ok, let's keep human. This idea that reconciling ichorous for one we're generation, even though councils may disappear after this one, we can kind of start redirecting people towards what the real future is, which is an act that delivers you all of your video games and streams them more uses. Cloud computing, or just you know, is the platform on which a second and first party software tears. So I I I think I lit this is me like analyzing. My hump is this is not the specifically based off quotes they've said, but I do get the sense that all of this interest that they have in windows, bringing almost everything to windows when I, when I asked them about halo the new halos coming to windows, they wouldn't give me a flat know like the fact that people aren't are no longer used to be like no
Of course we're not doing that. Now xbox xbox xbox, and now it's like well, you know we do things when it's the right time to do things is, is basically the read of the situation there and I I think that is probably the healthiest play is knowing when to kind of it's not really cutting your losses. I think xbox one still going to be very waiting for them, but I think, like recognizing, oh wait. We have this giant platform already yeah. Why would we not use that platform? Are they going to? Let also offers just like right game. So that's the whole. Their big plan is, and I I want to see this action done, but they describe developing for windows. Ten, as this like literally time, key for all windows, ten platforms and xbox. One is eight windows, janet platform as this ball, so they describe it like oh boy, you're develop for any of these and it'll. Just
work even harder to that something like less thousands have thing. It's like. That's not the point ways: discovery payment, distribution I I think I think, then the idea is like if you already have the xbox brand and they already have an xbox app on windows and they've. Already with that brought one for your friends list, you can chat over that and that's like step one if they already have essentially the social media platform right, they have. They have the part of it that keeps people locked in the sticky part and then they're competing with something like steam, which is where you buy your games and they can say. Well. You already have your friends here. We have are much better at party chat, just providing that kind of overlay for your games. I'm sure there are people who will disagree with me on that and say that steam is flawless in every possible way,
I bet I bet I think they have like a legit shot at we're talking about this. Yesterday, coke and pepsi of being the pepsi to steam's coke on windows that it'll it in a world of lots of terrible and seems to has never executed really on the steam box concept. No. I only we currently accessible on big picture there, There is still not there really make the first parties to picture in and and think about that right like if, if, if xbox wants to bring big picture windows, it's just xbox life they can. They can do it tomorrow if, if they want, you already have that made. So I think I think that is the future. That we see is, I think, xbox one still exist. I think that definitely has its core audience, but I think we start seeing xbox as a brand, not as a singular piece of hardware.
Ooh interesting yeah hm, I might still buy the alita yeah. It's still the easiest way to play. Video games. Video game consoles are dead. I I have a pc and I love it. I had a gift for macaroni from polygon over at my house last weekend and we tried to play three games on pc and all three didn't work, really as I e I irish asylum policies, I still have those done problem and I have yet to see a really truly great apple tv him for having doesn't that can exist. Want me to could, if it's a very specific small game, but the hard drive limit alone. I mean there. Are I fun games. You can't run on apple tv, just because
it's a nice name and they move them right like the thing. Okay, yeah, it's masses and the apple tv and apple internet tv once again cannot launched streaming service can't get the deals they want put on hold for the fiftieth time. I mean, I think it's the right move, right, they've sort of talked that service up so much that when it launches it better feel pretty amazing right, like TIM cook, keeps calling this next generation apple tv, the foundation for the future of television, and yet you find out it's just going to be like a different bundle of channels that you pay forty bucks a month for, like I, this I read. I read this thing a long time ago about the war for tv was three years ago now and there's I just re, read it cause me to retweet at memes like wild. the darren, retreated in eunuch rumor that you were to think I am, but there's this line of error. There was like the the killer. App for tv is tv like every apple tv. App is basically just another complicated interface in front of you watching a video
although I will say I watch I downloaded closer up in my took three chinese lessons. I am terrible seeking trainees and learning it by watching lady l, chinese, you on your tv, not an effective solution. I, u stunner! I do you think I am apple needs to do something sooner rather than later, because I think what we're thing happened around. That is all the contract. Negotiation that they are doing is benefiting companies doing the exact same negotiations. So when playstation view happen, they were, I think, able to do that deal because playstation wasn't the only person talk to them when amazon want got this showtime deal going stars. Those jewels don't happen because amazon goes to those companies like hey, will do this happening, because other companies are going and there's there there's an ecosystem for end if I were apple, I'd, be worried that, like great, I did the hard work I sent nice sent the people out there to start started.
