« The Vanished Podcast

Veronica Blumhorst


On September 20, 1990, after her usual night shift at the local grocery store in Mendota, Illinois, Veronica Blumhorst clocked out at 1:07am. She walked out to her car with her coworkers, they said goodnight and Veronica headed home. She had mentioned to her coworkers that she was really tired and planned to just go home and go to bed. Veronica's mom woke up around 2am and noticed Veronica's car parked in the garage. She assumed Veronica was in bed and went back to sleep. When her brother woke up that morning, he looked for Veronica because she was supposed to drive him to school. He was confused because her car was there but he could not find his sister anywhere. She was last seen by her coworkers at the grocery store and in the almost 30 years that have passed, Veronica has never been seen again.

If you have any information about the disappearance of Veronica Blumhorst, please call the Mendota Police Department at 815-539-9331. You may also call Special Agent Brian Wentz with the FBI at 708-349-0004.

If you would like to follow Veronica’s story on social media, you can visit “Remember Veronica Jill Blumhorst.”

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey prime numbers, you can listen to the vanished ad free on amazon, music, download, the Today, the. How do I used to carry around a lot of hate for that person? Who did it to her, because we it's assume that she had been murdered, cause there's no way she would allow left voluntarily, but there's still about you know that little hoping you hold out there. You know maybe something happened and we she's still alive but real. just what you know in your heart bet: she's gone, she was have we gone before the sun came up on September twentieth But you don't want a totally not give yourself to that, but we want the person who It is to know that we have not forgotten her. We won't forget her.
and in my oldest daughter, has, is casting Veronica. That's her middle and I ve been a raise our kids together. So this is not some that's gonna, be wiped out in a generation. It's going to go on September twentieth. Ninety ninety after her usual evening, shift at the local grocery store. twenty one year old, Veronica, bloom, hearst, clocked out and headed home. The next morning her brother woke up and noticed her car parked in the garage, but he find his sister anywhere and she was supposed to give him a ride to school. He called their father and told him that Veronica wasn't home. Veronica's father was initially overly concerned, but, as the hours passed with no sign of Veronica, everyone began to worry. Veronica was last seen by her coworkers at the grocery store.
in in almost thirty years that have passed, she's never been seen or heard from again I'm marissa and from wondering this is episode. Two hundred and eighteen of the vanished veronica, bloom, Hearst's story. we've finally almost made it to summer and for all of those events, beach, weekends, weddings and everything in between my go to shopping destination is always the real real dot com. The real real is the largest and most trusted destination for authenticated luxury resale. You find everything from gucci, prada or mez to gani start and so much more of
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After high school Veronica remained at home and worked at a local grocery store ajar, that she enjoyed immensely, spoke to Veronica sister, caroline who was never before spoken publicly about her sisters case when we spoke with Carolyn. We asked her what she remembers about her sister and their childhood. Together we go, in small towns lives like in dover? and then malden illinois just down street, from where my cousins and that we were actually within the same street they lived on. Like a few years, so we were like out on a fire and then we moved into men, go there and had again used city life. So we were, you know just a couple of kids. girls, who are used to play with chickens and dogs and everything, and then moving into the big city year Mendoza. She was,
it's quiet, sheep, I would mean around a lot. She was gonna like I think I was her hero to some extent. You know how older sisters are. Two younger siblings, used to drive crazy at the time, but she you get a lot of things that we cannot support. to me that always gonna make me feel bad later for like resenting here you know vienna. past you go faster because she do something really awesome they're down the road that we had pretty good I mean she had some learning disabilities I remember when we adopt in her- and I remember my mom and dad talking about you- know, gone and pick her up, and you know what shall we? Neymar and my mom's name was betty and being a kid I thought that he invites occur had to beat together because the archie so touchy. He ended up with Veronica,
You know she was just like the little princess, because I was this brunette tall and whatever, and she was a little really tiny little blonde and it was it good childhood in in the younger years and then, as we grew up, we grew further part just because we're siblings and I had on thing going on being five years apart, I gotta school before she did say. You know how that kind of puts a wedge between you, because I had my things going on, I was in a lotta high school things choir plays in things like that. I don't really have a lot of time for her, but then, when I get older and moved out in mary I had my own child, sister, and I really connected again. We wait things together on the weekend. We go shopping together. I was a politician felt like I would Finally, we would do make obsession than I do her hair and make open their errand.
four problems and dances and all that. and I think she just with hopeless with the curling iron and always wanted her. Big sister always wanted her big sister to help her out. This is the it was a year era, big hair and hair hairspray, and everything like that. And when she got older he come down to our house on the weekends in Their hang out with me in my daughter or if it was evenings come play cards with her boyfriend and my husband. You know we do like adults, do cards and drinks and watching movies in the flight so in our withal nothing more than your basic sibling rivalries here and there that otherwise we were really close. I don't think she was ever somebody who outwardly. is ever really dishes or ever lake
I really that about people or anything like that, so she was different. Me, because I'm like a more outgoing personality than she was that we were pretty connected here. At the end, we also spoke to Veronica's, father Paul for this story, and he scribe Veronica's life to us got a job and Mendoza never got to be fire department. So he is in mendota real small to save time. I mean people left the doors unlocked they left the cars unlocked and we have no problem, my other kids, the It is one which we still have. She was after an auction. California, when she was three days old we took her out of here. Hospital. and then we adopted Veronica I back. The illinois first of She was adopted when she was a baby. We adopted her when she was seven months old. She grew up in our home. When we
after she had. We had one of the girl, but their time failure. after we adopt Veronica, became pregnant and we had a boy. The normal Family life far playing around fine. She Have some trouble in school? I mean not true, What's you it? She lives just like a slow manner, but you are getting help and she graduated at a high school. She had a job it too value as donor, These mad and she enjoyed it. The normal when she went out with normal friends in everything and she had some different boyfriends? One of them is now the chief of police, I mean she just had a normal life really get along with everybody. She was happy go lucky. She didn't want the largest of father She lived at home with us and a death her brother? No was the only two. Besides a wife and I had a house her sister.
Got married and moved away. She moved about twenty five away and she was close with her sister Gate- was it. Her work, the ledge after that and she she lighted uneasy. Can you have today anytime. She could do whatever she wanted and then she could go in go to work and meet everybody that come in and out so she enjoyed it. She didn't operation go to college enough. My dad she knew invitations, and she knew that you know her goal was to get married and have a family and live happily ever after we spoke to described Veronica as being sweet and caring always willing to help anyone around her. She had a large, extended family and we were fortunate enough to speak with her cousin amber. who remembers Veronica much the same way as others from article a cousin firmer than my mother sister, and pay much of the terminal bliant work together
in indonesia and children. The way to seventy nine. We were together almost every day. She was to procure Gentle ensure boy to champion for further People who are weaker not so after stand up for themselves, jasmine a little kids gotta turn replay industry in give up returning to make sure somebody else had something when what we were doing, that everything was here as always color far away, but you never really so that she didn't tender for herself the issues that are suffering. Somebody else could have something where there is Kramer occur on the biker, oh wait, nine insurers, or is she came to everybody and friendly when we were growing up in indonesia, is a safe place you're right, I buy from their house monroe's treat overdue. The frustration of drop off food for the fireman, never no big deal everybody knew who we were
and we knew who everybody else was. My father was on the police force and her father was Apparently we can learn. because our community pool when we were small, you know maybe like can a third grade a little first grade wicked. To the committee report. Parker go down. She could play with the network It is now crucial you're very carefully in sharing in Austria. Like to help build a kid. You should get on some of them Your kids, like myself up the sharing was one of the little our kids turf. We were taking too much of a turn away from somebody. I'll just always wanted to make everybody got there. Fear shaken their fair sharing their opportunity and she never. Let me think stand her way of that. Were raised pretty humbling. You mean our mothers drew up as chile, The sharecroppers show the one thing, my grandmother, which as I don't have anything to give you, but I gave you each other.
And we had each other, we always from the the beginning of our lives. Even though she's a year older than me, the time your tiny babies. We had that love for each other, not love on family, very tight on that to this day we members a lotta best. We still have. there can be to each other punched me. That's always been something that would You know that glue. We always had to each other, you nobody's ever really got isa destroyed out bond between any of us and she had said how do I do that when I was over for one If you're angry, you don't look at that. You don't you know, realize you know everyone's got a difference and you don't really think about it. If she was, Maybe a little smaller skinnier took a few extra turned to get something it's but TAT never held her back for your personality army. She really show
to whether we wouldn't we relating to rubbish, skate everyone we were gone to ride back, you know, might have taken a little longer. You never stopped. Try and she never gave up she just death and shoes sunshine and everything is dead. as she grew older veronica, his family expected that she would want to know more about her biological family, but she seemed to be mostly content with the family who had chosen to adopt her. We spoke with. On august, cousin tanya who shared with us the discussions she and Veronica had about finding her birth family still emotional. My emotional well d. You know there things like she was adopted You know you talked about her finding her birth family, which was just something that was starting. You know then- and she always wondered
We are more germanic. Looking family, there has dark hair and were a little bit more. Have you say in here straight hair, and here this curly blonde with you now eczema, whose to advice not then in way two hundred and four pounds physically, she billy instead in that much and for she had often wondered about her family and I have adapted kids and they're going to that fact of life. You know, they're going to wonder about their birth family, but I could never wanted to go back and find out who her family was and she would It's because I have my family here, I'm good with that. had you not yeah, I'd like to know a little bit about you down here, just for the house history, but that was it, and so she was sure, of course, do the same. Why she didn't want to hurt anybody feelings by going to look corporate family it that evolved into the, but I have
family. Here I already know my family. They lifted my daughter. He had a sudden there, I could talk about, and I think That's why I was so open to adopting an taught me how to be a better adapted mom before even adopted. I now have in adoptions because of her, because it should Both curiosity, but you know one percent of it. I often ask questions about that like what does it feel like to be adopted? It was something I didn't know personally timber twentieth. Ninety ninety Veronica worked her regular shift at the local grocery store called per value. She had recently been sick with mano and was planning to go to the doktor. The next day for a follow up. Appointment she rented the movie stella that night from her work and mention two or coworkers that she was planning to watch the following day, because she was so tired from battling mano
at one o seven. I am Veronica clocked out she. nicole workers, walk to their cars and said good night to each other, for Look I got into her blue chevalier, Corsica and headed home. She I worked her usual spot in the family garage and after that, No one knows exactly what happened to Veronica around two. I am her mother got up and solve ronicky car where it usually was invalid. Veronica had gone to bed, but next morning her younger brother Todd couldn't find her to take him to school. Todd called their father Paul to let him know that Veronica wasn't home paul wasn't immediately concerned that something was seriously wrong. He assumed that Veronica had gone to breakfast with her boyfriend. When Paul later arrived home, he received a call from Veronica's doctors office because she had missed her scheduled appointment
began to become concerned, but still thought that maybe she simply forgot about her appointment. It wasn't until Veronica's boyfriend called looking for her the he realized that she wasn't with him. This is one Paul jumped into action. were contacted to cover this story by a family friend of the bloom hearst's, her name steal your bryson when spoke with her. She was able to walk through the timeline of events in Veronica's disappearance of my grandma me and her brother were friends. She and my grandma actually work together at the supermarket before she went missing. So we just I have always been trying for as long as I can remember, the timber twentieth Ninety she about forfeit the supermarket patchwork. That shit There are late at night after finishing up a shift going home. She didn't think what man on nuclear tests
I go home and go to sleep the next day off, so she rented a movie. The family woke up. She was supposed to take her younger brother tied to school that day and when the tide woke up, she wasn't there. So her dad's, like Oshima, switch breakfast with her boyfriend. Just drive your car I'll come pick it up to do the repairs on it, while you're at school. She'll, come get you from school? Two hours later, the boyfriend called looking for her. Some other people called looking for her and that's when they realized like holy cow, she's gone, they called the police right away when the police came, but she probably just left with friends or she had left her boyfriend or whatever and at first they didn't want to take a brief report. Can I get from my understanding you're advertising to tie them up two years later that they didn't run multiple twenty four hours. They wouldn't take police report that they just thought she was off with her threatened. Her car was parked in the garage. The police never searched her car and never pulled the family. It was off limits. Nothing!