process and along the way either those companies. In the case of like stars and showtime partnered with other people or in the case of h, b, o figured like wait. Why would I like that? That's like hbr, I feel like it's figured out in the way the nfl hasn't yet where it's like wait like what, if I just take the money directly and don't worry about any of your bullshit, then I put my thing on everyone. The next big thing- and I doubt it'll happen and peter kafka. Recode- has been important in a permanent, but neither is that the rights for the thursday night nfl games are up for auction soon and apple has much money. They could certainly participate, but verizon has already bought the mobile rights, so apple could buy the rights, but you wouldn't be able watch nfl games unless you have verizon and that seems like distinctly, not apple. Covenants as Nikola tell me what the biggest story in fashion history, that on the spot on the spot, I mean. Ok,
now I'm like well, I I'm like black blacking out and but I guess the biggest event this week was the Victoria's secret imagined, I read that you did a great feature erected at a future. Yes touched by an angel on rack dot com by Eric Adams, about how it's, like the only mall brand that still good and like makes money. Basically, how like they don't have any competition, and it's kind of insane like when there is no one. There is no one competing with Victoria's secret. There's, no one like that. It's really crazy. If we're talking about marketplace voids yeah, that's wild and bras and underwear yeah. Is it a trash, questions if you give it back mack Weldon. Doesn't that was a very chances for this week by an angel kill me here, some stuff that you can do with your time. Right now You can go onto twitter dotcom, most people don't have twitter and facebook instead
But you can go onto that website. You can sign up for an account. You can avoid the moments tab which will attack you, but then you can follow effort, twitter. You can also all of us nicolaus Niccolo, underscore fema Chris plant nearly verified. Oh hey, workday, vermicular hooper follow bulge You can follow transplant he was at plant with and he he found me. I met reckless kc. One of the finest twitter feeds in all the land last viewed as a occasion it you can hit us up on snapchat were a real verge
That's what what's your snapchat neglect them out altogether. Downfall kc cause gets weird in there real real, true casey, but that just father virtue get an instagram. We have beaten mash one in scram. We now have a quarter million instagram followers which don't have like our engagement array and do literally just drinking the blood of our enemies right now and instagram wired your next gun down. So please follow us on instagram. You can just find us just type it in what else can you do? What else should you do? Oh, and I should do you should listen to our other fucking images. Chris plant has podcast yeah. It's it's really good yeah, I'm! I don't want to brag, but is tremendous. I want to tell you a story about worried that someone on the youtube chat said earlier that I, what what you is lit and it's a seventeen. I'll get bigger
It's the highest honor that it's length. Originally. It was actually a forty two year old, referring to the band yeah. You are your own worst, the decade that it wow the cars in the front yard chris. Is everyone in all the letters that scientists they re about. Tenement did at that summit. Genealogist turned on me, bad alexa Pilecki, my own worst enemy. My way extra, never stop playing my own worst enemy, but no matter what I said. no matter what I say after they were formed the same year. I was born my problem. While access suicide, the death protocol, the last nine years, sir, my own worst enemy to come out.
I'm ready a my ok that mind we're sorry they cannot do you know I assume lit was formed, release my own work. I believe that no other pocket were now works for eleven goddamn hear anything about Lee. I love a place. the sun is the record and they had that plays for like, a year and then god keep reading the lit wikipedia. One of those others are called miserable. Zip lack over my head: lift sick and bruises. extra play, lipstick and bruises by let this is really and torture has been bought and that it suggests you go to their myspace. Oh my god. Okay, we're done and to go to their myspace there might lead us we're at verge on twitter at were at lit up by its
also in addition to the previously relevant. Let commentary I'd like to think braintree response to today's episode. As branch. He gives you a stack payment solution. Support for all payment types of customers might want. You start accepting. Android pay apple, pay, paypal, bitcoin venmo. I learned recently that venmo owned by paypal so really the whole thing cards whatever's. Next, like you, wanna pay for shit, just get braintree in your app people can pay you or you can take them all in over one hundred and thirty currencies as your company grows. Branchy will stay by your side from your first dollar two billion. All it takes is a couple of other codes to get started
nor does it braintree payments, dot com, slash verge cast via Chris as what cyclists and what sec I host a show with walt Mossberg called control athlete, listen that all of us at itunes dot com. So I submerge and ver jsp on hiatus until next year, she'll be back and that's it. Please continue granting us with your presence on our many channels. I dunno I dunno whatever it's over towards bega the.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-08.