didn't. Come back from the car gladly chivalry missing programme on making when the hearing from originally called the police, maybe Around the property looked in the garage look to see if they could like, anything less you might have had with her by her purse with left there. Her check was left there. Her bank card was left. There The only thing that we know for sure that she had with her works. Lacheneur keep everything else was left in her vehicle in the movie? That's right that about black day was gone, so the movie here isn't how in her work, not let her purse your paycheck and her atm card raw left behind him. The please try to convince the theme That may be laughed of her, Three will be decided to take off and the like, but why would she leave without her paycheck? I'm sorry, I'm gonna kick off. I'm take medium paycheck with me. They turned the good. Then let it maybe he had left her own and I mean she had told her coworkers are what I see you, but whatever days she worked again shown recover cars about plan
the shed for the weekend, and she was going to do something with her little brother because they were very close, and I mean, if you're gonna, manage them. Why you tell your coworkers about your plans? Why you know I mean you're gonna leave on your own. You only make because you know your letter, The. I want to tell you about this game that I recently started playing its called june's journey. Everyone loves a good family mystery, especially one with, as many twists and turns has june's journey. Happened to the role of june parker and four hitting clues to uncover the mystery of her sisters. Murder. One thing that I enjoyed about playing june's journey was that polluted, mine, teasing puzzles, but also a really interesting story line. I found it a great way to just relax and play a game that also to my mind, engaged wanting to get
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It certainly seems odd that if Veronica plan to leave that she will leave her car purse and paycheck behind- but maybe there was an explanation for it all We continue to search for details about Veronica's disappearance when we spoke with Carolyn. She told us what she remembers about the day that Veronica disappeared. The day she went missing. I was- eating at my house, because she was supposed to be coming down to do like a day her and I were gonna, go through bright magazines and just gonna look stuff, because she had she hoping to get married within the next two years, and since I had made dresses before she wanted me to make her gown and ice as well. and now you're not officially engaged. We need the kinder get thinking about it, because if I'm gonna make it, it's not gonna happen in a week. So I need like some time. To know, what's going on,
what you want, so we were just gonna make you know girls day, bride magazine ice cream. You know just talking over plan for the future and stuff. Like and she and gardener yet, and then I heard the door open to her house because you end through the side of the house in kind. I went to the garage before you got to the actual door that led into our house. I thought it was my son to and the knock at the door was heavier than my sister's knock it with my dad and I would like on what's goin on and then he asked me where my mr was- and I was just like I did knew something was wrong because if he didn't know where she was- and I would expect there to be there, it was like to suddenly just they went out of my lungs neighbours. Second shit now she's, not here
she's not at home, and that's just where the ball started. For me that day, it was just like instant reaction, I mean you could ask my husband. I just knew then, was wrong, just to told him my dad voice and just the fact with him on the other side of the door and not her, and I just kind of broke apart. it is right there I was just like from head to toe. I just something was wrong, You know he wasn't like in a panic. anything he was just concerned. I mean he's always been somebody in law enforcement in the fire department as well, and he had been please and so I mean he he it's cool is far I can remember other than the fact that my dad was that was the only thing that concerned my I've been to work with them dad actually was that concern them
with at our house instead of just calling in thin. What was that actually drove to our house. seeing her father visibly concerned made Carolyn feel like this wasn't just a miscommunication involved I wasn't off visiting a relative or friend So she and her husband, headed over to the bloom hers town police had already arrived. daddy's sent dogs to track Veronica sent from the garage to the alley outside, and then it should start within a couple hundred feet high monica gotten into a car with someone did she go visit? A neighbor, no one could Quite sure, caroline told us more about that day. My mind is kind of a blur as far as what we did. I do remember like going back to my parents house. I don't remember a time frame to give you as far as was it an hour, what the two hours, remember my
leaving and then we packed up because I had a. child and we took off and my back to my daughter and went to my parents house and got their ourselves what was going on and I recall, going out to the I urge my parents garage and see our car sitting there, you know and just kind like gone whoa Did anybody open her trunk in we opened the trunk in it there Did you know her bag with air from the weekend prior and that's all that did and we set the trunk and then we went back in the house. I actually who opened the trunk of a car, because you know I mean I was just like ok, well train of thought. And comes in the driveway, but they don't come into the house. So if they're not anywhere physically.
The garage could they be in the trunk of the car. So you know, I thought the trunk of her car. It was the police hadn't done it prior to us doing it. I was terrified, but it was also it was just kinda like one of those things. Were you just don't think about it? It was just like you, then come and say: you're thinking like ok, she's, not in the house, but your car is here. we're all standing here in this big garage and you can see all the rafters and there's nothing there you'd be hiding in so where's the next logical place. It was just like wall Nobody look in the trunk, I mean you don't to be a Sherlock holmes, fanned this kind of put that kind of two and two together type thing That's why we were just so exasperated that the cops were melon around in the yard and
and all over the grass and all that stuff, but nobody was doing anything that was the easy like pop in the trunk, the police. I'll just in the yard in that task, about it and saying it was she probably just took off she's twenty one she's old enough to do what she feel they do. You know or like taken any of it that serious some, the policeman who lived during we behind my parents were standing there in the yard. He was pretty much, one of the main one saying no well she's old enough to do thing. What not we were just, wow. You their long enough to know that she's, not the type person to do their own thing like that? But ok, as the least began to investigate. There were few people that they honed in on one of them was Jeffrey burka, a local man that Veronica had been dating for several months prior to her disappearance. Jeff
quickly came under scrutiny as a significant other of a missing person often does when we took to caroline. She told us more about Jeff. We knew Jeff. Like in a social away besides, didn't meet him as my sister's boyfriend social. He came to our house now they played cards We watch movies stuff like that, so it like, we were didn't, know him at all personally, and he was here however, beyond guy who has really smart, but he never really fit in anywhere in I school and stuff like that, and he had a really he says the humor and in on the video today I watched my he was doing these magic tricks if that were just wake. blame lame, chee chee the you know.
Brother was laughing at the aunt in the video. He was the one filming and he kept telling him to do it over again, so he could get a good shot of it and then poke a joke. So you know he was a, guy who wasn't really comfortable and a lot of fossils situations with regular type. People who talked about sport and in all other stuff, because he does had a different mindset. different interests, which was probably why He got along well with my husband because he has a wide variety of interests as well. Initially, Jeff cooperated with the investigation. He vote terribly sat for an interview in consented to a polygraph examination, how at some point during jests interview with the police things started to take a strange turn, Jeff the police that may be something had happened to Veronica, maybe
he'd gotten into a fight. Maybe he had hit her. Maybe he hit her too hard story seemed to come out of nowhere but none of these statements were taken seriously because Jeff had previously been in an accident and claim to have a neurological injury that affected his memory. Carolyn didn't take his admission to seriously either we could both siege, in the middle of the interview, especially after What was how many hours of the twenty four hours a day in question? Did he said swiftly- Maybe I did get up the way they quote. Him is It's not shown any inflection as the what he how he said it. It's just typed outward You know we ve all seen people on tv, breakin interviews and they just sound like their totally ridiculous in the crap that comes out of their mouth as to what
their allies are and stuff like that in its dislike. Ok, he could have said some of the thing that they say he said, but I don't think he said I'm as a matter of fact. This is absurd. that's aspiration. He just said. Oh yeah sure this is what I did the smart remarked, I'm not saying he I didn't say it because they all seem to kind of type it down pretty accurately. Almost. I didn't, we to each other, which is also a kind of circumspect, because nobody has recall that's that close the identical, but he could have said some of the things he said. But it's all not being done right at the time of the interview it some damn writing stuff down, after the interview and what their memory of the interview was. It wasn't. It somebody sitting in their papers in typing what sit down. It was all recollection interviewed notes. So It was just kind of ok, I'm not really comfortable,
with the way some of this red. despite his cooperation with law enforcement at the time because father Paul felt like something wasn't right about the way he had acted in became suspicious of Jeff. You were, the local newspaper he was lost. to trade. Cars at the time He was looking the buyer forward. I think it was an One, Veronica disappeared. He a car Veronica? He didn't for the license plates. He got his initials classes, I think it was because she had her nickels and her birthday on her car when she, appeared. He to the house basically live without first three or four days, and he went to the police department and he d, neither did have a press conference nature. They have not yet have a press conference for, and they bid
they threw him other police department, recording on radio tour You say you he was suppose leave super intelligent, latin. He could get to you the thing and make you believe it and that We did here that he did taken lightly check your test, any failed. Big time here I said I could have hit her. I could hurt her. I could have killed her. She searched my folk's farm. The police department told him stay there and they went out to the farm, and course I couldn't find nothing and shortly afterwards, Jeff change jobs. He went to news, brain sterling illinois and worked there for a while and then left there. spiralling did not worry he I found out worry when we will have to watch the place for a while.
I just went by once and when I come back second time, I told them what I was doing, so they would they wouldn't take us. There was some behind, and so when I back him and don't I told him into police climate at the word placement where, or maybe call them up just a lawyer and would not talk to anybody ever bigger lawyer, because cousin ember remembers her aunt bettie calling and sharing sum of Jeff strange actions with them, leading the family to become even more wary of Jeff and his intentions had he possibly hurt Veronica and his memory was accurate here amber with what she remembers He had come to him on the shoulder bracket, didn't come all at night surfing? I do have been very wrong because therefore, for one I mean not that big of a camp and it's smaller,
it's a term that everybody knows what everybody's doing, except apparently when a twenty year old girl of missing her car was there, I think she heard more than ten or fifteen dollar yeah. She didn't go to her work. She then calling buddy are. This is the first time she didn't use anybody's phone or call anybody saunders, SAM, okay or not. Okay, literally down the street from the hospital in which he was at home by the tragic dark tat day. It escaped the horrible feeling that something was very, very wrong then, when my aunt heard to move around some other very strange things, her boyfriend, Joe was doing is saying at the time that need it even worse. I mean he was things I grow. Maybe I press sir, you started evil answered there,
that one quieter asking people in life is really reached. You think I did this, and why would I do this Why are people looking at me here? Why are people asking the year he would be in their living human, their couch and try to be make himself a part, What's happening right, trying to make it about him. It's therefrom. Well, I do like you should be with almost colonel getting didn't. People were paying attention to hammer or are giving the time to day he would it's really odd bizarre behavior my aunt and uncle invited him to come in in part self in their house. Her. You owe me her, so he just did it teaches, did it he would be there if you want to be a part of every conversation and he want to know what everybody was there. It was about him and he was in a could it and then he would let yourself self important. He was the first person,
just say the word murder. He was the first person to say. Maybe this murdered solitudes of purposes, we would have maybe she was here Are you don't want to somebody baby you around the middle of the night, because she would know her baby sitting around town. You know worker who needed the earmarked in someone to watch their kids and couldn't get home right away and maybe their phone was shut off. I mean those are the kind of things you start to think until it starts to get dark outside in the skies. saying this really weird things and he won to be a part of it, but then doesn't want anybody to actually you're gonna have to look into what he's doing or talk to his family The majority of the bloom hearst family was focused on Jeff and his mysterious statements to the police about hurting Veronica. Meanwhile,
carolyn and her husband were concerned. By the way the police investigation seem to be veering without looking into any other possible leads that were close to home. Carolyn explained to us my she thinks her family remained so focused on Jeff. I think of it just has to do with their feet and that he acted peculiar in the couple he's after personally think some of it is just the old by just the years a rumour and innuendo, and then they read the the inner. You, but I dont think they read the interview other way through because, in our view, is very disturbing on the police side of it not just Jeff. what he said in other things, they said to her job financed up like that and but my pet and never really got to hear. that or they didn't read all of it. They couldn't make themselves read it from end to end so well and then he he lloyd up in
the attorney, wouldn't press charges, because there was no no evidence whatsoever, and so my parents, I think they just angry that ok well, who, if you're innocent, why would you get a lawyer? People dont know how to deal with things like this all the time it isn't like. We all do crime all the time so that I think that your there there trust and I'm just like all along. What would you do if you were being accused? The murder? I mean what you just got: ok I'll, just sit on my hands and hope it passes. There was one point during the investigation were even Veronica. Sister Carolyn, who did not live in Mendoza at the time of veronica's disappearance, was asked it take polygraph exam because she was reportedly scene with someone resembling Veronica in her car. This Carolyn remembers reason why I had to go under a lie. Detector test is the police had gone
in a report that they had seen me in a car with a black woman and glasses, and the kind of to think that I knew where my sister was and that I was knew where she was and had her in my car and so they wanted to, to me and had manner, allied detective in it just like? Ok, there's one little rumour and they were just ready to jump you no job, but it was like going. Ok, you will bring a drag you in here for a light detector. Tesco you're obviously got something to hide in Well, nobody bothered to find out before they did that that my sister in law had the same exact stature, her color and wire room glasses as my sister, so they They didn't you know, and so it was for the flight. They just jump dead. Everything was too so sure they had the answer and without ever one through on anything else that could have been, could hear them he said in the middle of the light detector test was I'm just like on. Ok, all my sister,
I was in my car with my sister and you guys just on one eye. Witness statements are just all jumping to conclusions that I'm hiding my sister out somewhere so room. His family was displeased with police investigation. Early on variety His father Paul was a local fire fighter in her mouth betty worked in a nursing home, both your parents were active in the community dismayed by the lack of attention. The police seem to give Veronica's case. Her their Paul told us about his efforts to motivate the police. Monday night before Veronica disappeared, there was a police of me and there was few people wanted it, came home and john package aims on Monday night prior to her despairing appointed. He unharmed, acting chief of police and john buckingham as acting investigator. So she disappeared. I personally felt it
pack and am but well. If I now the cave target chief of police can harm thought that, if saw the case he would be permanent chief of police, in my view they blew the case. Some get you. Ok now they never did secure the garage where the car was that labour costs walk in and out of the garage and everything and twenty four days later, I drove to the fire station, which was right behind the police department and they come when asked he said, are you going Veronica's car? And I said yes, they said I think we ought to fingerprint I said: you're crazy, it's twenty! Four days later everybody's been in and out of it you breathe You know that in go over good, in a police department went round and round in ass for myself? Do you have countless years around involved with this, because it was the colony
sal county leak out. It was all right there. No one will area, they are connected And they said yes, I said: do you have a state normal state police involved? They said yes, six weeks later on, thirty miles away and a friend of users gotten have coffee So are we were not met coffee and be introduced into the wages and salaries? the father of innocent girl, Mendoza and ices, Yes, I am, we got talking today, the almost they please. Is involved and she said no they're not I said well, how do you know she said? That's my husband's job so he's my coffee and I went back to my daughter call the almost lay please infer annoy the substitution answered. I wanna talk to her. Investigator of the illinois state police brings illinois, nay said why I ices I'm the father. The missing roman daughter and our author involved
switch off the sergeant in this substance because he's he's in charge of it. mobile telephone. I told him He says daughter has not asked us to come in here. We have had with hedge state police up. There But they have never asked us in this. You don't believe me I'll. Let you talk to the cap, and so I talked to the captain and the cap said the same thing. So this got me upset highly upset, I went to the police department and ass luck would have it. But I can, I am an almost unknown, I so that once you, you knew the cheese right now they said just about so when she's ass, measured. Somebody's lying to me. tell me that you got the almost eight police involved in it and they always do. Please tell me you were not invited them in that's your somebody's lying and I don't like it. So I said
I can't I should I want you to write a letter to the south johnny Lee county. And built on his shirt planet tell them that you turn the case over to the almost eight police measures, you send a letter to terrorism. as director. Almost the place in springfield turn is over to them and and looked at me he said call. I cannot do that Can I be the office in the morning that letter, I want to read it and I wanna personally mail it if you like it. The right of albion, I'll office in so next I went over there. Gimme the letter I read it, I put an envelope and I'm out. today almost take place once jerry gainer, got it and read it and checked into the whole situation He called me back terry They said MR bloom Firstly, we cannot, over. He says it's. seventy eight weeks all the ready
and all the evidence has been destroyed. so they wouldn't take it over. now one veronica disappeared. We went and got her dental records, so they would have offered for the record. We also give em the sheet off the bed, so They want to get dna samples, begging it off the sheet of her bad about four or five. years later the Kellen investigator then agenda. New and very meet me in this U turns office. I said yes, we ve got in, in his office? We are talking in return. as he said, do you have anything Veronica's left No, why who says? Well, swindler dna- we said- We give them. She offered the bed bed. and they should be able to get dna offer that he said yes, he got it colonies,
That surely said we do not have the sheet anymore salt to me. They blew the case entirely. for a great killin. I personally Can you say he wants all the attention he feels at here. about everybody else he's boy, that amends! if your local, the positions so- My opinion of him well defined this of the police investigation remained unclear, some of them. though in Veronica circle, feel like didn't really begin for more than a decade after she disappeared. We with one of her friends Tracy, who told us about a call that she got it would fourteen years before, actually was either by the police I can't find that that was that was gonna to me you know but he always had asked me how they talk to you about asking questions
I said now and then I was I live in. Small community, and I was our in up to now- and I am I am- I got a phone call and yeah really got caught me off guard because I thought after all these years to be interviewing me now. I went over to the middle. The police department of youth cowan, whose now the police chief, but he was he wasn't it, at that time. Apparently, I was asked several question. He no protection, they focused on her boyfriend's that she dated and this particular gentlemen that she was gaining the time that she went missing. I never the young man You know I was in school, going to college and work and at the loser I was working at the grocery store. I know I met the general man which were different from any because people by Veronica
did in the past. You know I knew who they were, but this guy had met a man, Todd well and tad had expressed to me that he had felt that there was a lot of suspicion, with the fact that she was daily? You know when there was a lot of going around town, I never really I've never understood like us, why it took so many years. The call me in the interview me nothing. Obviously different. Then I would say today, but why did it so long for them to call me into that interview. said. Why now I said it. It disappointed me because I thought shouldn't you have done this a lot sooner Baby was roughly two thousand for two thousand and five I mean I don't remember the exact date, but I I ever saw but that was kind of odd. one thing that happened. That was very awkward for me was, one of them had went missing. I was down there,
The arab using ways out glue with a couple of people, I was writing back and forth to college with we want applying the same on gas and staffing. We swimming in the armies, an unworkable his department came in and asked to see my. his license like died. Do anything you now and the manager of the armies had actually called because they thought that I was her, which I mean I was Relieved to know that people were paying attention in the area. and I remember betty hearing about that in her feeling. Bad and I said no, I said- don't feel bad about that because I said I'm glad to know that you know that people looking for her powers. to meet an older people How do I use out. Tracy remembers and early rumour, she heard about Veronica people, who would say
maybe she took- are now that knowing her, that was not the whole proposal She was too much or family, that he had had cancer and I remember how concerned She was about her mom And I knew that she would not leave her family. One of the significant challenges in Veronica's case has been absence of a dna profile for her. In order The compare to unidentified remains Veronica's father Paul told us that he did turn over some items containing Veronica's dna to the police early on in the investigation, and even tried contacting the agency through which they had adopted Veronica. and she we even when she disappeared. We went to catholic social. Cynthia to see if they were give us any information to see if possibly the natural mother and dead, and they would give us nothing
when- and I understand that, but you know that get a dna and they found a body or some couldn't dna? The naked? make sure that that was Veronica. That's what we are. Looking for if they do find her body At least it would have a dna that they could compare to to our fight, yes, Veronica, no, it's not that we are hoping for happened to the items containing dna that Paul and Betty gave to the police. In two thousand. For now, chief gregg kellan wrote in a report that he, taint human hair that possibly belongs to Veronica bloom hearst. Killing further wrote that he sent the sample to the fbi dna lab in quantico where this produced a mitochondrial dna sequence. The it notes that an fbi special agent inform chief tell him that the sequence had been submitted to the national missing person dna database.
Data base is today referred to as quotas. Combined dna index system, which is the nations comprehensive dna comparison tool to date There have been no matches between the hare sample and dna profile encode s, Unfortunately, as there is no comparison sample, we don't know that the hare even belong to Veronica. We do know the police originally had items with Veronica's dna on them. Carolyn says that the police claim that they were lost in a building move. Here's carolyn with more the dna evidence of my sister's vanished and it's not like the police apartment moved. I mean the police department was already meet remodel than her new home the time. So there was like no reason why any but it should have left the lock up and got lost it happened, after they were open? So it's not like they can
blame it on the fact that the old office move to a new office because they already moved when my to vanish, so it There was no reason why anything should have ever left the evident flock her because she disappeared after the new building with built. So it's like ok were. Why did you leave the evident fucker Fate was lost in the shuffle somewhere because the shovel with done like a you're beforehand before she vanished, so that airbrush in that should have still been in evidence and not missing my and sat over the years this gradually donated in let go of everything that was hers, and I mean I think I think we still have is some averred collectible all, but I doubt their dna dna on anything there in cases
because cousin tanya told us earlier about conversations the two had about Veronica's own adoption, tanya is now and adoptive mother herself and believes that obtaining dna could be the key to solving the mystery of her disappearance. Thirty years later, tanya says that she's ready and willing to lead the charge to try to get the adoption paperwork unsealed with hope that it will lead to closure for the family. Often wondered about that. If they really needed dna that bad, if they could just go through and get the bird family, you don't you see so many nowadays getting faster? The dna Daniel but then you look at Veronica's case and we don't have anything to go on because we don't have a body. We will have bang knives often wondered if there was some way that they gone for so long can file be opened up and can family can we get in contact with your birthday To get the dna What does she answered? I regret that there is a half sibling out there to even effort
family, her birth parents, a guide, this a good chances some have stripling adoption with different back fifty years ago, women did kennedy buddy. They were giving a child up for adoption. They just want to go visit. There aunt no hire a couple months. So it was and a totally different. Now I would like to have it I could open for no reason then just to get the dna and tell the birth family. This is what happened you can stop wondering where she is. The.
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still haven't checked because they ve been laser focused in one direction. We, carolyn to tell us what she thinks of the investigation. They just thought everybody Is constantly focusing on Jeff and letting all these other led to slip by where such a big mistake, that in other, could then all kinds of things involved and yeah he may not have acted like we would have acted, but as we are- different emotions. Some of us may actually peculiar when something tragic happens to us and you can say because they acted to kill your that there he'll kill something, no matter what you see on television every day. You know he did have some pics your things that he did, but I wasn't witness to all them. So I don't know how much of it is just traumatized by other people's recollections. And I mean all I can go by is the time that he still interacted with us after it all happened. I mean he asked
questions and how we felt about it. All- and I mean he still try to keep a relationship with us- for a while afterwards. But you know I just got to be too difficult. I dad, but I didn't think that he was I mean ices. I could, in a hundred per cent deep down inside hey, that's the only person that I think could had anything to do with it and my dad himself said he thought possibly the Next door, neighbor the policeman whose house at you look into his kitchen window from our kitchen window. He had cut and walking through the yard in the middle of the night back to his house from the other neighbour's house who he's apparently with heaven in their alleged the fair with, could have dumped into stir coming out of the ground for a learning, but he knows- and that was for my dad so he's not a hundred per cent deep down in his heart so Somebody could have been standing there in the dark that she until we don't know
exactly what happened, but she still my not have been afraid the earth. If it was somebody she knew, I mean she wouldn't yelled out her maid, noise and ask we all knew that my mother was always going to check to see if your home I mean that was that was your door if the curfew was that you weren't going to get in the back doors in enough to have the car door or the garage door shut, because mom was going to get up and wash your hands and look at the kitchen window make sure your home, so I mean that was just a ritual at our house that she would always get then. Why should we ended the kitchen window and see if the cars were in a grudge? Veronica's was so you That's why my mom went back to bed now thinking. You know that everybody was safe in hum in the house, so Unfortunately, the neighbors were here the ninety eight year old woman, who probably wasn't gonna, hear anything new their person that would have heard would have been the police officer the driveway.
the primary concerns a has always bother. Carolyn is why Their possible leads were never looked into. Why was the police officer who lived across the street and had a broad view of the bloom hearst home question, or looked at. In caroline told us that there were others too. Dont know a lot about what that part was going on, because I didn't in mendota, so I wasn't listening to all the politics going on at the police station that some of the misconception that I had a that I had a lot of problems with. Was that a police officer? lived right behind my parents and could watch my sister come and go. You know her times a day, and he would never really question as too if he'd seen anything or anything like that, and then my sister had not seriously on her side, but she had dated the chief of police. Now, chief
Helen and my sister dated on at least two to three asians, I don't know if it all with three exactly But I do know that my sister, feel that it was gone. work for her and that she was uncomfortable with his personality because he was very, very dominating and she wasn't really into that kind of guy. She like soft, spoken boyfriends and she just pretty much cut it off right away- and it's just always bothered me that he's been like somebody who had his hand on the gear shift of this whole thing when my sister was uncomfortable with him personally, so I was just like ok, you know. Why are you touch and all this stuff in? you know why? Why are you questioning me about things when she was on after you as a human being. So I'm just always had some difficult, he was dealing with the whole case because he's been involved, she had a cup
the ex boyfriend, I mean most of them to the main ones she stayed in tension my parents, because they help in looking for because they had amicable. I mean you didn't, have great break up at the time, but they weren't, like violent break, I mean she dated great kalinov casually. It wasn't like a real furious love. At your anything and she broke up with him, but she didn't or for him because of his. He was real possessive after like two days, she was like what okay I'm not dealing with that kind of guy, pretty much Ok, I don't want to see you anymore, because I don't like people tell me how I got addressed and how you gonna lose, because we just stated twice so the I always was very uncomfortable talking to him, because he would ask me all kinds are really personal things that had nothing to do with. Why should be missing an add me because I knew she disliked him as a boyfriend, that you know he crept her out and therefore she dumped him so and she would
the type of person that broke up with the guy? It was usually the other way around that they found somebody. exciting, because my sister was pretty shy. I'll head anything that prove he was involved other than you know he was an ex boyfriend in nobody ever ever asks what What about him? You know they mention all these other boyfriends, but it's always neglected that he was an egg. That she was really I'm comfortable with. At the time she ended their relationship. at one time years ago. He had. Me and was asking me some questions about. apple, rumours about Veronica again, and I told them I said point blank that I wasn't gonna deal with him. I would rather deal with another police officer because my sister didn't like you, that's what I said in the email. I said my sister didn't like you. She was uncomfortable with you and she didn't want anything to do with you. So I don't think that she, to be
ask me any questions and he's not spoken to me since in that was probably a good fifteen. Ago or more. I think my pet and sees contact it again, but he's never spoken to me again. We did receive and extensive police file from the men dodo police department much information had been rejected and was difficult to put together We also contacted chief callin and the men, dodo police department, hoping they would agree to do an interview with us about their work. On this case, however, on multiple occasions over a period of months. They have never responded, tour, our emails or phone calls. Well, through Veronica's file. There was one led in there from a coworker of veronica's As I mentioned, the file is heavily rejected, so we don't know who this person was, but her co
or talked about a man who used to come into the grocery store. Quite often, she said that he would hang around and talk to Veronica for hours and then by something small like a pack of gum Occasionally he would run a video her worker wasn't certain if he had been in the store the night that Veronica disappeared, but she that he may have been the evening. After Veronica disappeared. This man came in and was asking her coworker questions about Veronica. he wanted to know what the police had found out he also told her that he was a paramedic and had been helping with the searches for Veronica one. That stood out to this coworker was that he knew that Veronica had rented a movie the night. She went missing on other it's it to the store he asked for newspapers and would look for articles about Veronica. He too, the co worker that he thought Veronica was still alive. He claim It is uncle, was a police officer from out of town and he
coming to Mendoza, to help him search for Veronica. It seems as though this gentleman made Veronica's coworker, uncomfortable She told him tat. She was going to the back room, so she could sweep the store When she came out of the back room, he had followed her back there and then continued to walk next to her ass. She swept She also said that he looks at women working at the store, as though he's undressing them with his eyes before Veronica disappeared. She said this man would come in two to three times per night, but now only comes in once and asks about Veronica from what we can tell it doesn't seem like much follow up. Work was done on this lead. this person, I've known Veronica's routine and followed her home There is also a rumour- that's been floating around for many years that Veronica was pregnant from
we can tell it seems to a rigid eight with jeff when he was interviewed. He said that she called him from the store around nine thirty p m on the evening of her disappearance and told him tat. She was going to see the doctor the next day and he said that he may have thought she was pregnant, with his memory loss, he suggested that may be that could have upset him. Maybe he have driven out there. Maybe they got into an argument. Maybe he pushed her couldn't remember. We have no proof that Veronica was pregnant, but the stories about that have persisted. When we speak two delia told us more that conversation she had with Veronica's brother Todd about the pie, the ability of Veronica being pregnant. The whole thing It's of weird and honestly it the investigation, Fourthly, botched from the beginning, they didn't searcher, right away or her car bernie attend evidence, and I mean like edward small town of five thousand people. So it's almost like they botched it
a french admit they bought that banning colony one else date, police at the time for their help, and they said no, we don't need it. They'd never handle the missing persons case. They ve, never handled a murder right before she witnessed it was rumoured that she will dating monopolies after she was wearing, and then she must do ITALY vanished and even our police chief. I think he's involved. I really do they look out for their own and especially being a small town. Who's gonna believe her over police chief entered the entire talked about that and he didn't there, her and Jeff for involved the name shore relationship, so he thought that it was the please. I say that you think frank there, good news, started dating and that's my tat said that if she was pregnant even think it was his because you didn't think that they had tat level, yet anything You know Veronica when she was with him. She is very like secretive about where she was going off your dating a married man. Unlike said, I don't know,
or not, but I know it was that he was sleeping with Veronica. Some point was he I don't know, but it seems Awful convenient that she'd have disappeared are pleased about what are termed the family farm house? They did a half ass in them negation and they think have no interest in trying to solve it. Shovels almost with them. And let you know if there is no sound fine about play so, like sugar of her car, and some of them must have pulled up in the alleyway and she must have went over their car and talked with them or got in the car to sit with them. And then, who knows what happens from there? Because I mean her purse, behind her paycheck, I mean if you're gonna, run away, you take your paycheck, see that money spoke to Veronica's father, PA heat, what life was like. First other two children, Carolyn and tied after Veronica disappeared and how he and his wife Betty make the most of enjoying the family. They still have are all, the daughter she got married and moved away in the tunnel. with us
and then he had a job and then he would the tucson arizona and he had a job. Then you get a job with the besides survivors in tucson anywhere there until it away and our daughter that was married move to california and heard her husband to kids Now they live in Everett washington or something. passed away six years ago, this past September. and her daughter, grandkids great grandkids moved every washington and were inhuman arizona. I love it. even the summer time we try leaf or two to three months in the summer time wherever Ever goes. We go. We usually spin three weeks. I've been ever washington. Up into canada. montana and cross to that area? So just go where we want to go after disappearance, Veronica's younger brother Todd vigorously led the search for his sister
he eventually moved to arizona and continued his work with an organization centred on assisting those who have survived a homicide in their family said in his early thirties, Todd was diagnosed with cancer, Upon his diagnosis. He created a website dedicated to compiling all the information he had gathered about Veronica's case Todd passed away in two thousand, thirteen, that only thirty nine years old, as you have gone by Veronica's family members have begun to pass away without ever knowing what happened to her room, His cousin tanya has put oliver families losses into a positive perspective. We at college did I remember, coming back in, anytime time that first year, especially I come back, I would see my grandfather's getting sinner because she couldn't you because you thought that by it you know, and you would talk to graham and grandpa- they were just. There was always a
the conversation. Clambered talk a lot but grandma and there is always a point, the conversation were actually come up with a grin which is the window and just stare, and you can just see her eyes getting wet. You know and her eyes fill up with tears and you know recession, we just stop for a few minutes. You know took part of my grandma away and when graham, die, grandma the only thing that may grandma Better was when he finally what happened? The Veronica data? She was saying that minutes after grandpa died here, ass if stroking was gone within hours, so it was still you're, quite a shock by per thing. Was those were happened, Veronica and he's with her she's, not alone with somebody who knows her. even when glamour passed away. That was one of the thoughts, a comfort it ass. You say I am and those what happened of africa and then, when tat passed away, it was he's coming
the answers. The one thing he's wanted more in his life than anything is the answers and todd has those now he got them on the other side. The same, he's getting older and the older ones or passing away. That's our one cup, being sought. Is there having that the party with china could now down her birthday religion? I find the guy we're talking about. Unlike the table was so big filled with them. to love her it I've been to enough of a birthday party is to know exactly how it would go. Any, though, is a joyous. Events now talked with her written my tat, passed away in order to fight he's up their current or what you know too, that you know that was one of the issues and skinny hoping for an english shoot back. That's a comfort. We get out of that, That's about the only comfort we can get out of this too Veronica's older sister, also looks for the good in the gaping hole that Veronica's absence has left in their family. She told us about a video. Her son recently discovered from before her sister went missing.
Today my son got a video goin of July. Fourth, there happen like two months before my sister, disappeared and it was just The first time might actually seen her. They saw or heard her voice other than photographs twenty nine years, and it was just a. good day, I mean everybody was happy and goofing around and in my brother, was there in my daughter who was a baby at the time? Was their product Is there an jeff, her boyfriend was there and everybody was just goofing around and this really play fallen. the nice time and he now I d really really have a hard time. believing all the the position that their disdain, the dark side too, their relationship. When I see the film and you know
casual casual and comfortable and playful. They are together and My husband was saying anything. My sister was somebody who was it She was a very good at subterfuge subterfuge and she was really transparent as far as like her moods and stuff were, and he said you know, of it's like hiding some kind of really abuse of a writ relationship. personality- would have been so different. Everybody would have noticed and it was like you know she just a fall in watermelon drones that her boyfriend and given off it was just nice. because I like well. Ok, I just remember everything being so good at the time, Maybe it was just a false memory or something like that, but you know, even when my when it was my brother with a camera, and we are all his horse in around in the side, yard and jeff doing crazy, jokes and Veronica's.
Laughing and saying: oh get the camera out of my face, and you know everybody's just goofing off. You know I'm just like gone. I just can't see this false face. anybody in that. Timeframe. You know it wasn't like an act and I wasn't remembering wrong just because I'm old it was nice because because you know after twenty nine years of Someone being gone, you ve forget things like I could I remember what her voice sounded like anymore, so it was just like such a emotional shock to hear, speak and talk at the camera, and I was just like on the memory came flooding back, and so it's really nice, you know we're going to have it all burn to disc, We ve got it on something more reliable than a each has tape that was in some loose closet. It was really a mixed emotions. You know, I'm glad we got it running, so I could just My own memories of that time
it wasn't that you know it was July. Fourth fourths, it wasn't very far away from the time she went missing well. Veronica's parents believe that Jeff was involved in her disappearance, Paul says it is only looking for an admission and the recovery of his daughter at this point, Veronica is gone and her parents are left with only one child remaining. This is Paul says the family is looking for today. Often said this, that I don't care. If you ever did it if they were just come and tell me whether Veronica is, I can go get barometer. There remains and give up our very own everything I said: I don't care if the person goes the person or not. I said it's not for me to judge the man upstairs. will do the judging and saw that without the on that, is involved in it. He is
now he's got two or three kids, so if you didn't do it, I wouldn't, to go to prison well, you know why you gotta go on you. Just gotta Portugal in europe for the next day and go again. I just that someday. It gets sounding like aids before or after Did it will show? Tell me where she is? That's all I want. I don't want any more. What was that appreciate everybody, that's anyway in chapter story eliven It's thank him for that happen, a twenty one year old Veronica bloom hearst on September, twentieth, nineteen. Ninety I do know that she was at work that night and shit, I coworkers that she was so tired that she was just going to go home and go to bed. We know that she had been battling mano and anybody who had that will tell you. It's exhausting, run
his car was found parked in its normal spot in her garage. It doesn't seem like Veronica ever made it inside in Certainly one of the things missing along with Veronica is that movie she had rented What could have happened between the time she said goodbye to coworkers and when her car arrived tone? did she make it home safely after her shift at work or did someone else put her car there? Why your boyfriend Jeff initially cooperate with police and then hire a lawyer and refuse to help any further, and why did he make those strange and missions? due to his memory, loss and the stress of being question for hours or just I know more about what happened to Veronica and what about the police officer who lived across the street? Did he see anything and what about the police officer who Veronica had dated? Who was now
the police chief and what happened to the dna evidence that Veronica's family gave to the police? Veronica's family has been frustrated for years with the investigation into her disappearance and if this point with family members getting older and passing away their only looking for answers. at the time of her disappearance, Veronica bloom Hearst was twenty one years old. She was approximately five feet tall and wait around one hundred pounds. She had blonde hair and green eyes if you,
any information about the disappearance of Veronica bloom Hearst. Please call them window to police department, eight, when five, five, three nine nine three three wine. You may also cause special agent brian widths, with the fbi at seven zero. Eight. Three: four: nine: zero: zero zero for you can follow veronica story on facebook at remember, Veronica jill, blue, harassed tat before he died. He paid for cadaver dogs, google search and the words because at one point it was heard that some other one of
just friends, said that he had told him after he lifted the bleak emphatically that used in the woods. Certain personal lay taint fourteen cadaver dogs to go out and first the woods to try to find her and they hit on to spot. I think he said, and they don't think I've permission to dig up both those facts, but nothing about and that time the website union shows, but into the cadaver dog fur, chose the areas rubbing her tat. I returned again really easy when he found out you think he set up a website in nature everything on the website, but he knew that we're going forward. Somebody could try to just were for their family to get closure for friends. Did your clothes you I mean
you know we go on with our lives. It's sad to say you go on with our lives, but I've never gotten right. I've never forgotten, and it was a heartfelt thing when I passed because it's like going to keep this so John for her well someone out there don't know what happened. What but the boy find or somebody else they now and I think, having in a pot cast an tvs there can t be in, and newspapers are met, keep your in our minds and everybody signed an you now, hopefully somebody will someday go. You know why it's time to bigotry I know what happened: here's where she there, I'm ready to meet punishment we hold out for that that they would do, consciousness somehow do the right thing and come and tell us what happened. personally now that we're coming up on thirty years. I thank you now we're
at the point where Veronica pretty soon could have been a grandma. and you know it's one of things where she's missed out on all this life lived. That's fair inside her and I were supposed to. We were supposed to be the maids of honor in each area. You know in each other's wedding, we were gonna, raise our babies together and we had it all planned out and you know you didn't just rob her of her life. You robbed us I I The.
The brings us to the end of episode, two hundred and eighteen I'd like to thank everyone who spoke with us for this story. If you have a missing loved one that you'd like to have featured on the show, there's a case, submission form at the vanished, podcast dot com. If you'd like to join in on the discussion, there's a page and a discussion group on facebook, I'm on twitter at the vanish pod and also on instagram, if you enjoy the show subscribe now and leave a five star review on apple podcasts, spotify cashbox or wherever you're listening right now, do you wanna help support the show? There are a couple of things you can do. One way to help the vanished is by supporting our sponsors. You can find links and promo codes in the episode notes. Another way to support the show is by contributing unpatriotic where you can get early and ad free episodes join me next time, I'll be covering a case from Oklahoma. Thanks for listening the
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Transcript generated on 2023-05-19.